@ ---------------------------------------------- @ Predefined scripts: @ • 0x81A4E3F - CallSTD: Message (locked) @ • 0x81A4E4A - CallSTD: Message (all locked) @ • 0x81A4E54 - CallSTD: Message @ • 0x81A4E5C - CallSTD: Yes/No @ • 0x81A4E66 - CallSTD: 9 @ • 0x81A4EAF - Save your Game? @ • 0x81A4EC1 - *** Battle *** @ • 0x81A4EE9 - *** Battle *** @ • 0x81A4F21 - *** Battle *** @ • 0x81A4F3E - *** Battle *** @ • 0x81A4F73 - *** Mystery *** @ • 0x81A4F73 - *** Battle *** @ • 0x81A501F - CallSTD: 6 @ • 0x81A6578 - Standard Script: Nurse Joy @ • 0x81A667B - CallSTD: 0 @ • 0x81A67B3 - CallSTD: Item Ball @ • 0x81A6843 - *** Foo *** @ • 0x81A6955 - Standard Script: PC @ • 0x81A6AC8 - Standard Script: Surf @ • 0x81A8CED - Each Step Test @ • 0x81A8CF6 - Standard Script: Wireless Club @ • 0x81A8CFC - Standard Script: Teala the Second Floor Attendant @ • 0x81A8DFD - Each Step Test: Poison @ • 0x81A8E58 - CallSTD: 8 @ • 0x81BB44A - Standard Script: Cable Club @ • 0x81BDF13 - Standard Script: Cut Tree @ • 0x81BE00C - Standard Script: Rock Smash Boulder @ • 0x81BE11D - Standard Script: Strength Boulder @ • 0x81BE2B7 - Standard Script: Waterfall @ • 0x81BE38B - Standard Script: Dive (unused and disabled) @ • 0x81BF546 - Each Step Test: Hatching @ ----------------------------------------------
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160487 @ 0.4 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x63);
setflag (0x64);
setflag (0x65);
setflag (0x66);
setflag (0x67);
setflag (0x68);
setflag (0x69);
setflag (0x6A);
hidesprite (0x9);
hidesprite (0x8);
hidesprite (0x7);
hidesprite (0x2);
hidesprite (0x6);
hidesprite (0x5);
hidesprite (0x4);
hidesprite (0x3);
special (0x16D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81604BB @ 0.4 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81604BC @ 0.4 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x800D, 0x1);
waitstate ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81604C6 @ 0.4 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x800D, 0x2);
waitstate ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81604D0 @ 0.4 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x800D, 0x3);
waitstate ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81604DA @ 0.4 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x800D, 0x4);
waitstate ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81604E4 @ 0.4 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x800D, 0x5);
waitstate ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81604EE @ 0.4 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x800D, 0x6);
waitstate ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81604F8 @ 0.4 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x800D, 0x7);
waitstate ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160502 @ 0.4 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x800D, 0x8);
waitstate ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816050C @ 0.4 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x800D, 0x9);
waitstate ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160525 @ 1.0 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8A4);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160529 @ 1.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I came here with some friends to\ncatch us some BUG POKéMON!\rThey're all itching to get into\nsome POKéMON battles!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160532 @ 1.0 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I was throwing POKé BALLS to\ncatch POKéMON, and I ran out.\rThat's why you can never have too\nmany POKé BALLS.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816053B @ 1.0 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rIf your POKéMON are weak and you\nwant to avoid battles, stay away\ffrom grassy areas!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160544 @ 1.0 sign #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("For poison, use ANTIDOTE!\nGet it at POKéMON MARTS!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816054D @ 1.0 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rContact PROF. OAK via a PC to\nget your POKéDEX evaluated!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160556 @ 1.0 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rYou can't catch a POKéMON that\nbelongs to someone else.\rThrow POKé BALLS only at wild\nPOKéMON to catch them!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816055F @ 1.0 sign #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rWeaken POKéMON before attempting\ncapture!\rWhen healthy, they may escape!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160568 @ 1.0 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160571 @ 1.0 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 102, "Hey! You have POKéMON!\nCome on!\fLet's battle 'em!", "No!\nCATERPIE can't hack it!");
say ("Ssh! You'll scare the bugs away.\nAnother time, okay?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160588 @ 1.0 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 103, "Yo!\nYou can't jam out if you're a\fPOKéMON TRAINER!", "Huh?\nI ran out of POKéMON!");
say ("That totally stinks! I'm going to\ncatch some stronger ones!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816059F @ 1.0 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 104, "Hey, wait up!\nWhat's the hurry? Why the rush?", "I give!\nYou're good at this!");
say ("Sometimes, you can find stuff on\nthe ground.\rI'm looking for the stuff I\ndropped. Can you help me?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81605B6 @ 1.0 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 531, "I might be little, but I won't like\nit if you go easy on me!", "Oh, boo.\nNothing went right.");
say ("I lost some of my allowance…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81605CD @ 1.0 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 532, "Did you know that POKéMON evolve?", "Oh!\nI lost!");
say ("BUG POKéMON evolve quickly.\nThey're a lot of fun!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81605EA @ 1.1 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8A5);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81605EE @ 1.1 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Beware!\nZUBAT is a bloodsucker!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81605F7 @ 1.1 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 181, "WHOA!\nYou shocked me!\f…Oh, you're just a kid!", "Wow!\nShocked again!");
say ("Kids like you shouldn't be\nwandering around here in the dark.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816060E @ 1.1 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 91, "Did you come to explore the cave,\ntoo?", "Losing stinks!\nIt's so uncool.");
say ("I came all the way down here to\nshow off to girls.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160625 @ 1.1 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 120, "Wow! It's way bigger in here than\nI thought!", "Oh!\nI lost it!");
say ("How do you get out of here?\nIt's so big, I may get lost.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816063C @ 1.1 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 121, "What?\nI'm waiting for my friends to find\fme here.", "I lost?");
say ("I came because I heard there are\nsome very rare fossils here.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160653 @ 1.1 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 169, "What!\nDon't sneak up on me!", "My POKéMON won't do!");
say ("I have to find stronger POKéMON.\nWhere might they be?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816066A @ 1.1 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 108, "Suspicious men are in the cave.\nWhat about you?", "You got me!");
say ("I saw them!\nI'm sure they're from TEAM ROCKET!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160681 @ 1.1 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 109, "You need to go through this cave\nto get to CERULEAN CITY.", "I lost.");
say ("ZUBAT is tough!\nBut if you can catch one, you'll\fbe able to count on it.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816069F @ 1.3 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x232) call (lbl_1606A9);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81606A9 @ Referenced by lbl_16069F @ ----------------------------------------------
clearflag (0x2F);
clearflag (0x30);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81606B0 @ 1.3 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
applymove (0x3, move_1A75EB);
waitformove (0x0);
call (lbl_1606DD);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81606DD @ Referenced by lbl_1606B0 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
preparemsg ("Hey, stop!\rI found these fossils!\nThey're both mine!");
waitmsg ();
playsong (0x156, 0);
waitkeypress ();
setvar (0x800F, 0x3);
trainerbattle (3, 170, "Okay!\nI'll share!");
setvar (0x408B, 0x1);
say ("We'll each take a fossil!\nNo being greedy!", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A75EB @ Referenced by lbl_1606B0 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (RealFastInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81606C2 @ 1.3 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x232) goto (lbl_160707);
checktrainer (0xAA);
ifgoto (1, lbl_160711);
call (lbl_1606DD);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160711 @ Referenced by lbl_1606C2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("We'll each take a fossil!\nNo being greedy!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160707 @ Referenced by lbl_1606C2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Far away, on CINNABAR ISLAND,\nthere's a POKéMON LAB.\rThey do research on regenerating\nfossils.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816071B @ 1.3 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("Do you want the DOME FOSSIL?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1607DE);
hidesprite (0x1);
giveitem (0x166, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "Obtained the DOME FOSSIL!");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x166);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x13E);
callstd (9);
closeonkeypress ();
special (0x188);
pause (0xA);
applymove (0x3, move_16077A);
waitformove (0x0);
moveoffscreen (0x3);
textcolor (0);
jingle (0x13E);
preparemsg ("All right.\nThen this fossil is mine!");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
hidesprite (0x2);
setflag (0x272);
setflag (0x232);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816077A @ Referenced by lbl_16071B @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81607DE @ Referenced by lbl_16071B @ ----------------------------------------------
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816077F @ 1.3 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("Do you want the HELIX FOSSIL?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1607DE);
hidesprite (0x2);
giveitem (0x165, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "Obtained the HELIX FOSSIL!");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x165);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x13E);
callstd (9);
closeonkeypress ();
special (0x188);
pause (0xA);
applymove (0x3, move_1607E0);
waitformove (0x0);
moveoffscreen (0x3);
textcolor (0);
jingle (0x13E);
preparemsg ("All right.\nThen this fossil is mine!");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
hidesprite (0x1);
setflag (0x273);
setflag (0x232);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81607E0 @ Referenced by lbl_16077F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81607E4 @ 1.3 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 351, "We, TEAM ROCKET, shall find the\nfossils!\rReviving POKéMON from them will\nearn us huge riches!", "Urgh!\nNow I'm mad!");
say ("You made me mad!\nTEAM ROCKET will blacklist you!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81607FB @ 1.3 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 352, "We, TEAM ROCKET, are POKéMON\ngangsters!\fWe strike fear with our strength!", "I blew it!");
say ("Darn it all!\nMy associates won't stand for this!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160812 @ 1.3 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 353, "We're pulling a big job here!\nGet lost, kid!", "So, you are good…");
say ("If you find a fossil, give it to me\nand scram!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160829 @ 1.3 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 354, "Little kids shouldn't be messing\naround with grown-ups!\rIt could be bad news!", "I'm steamed!");
say ("POKéMON lived here long before\npeople came.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816084B @ 1.4 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8A6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81608CC @ 1.5 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Bonjour!\nI am le waiter on this ship!\rI will be happy to serve you\nanything you please!\r… … …\nAh! Le strong silent type!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81608D5 @ 1.5 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The passengers are restless from\nthis long voyage.\rYou might be challenged by the\nmore bored ones!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81608DF @ 1.6 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
jump (lbl_160903);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160903 @ Referenced by lbl_1608DF @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
playsound (0x9);
pause (0x5);
playsong (0x13B, 0);
showsprite (0x1);
pause (0xA);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0x14);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_1609AD);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_1609B8);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_1609CA);
say ("{TERRY}: Bonjour!\n{RED}!\rImagine seeing you here!\n{RED}, were you really invited?\rSo how's your POKéDEX coming?\rI already caught 40 kinds, pal.\nDifferent kinds are everywhere.\rCrawl around in grassy areas, and\nlook hard for them.", 4);
setvar (0x800F, 0x1);
if (0x4031 == 0x2) call (lbl_1609DC);
if (0x4031 == 0x1) call (lbl_1609E7);
if (0x4031 == 0x0) call (lbl_1609F2);
say ("{TERRY}: I heard there was a CUT\nmaster on board.\rBut he was just a seasick old man!\rCUT itself is really useful.\nYup, it'll be handy.\rYou should go see him, too.\nSmell ya!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
pause (0xA);
playsong (0x13C, 0);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_1609FD);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_160A08);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_160A13);
fadetodefault ();
hidesprite (0x1);
setvar (0x405B, 0x1);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160A13 @ Referenced by lbl_160903 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_160A4C);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160A4C @ Referenced by lbl_160A13 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160A08 @ Referenced by lbl_160903 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_160A44);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160A44 @ Referenced by lbl_160A08 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81609FD @ Referenced by lbl_160903 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_160A3B);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160A3B @ Referenced by lbl_1609FD @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81609F2 @ Referenced by lbl_160903 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 428, "Humph!\rAt least you're raising your\nPOKéMON!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81609E7 @ Referenced by lbl_160903 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 427, "Humph!\rAt least you're raising your\nPOKéMON!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81609DC @ Referenced by lbl_160903 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 426, "Humph!\rAt least you're raising your\nPOKéMON!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81609CA @ Referenced by lbl_160903 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_160A1E);
applymove (0x1, move_160A34);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160A34 @ Referenced by lbl_1609CA @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.West, 0x1A, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160A1E @ Referenced by lbl_1609CA @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, RealFastInPlace.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81609B8 @ Referenced by lbl_160903 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_160A2E);
applymove (0xFF, move_160A24);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160A24 @ Referenced by lbl_1609B8 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, RealFastInPlace.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160A2E @ Referenced by lbl_1609B8 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, RealFastInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81609AD @ Referenced by lbl_160903 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_160A2A);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160A2A @ Referenced by lbl_1609AD @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A75ED @ Referenced by lbl_160903 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (RealFastInPlace.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81608EB @ 1.6 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_160903);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81608F7 @ 1.6 trap #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x2);
jump (lbl_160903);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160A54 @ 1.6 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("This ship, she is a luxury liner for\nTRAINERS of the world!\rAt every port, we hold parties with\ninvited TRAINERS.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160A5E @ 1.7 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Our CAPTAIN is a sword master.\nHe's awesome at using CUT.\rThey say he even teaches CUT\nto POKéMON!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160A69 @ 1.9 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The party's over.\nThe ship will be departing soon.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160A72 @ 1.9 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Urf… I feel ill…\rI got seasick, so I stepped out to\nget some air…", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160A7B @ 1.9 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Whew!\nScrubbing decks is hard work!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160A84 @ 1.9 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 134, "Hey, matey!\rLet's do a little jig!", "You're impressive!");
say ("How many kinds of POKéMON do you\nthink there are in this big world?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160A9B @ 1.9 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 135, "Ahoy, there!\nAre you seasick?", "I was just careless!");
say ("My pa said there are 100 kinds of\nPOKéMON. I think there are more.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160AB3 @ 1.10 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You, mon petit!\nWe're busy here!\fOut of the way!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160ABC @ 1.10 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I saw an odd BERRY in the trash.\nI wonder what that was?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160AC5 @ 1.10 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'm so busy I'm getting dizzy!\nYou have to give me room here!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160ACE @ 1.10 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("Er-hem!\nIndeed I am le CHEF!\rLe main course is", 4);
getrandom (0x3);
copyvar (0x8008, 0x800D);
if (0x8008 == 0x0) call (lbl_160B03);
if (0x8008 == 0x1) call (lbl_160B0C);
if (0x8008 == 0x2) call (lbl_160B15);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160B15 @ Referenced by lbl_160ACE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Prime Beefsteak!\rBut, have I enough fillets du\nbeef?", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160B0C @ Referenced by lbl_160ACE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Eels au Barbecue!\rLes guests will mutiny, I fear.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160B03 @ Referenced by lbl_160ACE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Salmon du Salad!\rLes guests may gripe it's fish\nagain, however!", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160B1E @ 1.10 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hum-de-hum-de-ho…\rI peel spuds every day!\nHum-hum…", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160B27 @ 1.10 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Did you hear about SNORLAX?\nIt's a glutton.\rNo other POKéMON eats and sleeps\nthe way SNORLAX can and does!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160B30 @ 1.10 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Snivel… Sniff…\rI only get to peel onions…\nSnivel…", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160B3A @ 1.11 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
if (0x237) goto (lbl_160BB5);
say ("CAPTAIN: Ooargh…\nI feel hideous…\fUrrp! Seasick…", 4);
textcolor (3);
preparemsg ("{RED} rubbed the CAPTAIN's\nback!\rRub-rub…\nRub-rub…");
waitmsg ();
jingle (0x100);
waitforjingle ();
call (lbl_1A6675);
pause (0x32);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("CAPTAIN: Whew! Thank you!\nI'm feeling much better now.\rYou want to see my hidden CUT\ntechnique?\rI could show you my prized CUT\ntechnique if I weren't so ill…\rI know! You can have this!\nThis HIDDEN MACHINE!\rTeach CUT to your POKéMON, and\nyou can see it CUT anytime!", 4);
giveitem (0x153, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} obtained HM01\nfrom the CAPTAIN!");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x153);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x13E);
callstd (9);
say ("Using CUT, you can chop down\nsmall trees.\rWhy not try it with the trees\naround VERMILION CITY?", 4);
setflag (0x237);
setvar (0x407E, 0x1);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A75E1 @ Referenced by lbl_160B3A @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x4A, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6675 @ Referenced by lbl_160B3A @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8012, 0x8013);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160BB5 @ Referenced by lbl_160B3A @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("CAPTAIN: …Whew!\rNow that I'm not sick anymore,\nI guess it's time.\rThe S.S. ANNE will set sail soon!\rFarewell, until our return to\nVERMILION CITY!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160BC9 @ 1.11 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Yuck!\nShouldn't have looked!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160BD2 @ 1.11 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("How to Conquer Seasickness…\nThe CAPTAIN's reading this!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160BDC @ 1.12 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Ssh…!\nI'm a GLOBAL POLICE agent.\rI'm on the trail of TEAM ROCKET.\nThey're up to nothing good!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160BE6 @ 1.13 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("We are cruising around the world,\nmy children and I.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160BEF @ 1.13 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 126, "I collected these POKéMON\nfrom all around the world!", "Oh, no!\nI went around the world for these!");
say ("You hurt my poor POKéMON!\rI demand that you heal them at a\nPOKéMON CENTER!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160C06 @ 1.13 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 96, "I love POKéMON!\nDo you?", "Wow! \nYou're great!");
say ("Listen, listen!\nLet me be your friend, okay?\rThen we can trade POKéMON and\ndo stuff.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160C1E @ 1.14 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I always travel with WIGGLYTUFF.\nI never leave home without it.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160C27 @ 1.14 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A world cruise is so elegant yet\ncozy!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160C30 @ 1.14 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
cry (0x28, 0x0);
say ("WIGGLYTUFF: Puup pupuu!", 4);
waitforcry ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160C44 @ 1.15 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
getgender ();
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_160C5C);
say ("Waitress, I would like a cherry\npie, please!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160C5C @ Referenced by lbl_160C44 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Waiter, I would like a cherry pie,\nplease!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160C67 @ 1.16 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 422, "You insolent pup!\nHow dare you barge in!", "Humph! You rude child!\nYou have no sense of courtesy!");
say ("I wish to be left alone!\nGet out!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160C7F @ 1.17 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 421, "I am but a solitary traveler…\rMy sole companions and friends are\nPOKéMON I caught on my journeys…", "My, my friends…");
say ("You should be nice to friends!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160C97 @ 1.18 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("I've journeyed far and wide, but in\nall my travels I've never seen\fany POKéMON sleep like this one!\rIt was something like this!");
waitmsg ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x8F);
special (0x163);
showpokepic (0x8F, 10, 3);
waitkeypress ();
hidepokepic ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160CB1 @ 1.19 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 223, "Check out what I fished up!", "I'm all out!");
say ("Party?\rThe cruise ship's party should be\nover by now.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160CC8 @ 1.19 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 482, "Competing against the young keeps\nme youthful.", "Good match!\nAh, I feel young again!");
say ("Fifteen years ago, I would\nhave won!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160CE0 @ 1.20 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Ah, yes, I have seen some POKéMON\nferry people across the water!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160CE9 @ 1.20 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Small trees can be chopped down\nusing the move CUT.\rBut remember this!\nCUT is an HM technique.\rOnce learned, it is not so easily\ndiscarded.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160CF3 @ 1.21 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 483, "Which do you find more worthy,\na strong or a rare POKéMON?", "I must salute you!");
say ("Personally, I prefer strong and\nrare POKéMON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160D0A @ 1.21 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 127, "I don't believe I saw you at the\nparty?", "Take it easy!");
say ("Oh, I adore your strong POKéMON!\nOh, how I envy you for them!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160D22 @ 1.22 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Have you gone to the SAFARI ZONE\nin FUCHSIA CITY?\rThere are many kinds of rare\nPOKéMON.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160D2B @ 1.22 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Me and my daddy think the SAFARI\nZONE is awesome!\fI wish we could go there again.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160D35 @ 1.23 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The CAPTAIN said he's awfully sick.\nHe was all pale.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160D3E @ 1.23 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I hear many people get seasick.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160D48 @ 1.24 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 224, "Hello, stranger!\rI can't tell if you're from the seas\nor mountains, but stop and chat.\rAll my POKéMON are from the sea.", "Darn!\nI let that one get away!");
say ("I was going to make you my\nassistant, too!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160D5F @ 1.24 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 140, "Matey, you're walking the plank if\nyou lose!", "Argh!\nBeaten by a kid!");
say ("When we're out at sea, jellyfish\nPOKéMON sometimes drift by.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160D77 @ 1.25 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 138, "Even us sailors have POKéMON, too!", "Okay, you're not bad.");
say ("We caught all our POKéMON while\nwe were out at sea.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160D8F @ 1.26 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 139, "I like feisty kids like you!", "Argh!\nLost it!");
say ("Sea POKéMON live in deep water.\nYou'll need a ROD to fish them up!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160DA7 @ 1.27 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 136, "You know what they say about\nsailors and battling!", "Right!\nGood battle, mate!");
say ("Hahaha!\nWant to be a sailor, mate?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160DBE @ 1.27 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 137, "Come on, then!\nMy sailor's pride is at stake!", "Your spirit sank me!");
say ("Did you see the FISHING GURU in\nVERMILION CITY?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160DD6 @ 1.28 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("My buddy MACHOKE is super strong!\rHe has enough STRENGTH to move\nbig rocks!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160DDF @ 1.28 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
cry (0x43, 0x0);
say ("MACHOKE: Gwoh! Goggoh!", 4);
waitforcry ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160DF3 @ 1.29 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("You look tired. Would you like to\ntake a short rest?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_160E18);
closeonkeypress ();
call (lbl_1A6C26);
say ("I'm glad to see that everyone is\nlooking refreshed and chipper.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6C26 @ Referenced by lbl_160DF3 @ ----------------------------------------------
fade (1);
jingle (0x100);
waitforjingle ();
special (0x0);
fade (0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160E18 @ Referenced by lbl_160DF3 @ ----------------------------------------------
getgender ();
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_160E2E);
say ("Oh, I'm sorry for fussing over you.\nYou look like my little sister…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160E2E @ Referenced by lbl_160E18 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, I'm sorry for fussing over you.\nYou look like my little brother…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160E39 @ 1.30 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x2);
call (lbl_1A8CAD);
if (0x24B) goto (lbl_160EAB);
say ("Hi!\nDo you have a {var:2}?\rWant to trade it for my\n{var:3}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_160E93);
call (lbl_1A8CBD);
if (0x8004 => 0x6) goto (lbl_160E93);
call (lbl_1A8CC9);
comparevars (0x800D, 0x8009);
ifgoto (5, lbl_160E9D);
call (lbl_1A8CD9);
say ("Thanks, you're a pal!", 4);
setflag (0x24B);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8CD9 @ Referenced by lbl_160E39 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8004, 0x8008);
copyvar (0x8005, 0x800A);
special (0xFD);
special (0xFE);
waitstate ();
lock ();
faceplayer ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160E9D @ Referenced by lbl_160E39 @ ----------------------------------------------
getpokemonname (0, 0x8009);
say ("…This is no {var:2}.\rIf you get one, trade it with me.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8CC9 @ Referenced by lbl_160E39 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8005, 0x800A);
special2 (0x800D, 0xFF);
copyvar (0x800B, 0x800D);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8CBD @ Referenced by lbl_160E39 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x9F);
waitstate ();
lock ();
faceplayer ();
copyvar (0x800A, 0x8004);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160E93 @ Referenced by lbl_160E39 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("That's too bad.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160EAB @ Referenced by lbl_160E39 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("How is my old {var:3}?\nMy {var:2} is doing great!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8CAD @ Referenced by lbl_160E39 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8004, 0x8008);
special2 (0x800D, 0xFC);
copyvar (0x8009, 0x800D);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160EBB @ 1.31 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8A7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160EC0 @ 1.32 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("People often lose things in the\ndarkness of the UNDERGROUND PATH.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160ECA @ 1.33 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I heard a sleepy POKéMON appeared\nout near CELADON CITY, too.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160ED9 @ 1.34 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8A8);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160EDE @ 1.35 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The DEPARTMENT STORE in CELADON\nhas a great selection.\rDo you go there very often?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160EE8 @ 1.36 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I went inside ROCK TUNNEL, but it's\npitch-black and scary in there.\rIf I could get a POKéMON to use\nFLASH and light it up…", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160EF7 @ 1.37 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8A9);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160EFC @ 1.38 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Well, isn't this a surprise!\nDIGLETT dug this long tunnel!\rIt goes right to VIRIDIAN CITY,\nthey tell me.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160F10 @ 1.39 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4064 != 0x64) call (lbl_160F1C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160F1C @ Referenced by lbl_160F10 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0xC, 0xE, 0x307, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0xF, 0x317, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160F2F @ 1.39 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8AA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160F33 @ 1.39 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x4064 == 0x64) goto (lbl_160F62);
setmaptile (0xC, 0xE, 0x2D1, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xC, 0xF, 0x2E1, 0x0);
playsound (0x23);
special (0x8E);
checksound ();
moveoffscreen (0x5);
setvar (0x4064, 0x64);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160F62 @ Referenced by lbl_160F33 @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160F64 @ 1.39 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 406, "I wonder if you are good enough\nfor me?", "I lost out…");
say ("I never wanted to lose to anybody,\nespecially to a younger kid…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160F7B @ 1.39 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 396, "I can see you're good.\nLet me see exactly how good!", "I had a chance…");
say ("Tch!\nI concede, you are better than I!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160F98 @ 1.40 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4065 != 0x64) call (lbl_160FAF);
if (0x4066 != 0x64) call (lbl_160FC2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160FC2 @ Referenced by lbl_160F98 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x21, 0x10, 0x307, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x21, 0x11, 0x317, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160FAF @ Referenced by lbl_160F98 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0xD, 0xA, 0x307, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xD, 0xB, 0x317, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8160FD5 @ 1.40 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x4065 == 0x64) goto (lbl_161004);
setmaptile (0xD, 0xA, 0x2D1, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xD, 0xB, 0x2E1, 0x0);
playsound (0x23);
special (0x8E);
checksound ();
moveoffscreen (0xB);
setvar (0x4065, 0x64);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161004 @ Referenced by lbl_160FD5 @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161006 @ 1.40 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x4066 == 0x64) goto (lbl_161035);
setmaptile (0x21, 0x10, 0x2D1, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x21, 0x11, 0x2E1, 0x0);
playsound (0x23);
special (0x8E);
checksound ();
moveoffscreen (0xC);
setvar (0x4066, 0x64);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161035 @ Referenced by lbl_161006 @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161037 @ 1.40 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 167, "If you can get through here,\nyou can go meet the ELITE FOUR.", "No!\nUnbelievable!");
say ("I can beat you when it comes to\nknowledge about POKéMON!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816104E @ 1.40 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 325, "This here is VICTORY ROAD.\nIt's the final test for TRAINERS!", "Atcho!");
say ("If you get stuck, try moving some\nboulders around.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161065 @ 1.40 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 287, "Ah, so you wish to challenge the\nELITE FOUR?", "You got me!");
say ("{TERRY} also came through here.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816107C @ 1.40 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 290, "Is VICTORY ROAD too tough?", "Well done!");
say ("Many TRAINERS give up their\nchallenge here and go home.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161093 @ 1.40 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 298, "Come on!\nI'll whip you!", "I got whipped!");
say ("You earned the right to be on\nVICTORY ROAD…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81610B0 @ 1.41 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4067 != 0x64) call (lbl_1610BC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81610BC @ Referenced by lbl_1610B0 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0xC, 0xC, 0x307, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0xD, 0x317, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81610CF @ 1.41 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x4067 == 0x64) goto (lbl_161101);
setmaptile (0xC, 0xC, 0x2D1, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xC, 0xD, 0x2E1, 0x0);
playsound (0x23);
special (0x8E);
checksound ();
moveoffscreen (0x7);
moveoffscreen (0xA);
setvar (0x4067, 0x64);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161101 @ Referenced by lbl_1610CF @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161103 @ 1.41 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 393, "I heard rumors of a child prodigy.", "The rumors were true!");
say ("So, it was you who beat GIOVANNI\nof TEAM ROCKET?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816111A @ 1.41 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 394, "Only the chosen can pass here!", "I don't believe it!");
say ("All TRAINERS here are headed to\nthe POKéMON LEAGUE.\rDon't let down your guard.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161131 @ 1.41 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 403, "I'll show you just how good you\nare. Not!", "I'm furious!");
say ("You showed me just how good\nI was…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161148 @ 1.41 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 404, "TRAINERS live to seek stronger\nopponents.", "Oh!\nSo strong!");
say ("By fighting tough battles, you get\nstronger.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816115F @ 1.41 person #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 485, "RAY: Together, the two of us are\ndestined for greatness!", "RAY: Ludicrous!\nThis can't be!", "RAY: Together, the two of us are\nstriving for the pinnacle.\rWe need you to bring two POKéMON\ninto battle with us.");
say ("RAY: You've beaten us.\nGreatness remains elusive…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816117A @ 1.41 person #11 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 485, "TYRA: We're trying to become\nchampions together.", "TYRA: Oh, but…", "TYRA: You can't battle with us if\nyou have only one POKéMON.");
say ("TYRA: You've taught me that power\ncan be infinite in shape and form.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81611A0 @ 1.42 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
checktrainer (0x16A);
ifgosub (0, lbl_161233);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161233 @ Referenced by lbl_1611A0 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x14, 0x13, 0x2CE, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x15, 0x13, 0x2CF, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x14, 0x14, 0x2D6, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x15, 0x14, 0x2D7, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x14, 0x15, 0x282, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x15, 0x15, 0x282, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81611AA @ 1.42 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8AB);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81611AE @ 1.42 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 358, "Who are you?\nHow did you get here?", "Oww!\nBeaten!");
say ("Blast it… You're dissing TEAM\nROCKET, aren't you?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81611C5 @ 1.42 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 359, "You broke into TEAM ROCKET's\noperation? What nerve!", "Boom!");
say ("You're not going to get away with\nthis, brat!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81611DC @ 1.42 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 360, "Intruder alert!", "I can't do it!");
say ("SILPH SCOPE? Humph!\nI don't know where it is.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81611F3 @ 1.42 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 361, "Why did you come here?", "This won't do!");
say ("Okay, I'll talk…\nTake the elevator to see my BOSS.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816120A @ 1.42 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (2, 362, "Are you lost, you little mouse?", "Why…?", lbl_161225);
say ("Uh-oh, that ruckus somehow opened\nthe door!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161225 @ Referenced by lbl_16120A @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16126A);
playsound (0x26);
special (0x8E);
checksound ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816126A @ Referenced by lbl_161225 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x14, 0x13, 0x282, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x15, 0x13, 0x281, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x14, 0x14, 0x282, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x15, 0x14, 0x281, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x14, 0x15, 0x282, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x15, 0x15, 0x281, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81612A2 @ 1.43 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 363, "BOSS said you can see ghosts with\nthe SILPH SCOPE.", "I surrender!");
say ("The TEAM ROCKET HQ has four\nunderground floors.\rThink you can reach the BOSS?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81612BA @ 1.44 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 364, "Stop meddling in TEAM ROCKET's\naffairs or else!", "Oof!\nTaken down!");
say ("SILPH SCOPE?\nOh, that machine the BOSS stole.\rIt's here somewhere.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81612D1 @ 1.44 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 365, "We got word from upstairs that you\nwere coming!", "What?\nI lost? No!");
say ("Go ahead and go!\rBut you can't run the elevator\nwithout the LIFT KEY.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81612EE @ 1.45 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
checktrainer (0x16E);
ifgosub (1, lbl_161311);
checktrainer (0x16F);
ifgosub (1, lbl_161311);
if (0x4001 != 0x2) call (lbl_16146A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816146A @ Referenced by lbl_1612EE @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x11, 0xC, 0x2CE, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x12, 0xC, 0x2CF, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x11, 0xD, 0x2D6, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x12, 0xD, 0x2D7, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x11, 0xE, 0x282, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x12, 0xE, 0x282, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161311 @ Referenced by lbl_1612EE @ ----------------------------------------------
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161317 @ 1.45 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xF);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x173);
preparemsg ("So! I must say, I am impressed you\ngot here.\rTEAM ROCKET captures POKéMON from\naround the world.\rThey're important tools for keeping\nour criminal enterprise going.\rI am the leader, GIOVANNI!\rFor your insolence, you will feel a\nworld of pain!");
waitmsg ();
playsong (0x11B, 0);
waitkeypress ();
trainerbattle (3, 348, "WHAT!\nThis can't be!");
say ("I see that you raise POKéMON with\nutmost care.\rA child like you would never\nunderstand what I hope to achieve.\rI shall step aside this time!\rI hope we meet again…", 4);
fade (1);
closeonkeypress ();
hidesprite (0x1);
showsprite (0x2);
clearflag (0x37);
setflag (0x5F);
setvar (0x8004, 0xF);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x174);
fade (0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161363 @ 1.45 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
hidesprite (0x2);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x167);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A6BF9);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6BF9 @ Referenced by lbl_161363 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
say ("Too bad!\nThe BAG is full…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161381 @ 1.45 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (2, 368, "The elevator doesn't work?\nWho has the LIFT KEY?", "No!", lbl_16139D);
say ("Oh, no!\nI dropped the LIFT KEY!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816139D @ Referenced by lbl_161381 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, no!\nI dropped the LIFT KEY!", 4);
showsprite (0x4);
clearflag (0x36);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81613AD @ 1.45 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setflag (0x2A5);
hidesprite (0x4);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x164);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A6BF9);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81613CE @ 1.45 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (2, 366, "I know you!\nYou ruined our plans at MT. MOON!", "Burned again!", lbl_1613E9);
say ("Do you have something against TEAM\nROCKET?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81613E9 @ Referenced by lbl_1613CE @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
checktrainer (0x16E);
ifgosub (1, lbl_161311);
checktrainer (0x16F);
ifgosub (1, lbl_161311);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_1614A1);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_161462);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161462 @ Referenced by lbl_1613E9 @ ----------------------------------------------
playsound (0x26);
special (0x8E);
checksound ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81614A1 @ Referenced by lbl_1613E9 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x11, 0xC, 0x282, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x12, 0xC, 0x281, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x11, 0xD, 0x282, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x12, 0xD, 0x281, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x11, 0xE, 0x282, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x12, 0xE, 0x281, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161418 @ 1.45 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (2, 367, "How can you not see the beauty of\nour evil?", "Ayaya!", lbl_161433);
say ("BOSS!\nI'm sorry I failed you!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161433 @ Referenced by lbl_161418 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
checktrainer (0x16E);
ifgosub (1, lbl_161311);
checktrainer (0x16F);
ifgosub (1, lbl_161311);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_1614A1);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_161462);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81614D9 @ 1.46 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (not 0x2A5) goto (lbl_16161B);
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
if (not 0x2) call (lbl_1A7AB9);
copyvar (0x8005, 0x403A);
special (0x132);
preparemsg ("Which floor do you want?");
waitmsg ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
special2 (0x800D, 0x1B8);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_161530);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16153C);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_161548);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161548 @ Referenced by lbl_1614D9 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice2 (0, 0, 42, 2, 0);
jump (lbl_161554);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161554 @ Referenced by lbl_161548 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_161591);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1615B9);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1615E1);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_161609);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_161609);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161609 @ Referenced by lbl_161554 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x160);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81615E1 @ Referenced by lbl_161554 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
setwarpplace (1, 45, 255, 0x14, 0x17);
if (0x403A == 0x0) goto (lbl_161609);
call (lbl_16160E);
setvar (0x403A, 0x0);
jump (lbl_161609);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816160E @ Referenced by lbl_1615E1 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x160);
closeonkeypress ();
checksound ();
special (0x111);
waitstate ();
setflag (0x2);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81615B9 @ Referenced by lbl_161554 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x2);
setwarpplace (1, 43, 255, 0x1C, 0x10);
if (0x403A == 0x2) goto (lbl_161609);
call (lbl_16160E);
setvar (0x403A, 0x2);
jump (lbl_161609);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161591 @ Referenced by lbl_161554 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x3);
setwarpplace (1, 42, 255, 0x18, 0x19);
if (0x403A == 0x3) goto (lbl_161609);
call (lbl_16160E);
setvar (0x403A, 0x3);
jump (lbl_161609);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816153C @ Referenced by lbl_1614D9 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice2 (0, 0, 42, 1, 0);
jump (lbl_161554);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161530 @ Referenced by lbl_1614D9 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice2 (0, 0, 42, 0, 0);
jump (lbl_161554);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7AB9 @ Referenced by lbl_1614D9 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0xD8);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816161B @ Referenced by lbl_1614D9 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It appears to need a key.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816162B @ 1.47 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8AC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816162F @ 1.47 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Welcome.\rThe PRESIDENT is in the boardroom\non 11F.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161638 @ 1.47 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SILPH CO. HEAD OFFICE\n1F", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161647 @ 1.48 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x27A) call (lbl_1A8149);
if (not 0x27B) call (lbl_1A8177);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8177 @ Referenced by lbl_161647 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x5, 0xF, 0x3B0, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0xF, 0x3B1, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x5, 0x10, 0x3B8, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x10, 0x3B9, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x11, 0x335, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8149 @ Referenced by lbl_161647 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x5, 0x8, 0x3B0, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x8, 0x3B1, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x5, 0x9, 0x3B8, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x9, 0x3B9, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0xA, 0x335, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816165A @ 1.48 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
jump (lbl_1C4816);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4816 @ Referenced by lbl_16165A @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2C1) goto (lbl_1C4874);
say ("Eeek!\nNo! Stop! Help!\rOh, you're not with TEAM ROCKET.\nI'm sorry, I thought…\rWill you forgive me if I teach\nyou the THUNDER WAVE technique?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C486A);
call (lbl_1C4F37);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C486A);
say ("Which POKéMON should I teach\nTHUNDER WAVE?", 4);
setvar (0x8005, 0xB);
call (lbl_1C4F30);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C486A);
setflag (0x2C1);
jump (lbl_1C4874);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4F30 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4816 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x18D);
waitstate ();
lock ();
faceplayer ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4F37 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4816 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
special (0x171);
signmsg ();
say ("This move can be learned only\nonce. Is that okay?", 5);
normalmsg ();
call (lbl_1A6675);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C486A @ Referenced by lbl_1C4816 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh…\nBut THUNDER WAVE is convenient…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4874 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4816 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("THUNDER WAVE causes paralysis in\nthe target POKéMON.\rA paralyzed POKéMON may be unable\nto move in battle.\rIt's an ELECTRIC-type move, so it\nwon't work on some POKéMON.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161660 @ 1.48 sign #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SILPH CO. HEAD OFFICE\n2F", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161669 @ 1.48 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 336, "Help!\nI'm a SILPH employee.", "How did you know\nI was a ROCKET?");
say ("I work for both SILPH and TEAM\nROCKET.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161680 @ 1.48 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 337, "It's off-limits here!\nGo home!", "You're good.");
say ("Can you solve the maze in here?\nIt's not easy, I tell you!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161697 @ 1.48 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 373, "No kids are allowed in here!", "Tough!");
say ("Diamond-shaped tiles are teleport\nblocks.\rThey're transporters for this\nhigh-tech building.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81616AE @ 1.48 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 374, "Hey, kid!\nWhat are you wandering here for?", "I goofed!");
say ("SILPH CO. will be associated with\nTEAM ROCKET!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81616CB @ 1.49 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x27C) call (lbl_1A81A5);
if (not 0x27D) call (lbl_1A81DC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A81DC @ Referenced by lbl_1616CB @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x14, 0xB, 0x3C0, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x15, 0xB, 0x3C1, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x14, 0xC, 0x3C2, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x15, 0xC, 0x3C3, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x14, 0xD, 0x3C4, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x15, 0xD, 0x3C5, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A81A5 @ Referenced by lbl_1616CB @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x9, 0xB, 0x3C0, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xA, 0xB, 0x3C1, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x9, 0xC, 0x3C2, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xA, 0xC, 0x3C3, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x9, 0xD, 0x3C4, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xA, 0xD, 0x3C5, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81616DE @ 1.49 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4060 => 0x1) goto (lbl_1616F5);
say ("I work for SILPH CO.\nWhat am I to do?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81616F5 @ Referenced by lbl_1616DE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("{RED}!\nYou and your POKéMON saved us!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81616FF @ 1.49 sign #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SILPH CO. HEAD OFFICE\n3F", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161708 @ 1.49 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 338, "I support TEAM ROCKET more than\nI support SILPH CO.!", "You really got me!");
say ("Humph…\rTEAM ROCKET said that if I helped\nthem, they'd let me study POKéMON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816171F @ 1.49 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 375, "Quit messing with us, kid!", "I give up!");
say ("A hint? You can open doors with\na CARD KEY!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816173C @ 1.50 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x27E) call (lbl_1A8213);
if (not 0x27F) call (lbl_1A8241);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8241 @ Referenced by lbl_16173C @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0xE, 0xB, 0x3B0, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xF, 0xB, 0x3B1, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xE, 0xC, 0x3B8, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xF, 0xC, 0x3B9, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xF, 0xD, 0x335, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8213 @ Referenced by lbl_16173C @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x3, 0x10, 0x3B0, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x4, 0x10, 0x3B1, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x3, 0x11, 0x3B8, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x4, 0x11, 0x3B9, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x4, 0x12, 0x335, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816174F @ 1.50 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4060 => 0x1) goto (lbl_161766);
say ("Sssh!\nCan't you see I'm hiding?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161766 @ Referenced by lbl_16174F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Huh?\nTEAM ROCKET is gone?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161770 @ 1.50 sign #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SILPH CO. HEAD OFFICE\n4F", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161779 @ 1.50 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 339, "My POKéMON is my loyal servant.", "Darn!\nYou weak POKéMON!");
say ("The doors are electronically\nlocked.\rIt takes a CARD KEY to open the\ndoors here.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161790 @ 1.50 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 376, "TEAM ROCKET has taken control\nof SILPH CO.!", "Arrgh!");
say ("Fwahahaha!\nMy BOSS has been after this place!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81617A7 @ 1.50 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 377, "Intruder spotted!", "Who are you?");
say ("I better tell the BOSS on 11F!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81617C4 @ 1.51 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x280) call (lbl_1A826F);
if (not 0x281) call (lbl_1A82A6);
if (not 0x282) call (lbl_1A82DD);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A82DD @ Referenced by lbl_1617C4 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x12, 0xC, 0x3C0, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x13, 0xC, 0x3C1, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x12, 0xD, 0x3C2, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x13, 0xD, 0x3C3, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x12, 0xE, 0x3C4, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x13, 0xE, 0x3C5, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A82A6 @ Referenced by lbl_1617C4 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x7, 0x11, 0x3C0, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x8, 0x11, 0x3C1, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x7, 0x12, 0x3C2, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x8, 0x12, 0x3C3, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x7, 0x13, 0x3C4, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x8, 0x13, 0x3C5, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A826F @ Referenced by lbl_1617C4 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x7, 0x8, 0x3C0, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x8, 0x8, 0x3C1, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x7, 0x9, 0x3C2, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x8, 0x9, 0x3C3, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x7, 0xA, 0x3C4, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x8, 0xA, 0x3C5, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81617E0 @ 1.51 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4060 => 0x1) goto (lbl_1617F7);
say ("TEAM ROCKET is in an uproar over\nsome intruder.\rThat's you, right?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81617F7 @ Referenced by lbl_1617E0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TEAM ROCKET took off!\nYou're our hero! Thank you!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161801 @ 1.51 sign #15 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It's a POKéMON REPORT!\rPOKéMON LAB created PORYGON,\nthe first virtual-reality POKéMON.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816180A @ 1.51 sign #14 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It's a POKéMON REPORT!\rOver 350 POKéMON techniques have\nbeen confirmed.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161813 @ 1.51 sign #13 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It's a POKéMON REPORT!\rSome POKéMON have been confirmed\nto evolve when they are traded.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816181C @ 1.51 sign #17 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SILPH CO. HEAD OFFICE\n5F", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161825 @ 1.51 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 340, "We study POKé BALL technology on\nthis floor.", "Dang!\nBlast it!");
say ("We worked on the ultimate POKé\nBALL which would catch anything.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816183C @ 1.51 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 378, "I heard a kid was wandering\naround.", "Boom!");
say ("It's not smart to pick a fight with\nTEAM ROCKET!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161853 @ 1.51 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 379, "Show TEAM ROCKET a little respect!", "Cough…\nCough…");
say ("Which reminds me.\rKOFFING evolves into WEEZING!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816186A @ 1.51 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 286, "Whaaat?\rThere shouldn't be any children\nhere!", "Oh, goodness!");
say ("You're only on 5F.\nIt's a long way to my BOSS!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161887 @ 1.52 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x283) call (lbl_1A8314);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8314 @ Referenced by lbl_161887 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x5, 0xE, 0x3C0, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0xE, 0x3C1, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x5, 0xF, 0x3C2, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0xF, 0x3C3, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x5, 0x10, 0x3C4, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x10, 0x3C5, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161891 @ 1.52 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4060 => 0x1) goto (lbl_1618A8);
say ("They must have targeted SILPH for\nour POKéMON products.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81618A8 @ Referenced by lbl_161891 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Come work for SILPH when you\nget older.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81618B2 @ 1.52 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4060 => 0x1) goto (lbl_1618C9);
say ("The ROCKETS came and took over\nthe building!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81618C9 @ Referenced by lbl_1618B2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Well, better get back to work.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81618D3 @ 1.52 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4060 => 0x1) goto (lbl_1618EA);
say ("Oh dear, oh dear.\nHelp me, please!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81618EA @ Referenced by lbl_1618D3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("We got engaged.\nHeheh!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81618F4 @ 1.52 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4060 => 0x1) goto (lbl_16190B);
say ("That man next to me…\nHe's such a coward!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816190B @ Referenced by lbl_1618F4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("He's so helpless, he needed\nsomeone like me to look after him.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161915 @ 1.52 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4060 => 0x1) goto (lbl_16192C);
say ("TEAM ROCKET is trying to conquer\nthe world with POKéMON.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816192C @ Referenced by lbl_161915 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TEAM ROCKET ran away, and it's all\nbecause of you!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161936 @ 1.52 sign #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SILPH CO. HEAD OFFICE\n6F", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816193F @ 1.52 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 341, "That rotten PRESIDENT!\rServes him right for shipping me\noff to the TIKSI BRANCH!\rThat's why TEAM ROCKET came after\nus, I'm sure of it!", "Shoot!");
say ("TIKSI BRANCH?\nIt's in Russian no-man's-land!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161956 @ 1.52 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 380, "I am one of the four ROCKET\nBROTHERS!", "Flame out!");
say ("No matter!\nMy brothers will avenge me!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816196D @ 1.52 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 381, "You dare betray TEAM ROCKET?", "You traitor!");
say ("If you stand for justice, you\nbetray us bad guys!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816198F @ 1.53 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x284) call (lbl_1A834B);
if (not 0x285) call (lbl_1A8379);
if (not 0x286) call (lbl_1A83A7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A83A7 @ Referenced by lbl_16198F @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x19, 0xD, 0x3B0, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x1A, 0xD, 0x3B1, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x19, 0xE, 0x3B8, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x1A, 0xE, 0x3B9, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x1A, 0xF, 0x335, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8379 @ Referenced by lbl_16198F @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x18, 0x7, 0x3B0, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x19, 0x7, 0x3B1, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x18, 0x8, 0x3B8, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x19, 0x8, 0x3B9, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x19, 0x9, 0x335, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A834B @ Referenced by lbl_16198F @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0xB, 0x8, 0x3B0, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x8, 0x3B1, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xB, 0x9, 0x3B8, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x9, 0x3B9, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0xA, 0x335, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81619AB @ 1.53 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4060 => 0x1) call (lbl_1619B7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81619B7 @ Referenced by lbl_1619AB @ ----------------------------------------------
spritebehave (0x8, 7);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81619BC @ 1.53 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1619D4);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81619D4 @ Referenced by lbl_1619BC @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
playsong (0x13B, 0);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75ED);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("{TERRY}: What kept you, {RED}?", 4);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_161A73);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_161A7F);
say ("{TERRY}: Hahaha! I thought you'd\nturn up if I waited here!\rI guess TEAM ROCKET slowed you\ndown! Not that I care!\rI saw you in SAFFRON, so I decided\nto see if you got better!", 4);
setvar (0x800F, 0x1);
if (0x4031 == 0x2) call (lbl_161A80);
if (0x4031 == 0x1) call (lbl_161A8B);
if (0x4031 == 0x0) call (lbl_161A96);
say ("Well, {RED}!\nI'm moving on up and ahead!\rBy checking my POKéDEX, I'm\nstarting to see what's strong and\fhow they evolve!\rAm I a genius or what?\rI'm going to the POKéMON LEAGUE to\nboot out the ELITE FOUR.\rI'll become the world's most\npowerful TRAINER!\r{RED}, well, good luck to you!\nDon't sweat it!\fSmell ya!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
playsong (0x13C, 0);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_161AA1);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_161AAC);
playsound (0x27);
fadetodefault ();
hidesprite (0x1);
checksound ();
setvar (0x405C, 0x1);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161AAC @ Referenced by lbl_1619D4 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_161ABF);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161ABF @ Referenced by lbl_161AAC @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, 0x1C, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161AA1 @ Referenced by lbl_1619D4 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_161AB9);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161AB9 @ Referenced by lbl_161AA1 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.North, 0x1C, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161A96 @ Referenced by lbl_1619D4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 434, "Oh, man!\nSo, you are ready for BOSS\fROCKET!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161A8B @ Referenced by lbl_1619D4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 433, "Oh, man!\nSo, you are ready for BOSS\fROCKET!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161A80 @ Referenced by lbl_1619D4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 432, "Oh, man!\nSo, you are ready for BOSS\fROCKET!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161A7F @ Referenced by lbl_1619D4 @ ----------------------------------------------
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161A73 @ Referenced by lbl_1619D4 @ ----------------------------------------------
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x1, move_161AB7);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161AB7 @ Referenced by lbl_161A73 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A75DD @ Referenced by lbl_1619D4 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A75DB @ Referenced by lbl_1619D4 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Emote.Exclamation, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81619C8 @ 1.53 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1619D4);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161AC8 @ 1.53 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x246) goto (lbl_161B8D);
say ("Oh! Hi! You're not a ROCKET!\nYou came to save us?\fWhy, thank you!\rI want you to have this POKéMON\nfor saving us.", 4);
setvar (0x4001, 0x83);
givepokemon (0x83, 0x19, 0x0, 0x0, 0, 0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_161B12);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_161B45);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A927C);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A927C @ Referenced by lbl_161AC8 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
say ("There's no more room for POKéMON!\rThe POKéMON BOXES are full and\ncan't accept any more!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161B45 @ Referenced by lbl_161AC8 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x101);
preparemsg ("{RED} obtained a LAPRAS from\nthe SILPH employee!");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
getpokemonname (0, 0x83);
say ("Do you want to give a nickname to\nthis {var:2}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_161B73);
call (lbl_1A8C33);
jump (lbl_161B73);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8C33 @ Referenced by lbl_161B45 @ ----------------------------------------------
fade (1);
special (0x166);
waitstate ();
lock ();
faceplayer ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161B73 @ Referenced by lbl_161B45 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A8C3C);
jump (lbl_161B7E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161B7E @ Referenced by lbl_161B73 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
say ("It's a LAPRAS.\nIt's a very intelligent POKéMON.\rWe kept it in our lab, but it will\nbe much better off with you.\rI think you will be a good TRAINER\nfor LAPRAS!\rIt's a good swimmer.\nIt'll give you a lift across water!", 4);
setflag (0x246);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8C3C @ Referenced by lbl_161B73 @ ----------------------------------------------
getboxname (0, 0x4037);
getpokemonname (1, 0x4001);
if (not 0x834) call (lbl_1A8C57);
if (0x834) call (lbl_1A8C82);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8C82 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8C3C @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0x165);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A8C9B);
say ("{var:3} was transferred to\nBILL'S PC.\rIt was placed in \nBOX “{var:2}.”", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8C9B @ Referenced by lbl_1A8C82 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0x18A);
getboxname (2, 0x800D);
say ("BOX “{var:4}” on\nBILL'S PC was full.\r{var:3} was transferred to\nBOX “{var:2}.”", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8C57 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8C3C @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0x165);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A8C70);
say ("{var:3} was transferred to\nSomeone's PC.\rIt was placed in \nBOX “{var:2}.”", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8C70 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8C57 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0x18A);
getboxname (2, 0x800D);
say ("BOX “{var:4}” on\nSomeone's PC was full.\r{var:3} was transferred to\nBOX “{var:2}.”", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161B12 @ Referenced by lbl_161AC8 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x101);
preparemsg ("{RED} obtained a LAPRAS from\nthe SILPH employee!");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
getpokemonname (0, 0x83);
say ("Do you want to give a nickname to\nthis {var:2}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_161B7E);
call (lbl_1A8C27);
call (lbl_1A74EB);
jump (lbl_161B7E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A74EB @ Referenced by lbl_161B12 @ ----------------------------------------------
fade (1);
special (0x9E);
waitstate ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8C27 @ Referenced by lbl_161B12 @ ----------------------------------------------
getpartysize ();
subvar (0x800D, 0x1);
copyvar (0x8004, 0x800D);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161B8D @ Referenced by lbl_161AC8 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TEAM ROCKET's BOSS went to the\nboardroom!\rIs our PRESIDENT okay?\nI'm worried.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161B97 @ 1.53 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4060 => 0x1) goto (lbl_161BAE);
say ("TEAM ROCKET was after the MASTER\nBALL, which catches any POKéMON.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161BAE @ Referenced by lbl_161B97 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("We canceled the MASTER BALL\nproject because of TEAM ROCKET.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161BB8 @ 1.53 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4060 => 0x1) goto (lbl_161BCF);
say ("It would be bad if TEAM ROCKET\ntook over SILPH or our POKéMON.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161BCF @ Referenced by lbl_161BB8 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Wow!\rYou chased off TEAM ROCKET all by\nyourself?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161BD9 @ 1.53 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4060 => 0x1) goto (lbl_161BF0);
say ("You!\nIt's really dangerous here!\rYou came to save me?\nYou can't!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161BF0 @ Referenced by lbl_161BD9 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Thank you so much!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161BFA @ 1.53 sign #13 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SILPH CO. HEAD OFFICE\n7F", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161C03 @ 1.53 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 342, "Heheh!\rYou mistook me for a SILPH worker?", "I'm done!");
say ("Despite your age, you are a\nskilled TRAINER!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161C1A @ 1.53 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 383, "I am one of the four ROCKET\nBROTHERS!", "Aack!\nBrothers, I lost!");
say ("Doesn't matter.\nMy brothers will repay the favor!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161C31 @ 1.53 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 384, "A child intruder?\nThat must be you!", "Fine!\nI lost!");
say ("Go on home before my BOSS gets\nticked off!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161C48 @ 1.53 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 385, "Uh-oh!\nI smell a little mouse!", "Lights out!");
say ("You won't find my BOSS by just\nscurrying around!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161C65 @ 1.54 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x287) call (lbl_1A83D5);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A83D5 @ Referenced by lbl_161C65 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x5, 0x9, 0x3C0, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x9, 0x3C1, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x5, 0xA, 0x3C2, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0xA, 0x3C3, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x5, 0xB, 0x3C4, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0xB, 0x3C5, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161C6F @ 1.54 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4060 => 0x1) goto (lbl_161C86);
say ("I wonder if SILPH is finished…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161C86 @ Referenced by lbl_161C6F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Thanks for saving us!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161C90 @ 1.54 sign #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SILPH CO. HEAD OFFICE\n8F", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161C99 @ 1.54 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 343, "You're causing us problems!", "Huh?\nI lost?");
say ("So, what do you think of SILPH\nBUILDING's maze?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161CB0 @ 1.54 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 382, "That's as far as you'll go!", "Not enough grit!");
say ("If you don't turn back…\nI'll call for backup!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161CC7 @ 1.54 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 386, "I am one of the four ROCKET\nBROTHERS!", "Whoo!\nOh, Brothers!");
say ("I'll leave you up to my brothers.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161CE4 @ 1.55 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x288) call (lbl_1A840C);
if (not 0x289) call (lbl_1A8443);
if (not 0x28A) call (lbl_1A847A);
if (not 0x28B) call (lbl_1A84A8);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A84A8 @ Referenced by lbl_161CE4 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x15, 0xC, 0x3B0, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x16, 0xC, 0x3B1, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x15, 0xD, 0x3B8, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x16, 0xD, 0x3B9, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x16, 0xE, 0x335, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A847A @ Referenced by lbl_161CE4 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x15, 0x6, 0x3B0, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x16, 0x6, 0x3B1, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x15, 0x7, 0x3B8, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x16, 0x7, 0x3B9, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x16, 0x8, 0x335, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8443 @ Referenced by lbl_161CE4 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0xC, 0xF, 0x3C0, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xD, 0xF, 0x3C1, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x10, 0x3C2, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xD, 0x10, 0x3C3, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x11, 0x3C4, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xD, 0x11, 0x3C5, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A840C @ Referenced by lbl_161CE4 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x2, 0x9, 0x3C0, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x3, 0x9, 0x3C1, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x2, 0xA, 0x3C2, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x3, 0xA, 0x3C3, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x2, 0xB, 0x3C4, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x3, 0xB, 0x3C5, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161D09 @ 1.55 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4060 => 0x1) goto (lbl_161D2E);
say ("You look tired.\nYou should take a quick nap.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
call (lbl_1A6C26);
say ("Don't give up!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161D2E @ Referenced by lbl_161D09 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Thank you so much.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161D38 @ 1.55 sign #18 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SILPH CO. HEAD OFFICE\n9F", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161D41 @ 1.55 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 344, "Your POKéMON have weak points!\nI can nail them!", "You hammered me!");
say ("Exploiting weak spots does work.\nThink about type advantages.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161D58 @ 1.55 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 387, "Your POKéMON seem to adore you,\nkid!", "Ghaaah!");
say ("If I had started as a TRAINER at\nyour age…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161D6F @ 1.55 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 388, "I am one of the four ROCKET\nBROTHERS!", "Warg!\nBrothers, I lost!");
say ("My brothers will avenge me!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161D8C @ 1.56 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x28C) call (lbl_1A84D6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A84D6 @ Referenced by lbl_161D8C @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0xC, 0xB, 0x3B0, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xD, 0xB, 0x3B1, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0xC, 0x3B8, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xD, 0xC, 0x3B9, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xD, 0xD, 0x335, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161D96 @ 1.56 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4060 => 0x1) goto (lbl_161DAD);
say ("Waaaaa!\nI'm scared!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161DAD @ Referenced by lbl_161D96 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("About me crying…\nPlease keep it a secret.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161DB7 @ 1.56 sign #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SILPH CO. HEAD OFFICE\n10F", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161DC0 @ 1.56 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 345, "Enough of your silly games!", "No continues left!");
say ("Are you satisfied with beating me?\nThen go on home!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161DD7 @ 1.56 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 389, "Welcome to 10F!\nSo good of you to join me!", "I'm stunned!");
say ("Nice try, but the boardroom is up\none more floor.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161DF4 @ 1.57 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x28D) call (lbl_1A8504);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8504 @ Referenced by lbl_161DF4 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x5, 0x10, 0x3B0, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x10, 0x3B1, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x5, 0x11, 0x3B8, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x11, 0x3B9, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x12, 0x335, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161DFE @ 1.57 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x250) goto (lbl_161E75);
getgender ();
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_161E59);
if (0x800D == 0x1) call (lbl_161E62);
checkitemamount (0x1, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_161E6B);
giveitem (0x1, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} obtained a MASTER BALL\nfrom the PRESIDENT!");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x13E);
callstd (9);
say ("PRESIDENT: You can't buy that\nanywhere.\rIt's our secret prototype MASTER\nBALL.\rIt will catch any POKéMON without\nfail!\rYou should be quiet about using it,\nthough.", 4);
setflag (0x250);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161E6B @ Referenced by lbl_161DFE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You have no room for this.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161E62 @ Referenced by lbl_161DFE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("PRESIDENT: Oh, dear girl!\nThank you for saving SILPH.\rI will never forget you saved us in\nour moment of peril.\rI have to thank you in some way.\rBecause I am rich, I can give you\nanything.\rHere, maybe this will do.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161E59 @ Referenced by lbl_161DFE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("PRESIDENT: Oh, dear boy!\nThank you for saving SILPH.\rI will never forget you saved us in\nour moment of peril.\rI have to thank you in some way.\rBecause I am rich, I can give you\nanything.\rHere, maybe this will do.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161E75 @ Referenced by lbl_161DFE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("PRESIDENT: You can't buy that\nanywhere.\rIt's our secret prototype MASTER\nBALL.\rIt will catch any POKéMON without\nfail!\rYou should be quiet about using it,\nthough.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161E7F @ 1.57 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SECRETARY: Thank you for rescuing\nall of us.\rWe, from the PRESIDENT down,\nare indebted to you.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161E88 @ 1.57 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
jump (lbl_161EA0);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161EA0 @ Referenced by lbl_161E88 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0x19);
say ("Ah, {RED}!\nSo we meet again!\rThe PRESIDENT and I are discussing\na vital business proposition.\rKeep your nose out of grown-up\nmatters…\rOr, experience a world of pain!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_161F00);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_161F12);
setvar (0x800F, 0x3);
trainerbattle (3, 349, "Arrgh!!\nI lost again!?");
say ("Blast it all!\nYou ruined our plans for SILPH!\rBut, TEAM ROCKET will never fall!\r{RED}! Never forget that all\nPOKéMON exist for TEAM ROCKET!\rI must go, but I shall return!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
fade (1);
hidesprite (0x3);
hidesprite (0x4);
hidesprite (0x6);
fade (0);
setvar (0x4060, 0x1);
setflag (0x3E);
clearflag (0x3F);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161F12 @ Referenced by lbl_161EA0 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x3, move_161F23);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161F23 @ Referenced by lbl_161F12 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161F00 @ Referenced by lbl_161EA0 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x3, move_161F1D);
applymove (0xFF, move_161F27);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161F27 @ Referenced by lbl_161F00 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1B, 0x1A, RealFastInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161F1D @ Referenced by lbl_161F00 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, RealFastInPlace.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161E94 @ 1.57 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_161EA0);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161F37 @ 1.57 sign #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SILPH CO. HEAD OFFICE\n11F", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161F40 @ 1.57 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 390, "Halt! Do you have an appointment\nwith my BOSS?", "Gaah!\nDemolished!");
say ("Watch your step…\nMy BOSS likes his POKéMON tough!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161F57 @ 1.57 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 391, "Stop right there!\nDon't you move!", "Don't…\nPlease!");
say ("So, you want to see my BOSS?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8161F6F @ 1.58 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
if (not 0x2) call (lbl_1A7AB9);
copyvar (0x8005, 0x403A);
special (0x132);
preparemsg ("Which floor do you want?");
waitmsg ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
special2 (0x800D, 0x1B8);
special (0x158);
waitstate ();
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1621BF);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_162197);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16216F);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_162147);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_16211F);
if (0x8000 == 0x5) goto (lbl_1620F7);
if (0x8000 == 0x6) goto (lbl_1620CF);
if (0x8000 == 0x7) goto (lbl_1620A7);
if (0x8000 == 0x8) goto (lbl_16207F);
if (0x8000 == 0x9) goto (lbl_162057);
if (0x8000 == 0xA) goto (lbl_16202F);
if (0x8000 == 0xB) goto (lbl_1621E7);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1621E7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81621E7 @ Referenced by lbl_161F6F @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x160);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816202F @ Referenced by lbl_161F6F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x4);
setwarpplace (1, 47, 255, 0x16, 0x3);
if (0x403A == 0x4) goto (lbl_1621E7);
call (lbl_1621EC);
setvar (0x403A, 0x4);
jump (lbl_1621E7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81621EC @ Referenced by lbl_16202F @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x160);
closeonkeypress ();
checksound ();
special (0x111);
waitstate ();
setflag (0x2);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162057 @ Referenced by lbl_161F6F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x5);
setwarpplace (1, 48, 255, 0x16, 0x3);
if (0x403A == 0x5) goto (lbl_1621E7);
call (lbl_1621EC);
setvar (0x403A, 0x5);
jump (lbl_1621E7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816207F @ Referenced by lbl_161F6F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x6);
setwarpplace (1, 49, 255, 0x16, 0x3);
if (0x403A == 0x6) goto (lbl_1621E7);
call (lbl_1621EC);
setvar (0x403A, 0x6);
jump (lbl_1621E7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81620A7 @ Referenced by lbl_161F6F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x7);
setwarpplace (1, 50, 255, 0x16, 0x3);
if (0x403A == 0x7) goto (lbl_1621E7);
call (lbl_1621EC);
setvar (0x403A, 0x7);
jump (lbl_1621E7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81620CF @ Referenced by lbl_161F6F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x8);
setwarpplace (1, 51, 255, 0x16, 0x3);
if (0x403A == 0x8) goto (lbl_1621E7);
call (lbl_1621EC);
setvar (0x403A, 0x8);
jump (lbl_1621E7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81620F7 @ Referenced by lbl_161F6F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x9);
setwarpplace (1, 52, 255, 0x14, 0x3);
if (0x403A == 0x9) goto (lbl_1621E7);
call (lbl_1621EC);
setvar (0x403A, 0x9);
jump (lbl_1621E7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816211F @ Referenced by lbl_161F6F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0xA);
setwarpplace (1, 53, 255, 0x17, 0x3);
if (0x403A == 0xA) goto (lbl_1621E7);
call (lbl_1621EC);
setvar (0x403A, 0xA);
jump (lbl_1621E7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162147 @ Referenced by lbl_161F6F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0xB);
setwarpplace (1, 54, 255, 0x16, 0x3);
if (0x403A == 0xB) goto (lbl_1621E7);
call (lbl_1621EC);
setvar (0x403A, 0xB);
jump (lbl_1621E7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816216F @ Referenced by lbl_161F6F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0xC);
setwarpplace (1, 55, 255, 0x18, 0x3);
if (0x403A == 0xC) goto (lbl_1621E7);
call (lbl_1621EC);
setvar (0x403A, 0xC);
jump (lbl_1621E7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162197 @ Referenced by lbl_161F6F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0xD);
setwarpplace (1, 56, 255, 0xD, 0x3);
if (0x403A == 0xD) goto (lbl_1621E7);
call (lbl_1621EC);
setvar (0x403A, 0xD);
jump (lbl_1621E7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81621BF @ Referenced by lbl_161F6F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0xE);
setwarpplace (1, 57, 255, 0xD, 0x3);
if (0x403A == 0xE) goto (lbl_1621E7);
call (lbl_1621EC);
setvar (0x403A, 0xE);
jump (lbl_1621E7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162204 @ 1.59 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x26C) call (lbl_1A7B7A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7B7A @ Referenced by lbl_162204 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x16, 0xA, 0x285, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x17, 0xA, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x18, 0xA, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x16, 0xB, 0x285, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x17, 0xB, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x18, 0xB, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x1B, 0x19, 0x285, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x1C, 0x19, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x1D, 0x19, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x1B, 0x1A, 0x285, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x1C, 0x1A, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x1D, 0x1A, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x20, 0x19, 0x285, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x21, 0x19, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x22, 0x19, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x20, 0x1A, 0x285, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x21, 0x1A, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x22, 0x1A, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x1F, 0x12, 0x2F8, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x20, 0x12, 0x2F9, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x21, 0x12, 0x2FA, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x1F, 0x13, 0x300, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x20, 0x13, 0x301, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x21, 0x13, 0x302, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x5, 0x4, 0x34D, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816220E @ 1.59 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8AD);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162212 @ 1.59 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
call (lbl_1A7AE2);
playsound (0x26);
special (0x8E);
checksound ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7AE2 @ Referenced by lbl_162212 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A secret switch!\rPress it?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A7B70);
say ("Who wouldn't?", 4);
if (0x26C) goto (lbl_1A7B3B);
setflag (0x26C);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x8004);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A7B7A);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A7D3E);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7E72);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1A7F4C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7F4C @ Referenced by lbl_1A7AE2 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x21, 0x14, 0x2F8, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x22, 0x14, 0x2F9, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x23, 0x14, 0x2FA, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x21, 0x15, 0x354, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x22, 0x15, 0x355, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x23, 0x15, 0x356, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x10, 0x1A, 0x350, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x10, 0x1B, 0x358, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x10, 0x1C, 0x362, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x10, 0x1D, 0x36A, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x10, 0x1E, 0x372, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x8, 0x2A5, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x9, 0x2AD, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0xA, 0x287, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xC, 0xB, 0x286, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xC, 0xC, 0x2B0, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x14, 0x16, 0x287, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x15, 0x16, 0x286, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x16, 0x16, 0x286, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x14, 0x17, 0x287, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x15, 0x17, 0x286, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x16, 0x17, 0x286, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x18, 0x1C, 0x34F, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x1B, 0x4, 0x34F, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7E72 @ Referenced by lbl_1A7AE2 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x11, 0xB, 0x285, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x12, 0xB, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x13, 0xB, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x11, 0xC, 0x285, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x12, 0xC, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x13, 0xC, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x15, 0x4, 0x350, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x15, 0x5, 0x358, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x15, 0x6, 0x360, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x15, 0x7, 0x368, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x15, 0x8, 0x370, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x4, 0x34D, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7D3E @ Referenced by lbl_1A7AE2 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x18, 0xE, 0x285, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x19, 0xE, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x1A, 0xE, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x18, 0xF, 0x285, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x19, 0xF, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x1A, 0xF, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xA, 0x1C, 0x2A5, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xA, 0x1D, 0x2AD, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xA, 0x1E, 0x285, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xA, 0x1F, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xA, 0x20, 0x2B5, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x4, 0x350, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x5, 0x358, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x6, 0x360, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x7, 0x368, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x8, 0x370, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x2, 0xF, 0x34D, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7B3B @ Referenced by lbl_1A7AE2 @ ----------------------------------------------
clearflag (0x26C);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x8004);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A7C5C);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A7DD8);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7EDF);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1A8025);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8025 @ Referenced by lbl_1A7B3B @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x21, 0x14, 0x287, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x22, 0x14, 0x286, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x23, 0x14, 0x286, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x21, 0x15, 0x287, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x22, 0x15, 0x286, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x23, 0x15, 0x286, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x10, 0x1A, 0x2A5, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x10, 0x1B, 0x2AD, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x10, 0x1C, 0x287, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x10, 0x1D, 0x286, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x10, 0x1E, 0x2B0, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x8, 0x350, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x9, 0x358, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0xA, 0x362, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0xB, 0x36A, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0xC, 0x372, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x14, 0x16, 0x2F8, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x15, 0x16, 0x2F9, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x16, 0x16, 0x2FA, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x14, 0x17, 0x354, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x15, 0x17, 0x355, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x16, 0x17, 0x356, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x18, 0x1C, 0x316, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x1B, 0x4, 0x316, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7EDF @ Referenced by lbl_1A7B3B @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x11, 0xB, 0x2F8, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x12, 0xB, 0x2F9, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x13, 0xB, 0x2FA, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x11, 0xC, 0x300, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x12, 0xC, 0x301, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x13, 0xC, 0x302, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x15, 0x4, 0x2A5, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x15, 0x5, 0x2AD, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x15, 0x6, 0x285, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x15, 0x7, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x15, 0x8, 0x2B5, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x4, 0x314, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7DD8 @ Referenced by lbl_1A7B3B @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x18, 0xE, 0x2F8, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x19, 0xE, 0x2F9, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x1A, 0xE, 0x2FA, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x18, 0xF, 0x300, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x19, 0xF, 0x301, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x1A, 0xF, 0x302, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xA, 0x1C, 0x350, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xA, 0x1D, 0x358, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xA, 0x1E, 0x360, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xA, 0x1F, 0x368, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xA, 0x20, 0x370, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x4, 0x2A5, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x5, 0x2AD, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x6, 0x285, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x7, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x8, 0x2B5, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x2, 0xF, 0x314, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7C5C @ Referenced by lbl_1A7B3B @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x16, 0xA, 0x2F8, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x17, 0xA, 0x2F9, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x18, 0xA, 0x2FA, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x16, 0xB, 0x300, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x17, 0xB, 0x301, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x18, 0xB, 0x302, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x1B, 0x19, 0x2F8, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x1C, 0x19, 0x2F9, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x1D, 0x19, 0x2FA, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x1B, 0x1A, 0x300, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x1C, 0x1A, 0x301, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x1D, 0x1A, 0x302, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x20, 0x19, 0x2F8, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x21, 0x19, 0x2F9, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x22, 0x19, 0x2FA, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x20, 0x1A, 0x300, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x21, 0x1A, 0x301, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x22, 0x1A, 0x302, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x1F, 0x12, 0x285, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x20, 0x12, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x21, 0x12, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x1F, 0x13, 0x285, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x20, 0x13, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x21, 0x13, 0x284, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x5, 0x4, 0x314, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7B70 @ Referenced by lbl_1A7AE2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Not quite yet!", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162226 @ 1.59 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 335, "Who are you?\nThere shouldn't be anyone here.", "Ouch!");
say ("A key? I don't know what you're\ntalking about.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816223D @ 1.59 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 534, "W-w-waah! You startled me!\nI thought you were a ghost.", "Tch!\nI can't get any wins.");
say ("I was exploring here by myself,\nbut I feel spooked.\rI ought to go soon.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816225A @ 1.60 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x26C) call (lbl_1A7D3E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162264 @ 1.60 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
call (lbl_1A7AE2);
playsound (0x26);
special (0x8E);
checksound ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162278 @ 1.60 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Diary: July 5\nGuyana, South America\rA new POKéMON was discovered deep\nin the jungle.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162281 @ 1.60 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Diary: July 10\nWe christened the newly discovered\fPOKéMON, MEW.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816228A @ 1.60 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 216, "I can't get out!\nThis old place is one big puzzle.", "Oh, no!\nMy bag of loot!");
say ("The switches here open and close\nalternating sets of doors.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81622A7 @ 1.61 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x26C) call (lbl_1A7E72);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81622B1 @ 1.61 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
call (lbl_1A7AE2);
playsound (0x26);
special (0x8E);
checksound ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81622C5 @ 1.61 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Diary: Feb. 6\nMEW gave birth.\rWe named the newborn MEWTWO.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81622CE @ 1.61 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 218, "This place is, like, huge!", "Ayah!");
say ("I wonder where my partner went.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81622E5 @ 1.61 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 346, "My mentor once lived here.", "Whew!\nOverwhelming!");
say ("So, you're stuck?\nTry jumping off over there!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162302 @ 1.62 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x26C) call (lbl_1A7F4C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816230C @ 1.62 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
call (lbl_1A7AE2);
playsound (0x26);
special (0x8E);
checksound ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162320 @ 1.62 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Diary: Sept. 1\nMEWTWO is far too powerful.\rWe have failed to curb its vicious\ntendencies…", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162329 @ 1.62 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 219, "Uh-oh…\nWhere am I now?", "Awooh!");
say ("You can find stuff lying around.\nThe residents must've left them.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162340 @ 1.62 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 347, "This place is ideal for a lab.\nLook at all this space.", "What was that for?");
say ("I like it here.\nIt's conducive to my studies.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816235D @ 1.63 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8AE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162361 @ 1.63 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("REST HOUSE", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816236A @ 1.63 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rPress START to check\nremaining time.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162373 @ 1.63 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("CENTER AREA", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816237D @ 1.64 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("REST HOUSE", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162386 @ 1.64 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rThe remaining time declines only\nwhile you walk.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816238F @ 1.64 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("AREA 1\nWEST: CENTER AREA", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162399 @ 1.65 sign #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("REST HOUSE", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81623A2 @ 1.65 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rThe SECRET HOUSE is still ahead.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81623AB @ 1.65 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("AREA 2", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81623B4 @ 1.65 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rPOKéMON hide in tall grass.\rZigzag through grassy areas to\nflush them out.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81623BD @ 1.65 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rWin a free HM for finding the\nSECRET HOUSE.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81623C7 @ 1.66 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("REST HOUSE", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81623D0 @ 1.66 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("REQUEST NOTICE\rPlease find the SAFARI WARDEN's\nlost GOLD TEETH.\fThey're around here somewhere.\rReward offered!\nContact: WARDEN", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81623D9 @ 1.66 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rZone Exploration Campaign!\nThe Search for the SECRET HOUSE!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81623E2 @ 1.66 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("AREA 3\nEAST: CENTER AREA", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81623EC @ 1.67 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SARA: Where did my boyfriend,\nERIK, go?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81623F5 @ 1.67 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'm catching POKéMON to take home\nas gifts.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81623FF @ 1.68 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I caught a CHANSEY!\rThat makes this all worthwhile.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162408 @ 1.68 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("How many did you catch?\nI'm bushed from the effort!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162411 @ 1.68 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Whew!\nI'm tired from all the fun!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816241B @ 1.69 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Go to the deepest part of the\nSAFARI ZONE. You will win a prize!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162424 @ 1.69 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You can keep any item you find in\nthe SAFARI ZONE.\rBut, you'll run out of time if you\ntry for all of them at once.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816242D @ 1.69 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("My EEVEE evolved into FLAREON.\rBut, a friend's EEVEE turned into a\nVAPOREON. I wonder why?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162437 @ 1.70 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Using BAIT will make POKéMON more\nlikely to stick around if they get\fbusy eating.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162440 @ 1.70 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Tossing ROCKS at POKéMON might\nmake them run, but they'll be\feasier to catch.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162449 @ 1.70 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I hiked a lot, but I didn't see any\nPOKéMON I wanted.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162453 @ 1.71 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x239) goto (lbl_1624A9);
say ("Ah! Finally!\rYou're the first person to reach\nthe SECRET HOUSE!\rAlthough I made a campaign\nfor our grand opening,\rI was getting worried that no one\nwould win our campaign prize.\rCongratulations!\nYou have won!", 4);
checkitemamount (0x155, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16249F);
giveitem (0x155, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received HM03\nfrom the attendant!");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x155);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
say ("HM03 is SURF.\rPOKéMON will be able to ferry you\nacross water using it.\rAnd, this HM isn't disposable, so\nyou can use it over and over.\rYou're super lucky for winning this\nfabulous prize!", 4);
setflag (0x239);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816249F @ Referenced by lbl_162453 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You don't have room for this\nfabulous prize!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81624A9 @ Referenced by lbl_162453 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("HM03 is SURF.\rPOKéMON will be able to ferry you\nacross water using it.\rAnd, this HM isn't disposable, so\nyou can use it over and over.\rYou're super lucky for winning this\nfabulous prize!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81624B9 @ 1.72 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8B3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81624C9 @ 1.74 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x807) call (lbl_1624D3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81624D3 @ Referenced by lbl_1624C9 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0xB4);
if (0x800D != 0x7) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
hidesprite (0x800F);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A77A9 @ Referenced by lbl_1624D3 @ ----------------------------------------------
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81624E7 @ 1.74 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x2BC) call (lbl_1624F1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81624F1 @ Referenced by lbl_1624E7 @ ----------------------------------------------
clearflag (0x81);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81624F5 @ 1.74 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
cry (0x96, 0x2);
preparemsg ("Mew!");
waitmsg ();
waitforcry ();
pause (0x14);
playsong (0x156, 0);
waitkeypress ();
startwildbattle (0x96, 70, 0x0);
setflag (0x807);
special (0x138);
waitstate ();
clearflag (0x807);
special2 (0x800D, 0xB4);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_162558);
if (0x800D == 0x4) goto (lbl_162561);
if (0x800D == 0x5) goto (lbl_162561);
setflag (0x2BC);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162561 @ Referenced by lbl_1624F5 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x96);
jump (lbl_1A9236);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9236 @ Referenced by lbl_162561 @ ----------------------------------------------
fade (1);
hidesprite (0x800F);
fade (0);
getpokemonname (0, 0x8004);
say ("The {var:2} flew away!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162558 @ Referenced by lbl_1624F5 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2BC);
jump (lbl_1A922D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A922D @ Referenced by lbl_162558 @ ----------------------------------------------
fade (1);
hidesprite (0x800F);
fade (0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7AE0 @ Referenced by lbl_1624F5 @ ----------------------------------------------
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162586 @ 1.75 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
call (lbl_1A75D5);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A75D5 @ Referenced by lbl_162586 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x1A1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162591 @ 1.75 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4B8) call (lbl_1625AC);
if (0x4068 == 0x1) call (lbl_1625A6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81625A6 @ Referenced by lbl_162591 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A759C);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A759C @ Referenced by lbl_1625A6 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x5, 0xB, 0x29D, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0xB, 0x29E, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x7, 0xB, 0x29F, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x5, 0xC, 0x2A5, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0xC, 0x2A6, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x7, 0xC, 0x2A7, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81625AC @ Referenced by lbl_162591 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A7538);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7538 @ Referenced by lbl_1625AC @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x6, 0x1, 0x28E, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x2, 0x296, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81625B2 @ 1.75 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8AF);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81625DC @ 1.75 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x9);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x174);
if (0x4B8) goto (lbl_162669);
setvar (0x8004, 0x9);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x173);
setvar (0x8004, 0x9);
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
special (0x173);
if (not 0x844) call (lbl_162641);
if (0x844) call (lbl_16264A);
setflag (0x3);
setflag (0x5);
if (not 0x844) call (lbl_162653);
if (0x844) call (lbl_16265E);
clearflag (0x5);
jump (lbl_162673);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162673 @ Referenced by lbl_1625DC @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x4B8);
call (lbl_1A7506);
say ("You're better than I thought.\nGo on ahead.\rYou only got a taste of the\nPOKéMON LEAGUE's power.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7506 @ Referenced by lbl_162673 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75FE);
waitformove (0x0);
playsound (0x8);
call (lbl_1A7538);
special (0x8E);
setflag (0x4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A75FE @ Referenced by lbl_1A7506 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1C, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816265E @ Referenced by lbl_1625DC @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 735, "…Things shouldn't be this way!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162653 @ Referenced by lbl_1625DC @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 410, "…Things shouldn't be this way!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816264A @ Referenced by lbl_1625DC @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Welcome to the POKéMON LEAGUE.\rI, LORELEI of the ELITE FOUR,\nhave returned!\rYou know how it goes.\nNo one can best me when it comes\fto icy POKéMON.\rFreezing moves are powerful.\rYour POKéMON will be at my mercy\nwhen they are frozen solid.\rHahaha!\nAre you ready?{snd1:342}", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162641 @ Referenced by lbl_1625DC @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Welcome to the POKéMON LEAGUE.\rI am LORELEI of the ELITE FOUR.\rNo one can best me when it comes\nto icy POKéMON.\rFreezing moves are powerful.\rYour POKéMON will be at my mercy\nwhen they are frozen solid.\rHahaha!\nAre you ready?{snd1:342}", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162669 @ Referenced by lbl_1625DC @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You're better than I thought.\nGo on ahead.\rYou only got a taste of the\nPOKéMON LEAGUE's power.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816269A @ 1.76 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
