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"sectorTtlMillis" : 10000, > "generationQueueTtlMillis" : 1000, ai\upgradebeamaxe6.aicommand 19c19,20 < }, --- > } > /* 23a25 > */ ai\upgradeship1.aicommand 7c7 < "sound" : "/sfx/interface/ship_powerup1.wav", --- > "sound" : "/sfx/interface/ship_powerup.ogg", behaviors\npc\sleep.behavior 98a99,106 > "title": "entityExists", > "type": "action", > "name": "entityExists", > "parameters": { > "entity": "bed" > } > }, > { behaviors\npc\reactions\watchsleeping.behavior 2a3 > "description": "", 104a106,113 > { > "title": "entityExists", > "type": "action", > "name": "entityExists", > "parameters": { > "entity": "bed" > } > }, behaviors\sequences\floranmission\floranmissionstart.behavior 8a9 > "/scripts/actions/position.lua", 196a198,212 > "title": "offsetPosition", > "type": "action", > "name": "offsetPosition", > "parameters": { > "offset": [ > 0, > -25 > ], > "position": "self" > }, > "output": { > "position": "switchposition" > } > }, > { 200a217 > "position": "switchposition", 202,206c219 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"offsetPosition", > "parameters": { > "offset": [ > 25, > 18 > ], > "position": "spawn" > }, > "output": { > "position": "endposition" > } > }, > { 178,181c244 < "position": [ < 1253, < 1087 < ] --- > "position": "endposition" behaviors\sequences\floranmission\nuruendscene.behavior 6a7 > "/scripts/actions/position.lua", 8c9 < "/scripts/actions/position.lua" --- > "/scripts/actions/entities.lua" 41a43,57 > "title": "offsetPosition", > "type": "action", > "name": "offsetPosition", > "parameters": { > "offset": [ > 8, > -10 > ], > "position": "spawn" > }, > "output": { > "position": "tunnelposition" > } > }, > { 55,58c71 < "position": [ < 1650, < 1104 < ] --- > "position": "tunnelposition" 135,137c148,150 < "title": "inRange", < "type": "action", < "name": "inRange", --- > "title": "cooldown", > "type": "decorator", > "name": "cooldown", 139,144c152,168 < "position": "self", < "target": [ < 1765, < 1185 < ], < "range": 5 --- > "cooldown": 1, > "onFail": false, > "onSuccess": true > }, > "child": { > "title": "findObject", > "type": "action", > "name": "findObject", > "parameters": { > "position": "self", > "range": 20, > "orderBy": "nearest", > "name": "escaperadar" > }, > "output": { > "entity": "radar" > } 149a174,199 > "title": "entityPosition", > "type": "action", > "name": "entityPosition", > "parameters": { > "entity": "radar" > }, > "output": { > "position": "radarposition" > } > }, > { > "title": "offsetPosition", > "type": "action", > "name": "offsetPosition", > "parameters": { > "offset": [ > -6, > 2 > ], > "position": "radarposition" > }, > "output": { > "position": "radarposition" > } > }, > { 154,157c204 < "position": [ < 1784, < 1191 < ] --- > "position": "radarposition" behaviors\sequences\floranmission\nurustartboss.behavior 5d4 < "/scripts/actions/entities.lua", 17,55d15 < { < "title": "dynamic", < "type": "composite", < "name": "dynamic", < "parameters": {}, < "children": [ < { < "title": "cooldown", < "type": "decorator", < "name": "cooldown", < "parameters": { < "cooldown": 1, < "onFail": true < }, < "child": { < "title": "queryEntity", < "type": "action", < "name": "queryEntity", < "parameters": { < "entityTypes": [ < "player" < ], < "position": [ < 1590, < 1115 < ], < "range": 10, < "orderBy": "nearest" < } < } < }, < { < "title": "runner", < "type": "action", < "name": "runner", < "parameters": {} < } < ] < }, biomes\distributions.config 335c335 < "blockProbability" : 0.008 --- > "blockProbability" : 0.004 371c371 < "blockProbability" : 0.5 --- > "blockProbability" : 0.3 biomes\surface\desert.biome 294a295,306 > "mode" : "ceiling", > "priority" : 2.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:denseMedium", > > "type" : "tree", > "treeFoliageHueShiftMax" : 180, > "treeStemHueShiftMax" : 10, > "treeStemList" : [ "desertvine"], > "treeFoliageList" : [ "" ] > }, > { biomes\surface\snow.biome 353a354,365 > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:denseMedium", > > "type" : "tree", > "treeFoliageHueShiftMax" : 180, > "treeStemHueShiftMax" : 10, > "treeStemList" : [ "snowyvine" ], > "treeFoliageList" : [ "" ] > }, > { > "mode" : "ceiling", > "priority" : 2.0, > "variants" : 1, biomes\surface_detached\alpine.biome 99a100,113 > "priority" : 1.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:scatteredLarge", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "mistprimer" ] ], > "parameters" : { } > } > ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", biomes\surface_detached\spring.biome 144a145,156 > "mode" : "ceiling", > "priority" : 2.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:denseMedium", > > "type" : "tree", > "treeFoliageHueShiftMax" : 180, > "treeStemHueShiftMax" : 10, > "treeStemList" : [ "floweryvine" ], > "treeFoliageList" : [ "" ] > }, > { biomes\underground\underground0a.biome 135c135 < "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter", "outpostundergroundencounter" ] --- > "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter" ] biomes\underground\underground0b.biome 135c135 < "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter", "outpostundergroundencounter" ] --- > "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter" ] biomes\underground\underground0c.biome 109c109 < "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter", "outpostundergroundencounter" ] --- > "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter" ] biomes\underground\underground0d.biome 135c135 < "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter", "outpostundergroundencounter" ] --- > "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter" ] biomes\underground\underground1a.biome 170c170 < "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter", "outpostundergroundencounter" ] --- > "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter" ] biomes\underground\underground1b.biome 158c158 < "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter", "outpostundergroundencounter" ] --- > "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter" ] biomes\underground\underground1c.biome 170c170 < "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter", "outpostundergroundencounter" ] --- > "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter" ] biomes\underground\underground1d.biome 158c158 < "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter", "outpostundergroundencounter" ] --- > "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter" ] biomes\underground\underground3a.biome 170c170 < "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter", "outpostundergroundencounter" ] --- > "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter" ] biomes\underground\underground3b.biome 170c170 < "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter", "outpostundergroundencounter" ] --- > "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter" ] biomes\underground\underground3c.biome 158c158 < "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter", "outpostundergroundencounter" ] --- > "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter" ] biomes\underground\underground3d.biome 158c158 < "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter", "outpostundergroundencounter" ] --- > "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter" ] biomes\underground\underground5a.biome 158c158 < "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter", "outpostundergroundencounter" ] --- > "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter" ] biomes\underground\underground5b.biome 158c158 < "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter", "outpostundergroundencounter" ] --- > "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter" ] biomes\underground\underground5d.biome 158c158 < "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter", "outpostundergroundencounter" ] --- > "microdungeons" : [ "genericundergroundencounter", "apexundergroundencounter", "avianundergroundencounter", "floranundergroundencounter", "glitchundergroundencounter", "humanundergroundencounter" ] cinematics\beamaxe.cinematic 152c152 < "position" : [479, 500] --- > "position" : [459, 500] 226c226 < "resource" : "/sfx/interface/quest_event.wav" --- > "resource" : "/sfx/cinematics/tech_acquired_event.ogg" 229c229 < "timecode" : 5.2, --- > "timecode" : 5.0, cinematics\coordinates.cinematic 104c104 < "position" : [479, 500] --- > "position" : [479, 280] 145c145 < "resource" : "/sfx/interface/quest_event.wav" --- > "resource" : "/sfx/cinematics/mission_unlock_event.ogg" 148,149c148,149 < "timecode" : 5.2, < "resource" : "/sfx/interface/item_equip.wav" --- > "timecode" : 5.0, > "resource" : "/sfx/interface/item_holster.wav" cinematics\painttool.cinematic 152c152 < "position" : [479, 500] --- > "position" : [499, 500] 226c226 < "resource" : "/sfx/interface/quest_event.wav" --- > "resource" : "/sfx/cinematics/tech_acquired_event.ogg" 229c229 < "timecode" : 5.2, --- > "timecode" : 5.0, cinematics\wiretool.cinematic 226c226 < "resource" : "/sfx/interface/quest_event.wav" --- > "resource" : "/sfx/cinematics/tech_acquired_event.ogg" 229c229 < "timecode" : 5.2, --- > "timecode" : 5.0, cinematics\licenses\license1.cinematic 145c145 < "resource" : "/sfx/interface/ship_upgrade_event.wav" --- > "resource" : "/sfx/cinematics/license_acquired_event.ogg" cinematics\licenses\license2.cinematic 145c145 < "resource" : "/sfx/interface/ship_upgrade_event.wav" --- > "resource" : "/sfx/cinematics/license_acquired_event.ogg" cinematics\licenses\license3.cinematic 145c145 < "resource" : "/sfx/interface/ship_upgrade_event.wav" --- > "resource" : "/sfx/cinematics/license_acquired_event.ogg" cinematics\licenses\license4.cinematic 145c145 < "resource" : "/sfx/interface/ship_upgrade_event.wav" --- > "resource" : "/sfx/cinematics/license_acquired_event.ogg" cinematics\licenses\license5.cinematic 145c145 < "resource" : "/sfx/interface/ship_upgrade_event.wav" --- > "resource" : "/sfx/cinematics/license_acquired_event.ogg" cinematics\repair\apex\repair.cinematic 109c109 < "resource" : "/sfx/interface/ship_upgrading.wav" --- > "resource" : "/sfx/cinematics/ship_upgrading.ogg" dialog\combat.config 36a37,38 > "Engage!", > "Assemble formation!", 44a47,48 > "Battle has begun!", > "Those who seek to harm will lose their lives!", 46c50 < "If only I could fly, then you would die faster.", --- > "If only I could fly, then you would die faster!", 53a58,59 > "Time to ssstrike!", > "The battle beginsss!", 66a73,74 > "Focused. My aim shall be true!", > "Foolhardy. This battle will be over soon!", 79,82c87,92 < "We aim to apprehend you. I lied. We mean to kill you.", < "Your belongings will shortly be ours.", < "I wonder, will you drop good loot?", < "Your fighting skills cannot save you." --- > "There is honour in battle!", > "Begin the dance of true combat!", > "I wish I could say I am going to regret this fight.", > "The Hylotl fight better than any other - Time to prove it!", > "My blade shall strike true!", > "I will fight with honour!" 93a104,106 > "The battle begins!", > "My trigger finger is itching!", > "I'm feeling trigger happy!", 125a139,141 > "What's done is done.", > "They'll write poems about this epic battle!", > "The honour is ours!", 133a150 > "Exhausted. I wasn't ready for this battle.", 140a158 > "The ssstabbing and ssshooting is over!", dialog\converse.config 11c11 < "Welcome to our village, human. We are absolutely not oppressed.", --- > "Welcome, human. We are absolutely not an oppressed population. Honest.", 17,18c17,18 < "Please don't cause trouble, human. We keep things peaceful here.", < "Welcome to our village, little person.", --- > "Please don't cause trouble, human. I've had enough trouble for a lifetime.", > "I hope you feel secure, no matter where you might be.", 34c34 < "Could you lend me some pixels? I can almost afford to escape this place.", --- > "You look like someone who can survive on their own. That's a good skill to have.", 40c40 < "Human, we will tolerate no nonsense here, this is Big Ape's domain.", --- > "I'm not one to joke around, human. Keep vigilant.", 52,53c52,53 < "I'm taking a risk talking to you.", < "You never should have come here.", --- > "I'm taking a risk talking to you. Big Ape might be watching.", > "You are brave for disobeying Big Ape.", 58c58 < "Have you taken leave of your senses? What if the Miniknog catch you?", --- > "What if the Miniknog catch you? They might catch me just for talking about this.", 63d62 < "Big Ape will be delighted to learn of your visit.", 79c78 < "To defy Big Ape is to defy who you are.", --- > "To defy Big Ape is to defy who you are, so they used to say.", 81c80 < "Begone. We'll have no trouble here!", --- > "You're a troublemaker, I can tell. Not that I'm complaining.", 101c100 < "Big Ape is fond of Avians, I hear. You'll be safe in this village.", --- > "Big Ape is fond of Avians, I hear.", 120d118 < "Is this your first time in an Apex village, Avian?", 225d222 < "Please try not to judge our little village too harshly.", 568c565 < "Welcome to our village, human.", --- > "I hope you feel welcome here, friend.", 1091c1088 < "Welcome to Floran village, ssskinperson.", --- > "Welcome, ssskinperson.", 1131c1128 < "Floran proud of village. Sssee it.", --- > "Floran proud of home. Sssee it.", 1242c1239 < "Floran big ssshot in village." --- > "Floran big ssshot around here." 1361c1358 < "Pride. What do you think of our village?", --- > "Pride. What do you think of this place?", 1437c1434 < "Welcoming. How do you like it in our village, feathered friend?", --- > "Welcoming. How do you like it here, feathered friend?", 1450c1447 < "Greeting. Welcome to our village birdman.", --- > "Greeting. Welcome, birdman.", 1514c1511 < "Friendly. Well met, are you from this village?", --- > "Friendly. Well met, are you from around here?", 1538c1535 < "Happy. This is such a friendly village.", --- > "Happy. This is such a friendly place.", dungeons\human\humanbunkernew\chamber1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\human\humanbunkernew\entrance1left.