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"rules" : [ > [ "maxSpawnCount", [1] ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", "quiqksilver8.json" ] > }, > { > "name" : "choices1", > "rules" : [ > [ "maxSpawnCount", [1] ] > ], > "def" : [ "tmx", "choices1.json" ] dungeons\other\challengerooms\quiqksilver5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\other\challengerooms\quiqksilver6.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] items\swords\mission\nurusspear\nurusspear.sword 14c14 < "fireTime" : 0.8, --- > "fireTime" : 2, 49c49 < "projectileType" : "electricplasmarocket", --- > "projectileType" : "shock", 51,52c51,53 < "speed" : 0.1, < "power" : 7 --- > "speed" : 70, > "power" : 2, > "damageType" : "IgnoresDef" monsters\bmonster.lua 157a158,167 > function setLightActive(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > light = nil, > active = true > }) > if light == nil or active == nil then return false end > > entity.setLightActive(args.light, > return true > end monsters\boss\spiderboss\spiderboss.animation 387a388,408 > }, > "cocoonburst" : { > "emissionRate" : 1.0, > "offsetRegion" : [-6, -8, 6, 8], > "particles" : [ > { "particle" : "shellshard1" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard1" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard1" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard1" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard1" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard1" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard1" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard1" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard1" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard1" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard1" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard1" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard1" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard1" }, > { "particle" : "shellshard1" } > ] 400,401c421,423 < "generateshell" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_idle1.wav" ] < --- > "generateshell" : [ "/sfx/npc/quadruped/sandworm_idle1.wav" ], > "cocooncrack" : [ "/sfx/gun/boneshotgun.wav" ], > "cocoonburst" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav"] monsters\boss\spiderboss\spiderboss.monstertype 81c81 < "baseValue" : 400 --- > "baseValue" : 1000 84c84 < "baseValue" : 95 --- > "baseValue" : 97 monsters\unique\ixoling\ixoling.animation 92a93,101 > "lights" : { > "glow" : { > "active" : true, > "position" : [0, 0], > "color" : [64, 128, 64], > "pointLight" : false > } > }, > npcs\story\nuru.npctype 12a13 > "damageTeamType" : "friendly", 72c73 < "baseValue" : 100.0 --- > "baseValue" : 10000.0 objects\ancient\ancientbouldertrap\ancientbouldertrap.object 79c79 < "projectile" : "trapboulderappearbouncy", // name of projectile (required) --- > "projectile" : "ancienttrapboulderappear", // name of projectile (required) objects\ancient\ancienticetrap\ancienticetrap.object 10,15c10,15 < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "-todo-", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "humanDescription" : "-todo-", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo-", --- > "apexDescription" : "It's a deadly ice trap.", > "avianDescription" : "A hazardous ice mechanism.", > "floranDescription" : "Ice can be dangeroussss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Cautious. It's a deadly ice trap.", > "humanDescription" : "Watch out for the deadly ice projectiles.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Ice, water in it's most deadly form.", objects\ancient\ancientstriplight2\ancientstriplight2.object 7c7,8 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 375, > "printable" : false, 31c32,33 < "anchors" : [ "background" ] --- > "anchors" : [ "background" ], > "collision" : "solid" 42c44,45 < "anchors" : [ "background" ] --- > "anchors" : [ "background" ], > "collision" : "solid" objects\ancient\ancientstriplight3\ancientstriplight3.object 7c7,8 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 300, > "printable" : false, objects\avian\bouldertrap\bouldertrap.object 79c79 < "projectile" : "trapboulderappearrolling", // name of projectile (required) --- > "projectile" : "aviantrapboulderappear", // name of projectile (required) objects\colony\colonydeed\colonydeed.animation 164c164 < "size" : 2.0, --- > "size" : 1.0, 178a179,199 > // fizz > "particle" : { > "type" : "animated", > "animation" : "/animations/fizz5/fizz5.animation", > "position" : [1.0, 3.0], > "size" : 0.5, > "light" : [50, 50, 50], > "fade" : 0.9, > "initialVelocity" : [0.0, 7.0], > "finalVelocity" : [0.0, -5.0], > "approach" : [0, 20], > "timeToLive" : 10, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [2, 2.0], > "rotation" : 180, > "angularVelocity" : 180 > } > } > }, > { 183c204 < "size" : 2.0, --- > "size" : 1.0, 202c223 < "size" : 2.0, --- > "size" : 1.0, 221c242 < "size" : 2.0, --- > "size" : 1.0, 240c261 < "size" : 2.0, --- > "size" : 1.0, 259c280 < "size" : 2.0, --- > "size" : 1.0, 278c299 < "size" : 2.0, --- > "size" : 1.0, 297c318 < "size" : 2.0, --- > "size" : 1.0, objects\generic\electricdoor\electricdoor.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["door","electrical"], --- > "tags" : ["door","electronic"], objects\generic\screenplanet\screenplanet.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["electronics"], --- > "tags" : ["electronic"], objects\generic\tvstation\tvstation.object 3c3 < "tags" : ["electronics"], --- > "tags" : ["electronic"], objects\hylotl\hylotlredalert\hylotlredalert.object 8c8 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "A bright blue alarm", 10a11,17 > > "apexDescription" : "This light will flash and an alarm will sound when there is an emergency.", > "avianDescription" : "A flashing light and siren that signal an emergency.", > "floranDescription" : "Flashy blue siren issss loud.", > "glitchDescription" : "Panic. A siren that announces an emergency.", > "humanDescription" : "Is a blue alert different from a red alert emergency?", > "hylotlDescription" : "A light that signals an emergency.", objects\hylotl\largetentacleprop\largetentacleprop.object 10c10 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "A huge stone tentacle", 15,19c15,19 < "avianDescription" : "-todo", < "floranDescription" : "-todo", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo", < "humanDescription" : "-todo", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo", --- > "avianDescription" : "There's a tentacle sticking out here.", > "floranDescription" : "What issss thissss?", > "glitchDescription" : "Surprise. A large stone tentacle emerges.", > "humanDescription" : "A gaint tentacle! Is that connected to anything?", > "hylotlDescription" : "A giant stone tentacle appears!", objects\hylotl\librarybookcaseg2\librarybookcaseg2.object 8c8 < "description" : "A very large antique bookcase.", --- > "description" : "A large antique bookcase.", objects\hylotl\librarybookcasel2\librarybookcasel2.object 17c17 < "hylotlDescription" : "It is the contents of a bookcase that really counts.