call (lbl_1A75D5);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81626A5 @ 1.76 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4B9) call (lbl_1626C0);
if (0x4068 == 0x2) call (lbl_1626BA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81626BA @ Referenced by lbl_1626A5 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A759C);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81626C0 @ Referenced by lbl_1626A5 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A7538);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81626EC @ 1.76 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xA);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x174);
if (0x4B9) goto (lbl_162779);
setvar (0x8004, 0xA);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x173);
setvar (0x8004, 0xA);
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
special (0x173);
if (not 0x82C) call (lbl_162751);
if (0x82C) call (lbl_16275A);
setflag (0x3);
setflag (0x5);
if (not 0x844) call (lbl_162763);
if (0x844) call (lbl_16276E);
clearflag (0x5);
jump (lbl_1627B0);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81627B0 @ Referenced by lbl_1626EC @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x4B9);
call (lbl_1A7506);
say ("My job is done.\nGo face your next challenge.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_1627FA);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_1627EF);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_162805);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_162805);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162805 @ Referenced by lbl_1627B0 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81627EF @ Referenced by lbl_1627B0 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A75E7 @ Referenced by lbl_1627EF @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (RealFastInPlace.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81627FA @ Referenced by lbl_1627B0 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1A75EB);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816276E @ Referenced by lbl_1626EC @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 736, "Why?\nHow could I lose?");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162763 @ Referenced by lbl_1626EC @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 411, "Why?\nHow could I lose?");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816275A @ Referenced by lbl_1626EC @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I am BRUNO of the ELITE FOUR!\rThrough rigorous training, people\nand POKéMON can become stronger\fwithout limit.\rI've lived and trained with my\nfighting POKéMON!\fAnd that will never change!\r{RED}!\rWe will grind you down with our\nsuperior power!\rHoo hah!{snd1:342}", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162751 @ Referenced by lbl_1626EC @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I am BRUNO of the ELITE FOUR!\rThrough rigorous training, people\nand POKéMON can become stronger\fwithout limit.\rI've lived and trained with my\nfighting POKéMON!\fAnd that will never change!\r{RED}!\rWe will grind you down with our\nsuperior power!\rHoo hah!{snd1:342}", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162779 @ Referenced by lbl_1626EC @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("My job is done.\nGo face your next challenge.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_1627FA);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_1627EF);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_162805);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_162805);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162825 @ 1.77 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
call (lbl_1A75D5);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162830 @ 1.77 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4BA) call (lbl_16284B);
if (0x4068 == 0x3) call (lbl_162845);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162845 @ Referenced by lbl_162830 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A759C);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816284B @ Referenced by lbl_162830 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A7538);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162877 @ 1.77 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xB);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x174);
if (0x4BA) goto (lbl_162911);
setvar (0x8004, 0xB);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x173);
setvar (0x8004, 0xB);
setvar (0x8005, 0x4);
special (0x173);
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
setvar (0x8005, 0x4);
special (0x173);
if (not 0x82C) call (lbl_1628E9);
if (0x82C) call (lbl_1628F2);
setflag (0x3);
setflag (0x5);
if (not 0x844) call (lbl_1628FB);
if (0x844) call (lbl_162906);
clearflag (0x5);
jump (lbl_16291B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816291B @ Referenced by lbl_162877 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x4BA);
call (lbl_1A7506);
say ("You win!\rI see what the old duff sees in\nyou now.\rI have nothing else to say.\nRun along now, child!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162906 @ Referenced by lbl_162877 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 737, "Oh, my!\nYou're something special, child!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81628FB @ Referenced by lbl_162877 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 412, "Oh, my!\nYou're something special, child!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81628F2 @ Referenced by lbl_162877 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I am AGATHA of the ELITE FOUR.\rYou're the child that OAK's taken\nunder his wing, aren't you?\rThat old duff was once tough and\nhandsome.\rBut that was decades ago.\nHe's a shadow of his former self.\rNow he just wants to fiddle with\nhis POKéDEX.\rHe's wrong.\nPOKéMON are for battling!\r{RED}! I'll show you how a real\nTRAINER battles!{snd1:342}", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81628E9 @ Referenced by lbl_162877 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I am AGATHA of the ELITE FOUR.\rI hear OAK's taken a lot of\ninterest in you, child.\rThat old duff was once tough and\nhandsome.\rBut that was decades ago.\nHe's a shadow of his former self.\rNow he just wants to fiddle with\nhis POKéDEX.\rHe's wrong.\nPOKéMON are for battling!\r{RED}! I'll show you how a real\nTRAINER battles!{snd1:342}", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162911 @ Referenced by lbl_162877 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You win!\rI see what the old duff sees in\nyou now.\rI have nothing else to say.\nRun along now, child!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162942 @ 1.78 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
call (lbl_1A75D5);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816294D @ 1.78 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4068 == 0x4) call (lbl_162962);
if (0x4BB) call (lbl_162968);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162968 @ Referenced by lbl_16294D @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A7589);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7589 @ Referenced by lbl_162968 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x6, 0x4, 0x28E, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x5, 0x296, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162962 @ Referenced by lbl_16294D @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1629A8);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81629A8 @ Referenced by lbl_162962 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x5, 0xE, 0x29D, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0xE, 0x29E, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x7, 0xE, 0x29F, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x5, 0xF, 0x2A5, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0xF, 0x2A6, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x7, 0xF, 0x2A7, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x10, 0x311, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x7, 0x10, 0x311, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162A14 @ 1.78 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xC);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x174);
if (0x4BB) goto (lbl_162AA1);
setvar (0x8004, 0xC);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x173);
setvar (0x8004, 0xC);
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
special (0x173);
if (not 0x82C) call (lbl_162A79);
if (0x82C) call (lbl_162A82);
setflag (0x3);
setflag (0x5);
if (not 0x844) call (lbl_162A8B);
if (0x844) call (lbl_162A96);
clearflag (0x5);
jump (lbl_162AAB);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162AAB @ Referenced by lbl_162A14 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
special (0xAA);
setflag (0x4BB);
call (lbl_1A7563);
say ("I still can't believe my dragons\nlost to you, {RED}.\rYou are now the POKéMON LEAGUE\nCHAMPION!\r…Or, you would have been, but\nyou have one more challenge left.\rThere is one more TRAINER to face!\nHis name is…\r{TERRY}!\rHe beat the ELITE FOUR before\nyou.\rHe is the real POKéMON LEAGUE\nCHAMPION.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7563 @ Referenced by lbl_162AAB @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75FE);
waitformove (0x0);
playsound (0x8);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x4, 0x28E, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x5, 0x296, 0x0);
special (0x8E);
setflag (0x4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162A96 @ Referenced by lbl_162A14 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 738, "That's it!\rI hate to admit it, but you are a\nPOKéMON master!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162A8B @ Referenced by lbl_162A14 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 413, "That's it!\rI hate to admit it, but you are a\nPOKéMON master!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162A82 @ Referenced by lbl_162A14 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Ah!\nSo, you've returned, {RED}!\rI lead the ELITE FOUR.\rYou can call me LANCE the dragon\nTRAINER.\rYou know that dragons are\nmythical POKéMON.\rThey're hard to catch and raise,\nbut their powers are superior.\rThey're virtually indestructible.\nThere's no being clever with them.\rWell, are you ready to lose?\rYour LEAGUE challenge ends with\nme, {RED}!{snd1:342}", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162A79 @ Referenced by lbl_162A14 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Ah! I've heard about you,\n{RED}!\rI lead the ELITE FOUR.\rYou can call me LANCE the dragon\nTRAINER.\rYou know that dragons are\nmythical POKéMON.\rThey're hard to catch and raise,\nbut their powers are superior.\rThey're virtually indestructible.\nThere's no being clever with them.\rWell, are you ready to lose?\rYour LEAGUE challenge ends with\nme, {RED}!{snd1:342}", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162AA1 @ Referenced by lbl_162A14 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I still can't believe my dragons\nlost to you, {RED}.\rYou are now the POKéMON LEAGUE\nCHAMPION!\r…Or, you would have been, but\nyou have one more challenge left.\rThere is one more TRAINER to face!\nHis name is…\r{TERRY}!\rHe beat the ELITE FOUR before\nyou.\rHe is the real POKéMON LEAGUE\nCHAMPION.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162AF2 @ 1.79 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
call (lbl_1A75D5);
if (0x4031 == 0x2) call (lbl_162B1E);
if (0x4031 == 0x1) call (lbl_162B31);
if (0x4031 == 0x0) call (lbl_162B44);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162B44 @ Referenced by lbl_162AF2 @ ----------------------------------------------
checktrainer (0x1B8);
ifgoto (1, lbl_162B57);
checktrainer (0x2E5);
ifgoto (1, lbl_162B57);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162B57 @ Referenced by lbl_162B44 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162B31 @ Referenced by lbl_162AF2 @ ----------------------------------------------
checktrainer (0x1B7);
ifgoto (1, lbl_162B57);
checktrainer (0x2E4);
ifgoto (1, lbl_162B57);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162B1E @ Referenced by lbl_162AF2 @ ----------------------------------------------
checktrainer (0x1B6);
ifgoto (1, lbl_162B57);
checktrainer (0x2E3);
ifgoto (1, lbl_162B57);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162DDC @ 1.81 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8B0);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162DE0 @ 1.81 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162DE9 @ 1.81 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 192, "This tunnel goes a long way, kid!", "Doh!\nYou win!");
say ("Watch for ONIX.\nThey appear only occasionally.\rHigh-level ones can put the\nsqueeze on you!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162E00 @ 1.81 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 193, "Hmm.\nMaybe I'm lost in here…", "Ease up!\nWhat am I doing?\fWhich way is out?");
say ("That sleeping POKéMON on ROUTE 12\nforced me to take this detour.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162E17 @ 1.81 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 194, "Outsiders like you need to show me\nsome respect!", "I give!");
say ("You're talented enough to hike!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162E2E @ 1.81 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 168, "POKéMON fight!\nReady, go!", "Game over!");
say ("Oh well, I'll get a ZUBAT as I go!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162E45 @ 1.81 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 476, "Eek!\rDon't try anything funny in the\ndark!", "It was too dark…");
say ("I saw a MACHOP in this tunnel.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162E5C @ 1.81 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 475, "You have POKéMON!\nLet's start!", "You play hard!");
say ("Whew!\nI'm all sweaty now.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162E73 @ 1.81 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 474, "I came this far looking for wild\nPOKéMON.", "I'm out of POKéMON!");
say ("You looked cute and harmless.\nWas I ever wrong!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162E8B @ 1.82 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 158, "Do you know how you can avoid\ngetting lost in the mountains?\rYou can bend twigs as trail\nmarkers.", "Ohhh!\nI did my best!");
say ("I want to go home!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162EA2 @ 1.82 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 159, "I don't often come here, but I will\nbattle you.", "Oh!\nI lost!");
say ("I like tiny POKéMON.\nBig ones are too scary!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162EB9 @ 1.82 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 189, "Hahaha!\nCan you beat my power?", "Oops!\nOutmuscled!");
say ("I go for power because I hate\nthinking.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162ED0 @ 1.82 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 190, "My POKéMON techniques will leave\nyou crying!", "I give!\nYou're a better technician!");
say ("In mountains, you'll often find\nROCK-type POKéMON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162EE7 @ 1.82 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 191, "Hit me with your best shot!", "Fired away!");
say ("I'll raise my POKéMON to beat\nyours, kid.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162EFE @ 1.82 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 164, "You have a POKéDEX?\nI want one, too.", "Shoot!\nI am so jealous!");
say ("When you finish your POKéDEX,\ncan I have it?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162F15 @ 1.82 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 165, "Um… Do you know about POKéMON\ncosplay?", "Well, that's that.");
say ("POKéMON cosplay is dressing up as\nPOKéMON for fun.\rCLEFAIRY is a favorite.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162F2C @ 1.82 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 166, "I draw illustrations of POKéMON\nwhen I'm home.", "Whew…\nI'm exhausted…");
say ("I'm an artist, not a fighter.\nI'll go home to draw.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162F49 @ 1.83 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8B1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162F5A @ 1.86 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x2D2) call (lbl_162F6D);
if (0x2D2) call (lbl_162F94);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162F94 @ Referenced by lbl_162F5A @ ----------------------------------------------
unknown_a7 (0x116);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162F6D @ Referenced by lbl_162F5A @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4002, 0x0);
if (not 0x46) call (lbl_162FF0);
if (not 0x47) call (lbl_162FF0);
if (0x4002 == 0x2) call (lbl_162F90);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162F90 @ Referenced by lbl_162F6D @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2D2);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8162FF0 @ Referenced by lbl_162F6D @ ----------------------------------------------
addvar (0x4002, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163048 @ 1.87 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x807) call (lbl_163052);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163052 @ Referenced by lbl_163048 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0xB4);
if (0x800D != 0x7) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
hidesprite (0x800F);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163066 @ 1.87 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x2BE) call (lbl_1630AD);
if (not 0x2D3) call (lbl_163082);
if (0x2D3) call (lbl_1630A9);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81630A9 @ Referenced by lbl_163066 @ ----------------------------------------------
unknown_a7 (0x117);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163082 @ Referenced by lbl_163066 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4002, 0x0);
if (not 0x4C) call (lbl_163169);
if (not 0x4D) call (lbl_163169);
if (0x4002 == 0x2) call (lbl_1630A5);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81630A5 @ Referenced by lbl_163082 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2D3);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163169 @ Referenced by lbl_163082 @ ----------------------------------------------
addvar (0x4002, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81630AD @ Referenced by lbl_163066 @ ----------------------------------------------
clearflag (0x82);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81630B1 @ 1.87 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4002, 0x0);
if (not 0x4C) call (lbl_163169);
if (not 0x4D) call (lbl_163169);
if (0x4002 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1630D4);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81630D4 @ Referenced by lbl_1630B1 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0xC, 0xE, 0x12B, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xD, 0xE, 0x12B, 0x0);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816319D @ 1.87 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1631AA);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81631AA @ Referenced by lbl_16319D @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81631AC @ 1.87 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
startwildbattle (0x90, 50, 0x0);
checksound ();
cry (0x90, 0x2);
preparemsg ("Gyaoo!");
waitmsg ();
waitforcry ();
pause (0xA);
playsong (0x156, 0);
waitkeypress ();
setflag (0x807);
special (0x138);
waitstate ();
clearflag (0x807);
special2 (0x800D, 0xB4);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16320F);
if (0x800D == 0x4) goto (lbl_163218);
if (0x800D == 0x5) goto (lbl_163218);
setflag (0x2BE);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163218 @ Referenced by lbl_1631AC @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x90);
jump (lbl_1A9236);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816320F @ Referenced by lbl_1631AC @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2BE);
jump (lbl_1A922D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163223 @ 1.87 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hint: Boulders might change the\nflow of water.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816322C @ 1.87 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("DANGER\nFast current!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816323B @ 1.88 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8B2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816323F @ 1.88 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I am a CHANNELER.\rThere are spirits up to mischief.\nI sense them high in the TOWER.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163248 @ 1.88 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("My GROWLITHE…\nWhy did you die?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163251 @ 1.88 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I came to pray for my dearly\ndeparted CLEFAIRY.\rSniff!\nI'm awash in tears…", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816325A @ 1.88 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
getgender ();
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_163272);
say ("Did you come to pay respects?\rBless your POKéMON-loving heart,\ngirl.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163272 @ Referenced by lbl_16325A @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Did you come to pay respects?\rBless your POKéMON-loving heart,\nson.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816327C @ 1.88 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON TOWER was erected in the\nmemory of POKéMON that died.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163286 @ 1.89 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Even we could not identify the\nwayward ghosts.\rA SILPH SCOPE might be able to\nunmask them.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816328F @ 1.89 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1632A7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81632A7 @ Referenced by lbl_16328F @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
playsong (0x13B, 0);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_163339);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_16334B);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("{TERRY}: Hey, {RED}!\nWhat brings you here?\fIs your POKéMON dead?\rHey! It's alive!\rI can at least make them faint!\nLet's go!", 4);
setvar (0x800F, 0x1);
if (0x4031 == 0x2) call (lbl_16335D);
if (0x4031 == 0x1) call (lbl_163368);
if (0x4031 == 0x0) call (lbl_163373);
say ("How's your POKéDEX coming?\nI just caught a CUBONE!\rI can't find the bigger MAROWAK.\nWhere could they be?\rI bet there aren't any left!\rWell, I better get going.\nI've got a lot to accomplish,\funlike you.\rSmell ya later!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
playsong (0x13C, 0);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_16337E);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_163389);
playsound (0x9);
pause (0x19);
fadetodefault ();
hidesprite (0x1);
setvar (0x405D, 0x1);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163389 @ Referenced by lbl_1632A7 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_16339D);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816339D @ Referenced by lbl_163389 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, RealFastInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816337E @ Referenced by lbl_1632A7 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_163394);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163394 @ Referenced by lbl_16337E @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, RealFastInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163373 @ Referenced by lbl_1632A7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 431, "What?\nYou stinker!\rI took it easy on you, too!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163368 @ Referenced by lbl_1632A7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 430, "What?\nYou stinker!\rI took it easy on you, too!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816335D @ Referenced by lbl_1632A7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 429, "What?\nYou stinker!\rI took it easy on you, too!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816334B @ Referenced by lbl_1632A7 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1A75ED);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A75E9 @ Referenced by lbl_16334B @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (RealFastInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163339 @ Referenced by lbl_1632A7 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1A75EB);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816329B @ 1.89 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1632A7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81633A7 @ 1.90 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 441, "Be gone!\nMalevolent spirit!", "Whew!\nThe spirit left!");
say ("The others above…\nThey must have been possessed.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81633BE @ 1.90 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 442, "Kekeke…\nKwaaah!", "Hmm?\nWhat am I doing?");
say ("Sorry!\nI was possessed!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81633D5 @ 1.90 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 443, "Urrg… Awaa…\nHuhu… Graa…", "Hwa!\nI'm saved!");
say ("The ghosts can be identified by\nthe SILPH SCOPE.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81633ED @ 1.91 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 444, "Ghost! No!\nKwaaah!", "Where is the ghost?");
say ("I must have been dreaming…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163404 @ 1.91 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 445, "Be cursed with me!\nKwaaah!", "What!");
say ("We can't determine the identity of\nthe ghosts…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816341B @ 1.91 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 446, "Huhuhu…\nBeat me not!", "Huh?\nWho? What?");
say ("May the departed POKéMON rest in\npeace…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163433 @ 1.92 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Come, child!\nI have purified this space.\fYou can rest here.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816343C @ 1.92 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
fade (3);
special (0x0);
fade (2);
say ("Entered the purified and protected\nzone.\r{RED}'s POKéMON were fully\nhealed.", 4);
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163453 @ 1.92 trap #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816345B @ 1.92 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 447, "Give…me…\nyour…all…", "Gasp!");
say ("I was under possession.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163472 @ 1.92 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 448, "You…shall…\njoin…us…", "What a nightmare!");
say ("I was possessed.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163489 @ 1.92 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 449, "Zombies!", "Ha?");
say ("I regained my senses.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81634A0 @ 1.92 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 450, "Urgah…\nUrff…", "Whoo!");
say ("I fell to evil spirits despite my\ntraining in the mountains…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81634B8 @ 1.93 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
textcolor (2);
say ("Be gone…\nIntruders…", 4);
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
startwildbattle (0x69, 30, 0x0);
special (0x156);
waitstate ();
special (0x188);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1634F5);
applymove (0xFF, move_163512);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163512 @ Referenced by lbl_1634B8 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81634F5 @ Referenced by lbl_1634B8 @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("The ghost was the restless spirit\nof CUBONE's mother!");
waitmsg ();
checksound ();
cry (0x69, 0x0);
waitkeypress ();
waitforcry ();
say ("The mother's spirit was calmed.\rIt departed to the afterlife…", 4);
setvar (0x4059, 0x1);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163514 @ 1.93 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 451, "Give…me…\nblood…", "Groan!");
say ("I feel anemic and weak…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816352B @ 1.93 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 452, "Urff…\nKwaah!", "Something fell out!");
say ("My hair didn't fall out!\nIt was a malevolent spirit!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163542 @ 1.93 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 453, "Ke…ke…ke…\nke…ke…ke!", "Keee!");
say ("What's going on here?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816355A @ 1.94 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xE);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x174);
setflag (0x34);
clearflag (0x35);
setflag (0x23C);
say ("MR. FUJI: Heh?\nYou came to save me?\rThank you. But, I came here of my\nown free will.\rI came to calm the spirit of\nCUBONE's mother.\rI think MAROWAK's spirit has\nfinally left us.\rI must thank you for your kind\nconcern.\rFollow me to my home, POKéMON\nHOUSE, at the foot of this tower.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
warp (8, 2, 255, 0x4, 0x7);
waitstate ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163586 @ 1.94 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (2, 369, "What do you want?\nWhy are you here?", "I give up!", lbl_1635A1);
say ("I'm not going to forget this!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81635A1 @ Referenced by lbl_163586 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'm not going to forget this!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
getcamerapos (0x8004, 0x8005);
if (0x8004 == 0xA) goto (lbl_1635E0);
if (0x8004 == 0xB) goto (lbl_1635F0);
if (0x8004 == 0x9) goto (lbl_163600);
applymove (0x2, move_16362C);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_163616);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163616 @ Referenced by lbl_1635A1 @ ----------------------------------------------
hidesprite (0x2);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816362C @ Referenced by lbl_1635A1 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163600 @ Referenced by lbl_1635A1 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x2, move_163633);
waitformove (0x0);
playsound (0x9);
pause (0x19);
jump (lbl_163616);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163633 @ Referenced by lbl_163600 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.South, Walk.South, RealFastInPlace.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81635F0 @ Referenced by lbl_1635A1 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x2, move_163624);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_163616);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163624 @ Referenced by lbl_1635F0 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81635E0 @ Referenced by lbl_1635A1 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x2, move_16361B);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_163616);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816361B @ Referenced by lbl_1635E0 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816363D @ 1.94 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (2, 370, "This old guy marched right up to\nour HIDEOUT.\rThen, he starts ranting about how\nTEAM ROCKET's abusing POKéMON.\rSo, we're just talking it over as\nadults.", "Please!\nNo more!", lbl_163658);
say ("POKéMON are only good for making\nmoney. Why not use them?\rYou stay out of our business!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163658 @ Referenced by lbl_16363D @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0xE);
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
special (0x173);
say ("POKéMON are only good for making\nmoney. Why not use them?\rYou stay out of our business!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
getcamerapos (0x8004, 0x8005);
if (0x8004 == 0xC) goto (lbl_163699);
if (0x8004 == 0xD) goto (lbl_1636A9);
applymove (0x3, move_1636C6);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_1636B9);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81636B9 @ Referenced by lbl_163658 @ ----------------------------------------------
hidesprite (0x3);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81636C6 @ Referenced by lbl_163658 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81636A9 @ Referenced by lbl_163658 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x3, move_1636CD);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_1636B9);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81636CD @ Referenced by lbl_1636A9 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163699 @ Referenced by lbl_163658 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x3, move_1636BE);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_1636B9);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81636BE @ Referenced by lbl_163699 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81636D6 @ 1.94 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (2, 371, "You're not saving anyone, kid!", "Don't fight us ROCKETS!", lbl_1636F1);
say ("You're not getting away with this!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81636F1 @ Referenced by lbl_1636D6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You're not getting away with this!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
getcamerapos (0x8004, 0x8005);
if (0x8004 == 0xA) goto (lbl_163725);
if (0x8004 == 0x9) goto (lbl_163735);
applymove (0x4, move_163754);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_163745);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163745 @ Referenced by lbl_1636F1 @ ----------------------------------------------
hidesprite (0x4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163754 @ Referenced by lbl_1636F1 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163735 @ Referenced by lbl_1636F1 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_16375B);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_163745);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816375B @ Referenced by lbl_163735 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163725 @ Referenced by lbl_1636F1 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_16374C);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_163745);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816374C @ Referenced by lbl_163725 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816376F @ 1.95 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x807) call (lbl_163779);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163779 @ Referenced by lbl_16376F @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0xB4);
if (0x800D != 0x7) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
hidesprite (0x800F);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816378D @ 1.95 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8B4);
if (not 0x2BF) call (lbl_1637AC);
if (not 0x2D0) call (lbl_1637B0);
if (not 0x2D1) call (lbl_1637B4);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81637B4 @ Referenced by lbl_16378D @ ----------------------------------------------
clearflag (0x86);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81637B0 @ Referenced by lbl_16378D @ ----------------------------------------------
clearflag (0x85);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81637AC @ Referenced by lbl_16378D @ ----------------------------------------------
clearflag (0x5D);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81637B8 @ 1.95 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
startwildbattle (0x91, 50, 0x0);
checksound ();
cry (0x91, 0x2);
preparemsg ("Gyaoo!");
waitmsg ();
waitforcry ();
pause (0xA);
playsong (0x156, 0);
waitkeypress ();
setflag (0x807);
special (0x138);
waitstate ();
clearflag (0x807);
special2 (0x800D, 0xB4);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16381B);
if (0x800D == 0x4) goto (lbl_163824);
if (0x800D == 0x5) goto (lbl_163824);
setflag (0x2BF);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163824 @ Referenced by lbl_1637B8 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x91);
jump (lbl_1A9236);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816381B @ Referenced by lbl_1637B8 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2BF);
jump (lbl_1A922D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816382F @ 1.95 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
startwildbattle (0x65, 34, 0x0);
checksound ();
cry (0x65, 0x2);
pause (0x28);
waitforcry ();
setflag (0x807);
repeatwildbattle ();
clearflag (0x807);
special (0x188);
special2 (0x800D, 0xB4);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_163884);
if (0x800D == 0x4) goto (lbl_163884);
if (0x800D == 0x5) goto (lbl_163884);
setflag (0x2D0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163884 @ Referenced by lbl_16382F @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2D0);
jump (lbl_1A922D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816388D @ 1.95 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
startwildbattle (0x65, 34, 0x0);
checksound ();
cry (0x65, 0x2);
pause (0x28);
waitforcry ();
setflag (0x807);
repeatwildbattle ();
clearflag (0x807);
special (0x188);
special2 (0x800D, 0xB4);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1638E2);
if (0x800D == 0x4) goto (lbl_1638E2);
if (0x800D == 0x5) goto (lbl_1638E2);
setflag (0x2D1);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81638E2 @ Referenced by lbl_16388D @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2D1);
jump (lbl_1A922D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81638EC @ 1.96 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
braille ("⠁⠃⠉");
waitkeypress ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81638F5 @ 1.96 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
braille ("⠛⠓⠊");
waitkeypress ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81638FE @ 1.96 sign #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
braille ("⠍⠝⠕");
waitkeypress ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163907 @ 1.96 sign #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
braille ("⠞⠥⠧");
waitkeypress ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163910 @ 1.96 sign #12 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
braille ("⠙⠑⠋");
waitkeypress ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163919 @ 1.96 sign #15 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
braille ("⠚⠅⠇");
waitkeypress ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163922 @ 1.96 sign #18 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
braille ("⠏⠟⠗⠎");
waitkeypress ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816392B @ 1.96 sign #23 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
braille ("⠺⠭⠽⠵");
waitkeypress ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163934 @ 1.96 sign #19 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
braille ("⠲");
waitkeypress ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816393D @ 1.96 sign #20 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
braille ("⠂");
waitkeypress ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163951 @ 1.97 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8B6);
if (0x407F == 0x2) call (lbl_163960);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163960 @ Referenced by lbl_163951 @ ----------------------------------------------
spritebehave (0x2, 8);
spritebehave (0x3, 8);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163969 @ 1.97 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4076 => 0x4) call (lbl_163975);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163975 @ Referenced by lbl_163969 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x2A, 0x27, 0x346, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816397F @ 1.97 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
checktrainer (0x219);
ifgoto (1, lbl_16399E);
if (0x4076 == 0x4) goto (lbl_1639A8);
say ("Over here.\nWe'll try digging here.\rThat treasure the ADMINS've been\ntalking about should be here.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81639A8 @ Referenced by lbl_16397F @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x2, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
playsong (0x11B, 0);
say ("You've been eavesdropping on us,\nhaven't you?", 4);
trainerbattle (3, 537, "Huh, what?");
say ("Why'd you have to win?", 4);
checktrainer (0x21A);
ifgoto (1, lbl_1639DB);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81639DB @ Referenced by lbl_1639A8 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("What a setback…\nWe'll have to regroup.\rYou! Don't even think about taking\na step inside here!\rIf you know what's good for you,\ndon't even think about this!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
fade (1);
hidesprite (0x2);
hidesprite (0x3);
fade (0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816399E @ Referenced by lbl_16397F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Why'd you have to win?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81639F0 @ 1.97 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checktrainer (0x21A);
ifgoto (1, lbl_163A1B);
if (0x4076 == 0x4) goto (lbl_163A25);
say ("What the…?\nYou're in the way. Get lost.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x3, move_1A75E5);
waitformove (0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A75E5 @ Referenced by lbl_1639F0 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x5A, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163A25 @ Referenced by lbl_1639F0 @ ----------------------------------------------
playsong (0x11B, 0);
say ("Trying to horn in on our treasure?\nDon't bet on it!", 4);
trainerbattle (3, 538, "Wait!\nBut how?");
say ("Develop amnesia conveniently and\nforget everything you heard!", 4);
checktrainer (0x219);
ifgoto (1, lbl_1639DB);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163A1B @ Referenced by lbl_1639F0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Develop amnesia conveniently and\nforget everything you heard!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163A4E @ 1.97 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
textcolor (0);
say ("Whew, punched through at last.\nLet's go treasure hunting!", 4);
preparemsg ("Any treasure we find, we haul back\nto the WAREHOUSE, understood?\r…Oh, and what're the passwords?\nAt the ROCKET WAREHOUSE, I mean.");
waitmsg ();
playsound (0x15);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75D9);
waitformove (0x0);
waitkeypress ();
say ("What, you forgot the password?\nThere're actually two.\rThe first one's “GOLDEEN need\nlog.”\rAnd the second one is…", 4);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
playsound (0x15);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
call (lbl_163960);
say ("Hey!\nThis snoop's been listening in!", 4);
setvar (0x407F, 0x2);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A75D9 @ Referenced by lbl_163A4E @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Emote.Question, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163AB4 @ 1.97 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 595, "An active volcano is one that's\nerupting, or about to.", "Whew… That was hot!\nSweat's erupting from me!");
say ("They say there're over 1,500\nactive volcanoes in the world.\rJust thinking about them makes me\nfeel all hot and gooey inside!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163ACB @ 1.97 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 597, "Do you know how caves form inside\nvolcanoes?", "Atchah!\nYou're shockingly good!");
say ("When lava at the surface of magma\nhardens, and the magma inside flows\fout, caverns are left behind.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163AE2 @ 1.97 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 592, "I've been in training so I can mend\nmy broken heart…\rIt toughened me up physically at\nleast! Hi-yah!", "I think I tried to overdo it…");
say ("The way you battle, it reminds me\nof the guy who dumped me…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163B07 @ 1.101 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x807) call (lbl_163B11);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163B11 @ Referenced by lbl_163B07 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0xB4);
if (0x800D != 0x7) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
hidesprite (0x800F);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163B25 @ 1.101 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x2BD) call (lbl_163B2F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163B2F @ Referenced by lbl_163B25 @ ----------------------------------------------
clearflag (0x52);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163B33 @ 1.101 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
startwildbattle (0x92, 50, 0x0);
checksound ();
cry (0x92, 0x2);
preparemsg ("Gyaoo!");
waitmsg ();
waitforcry ();
pause (0xA);
playsong (0x156, 0);
waitkeypress ();
setflag (0x807);
special (0x138);
waitstate ();
clearflag (0x807);
special2 (0x800D, 0xB4);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_163B96);
if (0x800D == 0x4) goto (lbl_163B9F);
if (0x800D == 0x5) goto (lbl_163B9F);
setflag (0x2BD);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163B9F @ Referenced by lbl_163B33 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x92);
jump (lbl_1A9236);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163B96 @ Referenced by lbl_163B33 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2BD);
jump (lbl_1A922D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163BAB @ 1.102 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8005, 0x82);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
braille ("⠑⠧⠑⠗⠽⠞⠓⠊⠝⠛");
braille2 ("⠑⠧⠑⠗⠽⠞⠓⠊⠝⠛");
call (lbl_1A926C);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
braille ("⠓⠁⠎⠀⠍⠑⠁⠝⠊⠝⠛");
braille2 ("⠓⠁⠎⠀⠍⠑⠁⠝⠊⠝⠛");
call (lbl_1A926C);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
braille ("⠑⠭⠊⠎⠞⠑⠝⠉⠑");
braille2 ("⠑⠭⠊⠎⠞⠑⠝⠉⠑");
call (lbl_1A926C);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
braille ("⠓⠁⠎⠀⠍⠑⠁⠝⠊⠝⠛");
braille2 ("⠓⠁⠎⠀⠍⠑⠁⠝⠊⠝⠛");
call (lbl_1A926C);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
braille ("⠃⠑⠊⠝⠛⠀⠁⠇⠊⠧⠑");
braille2 ("⠃⠑⠊⠝⠛⠀⠁⠇⠊⠧⠑");
call (lbl_1A926C);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
braille ("⠓⠁⠎⠀⠍⠑⠁⠝⠊⠝⠛");
braille2 ("⠓⠁⠎⠀⠍⠑⠁⠝⠊⠝⠛");
call (lbl_1A926C);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
braille ("⠓⠁⠧⠑⠀⠙⠗⠑⠁⠍⠎");
braille2 ("⠓⠁⠧⠑⠀⠙⠗⠑⠁⠍⠎");
call (lbl_1A926C);
braille ("⠥⠎⠑⠀⠏⠕⠺⠑⠗⠲");
waitkeypress ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A926C @ Referenced by lbl_163BAB @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x1B2);
waitkeypress ();
playsound (0x5);
setvar (0x8006, 0x1);
special (0x1B2);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163C49 @ 1.102 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setflag (0x2DD);
hidesprite (0x1);
giveitem (0x175, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} found a RUBY!");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x175);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x13E);
callstd (9);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163C77 @ 1.109 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8B7);
warp6 (3, 48, 255, 0xC, 0x6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163C83 @ 1.109 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("LOSTELLE: Whimper… Sniff…\nOh! Please, help!\rA scary POKéMON appeared there\na little while ago.\rIt kept scaring.\nIt made LOSTELLE scared.\rI'm too scared to move!\nBut I want to go home…", 4);
playsound (0x15);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x1, move_163D22);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("Oh! Here it comes again!\nNo! Go away! It's scaring me!\rWaaaaaaah!\nI want my daddy!", 4);
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
checksound ();
cry (0x61, 0x2);
waitforcry ();
startwildbattle (0x61, 30, 0x0);
repeatwildbattle ();
special (0x188);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("Ohh! That was so scary!\nThank you!\rLOSTELLE came to pick some\nBERRIES.\rYou can have this!", 4);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x93);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_163D19);
special (0x94);
say ("What's your name?\rLOSTELLE's scared, so can I go\nwith you to my daddy's house?\rOkay!\nLet's go home!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
setflag (0x2A3);
setflag (0x7A);
setvar (0x4079, 0x2);
clearflag (0x75);
warp (33, 0, 255, 0x6, 0x6);
waitstate ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163D19 @ Referenced by lbl_163C83 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Your BERRY POUCH is full.\nI guess you don't want this.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163D22 @ Referenced by lbl_163C83 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (RealFastInPlace.East, 0x1C, RealFastInPlace.West, 0x1B, RealFastInPlace.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163D28 @ 1.109 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Welcome to the BERRY FOREST\rBe friendly and share BERRIES with\nothers and POKéMON.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163D31 @ 1.109 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Beware of wild, BERRY-loving\nPOKéMON!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163D40 @ 1.110 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8B8);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163D54 @ 1.111 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
unknown_a6 (4);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163D57 @ 1.111 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x135);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163D88 @ 1.113 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4080 == 0x1) call (lbl_163D94);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163D94 @ Referenced by lbl_163D88 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x8B);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163D98 @ 1.113 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
textcolor (1);
say ("LORELEI: Keep your filthy hands\noff the POKéMON in the cave!\rDo as I say, or you'll have me to\nanswer to!", 4);
applymove (0x1, move_163EE8);
waitformove (0x0);
textcolor (0);
say ("Aww, shut it, lady, and leave\nus be.\rDon't let your glasses get all\nsteamed up!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
playsound (0x15);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
textcolor (1);
say ("LORELEI: {RED}?!\nWhat are you doing here?\rNo, we can catch up later.\nRight now, I need your help.\rHelp me kick these poachers out\nbefore they do anything else.\rThey've been catching POKéMON\nhere, then selling them off!\rAre you ready?\nYou take that one, please!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x3, move_1A75EB);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0x12);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0x23);
applymove (0x4, move_163F11);
applymove (0x3, move_163F18);
applymove (0xFF, move_163EDD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_163EE8);
waitformove (0x0);
playsong (0x11B, 0);
textcolor (0);
say ("W-what?!\rWho says we can't do what we want\nwith the POKéMON we catch?", 4);
setvar (0x800F, 0x4);
trainerbattle (3, 539, "We didn't plan on this!");
applymove (0x3, move_163F1B);
waitformove (0x0);
textcolor (1);
say ("LORELEI: Humph.\nSo despicably weak.\rYou!\nTell me!\rWhere have you taken the captured\nPOKéMON?\rI'm smashing your ring once and\nfor all!", 4);
textcolor (0);
say ("N-no way!\nI'm not telling you that!", 4);
textcolor (1);
preparemsg ("LORELEI: If you won't confess,\nwe'll deep-freeze you.\rMy LAPRAS is furious for what\nyou've done to its friends.\rGo, LAPRAS!\nICE BEAM…");
waitmsg ();
checksound ();
cry (0x83, 0x2);
waitkeypress ();
waitforcry ();
applymove (0x1, move_163EEE);
waitformove (0x0);
textcolor (0);
say ("Wawaah! Okay!\nI'll talk!\rThe POKéMON are in the ROCKET\nWAREHOUSE on FIVE ISLAND.\rThere! I said it!\nWe'll be going now!\r…But I doubt you'll ever make it\ninto the ROCKET WAREHOUSE!\rHeheheheh!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x3, move_163F1D);
applymove (0xFF, move_163EE2);
applymove (0x1, move_163EF0);
applymove (0x2, move_163EFA);
applymove (0x4, move_163F05);
waitformove (0x0);
hidesprite (0x1);
hidesprite (0x2);
hidesprite (0x4);
pause (0x32);
applymove (0x3, move_163F23);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
textcolor (1);
say ("{RED}, thank you.\nBut this is awful…\rI was born and raised here on\nthese islands.\rI had no idea that those horrible\ncriminals were loose here…", 4);
setflag (0x8E);
clearflag (0x8C);
setvar (0x4080, 0x1);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163F23 @ Referenced by lbl_163D98 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163F05 @ Referenced by lbl_163D98 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, Walk.South, 0x1C, Walk.South, Sprint.West, Sprint.West, Sprint.South, Sprint.South, Sprint.South, Sprint.South, Sprint.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163EFA @ Referenced by lbl_163D98 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, Walk.East, Walk.South, Sprint.South, Sprint.South, Sprint.South, Sprint.South, Sprint.South, Sprint.South, Sprint.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163EF0 @ Referenced by lbl_163D98 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.South, Sprint.South, Sprint.South, Sprint.South, Sprint.South, Sprint.South, Sprint.South, Sprint.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163EE2 @ Referenced by lbl_163D98 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, RealFastInPlace.East, 0x1C, 0x1C, RealFastInPlace.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163F1D @ Referenced by lbl_163D98 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1B, RealFastInPlace.West, 0x1C, 0x1C, RealFastInPlace.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163EEE @ Referenced by lbl_163D98 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (FastInPlace.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163F1B @ Referenced by lbl_163D98 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (StepInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163EDD @ Referenced by lbl_163D98 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.West, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163F18 @ Referenced by lbl_163D98 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163F11 @ Referenced by lbl_163D98 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1B, RealFastInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163EE8 @ Referenced by lbl_163D98 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (StepInPlace.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163F25 @ 1.113 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("{RED}, thank you.\nBut this is awful…\rI was born and raised here on\nthese islands.\rI had no idea that those horrible\ncriminals were loose here…", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163F39 @ 1.114 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8B9);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163F3D @ 1.114 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
checktrainer (0x21F);
ifgosub (1, lbl_163F47);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163F47 @ Referenced by lbl_163F3D @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x1A, 0x14, 0x2A0, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x1B, 0x14, 0x2A0, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163F5A @ 1.114 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x2D5) goto (lbl_163F6E);
say ("There are many POKéMON locked\naway in the pen…", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163F6E @ Referenced by lbl_163F5A @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The pen door is unlocked.\nThe POKéMON appear to have fled.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163F78 @ 1.114 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A report with graphs and text is on\nthe PC monitor.\r“The Influence of Magnetic Waves\non POKéMON Evolution”…\r… … … … … …\rIt's too difficult to understand…", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163F81 @ 1.114 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
applymove (0x4, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
setvar (0x4088, 0x1);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163F93 @ 1.114 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (2, 545, "I almost managed to sell the\nSAPPHIRE for huge money…\rThen, you just had to come along\nand blow the whole deal apart!\rFufu… Fufufufu…\nThere's no forgiveness for you!", "Gah! Darn!\nDarn! Darn!", lbl_163FCD);
if (0x844) goto (lbl_163FB7);
say ("What do you want now?\nGo on, get lost, leave me be.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163FB7 @ Referenced by lbl_163F93 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0xF);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x173);
say ("What, you again?\rYou… You're not GIOVANNI's kid,\nare you?\rNo, that can't be right!\nGIOVANNI's kid has red hair.\rYou don't have any reasons for\nbugging me. Leave me alone!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163FCD @ Referenced by lbl_163F93 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("If I can't sell it, it's worthless!\nGo ahead, take it!", 4);
setflag (0x2DC);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x176);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163FE6 @ 1.114 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 541, "Did you come here knowing it's\nTEAM ROCKET's WAREHOUSE?", "What do you think you're doing?!");
say ("TEAM ROCKET broke up?\nWhat planet are you from?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8163FFD @ 1.114 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 542, "I got word about you from the\nothers.\rBut there's no way a kid like you'd\nknow our BOSS GIOVANNI!", "Don't…you…dare…laugh…");
say ("Don't mess in the doings of adults,\nyou jumped-up pip-squeak!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164014 @ 1.114 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (2, 544, "That's quite enough of you \nplaying the hero, kid.\rSpreading lies about how TEAM\nROCKET has disbanded…\rIt's such an obvious attempt to\ncause confusion in our ranks.\rFortunately, we're not so ignorant\nto fall for the lies of a child!\rAnd now, I'll show you how scary\nan angry adult can be!", "Urgh…\nYou were too strong…\r…\nTh-that's GIOVANNI's BADGE!\rSo it's true?\nTEAM ROCKET really has disbanded?", lbl_16402F);
say ("We will abandon this WAREHOUSE…\rBut don't think this is over.\nI won't let this be the end.\rI will find GIOVANNI.\nAnd I will resurrect TEAM ROCKET!\fI will…\rUntil then, farewell!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816402F @ Referenced by lbl_164014 @ ----------------------------------------------
getcamerapos (0x8004, 0x8005);
if (0x8004 <= 0x18) call (lbl_164065);
say ("We will abandon this WAREHOUSE…\rBut don't think this is over.\nI won't let this be the end.\rI will find GIOVANNI.\nAnd I will resurrect TEAM ROCKET!\fI will…\rUntil then, farewell!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
fade (1);
hidesprite (0x1);
hidesprite (0x2);
hidesprite (0x4);
hidesprite (0x3);
setflag (0x88);
fade (0);
setvar (0x4088, 0x1);
setflag (0x2D5);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164065 @ Referenced by lbl_16402F @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164070 @ 1.114 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 516, "Oh, now your POKéMON look strong.\nYou're willing to sell them?\rOh?\nYou wanted to battle?", "Oh, but…\nToo much!");
say ("We can give you a great price.\nSell us your POKéMON!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164087 @ 1.114 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (2, 543, "I don't know or care if what I'm\ndoing is right or wrong…\rI just put my faith in GIOVANNI\nand do as I am told.", "I…\nI'm shattered…", lbl_1640A2);
say ("I've made it so you can come back\nin through there.\rWhy don't you go get rested and\nrefreshed for what lies ahead?\rThe ADMIN after me outranks me\nthoroughly as a TRAINER.\rYou'd better steel yourself for one\nharsh challenge.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81640A2 @ Referenced by lbl_164087 @ ----------------------------------------------
getcamerapos (0x8004, 0x8005);
special2 (0x800D, 0x1AA);
if (0x800D == 0x2) call (lbl_16412E);
say ("You're doing things according to\nyour beliefs and morals.\rI understand now…", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
if (0x8004 <= 0x18) call (lbl_164144);
if (0x8004 == 0x19) call (lbl_16414F);
if (0x8004 == 0x1A) call (lbl_16415A);
if (0x8004 == 0x1B) call (lbl_16415A);
playsound (0x15);
call (lbl_163F47);
special (0x8E);
checksound ();
if (0x8004 <= 0x18) call (lbl_164165);
if (0x8004 == 0x19) call (lbl_164165);
if (0x8004 == 0x1A) call (lbl_164165);
if (0x8004 == 0x1B) call (lbl_164170);
say ("I've made it so you can come back\nin through there.\rWhy don't you go get rested and\nrefreshed for what lies ahead?\rThe ADMIN after me outranks me\nthoroughly as a TRAINER.\rYou'd better steel yourself for one\nharsh challenge.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164170 @ Referenced by lbl_1640A2 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x3, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164165 @ Referenced by lbl_1640A2 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x3, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816415A @ Referenced by lbl_1640A2 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x3, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816414F @ Referenced by lbl_1640A2 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x3, move_16417F);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816417F @ Referenced by lbl_16414F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, RealFastInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164144 @ Referenced by lbl_1640A2 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x3, move_16417B);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816417B @ Referenced by lbl_164144 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.West, RealFastInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816412E @ Referenced by lbl_1640A2 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x8004 == 0x1B) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164188 @ 1.115 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8BB);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816418C @ 1.116 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
braille ("⠥⠏");
waitkeypress ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164195 @ 1.119 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
braille ("⠙⠕⠺⠝");
waitkeypress ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816419E @ 1.118 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
braille ("⠗⠊⠛⠓⠞");
waitkeypress ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81641A7 @ 1.117 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
braille ("⠇⠑⠋⠞");
waitkeypress ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81641B5 @ 1.120 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x13E);
preparemsg ("{RED} found a SAPPHIRE!");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
closeonkeypress ();
movesprite2 (0x2, 0x5, 0x0);
showsprite (0x2);
playsound (0x25);
applymove (0x2, move_16440F);
waitformove (0x0);
playsound (0xCF);
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_16430F);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_16430F);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_16431A);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_16431A);
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
setvar (0x8006, 0xC);
setvar (0x8007, 0x3);
special (0x136);
pause (0x3C);
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_164325);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_164330);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_16433B);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_164346);
textcolor (0);
say ("Fufu… Fufufufu…\nI guessed right.\rI was right in tailing you!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_164351);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_164366);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_16437B);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_164390);
hidesprite (0x1);
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_1642F9);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_1642F9);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_164304);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_164304);
say ("I knew that there was a SAPPHIRE\nhere, so it belongs to me!\rI'll sell it to TEAM ROCKET for\nserious money.\r…D-don't glare at me like that!\rIf you want it back, why don't you\ngo get it after I sell it?\rI'll even tell you one of the\npasswords to TEAM ROCKET's\fWAREHOUSE.\rThe WAREHOUSE password I know is\n“Yes, nah, CHANSEY.”\rI'm done.\nDon't think badly of me!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_1643A5);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_1643B7);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_1643C9);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_1643DB);
playsound (0x9);
pause (0x23);
hidesprite (0x2);
setflag (0x2D8);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81643DB @ Referenced by lbl_1641B5 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16441C);
applymove (0x2, move_164409);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164409 @ Referenced by lbl_1643DB @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Sprint.West, Sprint.West, Sprint.West, Sprint.West, Sprint.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816441C @ Referenced by lbl_1643DB @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, RealFastInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81643C9 @ Referenced by lbl_1641B5 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16441C);
applymove (0x2, move_164409);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81643B7 @ Referenced by lbl_1641B5 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16441C);
applymove (0x2, move_164401);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164401 @ Referenced by lbl_1643B7 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Sprint.South, Sprint.West, Sprint.West, Sprint.West, Sprint.North, Sprint.West, Sprint.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81643A5 @ Referenced by lbl_1641B5 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16441C);
applymove (0x2, move_1643F9);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81643F9 @ Referenced by lbl_1643A5 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Sprint.North, Sprint.West, Sprint.West, Sprint.West, Sprint.South, Sprint.West, Sprint.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164304 @ Referenced by lbl_1641B5 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81642F9 @ Referenced by lbl_1641B5 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164390 @ Referenced by lbl_1641B5 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x2, move_1643F7);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81643F7 @ Referenced by lbl_164390 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816437B @ Referenced by lbl_1641B5 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x2, move_1643F7);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164366 @ Referenced by lbl_1641B5 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x2, move_1643F5);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81643F5 @ Referenced by lbl_164366 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164351 @ Referenced by lbl_1641B5 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x2, move_1643F5);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164346 @ Referenced by lbl_1641B5 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x2, move_1643F1);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81643F1 @ Referenced by lbl_164346 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.West, RealFastInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816433B @ Referenced by lbl_1641B5 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x2, move_1643F1);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164330 @ Referenced by lbl_1641B5 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x2, move_1643ED);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81643ED @ Referenced by lbl_164330 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, RealFastInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164325 @ Referenced by lbl_1641B5 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x2, move_1643ED);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816431A @ Referenced by lbl_1641B5 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816430F @ Referenced by lbl_1641B5 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816440F @ Referenced by lbl_1641B5 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Face.South, 0x5E, Zip.South, Zip.South, Zip.South, Zip.South, Zip.South, Zip.South, Zip.South, Zip.South, Zip.South, 0x5F, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816441F @ 1.120 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8005, 0x82);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
braille ("⠇⠑⠞⠀⠞⠓⠑⠀⠞⠺⠕");
braille2 ("⠇⠑⠞⠀⠞⠓⠑⠀⠞⠺⠕");
call (lbl_1A926C);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
braille ("⠛⠇⠊⠞⠞⠑⠗⠊⠝⠛");
braille2 ("⠛⠇⠊⠞⠞⠑⠗⠊⠝⠛");
call (lbl_1A926C);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
braille ("⠎⠞⠕⠝⠑⠎");
braille2 ("⠎⠞⠕⠝⠑⠎");
call (lbl_1A926C);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
braille ("⠕⠝⠑⠀⠊⠝⠀⠗⠑⠙");
braille2 ("⠕⠝⠑⠀⠊⠝⠀⠗⠑⠙");
call (lbl_1A926C);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
braille ("⠕⠝⠑⠀⠊⠝⠀⠃⠇⠥⠑");
braille2 ("⠕⠝⠑⠀⠊⠝⠀⠃⠇⠥⠑");
call (lbl_1A926C);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
braille ("⠉⠕⠝⠝⠑⠉⠞⠀⠞⠓⠑");
braille2 ("⠉⠕⠝⠝⠑⠉⠞⠀⠞⠓⠑");
call (lbl_1A926C);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
braille ("⠏⠁⠎⠞⠲");
braille2 ("⠏⠁⠎⠞⠲");
call (lbl_1A926C);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
braille ("⠞⠺⠕⠀⠋⠗⠊⠑⠝⠙⠎");
braille2 ("⠞⠺⠕⠀⠋⠗⠊⠑⠝⠙⠎");
call (lbl_1A926C);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
braille ("⠎⠓⠁⠗⠊⠝⠛");
braille2 ("⠎⠓⠁⠗⠊⠝⠛");
call (lbl_1A926C);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
braille ("⠏⠕⠺⠑⠗⠀⠕⠏⠑⠝");
braille2 ("⠏⠕⠺⠑⠗⠀⠕⠏⠑⠝");
call (lbl_1A926C);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
braille ("⠁⠀⠺⠊⠝⠙⠕⠺⠀⠞⠕");
braille2 ("⠁⠀⠺⠊⠝⠙⠕⠺⠀⠞⠕");
call (lbl_1A926C);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
braille ("⠁⠀⠝⠑⠺⠀⠺⠕⠗⠇⠙");
braille2 ("⠁⠀⠝⠑⠺⠀⠺⠕⠗⠇⠙");
call (lbl_1A926C);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
braille ("⠞⠓⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠕⠺⠎⠲");
braille2 ("⠞⠓⠁⠞⠀⠛⠇⠕⠺⠎⠲");
call (lbl_1A926C);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
braille ("⠞⠓⠑⠀⠝⠑⠭⠞");
braille2 ("⠞⠓⠑⠀⠝⠑⠭⠞");
call (lbl_1A926C);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
braille ("⠺⠕⠗⠇⠙⠀⠺⠁⠊⠞⠎");
braille2 ("⠺⠕⠗⠇⠙⠀⠺⠁⠊⠞⠎");
call (lbl_1A926C);
braille ("⠋⠕⠗⠀⠽⠕⠥⠲");
waitkeypress ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816455F @ 1.121 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8BD);
getcamerapos (0x4001, 0x4002);
if (0x4001 => 0x32) call (lbl_16457E);
if (0x4001 <= 0x31) call (lbl_164587);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164587 @ Referenced by lbl_16455F @ ----------------------------------------------
warp6 (3, 59, 255, 0x2D, 0xA);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816457E @ Referenced by lbl_16455F @ ----------------------------------------------
warp6 (3, 59, 255, 0x40, 0xA);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164590 @ 1.121 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 609, "I'm curious, how do you raise your\nPOKéMON?", "You raise your POKéMON with a\nwhole lot of love!");
say ("In the same way your mother raised\nyou full of love, you should raise\fyour POKéMON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81645A7 @ 1.121 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 610, "I'm working to preserve the natural\necology of POKéMON here.", "Oh, for someone so young, you are\ntremendous!");
say ("I'm not saying that you shouldn't\ncatch POKéMON.\rI just want people to raise their\nPOKéMON responsibly.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81645BE @ 1.121 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 611, "I caught a BUG POKéMON that lives\nonly around here!", "Heheh…\nIsn't my POKéMON awesome?");
say ("There's a girl near the BUSH who\nmeasures HERACROSS for TRAINERS.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81645D5 @ 1.121 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 612, "You know, it just doesn't feel right\nif I don't use BUG POKéMON.", "It's okay, losing is a fun part of\nPOKéMON's appeal, too.");
say ("By the way, “appeal” is a weird\nword, if you think about it.\rLike, is it like an orange peel?\nOr like a ringing bell?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81645EC @ 1.121 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 613, "Yeah, yeah, yeah!\nLook at all the BUG POKéMON!", "I got beat while I was still busy\ncelebrating!");
say ("I'm going to bring my little brother\nhere next time.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164603 @ 1.121 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 614, "Look, look! There are funny\npatterns on the ground.", "Super awesome!");
say ("The funny patterns on the ground…\rThey look like the patterns on my\ngrandpa's clothes.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816461A @ 1.121 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 615, "I bet you think I'm just some guy,\ndon't you, eh?", "I bet you think I'm weak,\ndon't you, eh?");
say ("Ayup, you townies come around all\nso dandy with a hat that flashy…\rHow about giving me that?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164631 @ 1.121 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 616, "Take a deep breath.\nIsn't the air delicious?", "If you'd like, I can teach you how\nto breathe properly.");
say ("First, exhale.\nBlow everything out.\rWhen you can't exhale anymore,\ninhale the clean air!\rIsn't it refreshing?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164648 @ 1.121 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 617, "I love BUG POKéMON.\nThat's why I'm here all the time.\rAm I the only girl like that?", "I lost, but I'm still laughing.\nAm I the only girl like that?");
say ("I'm going to keep on collecting\nBUG POKéMON.\rAm I the only girl like that?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816465F @ 1.121 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 618, "This is a good spot.\nI'll pitch my tent here.", "Wimped out…");
say ("I'm going to observe the night sky\nhere.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164676 @ 1.121 person #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 619, "Oh, yuck!\nI think a bug stung me!", "It wasn't a bug.\nI cut my shin on some grass.");
say ("A little cut like that…\nA little spit's enough to cure it!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816468D @ 1.121 person #11 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 620, "Have you noticed something odd\nabout these parts?", "Have you taken a good look around\nyour feet?");
say ("There are places here in PATTERN\nBUSH where grass won't grow.\rWhat could be the cause of such\na phenomenon?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81646AA @ 1.122 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8BE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81646B4 @ 2.0 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8B5);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81646C8 @ 2.1 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1C52F4);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C52F4 @ Referenced by lbl_1646C8 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C5327);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C5327);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5331);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C536E);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C536E);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5378);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x2);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x194);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say (0x2021D18, 4);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C5378 @ Referenced by lbl_1C52F4 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x2);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x194);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say (0x2021D18, 4);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C536E @ Referenced by lbl_1C52F4 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x2);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x194);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say (0x2021D18, 4);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C5391 @ Referenced by lbl_1C52F4 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x194);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say (0x2021D18, 4);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C5331 @ Referenced by lbl_1C52F4 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C536E);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C536E);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5378);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x2);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x194);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say (0x2021D18, 4);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C5327 @ Referenced by lbl_1C52F4 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C536E);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C536E);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5378);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x2);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x194);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say (0x2021D18, 4);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81646CE @ 2.1 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1C533B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C533B @ Referenced by lbl_1646CE @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C536E);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C536E);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5378);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x2);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x194);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say (0x2021D18, 4);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81646D4 @ 2.1 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1C5382);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C5382 @ Referenced by lbl_1646D4 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x194);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say (0x2021D18, 4);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81646DA @ 2.1 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1C538C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C538C @ Referenced by lbl_1646DA @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x194);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say (0x2021D18, 4);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81646E0 @ 2.2 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1C53AA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C53AA @ Referenced by lbl_1646E0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x7);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C53DA);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C53E2);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5492);
say ("Hello…\rI am the owner of this TOWER…\rHow the sky soars above this\nrooftop…\rThe caress of the winds up here…\rIt's all so perfect…\rThe way you battled…\nIt, too, was perfection…", 4);
setvar (0x8004, 0x8);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C5410);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C543A);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C544F);
say ("This is for you…", 4);
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x101);
preparemsg ("Obtained the {var:3}!");
waitforjingle ();
waitmsg ();
getstandard (2, 0x18);
say ("{RED} put the {var:3}\nin the {var:4}.", 4);
call (lbl_1A6675);
jump (lbl_1C544F);
say ("This is for you…", 4);
say ("The BAG is full…", 4);
jump (lbl_1C544F);
setvar (0x8004, 0x9);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C547D);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C548A);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5492);
say ("Oh!\nStupendous!\rIt's marvelous how you've come up\nhere so quickly.\rThe fact is, you've done it in\nrecord time…\rI'll have your record posted at\nthe reception counter.", 4);
jump (lbl_1C5492);
say ("You seem to have taken your sweet\ntime getting here…", 4);
say ("What I would like to see is a\nbetter time out of you…\rI'm counting on you.\rUntil then, farewell…", 4);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C548A @ Referenced by lbl_1C53AA @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You seem to have taken your sweet\ntime getting here…", 4);
say ("What I would like to see is a\nbetter time out of you…\rI'm counting on you.\rUntil then, farewell…", 4);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C547D @ Referenced by lbl_1C53AA @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh!\nStupendous!\rIt's marvelous how you've come up\nhere so quickly.\rThe fact is, you've done it in\nrecord time…\rI'll have your record posted at\nthe reception counter.", 4);
jump (lbl_1C5492);
say ("You seem to have taken your sweet\ntime getting here…", 4);
say ("What I would like to see is a\nbetter time out of you…\rI'm counting on you.\rUntil then, farewell…", 4);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C544F @ Referenced by lbl_1C53AA @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x9);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C547D);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C548A);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5492);
say ("Oh!\nStupendous!\rIt's marvelous how you've come up\nhere so quickly.\rThe fact is, you've done it in\nrecord time…\rI'll have your record posted at\nthe reception counter.", 4);
jump (lbl_1C5492);
say ("You seem to have taken your sweet\ntime getting here…", 4);
say ("What I would like to see is a\nbetter time out of you…\rI'm counting on you.\rUntil then, farewell…", 4);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C543A @ Referenced by lbl_1C53AA @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("This is for you…", 4);
say ("The BAG is full…", 4);
jump (lbl_1C544F);
setvar (0x8004, 0x9);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C547D);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C548A);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5492);
say ("Oh!\nStupendous!\rIt's marvelous how you've come up\nhere so quickly.\rThe fact is, you've done it in\nrecord time…\rI'll have your record posted at\nthe reception counter.", 4);
jump (lbl_1C5492);
say ("You seem to have taken your sweet\ntime getting here…", 4);
say ("What I would like to see is a\nbetter time out of you…\rI'm counting on you.\rUntil then, farewell…", 4);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C5410 @ Referenced by lbl_1C53AA @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("This is for you…", 4);
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x101);
preparemsg ("Obtained the {var:3}!");
waitforjingle ();
waitmsg ();
getstandard (2, 0x18);
say ("{RED} put the {var:3}\nin the {var:4}.", 4);
call (lbl_1A6675);
jump (lbl_1C544F);
say ("This is for you…", 4);
say ("The BAG is full…", 4);
jump (lbl_1C544F);
setvar (0x8004, 0x9);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C547D);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C548A);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5492);
say ("Oh!\nStupendous!\rIt's marvelous how you've come up\nhere so quickly.\rThe fact is, you've done it in\nrecord time…\rI'll have your record posted at\nthe reception counter.", 4);
jump (lbl_1C5492);
say ("You seem to have taken your sweet\ntime getting here…", 4);
say ("What I would like to see is a\nbetter time out of you…\rI'm counting on you.\rUntil then, farewell…", 4);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C5492 @ Referenced by lbl_1C53AA @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("What I would like to see is a\nbetter time out of you…\rI'm counting on you.\rUntil then, farewell…", 4);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C53E2 @ Referenced by lbl_1C53AA @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x8);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C5410);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C543A);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C544F);
say ("This is for you…", 4);
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x101);
preparemsg ("Obtained the {var:3}!");
waitforjingle ();
waitmsg ();
getstandard (2, 0x18);
say ("{RED} put the {var:3}\nin the {var:4}.", 4);
call (lbl_1A6675);
jump (lbl_1C544F);
say ("This is for you…", 4);
say ("The BAG is full…", 4);
jump (lbl_1C544F);
setvar (0x8004, 0x9);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C547D);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C548A);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5492);
say ("Oh!\nStupendous!\rIt's marvelous how you've come up\nhere so quickly.\rThe fact is, you've done it in\nrecord time…\rI'll have your record posted at\nthe reception counter.", 4);
jump (lbl_1C5492);
say ("You seem to have taken your sweet\ntime getting here…", 4);
say ("What I would like to see is a\nbetter time out of you…\rI'm counting on you.\rUntil then, farewell…", 4);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C53DA @ Referenced by lbl_1C53AA @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hello…\rI am the owner of this TOWER…\rHow the sky soars above this\nrooftop…\rThe caress of the winds up here…\rIt's all so perfect…\rThe way you battled…\nIt, too, was perfection…", 4);
setvar (0x8004, 0x8);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C5410);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C543A);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C544F);
say ("This is for you…", 4);
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x101);
preparemsg ("Obtained the {var:3}!");
waitforjingle ();
waitmsg ();
getstandard (2, 0x18);
say ("{RED} put the {var:3}\nin the {var:4}.", 4);
call (lbl_1A6675);
jump (lbl_1C544F);
say ("This is for you…", 4);
say ("The BAG is full…", 4);
jump (lbl_1C544F);
setvar (0x8004, 0x9);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C547D);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C548A);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5492);
say ("Oh!\nStupendous!\rIt's marvelous how you've come up\nhere so quickly.\rThe fact is, you've done it in\nrecord time…\rI'll have your record posted at\nthe reception counter.", 4);
jump (lbl_1C5492);
say ("You seem to have taken your sweet\ntime getting here…", 4);
say ("What I would like to see is a\nbetter time out of you…\rI'm counting on you.\rUntil then, farewell…", 4);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164853 @ 2.10 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4002, 0x0);
setvar (0x8004, 0xA);
special (0x194);
setvar (0x8004, 0x12);
special (0x194);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_164886);
setvar (0x4000, 0x0);
movesprite (0xFF, 0x9);
ifgosub (0, lbl_CC00FF4F);
checkpcitem (0x816);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164886 @ Referenced by lbl_164853 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164887 @ 2.10 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
showsprite (0x1);
showsprite (0x2);
showsprite (0x3);
showsprite (0x4);
showsprite (0x5);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164897 @ 2.10 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x400D == 0x11) call (lbl_1648A3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81648A3 @ Referenced by lbl_164897 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x11, 0xA, 0x287, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81648AD @ 2.10 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8BA);
getcamerapos (0x400D, 0x800D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816495D @ 2.10 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (NurseJoy);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164966 @ 2.10 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x14);
special (0x194);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_164988);
say ("I hope you give it your best.", 4);
jump (lbl_164990);
say ("Thank you for competing!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164990 @ Referenced by lbl_164966 @ ----------------------------------------------
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164988 @ Referenced by lbl_164966 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Thank you for competing!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164992 @ 2.10 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Hi, there!\nMay I help you?");
waitmsg ();
doshop (store_1649B8);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81649B8 @ Referenced by lbl_164992 @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.UltraBall, Item.GreatBall, Item.FullRestore, Item.MaxPotion, Item.HyperPotion, Item.Revive, Item.FullHeal, Item.EscapeRope, Item.MaxRepel, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81649CE @ 2.10 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
applymove (0xFF, move_164AD4);
textcolor (1);
say ("Hello!\rWelcome to TRAINER TOWER where\nTRAINERS gather from all over!", 4);
setvar (0x8004, 0x11);
special (0x194);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_164A00);
say ("TRAINERS from all over the world\ngather here to battle.\rLet me see…\rRight now, there are TRAINERS only\nup to Floor {var:2}.", 4);
jump (lbl_164A08);
say ("TRAINERS are awaiting your\nchallenge up to the eighth floor.", 4);
preparemsg ("Would you like to challenge the\nwaiting TRAINERS?");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (18, 6, 16, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_164A53);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_164ABF);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_164A45);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_164ABF);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164A45 @ Referenced by lbl_1649CE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Here at TRAINER TOWER, there is an\nevent called TIME ATTACK.\rYou will be timed on how quickly\nyou can get from the reception\fcounter to the OWNER on the roof.\rThe best times will be recorded on\nthe Time Board.\rTry competing with friends to see\nwho can beat it the fastest.\rYou will not earn any EXP. Points\nor money by beating TRAINERS here.", 4);
jump (lbl_164A08);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164ABF @ Referenced by lbl_1649CE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Please do visit us again!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_164AD6);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164AD6 @ Referenced by lbl_164ABF @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164A53 @ Referenced by lbl_1649CE @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (13, 3, 64, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_164AA0);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_164AA0);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_164AA0);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_164AA0);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_164ABF);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_164ABF);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164AA0 @ Referenced by lbl_164A53 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8005, 0x800D);
setvar (0x4082, 0x1);
special (0x0);
say ("Okay, I'll get the clock started,\nso give it everything you have.\rOn your marks…\rGet set…\rGo!", 4);
setvar (0x8004, 0x6);
special (0x194);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164A08 @ Referenced by lbl_1649CE @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Would you like to challenge the\nwaiting TRAINERS?");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (18, 6, 16, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_164A53);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_164ABF);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_164A45);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_164ABF);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164A00 @ Referenced by lbl_1649CE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINERS are awaiting your\nchallenge up to the eighth floor.", 4);
preparemsg ("Would you like to challenge the\nwaiting TRAINERS?");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (18, 6, 16, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_164A53);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_164ABF);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_164A45);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_164ABF);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164AD4 @ Referenced by lbl_1649CE @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Face.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164AD8 @ 2.10 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
fade (1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
special (0xC4);
waitstate ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164AE6 @ 2.10 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'm here to see how good I am.\rI wonder what kinds of TRAINERS\nare waiting for me?\rIt's nerve-racking!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164AEF @ 2.10 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Gasp, gasp…\nGasp…\rNever mind battling! These stairs…\nThey're tougher than any battle…", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164B03 @ 2.11 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x6);
if (not 0x2) call (lbl_1A7AB9);
copyvar (0x8005, 0x403A);
special (0x132);
preparemsg ("Which floor do you want?");
waitmsg ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x6);
special2 (0x800D, 0x1B8);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_164B46);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_164B52);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164B52 @ Referenced by lbl_164B03 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice2 (0, 0, 20, 1, 0);
jump (lbl_164B5E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164B5E @ Referenced by lbl_164B52 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_164BCD);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_164B90);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_164BD3);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_164BD3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164BD3 @ Referenced by lbl_164B5E @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x160);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164B90 @ Referenced by lbl_164B5E @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x3);
setwarpplace (2, 10, 255, 0x11, 0x8);
if (0x403A == 0x3) goto (lbl_164BD3);
call (lbl_164BD8);
setvar (0x403A, 0x3);
special (0x160);
pause (0x19);
applymove (0xFF, move_164BE5);
waitformove (0x0);
warp (2, 10, 255, 0x11, 0x8);
waitstate ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164BE5 @ Referenced by lbl_164B90 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (RealFastInPlace.South, 0x1C, Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164BD8 @ Referenced by lbl_164B90 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x160);
closeonkeypress ();
checksound ();
special (0x111);
waitstate ();
setflag (0x2);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164BCD @ Referenced by lbl_164B5E @ ----------------------------------------------
jump (lbl_164BD3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164B46 @ Referenced by lbl_164B03 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice2 (0, 0, 20, 0, 0);
jump (lbl_164B5E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164BF2 @ 2.12 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8BC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164BF7 @ 2.13 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 607, "Aiyeeeeeh!\rI thought this was an ancient ruin.\nBut it's teeming with ghosts!", "Aiyeeeeeh!\nMercy!");
say ("I'm trying to get out of here, but\nI always end up at the same spot.\rMaybe the number of boulders is\na hint…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164C11 @ 2.16 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 608, "I think there is a mysterious power\nat work in this cave.", "If you don't go into the right\ntunnel, you won't get ahead.");
say ("Earlier, a lady went into the caves\nahead.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164C38 @ 2.22 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
checktrainer (0x25E);
ifgosub (1, lbl_164C42);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164C42 @ Referenced by lbl_164C38 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4083, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164CD5 @ 2.27 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8BF);
call (lbl_1A925E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A925E @ Referenced by lbl_164CD5 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x849) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
setweather (0xB);
doweather ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164CE4 @ 2.28 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A925E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164CF0 @ 2.29 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A925E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164CFC @ 2.30 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A925E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164D08 @ 2.31 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A925E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164D14 @ 2.32 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A925E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164D20 @ 2.33 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A925E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164D2C @ 2.34 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8C0);
special2 (0x800D, 0x193);
copyvar (0x8008, 0x800D);
if (0x8008 == 0x1) call (lbl_164D50);
if (0x8008 == 0x0) call (lbl_164D54);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164D54 @ Referenced by lbl_164D2C @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x1, 0x6, 0x3);
spritebehave (0x1, 10);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164D50 @ Referenced by lbl_164D2C @ ----------------------------------------------
unknown_a7 (0x13F);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164D60 @ 2.34 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2E2) goto (lbl_164DC2);
special2 (0x800D, 0x193);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_164D90);
say ("Hey, there!\nHow's it going?\rWhat am I doing here, you ask?\nWhy, I'm prospecting for gold!\rWhen I strike it rich, I'm buying\na house in KANTO.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E5);
waitformove (0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164D90 @ Referenced by lbl_164D60 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hey, there! How's it going?\nDid you hear? I've struck gold!\rYou remembered that I was\nprospecting, didn't you?\rYou can't begin to imagine just\nhow happy I am.\rSo, I'll show you!\nThis is for you!", 4);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x6E);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_164DB8);
setflag (0x2E2);
jump (lbl_164DC2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164DB8 @ Referenced by lbl_164D90 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Whoops, your BAG is crammed full!\nI'll give this to you later.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164DC2 @ Referenced by lbl_164D60 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("That's a NUGGET!\rI can't give you any nuggets of\nwisdom, so that'll have to do!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164DD2 @ 2.35 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8C1);
if (0x849) call (lbl_164E07);
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
setvar (0x4002, 0x0);
setvar (0x4003, 0x0);
setvar (0x4004, 0x0);
setvar (0x4005, 0x0);
setvar (0x4006, 0x0);
setvar (0x4007, 0x0);
setvar (0x4008, 0x0);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164E07 @ Referenced by lbl_164DD2 @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x1, 0x7, 0x2);
movesprite2 (0x2, 0x4, 0x4);
movesprite2 (0x3, 0xA, 0x4);
movesprite2 (0x4, 0x5, 0x6);
movesprite2 (0x5, 0x9, 0x6);
movesprite2 (0x6, 0x5, 0x8);
movesprite2 (0x7, 0x9, 0x8);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164E39 @ 2.35 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x4001 == 0x64) goto (lbl_164F8A);
call (lbl_164F2E);
setvar (0x4001, 0x64);
if (0x4008 == 0x7) goto (lbl_164F8C);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164F8C @ Referenced by lbl_164E39 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_164F51);
say ("A mysterious rumble echoed\nsomewhere far away.", 4);
setflag (0x849);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164F51 @ Referenced by lbl_164F8C @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
setvar (0x8006, 0xA);
setvar (0x8007, 0x3);
special (0x136);
pause (0x3C);
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x3);
setvar (0x8006, 0xC);
setvar (0x8007, 0x2);
special (0x136);
pause (0x3C);
playsound (0x21);
checksound ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164F2E @ Referenced by lbl_164E39 @ ----------------------------------------------
addvar (0x4008, 0x1);
playsound (0x2B);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
setvar (0x8006, 0x8);
setvar (0x8007, 0x3);
special (0x136);
pause (0x3C);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164F8A @ Referenced by lbl_164E39 @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164E5C @ 2.35 trap #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x4002 == 0x64) goto (lbl_164F8A);
call (lbl_164F2E);
setvar (0x4002, 0x64);
if (0x4008 == 0x7) goto (lbl_164F8C);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164E7F @ 2.35 trap #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x4003 == 0x64) goto (lbl_164F8A);
call (lbl_164F2E);
setvar (0x4003, 0x64);
if (0x4008 == 0x7) goto (lbl_164F8C);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164EA2 @ 2.35 trap #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x4004 == 0x64) goto (lbl_164F8A);
call (lbl_164F2E);
setvar (0x4004, 0x64);
if (0x4008 == 0x7) goto (lbl_164F8C);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164EC5 @ 2.35 trap #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x4005 == 0x64) goto (lbl_164F8A);
call (lbl_164F2E);
setvar (0x4005, 0x64);
if (0x4008 == 0x7) goto (lbl_164F8C);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164EE8 @ 2.35 trap #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x4006 == 0x64) goto (lbl_164F8A);
call (lbl_164F2E);
setvar (0x4006, 0x64);
if (0x4008 == 0x7) goto (lbl_164F8C);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164F0B @ 2.35 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x4007 == 0x64) goto (lbl_164F8A);
call (lbl_164F2E);
setvar (0x4007, 0x64);
if (0x4008 == 0x7) goto (lbl_164F8C);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164FAA @ 2.37 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x2F3) call (lbl_164FBD);
if (not 0x2F3) call (lbl_164FC6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164FC6 @ Referenced by lbl_164FAA @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
if (0x2F6) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
clearflag (0x9C);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164FBD @ Referenced by lbl_164FAA @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
setflag (0x9C);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164FDD @ 2.37 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x807) call (lbl_164FE7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164FE7 @ Referenced by lbl_164FDD @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0xB4);
if (0x800D != 0x7) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
hidesprite (0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8164FFB @ 2.37 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
special (0x113);
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x23);
special (0x1BA);
applymove (0x1, move_1650E0);
applymove (0x7F, move_1650CD);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0x32);
setweather (0x0);
doweather ();
checksound ();
cry (0xFA, 0x2);
pause (0x1E);
waitforcry ();
pause (0x3C);
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x23);
special (0x1BA);
applymove (0x7F, move_1650D1);
applymove (0x1, move_1650D7);
waitformove (0x0);
special (0x114);
setvar (0x8004, 0xFA);
setvar (0x8005, 0x46);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
special (0x1BB);
setflag (0x807);
special (0x138);
waitstate ();
clearflag (0x807);
setvar (0x800F, 0x1);
special2 (0x800D, 0xB4);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1650B4);
if (0x800D == 0x4) goto (lbl_1650C2);
if (0x800D == 0x5) goto (lbl_1650C2);
setflag (0x2F3);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81650C2 @ Referenced by lbl_164FFB @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0xFA);
jump (lbl_1A9236);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81650B4 @ Referenced by lbl_164FFB @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2F6);
setvar (0x8004, 0xFA);
jump (lbl_1A9236);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81650D7 @ Referenced by lbl_164FFB @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, StepInPlace.South, 0x1C, 0x1C, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81650D1 @ Referenced by lbl_164FFB @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1C, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81650CD @ Referenced by lbl_164FFB @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81650E0 @ Referenced by lbl_164FFB @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1C, StepInPlace.South, StepInPlace.South, StepInPlace.South, StepInPlace.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81650F2 @ 2.38 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x2F2) call (lbl_165105);
if (not 0x2F2) call (lbl_165109);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165109 @ Referenced by lbl_1650F2 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x2F5) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
clearflag (0x9B);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165105 @ Referenced by lbl_1650F2 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x9B);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165116 @ 2.38 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x807) call (lbl_165120);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165120 @ Referenced by lbl_165116 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0xB4);
if (0x800D != 0x7) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
hidesprite (0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165134 @ 2.38 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
pause (0x14);
playsound (0x4B);
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
setvar (0x8005, 0x3);
setvar (0x8006, 0x4);
setvar (0x8007, 0x2);
special (0x136);
pause (0x1E);
playsound (0x4B);
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
setvar (0x8005, 0x3);
setvar (0x8006, 0x4);
setvar (0x8007, 0x2);
special (0x136);
pause (0x1E);
pause (0x32);
checksound ();
cry (0xF9, 0x2);
waitforcry ();
pause (0x14);
setvar (0x8004, 0xF9);
setvar (0x8005, 0x46);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
special (0x1BB);
setflag (0x807);
special (0x138);
waitstate ();
clearflag (0x807);
special2 (0x800D, 0xB4);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1651D9);
if (0x800D == 0x4) goto (lbl_1651E7);
if (0x800D == 0x5) goto (lbl_1651E7);
setflag (0x2F2);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81651E7 @ Referenced by lbl_165134 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0xF9);
jump (lbl_1A9236);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81651D9 @ Referenced by lbl_165134 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2F5);
setvar (0x8004, 0xF9);
jump (lbl_1A9236);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165213 @ 2.56 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x1AC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165217 @ 2.56 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8C2);
setvar (0x4010, 0x96);
setvar (0x4026, 0x0);
setvar (0x403E, 0x0);
if (0x2E4) call (lbl_16523C);
if (not 0x2E4) call (lbl_165243);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165243 @ Referenced by lbl_165217 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x2F7) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
clearflag (0x9A);
clearflag (0x848);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816523C @ Referenced by lbl_165217 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x99);
setflag (0x9A);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165253 @ 2.56 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x807) call (lbl_16525D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816525D @ Referenced by lbl_165253 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0xB4);
if (0x800D != 0x7) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
hidesprite (0x2);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165271 @ 2.56 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
special (0x1AB);
waitstate ();
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1652BA);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1652BC);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1652C0);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1652BE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81652BE @ Referenced by lbl_165271 @ ----------------------------------------------
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81652C0 @ Referenced by lbl_165271 @ ----------------------------------------------
showsprite (0x2);
checksound ();
setanimation (0, 0x1);
setanimation (1, 0x38);
setanimation (2, 0x2);
doanimation (0x44);
playsong (0x157, 0);
checkanimation (0x44);
applymove (0x2, move_165353);
waitformove (0x0);
checksound ();
cry (0x19A, 0x2);
pause (0x28);
waitforcry ();
setvar (0x800F, 0x2);
setvar (0x8004, 0x19A);
setvar (0x8005, 0x1E);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
special (0x1BB);
setflag (0x807);
special (0x138);
waitstate ();
clearflag (0x807);
special2 (0x800D, 0xB4);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16533A);
if (0x800D == 0x4) goto (lbl_165348);
if (0x800D == 0x5) goto (lbl_165348);
setflag (0x2E4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165348 @ Referenced by lbl_1652C0 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x19A);
jump (lbl_1A9236);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816533A @ Referenced by lbl_1652C0 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2F7);
setvar (0x8004, 0x19A);
jump (lbl_1A9236);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165353 @ Referenced by lbl_1652C0 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Slow.South, Slow.South, Slow.South, Slow.South, Slow.South, Slow.South, Slow.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81652BC @ Referenced by lbl_165271 @ ----------------------------------------------
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81652BA @ Referenced by lbl_165271 @ ----------------------------------------------
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816535C @ 2.57 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hm!\nHaaaaaaaaaaah!\rAaaah! This is heavenly!\nThe water warms me to my core!\rYou should jump in, too.\rGo to the middle, relax, and get\ngood and warm!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165365 @ 2.57 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("My favorite part of bathing comes\nup right after this.\rI enjoy a bowl of chowder to\nwarm me from the inside, too!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816536E @ 2.57 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Soaking in a hot spring pool is\ntherapeutic, people say.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165377 @ 2.57 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Have a look at my face.\nSee how smooth my skin is?\rThe hot spring's water keeps my\nskin younger than my age.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165380 @ 2.57 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xA);
setvar (0x8005, 0x3);
special (0x173);
say ("After an honest day of training,\nnothing beats a relaxing soak in\fthe hot spring pool.\rBRUNO, who's a senior ahead of me,\nvisits the SPA on occasion.\rHe comes to rehab injuries, both\nhis own and his POKéMON's.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165399 @ 2.57 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2EF) goto (lbl_1653C5);
say ("Hot springs go hand-in-hand with\nvolcanoes.\rThe EMBER SPA here, well,\nI made it years ago.\rI hewed the pool right out of a\ngigantic boulder by hand.\rI was using this at the time.\nI suppose I can part with it.", 4);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x158);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (0);
setflag (0x2EF);
say ("That shatters boulders as if they\nwere made of crackers.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81653C5 @ Referenced by lbl_165399 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("That shatters boulders as if they\nwere made of crackers.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81653CF @ 2.57 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
fade (3);
special (0x0);
fade (2);
say ("The water is perfectly warm.\nIt feels exquisite…\r{RED} and the POKéMON were\nfully refreshed!", 4);
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81653E7 @ 2.58 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Ahoy, there!\nWhere do you want to sail?");
waitmsg ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xA);
multichoice (20, 8, 61, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A91D5);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A90F6 @ Referenced by lbl_1653E7 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0x1AD);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9108);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9108 @ Referenced by lbl_1A90F6 @ ----------------------------------------------
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x6, move_1A75E5);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A911C);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A911C @ Referenced by lbl_1A9108 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A91D5 @ Referenced by lbl_1653E7 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1A909E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A909E @ Referenced by lbl_1A91D5 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0x1A9);
getnumber (0, 0x800D);
if (0x8004 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A90BE);
if (0x8004 != 0x0) goto (lbl_1A90CC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A90CC @ Referenced by lbl_1A909E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("All right!\nAll aboard SEAGALLOP HI-SPEED {var:2}!", 4);
jump (lbl_1A90DA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A90DA @ Referenced by lbl_1A90CC @ ----------------------------------------------
closeonkeypress ();
pause (0x14);
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
fade (1);
special (0x17B);
waitstate ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A90BE @ Referenced by lbl_1A909E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Okay, everything's in order.\rSEAGALLOP HI-SPEED 7 will be\ndeparting immediately.", 4);
jump (lbl_1A90DA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165421 @ 2.59 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Ahoy, there!\nWhere do you want to sail?");
waitmsg ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x9);
multichoice (20, 8, 61, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A91D5);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165465 @ 3.0 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x890);
if (0x291) call (lbl_165488);
if (0x4070 == 0x0) call (lbl_1654A8);
if (0x4070 == 0x1) call (lbl_1654A2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81654A2 @ Referenced by lbl_165465 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4070, 0x2);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81654A8 @ Referenced by lbl_165465 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x291) goto (lbl_1654BD);
movesprite2 (0x1, 0x5, 0xF);
spritebehave (0x1, 7);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81654BD @ Referenced by lbl_1654A8 @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x1, 0xC, 0x2);
spritebehave (0x1, 8);
setvar (0x4002, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165488 @ Referenced by lbl_165465 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x83E) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
if (0x4070 => 0x1) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
setvar (0x4070, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81655ED @ 3.0 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
jump (lbl_165605);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165605 @ Referenced by lbl_1655ED @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x174);
textcolor (0);
pause (0x1E);
playsong (0x12E, 0);
preparemsg ("OAK: Hey! Wait!\nDon't go out!");
waitmsg ();
pause (0x55);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
playsound (0x15);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0x1E);
showsprite (0x3);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_1656B8);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_1656C3);
pause (0x1E);
say ("OAK: It's unsafe!\nWild POKéMON live in tall grass!\rYou need your own POKéMON for\nyour protection.\rI know!\nHere, come with me!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
pause (0x1E);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_1656CE);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_1656E0);
setdooropened (0x10, 0xD);
doorchange ();
applymove (0x3, move_16572E);
applymove (0xFF, move_165758);
waitformove (0x0);
setdoorclosed (0x10, 0xD);
doorchange ();
setvar (0x4055, 0x1);
clearflag (0x2B);
setvar (0x4050, 0x1);
setflag (0x2C);
setflag (0x4001);
warp (4, 3, 255, 0x6, 0xC);
waitstate ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165758 @ Referenced by lbl_165605 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.North, Viz.Disappear, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816572E @ Referenced by lbl_165605 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Viz.Disappear, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81656E0 @ Referenced by lbl_165605 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x3, move_165719);
applymove (0xFF, move_165744);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165744 @ Referenced by lbl_1656E0 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165719 @ Referenced by lbl_1656E0 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, RealFastInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81656CE @ Referenced by lbl_165605 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x3, move_165705);
applymove (0xFF, move_165731);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165731 @ Referenced by lbl_1656CE @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165705 @ Referenced by lbl_1656CE @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, RealFastInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81656C3 @ Referenced by lbl_165605 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x3, move_1656FB);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81656FB @ Referenced by lbl_1656C3 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.West, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.West, Walk.North, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81656B8 @ Referenced by lbl_165605 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x3, move_1656F2);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81656F2 @ Referenced by lbl_1656B8 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.West, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.West, Walk.North, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81655F9 @ 3.0 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_165605);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816575C @ 3.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
if (0x4070 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1657ED);
if (0x4070 == 0x1) goto (lbl_165815);
if (0x4002 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1658C2);
if (0x2) goto (lbl_165801);
say ("Hmm…\nIs that right…", 4);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
playsound (0x15);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("Oh!\nLook, look!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_1657D7);
if (0x800C != 0x4) call (lbl_1657E2);
moveoffscreen (0x1);
setflag (0x2);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81657E2 @ Referenced by lbl_16575C @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_16582C);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816582C @ Referenced by lbl_1657E2 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, RealFastInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81657D7 @ Referenced by lbl_16575C @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_165829);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165829 @ Referenced by lbl_1657D7 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, RealFastInPlace.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165801 @ Referenced by lbl_16575C @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("Read it, read it!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81658C2 @ Referenced by lbl_16575C @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
call (lbl_165894);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165894 @ Referenced by lbl_1658C2 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (1);