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\human\humanbunkernew\entrance1right.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\human\humanbunkernew\hallway1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\alien\alienmicrodungeons.dungeon 8c8 < "anchor" : [ "researchlab1", "researchlab2", "researchlab3", "researchlab4", "researchlab5", "chestmonitor1", "alienterrain1", "alienterrain2", "alienterrain3", "alienterrain4", "alienterrain5", "alienterrain6", "alienterrain7", "alienterrain8", "alienterrain9", "alienterrain10", "alienterrain11", "alienterrain12", "alienterrain13", "alienterrain14", "alienterrain15", "alienterrain16", "alienterrain17", "alienterrain18", "researchpodium1" ], --- > "anchor" : [ "Aliennatural", "Aliennatural2", "Aliennatural3", "alienterrain1", "alienterrain2", "alienterrain3", "alienterrain4", "alienterrain5", "alienterrain6", "alienterrain7", "alienterrain8", "alienterrain9", "alienterrain10", "alienterrain11", "alienterrain12", "alienterrain13", "alienterrain14", "alienterrain15", "alienterrain16", "alienterrain17", "alienterrain18", "chestmonitor1", "cliff1", "researchlab1", "researchlab2", "researchlab3", "researchlab4", "researchlab5", "researchpodium1", "researchcrater1" ], 17a18,38 > "name" : "Aliennatural", > "rules" : [ > [ "maxSpawnCount", [1] ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", "Aliennatural.json" ] > }, > { > "name" : "Aliennatural2", > "rules" : [ > [ "maxSpawnCount", [1] ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", "Aliennatural2.json" ] > }, > { > "name" : "Aliennatural3", > "rules" : [ > [ "maxSpawnCount", [1] ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", "Aliennatural3.json" ] > }, > { 198,218d218 < }, < { < "name" : "Aliennatural", < "rules" : [ < [ "maxSpawnCount", [1] ] < ], < "def" : [ "tmx", "Aliennatural.json" ] < }, < { < "name" : "Aliennatural2", < "rules" : [ < [ "maxSpawnCount", [1] ] < ], < "def" : [ "tmx", "Aliennatural2.json" ] < }, < { < "name" : "Aliennatural3", < "rules" : [ < [ "maxSpawnCount", [1] ] < ], < "def" : [ "tmx", "Aliennatural3.json" ] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\garden\cottage1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffhouse1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffhouse2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave10.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave11.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave12.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave13.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave6.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave7.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave8.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\cliffsidecave9.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\jungleterrain1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\jungleterrain2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\jungleterrain3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\jungleterrain4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\jungleterrain5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\jungleterrain6.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\jungleterrain7.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\mound1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\pond1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\spikepit1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\spikepit2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\spikepit3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\jungle\watchtower1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\savannah\groundhut6.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tarpits\pitfulloftar1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tarpits\pitfulloftar2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tarpits\tararch1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tarpits\tarbackcabin1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tarpits\tarbuilding1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tarpits\tarcave1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tarpits\tarcave2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tarpits\tarmound1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tarpits\tarpitlarge1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tarpits\tarruin2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tarpits\tartunnel1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\microdungeons\biomes\tarpits\tartunnel2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\missions\hylotlmissions\hylotlmission1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\other\outpost\outpost.dungeon 1278c1278 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "scanner" ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "scanner", { "parameters" : { "detectDuration" : 3 } } ] ] interface\ai\ai.config 320c320,321 < "file" : "/interface/lockicon.png" --- > "file" : "/interface/lockicon.png", > "zlevel" : 1 366c367,368 < "file" : "/interface/lockicon.png" --- > "file" : "/interface/lockicon.png", > "zlevel" : 1 412c414,415 < "file" : "/interface/lockicon.png" --- > "file" : "/interface/lockicon.png", > "zlevel" : 1 458c461,462 < "file" : "/interface/lockicon.png" --- > "file" : "/interface/lockicon.png", > "zlevel" : 1 interface\easel\numbers.frames 10c10,20 < "default" : "0" --- > "default" : "0", > "0.0" : "0", > "1.0" : "1", > "2.0" : "2", > "3.0" : "3", > "4.0" : "4", > "5.0" : "5", > "6.0" : "6", > "7.0" : "7", > "8.0" : "8", > "9.0" : "9" interface\windowconfig\popup.config 3c3 < "/sfx/interface/quest_event.wav" --- > "/sfx/interface/quest_event.ogg" interface\windowconfig\questcomplete.config 3c3 < "/sfx/interface/quest_event.wav" --- > "/sfx/interface/quest_event.ogg" items\armors\human\human-tier1\humantier1.chest 47,48c47,48 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, --- > /* OLIVE */ > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "4f563c", "6f2919" : "2c3712" }, items\armors\human\human-tier1\humantier1.head 39,40c39,40 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, --- > /* OLIVE */ > { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "91956c", "6f2919" : "4f563c" }, items\armors\human\human-tier1\humantier1.legs 38,39c38,39 < /* GREY */ < { "ffca8a" : "b5b5b5", "e0975c" : "808080", "a85636" : "555555", "6f2919" : "303030" }, --- > /* DENIM */ > { "ffca8a" : "767ab6", "e0975c" : "616494", "a85636" : "3a3d71", "6f2919" : "282a59" }, items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier10revolver.gun 12c12 < "firePosition" : [12, 1], --- > "firePosition" : [17, 1], items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier5revolver.gun 12c12 < "firePosition" : [13, 2.25], --- > "firePosition" : [18, 2.25], items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier6revolver.gun 12c12 < "firePosition" : [13, 2.25], --- > "firePosition" : [18, 2.75], items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier7revolver.gun 12c12 < "firePosition" : [12, 1.25], --- > "firePosition" : [18, 1.75], items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier8revolver.gun 12c12 < "firePosition" : [13, 0.5], --- > "firePosition" : [18, 1], items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier9revolver.gun 12c12 < "firePosition" : [12, 0.75], --- > "firePosition" : [17, 1], items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier0rifle.gun 12c12 < "firePosition" : [27, 2], --- > "firePosition" : [22, 2], items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier10rifle.gun 12c12 < "firePosition" : [25, 1.5], --- > "firePosition" : [28, 2], items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier1rifle.gun 11,12c11,12 < "handPosition" : [-2, 0], < "firePosition" : [27, 2], --- > "handPosition" : [-3, -0.5], > "firePosition" : [22, 3], items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier3rifle.gun 12c12 < "firePosition" : [29, 2.5], --- > "firePosition" : [28, 3], items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier4rifle.gun 12c12 < "firePosition" : [27, 1.5], --- > "firePosition" : [26, 1.5], items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier5rifle.gun 12c12 < "firePosition" : [24, 2], --- > "firePosition" : [29, 2], items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier6rifle.gun 12c12 < "firePosition" : [26, 1.5], --- > "firePosition" : [30, 2], items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier7rifle.gun 12c12 < "firePosition" : [24, 0.75], --- > "firePosition" : [29, 1], items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier8rifle.gun 12c12 < "firePosition" : [20, 0.65], --- > "firePosition" : [24, 1], items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier9rifle.gun 12c12 < "firePosition" : [18, 1.5], --- > "firePosition" : [22, 2], items\materials\supermatter.matitem 3a4 > "price" : 15, items\throwables\flare.thrownitem 3a4 > "price" : 5, items\tools\rope.grapplinghook 3c3 < "price" : 5, --- > "price" : 10, monsters\bmonster.lua 48a49,52 > function uninit() > self.behavior:uninit() > end > monsters\boss\penguinminiufo\penguinminiufo.monstertype 57c57 < "targetMaterialKind" : "organic" --- > "targetMaterialKind" : "robotic" monsters\boss\penguintank\penguintank.monstertype 56c56 < "targetMaterialKind" : "organic" --- > "targetMaterialKind" : "robotic" monsters\boss\spiderboss\spiderboss.monstertype 65c65 < "targetMaterialKind" : "robotic" --- > "targetMaterialKind" : "organic" npcs\bmain.lua 78,79c78,79 < function die() < self.behavior:die() --- > function uninit() > self.behavior:uninit() npcs\guard.npctype 7,8d6 < "dropPools" : [ "guardtreasure" ], < 26c24 < "attack" : "/dialog/guard.config:attack", --- > "attack" : "/dialog/combat.config:attack", 68a67,111 > ] ], > [2, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "humantier2head" } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "humantier2chest" } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "humantier2pants" } ], > "primary" : [ > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" 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> { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } } > ], > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "humantier4broadsword" } > ] > } 85a129,173 > ] ], > [2, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "apextier2head" } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "apextier2chest" } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "apextier2pants" } ], > "primary" : [ > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } } > ], > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "apextier2broadsword" } > ] > } > ] ], > [3, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "apextier3head" } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "apextier3chest" } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "apextier3pants" } ], > "primary" : [ > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } } > ], > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "apextier3broadsword" } > ] > } > ] ], > [4, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "apextier4head" } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "apextier4chest" } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "apextier4pants" } ], > "primary" : [ > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } } > ], > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "apextier4broadsword" } > ] > } 100a189,227 > ] ], > [2, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "aviantier2head" } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "aviantier2chest" } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "aviantier2pants" } ], > "primary" : [ > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crossbowwood" } } > ], > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "aviantier2broadsword" } > ] > } > ] ], > [3, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "aviantier3head" } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "aviantier3chest" } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "aviantier3pants" } ], > "primary" : [ > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crossbowwood" } } > ], > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "aviantier3broadsword" } > ] > } > ] ], > [4, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "aviantier4head" } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "aviantier4chest" } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "aviantier4pants" } ], > "primary" : [ > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crossbowwood" } } > ], > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "aviantier4broadsword" } > ] > } 115a243,281 > ] ], > [2, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "florantier2head" } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "florantier2chest" } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "florantier2pants" } ], > "primary" : [ > { "name" : "florantier2broadsword" } > ], > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "floranneedler" } } > ] > } > ] ], > [3, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "florantier3head" } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "florantier3chest" } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "florantier3pants" } ], > "primary" : [ > { "name" : "florantier3broadsword" } > ], > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "floranneedler" } } > ] > } > ] ], > [4, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "florantier4head" } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "florantier4chest" } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "florantier4pants" } ], > "primary" : [ > { "name" : "florantier4broadsword" } > ], > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "floranneedler" } } > ] > } 130a297,335 > ] ], > [2, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier2head" } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier2chest" } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier2pants" } ], > "primary" : [ > { "name" : "hylotltier2broadsword" } > ], > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crossbowwood" } } > ] > } > ] ], > [3, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier3head" } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier3chest" } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier3pants" } ], > "primary" : [ > { "name" : "hylotltier3broadsword" } > ], > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crossbowwood" } } > ] > } > ] ], > [4, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier4head" } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier4chest" } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier4pants" } ], > "primary" : [ > { "name" : "hylotltier4broadsword" } > ], > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crossbowwood" } } > ] > } 140a346,384 > ], > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crossbowwood" } } > ] > } > ] ], > [2, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier2head" } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier2chest" } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier2pants" } ], > "primary" : [ > { "name" : "glitchtier2broadsword" } > ], > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crossbowwood" } } > ] > } > ] ], > [3, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier3head" } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier3chest" } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier3pants" } ], > "primary" : [ > { "name" : "glitchtier3broadsword" } > ], > "sheathedprimary" : [ > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crossbowwood" } } > ] > } > ] ], > [4, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier4head" } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier4chest" } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier4pants" } ], > "primary" : [ > { "name" : "glitchtier4broadsword" } npcs\merchantpools.config 30,31c30,41 < { "item" : { "name" : "splendidplant" } }, < { "item" : { "name" : "vibrantplant" } } --- > { "item" : { "name" : "splendidplant" }, "rarity" : 0.5 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "vibrantplant" }, "rarity" : 0.5 } > ]] > ], > > "oasismerchant" : [ > [0, [ > { "item" : { "name" : "fountain1" } }, > { "item" : { "name" : "randomfountain" }, "rarity" : 0.5 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "outdoorfountain" }, "rarity" : 0.5 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "fountain2" } , "rarity" : 0.5 }, > { "item" : { "name" : "classicfountain" } , "rarity" : 0.5 } npcs\subbiometenants\giantflower.npctype 24c24 < "numItems" : 10, --- > "numItems" : 7, npcs\subbiometenants\oasis.npctype 19c19,21 < "default" : ["springmerchant" ] --- > "default" : ["oasismerchant" ], > "avian" : ["oasismerchant" ], > "floran" : ["oasismerchant" ] 23c25,31 < "numItems" : 10 --- > "numItems" : 3, > "paneLayoutOverride" : { > "windowtitle" : { > "title" : " Oasis Merchant", > "subtitle" : " Sells lovely water features!" > } > } npcs\subbiometenants\spring.npctype 23c23 < "numItems" : 10, --- > "numItems" : 4, 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"-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", --- > // "apexDescription" : "-todo-", > // "avianDescription" : "-todo-", > // "floranDescription" : "-todo-", > // "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", > // "humanDescription" : "-todo-", > // "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", 157c157 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throwingboulder_impact1.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble1.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble2.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble3.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble4.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble5.wav" ], objects\ancient\ancienticetrap\ancienticetrap.object 157c157 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throwingboulder_impact1.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble1.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble2.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble3.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble4.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble5.wav" ], objects\ancient\jumpbooster\jumpbooster.object 10,15c10,15 < 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"hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", objects\ancient\sawblade2\sawblade2.object 9c9 < "price" : 0, --- > "price" : 90, 30,36c30,36 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [-1.8, 0.3], [-0.8, 2.0], [0.8, 2.0], [1.8, 0.3] ], < "damage" : 50, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "sawblade" < } --- > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [-1.8, 0.3], [-0.8, 2.0], [0.8, 2.0], [1.8, 0.3] ], > "damage" : 50, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "sawblade" > } 49,55c49,55 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [-1.8, 0.7], [-0.8, -1.0], [0.8, -1.0], [1.8, 0.7] ], < "damage" : 50, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "sawblade" < } --- > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [-1.8, 0.7], [-0.8, -1.0], [0.8, -1.0], [1.8, 0.7] ], > "damage" : 50, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "sawblade" > } 68,74c68,74 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [0.3, 2.0], [2, 0.8], [2, -0.8], [0.3, -2.0] ], < "damage" : 50, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "sawblade" < } --- > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [0.3, 2.0], [2, 0.8], [2, -0.8], [0.3, -2.0] ], > "damage" : 50, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "sawblade" > } 87,93c87,93 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [0.7, 2.0], [-1, 0.8], [-1, -0.8], [0.7, -2.0] ], < "damage" : 50, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "sawblade" < } --- > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [0.7, 2.0], [-1, 0.8], [-1, -0.8], [0.7, -2.0] ], > "damage" : 50, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "sawblade" > } 99c99,102 < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/sawblade.wav" --- > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/sawblade.wav", > > "smashOnBreak" : true, > "smashParticles" : [ { "count" : 5, "particle" : "steelshard" }, { "count" : 5, "particle" : "woodshard" } ] objects\ancient\speedbooster\speedbooster.object 10,15c10,15 < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", --- > // "apexDescription" : "-todo-", > // "avianDescription" : "-todo-", > // "floranDescription" : "-todo-", > // "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", > // "humanDescription" : "-todo-", > // "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", objects\apex\teslaspike\teslaspike.object 28a29,41 > > // PREVIEW ORIENTATION > { > "image" : "teslaspike.png:.", > "imagePosition" : [0, 0], > "frames" : 6, > "animationCycle" : 0.6, > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "fgAnchors" : [ [0, 0] ] > }, > > // NORMAL ORIENTATIONS 37,43c50,57 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0] ], < "damage" : 25, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "electroshock" < } --- > > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0] ], > "damage" : 25, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "electroshock" > } 54,60c68,75 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0] ], < "damage" : 25, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "electroshock" < } --- > > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0] ], > "damage" : 25, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "electroshock" > } 71,77c86,93 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0] ], < "damage" : 25, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "electroshock" < } --- > > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0] ], > "damage" : 25, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "electroshock" > } 88,94c104,111 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0] ], < "damage" : 25, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "electroshock" < } --- > > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0] ], > "damage" : 25, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "electroshock" > } 105,111c122,129 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0] ], < "damage" : 25, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "electroshock" < } --- > > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0] ], > "damage" : 25, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "electroshock" > } 122,128c140,147 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0] ], < "damage" : 25, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "electroshock" < } --- > > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0] ], > "damage" : 25, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "electroshock" > } 139,145c158,165 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0] ], < "damage" : 25, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "electroshock" < } --- > > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0] ], > "damage" : 25, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "electroshock" > } 156,162c176,183 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0] ], < "damage" : 25, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "electroshock" < } --- > > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0] ], > "damage" : 25, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "electroshock" > } objects\avian\bouldertrap\bouldertrap.object 10,15c10,15 < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", --- > // "apexDescription" : "-todo-", > // "avianDescription" : "-todo-", > // "floranDescription" : "-todo-", > // "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", > // "humanDescription" : "-todo-", > // "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", 87c87 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throwingboulder_impact1.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble1.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble2.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble3.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble4.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble5.wav" ], objects\avian\crystaltrap\crystaltrap.object 217c217 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throwingboulder_impact1.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble1.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble2.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble3.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble4.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble5.wav" ], objects\avian\flametrap\flametrap.object 10,15c10,15 < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", --- > // "apexDescription" : "-todo-", > // "avianDescription" : "-todo-", > // "floranDescription" : "-todo-", > // "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", > // "humanDescription" : "-todo-", > // "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", 157c157 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/throwingboulder_impact1.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble1.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble2.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble3.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble4.