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "It's the contents of a bookcase that really counts.", objects\hylotl\librarybookcasel2damage\librarybookcasel2damage.object 10c10 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged", 14,17c14,17 < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo", < "floranDescription" : "-todo", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo", --- > "apexDescription" : "Most of the books have gone and the bookcase is damaged.", > "avianDescription" : "This bookcase has not been lovingly looked after.", > "floranDescription" : "Messssy old bookcase.", > "glitchDescription" : "Statement. A disheveled bookcase.", 19c19 < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "This library has not been maintained to an appropriate standard.", objects\hylotl\librarybookcasen2\librarybookcasen2.object 8c8 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "A fairly big bookcase full of books.", 12,17c12,17 < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo", < "floranDescription" : "Green. Is a plant?", < "glitchDescription" : "Curious. I have never seen a turtle before.", < "humanDescription" : "A turtle! I like turtles.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The turtle is a truly inspiring creature.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A standard library bookcase.", > "avianDescription" : "An old bookcase full of books.", > "floranDescription" : "Library bookssss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Content. There are many bookcases such as this in Glitch kingdoms.", > "humanDescription" : "A sturdy bookcase.", > "hylotlDescription" : "An assortment of poems and prose line the shelves.", objects\hylotl\librarybookcasen2damage\librarybookcasen2damage.object 10c10 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "A library bookcase with missing books", 14,19c14,19 < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo", < "floranDescription" : "-todo", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo", < "humanDescription" : "-todo", < "hylotlDescription" : "-todo", --- > "apexDescription" : "Most of the books are now missing.", > "avianDescription" : "A lot of the books are now gone from this bookcase.", > "floranDescription" : "More empty shelvesss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observation. Many books are missing from this bookcase.", > "humanDescription" : "A lot of books are now missing from this bookcase.", > "hylotlDescription" : "Is a library still a library if the books are missing?", objects\hylotl\librarybookcases1\librarybookcases1.object 8c8 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "An old bookcase library bookcase", 12,17c12,17 < "apexDescription" : "-todo-", < "avianDescription" : "-todo", < "floranDescription" : "Green. Is a plant?", < "glitchDescription" : "Curious. I have never seen a turtle before.", < "humanDescription" : "A turtle! I like turtles.", < "hylotlDescription" : "The turtle is a truly inspiring creature.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This is quite a fancy old bookcase.", > "avianDescription" : "An ornate Hylotl bookcase.", > "floranDescription" : "Floran ssssmash bookcase already.", > "glitchDescription" : "Jealous. This bookcase would not look out of place in a Glitch castle.", > "humanDescription" : "Fancy bookcase for fancy books.", > "hylotlDescription" : "A traditional Hylotl bookcase.", projectiles\traps\ancienttrapboulderrolling\ancienttrapboulderrolling.projectile 9a10 > "piercing" : true, 14c15 < "file" : "/projectiles/traps/ancienttrapboulderrollingsmashexplosion/ancienttrapboulderrollingsmashexplosion.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/traps/ancienttrapbouldersmash/ancienttrapbouldersmash.config" projectiles\traps\trapboulder\trapboulder.projectile 13c13 < "file" : "/projectiles/traps/trapbouldersmashexplosion/trapbouldersmashexplosion.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/traps/trapbouldersmash/trapbouldersmash.config" projectiles\traps\trapboulderbouncy\trapboulderbouncy.projectile 14c14 < "file" : "/projectiles/traps/trapbouldersmashexplosion/trapbouldersmashexplosion.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/traps/trapbouldersmash/trapbouldersmash.config" projectiles\traps\trapboulderbouncy\trapboulderbouncylong.projectile 14c14 < "file" : "/projectiles/traps/trapbouldersmashexplosion/trapbouldersmashexplosion.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/traps/trapbouldersmash/trapbouldersmash.config" scripts\actions\entities.lua 113a114,147 > -- param entity > -- param types > function entityInTypes(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > entity = "target", > types = {"player", "npc", "monster"} > }) > > local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) > if entityId == nil or args.types == nil then return false end > > local entityType = world.entityType(entityId) > for _,acceptedType in pairs(args.types) do > if entityType == acceptedType then > return true > end > end > return false > end > > -- param entity > -- param func > function callScriptedEntity(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > entity = nil, > func = nil > }) > > local entityId = BData:getEntity(args.entity) > if entityId == nil or args.func == nil then return false end > > return world.callScriptedEntity(entityId, args.func) == true > end > tenants\villager.tenant 7,8c7 < "door": 1, < "generic": 3 --- > "door": 1