say ("Look, look!\rI copied what it said on one of\nthose TRAINER TIPS signs!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
pause (0x14);
textcolor (3);
setflag (0x83E);
setvar (0x4070, 0x1);
setvar (0x4002, 0x0);
special (0x170);
special (0x171);
signmsg ();
say ("TRAINER TIPS!\rPress START to open the MENU!", 4);
normalmsg ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165815 @ Referenced by lbl_16575C @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("Signs are useful, aren't they?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81657ED @ Referenced by lbl_16575C @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("I'm raising POKéMON, too.\rWhen they get strong, they can\nprotect me.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816582F @ 3.0 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Technology is incredible!\rYou can now store and recall items\nand POKéMON as data via PC.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165838 @ 3.0 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x173);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165850 @ 3.0 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("{RED}'s house", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165859 @ 3.0 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("{TERRY}'s house", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165862 @ 3.0 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("PALLET TOWN\nShades of your journey await!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816586B @ 3.0 sign #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rPress START to open the MENU!", 4);
setvar (0x4070, 0x1);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816587B @ 3.0 trap #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
applymove (0x1, move_1A75EB);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
call (lbl_165894);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81658D9 @ 3.1 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x891);
if (0x4051 == 0x0) call (lbl_165920);
if (0x4051 == 0x1) call (lbl_16590F);
if (0x4051 => 0x2) call (lbl_165909);
if (0x405A == 0x0) call (lbl_165931);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165931 @ Referenced by lbl_1658D9 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x821) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
if (not 0x822) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
if (not 0x823) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
if (not 0x824) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
if (not 0x825) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
if (not 0x826) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
setvar (0x405A, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165909 @ Referenced by lbl_1658D9 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4010, 0x20);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816590F @ Referenced by lbl_1658D9 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4010, 0x20);
movesprite2 (0x4, 0x15, 0x8);
spritebehave (0x4, 1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165920 @ Referenced by lbl_1658D9 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4010, 0x22);
movesprite2 (0x4, 0x15, 0xB);
spritebehave (0x4, 8);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816596D @ 3.1 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
textcolor (3);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0x14);
say ("VIRIDIAN GYM's doors are locked…", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_165992);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165992 @ Referenced by lbl_16596D @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (HopTwo.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165994 @ 3.1 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("VIRIDIAN CITY \nThe Eternally Green Paradise", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816599D @ 3.1 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rCatch POKéMON and expand your\ncollection.\rThe more you have, the easier it\nis to battle.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81659A6 @ 3.1 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rThe battle moves of POKéMON are\nlimited by their POWER POINTS, PP.\rTo replenish PP, rest your tired\nPOKéMON at a POKéMON CENTER.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81659AF @ 3.1 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81659B8 @ 3.1 sign #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("VIRIDIAN GYM's doors are locked…", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81659C1 @ 3.1 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Those POKé BALLS at your waist!\nYou have POKéMON, don't you?\rIt's great that you can carry and\nuse POKéMON anytime, anywhere.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81659CA @ 3.1 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x405A == 0x1) goto (lbl_1659EC);
say ("This POKéMON GYM is always closed.\rI wonder who the LEADER is?", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x3, move_1A75E5);
waitformove (0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81659EC @ Referenced by lbl_1659CA @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("VIRIDIAN GYM's LEADER returned!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81659F6 @ 3.1 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x820) goto (lbl_165A23);
if (0x4051 => 0x2) goto (lbl_165A4A);
if (0x4051 == 0x1) goto (lbl_165A54);
if (0x4051 == 0x0) goto (lbl_165A84);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165A84 @ Referenced by lbl_1659F6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I absolutely forbid you from\ngoing through here!\rThis is private property!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165A54 @ Referenced by lbl_1659F6 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_165B4C);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165B4C @ Referenced by lbl_165A54 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Well, now, I've had my coffee, and\nthat's what I need to get going!\rHm?\nWhat is that red box you have?\rAh, so you're working on your\nPOKéDEX.\rThen let me give you a word of\nadvice.\rWhenever you catch a POKéMON,\nthe POKéDEX automatically updates\fits data.\r…You don't know how to catch\na POKéMON?\rI suppose I had better show you\nthen!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
special (0x9D);
waitstate ();
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("There! Now tell me, that was\neducational, was it not?\rAnd here, take this, too.", 4);
setvar (0x4051, 0x2);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x16E);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (0);
say ("If there's something you don't\nunderstand, watch that.\rIt will teach you about the basics\nof being a POKéMON TRAINER.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165A4A @ Referenced by lbl_1659F6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Well, now, I've had my coffee, and\nthat's what I need to get going!\rBut I made it too strong.\nIt gave me a headache…\rIncidentally, are you filling your\nPOKéDEX?\rAt first, focus on weakening the\nPOKéMON before trying to catch it.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165A23 @ Referenced by lbl_1659F6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Well, now, I've had my coffee, and\nthat's what I need to get going!\rBut I made it too strong.\nIt gave me a headache…\rIncidentally, is my old TEACHY TV\nhelping you?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_165A40);
say ("Wahaha!\nIt's my grandson on the show!\rSince he's the one doing the\nteaching, you're bound to learn.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165A40 @ Referenced by lbl_165A23 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hm… You're too busy to not even\nhave the time for TEACHY TV…\rTime is money, and neither should\nbe ill spent…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165A8F @ 3.1 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("You want to know about the two\nkinds of caterpillar POKéMON?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_165AB0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_165ABA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165ABA @ Referenced by lbl_165A8F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, okay then!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165AB0 @ Referenced by lbl_165A8F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("CATERPIE has no poison,\nbut WEEDLE does.\rWatch that your POKéMON aren't\nstabbed by WEEDLE's POISON STING.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165AC4 @ 3.1 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4051 == 0x0) goto (lbl_165ADB);
say ("I go shopping in PEWTER CITY\noccasionally.\rI have to take the winding trail in\nVIRIDIAN FOREST when I go.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165ADB @ Referenced by lbl_165AC4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, Grandpa!\nDon't be so mean!\rI'm so sorry.\nHe hasn't had his coffee yet.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x5, move_1A75E5);
waitformove (0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165AF0 @ 3.1 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
jump (lbl_1C4A1E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4A1E @ Referenced by lbl_165AF0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2C6) goto (lbl_1C4A7C);
say ("Yawn!\nI must have dozed off in the sun.\rI had this weird dream about\na DROWZEE eating my dream.\rAnd…\nI learned how to eat dreams…\rOogh, this is too spooky!\rLet me teach it to a POKéMON so\nI can forget about it!", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4A72);
call (lbl_1C4F37);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4A72);
say ("Which POKéMON wants to learn\nDREAM EATER?", 4);
setvar (0x8005, 0xA);
call (lbl_1C4F30);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4A72);
setflag (0x2C6);
jump (lbl_1C4A7C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4A72 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4A1E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("…Snore…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4A7C @ Referenced by lbl_1C4A1E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("…ZZZ…\nI…can't eat…anymore…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165AF6 @ 3.1 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
textcolor (0);
say ("I absolutely forbid you from\ngoing through here!\rThis is private property!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_165B0E);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165B0E @ Referenced by lbl_165AF6 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165B10 @ 3.1 trap #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
textcolor (0);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
waitformove (0x0);
call (lbl_165B4C);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165B2E @ 3.1 trap #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
textcolor (0);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75EB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
call (lbl_165B4C);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165B94 @ 3.2 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x892);
setvar (0x4061, 0x0);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165B9D @ 3.2 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("You're a TRAINER, right?\rBROCK's looking for new\nchallengers. Follow me!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
playsong (0x110, 0);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_165BD3);
say ("If you have the right stuff,\ngo take on BROCK!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x5, move_165D83);
waitformove (0x0);
fadetodefault ();
hidesprite (0x5);
clearflag (0x2E);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165D83 @ Referenced by lbl_165B9D @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165BD3 @ Referenced by lbl_165B9D @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_165C3C);
applymove (0x5, move_165CDE);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_165C41);
applymove (0x5, move_165CE3);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165CE3 @ Referenced by lbl_165BD3 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, RealFastInPlace.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165C41 @ Referenced by lbl_165BD3 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165CDE @ Referenced by lbl_165BD3 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.East, RealFastInPlace.North, StepInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165C3C @ Referenced by lbl_165BD3 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1A, RealFastInPlace.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165D8E @ 3.2 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
jump (lbl_165DBE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165DBE @ Referenced by lbl_165D8E @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
say ("You're a TRAINER, right?\rBROCK's looking for new\nchallengers. Follow me!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
playsong (0x110, 0);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_165E0A);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_165E26);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_165E42);
say ("If you have the right stuff,\ngo take on BROCK!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x5, move_165D83);
waitformove (0x0);
fadetodefault ();
hidesprite (0x5);
clearflag (0x2E);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165E42 @ Referenced by lbl_165DBE @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x5, move_165F74);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_165EF9);
applymove (0x5, move_166000);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166000 @ Referenced by lbl_165E42 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, RealFastInPlace.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165EF9 @ Referenced by lbl_165E42 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165F74 @ Referenced by lbl_165E42 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, StepInPlace.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165E26 @ Referenced by lbl_165DBE @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x5, move_165F71);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_165EB9);
applymove (0x5, move_165FBF);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165FBF @ Referenced by lbl_165E26 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, RealFastInPlace.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165EB9 @ Referenced by lbl_165E26 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165F71 @ Referenced by lbl_165E26 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, StepInPlace.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165E0A @ Referenced by lbl_165DBE @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x5, move_165F6C);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_165E7A);
applymove (0x5, move_165F7F);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165F7F @ Referenced by lbl_165E0A @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, RealFastInPlace.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165E7A @ Referenced by lbl_165E0A @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165F6C @ Referenced by lbl_165E0A @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.South, RealFastInPlace.West, StepInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165D9A @ 3.2 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_165DBE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165DA6 @ 3.2 trap #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x2);
jump (lbl_165DBE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8165DB2 @ 3.2 trap #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x3);
jump (lbl_165DBE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166075 @ 3.2 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("CLEFAIRY came from the moon.\nThat's what the rumor is.\rThey appeared after MOON STONES\nfell on MT. MOON.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816607E @ 3.2 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("Did you check out the MUSEUM?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_166136);
say ("Really?\nYou absolutely have to go!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
pause (0xA);
playsong (0x110, 0);
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_1660EE);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_166100);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_166112);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_166124);
say ("This is it, the MUSEUM.\rYou have to pay to get in, but it's\nworth it. See you around!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
pause (0xA);
applymove (0x2, move_16621C);
waitformove (0x0);
fadetodefault ();
hidesprite (0x2);
clearflag (0x50);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816621C @ Referenced by lbl_16607E @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166124 @ Referenced by lbl_16607E @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x2, move_166201);
applymove (0xFF, move_1661E5);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81661E5 @ Referenced by lbl_166124 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, 0x1B, RealFastInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166201 @ Referenced by lbl_166124 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, RealFastInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166112 @ Referenced by lbl_16607E @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x2, move_1661CA);
applymove (0xFF, move_1661AE);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81661AE @ Referenced by lbl_166112 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, 0x1B, RealFastInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81661CA @ Referenced by lbl_166112 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, RealFastInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166100 @ Referenced by lbl_16607E @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x2, move_166193);
applymove (0xFF, move_166177);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166177 @ Referenced by lbl_166100 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1C, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, 0x1B, RealFastInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166193 @ Referenced by lbl_166100 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, RealFastInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81660EE @ Referenced by lbl_16607E @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x2, move_16615C);
applymove (0xFF, move_166140);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166140 @ Referenced by lbl_1660EE @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, 0x1B, RealFastInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816615C @ Referenced by lbl_1660EE @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, RealFastInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166136 @ Referenced by lbl_16607E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Weren't those fossils from MT. MOON\namazing?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816622B @ 3.2 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x173);
say ("There aren't many serious POKéMON\nTRAINERS here.\rThey're all like BUG CATCHERS,\nyou know, just hobbyists.\rBut PEWTER GYM's BROCK isn't like\nthat, not one bit.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166244 @ 3.2 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("Psssst!\nDo you know what I'm doing?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_166263);
say ("I'm spraying REPEL to keep wild\nPOKéMON out of my garden!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166263 @ Referenced by lbl_166244 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("That's right!\nIt's hard work!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816626D @ 3.2 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rAll POKéMON that appear in battle,\nhowever briefly, earn EXP Points.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166276 @ 3.2 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("NOTICE!\rThieves have been stealing POKéMON\nfossils from MT. MOON.\rPlease call the PEWTER POLICE if\nyou have any information.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816627F @ 3.2 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166288 @ 3.2 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x173);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81662A0 @ 3.2 sign #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("PEWTER CITY\nA Stone Gray City", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81662A9 @ 3.2 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
call (lbl_1662DE);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81662DE @ Referenced by lbl_1662A9 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_1663CA);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_1663CA);
if (0x4001 == 0x3) call (lbl_1663CA);
checksound ();
playsound (0x15);
applymove (0x7, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x7, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("Oh, {RED}{NULL2}!", 4);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_1663D5);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_1663DA);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_1663E6);
if (0x4001 == 0x3) call (lbl_1663FC);
say ("I'm glad I caught up to you.\nI'm PROF. OAK's AIDE.\rI've been asked to deliver this,\nso here you go.", 4);
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x13E);
preparemsg ("{RED} received the\nRUNNING SHOES from the AIDE.");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
say ("{RED} switched shoes with the\nRUNNING SHOES.", 4);
special (0x171);
signmsg ();
say ("Press the B Button to run.\nBut only where there's room to run!", 4);
normalmsg ();
call (lbl_1A6675);
say ("Well, I must be going back to\nthe LAB.\rBye-bye!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_166412);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_16641D);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_166428);
if (0x4001 == 0x3) call (lbl_166433);
pause (0x1E);
textcolor (3);
say ("There's a letter attached…\rDear {RED},\rHere is a pair of RUNNING SHOES\nfor my beloved challenger.\rRemember, I'll always cheer for\nyou! Don't ever give up!\rFrom Mom", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
hidesprite (0x7);
setflag (0x82F);
setvar (0x406C, 0x2);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166433 @ Referenced by lbl_1662DE @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x7, move_166465);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166465 @ Referenced by lbl_166433 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166428 @ Referenced by lbl_1662DE @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x7, move_16645B);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816645B @ Referenced by lbl_166428 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816641D @ Referenced by lbl_1662DE @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x7, move_166450);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166450 @ Referenced by lbl_16641D @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166412 @ Referenced by lbl_1662DE @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x7, move_166445);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166445 @ Referenced by lbl_166412 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81663FC @ Referenced by lbl_1662DE @ ----------------------------------------------
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x7, move_166441);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166441 @ Referenced by lbl_1663FC @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1A, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81663E6 @ Referenced by lbl_1662DE @ ----------------------------------------------
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x7, move_16643E);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816643E @ Referenced by lbl_1663E6 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1A, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81663DA @ Referenced by lbl_1662DE @ ----------------------------------------------
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81663D5 @ Referenced by lbl_1662DE @ ----------------------------------------------
closeonkeypress ();
pause (0x14);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81663CA @ Referenced by lbl_1662DE @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x7, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81662B7 @ 3.2 trap #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
call (lbl_1662DE);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81662C4 @ 3.2 trap #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x2);
call (lbl_1662DE);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81662D1 @ 3.2 trap #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x3);
call (lbl_1662DE);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166477 @ 3.3 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x893);
if (not 0x234) call (lbl_166484);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166484 @ Referenced by lbl_166477 @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x1, 0x1E, 0xC);
movesprite2 (0x5, 0x1A, 0x1F);
movesprite2 (0x6, 0x1B, 0x1F);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816649A @ 3.3 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1664CC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81664CC @ Referenced by lbl_16649A @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
setvar (0x4054, 0x2);
playsong (0x13B, 0);
showsprite (0x8);
applymove (0x8, move_1665D3);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("{TERRY}: Yo! {RED}!\rYou're still struggling along back\nhere?\rI'm doing great! I caught a bunch\nof strong and smart POKéMON!\rHere, let me see what you caught,\n{RED}!", 4);
setvar (0x800F, 0x8);
if (0x4031 == 0x2) call (lbl_166582);
if (0x4031 == 0x1) call (lbl_16658D);
if (0x4031 == 0x0) call (lbl_166598);
setvar (0x8004, 0xD);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x173);
say ("{TERRY}: Hey, guess what?\rI went to BILL's and got him to\nshow me his rare POKéMON.\rThat added a lot of pages to my\nPOKéDEX!\rAfter all, BILL's world famous as a\nPOKéMANIAC.\rHe invented the POKéMON Storage\nSystem on PC, too.\rSince you're using his system,\nyou should go thank him.\rWell, I better get rolling!\nSmell ya later!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
playsong (0x13C, 0);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_1665A3);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_1665A3);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_1665B5);
say ("Oh, yeah, right.\rI feel sorry for you. No, really.\nYou're always plodding behind me.\rSo here, I'll give you a little\npresent as a favor.", 4);
setvar (0x4052, 0x1);
setflag (0x29B);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x16B);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (0);
say ("A chatty gossip like you…\nThat thing's perfect.\rI don't need it because I don't\ngive a hoot about others.\rAll right, this time I really am\ngone. Smell ya!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x8, move_1665FB);
waitformove (0x0);
fadetodefault ();
hidesprite (0x8);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81665FB @ Referenced by lbl_1664CC @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81665B5 @ Referenced by lbl_1664CC @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1665CD);
applymove (0x8, move_1665EA);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81665EA @ Referenced by lbl_1665B5 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, 0x1C, 0x1C, Walk.West, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81665CD @ Referenced by lbl_1665B5 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1B, RealFastInPlace.East, 0x1C, RealFastInPlace.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81665A3 @ Referenced by lbl_1664CC @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1665C7);
applymove (0x8, move_1665D9);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81665D9 @ Referenced by lbl_1665A3 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, 0x1C, 0x1C, Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81665C7 @ Referenced by lbl_1665A3 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1B, RealFastInPlace.West, 0x1C, RealFastInPlace.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166598 @ Referenced by lbl_1664CC @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 334, "Hey!\nTake it easy!\fYou won already!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816658D @ Referenced by lbl_1664CC @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 333, "Hey!\nTake it easy!\fYou won already!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166582 @ Referenced by lbl_1664CC @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 332, "Hey!\nTake it easy!\fYou won already!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81665D3 @ Referenced by lbl_1664CC @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81664A6 @ 3.3 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
movesprite2 (0x8, 0x17, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1664CC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81664B9 @ 3.3 trap #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x2);
movesprite2 (0x8, 0x18, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1664CC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166603 @ 3.3 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checktrainer (0x163);
ifgoto (1, lbl_16662E);
preparemsg ("Hey! Stay out!\nIt's not your yard!\r…Huh?\nMe?\rI'm an innocent bystander!\nDon't you believe me?{snd1:283}");
waitmsg ();
playsong (0x11B, 0);
waitkeypress ();
trainerbattle (3, 355, "GRUNT: Stop! I give up!\nI'll leave quietly!");
setvar (0x407D, 0x1);
jump (lbl_16662E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816662E @ Referenced by lbl_166603 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("…Okay.\nI'll return the TM I stole.", 4);
checkitemamount (0x13C, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_166677);
giveitem (0x13C, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} recovered TM28 from\nthe TEAM ROCKET GRUNT.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x13C);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
say ("I better get moving!\nBye!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
fade (1);
hidesprite (0x2);
fade (0);
setflag (0x23F);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166677 @ Referenced by lbl_16662E @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
say ("Make room for this!\nI can't run until I give it to you!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166683 @ 3.3 trap #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_1666C3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81666C3 @ Referenced by lbl_166683 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
say ("Hey! Stay out!\nIt's not your yard!\r…Huh?\nMe?\rI'm an innocent bystander!\nDon't you believe me?{snd1:283}", 4);
setvar (0x800F, 0x2);
trainerbattle (3, 355, "GRUNT: Stop! I give up!\nI'll leave quietly!");
setvar (0x407D, 0x1);
jump (lbl_16662E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81666A3 @ 3.3 trap #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_1666C3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81666E7 @ 3.3 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("The people here were robbed.\rIt's obvious that TEAM ROCKET is\nbehind this most heinous crime!\rEven our POLICE FORCE has\ntrouble with the ROCKETS!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E5);
waitformove (0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81666FE @ 3.3 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x234) goto (lbl_166713);
say ("If that SLOWBRO wasn't there, you\ncould CUT down the small tree.\rThat way, you could get to the\nother side.\rI think there's a way around it,\nthough.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166713 @ Referenced by lbl_1666FE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Did you know that you can CUT down\nsmall trees?\rEven that small tree in front of\nthe shop can be CUT down.\rI think there's a way around it,\nthough.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816671D @ 3.3 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You're making an encyclopedia on\nPOKéMON? That sounds amusing.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166726 @ 3.3 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You're a TRAINER, too?\rCollecting, battling…\nIt's a tough life, isn't it?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816672F @ 3.3 person #11 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("This is CERULEAN CAVE.\rHorribly strong POKéMON live inside\nthere.\rIt takes a very special TRAINER to\nbe allowed inside there.\rYou'd have to be strong enough to\nbecome the POKéMON LEAGUE\fCHAMPION for starters.\rAnd, you would have to have\nmade a great achievement.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166738 @ 3.3 person #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("I want a bright red bicycle.\rI'll keep it at home, so it won't\nget dirty.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xB, move_1A75E5);
waitformove (0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816674F @ 3.3 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
getrandom (0x3);
copyvar (0x8008, 0x800D);
if (0x8008 == 0x0) call (lbl_1667B0);
if (0x8008 == 0x1) call (lbl_1667B6);
if (0x8008 == 0x2) call (lbl_1667BC);
waitmsg ();
pause (0x28);
playsound (0x15);
applymove (0x5, move_1A75D9);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0x1E);
if (0x8008 == 0x0) call (lbl_1667C2);
if (0x8008 == 0x1) call (lbl_1667CB);
if (0x8008 == 0x2) call (lbl_1667D4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81667D4 @ Referenced by lbl_16674F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("No! That's wrong!\nIt's so hard to control POKéMON!\rYour POKéMON's obedience depends\non your abilities as a TRAINER.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81667CB @ Referenced by lbl_16674F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("No!\nYou blew it again!", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81667C2 @ Referenced by lbl_16674F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Come on, SLOWBRO, pay attention!", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81667BC @ Referenced by lbl_16674F @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("SLOWBRO, WITHDRAW!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81667B6 @ Referenced by lbl_16674F @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("SLOWBRO, punch!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81667B0 @ Referenced by lbl_16674F @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Okay! SLOWBRO!\nUse SONICBOOM!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81667DD @ 3.3 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
getrandom (0x4);
copyvar (0x8008, 0x800D);
if (0x8008 == 0x0) call (lbl_166814);
if (0x8008 == 0x1) call (lbl_16681D);
if (0x8008 == 0x2) call (lbl_166826);
if (0x8008 == 0x3) call (lbl_16682F);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816682F @ Referenced by lbl_1667DD @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SLOWBRO ignored orders…", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166826 @ Referenced by lbl_1667DD @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SLOWBRO turned away…", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816681D @ Referenced by lbl_1667DD @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SLOWBRO is loafing around…", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166814 @ Referenced by lbl_1667DD @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SLOWBRO took a snooze…", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166838 @ 3.3 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("CERULEAN CITY\nA Mysterious, Blue Aura Surrounds\fIt", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166841 @ 3.3 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rA POKéMON can be made to hold\nan item.\rSome items can even be used by\nthe holding POKéMON in battle.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816684A @ 3.3 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Grass and caves handled easily!\nBIKE SHOP", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166853 @ 3.3 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x173);
say ("CERULEAN CITY POKéMON GYM\nLEADER: MISTY\fThe Tomboyish Mermaid!", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166871 @ 3.4 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x894);
setvar (0x405B, 0x1);
setflag (0x3D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816687D @ 3.4 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("Do you believe in ghosts?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16689C);
say ("Hahaha, I guess not.\rThat white hand on your shoulder…\nI'm just imagining it.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816689C @ Referenced by lbl_16687D @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Really?\nSo there are believers…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81668A6 @ 3.4 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("This town is known as the grave\nsite of POKéMON.\rMemorial services are held in\nPOKéMON TOWER.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81668AF @ 3.4 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Ghosts appeared in POKéMON TOWER.\rI think they're the spirits of\nPOKéMON that the ROCKETS killed.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81668B8 @ 3.4 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("LAVENDER TOWN\nThe Noble Purple Town", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81668C1 @ 3.4 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("New SILPH SCOPE!\nMake the Invisible Plain to See!\rSILPH CO.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81668CA @ 3.4 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81668D3 @ 3.4 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON TOWER\nBecalm the Spirits of POKéMON", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166906 @ 3.5 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x895);
if (0x2F9) call (lbl_166913);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166913 @ Referenced by lbl_166906 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0xA1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166917 @ 3.5 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("We're careful about pollution here.\rWe've heard GRIMER multiplies in\ntoxic sludge.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166920 @ 3.5 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x407E == 0x3) goto (lbl_166937);
say ("Did you see the S.S. ANNE moored\nin the harbor?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166937 @ Referenced by lbl_166920 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("So, the S.S. ANNE has departed?\rShe'll be back in VERMILION about\nthis time next year.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166941 @ 3.5 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x407E == 0x3) goto (lbl_166996);
say ("Welcome to the S.S. ANNE!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166996 @ Referenced by lbl_166941 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
if (0x4076 => 0x5) goto (lbl_1669BB);
if (0x4076 => 0x1) goto (lbl_166B3B);
say ("The ship set sail.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166B3B @ Referenced by lbl_166996 @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Ah, you have a TRI-PASS.\rWould you like to board\na SEAGALLOP ferry?");
waitmsg ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
multichoice (19, 5, 57, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A8FEE);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A8FF9);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A9004);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9004 @ Referenced by lbl_166B3B @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x3);
jump (lbl_1A909E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8FF9 @ Referenced by lbl_166B3B @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x2);
jump (lbl_1A909E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8FEE @ Referenced by lbl_166B3B @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1A909E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81669BB @ Referenced by lbl_166996 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
call (lbl_166958);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1669FD);
call (lbl_166977);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_166A5F);
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
preparemsg ("Ah, you have a RAINBOW PASS.\rWould you like to board\na SEAGALLOP ferry?");
waitmsg ();
jump (lbl_1A911E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A911E @ Referenced by lbl_1669BB @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x1A7);
waitstate ();
special2 (0x8006, 0x1A8);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x8006);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A91D5);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A91E0);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A91EB);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1A91F6);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_1A9201);
if (0x8000 == 0xFE) goto (lbl_1A917F);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A917F @ Referenced by lbl_1A911E @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
special (0x1A7);
waitstate ();
special2 (0x8006, 0x1A8);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x8006);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_1A9201);
if (0x8000 == 0x5) goto (lbl_1A920C);
if (0x8000 == 0x6) goto (lbl_1A9217);
if (0x8000 == 0x7) goto (lbl_1A9222);
if (0x8000 == 0xFE) goto (lbl_1A911E);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9222 @ Referenced by lbl_1A917F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x7);
jump (lbl_1A909E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9217 @ Referenced by lbl_1A917F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x6);
jump (lbl_1A909E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A920C @ Referenced by lbl_1A917F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x5);
jump (lbl_1A909E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9201 @ Referenced by lbl_1A911E @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x4);
jump (lbl_1A909E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A91F6 @ Referenced by lbl_1A911E @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x3);
jump (lbl_1A909E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A91EB @ Referenced by lbl_1A911E @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x2);
jump (lbl_1A909E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A91E0 @ Referenced by lbl_1A911E @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1A909E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166A5F @ Referenced by lbl_1669BB @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x2F1) call (lbl_166AA5);
preparemsg ("Would you like to board\na SEAGALLOP ferry?");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (13, 6, 55, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A911E);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_166B23);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166B23 @ Referenced by lbl_166A5F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Okay, everything's in order for you\nto board a special ferry.\rSEAGALLOP HI-SPEED 12 will be\ndeparting immediately.", 4);
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
setvar (0x8006, 0xA);
jump (lbl_1A90DA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166AA5 @ Referenced by lbl_166A5F @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2F1);
say ("Oh! That's an AURORATICKET!\nNow that is rare.\rWe'll be happy to take you to\nBIRTH ISLAND anytime.\rBy the way: If you\nlike this game, buy it or die.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166977 @ Referenced by lbl_1669BB @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x84B) goto (lbl_1A77B0);
checkitem (0x173, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A77B0);
jump (lbl_1A77AA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A77AA @ Referenced by lbl_166977 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x800D, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A77B0 @ Referenced by lbl_166977 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x800D, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81669FD @ Referenced by lbl_1669BB @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_166977);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_166AB1);
if (not 0x2F0) call (lbl_166A53);
preparemsg ("Would you like to board\na SEAGALLOP ferry?");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (17, 6, 54, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A911E);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_166B0B);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166B0B @ Referenced by lbl_1669FD @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Okay, everything's in order for you\nto board a special ferry.\rSEAGALLOP HI-SPEED 10 will be\ndeparting immediately.", 4);
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
setvar (0x8006, 0x9);
jump (lbl_1A90DA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166A53 @ Referenced by lbl_1669FD @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2F0);
say ("Oh! That's a MYSTICTICKET!\nNow that is rare.\rWe'll be happy to take you to\nNAVEL ROCK anytime.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166AB1 @ Referenced by lbl_1669FD @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x2F0) call (lbl_166A53);
if (not 0x2F1) call (lbl_166AA5);
preparemsg ("Would you like to board\na SEAGALLOP ferry?");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (13, 5, 56, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A911E);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_166B0B);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_166B23);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166958 @ Referenced by lbl_1669BB @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x84A) goto (lbl_1A77B0);
checkitem (0x172, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A77B0);
jump (lbl_1A77AA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166B8A @ 3.5 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
jump (lbl_166BA0);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166BA0 @ Referenced by lbl_166B8A @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
applymove (0x6, move_1A75E7);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
waitformove (0x0);
if (0x407E == 0x3) goto (lbl_166BED);
say ("Welcome to the S.S. ANNE!\rExcuse me, do you have a ticket?", 4);
if (not 0x234) goto (lbl_166BDE);
say ("{font:2}{RED} flashed the S.S. TICKET!\r{font:4}Great!\nWelcome to the S.S. ANNE!", 4);
setvar (0x4053, 0x1);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166BDE @ Referenced by lbl_166BA0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("{font:2}{RED} doesn't have the needed\nS.S. TICKET.\r{font:4}Sorry!\rYou need a ticket to get aboard.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
jump (lbl_1A9108);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166BED @ Referenced by lbl_166BA0 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
if (0x4076 => 0x5) goto (lbl_1669BB);
if (0x4076 => 0x1) goto (lbl_166B3B);
say ("The ship set sail.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
jump (lbl_1A9108);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166B91 @ 3.5 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
jump (lbl_166BA0);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166B98 @ 3.5 trap #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4053, 0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166C17 @ 3.5 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The S.S. ANNE is a famous luxury\ncruise ship.\rIt visits VERMILION once a year.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166C20 @ 3.5 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setflag (0x2F9);
say ("Oh, hello, {RED}!\nHow are you doing?\rIt's me, one of PROF. OAK's AIDES.\rDid you meet the other AIDE?\rHe had a package from PROF. OAK\nfor you, {RED}.\rHe said he'd look for you around\nROUTE 2, {RED}.\rIf you're in the ROUTE 2 area,\nplease look for him.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166C2F @ 3.5 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'm putting up a building on this\nplot of land. I own it all.\rMy POKéMON is tamping the land\nto lay the foundation.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166C38 @ 3.5 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
cry (0x42, 0x0);
say ("MACHOP: Guoh! Gogogoh!", 4);
waitforcry ();
say ("A MACHOP is stomping the land flat.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166C53 @ 3.5 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("VERMILION CITY\nThe Port of Exquisite Sunsets", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166C5C @ 3.5 sign #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("NOTICE!\rROUTE 12 may be blocked off by a\nsleeping POKéMON.\rDetour through ROCK TUNNEL to\nLAVENDER TOWN.\rVERMILION POLICE", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166C65 @ 3.5 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON FAN CLUB\nAll POKéMON fans welcome!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166C6E @ 3.5 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x173);
say ("VERMILION CITY POKéMON GYM\nLEADER: LT. SURGE\fThe Lightning American!", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166C86 @ 3.5 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166C95 @ 3.6 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x896);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166C99 @ 3.6 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I got my KOFFING in CINNABAR.\rIt's usually nice, but it breathes\npoison when it's angry.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166CA2 @ 3.6 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
say ("Heheh! This GYM is great!\nIt's full of women!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166CAD @ 3.6 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("CELADON takes pride in its efforts\nto keep the city beautiful.\rThat's why the new GAME CORNER is\nbad for our city's image.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166CB6 @ 3.6 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Moan…\nI blew it all at the slots!\rI knew I should have cashed in my\nCOINS for prizes!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166CBF @ 3.6 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
jump (lbl_1C4A86);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4A86 @ Referenced by lbl_166CBF @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2C7) goto (lbl_1C4AE4);
say ("Hello, there!\rI've seen you about, but I never\nhad a chance to chat.\rIt must be good luck that brought\nus together finally.\rI'd like to celebrate by teaching\nyou the move SOFTBOILED.", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4ADA);
call (lbl_1C4F37);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4ADA);
say ("So, who's the POKéMON that gets\nthe chance to learn SOFTBOILED?", 4);
setvar (0x8005, 0x9);
call (lbl_1C4F30);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4ADA);
setflag (0x2C7);
jump (lbl_1C4AE4);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4ADA @ Referenced by lbl_1C4A86 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'll always be keeping an eye out\nfor you.\rI hope we can chat again.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4AE4 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4A86 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I wish you the best of luck!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166CC5 @ 3.6 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("This is my trusted pal, POLIWRATH.\rIt evolved from a POLIWHIRL when\nI used a WATER STONE.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x2, move_1A75E5);
waitformove (0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166CDC @ 3.6 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
cry (0x3E, 0x0);
say ("POLIWRATH: Ribi ribit!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
waitforcry ();
applymove (0x3, move_1A75E5);
waitformove (0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166CFA @ 3.6 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Keep out of TEAM ROCKET's way!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166D03 @ 3.6 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("What are you staring at?\nGet lost, or I'll punch you.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166D0C @ 3.6 person #11 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Aaaagh, ow…\nI scalded my tongue!\rThis nice old lady in the MANSION\ngave me some TEA.\rBut it was boiling hot!\nGotta cool it to drink it.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166D15 @ 3.6 person #14 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, what am I to do…\rSomeone stole our SILPH SCOPE.\rThe thief came running this way,\nI'm sure of it.\rBut I lost sight of him!\nWhere'd he go?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166D1E @ 3.6 sign #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rX ACCURACY boosts the accuracy of\ntechniques.\rDIRE HIT jacks up the likelihood\nof critical hits.\rGet your items at the CELADON\nDEPT. STORE!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166D27 @ 3.6 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("CELADON CITY\nThe City of Rainbow Dreams", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166D30 @ 3.6 sign #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x5);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x173);
say ("CELADON CITY POKéMON GYM\nLEADER: ERIKA\fThe Nature-Loving Princess!", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166D48 @ 3.6 sign #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166D51 @ 3.6 sign #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Find what you need at the\nCELADON DEPT. STORE!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166D5A @ 3.6 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rGUARD SPEC. protects POKéMON\nfrom status-reduction moves during\fbattle.\rGet your items at the\nCELADON DEPT. STORE!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166D63 @ 3.6 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("COINS exchanged for prizes!\nPRIZE EXCHANGE", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166D6C @ 3.6 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("ROCKET GAME CORNER\nThe playground for grown-ups!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166D7B @ 3.7 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x897);
if (0x272) call (lbl_166D91);
if (not 0x272) call (lbl_166D97);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166D97 @ Referenced by lbl_166D7B @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4010, 0x93);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166D91 @ Referenced by lbl_166D7B @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4010, 0x76);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166D9D @ 3.7 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Did you try the SAFARI GAME?\rThere are some rare POKéMON that\ncan only be caught there.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166DA6 @ 3.7 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The SAFARI ZONE has a zoo in front\nof the entrance.\rOut back is the SAFARI GAME for\ncatching POKéMON.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166DAF @ 3.7 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("ERIK: Where's SARA?\nI said I'd meet her here.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166DB8 @ 3.7 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("That item ball in there…\nWere you wanting that?\rMe, too!\n…Huh? That's a POKéMON?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166DC1 @ 3.7 person #15 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x6);
setvar (0x8005, 0x3);
special (0x173);
say ("My father is the GYM LEADER of\nthis town.\rI'm training to use POISON POKéMON\nas well as my father.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166DDA @ 3.7 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("FUCHSIA CITY\nBehold! It's Passion Pink!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166DE3 @ 3.7 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166DEC @ 3.7 sign #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166DF5 @ 3.7 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166E07 @ 3.7 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x6);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x173);
say ("FUCHSIA CITY POKéMON GYM\nLEADER: KOGA\fThe Poisonous Ninja Master", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166E1F @ 3.7 sign #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x71);
special (0x163);
showpokepic (0x71, 10, 3);
say ("Name: CHANSEY\nCatching one is all up to chance.", 4);
hidepokepic ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166E38 @ 3.7 sign #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x64);
special (0x163);
showpokepic (0x64, 10, 3);
say ("Name: VOLTORB\nThe very image of a POKé BALL.", 4);
hidepokepic ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166E51 @ 3.7 sign #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x73);
special (0x163);
showpokepic (0x73, 10, 3);
say ("Name: KANGASKHAN\rA maternal POKéMON that raises its\nyoung in a pouch on its belly.", 4);
hidepokepic ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166E6A @ 3.7 sign #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x4F);
special (0x163);
showpokepic (0x4F, 10, 3);
say ("Name: SLOWPOKE\nFriendly and very slow moving.", 4);
hidepokepic ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166E83 @ 3.7 sign #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x83);
special (0x163);
showpokepic (0x83, 10, 3);
say ("Name: LAPRAS\nAKA the king of the seas.", 4);
hidepokepic ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166E9C @ 3.7 sign #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x272) goto (lbl_166EBE);
setvar (0x8004, 0x8C);
special (0x163);
showpokepic (0x8C, 10, 3);
say ("Name: KABUTO\nAn extremely rare POKéMON that was\fregenerated from a fossil.", 4);
hidepokepic ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166EBE @ Referenced by lbl_166E9C @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x8A);
special (0x163);
showpokepic (0x8A, 10, 3);
say ("Name: OMANYTE\nAn extremely rare POKéMON that was\fregenerated from a fossil.", 4);
hidepokepic ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166EE1 @ 3.8 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x898);
call (lbl_166F5E);
if (0x4071 == 0x1) call (lbl_166F24);
if (0x4071 == 0x3) call (lbl_166F52);
if (0x408A == 0x1) call (lbl_166F0B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166F0B @ Referenced by lbl_166EE1 @ ----------------------------------------------
playsong2 (0x110);
setflag (0x2);
movesprite2 (0x3, 0xF, 0xC);
spritebehave (0x3, 9);
movesprite2 (0x4, 0x1E, 0xC);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166F52 @ Referenced by lbl_166EE1 @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x3, 0x15, 0x8);
spritebehave (0x3, 7);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166F24 @ Referenced by lbl_166EE1 @ ----------------------------------------------
getcamerapos (0x8004, 0x8005);
if (0x8004 => 0x12) goto (lbl_166F4A);
setflag (0x2);
movesprite2 (0x3, 0x12, 0xC);
spritebehave (0x3, 7);
movesprite2 (0x4, 0x1E, 0xC);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166F4A @ Referenced by lbl_166F24 @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x4, 0x1E, 0x8);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166F5E @ Referenced by lbl_166EE1 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x1A8) goto (lbl_166F68);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8166F68 @ Referenced by lbl_166F5E @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81671CA @ 3.8 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0x14);
say ("The door is locked…", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1671ED);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81671ED @ Referenced by lbl_1671CA @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81671EF @ 3.8 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x8);
setvar (0x8005, 0x3);
special (0x173);
say ("CINNABAR GYM's BLAINE is quite the\nodd fellow.\rHe's lived on the island since way\nbefore the LAB was built.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167208 @ 3.8 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Scientists conduct experiments \nin the burned-out building.\rYou know, the one they call the\nPOKéMON MANSION.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167211 @ 3.8 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("CINNABAR ISLAND\nThe Fiery Town of Burning Desire", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816721A @ 3.8 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON LAB", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167223 @ 3.8 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x8);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x173);
say ("CINNABAR ISLAND POKéMON GYM\nLEADER: BLAINE\fThe Hotheaded Quiz Master!", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167246 @ 3.9 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x899);
if (0x4085 == 0x1) call (lbl_167255);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167255 @ Referenced by lbl_167246 @ ----------------------------------------------
playsong (0x122, 0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167365 @ 3.10 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x89A);
if (not 0x23C) call (lbl_167372);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167372 @ Referenced by lbl_167365 @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x6, 0x21, 0x1F);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816737A @ 3.10 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("What do you want?\nGet lost!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167383 @ 3.10 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("BOSS said he'll take this town\nin the name of TEAM ROCKET!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816738C @ 3.10 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Don't get defiant!\nOr I'll have to hurt you!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167395 @ 3.10 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SAFFRON belongs to TEAM ROCKET!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816739E @ 3.10 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("My life as a criminal makes me feel\nso alive!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81673A7 @ 3.10 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Ow!\nWatch where you're walking!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81673B0 @ 3.10 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("With SILPH under control, we can\nexploit POKéMON around the world!\rWe'll get stinking rich, yeahah!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81673B9 @ 3.10 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
if (0x23C) goto (lbl_1673D7);
applymove (0x6, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("I'm a security guard.\rSuspicious kids I don't allow in!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81673D7 @ Referenced by lbl_1673B9 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
say ("…\nSnore…\rHah! He's taking a snooze!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81673E3 @ 3.10 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You beat TEAM ROCKET all alone?\nThat's amazing!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81673EC @ 3.10 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Yeah! TEAM ROCKET is gone!\nIt's safe to go out again!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81673F5 @ 3.10 person #13 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("People fled from here in droves\nwhen those ROCKETS came.\rThey should be flocking back to\nSAFFRON now.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81673FE @ 3.10 person #11 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I flew here on my PIDGEOT when\nI read about SILPH.\rIt's already over?\nI missed the media action…", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167407 @ 3.10 person #12 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
cry (0x12, 0x0);
say ("PIDGEOT: Bi bibii!", 4);
waitforcry ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816741A @ 3.10 person #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I saw the ROCKET BOSS escaping\nSILPH's building.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167423 @ 3.10 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SAFFRON CITY\nShining, Golden Land of Commerce", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816742C @ 3.10 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("FIGHTING DOJO", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167435 @ 3.10 sign #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x7);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x173);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816744D @ 3.10 sign #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rFULL HEAL cures all ailments like\nburns, paralysis, poisoning,\ffreezing, and sleep.\rIt costs a bit more, but it's more\nconvenient than buying other items.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167456 @ 3.10 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rThe new GREAT BALL offers improved\ncatching rates.\rTry it on those hard-to-catch\nPOKéMON.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816745F @ 3.10 sign #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167468 @ 3.10 sign #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("MR. PSYCHIC'S HOUSE", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167471 @ 3.10 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SILPH's latest product!\nRelease to be determined…", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816747A @ 3.10 sign #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON TRAINER FAN CLUB\rMany TRAINERS have scribbled their\nnames on this sign.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816748F @ 3.12 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x89B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167517 @ 3.12 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x844) goto (lbl_16753F);
if (0x2A1) goto (lbl_167535);
say ("Here we are on an island smack in\nthe middle of nowhere.\rWe're lucky to have an upstanding\nyoung man like CELIO here.\rMy granddaughter was in a tizzy\nover CELIO's friend.\rSomething about a famous\nPOKéMANIAC?\rI'm not sure what that means, but\nCELIO is quite the man!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167535 @ Referenced by lbl_167517 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("My granddaughter was in a tizzy\nover a new breakthrough.\rShe said we now have PC linkage\nwith people in KANTO.\rI'm not sure what that means, but\nCELIO is quite the man!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816753F @ Referenced by lbl_167517 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("My granddaughter was in a tizzy\nover a new breakthrough.\rShe said we finally have PC linkage\nwith people in HOENN.\rI'm not sure what that means, but\nCELIO is quite the man.\rHe would make a fine husband for\nmy granddaughter!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167549 @ 3.12 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hi, sight-seeing, are you?\nIsn't the warm climate here great?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167552 @ 3.12 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("ONE ISLAND\nFriends Gather at Knot Island", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816755B @ 3.12 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Expanding the POKéMON World!\nPOKéMON NET CENTER", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816756A @ 3.13 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x89C);
setflag (0x2A2);
call (lbl_167576);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167576 @ Referenced by lbl_16756A @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x844) goto (lbl_167597);
if (0x82C) goto (lbl_1675B8);
if (0x2A3) goto (lbl_1675D9);
jump (lbl_1675E8);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81675E8 @ Referenced by lbl_167576 @ ----------------------------------------------
jump (lbl_1675EE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81675EE @ Referenced by lbl_1675E8 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4078, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81675D9 @ Referenced by lbl_167576 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x29D) goto (lbl_1675EE);
jump (lbl_1675F4);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81675F4 @ Referenced by lbl_1675D9 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4078, 0x2);
clearflag (0x7B);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81675B8 @ Referenced by lbl_167576 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x29D) goto (lbl_1675EE);
if (not 0x2A3) goto (lbl_1675EE);
if (not 0x29E) goto (lbl_1675F4);
jump (lbl_1675FD);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81675FD @ Referenced by lbl_1675B8 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4078, 0x3);
clearflag (0x7C);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167597 @ Referenced by lbl_167576 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x29D) goto (lbl_1675EE);
if (not 0x29E) goto (lbl_1675F4);
if (not 0x29F) goto (lbl_1675FD);
jump (lbl_167606);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167606 @ Referenced by lbl_167597 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4078, 0x4);
clearflag (0x7D);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816760F @ 3.13 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4078 == 0x4) goto (lbl_167646);
if (0x4078 == 0x3) goto (lbl_16765E);
if (0x4078 == 0x2) goto (lbl_167676);
jump (lbl_16768E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816768E @ Referenced by lbl_16760F @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x29D) goto (lbl_1676A6);
setflag (0x29D);
preparemsg ("Oh!\nHello, welcome to my shop!\rWe've only opened up recently.\rOur merchandise is limited, but I\nhope we can serve your needs.");
waitmsg ();
jump (lbl_1676D3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81676D3 @ Referenced by lbl_16768E @ ----------------------------------------------
doshop (store_1676E4);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81676E4 @ Referenced by lbl_1676D3 @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.GreatBall, Item.Freshwater, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81676A6 @ Referenced by lbl_16768E @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Hi, there!\nMay I help you?");
waitmsg ();
if (0x4078 == 0x4) goto (lbl_167728);
if (0x4078 == 0x3) goto (lbl_167708);
if (0x4078 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1676EC);
jump (lbl_1676D3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81676EC @ Referenced by lbl_1676A6 @ ----------------------------------------------
doshop (store_1676FC);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81676FC @ Referenced by lbl_1676EC @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.UltraBall, Item.GreatBall, Item.Sodapop, Item.Freshwater, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167708 @ Referenced by lbl_1676A6 @ ----------------------------------------------
doshop (store_167718);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167718 @ Referenced by lbl_167708 @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.UltraBall, Item.GreatBall, Item.Lemonade, Item.Sodapop, Item.Freshwater, Item.MooMooMilk, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167728 @ Referenced by lbl_1676A6 @ ----------------------------------------------
doshop (store_167738);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167738 @ Referenced by lbl_167728 @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.UltraBall, Item.RepeatBall, Item.TimerBall, Item.Lemonade, Item.Sodapop, Item.Freshwater, Item.MooMooMilk, Item.LavaCookie, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167676 @ Referenced by lbl_16760F @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x29E) goto (lbl_1676A6);
setflag (0x29E);
preparemsg ("I can't tell you how grateful I am\nfor your rescue of LOSTELLE.\rThanks to your feat, the people of\nTHREE ISLAND have changed their\fattitudes about KANTO people.\rAnd, I'm from KANTO, you see.\rThe people of THREE ISLAND\nhelped me add to my merchandise.");
waitmsg ();
jump (lbl_1676EC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816765E @ Referenced by lbl_16760F @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x29F) goto (lbl_1676A6);
setflag (0x29F);
preparemsg ("Hi! I'm giving it my best here.\nI hope you do too, {RED}.");
waitmsg ();
jump (lbl_167708);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167646 @ Referenced by lbl_16760F @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x2A0) goto (lbl_1676A6);
setflag (0x2A0);
preparemsg ("Oh, hello, {RED}!\nWelcome!\rI've started bringing in items from\ndistant lands.\rI've got some rare items in, too.\nPlease have a look!");
waitmsg ();
jump (lbl_167728);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816774C @ 3.13 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("That fellow there, he moved here\nfrom CELADON CITY.\rHe started up a shop with his\nyounger brother.\rYou have to wonder if he knew what\nhe was getting into.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167755 @ 3.13 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The shopkeeper's brother took\na job at the GAME CORNER.\rHe's trying to pull together money\nso they can buy more merchandise.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816775E @ 3.13 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xA);
setvar (0x8005, 0x4);
special (0x173);
say ("Listen, listen.\nDid you know?\rA famous TRAINER came to the\nISLAND a little while back.\rHe's one of the ELITE FOUR.\nHis name is BRUNO.\rHe went away disappointed when he\nfound out that they were all sold\fout of Rage Candybars.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167777 @ 3.13 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The discerning TRAINER knows to\nbuy rare items here!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167780 @ 3.13 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("There's an old woman who lives in\na cottage out on the cape.\rShe gives the eye to POKéMON.\nIt's a bit unnerving.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167789 @ 3.13 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Boing! Boing!\nHave you tried the jumping game?\rThe POKéMON you can enter…\nBoing!\rSome go boing!\rAnd some go boooooooing!\rDid you know that?\nBoing!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167792 @ 3.13 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TWO ISLAND\nBoon Island for Two", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816779B @ 3.13 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Skip & Chomp!\nJoyful GAME CORNER", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81677A4 @ 3.13 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("DANGER! FAST CURRENT!\nFishing and surfing prohibited!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81677B3 @ 3.14 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x89D);
if (0x2A3) call (lbl_1677CB);
if (0x407B == 0x4) call (lbl_1677CF);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81677CF @ Referenced by lbl_1677B3 @ ----------------------------------------------
spritebehave (0x1, 1);
spritebehave (0x2, 1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81677CB @ Referenced by lbl_1677B3 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x7E);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81677D8 @ 3.14 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x2);
call (lbl_16786F);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816786F @ Referenced by lbl_1677D8 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_167947);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_167947);
applymove (0x1, move_167A1B);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("We don't need you people bringing\nyour noise and trouble here!\rWe're asking you to go back to\nKANTO!", 4);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_167952);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_167952);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_16795D);
applymove (0x5, move_167A19);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("Hey, go cry somewhere else.\nOur boss is on his way.\rWhen he gets here, we'll give you\na k-rad motorbike show you won't\fsoon forget!", 4);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_167931);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_167931);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_167973);
applymove (0x2, move_167A1B);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("W-what!? Not on your life!\nGet off the island now!", 4);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_167952);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_167952);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_16795D);
applymove (0x4, move_167A19);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("Who's gonna make me?", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167973 @ Referenced by lbl_16786F @ ----------------------------------------------
getcamerapos (0x8004, 0x8005);
if (0x8004 => 0x9) goto (lbl_167947);
jump (lbl_167931);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167931 @ Referenced by lbl_16786F @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167A19 @ Referenced by lbl_16786F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (StepInPlace.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816795D @ Referenced by lbl_16786F @ ----------------------------------------------
getcamerapos (0x8004, 0x8005);
if (0x8004 => 0x9) goto (lbl_167931);
jump (lbl_167952);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167952 @ Referenced by lbl_16786F @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167A1B @ Referenced by lbl_16786F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (StepInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167947 @ Referenced by lbl_16786F @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81677E5 @ 3.14 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
if (0x2FC) goto (lbl_167806);
if (0x407B == 0x4) goto (lbl_16781A);
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
call (lbl_16786F);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816781A @ Referenced by lbl_1677E5 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("Thank you! Those goons were\nnothing but bad trouble.\rOh, look, your POKéMON got hurt\non my account.", 4);
checkitemamount (0x13, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_167865);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} was given\na FULL RESTORE.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x13);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
giveitem (0x13, 0x1);
setflag (0x2FC);
say ("You've got seriously impressive\nPOKéMON with you.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167865 @ Referenced by lbl_16781A @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh?\nYour BAG is full.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167806 @ Referenced by lbl_1677E5 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("You've got seriously impressive\nPOKéMON with you.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167989 @ 3.14 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
if (0x407B == 0x4) goto (lbl_1679A1);
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
call (lbl_16786F);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81679A1 @ Referenced by lbl_167989 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x2, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("It'd be fantastic if someone as\nstrong as you lived here.\rI hope you'll at least stay here\na while.\r…I beg your pardon?\nYou're looking for LOSTELLE?\rLOSTELLE went off towards BOND\nBRIDGE a while ago.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81679B5 @ 3.14 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
textcolor (0);
applymove (0x1, move_167A1B);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("Are you the boss?\nGo back to KANTO right now!", 4);
applymove (0x3, move_167A19);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("Hah?\rI just got here, pal.\rWhat's with the hostile attitude?\nIt's mighty cold of you!", 4);
applymove (0x1, move_167A1B);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("Your gang of followers have been\nraising havoc on their bikes.\rDo you have any idea how much\ntrouble they've caused us on the\fisland?", 4);
applymove (0x3, move_167A19);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("No, man, I don't get it at all.\rLook at this place.\nWhat do you do for entertainment?\rYou ought to be thanking us for\nlivening up this sleepy village.\rBut hey, if you insist, you can try\nmaking us leave.", 4);
applymove (0x1, move_167A1B);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("Grr… You cowards…\nSo tough in a pack…", 4);
setvar (0x407B, 0x3);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167A1D @ 3.14 trap #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
jump (lbl_167A59);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167A59 @ Referenced by lbl_167A1D @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
applymove (0x5, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
playsound (0x15);
applymove (0x5, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x5, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x5, move_167C57);
waitformove (0x0);
playsong (0x11D, 0);
say ("You, what are you staring at?\nDon't you know it's not polite?\rYou wanna make something of it\nor what?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_167C35);
say ("Heh, I like your guts.\nYou'll be losing money to me, but…", 4);
setvar (0x800F, 0x5);
trainerbattle (3, 527, "Wha…\nWhat is this kid?!");
applymove (0x5, move_167C5C);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("Aww, man…\nDon't you dare laugh!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x7, move_167C57);
waitformove (0x0);
playsong (0x11D, 0);
say ("Aren't you from KANTO?\nYou should be on our side!", 4);
setvar (0x800F, 0x7);
trainerbattle (3, 528, "Stop fooling around!");
applymove (0x7, move_167C5C);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("What's the matter with you,\ngetting all hot like that?\rTotally uncool, man!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x4, move_167C57);
waitformove (0x0);
playsong (0x11D, 0);
say ("We invited the boss out here,\nbut you had to mess it up!\rYou embarrassed us, man!", 4);
setvar (0x800F, 0x4);
trainerbattle (3, 529, "… … … … … …");
applymove (0x4, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x6, move_1A75ED);
applymove (0x8, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("Boss, I'm telling you, you've gotta\ndo something about this kid!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
pause (0x2D);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_167BC6);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_167BD8);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_167BEA);
if (0x4001 == 0x3) call (lbl_167C03);
if (0x4001 == 0x4) call (lbl_167C1C);
playsong (0x11D, 0);
say ("I've been watching you, and I'd say\nyou've done enough.\rWhat are you, their friend or\nsomething?\rThen I guess you'll be battling me\nin their place.", 4);
setvar (0x800F, 0x3);
trainerbattle (3, 742, "All right, enough!\nWe'll leave like you wanted!\rWe'll be happy to see the last of\nthis boring island!");
say ("Humph! Yeah, go right on hanging\naround with these hayseeds!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
fade (1);
hidesprite (0x3);
hidesprite (0x5);
hidesprite (0x7);
hidesprite (0x4);
hidesprite (0x6);
hidesprite (0x8);
hidesprite (0xE);
fade (0);
setvar (0x407B, 0x4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167C1C @ Referenced by lbl_167A59 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_1A75ED);
applymove (0xFF, move_167C68);
applymove (0x3, move_167C71);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167C71 @ Referenced by lbl_167C1C @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.West, RealFastInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167C68 @ Referenced by lbl_167C1C @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1C, RealFastInPlace.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167C03 @ Referenced by lbl_167A59 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_1A75ED);
applymove (0xFF, move_167C68);
applymove (0x3, move_167C6C);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167C6C @ Referenced by lbl_167C03 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.West, RealFastInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167BEA @ Referenced by lbl_167A59 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_1A75ED);
applymove (0x3, move_167C64);
applymove (0xFF, move_167C68);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167C64 @ Referenced by lbl_167BEA @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, RealFastInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167BD8 @ Referenced by lbl_167A59 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_1A75ED);
applymove (0x3, move_167C62);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167C62 @ Referenced by lbl_167BD8 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167BC6 @ Referenced by lbl_167A59 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_1A75ED);
applymove (0x3, move_167C5E);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167C5E @ Referenced by lbl_167BC6 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.East, RealFastInPlace.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167C5C @ Referenced by lbl_167A59 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (StepInPlace.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167C35 @ Referenced by lbl_167A59 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("That's smart.\nKeep your nose out of this.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_167C55);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x5, move_167C59);
waitformove (0x0);
fadetodefault ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167C59 @ Referenced by lbl_167C35 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, RealFastInPlace.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167C55 @ Referenced by lbl_167C35 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167C57 @ Referenced by lbl_167A59 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167A29 @ 3.14 trap #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_167A59);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167A35 @ 3.14 trap #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x2);
jump (lbl_167A59);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167A41 @ 3.14 trap #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x3);
jump (lbl_167A59);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167A4D @ 3.14 trap #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x4);
jump (lbl_167A59);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167C77 @ 3.14 person #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("THREE ISLAND is actually the most\npopulous of the islands here.\rStill, it could be less sleepy.\rBut I wouldn't want to see goons\nlike those BIKERS here again.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167C80 @ 3.14 person #11 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'm going to train my DODUO in the\nBERRY FOREST.\rWhen it evolves, I'm going to play\na game on TWO ISLAND.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167C89 @ 3.14 person #12 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
cry (0x54, 0x0);
say ("DODUO: Gigiih!", 4);
waitforcry ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167C9C @ 3.14 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("THREE ISLAND\nKin Island of Family Bonding", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167CA5 @ 3.14 person #13 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hyahoo!\rFrom this day on, this island\nbelongs to us!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167CB9 @ 3.15 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x89E);
if (0x4086 == 0x0) call (lbl_167CCD);
call (lbl_167CD1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167CD1 @ Referenced by lbl_167CB9 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x266) goto (lbl_167CE1);
movesprite2 (0x1, 0x10, 0xE);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167CE1 @ Referenced by lbl_167CD1 @ ----------------------------------------------
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167CCD @ Referenced by lbl_167CB9 @ ----------------------------------------------
clearflag (0x97);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167D55 @ 3.15 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
special (0xB5);
special2 (0x800D, 0xB6);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_167D9B);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_167E0C);
if (0x800D == 0x3) goto (lbl_167E19);
say ("I'm the DAY-CARE MAN.\rI help take care of the precious\nPOKéMON of TRAINERS.\rIf you'd like me to raise your\nPOKéMON, have a word with my wife.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167E19 @ Referenced by lbl_167D55 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0xB5);
say ("Ah, it's you! Your {var:2} and\n{var:3} are doing fine.", 4);
special (0xB9);
special (0x8D);
waitmsg ();
waitkeypress ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167E0C @ Referenced by lbl_167D55 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0xB5);
say ("Ah, it's you! Good to see you.\nYour {var:2}'s doing fine.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167D9B @ Referenced by lbl_167D55 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Ah, it's you!\rWe were raising your POKéMON, and\nmy goodness, were we surprised!\rYour POKéMON had an EGG!\rWe don't know how it got there,\nbut your POKéMON had it.\rYou do want it, yes?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_167DD1);
say ("I really will keep it.\nYou do want this, yes?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_167DD1);
say ("Well then, I'll keep it.\nThanks!", 4);
clearflag (0x266);
special (0xB7);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167DD1 @ Referenced by lbl_167D9B @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0x83);
if (0x800D != 0x6) goto (lbl_167DEB);
say ("You have no room for it…\nCome back when you've made room.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167DEB @ Referenced by lbl_167DD1 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
preparemsg ("{RED} received the EGG from\nthe DAY-CARE MAN.");
call (lbl_1A6675);
jingle (0x101);
waitforjingle ();
waitkeypress ();
say ("Take good care of it.", 4);
special (0xB8);
clearflag (0x266);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167E2E @ 3.15 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x844) goto (lbl_167E43);
say ("LORELEI has returned.\rDid she find the city life too\nstressful, I wonder?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167E43 @ Referenced by lbl_167E2E @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x9);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x173);
say ("LORELEI has gone back.\rThe LAPRAS she has, I imagine it\nto be the one she met as a child.\rI believe it was in ICEFALL CAVE\nthat she caught it.\rPerhaps that POKéMON has been with\nher ever since.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167E5A @ 3.15 person #11 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x9);
setvar (0x8005, 0x4);
special (0x173);
say ("Oh, you found me!\nPlease don't tell LORELEI.\rDid you know that LORELEI has lots\nand lots of stuffed dolls?\rEvery time she comes back to\nFOUR ISLAND, her collection grows!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167E73 @ 3.15 person #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Ooh, chilly!\rI made a slushie using ice I\nshaved inside ICEFALL CAVE.\rIt's chilly and tasty!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167E7C @ 3.15 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("FOUR ISLAND\nThe Warm, Blue, Floe Island", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167E85 @ 3.15 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("LORELEI'S HOUSE", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167E94 @ 3.16 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x89F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167E98 @ 3.16 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("FIVE ISLAND\nChrono Island: Where Time Goes", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167EA1 @ 3.16 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, this stinks. I wanted to play in\nthe MEADOW.\rBut they put up a weird building\non it, so I can't play there.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167EAA @ 3.16 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It's been getting busier around\nthese parts lately.\rI haven't been catching many good\nfish lately, either.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167EB9 @ 3.17 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8A0);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167EBD @ 3.17 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SEVEN ISLAND\nQuest Island of Infinity", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167EC6 @ 3.17 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("These islands are called the SEVII\nISLANDS because there are seven.\r…Or at least that's what the young\npeople believe.\rThe truth is, these islands are so\nnamed because they are said to\fhave been made in seven days.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167ECF @ 3.17 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("This island has been left virtually\nuntouched in its natural state.\rIt could be a little difficult to\nhike around because of that.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167EDE @ 3.18 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8A1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167EE2 @ 3.18 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Keep going this way and you'll get\nto the WATER PATH.\rStay on that and you'll get to\nthe RUIN VALLEY.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167EEB @ 3.18 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("When you're this far away from the\ncity, the sky at night is fantastic.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167EF4 @ 3.18 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SIX ISLAND\nFortune Island of Aged Wisdom", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167EFE @ 3.19 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x230) goto (lbl_167F48);
say ("Hi!\nI work at a POKéMON MART.\rIt's part of a convenient chain\nselling all sorts of items.\rPlease, visit us in VIRIDIAN CITY.\rI know, I'll give you a sample.\nHere you go!", 4);
textcolor (3);
checkitemamount (0xD, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A6BF9);
getitemname (1, 0xD);
jingle (0x101);
preparemsg ("Obtained the {var:3}!");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
giveitem (0xD, 0x1);
say ("{RED} put the POTION away in\nthe BAG's ITEMS POCKET.", 4);
call (lbl_1A6675);
setflag (0x230);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167F48 @ Referenced by lbl_167EFE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Please come see us if you need\nPOKé BALLS for catching POKéMON.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167F52 @ 3.19 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("See those ledges along the road?\rIt's a bit scary, but you can jump\nfrom them.\rYou can get back to PALLET TOWN\nquicker that way.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167F5B @ 3.19 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167F65 @ 3.20 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167F6E @ 3.20 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("DIGLETT'S CAVE", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167F78 @ 3.21 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Whew… I better take a rest…\nGroan…\rThat tunnel from CERULEAN takes a\nlot out of you!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167F81 @ 3.21 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("ROUTE 3\nMT. MOON AHEAD", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167F8C @ 3.22 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Ouch! I tripped over a rocky\nPOKéMON, GEODUDE!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167F95 @ 3.22 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("MT. MOON\nTunnel Entrance", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167F9E @ 3.22 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167FA8 @ 3.23 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167FB2 @ 3.24 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167FBC @ 3.25 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167FC6 @ 3.26 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167FD0 @ 3.27 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167FDB @ 3.28 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("ROCK TUNNEL\nDetour to LAVENDER TOWN", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167FE4 @ 3.28 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("ROCK TUNNEL", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167FED @ 3.28 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POWER PLANT", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8167FF7 @ 3.29 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("DIGLETT'S CAVE", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168006 @ 3.30 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x807) call (lbl_168010);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168010 @ Referenced by lbl_168006 @ ----------------------------------------------
hidesprite (0x800F);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168014 @ 3.30 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (not 0x23D) goto (lbl_168099);
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
say ("Want to use the POKé FLUTE?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16808D);
call (lbl_1A924B);
startwildbattle (0x8F, 30, 0x0);
checksound ();
cry (0x8F, 0x2);
pause (0x28);
waitforcry ();
setflag (0x54);
setflag (0x807);
setflag (0x253);
repeatwildbattle ();
clearflag (0x807);
special2 (0x800D, 0xB4);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16808F);
if (0x800D == 0x4) goto (lbl_16808F);
if (0x800D == 0x5) goto (lbl_16808F);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816808F @ Referenced by lbl_168014 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SNORLAX calmed down.\nIt gave a huge yawn…\fAnd returned to the mountains.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A924B @ Referenced by lbl_168014 @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("{RED} played the POKé FLUTE.");
waitmsg ();
jingle (0x152);
waitforjingle ();
say ("SNORLAX woke up!\rIt attacked in a grumpy rage!", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816808D @ Referenced by lbl_168014 @ ----------------------------------------------
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168099 @ Referenced by lbl_168014 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A POKéMON is sprawled out in\na deep and comfortable slumber.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81680A3 @ 3.30 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("ROUTE 12 \nNorth to LAVENDER", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81680AC @ 3.30 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81680B6 @ 3.31 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rLook, look!\nLook to the left of that post!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81680BF @ 3.31 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rUse SELECT to switch items in the\nITEMS window.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81680C8 @ 3.31 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("ROUTE 13\nNorth to SILENCE BRIDGE", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81680D2 @ 3.32 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("ROUTE 14\nWest to FUCHSIA CITY", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81680DC @ 3.33 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("ROUTE 15\nWest to FUCHSIA CITY", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81680F5 @ 3.34 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x807) call (lbl_1680FF);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81680FF @ Referenced by lbl_1680F5 @ ----------------------------------------------
hidesprite (0x800F);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168103 @ 3.34 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x405E == 0x1) call (lbl_16810F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816810F @ Referenced by lbl_168103 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x830);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168121 @ 3.34 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (not 0x23D) goto (lbl_1681A3);
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
say ("Want to use the POKé FLUTE?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_168197);
call (lbl_1A924B);
startwildbattle (0x8F, 30, 0x0);
checksound ();
cry (0x8F, 0x2);
pause (0x28);
waitforcry ();
setflag (0x80);
setflag (0x807);
repeatwildbattle ();
clearflag (0x807);
special2 (0x800D, 0xB4);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_168199);
if (0x800D == 0x4) goto (lbl_168199);
if (0x800D == 0x5) goto (lbl_168199);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168199 @ Referenced by lbl_168121 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SNORLAX calmed down.\nIt gave a huge yawn…\fAnd returned to the mountains.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168197 @ Referenced by lbl_168121 @ ----------------------------------------------
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81681A3 @ Referenced by lbl_168121 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A POKéMON is sprawled out in\na deep and comfortable slumber.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81681AD @ 3.34 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Enjoy the slope!\nCYCLING ROAD", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81681B6 @ 3.34 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81681C0 @ 3.35 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It's a notice.\rWatch out for discarded items.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81681C9 @ 3.35 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rAll POKéMON are unique.\rEven POKéMON of the same species\nand level grow at different rates.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81681D2 @ 3.35 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TIPS\rPress the B Button to stay in place\nwhile on a slope.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81681DB @ 3.35 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81681E4 @ 3.35 sign #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It's a notice!\rDon't throw the game, throw POKé\nBALLS instead!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81681ED @ 3.35 sign #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("CYCLING ROAD\nSlope ends here!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168201 @ 3.36 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x405E == 0x1) call (lbl_16820D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816820D @ Referenced by lbl_168201 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x830);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816821F @ 3.36 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168228 @ 3.36 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("CYCLING ROAD\nNo pedestrians permitted!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168232 @ 3.37 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168241 @ 3.38 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x2D2) call (lbl_168254);
if (not 0x2D3) call (lbl_16826D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816826D @ Referenced by lbl_168241 @ ----------------------------------------------
clearflag (0x48);
clearflag (0x49);
clearflag (0x4A);
clearflag (0x4B);
setflag (0x4C);
setflag (0x4D);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168254 @ Referenced by lbl_168241 @ ----------------------------------------------
clearflag (0x40);
clearflag (0x41);
setflag (0x42);
setflag (0x43);
setflag (0x44);
setflag (0x45);
setflag (0x46);
setflag (0x47);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168280 @ 3.38 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816828C @ 3.41 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1682BE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81682BE @ Referenced by lbl_16828C @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
playsong (0x13B, 0);
showsprite (0x1);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_168350);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_168350);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_16835B);
pause (0x6);
say ("{TERRY}: Hey! {RED}!\rYou're off to the POKéMON LEAGUE?\nForget about it!\rYou probably don't have any\nBADGES, do you?\rThe guard won't let you through\nwithout them.\rBy the way, did your POKéMON get\nany stronger?", 4);
if (0x4031 == 0x2) call (lbl_16836D);
if (0x4031 == 0x1) call (lbl_16837C);
if (0x4031 == 0x0) call (lbl_16838B);
say ("I heard the POKéMON LEAGUE is\ncrawling with tough TRAINERS.\rI have to figure out how to get\npast them.\rYou should quit dawdling and get a\nmove on!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
pause (0xA);
playsong (0x13C, 0);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_16839A);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_16839A);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_1683A5);
fadetodefault ();
hidesprite (0x1);
setvar (0x4054, 0x2);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81683A5 @ Referenced by lbl_1682BE @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1683C5);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81683C5 @ Referenced by lbl_1683A5 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816839A @ Referenced by lbl_1682BE @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1683B8);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81683B8 @ Referenced by lbl_16839A @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816838B @ Referenced by lbl_1682BE @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (9, 331, "Awww!\nYou just lucked out!", "{TERRY}: Yeah!\nAm I great or what?");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816837C @ Referenced by lbl_1682BE @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (9, 330, "Awww!\nYou just lucked out!", "{TERRY}: Yeah!\nAm I great or what?");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816836D @ Referenced by lbl_1682BE @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (9, 329, "Awww!\nYou just lucked out!", "{TERRY}: Yeah!\nAm I great or what?");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816835B @ Referenced by lbl_1682BE @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1683D9);
applymove (0xFF, move_1683E3);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81683E3 @ Referenced by lbl_16835B @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1B, RealFastInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81683D9 @ Referenced by lbl_16835B @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, RealFastInPlace.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168350 @ Referenced by lbl_1682BE @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1683D1);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81683D1 @ Referenced by lbl_168350 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168298 @ 3.41 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
movesprite2 (0x1, 0x19, 0x5);
jump (lbl_1682BE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81682AB @ 3.41 trap #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x2);
movesprite2 (0x1, 0x19, 0x5);
jump (lbl_1682BE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81683ED @ 3.41 trap #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
jump (lbl_16841F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816841F @ Referenced by lbl_1683ED @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
playsong (0x13B, 0);
showsprite (0x1);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_16849C);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_16849C);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_1684A7);
say ("{TERRY}: What? {RED}!\nWhat a surprise to see you here!\rSo you're going to the POKéMON\nLEAGUE?\rYou collected all the BADGES, too?\nThat's cool!\rThen I'll whip you, {RED}, as a\nwarm-up for the POKéMON LEAGUE!\rCome on!", 4);
setvar (0x800F, 0x1);
if (0x4031 == 0x2) call (lbl_1684B9);
if (0x4031 == 0x1) call (lbl_1684C4);
if (0x4031 == 0x0) call (lbl_1684CF);
say ("That loosened me up.\nI'm ready for the POKéMON LEAGUE!\r{RED}, you need more practice.\rBut hey, you know that!\nI'm out of here. Smell ya!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
pause (0xA);
playsong (0x13C, 0);
applymove (0x1, move_1684DA);
waitformove (0x0);
fadetodefault ();
hidesprite (0x1);
setvar (0x4054, 0x4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81684DA @ Referenced by lbl_16841F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81684CF @ Referenced by lbl_16841F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 437, "What!?\rI was just careless, you!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81684C4 @ Referenced by lbl_16841F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 436, "What!?\rI was just careless, you!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81684B9 @ Referenced by lbl_16841F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (3, 435, "What!?\rI was just careless, you!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81684A7 @ Referenced by lbl_16841F @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1683D9);
applymove (0xFF, move_1683E3);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816849C @ Referenced by lbl_16841F @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1683D1);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81683F9 @ 3.41 trap #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
movesprite2 (0x1, 0x19, 0x5);
jump (lbl_16841F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816840C @ 3.41 trap #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x2);
movesprite2 (0x1, 0x19, 0x5);
jump (lbl_16841F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81684E2 @ 3.41 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON LEAGUE\nFront Gate", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81684F1 @ 3.42 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
clearflag (0x59);
setflag (0x58);
setvar (0x4064, 0x0);
setvar (0x4065, 0x0);
setvar (0x4066, 0x0);
setvar (0x4067, 0x0);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816850C @ 3.42 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x2);
getstandard (0, 0x10);
jump (lbl_1A786C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A786C @ Referenced by lbl_16850C @ ----------------------------------------------
comparevars (0x405F, 0x4001);
ifgoto (4, lbl_1A77F9);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A78D5);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A78E4);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1A78F3);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_1A7902);
if (0x8000 == 0x5) goto (lbl_1A7911);
if (0x8000 == 0x6) goto (lbl_1A7920);
if (0x8000 == 0x7) goto (lbl_1A792F);
if (0x8000 == 0x8) goto (lbl_1A793E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A793E @ Referenced by lbl_1A786C @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x827) goto (lbl_1A795F);
jump (lbl_1A77DE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A77DE @ Referenced by lbl_1A793E @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("You can pass here only if you have\nthe {var:2}.\rYou don't have the {var:2}\nyet.\rYou have to have it to get to\nthe POKéMON LEAGUE.");
waitmsg ();
playsound (0x16);
waitkeypress ();
closeonkeypress ();
checksound ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A795F @ Referenced by lbl_1A793E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You can pass here only if you have\nthe {var:2}.\rOh! That is the {var:2}!{pausesnd}{snd1:257}{wait:96}{resumesnd}\rOkay, then.\nPlease, go right ahead.", 4);
copyvar (0x405F, 0x4001);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A792F @ Referenced by lbl_1A786C @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x826) goto (lbl_1A795F);
jump (lbl_1A77DE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7920 @ Referenced by lbl_1A786C @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x825) goto (lbl_1A795F);
jump (lbl_1A77DE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7911 @ Referenced by lbl_1A786C @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x824) goto (lbl_1A795F);
jump (lbl_1A77DE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7902 @ Referenced by lbl_1A786C @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x823) goto (lbl_1A795F);
jump (lbl_1A77DE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A78F3 @ Referenced by lbl_1A786C @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x822) goto (lbl_1A795F);
jump (lbl_1A77DE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A78E4 @ Referenced by lbl_1A786C @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x821) goto (lbl_1A795F);
jump (lbl_1A77DE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A78D5 @ Referenced by lbl_1A786C @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x820) goto (lbl_1A794D);
jump (lbl_1A77C9);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A77C9 @ Referenced by lbl_1A78D5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Only truly skilled TRAINERS are\nallowed through.\rYou don't have the {var:2}\nyet!", 4);
playsound (0x16);
say ("Rules are rules.\nI can't let you pass.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A794D @ Referenced by lbl_1A78D5 @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Oh! That is the {var:2}!\nGo right ahead.");
waitmsg ();
jingle (0x101);
waitforjingle ();
waitkeypress ();
copyvar (0x405F, 0x4001);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A77F9 @ Referenced by lbl_1A786C @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You can pass here only if you have\nthe {var:2}.\rOh! That is the {var:2}!{pausesnd}{snd1:257}{wait:96}{resumesnd}\rOkay, then.\nPlease, go right ahead.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816851D @ 3.42 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x3);
getstandard (0, 0x11);
jump (lbl_1A786C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816852E @ 3.42 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x4);
getstandard (0, 0x12);
jump (lbl_1A786C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816853F @ 3.42 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x5);
getstandard (0, 0x13);
jump (lbl_1A786C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168550 @ 3.42 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x6);
getstandard (0, 0x14);
jump (lbl_1A786C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168561 @ 3.42 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x7);
getstandard (0, 0x15);
jump (lbl_1A786C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168572 @ 3.42 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x8);
getstandard (0, 0x16);
jump (lbl_1A786C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168583 @ 3.42 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x2);
setvar (0x8009, 0x1);
getstandard (0, 0x10);
jump (lbl_1A796E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A796E @ Referenced by lbl_168583 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
applymove (0x8009, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A79D8);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A79E7);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1A79F6);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_1A7A05);
if (0x8000 == 0x5) goto (lbl_1A7A14);
if (0x8000 == 0x6) goto (lbl_1A7A23);
if (0x8000 == 0x7) goto (lbl_1A7A32);
if (0x8000 == 0x8) goto (lbl_1A7A41);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7A41 @ Referenced by lbl_1A796E @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x827) goto (lbl_1A7AA8);
jump (lbl_1A7A77);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7A77 @ Referenced by lbl_1A7A41 @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("You can pass here only if you have\nthe {var:2}.\rYou don't have the {var:2}\nyet.\rYou have to have it to get to\nthe POKéMON LEAGUE.");
waitmsg ();
playsound (0x16);
waitkeypress ();
closeonkeypress ();
checksound ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1A7AB7);
applymove (0x8009, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7AB7 @ Referenced by lbl_1A7A77 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7AA8 @ Referenced by lbl_1A7A41 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You can pass here only if you have\nthe {var:2}.\rOh! That is the {var:2}!{pausesnd}{snd1:257}{wait:96}{resumesnd}\rOkay, then.\nPlease, go right ahead.", 4);
copyvar (0x405F, 0x4001);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7A32 @ Referenced by lbl_1A796E @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x826) goto (lbl_1A7AA8);
jump (lbl_1A7A77);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7A23 @ Referenced by lbl_1A796E @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x825) goto (lbl_1A7AA8);
jump (lbl_1A7A77);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7A14 @ Referenced by lbl_1A796E @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x824) goto (lbl_1A7AA8);
jump (lbl_1A7A77);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7A05 @ Referenced by lbl_1A796E @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x823) goto (lbl_1A7AA8);
jump (lbl_1A7A77);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A79F6 @ Referenced by lbl_1A796E @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x822) goto (lbl_1A7AA8);
jump (lbl_1A7A77);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A79E7 @ Referenced by lbl_1A796E @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x821) goto (lbl_1A7AA8);
jump (lbl_1A7A77);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A79D8 @ Referenced by lbl_1A796E @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x820) goto (lbl_1A7A96);
jump (lbl_1A7A50);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7A50 @ Referenced by lbl_1A79D8 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Only truly skilled TRAINERS are\nallowed through.\rYou don't have the {var:2}\nyet!", 4);
playsound (0x16);
say ("Rules are rules.\nI can't let you pass.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1A7AB7);
applymove (0x8009, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7A96 @ Referenced by lbl_1A79D8 @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Oh! That is the {var:2}!\nGo right ahead.");
waitmsg ();
jingle (0x101);
waitforjingle ();
waitkeypress ();
copyvar (0x405F, 0x4001);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168598 @ 3.42 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x3);
setvar (0x8009, 0x2);
getstandard (0, 0x11);
jump (lbl_1A796E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81685AD @ 3.42 trap #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x4);
setvar (0x8009, 0x3);
getstandard (0, 0x12);
jump (lbl_1A796E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81685C2 @ 3.42 trap #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x5);
setvar (0x8009, 0x4);
getstandard (0, 0x13);
jump (lbl_1A796E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81685D7 @ 3.42 trap #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x6);
setvar (0x8009, 0x5);
getstandard (0, 0x14);
jump (lbl_1A796E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81685EC @ 3.42 trap #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x7);
setvar (0x8009, 0x6);
getstandard (0, 0x15);
jump (lbl_1A796E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168601 @ 3.42 trap #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x8);
setvar (0x8009, 0x7);
getstandard (0, 0x16);
jump (lbl_1A796E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168616 @ 3.42 sign #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168620 @ 3.43 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x406B == 0x1) goto (lbl_168656);
say ("Congratulations! You beat our\nfive contest TRAINERS!\rYou just earned a fabulous prize!", 4);
checkitemamount (0x6E, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16864C);
call (lbl_1686B9);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81686B9 @ Referenced by lbl_168620 @ ----------------------------------------------
giveitem (0x6E, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received a NUGGET\nfrom the mystery TRAINER!");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x6E);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
preparemsg ("By the way, how would you like to\njoin TEAM ROCKET?\rWe're a group of professional\ncriminals specializing in POKéMON!\rWant to join?\rAre you sure?\rCome on, join us!\rI'm telling you to join!\r…Okay, you need convincing!\rI'll make you an offer you can't\nrefuse!");
waitmsg ();
playsong (0x11B, 0);
waitkeypress ();
setvar (0x800F, 0x1);
trainerbattle (3, 356, "Arrgh!\nYou are good!");
say ("With your ability, you'd become\na top leader in TEAM ROCKET.\rCome on, think of the opportunity!\nDon't let this chance go to waste.", 4);
setvar (0x406B, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816864C @ Referenced by lbl_168620 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You don't have any room!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168656 @ Referenced by lbl_168620 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("With your ability, you'd become\na top leader in TEAM ROCKET.\rCome on, think of the opportunity!\nDon't let this chance go to waste.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168660 @ 3.43 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
jump (lbl_168678);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168678 @ Referenced by lbl_168660 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_1686FD);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_168708);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("Congratulations! You beat our\nfive contest TRAINERS!\rYou just earned a fabulous prize!", 4);
checkitemamount (0x6E, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_168713);