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble5.wav" ], objects\avian\propeller\propeller.object 31,37c31,37 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [-3.5, 3.9], [-3.5, 4.8], [4.5, 4.8], [4.5, 3.9] ], < "damage" : 50, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "2hsword" < } --- > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [-3.5, 3.9], [-3.5, 4.8], [4.5, 4.8], [4.5, 3.9] ], > "damage" : 50, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "2hsword" > } 49,55c49,55 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [-3.5, 3.9], [-3.5, 4.8], [4.5, 4.8], [4.5, 3.9] ], < "damage" : 50, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "2hsword" < } --- > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [-3.5, 3.9], [-3.5, 4.8], [4.5, 4.8], [4.5, 3.9] ], > "damage" : 50, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "2hsword" > } 68,74c68,74 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [-3.5, -2.8], [-3.5, -3.7], [4.5, -3.7], [4.5, -2.8] ], < "damage" : 50, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "2hsword" < } --- > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [-3.5, -2.8], [-3.5, -3.7], [4.5, -3.7], [4.5, -2.8] ], > "damage" : 50, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "2hsword" > } 86,92c86,92 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [-3.5, -2.8], [-3.5, -3.7], [4.5, -3.7], [4.5, -2.8] ], < "damage" : 50, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "2hsword" < } --- > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [-3.5, -2.8], [-3.5, -3.7], [4.5, -3.7], [4.5, -2.8] ], > "damage" : 50, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "2hsword" > } 104,110c104,110 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [3.9, 4.5], [4.8, 4.5], [4.8, -3.5], [3.9, -3.5] ], < "damage" : 50, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "2hsword" < } --- > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [3.9, 4.5], [4.8, 4.5], [4.8, -3.5], [3.9, -3.5] ], > "damage" : 50, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "2hsword" > } 122,128c122,128 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [-2.8, 4.5], [-3.7, 4.5], [-3.7, -3.5], [-2.8, -3.5] ], < "damage" : 50, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "2hsword" < } --- > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [-2.8, 4.5], [-3.7, 4.5], [-3.7, -3.5], [-2.8, -3.5] ], > "damage" : 50, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "2hsword" > } 132c132 < "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/propeller.wav" --- > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/propeller.wav", 134c134,135 < //TODO: touch damage --- > "smashOnBreak" : true, > "smashParticles" : [ { "count" : 3, "particle" : "steelshard" }, { "count" : 10, "particle" : "woodshard" } ] objects\avian\sawblade\sawblade.object 30,36c30,36 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [-1.8, 0.3], [-0.8, 2.0], [0.8, 2.0], [1.8, 0.3] ], < "damage" : 50, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "sawblade" < } --- > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [-1.8, 0.3], [-0.8, 2.0], [0.8, 2.0], [1.8, 0.3] ], > "damage" : 50, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "sawblade" > } 49,55c49,55 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [-1.8, 0.7], [-0.8, -1.0], [0.8, -1.0], [1.8, 0.7] ], < "damage" : 50, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "sawblade" < } --- > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [-1.8, 0.7], [-0.8, -1.0], [0.8, -1.0], [1.8, 0.7] ], > "damage" : 50, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "sawblade" > } 68,74c68,74 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [0.3, 2.0], [2, 0.8], [2, -0.8], [0.3, -2.0] ], < "damage" : 50, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "sawblade" < } --- > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [0.3, 2.0], [2, 0.8], [2, -0.8], [0.3, -2.0] ], > "damage" : 50, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "sawblade" > } 87,93c87,93 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [0.7, 2.0], [-1, 0.8], [-1, -0.8], [0.7, -2.0] ], < "damage" : 50, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "sawblade" < } --- > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [0.7, 2.0], [-1, 0.8], [-1, -0.8], [0.7, -2.0] ], > "damage" : 50, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "sawblade" > } objects\biome\alien\alienbed\alienbed.object 39c39 < "sitPosition" : [-7, 14], --- > "sitPosition" : [-3, 14], 50c50 < "sitPosition" : [-15, 14], --- > "sitPosition" : [-11, 14], objects\biome\cellcave\cellstructure1\cellstructure1.object 7d6 < "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\biome\cellcave\cellstructure3\cellstructure3.object 7d6 < "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\biome\cellcave\cellstructure4\cellstructure4.object 7d6 < "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\biome\cellcave\dnaplant2\dnaplant2.object 7d6 < "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\biome\cellcave\dnaplant3\dnaplant3.object 7d6 < "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\biome\colourful\colourfulbush1\colourfulbush1.object 34c34 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plant_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break3.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break4.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break5.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break6.wav" ], objects\biome\colourful\colourfulbush2\colourfulbush2.object 34c34 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plant_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break3.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break4.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break5.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break6.wav" ], objects\biome\colourful\colourfulbush3\colourfulbush3.object 34c34 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plant_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break3.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break4.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break5.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break6.wav" ], objects\biome\colourful\colourfulbush4\colourfulbush4.object 34c34 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plant_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break3.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break4.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break5.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break6.wav" ], objects\biome\colourful\colourfulbush5\colourfulbush5.object 33c33 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plant_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break3.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break4.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break5.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break6.wav" ], objects\biome\flesh\fleshbush1\fleshbush1.object 33c33 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/environmental/tree_hitground2.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/meat_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/meat_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/meat_break3.wav" ], objects\biome\flesh\fleshbush2\fleshbush2.object 33c33 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/environmental/tree_hitground2.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/meat_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/meat_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/meat_break3.wav" ], objects\biome\flesh\fleshbush3\fleshbush3.object 33c33 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/environmental/tree_hitground2.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/meat_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/meat_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/meat_break3.wav" ], objects\biome\flesh\fleshbush4\fleshbush4.object 33c33 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/environmental/tree_hitground2.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/meat_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/meat_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/meat_break3.wav" ], objects\biome\flesh\fleshbush5\fleshbush5.object 33c33 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/environmental/tree_hitground2.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/meat_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/meat_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/meat_break3.wav" ], objects\biome\flesh\fleshbush6\fleshbush6.object 33c33 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/environmental/tree_hitground2.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/meat_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/meat_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/meat_break3.wav" ], objects\biome\giantflower\giantflower1\giantflower1.object 35c35 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/environmental/tree_hitground2.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plant_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break3.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break4.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break5.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break6.wav" ], objects\biome\giantflower\giantflower2\giantflower2.object 35c35 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/environmental/tree_hitground2.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plant_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break3.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break4.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break5.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break6.wav" ], objects\biome\giantflower\giantflower3\giantflower3.object 35c35 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/environmental/tree_hitground2.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plant_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break3.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break4.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break5.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break6.wav" ], objects\biome\giantflower\giantflower4\giantflower4.object 35c35 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/environmental/tree_hitground2.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plant_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break3.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break4.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break5.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break6.wav" ], 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"/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/plant_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break3.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break4.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break5.wav", "/sfx/objects/plant_break6.wav" ], objects\biome\stonecave\ceilingstalactite1\ceilingstalactite1.object 75c75,76 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble1.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble2.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble3.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble4.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble5.wav" ], > "smashParticles" : [ { "count" : 6, "particle" : "rockshard" } ], objects\biome\stonecave\ceilingstalactite2\ceilingstalactite2.object 57c57,58 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble1.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble2.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble3.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble4.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble5.wav" ], > "smashParticles" : [ { "count" : 6, "particle" : "rockshard" } ], objects\biome\stonecave\ceilingstalactite3\ceilingstalactite3.object 75c75,76 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble1.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble2.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble3.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble4.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble5.wav" ], > "smashParticles" : [ { "count" : 6, "particle" : "rockshard" } ], objects\biome\stonecave\ceilingstalactite4\ceilingstalactite4.object 57c57,58 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble1.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble2.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble3.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble4.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble5.wav" ], > "smashParticles" : [ { "count" : 6, "particle" : "rockshard" } ], objects\biome\stonecave\ceilingstalactite5\ceilingstalactite5.object 57c57,58 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble1.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble2.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble3.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble4.wav", "/sfx/objects/rock_crumble5.wav" ], > "smashParticles" : [ { "count" : 6, "particle" : "rockshard" } ], objects\biome\swamp\gasprimer\gasprimer.object 7d6 < "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\biome\swamp\rootbush1\rootbush1.object 41c41 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wood_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break3.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break4.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break5.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break6.wav" ], objects\biome\swamp\rootbush2\rootbush2.object 41c41 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wood_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break3.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break4.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break5.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break6.wav" ], objects\biome\swamp\rootbush3\rootbush3.object 41c41 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wood_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break3.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break4.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break5.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break6.wav" ], objects\biome\swamp\rootbush4\rootbush4.object 41c41 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wood_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break3.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break4.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break5.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break6.wav" ], objects\biome\swamp\rootbush5\rootbush5.object 41c41 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wood_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break3.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break4.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break5.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break6.wav" ], objects\biome\swamp\swamproot1\swamproot1.object 41c41 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wood_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break3.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break4.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break5.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break6.wav" ], objects\biome\swamp\swamproot2\swamproot2.object 41c41 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wood_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break3.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break4.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break5.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break6.wav" ], objects\biome\swamp\swamproot3\swamproot3.object 41c41 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wood_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break3.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break4.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break5.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break6.wav" ], objects\biome\swamp\swamproot4\swamproot4.object 41c41 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wood_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break3.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break4.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break5.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break6.wav" ], objects\biome\swamp\swamproot5\swamproot5.object 41c41 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav" ], --- > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wood_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break3.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break4.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break5.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break6.wav" ], objects\biome\zen\zenrock1\zenrock1.object 5d4 < "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\biome\zen\zenrock2\zenrock2.object 5d4 < "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\biome\zen\zenrock3\zenrock3.object 5d4 < "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\biome\zen\zenrock4\zenrock4.object 5d4 < "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\biome\zen\zenrock5\zenrock5.object 5d4 < "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\colony\colonydeed\colonydeed.lua 138c138,139 < return 1 --- > if world.getProperty("ship.level") then return 1 end > return world.threatLevel() 266c267 < local level = tenant.level or world.getProperty("ship.level") or world.threatLevel() or 1 --- > local level = tenant.level or world.getProperty("ship.level") or world.threatLevel() objects\colony\colonydeed\colonydeed.object 5,6c5,6 < "description" : "Designates homes available for renting.", < "shortdescription" : "Colony Deed", --- > "description" : "Place this on the wall of a suitable home to make a tenant move in!", > "shortdescription" : "^yellow;Colony Deed", objects\floran\huntingpunjisticks1\huntingpunjisticks1.object 53,59c53,59 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [-1.6, 0], [-2, 1.8], [-0.5, 3.0], [2.1, 1.3], [1.6, 0] ], < "damage" : 15, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "spear" < } --- > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [-1.6, 0], [-2, 1.8], [-0.5, 3.0], [2.1, 1.3], [1.6, 0] ], > "damage" : 15, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "spear" > } 72,78c72,78 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [1.6, 0], [2, 1.8], [0.5, 3.0], [-2.1, 1.3], [-1.6, 0] ], < "damage" : 25, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "spear" < } --- > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [1.6, 0], [2, 1.8], [0.5, 3.0], [-2.1, 1.3], [-1.6, 0] ], > "damage" : 25, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "spear" > } 80,82c80,84 < ] < < //TODO: touch damage --- > ], > > "smashOnBreak" : true, > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wood_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break3.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break4.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break5.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break6.wav" ], > "smashParticles" : [ { "count" : 5, "particle" : "woodshard" } ] objects\floran\huntingpunjisticks2\huntingpunjisticks2.object 53,59c53,59 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [-0.7, 0], [-1, 0.9], [-0.2, 2], [1.1, 1.9], [2, 0.9], [1.6, 0] ], < "damage" : 15, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "spear" < } --- > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [-0.7, 0], [-1, 0.9], [-0.2, 2], [1.1, 1.9], [2, 0.9], [1.6, 0] ], > "damage" : 15, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "spear" > } 72,78c72,78 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [1.7, 0], [2, 0.9], [1.2, 2], [-0.1, 1.9], [-1, 0.9], [-0.6, 0] ], < "damage" : 25, < < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "spear" < } --- > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [1.7, 0], [2, 0.9], [1.2, 2], [-0.1, 1.9], [-1, 0.9], [-0.6, 0] ], > "damage" : 25, > > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "spear" > } 80c80 < ] --- > ], 82c82,84 < //TODO: touch damage --- > "smashOnBreak" : true, > "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/wood_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break3.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break4.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break5.wav", "/sfx/objects/wood_break6.wav" ], > "smashParticles" : [ { "count" : 5, "particle" : "woodshard" } ] objects\generic\burningcoals\burningcoals.object 68,70c68,70 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [-1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [-1.0, 1.0] ], < "damage" : 25, --- > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [-1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [-1.0, 1.0] ], > "damage" : 25, 72,74c72,74 < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "fire" < } --- > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "fire" > } 85,87c85,87 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [-1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [-1.0, 1.0] ], < "damage" : 25, --- > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [-1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [-1.0, 1.0] ], > "damage" : 25, 89,91c89,91 < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "fire" < } --- > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "fire" > } objects\generic\copperbox1\copperbox1.object 10c10 < "price" : 15, --- > "price" : 30, objects\generic\copperceilinglight\copperceilinglight.frames 1a2 > 6,14c7,15 < [ "default.0", "" ], < [ "red.0", "" ], < [ "blue.0", "" ], < [ "green.0", "" ], < [ "yellow.0", "" ], < [ "orange.0", "" ], < [ "pink.0", "" ], < [ "black.0", "" ], < [ "white.0", "" ] --- > [ "default.on", "" ], > [ "red.on", "" ], > [ "blue.on", "" ], > [ "green.on", "" ], > [ "yellow.on", "" ], > [ "orange.on", "" ], > [ "pink.on", "" ], > [ "black.on", "" ], > [ "white.on", "" ] 19,27c20,28 < "default.default" : "", < "red.default" : "", < "blue.default" : "", < "green.default" : "", < "yellow.default" : "", < "orange.default" : "", < "pink.default" : "", < "black.default" : "", < "white.default" : "" --- > "default.default" : "default.on", > "red.default" : "red.on", > "blue.default" : "blue.on", > "green.default" : "green.on", > "yellow.default" : "yellow.on", > "orange.default" : "orange.on", > "pink.default" : "pink.on", > "black.default" : "black.on", > "white.default" : "white.on" objects\generic\copperceilinglight\copperceilinglight.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["light"], --- > "tags" : ["copper","light"], 10c10 < "price" : 75, --- > "price" : 30, 26a27,38 > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, > > "spaces" : [ [0, 0], [0, -1], [-1, -2], [0, -2], [1, -2], [0, -3] ], > "anchors" : [ "top" ], > "lightPosition" : [0, -2], > "pointAngle" : 270 > }, > { > "image" : "copperceilinglight.png:.", > "imagePosition" : [-4, -24], > "direction" : "right", 33c45,59 < ] --- > ], > > "animation" : "/objects/wired/light/lighttogglebgfullbright.animation", > "animationParts" : { > "bg" : "copperceilinglight.png", > "fg" : "copperceilinglightlit.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [-4, -24], > > "scripts" : [ "/objects/wired/light/light.lua" ], > "scriptDelta" : 60, > > "interactive" : false, > > "inboundNodes" : [ [0, -2] ] objects\generic\copperlantern\copperlantern.object 6c6 < "price" : 60, --- > "price" : 20, objects\generic\coppershelf\coppershelf.object 2a3 > "tags" : ["copper"], 5c6 < "price" : 200, --- > "price" : 15, 9c10 < "race" : "hylotl", --- > "race" : "generic", objects\generic\coppersupport\coppersupport.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["misc"], --- > "tags" : ["copper"], 7c7 < "price" : 5, --- > "price" : 15, objects\generic\flagapex\flagapex.object 8c8 < "price" : 65, --- > "price" : 70, objects\generic\flagavian\flagavian.object 8c8 < "price" : 65, --- > "price" : 70, objects\generic\flagfloran\flagfloran.object 8c8 < "price" : 65, --- > "price" : 70, objects\generic\flagglitch\flagglitch.object 8c8 < "price" : 65, --- > "price" : 70, objects\generic\flaghuman\flaghuman.object 8c8 < "price" : 65, --- > "price" : 70, 14c14 < "apexDescription" : "A human flag. Looks like it represents their military.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A human flag. Looks like it represents their organisation.", 17,19c17,19 < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A human flag, depicting the symbol of the USCM.", < "humanDescription" : "Hoo-rah! USCM till I die, baby!", < "hylotlDescription" : "A crude and garish human flag.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A human flag, depicting the symbol of the Terran Protectorate.", > "humanDescription" : "The flag of the Protectorate!", > "hylotlDescription" : "This human flag represents intercolonial co-operation.", objects\generic\flaghylotl\flaghylotl.object 8c8 < "price" : 65, --- > "price" : 70, objects\generic\flagnovakid\flagnovakid.object 8c8 < "price" : 65, --- > "price" : 70, objects\generic\glitchdungeonpod\glitchdungeonpod.object 6d5 < "hasObjectItem" : false, 9c8 < "category" : "--todo--", --- > "category" : "decorative", objects\generic\oillantern1\oillantern1.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["avian","avianvillage","light"], --- > "tags" : ["light"], objects\generic\portcullis\portcullis.object 2a3 > "tags" : ["door"], 6,8c7,9 < "price" : 525, < "description" : "A portcullis.", < "shortdescription" : "Portcullis", --- > "price" : 105, > "description" : "A portcullis made of solid durasteel.", > "shortdescription" : "Durasteel Portcullis", 11,16c12,17 < "apexDescription" : "A door. Let's open it.", < "avianDescription" : "A door.", < "floranDescription" : "Floran obey no door.", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A door.", < "humanDescription" : "A large slab blocking my way. Wait, it's a door.", < "hylotlDescription" : "I have so many things to say about this door, but there is nobody around to listen.", --- > "apexDescription" : "It looks like this durasteel door opens upwards", > "avianDescription" : "This door has been wrought from solid durasteel.", > "floranDescription" : "Door iss heavy, heavy metal bars make door.", > "glitchDescription" : "Smug. The Glitch create their portcullis at a much larger scale.", > "humanDescription" : "I'd hate to get stuck under this as it closes.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Solid durasteel. Function over form.", objects\generic\randomfountain\randomfountain.object 6d5 < "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\generic\toxicgasprimer\toxicgasprimer.object 7d6 < "hasObjectItem" : false, 62c61,63 < } --- > }, > > "smashOnBreak" : true objects\generic\volcanopod\volcanopod.object 5,8c5 < < "hasObjectItem" : false, < < "category" : "--todo--", --- > "category" : "decorative", objects\human\barbedwire\barbedwire.object 29,31c29,31 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [-1, 0], [-1, 1.6], [-0.3, 2], [0.8, 1.2], [1, 0.9], [1, 0] ], < "damage" : 5, --- > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [-1, 0], [-1, 1.6], [-0.3, 2], [0.8, 1.2], [1, 0.9], [1, 0] ], > "damage" : 5, 33,38c33,38 < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "default", < "statusEffects" : [ < "damagefreeze" < ] < } --- > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "default", > "statusEffects" : [ > "damagefreeze" > ] > } 48,50c48,50 < "touchDamage" : { < "poly" : [ [1, 0], [1, 1.6], [0.3, 2], [-0.8, 1.2], [-1, 0.9], [-1, 0] ], < "damage" : 5, --- > "touchDamage" : { > "poly" : [ [1, 0], [1, 1.6], [0.3, 2], [-0.8, 1.2], [-1, 0.9], [-1, 0] ], > "damage" : 5, 52,57c52,57 < "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", < "damageSourceKind" : "default", < "statusEffects" : [ < "damagefreeze" < ] < } --- > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef", > "damageSourceKind" : "default", > "statusEffects" : [ > "damagefreeze" > ] > } objects\human\bunkerceilinglight1\bunkerceilinglight1.frames 7,15c7,15 < [ "default.0", "" ], < [ "red.0", "" ], < [ "blue.0", "" ], < [ "green.0", "" ], < [ "yellow.0", "" ], < [ "orange.0", "" ], < [ "pink.0", "" ], < [ "black.0", "" ], < [ "white.0", "" ] --- > [ "default.on", "" ], > [ "red.on", "" ], > [ "blue.on", "" ], > [ "green.on", "" ], > [ "yellow.on", "" ], > [ "orange.on", "" ], > [ "pink.on", "" ], > [ "black.on", "" ], > [ "white.on", "" ] 20,28c20,28 < "default.default" : "", < "red.default" : "", < "blue.default" : "", < "green.default" : "", < "yellow.default" : "", < "orange.default" : "", 