call (lbl_1686B9);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168713 @ Referenced by lbl_168678 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You don't have any room!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_168743);
waitformove (0x0);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_168733);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168733 @ Referenced by lbl_168713 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_168740);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168740 @ Referenced by lbl_168733 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, RealFastInPlace.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168743 @ Referenced by lbl_168713 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168708 @ Referenced by lbl_168678 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81686FD @ Referenced by lbl_168678 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_16873E);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816873E @ Referenced by lbl_1686FD @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816866C @ 3.43 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_168678);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168746 @ 3.44 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SEA COTTAGE\nBILL lives here!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816874F @ 3.44 person #12 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hello, are you here alone?\rIf you're out at CERULEAN's cape…\nWell, it should be as a couple.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168759 @ 3.45 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("This is KINDLE ROAD.\rGo straight for MT. EMBER.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168762 @ 3.45 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Light the Fire in Your Heart!\nEMBER SPA", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816876C @ 3.46 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Good things get washed up by the\nocean current onto this beach.\rThat's why I often come here for\nsome beachcombing.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168777 @ 3.48 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168780 @ 3.48 sign #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("BOND BRIDGE\nPlease be quiet when crossing.\rBERRY FOREST AHEAD", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816878F @ 3.49 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
clearflag (0x841);
setflag (0x2A1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168796 @ 3.49 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4079 => 0x2) goto (lbl_1687B8);
if (0x407B => 0x4) goto (lbl_1687C2);
say ("Aiyeeh!\rWh-who are you?!\nI… I'll call the police!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81687C2 @ Referenced by lbl_168796 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Those BIKERS…\nAre they gone?\rOh, thank goodness!\nThey certainly had me terrified!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81687B8 @ Referenced by lbl_168796 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Those BIKERS ran off, and\nLOSTELLE was found safe.\rEverything turned out for the best!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81687CC @ 3.49 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("We're the KANTO RIDER FEDERATION!\nVroom! Vavavavooom! Vroom!\rMy bike's wimpy, so I have to\nmake exhaust noises myself!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81687D5 @ 3.49 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
say ("Hey, hey, lady!\nFork over some spending money!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168844 @ 3.54 sign #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SELPHY'S HOUSE", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816884E @ 3.55 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2DA) goto (lbl_1688E3);
if (0x2DB) goto (lbl_16892C);
say ("You travel all over the place,\ndon't you?\rYou're not driving your POKéMON\ntoo harshly, are you?\rLet me take a look.\n… … … … … …", 4);
special2 (0x800D, 0xE6);
if (0x800D == 0x6) goto (lbl_1688AC);
say ("Ah, hmm…\nI see, I see…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81688AC @ Referenced by lbl_16884E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, impressive.\nYou treat your POKéMON right.\rI think you can be entrusted with\nthis.\rPlease, I'd like you to have this.", 4);
jump (lbl_1688BA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81688BA @ Referenced by lbl_1688AC @ ----------------------------------------------
getpartysize ();
if (0x800D == 0x6) goto (lbl_16891F);
setflag (0x2DA);
giveegg (0xAF);
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x101);
preparemsg ("{RED} received an EGG\nfrom the man!");
waitforjingle ();
waitmsg ();
call (lbl_1A6675);
jump (lbl_1688E3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816891F @ Referenced by lbl_1688BA @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2DB);
say ("…Unfortunately, you don't have\nspace for this in your party.\rYou'd better come back for it\nanother time.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816892C @ Referenced by lbl_16884E @ ----------------------------------------------
jump (lbl_1688BA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81688E3 @ Referenced by lbl_16884E @ ----------------------------------------------
getpokemonname (1, 0xAF);
setvar (0x8004, 0xAF);
special2 (0x800D, 0x1B4);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_168895);
getpokemonname (1, 0xB0);
setvar (0x8004, 0xB0);
special2 (0x800D, 0x1B4);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_168895);
say ("I received that EGG while I was\ntraveling.\rI'm glad I met someone like you.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168895 @ Referenced by lbl_1688E3 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x173);
say ("Oh, hello.\nThat's a cute {var:3}.\rSeeing it reminds me of a sweet \nlittle girl I met while traveling.\rShe was gently grooming POKéMON…\nShe was a little angel.\rThat little girl's name…\nI think it was DAISY.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168938 @ 3.56 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x2D6) call (lbl_168983);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168983 @ Referenced by lbl_168938 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0xC, 0x15, 0x2AF, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168942 @ 3.56 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x2D6) goto (lbl_168979);
if (0x2D8) goto (lbl_16895F);
say ("{RED} entered a password.\r“GOLDEEN need log.”\r… … … … … …\rAnother password is needed to\nopen the door…", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816895F @ Referenced by lbl_168942 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2D6);
preparemsg ("{RED} entered two passwords.\r“GOLDEEN need log.”\n“Yes, nah, CHANSEY.”\r… … … … … …\rThe WAREHOUSE's door opened!");
waitmsg ();
pause (0x3C);
call (lbl_168983);
special (0x8E);
playsound (0x15);
checksound ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168979 @ Referenced by lbl_168942 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The WAREHOUSE's door is already\nopen.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816898D @ 3.56 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 567, "This area's strictly off-limits!\nOut, out!", "Is this for real?");
say ("You don't have any business here!\nGo home!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81689A4 @ 3.56 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 568, "There's nothing past here except\nour WAREHOUSE.\rSo what brings you here?", "That wasn't supposed to happen…");
say ("You're wanting to know what's inside\nthis WAREHOUSE?\rIt's better you didn't know.\nFor your own sake, I mean.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81689BB @ 3.56 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 569, "You'd be wasting time even if you\nwere to get by me.", "Oh, that makes me furious!");
say ("You won't be able to get in without\nthe passwords anyway.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81689D3 @ 3.57 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
if (0x236) goto (lbl_168A18);
if (0x2D7) goto (lbl_168A22);
say ("Scrub, scrub…", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0x2D);
say ("Hello…\nYour POKéMON look healthy…", 4);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("This is where I buried my ONIX…\nIt was named TECTONIX…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168A22 @ Referenced by lbl_1689D3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, it's you from that time…\rI still have that thing I wanted\nyou to have as my thanks.", 4);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x14A);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_168AFE);
call (lbl_168AE8);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168AE8 @ Referenced by lbl_168A22 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Please be good to your POKéMON,\ntoo.", 4);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
setflag (0x236);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168AFE @ Referenced by lbl_168A22 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2D7);
say ("If you don't have room for it,\nI'll hold it for you till next time.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168A18 @ Referenced by lbl_1689D3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Scrub, scrub…\r… … …\nTECTONIX…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168A48 @ 3.57 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
lockall ();
if (0x236) goto (lbl_168B0B);
if (0x2D7) goto (lbl_168B0B);
say ("“Here lies TECTONIX” is engraved\non a boulder.\rThere is a LEMONADE placed as an\noffering in front of the grave.", 4);
checkitem (0x1C, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_168A86);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168A86 @ Referenced by lbl_168A48 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Would you like to leave another\nLEMONADE as an offering?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_168A9B);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168A9B @ Referenced by lbl_168A86 @ ----------------------------------------------
takeitem (0x1C, 0x1);
say ("{RED} placed a can of LEMONADE\nin front of the grave.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x1, move_1A75EB);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0x2D);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
textcolor (0);
say ("Th-thank you…\rThat was my TECTONIX's favorite\ndrink…\rI don't even know you, but your\nact of kindness…\rIt's uplifted me a little.\rCan you please take this as my\nthanks?", 4);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x14A);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_168AFE);
call (lbl_168AE8);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168B0B @ Referenced by lbl_168A48 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Boulders and rocks are neatly piled\nup as a cairn.\r“Here lies TECTONIX” is engraved\non a boulder.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168B16 @ 3.58 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 540, "There're no rare POKéMON around\nthese parts! Not a one!\rThat burns me up, man.\nI'll take it out on you!", "…Huh?");
say ("So listen, you haven't seen any\nrare POKéMON, have you?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168B2E @ 3.59 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168B37 @ 3.59 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("GREEN PATH\nThink Green, Keep Nature Clean!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168B41 @ 3.60 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Wanted!\nThe Ultimate Horn!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168B4A @ 3.60 sign #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("WATER PATH\nLeads to RUIN VALLEY", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168B59 @ 3.61 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x2E3) call (lbl_168B63);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168B63 @ Referenced by lbl_168B59 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x18, 0x18, 0x358, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168B6D @ 3.61 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
say ("I can't figure out how I'm supposed\nto get inside.", 4);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("Let me tell you, I found this\nplace.\rDon't look so envious, will you?", 4);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E5);
waitformove (0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168B94 @ 3.61 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x2E3) goto (lbl_168BC1);
say ("The door doesn't budge at all.\nCheck it more thoroughly?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_168BCB);
say ("On closer inspection, there are\nseveral dots on the door…", 4);
braille ("⠉⠥⠞");
waitkeypress ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168BCB @ Referenced by lbl_168B94 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("{RED} left the door alone.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168BC1 @ Referenced by lbl_168B94 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The door is open.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168BDB @ 3.62 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4082, 0x0);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168BE1 @ 3.62 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TRAINER TOWER ENTRANCE\nRise to the Challenge, TRAINERS!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168BEA @ 3.62 sign #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168BF4 @ 3.63 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SEVAULT CANYON ENTRANCE\rTRAINERS are asked to refrain from\ndamaging plants in the CANYON.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168BFE @ 3.64 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168C09 @ 4.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x258) goto (lbl_168C4A);
getgender ();
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_168C38);
if (0x800D == 0x1) call (lbl_168C41);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E5);
waitformove (0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168C41 @ Referenced by lbl_168C09 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("MOM: …Right.\nAll girls dream of traveling.\fIt said so on TV.\rOh, yes. PROF. OAK, next door, was\nlooking for you.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168C38 @ Referenced by lbl_168C09 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("MOM: …Right.\nAll boys leave home someday.\fIt said so on TV.\rOh, yes. PROF. OAK, next door, was\nlooking for you.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168C4A @ Referenced by lbl_168C09 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("MOM: {RED}!\nYou should take a quick rest.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
call (lbl_1A6C26);
say ("MOM: Oh, good! You and your\nPOKéMON are looking great.\fTake care now!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168C62 @ 4.0 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x800C == 0x2) goto (lbl_168C78);
say ("Oops, wrong side…", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168C78 @ Referenced by lbl_168C62 @ ----------------------------------------------
getgender ();
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_168C91);
if (0x800D == 0x1) call (lbl_168C9A);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168C9A @ Referenced by lbl_168C78 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("There's a movie on TV.\nA girl with her hair in pigtails is\fwalking up a brick road.\r…I better go, too.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168C91 @ Referenced by lbl_168C78 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("There's a movie on TV.\nFour boys are walking on railroad\ftracks.\r…I better go, too.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168CAE @ 4.1 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4056 == 0x0) call (lbl_168CBA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168CBA @ Referenced by lbl_168CAE @ ----------------------------------------------
setrespawn (0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168CD2 @ 4.1 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("{RED} played with the NES.\r…Okay!\nIt's time to go!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168CDB @ 4.1 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It's a posted notice…\rIf you're confused, ask for HELP!\nPress the L or R Button!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168CE4 @ 4.1 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x20);
special (0x17D);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
special (0xD6);
playsound (0x4);
say ("{RED} booted up the PC.", 4);
special (0xF9);
waitstate ();
special (0x190);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168D2D @ 4.2 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4058 < 0x2) call (lbl_168D44);
if (0x4058 => 0x2) call (lbl_168D50);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168D50 @ Referenced by lbl_168D2D @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168D44 @ Referenced by lbl_168D2D @ ----------------------------------------------
spritebehave (0x1, 10);
movesprite2 (0x1, 0x5, 0x4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168D56 @ 4.2 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x174);
if (0x82C) goto (lbl_168DB9);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) goto (lbl_168EEC);
if (0x4058 == 0x2) goto (lbl_168F59);
if (0x4058 == 0x1) goto (lbl_168EF6);
if (0x4055 => 0x1) goto (lbl_168DAF);
say ("DAISY: Hi, {RED}!\rMy brother, {TERRY}, is out at\nGrandpa's LAB.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E5);
waitformove (0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168DAF @ Referenced by lbl_168D56 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("DAISY: {RED}, I heard you had\na battle against {TERRY}.\rI wish I'd seen that!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168EF6 @ Referenced by lbl_168D56 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Grandpa asked you to run an\nerrand?\rGee, that's lazy of him.\nHere, this will help you.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
checkitemamount (0x169, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_168F4F);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75EB);
waitformove (0x0);
hidesprite (0x2);
setvar (0x4058, 0x2);
pause (0xF);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0xC);
giveitem (0x169, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received a TOWN MAP\nfrom DAISY.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x169);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x13E);
callstd (9);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168F4F @ Referenced by lbl_168EF6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You don't have space for this in\nyour BAG.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168F59 @ Referenced by lbl_168D56 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You can use the TOWN MAP to find\nout where you are, or check the\fnames of places.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168EEC @ Referenced by lbl_168D56 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("DAISY: Just like people, POKéMON\nare living things.\rWhen they get tired, please give\nthem a rest.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168DB9 @ Referenced by lbl_168D56 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
if (0x4025 < 0x1F4) goto (lbl_168E46);
say ("DAISY: Hi, {RED}!\nGood timing.\rI'm about to have some tea.\nWould you like to join me?\rOh, but look.\nYour POKéMON are a little dirty.\rWould you like me to groom one?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_168E3C);
say ("Which one should I groom?", 4);
special (0x9F);
waitstate ();
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x8004 => 0x6) goto (lbl_168E3C);
special2 (0x800D, 0x147);
if (0x800D == 0x19C) goto (lbl_168E32);
say ("DAISY: Okay, I'll get it looking\nnice in no time.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
fade (1);
jingle (0x100);
waitforjingle ();
special (0x197);
fade (0);
special (0x7C);
say ("{font:2}{var:2} looks dreamily content…\r{font:5}DAISY: There you go! All done.\nSee? Doesn't it look nice?\rGiggle…\nIt's such a cute POKéMON.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168E32 @ Referenced by lbl_168DB9 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, sorry. I honestly can't\ngroom an EGG.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168E3C @ Referenced by lbl_168DB9 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You don't need any grooming done?\nOkay, we'll just have tea.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168E46 @ Referenced by lbl_168DB9 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("DAISY: Your POKéMON grow to love\nyou if you raise them with love.\rFor example, {RED}, may I see\nyour first POKéMON?", 4);
special2 (0x800D, 0xE6);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_168EA6);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_168EB0);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_168EBA);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_168EC4);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_168ECE);
if (0x8000 == 0x5) goto (lbl_168ED8);
if (0x8000 == 0x6) goto (lbl_168EE2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168EE2 @ Referenced by lbl_168E46 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It couldn't possibly love you\nany more than it does now.\rYour POKéMON is happy beyond\nwords.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168ED8 @ Referenced by lbl_168E46 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It looks very happy.\rI wish {TERRY} could see this and\nlearn something from it.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168ECE @ Referenced by lbl_168E46 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It's quite friendly with you.\nKeep being good to it!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168EC4 @ Referenced by lbl_168E46 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It's warming up to you.\nTrust must be growing between you.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168EBA @ Referenced by lbl_168E46 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It's not quite familiar with you\nyet.\rPOKéMON are all quite wary when\nyou first get them.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168EB0 @ Referenced by lbl_168E46 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("{RED}, I don't like the way it\nglares at you.\rCould you try being a little nicer\nto it?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168EA6 @ Referenced by lbl_168E46 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("…Um, it's not easy for me to say\nthis, but…\rIs there some reason why your\nPOKéMON would hate you so much?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168F63 @ 4.2 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It's a big map of the KANTO region.\nNow this would be useful!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168F6C @ 4.2 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The shelves are crammed full of\nbooks on POKéMON.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168F75 @ 4.2 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("“The lovely and sweet\nCLEFAIRY”", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168F8E @ 4.3 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2CF);
if (0x4055 == 0x1) call (lbl_168FC6);
if (0x4055 == 0x7) call (lbl_168FD5);
if (0x4055 == 0x8) call (lbl_168FC0);
if (0x247) call (lbl_168FBC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168FBC @ Referenced by lbl_168F8E @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x24F);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168FC0 @ Referenced by lbl_168F8E @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4055, 0x9);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168FD5 @ Referenced by lbl_168F8E @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x4, 0x6, 0xB);
spritebehave (0x4, 7);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8168FC6 @ Referenced by lbl_168F8E @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x4, 0x6, 0xB);
spritebehave (0x4, 7);
playsong2 (0x12E);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81692C3 @ 4.3 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
textcolor (0);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75F1);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("OAK: Hey!\nDon't go away yet!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1692E5);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81692E5 @ Referenced by lbl_1692C3 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A75F1 @ Referenced by lbl_1692C3 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Face.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81692E7 @ 4.3 trap #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4002, 0x1);
jump (lbl_16930B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816930B @ Referenced by lbl_1692E7 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
playsong (0x13B, 0);
applymove (0x8, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("{TERRY}: Wait, {RED}!\nLet's check out our POKéMON!\rCome on, I'll take you on!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x4, move_1A75F1);
waitformove (0x0);
if (0x4031 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1693D2);
if (0x4031 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16944D);
if (0x4031 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16935A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816935A @ Referenced by lbl_16930B @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4002 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16937C);
if (0x4002 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16938C);
if (0x4002 == 0x3) goto (lbl_16939C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816939C @ Referenced by lbl_16935A @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x8, move_1693CD);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_1693AC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81693AC @ Referenced by lbl_16939C @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (9, 326, "WHAT?\nUnbelievable!\fI picked the wrong POKéMON!", "{TERRY}: Yeah!\nAm I great or what?");
jump (lbl_1694C2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81694C2 @ Referenced by lbl_1693AC @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x0);
say ("{TERRY}: Okay! I'll make my\nPOKéMON battle to toughen it up!\r{RED}! Gramps!\nSmell you later!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
playsong (0x13C, 0);
if (0x4002 == 0x1) call (lbl_169504);
if (0x4002 == 0x2) call (lbl_169516);
if (0x4002 == 0x3) call (lbl_169528);
hidesprite (0x8);
playsound (0x9);
fadetodefault ();
setvar (0x4055, 0x4);
setflag (0x258);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169528 @ Referenced by lbl_1694C2 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x8, move_169542);
applymove (0xFF, move_169559);
waitformove (0x8);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169559 @ Referenced by lbl_169528 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1B, RealFastInPlace.East, 0x1C, RealFastInPlace.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169542 @ Referenced by lbl_169528 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, 0x1B, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169516 @ Referenced by lbl_1694C2 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x8, move_16954A);
applymove (0xFF, move_169553);
waitformove (0x8);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169553 @ Referenced by lbl_169516 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1B, RealFastInPlace.West, 0x1C, RealFastInPlace.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816954A @ Referenced by lbl_169516 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, 0x1B, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169504 @ Referenced by lbl_1694C2 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x8, move_16953A);
applymove (0xFF, move_169553);
waitformove (0x8);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816953A @ Referenced by lbl_169504 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, 0x1B, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81693CD @ Referenced by lbl_16939C @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816938C @ Referenced by lbl_16935A @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x8, move_1693C7);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_1693AC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81693C7 @ Referenced by lbl_16938C @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816937C @ Referenced by lbl_16935A @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x8, move_1693C0);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_1693AC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81693C0 @ Referenced by lbl_16937C @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816944D @ Referenced by lbl_16930B @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4002 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16946F);
if (0x4002 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16947F);
if (0x4002 == 0x3) goto (lbl_16948F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816948F @ Referenced by lbl_16944D @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x8, move_1694BE);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_16949F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816949F @ Referenced by lbl_16948F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (9, 327, "WHAT?\nUnbelievable!\fI picked the wrong POKéMON!", "{TERRY}: Yeah!\nAm I great or what?");
jump (lbl_1694C2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81694BE @ Referenced by lbl_16948F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816947F @ Referenced by lbl_16944D @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x8, move_1694B9);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_16949F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81694B9 @ Referenced by lbl_16947F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816946F @ Referenced by lbl_16944D @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x8, move_1694B3);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_16949F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81694B3 @ Referenced by lbl_16946F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81693D2 @ Referenced by lbl_16930B @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4002 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1693F4);
if (0x4002 == 0x2) goto (lbl_169404);
if (0x4002 == 0x3) goto (lbl_169414);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169414 @ Referenced by lbl_1693D2 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x8, move_169447);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_169424);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169424 @ Referenced by lbl_169414 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (9, 328, "WHAT?\nUnbelievable!\fI picked the wrong POKéMON!", "{TERRY}: Yeah!\nAm I great or what?");
jump (lbl_1694C2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169447 @ Referenced by lbl_169414 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169404 @ Referenced by lbl_1693D2 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x8, move_169440);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_169424);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169440 @ Referenced by lbl_169404 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81693F4 @ Referenced by lbl_1693D2 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x8, move_169438);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_169424);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169438 @ Referenced by lbl_1693F4 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81692F3 @ 4.3 trap #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4002, 0x2);
jump (lbl_16930B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81692FF @ 4.3 trap #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4002, 0x3);
jump (lbl_16930B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816955F @ 4.3 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4055 == 0x3) goto (lbl_16958B);
if (0x4055 == 0x2) goto (lbl_169581);
say ("{TERRY}: What, it's only {RED}?\nGramps isn't around.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169581 @ Referenced by lbl_16955F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("{TERRY}: Heh, I don't need to be\ngreedy like you. I'm mature!\rGo ahead and choose, {RED}!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816958B @ Referenced by lbl_16955F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("{TERRY}: My POKéMON looks a lot\ntougher than yours.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169595 @ 4.3 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2) goto (lbl_169600);
if (0x4055 == 0x9) goto (lbl_169903);
if (0x4055 == 0x8) goto (lbl_169A6E);
if (0x82C) goto (lbl_1699CE);
if (0x4052 == 0x1) goto (lbl_169903);
if (0x4055 == 0x6) goto (lbl_1698D6);
if (0x4057 => 0x1) goto (lbl_16961E);
if (0x4055 == 0x4) goto (lbl_169614);
if (0x4055 == 0x3) goto (lbl_16960A);
say ("OAK: Now, {RED}.\rInside those three POKé BALLS are\nPOKéMON.\rWhich one will you choose for\nyourself?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816960A @ Referenced by lbl_169595 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("OAK: If a wild POKéMON appears,\nyour POKéMON can battle it.\rWith it at your side, you should be\nable to reach the next town.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169614 @ Referenced by lbl_169595 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("OAK: {RED}, raise your young\nPOKéMON by making it battle.\rIt has to battle for it to grow.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816961E @ Referenced by lbl_169595 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("OAK: Oh, {RED}!\nHow is my old POKéMON?\rWell, it seems to be growing more\nattached to you.\rYou must be talented as a POKéMON\nTRAINER.\rWhat's that?\nYou have something for me?", 4);
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x105);
preparemsg ("{RED} delivered OAK'S PARCEL.");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
call (lbl_1A6675);
takeitem (0x15D, 0x1);
say ("Ah! \nIt's the custom POKé BALL!\rI had it on order.\nThank you!", 4);
playsong (0x13B, 0);
say ("{TERRY}: Gramps!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_169A82);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_169AC1);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_169A9E);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_169A9E);
fadetodefault ();
say ("{TERRY}: I almost forgot!\nWhat did you call me for?", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
pause (0x1E);
playsound (0x15);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_169ADD);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_169B14);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_169AF5);
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_169B86);
say ("OAK: Oh, right!\nI have a request for you two.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_169882);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_16988D);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_1698A6);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_1698B8);
say ("On the desk there is my invention,\nthe POKéDEX!\rIt automatically records data on\nPOKéMON you've seen or caught.\rIt's a high-tech encyclopedia!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
pause (0x28);
say ("OAK: {RED} and {TERRY}.\nTake these with you.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x4, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
hidesprite (0x9);
pause (0xA);
hidesprite (0xA);
pause (0x19);
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_169845);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_169850);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_16985B);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_16986D);
pause (0xA);
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x13E);
preparemsg ("{RED} received the POKéDEX\nfrom PROF. OAK.");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
call (lbl_1A6675);
setflag (0x829);
special (0x181);
setvar (0x407C, 0x1);
say ("OAK: You can't get detailed data\non POKéMON by just seeing them.\rYou must catch them to obtain\ncomplete data.\rSo, here are some tools for\ncatching wild POKéMON.", 4);
giveitem (0x4, 0x5);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received five POKé BALLS.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x4);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x5);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
say ("When a wild POKéMON appears,\nit's fair game.\rJust throw a POKé BALL at it and\ntry to catch it!\rThis won't always work, however.\rA healthy POKéMON can escape.\nYou have to be lucky!", 4);
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
special (0x173);
say ("To make a complete guide on all\nthe POKéMON in the world…\rThat was my dream!\rBut, I'm too old.\nI can't get the job done.\rSo, I want you two to fulfill my\ndream for me.\rGet moving, you two.\rThis is a great undertaking in\nPOKéMON history!", 4);
say ("{TERRY}: All right, Gramps!\nLeave it all to me!", 4);
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_169B33);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_169B45);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_169B57);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_169B57);
say ("{RED}, I hate to say it, but you\nwon't be necessary for this.\rI know! I'll borrow a TOWN MAP\nfrom my sis!\rI'll tell her not to lend you one,\n{RED}! Hahaha!\rDon't bother coming around to\nmy place after this!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
playsong (0x13C, 0);
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_169B69);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_169B7B);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_169B7B);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_169B7B);
hidesprite (0x8);
fadetodefault ();
setvar (0x4055, 0x6);
setvar (0x4057, 0x2);
setvar (0x4051, 0x1);
setvar (0x4058, 0x1);
setvar (0x4054, 0x1);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169B7B @ Referenced by lbl_16961E @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x8, move_169BA4);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169BA4 @ Referenced by lbl_169B7B @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169B69 @ Referenced by lbl_16961E @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_169B91);
applymove (0x8, move_169BA4);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169B91 @ Referenced by lbl_169B69 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1A, RealFastInPlace.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169B57 @ Referenced by lbl_16961E @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x8, move_1A75E1);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169B45 @ Referenced by lbl_16961E @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x8, move_1A75E9);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169B33 @ Referenced by lbl_16961E @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x8, move_1A75E1);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816986D @ Referenced by lbl_16961E @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_16987C);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816987C @ Referenced by lbl_16986D @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816985B @ Referenced by lbl_16961E @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_16987C);
applymove (0xFF, move_169878);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169878 @ Referenced by lbl_16985B @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1B, RealFastInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169850 @ Referenced by lbl_16961E @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_16987F);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816987F @ Referenced by lbl_169850 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169845 @ Referenced by lbl_16961E @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_16987C);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81698B8 @ Referenced by lbl_16961E @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_1698CB);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81698CB @ Referenced by lbl_1698B8 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.East, 0x1C, RealFastInPlace.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81698A6 @ Referenced by lbl_16961E @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_1698CB);
applymove (0xFF, move_1698C3);
waitformove (0x4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81698C3 @ Referenced by lbl_1698A6 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1B, RealFastInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816988D @ Referenced by lbl_16961E @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_1698D0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1698C7);
applymove (0x8, move_1698C7);
waitformove (0x4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81698C7 @ Referenced by lbl_16988D @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1B, RealFastInPlace.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81698D0 @ Referenced by lbl_16988D @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, 0x1C, RealFastInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169882 @ Referenced by lbl_16961E @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_1698CB);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169B86 @ Referenced by lbl_16961E @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169AF5 @ Referenced by lbl_16961E @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0xF);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E7);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169B14 @ Referenced by lbl_16961E @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0xF);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169ADD @ Referenced by lbl_16961E @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0xF);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169A9E @ Referenced by lbl_16961E @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x8, 0x6, 0xA);
showsprite (0x8);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75ED);
applymove (0xFF, move_169B91);
applymove (0x8, move_169B9D);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169B9D @ Referenced by lbl_169A9E @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169AC1 @ Referenced by lbl_16961E @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x8, 0x6, 0xA);
showsprite (0x8);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75ED);
applymove (0x8, move_169B9D);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169A82 @ Referenced by lbl_16961E @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x8, 0x5, 0xA);
showsprite (0x8);
applymove (0xFF, move_169B94);
applymove (0x8, move_169B9D);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169B94 @ Referenced by lbl_169A82 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (RealFastInPlace.South, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1B, RealFastInPlace.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81698D6 @ Referenced by lbl_169595 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
special2 (0x800D, 0xD4);
copyvar (0x8008, 0x8005);
copyvar (0x8009, 0x8006);
getnumber (0, 0x8008);
getnumber (1, 0x8009);
if (0x8009 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1699FB);
jump (lbl_169903);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81699FB @ Referenced by lbl_1698D6 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
if (0x24F) goto (lbl_169A6E);
if (0x247) goto (lbl_169A78);
checkitem (0x4, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_169A34);
jump (lbl_169A6E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169A34 @ Referenced by lbl_1699FB @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4054 => 0x2) goto (lbl_169A45);
jump (lbl_169A6E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169A45 @ Referenced by lbl_169A34 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Ah, {RED}!\nHow is your POKéDEX shaping up?\r{TERRY} has already caught some\nPOKéMON and added to the data.\rSo, {RED}, let's have a look at\nyour POKéDEX.\r…What's the matter?\nYou've added no new data at all.\rI'll give you these, so do try a\nlittle harder.", 4);
giveitem (0x4, 0x5);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received five POKé BALLS.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x4);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x5);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
setflag (0x247);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169A78 @ Referenced by lbl_1699FB @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("OAK: Come see me sometime.\rAfter all, I want to know how your\nPOKéDEX is coming along.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81699CE @ Referenced by lbl_169595 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A737B);
closeonkeypress ();
if (0x8009 < 0x3C) goto (lbl_1699F9);
if (not 0x89B) goto (lbl_1699F9);
pause (0x1E);
say ("Ah, now this is excellent!\r{RED}, I have another important\nfavor to ask of you.\rI need you to listen closely.", 4);
jump (lbl_169035);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169035 @ Referenced by lbl_1699CE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Recently, there have been sightings\nof many rare POKéMON species.\rI'm talking about POKéMON that\nhave never been seen in KANTO.\rI would love to go see things for\nmyself, but I'm much too old.\rSince I can't do it, {RED}, I'd\nlike you to go in my place.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_169174);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_1691BB);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_169194);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_169194);
say ("{TERRY}: Hey, I heard that!\rGramps, what's with favoring\n{RED} over me all the time?\rI went and collected more POKéMON,\nand faster, too.\rYou should just let me handle\neverything.", 4);
fadetodefault ();
say ("OAK: I know, I know.\nOf course I need your help, too.\rNow, I need to see both your\nPOKéDEXES.", 4);
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_1691DB);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_1691E6);
textcolor (3);
say ("PROF. OAK took both POKéDEX\nunits.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
call (lbl_1A6675);
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_1691F1);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_1691FC);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_169215);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_169227);
showsprite (0x9);
showsprite (0xA);
pause (0x1E);
say ("… … … … … …\r… … … … … …\r…And that's done!\rNow these units can record data on\na lot more POKéMON.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
hidesprite (0x9);
hidesprite (0xA);
pause (0x1E);
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_169845);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_169850);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_16985B);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_16986D);
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x13E);
preparemsg ("{RED}'s POKéDEX was upgraded!");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
call (lbl_1A6675);
special (0x16F);
say ("Now, {RED} and {TERRY}!\rThis time, you really must work\ntowards filling your POKéDEXES.\rI urge you to make them the best\nand the most complete of all time!\rTruly, this is a monumentally great\nundertaking in POKéMON history!", 4);
say ("{TERRY}: Gramps, calm down.\nDon't get so excited.\rI'll get the POKéDEX completed,\ndon't you worry about a thing.\rI think I'll try looking around\nONE ISLAND first…\rAnyways, I'm outta here!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
playsong (0x13C, 0);
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_169B69);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_169B7B);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_169B7B);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_169B7B);
hidesprite (0x8);
fadetodefault ();
setvar (0x4055, 0x8);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169227 @ Referenced by lbl_169035 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_169232);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169232 @ Referenced by lbl_169227 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.East, RealFastInPlace.North, 0x1C, 0x1A, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169215 @ Referenced by lbl_169035 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_169232);
applymove (0xFF, move_1698C3);
waitformove (0x4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81691FC @ Referenced by lbl_169035 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_169238);
applymove (0xFF, move_1698C7);
applymove (0x8, move_1698C7);
waitformove (0x4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169238 @ Referenced by lbl_1691FC @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.North, 0x1C, 0x1A, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81691F1 @ Referenced by lbl_169035 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_169232);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81691E6 @ Referenced by lbl_169035 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81691DB @ Referenced by lbl_169035 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169194 @ Referenced by lbl_169035 @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x8, 0x6, 0xA);
showsprite (0x8);
playsong (0x13B, 0);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75ED);
applymove (0xFF, move_169B91);
applymove (0x8, move_169B9D);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81691BB @ Referenced by lbl_169035 @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x8, 0x6, 0xA);
showsprite (0x8);
playsong (0x13B, 0);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75ED);
applymove (0x8, move_169B9D);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169174 @ Referenced by lbl_169035 @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x8, 0x5, 0xA);
showsprite (0x8);
playsong (0x13B, 0);
applymove (0xFF, move_169B94);
applymove (0x8, move_169B9D);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81699F9 @ Referenced by lbl_1699CE @ ----------------------------------------------
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A737B @ Referenced by lbl_1699CE @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
if (0x2F4) call (lbl_1A73A4);
if (not 0x2F4) call (lbl_1A73AD);
call (lbl_1A73E0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A73E0 @ Referenced by lbl_1A737B @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x1F);
special (0x17E);
special (0x17D);
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
special2 (0x800D, 0xD4);
copyvar (0x8008, 0x8005);
copyvar (0x8009, 0x8006);
copyvar (0x800A, 0x800D);
getnumber (0, 0x8008);
getnumber (1, 0x8009);
say ("The amount of progress you've made\non your POKéDEX is:\r{var:2} POKéMON seen and\n{var:3} POKéMON owned.\r{font:2}PROF. OAK's rating:", 4);
if (not 0x2FF) call (lbl_1A746D);
call (lbl_1A73B6);
if (0x800A == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A748F);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
special2 (0x800D, 0xD4);
copyvar (0x8008, 0x8005);
copyvar (0x8009, 0x8006);
getnumber (0, 0x8008);
getnumber (1, 0x8009);
say ("And your NATIONAL POKéDEX is:\r{var:2} POKéMON seen and\n{var:3} POKéMON owned.", 4);
special2 (0x800D, 0x1B0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A7470);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A747E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A747E @ Referenced by lbl_1A73E0 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2F4);
say ("Finally…\rYou've finally completed the\nPOKéDEX!\rIt's magnificent!\nTruly, this is a fantastic feat!", 4);
jump (lbl_1A748F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7470 @ Referenced by lbl_1A73E0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'll be looking forward to seeing\nyou fill the NATIONAL POKéDEX!", 4);
jump (lbl_1A748F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A748F @ Referenced by lbl_1A73E0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x17F);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A73B6 @ Referenced by lbl_1A73E0 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8004, 0x8009);
special (0xD5);
waitmsg ();
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_1A73D8);
if (0x800D == 0x1) call (lbl_1A73DC);
waitforjingle ();
waitkeypress ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A73DC @ Referenced by lbl_1A73B6 @ ----------------------------------------------
jingle (0x103);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A73D8 @ Referenced by lbl_1A73B6 @ ----------------------------------------------
jingle (0x13D);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A746D @ Referenced by lbl_1A73E0 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A73AD @ Referenced by lbl_1A737B @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("OAK: Good to see you!\nHow is your POKéDEX coming along?\rHere, let me take a look.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A73A4 @ Referenced by lbl_1A737B @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("OAK: Ah, welcome!\rTell me, how is your POKéDEX\ncoming along?\rWahaha!\rActually, I know how it is, but I\nlove seeing it anyway!\rLet's see…", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169A6E @ Referenced by lbl_169595 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON around the world wait for\nyou, {RED}!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169903 @ Referenced by lbl_169595 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A737B);
if (0x2F4) goto (lbl_169913);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169913 @ Referenced by lbl_169903 @ ----------------------------------------------
closeonkeypress ();
pause (0x28);
preparemsg ("Wroooooooaaaaaarrrr!");
waitmsg ();
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_169964);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_16996F);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_16997A);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_169985);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
closeonkeypress ();
pause (0x46);
say ("Thank you, {RED}!\nSincerely, thank you!\fYou've made my dream a reality!", 4);
setflag (0x2);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169985 @ Referenced by lbl_169913 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_1699A5);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81699A5 @ Referenced by lbl_169985 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (StepInPlace.West, FastInPlace.West, StepInPlace.West, StepInPlace.West, FastInPlace.West, StepInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816997A @ Referenced by lbl_169913 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_16999E);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816999E @ Referenced by lbl_16997A @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (StepInPlace.East, FastInPlace.East, StepInPlace.East, StepInPlace.East, FastInPlace.East, StepInPlace.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816996F @ Referenced by lbl_169913 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_169997);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169997 @ Referenced by lbl_16996F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (StepInPlace.North, FastInPlace.North, StepInPlace.North, StepInPlace.North, FastInPlace.North, StepInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169964 @ Referenced by lbl_169913 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_169990);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169990 @ Referenced by lbl_169964 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (StepInPlace.South, FastInPlace.South, StepInPlace.South, StepInPlace.South, FastInPlace.South, StepInPlace.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169600 @ Referenced by lbl_169595 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Thank you, {RED}!\nSincerely, thank you!\fYou've made my dream a reality!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169BAB @ 4.3 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
setvar (0x4002, 0x1);
setvar (0x4003, 0x4);
setvar (0x4004, 0x7);
if (0x4055 => 0x3) goto (lbl_169DE4);
if (0x4055 == 0x2) goto (lbl_169BE1);
say ("Those are POKé BALLS.\nThey contain POKéMON!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169BE1 @ Referenced by lbl_169BAB @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x4, move_1A75EF);
waitformove (0x0);
showpokepic (0x4002, 10, 3);
textcolor (0);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) goto (lbl_169C14);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) goto (lbl_169C33);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) goto (lbl_169C52);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169C52 @ Referenced by lbl_169BE1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Ah! CHARMANDER is your choice.\nYou should raise it patiently.\rSo, {RED}, you're claiming the\nFIRE POKéMON CHARMANDER?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_169C74);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_169C71);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169C71 @ Referenced by lbl_169C52 @ ----------------------------------------------
hidepokepic ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169C74 @ Referenced by lbl_169C52 @ ----------------------------------------------
hidepokepic ();
hidesprite (0x800F);
say ("This POKéMON is really quite\nenergetic!", 4);
call (lbl_1A6675);
setflag (0x828);
setflag (0x291);
givepokemon (0x4002, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0, 0);
copyvar (0x4031, 0x4001);
getpokemonname (0, 0x4002);
preparemsg ("{RED} received the {var:2}\nfrom PROF. OAK!");
waitmsg ();
jingle (0x13E);
waitforjingle ();
say ("Do you want to give a nickname to\nthis {var:2}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_169CCC);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_169CDC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169CDC @ Referenced by lbl_169C74 @ ----------------------------------------------
closeonkeypress ();
if (0x4001 == 0x0) goto (lbl_169CFF);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) goto (lbl_169D1F);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) goto (lbl_169D0F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169D0F @ Referenced by lbl_169CDC @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x8, move_169D6B);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_169D2F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169D2F @ Referenced by lbl_169D0F @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
say ("{TERRY}: I'll take this one, then!", 4);
hidesprite (0x4004);
textcolor (3);
getpokemonname (0, 0x4003);
preparemsg ("{TERRY} received the {var:2}\nfrom PROF. OAK!");
waitmsg ();
jingle (0x13E);
waitforjingle ();
setvar (0x4055, 0x3);
if (0x83E) call (lbl_169D5C);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169D5C @ Referenced by lbl_169D2F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4070, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169D6B @ Referenced by lbl_169D0F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, RealFastInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169D1F @ Referenced by lbl_169CDC @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x8, move_169D72);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_169D2F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169D72 @ Referenced by lbl_169D1F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, RealFastInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169CFF @ Referenced by lbl_169CDC @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x8, move_169D62);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_169D2F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169D62 @ Referenced by lbl_169CFF @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169CCC @ Referenced by lbl_169C74 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
call (lbl_1A74EB);
jump (lbl_169CDC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169C33 @ Referenced by lbl_169BE1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hm! SQUIRTLE is your choice.\nIt's one worth raising.\rSo, {RED}, you've decided on the\nWATER POKéMON SQUIRTLE?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_169C74);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_169C71);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169C14 @ Referenced by lbl_169BE1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I see! BULBASAUR is your choice.\nIt's very easy to raise.\rSo, {RED}, you want to go with\nthe GRASS POKéMON BULBASAUR?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_169C74);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_169C71);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A75EF @ Referenced by lbl_169BE1 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Face.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169DE4 @ Referenced by lbl_169BAB @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("That's PROF. OAK's last POKéMON.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169D78 @ 4.3 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
setvar (0x4002, 0x7);
setvar (0x4003, 0x1);
setvar (0x4004, 0x5);
if (0x4055 => 0x3) goto (lbl_169DE4);
if (0x4055 == 0x2) goto (lbl_169BE1);
say ("Those are POKé BALLS.\nThey contain POKéMON!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169DAE @ 4.3 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x2);
setvar (0x4002, 0x4);
setvar (0x4003, 0x7);
setvar (0x4004, 0x6);
if (0x4055 => 0x3) goto (lbl_169DE4);
if (0x4055 == 0x2) goto (lbl_169BE1);
say ("Those are POKé BALLS.\nThey contain POKéMON!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169DEE @ 4.3 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x82C) goto (lbl_169E03);
say ("I study POKéMON as PROF. OAK's\nAIDE.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169E03 @ Referenced by lbl_169DEE @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x173);
say ("PROF. OAK is going to have his own\nradio show soon.\rThe program will be called PROF.\nOAK's POKéMON SEMINAR.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169E1A @ 4.3 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x82C) goto (lbl_169E2F);
say ("I study POKéMON as PROF. OAK's\nAIDE.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169E2F @ Referenced by lbl_169E1A @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x173);
say ("Hi, {RED}. I bet you've become\ngood friends with your POKéMON.\rBy the way, did you know about\nDAISY?\rIf you show DAISY your POKéMON,\nshe can tell how much it likes you.\rOccasionally, she will even groom\na POKéMON for you.\rThis is a secret, so please don't\ntell anyone.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169E46 @ 4.3 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x173);
say ("PROF. OAK may not look like much,\nbut he's the authority on POKéMON.\rMany POKéMON TRAINERS hold him in\nhigh regard.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169E5F @ 4.3 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It's like an encyclopedia, but the\npages are blank.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169E68 @ 4.3 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("There's an e-mail message here.\r…\rFinally!\nThe ultimate TRAINERS of the\fPOKéMON LEAGUE are ready to\ftake on all comers!\rBring your best POKéMON and see\nhow you rate as a TRAINER!\rPOKéMON LEAGUE HQ\nINDIGO PLATEAU\rPROF. OAK, please visit us!\n…", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169E71 @ 4.3 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Press START to open the MENU!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169E7A @ 4.3 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x4055 => 0x6) goto (lbl_169E90);
say ("The SAVE option is on the MENU.\nUse it regularly.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169E90 @ Referenced by lbl_169E7A @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("All POKéMON types have strong and\nweak points against others.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169E9B @ 5.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Coming up with nicknames is fun,\nbut it's not so easy to do.\rClever names are nice, but simple\nnames are easier to remember.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169EA4 @ 5.0 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("My daddy loves POKéMON, too.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169EAD @ 5.0 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
cry (0x15, 0x0);
say ("SPEARY: Tetweet!", 4);
waitforcry ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169EC0 @ 5.0 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SPEAROW\nName: SPEARY", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169ECA @ 5.1 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0xF);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x174);
trainerbattle (1, 350, "Fwahahaha!\nWelcome to my hideout!\rIt shall be so until I can restore\nTEAM ROCKET to its former glory.\rBut, you have found me again.\nSo be it.\fThis time, I'm not holding back!\rOnce more, you shall face\nGIOVANNI, the greatest TRAINER!{snd1:283}", "Ha!\nThat was a truly intense fight.\fYou have won!\rAs proof, here is the EARTHBADGE!\n{pausesnd}{snd1:260}{wait:254}{wait:86}{resumesnd}", lbl_169F04);
if (not 0x298) goto (lbl_169F2F);
say ("Having lost in this fashion, \nI can't face my followers.\fI have betrayed their trust.\rAs of today, TEAM ROCKET is\nfinished forever!\rAs for myself, I shall dedicate\nmy life to training again.\rLet us meet again someday!\nFarewell!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
fade (1);
hidesprite (0x8);
fade (0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169F2F @ Referenced by lbl_169ECA @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The EARTHBADGE makes POKéMON of\nany level obey without question.\rIt is evidence of your mastery as\na POKéMON TRAINER.\rWith it, you can challenge the\nPOKéMON LEAGUE.\rAlso, take this TM.\rConsider it a gift for your POKéMON\nLEAGUE challenge.", 4);
checkitemamount (0x13A, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_169F70);
giveitem (0x13A, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received TM26\nfrom GIOVANNI.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x13A);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
setflag (0x298);
say ("TM26 contains EARTHQUAKE.\rIt is a powerful attack that causes\na massive tremor.\rI made it when I ran the GYM here,\nfar too long ago… ", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169F70 @ Referenced by lbl_169F2F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You do not have space for this!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169F04 @ Referenced by lbl_169ECA @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0xF);
setvar (0x8005, 0x3);
special (0x173);
setflag (0xAD);
setflag (0x4B7);
setflag (0x827);
setvar (0x4054, 0x3);
setvar (0x8008, 0x8);
call (lbl_1A6B18);
jump (lbl_169F2F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6B18 @ Referenced by lbl_169F04 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8000, 0x8008);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A6B76);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A6B7A);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1A6B81);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_1A6B8B);
if (0x8000 == 0x5) goto (lbl_1A6BA1);
if (0x8000 == 0x6) goto (lbl_1A6BB4);
if (0x8000 == 0x7) goto (lbl_1A6BCA);
if (0x8000 == 0x8) goto (lbl_1A6BE0);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6BE0 @ Referenced by lbl_1A6B18 @ ----------------------------------------------
disabletrainer (0x128);
disabletrainer (0x129);
disabletrainer (0x142);
disabletrainer (0x143);
disabletrainer (0x144);
disabletrainer (0x188);
disabletrainer (0x190);
disabletrainer (0x191);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6BCA @ Referenced by lbl_1A6B18 @ ----------------------------------------------
disabletrainer (0xB1);
disabletrainer (0xB2);
disabletrainer (0xB3);
disabletrainer (0xB4);
disabletrainer (0xD5);
disabletrainer (0xD6);
disabletrainer (0xD7);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6BB4 @ Referenced by lbl_1A6B18 @ ----------------------------------------------
disabletrainer (0x118);
disabletrainer (0x119);
disabletrainer (0x11A);
disabletrainer (0x11B);
disabletrainer (0x1CE);
disabletrainer (0x1CF);
disabletrainer (0x1D0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6BA1 @ Referenced by lbl_1A6B18 @ ----------------------------------------------
disabletrainer (0x126);
disabletrainer (0x127);
disabletrainer (0x120);
disabletrainer (0x121);
disabletrainer (0x124);
disabletrainer (0x125);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6B8B @ Referenced by lbl_1A6B18 @ ----------------------------------------------
disabletrainer (0x84);
disabletrainer (0x85);
disabletrainer (0xA0);
disabletrainer (0x109);
disabletrainer (0x10A);
disabletrainer (0x10B);
disabletrainer (0x192);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6B81 @ Referenced by lbl_1A6B18 @ ----------------------------------------------
disabletrainer (0x8D);
disabletrainer (0xDC);
disabletrainer (0x1A7);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6B7A @ Referenced by lbl_1A6B18 @ ----------------------------------------------
disabletrainer (0x96);
disabletrainer (0xEA);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6B76 @ Referenced by lbl_1A6B18 @ ----------------------------------------------
disabletrainer (0x8E);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169F7A @ 5.1 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 296, "POKéMON and I, we make wonderful\nmusic together!", "You are in perfect harmony!");
say ("Do you know the identity of our\nGYM LEADER?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169F91 @ 5.1 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 297, "Your POKéMON will cower at the\ncrack of my whip!", "Yowch!\nWhiplash!");
say ("Wait!\nI was just careless!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169FA8 @ 5.1 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 322, "Rrrroar!\nI'm working myself into a rage!", "Wargh!");
say ("I'm still not worthy!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169FBF @ 5.1 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 323, "Karate is the ultimate form of\nmartial arts!", "Aiyah!");
say ("If my POKéMON were as good at\nkarate as I…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169FD6 @ 5.1 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 324, "I'm the KARATE KING!\nYour fate rests with me!", "Ayah!");
say ("The POKéMON LEAGUE?\nYou? Don't get cocky!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8169FED @ 5.1 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 392, "VIRIDIAN GYM was closed for a\nlong time.\rBut now, our LEADER is back!", "I was beaten?");
say ("You can go on to the POKéMON\nLEAGUE only by defeating our GYM\fLEADER!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A004 @ 5.1 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 400, "Heh!\nYou must be running out of steam\fby now!", "I ran out of gas!");
say ("You'll need power to keep up with\nour GYM LEADER.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A01B @ 5.1 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 401, "The truly talented win with style.", "I lost my grip!");
say ("The LEADER will scold me for\nlosing this way…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A032 @ 5.1 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4B7) goto (lbl_16A047);
say ("Yo!\nChamp in the making!\rEven I don't know the VIRIDIAN\nLEADER's identity.\rBut one thing's certain.\nThis will be the toughest of all\fthe GYM LEADERS.\rAlso, I heard that the TRAINERS\nhere like GROUND-type POKéMON.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A047 @ Referenced by lbl_16A032 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0xF);
setvar (0x8005, 0x4);
special (0x173);
say ("Blow me away! GIOVANNI was the\nGYM LEADER of VIRIDIAN?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A05E @ 5.1 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x827) goto (lbl_16A072);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A072 @ Referenced by lbl_16A05E @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A07D @ 5.2 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("Whew! I'm trying to memorize all my\nnotes.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x2, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A094 @ 5.2 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("Okay!\rBe sure to read what's on the\nblackboard carefully!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E5);
waitformove (0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A0AB @ 5.2 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
say ("Let's check out the notebook.\rFirst page…\rPOKé BALLS are used to catch\nPOKéMON.\rUp to six POKéMON can be carried\nin your party.\rPeople who raise and battle\nwith POKéMON are called TRAINERS.", 4);
say ("Turn the page?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16A11B);
say ("Second page…\rA healthy POKéMON may be hard to\ncatch, so weaken it first.\rPoison, burn, or cause another\nstatus problem to weaken it.", 4);
say ("Turn the page?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16A11B);
say ("Third page…\rPOKéMON TRAINERS seek others to\nengage in POKéMON battles.\rTo TRAINERS, the taste of victory\nis sweet, indeed.\rBattles are constantly waged at\nPOKéMON GYMS everywhere.", 4);
say ("Turn the page?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16A11B);
say ("Fourth page…\rThe ultimate goal for all POKéMON\nTRAINERS is simple.\rIt is to defeat the top eight\nPOKéMON GYM LEADERS.\rDo so to earn the right to face…\rThe ELITE FOUR of the POKéMON\nLEAGUE!", 4);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
textcolor (1);
say ("GIRL: Hey!\nDon't look at my notes!", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A11B @ Referenced by lbl_16A0AB @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A11D @ 5.2 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
say ("The blackboard lists POKéMON\nSTATUS problems during battles.", 4);
jump (lbl_16A12C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A12C @ Referenced by lbl_16A11D @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Which topic do you want to read?");
waitmsg ();
multichoice3 (7, 1, 15, 3, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16A18B);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16A1A7);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16A1C3);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_16A199);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_16A1B5);
if (0x8000 == 0x5) goto (lbl_16A1D1);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16A1D1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A1D1 @ Referenced by lbl_16A12C @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A1B5 @ Referenced by lbl_16A12C @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A frozen POKéMON becomes\nhelplessly immobile.\rIt stays frozen even after the\nbattle ends.\rUse ICE HEAL to thaw out the\nsuffering POKéMON.", 4);
jump (lbl_16A12C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A199 @ Referenced by lbl_16A12C @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A burn reduces ATTACK power.\nIt also causes ongoing HP loss.\rA burn remains after a battle.\nUse BURN HEAL to cure a burn.", 4);
jump (lbl_16A12C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A1C3 @ Referenced by lbl_16A12C @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Paralysis reduces SPEED and may\nprevent the POKéMON from moving.\rParalysis remains after battles.\nUse PARLYZ HEAL for treatment.", 4);
jump (lbl_16A12C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A1A7 @ Referenced by lbl_16A12C @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("When poisoned, a POKéMON's health\nsteadily drops.\rPoison lingers after battles.\nUse an ANTIDOTE to cure poison!", 4);
jump (lbl_16A12C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A18B @ Referenced by lbl_16A12C @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A POKéMON can't attack if it's\nasleep.\rPOKéMON will stay asleep even\nafter battles.\rUse AWAKENING to awaken one\nfrom sleep.", 4);
jump (lbl_16A12C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A1DE @ 5.3 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x829) goto (lbl_16A1E8);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A1E8 @ Referenced by lbl_16A1DE @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x1, 0x3, 0x2BF, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x1, 0x4, 0x2C0, 0x1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A268 @ 5.3 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4057 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16A2A4);
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
preparemsg ("Hi, there!\nMay I help you?");
waitmsg ();
doshop (store_16A298);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A298 @ Referenced by lbl_16A268 @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.PokeBall, Item.Potion, Item.Antidote, Item.ParlyzHeal, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A2A4 @ Referenced by lbl_16A268 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Okay, thanks! Please say hi to\nPROF. OAK for me, too.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A2AE @ 5.3 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("This shop does good business in\nANTIDOTES, I've heard.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A2B7 @ 5.3 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I've got to buy some POTIONS.\rYou never know when your POKéMON\nwill need quick healing.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A2CB @ 5.4 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setrespawn (0x2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A2CF @ 5.4 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (NurseJoy);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A2D8 @ 5.4 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("There's a POKéMON CENTER in every\ntown ahead.\rThey charge no money, so don't\nbe shy about healing POKéMON.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A2E1 @ 5.4 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Please feel free to use that PC in\nthe corner.\rThe receptionist told me so.\nIt's so kind of her!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A2EA @ 5.4 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON CENTERS heal your tired,\nhurt, or fainted POKéMON.\rThey make all POKéMON completely\nhealthy.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A31B @ 6.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x800C == 0x3) goto (lbl_16A348);
if (0x800C == 0x1) goto (lbl_16A348);
if (0x800C == 0x2) goto (lbl_16A348);
say ("Please enjoy yourself.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A348 @ Referenced by lbl_16A31B @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You can't sneak in the back way!\nNice try, kid, but no.\rOh, whatever!\nDo you know what AMBER is?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16A367);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16A37B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A37B @ Referenced by lbl_16A348 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("AMBER is actually sap, that gooey\nstuff that oozes from trees.\rThe ancient sap fossilized over\ntime to become rock-hard AMBER.", 4);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E5);
waitformove (0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A367 @ Referenced by lbl_16A348 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("AMBER contains the genetic matter\nof ancient POKéMON.\rThere's a LAB somewhere trying to\nresurrect POKéMON from AMBER.", 4);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E5);
waitformove (0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A38F @ 6.0 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_16A3D1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A3D1 @ Referenced by lbl_16A38F @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
showmoney (0, 0, 0);
say ("Yes, yes.\nIt's \xB750 for a child's ticket.\rWould you like to come in?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16A402);
say ("Come again!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
hidemoney (0, 0);
applymove (0xFF, move_16A48E);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A48E @ Referenced by lbl_16A3D1 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A402 @ Referenced by lbl_16A3D1 @ ----------------------------------------------
checkmoney (0x32, 0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16A476);
closeonkeypress ();
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_16A455);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_16A460);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_16A46B);
playsound (0xF8);
takemoney (0x32, 0);
updatemoney (0, 0, 0);
checksound ();
say ("Right, \xB750!\nThank you!", 4);
setvar (0x4061, 0x1);
hidemoney (0, 0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A46B @ Referenced by lbl_16A402 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16A499);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A499 @ Referenced by lbl_16A46B @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1B, StepInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A460 @ Referenced by lbl_16A402 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16A495);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A495 @ Referenced by lbl_16A460 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, 0x1B, StepInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A455 @ Referenced by lbl_16A402 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16A490);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A490 @ Referenced by lbl_16A455 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.West, 0x1B, StepInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A476 @ Referenced by lbl_16A402 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You don't have enough money.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
hidemoney (0, 0);
applymove (0xFF, move_16A48E);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A3A5 @ 6.0 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_16A3D1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A3BB @ 6.0 trap #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x2);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_16A3D1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A49C @ 6.0 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("We have two fossils of rare,\nprehistoric POKéMON on exhibit.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A4A5 @ 6.0 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I should be grateful for my long\nlife.\rNever did I think I would get to\nsee the bones of a dragon!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A4AE @ 6.0 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x25E) goto (lbl_16A4FF);
say ("Ssh! Listen, I need to share a\nsecret with someone.\rI think that this chunk of AMBER\ncontains POKéMON DNA!\rIt would be a shattering scientific\nbreakthrough if POKéMON could be\fresurrected from it.\rBut, my colleagues just ignore\nwhat I have to say.\rSo, I have a favor to ask!\rI want you to get this examined at\na POKéMON LAB somewhere.", 4);
checkitemamount (0x162, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16A4F5);
setflag (0x25E);
hidesprite (0x4);
giveitem (0x162, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received the OLD AMBER\nfrom the man.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x162);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x13E);
callstd (9);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A4F5 @ Referenced by lbl_16A4AE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You don't have space for this.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A4FF @ Referenced by lbl_16A4AE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Ssh!\nGet the OLD AMBER checked!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A509 @ 6.0 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("There is a beautiful piece of\nAMBER in a clear gold color.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A512 @ 6.0 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x8E);
setvar (0x8005, 0xA);
setvar (0x8006, 0x3);
special (0x18B);
say ("AERODACTYL Fossil\nA primitive and rare POKéMON.", 4);
special (0x18C);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A532 @ 6.0 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x8D);
setvar (0x8005, 0xA);
setvar (0x8006, 0x3);
special (0x18B);
say ("KABUTOPS Fossil\nA primitive and rare POKéMON.", 4);
special (0x18C);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A553 @ 6.1 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("MOON STONE, huh?\rWhat's so special about it?\nLooks like an ordinary rock to me.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A55C @ 6.1 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("July 20, 1969!\rHumankind first set foot on the\nmoon that day.\rI bought a color TV just so I\ncould watch that news.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A565 @ 6.1 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("This month, we're running a space\nexhibit.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A56E @ 6.1 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I want a PIKACHU!\nIt's so cute!\rI asked my daddy to catch me one!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A577 @ 6.1 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Yeah, a PIKACHU soon, I promise!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A580 @ 6.1 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Space Shuttle", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A589 @ 6.1 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A meteorite that fell on MT. MOON.\nIt is thought to be a MOON STONE.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A593 @ 6.2 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x174);
trainerbattle (1, 414, "So, you're here. I'm BROCK.\nI'm PEWTER's GYM LEADER.\rMy rock-hard willpower is evident\neven in my POKéMON.\rMy POKéMON are all rock hard, and\nhave true-grit determination.\rThat's right - my POKéMON are all\nthe ROCK type!\rFuhaha! You're going to challenge\nme knowing that you'll lose?\rThat's the TRAINER's honor that\ncompels you to challenge me.\rFine, then!\nShow me your best!{snd1:342}", "I took you for granted, and so\nI lost.\rAs proof of your victory, I confer\non you this…the official POKéMON\fLEAGUE BOULDERBADGE.\r{font:2}{RED} received the BOULDERBADGE\nfrom BROCK!{pausesnd}{snd1:260}{wait:254}{wait:86}{resumesnd}\r{font:4}Just having the BOULDERBADGE makes\nyour POKéMON more powerful.\rIt also enables the use of the\nmove FLASH outside of battle.\rOf course, a POKéMON must know the\nmove FLASH to use it.", lbl_16A5C5);
if (not 0x254) goto (lbl_16A5F3);
say ("There are all kinds of TRAINERS in\nthis huge world of ours.\rYou appear to be very gifted as a\nPOKéMON TRAINER.\rSo let me make a suggestion.\rGo to the GYM in CERULEAN and test\nyour abilities.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A5F3 @ Referenced by lbl_16A593 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Wait!\nTake this with you.", 4);
checkitemamount (0x147, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16A634);
giveitem (0x147, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received TM39\nfrom BROCK.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x147);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
setflag (0x254);
say ("A TM, Technical Machine, contains a\ntechnique for POKéMON.\rUsing a TM teaches the move it\ncontains to a POKéMON.\rA TM is good for only one use.\rSo, when you use one, pick the\nPOKéMON carefully.\rAnyways…\nTM39 contains ROCK TOMB.\rIt hurls boulders at the foe and\nlowers its SPEED.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A634 @ Referenced by lbl_16A5F3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You don't have room for this.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A5C5 @ Referenced by lbl_16A593 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
special (0x173);
setflag (0x4B0);
setflag (0x820);
setvar (0x406C, 0x1);
setflag (0x2E);
clearflag (0x92);
setvar (0x8008, 0x1);
call (lbl_1A6B18);
jump (lbl_16A5F3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A63E @ 6.2 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 142, "Stop right there, kid!\rYou're ten thousand light-years \nfrom facing BROCK!", "Darn!\rLight-years isn't time…\nIt measures distance!");
say ("You're pretty hot.\n…But not as hot as BROCK!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A655 @ 6.2 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4B0) goto (lbl_16A67F);
say ("Hiya!\nDo you want to dream big?\rDo you dare to dream of becoming\nthe POKéMON champ?\rI'm no TRAINER, but I can advise\nyou on how to win.\rLet me take you to the top!", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16A689);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16A697);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A697 @ Referenced by lbl_16A655 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It's a free service!\nLet's get happening!", 4);
jump (lbl_16A6A5);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A6A5 @ Referenced by lbl_16A697 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The first POKéMON out in a match is\nat the left of the POKéMON LIST.\rBy changing the order of POKéMON,\nyou may gain an advantage.\rTry different orders to suit your\nopponent's party.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A689 @ Referenced by lbl_16A655 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("All right!\nLet's get happening!", 4);
jump (lbl_16A6A5);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A67F @ Referenced by lbl_16A655 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Just as I thought!\nYou're POKéMON champ material!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A6AF @ 6.2 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x820) goto (lbl_16A6C3);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A6C3 @ Referenced by lbl_16A6AF @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A6CE @ 6.3 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A shady old guy sucked me into\nbuying this weird fish POKéMON!\rIt's totally weak and it cost \xB7500!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A6D7 @ 6.3 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Good things can happen if you raise\nPOKéMON diligently.\rEven the weak ones can surprise\nyou if you don't give up on them.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A6E0 @ 6.3 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Hi, there!\nMay I help you?");
waitmsg ();
doshop (store_16A708);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A708 @ Referenced by lbl_16A6E0 @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.PokeBall, Item.Potion, Item.Antidote, Item.ParlyzHeal, Item.Awakening, Item.BurnHeal, Item.EscapeRope, Item.Repel, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A71D @ 6.4 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Our POKéMON's an outsider, so it's\nfinicky and hard to handle.\rAn outsider is a POKéMON that you\nget in a trade.\rIt grows fast, but it may ignore an\nunskilled TRAINER in battle.\rIf only we had some BADGES…", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A726 @ 6.4 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
say ("NIDORAN, sit!", 4);
call (lbl_16A749);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A749 @ Referenced by lbl_16A726 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
checksound ();
cry (0x20, 0x0);
say ("NIDORAN\xB5: Bowbow!", 4);
waitforcry ();
call (lbl_1A6675);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A736 @ 6.4 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (lbl_16A749);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75E5);
waitformove (0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A76B @ 6.5 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setrespawn (0x3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A76F @ 6.5 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (NurseJoy);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A778 @ 6.5 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("What!?\rTEAM ROCKET is at MT. MOON?\nHuh?\rI'm on the phone!\nScram!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A781 @ 6.5 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
fadeout (0);
playsong (0x114, 0);
preparemsg ("JIGGLYPUFF: Puu pupuu!");
waitmsg ();
pause (0x1C7);
playsong (0x12F, 1);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A798 @ 6.5 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Yawn!\rWhen JIGGLYPUFF sings, POKéMON get\ndrowsy…\r…Me, too…\nSnore…", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A7A1 @ 6.5 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
say ("I really want a PIKACHU, so I'm\ntrading my CLEFAIRY for one.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A7AC @ 6.5 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'm trading POKéMON with that kid\nthere.\rI had two PIKACHU, so I figured\nI might as well trade one.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A7DD @ 6.7 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON learn new techniques as\nthey grow.\rBut some moves must be taught to\nthem by people.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A7E6 @ 6.7 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A POKéMON becomes easier to \ncatch if it has a status problem.\rSleep, poison, burn, or paralysis…\nThose are all effective.\rBut catching POKéMON is never\na sure thing!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A7F0 @ 7.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("Only skilled TRAINERS can collect\nPOKéMON BADGES.\rI see you have at least one.\rThose BADGES have amazing secrets,\ndid you know?", 4);
preparemsg ("Now then…\rWhich of the eight BADGES should\nI describe?");
waitmsg ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
special (0x158);
waitstate ();
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16A8FB);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16A909);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16A917);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_16A925);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_16A933);
if (0x8000 == 0x5) goto (lbl_16A941);
if (0x8000 == 0x6) goto (lbl_16A94F);
if (0x8000 == 0x7) goto (lbl_16A95D);
if (0x8000 == 0x8) goto (lbl_16A96B);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16A96B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A96B @ Referenced by lbl_16A7F0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Come visit me anytime you wish.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A95D @ Referenced by lbl_16A7F0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("All POKéMON will obey you!", 4);
jump (lbl_16A87D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A87D @ Referenced by lbl_16A95D @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Now then…\rWhich of the eight BADGES should\nI describe?");
waitmsg ();
special (0x159);
waitstate ();
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16A8FB);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16A909);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16A917);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_16A925);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_16A933);
if (0x8000 == 0x5) goto (lbl_16A941);
if (0x8000 == 0x6) goto (lbl_16A94F);
if (0x8000 == 0x7) goto (lbl_16A95D);
if (0x8000 == 0x8) goto (lbl_16A96B);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16A96B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A94F @ Referenced by lbl_16A7F0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The SP. ATK and SP. DEF stats of\nall your POKéMON rise a little bit.\rIt also lets you use the move\nWATERFALL outside of battle.", 4);
jump (lbl_16A87D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A941 @ Referenced by lbl_16A7F0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON up to Lv. 70 will obey\nyou.\rThat includes even outsiders you\nobtain in trades.\rPOKéMON of higher levels will\nbe unruly in battle, however.\rIt also lets you use the move\nROCK SMASH outside of battle.", 4);
jump (lbl_16A87D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A933 @ Referenced by lbl_16A7F0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The DEFENSE stat of all your\nPOKéMON increases a little bit.\rIt also lets you use the move\nSURF outside of battle.", 4);
jump (lbl_16A87D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A925 @ Referenced by lbl_16A7F0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON up to Lv. 50 will obey\nyou.\rThat includes even outsiders you\nobtain in trades.\rPOKéMON of higher levels will\nbe unruly in battle, however.\rIt also lets you use the move\nSTRENGTH outside of battle.", 4);
jump (lbl_16A87D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A917 @ Referenced by lbl_16A7F0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The SPEED stat of all your\nPOKéMON increases a little bit.\rIt also lets you use the move\nFLY outside of battle.", 4);
jump (lbl_16A87D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A909 @ Referenced by lbl_16A7F0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON up to Lv. 30 will obey\nyou.\rThat includes even outsiders you\nobtain in trades.\rPOKéMON of higher levels will\nbe unruly in battle, however.\rIt also lets you use the move\nCUT outside of battle.", 4);
jump (lbl_16A87D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A8FB @ Referenced by lbl_16A7F0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The ATTACK stat of all your\nPOKéMON increases a little bit.\rIt also lets you use the move\nFLASH outside of battle.", 4);
jump (lbl_16A87D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A976 @ 7.1 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x23F) goto (lbl_16A98B);
say ("Those miserable ROCKETS!\rLook what they've done to my\nhouse!\rThey stole a TM for teaching\nPOKéMON how to DIG holes!\rI was going to use it on a\nMANKEY or a SANDSHREW…\rThat cost me a bundle, it did!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A98B @ Referenced by lbl_16A976 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I figure what's lost is lost.\rI decided to teach DIGLETT how to\nDIG without a TM.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A995 @ 7.1 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TEAM ROCKET must be trying to DIG\ntheir way into no good!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A99E @ 7.1 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TEAM ROCKET left a way out!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A9A8 @ 7.2 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("My husband likes trading POKéMON.\rYou're collecting POKéMON for your\nPOKéDEX, aren't you?\rWould you please trade with him?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816A9B1 @ 7.2 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x1);
call (lbl_1A8CAD);
if (0x24A) goto (lbl_16AA23);
say ("Hello, there! Do you happen to\nhave a {var:2}?\rWould you agree to a trade for\nmy {var:3}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16AA0B);
call (lbl_1A8CBD);
if (0x8004 => 0x6) goto (lbl_16AA0B);
call (lbl_1A8CC9);
comparevars (0x800D, 0x8009);
ifgoto (5, lbl_16AA15);
call (lbl_1A8CD9);
say ("Thanks!", 4);
setflag (0x24A);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AA15 @ Referenced by lbl_16A9B1 @ ----------------------------------------------
getpokemonname (0, 0x8009);
say ("Hmmm?\nThis isn't a {var:2}.\rThink of me if you get one.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AA0B @ Referenced by lbl_16A9B1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Well, if you don't want to…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AA23 @ Referenced by lbl_16A9B1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The {var:3} that I traded you,\nhas it grown stronger?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AA38 @ 7.3 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setrespawn (0x4);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AA3C @ 7.3 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (NurseJoy);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AA45 @ 7.3 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Have you heard about BILL?\rEveryone calls him a POKéMANIAC!\rI think people are just jealous of\nBILL, though.\rWho wouldn't want to boast about\ntheir POKéMON?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AA4E @ 7.3 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("That BILL!\rI heard that he'll do whatever it\ntakes to get rare POKéMON.\rHe's not above doing all sorts\nof things, I've heard.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AA57 @ 7.3 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xD);
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
special (0x173);
say ("BILL has lots of POKéMON!\nHe collects rare ones, too!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AA70 @ 7.3 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Why don't you go upstairs and try\ntrading POKéMON with your friends?\rYou could get a lot more variety\nby trading.\rThe POKéMON you get in trades grow\nquickly, too.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AAA1 @ 7.5 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x174);
trainerbattle (1, 415, "Hi, you're a new face!\rOnly those TRAINERS who have a\npolicy about POKéMON can turn pro.\rWhat is your approach when you\ncatch and train POKéMON?\rMy policy is an all-out offensive\nwith WATER-type POKéMON!{snd1:342}", "Wow!\nYou're too much!\rAll right!\rYou can have the CASCADEBADGE to\nshow you beat me.", lbl_16AAD3);
if (not 0x297) goto (lbl_16AAF9);
say ("TM03 teaches WATER PULSE.\rUse it on an aquatic POKéMON!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AAF9 @ Referenced by lbl_16AAA1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The CASCADEBADGE makes all\nPOKéMON up to Lv. 30 obey.\rThat includes even outsiders you\ngot in trades.\rThere's more. You can now use CUT\nanytime, even out of battle.\rYou can CUT down small trees to\nopen new pathways.\rYou can also have my favorite TM.", 4);
checkitemamount (0x123, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16AB3A);
giveitem (0x123, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received TM03\nfrom MISTY.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x123);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
setflag (0x297);
say ("TM03 teaches WATER PULSE.\rUse it on an aquatic POKéMON!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AB3A @ Referenced by lbl_16AAF9 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You better make room for this!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AAD3 @ Referenced by lbl_16AAA1 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
special (0x173);
setflag (0x4B1);
setflag (0x821);
setrespawn (0x4);
setvar (0x8008, 0x2);
call (lbl_1A6B18);
jump (lbl_16AAF9);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AB44 @ 7.5 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 150, "What? You?\nI'm more than good enough for you!\rMISTY won't have to be bothered.", "You overwhelmed me!");
say ("You have to face other TRAINERS\nto see how good you really are.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AB5B @ 7.5 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 234, "Splash!\rI'm first up!\nLet's do it!", "That can't be!");
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x173);
say ("MISTY is a TRAINER who's going to\nkeep improving.\rShe won't lose to someone like you!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AB7F @ 7.5 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4B1) goto (lbl_16AB94);
say ("Yo!\nChamp in the making!\rLet me give you some advice!\rThe LEADER, MISTY, is a pro who\nuses WATER-type POKéMON.\rYou can drain all their water with\nGRASS-type POKéMON.\rOr, you might use ELECTRIC-type\nPOKéMON and zap them!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AB94 @ Referenced by lbl_16AB7F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You beat MISTY!\nSee, what'd I tell ya?\rYou and me, kid, we make a pretty\ndarn-good team!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AB9E @ 7.5 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x821) goto (lbl_16ABB2);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816ABB2 @ Referenced by lbl_16AB9E @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816ABBD @ 7.6 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x271) goto (lbl_16AC58);
if (0x241) goto (lbl_16AC22);
showmoney (0, 0, 0);
preparemsg ("Hi!\nWelcome to our BIKE SHOP.\rHave we got just the BIKE for\nyou!");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (11, 0, 13, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16AC07);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16AC15);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16AC15);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AC15 @ Referenced by lbl_16ABBD @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Thank you!\nCome back again sometime!", 4);
hidemoney (0, 0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AC07 @ Referenced by lbl_16ABBD @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Sorry!\nYou can't afford it!", 4);
jump (lbl_16AC15);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AC22 @ Referenced by lbl_16ABBD @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, that's…\rA BIKE VOUCHER!\rOkay!\nHere you go!", 4);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} exchanged the\nBIKE VOUCHER for a BICYCLE.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x168);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x13E);
callstd (9);
setflag (0x271);
giveitem (0x168, 0x1);
takeitem (0x160, 0x1);
say ("Thank you!\nCome back again sometime!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AC58 @ Referenced by lbl_16ABBD @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("How do you like your new BICYCLE?\nDo you like how it rides?\rYou can take it out on CYCLING\nROAD and even into caves!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AC6C @ 7.6 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A plain city bike is good enough\nfor me.\rAfter all, you can't put a shopping\nbasket on a mountain bike.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AC75 @ 7.6 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x271) goto (lbl_16AC8A);
say ("These bikes are cool, but they're\nway expensive!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AC8A @ Referenced by lbl_16AC75 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Wow.\nYour BIKE is really cool!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AC94 @ 3.3 sign #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A shiny new BICYCLE!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AC9E @ 7.7 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("REPEL not only keeps bugs away,\nit also works on weak POKéMON.\rPut your strongest POKéMON at the\nleft of the POKéMON LIST.\rIf your first POKéMON is strong,\nREPEL's effect is boosted.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816ACA7 @ 7.7 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Do you know about RARE CANDY?\nThey don't sell it in shops.\rI think it makes POKéMON grow\nvery quickly all of a sudden.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816ACB0 @ 7.7 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Hi, there!\nMay I help you?");
waitmsg ();
doshop (store_16ACD8);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816ACD8 @ Referenced by lbl_16ACB0 @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.PokeBall, Item.SuperPotion, Item.Potion, Item.Antidote, Item.ParlyzHeal, Item.Awakening, Item.BurnHeal, Item.EscapeRope, Item.Repel, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816ACEF @ 7.8 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
lock ();
special2 (0x8004, 0x189);
copyvar (0x8008, 0x800D);
if (0x8004 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16AD59);
if (0x8004 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16AD63);
if (0x8004 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16AD89);
if (0x8004 == 0x3) goto (lbl_16ADAF);
if (0x8004 == 0x4) goto (lbl_16ADC3);
if (0x8004 == 0x5) goto (lbl_16ADE9);
if (0x8004 == 0x6) goto (lbl_16AE0F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AE0F @ Referenced by lbl_16ACEF @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("I'm quite enjoying myself with all\nsorts of news.\rYes, I am satisfied!\nI won't be bored for a while.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816ADE9 @ Referenced by lbl_16ACEF @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16AE23);
say ("You've spread the news some more?\nMagnificent!\rThat piece of news must be\ndelighted to be passed around so.\rYes, indeed!\rConsider this a show of\nappreciation from me and the news.\rI'll give you more BERRIES than\nI usually do.", 4);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x8008);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x4);
callstd (0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16AE45);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AE45 @ Referenced by lbl_16ADE9 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hm? Your BERRY POUCH is full.\nMy gift remains ungiven, then.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AE23 @ Referenced by lbl_16ADE9 @ ----------------------------------------------
playsound (0x15);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816ADC3 @ Referenced by lbl_16ACEF @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16AE23);
say ("Ah, you've spread the news for me?\rGood news becomes worthwhile when\nall sorts of people share it.\rAs my thanks for your spreading\nthe news, take this!", 4);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x8008);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16AE45);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816ADAF @ Referenced by lbl_16ACEF @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("It seems such a shame to not share\nthis news with other folks…\rI wish I could tell someone…\nLet others know the news…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AD89 @ Referenced by lbl_16ACEF @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16AE23);
say ("Oh, oh!\nTh-this news report!\rHmm…\rAmazing!\nWhat an incredible piece of news!\rI haven't seen a news story this\nincredible in too long a time!\rThanks for sharing this fantastic\nnews. Have a bunch of BERRIES!", 4);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x8008);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x4);
callstd (0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16AE45);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AD63 @ Referenced by lbl_16ACEF @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16AE23);
say ("Ah!\nA new news report!\rHmm…\rI see!\nThat was quite informative!\rI applaud you for taking interest\nin the news at your young age.\rAs my thanks for sharing the news\nwith me, I want you to have this.", 4);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x8008);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16AE45);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AD59 @ Referenced by lbl_16ACEF @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Sigh…\nToo much time, too little to do…\rIs nothing entertaining happening\nanywhere?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AE50 @ 7.9 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2BB) goto (lbl_16AEB7);
say ("I concoct a variety of medicine\nfrom BERRY POWDER.\rUsing good BERRY POWDER, I can\nmake any kind of medicine.\rNow tell me, have you any interest\nin BERRIES?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16AEAD);
if (not 0x847) goto (lbl_16AEA3);
say ("Ah, good! For you, then, I have\njust the thing.", 4);
setflag (0x2BB);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x174);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A6BF9);
say ("There's something new on the second\nfloor of POKéMON CENTERS, at the\fDIRECT CORNER.\rThey installed a Wireless Adapter\nmachine for crushing BERRIES.\rThis is where you come in.\rI have a favor to ask, one that\nI can entrust only to you.\rCould you make BERRY POWDER for\nme using that machine?\rDon't forget, the machine is at the\nDIRECT CORNER of POKéMON CENTERS.\rI'll concoct medicine for you if\nyou bring me some BERRY POWDER.\rDon't forget, crush BERRIES into\nBERRY POWDER and bring it to me.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AEA3 @ Referenced by lbl_16AE50 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Why must you lie to me?\rHow many BERRIES do you have?\nNot a one!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AEAD @ Referenced by lbl_16AE50 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You have no interest in BERRIES?\rYoung one, it's important to take an\ninterest in all sorts of things.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AEB7 @ Referenced by lbl_16AE50 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x19C);
say ("Er-hem! Have you brought me some\nBERRY POWDER?", 4);
jump (lbl_16AEC8);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AEC8 @ Referenced by lbl_16AEB7 @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("With what would you like to \nexchange it?");
waitmsg ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x5);
special (0x158);
waitstate ();
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16AF6C);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16AF80);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16AF94);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_16AFA8);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_16AFBC);
if (0x8000 == 0x5) goto (lbl_16AFD0);
if (0x8000 == 0x6) goto (lbl_16AFE4);
if (0x8000 == 0x7) goto (lbl_16AFF8);
if (0x8000 == 0x8) goto (lbl_16B00C);
if (0x8000 == 0x9) goto (lbl_16B020);
if (0x8000 == 0xA) goto (lbl_16B034);
if (0x8000 == 0xB) goto (lbl_16B048);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16B048);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B048 @ Referenced by lbl_16AEC8 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Come see me if you'd like to trade\nyour BERRY POWDER.", 4);
special (0x19D);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B034 @ Referenced by lbl_16AEC8 @ ----------------------------------------------
getitemname (0, 0x45);
setvar (0x8008, 0x45);
setvar (0x8009, 0xBB8);
jump (lbl_16B055);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B055 @ Referenced by lbl_16B034 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Fine, you'll exchange your BERRY\nPOWDER for one {var:2}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16AEC8);
copyvar (0x8004, 0x8009);
special2 (0x800D, 0x19E);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16B0CC);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x8008);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16B0BF);
copyvar (0x8004, 0x8009);
special (0x19F);
special (0x1A0);
say ("This is fine BERRY POWDER indeed.\nIt will make excellent medicine.\rWould you like to trade more BERRY\nPOWDER for something else?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16AEC8);
say ("That's fine, then.\nI'll hope to see you back again.", 4);
special (0x19D);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B0BF @ Referenced by lbl_16B055 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The BAG is full…", 4);
special (0x19D);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B0CC @ Referenced by lbl_16B055 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hm? You don't have enough\nBERRY POWDER.", 4);
jump (lbl_16AEC8);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B020 @ Referenced by lbl_16AEC8 @ ----------------------------------------------
getitemname (0, 0x3F);
setvar (0x8008, 0x3F);
setvar (0x8009, 0x3E8);
jump (lbl_16B055);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B00C @ Referenced by lbl_16AEC8 @ ----------------------------------------------
getitemname (0, 0x46);
setvar (0x8008, 0x46);
setvar (0x8009, 0x3E8);
jump (lbl_16B055);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AFF8 @ Referenced by lbl_16AEC8 @ ----------------------------------------------
getitemname (0, 0x43);
setvar (0x8008, 0x43);
setvar (0x8009, 0x3E8);
jump (lbl_16B055);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AFE4 @ Referenced by lbl_16AEC8 @ ----------------------------------------------
getitemname (0, 0x42);
setvar (0x8008, 0x42);
setvar (0x8009, 0x3E8);
jump (lbl_16B055);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AFD0 @ Referenced by lbl_16AEC8 @ ----------------------------------------------
getitemname (0, 0x41);
setvar (0x8008, 0x41);
setvar (0x8009, 0x3E8);
jump (lbl_16B055);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AFBC @ Referenced by lbl_16AEC8 @ ----------------------------------------------
getitemname (0, 0x40);
setvar (0x8008, 0x40);
setvar (0x8009, 0x3E8);
jump (lbl_16B055);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AFA8 @ Referenced by lbl_16AEC8 @ ----------------------------------------------
getitemname (0, 0x21);
setvar (0x8008, 0x21);
setvar (0x8009, 0x12C);
jump (lbl_16B055);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AF94 @ Referenced by lbl_16AEC8 @ ----------------------------------------------
getitemname (0, 0x20);
setvar (0x8008, 0x20);
setvar (0x8009, 0x32);
jump (lbl_16B055);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AF80 @ Referenced by lbl_16AEC8 @ ----------------------------------------------
getitemname (0, 0x1F);
setvar (0x8008, 0x1F);
setvar (0x8009, 0x50);
jump (lbl_16B055);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816AF6C @ Referenced by lbl_16AEC8 @ ----------------------------------------------
getitemname (0, 0x1E);
setvar (0x8008, 0x1E);
setvar (0x8009, 0x32);
jump (lbl_16B055);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B0DA @ 7.9 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x1A2);
waitstate ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B0FA @ 8.0 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setrespawn (0x5);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B0FE @ 8.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (NurseJoy);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B107 @ 8.0 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TEAM ROCKET will do anything for\nthe sake of money!\rThere is no job too dirty, no deed\ntoo heinous, no crime too wicked!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B110 @ 8.0 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I saw CUBONE's mother trying to\nescape from TEAM ROCKET.\rShe was killed trying to get away…", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B119 @ 8.0 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You know how the CUBONE species\nwears skulls, right?\rPeople will pay a lot for one.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B14A @ 8.2 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x23D) goto (lbl_16B196);
say ("MR. FUJI: {RED}…\rYour POKéDEX quest is one that\nrequires strong dedication.\rWithout deep love for POKéMON,\nyour quest may fail.\rI'm not sure if this will help you,\nbut I'd like you to have it.", 4);
checkitemamount (0x15E, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16B1A0);
setflag (0x23D);
giveitem (0x15E, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received a POKé FLUTE\nfrom MR. FUJI.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x15E);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x13E);
callstd (9);
say ("Upon hearing the POKé FLUTE,\nsleeping POKéMON will spring awake.\rTry using it on POKéMON that are\nsleeping obstacles.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B1A0 @ Referenced by lbl_16B14A @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You must make room for this!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B196 @ Referenced by lbl_16B14A @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("MR. FUJI: Has my POKé FLUTE\nhelped you?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B1AA @ 8.2 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xE);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x173);
say ("This is really MR. FUJI's house.\rHe's really kind.\rHe looks after abandoned and\norphaned POKéMON.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B1C3 @ 8.2 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It's so warm!\nPOKéMON are so nice to hug.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B1CC @ 8.2 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x23C) goto (lbl_16B1E1);
say ("That's odd, MR. FUJI isn't here.\nWhere'd he go?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B1E1 @ Referenced by lbl_16B1CC @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("MR. FUJI had been praying alone\nfor CUBONE's mother.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B1EB @ 8.2 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
cry (0x21, 0x0);
say ("NIDORINO: Gaoo!", 4);
waitforcry ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B1FE @ 8.2 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
cry (0x36, 0x0);
say ("PSYDUCK: Gwappa!", 4);
waitforcry ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B211 @ 8.2 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xE);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x173);
say ("POKéMON FAN MAGAZINE\nMonthly Grand Prize Drawing!\rThe application form is…\rGone! It's been clipped out.\nSomeone must have applied already.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B229 @ 8.2 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON magazines line the shelf.\rPOKéMON INSIDER…\rPOKéMON FAN…", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B233 @ 8.3 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x23C) goto (lbl_16B248);
say ("Those horrible ROCKETS!\nThey deserve no mercy!\rThat poor CUBONE's mother…\rIt was killed trying to escape from\nTEAM ROCKET.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B248 @ Referenced by lbl_16B233 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The ghost of POKéMON TOWER is\ngone!\rSomeone must have soothed its\nrestless spirit!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B252 @ 8.3 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
cry (0x68, 0x0);
say ("CUBONE: Kyarugoo!", 4);
waitforcry ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B266 @ 8.4 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("Hello, hello!\nI am the official NAME RATER!\rWant me to rate the nicknames of\nyour POKéMON?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16B287);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16B2AA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B2AA @ Referenced by lbl_16B266 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I see.\nDo come visit again.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B287 @ Referenced by lbl_16B266 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Which POKéMON's nickname should\nI critique?", 4);