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"/objects/wired/light/light.lua" ], > "scriptDelta" : 60, > > "interactive" : false, > > "inboundNodes" : [ [0, -3] ] objects\human\bunkerceilinglight2\bunkerceilinglight2.frames 1a2 > 6,14c7,15 < [ "default.0", "" ], < [ "red.0", "" ], < [ "blue.0", "" ], < [ "green.0", "" ], < [ "yellow.0", "" ], < [ "orange.0", "" ], < [ "pink.0", "" ], < [ "black.0", "" ], < [ "white.0", "" ] --- > [ "default.on", "" ], > [ "red.on", "" ], > [ "blue.on", "" ], > [ "green.on", "" ], > [ "yellow.on", "" ], > [ "orange.on", "" ], > [ "pink.on", "" ], > [ "black.on", "" ], > [ "white.on", "" ] 19,27c20,28 < "default.default" : "", < "red.default" : "", < "blue.default" : "", < "green.default" : "", < "yellow.default" : "", < "orange.default" : "", < "pink.default" : "", < "black.default" : "", < "white.default" : "" --- > "default.default" : "default.on", > "red.default" : "red.on", > "blue.default" : "blue.on", > "green.default" : "green.on", > "yellow.default" : "yellow.on", > "orange.default" : 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"price" : 105, < "description" : "An outdoor lighting.", < "shortdescription" : "Lamp Post", --- > "price" : 145, > "description" : "A lamp post, with thrice the lights.", > "shortdescription" : "Triple Lamp Post", 22,24c22 < "lightColor" : [255, 255, 195], < "pointLight" : true, < "pointBeam" : 0.2, --- > "lightColor" : [204, 204, 163], 30c28 < "imagePosition" : [-7, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], 37c35 < "animationPosition" : [-7, 0], --- > "animationPosition" : [-8, 0], 43c41 < "imagePosition" : [-7, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], 49c47 < "animationPosition" : [-7, 0], --- > "animationPosition" : [-8, 0], 55,80c53 < "particleEmitter" : { < "emissionRate" : 0.5, < "emissionVariance" : 1, < "pixelOrigin" : [0, 40], < < "particle" : { < "type" : "ember", < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [255, 254, 190, 255], < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [-0.1, -0.1], < "finalVelocity" : [-0.1, -0.1], < "approach" : [0.65, 0.65], < "timeToLive" 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Nifty!", > "shortdescription" : "Double Lamp Post", 22,24c22 < "lightColor" : [255, 255, 195], < "pointLight" : true, < "pointBeam" : 0.2, --- > "lightColor" : [179, 179, 143], 30c28 < "imagePosition" : [-7, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], 37c35 < "animationPosition" : [-7, 0], --- > "animationPosition" : [-8, 0], 43c41 < "imagePosition" : [-7, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], 49c47 < "animationPosition" : [-7, 0], --- > "animationPosition" : [-8, 0], 55,80c53 < "particleEmitter" : { < "emissionRate" : 0.5, < "emissionVariance" : 1, < "pixelOrigin" : [0, 40], < < "particle" : { < "type" : "ember", < "size" : 1.0, < "color" : [255, 254, 190, 255], < "destructionAction" : "shrink", < "destructionTime" : 7, < "initialVelocity" : [-0.1, -0.1], < "finalVelocity" : [-0.1, -0.1], < "approach" : [0.65, 0.65], < "timeToLive" : 5, < "light" : [72, 54, 14], < "layer" : "back" < }, < "particleVariance" : { < "initialVelocity" : [1.0, 1.0], < "finalVelocity" : [1.0, 1.0], < "position" : [0, 0] < } < }, < < "animation" : "/objects/wired/light/lighttogglebgfullbright.animation", --- > "animation" : "lamppost3.animation", 89c62,64 < "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 3] ] --- > "interactive" : false, > > "inboundNodes" : [ [0, 5] ] objects\themed\outdoor\outdoorbench\outdoorbench.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["outdoor","bench"], --- > "tags" : ["outdoor"], 6,8c6,8 < "price" : 110, < "description" : "A bench.", < "shortdescription" : "A Bench", --- > "price" : 90, > "description" : "A bench, perfect for outdoors.", > "shortdescription" : "Outdoor Bench", 17a18 > "novakidDescription" : "A bench.", 19a21,23 > "objectType" : "loungeable", > "sitFlipDirection" : false, > 24,28c28 < "imagePosition" : [0, 0], < < "spaceScan" : 0.1, < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], < "flipImages" : true, --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], 30c30,35 < "sitPosition" : [-20, 22] --- > "flipImages" : true, > > "sitPosition" : [-4, 21], > > "spaces" : [ [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0] ], > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] 34,37c39 < "imagePosition" : [0, 0], < < "spaceScan" : 0.1, < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], 39,41d40 < "sitPosition" : [20, 22] < } < ], 43,44c42 < "objectType" : "loungeable", < "sitFlipDirection" : false --- > "sitPosition" : [4, 21], 45a44,47 > "spaces" : [ [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0] ], > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > } > ] objects\themed\outdoor\outdoorchair\outdoorchair.object 7,8c7,8 < "price" : 115, < "description" : "An outdoor chair.", --- > "price" : 75, > "description" : "A chair, built to endure the elements.", 21,22d20 < < "inventoryIcon" : "outdoorchairicon.png", 26c24,26 < --- > "sitCoverImage" : "/objects/themed/outdoor/outdoorchair/outdoorchaircover.png", > > "inventoryIcon" : "outdoorchairicon.png", 30,31c30 < "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], < "flipImages" : true, --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], 32a32,34 > "flipImages" : true, > > "sitPosition" : [-5, 20], 35,36c37 < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], < "sitPosition" : [4, 14] --- > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] 40c41 < "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], 42a44,45 > "sitPosition" : [3, 20], > 44,45c47 < "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], < "sitPosition" : [-4, 14] --- > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] objects\themed\outdoor\outdoorfountain\outdoorfountain.object 5,7c5,7 < "price" : 240, < "description" : "A beautiful stone fountain. The water looks refreshing.", < "shortdescription" : "Stone Fountain", --- > "price" : 200, > "description" : "A sleek fountain. The water looks refreshing.", > "shortdescription" : "Outdoor Fountain", 17a18,19 > "lightColor" : [50, 67, 77], > 21,22c23,24 < "image" : "outdoorfountain.png:.", < "imagePosition" : [-32, 0], --- > "imageLayers" : [ { "image" : "outdoorfountain.png:.", "fullbright" : true }, { "image" : "outdoorfountainlit.png:." } ], > "imagePosition" : [-24, 0], 24a27,42 > > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, > "lightPosition" : [-1, 0], > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > }, > { > "imageLayers" : [ { "image" : "outdoorfountain.png:.", "fullbright" : true }, { "image" : "outdoorfountainlit.png:." } ], > "imagePosition" : [-24, 0], > "frames" : 3, > "animationCycle" : 0.4, > > "direction" : "right", > "lightPosition" : [0, 0], objects\themed\retroscifi\retroscifibed\retroscifibed.object 12,20c12,20 < /* < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", < "novakidDescription": "-todo-", < */ --- > > "apexDescription" : "Ahhh, the best sleep I've ever had was in one of these pods.", > "avianDescription" : "You have to stand up to sleep in this bed.", > "floranDescription" : "Sssstange mechanical pod is for ssssleeping in.", > "glitchDescription" : "Elated. This bed provides sufficient rest while maintaining a vertical position.", > "humanDescription" : "This bed is as retro as it gets.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A bed should be more than just a tool for simply recovering energy.", > "novakidDescription": "Sleeping in this bed makes me feel like a science experiment.", > objects\themed\retroscifi\retroscificabinet\retroscificabinet.object 12,20c12,20 < /* < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", < "novakidDescription": "-todo-", < */ --- > > "apexDescription" : "A stylish cabinet for storing just about anything.", > "avianDescription" : "For something so simple, this cabinet has it's charm.", > "floranDescription" : "Curvy cabinet.", > "glitchDescription" : "Statement. This cabinet seems functional.", > "humanDescription" : "A cabinet with a distinct curve.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This cabinet has an elegant curve to it that I can appreciate.", > "novakidDescription": "A handy place to store your sundries", > objects\themed\retroscifi\retroscifichair\retroscifichair.object 12,20c12,19 < /* < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", < "novakidDescription": "-todo-", < */ --- > > "apexDescription" : "Comfortable and attractive, ideal qualities in a chair.", > "avianDescription" : "A floating chair, it's pretty fun.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran sssssuspicious of floating chair.", > "glitchDescription" : "Confused. How does this chair keep its balance?", > "humanDescription" : "I've always wanted a hovering chair shaped like an egg.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A floating chair, quite novel.", > objects\themed\saloon\saloonpiano\saloonpiano.object 52c52 < "sounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/honky_riff1.wav" ], --- > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/honky_riff1.ogg" ], objects\themed\sea\seachair\seachair.object 12c12 < /*todo --- > 20c20 < */ --- > objects\themed\sea\sealamp\sealamp.object 18c18 < //"novakidDescription" : "-todo-", --- > "novakidDescription" : "That's a pretty lamp right there. If you like that kind of thing.", objects\themed\sea\seaweedpot\seaweedpot.object 18c18 < //"novakidDescription" : "-todo-", --- > "novakidDescription" : "What a funny lookin' plant to have in your house.", objects\themed\steampunk\steampunkarmchair\steampunkarmchair.object 12,20c12,18 < /* < "apexDescription" : "todo.", < "avianDescription" : "todo.", < "floranDescription" : "todo.", < "glitchDescription" : "todo.", < "humanDescription" : "todo.", < "hylotlDescription" : "todo.", < "novakidDescription": "-todo-", < */ --- > "apexDescription" : "This is the kind of chair I imagine Big Ape having.", > "avianDescription" : "This chair looks rather comforting.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran thinksss chair smellsss funny.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. This chair is made with comfort in mind.", > "humanDescription" : "I want to recline into this chair forever.", > "hylotlDescription" : "I'd be worried that if I sat in this chair too long, I wouldn't want to leave it.", > "novakidDescription": "Now this is the kind o' chair I could sit in for hours.", objects\themed\steampunk\steampunkbed\steampunkbed.object 12,20c12,18 < /* < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", < "novakidDescription": "-todo-", < */ --- > "apexDescription" : "This bed has a frame made of old brass piping. Interesting.", > "avianDescription" : "A rather charming, fancy bed.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran want to pull apart pipesss, use them as weaponsss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. Do these pipes have any function?", > "humanDescription" : "A bed made of pipes! How delightfully retro.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This bed is designed to look like it has more functions than it does.", > "novakidDescription": "Now this here is a bed I could get used to.", objects\themed\steampunk\steampunkdesk\steampunkdesk.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["steampunk","storage"], --- > "tags" : ["steampunk","storage","science"], 8c8 < "description" : "A nicely made steampunky desk.", --- > "description" : "A metal desk, covered in curious devices.", 12,20c12,18 < /*todo < "apexDescription" : "todo.", < "avianDescription" : "todo.", < "floranDescription" : "todo.", < "glitchDescription" : "todo.", < "humanDescription" : "todo.", < "hylotlDescription" : "todo.", < "novakidDescription": "-todo-", < */ --- > "apexDescription" : "This appears to be a desk for a budding mad scientist.", > "avianDescription" : "I have no idea what the things on this desk do.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran smellsss burning ssssmell from inside thisss box...", > "glitchDescription" : "Concerned. There appears to be a metal head on this desk.", > "humanDescription" : "There's a robot head staring at me from this desk. That's kind of creepy.", > "hylotlDescription" : "None of the tools on this desk are the artisan tools I'm used to...", > "novakidDescription": "There's somethin' kind o' weird about this furniture piece.", objects\themed\steampunk\steampunkglobe\steampunkglobe.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["steampunk"], --- > "tags" : ["steampunk","knowledge"], 8c8 < "description" : "An old looking globe.", --- > "description" : "An old wooden carved globe.", 12,20c12,18 < /*todo < "apexDescription" : "todo.", < "avianDescription" : "todo.", < "floranDescription" : "todo.", < "glitchDescription" : "todo.", < "humanDescription" : "todo.", < "hylotlDescription" : "todo.", < "novakidDescription": "-todo-", < */ --- > "apexDescription" : "A hand carved globe. I wonder if it is accurate to whatever planet it is?", > "avianDescription" : "There is true dedication on display in this hand carved globe.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran wantsss to roll wooden planet down hill, and crusssh enemies.", > "glitchDescription" : "Intrigued. I wonder if the cartography of this globe is accurate?", > "humanDescription" : "I wonder what planet this polished wooden globe is depicting?", > "hylotlDescription" : "There is real craftsmanship in the carving of this globe.", > "novakidDescription": "Someone really took their time carvin' this piece.", objects\themed\steampunk\steampunklamp\steampunklamp.object 8c8 < "description" : "todo.", --- > "description" : "An electric wall lamp, filled with a flowing, glowing gas.", 12,20c12,18 < /* todo < "apexDescription" : "todo.", < "avianDescription" : "todo.", < "floranDescription" : "todo.", < "glitchDescription" : "todo.", < "humanDescription" : "todo.", < "hylotlDescription" : "todo.", < "novakidDescription": "-todo-", < */ --- > "apexDescription" : "I suspect that lamp works by ionising xenon gases with an electric charge.", > "avianDescription" : "What a curious lamp. I wonder how it is made?", > "floranDescription" : "Floran can't ssstop looking at lamp.", > "glitchDescription" : "Mesmerised. The flowing substances within this lamp are entrancing.", > "humanDescription" : "The thick gases within move as they glow. It's almost hypnotic.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The rippling inside this lamp is admittedly rather calming.", > "novakidDescription": "I guess I have some common ground with the glowing gases in this ol' lamp.", objects\themed\steampunk\steampunkshelf\steampunkshelf.object 12,20c12,18 < /* < "apexDescription" : "todo.", < "avianDescription" : "todo.", < "floranDescription" : "todo.", < "glitchDescription" : "todo.", < "humanDescription" : "todo.", < "hylotlDescription" : "todo.", < "novakidDescription" : "todo.", < */ --- > "apexDescription" : "Pipes are a sturdy solution for making secure wall storage.aa", > "avianDescription" : "There is a true creative flair in this recycled looking shelf.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran doesssn't like booksss, but ssshelf is okay I guesss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Impressed. The pipes have been arranged to hold up shelves.", > "humanDescription" : "This is a pretty creative use of old piping.", > "hylotlDescription" : "This is a rather inelegant method of storing boxes, but I admire the effort.", > "novakidDescription" : "I wonder if that ol' clock is broken?", objects\tiered\tier10bed\tier10bed.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["misc"], --- > "tags" : ["misc","tier10"], objects\tiered\tier10chair\tier10chair.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["misc"], --- > "tags" : ["misc","tier10"], objects\tiered\tier10door\tier10door.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["door"], --- > "tags" : ["door","tier10"], objects\tiered\tier10light\tier10light.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["light"], --- > "tags" : ["light","tier10"], objects\tiered\tier10switch\tier10switch.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["wired"], --- > "tags" : ["wired","tier10"], objects\tiered\tier10table\tier10table.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["commerce"], --- > "tags" : ["commerce","tier10"], objects\tiered\tier10techchest\tier10techchest.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["storage"], --- > "tags" : ["storage","tier10"], objects\tiered\tier1bed\tier1bed.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["misc"], --- > "tags" : ["misc","tier1"], objects\tiered\tier1chair\tier1chair.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["misc"], --- > "tags" : ["misc","tier1"], objects\tiered\tier1door\tier1door.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["door"], --- > "tags" : ["door","tier1"], objects\tiered\tier1light\tier1light.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["light"], --- > "tags" : ["light","tier1"], objects\tiered\tier1switch\tier1switch.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["wired"], --- > "tags" : ["wired","tier1"], objects\tiered\tier1table\tier1table.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["commerce"], --- > "tags" : ["commerce","tier1"], objects\tiered\tier1techchest\tier1techchest.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["storage"], --- > "tags" : ["storage","tier1"], objects\tiered\tier2bed\tier2bed.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["misc"], --- > "tags" : ["misc","tier2"], objects\tiered\tier2chair\tier2chair.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["misc"], --- > "tags" : ["misc","tier2"], objects\tiered\tier2door\tier2door.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["door"], --- > "tags" : ["door","tier2"], objects\tiered\tier2light\tier2light.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["light"], --- > "tags" : ["light","tier2"], objects\tiered\tier2switch\tier2switch.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["wired"], --- > "tags" : ["wired","tier2"], objects\tiered\tier2table\tier2table.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["commerce"], --- > "tags" : ["commerce","tier2"], objects\tiered\tier2techchest\tier2techchest.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["storage"], --- > "tags" : ["storage","tier2"], objects\tiered\tier3bed\tier3bed.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["misc"], --- > "tags" : ["misc","tier3"], objects\tiered\tier3chair\tier3chair.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["misc"], --- > "tags" : ["misc","tier3"], objects\tiered\tier3door\tier3door.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["door"], --- > "tags" : ["door","tier3"], objects\tiered\tier3light\tier3light.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["light"], --- > "tags" : ["light","tier3"], objects\tiered\tier3switch\tier3switch.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["wired"], --- > "tags" : ["wired","tier3"], objects\tiered\tier3table\tier3table.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["commerce"], --- > "tags" : ["commerce","tier3"], objects\tiered\tier3techchest\tier3techchest.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["storage"], --- > "tags" : ["storage","tier3"], objects\tiered\tier4bed\tier4bed.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["misc"], --- > "tags" : ["misc","tier4"], objects\tiered\tier4chair\tier4chair.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["misc"], --- > "tags" : ["misc","tier4"], objects\tiered\tier4door\tier4door.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["door"], --- > "tags" : ["door","tier4"], objects\tiered\tier4light\tier4light.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["light"], --- > "tags" : ["light","tier4"], objects\tiered\tier4switch\tier4switch.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["wired"], --- > "tags" : ["wired","tier4"], objects\tiered\tier4table\tier4table.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["commerce"], --- > "tags" : ["commerce","tier4"], objects\tiered\tier4techchest\tier4techchest.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["storage"], --- > "tags" : ["storage","tier4"], objects\tiered\tier5bed\tier5bed.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["misc"], --- > "tags" : ["misc","tier5"], objects\tiered\tier5chair\tier5chair.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["misc"], --- > "tags" : ["misc","tier5"], objects\tiered\tier5door\tier5door.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["door"], --- > "tags" : ["door","tier5"], objects\tiered\tier5light\tier5light.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["light"], --- > "tags" : ["light","tier5"], objects\tiered\tier5switch\tier5switch.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["wired"], --- > "tags" : ["wired","tier5"], objects\tiered\tier5table\tier5table.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["commerce"], --- > "tags" : ["commerce","tier5"], objects\tiered\tier5techchest\tier5techchest.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["storage"], --- > "tags" : ["storage","tier5"], objects\tiered\tier6bed\tier6bed.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["misc"], --- > "tags" : ["misc","tier6"], objects\tiered\tier6chair\tier6chair.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["misc"], --- > "tags" : ["misc","tier6"], objects\tiered\tier6door\tier6door.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["door"], --- > "tags" : ["door","tier6"], objects\tiered\tier6light\tier6light.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["light"], --- > "tags" : ["light","tier6"], objects\tiered\tier6switch\tier6switch.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["wired"], --- > "tags" : ["wired","tier6"], objects\tiered\tier6table\tier6table.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["commerce"], --- > "tags" : ["commerce","tier6"], objects\tiered\tier6techchest\tier6techchest.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["storage"], --- > "tags" : ["storage","tier6"], objects\tiered\tier7bed\tier7bed.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["misc"], --- > "tags" : ["misc","tier7"], objects\tiered\tier7chair\tier7chair.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["misc"], --- > "tags" : ["misc","tier7"], objects\tiered\tier7door\tier7door.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["door"], --- > "tags" : ["door","tier7"], objects\tiered\tier7light\tier7light.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["light"], --- > "tags" : ["light","tier7"], objects\tiered\tier7switch\tier7switch.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["wired"], --- > "tags" : ["wired","tier7"], objects\tiered\tier7table\tier7table.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["commerce"], --- > "tags" : ["commerce","tier7"], objects\tiered\tier7techchest\tier7techchest.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["storage"], --- > "tags" : ["storage","tier7"], objects\tiered\tier8bed\tier8bed.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["misc"], --- > "tags" : ["misc","tier8"], objects\tiered\tier8chair\tier8chair.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["misc"], --- > "tags" : ["misc","tier8"], objects\tiered\tier8door\tier8door.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["door"], --- > "tags" : ["door","tier8"], objects\tiered\tier8light\tier8light.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["light"], --- > "tags" : ["light","tier8"], objects\tiered\tier8switch\tier8switch.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["wired"], --- > "tags" : ["wired","tier8"], objects\tiered\tier8table\tier8table.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["commerce"], --- > "tags" : ["commerce","tier8"], objects\tiered\tier8techchest\tier8techchest.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["storage"], --- > "tags" : ["storage","tier8"], objects\tiered\tier9bed\tier9bed.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["evil"], --- > "tags" : ["evil","tier9"], objects\tiered\tier9chair\tier9chair.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["evil"], --- > "tags" : ["evil","tier9"], objects\tiered\tier9door\tier9door.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["evil","door"], --- > "tags" : ["evil","door","tier9"], objects\tiered\tier9light\tier9light.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["evil","light"], --- > "tags" : ["evil","light","tier9"], objects\tiered\tier9switch\tier9switch.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["evil","wired"], --- > "tags" : ["evil","wired","tier9"], objects\tiered\tier9table\tier9table.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["evil","commerce"], --- > "tags" : ["evil","commerce","tier9"], objects\tiered\tier9techchest\tier9techchest.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["evil","storage"], --- > "tags" : ["evil","storage","tier9"], objects\wired\proximitysensor\invisibleproximitysensor.object 5d4 < "hasObjectItem" : false, 11c10 < "description" : "Watch your step!", --- > "description" : "...", 15,21c14 < "apexDescription" : "This will go off if I get too close.", < "avianDescription" : "Don't get too close!", < "floranDescription" : "Floran dance for thing!", < "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A proximity sensor.", < "humanDescription" : "A proximity sensor.