special (0x9F);
waitstate ();
if (0x8004 < 0x6) goto (lbl_16B2B4);
if (0x8004 => 0x6) goto (lbl_16B2AA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B2B4 @ Referenced by lbl_16B287 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0x147);
if (0x800D == 0x19C) goto (lbl_16B307);
special (0x7C);
special (0x7D);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16B311);
special2 (0x800D, 0x150);
special (0x7C);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16B311);
say ("{var:2}, is it?\nThat is a decent nickname!\rBut, would you like me to give it\na nicer name?\rHow about it?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16B31B);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16B2AA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B31B @ Referenced by lbl_16B2B4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Ah, good. Then, what shall the new\nnickname be?", 4);
call (lbl_1A74EB);
special2 (0x800D, 0x7B);
special (0x7C);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16B345);
say ("Done! From now on, this POKéMON\nshall be known as {var:2}!\rIt looks no different from before,\nand yet, this is vastly superior!\rHow fortunate for you!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B345 @ Referenced by lbl_16B31B @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Done! From now on, this POKéMON\nshall be known as {var:2}!\rIt is a better name than before!\nHow fortunate for you!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B311 @ Referenced by lbl_16B2B4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("{var:2}, is it?\nThat is a truly impeccable name!\rTake good care of {var:2}!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B307 @ Referenced by lbl_16B2B4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Now, now.\nThat is merely an EGG!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B350 @ 8.5 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'm searching for items that raise\nthe stats of POKéMON.\rThey're effective over the course\nof a single battle.\rX ATTACK, X DEFEND, X SPEED, \nand X SPECIAL are what I'm after.\rDo you know where I can get them?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B359 @ 8.5 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Did you buy some REVIVES?\nThey revive any fainted POKéMON!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B362 @ 8.5 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Sometimes, a TRAINER duo will\nchallenge you with two POKéMON\fat the same time.\rIf that happens, you have to send\nout two POKéMON to battle, too.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B36B @ 8.5 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Hi, there!\nMay I help you?");
waitmsg ();
doshop (store_16B390);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B390 @ Referenced by lbl_16B36B @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.GreatBall, Item.SuperPotion, Item.Revive, Item.Antidote, Item.ParlyzHeal, Item.BurnHeal, Item.IceHeal, Item.EscapeRope, Item.SuperRepel, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B3A7 @ 9.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x240) goto (lbl_16B3CF);
say ("I'm the FISHING GURU!\rI simply looove fishing!\nI can't bear to go without.\rTell me, do you like to fish?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16B3D9);
say ("Oh…\nThat's so disappointing…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B3D9 @ Referenced by lbl_16B3A7 @ ----------------------------------------------
checkitemamount (0x106, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16B41A);
giveitem (0x106, 0x1);
say ("Grand! I like your style.\nI think we can be friends.\rTake this and fish, young friend!", 4);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received an OLD ROD from\nthe FISHING GURU.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x106);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
setflag (0x240);
say ("Fishing is a way of life!\nIt is like the finest poetry.\rFrom the seas to rivers, go out\nand land the big one, my friend.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B41A @ Referenced by lbl_16B3D9 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, no!\rI had a nice gift for you, but you\nhave no room for it!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B3CF @ Referenced by lbl_16B3A7 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hello there, {RED}!\rHow are the fish biting?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B42F @ 9.1 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setrespawn (0x6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B433 @ 9.1 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (NurseJoy);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B43C @ 9.1 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("My POKéMON was poisoned!\nIt fainted while we were walking!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B445 @ 9.1 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Even if they are the same level,\nPOKéMON can have very different\fstats and abilities.\rA POKéMON raised by a TRAINER is\nstronger than one in the wild.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B44E @ 9.1 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It is true that a higher-level\nPOKéMON will be more powerful…\rBut, all POKéMON will have weak\npoints against specific types.\rSo, there appears to be no\nuniversally strong POKéMON.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B47F @ 9.3 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x241) goto (lbl_16B4A7);
say ("I chair the POKéMON Fan Club!\rI raise more than a hundred\nPOKéMON!\rI'm very fussy when it comes to\nPOKéMON! I surely am!\rSo…\rDid you come visit to hear about\nmy POKéMON?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16B4B1);
say ("Oh. Come back when you want to\nhear my story!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B4B1 @ Referenced by lbl_16B47F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Good!\nThen listen up!\rMy favorite RAPIDASH…\rIt's…cute…lovely…smart… \nplus…amazing…you think so?…\foh yes…it's…stunning…\fkindly…love it!\rHug it…when…sleeping…warm\nand cuddly…spectacular…\fravishing…\f…Oops! Look at the time!\fI kept you too long!\rThanks for hearing me out!\nI want you to have this!", 4);
checkitemamount (0x160, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16B4F2);
setflag (0x241);
giveitem (0x160, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received a BIKE VOUCHER\nfrom the CHAIRMAN.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x160);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x13E);
callstd (9);
say ("Take that BIKE VOUCHER to the\nBIKE SHOP in CERULEAN CITY.\rExchange that for a BICYCLE\nfree of charge!\rDon't worry, my favorite FEAROW\nwill FLY me anywhere I need to go.\rSo, I have no need for a BICYCLE.\rI hope you like cycling!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B4F2 @ Referenced by lbl_16B4B1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Make room for this!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B4A7 @ Referenced by lbl_16B47F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hello, {RED}!\rDid you come see me about my\nPOKéMON again?\rNo?\nToo bad!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B4FC @ 9.3 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x82C) goto (lbl_16B511);
say ("Our CHAIRMAN is very vocal about\nPOKéMON.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B511 @ Referenced by lbl_16B4FC @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
special (0x173);
say ("Our CHAIRMAN really does adore his\nPOKéMON.\rBut the person who is most liked by\nPOKéMON is DAISY, I think.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B528 @ 9.3 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x3) goto (lbl_16B54B);
say ("I just adore my SEEL!\nIt's so lovable!\rIt squeals, “Kyuuuh,” when I\nhug it!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x5, move_1A75E5);
waitformove (0x0);
setflag (0x2);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B54B @ Referenced by lbl_16B528 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, dear!\rMy SEEL is far more attractive.\nBy double, I would say.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x5, move_1A75E5);
waitformove (0x0);
clearflag (0x3);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B563 @ 9.3 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2) goto (lbl_16B586);
say ("Won't you admire my PIKACHU's\nadorable tail?", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x6, move_1A75E5);
waitformove (0x0);
setflag (0x3);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B586 @ Referenced by lbl_16B563 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Humph!\rMy PIKACHU is twice as cute as\nthat one!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x6, move_1A75E5);
waitformove (0x0);
clearflag (0x2);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B59E @ 9.3 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
cry (0x19, 0x0);
say ("PIKACHU: Chu! Pikachu!", 4);
waitforcry ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B5B1 @ 9.3 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
cry (0x56, 0x0);
say ("SEEL: Kyuoo!", 4);
waitforcry ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B5C4 @ 9.3 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Let's all listen politely to other\nTRAINERS!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B5CD @ 9.3 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("If someone brags, brag right back!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B5D7 @ 9.4 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x3);
call (lbl_1A8CAD);
if (0x24D) goto (lbl_16B649);
say ("Hi!\nDo you have a {var:2}?\rWant to trade it for my\n{var:3}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16B631);
call (lbl_1A8CBD);
if (0x8004 => 0x6) goto (lbl_16B631);
call (lbl_1A8CC9);
comparevars (0x800D, 0x8009);
ifgoto (5, lbl_16B63B);
call (lbl_1A8CD9);
say ("Thank you!", 4);
setflag (0x24D);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B63B @ Referenced by lbl_16B5D7 @ ----------------------------------------------
getpokemonname (0, 0x8009);
say ("…This is no {var:2}.\rIf you get one, please trade it\nto me!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B631 @ Referenced by lbl_16B5D7 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("That's too bad.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B649 @ Referenced by lbl_16B5D7 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("How is my old {var:3}?\rMy {var:2} is doing great!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B654 @ 9.5 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I think POKéMON can be good or\nbad. It depends on the TRAINER.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B65D @ 9.5 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("There are wicked people who will\nuse POKéMON for criminal acts.\rTEAM ROCKET traffics in rare\nPOKéMON, for example.\rThey also abandon POKéMON that\nthey consider unpopular or useless.\rThat's the sort of horrid people\nthey are, TEAM ROCKET.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B666 @ 9.5 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Hi, there!\nMay I help you?");
waitmsg ();
doshop (store_16B68C);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B68C @ Referenced by lbl_16B666 @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.PokeBall, Item.SuperPotion, Item.Antidote, Item.ParlyzHeal, Item.Awakening, Item.IceHeal, Item.Repel, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B6A9 @ 9.6 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x1) call (lbl_16B6BC);
if (0x264) call (lbl_16B717);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B717 @ Referenced by lbl_16B6A9 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x3, 0x6, 0x293, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x4, 0x6, 0x294, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x5, 0x6, 0x281, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x6, 0x295, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x7, 0x6, 0x296, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x3, 0x7, 0x29B, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x4, 0x7, 0x29C, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x5, 0x7, 0x281, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x7, 0x29D, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x7, 0x7, 0x29E, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B6BC @ Referenced by lbl_16B6A9 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x3, 0x6, 0x2BB, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x4, 0x6, 0x2BC, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x5, 0x6, 0x2BD, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x6, 0x2BE, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x7, 0x6, 0x2BF, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x3, 0x7, 0x2C3, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x4, 0x7, 0x2C4, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x5, 0x7, 0x2C5, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x7, 0x2C6, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x7, 0x7, 0x2C7, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B772 @ 9.6 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16B778);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B778 @ Referenced by lbl_16B772 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x264) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
special (0x15B);
copyvar (0x4000, 0x8004);
copyvar (0x4001, 0x8005);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B78F @ 9.6 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x1);
jump (lbl_16B843);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B843 @ Referenced by lbl_16B78F @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
copyvar (0x8004, 0x4000);
copyvar (0x8005, 0x4001);
if (0x264) goto (lbl_16B8E5);
if (0x1) goto (lbl_16B89E);
comparevars (0x8004, 0x8008);
ifgoto (1, lbl_16B885);
say ("Nope!\nThere's only trash here.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B885 @ Referenced by lbl_16B843 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hey! There's a switch under the\ntrash! Turn it on!\rThe first electric lock opened!", 4);
playsound (0x15);
checksound ();
call (lbl_16B6BC);
special (0x8E);
setflag (0x1);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B89E @ Referenced by lbl_16B843 @ ----------------------------------------------
comparevars (0x8005, 0x8008);
ifgoto (1, lbl_16B8CB);
say ("Nope!\nThere's only trash here.\rHey!\nThe electric locks were reset!", 4);
clearflag (0x1);
special (0x15B);
copyvar (0x4000, 0x8004);
copyvar (0x4001, 0x8005);
call (lbl_16B8EF);
special (0x8E);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B8EF @ Referenced by lbl_16B89E @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x3, 0x6, 0x2A9, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x4, 0x6, 0x2AA, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x5, 0x6, 0x285, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x6, 0x2AB, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x7, 0x6, 0x2AC, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x3, 0x7, 0x2B1, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x4, 0x7, 0x2B2, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x5, 0x7, 0x28D, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x7, 0x2B3, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x7, 0x7, 0x2B4, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B8CB @ Referenced by lbl_16B89E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The second electric lock opened!\nThe motorized door opened!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
call (lbl_16B717);
special (0x8E);
playsound (0x26);
checksound ();
setflag (0x264);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B8E5 @ Referenced by lbl_16B843 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Nope!\nThere's only trash here.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B79B @ 9.6 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x2);
jump (lbl_16B843);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B7A7 @ 9.6 sign #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x3);
jump (lbl_16B843);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B7B3 @ 9.6 sign #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x4);
jump (lbl_16B843);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B7BF @ 9.6 sign #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x5);
jump (lbl_16B843);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B7CB @ 9.6 sign #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x6);
jump (lbl_16B843);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B7D7 @ 9.6 sign #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x7);
jump (lbl_16B843);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B7E3 @ 9.6 sign #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x8);
jump (lbl_16B843);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B7EF @ 9.6 sign #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x9);
jump (lbl_16B843);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B7FB @ 9.6 sign #11 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0xA);
jump (lbl_16B843);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B807 @ 9.6 sign #12 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0xB);
jump (lbl_16B843);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B813 @ 9.6 sign #13 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0xC);
jump (lbl_16B843);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B81F @ 9.6 sign #14 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0xD);
jump (lbl_16B843);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B82B @ 9.6 sign #15 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0xE);
jump (lbl_16B843);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B837 @ 9.6 sign #16 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0xF);
jump (lbl_16B843);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B94A @ 9.6 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x174);
trainerbattle (1, 416, "Hey, kid! What do you think you're\ndoing here?\rYou won't live long in combat!\nNot with your puny power!\rI tell you, kid, electric POKéMON\nsaved me during the war!\rThey zapped my enemies into\nparalysis!\rThe same as I'll do to you!{snd1:342}", "Now that's a shocker!\rYou're the real deal, kid!\rFine, then, take the THUNDERBADGE!", lbl_16B97C);
if (not 0x231) goto (lbl_16B9AF);
say ("A little word of advice, kid!\rElectricity is sure powerful!\rBut, it's useless against GROUND-\ntype POKéMON!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B9AF @ Referenced by lbl_16B94A @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The THUNDERBADGE cranks up your\nPOKéMON's SPEED!\rIt also lets your POKéMON FLY\nlightning-quick anytime, kid!\rYou're special, kid!\nTake this!", 4);
checkitemamount (0x142, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16B9F0);
giveitem (0x142, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received TM34\nfrom LT. SURGE.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x142);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
setflag (0x231);
say ("TM34 contains SHOCK WAVE!\rTeach it to an ELECTRIC POKéMON!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B9F0 @ Referenced by lbl_16B9AF @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Yo, kid, make room in your BAG!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B97C @ Referenced by lbl_16B94A @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
special (0x173);
if (not 0x23B) call (lbl_16B9AB);
clearflag (0xA0);
setflag (0x4B2);
setflag (0x822);
setvar (0x8008, 0x3);
call (lbl_1A6B18);
jump (lbl_16B9AF);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B9AB @ Referenced by lbl_16B97C @ ----------------------------------------------
clearflag (0xA1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816B9FA @ 9.6 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 141, "This is no place for kids!\nNot even if you're good!", "Wow!\nSurprised me!");
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
setvar (0x8005, 0x4);
special (0x173);
say ("LT. SURGE installed the traps in\nthe GYM himself.\rHe set up double locks everywhere.\nLet me give you a hint.\rWhen you open the first lock, the\nsecond lock is right next to it.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BA1E @ 9.6 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 220, "I'm a lightweight, but I'm good\nwith electricity!\rThat's why I joined this GYM.", "Fried!");
say ("Okay, I'll talk!\rLT. SURGE said he hid door\nswitches inside something.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BA35 @ 9.6 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (2, 423, "When I was in the Army, LT. SURGE\nwas my strict CO.\rHe was a hard taskmaster.", "Stop!\nYou're very good!", lbl_16BA5D);
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
setvar (0x8005, 0x3);
special (0x173);
say ("It's not easy opening that door.\rLT. SURGE was always famous for\nhis cautious nature in the Army.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BA5D @ Referenced by lbl_16BA35 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x173);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BA6C @ 9.6 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4B2) goto (lbl_16BA81);
say ("Yo!\nChamp in the making!\rLT. SURGE has a nickname.\rPeople refer to him as the\nLightning American!\rHe's an expert on electric\nPOKéMON.\rBIRD/WATER-type POKéMON match\npoorly against the ELECTRIC type.\rBeware of paralysis, too.\rLT. SURGE is very cautious.\rHe's locked himself in, so it won't\nbe easy getting to him.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BA81 @ Referenced by lbl_16BA6C @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Whew!\nThat match was electric!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BA8B @ 9.6 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x822) goto (lbl_16BA9F);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BA9F @ Referenced by lbl_16BA8B @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BAAA @ 9.7 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'm getting my PIDGEY to fly a\nletter to SAFFRON in the north.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BAB3 @ 9.7 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I want to exchange MAIL with all\nsorts of people.\rI send my PIDGEY to a UNION ROOM\nto exchange MAIL for me.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BABC @ 9.7 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
cry (0x10, 0x0);
say ("PIDGEY: Kurukkoo!", 4);
waitforcry ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BACF @ 9.7 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Dear PIPPI,\nI hope to see you soon.\rI heard SAFFRON has problems with\nTEAM ROCKET.\rVERMILION appears to be safe.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BAD9 @ 10.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hello!\nWelcome to CELADON DEPT. STORE.\rThe board on the right describes\nthe store layout.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BAE2 @ 10.0 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BAEB @ 10.0 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("1F: SERVICE COUNTER", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BAFE @ 10.1 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("For long outings, you should buy\nREVIVE.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BB07 @ 10.1 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Top-Grade Items for TRAINERS!\r2F: TRAINER'S MARKET", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BB10 @ 10.1 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Hi, there!\nMay I help you?");
waitmsg ();
doshop (store_16BB38);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BB38 @ Referenced by lbl_16BB10 @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.GreatBall, Item.SuperPotion, Item.Revive, Item.Antidote, Item.ParlyzHeal, Item.Awakening, Item.BurnHeal, Item.IceHeal, Item.SuperRepel, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BB4E @ 10.1 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Hi, there!\nMay I help you?");
waitmsg ();
doshop (store_16BB74);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BB74 @ Referenced by lbl_16BB4E @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.TM05, Item.TM15, Item.TM28, Item.TM31, Item.TM43, Item.TM45, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BB85 @ 10.2 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
jump (lbl_1C4C26);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4C26 @ Referenced by lbl_16BB85 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2CB) goto (lbl_1C4C84);
say ("Oh, hi!\nI finally finished POKéMON.\rNot done yet? How about I teach\nyou a good move?\rThe move I have in mind is\nCOUNTER.\rNot like the one I'm leaning on,\nmind you!", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4C7A);
call (lbl_1C4F37);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4C7A);
say ("Which POKéMON should I teach\nCOUNTER to?", 4);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
call (lbl_1C4F30);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4C7A);
setflag (0x2CB);
jump (lbl_1C4C84);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4C7A @ Referenced by lbl_1C4C26 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You're not interested? Come see\nme if you change your mind.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4C84 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4C26 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Are you using that COUNTER move\nI taught your POKéMON?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BB8B @ 10.2 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Captured POKéMON are registered\nwith an ID No. and the OT.\rOT stands for “Original TRAINER” -\nthe TRAINER that caught it first.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BB94 @ 10.2 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("All right!\rMy buddy's going to trade me his\nKANGASKHAN for my HAUNTER!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BB9D @ 10.2 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Come on, HAUNTER!\rI love HAUNTER!\nI collect them!\rHuh?\rHAUNTER turned into a different\nPOKéMON while being traded!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BBA6 @ 10.2 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You can identify POKéMON you get\nin trades by their ID Numbers.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BBAF @ 10.2 sign #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It's a Super NES.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BBB8 @ 10.2 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("An RPG!\nThere's no time for that!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BBC1 @ 10.2 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A sports game!\nDad'll like that!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BBCA @ 10.2 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A puzzle game!\nLooks addictive!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BBD3 @ 10.2 sign #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A fighting game!\nLooks tough!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BBDC @ 10.2 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("3F: TV GAME SHOP", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BBE5 @ 10.2 sign #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Red and Green!\nBoth are POKéMON!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BBEF @ 10.3 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'm getting a present for my\ngirlfriend.\rI guess a POKé DOLL will be it.\nIt's the popular thing.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BBF8 @ 10.3 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I heard something useful.\rIf a wild POKéMON appears, you can\ndistract it with a POKé DOLL.\rYou can run away while the wild\nPOKéMON is distracted.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BC01 @ 10.3 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Express yourself with gifts!\n4F: WISE MAN GIFTS\rEvolution Special!\nElement STONES on sale now!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BC0A @ 10.3 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Hi, there!\nMay I help you?");
waitmsg ();
doshop (store_16BC30);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BC30 @ Referenced by lbl_16BC0A @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.PokeDoll, Item.RetroMail, Item.FireStone, Item.ThunderStone, Item.WaterStone, Item.LeafStone, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BC41 @ 10.4 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON stat enhancers can be\nbought only here.\rHP UP increases the base HP of a\nPOKéMON.\rCALCIUM raises the base SP. ATK\nstat of one POKéMON.\rZINC boosts the base SP. DEF stat\nof one POKéMON.\rCARBOS enhances the base SPEED\nstat.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BC4A @ 10.4 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'm here for POKéMON stat\nenhancers.\rPROTEIN increases the base ATTACK\npower.\rIRON increases the base DEFENSE\nstat.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BC53 @ 10.4 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("5F: DRUGSTORE", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BC5C @ 10.4 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Hi, there!\nMay I help you?");
waitmsg ();
doshop (store_16BC84);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BC84 @ Referenced by lbl_16BC5C @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.XAttack, Item.XDefend, Item.XSpeed, Item.XSpecial, Item.XAccuracy, Item.GuardSpec, Item.DireHit, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BC96 @ 10.4 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Hi, there!\nMay I help you?");
waitmsg ();
doshop (store_16BCBC);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BCBC @ Referenced by lbl_16BC96 @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.HPUp, Item.Protein, Item.Iron, Item.Calcium, Item.Zinc, Item.Carbos, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BCCD @ 10.5 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (lbl_16BCF6);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16C00E);
jump (lbl_16BD3E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BD3E @ Referenced by lbl_16BCCD @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'm thirsty!\nI want something to drink!\r{font:2}Give her a drink?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16C00C);
textcolor (3);
preparemsg ("Give her which drink?");
waitmsg ();
textcolor (1);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16BDAE);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16BDDA);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_16BE06);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_16BE3D);
if (0x8000 == 0x5) goto (lbl_16BE69);
if (0x8000 == 0x6) goto (lbl_16BEA0);
if (0x8000 == 0x7) goto (lbl_16BED7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BED7 @ Referenced by lbl_16BD3E @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (0, 0, 38, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16BF19);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16BF3A);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16BF5B);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_16C00C);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16C00C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BF5B @ Referenced by lbl_16BED7 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8008, 0x1C);
setvar (0x8009, 0x141);
if (0x294) goto (lbl_16C018);
say ("Yay!\rLEMONADE!\rThank you!\nYou can have this from me!", 4);
jump (lbl_16BF7C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BF7C @ Referenced by lbl_16BF5B @ ----------------------------------------------
getitemname (0, 0x8008);
getitemname (1, 0x8009);
takeitem (0x8008, 0x1);
checkitemamount (0x8009, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16C002);
giveitem (0x8009, 0x1);
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x101);
preparemsg ("{RED} received a {var:3}\nfrom the little girl.");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x8009);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (8);
call (lbl_1A6675);
if (0x8008 == 0x1A) call (lbl_16BFDE);
if (0x8008 == 0x1B) call (lbl_16BFEA);
if (0x8008 == 0x1C) call (lbl_16BFF6);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BFF6 @ Referenced by lbl_16BF7C @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x294);
say ("TM33 contains REFLECT.\rIt's a move that weakens the power\nof physical attacks by your foe.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BFEA @ Referenced by lbl_16BF7C @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x295);
say ("TM20 contains SAFEGUARD.\rIt's a move that prevents status\nproblems among your POKéMON.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BFDE @ Referenced by lbl_16BF7C @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x296);
say ("TM16 contains LIGHT SCREEN.\rIt's a move that weakens the power\nof special attacks by your foe.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C002 @ Referenced by lbl_16BF7C @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You don't have space for this!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C018 @ Referenced by lbl_16BF5B @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("No, thank you!\nI'm not thirsty after all!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BF3A @ Referenced by lbl_16BED7 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8008, 0x1B);
setvar (0x8009, 0x134);
if (0x295) goto (lbl_16C018);
say ("Yay!\rSODA POP!\rThank you!\nYou can have this from me!", 4);
jump (lbl_16BF7C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BF19 @ Referenced by lbl_16BED7 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8008, 0x1A);
setvar (0x8009, 0x130);
if (0x296) goto (lbl_16C018);
say ("Yay!\rFRESH WATER!\rThank you!\nYou can have this from me!", 4);
jump (lbl_16BF7C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BEA0 @ Referenced by lbl_16BD3E @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (0, 0, 37, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16BF3A);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16BF5B);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16C00C);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16C00C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BE69 @ Referenced by lbl_16BD3E @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (0, 0, 36, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16BF19);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16BF5B);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16C00C);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16C00C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BE3D @ Referenced by lbl_16BD3E @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (0, 0, 35, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16BF5B);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16C00C);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16C00C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BE06 @ Referenced by lbl_16BD3E @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (0, 0, 34, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16BF19);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16BF3A);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16C00C);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16C00C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BDDA @ Referenced by lbl_16BD3E @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (0, 0, 33, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16BF3A);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16C00C);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16C00C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BDAE @ Referenced by lbl_16BD3E @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (0, 0, 32, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16BF19);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16C00C);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16C00C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C00C @ Referenced by lbl_16BD3E @ ----------------------------------------------
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C00E @ Referenced by lbl_16BCCD @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'm thirsty!\nI want something to drink!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BCF6 @ Referenced by lbl_16BCCD @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
checkitem (0x1A, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x1) call (lbl_16BD2C);
checkitem (0x1B, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x1) call (lbl_16BD32);
checkitem (0x1C, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x1) call (lbl_16BD38);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BD38 @ Referenced by lbl_16BCF6 @ ----------------------------------------------
addvar (0x4001, 0x4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BD32 @ Referenced by lbl_16BCF6 @ ----------------------------------------------
addvar (0x4001, 0x2);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816BD2C @ Referenced by lbl_16BCF6 @ ----------------------------------------------
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C022 @ 10.5 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("My sister is a TRAINER, believe it\nor not.\rBut, she's so immature, she drives\nme nuts!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C02B @ 10.5 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C034 @ 10.5 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
preparemsg ("A vending machine!\nWhat does it have?");
waitmsg ();
showmoney (0, 0, 0);
jump (lbl_16C045);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C045 @ Referenced by lbl_16C034 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (12, 0, 26, 0);
copyvar (0x4001, 0x800D);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16C083);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16C094);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16C0A5);
say ("Not thirsty!", 4);
jump (lbl_16C14D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C14D @ Referenced by lbl_16C045 @ ----------------------------------------------
hidemoney (0, 0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C0A5 @ Referenced by lbl_16C045 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4000, 0x1C);
checkmoney (0x15E, 0);
jump (lbl_16C0CB);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C0CB @ Referenced by lbl_16C0A5 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16C131);
checkitemamount (0x4000, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16C13F);
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_16C0B6);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_16C0BD);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_16C0C4);
updatemoney (0, 0, 0);
getitemname (0, 0x4000);
playsound (0x63);
say ("A can of {var:2} popped out!", 4);
giveitem (0x4000, 0x1);
jump (lbl_16C125);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C125 @ Referenced by lbl_16C0CB @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("A vending machine!\nWhat does it have?");
waitmsg ();
jump (lbl_16C045);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C0C4 @ Referenced by lbl_16C0CB @ ----------------------------------------------
takemoney (0x15E, 0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C0BD @ Referenced by lbl_16C0CB @ ----------------------------------------------
takemoney (0x12C, 0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C0B6 @ Referenced by lbl_16C0CB @ ----------------------------------------------
takemoney (0xC8, 0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C13F @ Referenced by lbl_16C0CB @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("There's no more room for stuff!", 4);
jump (lbl_16C14D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C131 @ Referenced by lbl_16C0CB @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oops, not enough money!", 4);
jump (lbl_16C14D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C094 @ Referenced by lbl_16C045 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4000, 0x1B);
checkmoney (0x12C, 0);
jump (lbl_16C0CB);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C083 @ Referenced by lbl_16C045 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4000, 0x1A);
checkmoney (0xC8, 0);
jump (lbl_16C0CB);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C153 @ 10.6 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
if (not 0x2) call (lbl_1A7AB9);
copyvar (0x8005, 0x403A);
special (0x132);
preparemsg ("Which floor do you want?");
waitmsg ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
special2 (0x800D, 0x1B8);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16C1B7);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16C1C3);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16C1CF);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_16C1DB);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_16C1E7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C1E7 @ Referenced by lbl_16C153 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice2 (0, 0, 31, 4, 0);
jump (lbl_16C1F3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C1F3 @ Referenced by lbl_16C1E7 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16C2E6);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16C2BE);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16C296);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_16C26E);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_16C246);
if (0x8000 == 0x5) goto (lbl_16C30E);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16C30E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C30E @ Referenced by lbl_16C1F3 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x160);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C246 @ Referenced by lbl_16C1F3 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x4);
setwarpplace (10, 0, 255, 0x6, 0x1);
if (0x403A == 0x4) goto (lbl_16C30E);
call (lbl_16C313);
setvar (0x403A, 0x4);
jump (lbl_16C30E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C313 @ Referenced by lbl_16C246 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x160);
closeonkeypress ();
checksound ();
special (0x111);
waitstate ();
setflag (0x2);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C26E @ Referenced by lbl_16C1F3 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x5);
setwarpplace (10, 1, 255, 0x6, 0x1);
if (0x403A == 0x5) goto (lbl_16C30E);
call (lbl_16C313);
setvar (0x403A, 0x5);
jump (lbl_16C30E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C296 @ Referenced by lbl_16C1F3 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x6);
setwarpplace (10, 2, 255, 0x6, 0x1);
if (0x403A == 0x6) goto (lbl_16C30E);
call (lbl_16C313);
setvar (0x403A, 0x6);
jump (lbl_16C30E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C2BE @ Referenced by lbl_16C1F3 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x7);
setwarpplace (10, 3, 255, 0x6, 0x1);
if (0x403A == 0x7) goto (lbl_16C30E);
call (lbl_16C313);
setvar (0x403A, 0x7);
jump (lbl_16C30E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C2E6 @ Referenced by lbl_16C1F3 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x8);
setwarpplace (10, 4, 255, 0x6, 0x1);
if (0x403A == 0x8) goto (lbl_16C30E);
call (lbl_16C313);
setvar (0x403A, 0x8);
jump (lbl_16C30E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C1DB @ Referenced by lbl_16C153 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice2 (0, 0, 31, 3, 0);
jump (lbl_16C1F3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C1CF @ Referenced by lbl_16C153 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice2 (0, 0, 31, 2, 0);
jump (lbl_16C1F3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C1C3 @ Referenced by lbl_16C153 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice2 (0, 0, 31, 1, 0);
jump (lbl_16C1F3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C1B7 @ Referenced by lbl_16C153 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice2 (0, 0, 31, 0, 0);
jump (lbl_16C1F3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C321 @ 10.7 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2F8) goto (lbl_16C36A);
if (0x82C) goto (lbl_16C374);
if (0x2A6) goto (lbl_16C36A);
say ("You shouldn't spend all your money\non drinks.\rTry this instead.", 4);
setflag (0x2A6);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x171);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A6BF9);
say ("Nothing beats thirst like some hot\nTEA.\rIt really is the best.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C374 @ Referenced by lbl_16C321 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x4);
special (0x173);
setflag (0x2F8);
say ("Oh, hello, dearie.\nDid you enjoy my TEA?\rBy the way, dear. Are you, by any\nchance, from PALLET TOWN?\rA girl from PALLET TOWN, DAISY,\nshe enjoys TEA every day.\rShe visits the CELADON DEPT. STORE\nto buy some TEA.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C36A @ Referenced by lbl_16C321 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("My dear POKéMON keep me company.\nMEOWTH even brings money home!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C38E @ 10.7 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
cry (0x34, 0x0);
say ("MEOWTH: Meow!", 4);
waitforcry ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C3A1 @ 10.7 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
cry (0x23, 0x0);
say ("CLEFAIRY: Pi pippippi!", 4);
waitforcry ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C3B4 @ 10.7 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
cry (0x1D, 0x0);
say ("NIDORAN\xB6: Kya kyaoo!", 4);
waitforcry ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C3C7 @ 10.7 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("CELADON MANSION\nManager's Suite", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C3D1 @ 10.8 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("GAME FREAK Meeting Room", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C3DB @ 10.9 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Me?\nI'm the programmer!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C3E4 @ 10.9 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'm the graphic artist!\nI drew you!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C3ED @ 10.9 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I wrote the story!\nIsn't ERIKA cute?\rI like MISTY a lot, too!\nOh, and SABRINA, I like her!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C3F6 @ 10.9 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
special2 (0x800D, 0x14F);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16C412);
say ("Is that right?\rI'm the game designer!\rFilling up your POKéDEX is tough,\nbut don't quit!\rWhen you finish, come tell me!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C412 @ Referenced by lbl_16C3F6 @ ----------------------------------------------
jump (lbl_16C418);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C418 @ Referenced by lbl_16C412 @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Wow! Excellent!\nYou completed your POKéDEX!\fCongratulations!\f…");
waitmsg ();
pause (0x3C);
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x108);
waitstate ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C435 @ 10.9 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("GAME FREAK Development Room", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C43E @ 10.9 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It's the game program! Messing with\nit could bug out the game!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C447 @ 10.9 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Someone's playing a game instead of\nworking!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C450 @ 10.9 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It's the script!\nBetter not look at the ending!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C45A @ 10.10 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I KNOW EVERYTHING!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C464 @ 10.11 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("There is nothing that I don't know,\nlike I wrote on the blackboard.\rI know about the world of POKéMON\nin your GAME BOY ADVANCE!\rGet together with your friends and\nenjoy trading POKéMON!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C46D @ 10.11 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x85);
givepokemon (0x85, 0x19, 0x0, 0x0, 0, 0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16C4A6);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16C4DA);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A927C);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C4DA @ Referenced by lbl_16C46D @ ----------------------------------------------
hidesprite (0x2);
jingle (0x101);
preparemsg ("{RED} obtained an EEVEE!");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
getpokemonname (0, 0x85);
say ("Do you want to give a nickname to\nthis {var:2}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16C509);
call (lbl_1A8C33);
jump (lbl_16C509);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C509 @ Referenced by lbl_16C4DA @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A8C3C);
jump (lbl_16C514);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C514 @ Referenced by lbl_16C509 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x263);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C4A6 @ Referenced by lbl_16C46D @ ----------------------------------------------
hidesprite (0x2);
jingle (0x101);
preparemsg ("{RED} obtained an EEVEE!");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
getpokemonname (0, 0x85);
say ("Do you want to give a nickname to\nthis {var:2}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16C514);
call (lbl_1A8C27);
call (lbl_1A74EB);
jump (lbl_16C514);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C519 @ 10.11 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It's a pamphlet on TMs.\r… …\rThere are fifty TMs in all.\rThere are also seven HMs that\ncan be used repeatedly.\rSILPH CO.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C522 @ 10.11 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
say ("POKéMON Lecture\rPlaying with the Wireless Adapter", 4);
preparemsg ("Which heading do you want to read?");
waitmsg ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
multichoice (0, 0, 43, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16C5C0);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16C5CE);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16C5DC);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_16C5EA);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16C5EA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C5EA @ Referenced by lbl_16C522 @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C5DC @ Referenced by lbl_16C522 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("To link and communicate with\nanyone, go to the UNION ROOM.\rIt is the left counter at the\nPOKéMON WIRELESS CLUB.\rGo to the UNION ROOM and enjoy\nmeeting other TRAINERS.", 4);
jump (lbl_16C578);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C578 @ Referenced by lbl_16C5DC @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Which heading do you want to read?");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (0, 0, 43, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16C5C0);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16C5CE);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16C5DC);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_16C5EA);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16C5EA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C5CE @ Referenced by lbl_16C522 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("To link only with a friend, go to\nthe DIRECT CORNER.\rIt is the right counter at the\nPOKéMON WIRELESS CLUB.\rGo into the TRADE CORNER or the\nCOLOSSEUM with your friend.", 4);
jump (lbl_16C578);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C5C0 @ Referenced by lbl_16C522 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The POKéMON WIRELESS CLUB is\nupstairs at any POKéMON CENTER.\rVisit one to link up with friend(s)\nusing your Wireless Adapter.", 4);
jump (lbl_16C578);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C5F7 @ 10.12 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setrespawn (0x7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C5FB @ 10.12 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (NurseJoy);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C604 @ 10.12 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A POKé FLUTE awakens sleeping\nPOKéMON. You know that.\rIt does so with a sound that only\nthey can hear.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C60D @ 10.12 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I rode here from FUCHSIA.\rIt's an uphill ride on CYCLING\nROAD, so I'm exhausted.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C616 @ 10.12 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("If I had a BIKE, I would go to\nCYCLING ROAD!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C64C @ 10.14 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x26D) call (lbl_16C656);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C656 @ Referenced by lbl_16C64C @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0xF, 0x2, 0x292, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x10, 0x2, 0x292, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x11, 0x2, 0x292, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x10, 0x3, 0x2CF, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x11, 0x3, 0x2CF, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C684 @ 10.14 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Welcome!\rYou can exchange your COINS for\nfabulous prizes next door.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C68D @ 10.14 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
showmoney (0, 0, 0);
showcoins (0, 5);
preparemsg ("Welcome to ROCKET GAME CORNER!\rDo you need some game COINS?\nWould you like to buy some?");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (13, 0, 27, 0);
copyvar (0x8009, 0x800D);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16C6E6);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16C6E6);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16C782);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16C782);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C782 @ Referenced by lbl_16C68D @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("No?\nPlease come play sometime!", 4);
jump (lbl_16C77A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C77A @ Referenced by lbl_16C782 @ ----------------------------------------------
hidemoney (0, 0);
hidecoins (0x500);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C6E6 @ Referenced by lbl_16C68D @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x243) goto (lbl_16C790);
if (0x8009 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16C734);
if (0x8009 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16C706);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C706 @ Referenced by lbl_16C6E6 @ ----------------------------------------------
checkcoins (0x4001);
if (0x4001 => 0x251C) goto (lbl_16C79E);
checkmoney (0x2710, 0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16C7AC);
givecoins (0x1F4);
takemoney (0x2710, 0);
jump (lbl_16C762);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C762 @ Referenced by lbl_16C706 @ ----------------------------------------------
updatemoney (0, 0, 0);
updatecoins (0x500);
playsound (0xF8);
say ("Thank you.\nHere are your COINS!", 4);
jump (lbl_16C77A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C7AC @ Referenced by lbl_16C706 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You can't afford the COINS.", 4);
jump (lbl_16C77A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C79E @ Referenced by lbl_16C706 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Whoops!\nYour COIN CASE is full.", 4);
jump (lbl_16C77A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C734 @ Referenced by lbl_16C6E6 @ ----------------------------------------------
checkcoins (0x4001);
if (0x4001 => 0x26DE) goto (lbl_16C79E);
checkmoney (0x3E8, 0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16C7AC);
givecoins (0x32);
takemoney (0x3E8, 0);
jump (lbl_16C762);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C790 @ Referenced by lbl_16C6E6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, I'm sorry.\nYou don't have a COIN CASE.", 4);
jump (lbl_16C77A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C7BA @ 10.14 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("Keep this quiet.\rIt's rumored that this place is run\nby TEAM ROCKET.", 4);
jump (lbl_16C7CA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C7CA @ Referenced by lbl_16C7BA @ ----------------------------------------------
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x800F, move_1A75E5);
waitformove (0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C7D7 @ 10.14 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("I think these machines have\ndifferent odds.", 4);
jump (lbl_16C7CA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C7E7 @ 10.14 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x26E) goto (lbl_16C849);
say ("Kid, do you want to play?", 4);
if (not 0x243) goto (lbl_16C839);
checkcoins (0x4001);
if (0x4001 => 0x2706) goto (lbl_16C82B);
givecoins (0xA);
textcolor (3);
say ("{RED} received 10 COINS\nfrom the man.", 4);
playsound (0xF8);
checksound ();
setflag (0x26E);
jump (lbl_16C7CA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C82B @ Referenced by lbl_16C7E7 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You don't need my COINS!", 4);
jump (lbl_16C7CA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C839 @ Referenced by lbl_16C7E7 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
say ("Oops!\nDon't have the COIN CASE!", 4);
jump (lbl_16C7CA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C849 @ Referenced by lbl_16C7E7 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Wins seem to come and go.\nNothing's a sure thing.", 4);
jump (lbl_16C7CA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C857 @ 10.14 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4B3) goto (lbl_16C870);
say ("Hey!\rYou have better things to do,\nchamp in the making!\rCELADON GYM's LEADER is ERIKA.\rShe is a user of GRASS-type\nPOKéMON, and at one with nature.\rShe might appear docile because of\nher flower arranging…\rBut she's not one to be taken\nlightly!", 4);
jump (lbl_16C7CA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C870 @ Referenced by lbl_16C857 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("They offer rare POKéMON that can\nbe exchanged for your COINS.\rBut, I just can't seem to win!", 4);
jump (lbl_16C7CA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C87E @ 10.14 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("These slot games…\nWin or lose, it's only by luck.", 4);
jump (lbl_16C7CA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C88E @ 10.14 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("Games are scary!\nIt's so easy to get hooked!", 4);
jump (lbl_16C7CA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C89E @ 10.14 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x26F) goto (lbl_16C8F0);
say ("What's up?\nWant some COINS?", 4);
if (not 0x243) goto (lbl_16C839);
checkcoins (0x4001);
if (0x4001 => 0x26FC) goto (lbl_16C8E2);
givecoins (0x14);
textcolor (3);
say ("{RED} received 20 COINS\nfrom the nice guy.", 4);
playsound (0xF8);
checksound ();
setflag (0x26F);
jump (lbl_16C7CA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C8E2 @ Referenced by lbl_16C89E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You have lots of COINS!", 4);
jump (lbl_16C7CA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C8F0 @ Referenced by lbl_16C89E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Darn! I need more COINS for the\nPOKéMON I want!", 4);
jump (lbl_16C7CA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C8FE @ 10.14 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x270) goto (lbl_16C950);
say ("Hey, what? You're throwing me off!\nHere are some COINS, so shoo!", 4);
if (not 0x243) goto (lbl_16C839);
checkcoins (0x4001);
if (0x4001 => 0x26FC) goto (lbl_16C942);
givecoins (0x14);
textcolor (3);
say ("{RED} received 20 COINS\nfrom the man.", 4);
playsound (0xF8);
checksound ();
setflag (0x270);
jump (lbl_16C7CA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C942 @ Referenced by lbl_16C8FE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You've got plenty of your own\nCOINS!", 4);
jump (lbl_16C7CA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C950 @ Referenced by lbl_16C8FE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The trick is to watch the reels\nclosely.", 4);
jump (lbl_16C7CA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C95E @ 10.14 sign #12 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
jump (lbl_16C96C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C96C @ Referenced by lbl_16C95E @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x243) goto (lbl_16CAA0);
say ("A slot machine!\nWant to play?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16C96A);
setanimation (0, 0xFF);
setanimation (1, 0xA);
setanimation (2, 0xE);
doanimation (0x40);
checkanimation (0x40);
special2 (0x800D, 0x11E);
casino (0x800D);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C96A @ Referenced by lbl_16C96C @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CAA0 @ Referenced by lbl_16C96C @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A COIN CASE is required…", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C9A4 @ 10.14 sign #13 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
jump (lbl_16C96C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C9B0 @ 10.14 sign #14 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
jump (lbl_16C96C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C9BC @ 10.14 sign #15 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
jump (lbl_16C96C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C9D4 @ 10.14 sign #17 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x5);
jump (lbl_16C96C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C9E0 @ 10.14 sign #18 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x6);
jump (lbl_16C96C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C9EC @ 10.14 sign #19 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x7);
jump (lbl_16C96C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816C9F8 @ 10.14 sign #20 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x8);
jump (lbl_16C96C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CA04 @ 10.14 sign #21 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x9);
jump (lbl_16C96C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CA10 @ 10.14 sign #22 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xA);
jump (lbl_16C96C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CA1C @ 10.14 sign #23 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xB);
jump (lbl_16C96C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CA28 @ 10.14 sign #24 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xC);
jump (lbl_16C96C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CA34 @ 10.14 sign #25 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xD);
jump (lbl_16C96C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CA40 @ 10.14 sign #26 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xE);
jump (lbl_16C96C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CA58 @ 10.14 sign #28 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x10);
jump (lbl_16C96C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CA64 @ 10.14 sign #29 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x11);
jump (lbl_16C96C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CA7C @ 10.14 sign #31 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
jump (lbl_16C96C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CA88 @ 10.14 sign #32 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x14);
jump (lbl_16C96C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CA94 @ 10.14 sign #33 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x15);
jump (lbl_16C96C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CAAA @ 10.14 sign #34 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
say ("Hey!\rA switch behind the poster!?\nLet's push it!", 4);
if (not 0x26D) call (lbl_16CABE);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CABE @ Referenced by lbl_16CAAA @ ----------------------------------------------
playsound (0x26);
setmaptile (0xF, 0x2, 0x29D, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x10, 0x2, 0x29E, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x11, 0x2, 0x29F, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x10, 0x3, 0x2A6, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x11, 0x3, 0x2A7, 0x1);
special (0x8E);
setflag (0x26D);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CAF5 @ 10.14 person #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (2, 357, "I'm guarding this poster!\nGo away, or else!", "Dang!", lbl_16CB10);
say ("The TEAM ROCKET HIDEOUT might\nbe discovered!\rI better tell BOSS!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CB10 @ Referenced by lbl_16CAF5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The TEAM ROCKET HIDEOUT might\nbe discovered!\rI better tell BOSS!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_16CB34);
if (0x800C != 0x3) call (lbl_16CB3F);
hidesprite (0xB);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CB3F @ Referenced by lbl_16CB10 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xB, move_16CB53);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CB53 @ Referenced by lbl_16CB3F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CB34 @ Referenced by lbl_16CB10 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xB, move_16CB4A);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CB4A @ Referenced by lbl_16CB34 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.North, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CB5A @ 10.14 sign #16 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("OUT OF ORDER\nThis is broken.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CB63 @ 10.14 sign #27 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("OUT TO LUNCH\nThis is reserved.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CB6C @ 10.14 sign #30 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Someone's keys!\nThey'll be back.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CB76 @ 10.15 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I sure do fancy that PORYGON!\nBut, it's hard to win at slots!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CB7F @ 10.15 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Gahaha! I raked it in today!\nIf only every day were like this…", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CB88 @ 10.15 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (not 0x243) goto (lbl_16CD99);
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
showcoins (0, 0);
say ("We exchange your COINS for prizes.", 4);
jump (lbl_16CBB2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CBB2 @ Referenced by lbl_16CB88 @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Which prize would you like?");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (11, 0, 14, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16CC15);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16CC25);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16CC35);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_16CC45);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_16CC55);
if (0x8000 == 0x5) goto (lbl_16CC10);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16CC10);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CC10 @ Referenced by lbl_16CBB2 @ ----------------------------------------------
hidecoins (0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CC55 @ Referenced by lbl_16CBB2 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x89);
setvar (0x4002, 0x270F);
jump (lbl_16CC65);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CC65 @ Referenced by lbl_16CC55 @ ----------------------------------------------
getpokemonname (0, 0x4001);
say ("So, you want the {var:2}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16CC10);
checkcoins (0x800D);
comparevars (0x800D, 0x4002);
ifgoto (0, lbl_16CDA5);
textcolor (3);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x3F) goto (lbl_16CCD4);
if (0x8000 == 0x23) goto (lbl_16CCE9);
if (0x8000 == 0x93) goto (lbl_16CCFE);
if (0x8000 == 0x7B) goto (lbl_16CD13);
if (0x8000 == 0x89) goto (lbl_16CD28);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16CD3D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CD3D @ Referenced by lbl_16CC65 @ ----------------------------------------------
givepokemon (0x4001, 0x12, 0x0, 0x0, 0, 0);
jump (lbl_16CD52);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CD52 @ Referenced by lbl_16CD3D @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16CDB3);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16CDE0);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_16CD74);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CD74 @ Referenced by lbl_16CD52 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
say ("There's no more room for POKéMON!\rThe POKéMON BOXES are full and\ncan't accept any more!", 4);
hidecoins (0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CDE0 @ Referenced by lbl_16CD52 @ ----------------------------------------------
takecoins (0x4002);
updatecoins (0x500);
getpokemonname (0, 0x4001);
jingle (0x101);
preparemsg ("{RED} obtained\nthe {var:2}!");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
say ("Do you want to give a nickname to\nthis {var:2}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16CE12);
call (lbl_1A8C33);
jump (lbl_16CE12);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CE12 @ Referenced by lbl_16CDE0 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A8C3C);
jump (lbl_16CC10);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CDB3 @ Referenced by lbl_16CD52 @ ----------------------------------------------
takecoins (0x4002);
updatecoins (0x500);
getpokemonname (0, 0x4001);
jingle (0x101);
preparemsg ("{RED} obtained\nthe {var:2}!");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
say ("Do you want to give a nickname to\nthis {var:2}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16CD83);
jump (lbl_16CC10);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CD83 @ Referenced by lbl_16CDB3 @ ----------------------------------------------
getpartysize ();
subvar (0x800D, 0x1);
copyvar (0x8004, 0x800D);
call (lbl_1A74EB);
jump (lbl_16CC10);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CD28 @ Referenced by lbl_16CC65 @ ----------------------------------------------
givepokemon (0x4001, 0x1A, 0x0, 0x0, 0, 0);
jump (lbl_16CD52);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CD13 @ Referenced by lbl_16CC65 @ ----------------------------------------------
givepokemon (0x4001, 0x19, 0x0, 0x0, 0, 0);
jump (lbl_16CD52);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CCFE @ Referenced by lbl_16CC65 @ ----------------------------------------------
givepokemon (0x4001, 0x12, 0x0, 0x0, 0, 0);
jump (lbl_16CD52);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CCE9 @ Referenced by lbl_16CC65 @ ----------------------------------------------
givepokemon (0x4001, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0, 0);
jump (lbl_16CD52);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CCD4 @ Referenced by lbl_16CC65 @ ----------------------------------------------
givepokemon (0x4001, 0x9, 0x0, 0x0, 0, 0);
jump (lbl_16CD52);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CDA5 @ Referenced by lbl_16CC65 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Sorry, you'll need more COINS\nthan that.", 4);
jump (lbl_16CC10);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CC45 @ Referenced by lbl_16CBB2 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x7B);
setvar (0x4002, 0x157C);
jump (lbl_16CC65);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CC35 @ Referenced by lbl_16CBB2 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x93);
setvar (0x4002, 0xAF0);
jump (lbl_16CC65);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CC25 @ Referenced by lbl_16CBB2 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x23);
setvar (0x4002, 0x1F4);
jump (lbl_16CC65);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CC15 @ Referenced by lbl_16CBB2 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x3F);
setvar (0x4002, 0xB4);
jump (lbl_16CC65);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CD99 @ Referenced by lbl_16CB88 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
say ("A COIN CASE is required…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CE1D @ 10.15 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (not 0x243) goto (lbl_16CD99);
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
showcoins (0, 0);
say ("We exchange your COINS for prizes.", 4);
jump (lbl_16CE47);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CE47 @ Referenced by lbl_16CE1D @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Which prize would you like?");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (11, 0, 30, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16CEA5);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16CEB9);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16CECD);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_16CEE1);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_16CEF5);
if (0x8000 == 0x5) goto (lbl_16CC10);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16CC10);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CEF5 @ Referenced by lbl_16CE47 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x143);
setvar (0x4002, 0xFA0);
getmovename (1, 0x35);
jump (lbl_16CF09);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CF09 @ Referenced by lbl_16CEF5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Okay, a TM of {var:3}\nis what you want?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16CC10);
jump (lbl_16CF3F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CF3F @ Referenced by lbl_16CF09 @ ----------------------------------------------
getitemname (0, 0x4001);
checkcoins (0x800D);
comparevars (0x800D, 0x4002);
ifgoto (0, lbl_16CDA5);
checkitemamount (0x4001, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16CF79);
takecoins (0x4002);
updatecoins (0x500);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x4001);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (0);
jump (lbl_16CC10);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CF79 @ Referenced by lbl_16CF3F @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
say ("Too bad!\nThe BAG is full…", 4);
hidecoins (0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CEE1 @ Referenced by lbl_16CE47 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x13E);
setvar (0x4002, 0x1194);
getmovename (1, 0xF7);
jump (lbl_16CF09);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CECD @ Referenced by lbl_16CE47 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x138);
setvar (0x4002, 0xFA0);
getmovename (1, 0x55);
jump (lbl_16CF09);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CEB9 @ Referenced by lbl_16CE47 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x137);
setvar (0x4002, 0xDAC);
getmovename (1, 0xE7);
jump (lbl_16CF09);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CEA5 @ Referenced by lbl_16CE47 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x12D);
setvar (0x4002, 0xFA0);
getmovename (1, 0x3A);
jump (lbl_16CF09);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CF88 @ 10.15 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (not 0x243) goto (lbl_16CD99);
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
showcoins (0, 0);
say ("We exchange your COINS for prizes.", 4);
jump (lbl_16CFB2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CFB2 @ Referenced by lbl_16CF88 @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Which prize would you like?");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (10, 0, 41, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16D010);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16D020);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16D030);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_16D040);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_16D050);
if (0x8000 == 0x5) goto (lbl_16CC10);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16CC10);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D050 @ Referenced by lbl_16CFB2 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x28);
setvar (0x4002, 0x640);
jump (lbl_16CF22);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816CF22 @ Referenced by lbl_16D050 @ ----------------------------------------------
getitemname (0, 0x4001);
say ("So, you want the {var:2}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16CC10);
jump (lbl_16CF3F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D040 @ Referenced by lbl_16CFB2 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0xD1);
setvar (0x4002, 0x3E8);
jump (lbl_16CF22);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D030 @ Referenced by lbl_16CFB2 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0xD7);
setvar (0x4002, 0x3E8);
jump (lbl_16CF22);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D020 @ Referenced by lbl_16CFB2 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0xCD);
setvar (0x4002, 0x3E8);
jump (lbl_16CF22);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D010 @ Referenced by lbl_16CFB2 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0xC2);
setvar (0x4002, 0x320);
jump (lbl_16CF22);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D061 @ 10.16 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x5);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x174);
trainerbattle (1, 417, "Hello…\nLovely weather, isn't it?\fIt's so pleasant…\r…Oh, dear…\nI must have dozed off. Welcome.\rMy name is ERIKA.\nI am the LEADER of CELADON GYM.\rI am a student of the art of\nflower arranging.\rMy POKéMON are solely of the\nGRASS type.\r…Oh, I'm sorry, I had no idea that\nyou wished to challenge me.\rVery well, but I shall not lose.{snd1:342}", "Oh!\nI concede defeat.\fYou are remarkably strong.\rI must confer on you the\nRAINBOWBADGE.", lbl_16D0A0);
if (not 0x293) goto (lbl_16D0C6);
setvar (0x8004, 0x5);
setvar (0x8005, 0x4);
special (0x173);
say ("You are cataloging POKéMON?\nI must say I'm impressed.\rI would never collect POKéMON if\nthey were unattractive.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D0C6 @ Referenced by lbl_16D061 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The RAINBOWBADGE will make\nPOKéMON up to Lv. 50 obey.\rIt also allows POKéMON to use\nSTRENGTH in and out of battle.\rPlease also take this with you.", 4);
checkitemamount (0x133, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16D107);
giveitem (0x133, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received TM19\nfrom ERIKA.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x133);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
setflag (0x293);
say ("TM19 contains GIGA DRAIN.\rHalf the damage it inflicts is\ndrained to heal your POKéMON.\rWouldn't you agree that it's a\nwonderful move?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D107 @ Referenced by lbl_16D0C6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You should make room for this.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D0A0 @ Referenced by lbl_16D061 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x5);
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
special (0x173);
clearflag (0x9E);
setflag (0x4B3);
setflag (0x823);
setvar (0x8008, 0x4);
call (lbl_1A6B18);
jump (lbl_16D0C6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D111 @ 10.16 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 132, "I should tell you about this GYM.\rOnly real ladies are allowed in\nhere!", "You're too rough!");
say ("Bleaah!\nI hope ERIKA wipes you out!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D128 @ 10.16 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 133, "Oh, hey!\rWe don't like BUG- or FIRE-type\nPOKéMON in here!", "Oh!\nYou!");
setvar (0x8004, 0x5);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x173);
say ("Our LEADER ERIKA might be quiet,\nbut she's famous around here.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D14C @ 10.16 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 160, "…Weren't you peeking in here\nearlier?", "You're an eye-opener!");
say ("Oh, you were looking at ERIKA…\nYou weren't looking at me…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D163 @ 10.16 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 265, "Oh, welcome.\nI was getting bored.", "My makeup!");
say ("GRASS-type POKéMON are tough\nagainst the WATER type.\rThey also have an edge on ROCK-\nand GROUND-type POKéMON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D17A @ 10.16 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 266, "Look, look!\nSee my POKéMON!\rI like the GRASS type.\nI like how they're easy to raise.", "No!");
setvar (0x8004, 0x5);
setvar (0x8005, 0x3);
special (0x173);
say ("We only use GRASS-type POKéMON at\nour GYM.\rWhy? We also use them for making\nflower arrangements!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D19E @ 10.16 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 267, "Pleased to meet you.\nMy hobby is POKéMON training.", "Oh!\nSplendid!");
say ("I have a blind date coming up.\nI have to learn to be polite,\fespecially if I have to battle.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D1B5 @ 10.16 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 402, "Welcome to CELADON GYM!\rYou'd better not underestimate\nthe nice ladies here.", "Oh!\nBeaten!");
say ("I didn't bring my best POKéMON.\nWait until next time!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D1CC @ 10.16 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x823) goto (lbl_16D1E0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D1E0 @ Referenced by lbl_16D1CC @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D1EB @ 10.17 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hi!\rSorry, but we're taking a break\nright now.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D1F4 @ 10.17 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("My POKéMON are weak, so I often\nhave to go to the DRUGSTORE.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D1FD @ 10.17 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x243) goto (lbl_16D24B);
say ("Go ahead! Laugh!\nI'm flat-out busted!\rNo more slots for me!\nI'm going straight!\rHere!\nI won't be needing this anymore!", 4);
checkitemamount (0x104, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16D241);
giveitem (0x104, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received a COIN CASE\nfrom the man.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x104);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
setflag (0x243);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D241 @ Referenced by lbl_16D1FD @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Make room for this!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D24B @ Referenced by lbl_16D1FD @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I always thought I was going to\nwin it back…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D255 @ 10.17 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Psst! There's a basement under the\nGAME CORNER, I hear.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D25E @ 10.17 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Munch…\rThe man at that table lost it all\nat the slots.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D268 @ 10.18 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hehehe!\rThe slots just reel in the dough,\nbig-time!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D271 @ 10.18 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("CHIEF!\rWe just shipped two thousand\nmore POKéMON as slot prizes\fagain today!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D27A @ 10.18 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Don't touch the poster at the GAME\nCORNER!\rThere's no secret switch behind it!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D284 @ 10.19 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON?\nNo, this is a hotel for people.\rWe're full up, unfortunately.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D28D @ 10.19 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'm on vacation with my brother and\nboyfriend.\rCELADON is such a pretty city!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D296 @ 10.19 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Why?\nWhy did she bring her brother?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D29F @ 10.19 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Yippee! I'm on vacation!\nMy sis brought me along! Awesome!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D36D @ 11.0 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4002, 0x0);
jump (lbl_16D391);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D391 @ Referenced by lbl_16D36D @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
say ("Welcome to the SAFARI ZONE!", 4);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
waitformove (0x0);
showmoney (0, 0, 0);
say ("For just \xB7500, you can play the\nSAFARI GAME.\rYou can roam the wide-open safari\nand catch what you like.\rWould you like to play?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16D3CA);
say ("Okay.\nPlease come again!", 4);
jump (lbl_16D49A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D49A @ Referenced by lbl_16D391 @ ----------------------------------------------
closeonkeypress ();
hidemoney (0, 0);
applymove (0xFF, move_16D4AA);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D4AA @ Referenced by lbl_16D49A @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D3CA @ Referenced by lbl_16D391 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16D462);
checkmoney (0x1F4, 0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16D48C);
takemoney (0x1F4, 0);
updatemoney (0, 0, 0);
say ("That'll be \xB7500, please!\rWe only use a special kind of \nPOKé BALLS here.", 4);
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x101);
preparemsg ("{RED} received 30 SAFARI BALLS\nfrom the attendant.");
waitforjingle ();
call (lbl_1A6675);
say ("We'll call you on the PA when you\nrun out of time or SAFARI BALLS.\rWell, I'll wish you the best of\nluck!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
hidemoney (0, 0);
if (0x4002 == 0x0) call (lbl_16D44C);
if (0x4002 == 0x1) call (lbl_16D441);
if (0x4002 == 0x2) call (lbl_16D457);
special (0xCD);
setvar (0x406E, 0x2);
warp (1, 63, 255, 0x1A, 0x1E);
waitstate ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D457 @ Referenced by lbl_16D3CA @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16D4B3);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D4B3 @ Referenced by lbl_16D457 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.West, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D441 @ Referenced by lbl_16D3CA @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16D4AF);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D4AF @ Referenced by lbl_16D441 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D44C @ Referenced by lbl_16D3CA @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16D4AC);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D4AC @ Referenced by lbl_16D44C @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D48C @ Referenced by lbl_16D3CA @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oops!\nNot enough money!", 4);
jump (lbl_16D49A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D462 @ Referenced by lbl_16D3CA @ ----------------------------------------------
getpartysize ();
if (0x800D != 0x6) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
special2 (0x800D, 0x130);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
say ("Excuse me!\nYour PC BOX is full.", 4);
jump (lbl_16D49A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D379 @ 11.0 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4002, 0x1);
jump (lbl_16D391);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D385 @ 11.0 trap #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4002, 0x2);
jump (lbl_16D391);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D4B7 @ 11.0 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("Hi! Is it your first time here at\nthe SAFARI ZONE?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16D4D6);
say ("Sorry, you're a regular here!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D4D6 @ Referenced by lbl_16D4B7 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The SAFARI ZONE actually has\nfour zones in it.\rEach zone has different kinds of\nPOKéMON, even some rare ones.\rUse the supplied SAFARI BALLS to\ncatch them.\rYou can also throw BAIT or ROCKS\nbesides the SAFARI BALLS.\rIf you throw BAIT, the POKéMON\nbecomes less likely to flee, but\fharder to catch.\rIf you throw ROCKS, the POKéMON\nbecomes more likely to flee, but\feasier to catch.\rWhen you run out of time or SAFARI\nBALLS, it's game over for you!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D4E1 @ 11.1 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Did you try X SPEED?\nIt speeds up a POKéMON in battle.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D4EA @ 11.1 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Don't they have any pennants\npromoting the SAFARI ZONE?\rHow about some paper lanterns?\nAren't there even any calendars?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D4F3 @ 11.1 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Hi, there!\nMay I help you?");
waitmsg ();
doshop (store_16D518);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D518 @ Referenced by lbl_16D4F3 @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.UltraBall, Item.GreatBall, Item.SuperPotion, Item.Revive, Item.FullHeal, Item.MaxRepel, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D529 @ 11.2 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("We nicknamed the WARDEN\n“SLOWPOKE.”\rYou know, he has that vacant look\nlike a SLOWPOKE.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D532 @ 11.2 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("WARDEN SLOWPOKE is very\nknowledgeable about POKéMON.\rHe even has some fossils of rare,\nextinct POKéMON.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D53B @ 11.2 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("WARDEN SLOWPOKE came in, but\nI couldn't understand him.\rI think he's got a speech problem!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D544 @ 11.2 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("WARDEN SLOWPOKE is running a\npromotion campaign right now.\rTry to get to the farthest corner\nof the SAFARI ZONE.\rIf you can make it, you'll win a\nvery convenient prize.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D54E @ 11.3 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x6);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x174);
trainerbattle (1, 418, "KOGA: Fwahahaha!\rA mere child like you dares to\nchallenge me?\rThe very idea makes me shiver\nwith mirth!\rVery well, I shall show you true\nterror as a ninja master.\rPoison brings steady doom.\nSleep renders foes helpless.\rDespair to the creeping horror of\nPOISON-type POKéMON!{snd1:342}", "Humph!\nYou have proven your worth!\rHere!\nTake the SOULBADGE!", lbl_16D580);
if (not 0x259) goto (lbl_16D5A6);
say ("When afflicted by TOXIC, a POKéMON\nsuffers more and more.\rIt suffers worsening damage as the\nbattle wears on!\rIt will surely terrorize foes!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D5A6 @ Referenced by lbl_16D54E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Now that you have the SOULBADGE,\nthe DEFENSE of your POKéMON rises.\rIt also lets you SURF outside of\nbattle.\rAh!\nTake this, too!", 4);
checkitemamount (0x126, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16D5E7);
giveitem (0x126, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received TM06\nfrom KOGA.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x126);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
setflag (0x259);
say ("Sealed within that TM06 lies\nTOXIC!\rIt is a secret technique dating\nback some four hundred years.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D5E7 @ Referenced by lbl_16D5A6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Make space for this, child!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D580 @ Referenced by lbl_16D54E @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x6);
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
special (0x173);
clearflag (0x9F);
setflag (0x4B4);
setflag (0x824);
setvar (0x8008, 0x5);
call (lbl_1A6B18);
jump (lbl_16D5A6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D5F1 @ 11.3 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 294, "Stop right there!\rThe famed invisible walls of\nFUCHSIA GYM have you frustrated?", "Whoa!\nYou've got it!");
say ("You impressed me!\nHere's a hint!\rLook very closely for gaps in the\ninvisible walls!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D608 @ 11.3 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 295, "I also study the way of the ninja\nwith Master KOGA!\rNinja have a long history of using\nanimals!", "Awoo!");
say ("I still have much to learn.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D61F @ 11.3 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 288, "I was a magician once upon a time.\rBut I dreamt of becoming a ninja,\nso I joined this GYM.", "I'm done for!");
setvar (0x8004, 0x6);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x173);
say ("Even though I've lost, I will keep\ntraining according to the teachings\fof KOGA, my ninja master.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D643 @ 11.3 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 289, "Master KOGA comes from a long line\nof ninjas.\rWhat did you descend from?", "You're more skilled than I'd\nthought!");
say ("Where there is light, there is\nshadow!\rLight and shadow!\nWhich do you choose?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D65A @ 11.3 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 292, "Strength isn't the key for POKéMON.\nDo you understand this?\rPOKéMON is about strategy!\rI'll show you how strategy can\nbeat brute strength.", "What?\nExtraordinary!");
say ("So, you mix brawn with brains?\nGood strategy!\rThat's remarkable for a child\nTRAINER.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D671 @ 11.3 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 293, "Let's see you beat my special\ntechniques!", "You had me fooled!");
say ("I like poison and sleep techniques,\nas they linger after battle!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D688 @ 11.3 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4B4) goto (lbl_16D69D);
say ("Yo!\nChamp in the making!\rFUCHSIA GYM is a tricked-up place.\nIt's riddled with invisible walls!\rKOGA might appear close, but he's\nblocked off.\rYou have to find gaps in the walls\nto reach him.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D69D @ Referenced by lbl_16D688 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It's amazing how ninja can terrify,\neven now!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D6A7 @ 11.3 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x824) goto (lbl_16D6BB);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D6BB @ Referenced by lbl_16D6A7 @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D6C6 @ 11.4 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The SAFARI ZONE's WARDEN is old, \nbut he's still very much active.\rAll his teeth are false, though.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D6CF @ 11.4 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xD);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x173);
say ("Hmm?\nYou've met BILL?\rHe's my grandson!\rHe always liked collecting things,\neven as a child!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D6E8 @ 11.4 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("BILL files his own POKéMON data on\nhis PC.\rDid he show you?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D6FC @ 11.5 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setrespawn (0x8);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D700 @ 11.5 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (NurseJoy);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D709 @ 11.5 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You can't become a good TRAINER\nwith just one strong POKéMON.\rBut raising many POKéMON evenly\nis no easy task, either.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D712 @ 11.5 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("There's a narrow trail west of\nVIRIDIAN CITY.\rIt goes to the POKéMON LEAGUE HQ.\nThe HQ governs all TRAINERS.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D71B @ 11.5 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("If you're working on a POKéDEX,\nvisit the SAFARI ZONE.\rAll sorts of rare POKéMON breed\nthere.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D74C @ 11.7 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x23A) goto (lbl_16D7FA);
if (0x189) goto (lbl_16D780);
say ("WARDEN: Hif fuff hefifoo!\rHa lof ha feef ee hafahi ho.\nHeff hee fwee!", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) call (lbl_16D7E8);
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_16D7F1);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D7F1 @ Referenced by lbl_16D74C @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Ha?\nHe ohay heh ha hoo ee haheh!", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D7E8 @ Referenced by lbl_16D74C @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Ah howhee ho hoo!\nEef ee hafahi ho!", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D780 @ Referenced by lbl_16D74C @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x105);
preparemsg ("{RED} gave the GOLD TEETH\nto the WARDEN.");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
say ("The WARDEN popped in his teeth!", 4);
call (lbl_1A6675);
getgender ();
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_16D7D6);
if (0x800D == 0x1) call (lbl_16D7DF);
giveitem (0x156, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received HM04\nfrom the WARDEN.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x156);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
setflag (0x23A);
takeitem (0x161, 0x1);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D7DF @ Referenced by lbl_16D780 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("WARDEN: Thank you, lassie!\nYou're a real lifesaver!\rNo one could understand a word\nthat I said, not a one!\rI was too ashamed to show my face\naround the OFFICE, even.\rLet me give you something for your\ntrouble.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D7D6 @ Referenced by lbl_16D780 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("WARDEN: Thanks, son!\nYou're a real lifesaver!\rNo one could understand a word\nthat I said, not a one!\rI was too ashamed to show my face\naround the OFFICE, even.\rLet me give you something for your\ntrouble.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D7FA @ Referenced by lbl_16D74C @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("WARDEN: Inside HM04 you'll find\nSTRENGTH.\rIt lets POKéMON move boulders when\nyou're outside of battle.\rOh yes, did you find the SECRET\nHOUSE in the SAFARI ZONE?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D804 @ 11.7 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON photos and fossils are on\ndisplay.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D80D @ 11.7 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Old POKéMON merchandise is on\ndisplay.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D817 @ 11.8 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x244) goto (lbl_16D83F);
say ("I'm the FISHING GURU's older\nbrother.\rI simply looove fishing!\nI can't bear to go without.\rTell me, do you like to fish?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16D849);
say ("Oh…\nThat's so disappointing…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D849 @ Referenced by lbl_16D817 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Grand! I like your style.\nI think we can be friends.\rTake this and fish, young friend!", 4);
checkitemamount (0x107, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16D88A);
giveitem (0x107, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received a GOOD ROD from\nthe FISHING GURU's brother.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x107);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
say ("Fishing is a way of life!\nIt is like the finest poetry.\rA crummy OLD ROD could only catch\nMAGIKARP, yes?\rBut with a GOOD ROD, you can\ncatch much better POKéMON.", 4);
setflag (0x244);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D88A @ Referenced by lbl_16D849 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, no!\rI had a gift for you, but you have\nno room for it!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D83F @ Referenced by lbl_16D817 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hello there, {RED}!\rHow are the fish biting?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D895 @ 11.9 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("Uh…\nOh, yes, I'm the MOVE DELETER.\rI can make POKéMON forget their\nmoves.\rWould you like me to do that?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16D8B0);
jump (lbl_16D941);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D941 @ Referenced by lbl_16D895 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Come again if there are other\nmoves to be forgotten.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D8B0 @ Referenced by lbl_16D895 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Which POKéMON should forget a\nmove?", 4);
special (0x9F);
waitstate ();
if (0x8004 => 0x6) goto (lbl_16D941);
special (0x148);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16D937);
special (0xDF);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16D92A);
say ("Which move should be forgotten?", 4);
fade (1);
special (0xDC);
fade (0);
if (0x8005 == 0x4) goto (lbl_16D8B0);
special (0xDE);
say ("Hm! {var:2}'s {var:3}?\nThat move should be forgotten?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16D919);
jump (lbl_16D941);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D919 @ Referenced by lbl_16D8B0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0xDD);
jingle (0x10E);
waitforjingle ();
say ("It worked to perfection!\r{var:2} has forgotten\n{var:3} completely.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D92A @ Referenced by lbl_16D8B0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0xDE);
say ("{var:2} seems to know only one\nmove…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D937 @ Referenced by lbl_16D8B0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("What?\nNo EGG should know any moves.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D951 @ 12.0 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4B6) goto (lbl_16D991);
if (0x265) call (lbl_16D9B0);
if (0x267) call (lbl_16D9B6);
if (0x268) call (lbl_16D9BC);
if (0x269) call (lbl_16D9C2);
if (0x26A) call (lbl_16D9C8);
if (0x26B) call (lbl_16D9CE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D9CE @ Referenced by lbl_16D951 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16E233);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E233 @ Referenced by lbl_16D9CE @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x5, 0x8, 0x2C7, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x8, 0x2C6, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x5, 0x9, 0x2CF, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x9, 0x2CE, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x5, 0xA, 0x289, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x6, 0xA, 0x281, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x7, 0xA, 0x282, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D9C8 @ Referenced by lbl_16D951 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16E1F3);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E1F3 @ Referenced by lbl_16D9C8 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x5, 0x10, 0x2C7, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x10, 0x2C6, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x5, 0x11, 0x2CF, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x11, 0x2CE, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x5, 0x12, 0x289, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x12, 0x281, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x7, 0x12, 0x282, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D9C2 @ Referenced by lbl_16D951 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16E1D7);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E1D7 @ Referenced by lbl_16D9C2 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0xB, 0x15, 0x2D1, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xB, 0x16, 0x289, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xB, 0x17, 0x281, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D9BC @ Referenced by lbl_16D951 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16E197);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E197 @ Referenced by lbl_16D9BC @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x11, 0xF, 0x2C7, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x12, 0xF, 0x2C6, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x11, 0x10, 0x2CF, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x12, 0x10, 0x2CE, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x11, 0x11, 0x289, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x12, 0x11, 0x281, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x13, 0x11, 0x282, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D9B6 @ Referenced by lbl_16D951 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16E157);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E157 @ Referenced by lbl_16D9B6 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x11, 0x8, 0x2C7, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x12, 0x8, 0x2C6, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x11, 0x9, 0x2CF, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x12, 0x9, 0x2CE, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x11, 0xA, 0x289, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x12, 0xA, 0x281, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x13, 0xA, 0x282, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D9B0 @ Referenced by lbl_16D951 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16E117);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E117 @ Referenced by lbl_16D9B0 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x1A, 0x8, 0x2C7, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x1B, 0x8, 0x2C6, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x1A, 0x9, 0x2CF, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x1B, 0x9, 0x2CE, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x1A, 0xA, 0x289, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x1B, 0xA, 0x281, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x1C, 0xA, 0x282, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D991 @ Referenced by lbl_16D951 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16E117);
call (lbl_16E157);
call (lbl_16E197);
call (lbl_16E1D7);
call (lbl_16E1F3);
call (lbl_16E233);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816D9D4 @ 12.0 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x8);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x174);
trainerbattle (1, 419, "Hah!\rI am BLAINE, the red-hot LEADER\nof CINNABAR GYM!\rMy fiery POKéMON are all rough\nand ready with intense heat!\rThey incinerate all challengers!\rHah!\nYou better have BURN HEAL!{snd1:342}", "I have burned down to nothing!\nNot even ashes remain!\rYou have earned the VOLCANOBADGE.", lbl_16DA06);
if (not 0x24E) goto (lbl_16DA34);
say ("TM38 contains FIRE BLAST.\nTeach it to FIRE-type POKéMON.\rVULPIX or CHARMELEON would be\nideal for that move.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DA34 @ Referenced by lbl_16D9D4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hah!\rThe VOLCANOBADGE heightens the\nSPECIAL stats of your POKéMON.\rHere, you can have this, too!", 4);
checkitemamount (0x146, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16DA75);
giveitem (0x146, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received TM38\nfrom BLAINE.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x146);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
setflag (0x24E);
say ("FIRE BLAST is the ultimate fire\ntechnique.\rDon't waste it on WATER POKéMON.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DA75 @ Referenced by lbl_16DA34 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Make space for this, child!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DA06 @ Referenced by lbl_16D9D4 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x8);
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
special (0x173);
setflag (0x4B6);
setflag (0x826);
setrespawn (0x9);
setvar (0x4071, 0x1);
clearflag (0x62);
setvar (0x8008, 0x7);
call (lbl_1A6B18);
jump (lbl_16DA34);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DA7F @ 12.0 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 177, "Do you know how hot POKéMON fire\nbreath can get?", "Yow!\nHot, hot, hot!");
say ("Fire, or to be more precise,\ncombustion…\r…Oxygen in the air…\nBlah, blah, blah, blah…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DA96 @ 12.0 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (2, 178, "I've studied POKéMON thoroughly.\nYou can't win!", "Waah!\nMy studies were insufficient!", lbl_16DAB1);
say ("My theories are too complicated\nfor you to understand.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DAB1 @ Referenced by lbl_16DA96 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x267) call (lbl_16DABC);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DABC @ Referenced by lbl_16DAB1 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16DD31);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DD31 @ Referenced by lbl_16DABC @ ----------------------------------------------
playsound (0x26);
checksound ();
call (lbl_16E157);
special (0x8E);
setflag (0x267);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DAC2 @ 12.0 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (2, 179, "I know why BLAINE became a\nTRAINER.", "Ow!", lbl_16DAEA);
setvar (0x8004, 0x8);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x173);
say ("Our LEADER, BLAINE, became lost\nin the mountains but good.\rNight fell when a fiery bird\nPOKéMON appeared.\rIts light allowed BLAINE to find\nhis way down safely.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DAEA @ Referenced by lbl_16DAC2 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x269) call (lbl_16DAF5);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DAF5 @ Referenced by lbl_16DAEA @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16DEE6);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DEE6 @ Referenced by lbl_16DAF5 @ ----------------------------------------------
playsound (0x26);
checksound ();
call (lbl_16E1D7);
special (0x8E);
setflag (0x269);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DAFB @ 12.0 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (2, 180, "Fire is weak against H2O.", "Oh!\nSnuffed out!", lbl_16DB16);
say ("Water beats fire, of course.\rBut fire melts ice, so the FIRE\ntype beats ICE-type POKéMON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DB16 @ Referenced by lbl_16DAFB @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x26B) call (lbl_16DB21);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DB21 @ Referenced by lbl_16DB16 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16E094);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E094 @ Referenced by lbl_16DB21 @ ----------------------------------------------
playsound (0x26);
checksound ();
call (lbl_16E233);
special (0x8E);
setflag (0x26B);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DB27 @ 12.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (2, 213, "I was a thief, but I went straight\nas a TRAINER.", "I surrender!", lbl_16DB42);
say ("I get this uncontrollable urge to\nsteal other people's POKéMON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DB42 @ Referenced by lbl_16DB27 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x265) call (lbl_16DB4D);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DB4D @ Referenced by lbl_16DB42 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16DC58);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DC58 @ Referenced by lbl_16DB4D @ ----------------------------------------------
playsound (0x26);
checksound ();
call (lbl_16E117);
special (0x8E);
setflag (0x265);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DB53 @ 12.0 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (2, 214, "I like using FIRE-type POKéMON.\nI just do.", "Too hot to handle!", lbl_16DB6E);
say ("I wish there were a thief POKéMON.\nI'd use that!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DB6E @ Referenced by lbl_16DB53 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x268) call (lbl_16DB79);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DB79 @ Referenced by lbl_16DB6E @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16DE0F);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DE0F @ Referenced by lbl_16DB79 @ ----------------------------------------------
playsound (0x26);
checksound ();
call (lbl_16E197);
special (0x8E);
setflag (0x268);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DB7F @ 12.0 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (2, 215, "I've been to many GYMS, but this\none best suits my style.", "Yowza!\nToo hot!", lbl_16DB9A);
say ("PONYTA, NINETALES…\nThose are popular FIRE POKéMON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DB9A @ Referenced by lbl_16DB7F @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x26A) call (lbl_16DBA5);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DBA5 @ Referenced by lbl_16DB9A @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16DFBD);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DFBD @ Referenced by lbl_16DBA5 @ ----------------------------------------------
playsound (0x26);
checksound ();
call (lbl_16E1F3);
special (0x8E);
setflag (0x26A);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DBAB @ 12.0 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4B6) goto (lbl_16DBC0);
say ("Yo!\nChamp in the making!\rThe hotheaded BLAINE is a FIRE\nPOKéMON pro.\rDouse his spirits with water!\rYou'd better take some\nBURN HEALS, too.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DBC0 @ Referenced by lbl_16DBAB @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("{RED}!\nYou beat that firebrand!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DBCA @ 12.0 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x826) goto (lbl_16DBDE);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DBDE @ Referenced by lbl_16DBCA @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DBE8 @ 12.0 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
jump (lbl_16DC00);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DC00 @ Referenced by lbl_16DBE8 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON Quiz!\rGet it right, and the door opens to\nthe next room.\rGet it wrong, and face a TRAINER!\rIf you want to conserve your\nPOKéMON for the GYM LEADER…\rThen get it right!\nHere we go!", 4);
say ("CATERPIE evolves into METAPOD?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16DC43);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16DC6A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DC6A @ Referenced by lbl_16DC00 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16DC34);
checktrainer (0xD5);
ifgoto (0, lbl_16DC7A);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DC7A @ Referenced by lbl_16DC6A @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_16DCB4);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_16DCC6);
textcolor (0);
say ("I was a thief, but I went straight\nas a TRAINER.", 4);
trainerbattle (3, 213, "I surrender!");
if (0x265) goto (lbl_16DC68);
call (lbl_16DC58);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DC68 @ Referenced by lbl_16DC7A @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DCC6 @ Referenced by lbl_16DC7A @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
applymove (0x1, move_16DCDB);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DCDB @ Referenced by lbl_16DCC6 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DCB4 @ Referenced by lbl_16DC7A @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
applymove (0x1, move_16DCD8);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DCD8 @ Referenced by lbl_16DCB4 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DC34 @ Referenced by lbl_16DC6A @ ----------------------------------------------
checksound ();
playsound (0x16);
checksound ();
say ("Sorry!\nBad call!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DC43 @ Referenced by lbl_16DC00 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16DC27);
if (0x265) goto (lbl_16DC68);
call (lbl_16DC58);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DC27 @ Referenced by lbl_16DC43 @ ----------------------------------------------
jingle (0x101);
waitforjingle ();
say ("You're absolutely correct!\rGo on through!", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DBF4 @ 12.0 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_16DC00);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DCDD @ 12.0 sign #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
jump (lbl_16DCF5);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DCF5 @ Referenced by lbl_16DCDD @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON Quiz!\rGet it right, and the door opens to\nthe next room.\rGet it wrong, and face a TRAINER!\rIf you want to conserve your\nPOKéMON for the GYM LEADER…\rThen get it right!\nHere we go!", 4);
say ("There are nine certified POKéMON\nLEAGUE BADGES?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16DD41);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16DD1C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DD1C @ Referenced by lbl_16DCF5 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16DC27);
if (0x267) goto (lbl_16DC68);
call (lbl_16DD31);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DD41 @ Referenced by lbl_16DCF5 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16DC34);
checktrainer (0xB2);
ifgoto (0, lbl_16DD51);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DD51 @ Referenced by lbl_16DD41 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_16DD8B);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_16DD9D);
textcolor (0);
say ("I've studied POKéMON thoroughly.\nYou can't win!", 4);
trainerbattle (3, 178, "Waah!\nMy studies were insufficient!");
if (0x267) goto (lbl_16DC68);
call (lbl_16DD31);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DD9D @ Referenced by lbl_16DD51 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16DDB7);
applymove (0x3, move_16DDB3);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DDB3 @ Referenced by lbl_16DD9D @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, RealFastInPlace.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DDB7 @ Referenced by lbl_16DD9D @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1C, RealFastInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DD8B @ Referenced by lbl_16DD51 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16DDB7);
applymove (0x3, move_16DDAF);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DDAF @ Referenced by lbl_16DD8B @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DCE9 @ 12.0 sign #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_16DCF5);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DDBB @ 12.0 sign #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
jump (lbl_16DDD3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DDD3 @ Referenced by lbl_16DDBB @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON Quiz!\rGet it right, and the door opens to\nthe next room.\rGet it wrong, and face a TRAINER!\rIf you want to conserve your\nPOKéMON for the GYM LEADER…\rThen get it right!\nHere we go!", 4);
say ("POLIWAG evolves three times?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16DE1F);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16DDFA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DDFA @ Referenced by lbl_16DDD3 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16DC27);
if (0x268) goto (lbl_16DC68);
call (lbl_16DE0F);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DE1F @ Referenced by lbl_16DDD3 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16DC34);
checktrainer (0xD6);
ifgoto (0, lbl_16DE2F);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DE2F @ Referenced by lbl_16DE1F @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_16DE69);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_16DE7B);
textcolor (0);
say ("I like using FIRE-type POKéMON.\nI just do.", 4);
trainerbattle (3, 214, "Too hot to handle!");
if (0x268) goto (lbl_16DC68);
call (lbl_16DE0F);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DE7B @ Referenced by lbl_16DE2F @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
applymove (0x4, move_16DE90);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DE90 @ Referenced by lbl_16DE7B @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DE69 @ Referenced by lbl_16DE2F @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
applymove (0x4, move_16DE8D);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DE8D @ Referenced by lbl_16DE69 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DDC7 @ 12.0 sign #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_16DDD3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DE92 @ 12.0 sign #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
jump (lbl_16DEAA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DEAA @ Referenced by lbl_16DE92 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON Quiz!\rGet it right, and the door opens to\nthe next room.\rGet it wrong, and face a TRAINER!\rIf you want to conserve your\nPOKéMON for the GYM LEADER…\rThen get it right!\nHere we go!", 4);
say ("Are electric moves effective\nagainst GROUND-type POKéMON?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16DEF6);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16DED1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DED1 @ Referenced by lbl_16DEAA @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16DC27);
if (0x269) goto (lbl_16DC68);
call (lbl_16DEE6);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DEF6 @ Referenced by lbl_16DEAA @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16DC34);
checktrainer (0xB3);