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A sensor.", < "novakidDescription" : "Tread carefully.", --- > "smashOnBreak" : true, plants\trees\ceilingtest\floweryvine\floweryvine.modularstem 5a6,59 > "dropConfig" : { > "drops" : [ > [ { "item" : "plantfibre", "count" : 3 } ] > ], > "particles" : { > "breakTree" : { > "density" : 3, > "options" : [ { > "image" : "/particles/treestems/vine.png", > "timeToLive" : 10, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -30], > "approach" : [0, 5], > "variance" : { > "timeToLive" : 3.0, > "initialPosition" : [1.0, 1.0], > "initialVelocity" : [1.0, 1.0] > } > } ] > }, > "hitGround" : { > "density" : 3, > "options" : [ { > "type" : "animated", > "animation" : "/animations/dusttest/dusttest.animation", > "timeToLive" : 3, > "destructionAction" : "shrink", > "destructionTime" : 1.0, > "variance" : { > "rotation" : 180, > "timeToLive" : 1.0, > "initialPosition" : [1.0, 1.0], > "initialVelocity" : [1.0, 1.0] > } > } ] > }, > "damageTree" : { > "density" : 1, > "options" : [ { > "type" : "textured", > "image" : "/particles/treestems/something.png", > "timeToLive" : 10, > "initialVelocity" : [0, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -30], > "approach" : [0, 5], > "variance" : { > "timeToLive" : 3.0, > "initialPosition" : [1.0, 1.0], > "initialVelocity" : [1.0, 1.0] > } > } ] > } > } > }, quests\outpost\coldskin2.questtemplate 5c5 < "completionText" : "I just barely escaped. The invitation was a trap all along, set up by bloodthirsty Floran hunters. I've found a satellite and can connect to my ship's teleporters now. ^green;That Floran hunter at the outpost has a lot to answer for.", --- > "completionText" : "I just barely escaped. The invitation was a trap all along, set up by bloodthirsty Floran hunters. I've found a satellite and can connect to my ship's teleporters now. ^green;That Floran hunter at the outpost has a lot to answer for.", quests\outpost\coldskin3.questtemplate 5c5 < "completionText" : "Oh... Floran did not expect to sssee you again. Trap? Floran did not mean to sssend you into ambush. Pleasse take thiss as an apology. ^green;It'ss a ^orange;nano sskin ^green;that will let you sssurvive in the cold.", --- > "completionText" : "Oh... Floran did not expect to sssee you again. Trap? Floran did not mean to sssend you into ambush. Pleasse take thiss as an apology. ^green;It'ss a ^orange;bio-implant ^green;that will let you sssurvive in the cold.", 8a9 > "completionCinema" : "/cinematics/coldupgrade/novakid/novakidmcoldupgrade.cinematic", quests\outpost\heatskin2.questtemplate 5c5 < "completionText" : "You destroyed my Mech! Glorious! Mk II will be far superior. Here, take this ^green;heat skin ^white;for your troubles.", --- > "completionText" : "You destroyed my Mech! Glorious! Mk II will be far superior. Here, take this ^green;heat protection implant ^white;for your troubles.", 7a8 > "completionCinema" : "/cinematics/coldupgrade/novakid/novakidmcoldupgrade.cinematic", quests\outpost\kelpquest.questtemplate 5,6c5,6 < "text" : "Hi there. After the Floran drove the Hylotl into the ocean we begun using kelp as a currency. As it happens I'm still partial. ^green;If you bring me ^orange;300 kelp ^green;from the bottom of an ocean planet, I'll give you a ^orange;nano skin that'll allow you to survive on radioactive planets.", < "completionText" : "Such beautiful kelp! You've outdone yourself. ^green;The ^orange;nanoskin ^green;is yours. Check with your ship's S.A.I.L to equip it.", --- > "text" : "Hi there. After the Floran drove the Hylotl into the ocean we begun using kelp as a currency. As it happens I'm still partial. ^green;If you bring me ^orange;300 kelp ^green;from the bottom of an ocean planet, I'll give you a ^orange;bio-implant that'll allow you to survive on radioactive planets.", > "completionText" : "Such beautiful kelp! You've outdone yourself. ^green;The ^orange;bio-implant ^green;is yours.", 11a12 > "completionCinema" : "/cinematics/radiationupgrade/novakid/novakidmradiationupgrade.cinematic", quests\outpost\outpost0.questtemplate 4c4 < "text" : "If you're serious about exploring the universe, you're going to need better equipment. Tell you what, ^green;if you bring me a ^orange;wooden crafting table^white;, I'll give you an ^orange;iron crafting table ^white;in exchange and ^green;show you how to make one yourself^white;!", --- > "text" : "If you're serious about exploring the universe, you're going to need better equipment. Tell you what, ^green;if you bring me a ^orange;wooden crafting table^white;, I'll upgrade it to an ^orange;iron crafting table ^white;and ^green;show you how to make one yourself^white;! Head to the teleporter shop and use their teleporter to help you go get it faster.", quests\outpost\outpost1.questtemplate 4,6c4,6 < "title" : "^orange;A Chocoholic's Nightmare", < "text" : "I've got a serious hankering for some ^orange;chocolate^white;. ^green;They sell it at Infinity Express^white;, but I haven't got any pixels. What am I going I do? This craving is driving me mad!", < "completionText" : "Chocolate! Thank you so much! I will tell the others here of your kindness!", --- > "title" : "^green;Rent Well Spent", > "text" : "My Landlord is a jerk! He's going to kick me out of my place if I don't get him a bar of ^orange;chocolate^white;. ^green;They sell them at Infinity Express^white;, but I haven't got any pixels! Can you help me out?", > "completionText" : "Thank you so much! Maybe it is time I found a better place to live. You seem like a nice person - If you head to the ^green;Frogg Furnishing^white; store, ^orange;you can become a Landlord yourself^white;! I will tell the others here of your kindness.", quests\outpost\outpostmission1.questtemplate 4c4 < "text" : "A visit to the Erchius mining facility might be just what I need to ^green;fix my FTL drive^white;. The distress signal and coordinates have been copied to ^green;S.A.I.L's mission tab. I'll need to equip the nano suit I was given through the tech menu to survive the atmosphere at the facility.", --- > "text" : "A visit to the Erchius mining facility might be just what I need to ^green;fix my FTL drive^white;. The distress signal and coordinates have been copied to ^green;S.A.I.L's mission tab. The bio-implant I was given will allow me to survive the atmosphere at the facility.", quests\outpost\outpostskin.questtemplate 1c1,2 < { --- > > { 5,6c6,7 < "text" : "I've recieved a distress signal from a lunar mining facility near here and I'm worried. If you can prove you're prepared, I'll give you the ^green;co-ordinates and a suit to breathe in space ^white;to check it out. ^green;If you can make yourself ^orange;a set of Steel armour ^green;then I will give you the co-ordinates.", < "completionText" : "You're all equipped! In that case, take the ^green;co-ordinates ^white;and an ^green;Oxygen nano suit.^white;. Good luck!", --- > "text" : "I've recieved a distress signal from a lunar mining facility near here and I'm worried. If you can prove you're prepared, I'll give you the ^green;co-ordinates and a bio-implant that allows you to breathe when no oxygen is present. ^green;If you can make yourself ^orange;a set of Steel armour ^green;then I will give you the co-ordinates.", > "completionText" : "You're all equipped! In that case, take the ^green;co-ordinates ^white;and a ^green;respitory bio-implant.^white;. Good luck!", 13c14 < "completionCinema" : "/cinematics/coordinates.cinematic", --- > "completionCinema" : "/cinematics/airupgrade/novakid/coordinatesairupgrade.cinematic", quests\outpost\phase1optional\humanscientist1.questtemplate 4c4 < "title" : "^orange;Bug Hunt", --- > "title" : "^green;Bug Hunt", quests\tutorial\tutorial3.questtemplate 5c5 < "completionText" : "That wasn't too bad. I could make all sorts of things from ^orange;plant fibres^white;, from ^orange;ropes^white; to ^orange;cloth.^white;", --- > "completionText" : "That wasn't too bad. I could make all sorts of things from ^orange;plant fibres^white;, from ^orange;ropes^white; to ^orange;fabric^white;.", quests\tutorial\tutorial5.questtemplate 5c5 < "completionText" : "Awesome, time to play with fire! This should work for most basic metals like ^orange;copper^white; and ^orange;iron^white;, which I can then use to build a more advanced furnace later.", --- > "completionText" : "Awesome, time to play with fire! This should work for most basic metals like ^orange;copper^white; and ^orange;iron^white;, which I should be able to use to build a more advanced furnace later.", recipes\craftingtable\copperlantern.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "liquidoil", "count" : 10 } --- > { "item" : "torch", "count" : 1 } recipes\furniture\tier1\tier1light.recipe 3c3,4 < { "item" : "ironbar", "count" : 1 } --- > { "item" : "ironbar", "count" : 1 }, > { "item" : "torch", "count" : 1 } recipes\plain\flagapex.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "darkwoodmaterial", "count" : 5 }, --- > { "item" : "copperbar", "count" : 1 }, recipes\plain\flagavian.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "darkwoodmaterial", "count" : 5 }, --- > { "item" : "copperbar", "count" : 1 }, recipes\plain\flagfloran.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "darkwoodmaterial", "count" : 5 }, --- > { "item" : "copperbar", "count" : 1 }, recipes\plain\flagglitch.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "darkwoodmaterial", "count" : 5 }, --- > { "item" : "copperbar", "count" : 1 }, recipes\plain\flaghuman.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "darkwoodmaterial", "count" : 5 }, --- > { "item" : "copperbar", "count" : 1 }, recipes\plain\flaghylotl.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "darkwoodmaterial", "count" : 5 }, --- > { "item" : "copperbar", "count" : 1 }, recipes\plain\flagnovakid.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "darkwoodmaterial", "count" : 5 }, --- > { "item" : "copperbar", "count" : 1 }, recipes\plain\rope.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "plantfibre", "count" : 4 } --- > { "item" : "plantfibre", "count" : 2 } scripts\behavior.lua 52c52 < function BTree:die() --- > function BTree:uninit() scripts\pathing.lua 459c459 < if math.abs([1]) < 1 and math.abs([2]) >= 1 then --- > if passedTargetOnAxis(self.edge, 1) and math.abs([2]) >= 1 then 468c468 < function passedTarget(edge) --- > function passedTargetOnAxis(edge, axis) 471,476c471,475 < if (edgeDistance[1] ~= 0 and edgeDistance[1] * targetDistance[1] < 0) or < (edgeDistance[2] ~= 0 and edgeDistance[2] * targetDistance[2] < 0) then < return true < else < return false < end --- > return edgeDistance[axis] ~= 0 and edgeDistance[axis] * targetDistance[axis] < 0 > end > > function passedTarget(edge) > return passedTargetOnAxis(edge, 1) or passedTargetOnAxis(edge, 2) scripts\statusprojectileobject.lua 28c28 < --- > 36c36 < --- > scripts\actions\entities.lua 218c218 < return world.loungeableOccupied(entityId) --- > return world.loungeableOccupied(entityId) == true scripts\actions\movement.lua 129a130,132 > if not position then > return false > end stagehands\coordinator.lua 0a1,2 > require("/scripts/util.lua") > 30a33,38 > function uninit() > if self.btree then > self.btree:uninit() > end > end > 150,154c158,160 < for i,memberId in pairs(self.members) do < if not world.entityExists(memberId) then < table.remove(self.members, i) < end < end --- > self.members = util.filter(self.members, function (memberId) > return world.entityExists(memberId) > end) 229c235 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end tenants\sub-biome\alpine.tenant 14a15 > "level": 3, tenants\sub-biome\colourful_glitch.tenant 14a15 > "level": 3, tenants\sub-biome\eyepatch_glitch.tenant 14a15 > "level": 4, tiles\materials\blaststone.material 11c11 < "health" : 64, --- > "health" : 48, tiles\materials\magmarock.material 11c11 < "health" : 64, --- > "health" : 48, tiles\materials\obsidian.material 11c11 < "health" : 64, --- > "health" : 48, tiles\materials\rockbrick.material 11c11 < "health" : 30, --- > "health" : 32, treasure\tenants.treasurepools 32a33,128 > "minerGift" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "ironore", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "copperore", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "ironore", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "copperore", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "ironore", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 3]} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [1, 1] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }], > [2, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "ironore", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "copperore", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "ironore", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "copperore", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "ironore", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "copperore", 3]} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [1, 1] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }], > [3, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "titaniumore", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "silverore", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "titaniumore", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "silverore", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "titaniumore", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 3]} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [1, 1] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }], > [4, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "titaniumore", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "silverore", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "titaniumore", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "silverore", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "titaniumore", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "silverore", 3]} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [1, 1] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }], > [5, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "goldore", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "aegisaltore", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "rubiumore", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "violiumore", 1]} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [1, 1] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }], > [6, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "goldore", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "aegisaltore", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "rubiumore", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "violiumore", 1]} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [1, 1] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }], > [7, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "goldore", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "aegisaltore", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "rubiumore", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.4, "item" : [ "violiumore", 1]} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [1, 1] > ], > "allowDuplication" : false > }] > ], > > versioning\item_4_5.lua 79c79 < local generatedType = "commonbroadsword" --- > local generatedType 83a84,85 > else > return data 92c94 < local generatedType = "commonassaultrifle" --- > local generatedType 104a107,108 > else > return data