ifgoto (0, lbl_16DF06);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DF06 @ Referenced by lbl_16DEF6 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_16DF40);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_16DF52);
textcolor (0);
say ("I know why BLAINE became a\nTRAINER.", 4);
trainerbattle (3, 179, "Ow!");
if (0x269) goto (lbl_16DC68);
call (lbl_16DEE6);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DF52 @ Referenced by lbl_16DF06 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
applymove (0x5, move_16DF67);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DF67 @ Referenced by lbl_16DF52 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DF40 @ Referenced by lbl_16DF06 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
applymove (0x5, move_16DF64);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DF64 @ Referenced by lbl_16DF40 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DE9E @ 12.0 sign #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_16DEAA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DF69 @ 12.0 sign #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
jump (lbl_16DF81);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DF81 @ Referenced by lbl_16DF69 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON Quiz!\rGet it right, and the door opens to\nthe next room.\rGet it wrong, and face a TRAINER!\rIf you want to conserve your\nPOKéMON for the GYM LEADER…\rThen get it right!\nHere we go!", 4);
say ("POKéMON of the same kind and level\nare not identical?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16DFA8);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16DFCD);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DFCD @ Referenced by lbl_16DF81 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16DC34);
checktrainer (0xD7);
ifgoto (0, lbl_16DFDD);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DFDD @ Referenced by lbl_16DFCD @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_16E017);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_16E029);
textcolor (0);
say ("I've been to many GYMS, but this\none best suits my style.", 4);
trainerbattle (3, 215, "Yowza!\nToo hot!");
if (0x26A) goto (lbl_16DC68);
call (lbl_16DFBD);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E029 @ Referenced by lbl_16DFDD @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
applymove (0x6, move_16E03E);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E03E @ Referenced by lbl_16E029 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E017 @ Referenced by lbl_16DFDD @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
applymove (0x6, move_16E03B);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E03B @ Referenced by lbl_16E017 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DFA8 @ Referenced by lbl_16DF81 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16DC27);
if (0x26A) goto (lbl_16DC68);
call (lbl_16DFBD);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816DF75 @ 12.0 sign #11 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_16DF81);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E040 @ 12.0 sign #12 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
jump (lbl_16E058);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E058 @ Referenced by lbl_16E040 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON Quiz!\rGet it right, and the door opens to\nthe next room.\rGet it wrong, and face a TRAINER!\rIf you want to conserve your\nPOKéMON for the GYM LEADER…\rThen get it right!\nHere we go!", 4);
say ("TM28 contains TOMBSTONY?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16E0A4);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16E07F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E07F @ Referenced by lbl_16E058 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16DC27);
if (0x26B) goto (lbl_16DC68);
call (lbl_16E094);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E0A4 @ Referenced by lbl_16E058 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16DC34);
checktrainer (0xB4);
ifgoto (0, lbl_16E0B4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E0B4 @ Referenced by lbl_16E0A4 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_16E0EE);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_16E100);
textcolor (0);
say ("Fire is weak against H2O.", 4);
trainerbattle (3, 180, "Oh!\nSnuffed out!");
if (0x26B) goto (lbl_16DC68);
call (lbl_16E094);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E100 @ Referenced by lbl_16E0B4 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
applymove (0x7, move_16E115);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E115 @ Referenced by lbl_16E100 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E0EE @ Referenced by lbl_16E0B4 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
applymove (0x7, move_16E112);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E112 @ Referenced by lbl_16E0EE @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E04C @ 12.0 sign #13 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_16E058);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E279 @ 12.1 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x406A == 0x1) call (lbl_16E285);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E285 @ Referenced by lbl_16E279 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x406A, 0x2);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E28B @ 12.1 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("We study POKéMON extensively\nevery day.\rPeople often bring us rare POKéMON\nfor examination.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E294 @ 12.1 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A photo of the LAB's founder…\nDR. FUJI?!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E29D @ 12.1 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON LAB\nMeeting Room", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E2A6 @ 12.1 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON LAB\nR & D Room", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E2AF @ 12.1 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON LAB\nTesting Room", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E2B9 @ 12.2 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I found this most remarkable fossil\ninside MT. MOON.\rI think it's of a rare, prehistoric\nPOKéMON.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E2C2 @ 12.2 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x6);
call (lbl_1A8CAD);
if (0x274) goto (lbl_16E334);
say ("Hello, there! Do you happen to\nhave a {var:2}?\rWould you agree to a trade for\nmy {var:3}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16E31C);
call (lbl_1A8CBD);
if (0x8004 => 0x6) goto (lbl_16E31C);
call (lbl_1A8CC9);
comparevars (0x800D, 0x8009);
ifgoto (5, lbl_16E326);
call (lbl_1A8CD9);
say ("Thanks!", 4);
setflag (0x274);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E326 @ Referenced by lbl_16E2C2 @ ----------------------------------------------
getpokemonname (0, 0x8009);
say ("Hmmm?\nThis isn't a {var:2}.\rThink of me if you get one.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E31C @ Referenced by lbl_16E2C2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Well, if you don't want to…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E334 @ Referenced by lbl_16E2C2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The {var:3} that I traded you,\nhas it grown stronger?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E33E @ 12.2 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x7);
copyvar (0x8004, 0x8008);
special2 (0x800D, 0xFC);
copyvar (0x8009, 0x800D);
if (0x275) goto (lbl_16E3D4);
say ("Hi!\nDo you have a {var:2}?\rWant to trade it for my\n{var:3}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16E3BC);
special (0x9F);
waitstate ();
copyvar (0x800A, 0x8004);
if (0x8004 => 0x6) goto (lbl_16E3BC);
copyvar (0x8005, 0x800A);
special2 (0x800D, 0xFF);
copyvar (0x800B, 0x800D);
comparevars (0x800D, 0x8009);
ifgoto (5, lbl_16E3C6);
copyvar (0x8004, 0x8008);
copyvar (0x8005, 0x800A);
special (0xFD);
special (0xFE);
waitstate ();
say ("Thanks, you're a pal!", 4);
setflag (0x275);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E3C6 @ Referenced by lbl_16E33E @ ----------------------------------------------
getpokemonname (0, 0x8009);
say ("…This is no {var:2}.\rIf you get one, trade it with me.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E3BC @ Referenced by lbl_16E33E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("That's too bad.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E3D4 @ Referenced by lbl_16E33E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("How is my old {var:3}?\nMy {var:2} is doing great!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E3DF @ 12.3 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
jump (lbl_1C4C8E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4C8E @ Referenced by lbl_16E3DF @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2CC) goto (lbl_1C4CEC);
say ("Tch-tch-tch!\nI'll teach you a nifty move.\rTeach it to a POKéMON, and watch\nthe fun unfold!\rIt's a move called METRONOME.\nDoes it strike your fancy?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4CE2);
call (lbl_1C4F37);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4CE2);
say ("Okay!\nWhich POKéMON should I teach?", 4);
setvar (0x8005, 0x8);
call (lbl_1C4F30);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4CE2);
setflag (0x2CC);
jump (lbl_1C4CEC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4CE2 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4C8E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I tell you, it's a lot of fun!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4CEC @ Referenced by lbl_1C4C8E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Tch-tch-tch!\nThat's the sound of a METRONOME.\rIt tweaks your POKéMON's brain into\nusing moves it doesn't even know.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E3E5 @ 12.3 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("EEVEE can evolve into one of three\nkinds of POKéMON.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E3EE @ 12.3 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("There's an e-mail message.\r… … …\rThere are three legendary bird\nPOKéMON.\rThey are ARTICUNO, ZAPDOS, and\nMOLTRES.\rTheir whereabouts are unknown.\rWe plan to explore the cavern\nclose to CERULEAN.\rFrom: POKéMON RESEARCH TEAM…", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E3F7 @ 12.3 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("An amber pipe!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E401 @ 12.4 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x8);
call (lbl_1A8CAD);
if (0x276) goto (lbl_16E473);
say ("I'm looking for the POKéMON\n{var:2}!\rWanna trade one for my\n{var:3}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16E45B);
call (lbl_1A8CBD);
if (0x8004 => 0x6) goto (lbl_16E45B);
call (lbl_1A8CC9);
comparevars (0x800D, 0x8009);
ifgoto (5, lbl_16E465);
call (lbl_1A8CD9);
say ("Hey, thanks!", 4);
setflag (0x276);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E465 @ Referenced by lbl_16E401 @ ----------------------------------------------
getpokemonname (0, 0x8009);
say ("What?\nThat's no {var:2}!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E45B @ Referenced by lbl_16E401 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Awww!\nOh, well…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E473 @ Referenced by lbl_16E401 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Isn't my old {var:3} great?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E47D @ 12.4 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x800D, 0x0);
if (0x2EE) call (lbl_16E8A1);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16E897);
if (0x406A == 0x2) goto (lbl_16E736);
if (0x406A == 0x1) goto (lbl_16E72C);
call (lbl_16E4EC);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16E544);
call (lbl_16E504);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16E586);
call (lbl_16E51C);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16E5C8);
say ("Hiya!\rI am important doctor.\nYes, very much so, indeed.\rHere, I study rare POKéMON fossils.\nAll the time, I study.\rYou!\nHave you a fossil for me?", 4);
jump (lbl_16E53A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E53A @ Referenced by lbl_16E47D @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("No!\nIs too bad!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E5C8 @ Referenced by lbl_16E47D @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Hiya!\rI am important doctor.\nYes, very much so, indeed.\rHere, I study rare POKéMON fossils.\nAll the time, I study.\rYou!\nHave you a fossil for me?");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (0, 0, 23, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16E6E4);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16E53A);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16E53A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E6E4 @ Referenced by lbl_16E5C8 @ ----------------------------------------------
getpokemonname (0, 0x8E);
getitemname (1, 0x162);
say ("Oh!\nThat is {var:3}, it is!\rIt is fossil of {var:2},\na POKéMON that is already extinct!\rMy Resurrection Machine will make\nthat POKéMON live again!", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16E722);
say ("So!\nYou hurry and give me that!\r{font:2}{RED} handed over the\n{var:3} to the weird doctor.", 4);
textcolor (0);
takeitem (0x162, 0x1);
say ("I take a little time!\nYou go for walk a little while!", 4);
setvar (0x406A, 0x1);
setvar (0x4069, 0x3);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E722 @ Referenced by lbl_16E6E4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Aiyah!\nYou come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E51C @ Referenced by lbl_16E47D @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x25E) goto (lbl_16E534);
if (0x2EE) goto (lbl_16E534);
setvar (0x800D, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E534 @ Referenced by lbl_16E51C @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x800D, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E586 @ Referenced by lbl_16E47D @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Hiya!\rI am important doctor.\nYes, very much so, indeed.\rHere, I study rare POKéMON fossils.\nAll the time, I study.\rYou!\nHave you a fossil for me?");
waitmsg ();
call (lbl_16E51C);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16E631);
multichoice (0, 0, 22, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16E6A6);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16E53A);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16E53A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E6A6 @ Referenced by lbl_16E586 @ ----------------------------------------------
getpokemonname (0, 0x8C);
getitemname (1, 0x166);
say ("Oh!\nThat is {var:3}, it is!\rIt is fossil of {var:2},\na POKéMON that is already extinct!\rMy Resurrection Machine will make\nthat POKéMON live again!", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16E722);
say ("So!\nYou hurry and give me that!\r{font:2}{RED} handed over the\n{var:3} to the weird doctor.", 4);
textcolor (0);
takeitem (0x166, 0x1);
say ("I take a little time!\nYou go for walk a little while!", 4);
setvar (0x406A, 0x1);
setvar (0x4069, 0x2);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E631 @ Referenced by lbl_16E586 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (0, 0, 25, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16E6A6);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16E6E4);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16E53A);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16E53A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E504 @ Referenced by lbl_16E47D @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x272) goto (lbl_16E534);
if (0x2EC) goto (lbl_16E534);
setvar (0x800D, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E544 @ Referenced by lbl_16E47D @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Hiya!\rI am important doctor.\nYes, very much so, indeed.\rHere, I study rare POKéMON fossils.\nAll the time, I study.\rYou!\nHave you a fossil for me?");
waitmsg ();
call (lbl_16E51C);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16E5FA);
multichoice (0, 0, 21, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16E668);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16E53A);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16E53A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E668 @ Referenced by lbl_16E544 @ ----------------------------------------------
getpokemonname (0, 0x8A);
getitemname (1, 0x165);
say ("Oh!\nThat is {var:3}, it is!\rIt is fossil of {var:2},\na POKéMON that is already extinct!\rMy Resurrection Machine will make\nthat POKéMON live again!", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16E722);
say ("So!\nYou hurry and give me that!\r{font:2}{RED} handed over the\n{var:3} to the weird doctor.", 4);
textcolor (0);
takeitem (0x165, 0x1);
say ("I take a little time!\nYou go for walk a little while!", 4);
setvar (0x406A, 0x1);
setvar (0x4069, 0x1);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E5FA @ Referenced by lbl_16E544 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (0, 0, 24, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16E668);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16E6E4);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16E53A);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_16E53A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E4EC @ Referenced by lbl_16E47D @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x273) goto (lbl_16E534);
if (0x2ED) goto (lbl_16E534);
setvar (0x800D, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E72C @ Referenced by lbl_16E47D @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I take a little time!\nYou go for walk a little while!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E736 @ Referenced by lbl_16E47D @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4069 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16E758);
if (0x4069 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16E79D);
if (0x4069 == 0x3) goto (lbl_16E7E2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E7E2 @ Referenced by lbl_16E736 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x8E);
getpokemonname (0, 0x8E);
say ("You late.\nWhere were you?\rYour fossil is back to life!\nIt was {var:2} like I think!", 4);
givepokemon (0x8E, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0, 0);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A927C);
setflag (0x2EE);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16E827);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16E85B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E85B @ Referenced by lbl_16E7E2 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x101);
preparemsg ("{RED} received the {var:2}\nfrom the doctor.");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
setvar (0x406A, 0x0);
say ("Do you want to give a nickname to\nthis {var:2}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16E88A);
call (lbl_1A8C33);
jump (lbl_16E88A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E88A @ Referenced by lbl_16E85B @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A8C3C);
jump (lbl_16E895);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E895 @ Referenced by lbl_16E88A @ ----------------------------------------------
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E827 @ Referenced by lbl_16E7E2 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x101);
preparemsg ("{RED} received the {var:2}\nfrom the doctor.");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
setvar (0x406A, 0x0);
say ("Do you want to give a nickname to\nthis {var:2}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16E895);
call (lbl_1A8C27);
call (lbl_1A74EB);
jump (lbl_16E895);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E79D @ Referenced by lbl_16E736 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x8C);
getpokemonname (0, 0x8C);
say ("You late.\nWhere were you?\rYour fossil is back to life!\nIt was {var:2} like I think!", 4);
givepokemon (0x8C, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0, 0);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A927C);
setflag (0x2EC);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16E827);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16E85B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E758 @ Referenced by lbl_16E736 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x8A);
getpokemonname (0, 0x8A);
say ("You late.\nWhere were you?\rYour fossil is back to life!\nIt was {var:2} like I think!", 4);
givepokemon (0x8A, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0, 0);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A927C);
setflag (0x2ED);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16E827);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16E85B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E897 @ Referenced by lbl_16E47D @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Aiyah!\nYou come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E8A1 @ Referenced by lbl_16E47D @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x273) goto (lbl_16E8B9);
if (0x272) goto (lbl_16E8C8);
jump (lbl_16E534);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E8C8 @ Referenced by lbl_16E8A1 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x2EC) goto (lbl_16E534);
setvar (0x800D, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E8B9 @ Referenced by lbl_16E8A1 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x2ED) goto (lbl_16E534);
setvar (0x800D, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E8E2 @ 12.5 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setrespawn (0x9);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E8E6 @ 12.5 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (NurseJoy);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E8EF @ 12.5 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Do you have lots of friends?\rLinking up with the usual friends\nis fun, of course.\rBut how about visiting the\nUNION ROOM every so often?\rWho knows, you may end up making\nnew friends.\rI think it would be worth your time\nto check the UNION ROOM.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E8F8 @ 12.5 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I came to visit the CINNABAR GYM,\nbut the door is locked tight.\rThere should be a key for it\nsomewhere.\rCould it be in that burned-out\nmansion?\rThe GYM LEADER's friend used to\nlive there, they say.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E901 @ 12.5 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON can still learn techniques\nafter canceling evolution.\rEvolution can wait until new moves\nhave been learned.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E90A @ 12.5 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("BILL: Hey, you kept me waiting!\nReady to set sail to ONE ISLAND?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16E9A5);
say ("Well, that's it.\nLet's go!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
playsong (0x110, 1);
playsong2 (0x110);
setflag (0x4001);
setflag (0xA2);
pause (0x14);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_16E96F);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_16E981);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_16E993);
hidesprite (0x7);
setvar (0x408A, 0x1);
clearflag (0x62);
warp (3, 8, 255, 0xE, 0xB);
waitstate ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E993 @ Referenced by lbl_16E90A @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x7, move_16E9AF);
applymove (0xFF, move_16E9DE);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E9DE @ Referenced by lbl_16E993 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, 0x1C, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E9AF @ Referenced by lbl_16E993 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, 0x1B, Viz.Disappear, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E981 @ Referenced by lbl_16E90A @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x7, move_16E9C3);
applymove (0xFF, move_16E9CF);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E9CF @ Referenced by lbl_16E981 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, Face.East, 0x1C, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, 0x1B, Walk.South, 0x1B, Viz.Disappear, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E9C3 @ Referenced by lbl_16E981 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, 0x1B, Viz.Disappear, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E96F @ Referenced by lbl_16E90A @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x7, move_16E9AF);
applymove (0xFF, move_16E9B9);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E9B9 @ Referenced by lbl_16E96F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, 0x1C, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816E9A5 @ Referenced by lbl_16E90A @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, you're still not done yet?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EA10 @ 12.7 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Don't they have X ATTACK?\rI like it because it raises the\nATTACK stat in battle.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EA19 @ 12.7 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It never hurts to have extra items.\nYou never know what might happen.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EA22 @ 12.7 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Hi, there!\nMay I help you?");
waitmsg ();
doshop (store_16EA48);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EA48 @ Referenced by lbl_16EA22 @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.UltraBall, Item.GreatBall, Item.HyperPotion, Item.Revive, Item.FullHeal, Item.EscapeRope, Item.MaxRepel, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EA65 @ 13.0 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setrespawn (0xA);
special2 (0x800D, 0x193);
if (0x800D == 0x1) call (lbl_16EA79);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EA79 @ Referenced by lbl_16EA65 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x844) goto (lbl_1A77A9);
movesprite2 (0x4, 0x4, 0x2);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EA8A @ 13.0 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
special2 (0x800D, 0x193);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16EAA6);
say ("From here on, you face the\nELITE FOUR one by one.\rIf you win, a door opens to the\nnext TRAINER. Good luck!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EAA6 @ Referenced by lbl_16EA8A @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x844) goto (lbl_16EAB9);
say ("I am so sorry, but you've wasted\nyour time coming here.\rLORELEI of the ELITE FOUR is\nabsent, you see.\rAs a result, the POKéMON LEAGUE is\nclosed for the time being.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EAB9 @ Referenced by lbl_16EAA6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("From here on, you face the\nELITE FOUR one by one.\rIf you win, a door opens to the\nnext TRAINER. Good luck!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EAC3 @ 13.0 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Yo!\nChamp in the making!\rAt the POKéMON LEAGUE, you will\nface the ELITE FOUR all in a row.\rIf you lose, you have to start all\nover again!\rThis is it!\nGo for it!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EACC @ 13.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Hi, there!\nMay I help you?");
waitmsg ();
doshop (store_16EAF4);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EAF4 @ Referenced by lbl_16EACC @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.UltraBall, Item.GreatBall, Item.FullRestore, Item.MaxPotion, Item.Revive, Item.FullHeal, Item.MaxRepel, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EB06 @ 13.0 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (NurseJoy);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EB37 @ 14.0 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("My daughter is so self-centered.\nShe has but a few friends.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EB40 @ 14.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("My daughter likes to mimic people.\nIt's rather vexing.\rHer mimicry has earned her the\nnickname COPYCAT around here.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EB49 @ 14.0 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
cry (0x71, 0x0);
say ("CHANSEY: Chaan! Sii!", 4);
waitforcry ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EB5D @ 14.1 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
cry (0x54, 0x0);
waitforcry ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EB70 @ 14.1 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
say ("This is a rare POKéMON!\nHuh? It's only a doll!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EB7B @ 14.1 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checkitem (0x50, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C4CF6);
getgender ();
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_16EBB7);
if (0x800D == 0x1) call (lbl_16EBC0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EBC0 @ Referenced by lbl_16EB7B @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("{RED}: Hi.\nYou must like POKéMON.\r{RED}: No, not me.\nI asked you.\r{RED}: Pardon?\nYou're weird!\f \fCOPYCAT: Hmm? Quit mimicking?\fBut that's my favorite hobby!", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EBB7 @ Referenced by lbl_16EB7B @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("{RED}: Hi!\nDo you like POKéMON?\r{RED}: Uh, no, I just asked you.\r{RED}: Huh?\nYou're strange!\rCOPYCAT: Hmm? Quit mimicking?\nBut, that's my favorite hobby!", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4CF6 @ Referenced by lbl_16EB7B @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x2CD) goto (lbl_1C4D59);
say ("Oh wow!\nA POKé DOLL!\rFor me?\nThank you!\rYou know what?\nI can teach the move MIMIC.", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4D4F);
call (lbl_1C4F37);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4D4F);
say ("I really love MIMIC!\nWho's going to learn it?", 4);
setvar (0x8005, 0x7);
call (lbl_1C4F30);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4D4F);
takeitem (0x50, 0x1);
setflag (0x2CD);
jump (lbl_1C4D59);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4D4F @ Referenced by lbl_1C4CF6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Don't you like MIMIC?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4D59 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4CF6 @ ----------------------------------------------
getgender ();
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_1C4D72);
if (0x800D == 0x1) call (lbl_1C4D7B);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4D7B @ Referenced by lbl_1C4D59 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("{RED}: Hi!\nThanks for what you did for us.\r{RED}: Pardon?\r{RED}: Is it really that fun to\ncopy what I say and do?\rCOPYCAT: You bet!\nIt's a scream!", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4D72 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4D59 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("{RED}: Hi!\nThanks for earlier!\r{RED}: Pardon?\r{RED}: Is it that fun to mimic my\nevery move?\rCOPYCAT: You bet!\nIt's a scream!", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EBC9 @ 14.1 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("…\rMy Secrets!\rSkill: Mimicry!\nHobby: Collecting dolls!\fFavorite POKéMON: CLEFAIRY!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EBD2 @ 14.1 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A game with MARIO wearing a bucket\non his head!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EBDC @ 14.2 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4081, 0x1);
applymove (0x5, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EBEE @ 14.2 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4081, 0x1);
applymove (0x5, move_1A75EB);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EC00 @ 14.2 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x278) goto (lbl_16EC3C);
showpokepic (0x6A, 10, 3);
setvar (0x4001, 0x6A);
applymove (0x5, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
textcolor (0);
say ("You want the hard-kicking\nHITMONLEE?", 5);
call (lbl_1A6675);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16EC82);
hidepokepic ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EC82 @ Referenced by lbl_16EC00 @ ----------------------------------------------
hidepokepic ();
givepokemon (0x4001, 0x19, 0x0, 0x0, 0, 0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16ECB5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16ECEC);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A927C);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816ECEC @ Referenced by lbl_16EC82 @ ----------------------------------------------
hidesprite (0x800F);
getpokemonname (0, 0x4001);
jingle (0x101);
preparemsg ("{RED} received the {var:2}\nfrom the KARATE MASTER.");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
setflag (0x278);
say ("Do you want to give a nickname to\nthis {var:2}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16ED1E);
call (lbl_1A8C33);
jump (lbl_16ED1E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816ED1E @ Referenced by lbl_16ECEC @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A8C3C);
jump (lbl_16ED29);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816ED29 @ Referenced by lbl_16ED1E @ ----------------------------------------------
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816ECB5 @ Referenced by lbl_16EC82 @ ----------------------------------------------
hidesprite (0x800F);
getpokemonname (0, 0x4001);
jingle (0x101);
preparemsg ("{RED} received the {var:2}\nfrom the KARATE MASTER.");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
setflag (0x278);
say ("Do you want to give a nickname to\nthis {var:2}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16ED29);
call (lbl_1A8C27);
call (lbl_1A74EB);
jump (lbl_16ED29);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EC3C @ Referenced by lbl_16EC00 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Better not get greedy…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EC46 @ 14.2 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x278) goto (lbl_16EC3C);
showpokepic (0x6B, 10, 3);
setvar (0x4001, 0x6B);
applymove (0x5, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
textcolor (0);
say ("You want the piston-punching\nHITMONCHAN?", 5);
call (lbl_1A6675);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16EC82);
hidepokepic ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816ED2B @ 14.2 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("FIGHTING DOJO", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816ED34 @ 14.2 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Enemies on every side!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816ED3D @ 14.2 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("What goes around comes around.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816ED46 @ 14.2 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 321, "Hwaah!\rYou're trespassing in our\nFIGHTING DOJO!", "Oof!\nI give up!");
say ("The prime fighters across the land\ntrain here.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816ED5D @ 14.2 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 319, "I hear you're good!\nShow me!", "Judge!\nOne point!");
say ("Our MASTER is a pro fighter.\nBe prepared to lose!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816ED74 @ 14.2 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 320, "Hiyah!\nI have no fear for anything tough!\rI shatter boulders for training\nevery day!", "Yow!\nStubbed fingers!");
say ("The only thing that frightens us is\npsychic power!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816ED8B @ 14.2 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 318, "Hoargh!\nTake your shoes off!", "I give up!");
say ("You wait 'til you see our MASTER!\nI'm a small fry compared to him!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EDA2 @ 14.2 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (2, 317, "Grunt!\rI am the KARATE MASTER!\nI am the LEADER here!\rYou wish to challenge us?\nExpect no mercy!\rFwaaa!", "Hwa!\nArrgh! Beaten!", lbl_16EDD0);
if (0x278) goto (lbl_16EDC6);
say ("Indeed, I have lost!\rBut, I beseech you, do not take\nour emblem as your trophy!\rIn return, I will give you a prized\nFIGHTING POKéMON!\rChoose whichever one you like!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EDC6 @ Referenced by lbl_16EDA2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Grunt!\nStay and train at karate with us!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EDD0 @ Referenced by lbl_16EDA2 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4081, 0x1);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EDD8 @ 14.3 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x7);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x174);
trainerbattle (1, 420, "I had a vision of your arrival.\rI have had psychic powers since\nI was a child.\rIt started when a spoon I\ncarelessly tossed, bent.\rI dislike battling, but if you wish,\nI will show you my powers!{snd1:342}", "This loss shocks me!\nBut, a loss is a loss.\rI admit, I didn't work hard enough\nto win.\rYour victory has earned you the\nMARSHBADGE.", lbl_16EE0A);
if (not 0x29A) goto (lbl_16EE3D);
say ("TM04 is CALM MIND.\rIt makes the POKéMON concentrate\nto raise both SP. ATK and SP. DEF.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EE3D @ Referenced by lbl_16EDD8 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The MARSHBADGE makes POKéMON up\nto Lv. 70 obey you.\rStronger POKéMON will become wild,\nignoring your orders in battle.\rJust don't raise your POKéMON too\nmuch to avoid that problem.\rWait, please take this TM with you.", 4);
checkitemamount (0x124, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16EE7E);
giveitem (0x124, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received TM04 from\nSABRINA.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x124);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
setflag (0x29A);
say ("Psychic power isn't something that\nonly a few people have.\rEveryone has psychic power.\nPeople just don't realize it.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EE7E @ Referenced by lbl_16EE3D @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Your BAG is full of other items.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EE0A @ Referenced by lbl_16EDD8 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x7);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x173);
setvar (0x8004, 0x7);
setvar (0x8005, 0x3);
special (0x173);
clearflag (0xAE);
setflag (0x4B5);
setflag (0x825);
setvar (0x8008, 0x6);
call (lbl_1A6B18);
jump (lbl_16EE3D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EE88 @ 14.3 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 280, "Does our unseen power scare you?", "I never foresaw this!");
say ("PSYCHIC POKéMON fear only ghosts\nand bugs!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EE9F @ 14.3 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 281, "You understand, don't you?\rThat power alone isn't enough to\nwin in the world of POKéMON?", "I don't believe this!");
setvar (0x8004, 0x7);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x173);
say ("SABRINA just wiped out the KARATE\nMASTER next door.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EEC3 @ 14.3 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 282, "SABRINA is young, but she's also\nour highly skilled LEADER.\rYou won't reach her easily!", "Ow!\nDown and out!");
say ("There used to be two POKéMON GYMS\nin SAFFRON.\rThe FIGHTING DOJO next door lost\nits GYM status, though.\rWe simply creamed them when we\ndecided to have just one GYM.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EEDA @ 14.3 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 283, "SAFFRON POKéMON GYM is famous for\ntraining psychics.\rYou want to see SABRINA, don't\nyou? I can tell!", "Arrrgh!");
say ("That's right! I used telepathy to\nread your mind!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EEF1 @ 14.3 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 462, "SABRINA is far younger than I,\nbut she has earned my respect.", "Not good enough!");
say ("In a battle of equals, the one\nwith the stronger will wins.\rIf you wish to beat SABRINA, focus\nand will yourself to victory.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EF08 @ 14.3 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 463, "POKéMON take on the appearance of\ntheir TRAINERS.\rYour POKéMON must be tough, then!", "I knew it!");
say ("I have much to learn still…\rI must master PSYCHIC and teach it\nto my POKéMON…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EF1F @ 14.3 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 464, "You and I, our POKéMON shall\nbattle!", "I lost after all!");
say ("I knew that this was going to take\nplace.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EF36 @ 14.3 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4B5) goto (lbl_16EF4B);
say ("Yo!\nChamp in the making!\rSABRINA's POKéMON use psychic\npower instead of force.\rFIGHTING POKéMON are especially\nweak against PSYCHIC POKéMON.\rThey'll get destroyed before they\ncan even aim a punch!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EF4B @ Referenced by lbl_16EF36 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Psychic power, huh?\rIf I had that, I'd make a bundle\nat the slots!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EF55 @ 14.3 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x825) goto (lbl_16EF69);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EF69 @ Referenced by lbl_16EF55 @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EF74 @ 14.4 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("…Thank you for writing.\nI hope to see you soon!\r…Hey!\nDon't look at my letter!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EF7D @ 14.4 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The COPYCAT is cute!\nI'm getting her a POKé DOLL.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EF86 @ 14.4 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
cry (0x10, 0x0);
say ("PIDGEY: Kurukkoo!", 4);
waitforcry ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EF99 @ 14.4 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I was given a PP UP as a gift.\rIt's used to increase the PP of\na POKéMON's move.\rI should use it on a powerful move\nwith only a few PP.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EFA3 @ 14.5 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("REVIVE is costly, but it revives\nfainted POKéMON!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EFAC @ 14.5 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("MAX REPEL keeps weaker POKéMON\nfrom appearing.\rMAX REPEL stays effective longer\nthan SUPER REPEL.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EFB5 @ 14.5 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Hi, there!\nMay I help you?");
waitmsg ();
doshop (store_16EFDC);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EFDC @ Referenced by lbl_16EFB5 @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.GreatBall, Item.HyperPotion, Item.Revive, Item.FullHeal, Item.EscapeRope, Item.MaxRepel, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EFF7 @ 14.6 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setrespawn (0xB);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816EFFB @ 14.6 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (NurseJoy);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F004 @ 14.6 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SILPH CO. is widely known to all.\rIt's a victim of its own fame - it\nattracted TEAM ROCKET.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F00D @ 14.6 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON growth rates differ from\nspecies to species.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F016 @ 14.6 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4060 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16F02D);
say ("Sigh…\nWouldn't this be great?\rIf the ELITE FOUR came and\nstomped TEAM ROCKET?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F02D @ Referenced by lbl_16F016 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TEAM ROCKET took off!\nWe can go out safely again!\fThat's great!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F05F @ 14.8 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x245) goto (lbl_16F0B5);
say ("…Wait! Don't say a word!\rYou wanted this!", 4);
checkitemamount (0x13D, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16F0AB);
giveitem (0x13D, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received TM29\nfrom MR. PSYCHIC.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x13D);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
say ("You already know, don't you?\nTM29 is PSYCHIC.\rIt's an attack that may also lower\nthe target's special stats.", 4);
setflag (0x245);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F0AB @ Referenced by lbl_16F05F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Where do you plan to put this?\nYou've no room.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F0B5 @ Referenced by lbl_16F05F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You already know, don't you?\nTM29 is PSYCHIC.\rIt's an attack that may also lower\nthe target's special stats.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F144 @ 14.9 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4073 == 0x1) goto (lbl_16F267);
if (0x4073 == 0x2) goto (lbl_16F15B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F15B @ Referenced by lbl_16F144 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0xA7);
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA3);
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_16F207);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA3);
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_16F213);
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA3);
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_16F21F);
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA3);
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_16F22B);
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA3);
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_16F237);
setvar (0x8004, 0x5);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA3);
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_16F243);
setvar (0x8004, 0x6);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA3);
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_16F24F);
setvar (0x8004, 0x7);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA3);
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_16F25B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F25B @ Referenced by lbl_16F15B @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x8, 0x9, 0x6);
spritebehave (0x8, 9);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F24F @ Referenced by lbl_16F15B @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x7, 0x7, 0x5);
spritebehave (0x7, 9);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F243 @ Referenced by lbl_16F15B @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x5, 0xA, 0x3);
spritebehave (0x5, 7);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F237 @ Referenced by lbl_16F15B @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x6, 0x4, 0x6);
spritebehave (0x6, 7);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F22B @ Referenced by lbl_16F15B @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x2, 0x3, 0x4);
spritebehave (0x2, 10);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F21F @ Referenced by lbl_16F15B @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x4, 0x2, 0x2);
spritebehave (0x4, 7);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F213 @ Referenced by lbl_16F15B @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x3, 0x7, 0x4);
spritebehave (0x3, 9);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F207 @ Referenced by lbl_16F15B @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x1, 0x5, 0x2);
spritebehave (0x1, 7);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F267 @ Referenced by lbl_16F144 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16F22B);
call (lbl_16F237);
call (lbl_16F243);
call (lbl_16F24F);
call (lbl_16F25B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F281 @ 14.9 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
special (0xA5);
if (0x4073 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16F2EE);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA3);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16F2C0);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA4);
if (0x800D == 0x7) goto (lbl_16F2E4);
say ("I'm sorry.\nI was your fan before.\rBut now, you seem to have lost\nthe drive you had before.\rLately, I think {var:2} has been\na lot cooler.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F2E4 @ Referenced by lbl_16F281 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh!\n{RED}!\rEveryone's been all excited about\nyou recently.\rI can understand why.\nI know that you're strong.\rBut, do you know what?\rOnce I became {var:2}'s fan,\nI can't just stop being a fan.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F2C0 @ Referenced by lbl_16F281 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0xA4);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16F2DA);
say ("I'll always be cheering for you!\rGo, {RED}, go!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F2DA @ Referenced by lbl_16F2C0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'll always believe in you,\n{RED}.\rPlease show the others what you're\nlike when you battle seriously.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F2EE @ Referenced by lbl_16F281 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I think TRAINERS are so cool when\nthey're battling.\rDon't you think so, too?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F2F8 @ 14.9 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
special (0xA5);
if (0x4073 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16F365);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA3);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16F337);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA4);
if (0x800D == 0x7) goto (lbl_16F35B);
say ("Do you know what?\nI want to be like SABRINA!\rI want to be a psychic girl just\nlike her!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F35B @ Referenced by lbl_16F2F8 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Even if I'm the only one, I won't\nstop being SABRINA's fan.\rMy dream is to be like SABRINA,\ncute, but cool.\rI want to be a psychic girl just\nlike her!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F337 @ Referenced by lbl_16F2F8 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0xA4);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16F351);
say ("It's {RED}!\nIt's {RED}!\rI want to be like {RED} one day!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F351 @ Referenced by lbl_16F337 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Everyone stopped being {RED}'s\nfan…\rBut that means I can have {RED}\nall to myself!\rYay! Go for it!\nMy one and only {RED}!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F365 @ Referenced by lbl_16F2F8 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I wonder if I can become a cool\nTRAINER one day?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F36F @ 14.9 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
special (0xA5);
if (0x4073 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16F3DC);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA3);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16F3AE);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA4);
if (0x800D == 0x7) goto (lbl_16F3D2);
say ("BROCK's my hero!\nHe's a man among men!\rHeheh, I got my mom to do\nsomething for me.\rI got her to embroider “BROCK”\non my shorts!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F3D2 @ Referenced by lbl_16F36F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("… …\r… …\nI'm BROCK's fan!\rEven if I were his only fan,\nI swear it on my rock-hard will,\fand on my shorts!\rI'll be his fan to the bitter end!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F3AE @ Referenced by lbl_16F36F @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0xA4);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16F3C8);
say ("Oh! It's {RED}!\nToo cool!\rOh!\nOh, yeah!\rCan you autograph something?\nHow about my shorts?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F3C8 @ Referenced by lbl_16F3AE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("However hot it's been…\rAnd however cold it may get…\rI've always believed in, and worn,\nshorts!\rI'm counting on you to keep\nwinning!\rI believe in you just as much as\nI believe in shorts!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F3DC @ Referenced by lbl_16F36F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("BROCK's the last word on cool,\nend of story!\rNow there's a guy who I want to\nbe like!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F3E6 @ 14.9 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
special (0xA5);
if (0x4073 == 0x0) goto (lbl_16F453);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA3);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16F425);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA4);
if (0x800D == 0x7) goto (lbl_16F449);
say ("Hmm…\nAnd you are?\rWere you hoping to sign up for\na membership in our FAN CLUB?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F449 @ Referenced by lbl_16F3E6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Ah, so you are the much-\ntalked-about {RED}.\rYou certainly do have the look of\na winner.\rBut for me to accept you as\na true POKéMON great…\r… …\rYou've still a ways to go!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F425 @ Referenced by lbl_16F3E6 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0xA4);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16F43F);
say ("{RED}, I've had the pleasure of\nwatching you battle.\rIt brings back sweet memories of\nmy own long-lost youth.\rMay you continue to find success.\nYou have a fan in me!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F43F @ Referenced by lbl_16F425 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I have journeyed far and wide\nacross the lands.\rBut never have I seen a TRAINER\nof your magnificence.\rTake courage in your abilities\nand keep battling on!\rMake that a promise to me,\nmy young idol!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F453 @ Referenced by lbl_16F3E6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("All of us gathered here are fans\nof POKéMON TRAINERS.\rThe way they look in battle…\nThey are the picture of coolness.\rPerhaps you will be talked about\nhere, too, if you keep winning.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F45D @ 14.9 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x5);
special (0xA5);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA3);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16F491);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA4);
if (0x800D == 0x7) goto (lbl_16F4B5);
say ("Recently, {var:2} has been on\nfire.\rThe way he battles… It's just \nthe way that I like it!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F4B5 @ Referenced by lbl_16F45D @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, hello!\nIf it isn't {RED}!\rLately, all everyone talks about\nis you.\rI'm feeling lonesome because I\nprefer {var:2}.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F491 @ Referenced by lbl_16F45D @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0xA4);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16F4AB);
say ("Oh, my goodness!\nIs it really you, {RED}?\rI have to tell you, I adore the\nway you battle.\rI hope you'll keep at it.\nI'll be your number one fan!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F4AB @ Referenced by lbl_16F491 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, my goodness!\nIf it isn't {RED}!\rIt's so disappointing… I realized\nI'm your number-one-and-only fan!\rWell, it can't be helped!\nLet me cheer you on, at least!\rHurray, hurray, {RED}!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F4BF @ 14.9 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
special (0xA5);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA3);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16F4F3);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA4);
if (0x800D == 0x7) goto (lbl_16F517);
say ("{var:2}'s cool, huh?\nI love the way he talks.\rI'd really relish a chance to meet\nhim in person once.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F517 @ Referenced by lbl_16F4BF @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Huh, can you believe it?\nEveryone turned into your fans.\rSo after all we've been through,\nI'm the lone {var:2} fan?\rEh, being the one and only\n{var:2} fan's my style, anyway.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F4F3 @ Referenced by lbl_16F4BF @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0xA4);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16F50D);
say ("Oh, man, oh, man!\nCool! Too cool!\r…Huh?\nNo, not you.\rJust the way you battle.\nThat's cool.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F50D @ Referenced by lbl_16F4F3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Yo, {RED}!\rLooks like I'm the only one left\nout of your fans.\rBut, you know, I like being an only\nfan… It's less stressful.\rKeep up and at it!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F521 @ 14.9 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x6);
special (0xA5);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA3);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16F555);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA4);
if (0x800D == 0x7) goto (lbl_16F579);
say ("Master {var:2} is so dignified…\nHe is so my type.\rWhy can't the others see the\ndignity he simply oozes?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F579 @ Referenced by lbl_16F521 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I believe in Master {var:2}\nwith all my heart.\rEven if I am the only one to\nbelieve in him.\rI won't ever feel lonesome, though.\rNot if I keep thinking about Master\n{var:2}.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F555 @ Referenced by lbl_16F521 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0xA4);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16F56F);
say ("Amazing!\n{RED}, you really are amazing!\rInstead of just watching, maybe\nI should become a TRAINER, too.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F56F @ Referenced by lbl_16F555 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'm your only fan…\nSigh… This is lonely…\rCan't you try harder and make the\nothers take notice of you?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F583 @ 14.9 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x7);
special (0xA5);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA3);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16F5B7);
special2 (0x800D, 0xA4);
if (0x800D == 0x7) goto (lbl_16F5DB);
say ("Hiyah! There is but one TRAINER\nwho has my respect.\rAnd that is none other than my\nMASTER at the FIGHTING DOJO.\rYou should become a fan of my\nMASTER like me! Hiyah!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F5DB @ Referenced by lbl_16F583 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hiyah! I respect my MASTER at the\nFIGHTING DOJO.\rI will never become a fan of\nanyone other than my MASTER!\rI will even sneak out of the DOJO\nto spread word of his greatness.\rHiyah!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F5B7 @ Referenced by lbl_16F583 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0xA4);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16F5D1);
say ("Hiyah!\rYour battling style is most\neducational.\rI hope that you will keep plugging\naway at success, hiyah!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F5D1 @ Referenced by lbl_16F5B7 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Instead of just watching others\nbattle, battle yourself!\r…My DOJO's MASTER chewed me out\nlike that…\rBut I won't let that stop me from\nbeing your fan!\rI can't stop being your fan!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F5E6 @ 15.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Are you going to VIRIDIAN FOREST?\nIt's a natural maze in there.\fBe careful you don't get lost.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F5EF @ 15.0 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("RATTATA may be small, but don't\nunderestimate its wicked bite.\rHave you caught one already?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F5F9 @ 15.1 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A fainted POKéMON just has no\nenergy left to battle.\rIt can still use moves like CUT\noutside of battle.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F602 @ 15.1 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x0);
call (lbl_1A8CAD);
if (0x248) goto (lbl_16F674);
say ("I'm looking for the POKéMON\n{var:2}!\rWanna trade one for my\n{var:3}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16F65C);
call (lbl_1A8CBD);
if (0x8004 => 0x6) goto (lbl_16F65C);
call (lbl_1A8CC9);
comparevars (0x800D, 0x8009);
ifgoto (5, lbl_16F666);
call (lbl_1A8CD9);
say ("Hey, thanks!", 4);
setflag (0x248);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F666 @ Referenced by lbl_16F602 @ ----------------------------------------------
getpokemonname (0, 0x8009);
say ("What?\nThat's no {var:2}!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F65C @ Referenced by lbl_16F602 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Awww!\nOh, well…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F674 @ Referenced by lbl_16F602 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Isn't my old {var:3} great?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F67F @ 15.2 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (lbl_16F70B);
if (0x23B) goto (lbl_16F701);
say ("Hi! Remember me?\nI'm one of PROF. OAK's AIDES.\rIf your POKéDEX has complete data\non ten species, I'm supposed to\fgive you a reward.\rPROF. OAK entrusted me with\nHM05 for you.\rSo, {RED}, let me ask you.\rHave you gathered data on at least\nten kinds of POKéMON?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A7AD1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
special2 (0x800D, 0xD4);
getnumber (2, 0x8006);
call (lbl_16F70B);
if (0x8006 < 0xA) goto (lbl_1A7ABD);
say ("Great! You have caught or owned\n{var:4} kinds of POKéMON!\rCongratulations!\nHere you go!", 4);
checkitemamount (0x157, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A7AC7);
giveitem (0x157, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received HM05\nfrom the AIDE.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x157);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
setflag (0x23B);
say ("HM05 contains the hidden move\nFLASH.\rFLASH lights up even the darkest\nof caves and dungeons.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7AC7 @ Referenced by lbl_16F67F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh! I see you don't have any\nroom for the {var:3}.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7ABD @ Referenced by lbl_16F67F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Let's see…\nUh-oh! You have caught only\f{var:4} kinds of POKéMON!\rYou need {var:2} kinds\nif you want the {var:3}.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7AD1 @ Referenced by lbl_16F67F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("…Oh. I see.\rWhen you get {var:2} kinds of POKéMON,\ncome back for the {var:3}.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F701 @ Referenced by lbl_16F67F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("HM05 contains the hidden move\nFLASH.\rFLASH lights up even the darkest\nof caves and dungeons.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F70B @ Referenced by lbl_16F67F @ ----------------------------------------------
getnumber (0, 0xA);
getitemname (1, 0x157);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F714 @ 15.2 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Once a POKéMON learns FLASH, you\ncan get through ROCK TUNNEL.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F71E @ 15.3 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Many POKéMON live only in forests \nand caves.\rYou need to be persistent and look\neverywhere to get different kinds.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F727 @ 15.3 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Have you noticed the skinny trees\non the roadside?\rThey can be cut down by a special\nPOKéMON move, I hear.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F730 @ 15.3 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Do you know the evolution-cancel\ntechnique?\rWhen a POKéMON is evolving, you\ncan stop the process.\rIt's a technique for raising\nPOKéMON the way they are.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F744 @ 16.0 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8A2);
setrespawn (0xC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F74B @ 16.0 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Okay, set six POKé BALLS in my\nbelt…\rYeah, that'll do it. At most, you\ncan have six POKéMON with you.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F754 @ 16.0 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
say ("TEAM ROCKET attacks CERULEAN\ncitizens…\rNot a day goes by without TEAM\nROCKET being in the news.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F75F @ 16.0 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x249) goto (lbl_16F8A2);
showmoney (0, 0, 0);
getgender ();
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16F786);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16F794);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F794 @ Referenced by lbl_16F75F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("MAN: Hello there, sweetie pie!\nHave I got a deal just for you!\rI'll let you have a secret POKéMON\n- a MAGIKARP - for just \xB7500!\rSo, you'll buy it, am I right?", 5);
jump (lbl_16F7A2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F7A2 @ Referenced by lbl_16F794 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16F888);
checkmoney (0x1F4, 0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16F895);
textcolor (3);
setvar (0x4001, 0x81);
givepokemon (0x81, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0, 0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16F7F6);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16F822);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_16F8AC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F8AC @ Referenced by lbl_16F7A2 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
say ("There's no more room for any more\nPOKéMON, it looks like.", 4);
hidemoney (0, 0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F822 @ Referenced by lbl_16F7A2 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16F86F);
say ("Do you want to give a nickname to\nthis {var:2}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16F84B);
fade (1);
hidemoney (0, 0);
special (0x166);
waitstate ();
lock ();
faceplayer ();
jump (lbl_16F856);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F856 @ Referenced by lbl_16F822 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A8C3C);
jump (lbl_16F86A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F86A @ Referenced by lbl_16F856 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x249);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F84B @ Referenced by lbl_16F822 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A8C3C);
jump (lbl_16F861);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F861 @ Referenced by lbl_16F84B @ ----------------------------------------------
hidemoney (0, 0);
jump (lbl_16F86A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F86F @ Referenced by lbl_16F822 @ ----------------------------------------------
takemoney (0x1F4, 0);
updatemoney (0, 0, 0);
jingle (0x101);
preparemsg ("{RED} paid an outrageous \xB7500\nand bought the MAGIKARP…");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
getpokemonname (0, 0x81);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F7F6 @ Referenced by lbl_16F7A2 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_16F86F);
say ("Do you want to give a nickname to\nthis {var:2}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16F861);
call (lbl_1A8C27);
fade (1);
hidemoney (0, 0);
special (0x9E);
waitstate ();
jump (lbl_16F86A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F895 @ Referenced by lbl_16F7A2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You'll need more money than that!", 4);
hidemoney (0, 0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F888 @ Referenced by lbl_16F7A2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("No? You say no? I'm only doing this\nas a favor to you!", 4);
hidemoney (0, 0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F786 @ Referenced by lbl_16F75F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("MAN: Hello there, laddie!\nHave I got a deal just for you!\rI'll let you have a secret POKéMON\n- a MAGIKARP - for just \xB7500!\rSo, you'll buy it, am I right?", 5);
jump (lbl_16F7A2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F8A2 @ Referenced by lbl_16F75F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("MAN: Well, I don't give refunds.\nYou knew what you were getting!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F8BB @ 16.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (NurseJoy);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F8C4 @ 16.0 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Sometimes, you'll have too many\nPOKéMON with you to add any more.\rIn that case, you should just\nstore some using any PC.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F8CD @ 16.0 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
say ("It's a newspaper.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F901 @ 17.1 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hi, how's it going?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F90A @ 17.1 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
jump (lbl_16F92E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F92E @ Referenced by lbl_16F90A @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
if (0x2A6) goto (lbl_16F958);
say ("I'm on guard duty.\nGee, I'm thirsty, though!\rOh, wait there, the road's closed.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_16F9C4);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F9C4 @ Referenced by lbl_16F92E @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F958 @ Referenced by lbl_16F92E @ ----------------------------------------------
takeitem (0x171, 0x1);
jump (lbl_16F963);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F963 @ Referenced by lbl_16F958 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, that TEA…\nIt looks awfully tasty…", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_16F99C);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_16F9A7);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_16F9B2);
say ("Huh? I can have this drink?\nGee, thanks!\f… …\fGlug, glug…\f… …\fGulp…\fIf you want to go to SAFFRON\fCITY…\f… …\fYou can go on through.\rI'll share this TEA with the other\nguards!", 4);
setvar (0x4062, 0x1);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F9B2 @ Referenced by lbl_16F963 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16F9BF);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F9BF @ Referenced by lbl_16F9B2 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F9A7 @ Referenced by lbl_16F963 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16F9BD);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F9BD @ Referenced by lbl_16F9A7 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F99C @ Referenced by lbl_16F963 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16F9C2);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F9C2 @ Referenced by lbl_16F99C @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (StepInPlace.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F916 @ 17.1 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_16F92E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F922 @ 17.1 trap #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x2);
jump (lbl_16F92E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F9C7 @ 18.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hi, how's it going?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F9D0 @ 18.0 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
jump (lbl_16F9F4);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F9F4 @ Referenced by lbl_16F9D0 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
waitformove (0x0);
if (0x2A6) goto (lbl_16FA1E);
say ("I'm on guard duty.\nGee, I'm thirsty, though!\rOh, wait there, the road's closed.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_16FA8A);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FA8A @ Referenced by lbl_16F9F4 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FA1E @ Referenced by lbl_16F9F4 @ ----------------------------------------------
takeitem (0x171, 0x1);
jump (lbl_16FA29);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FA29 @ Referenced by lbl_16FA1E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, that TEA…\nIt looks awfully tasty…", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_16FA62);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_16FA6D);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_16FA78);
say ("Huh? I can have this drink?\nGee, thanks!\f… …\fGlug, glug…\f… …\fGulp…\fIf you want to go to SAFFRON\fCITY…\f… …\fYou can go on through.\rI'll share this TEA with the other\nguards!", 4);
setvar (0x4062, 0x1);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FA78 @ Referenced by lbl_16FA29 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16FA88);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FA88 @ Referenced by lbl_16FA78 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (StepInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FA6D @ Referenced by lbl_16FA29 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16FA86);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FA86 @ Referenced by lbl_16FA6D @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FA62 @ Referenced by lbl_16FA29 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16FA83);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FA83 @ Referenced by lbl_16FA62 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F9DC @ 18.0 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_16F9F4);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816F9E8 @ 18.0 trap #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x2);
jump (lbl_16F9F4);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FA8E @ 19.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hi, how's it going?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FA97 @ 19.0 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
jump (lbl_16FABB);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FABB @ Referenced by lbl_16FA97 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
if (0x2A6) goto (lbl_16FAE5);
say ("I'm on guard duty.\nGee, I'm thirsty, though!\rOh, wait there, the road's closed.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_16FB51);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FB51 @ Referenced by lbl_16FABB @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FAE5 @ Referenced by lbl_16FABB @ ----------------------------------------------
takeitem (0x171, 0x1);
jump (lbl_16FAF0);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FAF0 @ Referenced by lbl_16FAE5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, that TEA…\nIt looks awfully tasty…", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_16FB29);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_16FB34);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_16FB3F);
say ("Huh? I can have this drink?\nGee, thanks!\f… …\fGlug, glug…\f… …\fGulp…\fIf you want to go to SAFFRON\fCITY…\f… …\fYou can go on through.\rI'll share this TEA with the other\nguards!", 4);
setvar (0x4062, 0x1);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FB3F @ Referenced by lbl_16FAF0 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16FB4C);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FB4C @ Referenced by lbl_16FB3F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FB34 @ Referenced by lbl_16FAF0 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16FB4A);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FB4A @ Referenced by lbl_16FB34 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FB29 @ Referenced by lbl_16FAF0 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16FB4F);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FB4F @ Referenced by lbl_16FB29 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (StepInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FAA3 @ 19.0 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_16FABB);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FAAF @ 19.0 trap #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x2);
jump (lbl_16FABB);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FB54 @ 20.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hi, how's it going?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FB5D @ 20.0 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x0);
jump (lbl_16FB81);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FB81 @ Referenced by lbl_16FB5D @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
if (0x2A6) goto (lbl_16FBAB);
say ("I'm on guard duty.\nGee, I'm thirsty, though!\rOh, wait there, the road's closed.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_16FC2D);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FC2D @ Referenced by lbl_16FB81 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FBAB @ Referenced by lbl_16FB81 @ ----------------------------------------------
takeitem (0x171, 0x1);
jump (lbl_16FBCC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FBCC @ Referenced by lbl_16FBAB @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, that TEA…\nIt looks awfully tasty…", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
if (0x4001 == 0x0) call (lbl_16FC05);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_16FC10);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_16FC1B);
say ("Huh? I can have this drink?\nGee, thanks!\f… …\fGlug, glug…\f… …\fGulp…\fIf you want to go to SAFFRON\fCITY…\f… …\fYou can go on through.\rI'll share this TEA with the other\nguards!", 4);
setvar (0x4062, 0x1);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FC1B @ Referenced by lbl_16FBCC @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16FC28);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FC28 @ Referenced by lbl_16FC1B @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FC10 @ Referenced by lbl_16FBCC @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16FC26);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FC26 @ Referenced by lbl_16FC10 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FC05 @ Referenced by lbl_16FBCC @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_16FC2B);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FC2B @ Referenced by lbl_16FC05 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (StepInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FB69 @ 20.0 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_16FB81);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FB75 @ 20.0 trap #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x2);
jump (lbl_16FB81);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FC3A @ 21.0 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setworldmapflag (0x8A3);
setrespawn (0xD);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FC41 @ 21.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (NurseJoy);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FC4A @ 21.0 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A NUGGET is totally useless.\nSo I sold it for \xB75000.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FC53 @ 21.0 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The types of POKéMON match up\ndifferently with each other.\rEvery type is stronger than some\ntypes and weaker than others.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FC5C @ 21.0 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I heard that ghosts haunt\nLAVENDER TOWN.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FC65 @ 21.0 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (lbl_16FCF1);
if (0x2FA) goto (lbl_16FCE7);
say ("Oh… {RED}!\nI've been looking for you!\rIt's me, one of the ever-present\nAIDES to PROF. OAK.\rIf your POKéDEX has complete data\non twenty species, I'm supposed to\fgive you a reward from PROF. OAK.\rHe entrusted me with this\nEVERSTONE.\rSo, {RED}, let me ask you.\rHave you gathered data on at least\ntwenty kinds of POKéMON?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A7AD1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
special2 (0x800D, 0xD4);
getnumber (2, 0x8006);
call (lbl_16FCF1);
if (0x8006 < 0x14) goto (lbl_1A7ABD);
say ("Great! You have caught or owned\n{var:4} kinds of POKéMON!\rCongratulations!\nHere you go!", 4);
checkitemamount (0xC3, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A7AC7);
giveitem (0xC3, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received the EVERSTONE\nfrom the AIDE.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0xC3);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
setflag (0x2FA);
say ("Making POKéMON evolve certainly\ncan add to the POKéDEX.\rHowever, at times, you may not\nwant a certain POKéMON to evolve.\rIn that case, give the EVERSTONE\nto that POKéMON.\rIt will prevent evolution according\nto the PROFESSOR.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FCE7 @ Referenced by lbl_16FC65 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Making POKéMON evolve certainly\ncan add to the POKéDEX.\rHowever, at times, you may not\nwant a certain POKéMON to evolve.\rIn that case, give the EVERSTONE\nto that POKéMON.\rIt will prevent evolution according\nto the PROFESSOR.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FCF1 @ Referenced by lbl_16FC65 @ ----------------------------------------------
getnumber (0, 0x14);
getitemname (1, 0xC3);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FD22 @ 22.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Don't you think it's hard to think\nup good names for POKéMON?\rEspecially if you've caught a\nwhole bunch?\rIn LAVENDER TOWN, there's a man\nwho rates POKéMON nicknames.\rHe can even help you rename your\nPOKéMON, too.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FD2B @ 22.0 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("If you're aiming to reach LAVENDER\nTOWN, take ROCK TUNNEL.\rYou can get to ROCK TUNNEL from\nCERULEAN CITY.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FD35 @ 22.1 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x253) goto (lbl_16FD49);
say ("Let's see what the binoculars have\nto show…\rA big POKéMON is asleep on a road!", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FD49 @ Referenced by lbl_16FD35 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Let's see what the binoculars have\nto show…\rWhat a breathtaking view!", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FD53 @ 22.1 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Let's see what the binoculars have\nto show…\rTo get to LAVENDER TOWN from\nCERULEAN CITY…\rROCK TUNNEL appears to be a good\nroute to take.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FD5C @ 22.1 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x4);
call (lbl_1A8CAD);
if (0x251) goto (lbl_16FDCE);
say ("I'm looking for the POKéMON\n{var:2}!\rWanna trade one for my\n{var:3}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16FDB6);
call (lbl_1A8CBD);
if (0x8004 => 0x6) goto (lbl_16FDB6);
call (lbl_1A8CC9);
comparevars (0x800D, 0x8009);
ifgoto (5, lbl_16FDC0);
call (lbl_1A8CD9);
say ("Hey, thanks!", 4);
setflag (0x251);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FDC0 @ Referenced by lbl_16FD5C @ ----------------------------------------------
getpokemonname (0, 0x8009);
say ("What?\nThat's no {var:2}!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FDB6 @ Referenced by lbl_16FD5C @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Awww!\nOh, well…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FDCE @ Referenced by lbl_16FD5C @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Isn't my old {var:3} great?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FDD8 @ 22.1 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (lbl_16FE64);
if (0x252) goto (lbl_16FE5A);
say ("Hi! Remember me?\nI'm one of PROF. OAK's AIDES.\rIf your POKéDEX has complete data\non {var:2} species, I'm supposed to\fgive you a reward.\rPROF. OAK entrusted me with the\n{var:3} for you.\rSo, {RED}, let me ask you.\rHave you gathered data on at least\n{var:2} kinds of POKéMON?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A7AD1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
special2 (0x800D, 0xD4);
getnumber (2, 0x8006);
call (lbl_16FE64);
if (0x8006 < 0x1E) goto (lbl_1A7ABD);
say ("Great! You have caught or owned\n{var:4} kinds of POKéMON!\rCongratulations!\nHere you go!", 4);
checkitemamount (0x105, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A7AC7);
giveitem (0x105, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received the {var:3}\nfrom the AIDE.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x105);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
setflag (0x252);
say ("There are items on the ground that\nmay be hidden from view.\rUse the ITEMFINDER to detect any\nhidden items close to you.\rThe machine is a bit limited.\nIt can't pinpoint item locations.\rWhat it does is show the direction\nwhere the item is.\rUse it to get your bearings, then\nsearch the suspect area by hand.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FE5A @ Referenced by lbl_16FDD8 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("There are items on the ground that\nmay be hidden from view.\rUse the ITEMFINDER to detect any\nhidden items close to you.\rThe machine is a bit limited.\nIt can't pinpoint item locations.\rWhat it does is show the direction\nwhere the item is.\rUse it to get your bearings, then\nsearch the suspect area by hand.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FE64 @ Referenced by lbl_16FDD8 @ ----------------------------------------------
getnumber (0, 0x1E);
getitemname (1, 0x105);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FE6E @ 23.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("There's a lookout spot upstairs.\nThe view is magnificent.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FE78 @ 23.1 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Let's see what the binoculars have\nto show…\rThere's a man fishing!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FE81 @ 23.1 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Let's see what the binoculars have\nto show…\rIt's POKéMON TOWER!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FE8A @ 23.1 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x25B) goto (lbl_16FF01);
getgender ();
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_16FEE5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) call (lbl_16FEEE);
checkitemamount (0x13B, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16FEF7);
giveitem (0x13B, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received TM27\nfrom the little girl.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x13B);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
say ("TM27 is a move called RETURN…\rIf you treat your POKéMON good,\nit will return your love by working\fits hardest in battle.", 4);
setflag (0x25B);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FEF7 @ Referenced by lbl_16FE8A @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You don't have room for this.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FEEE @ Referenced by lbl_16FE8A @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("My POKéMON's ashes are stored in\nPOKéMON TOWER.\rYou can have this TM.\nI don't need it anymore…", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FEE5 @ Referenced by lbl_16FE8A @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("My POKéMON's ashes are stored in\nPOKéMON TOWER.\rYou can have this TM.\nI don't need it anymore…", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FF01 @ Referenced by lbl_16FE8A @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("TM27 is a move called RETURN…\rIf you treat your POKéMON good,\nit will return your love by working\fits hardest in battle.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FF0C @ 23.2 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x255) goto (lbl_16FF7F);
say ("I'm the FISHING GURU's younger\nbrother.\rI simply looove fishing!\nI can't bear to go without.\rTell me, do you like to fish?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_16FF34);
say ("Oh…\nThat's so disappointing…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FF34 @ Referenced by lbl_16FF0C @ ----------------------------------------------
checkitemamount (0x108, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16FF75);
giveitem (0x108, 0x1);
say ("Grand! I like your style.\nI think we can be friends.\rTake this and fish, young friend!", 4);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received a SUPER ROD from\nthe FISHING GURU's brother.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x108);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
setflag (0x255);
say ("Fishing is a way of life!\nIt is like the finest poetry.\rFrom the seas to rivers, go out\nand land the big one, my friend.\rNow, I have a request.\rIf you catch a big MAGIKARP \nwith that ROD, I want to see it.\rAs much as I love to fish, I also\nlove seeing gigantic MAGIKARP.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FF75 @ Referenced by lbl_16FF34 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, no!\rI had a gift for you, but you have\nno room for it.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FF7F @ Referenced by lbl_16FF0C @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
setvar (0x8004, 0x81);
special2 (0x800D, 0x17C);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_16FFF5);
special (0x79);
say ("Oh? {RED}?\nWhy, if it isn't a MAGIKARP!\rAllow me to see it, quick!", 4);
special (0x9F);
waitstate ();
copyvar (0x800D, 0x8004);
if (0x800D => 0x6) goto (lbl_16FFFF);
special (0x7A);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_170001);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_17000B);
if (0x800D == 0x3) goto (lbl_170031);
if (0x800D == 0x4) goto (lbl_17001E);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817001E @ Referenced by lbl_16FF7F @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x29C) goto (lbl_170031);
say ("Huh?\n{var:3} inches?\rThis is the same size as the one\nI saw before.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170031 @ Referenced by lbl_16FF7F @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x29C);
say ("… … …Whoa!\n{var:3} inches!\rYou have a rare appreciation for\nthe fine, poetic aspects of fishing!\rYou must take this.\nI insist!", 4);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x6);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_17005D);
say ("I'll look forward to seeing greater\nrecords from you!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817005D @ Referenced by lbl_170031 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, no!\rI had a gift for you, but you have\nno room for it.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817000B @ Referenced by lbl_16FF7F @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x29C) goto (lbl_170031);
say ("Hmm…\nThis one is {var:3} inches long.\rIt doesn't measure up to the\n{var:4}-inch one you brought before.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170001 @ Referenced by lbl_16FF7F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Uh… That doesn't look much like\na MAGIKARP.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FFFF @ Referenced by lbl_16FF7F @ ----------------------------------------------
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x816FFF5 @ Referenced by lbl_16FF7F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hello there, {RED}!\nHave you been fishing?\rTry fishing with the SUPER ROD in\nany body of water.\rYou'll find different POKéMON in\ndifferent places.\rOh, and don't forget to bring me\ngigantic MAGIKARP.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170067 @ 23.2 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x29C) goto (lbl_17007B);
say ("It's a blank chart of some sort.\rIt has spaces for writing in\nrecords of some kind.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817007B @ Referenced by lbl_170067 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x79);
say ("The most gigantic MAGIKARP\nI have ever witnessed…\r{var:4} inches!", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170089 @ 24.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Are you the kid who's working on\na POKéDEX?\rPROF. OAK's AIDE came by here.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170093 @ 24.1 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
say ("Let's see what the binoculars have\nto show…\rA large, shining bird is flying\ntoward the sea.", 4);
showpokepic (0x90, 10, 3);
pause (0x14);
waitkeypress ();
hidepokepic ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x90);
special (0x163);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81700B0 @ 24.1 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Let's see what the binoculars have\nto show…\rIt looks like a small island on\nthe horizon!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81700B9 @ 24.1 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (lbl_170145);
if (0x256) goto (lbl_17013B);
say ("Hi! Remember me?\nI'm one of PROF. OAK's AIDES.\rIf your POKéDEX has complete data\non {var:2} species, I'm supposed to\fgive you a reward.\rPROF. OAK entrusted me with the\n{var:3} for you.\rSo, {RED}, let me ask you.\rHave you gathered data on at least\n{var:2} kinds of POKéMON?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A7AD1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
special2 (0x800D, 0xD4);
getnumber (2, 0x8006);
call (lbl_170145);
if (0x8006 < 0x32) goto (lbl_1A7ABD);
say ("Great! You have caught or owned\n{var:4} kinds of POKéMON!\rCongratulations!\nHere you go!", 4);
checkitemamount (0xB6, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A7AC7);
giveitem (0xB6, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received the {var:3}\nfrom the AIDE.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0xB6);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
setflag (0x256);
say ("EXP. SHARE is an item to be held\nby a POKéMON.\rThe POKéMON will receive a share\nof the EXP. Points without having\fto battle.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817013B @ Referenced by lbl_1700B9 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("EXP. SHARE is an item to be held\nby a POKéMON.\rThe POKéMON will receive a share\nof the EXP. Points without having\fto battle.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170145 @ Referenced by lbl_1700B9 @ ----------------------------------------------
getnumber (0, 0x32);
getitemname (1, 0xB6);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817014F @ 25.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x238) goto (lbl_1701A5);
say ("Oh, dear.\nYou've found my secret retreat.\rPlease don't tell anyone I'm here.\nI'll make it up to you with this!", 4);
checkitemamount (0x154, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_17019B);
giveitem (0x154, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received HM02\nfrom the girl.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x154);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
say ("HM02 is FLY.\nIt's a wonderfully convenient move.\rPlease, put it to good use.", 4);
setflag (0x238);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817019B @ Referenced by lbl_17014F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You don't have any room for this.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81701A5 @ Referenced by lbl_17014F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("HM02 is FLY.\nIt's a wonderfully convenient move.\rPlease, put it to good use.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81701AF @ 25.0 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
cry (0x16, 0x0);
say ("FEAROW: Kyueen!", 4);
waitforcry ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81701C8 @ 25.1 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
clearflag (0x830);
if (0x271) call (lbl_1701D5);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81701D5 @ Referenced by lbl_1701C8 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81701DB @ 25.1 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("CYCLING ROAD is a downhill course\nby the sea. It's a great ride.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81701E4 @ 25.1 trap #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x0);
jump (lbl_170220);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170220 @ Referenced by lbl_1701E4 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
say ("Excuse me!\nWait up, please!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0x14);
if (0x8008 == 0x1) call (lbl_170279);
if (0x8008 == 0x2) call (lbl_170284);
if (0x8008 == 0x3) call (lbl_17028F);
if (0x8008 == 0x4) call (lbl_17029A);
say ("No pedestrians are allowed on\nCYCLING ROAD!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1702B3);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81702B3 @ Referenced by lbl_170220 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817029A @ Referenced by lbl_170220 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1702AE);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81702AE @ Referenced by lbl_17029A @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817028F @ Referenced by lbl_170220 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1702AA);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81702AA @ Referenced by lbl_17028F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170284 @ Referenced by lbl_170220 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1702A7);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81702A7 @ Referenced by lbl_170284 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170279 @ Referenced by lbl_170220 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_1702A5);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81702A5 @ Referenced by lbl_170279 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81701F0 @ 25.1 trap #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x1);
jump (lbl_170220);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81701FC @ 25.1 trap #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x2);
jump (lbl_170220);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170208 @ 25.1 trap #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x3);
jump (lbl_170220);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170214 @ 25.1 trap #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x4);
jump (lbl_170220);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81702B5 @ 25.1 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("How'd you get in?\nGood effort!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81702BF @ 25.2 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'm on a relaxing ride on my new\nbike with my girlfriend.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81702C8 @ 25.2 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("We're going riding together on our\nnew bikes.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81702D1 @ 25.2 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Let's see what the binoculars have\nto show…\rIt's the CELADON DEPT. STORE!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81702DA @ 25.2 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Let's see what the binoculars have\nto show…\rThere's a long path over water far\naway.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81702E3 @ 25.2 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (lbl_17036F);
if (0x2FD) goto (lbl_170365);
say ("Hi! Remember me?\nI'm one of PROF. OAK's AIDES.\rIf your POKéDEX has complete data\non 40 species, I'm supposed to\fgive you a reward.\rPROF. OAK entrusted me with an\nAMULET COIN for you.\rSo, {RED}, let me ask you.\rHave you gathered data on at least\n40 kinds of POKéMON?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A7AD1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
special2 (0x800D, 0xD4);
getnumber (2, 0x8006);
call (lbl_17036F);
if (0x8006 < 0x28) goto (lbl_1A7ABD);
say ("Great! You have caught or owned\n{var:4} kinds of POKéMON!\rCongratulations!\nHere you go!", 4);
checkitemamount (0xBD, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A7AC7);
giveitem (0xBD, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received the AMULET COIN\nfrom the AIDE.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0xBD);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
setflag (0x2FD);
say ("An AMULET COIN is an item to be\nheld by a POKéMON.\rIf the POKéMON appears in a winning\nbattle, you will earn more money.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170365 @ Referenced by lbl_1702E3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("An AMULET COIN is an item to be\nheld by a POKéMON.\rIf the POKéMON appears in a winning\nbattle, you will earn more money.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817036F @ Referenced by lbl_1702E3 @ ----------------------------------------------
getnumber (0, 0x28);
getitemname (1, 0xBD);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817037E @ 26.0 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
clearflag (0x830);
if (0x271) call (lbl_17038B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817038B @ Referenced by lbl_17037E @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170391 @ 26.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("CYCLING ROAD is all uphill from\nhere.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817039A @ 26.0 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1703D6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81703D6 @ Referenced by lbl_17039A @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
say ("Excuse me!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0x14);
if (0x8008 == 0x1) call (lbl_17042F);
if (0x8008 == 0x2) call (lbl_17043A);
if (0x8008 == 0x3) call (lbl_170445);
if (0x8008 == 0x4) call (lbl_170450);
say ("You need a BICYCLE to go out on\nCYCLING ROAD!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_170469);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170469 @ Referenced by lbl_1703D6 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170450 @ Referenced by lbl_1703D6 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_170464);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170464 @ Referenced by lbl_170450 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170445 @ Referenced by lbl_1703D6 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_170460);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170460 @ Referenced by lbl_170445 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817043A @ Referenced by lbl_1703D6 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_17045D);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817045D @ Referenced by lbl_17043A @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817042F @ Referenced by lbl_1703D6 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_17045B);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817045B @ Referenced by lbl_17042F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81703A6 @ 26.0 trap #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1703D6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81703B2 @ 26.0 trap #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x2);
jump (lbl_1703D6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81703BE @ 26.0 trap #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x3);
jump (lbl_1703D6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81703CA @ 26.0 trap #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x4);
jump (lbl_1703D6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817046C @ 26.1 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Let's see what the binoculars have\nto show…\rPALLET TOWN is in the west.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170475 @ 26.1 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Let's see what the binoculars have\nto show…\rThere are people swimming.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817047E @ 26.1 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8008, 0x5);
call (lbl_1A8CAD);
if (0x257) goto (lbl_1704F0);
say ("I'm looking for the POKéMON\n{var:2}!\rWanna trade one for my\n{var:3}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1704D8);
call (lbl_1A8CBD);
if (0x8004 => 0x6) goto (lbl_1704D8);
call (lbl_1A8CC9);
comparevars (0x800D, 0x8009);
ifgoto (5, lbl_1704E2);
call (lbl_1A8CD9);
say ("Hey, thanks!", 4);
setflag (0x257);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81704E2 @ Referenced by lbl_17047E @ ----------------------------------------------
getpokemonname (0, 0x8009);
say ("What?\nThat's no {var:2}!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81704D8 @ Referenced by lbl_17047E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Awww!\nOh, well…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81704F0 @ Referenced by lbl_17047E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Isn't my old {var:3} great?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81704FC @ 28.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
getstandard (0, 0xF);
jump (lbl_1A7803);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A7803 @ Referenced by lbl_1704FC @ ----------------------------------------------
comparevars (0x405F, 0x4001);
ifgoto (4, lbl_1A77EC);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A78D5);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A78E4);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1A78F3);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_1A7902);
if (0x8000 == 0x5) goto (lbl_1A7911);
if (0x8000 == 0x6) goto (lbl_1A7920);
if (0x8000 == 0x7) goto (lbl_1A792F);
if (0x8000 == 0x8) goto (lbl_1A793E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A77EC @ Referenced by lbl_1A7803 @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Oh! That is the {var:2}!\nGo right ahead.");
waitmsg ();
jingle (0x101);
waitforjingle ();
waitkeypress ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817050D @ 28.0 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
setvar (0x8009, 0x1);
getstandard (0, 0xF);
jump (lbl_1A796E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170529 @ 30.0 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x233) call (lbl_17053C);
if (0x234) call (lbl_170547);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170547 @ Referenced by lbl_170529 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x3);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817053C @ Referenced by lbl_170529 @ ----------------------------------------------
clearflag (0x32);
movesprite2 (0x1, 0x3, 0x3);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817054B @ 30.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x3) goto (lbl_1706C8);
if (0x234) goto (lbl_170640);
if (0x233) goto (lbl_17064A);
getgender ();
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_170580);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_17058E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817058E @ Referenced by lbl_17054B @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hiya! I'm a POKéMON…\n…No I'm not!\rCall me BILL!\nI'm a true-blue POKéMANIAC!\rHey!\nWhat's with that skeptical look?\rI'm not joshing you, lady.\rI screwed up an experiment and got\ncombined with a POKéMON!\rSo, how about it?\nHelp me out here!", 5);
jump (lbl_17059C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817059C @ Referenced by lbl_17058E @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_170600);
say ("Wait till I get inside the\nTELEPORTER.\rWhen I do, go to my PC and run\nthe Cell Separation System.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
pause (0xA);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_17062A);
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_170635);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_170635);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_170635);
setdooropened (0xA, 0x3);
doorchange ();
applymove (0x2, move_1706DB);
waitformove (0x0);
hidesprite (0x2);
playsound (0x5B);
setdoorclosed (0xA, 0x3);
doorchange ();
setflag (0x2);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81706DB @ Referenced by lbl_17059C @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170635 @ Referenced by lbl_17059C @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x2, move_1706D2);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81706D2 @ Referenced by lbl_170635 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817062A @ Referenced by lbl_17059C @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x2, move_1706D5);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81706D5 @ Referenced by lbl_17062A @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.East, RealFastInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170600 @ Referenced by lbl_17059C @ ----------------------------------------------
getgender ();
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_170618);
if (0x800D == 0x1) call (lbl_170621);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170621 @ Referenced by lbl_170600 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("No!?\nNow don't be so cold!\rCome on, you gotta help a guy in\ndeep, deep trouble!\rWhat do you say, beautiful?\nPlease?\fOkay?\fAll right!", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170618 @ Referenced by lbl_170600 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("No!?\nNow don't be so cold!\rCome on, you gotta help a guy in\ndeep, deep trouble!\rWhat do you say, chief?\nPlease?\fOkay?\fAll right!", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170580 @ Referenced by lbl_17054B @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hiya! I'm a POKéMON…\n…No I'm not!\rCall me BILL!\nI'm a true-blue POKéMANIAC!\rHey!\nWhat's with that skeptical look?\rI'm not joshing you, pal.\rI screwed up an experiment and got\ncombined with a POKéMON!\rSo, how about it?\nHelp me out here!", 5);
jump (lbl_17059C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817064A @ Referenced by lbl_17054B @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0xD);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x174);
getgender ();
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_1706AC);
if (0x800D == 0x1) call (lbl_1706B5);
checkitemamount (0x109, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1706BE);
giveitem (0x109, 0x1);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received an S.S. TICKET\nfrom BILL.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x109);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x13E);
callstd (9);
setflag (0x235);
setflag (0x31);
setflag (0x234);
setflag (0x834);
jump (lbl_170640);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81706BE @ Referenced by lbl_17064A @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You've got too much stuff!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81706B5 @ Referenced by lbl_17064A @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("BILL: Yeehah!\nThanks, lady! I owe you one!\rSo, did you come to see my\nPOKéMON collection?\rYou didn't?\nThat's a bummer.\rI've got to thank you…\nOh, here, maybe this'll do.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81706AC @ Referenced by lbl_17064A @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("BILL: Yeehah!\nThanks, bud! I owe you one!\rSo, did you come to see my\nPOKéMON collection?\rYou didn't?\nThat's a bummer.\rI've got to thank you…\nOh, here, maybe this'll do.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170640 @ Referenced by lbl_17054B @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("That cruise ship S.S. ANNE is in\nVERMILION CITY.\rI hear there are lots of TRAINERS\non board, too.\rThey invited me to their party, but\nI can't stand fancy do's.\rWhy don't you go instead of me?\nGo on and have a good time.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81706C8 @ Referenced by lbl_17054B @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("BILL: Feel like checking out some\nof my rare POKéMON on my PC?\rGo on, check out my PC.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81706DD @ 30.0 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x3) goto (lbl_1707CA);
if (0x2) goto (lbl_1706FA);
say ("TELEPORTER is displayed on the PC\nmonitor.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81706FA @ Referenced by lbl_1706DD @ ----------------------------------------------
fadeout (0);
say ("{RED} initiated the TELEPORTER's\nCell Separator.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
clearflag (0x2);
setflag (0x233);
special (0x113);
applymove (0x7F, move_1707BE);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0x23);
playsound (0x15);
checksound ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
special (0x1B5);
pause (0xA);
call (lbl_1707B6);
call (lbl_1707B6);
call (lbl_1707B6);
call (lbl_1707B6);
call (lbl_1707B6);
call (lbl_1707B6);
call (lbl_1707B6);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
special (0x1B5);
playsound (0x27);
special (0x1B7);
checksound ();
call (lbl_1707B6);
call (lbl_1707B6);
call (lbl_1707B6);
call (lbl_1707B6);
call (lbl_1707B6);
setdooropened (0x3, 0x3);
doorchange ();
fadein (0);
showsprite (0x1);
clearflag (0x33);
pause (0x32);
jingle (0x101);
applymove (0x1, move_170888);
waitformove (0x0);
waitforjingle ();
applymove (0x7F, move_1707C3);
waitformove (0x0);
playsound (0x5B);
setdoorclosed (0x3, 0x3);
doorchange ();
applymove (0x1, move_170881);
waitformove (0x0);
special (0x114);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170881 @ Referenced by lbl_1706FA @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.West, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81707C3 @ Referenced by lbl_1706FA @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1C, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.East, Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170888 @ Referenced by lbl_1706FA @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81707B6 @ Referenced by lbl_1706FA @ ----------------------------------------------
playsound (0x17);
checksound ();
pause (0x14);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81707BE @ Referenced by lbl_1706FA @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.West, Walk.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81707CA @ Referenced by lbl_1706DD @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("BILL's favorite POKéMON list!", 4);
jump (lbl_1707D8);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81707D8 @ Referenced by lbl_1707CA @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Which POKéMON do you want to see?");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (0, 0, 1, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_17082B);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_170840);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_170855);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_17086A);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_17087F);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_17087F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817087F @ Referenced by lbl_1707D8 @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817086A @ Referenced by lbl_1707D8 @ ----------------------------------------------
showpokepic (0x86, 10, 3);
waitkeypress ();
hidepokepic ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x86);
special (0x163);
jump (lbl_1707D8);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170855 @ Referenced by lbl_1707D8 @ ----------------------------------------------
showpokepic (0x87, 10, 3);
waitkeypress ();
hidepokepic ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x87);
special (0x163);
jump (lbl_1707D8);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170840 @ Referenced by lbl_1707D8 @ ----------------------------------------------
showpokepic (0x88, 10, 3);
waitkeypress ();
hidepokepic ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x88);
special (0x163);
jump (lbl_1707D8);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817082B @ Referenced by lbl_1707D8 @ ----------------------------------------------
showpokepic (0x85, 10, 3);
waitkeypress ();
hidepokepic ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x85);
special (0x163);
jump (lbl_1707D8);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170895 @ 31.0 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0xF6);
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_1708AF);
if (0x4074 != 0x0) call (lbl_1708C3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81708C3 @ Referenced by lbl_170895 @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x1, 0x3, 0x2);
spritebehave (0x1, 10);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81708AF @ Referenced by lbl_170895 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
movesprite2 (0x1, 0x4, 0x2);
spritebehave (0x1, 8);
unknown_a7 (0x108);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170958 @ 31.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
special (0xF6);
if (0x800D == 0x1) call (lbl_17097D);
if (0x4001 == 0x1) goto (lbl_170987);
say ("I may not look like much now,\nbut when I was younger…\rI flew everywhere, challenging\nTRAINERS wherever I found them.\rNow, my only source of enjoyment\nis reminiscing about the past while\fwatching battles.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170987 @ Referenced by lbl_170958 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x27);
special (0x11D);
say ("Ah!\nWelcome, my friend!\rLet me tell you something. There's\na hidden room in the basement.\rA TRAINER named {var:2} is\nwaiting there now.\rTell me, you did come to challenge\n{var:2}, am I right?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_170A11);
call (lbl_170A1E);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_170A11);
say ("Fine! Before your battle, would\nyou like to save your game?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_170A11);
special (0x28);
call (SaveYourGame);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_170A11);
special (0x27);
special (0xF8);
say ("All right.\nDon't hold anything back!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_170A2D);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_170A3F);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_170A51);
warp (31, 1, 255, 0x3, 0x1);
waitstate ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170A51 @ Referenced by lbl_170987 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x800F, move_170A6F);
applymove (0xFF, move_170A6B);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170A6B @ Referenced by lbl_170A51 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, Walk.East, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170A6F @ Referenced by lbl_170A51 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, RealFastInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170A3F @ Referenced by lbl_170987 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x800F, move_170A72);
applymove (0xFF, move_170A67);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170A67 @ Referenced by lbl_170A3F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, Walk.West, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170A72 @ Referenced by lbl_170A3F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, RealFastInPlace.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170A2D @ Referenced by lbl_170987 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x800F, move_170A6F);
applymove (0xFF, move_170A63);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170A63 @ Referenced by lbl_170A2D @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, Walk.North, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170A1E @ Referenced by lbl_170987 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Ah!\nYou will battle for me?\rIt was worth my time moving the\nbox aside, then.\r… …\nBut there is one slight problem.\rThis hidden room is not built very\nsturdy.\rCan I get you to limit it to\nbattles of three POKéMON per side?", 4);
fade (1);
special (0x29);
waitstate ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170A11 @ Referenced by lbl_170987 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x28);
say ("Oh…\nYou won't battle…\rI see, I see.\n… …\rWell, perhaps if you change your\nmind, do come back.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817097D @ Referenced by lbl_170958 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I may not look like much now,\nbut when I was younger…\rI flew everywhere, challenging\nTRAINERS wherever I found them.\rNow, my only source of enjoyment\nis reminiscing about the past while\fwatching battles.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170A75 @ 31.0 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("There is a slight breeze blowing\naround the box.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170A89 @ 31.1 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x142);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170B31 @ 31.2 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Hi, there!\nMay I help you?");
waitmsg ();
doshop (store_170B58);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170B58 @ Referenced by lbl_170B31 @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.UltraBall, Item.GreatBall, Item.FullRestore, Item.MaxPotion, Item.HyperPotion, Item.Revive, Item.FullHeal, Item.EscapeRope, Item.MaxRepel, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170B6E @ 31.2 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("POKéMON have personalities of their\nown, just like people.\rMy PIKACHU has a HASTY nature,\nso it grew to be a speedy POKéMON.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170B77 @ 31.2 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Okay, preparations are complete\nfor me to explore the RUINS.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170B80 @ 31.2 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I need to fish on SEVEN ISLAND.\rThat will complete my fishing tour\nof the SEVII ISLANDS.\rI'd better stock up on some\nPOKé BALLS first, though.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170B94 @ 31.3 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setrespawn (0x13);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170B98 @ 31.3 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (NurseJoy);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170BA1 @ 31.3 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("On this island, different events\noccur depending on connections.\rWhat are those connections?\rThey are for you to discover on\nyour own.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170BAA @ 31.3 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Did you ride a SEAGALLOP ferry\nto get here?\rThere are at least ten of those\nhigh-speed ships.\rI don't know where they all go,\nthough.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170BB3 @ 31.3 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("If you're confident, you should\ncheck out TRAINER TOWER.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170BE5 @ 31.6 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Ahoy, there!\nWhere do you want to sail?");
waitmsg ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x7);
jump (lbl_1A900F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A900F @ Referenced by lbl_170BE5 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4076 => 0x5) goto (lbl_1A911E);
if (0x4071 => 0x4) goto (lbl_1A905C);
multichoice (19, 6, 46, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A8FEE);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A8FF9);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A905C @ Referenced by lbl_1A900F @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (19, 5, 60, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A8FE3);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A8FEE);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A8FF9);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8FE3 @ Referenced by lbl_1A905C @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1A909E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170C0D @ 32.0 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4076 => 0x5) call (lbl_170C22);
if (0x844) call (lbl_170C36);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170C36 @ Referenced by lbl_170C0D @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_170C2C);
setmaptile (0xE, 0x4, 0x35A, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xF, 0x4, 0x35B, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170C2C @ Referenced by lbl_170C36 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x10, 0x4, 0x35F, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170C22 @ Referenced by lbl_170C0D @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0xD, 0x4, 0x35D, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170C4E @ 32.0 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setrespawn (0xE);
if (0x4076 == 0x6) call (lbl_170C73);
if (0x4076 == 0x0) call (lbl_170C79);
if (0x4076 == 0x2) call (lbl_170C90);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170C90 @ Referenced by lbl_170C4E @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x2, 0xE, 0x7);
spritebehave (0x2, 9);
movesprite2 (0x3, 0xE, 0x8);
spritebehave (0x3, 9);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170C79 @ Referenced by lbl_170C4E @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x2, 0x9, 0x8);
spritebehave (0x2, 7);
movesprite2 (0x3, 0xF, 0x6);
spritebehave (0x3, 7);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170C73 @ Referenced by lbl_170C4E @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4076, 0x7);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170E94 @ 32.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (NurseJoy);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170E9D @ 32.0 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
if (0x2A1) goto (lbl_170EB1);
say ("Hmm…\rHow about we try this like this…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170EB1 @ Referenced by lbl_170E9D @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x2, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("Oh, hey, {RED}!\rDid you see?\nWe got the PC working!\rI've got a few things to show\nCELIO here.\rCan you go out on a stroll or\nsomething for a while more?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170EC5 @ 32.0 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4076 == 0x7) goto (lbl_170F35);
if (0x4076 == 0x6) goto (lbl_170F9B);
if (0x2DC) goto (lbl_170FA5);
if (0x4076 == 0x5) goto (lbl_17103A);
if (0x2DD) goto (lbl_171044);
if (0x4076 == 0x4) goto (lbl_1710F2);
special2 (0x800D, 0x193);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1710FC);
if (0x4076 == 0x3) goto (lbl_171134);
say ("I'm sorry for taking up so much of\nBILL's time.\rI'm also sorry for being such a \npoor host on your visit here.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x3, move_1A75E5);
waitformove (0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171134 @ Referenced by lbl_170EC5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("CELIO: Hello!\nYou look awfully busy as always.\rHow am I doing?\rWell, I'm modifying my Network\nMachine.\rWhen I get done with the machine,\nI hope you'll be first to use it,\f{RED}.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81710FC @ Referenced by lbl_170EC5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("CELIO: {RED}, how have things\nbeen for you?\rOh, is that right?\nYou've caught more POKéMON.\rDo you know what?\nMaybe I can be useful to you.", 4);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("I'm modifying the Network Machine\nright now.\rI'm changing it so it can handle\ntrades over long distances.\rWhen I get finished, you'll be\ntrading for exotic POKéMON from\fTRAINERS far away.", 4);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("But, there is a slight catch.\rFor the link to work, the Machine\nneeds a special gemstone.\rIt's supposed to be on ONE ISLAND,\nbut I haven't found one yet.\rWho knows where it could be.", 4);
setvar (0x407F, 0x1);
setvar (0x4076, 0x4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81710F2 @ Referenced by lbl_170EC5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I was trying to find the gem\neven while I was studying.\rAs a result, I've made no headway\nin both my search and studies…\rIf I relied on BILL, I'm sure my\nresearch would progress.\rBut this time, I want to try to do\nthings by myself.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171044 @ Referenced by lbl_170EC5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh!\nTh-that's…", 4);
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x105);
preparemsg ("{RED} handed the RUBY\nto CELIO.");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
call (lbl_1A6675);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x3, move_171142);
waitformove (0x0);
playsound (0x1E);
call (lbl_170C22);
special (0x8E);
pause (0x1E);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("Thank you!\n{RED}, you're simply amazing.\r… … … … … …\rUm… May I ask one more giant favor\nof you?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_171099);
jump (lbl_1710B2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81710B2 @ Referenced by lbl_171044 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("While I was studying gemstones,\nI discovered something important.\rThere is another gem that forms\na pair with this RUBY.\rThat other gemstone is supposed to\nbe in the SEVII ISLANDS.\r{RED}, please, I need you to go\nfind the other gem.\r{RED}, may I have your ferry\nPASS and the TOWN MAP?", 4);
takeitem (0x175, 0x1);
takeitem (0x16F, 0x1);
setvar (0x4076, 0x5);
giveitem (0x170, 0x1);
setflag (0x846);
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x13E);
preparemsg ("{RED} returned the TRI-PASS and\nreceived the RAINBOW PASS.");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
jingle (0x13E);
preparemsg ("Obtained an extra page for the\nTOWN MAP!");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
call (lbl_1A6675);
jump (lbl_17103A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171099 @ Referenced by lbl_171044 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It… It's not anything weird.\nPlease, I need your help.", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_171099);
jump (lbl_1710B2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171142 @ Referenced by lbl_171044 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (RealFastInPlace.North, StepInPlace.North, 0x1C, StepInPlace.North, StepInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817103A @ Referenced by lbl_170EC5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("This is my own ferry PASS.\rIt will let you get to all the\nSEVII ISLANDS.\r{RED}, please, I can't do\nit without your help.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170FA5 @ Referenced by lbl_170EC5 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x105);
preparemsg ("{RED} handed the SAPPHIRE\nto CELIO.");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
call (lbl_1A6675);
takeitem (0x176, 0x1);
say ("CELIO: So this is the gem that\nforms a pair with the RUBY…\r{RED}, you've gone through a lot\nto get this, didn't you?\rYou don't have to tell me. I know\nit wasn't easy.\rThank you so much!\rNow it's my turn to work for you!\nPlease give me a little time.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x3, move_171142);
waitformove (0x0);
playsound (0x1E);
call (lbl_170C2C);
special (0x8E);
say ("Okay, this is good…", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
pause (0x3C);
applymove (0x3, move_17113E);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0x1E);
applymove (0x3, move_17113E);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0x28);
playsound (0x4);
call (lbl_170C36);
special (0x8E);
say ("I did it!\nI linked up with LANETTE!", 4);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("{RED}…\n{RED}, I did it!\rI've managed to link up with\nTRAINERS in the HOENN region!\rFinally, the Network Machine is\nfully operational!\r{RED}, I owe it all to you!\rThanks to you, my dream came\ntrue…", 4);
special (0x19A);
setflag (0x844);
setflag (0x5C);
setflag (0x8C);
setvar (0x4076, 0x6);
special (0x129);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817113E @ Referenced by lbl_170FA5 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (StepInPlace.North, 0x1B, StepInPlace.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170F9B @ Referenced by lbl_170EC5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I…\nI'm not crying.\rThat's enough about me!\r{RED}, you're going to keep\nlooking for exotic POKéMON, right?\rI wish you the best of luck!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170F35 @ Referenced by lbl_170EC5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("CELIO: Hello!\r{RED}, I've been hearing rumors\nabout you.", 4);
getrandom (0x3);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_170F6D);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_170F84);
setvar (0x8004, 0xD);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x173);
say ("{RED}, is there anything that\nyou can't stand?\rApparently, BILL simply can't\nstomach milk at all.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170F84 @ Referenced by lbl_170F35 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0xD);
setvar (0x8005, 0x4);
special (0x173);
say ("By the way, {RED}, you're from\nPALLET TOWN, aren't you?\rI've heard that it's a quiet and\npleasant place.\rBILL's hometown is GOLDENROD CITY,\nwhere his folks still live.\rI've heard that it's quite the\nfestive, bustling city.\rI'd like to go there one day.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8170F6D @ Referenced by lbl_170F35 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0xD);
setvar (0x8005, 0x3);
special (0x173);
say ("{RED}, what's your favorite kind\nof POKéMON?\rBILL is a POKéMANIAC, so he loves\nevery kind.\rApparently, the first one he caught\nwas an ABRA.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171148 @ 32.0 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, you're a stranger here!\nHi! Where did you come from?\r…PALLET TOWN?\nI don't know it!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171151 @ 32.0 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("On this island, there's an enormous\nvolcano.\rIt hasn't erupted lately, so why\nnot enjoy a hike?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817115A @ 32.0 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x844) goto (lbl_17116F);
say ("I wish I could trade POKéMON with\nmy boyfriend who lives far away…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817116F @ Referenced by lbl_17115A @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I traded POKéMON with my boyfriend\nfar away!\rEveryone's saying that we can\nthank you and CELIO.\rSo, thank you!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171179 @ 32.0 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x844) goto (lbl_1711A0);
if (0x2A1) goto (lbl_171196);
say ("Network Machine\nLink Level 0\r…POKéMON Storage System under\nadjustment…", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171196 @ Referenced by lbl_171179 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Network Machine\nLink Level 1\rLink established with the KANTO\nregion.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81711A0 @ Referenced by lbl_171179 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Network Machine\nLink Level 2\rLink established with the KANTO\nand HOENN regions.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81711AA @ 32.0 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1711DA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81711DA @ Referenced by lbl_1711AA @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
playsound (0x15);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("BILL: Oh, hey!\n{RED}!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_1712E4);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_1712EF);
if (0x4001 == 0x3) call (lbl_1712FA);
if (0x4001 == 0x4) call (lbl_171305);
pause (0xA);
say ("BILL: What kept you so long?\nBeen out having a good time?\rWe got it done.\nThe PCs are up and running!", 4);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("CELIO: The job went incredibly\nquick.\rBILL is one amazing guy…", 4);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("BILL: No, no! There was almost\nnothing left for me to do.\rCELIO, I have to hand it to you.\nYou've learned a lot.", 4);
say ("CELIO: Oh, really?\nEhehe…", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x2, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0xA);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75EB);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0xF);
say ("BILL: Well, there you have it.\nI'm finished with the job.\fWe should head back to KANTO.\rCELIO, I'll be seeing you again.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0x2, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
pause (0xF);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("CELIO: {RED}, I'm really sorry\nthat we sent you off alone today.\rI promise, I will show you around\nthese islands sometime.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
pause (0x19);
applymove (0xFF, move_171326);
applymove (0x2, move_17132D);
waitformove (0x0);
playsound (0x9);
setflag (0x72);
setvar (0x4076, 0x3);
clearflag (0x62);
setvar (0x4071, 0x3);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8006, 0x8);
jump (lbl_1A90DA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817132D @ Referenced by lbl_1711DA @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171326 @ Referenced by lbl_1711DA @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171305 @ Referenced by lbl_1711DA @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_17131A);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817131A @ Referenced by lbl_171305 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.North, Walk.North, RealFastInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81712FA @ Referenced by lbl_1711DA @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_171316);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171316 @ Referenced by lbl_1712FA @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.North, RealFastInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81712EF @ Referenced by lbl_1711DA @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_171314);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171314 @ Referenced by lbl_1712EF @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81712E4 @ Referenced by lbl_1711DA @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0xFF, move_171310);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171310 @ Referenced by lbl_1712E4 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.South, RealFastInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81711B6 @ 32.0 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x2);
jump (lbl_1711DA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81711C2 @ 32.0 trap #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x3);
jump (lbl_1711DA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81711CE @ 32.0 trap #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x4);
jump (lbl_1711DA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817135C @ 32.2 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("On sunny days, I step out and gaze\nupon the volcano.\rThat's my daily routine.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171365 @ 32.2 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Let me think… When was the last\ntime MT. EMBER erupted?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817136F @ 32.3 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Young people all want to go off to\nbig cities.\rBut I want to stay here forever!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81713BD @ 32.4 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Ahoy, there!\nWhere do you want to sail?");
waitmsg ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1A8EC5);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8EC5 @ Referenced by lbl_1713BD @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4076 => 0x5) goto (lbl_1A911E);
if (0x4071 => 0x4) goto (lbl_1A8F12);
multichoice (19, 6, 44, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A8FF9);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9004);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8F12 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8EC5 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (19, 5, 58, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A8FE3);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A8FF9);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A9004);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81713E5 @ 33.0 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x2FB) call (lbl_1713EF);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81713EF @ Referenced by lbl_1713E5 @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x1, 0x6, 0x2);
spritebehave (0x1, 8);
spritebehave (0x3, 1);
setvar (0x4079, 0x4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171535 @ 33.0 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4079 == 0x4) goto (lbl_1BC060);
if (0x2A3) goto (lbl_171555);
say ("I'm sorry.\nWe're not running any games today.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171555 @ Referenced by lbl_171535 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("We'll get the games going soon\nfor you!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BC060 @ Referenced by lbl_171535 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("I can explain game rules to you,\nif you'd like.\rWhich game should I describe?");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (0, 0, 49, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BC0B0);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BC0BA);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1BC0C4);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1BC0C4);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BC0C4 @ Referenced by lbl_1BC060 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("If you want to play a game,\nplease tell the man beside me.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BC0BA @ Referenced by lbl_1BC060 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("“DODRIO BERRY-PICKING”\rCommand DODRIO's three heads to\ncatch falling BERRIES.\rPress right, up, or left on the\n\xF9Ç Control Pad to move the heads.\rTo play this game, you must have\na DODRIO.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BC0B0 @ Referenced by lbl_1BC060 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("“POKéMON JUMP”\rMake your POKéMON skip the\nVINE WHIP rope with the A Button.\rOnly mini POKéMON around 28 inches\nor less may participate.\rPOKéMON that only swim, burrow, or\nfly are not good at jumping.\rAs a result, those POKéMON may not\nparticipate.\rGood things happen if everyone\njumps in time.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817155F @ 33.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4079 == 0x4) goto (lbl_1BC0CE);
if (0x2FB) goto (lbl_1715F5);
if (0x4079 == 0x3) goto (lbl_17158A);
say ("Hey, but listen! I'm begging you,\nyou have to go to THREE ISLAND.\rIf anything were to happen to my\nLOSTELLE…\rMy place is the house with the red\nroof on THREE ISLAND.\rShe may just show up late here,\nso I can't run off anywhere.\rThat's why I have to get you to do\nme this big favor.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817158A @ Referenced by lbl_17155F @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x2FE) goto (lbl_1715C4);
say ("Oh, what's that?\nYou're saying that this is for me?\rHow did you know that I love rare\nrocks and gems?\rYou sure know how to make a guy\nhappy.", 4);
setvar (0x4076, 0x2);
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x105);
preparemsg ("{RED} handed the METEORITE\nto LOSTELLE's daddy.");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
call (lbl_1A6675);
takeitem (0x118, 0x1);
say ("Oh, I see, this is from BILL!\nYou have to thank him for me!\rYou know, you've been fantastic.\nI want you to have this.", 4);
jump (lbl_1715C4);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81715C4 @ Referenced by lbl_17158A @ ----------------------------------------------
checkitemamount (0x5E, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1715FF);
giveitem (0x5E, 0x1);
setflag (0x2FB);
loadpointer (0, "{RED} received a MOON STONE\nfrom LOSTELLE's daddy.");
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x5E);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8002, 0x101);
callstd (9);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81715FF @ Referenced by lbl_1715C4 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2FE);
say ("Your BAG's not going to fit another\nthing…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81715F5 @ Referenced by lbl_17155F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("All right, I'll get the GAME CORNER\nrunning right away.\rYou have to come visit with a\nfriend.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BC0CE @ Referenced by lbl_17155F @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Hi, welcome!\nYou can play games over the\fWireless Communication System.\rCan you wait just a little bit?");
waitmsg ();
special2 (0x800D, 0x16A);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BC29C);
pause (0x3C);
special (0x198);
preparemsg ("All right, which game did you want\nto play?");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (0, 0, 49, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BC13A);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BC184);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1BB83F);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1BB83F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB83F @ Referenced by lbl_1BC0CE @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x1F);
special (0x199);
say ("All right, come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BC184 @ Referenced by lbl_1BC0CE @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
special (0x1B6);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BC2A6);
say ("Which POKéMON would you like to\nenter?", 4);
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
special (0x18E);
waitstate ();
if (0x8004 => 0x6) goto (lbl_1BB83F);
call (SaveYourGame);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BB83F);
setvar (0x8004, 0x6);
jump (lbl_1BC1CE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BC1CE @ Referenced by lbl_1BC184 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
preparemsg ("Please decide which of you will\nbecome the GROUP LEADER.\rThe other players must then choose\n“JOIN GROUP.”");
waitmsg ();
call (lbl_1A6675);
multichoice (13, 6, 63, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BC23A);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BC212);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1BB83F);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1BB83F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BC212 @ Referenced by lbl_1BC1CE @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1BBF78);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BC262);
if (0x800D == 0x5) goto (lbl_1BC1CE);
if (0x800D == 0x8) goto (lbl_1BC212);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BC262 @ Referenced by lbl_1BC212 @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg2 ("Okay, you're all good to go.\nDon't let the others beat you!");
waitmsg ();
pause (0x78);
closeonkeypress ();
copyvar (0x8007, 0x800F);
call (lbl_1BC048);
special (0x8E);
playsound (0x1E);
pause (0x3C);
applymove (0x800F, move_1BB88F);
waitformove (0x0);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1BB8A2);
waitformove (0x0);
spriteinvisible (0xFF, 0, 0);
release ();
waitstate ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB8A2 @ Referenced by lbl_1BC262 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB88F @ Referenced by lbl_1BC262 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Face.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BC048 @ Referenced by lbl_1BC262 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x5, 0x3, 0x2E1, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBF78 @ Referenced by lbl_1BC212 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x198);
special (0x16B);
waitstate ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BC23A @ Referenced by lbl_1BC1CE @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1BBF80);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BC262);
if (0x800D == 0x5) goto (lbl_1BC1CE);
if (0x800D == 0x8) goto (lbl_1BC23A);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBF80 @ Referenced by lbl_1BC23A @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x198);
special (0x16C);
waitstate ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BC2A6 @ Referenced by lbl_1BC184 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It doesn't look like you have any\nPOKéMON that you can enter…\rWould you like me to explain what\nkinds of POKéMON can enter?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BB83F);
if (0x8005 == 0x0) call (lbl_1BC2D5);
if (0x8005 == 0x1) call (lbl_1BC2DE);
jump (lbl_1BB83F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BC2DE @ Referenced by lbl_1BC2A6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("“DODRIO BERRY-PICKING”…\nWell, the name says it all.\rYou have to have a DODRIO to play\nthis game.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BC2D5 @ Referenced by lbl_1BC2A6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("“POKéMON JUMP” is open to POKéMON\naround 28 inches or less.\rWhat you can't enter are those\nPOKéMON that can't jump.\rYou know, like POKéMON that only\nswim, burrow, or fly.\rThat's all you need to know.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BC13A @ Referenced by lbl_1BC0CE @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x192);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BC2A6);
say ("Which POKéMON would you like to\nenter?", 4);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x18E);
waitstate ();
if (0x8004 => 0x6) goto (lbl_1BB83F);
call (SaveYourGame);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BB83F);
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
jump (lbl_1BC1CE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BC29C @ Referenced by lbl_1BC0CE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The Wireless Adapter isn't\nconnected.\rCome back when it's hooked up!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817160C @ 33.0 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say ("Listen, listen!\rPlease show me you being cool\nagain!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171619 @ 33.1 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
clearflag (0x2);
clearflag (0x3);
clearflag (0x4);
if (0x1) goto (lbl_17164F);
say ("I'm the POKéMON MOVE MANIAC.\rI know every single move that\nPOKéMON learn growing up.\rI'm also a mushroom maniac.\rBring me two TINYMUSHROOMS,\nor one BIG MUSHROOM.\rIf you do that for me, I'll teach\na move to one POKéMON.", 4);
setflag (0x1);
jump (lbl_17164F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817164F @ Referenced by lbl_171619 @ ----------------------------------------------
checkitem (0x68, 0x1);
if (0x800D == 0x1) call (lbl_1717A8);
checkitem (0x67, 0x2);
if (0x800D == 0x1) call (lbl_1717AC);
if (0x2) goto (lbl_171687);
if (0x3) goto (lbl_171696);
jump (lbl_17179E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817179E @ Referenced by lbl_17164F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("If your POKéMON need to learn a\nmove, I need a MUSHROOM or two.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171696 @ Referenced by lbl_17164F @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x2) call (lbl_1717B0);
jump (lbl_1716A5);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81716A5 @ Referenced by lbl_171696 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Sniff, sniff…\nHm! You smell of MUSHROOMS!\rDo you want me to teach a move\nto a POKéMON of yours?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_17179E);
jump (lbl_1716BE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81716BE @ Referenced by lbl_1716A5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Which POKéMON needs tutoring?", 4);
special (0xDB);
waitstate ();
if (0x8004 => 0x6) goto (lbl_17179E);
special (0x148);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_171790);
if (0x8005 == 0x0) goto (lbl_171782);
jump (lbl_1716F4);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81716F4 @ Referenced by lbl_1716BE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Which move should I teach?", 4);
special (0xE0);
waitstate ();
if (0x8004 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1716BE);
if (0x4) goto (lbl_17175B);
if (0x2) goto (lbl_171727);
if (0x3) goto (lbl_171741);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171741 @ Referenced by lbl_1716F4 @ ----------------------------------------------
takeitem (0x67, 0x2);
textcolor (3);
say ("{RED} handed over two\nTINYMUSHROOMS in exchange.", 4);
call (lbl_1A6675);
jump (lbl_17179E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171727 @ Referenced by lbl_1716F4 @ ----------------------------------------------
takeitem (0x68, 0x1);
textcolor (3);
say ("{RED} handed over one\nBIG MUSHROOM in exchange.", 4);
call (lbl_1A6675);
jump (lbl_17179E);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817175B @ Referenced by lbl_1716F4 @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Then, I'll need a MUSHROOM or two.\nWhat are you going to give me?");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (0, 0, 51, 1);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_171741);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_171727);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171782 @ Referenced by lbl_1716BE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Sorry…\rIt doesn't appear as if I have a\nmove I can teach that POKéMON.", 4);
jump (lbl_1716BE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171790 @ Referenced by lbl_1716BE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hunh? There isn't a single move\nthat I can teach an EGG.", 4);
jump (lbl_1716BE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81717B0 @ Referenced by lbl_171696 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171687 @ Referenced by lbl_17164F @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x3) call (lbl_1717B0);
jump (lbl_1716A5);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81717AC @ Referenced by lbl_17164F @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x3);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81717A8 @ Referenced by lbl_17164F @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81717BF @ 33.2 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setrespawn (0xF);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81717C3 @ 33.2 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (NurseJoy);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81717CC @ 33.2 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Have you visited the GAME CORNER\nalready?\rIt's no good to go alone.\nYou have to take a friend along.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81717D5 @ 33.2 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Not many people live on\nTWO ISLAND.\rThere is this old lady who lives\nout on the cape.\rShe's been there since I don't know\nwhen.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171806 @ 33.4 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Ahoy, there!\nWhere do you want to sail?");
waitmsg ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
jump (lbl_1A8F54);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8F54 @ Referenced by lbl_171806 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4076 => 0x5) goto (lbl_1A911E);
if (0x4071 => 0x4) goto (lbl_1A8FA1);
multichoice (19, 6, 45, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A8FEE);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9004);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8FA1 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8F54 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (19, 5, 59, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A8FE3);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A8FEE);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A9004);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1A90F6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817181A @ 34.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
special (0x94);
say ("LOSTELLE: Hi, {RED}!\nYou're always so cool!\rI'll make lunch for you, too, one\nday, {RED}.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171829 @ 34.0 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Rare rocks and gems are displayed.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817183D @ 34.1 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setrespawn (0x10);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171841 @ 34.1 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (NurseJoy);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817184A @ 34.1 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It's impossible to SURF between the\nislands around these parts.\rThe tides are too fast and\ntreacherous.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171853 @ 34.1 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Let's crush BERRIES!\n…That'd be wasting BERRIES?\rYou can always find some BERRIES\non the ground in BERRY FOREST.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817185C @ 34.1 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hey, did you hear the news?\rThe PC network here can now link\nwith PCs in KANTO.\rI don't know how that came about,\nbut it's fantastic!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817188D @ 34.3 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Hi, there!\nMay I help you?");
waitmsg ();
doshop (store_1718B4);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81718B4 @ Referenced by lbl_17188D @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.UltraBall, Item.HyperPotion, Item.Revive, Item.FullHeal, Item.EscapeRope, Item.MaxRepel, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81718C4 @ 34.3 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Is it true?\rCELADON DEPT. STORE is several\ntimes bigger than this shop?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81718CD @ 34.3 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I sometimes buy medicine here.\rBut a lot of people heal POKéMON\nwith BERRIES from BERRY FOREST.\rAfter all, BERRIES are free and\nthey never run out.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81718D6 @ 34.3 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Those BIKERS were about to trash\nthis POKéMON MART.\rAm I glad they decided to leave!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81718E0 @ 34.4 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x7);
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
special (0x173);
say ("You know about a girl GYM LEADER\nin SAFFRON CITY?\rShe uses PSYCHIC-type POKéMON,\nright?\rI admire her, I really do.\rI've heard that she's one cool\ncustomer and beautiful, too.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81718F9 @ 34.4 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Urrrrrrrrgggghhhh…\nKwaaaaah!\r…It's useless! I can't make this\nspoon bend with my mind.\rMaybe I really don't have any\npsychic powers.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171903 @ 34.5 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I bought this house because I\nwanted to live somewhere quiet.\rToday, I think I'll go out fishing.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817190D @ 34.6 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You must never, ever go out to\nthe BERRY FOREST alone.\rWhy?\nThere are ghosts there.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171916 @ 34.6 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Papa keeps lying to me, and won't\nlet me go out and play!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171920 @ 34.7 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2A3) goto (lbl_171935);
say ("Me?\nI'm not LOSTELLE.\rShe's probably gone to the\nBERRY FOREST, I think.\rShe picks BERRIES there for making\nlunch.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171935 @ Referenced by lbl_171920 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I think I'll go play with LOSTELLE\ntoday.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171940 @ 35.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
special2 (0x800D, 0xB6);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_171A2E);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_171A52);
if (0x800D == 0x3) goto (lbl_171B86);
say ("I'm the DAY-CARE LADY.\rWe can raise POKéMON for you.\rWould you like us to raise one?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_171993);
say ("Oh, fine, then.\nCome again.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171993 @ Referenced by lbl_171940 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0x84);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_171A1A);
say ("Which POKéMON should we raise for\nyou?", 4);
fade (1);
special (0xBC);
waitstate ();
if (0x8004 => 0x6) goto (lbl_1719F7);
special2 (0x800D, 0x85);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_171A24);
special2 (0x8005, 0xBA);
checksound ();
cry (0x8005, 0x0);
say ("Fine, we'll raise your {var:2}\nfor a while.\rCome back for it later.", 4);
waitforcry ();
special (0xBB);
unknown_c3 (47);
special2 (0x800D, 0xB6);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_171A01);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171A01 @ Referenced by lbl_171993 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("We can raise two of your POKéMON.\rWould you like us to raise one\nmore POKéMON for you?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_171993);
jump (lbl_1719F7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171A24 @ Referenced by lbl_171993 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("If you leave me that POKéMON,\nwhat will you battle with?\rCome back another time.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81719F7 @ Referenced by lbl_171993 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Fine.\nCome again.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171A1A @ Referenced by lbl_171993 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh? But you have just one\nPOKéMON.\rCome back another time.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171B86 @ Referenced by lbl_171940 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Ah, it's you!\nGood to see you.\rYour POKéMON can only be doing\ngood!", 4);
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
call (lbl_171A41);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
call (lbl_171A41);
say ("Will you take your POKéMON back?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_171A90);
say ("Fine.\nCome again.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171A90 @ Referenced by lbl_171B86 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0x83);
if (0x800D == 0x6) goto (lbl_171B67);
special2 (0x800D, 0xB6);
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_171ACF);
special (0xBD);
waitstate ();
copyvar (0x8004, 0x800D);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1719F7);
jump (lbl_171ACF);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171ACF @ Referenced by lbl_171A90 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0xBF);
say ("If you want your {var:2} back,\nit will cost \xB7{var:3}.", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_171AEB);
jump (lbl_1719F7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171AEB @ Referenced by lbl_171ACF @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0xC5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_171B05);
say ("You don't have enough money…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171B05 @ Referenced by lbl_171AEB @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_171B71);
waitformove (0x0);
special2 (0x800D, 0xC0);
special (0xC6);
playsound (0x58);
say ("Perfect!\nHere's your POKéMON.", 4);
checksound ();
cry (0x800D, 0x0);
textcolor (3);
say ("{RED} took back {var:2} from\nthe DAY-CARE LADY.", 4);
call (lbl_1A6675);
waitforcry ();
special2 (0x800D, 0xB6);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_171B4E);
jump (lbl_1719F7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171B4E @ Referenced by lbl_171B05 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Will you take back the other one,\ntoo?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_171A90);
jump (lbl_1719F7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171B71 @ Referenced by lbl_171B05 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x1C, 0x1C, Face.West, 0x1C, 0x1C, Face.East, 0x1C, 0x1C, Face.North, Slow.North, Viz.Disappear, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x1C, Face.South, Viz.Reappear, Slow.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171B67 @ Referenced by lbl_171A90 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Your POKéMON party is full.\nMake room, then come see me.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171A41 @ Referenced by lbl_171B86 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0xBE);
if (0x800D != 0x0) call (lbl_171A38);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171A38 @ Referenced by lbl_171A41 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("By level, your {var:2} has\ngrown by {var:3}.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171A52 @ Referenced by lbl_171940 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Ah, it's you!\nGood to see you.\rYour POKéMON can only be doing\ngood!", 4);
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
call (lbl_171A41);
say ("We can raise two of your POKéMON.\rWould you like us to raise one\nmore POKéMON for you?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_171993);
say ("Will you take your POKéMON back?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_171A90);
jump (lbl_1719F7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171A2E @ Referenced by lbl_171940 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("My husband was looking for you.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171BF5 @ 35.1 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setrespawn (0x11);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171BF9 @ 35.1 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (NurseJoy);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171C02 @ 35.1 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("There's a rare kind of ICE POKéMON\nthat lives in the cave.\rWe get a lot of visitors hoping to\nsee that POKéMON.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171C0B @ 35.1 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh? A POKéMON EGG?\n…I have no idea.\r…Oh, wait. The DAY-CARE people\nin town were saying something.\rThey said that they'd found EGGS\nbefore on their property.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171C14 @ 35.1 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("What's this?\rThe new POKéMON JOURNAL hasn't\narrived on this island?", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171C45 @ 35.3 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("There! Boing!\nYou're awfully heavy!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171C54 @ 35.4 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x1B9);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171C58 @ 35.4 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2D4) goto (lbl_171C83);
if (0x2D5) goto (lbl_171C76);
say ("LORELEI: There's something weighing\nheavily on my mind.\rIf anything were to happen on\nthe island where I was born…\rI wouldn't know about it if I were\nin the POKéMON LEAGUE.\rI wonder if that would make me\nirresponsible to my home…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171C76 @ Referenced by lbl_171C58 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2D4);
say ("LORELEI: So, you managed to solve\nall the problems here?\rThat's wonderful.\rThat means there isn't any reason\nfor me to be here all the time.\rThank you…\rI'll return to the POKéMON LEAGUE\nin a short while.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171C83 @ Referenced by lbl_171C58 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I don't know what will happen in\nthe future, but…\rI will do what I can here and now.\nThat's all I can do.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171C8D @ 35.4 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
say ("Stuffed POKéMON dolls galore!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171C99 @ 35.5 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Ahoy, there!\nWhere do you want to sail?");
waitmsg ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
jump (lbl_1A900F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171CAE @ 35.7 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Hi, there!\nMay I help you?");
waitmsg ();
doshop (store_171CD4);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171CD4 @ Referenced by lbl_171CAE @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.UltraBall, Item.FullRestore, Item.MaxPotion, Item.Revive, Item.IceHeal, Item.FullHeal, Item.EscapeRope, Item.MaxRepel, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171CE8 @ 35.7 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The SEVII ISLANDS are in a warm\nregion overall.\rBut there is one exception you\nneed to know about.\rThe ICEFALL CAVE is frigid because\nof the POKéMON that live in it.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171CFC @ 36.0 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setrespawn (0x12);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171D00 @ 36.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (NurseJoy);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171D09 @ 36.0 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'm on my way to prepare a meal\nfor a certain high-society person.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171D12 @ 36.0 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You're on a quest to catch every\nsingle kind of POKéMON?\r…How incredible. Please tell me if\nyou catch a strong one!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171D43 @ 36.2 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Ahoy, there!\nWhere do you want to sail?");
waitmsg ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x5);
jump (lbl_1A900F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171D57 @ 36.3 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Don't worry about buying anything\nfor dinner tonight!\r…That's what my husband said when\nhe went off fishing today.\rI'm not sure if I can count on him\nto live up to that promise.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171D61 @ 36.4 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("That MEADOW has belonged to our\nfamily for generations.\rI should have had a giant mansion\nbuilt on it.\rIt would be preferable to having\nthose thugs run wild on it!", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171D7A @ 37.0 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setrespawn (0x14);
if (0x4089 == 0x0) call (lbl_171D89);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171D89 @ Referenced by lbl_171D7A @ ----------------------------------------------
clearflag (0x98);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171E05 @ 37.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (NurseJoy);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171E0E @ 37.0 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("For ten years, I've searched for\nRUINS.\rNo, make that twenty years.\rI get this feeling that there's\nsomething hidden on this island.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171E17 @ 37.0 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You know of POKéMON that evolve\nonly upon trading, yes?\rBut did you know that there are\nstill others?\rSome POKéMON evolve only when\ntraded while holding specific items.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171E48 @ 37.2 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Ahoy, there!\nWhere do you want to sail?");
waitmsg ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x6);
jump (lbl_1A900F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171E5C @ 37.3 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("There's nothing that young people'd\nfind exciting here on this island.\rBut, this is a good place in terms\nof nature and history.\rRelax and enjoy your stay.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171E66 @ 37.4 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Hi, there!\nMay I help you?");
waitmsg ();
doshop (store_171E8C);
say ("Please come again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171E8C @ Referenced by lbl_171E66 @ ----------------------------------------------
raws (Item.UltraBall, Item.FullRestore, Item.MaxPotion, Item.Revive, Item.FullHeal, Item.EscapeRope, Item.MaxRepel, Item.DreamMail, 0);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171EA0 @ 37.4 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I should buy some MAIL and write\nhim a letter…", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171EAA @ 38.0 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg ("Ahoy, there!\nWhere do you want to sail?");
waitmsg ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
jump (lbl_1A900F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171EBE @ 39.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2) goto (lbl_172043);
if (0x4036 == 0xFFFF) goto (lbl_171F0B);
if (0x4036 != 0x0) goto (lbl_171F19);
say ("SELPHY: Oh?\nDo I know you from somewhere?\rOh, but that doesn't matter.\rI am exquisitely bored.\nPlease, hear my wish.", 4);
jump (lbl_171EFE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171EFE @ Referenced by lbl_171EBE @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x15D);
say ("I wish to see a POKéMON.\nA darling {var:2}.\rI want to see one right away.\nPlease, make my wish come true.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171F19 @ Referenced by lbl_171EBE @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8004, 0x4036);
special2 (0x800D, 0x17C);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_171F34);
jump (lbl_171EFE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171F34 @ Referenced by lbl_171F19 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x15D);
say ("SELPHY: Oh, hello, there.\rOh, my gracious. That must be the\n{var:2} you caught for me.\rGiggle…\nI see a resemblance to you.\rThank you so kindly.\r… … … … … …\nIs something the matter?\rYou may leave.\r… … … … … …\nOh, fine. I understand now.\rSEBASTIAN!\nI need you here this instant!", 4);
showsprite (0x2);
applymove (0x2, move_172060);
waitformove (0x0);
textcolor (0);
say ("Butler: Yes, my lady.", 4);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
textcolor (1);
say ("SELPHY: See to it that this person\nis given a token of appreciation.", 4);
textcolor (0);
say ("Butler: I shall do as you bid,\nmy lady.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_171FCD);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_171FE9);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_171FFE);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_17201A);
moveoffscreen (0x2);
say ("Butler: I sincerely thank you for\npleasing Lady SELPHY.\rPlease accept this as her thanks…", 4);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x403B);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_172025);
setflag (0x2);
setvar (0x4036, 0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8172025 @ Referenced by lbl_171F34 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (0);
say ("Butler: Your BAG appears to be\nunfortunately full.", 4);
textcolor (1);
say ("Oh…\nHow disappointing.", 4);
setflag (0x2);
setvar (0x4036, 0x0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817201A @ Referenced by lbl_171F34 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x2, move_17205E);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817205E @ Referenced by lbl_17201A @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171FFE @ Referenced by lbl_171F34 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E7);
applymove (0x2, move_172059);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8172059 @ Referenced by lbl_171FFE @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171FE9 @ Referenced by lbl_171F34 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x2, move_172055);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E9);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8172055 @ Referenced by lbl_171FE9 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, RealFastInPlace.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171FCD @ Referenced by lbl_171F34 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1A75ED);
applymove (0x2, move_17204D);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817204D @ Referenced by lbl_171FCD @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.South, Walk.South, Walk.South, RealFastInPlace.West, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8172060 @ Referenced by lbl_171F34 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (StepInPlace.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8171F0B @ Referenced by lbl_171EBE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SELPHY: Oh, I'm tired of this.\nI'm tired of waiting for you.\rI'll forgive you this time, but\nplease don't fail me next time.", 4);
jump (lbl_171EFE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8172043 @ Referenced by lbl_171EBE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("SELPHY: I wish you the best of\nluck.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8172062 @ 39.0 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Butler: The smile of Lady SELPHY\nhas the brilliance of the sun.\rPlease, I beg you to bring joy\nto Lady SELPHY.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817206D @ 41.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
setvar (0x8004, 0xD6);
special2 (0x800D, 0x17C);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1720E5);
special (0x77);
say ("Eeeeek!\nThat's a HERACROSS!\rPlease, please, may I measure how\nbig it is?", 4);
special (0x9F);
waitstate ();
copyvar (0x800D, 0x8004);
if (0x800D => 0x6) goto (lbl_1720EF);
special (0x78);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1720F1);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1720FB);
if (0x800D == 0x3) goto (lbl_172121);
if (0x800D == 0x4) goto (lbl_17210E);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817210E @ Referenced by lbl_17206D @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x2D9) goto (lbl_172121);
say ("Huh? This {var:3}-inch measurement…\nOh, boo! It's the same as before.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8172121 @ Referenced by lbl_17206D @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2D9);
say ("Eeeek, it's {var:3} inches!\nI've never seen anything like this!\fYou deserve a reward!", 4);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x8);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_17214D);
say ("I want to see a much, much bigger\nHERACROSS than that one.\rOh, how I adore them, big\nHERACROSS!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817214D @ Referenced by lbl_172121 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Your BAG is full.\nMy reward won't fit.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81720FB @ Referenced by lbl_17206D @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x2D9) goto (lbl_172121);
say ("Oh, it's just {var:3} inches.\nThe HERACROSS before was bigger.\rIt was {var:4} inches, the biggest\nHERACROSS you've brought me.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81720F1 @ Referenced by lbl_17206D @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, no! This won't do!\rHERACROSS looks much more macho\nand cool, and has a lovely horn!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81720EF @ Referenced by lbl_17206D @ ----------------------------------------------
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81720E5 @ Referenced by lbl_17206D @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hera, hera, HERACROSS!\nBig and shiny, it's the bug boss!\fLove it, need it, HERACROSS!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8172157 @ 41.0 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
if (0x2D9) goto (lbl_17216B);
say ("It's a blank chart of some sort.\rIt has spaces for writing in\nrecords of some kind.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x817216B @ Referenced by lbl_172157 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x77);
say ("The biggest HERACROSS that I have\never seen measured so far is:\r{var:4} inches!", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x8172179 @ 41.1 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("My height is 67.0 inches on the\nbutton.\rI know it is this precisely because\nmy neighbor measured me.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4E3F @ CallSTD: Message (locked) @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
preparemsg (0x0);
waitmsg ();
waitkeypress ();
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4E4A @ CallSTD: Message (all locked) @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
preparemsg (0x0);
waitmsg ();
waitkeypress ();
releaseall ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4E54 @ CallSTD: Message @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg (0x0);
waitmsg ();
waitkeypress ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4E5C @ CallSTD: Yes/No @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg (0x0);
waitmsg ();
yesno (20, 8);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4E66 @ CallSTD: 9 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
if (0x8002 == 0x101) call (lbl_1A4EA2);
if (0x8002 == 0x13E) call (lbl_1A4EA6);
preparemsg (0x0);
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
if (0x8002 == 0x101) call (lbl_1A4EAA);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x8000);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x8001);
callstd (8);
call (lbl_1A6675);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4EAA @ Referenced by lbl_1A4E66 @ ----------------------------------------------
pause (0x32);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4EA6 @ Referenced by lbl_1A4E66 @ ----------------------------------------------
jingle (0x13E);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4EA2 @ Referenced by lbl_1A4E66 @ ----------------------------------------------
jingle (0x101);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4EAF @ Save your Game? @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x5D);
waitstate ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4EC1 @ *** Battle *** @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
applymove (0x800F, move_1A4FC5);
waitformove (0x0);
special2 (0x800D, 0x36);
if (0x800D != 0x0) goto (lbl_1A4EE8);
special (0x38);
special (0x13A);
jump (lbl_1A4FC7);
endtrainerbattle ();
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (lbl_1A4FBA);
special2 (0x800D, 0x36);
if (0x800D != 0x0) goto (lbl_1A4F20);
special (0x3D);
if (0x800D != 0x0) goto (lbl_1A4F19);
special (0x38);
special (0x13A);
jump (lbl_1A4FC7);
special (0x35);
waitmsg ();
waitkeypress ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4F19 @ Referenced by lbl_1A4EC1 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x35);
waitmsg ();
waitkeypress ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4F20 @ Referenced by lbl_1A4EC1 @ ----------------------------------------------
endtrainerbattle ();
applymove (0x800F, move_1A4FC5);
waitformove (0x0);
special (0x38);
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A501A);
repeattrainerbattle ();
endtrainerbattle ();
call (lbl_1A4FBA);
special2 (0x800D, 0x3A);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A4F72);
special (0x38);
special (0x13A);
special (0x34);
waitmsg ();
waitkeypress ();
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A4FB8);
special (0x3B);
waitstate ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4FB8 @ Referenced by lbl_1A4F20 @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4F72 @ Referenced by lbl_1A4F20 @ ----------------------------------------------
endtrainerbattle ();
special2 (0x800D, 0x3A);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A4FB0);
special (0x3D);
if (0x800D != 0x0) goto (lbl_1A4FB1);
special (0x38);
special (0x13A);
special (0x34);
waitmsg ();
waitkeypress ();
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A4FB8);
special (0x3B);
waitstate ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4FB1 @ Referenced by lbl_1A4F72 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x35);
waitmsg ();
waitkeypress ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4FB0 @ Referenced by lbl_1A4F72 @ ----------------------------------------------
endtrainerbattle ();
special (0x35);
waitmsg ();
waitkeypress ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A501A @ Referenced by lbl_1A4F20 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x18F);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4FBA @ Referenced by lbl_1A4EC1 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x800F, move_1A4FC5);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4FC7 @ Referenced by lbl_1A4EC1 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x34);
waitmsg ();
waitkeypress ();
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A501A);
repeattrainerbattle ();
special2 (0x800D, 0x33);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A5017);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A5019);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A5019);
if (0x800D == 0x6) goto (lbl_1A5019);
if (0x800D == 0x8) goto (lbl_1A5019);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A5019 @ Referenced by lbl_1A4FC7 @ ----------------------------------------------
endtrainerbattle2 ();
special (0x18F);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A5017 @ Referenced by lbl_1A4FC7 @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4EE8 @ Referenced by lbl_1A4EC1 @ ----------------------------------------------
endtrainerbattle ();
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (lbl_1A4FBA);
special2 (0x800D, 0x36);
if (0x800D != 0x0) goto (lbl_1A4F20);
special (0x3D);
if (0x800D != 0x0) goto (lbl_1A4F19);
special (0x38);
special (0x13A);
jump (lbl_1A4FC7);
special (0x35);
waitmsg ();
waitkeypress ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4FC5 @ Referenced by lbl_1A4EC1 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x67, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4EE9 @ *** Battle *** @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
call (lbl_1A4FBA);
special2 (0x800D, 0x36);
if (0x800D != 0x0) goto (lbl_1A4F20);
special (0x3D);
if (0x800D != 0x0) goto (lbl_1A4F19);
special (0x38);
special (0x13A);
jump (lbl_1A4FC7);
special (0x35);
waitmsg ();
waitkeypress ();
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4F21 @ *** Battle *** @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x800F, move_1A4FC5);
waitformove (0x0);
special (0x38);
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A501A);
repeattrainerbattle ();
endtrainerbattle ();
call (lbl_1A4FBA);
special2 (0x800D, 0x3A);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A4F72);
special (0x38);
special (0x13A);
special (0x34);
waitmsg ();
waitkeypress ();
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A4FB8);
special (0x3B);
waitstate ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4F3E @ *** Battle *** @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1A4FBA);
special2 (0x800D, 0x3A);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A4F72);
special (0x38);
special (0x13A);
special (0x34);
waitmsg ();
waitkeypress ();
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A4FB8);
special (0x3B);
waitstate ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A4F73 @ *** Mystery *** @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0x3A);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A4FB0);
special (0x3D);
if (0x800D != 0x0) goto (lbl_1A4FB1);
special (0x38);
special (0x13A);
special (0x34);
waitmsg ();
waitkeypress ();
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A4FB8);
special (0x3B);
waitstate ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A501F @ CallSTD: 6 @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg (0x0);
waitmsg ();
waitkeypress ();
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6578 @ Standard Script: Nurse Joy @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
preparemsg ("Welcome to our POKéMON CENTER!\rWould you like me to heal your\nPOKéMON back to perfect health?");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (19, 8, 0, 2);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A65B8);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A6663);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1A6663);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6663 @ Referenced by lbl_1A6578 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("We hope to see you again!", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A65B8 @ Referenced by lbl_1A6578 @ ----------------------------------------------
unknown_c3 (15);
preparemsg ("Okay, I'll take your POKéMON for a\nfew seconds.");
waitmsg ();
call (lbl_1A65CE);
special (0x169);
jump (lbl_1A65EC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A65EC @ Referenced by lbl_1A65B8 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0x1B1);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A661D);
special2 (0x800D, 0x183);
copyvar (0x8008, 0x800D);
if (0x8008 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A661D);
if (0x8008 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A6636);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6636 @ Referenced by lbl_1A65EC @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x842) goto (lbl_1A661D);
say ("Thank you for waiting.\nWe've restored your POKéMON to\ffull health.", 4);
setflag (0x842);
preparemsg ("It appears as if {var:2} is playing\nright now.\fGo for it!");
waitmsg ();
applymove (0x800F, move_1A666C);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("We hope to see you again!", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A666C @ Referenced by lbl_1A6636 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x5B, 0x1A, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A661D @ Referenced by lbl_1A65EC @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Thank you for waiting.\nWe've restored your POKéMON to\ffull health.");
waitmsg ();
applymove (0x800F, move_1A666C);
waitformove (0x0);
say ("We hope to see you again!", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A65CE @ Referenced by lbl_1A65B8 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x800F, move_1A75E7);
waitformove (0x0);
doanimation (0x19);
checkanimation (0x19);
applymove (0x800F, move_1A75ED);
waitformove (0x0);
special (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A667B @ CallSTD: 0 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8013, 0x8012);
textcolor (3);
giveitem (0x8000, 0x8001);
copyvar (0x8007, 0x800D);
call (lbl_1A6697);
copyvar (0x8012, 0x8013);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6697 @ Referenced by lbl_1A667B @ ----------------------------------------------
bufferitems (1, 0x8000, 0x8001);
checkitemtype (0x8000);
call (lbl_1A66BC);
if (0x8007 == 0x1) call (lbl_1A6749);
if (0x8007 == 0x0) call (lbl_1A675E);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A675E @ Referenced by lbl_1A6697 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x800D, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6749 @ Referenced by lbl_1A6697 @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Obtained the {var:3}!");
waitforjingle ();
waitmsg ();
say ("{RED} put the {var:3}\nin the {var:4}.", 4);
setvar (0x800D, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A66BC @ Referenced by lbl_1A6697 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A66F9);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A6709);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1A6719);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_1A6729);
if (0x8000 == 0x5) goto (lbl_1A6739);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6739 @ Referenced by lbl_1A66BC @ ----------------------------------------------
getstandard (2, 0x1C);
if (0x8007 == 0x1) call (lbl_1A6764);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6764 @ Referenced by lbl_1A6739 @ ----------------------------------------------
jingle (0x101);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6729 @ Referenced by lbl_1A66BC @ ----------------------------------------------
getstandard (2, 0x1B);
if (0x8007 == 0x1) call (lbl_1A6768);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6768 @ Referenced by lbl_1A6729 @ ----------------------------------------------
jingle (0x101);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6719 @ Referenced by lbl_1A66BC @ ----------------------------------------------
getstandard (2, 0x1A);
if (0x8007 == 0x1) call (lbl_1A6764);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6709 @ Referenced by lbl_1A66BC @ ----------------------------------------------
getstandard (2, 0x19);
if (0x8007 == 0x1) call (lbl_1A6764);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A66F9 @ Referenced by lbl_1A66BC @ ----------------------------------------------
getstandard (2, 0x18);
if (0x8007 == 0x1) call (lbl_1A6764);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A67B3 @ CallSTD: Item Ball @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
checksound ();
copyvar (0x8004, 0x8000);
copyvar (0x8005, 0x8001);
checkitemamount (0x8000, 0x8001);
copyvar (0x8007, 0x800D);
getitemname (1, 0x8000);
checkitemtype (0x8000);
call (lbl_1A66BC);
if (0x8007 == 0x1) call (lbl_1A67EE);
if (0x8007 == 0x0) call (lbl_1A682D);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A682D @ Referenced by lbl_1A67B3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Obtained the {var:3}!", 4);
say ("Too bad!\nThe BAG is full…", 4);
setvar (0x800D, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A67EE @ Referenced by lbl_1A67B3 @ ----------------------------------------------
hidesprite (0x800F);
giveitem (0x8004, 0x8005);
special2 (0x800D, 0x196);
copyvar (0x8008, 0x800D);
if (0x8008 == 0x1) call (lbl_1A6821);
if (0x8008 == 0x0) call (lbl_1A6827);
waitforjingle ();
waitmsg ();
say ("{RED} put the {var:3}\nin the {var:4}.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6827 @ Referenced by lbl_1A67EE @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("{RED} found one {var:3}!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6821 @ Referenced by lbl_1A67EE @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("{RED} found a {var:3}!\nIt contains {var:2}.");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6843 @ *** Foo *** @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
textcolor (3);
checksound ();
if (0x8005 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A68DB);
call (lbl_1A686E);
if (0x8007 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A6885);
if (0x8007 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A68C4);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A68C4 @ Referenced by lbl_1A6843 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("{RED} found one {var:3}!", 4);
say ("Too bad!\nThe BAG is full…", 4);
setvar (0x800D, 0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6885 @ Referenced by lbl_1A6843 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x8006 == 0x1) call (lbl_1A68AA);
if (0x8006 != 0x1) call (lbl_1A68BA);
waitforjingle ();
waitmsg ();
say ("{RED} put the {var:3}\nin the {var:4}.", 4);
special (0x96);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A68BA @ Referenced by lbl_1A6885 @ ----------------------------------------------
getnumber (0, 0x8006);
preparemsg ("{RED} found\n{var:2} {var:3}(s)!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A68AA @ Referenced by lbl_1A6885 @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("{RED} found one {var:3}!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A686E @ Referenced by lbl_1A6843 @ ----------------------------------------------
giveitem (0x8005, 0x8006);
copyvar (0x8007, 0x800D);
getitemname (1, 0x8005);
checkitemtype (0x8005);
call (lbl_1A66BC);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A68DB @ Referenced by lbl_1A6843 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x243) goto (lbl_1A6936);
checkcoins (0x800D);
special2 (0x800D, 0x15E);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A6917);
givecoins (0x8006);
getstandard (1, 0x17);
call (lbl_1A6764);
call (lbl_1A68B0);
waitforjingle ();
waitmsg ();
say ("{RED} put the COINS away in\nthe COIN CASE.", 4);
special (0x96);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A68B0 @ Referenced by lbl_1A68DB @ ----------------------------------------------
getnumber (0, 0x8006);
preparemsg ("{RED} found\n{var:2} {var:3}!");
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6917 @ Referenced by lbl_1A68DB @ ----------------------------------------------
getnumber (0, 0x8006);
getstandard (1, 0x17);
say ("{RED} found\n{var:2} {var:3}!", 4);
say ("Too bad!\nThe COIN CASE is full…", 4);
setvar (0x800D, 0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6936 @ Referenced by lbl_1A68DB @ ----------------------------------------------
getnumber (0, 0x8006);
getstandard (1, 0x17);
say ("{RED} found\n{var:2} {var:3}!", 4);
say ("Too bad!\nThere's nothing to put them in…", 4);
setvar (0x800D, 0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6955 @ Standard Script: PC @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lockall ();
if (0x841) goto (lbl_1A698E);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1B);
special (0x17D);
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
special (0xD6);
playsound (0x4);
say ("{RED} booted up the PC.", 4);
jump (lbl_1A6998);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6998 @ Referenced by lbl_1A6955 @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Which PC should be accessed?");
waitmsg ();
special (0x106);
waitstate ();
jump (lbl_1A69A8);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A69A8 @ Referenced by lbl_1A6998 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A6A05);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A69F0);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A6A7A);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1A6A56);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_1A6A46);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1A6A46);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6A46 @ Referenced by lbl_1A69A8 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
playsound (0x3);
special (0xD7);
special (0x190);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6A56 @ Referenced by lbl_1A69A8 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x82C) goto (lbl_1A6A46);
playsound (0x2);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1F);
special (0x17E);
special (0x17D);
special (0x107);
waitstate ();
special (0x17F);
jump (lbl_1A69A8);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6A7A @ Referenced by lbl_1A69A8 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x829) goto (lbl_1A6A46);
playsound (0x2);
say ("Accessed PROF. OAK's PC…\rAccessed the POKéDEX Rating\nSystem…", 4);
say ("Would you like to have your\nPOKéDEX rated?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A6AB2);
setflag (0x2FF);
call (lbl_1A73E0);
clearflag (0x2FF);
jump (lbl_1A6AB2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6AB2 @ Referenced by lbl_1A6A7A @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Closed link to PROF. OAK's PC.", 4);
jump (lbl_1A6998);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A69F0 @ Referenced by lbl_1A69A8 @ ----------------------------------------------
playsound (0x2);
say ("Accessed {RED}'s PC.", 4);
special (0xFA);
waitstate ();
jump (lbl_1A6998);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6A05 @ Referenced by lbl_1A69A8 @ ----------------------------------------------
playsound (0x2);
if (not 0x834) call (lbl_1A6A34);
if (0x834) call (lbl_1A6A3D);
say ("POKéMON Storage System opened.", 4);
special (0x3C);
waitstate ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x1B);
special (0x17D);
jump (lbl_1A6998);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6A3D @ Referenced by lbl_1A6A05 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Accessed BILL's PC.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6A34 @ Referenced by lbl_1A6A05 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Accessed Someone's PC.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A698E @ Referenced by lbl_1A6955 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The usual PC services aren't\navailable…", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6AC8 @ Standard Script: Surf @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A6B0C);
checkformove (0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x6) goto (lbl_1A6B0C);
getpartypokemon (0, 0x800D);
setanimation (0, 0x800D);
lockall ();
say ("The water is dyed a deep blue…\nWould you like to SURF?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A6B0B);
say ("{var:2} used SURF!", 4);
doanimation (0x9);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6B0B @ Referenced by lbl_1A6AC8 @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6B0C @ Referenced by lbl_1A6AC8 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A77B6 @ 25.1 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
clearflag (0x830);
setvar (0x405E, 0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A77C1 @ 25.1 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x405E, 0x1);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A891B @ 1.48 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x27A);
if (0x27A) goto (lbl_1A813F);
jump (lbl_1A8B23);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8B23 @ Referenced by lbl_1A891B @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x192) goto (lbl_1A8B32);
jump (lbl_1A8135);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8135 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8B23 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("No!\nIt needs a CARD KEY!", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8B32 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8B23 @ ----------------------------------------------
jingle (0x101);
say ("Bingo!\nThe CARD KEY opened the door!", 4);
waitforjingle ();
if (0x4001 == 0x1) call (lbl_1A8532);
if (0x4001 == 0x2) call (lbl_1A8560);
if (0x4001 == 0x3) call (lbl_1A858E);
if (0x4001 == 0x4) call (lbl_1A85C5);
if (0x4001 == 0x5) call (lbl_1A85FC);
if (0x4001 == 0x6) call (lbl_1A862A);
if (0x4001 == 0x7) call (lbl_1A8658);
if (0x4001 == 0x8) call (lbl_1A868F);
if (0x4001 == 0x9) call (lbl_1A86C6);
if (0x4001 == 0xA) call (lbl_1A86FD);
if (0x4001 == 0xB) call (lbl_1A8734);
if (0x4001 == 0xC) call (lbl_1A8762);
if (0x4001 == 0xD) call (lbl_1A8790);
if (0x4001 == 0xE) call (lbl_1A87BE);
if (0x4001 == 0xF) call (lbl_1A87F5);
if (0x4001 == 0x10) call (lbl_1A882C);
if (0x4001 == 0x11) call (lbl_1A8863);
if (0x4001 == 0x12) call (lbl_1A8891);
if (0x4001 == 0x13) call (lbl_1A88BF);
if (0x4001 == 0x14) call (lbl_1A88ED);
checksound ();
playsound (0x26);
special (0x8E);
checksound ();
special (0x96);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A88ED @ Referenced by lbl_1A8B32 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x5, 0x10, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x10, 0x334, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x5, 0x11, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x11, 0x334, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x12, 0x334, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A88BF @ Referenced by lbl_1A8B32 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0xC, 0xB, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xD, 0xB, 0x334, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xC, 0xC, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xD, 0xC, 0x334, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xD, 0xD, 0x334, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8891 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8B32 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x15, 0xC, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x16, 0xC, 0x334, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x15, 0xD, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x16, 0xD, 0x334, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x16, 0xE, 0x334, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8863 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8B32 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x15, 0x6, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x16, 0x6, 0x334, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x15, 0x7, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x16, 0x7, 0x334, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x16, 0x8, 0x334, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A882C @ Referenced by lbl_1A8B32 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0xC, 0xF, 0x347, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xD, 0xF, 0x346, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x10, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xD, 0x10, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x11, 0x339, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xD, 0x11, 0x33A, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A87F5 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8B32 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x2, 0x9, 0x347, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x3, 0x9, 0x346, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x2, 0xA, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x3, 0xA, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x2, 0xB, 0x339, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x3, 0xB, 0x33A, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A87BE @ Referenced by lbl_1A8B32 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x5, 0x9, 0x347, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x9, 0x346, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x5, 0xA, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x6, 0xA, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x5, 0xB, 0x339, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x6, 0xB, 0x33A, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8790 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8B32 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x19, 0xD, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x1A, 0xD, 0x334, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x19, 0xE, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x1A, 0xE, 0x334, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x1A, 0xF, 0x334, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8762 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8B32 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x18, 0x7, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x19, 0x7, 0x334, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x18, 0x8, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x19, 0x8, 0x334, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x19, 0x9, 0x334, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8734 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8B32 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0xB, 0x8, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x8, 0x334, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xB, 0x9, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xC, 0x9, 0x334, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xC, 0xA, 0x334, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A86FD @ Referenced by lbl_1A8B32 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x5, 0xE, 0x347, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x6, 0xE, 0x346, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x5, 0xF, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x6, 0xF, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x5, 0x10, 0x339, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x10, 0x33A, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A86C6 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8B32 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x12, 0xC, 0x347, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x13, 0xC, 0x346, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x12, 0xD, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x13, 0xD, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x12, 0xE, 0x339, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x13, 0xE, 0x33A, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A868F @ Referenced by lbl_1A8B32 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x7, 0x11, 0x347, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x8, 0x11, 0x346, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x7, 0x12, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x8, 0x12, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x7, 0x13, 0x339, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x8, 0x13, 0x33A, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8658 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8B32 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x7, 0x8, 0x347, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x8, 0x8, 0x346, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x7, 0x9, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x8, 0x9, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x7, 0xA, 0x339, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x8, 0xA, 0x33A, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A862A @ Referenced by lbl_1A8B32 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0xE, 0xB, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xF, 0xB, 0x334, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xE, 0xC, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xF, 0xC, 0x334, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xF, 0xD, 0x334, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A85FC @ Referenced by lbl_1A8B32 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x3, 0x10, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x4, 0x10, 0x334, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x3, 0x11, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x4, 0x11, 0x334, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x4, 0x12, 0x334, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A85C5 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8B32 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x14, 0xB, 0x347, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x15, 0xB, 0x346, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x14, 0xC, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x15, 0xC, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x14, 0xD, 0x339, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x15, 0xD, 0x33A, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A858E @ Referenced by lbl_1A8B32 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x9, 0xB, 0x347, 0x1);
setmaptile (0xA, 0xB, 0x346, 0x1);
setmaptile (0x9, 0xC, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xA, 0xC, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x9, 0xD, 0x339, 0x0);
setmaptile (0xA, 0xD, 0x33A, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8560 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8B32 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x5, 0xF, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x6, 0xF, 0x334, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x5, 0x10, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x10, 0x334, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x11, 0x334, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8532 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8B32 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x5, 0x8, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x8, 0x334, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x5, 0x9, 0x335, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x6, 0x9, 0x334, 0x0);
setmaptile (0x6, 0xA, 0x334, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A813F @ Referenced by lbl_1A891B @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The door is open…", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8935 @ 1.48 sign #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x2);
setvar (0x8004, 0x27B);
if (0x27B) goto (lbl_1A813F);
jump (lbl_1A8B23);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A894F @ 1.49 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x3);
setvar (0x8004, 0x27C);
if (0x27C) goto (lbl_1A813F);
jump (lbl_1A8B23);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8969 @ 1.49 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x4);
setvar (0x8004, 0x27D);
if (0x27D) goto (lbl_1A813F);
jump (lbl_1A8B23);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8983 @ 1.50 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x5);
setvar (0x8004, 0x27E);
if (0x27E) goto (lbl_1A813F);
jump (lbl_1A8B23);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A899D @ 1.50 sign #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x6);
setvar (0x8004, 0x27F);
if (0x27F) goto (lbl_1A813F);
jump (lbl_1A8B23);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A89B7 @ 1.51 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x7);
setvar (0x8004, 0x280);
if (0x280) goto (lbl_1A813F);
jump (lbl_1A8B23);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A89D1 @ 1.51 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x8);
setvar (0x8004, 0x281);
if (0x281) goto (lbl_1A813F);
jump (lbl_1A8B23);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A89EB @ 1.51 sign #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x9);
setvar (0x8004, 0x282);
if (0x282) goto (lbl_1A813F);
jump (lbl_1A8B23);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8A05 @ 1.52 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0xA);
setvar (0x8004, 0x283);
if (0x283) goto (lbl_1A813F);
jump (lbl_1A8B23);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8A1F @ 1.53 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0xB);
setvar (0x8004, 0x284);
if (0x284) goto (lbl_1A813F);
jump (lbl_1A8B23);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8A39 @ 1.53 sign #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0xC);
setvar (0x8004, 0x285);
if (0x285) goto (lbl_1A813F);
jump (lbl_1A8B23);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8A53 @ 1.53 sign #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0xD);
setvar (0x8004, 0x286);
if (0x286) goto (lbl_1A813F);
jump (lbl_1A8B23);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8A6D @ 1.54 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0xE);
setvar (0x8004, 0x287);
if (0x287) goto (lbl_1A813F);
jump (lbl_1A8B23);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8A87 @ 1.55 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0xF);
setvar (0x8004, 0x288);
if (0x288) goto (lbl_1A813F);
jump (lbl_1A8B23);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8AA1 @ 1.55 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x10);
setvar (0x8004, 0x289);
if (0x289) goto (lbl_1A813F);
jump (lbl_1A8B23);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8ABB @ 1.55 sign #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x11);
setvar (0x8004, 0x28A);
if (0x28A) goto (lbl_1A813F);
jump (lbl_1A8B23);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8AD5 @ 1.55 sign #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x12);
setvar (0x8004, 0x28B);
if (0x28B) goto (lbl_1A813F);
jump (lbl_1A8B23);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8AEF @ 1.56 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x13);
setvar (0x8004, 0x28C);
if (0x28C) goto (lbl_1A813F);
jump (lbl_1A8B23);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8B09 @ 1.57 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x4001, 0x14);
setvar (0x8004, 0x28D);
if (0x28D) goto (lbl_1A813F);
jump (lbl_1A8B23);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8CED @ Each Step Test @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x172);
waitstate ();
special (0x164);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8CF6 @ Standard Script: Wireless Club @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1BBA04);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBA04 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8CF6 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (not 0x829) goto (lbl_1BB877);
special2 (0x800D, 0x1AE);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BB867);
copyvar (0x8007, 0x800F);
special2 (0x800D, 0x16A);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BBB60);
preparemsg ("Welcome to the POKéMON WIRELESS\nCLUB UNION ROOM.\rYou may interact directly with\nother TRAINERS here, some of\fwhom you may not even know.\rWould you like to enter the ROOM?");
waitmsg ();
jump (lbl_1BBA51);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBA51 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBA04 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (18, 6, 16, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BBA94);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1BBA88);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBA88 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBA51 @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("The TRAINERS in the UNION ROOM\nwill be those players around you\fwho have also entered the ROOM.\rYou may do all sorts of things\nhere, such as exchanging greetings.\rYou may enter two POKéMON up to\nLv. 30 for a one-on-one battle.\rYou may take part in a chat with\ntwo to five people.\rOr, you may register a POKéMON for\ntrade.\rWould you like to enter the ROOM?");
waitmsg ();
jump (lbl_1BBA51);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB82F @ Referenced by lbl_1BBA51 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x1F);
special (0x199);
say ("Please do visit again.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBA94 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBA51 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1BBB1E);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
call (SaveYourGame);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
say ("I hope you enjoy your time in\nthe UNION ROOM.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
special (0x0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x6);
copyvar (0x406F, 0x8004);
special (0x198);
call (lbl_1BC020);
special (0x8E);
playsound (0x1E);
pause (0x3C);
applymove (0x800F, move_1BB88F);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0xFF, move_1BB898);
waitformove (0x0);
setdooropened (0x5, 0x1);
doorchange ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1BB89C);
waitformove (0x0);
spriteinvisible (0xFF, 0, 0);
setdoorclosed (0x5, 0x1);
doorchange ();
special (0x1B3);
special (0x1);
warpteleport2 (0, 4, 255, 0x7, 0xB);
waitstate ();
special (0x16D);
waitstate ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB89C @ Referenced by lbl_1BBA94 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB898 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBA94 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.North, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BC020 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBA94 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x5, 0x3, 0x2C5, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBB1E @ Referenced by lbl_1BBA94 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0x84);
if (0x800D < 0x2) goto (lbl_1BBB44);
special2 (0x800D, 0x153);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BBB52);
setvar (0x800D, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBB52 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBB1E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("No POKéMON holding the {var:2}\nBERRY may enter the UNION ROOM.", 4);
jump (lbl_1A77B0);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBB44 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBB1E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("To enter the UNION ROOM, you must\nhave at least two POKéMON.", 4);
jump (lbl_1A77B0);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBB60 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBA04 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("This is the POKéMON WIRELESS CLUB\nUNION ROOM.\rUnfortunately, your Wireless\nAdapter is not connected properly.\rPlease do come again.", 4);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB867 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBA04 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x1F);
special (0x199);
say ("You have at least one POKéMON\nthat can't be taken.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB877 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBA04 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'm terribly sorry.\nThe POKéMON WIRELESS CLUB is\fundergoing adjustments now.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8CFC @ Standard Script: Teala the Second Floor Attendant @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1BBB6A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBB6A @ Referenced by lbl_1A8CFC @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (not 0x829) goto (lbl_1BB877);
say ("Hello, {RED}!\rIt's me, TEALA, the POKéMON\nCENTER 2F attendant.\rIs there something you needed to\nask me about linking?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BBB92);
say ("Let me explain how the POKéMON\nWIRELESS CLUB works.\rOn this, the top floor, there are\ntwo rooms.\rFirst, the room on the left.\nIt's the UNION ROOM.\rYou may link up with TRAINERS\naround you who have also entered\fthe UNION ROOM.\rWith them, you may do things like\nchat, battle, and trade.\rSecond, the room on the right is\nthe DIRECT CORNER.\rYou may trade or battle POKéMON\nwith your friends in this room.\rSometimes, you may not be able to\nfind your friends in the UNION ROOM\for the DIRECT CORNER.\rIn that case, please move closer\nto your friends.\rIf the Wireless Adapter isn't\nconnected, you may still link up\fusing a GBA Game Link cable.\rIf that is the case, you must go\nto the DIRECT CORNER.\rI hope you enjoy the Wireless \nCommunication System.", 4);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBB92 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBB6A @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I hope you enjoy the Wireless\nCommunication System.", 4);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8D02 @ 5.5 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1BBB9C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBB9C @ Referenced by lbl_1A8D02 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (not 0x829) goto (lbl_1BB877);
special2 (0x800D, 0x1AE);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BB867);
special2 (0x800D, 0x16A);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (CableClub);
preparemsg ("Welcome to the POKéMON WIRELESS\nCLUB DIRECT CORNER.\rYou may interact directly with\nyour friends here.\rWhich room would you like to\nenter?");
waitmsg ();
pause (0xF);
jump (lbl_1BBBE7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBBE7 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBB9C @ ----------------------------------------------
if (not 0x2BB) goto (lbl_1BBC32);
multichoice (0, 0, 47, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BBC69);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BBC97);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1BBD35);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBD35 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBBE7 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Would you like to use the\nBERRY CRUSH System?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
special (0x19B);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BBD61);
setvar (0x8004, 0x5);
jump (lbl_1BBD6F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBD6F @ Referenced by lbl_1BBD35 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (SaveYourGame);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x8004);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1BBDBC);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BBDBC);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BBDBC);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1BBE50);
if (0x8000 == 0x5) goto (lbl_1BBEE4);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBEE4 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBD6F @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
preparemsg ("Please decide which of you will\nbecome the GROUP LEADER.\rThe other players must then choose\n“JOIN GROUP.”");
waitmsg ();
call (lbl_1A6675);
multichoice (13, 6, 63, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BBF50);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BBF28);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBF28 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBEE4 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1BBF78);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BBF88);
if (0x800D == 0x5) goto (lbl_1BBEE4);
if (0x800D == 0x8) goto (lbl_1BBF28);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBF88 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBF28 @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg2 ("I'll direct you to your room now.");
waitmsg ();
pause (0x3C);
closeonkeypress ();
copyvar (0x8007, 0x800F);
call (lbl_1BC034);
special (0x8E);
playsound (0x1E);
pause (0x3C);
applymove (0x800F, move_1BB88F);
waitformove (0x0);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1BB898);
waitformove (0x0);
setdooropened (0x9, 0x1);
doorchange ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1BB89C);
waitformove (0x0);
spriteinvisible (0xFF, 0, 0);
setdoorclosed (0x9, 0x1);
doorchange ();
release ();
waitstate ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BC034 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBF88 @ ----------------------------------------------
setmaptile (0x9, 0x3, 0x2C5, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBF50 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBEE4 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1BBF80);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BBF88);
if (0x800D == 0x5) goto (lbl_1BBEE4);
if (0x800D == 0x8) goto (lbl_1BBF50);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBE50 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBD6F @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
preparemsg ("Please decide which of you four\nwill become the GROUP LEADER.\rThe other players must then choose\n“JOIN GROUP.”");
waitmsg ();
call (lbl_1A6675);
multichoice (13, 6, 63, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BBEBC);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BBE94);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBE94 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBE50 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1BBF78);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BBF88);
if (0x800D == 0x5) goto (lbl_1BBE50);
if (0x800D == 0x8) goto (lbl_1BBE94);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBEBC @ Referenced by lbl_1BBE50 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1BBF80);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BBF88);
if (0x800D == 0x5) goto (lbl_1BBE50);
if (0x800D == 0x8) goto (lbl_1BBEBC);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBDBC @ Referenced by lbl_1BBD6F @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
preparemsg ("Please decide which of you two\nwill become the LEADER.\rThe other player must then choose\n“JOIN GROUP.”");
waitmsg ();
call (lbl_1A6675);
multichoice (13, 6, 63, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BBE28);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BBE00);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBE00 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBDBC @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1BBF78);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BBF88);
if (0x800D == 0x5) goto (lbl_1BBDBC);
if (0x800D == 0x8) goto (lbl_1BBE00);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBE28 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBDBC @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1BBF80);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BBF88);
if (0x800D == 0x5) goto (lbl_1BBDBC);
if (0x800D == 0x8) goto (lbl_1BBE28);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBD61 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBD35 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("To use the BERRY CRUSH service,\nyou must have at least one BERRY.", 4);
jump (lbl_1BBBE7);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBC97 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBBE7 @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Which Battle Mode would you like\nto play?");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (0, 0, 17, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BBCEA);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BBCF5);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1BBD1C);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1BBD27);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBD27 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBC97 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("There are three Battle Modes.\rSINGLE BATTLE is for two TRAINERS\nwith one or more POKéMON each.\rEach TRAINER can have one POKéMON\nin battle at a time.\rDOUBLE BATTLE is for two TRAINERS\nwith two or more POKéMON each.\rEach TRAINER will send out two\nPOKéMON in battle at a time.\rMULTI BATTLE is for four TRAINERS\nwith one or more POKéMON each.\rEach TRAINER can have one POKéMON\nin battle at a time.", 4);
jump (lbl_1BBC97);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBD1C @ Referenced by lbl_1BBC97 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
jump (lbl_1BBD6F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBCF5 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBC97 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x3D);
if (0x800D != 0x0) goto (lbl_1BBD0E);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1BBD6F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBD0E @ Referenced by lbl_1BBCF5 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("For a DOUBLE BATTLE, you must\nhave at least two POKéMON.", 4);
jump (lbl_1BBC97);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBCEA @ Referenced by lbl_1BBC97 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1BBD6F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBC69 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBBE7 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Would you like to trade POKéMON?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
call (lbl_1BB79C);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
jump (lbl_1BBD6F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB79C @ Referenced by lbl_1BBC69 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0x83);
if (0x800D < 0x2) goto (lbl_1BB7C2);
special2 (0x800D, 0x153);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BB7D0);
setvar (0x800D, 0x1);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB7D0 @ Referenced by lbl_1BB79C @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A POKéMON holding the {var:2}\nBERRY can't be traded.", 4);
setvar (0x800D, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB7C2 @ Referenced by lbl_1BB79C @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("For trading, you must have at\nleast two POKéMON with you.", 4);
setvar (0x800D, 0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BBC32 @ Referenced by lbl_1BBBE7 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (0, 0, 50, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BBC69);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BBC97);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8D08 @ 9.1 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x292) goto (lbl_1A8D3F);
say ("The urge to battle with someone\nyou've tangled with before…\rHave you ever had that urge?\nI'm sure you have.\rI wanted to battle certain people\nagain over and over, too.\rSo, I've been giving these away.\nPlease, take one!", 4);
setflag (0x292);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x16A);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A6BF9);
say ("Use that device and you'll find\nTRAINERS looking for a rematch.\rYou have to charge its battery to\nuse it, though.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8D3F @ Referenced by lbl_1A8D08 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("How do you use the VS SEEKER?\nThere's nothing to it.\rUse it like beep-beep-beep, and\nTRAINERS around you will notice.\rIf any TRAINER wants a rematch,\nit will let you know immediately.\rCharge its battery and use it\nwhile you're on a road.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8DFD @ Each Step Test: Poison @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
textcolor (3);
special (0xC7);
waitstate ();
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A8E11);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8E11 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8DFD @ ----------------------------------------------
checkmoney (0x1, 0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1A8E2E);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A8E3C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8E3C @ Referenced by lbl_1A8E11 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x175);
say ("{RED} is out of usable\nPOKéMON!\r{RED} panicked and lost \xB7{var:2}…\r… … … …\r{RED} whited out!", 4);
jump (lbl_1A8E4D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8E4D @ Referenced by lbl_1A8E3C @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x14C);
waitstate ();
fade (1);
special (0xC8);
waitstate ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8E2E @ Referenced by lbl_1A8E11 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("{RED} is out of usable\nPOKéMON!\r{RED} whited out!", 4);
jump (lbl_1A8E4D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8E58 @ CallSTD: 8 @ ----------------------------------------------
bufferitems (1, 0x8000, 0x8001);
checkitemtype (0x8000);
call (lbl_1A8E6F);
say ("{RED} put the {var:3}\nin the {var:4}.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8E6F @ Referenced by lbl_1A8E58 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A8EAC);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A8EB1);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1A8EB6);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_1A8EBB);
if (0x8000 == 0x5) goto (lbl_1A8EC0);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8EC0 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8E6F @ ----------------------------------------------
getstandard (2, 0x1C);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8EBB @ Referenced by lbl_1A8E6F @ ----------------------------------------------
getstandard (2, 0x1B);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8EB6 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8E6F @ ----------------------------------------------
getstandard (2, 0x1A);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8EB1 @ Referenced by lbl_1A8E6F @ ----------------------------------------------
getstandard (2, 0x19);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A8EAC @ Referenced by lbl_1A8E6F @ ----------------------------------------------
getstandard (2, 0x18);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A93C9 @ 3.21 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 89, "Hi!\nI like shorts!\rThey're delightfully comfy and\neasy to wear!", "I don't believe it!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A93F0);
say ("Are you using a POKéMON CENTER's\nPC for storing your POKéMON?\rEach BOX can hold up to\n30 POKéMON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A93F0 @ Referenced by lbl_1A93C9 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 89, "Hi! I like shorts!\nThey're comfy and easy to wear!\rYou should be wearing shorts, too!", "I don't believe it!");
say ("Are you using a POKéMON CENTER's\nPC for storing your POKéMON?\rEach BOX can hold up to\n30 POKéMON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9407 @ 3.21 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 90, "Hey! You're not wearing shorts!\nWhat's wrong with you?", "Lost!\nLost! Lost!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A942E);
say ("I always wear shorts, even in\nwinter. That's my policy.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A942E @ Referenced by lbl_1A9407 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 90, "Hey! What's wrong with you?\nYou're still not wearing shorts!", "Lost!\nLost! Lost!");
say ("I always wear shorts, even in\nwinter. That's my policy.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9445 @ 3.21 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 105, "Hey!\nI saw you in VIRIDIAN FOREST!", "You beat me again!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A946C);
say ("There are other kinds of POKéMON\nthan the ones you find in forests.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A946C @ Referenced by lbl_1A9445 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 105, "Hey!\nI saw you in VIRIDIAN FOREST!", "You beat me again!");
say ("There are other kinds of POKéMON\nthan the ones you find in forests.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9483 @ 3.21 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 106, "Are you a TRAINER?\nLet's get with it right away!", "If I had new POKéMON, I would've\nwon!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A94AA);
say ("If a POKéMON BOX on the PC gets\nfull, just switch to another BOX.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A94AA @ Referenced by lbl_1A9483 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 106, "You're a TRAINER, aren't you?\nLet's get with it right away!", "If I had new POKéMON, I would've\nwon!");
say ("If a POKéMON BOX on the PC gets\nfull, just switch to another BOX.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A94C1 @ 3.21 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 107, "I'll battle you with the POKéMON\nI just caught.", "Done like dinner!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A94E8);
say ("Trained POKéMON are stronger than\nthe wild ones.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A94E8 @ Referenced by lbl_1A94C1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 107, "I'll battle you with the POKéMON\nI started raising.", "Done like dinner!");
say ("Trained POKéMON are stronger than\nthe wild ones.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A94FF @ 3.21 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 116, "Excuse me!\nYou looked at me, didn't you?", "You're mean!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9526);
say ("You shouldn't be staring if you\ndon't want to battle!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9526 @ Referenced by lbl_1A94FF @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 116, "Excuse me!\nYou keep looking at me, don't you?", "You're mean!");
say ("You shouldn't be staring if you\ndon't want to battle!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A953D @ 3.21 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 117, "That look you gave me…\nIt's so intriguing!", "Be nice!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9564);
say ("You can avoid battles by not\nletting TRAINERS see you.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9564 @ Referenced by lbl_1A953D @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 117, "That look you give me…\nIt intrigues me so!", "Be nice!");
say ("You can avoid battles by not\nletting TRAINERS see you.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A957B @ 3.21 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 118, "Eek!\nDid you touch me?", "That's it?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A95A2);
say ("ROUTE 4 is at the foot of\nMT. MOON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A95A2 @ Referenced by lbl_1A957B @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 118, "Eek!\nDid you push me?", "That's it?");
say ("ROUTE 4 is at the foot of\nMT. MOON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A95B9 @ 3.22 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 119, "I came to MT. MOON in search of\nmushroom POKéMON.", "After all I did to catch them!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A95E0);
say ("There might not be any more\nmushrooms here.\rI think I got them all.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A95E0 @ Referenced by lbl_1A95B9 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 119, "I always catch mushroom POKéMON\non MT. MOON.", "After all I did to catch them!");
say ("There might not be any more\nmushrooms here.\rI think I got them all.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A95F7 @ 3.43 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 92, "Here's No. 3!\nI won't be easy!", "Ow!\nStomped flat!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A961E);
say ("I did my best. I have no regrets!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A961E @ Referenced by lbl_1A95F7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 92, "You really must love coming to\nNUGGET BRIDGE.", "Ow!\nStomped flat!");
say ("I did my best. I have no regrets!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9635 @ 3.43 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 110, "People call this the NUGGET\nBRIDGE!\rBeat us five TRAINERS and win\na fabulous prize!\rThink you got what it takes?", "Whoo!\nGood stuff!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A965C);
say ("I did my best. I have no regrets!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A965C @ Referenced by lbl_1A9635 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 110, "People call this the NUGGET\nBRIDGE!\rYou've already beaten us, so you're\nnot allowed to take the challenge…\r…But, you're welcome to battle with\nus again.", "Whoo!\nGood stuff!");
say ("I did my best. I have no regrets!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9673 @ 3.43 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 122, "I'm No. 4!\nGetting tired?", "I lost, too!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A969A);
say ("I did my best, so I've no regrets!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A969A @ Referenced by lbl_1A9673 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 122, "You always look so busy…\nAren't you getting tired?", "I lost, too!");
say ("I did my best, so I've no regrets!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A96B1 @ 3.43 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 123, "I'm second!\nNow it's serious!", "How could I lose?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A96D8);
say ("I did my best. I have no regrets!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A96D8 @ Referenced by lbl_1A96B1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 123, "The time we battled…\rEven though I was the second in\nline, I was the best, wasn't I?", "How could I lose?");
say ("I did my best. I have no regrets!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A96EF @ 3.43 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 143, "I saw your feat from the grass!", "I thought not!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9716);
say ("I hid because the people on the\nbridge frightened me.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9716 @ Referenced by lbl_1A96EF @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 143, "I saw your feat from the grass!", "I thought not!");
say ("I hid because the people on the\nbridge frightened me.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A972D @ 3.43 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 144, "Okay! I'm No. 5!\nI'll stomp you!", "Whoa!\nToo much!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9754);
say ("I did my best. I have no regrets!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9754 @ Referenced by lbl_1A972D @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 144, "Okay!\nI'll stomp you!", "Whoa!\nToo much!");
say ("I did my best. I have no regrets!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A976B @ 3.44 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 93, "Local TRAINERS come here to\npractice.", "You're decent.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9792);
say ("All POKéMON have weaknesses.\nEven the strongest ones.\rThat's why it's best to raise\nPOKéMON of different types.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9792 @ Referenced by lbl_1A976B @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 93, "I won't lose while I'm here!", "You're decent.");
say ("All POKéMON have weaknesses.\nEven the strongest ones.\rThat's why it's best to raise\nPOKéMON of different types.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A97A9 @ 3.44 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 94, "Dad took me to a great party on\nthe S.S. ANNE at VERMILION CITY.", "I'm not mad!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A97D0);
say ("On the S.S. ANNE, I saw TRAINERS\nfrom around the world.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A97D0 @ Referenced by lbl_1A97A9 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 94, "Dad took me to a great party on\nthe S.S. ANNE at VERMILION CITY.", "I'm not mad!");
say ("On the S.S. ANNE, I saw TRAINERS\nfrom around the world.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A97E7 @ 3.44 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 95, "I had this feeling…\nI knew I had to battle you!", "I knew I'd lose, too!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A980E);
say ("If your POKéMON gets confused,\nswitch it out.\rThat's a good tactic.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A980E @ Referenced by lbl_1A97E7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 95, "I had this feeling…\nI knew I had to battle you again!", "I knew I'd lose, too!");
say ("If your POKéMON gets confused,\nswitch it out.\rThat's a good tactic.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9825 @ 3.44 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 153, "Hi!\nMy boyfriend is cool!", "My conditioning isn't the best…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A984C);
say ("I wish my boyfriend was as good\nas you.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A984C @ Referenced by lbl_1A9825 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 153, "Hi!\nMy boyfriend is cool!\fMy conditioning's good today!", "My conditioning isn't the best…");
say ("I wish my boyfriend was as good\nas you.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9863 @ 3.44 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 125, "My friend has many cute POKéMON.\nI'm so jealous!", "I'm not so jealous!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A988A);
say ("You came from MT. MOON?\nMay I have a CLEFAIRY?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A988A @ Referenced by lbl_1A9863 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 125, "My friend has many cute POKéMON.\nI'm so jealous!", "I'm not so jealous!");
say ("You came from MT. MOON?\nMay I have a CLEFAIRY?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A98A1 @ 3.44 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 182, "I just got down from MT. MOON,\nbut I've still got gas in the tank!", "You worked hard!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A98C8);
say ("Drat!\nA ZUBAT bit me back in that cave.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A98C8 @ Referenced by lbl_1A98A1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 182, "I just trained up on MT. MOON,\nbut I've still got gas in the tank!", "You worked hard!");
say ("Drat!\nA ZUBAT bit me back in that cave.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A98DF @ 3.44 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 183, "I'm off to see a POKéMANIAC's\ncollection at the cape.", "You done got me, and real good,\ntoo!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9906);
say ("The POKéMANIAC sure lives up to\nhis name.\rHis collection includes many rare\nspecies of POKéMON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9906 @ Referenced by lbl_1A98DF @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 183, "A POKéMANIAC lives on the cape.\nHave you seen his collection?", "You done got me, and real good,\ntoo!");
say ("The POKéMANIAC sure lives up to\nhis name.\rHis collection includes many rare\nspecies of POKéMON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A991D @ 3.44 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 184, "You're going to see BILL?\nFirst, we battle!", "You're something.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9944);
say ("The trail below is a shortcut to\nCERULEAN CITY.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9944 @ Referenced by lbl_1A991D @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 184, "You're going to see BILL again?\nFirst, we battle!", "You're something.");
say ("The trail below is a shortcut to\nCERULEAN CITY.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A995B @ 3.44 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 471, "I'm a cool guy.\nI've got a girlfriend!", "Aww, darn…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9982);
say ("Oh, well.\nMy girlfriend will cheer me up.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9982 @ Referenced by lbl_1A995B @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 471, "I'm a cool guy.\nI've got a girlfriend!\rI'll show her how cool I am for\nsure this time!", "Aww, darn…");
say ("Oh, well.\nMy girlfriend will cheer me up.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9999 @ 3.24 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 111, "There aren't many bugs out here.", "No!\nYou're kidding!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A99C0);
say ("I like bugs, so I'm going back to\nVIRIDIAN FOREST.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A99C0 @ Referenced by lbl_1A9999 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 111, "I'm trying to find something good\nthat's not a BUG POKéMON, but…", "No!\nYou're kidding!");
say ("I like bugs, so I'm going back to\nVIRIDIAN FOREST.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A99D7 @ 3.24 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 112, "I've never seen you around.\nAre you good?", "You're too good!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A99FE);
say ("Are my POKéMON weak?\nOr, am I just bad?\fWhich do you think?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A99FE @ Referenced by lbl_1A99D7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 112, "Hey, long time!\nHave you gotten better?", "You're too good!");
say ("Are my POKéMON weak?\nOr, am I just bad?\fWhich do you think?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9A15 @ 3.24 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 145, "Who's there?\nQuit listening in on us!", "I just can't win!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9A3C);
say ("Whisper…\nWhisper…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9A3C @ Referenced by lbl_1A9A15 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 145, "Oh! You're that nosy kid who\neavesdropped on us!", "I just can't win!");
say ("Whisper…\nWhisper…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9A53 @ 3.24 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 146, "Huh?\nYou want to talk to me?", "This stinks…\nI couldn't beat your challenge…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9A7A);
say ("I should bring more POKéMON with\nme. I'll feel safer that way.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9A7A @ Referenced by lbl_1A9A53 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 146, "Huh?\nYou want to go with me again?", "This stinks…\nI couldn't beat your challenge…");
say ("I should bring more POKéMON with\nme. I'll feel safer that way.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9A91 @ 3.24 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 151, "Excuse me!\nThis is a private conversation!", "Ugh!\nI hate losing.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9AB8);
say ("Whisper…\nWhisper…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9AB8 @ Referenced by lbl_1A9A91 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 151, "Excuse me! Didn't I tell you that\nthis is a private conversation?\rYou shouldn't be listening in,\nyou uncouth person!", "Ugh!\nI hate losing.");
say ("Whisper…\nWhisper…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9ACF @ 3.24 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 152, "Me?\nWell, okay. I'll play!", "Things just didn't work…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9AF6);
say ("I want to get stronger.\nWhat's your secret?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9AF6 @ Referenced by lbl_1A9ACF @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 152, "Me?\nWell, okay. I'll play this once.", "Things just didn't work…");
say ("I want to get stronger.\nWhat's your secret?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9B0D @ 3.29 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 97, "Let's go, but don't cheat!", "Huh?\nThat's not right!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9B34);
say ("I did my best.\nI have no regrets.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9B34 @ Referenced by lbl_1A9B0D @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 97, "You know, right?\nLet's go, but don't cheat!", "Huh?\nThat's not right!");
say ("I did my best.\nI have no regrets.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9B4B @ 3.29 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 98, "I just became a TRAINER.\nBut, I think I can win.", "My POKéMON couldn't win…\nHaven't they grown enough?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9B72);
say ("What now?\nLeave me alone!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9B72 @ Referenced by lbl_1A9B4B @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 98, "I became a TRAINER a while ago.\nBut, I think I can win.", "My POKéMON couldn't win…\nHaven't they grown enough?");
say ("What now?\nLeave me alone!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9B89 @ 3.29 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 99, "I'm the best in my class.\nI train every morning.", "Darn!\nMy POKéMON need to be stronger!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9BB0);
say ("There's a fat POKéMON that comes\ndown from the mountains.\rI bet it'd be strong if you can\ncatch it.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9BB0 @ Referenced by lbl_1A9B89 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 99, "I'm the best in my class.\nI train every morning and night!", "Darn!\nMy POKéMON need to be stronger!");
say ("There's a fat POKéMON that comes\ndown from the mountains.\rI bet it'd be strong if you can\ncatch it.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9BC7 @ 3.29 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 100, "I raised my POKéMON carefully.\nThey should be ready by now!", "Bye-bye!\nThank you, and good-bye!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9BEE);
say ("Tch…\nI better go find stronger ones!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9BEE @ Referenced by lbl_1A9BC7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 100, "I raised my POKéMON carefully.\nThey should be ready by now.\fThis time, they should win, too.", "Bye-bye!\nThank you, and good-bye!");
say ("Tch…\nI better go find stronger ones!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9C05 @ 3.29 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 221, "Careful!\nI'm laying down some cables!", "That was electric!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9C2C);
say ("Spread the word to save energy!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9C2C @ Referenced by lbl_1A9C05 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 221, "Hi, there!\rBut be careful!\nI'm still laying down some cables!", "That was electric!");
say ("Spread the word to save energy!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9C43 @ 3.29 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 222, "Watch out for live wires!", "Whoa!\nYou spark plug!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9C6A);
say ("Well, better get back to work.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9C6A @ Referenced by lbl_1A9C43 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 222, "Keep your eyes out for live wires!", "Whoa!\nYou spark plug!");
say ("Well, better get back to work.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9C81 @ 3.29 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 258, "Win, lose, or draw!", "Atcha!\nDidn't go my way!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9CA8);
say ("POKéMON is life!\nAnd to live is to play games!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9CA8 @ Referenced by lbl_1A9C81 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 258, "Win, lose, or draw!\nNow for our rematch!", "Atcha!\nDidn't go my way!");
say ("POKéMON is life!\nAnd to live is to play games!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9CBF @ 3.29 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 259, "Competition!\nI can't get enough!", "I had a chance!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9CE6);
say ("You can't be a coward in the world\nof POKéMON!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9CE6 @ Referenced by lbl_1A9CBF @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 259, "Competing is the ultimate thrill.\nI still can't get enough!", "I had a chance!");
say ("You can't be a coward in the world\nof POKéMON!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9CFD @ 3.29 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 260, "Fwahaha!\nI have never lost!", "My first loss!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9D24);
say ("You were just lucky, that's all.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9D24 @ Referenced by lbl_1A9CFD @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 260, "Fwahaha!\nI have never lost!\r…And if I did, I've forgotten all\nabout it!", "My first loss!");
say ("You were just lucky, that's all.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9D3B @ 3.29 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 261, "I have never won before…", "I saw this coming…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9D62);
say ("I was unlucky, as always.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9D62 @ Referenced by lbl_1A9D3B @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 261, "I have never won before…\rPerhaps I am destined to remain\nthat way…", "I saw this coming…");
say ("I was unlucky, as always.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9D79 @ 3.27 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 114, "I got up early every day to raise\nmy POKéMON from cocoons!", "WHAT?\rWhat a total waste of time!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9DA0);
say ("I have to collect more than bugs\nto get stronger…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9DA0 @ Referenced by lbl_1A9D79 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 114, "I got up early every day to train\nmy POKéMON from cocoons!", "WHAT?\rWhat a total waste of time!");
say ("I have to collect more than bugs\nto get stronger…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9DB7 @ 3.27 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 115, "Go, my super BUG POKéMON!", "My bugs…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9DDE);
say ("If you don't like BUG POKéMON,\nyou bug me!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9DDE @ Referenced by lbl_1A9DB7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 115, "Go win, my super BUG POKéMON!", "My bugs…");
say ("If you don't like BUG POKéMON,\nyou bug me!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9DF5 @ 3.27 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 148, "Who's that walking there with those\ngood-looking POKéMON?", "Out like a light!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9E1C);
say ("Keep walking!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9E1C @ Referenced by lbl_1A9DF5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 148, "I haven't forgotten you were with\nthose good-looking POKéMON.", "Out like a light!");
say ("Keep walking!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9E33 @ 3.27 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 149, "I'm taking the ROCK TUNNEL to\ngo to LAVENDER…", "Can't measure up…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9E5A);
say ("Are you off to ROCK TUNNEL, too?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9E5A @ Referenced by lbl_1A9E33 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 149, "I'm taking ROCK TUNNEL to go to\nLAVENDER…\rBut I keep getting stopped by\neveryone along the way…", "Can't measure up…");
say ("Are you off to ROCK TUNNEL, too?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9E71 @ 3.27 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 154, "You have POKéMON with you!\nYou're mine!", "You deceived me…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9E98);
say ("The tunnel coming up is pitch-black\ninside.\rYou'll need FLASH to get through\nthere.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9E98 @ Referenced by lbl_1A9E71 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 154, "We're to battle again?\nThis time, you're mine!", "You deceived me…");
say ("The tunnel coming up is pitch-black\ninside.\rYou'll need FLASH to get through\nthere.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9EAF @ 3.27 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 155, "Don't you dare patronize me!", "No!\nYou're too much.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9ED6);
say ("You're obviously talented.\nGood luck to you!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9ED6 @ Referenced by lbl_1A9EAF @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 155, "Don't you dare patronize me today!\nWe're playing for keeps!", "No!\nYou're too much.");
say ("You're obviously talented.\nGood luck to you!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9EED @ 3.27 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 185, "Hahahaha!\nBring it on!", "Hahahaha!\nYou beat me fair!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9F14);
say ("Hahahaha!\nUs hearty guys always laugh!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9F14 @ Referenced by lbl_1A9EED @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 185, "Hahahaha!\nI'll win this time!", "Hahahaha!\nYou beat me fair!");
say ("Hahahaha!\nUs hearty guys always laugh!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9F2B @ 3.27 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 186, "Hahaha!\nAren't you a little toughie!", "What's that?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9F52);
say ("Hahaha!\nKids should be tough!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9F52 @ Referenced by lbl_1A9F2B @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 186, "Hahaha!\nA little toughie, as always!", "What's that?");
say ("Hahaha!\nKids should be tough!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9F69 @ 3.27 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 465, "Bwahaha!\nGreat! I was bored, eh!", "Keep it coming, eh!\rOh wait.\nI'm out of POKéMON!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9F90);
say ("You sure had guts standing up to\nme there, eh?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9F90 @ Referenced by lbl_1A9F69 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 465, "Bwahaha!\nGreat! I was bored again, eh!", "Keep it coming, eh!\rOh wait.\nI'm out of POKéMON!");
say ("You sure had guts standing up to\nme there, eh?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9FA7 @ 3.28 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 156, "I've been out at a POKéMON GYM\na few times.\r…But I always lose.", "Ohh!\nAfter all my training!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1A9FCE);
say ("I noticed some POKéMANIACS\nprowling around.\rCan you imagine? Them?\nUp here in the mountains?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9FCE @ Referenced by lbl_1A9FA7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 156, "I went out to a POKéMON GYM again.\r…But I lost as usual.", "Ohh!\nAfter all my training!");
say ("I noticed some POKéMANIACS\nprowling around.\rCan you imagine? Them?\nUp here in the mountains?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A9FE5 @ 3.28 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 157, "I'm feeling a bit faint.\nI haven't hiked in some time.", "I'm too tired.\nI wasn't up for it.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA00C);
say ("The POKéMON here in the mountains\nare so chunky…\rI wish there were pink POKéMON\nwith a floral pattern!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA00C @ Referenced by lbl_1A9FE5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 157, "My head is starting to spin.\nI've been hiking for too long…", "I'm too tired.\nI wasn't up for it.");
say ("The POKéMON here in the mountains\nare so chunky…\rI wish there were pink POKéMON\nwith a floral pattern!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA023 @ 3.28 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 162, "Wow, you came all the way here?\nMaybe you're a POKéMANIAC, too?\fWant to see my collection?", "Humph.\nI'm not angry!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA04A);
say ("I have more rare POKéMON at home!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA04A @ Referenced by lbl_1AA023 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 162, "Wow, you came here again?\nMaybe you're a POKéMANIAC, too?\fWant to see my collection?", "Humph.\nI'm not angry!");
say ("I have more rare POKéMON at home!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA061 @ 3.28 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 163, "Hi, kid!\nWant to see my POKéMON?", "Oh, no!\nMy POKéMON!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA088);
say ("I don't like you.\nI don't like anyone better than me!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA088 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA061 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 163, "Hi, kid!\nDid I show you my POKéMON?", "Oh, no!\nMy POKéMON!");
say ("I don't like you.\nI don't like anyone better than me!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA09F @ 3.28 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 187, "Ha-hahah-ah-ha!", "Ha-haha!\nNot laughing!\fHa-hay fever! Haha-ha-choo!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA0C6);
say ("Haha-ha-choo!\nHa-choo!\fSnort! Snivel!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA0C6 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA09F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 187, "Ha-hahah-ah-ha!\nI can't stop sneezing!", "Ha-haha!\nNot laughing!\fHa-hay fever! Haha-ha-choo!");
say ("Haha-ha-choo!\nHa-choo!\fSnort! Snivel!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA0DD @ 3.28 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 188, "Ah!\nThis mountain air is delicious!", "That cleared my head!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA104);
say ("I feel bloated on mountain air!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA104 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA0DD @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 188, "Ah!\nThis mountain air is delicious!\fIt's so good, I can't leave!", "That cleared my head!");
say ("I feel bloated on mountain air!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA11B @ 3.26 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 128, "I like NIDORAN, so I collect them!", "Why?\nWhy??");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA142);
say ("When POKéMON grow up, they get\nugly! They shouldn't evolve.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA142 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA11B @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 128, "I've collected many NIDORAN.\nI don't want them to evolve, but…", "Why?\nWhy??");
say ("When POKéMON grow up, they get\nugly! They shouldn't evolve.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA159 @ 3.26 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 129, "MEOWTH is so cute, meow, meow,\nmeow!", "Meeeeyow!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA180);
say ("I think PIDGEY and RATTATA are\ncute, too!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA180 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA159 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 129, "MEOWTH and PERSIAN are so cute,\nmeow, meow, meow!", "Meeeeyow!");
say ("I think PIDGEY and RATTATA are\ncute, too!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA197 @ 3.26 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 130, "We must look silly standing here\nlike this.", "Look what you did to my poor, cute\nPOKéMON!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA1BE);
say ("SAFFRON's gatekeeper won't let us\ngo through.\rI know he's doing his job, but I\nthink he's mean.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA1BE @ Referenced by lbl_1AA197 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 130, "We may look silly standing here\nlike this, but I can still battle.", "Look what you did to my poor, cute\nPOKéMON!");
say ("SAFFRON's gatekeeper won't let us\ngo through.\rI know he's doing his job, but I\nthink he's mean.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA1D5 @ 3.26 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 131, "What's a cute, round, and fluffy\nPOKéMON?", "Stop!\rDon't be so mean to my CLEFAIRY!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA1FC);
say ("I read that CLEFAIRY evolves when\nit's exposed to a MOON STONE.\rI read that in a POKéMON JOURNAL.\nI wonder if it's true?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA1FC @ Referenced by lbl_1AA1D5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 131, "What's a cute, round, and fluffy\nPOKéMON?\rYou already know, don't you?", "Stop!\rDon't be so mean to my CLEFAIRY!");
say ("I read that CLEFAIRY evolves when\nit's exposed to a MOON STONE.\rI read that in a POKéMON JOURNAL.\nI wonder if it's true?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA213 @ 3.26 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 171, "You look good at POKéMON, but how\nis your chemistry grade?", "Ow!\nMeltdown!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA23A);
say ("I am better at school than this!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA23A @ Referenced by lbl_1AA213 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 171, "You are good at POKéMON, but how\nis your chemistry grade?", "Ow!\nMeltdown!");
say ("I am better at school than this!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA251 @ 3.26 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 172, "You should be informed.\nYou need strategy to win at this!", "It's not logical!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA278);
say ("Go with GRIMER first…and…\n…and…then…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA278 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA251 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 172, "You need strategy to win at\nbattling.\rAre you following my advice?", "It's not logical!");
say ("Go with GRIMER first…and…\n…and…then…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA28F @ 3.26 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 173, "School is fun, but so are POKéMON.", "You made it clear to me that\nI should stick with school.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA2B6);
say ("I was planning on getting some\nfresh air for a change, but…\rWe're stuck here because of the\ngates at SAFFRON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA2B6 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA28F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 173, "School is fun, but I still think\nPOKéMON are fun, too.", "You made it clear to me that\nI should stick with school.");
say ("I was planning on getting some\nfresh air for a change, but…\rWe're stuck here because of the\ngates at SAFFRON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA2CD @ 3.26 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 262, "All right!\nLet's play a game!", "Drat!\nCame up short!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA2F4);
say ("Things didn't work today.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA2F4 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA2CD @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 262, "All right!\nLet's play another game!", "Drat!\nCame up short!");
say ("Things didn't work today.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA30B @ 3.26 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 264, "I'm a rambling, gaming dude!", "Missed the big chance!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA332);
say ("Playing games and POKéMON are like\neating peanuts! I just can't stop!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA332 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA30B @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 264, "I'm a rambling, gaming dude!\nI'm on a winning streak!", "Missed the big chance!");
say ("Playing games and POKéMON are like\neating peanuts! I just can't stop!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA349 @ 3.26 person #11 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 484, "ELI: Twin power is fantastic.\nDid you know?", "ELI: But…\nWe used our twin power…", "ELI: We can't battle if you don't\nhave two POKéMON.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA374);
say ("ELI: I caught my POKéMON with\nANNE!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA374 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA349 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 484, "ELI: Our twin power became even\nbetter!", "ELI: But…\nWe used our twin power…", "ELI: We can't battle if you don't\nhave two POKéMON.");
say ("ELI: I caught my POKéMON with\nANNE!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA38F @ 3.26 person #12 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 484, "ANNE: We'll shock you with our twin\npower!", "ANNE: Our twin power…", "ANNE: Hi, hi! Let's battle!\nBut bring two POKéMON.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA3BA);
say ("ANNE: I'm raising POKéMON with\nELI.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA3BA @ Referenced by lbl_1AA38F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 484, "ANNE: Our twin power powered up!", "ANNE: Our twin power…", "ANNE: Hi, hi! Let's battle!\nBut bring two POKéMON.");
say ("ANNE: I'm raising POKéMON with\nELI.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA3D5 @ 3.26 person #13 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 535, "My bike's acting up, man.", "Aww, man.\nI'm not into this.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA3FC);
say ("I got grass caught up in my\nspokes, man.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA3FC @ Referenced by lbl_1AA3D5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 535, "My bike's still acting up, man.", "Aww, man.\nI'm not into this.");
say ("I got grass caught up in my\nspokes, man.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA413 @ 3.26 person #14 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 536, "Clear the way, or I'll run you\ndown!", "You for real, kid?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA43A);
say ("Don't think you're all special and\nall just because of this.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA43A @ Referenced by lbl_1AA413 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 536, "Okay, kid!\nDon't expect mercy this time!", "You for real, kid?");
say ("Don't think you're all special and\nall just because of this.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA451 @ 3.30 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 225, "Yeah!\nI got a bite here!", "Tch!\nJust a small fry…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA478);
say ("Hang on!\nMy line's snagged!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA478 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA451 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 225, "Yeah!\nI got a bite, here!\fTh-this might be the real thing!", "Tch!\nJust a small fry…");
say ("Hang on!\nMy line's snagged!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA48F @ 3.30 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 226, "Be patient.\nFishing is a waiting game.", "That one got away!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA4B6);
say ("With a better ROD, I could catch\nbetter POKéMON…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA4B6 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA48F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 226, "You're finally here.\nFishing is a waiting game.", "That one got away!");
say ("With a better ROD, I could catch\nbetter POKéMON…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA4CD @ 3.30 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 227, "The FISHING FOOL versus POKéMON\nKID!", "Touch too much!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA4F4);
say ("I guess you get to be good at\nwhat you like.\rWell, you beat me at POKéMON,\nbut you can't top me at fishing.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA4F4 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA4CD @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 227, "The FISHING FOOL vs. POKéMON KID!\nAnother round, fight!", "Touch too much!");
say ("I guess you get to be good at\nwhat you like.\rWell, you beat me at POKéMON,\nbut you can't top me at fishing.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA50B @ 3.30 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 228, "I love fishing, don't get me wrong.\rBut it'd be best if I also had more\nwork.", "It's not easy…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA532);
say ("It's all right.\nLosing doesn't bug me anymore.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA532 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA50B @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 228, "I love fishing, don't get me wrong.\nBut, I wish I had more work…\f…It's hard to give up fishing!", "It's not easy…");
say ("It's all right.\nLosing doesn't bug me anymore.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA549 @ 3.30 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 233, "What's catching?\rYou never know what you could\ncatch!", "Lost it!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA570);
say ("What, MAGIKARP?\rI catch them all the time, sure.\nBut, boy are they wimpy.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA570 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA549 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 233, "What's catching?\rYou'll never know unless you beat\nme!", "Lost it!");
say ("What, MAGIKARP?\rI catch them all the time, sure.\nBut, boy are they wimpy.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA587 @ 3.30 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 285, "Electricity is my specialty.\rI don't know a thing about POKéMON\nof the sea, though.", "Unplugged!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA5AE);
say ("Water conducts electricity, so you\nshould zap sea POKéMON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA5AE @ Referenced by lbl_1AA587 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 285, "Electricity has always been my\nspecialty.\rI don't know a thing about POKéMON\nof the sea, though.", "Unplugged!");
say ("Water conducts electricity, so you\nshould zap sea POKéMON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA5C5 @ 3.30 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 477, "I'm searching for a MOON STONE.\nHave you found one?", "Oww!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA5EC);
say ("I could have made my POKéMON\nevolve with a MOON STONE.\rI would have won then, I bet.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA5EC @ Referenced by lbl_1AA5C5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 477, "Still can't find a MOON STONE…\nHave you found one?", "Oww!");
say ("I could have made my POKéMON\nevolve with a MOON STONE.\rI would have won then, I bet.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA603 @ 3.30 person #12 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 486, "JES: If I win, I'm going to\npropose to GIA.", "JES: Oh, please, why couldn't you\nlet us win?", "JES: GIA and I, we'll be\ntogether forever.\rWe won't battle unless you have\ntwo POKéMON of your own.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA62E);
say ("JES: Oh, GIA, forgive me,\nmy love!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA62E @ Referenced by lbl_1AA603 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 486, "JES: I'll win here today and\npropose to my GIA.", "JES: Oh, please, why couldn't you\nlet us win?", "JES: GIA and I, we'll be\ntogether forever.\rWe won't battle unless you have\ntwo POKéMON of your own.");
say ("JES: Oh, GIA, forgive me,\nmy love!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA649 @ 3.30 person #11 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 486, "GIA: Hey, JES…\rIf we win, I'll marry you!", "GIA: Oh, but why?", "GIA: I can't bear to battle\nwithout my JES!\rDon't you have one more POKéMON?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA674);
say ("GIA: JES, you silly!\nYou ruined this!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA674 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA649 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 486, "GIA: Hey, JES…\nI've been waiting a long time now.\rIf we win today, I'll marry you!", "GIA: Oh, but why?", "GIA: I can't bear to battle\nwithout my JES!\rDon't you have one more POKéMON?");
say ("GIA: JES, you silly!\nYou ruined this!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA68F @ 3.31 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 195, "What're you lookin' at?", "Dang!\nStripped gears!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA6B6);
say ("Get lost!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA6B6 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA68F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 195, "What're you starin' at?", "Dang!\nStripped gears!");
say ("Get lost!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA6CD @ 3.31 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 268, "Sure, I'll play with you, sweetie.", "Oh!\nYou little beast!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA6F4);
say ("I wonder which is stronger, male or\nfemale POKéMON?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA6F4 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA6CD @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 268, "Oh, you're back?\rSure, I'll play again with you,\nsweetie.", "Oh!\nYou little beast!");
say ("I wonder which is stronger, male or\nfemale POKéMON?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA70B @ 3.31 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 269, "Do you want to battle some\nPOKéMON with me?", "It's over already?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA732);
say ("I don't know anything about\nPOKéMON actually.\rThe ones I use… I picked them\nfor their looks!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA732 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA70B @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 269, "Can't you forget that you battled\nwith me?", "It's over already?");
say ("I don't know anything about\nPOKéMON actually.\rThe ones I use… I picked them\nfor their looks!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA749 @ 3.31 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 300, "My bird POKéMON want to battle\nwith you!", "My PIDGEY and PIDGEOTTO combo\nlost?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA770);
say ("My POKéMON look happy even though\nthey lost.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA770 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA749 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 300, "My bird POKéMON remember you!", "My PIDGEY and PIDGEOTTO combo\nlost?");
say ("My POKéMON look happy even though\nthey lost.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA787 @ 3.31 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 301, "I'm not going to lose.\nNot when the wind's blowing my way!", "The wind turned!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA7AE);
say ("I'm beat.\nI guess I'll FLY home.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA7AE @ Referenced by lbl_1AA787 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 301, "I'm not going to lose this time.\nThe wind's blowing my way!", "The wind turned!");
say ("I'm beat.\nI guess I'll FLY home.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA7C5 @ 3.31 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 302, "I always go with bird POKéMON.\nI've dedicated myself to them.", "Out of power!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA7EC);
say ("I wish I could fly like PIDGEY and\nPIDGEOTTO…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA7EC @ Referenced by lbl_1AA7C5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 302, "I always go with bird POKéMON.\nI've dedicated myself to them.", "Out of power!");
say ("I wish I could fly like PIDGEY and\nPIDGEOTTO…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA803 @ 3.31 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 466, "I found CARBOS in a cave once\nwhile I was spelunking.", "Oh, too bad!\nI just messed up!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA82A);
say ("CARBOS boosted the SPEED of my\nPOKéMON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA82A @ Referenced by lbl_1AA803 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 466, "I cleaned out my savings and\nbought more CARBOS.", "Oh, too bad!\nI just messed up!");
say ("CARBOS boosted the SPEED of my\nPOKéMON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA841 @ 3.31 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 467, "I'm told I'm good for a kid.", "Ohh!\nI lost!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA868);
say ("I want to become a good TRAINER.\nI'll train hard, just watch.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA868 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA841 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 467, "I want to be the best TRAINER \nwhile I'm a kid!", "Ohh!\nI lost!");
say ("I want to become a good TRAINER.\nI'll train hard, just watch.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA87F @ 3.31 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 468, "Wow!\nYour BADGES are too cool!", "Not enough!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA8A6);
say ("You got those BADGES from GYM\nLEADERS. I know!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA8A6 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA87F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 468, "Wow!\nYou got more cool BADGES!", "Not enough!");
say ("You got those BADGES from GYM\nLEADERS. I know!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA8BD @ 3.31 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 469, "My cute POKéMON wish to make your\nacquaintance.", "Good going!\nYou totally won!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA8E4);
say ("You have to make POKéMON battle\nto toughen them up.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA8E4 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA8BD @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 469, "My cutely grown POKéMON wish to\nbecome reacquainted with you.", "Good going!\nYou totally won!");
say ("You have to make POKéMON battle\nto toughen them up.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA8FB @ 3.32 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 196, "POKéMON battle?\nCool! Rumble!", "Blown away!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA922);
say ("You know who'd win, you and me\none-on-one!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA922 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA8FB @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 196, "POKéMON battle, right?\nCool! Rumble!", "Blown away!");
say ("You know who'd win, you and me\none-on-one!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA939 @ 3.32 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 207, "C'mon, c'mon.\nLet's go, let's go, let's go!", "Arrg!\nLost! Get lost!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA960);
say ("What, what, what?\nWhat do you want still?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA960 @ Referenced by lbl_1AA939 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 207, "Hey!\nI remember you!\rC'mon, c'mon.\nLet's go, let's go, let's go!", "Arrg!\nLost! Get lost!");
say ("What, what, what?\nWhat do you want still?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA977 @ 3.32 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 208, "I need to burn some time.\nShut up and battle.", "What?\nYou!?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA99E);
say ("Raising POKéMON is a drag, man.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA99E @ Referenced by lbl_1AA977 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 208, "You're here again, huh?\nShut up and battle.", "What?\nYou!?");
say ("Raising POKéMON is a drag, man.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA9B5 @ 3.32 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 209, "We ride out here because of the\nwide-open spaces.", "Wipeout!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AA9DC);
say ("It's cool you made your POKéMON so\nstrong.\rMight is right!\nAnd you know it!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA9DC @ Referenced by lbl_1AA9B5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 209, "We've been riding here because of\nthe wide-open spaces.", "Wipeout!");
say ("It's cool you made your POKéMON so\nstrong.\rMight is right!\nAnd you know it!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AA9F3 @ 3.32 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 303, "Have you heard the legend of the\nwinged mirages?", "Why?\nWhy'd I lose?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AAA1A);
say ("Well, the winged mirages are the\nlegendary bird POKéMON.\rThere are three of them: ARTICUNO,\nZAPDOS, and MOLTRES.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAA1A @ Referenced by lbl_1AA9F3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 303, "The legend of the winged mirages…\nYou've heard it, right?", "Why?\nWhy'd I lose?");
say ("Well, the winged mirages are the\nlegendary bird POKéMON.\rThere are three of them: ARTICUNO,\nZAPDOS, and MOLTRES.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAA31 @ 3.32 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 304, "I'm not into it, but okay.\nLet's go!", "I knew it!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AAA58);
say ("Winning, losing… It's insignificant\nunder this huge sky.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAA58 @ Referenced by lbl_1AAA31 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 304, "I'm really not into it, but okay.\nLet's go!", "I knew it!");
say ("Winning, losing… It's insignificant\nunder this huge sky.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAA6F @ 3.32 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 313, "You need to use TMs to teach good\nmoves to POKéMON.", "Not good enough quite yet.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AAA96);
say ("You have some HMs, right? POKéMON\ncan't forget those moves easily.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAA96 @ Referenced by lbl_1AAA6F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 313, "I used TMs to teach good moves\nto my POKéMON.", "Not good enough quite yet.");
say ("You have some HMs, right? POKéMON\ncan't forget those moves easily.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAAAD @ 3.32 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 314, "My bird POKéMON should be ready\nfor battle.", "Not ready yet!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AAAD4);
say ("My bird POKéMON need to learn\nbetter moves.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAAD4 @ Referenced by lbl_1AAAAD @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 314, "My bird POKéMON should be ready\nfor battle this time.", "Not ready yet!");
say ("My bird POKéMON need to learn\nbetter moves.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAAEB @ 3.32 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 315, "They have TMs on sale at the\nCELADON DEPT. STORE.\rTMs aren't really rare, but not\nmany people have HMs.", "Aww, bummer!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AAB12);
say ("Try teaching POKéMON a move that's\nthe same type as it.\rThat apparently boosts the power\nof the move.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAB12 @ Referenced by lbl_1AAAEB @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 315, "Are you using TMs on POKéMON?\nJust holding them is useless.", "Aww, bummer!");
say ("Try teaching POKéMON a move that's\nthe same type as it.\rThat apparently boosts the power\nof the move.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAB29 @ 3.32 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 316, "Have you taught your bird POKéMON\nhow to FLY?\rYou'll be able to soar with it into\nthe sky!", "Shot down in flames!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AAB50);
say ("Bird POKéMON are my one true love.\nI don't want to raise anything else.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAB50 @ Referenced by lbl_1AAB29 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 316, "Have you taught your bird POKéMON\nhow to FLY?\rYou'll be able to soar with it into\nthe sky! Give it a try.", "Shot down in flames!");
say ("Bird POKéMON are my one true love.\nI don't want to raise anything else.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAB67 @ 3.32 person #14 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 487, "KIRI: JAN, let's try really,\nreally hard together.", "KIRI: Whimper…\nWe lost, didn't we?", "KIRI: We can battle if you have\ntwo POKéMON.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AAB92);
say ("KIRI: Did we lose because of me?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAB92 @ Referenced by lbl_1AAB67 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 487, "KIRI: JAN, I hope we win today.", "KIRI: Whimper…\nWe lost, didn't we?", "KIRI: We can battle if you have\ntwo POKéMON.");
say ("KIRI: Did we lose because of me?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AABAD @ 3.32 person #13 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 487, "JAN: KIRI, here we go!\nWe have to try hard!", "JAN: Eeeeh!\nNo fair!", "JAN: You want to battle?\nYou don't have enough POKéMON.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AABD8);
say ("JAN: KIRI, don't cry!\nWe'll just try harder next time.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AABD8 @ Referenced by lbl_1AABAD @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 487, "JAN: KIRI, here we go!\nLet's win for sure this time!", "JAN: Eeeeh!\nNo fair!", "JAN: You want to battle?\nYou don't have enough POKéMON.");
say ("JAN: KIRI, don't cry!\nWe'll just try harder next time.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AABF3 @ 3.33 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 197, "Hey, kid! C'mon!\nI just got these off some loser!", "Why not?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AAC1A);
say ("Life's too short.\nIt's cool to live as an outlaw.\fTEAM ROCKET RULES!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAC1A @ Referenced by lbl_1AABF3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 197, "Hey, kid! C'mon!\nI got these off some loser!", "Why not?");
say ("Life's too short.\nIt's cool to live as an outlaw.\fTEAM ROCKET RULES!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAC31 @ 3.33 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 198, "Fork over all your cash when you\nlose to me, kid!", "That can't be true!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AAC58);
say ("I was just joking about the money.\nDon't take me all serious.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAC58 @ Referenced by lbl_1AAC31 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 198, "Fork over all your cash when you\nlose to me, kid!", "That can't be true!");
say ("I was just joking about the money.\nDon't take me all serious.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAC6F @ 3.33 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 273, "Oh, you're a little cutie!\nSo like a darling POKéMON!", "You looked so cute, too!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AAC96);
say ("I forgive you.\nI can take it.\fI'm a big girl now.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAC96 @ Referenced by lbl_1AAC6F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 273, "Oh, you're a little cutie!\nSo like a darling POKéMON!\fI remember you now!", "You looked so cute, too!");
say ("I forgive you.\nI can take it.\fI'm a big girl now.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AACAD @ 3.33 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 274, "I raise POKéMON for protection\nbecause I live alone.", "POKéMON isn't about winning or\nlosing for me.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AACD4);
say ("I love having my POKéMON greet me\nwhen I get home.\rIt's so reassuring.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AACD4 @ Referenced by lbl_1AACAD @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 274, "I raise POKéMON for protection\nbecause I live alone.\rThat hasn't changed.", "POKéMON isn't about winning or\nlosing for me.");
say ("I love having my POKéMON greet me\nwhen I get home.\rIt's so reassuring.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AACEB @ 3.33 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 305, "When I whistle, I can summon bird\nPOKéMON.", "Ow!\nThat's tragic!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AAD12);
say ("Maybe I'm not cut out for battles.\nI'm not the right type, I guess.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAD12 @ Referenced by lbl_1AACEB @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 305, "When I whistle, bird POKéMON\ngather around.\rThey're amazingly cute!", "Ow!\nThat's tragic!");
say ("Maybe I'm not cut out for battles.\nI'm not the right type, I guess.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAD29 @ 3.33 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 306, "Hmm? My birds are shivering!\nYou're good, aren't you?", "Just as I thought!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AAD50);
say ("This is so obvious, you should know\nthis, but…\rMoves like EARTHQUAKE and FISSURE\nhave no effect on bird POKéMON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAD50 @ Referenced by lbl_1AAD29 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 306, "Hmm? My birds are shivering!\nWait, aren't you that TRAINER…", "Just as I thought!");
say ("This is so obvious, you should know\nthis, but…\rMoves like EARTHQUAKE and FISSURE\nhave no effect on bird POKéMON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAD67 @ 3.33 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 478, "Want to play with my POKéMON?", "I was too impatient!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AAD8E);
say ("I'll go train with weaker people.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAD8E @ Referenced by lbl_1AAD67 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 478, "Want to play with my POKéMON\nagain?", "I was too impatient!");
say ("I'll go train with weaker people.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AADA5 @ 3.33 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 479, "I just got some POKéMON in trades.\nCan I try them out on you?", "Not good enough!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AADCC);
say ("You can't change the nickname of\nany POKéMON you get in a trade.\rOnly the Original TRAINER can get\nthe nickname changed.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AADCC @ Referenced by lbl_1AADA5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 479, "I'm going to keep battling with the\nPOKéMON I got in trades.", "Not good enough!");
say ("You can't change the nickname of\nany POKéMON you get in a trade.\rOnly the Original TRAINER can get\nthe nickname changed.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AADE3 @ 3.33 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 480, "You look gentle, so I think I can\nbeat you.\rI'll give it a go!", "No, wrong!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AAE0A);
say ("I'm afraid of BIKERS. They look so\nugly and mean!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAE0A @ Referenced by lbl_1AADE3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 480, "You look gentle, so I think I can\nbeat you.\rI'll give it one more go!", "No, wrong!");
say ("I'm afraid of BIKERS. They look so\nugly and mean!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAE21 @ 3.33 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 481, "What's cool and happening?\nTrading POKéMON!", "I said trade!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AAE48);
say ("I trade POKéMON with my friends\nall the time.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAE48 @ Referenced by lbl_1AAE21 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 481, "What's cool and happening?\nTrading POKéMON, of course.", "I said trade!");
say ("I trade POKéMON with my friends\nall the time.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAE5F @ 3.33 person #12 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 488, "MYA: You're perfect.\nHelp me train my little brother?", "MYA: RON, you have to focus!\nConcentrate on what you're doing!", "MYA: Do you want to challenge us?\nYou'll need two POKéMON, though.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AAE8A);
say ("MYA: Okay, we'll turn it up.\nI'll add to our training menu!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAE8A @ Referenced by lbl_1AAE5F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 488, "MYA: Hi, we keep meeting,\ndon't we?\rHelp me train my little brother\nagain?", "MYA: RON, you have to focus!\nConcentrate on what you're doing!", "MYA: Do you want to challenge us?\nYou'll need two POKéMON, though.");
say ("MYA: Okay, we'll turn it up.\nI'll add to our training menu!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAEA5 @ 3.33 person #11 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 488, "RON: My sister gets scary when we\nlose.", "RON: Oh, no, no…\nSis, I'm sorry!", "RON: Did you want to battle with\nmy sister and me?\rYou need two POKéMON, then.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AAED0);
say ("RON: Oh, bleah…\nI wish I had a nice sister…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAED0 @ Referenced by lbl_1AAEA5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 488, "RON: My sister's gotten more\npowerful…", "RON: Oh, no, no…\nSis, I'm sorry!", "RON: Did you want to battle with\nmy sister and me?\rYou need two POKéMON, then.");
say ("RON: Oh, bleah…\nI wish I had a nice sister…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAEEB @ 3.34 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 199, "What do you want?", "Don't you dare laugh!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AAF12);
say ("We like just hanging here.\nWhat's it to you?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAF12 @ Referenced by lbl_1AAEEB @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 199, "What do you want?", "Don't you dare laugh!");
say ("We like just hanging here.\nWhat's it to you?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAF29 @ 3.34 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 201, "Hey, you just bumped me!", "Kaboom!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AAF50);
say ("We'll always be hanging around here\neven if you don't like it.\rYou can detour to VERMILION from\nFUCHSIA going along the coast.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAF50 @ Referenced by lbl_1AAF29 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 201, "Hey, wait a second!\nDon't call me and then run away!", "Kaboom!");
say ("We'll always be hanging around here\neven if you don't like it.\rYou can detour to VERMILION from\nFUCHSIA going along the coast.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAF67 @ 3.34 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 202, "Hey, there!\nLet's have ourselves a good time!", "Don't make me mad!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AAF8E);
say ("I get my kicks by harassing people\nwith my stinking POKéMON.\rThey're great for startling people.\nAnd, they bite, too.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAF8E @ Referenced by lbl_1AAF67 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 202, "Hey, there!\nWe'll have ourselves a good time!", "Don't make me mad!");
say ("I get my kicks by harassing people\nwith my stinking POKéMON.\rThey're great for startling people.\nAnd, they bite, too.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAFA5 @ 3.34 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 249, "Nice BIKE!\nHand it over!", "Knockout!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AAFCC);
say ("Forget it, who needs your BIKE!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAFCC @ Referenced by lbl_1AAFA5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 249, "Nice BIKE!\nHand it over quick!", "Knockout!");
say ("Forget it, who needs your BIKE!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AAFE3 @ 3.34 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 250, "Come out and play, little mouse!", "You little rat!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB00A);
say ("I hate losing!\nGet out of my face!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB00A @ Referenced by lbl_1AAFE3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 250, "Come out and play, little mouse.\nI'll treat you right!", "You little rat!");
say ("I hate losing!\nGet out of my face!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB021 @ 3.34 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 251, "I'm feeling hungry and mean!\nI need a punching bag!", "Bad, bad, bad!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB048);
say ("If I'm going to have POKéMON, they\nmay as well be ferocious.\rI'd use them to leave my enemies\nin tatters.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB048 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB021 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 251, "I'm feeling hungry and mean!\nI really need a punching bag!", "Bad, bad, bad!");
say ("If I'm going to have POKéMON, they\nmay as well be ferocious.\rI'd use them to leave my enemies\nin tatters.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB05F @ 3.34 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 489, "JED: Our love knows no bounds.\nWe're in love and we show it!", "JED: Oh, no!\nMy love has seen me as a loser!", "JED: You have just one POKéMON?\nIs there no love in your heart?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB08A);
say ("JED: Listen, LEA.\nYou need to focus less on me.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB08A @ Referenced by lbl_1AB05F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 489, "JED: Are you here to see our\nlove, which knows no bounds?", "JED: Oh, no!\nMy love has seen me as a loser!", "JED: You have just one POKéMON?\nIs there no love in your heart?");
say ("JED: Listen, LEA.\nYou need to focus less on me.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB0A5 @ 3.34 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 489, "LEA: Sometimes, the intensity of\nour love scares me.", "LEA: Ohh! But JED looks cool\neven in a loss!", "LEA: Oh, you don't have two\nPOKéMON with you?\rDoesn't it feel lonely for you or\nyour POKéMON?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB0D0);
say ("LEA: Ehehe, I'm sorry.\nJED is so cool.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB0D0 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB0A5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 489, "LEA: Sometimes, the intensity of\nour love scares me.", "LEA: Ohh! But JED looks cool\neven in a loss!", "LEA: Oh, you don't have two\nPOKéMON with you?\rDoesn't it feel lonely for you or\nyour POKéMON?");
say ("LEA: Ehehe, I'm sorry.\nJED is so cool.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB0EB @ 3.35 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 203, "We're BIKERS!\nWe rule the roads, man!", "Smoked!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB112);
say ("Are you looking for adventure?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB112 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB0EB @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 203, "We're BIKERS!\nWe rule the roads, man!", "Smoked!");
say ("Are you looking for adventure?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB129 @ 3.35 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 204, "Let VOLTORB electrify you!", "Grounded out!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB150);
say ("I got my VOLTORB at the abandoned\nPOWER PLANT.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB150 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB129 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 204, "VOLTORB's going to seriously\nelectrify you today!", "Grounded out!");
say ("I got my VOLTORB at the abandoned\nPOWER PLANT.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB167 @ 3.35 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 205, "Nice BIKE!\nHow's it handle?", "Shoot!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB18E);
say ("The slope makes it hard to steer.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB18E @ Referenced by lbl_1AB167 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 205, "Yep, that's a nice BIKE!\nHow's it handle?", "Shoot!");
say ("The slope makes it hard to steer.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB1A5 @ 3.35 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 206, "Get lost, kid!\nI'm bushed!", "Are you satisfied?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB1CC);
say ("I need to catch a few z's!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB1CC @ Referenced by lbl_1AB1A5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 206, "Get lost, kid!\nI'm bushed!", "Are you satisfied?");
say ("I need to catch a few z's!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB1E3 @ 3.35 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 252, "There's no getting rich quick in\nbattling kids.", "Burned out!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB20A);
say ("You can find good stuff lying\naround on CYCLING ROAD.\rThere's good money in picking them\nup and selling them.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB20A @ Referenced by lbl_1AB1E3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 252, "I told you, there's no getting rich\nquick in battling kids.", "Burned out!");
say ("You can find good stuff lying\naround on CYCLING ROAD.\rThere's good money in picking them\nup and selling them.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB221 @ 3.35 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 253, "I'm mighty proud of my bod, kiddo.\nCome on!", "Whoo!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB248);
say ("I could belly-bump you outta\nhere!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB248 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB221 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 253, "I'm mighty proud of my bod, kiddo.\nCome on!", "Whoo!");
say ("I could belly-bump you outta\nhere!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB25F @ 3.35 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 254, "I leveled up my POKéMON, but it\nwon't evolve. Why?", "Why, you!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB286);
say ("Maybe some POKéMON need element\nSTONES to evolve.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB286 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB25F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 254, "I leveled up my POKéMON, but it\nabsolutely won't evolve. Why?", "Why, you!");
say ("Maybe some POKéMON need element\nSTONES to evolve.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB29D @ 3.35 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 255, "I need a little exercise!", "Whew!\nGood workout!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB2C4);
say ("I'm sure I lost weight there!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB2C4 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB29D @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 255, "Gaah! I really need to exercise\nand seriously trim some flab!", "Whew!\nGood workout!");
say ("I'm sure I lost weight there!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB2DB @ 3.35 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 256, "Be a rebel!", "Aaaargh!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB302);
say ("Be ready to fight for your beliefs!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB302 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB2DB @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 256, "Be a rebel!", "Aaaargh!");
say ("Be ready to fight for your beliefs!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB319 @ 3.35 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 470, "You heading to FUCHSIA?", "Crash and burn!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB340);
say ("I love racing downhill!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB340 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB319 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 470, "You out for a stroll?", "Crash and burn!");
say ("I love racing downhill!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB357 @ 3.36 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 307, "I always check every grassy area\nfor new POKéMON.", "Tch!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB37E);
say ("I wish I had a BIKE!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB37E @ Referenced by lbl_1AB357 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 307, "I've been checking every grassy\narea for new POKéMON.\rBut it's not always easy…", "Tch!");
say ("I wish I had a BIKE!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB395 @ 3.36 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 308, "Kurukkoo!\nHow do you like my birdcall?", "I had to bug you!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB3BC);
say ("I collect sea POKéMON on weekends\nbecause the sea is so close.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB3BC @ Referenced by lbl_1AB395 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 308, "Koorukukukoo!\nIs my birdcall getting better?", "I had to bug you!");
say ("I collect sea POKéMON on weekends\nbecause the sea is so close.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB3D3 @ 3.36 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 309, "This is my turf!\nGet out of here!", "Darn!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB3FA);
say ("This is my fave area for catching\nPOKéMON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB3FA @ Referenced by lbl_1AB3D3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 309, "I warned you before, this is my\nturf!\rI don't want you coming around.", "Darn!");
say ("This is my fave area for catching\nPOKéMON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB411 @ 3.37 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 235, "I have to exercise and warm up\nbefore going out for a swim.", "All warmed up!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB438);
say ("Thanks, kid!\nI'm ready for a swim.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB438 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB411 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 235, "I'm almost warmed up to go\nout for a swim.", "All warmed up!");
say ("Thanks, kid!\nI'm ready for a swim.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB44F @ 3.37 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 236, "Wait! Slow down!\nYou'll have a heart attack!", "Ooh!\nThat's chilly!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB476);
say ("Watch out for TENTACOOL.\nThey sting so painfully.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB476 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB44F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 236, "Wait! Slow down!\nWhat if you have a heart attack?", "Ooh!\nThat's chilly!");
say ("Watch out for TENTACOOL.\nThey sting so painfully.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB48D @ 3.37 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 237, "I love swimming!\nWhat about you?", "Belly flop!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB4B4);
say ("I can beat even marine POKéMON\nat swimming.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB4B4 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB48D @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 237, "I love swimming!\nI guess you're the surfing type.", "Belly flop!");
say ("I can beat even marine POKéMON\nat swimming.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB4CB @ 3.37 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 238, "What's beyond the horizon?", "Glub!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB4F2);
say ("I see a couple of islands over\nyonder!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB4F2 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB4CB @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 238, "What's beyond the horizon?\nHave you seen?", "Glub!");
say ("I see a couple of islands over\nyonder!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB509 @ 3.37 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 239, "I tried diving for POKéMON, but it\nwas a no-go.", "Help!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB530);
say ("I guess you have to fish for sea\nPOKéMON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB530 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB509 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 239, "I tried diving for POKéMON again,\nbut it was a no-go like before.", "Help!");
say ("I guess you have to fish for sea\nPOKéMON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB547 @ 3.37 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 240, "I look at the sea to forget all\nthe bad things that happened.", "Ooh!\nTraumatic!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB56E);
say ("I'm looking at the sea to forget\nthe bad thing that happened!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB56E @ Referenced by lbl_1AB547 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 240, "I look at the sea to forget all\nthe bad things that happened.\r…Like losing to you the last time!", "Ooh!\nTraumatic!");
say ("I'm looking at the sea to forget\nthe bad thing that happened!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB585 @ 3.37 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 241, "Ahoy, there!\nThese waters are treacherous!", "Ooh!\nDangerous!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB5AC);
say ("M-my legs! They cramped up!\nGlub, glub…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB5AC @ Referenced by lbl_1AB585 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 241, "These waters are treacherous!\nYou shouldn't come back here!", "Ooh!\nDangerous!");
say ("M-my legs! They cramped up!\nGlub, glub…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB5C3 @ 3.37 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 276, "Oh, I just love your ride!\nCan I have it if I win?", "Oh! I lost!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB5EA);
say ("It's still a long way to go to\nSEAFOAM ISLANDS…\rI want to go back to FUCHSIA…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB5EA @ Referenced by lbl_1AB5C3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 276, "You always get to ride your\nPOKéMON…\rIt looks so relaxing.\nCan I have it if I win?", "Oh! I lost!");
say ("It's still a long way to go to\nSEAFOAM ISLANDS…\rI want to go back to FUCHSIA…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB601 @ 3.37 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 277, "Swimming's great!\nSunburns aren't!", "Shocker!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB628);
say ("My boyfriend wanted to swim to\nSEAFOAM ISLANDS.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB628 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB601 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 277, "Swimming's great!\nSunburns aren't!", "Shocker!");
say ("My boyfriend wanted to swim to\nSEAFOAM ISLANDS.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB63F @ 3.37 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 278, "I swam here with my friends…\nI'm tired…", "I'm exhausted…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB666);
say ("If I were to ride a POKéMON on\nthe sea, I'd like a LAPRAS.\rLAPRAS is so big, I bet it\nwould keep me dry on water.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB666 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB63F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 278, "I swam here with my friends…\nI'm tired…\fMust we really battle again?", "I'm exhausted…");
say ("If I were to ride a POKéMON on\nthe sea, I'd like a LAPRAS.\rLAPRAS is so big, I bet it\nwould keep me dry on water.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB67D @ 3.37 person #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 490, "LIA: I'm looking after my brother.\nHe just became a TRAINER.", "LIA: That's no way to treat my\nlittle brother!", "LIA: I want to battle together\nwith my little brother.\rDon't you have two POKéMON?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB6A8);
say ("LIA: Do you have a younger\nbrother?\rI hope you're teaching him all\nsorts of things.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB6A8 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB67D @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 490, "LIA: You know my brother just\nbecame a TRAINER, right?\rI want to make him better, so I\nneed your help again.", "LIA: That's no way to treat my\nlittle brother!", "LIA: I want to battle together\nwith my little brother.\rDon't you have two POKéMON?");
say ("LIA: Do you have a younger\nbrother?\rI hope you're teaching him all\nsorts of things.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB6C3 @ 3.37 person #11 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 490, "LUC: My big sis taught me how\nto swim and train POKéMON.", "LUC: Oh, wow!\nSomeone tougher than my big sis!", "LUC: I don't want to if I can't\nbattle you with my big sis.\rDon't you have two POKéMON?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB6EE);
say ("LUC: My big sis is strong and nice.\nI think she's awesome!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB6EE @ Referenced by lbl_1AB6C3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 490, "LUC: My big sis taught me all\nabout POKéMON.\rI wonder if I'm better?", "LUC: Oh, wow!\nSomeone tougher than my big sis!", "LUC: I don't want to if I can't\nbattle you with my big sis.\rDon't you have two POKéMON?");
say ("LUC: My big sis is strong and nice.\nI think she's awesome!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB709 @ 3.38 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 242, "The water is shallow here.\nThere are many people swimming.", "Splash!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB730);
say ("I wish I could ride my POKéMON.\nI bet you're not tired.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB730 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB709 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 242, "The water is shallow here.\nThere are many people swimming.", "Splash!");
say ("I wish I could ride my POKéMON.\nI bet you're not tired.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB747 @ 3.38 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 243, "Check out my buff physique!", "Wimpy!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB76E);
say ("I should've been buffing up my\nPOKéMON, not me!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB76E @ Referenced by lbl_1AB747 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 243, "Check out my physique!\rIt's even more buff than ever\nbefore!", "Wimpy!");
say ("I should've been buffing up my\nPOKéMON, not me!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB785 @ 3.38 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 244, "Why are you riding a POKéMON?\nCan't you swim?", "Ouch!\nTorpedoed!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB7AC);
say ("Riding a POKéMON sure looks fun!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB7AC @ Referenced by lbl_1AB785 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 244, "Why are you riding a POKéMON?\nHaven't you learned to swim yet?", "Ouch!\nTorpedoed!");
say ("Riding a POKéMON sure looks fun!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB7C3 @ 3.38 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 270, "I love floating with the fishes\nhere among the waves.", "Yowch!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB7EA);
say ("Want to float with me?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB7EA @ Referenced by lbl_1AB7C3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 270, "I love floating with the fishes\nhere among the waves.", "Yowch!");
say ("Want to float with me?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB801 @ 3.38 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 271, "My boyfriend gave me big pearls.", "Oh, no!\nMy pearls were in them!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB828);
say ("Will my pearls grow bigger inside\nCLOYSTER?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB828 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB801 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 271, "My boyfriend gave me big pearls.\nAnd, they've grown bigger!", "Oh, no!\nMy pearls were in them!");
say ("Will my pearls grow bigger inside\nCLOYSTER?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB83F @ 3.38 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 272, "CINNABAR, in the west, has a LAB\nfor POKéMON.\rMy daddy works there.", "Wait!\nYou're supposed to wait!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB866);
say ("CINNABAR is a volcanic island.\rI heard it rose out of the sea\nwhen a volcano erupted.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB866 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB83F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 272, "CINNABAR, in the west, has a LAB\nfor POKéMON.\rMy daddy works there.", "Wait!\nYou're supposed to wait!");
say ("CINNABAR is a volcanic island.\rI heard it rose out of the sea\nwhen a volcano erupted.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB87D @ 3.38 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 279, "SEAFOAM is a quiet getaway.\nI'm vacationing here.", "Quit it!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB8A4);
say ("There's a huge cavern underneath\nthis island.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB8A4 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB87D @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 279, "Are you jealous that I'm\nvacationing on SEAFOAM?", "Quit it!");
say ("There's a huge cavern underneath\nthis island.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB8BB @ 3.38 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 310, "I rode my bird POKéMON here.", "Oh, no!\nNow what am I to do?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB8E2);
say ("My birds are exhausted.\nThey can't FLY me back!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB8E2 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB8BB @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 310, "I rode my bird POKéMON here.", "Oh, no!\nNow what am I to do?");
say ("My birds are exhausted.\nThey can't FLY me back!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB8F9 @ 3.38 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 472, "I swam here from CINNABAR ISLAND.\nIt wasn't easy, I tell you.", "I'm so disappointed!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB920);
say ("POKéMON have taken over an\nabandoned mansion on CINNABAR.\rThey call it the POKéMON MANSION\nnow.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB920 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB8F9 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 472, "I swam here from CINNABAR ISLAND.\nIt wasn't easy, like I said.", "I'm so disappointed!");
say ("POKéMON have taken over an\nabandoned mansion on CINNABAR.\rThey call it the POKéMON MANSION\nnow.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB937 @ 3.38 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 473, "Are you on vacation, too?", "No mercy at all!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB95E);
say ("SEAFOAM used to be a single island\nin the distant past.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB95E @ Referenced by lbl_1AB937 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 473, "Were you on vacation, too?", "No mercy at all!");
say ("SEAFOAM used to be a single island\nin the distant past.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB975 @ 3.39 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 229, "You want to know if the fish are\nbiting?", "Dang!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB99C);
say ("I can't catch anything good.\nNot one good POKéMON to be had!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB99C @ Referenced by lbl_1AB975 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 229, "You want to know if the fish are\nbiting?", "Dang!");
say ("I can't catch anything good.\nNot one good POKéMON to be had!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB9B3 @ 3.40 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 230, "Hey, don't scare away the fish!", "Sorry! I'm just so frustrated from\nnot catching anything.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AB9DA);
say ("Sheesh, I haven't caught a thing.\nCould this place actually be a\fgiant pool or something?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB9DA @ Referenced by lbl_1AB9B3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 230, "Hey, cut it out already.\nYou always scare away the fish!", "Sorry! I'm just so frustrated from\nnot catching anything.");
say ("Sheesh, I haven't caught a thing.\nCould this place actually be a\fgiant pool or something?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AB9F1 @ 3.39 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 231, "I got a big haul!\nWanna go for it?", "Heheh, MAGIKARP just don't make\nthe grade, do they?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABA18);
say ("I seem to only catch MAGIKARP!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABA18 @ Referenced by lbl_1AB9F1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 231, "I got a big haul again!\nWanna go for it once more?", "Heheh, MAGIKARP just don't make\nthe grade, do they?");
say ("I seem to only catch MAGIKARP!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABA2F @ 3.40 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 232, "Keep me company till I get a hit.", "That burned some time.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABA56);
say ("Oh wait!\nI got a bite! Yeah!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABA56 @ Referenced by lbl_1ABA2F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 232, "Keep me company till I get a hit.", "That burned some time.");
say ("Oh wait!\nI got a bite! Yeah!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABA6D @ 3.39 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 245, "The sea cleanses my body and soul!", "Ayah!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABA94);
say ("The sea is great and all, but I\nlike the mountains, too.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABA94 @ Referenced by lbl_1ABA6D @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 245, "The sea cleanses my body and soul!", "Ayah!");
say ("The sea is great and all, but I\nlike the mountains, too.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABAAB @ 3.40 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 246, "I caught my POKéMON at sea.", "Diver!!\nDown!!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABAD2);
say ("Where'd you catch your POKéMON?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABAD2 @ Referenced by lbl_1ABAAB @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 246, "I caught my POKéMON at sea.\nAnd that's where I train them.", "Diver!!\nDown!!");
say ("Where'd you catch your POKéMON?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABAE9 @ 3.40 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 247, "Right now, I'm in a triathlon meet.", "Pant…\nPant… Pant…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABB10);
say ("I'm beat! But, I still have the\nbike race and marathon left!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABB10 @ Referenced by lbl_1ABAE9 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 247, "Right now, I'm in another triathlon\nmeet!", "Pant…\nPant… Pant…");
say ("I'm beat! But, I still have the\nbike race and marathon left!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABB27 @ 3.40 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 248, "Ahh!\nFeel the sun and the wind!", "Yow!\nI lost!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABB4E);
say ("I'm sunburnt to a crisp!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABB4E @ Referenced by lbl_1ABB27 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 248, "Ahh!\nFeel the sun and the wind!", "Yow!\nI lost!");
say ("I'm sunburnt to a crisp!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABB65 @ 3.39 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 491, "LIL: Huh? A battle?\nIAN, can't you do it alone?", "LIL: Oh, see?\nWe lost. Happy now?", "LIL: Huh? A battle?\nI can't be bothered to do it alone.\fBring two POKéMON, won't you?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABB90);
say ("LIL: I'm tired.\nCan't we go home already?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABB90 @ Referenced by lbl_1ABB65 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 491, "LIL: Huh? A battle again?\nIAN, can't you do it alone?", "LIL: Oh, see?\nWe lost. Happy now?", "LIL: Huh? A battle?\nI can't be bothered to do it alone.\fBring two POKéMON, won't you?");
say ("LIL: I'm tired.\nCan't we go home already?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABBAB @ 3.39 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 491, "IAN: My sis doesn't get enough\nexercise, so I made her come.", "IAN: Awww, Sis!\nGet it together!", "IAN: We want a two-on-two battle.\nSo can you bring two POKéMON?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABBD6);
say ("IAN: Come on, Sis!\rYou're not going to lose weight\nlike this!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABBD6 @ Referenced by lbl_1ABBAB @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 491, "IAN: My sis is still a slob.\nHelp me get her into shape!", "IAN: Awww, Sis!\nGet it together!", "IAN: We want a two-on-two battle.\nSo can you bring two POKéMON?");
say ("IAN: Come on, Sis!\rYou're not going to lose weight\nlike this!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABBF1 @ 3.45 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 547, "The weather's gorgeous!\nPerfect for a battle!", "Aiyeeeeh!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABC18);
say ("Please don't splash my face!\nYou'll ruin the makeup.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABC18 @ Referenced by lbl_1ABBF1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 547, "The weather's gorgeous!\nI'll try not to spoil it.", "Aiyeeeeh!");
say ("Please don't splash my face!\nYou'll ruin the makeup.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABC2F @ 3.45 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 548, "I'm beginning to get a sunburn…", "Oh, you're so awful.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABC56);
say ("I like that cap you have.\nMaybe I should wear one, too…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABC56 @ Referenced by lbl_1ABC2F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 548, "My sunburn is starting to hurt…", "Oh, you're so awful.");
say ("I like that cap you have.\nMaybe I should wear one, too…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABC6D @ 3.45 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 549, "Seen from here, MT. EMBER towers\ninto the sky.", "Well, aren't you tough?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABC94);
say ("The sky is immense around these\nparts.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABC94 @ Referenced by lbl_1ABC6D @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 549, "The fire bird's mountain casts\na huge shadow…", "Well, aren't you tough?");
say ("The sky is immense around these\nparts.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABCAB @ 3.45 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 550, "I took a break from swimming,\nonly to have you challenge me?", "Hey, what the…\nYou're good, you!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABCD2);
say ("Instead of using SURF all the time,\nyou should swim some.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABCD2 @ Referenced by lbl_1ABCAB @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 550, "I have this strong feeling that\nI can win this time!", "Hey, what the…\nYou're good, you!");
say ("Instead of using SURF all the time,\nyou should swim some.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABCE9 @ 3.45 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 551, "Wait! Wait a second!\nI think I've hooked a big one!", "I've lost it all again…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABD10);
say ("Not only did I lose, the big one\ngot away from me, too!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABD10 @ Referenced by lbl_1ABCE9 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 551, "Wait! Wait a second!\nI'm sure I've hooked a big one!", "I've lost it all again…");
say ("Not only did I lose, the big one\ngot away from me, too!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABD27 @ 3.45 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 518, "Could you help me out with my\ntraining?", "You were a cut above me.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABD4E);
say ("It's clear that you're skilled.\nI like you!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABD4E @ Referenced by lbl_1ABD27 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 518, "You'll help me out with my\ntraining again?", "You were a cut above me.");
say ("It's clear that you're skilled.\nI like you!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABD65 @ 3.45 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 552, "There isn't a day in which we don't\ntrain!", "I'm such a fool!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABD8C);
say ("I'll train even harder from now on!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABD8C @ Referenced by lbl_1ABD65 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 552, "We haven't missed a single day of\ntraining yet!", "I'm such a fool!");
say ("I'll train even harder from now on!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABDA3 @ 3.45 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 553, "Every morning, before breakfast,\nI swim around this island.", "Gasp…\nGasp…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABDCA);
say ("I lost because I'm pooped from all\nthe running I did…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABDCA @ Referenced by lbl_1ABDA3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 553, "Every morning, before breakfast,\nI swim around this island…\fThree times!", "Gasp…\nGasp…");
say ("I lost because I'm pooped from all\nthe running I did…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABDE1 @ 3.45 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 554, "Dress appropriately for battle!\nLose that frivolous outfit!", "Why me?!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABE08);
say ("Even martial artists are becoming\nfashion conscious these days…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABE08 @ Referenced by lbl_1ABDE1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 554, "Dress appropriately for battle!\nLose that frivolous outfit, I said!", "Why me?!");
say ("Even martial artists are becoming\nfashion conscious these days…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABE1F @ 3.45 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 555, "You know, everything tastes great\nwhen you're out in the wild.", "Awww, blown!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABE46);
say ("The water in volcanic regions is\ndelicious.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABE46 @ Referenced by lbl_1ABE1F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 555, "You know, everything tastes great\nwhen you're out in the wild.", "Awww, blown!");
say ("The water in volcanic regions is\ndelicious.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABE5D @ 3.45 person #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 556, "My lunch filled us up, so will you\nbattle us for some exercise?", "That made me all sweaty.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABE84);
say ("What should I do?\nI feel famished again.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABE84 @ Referenced by lbl_1ABE5D @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 556, "I ate too much again, so will you\nbattle us for some exercise?", "That made me all sweaty.");
say ("What should I do?\nI feel famished again.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABE9B @ 3.45 person #12 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 557, "KIA: My big brother and I make\nan awesome combination!", "KIA: Huh?!\nI can't believe it!", "KIA: If you want to battle with\nus, you have to bring at least two\fPOKéMON with you.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABEC6);
say ("KIA: How could there be anyone\nbetter than my big brother?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABEC6 @ Referenced by lbl_1ABE9B @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 557, "KIA: My big brother and I make\nan awesome combination!\rWe won't lose this time!", "KIA: Huh?!\nI can't believe it!", "KIA: If you want to battle with\nus, you have to bring at least two\fPOKéMON with you.");
say ("KIA: How could there be anyone\nbetter than my big brother?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABEE1 @ 3.45 person #11 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 557, "MIK: Together with KIA, I'm afraid\nof nothing!", "MIK: Whoa!\nThat's too much!", "MIK: Hey, do you want to battle\nwith us two?\rBring two or more POKéMON with\nyou, then.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABF0C);
say ("MIK: How could my combination\nwith KIA fail?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABF0C @ Referenced by lbl_1ABEE1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 557, "MIK: Together with KIA, we're\nafraid of nothing!\rWe'll prove it to you this time!", "MIK: Whoa!\nThat's too much!", "MIK: Hey, do you want to battle\nwith us two?\rBring two or more POKéMON with\nyou, then.");
say ("MIK: How could my combination\nwith KIA fail?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABF27 @ 3.46 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 546, "Lying back, rocked by the waves…\nIt's exquisite.", "I lost…\nIt feels awful.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABF4E);
say ("The sea is pleasantly warm in these\nparts.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABF4E @ Referenced by lbl_1ABF27 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 546, "Lying back, rocked by the waves…\nI don't notice time slipping by…", "I lost…\nIt feels awful.");
say ("The sea is pleasantly warm in these\nparts.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABF65 @ 3.48 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 523, "The salty tang of the sea…\nIt tickles my heart.", "…Sniff, sniff…\nSomething smells unpleasant…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABF8C);
say ("Perhaps that reek is your sweaty\nPOKéMON's body odor…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABF8C @ Referenced by lbl_1ABF65 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 523, "Are we to battle again?", "…Sniff, sniff…\nSomething smells unpleasant…");
say ("Perhaps that reek is your sweaty\nPOKéMON's body odor…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABFA3 @ 3.48 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 558, "Where are you off to in such\na hurry?", "You're raising some wonderful\nPOKéMON.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ABFCA);
say ("If you keep going this way, you'll\neventually reach BERRY FOREST.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABFCA @ Referenced by lbl_1ABFA3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 558, "From where have you come, and\nwhere are you bound?", "You're raising some wonderful\nPOKéMON.");
say ("If you keep going this way, you'll\neventually reach BERRY FOREST.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ABFE1 @ 3.48 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 519, "My mommy said that I can't swim\nwithout my float ring.", "Waaah!\nWaaah!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC008);
say ("This year, I'm going to finally\nlearn how to swim!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC008 @ Referenced by lbl_1ABFE1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 519, "I want to swim without my float\nring soon.", "Waaah!\nWaaah!");
say ("This year, I'm going to finally\nlearn how to swim!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC01F @ 3.48 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 559, "Yay, yay!\nPOKéMON!", "What happens now?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC046);
say ("Did I just win?\nOr did I lose?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC046 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC01F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 559, "Yay, yay!\nPOKéMON!", "What happens now?");
say ("Did I just win?\nOr did I lose?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC05D @ 3.48 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 561, "Oh, no, don't come here!\nPlease, stay away from me!", "Okay, you've won!\nNow will you please go away?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC084);
say ("A POKéMON bit through my \nswimsuit.\rI can't get out of the water!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC084 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC05D @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 561, "Oh, no, didn't I tell you already?\nPlease, stay away from me!", "Okay, you've won!\nNow will you please go away?");
say ("A POKéMON bit through my \nswimsuit.\rI can't get out of the water!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC09B @ 3.48 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 560, "JOY: We'll teach you what our\nfavorite POKéMON is!", "JOY: Ohh…\nMEG!", "JOY: I really want to battle with\nMEG.\rOne POKéMON isn't enough.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC0C6);
say ("JOY: Wasn't that fun?\nI hope we can battle again!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC0C6 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC09B @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 560, "JOY: We've gotten stronger!\nLots and lots!", "JOY: Ohh…\nMEG!", "JOY: I really want to battle with\nMEG.\rOne POKéMON isn't enough.");
say ("JOY: Wasn't that fun?\nI hope we can battle again!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC0E1 @ 3.48 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 560, "MEG: We'll show you our favorite\nPOKéMON.", "MEG: Ohh…\nJOY!", "MEG: I want to battle together\nwith JOY.\rOne POKéMON isn't enough.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC10C);
say ("MEG: JOY, wasn't that fun?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC10C @ Referenced by lbl_1AC0E1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 560, "MEG: You can't beat us today!", "MEG: Ohh…\nJOY!", "MEG: I want to battle together\nwith JOY.\rOne POKéMON isn't enough.");
say ("MEG: JOY, wasn't that fun?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC127 @ 3.54 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 526, "With these hands, I will create\nmy victory!", "The shame of this…\nI'm red-faced…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC14E);
say ("Uh-oh, my paint tubes have\nscattered everywhere!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC14E @ Referenced by lbl_1AC127 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 526, "With these hands, I will create\nmy victory today.", "The shame of this…\nI'm red-faced…");
say ("Uh-oh, my paint tubes have\nscattered everywhere!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC165 @ 3.54 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 562, "Excuse me!\nI'm trying to paint.\fPlease keep out of my sight!", "This loss…\nI feel like I'm whiting out…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC18C);
say ("GILLIAN?\nPlease tilt your head slightly…\fThere! That's the look I want!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC18C @ Referenced by lbl_1AC165 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 562, "Must I repeat myself?\nI'm trying to paint.\fPlease keep out of my sight!", "This loss…\nI feel like I'm whiting out…");
say ("GILLIAN?\nPlease tilt your head slightly…\fThere! That's the look I want!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC1A3 @ 3.54 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 563, "Hmm…\nThe angle, it is not quite there…", "Oh…\nMy feelings, they are blue…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC1CA);
say ("The sky and the sea…\nThey are so fickle.\rTheir changing expressions make\nthem difficult to capture.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC1CA @ Referenced by lbl_1AC1A3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 563, "I haven't made any progress…\nI still can't get the right angle…", "Oh…\nMy feelings, they are blue…");
say ("The sky and the sea…\nThey are so fickle.\rTheir changing expressions make\nthem difficult to capture.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC1E1 @ 3.54 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 525, "I am visiting my friend's retreat,\nif you must know.", "Oh, my, so strong.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC208);
say ("I find it pleasurable to leisurely\nbattle in the gentle sea breeze.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC208 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC1E1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 525, "Oh, you will give me another\nopportunity to match wits with you?", "Oh, my, so strong.");
say ("I find it pleasurable to leisurely\nbattle in the gentle sea breeze.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC21F @ 3.54 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 564, "I'm thinking of having a pool\nmade specially for POKéMON.", "Oh, my goodness gracious!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC246);
say ("A pool would be nice, but I must\nsay, a sun-room may be sublime.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC246 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC21F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 564, "They're almost finished making the\npool for my POKéMON.\rYou must drop in for a visit.", "Oh, my goodness gracious!");
say ("A pool would be nice, but I must\nsay, a sun-room may be sublime.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC25D @ 3.54 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 565, "I'm a good runner.\nI'm really fast!", "Oops!\nI rushed things!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC284);
say ("When I run with the wind, it feels\nlike I could fly!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC284 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC25D @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 565, "I'm a good runner.\nI've gotten even faster!", "Oops!\nI rushed things!");
say ("When I run with the wind, it feels\nlike I could fly!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC29B @ 3.54 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 566, "I say, this marine life here at\nthis resort agrees with me.", "That's a shocker!\nYou must be joking.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC2C2);
say ("Getting so serious over this…\nHow nonsensical.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC2C2 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC29B @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 566, "I say, friend!\nLet us enjoy our time together!", "That's a shocker!\nYou must be joking.");
say ("Getting so serious over this…\nHow nonsensical.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC2D9 @ 3.55 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 520, "This is an excellent environment\nfor raising POKéMON.", "Your POKéMON are growing up\nadmirably well!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC300);
say ("You know, I think you have the\ntalent to be a good BREEDER.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC300 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC2D9 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 520, "Oh, hello!\rAre you raising your POKéMON in a\ngood environment?", "Your POKéMON are growing up\nadmirably well!");
say ("You know, I think you have the\ntalent to be a good BREEDER.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC317 @ 3.57 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 570, "I'm the eldest of the BIRD\nBROTHERS.\rThe best thing about birds…\nIt has to be the beak.", "Oh, so sharp!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC33E);
say ("You can fly to FOUR ISLAND from\nhere.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC33E @ Referenced by lbl_1AC317 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 570, "I'm the eldest of the BIRD\nBROTHERS. Remember me?\rThat's right, I'm the one who loves\nbirds for their beaks!", "Oh, so sharp!");
say ("You can fly to FOUR ISLAND from\nhere.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC355 @ 3.57 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 571, "I'm the middle kid of the BIRD\nBROTHERS.\rThe best thing about birds…\nIt has to be the wings.", "Flap, flap!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC37C);
say ("There was a really somber guy\nover that way.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC37C @ Referenced by lbl_1AC355 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 571, "I'm the middle kid of the BIRD\nBROTHERS.\rI'm the one that loves wings.\nLet's battle again!", "Flap, flap!");
say ("There was a really somber guy\nover that way.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC393 @ 3.57 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 572, "I'm the youngest of the BIRD\nBROTHERS.\rThe best thing about birds…\nIt has to be the down.", "Down is so comfy…\nIt makes me drowsy…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC3BA);
say ("It fills me with happiness when\nbird POKéMON beg playfully…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC3BA @ Referenced by lbl_1AC393 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 572, "I'm the youngest of the BIRD\nBROTHERS.\rI love birds for their down.\nI didn't think I'd see you again!", "Down is so comfy…\nIt makes me drowsy…");
say ("It fills me with happiness when\nbird POKéMON beg playfully…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC3D1 @ 3.58 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 573, "I'm having no luck at all.\nA battle'd be a change of pace!", "Nope, no luck at all…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC3F8);
say ("I can't very well go home without\ncatching something, though.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC3F8 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC3D1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 573, "I'm still having no luck at all.\nA battle'd be a change of pace!", "Nope, no luck at all…");
say ("I can't very well go home without\ncatching something, though.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC40F @ 3.58 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 574, "Gasp… Gasp…\rI swam here from SIX ISLE PORT\nin one go.", "Gasp…\nGasp…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC436);
say ("I'm only at the halfway point…\nI'm beat…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC436 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC40F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 574, "Gasp… Gasp…\rI swam here from SIX ISLAND's port\nin one go again.", "Gasp…\nGasp…");
say ("I'm only at the halfway point…\nI'm beat…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC44D @ 3.58 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 575, "It's not so easy sending POKéMON\nout while swimming, you know?", "I didn't lose to you at swimming.\nThis doesn't bother me.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC474);
say ("Are you headed for the island up\npast here?\rI didn't see anything interesting\nthere.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC474 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC44D @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 575, "You always come along while I'm\nswimming.", "I didn't lose to you at swimming.\nThis doesn't bother me.");
say ("Are you headed for the island up\npast here?\rI didn't see anything interesting\nthere.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC48B @ 3.58 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 576, "AVA: Let's have a two-on-two\nmarine battle!", "AVA: Oh, you're amazing!\nEven better, you're on your own!", "AVA: You're challenging us to\na battle?\rYou'll need at least two POKéMON\nif you want to do that.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC4B6);
say ("AVA: You know, I do prefer the\nsea over any pool.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC4B6 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC48B @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 576, "AVA: Let's have another\ntwo-on-two marine battle today!", "AVA: Oh, you're amazing!\nEven better, you're on your own!", "AVA: You're challenging us to\na battle?\rYou'll need at least two POKéMON\nif you want to do that.");
say ("AVA: You know, I do prefer the\nsea over any pool.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC4D1 @ 3.58 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 576, "GEB: Big Sister, help!\nPlease battle with me!", "GEB: Wow, Big Sister, this person's\nreally good!", "GEB: Please battle against me and\nmy sister!\r…Oh, you don't have two POKéMON?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC4FC);
say ("GEB: I'm hanging onto my sister\nbecause I can't touch the bottom.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC4FC @ Referenced by lbl_1AC4D1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 576, "GEB: My big sister and I are way\ntougher than before!", "GEB: Wow, Big Sister, this person's\nreally good!", "GEB: Please battle against me and\nmy sister!\r…Oh, you don't have two POKéMON?");
say ("GEB: I'm hanging onto my sister\nbecause I can't touch the bottom.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC517 @ 3.59 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 517, "…Huh?\rI was envisioning my house, but\nthis is where I TELEPORT?", "Big boo-boo!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC53E);
say ("I am so scatterbrained!\rI need to focus so I can TELEPORT\nproperly to my house!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC53E @ Referenced by lbl_1AC517 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 517, "…Huh?\rI envision my house, but TELEPORT\nalways brings me here!", "Big boo-boo!");
say ("I am so scatterbrained!\rI need to focus so I can TELEPORT\nproperly to my house!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC555 @ 3.60 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 577, "I let a pleasant breeze lead me\nall the way here.", "Giggle… You're so cute when you're\ndetermined.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC57C);
say ("I want to go to the woods over\nthere, but…\rThere are lots of BUG POKéMON.\nThey scare me a little.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC57C @ Referenced by lbl_1AC555 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 577, "Oh, hello.\nA pleasant breeze is blowing again.", "Giggle… You're so cute when you're\ndetermined.");
say ("I want to go to the woods over\nthere, but…\rThere are lots of BUG POKéMON.\nThey scare me a little.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC593 @ 3.60 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 291, "I'm practicing in secret so no one\ncan see me.", "Nobody saw me losing, right?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC5BA);
say ("As a performer, I don't want people\nto know about the effort I put in.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC5BA @ Referenced by lbl_1AC593 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 291, "Hehehe, I'm practicing in secret\nagain.", "Nobody saw me losing, right?");
say ("As a performer, I don't want people\nto know about the effort I put in.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC5D1 @ 3.60 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 578, "What, you're suggesting that you're\nsick of seeing SWIMMERS like me?\rAww, don't be hatin'!", "Oh, no, no, no.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC5F8);
say ("I couldn't lift the stigma of being\na SWIMMER…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC5F8 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC5D1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 578, "What, you're sick of seeing\nSWIMMERS like me?\rAww, don't be hatin'!\nBattle with me again.", "Oh, no, no, no.");
say ("I couldn't lift the stigma of being\na SWIMMER…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC60F @ 3.60 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 579, "My boyfriend's always busy, so I\ncome swimming by myself.", "Awww, I knew this would happen!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC636);
say ("When I can't be with my boyfriend,\nI spend time with the POKéMON he\fgave me.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC636 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC60F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 579, "Sigh…\nMy boyfriend's busy again…", "Awww, I knew this would happen!");
say ("When I can't be with my boyfriend,\nI spend time with the POKéMON he\fgave me.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC64D @ 3.60 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 580, "MIU: Hello, POKéMON!\nIt's time to play!", "MIU: Oh, no!\nMommy!", "MIU: MIA and I are TWINS.\nWe want to battle together.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC678);
say ("MIU: It makes me all sad inside\nwhen we lose…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC678 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC64D @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 580, "MIU: Hello, POKéMON!\nIt's time to play again!", "MIU: Oh, no!\nMommy!", "MIU: MIA and I are TWINS.\nWe want to battle together.");
say ("MIU: It makes me all sad inside\nwhen we lose…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC693 @ 3.60 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 580, "MIA: Hello, POKéMON!\nIt's time to battle!", "MIA: You're mean!\nYou're bad for winning!", "MIA: Oh, you only have one\nPOKéMON?\rDon't you feel lonesome?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC6BE);
say ("MIA: Ohh…\nI'm sorry, my POKéMON…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC6BE @ Referenced by lbl_1AC693 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 580, "MIA: Hello, POKéMON!\nIt's time to battle again!", "MIA: You're mean!\nYou're bad for winning!", "MIA: Oh, you only have one\nPOKéMON?\rDon't you feel lonesome?");
say ("MIA: Ohh…\nI'm sorry, my POKéMON…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC6D9 @ 3.60 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 581, "Tell me, where are the mountains\naround these parts?", "I lost my way while I was busy\nbattling!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC700);
say ("Aren't there any mountains around\nthese parts?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC700 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC6D9 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 581, "Come on, tell me, where are the\nmountains around these parts?", "I lost my way while I was busy\nbattling!");
say ("Aren't there any mountains around\nthese parts?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC717 @ 3.61 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 524, "There appear to be many secrets\nstill unsolved in this world.", "Hmm…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC73E);
say ("I suggest to you that you, too,\ngive a thought to the secrets and\fmysteries of our world once a day.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC73E @ Referenced by lbl_1AC717 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 524, "There appear to be many secrets\nstill unsolved in this world.", "Hmm…");
say ("I suggest to you that you, too,\ngive a thought to the secrets and\fmysteries of our world once a day.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC755 @ 3.61 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 582, "I'm curious, what compelled you to\ncome here?", "It's been so long since I battled,\nmy instincts are off.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC77C);
say ("There are several ruins on the\nSEVII ISLANDS.\rThe majority of them date back\na long way.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC77C @ Referenced by lbl_1AC755 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 582, "Hi, didn't we meet before?\nWhat compelled you to come back?", "It's been so long since I battled,\nmy instincts are off.");
say ("There are several ruins on the\nSEVII ISLANDS.\rThe majority of them date back\na long way.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC793 @ 3.61 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 583, "It's been said that there are\nmysterious stones on this island.\rI suspect it has something to do\nwith the ruins here.", "Oh, interesting.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC7BA);
say ("Those ruins over there…\rI haven't had any luck in finding\nhow I can get inside.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC7BA @ Referenced by lbl_1AC793 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 583, "It's been said that there are\nmysterious stones on this island.\rHave you discovered anything since\nwe last met?", "Oh, interesting.");
say ("Those ruins over there…\rI haven't had any luck in finding\nhow I can get inside.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC7D1 @ 3.61 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 584, "A battle with you, so high up!", "Oh, the heartbreak of losing so\neasily to you!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC7F8);
say ("Experience the joy of climbing!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC7F8 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC7D1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 584, "A rematch with you, so high up!", "Oh, the heartbreak of losing so\neasily to you!");
say ("Experience the joy of climbing!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC80F @ 3.61 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 585, "I'm pretty familiar with the land\naround these parts.", "You don't need to be so pushy.\nI'll be happy to tell you.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC836);
say ("The door to the ruins…\nIt has these strange patterns\fengraved on the outside.\rI don't know what they mean,\nthough.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC836 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC80F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 585, "I'm pretty familiar with the land\naround these parts.", "You don't need to be so pushy.\nI'll be happy to tell you.");
say ("The door to the ruins…\nIt has these strange patterns\fengraved on the outside.\rI don't know what they mean,\nthough.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC84D @ 3.62 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 586, "I sensed your approach.", "Give up…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC874);
say ("In your future, I sense that you\nwill meet many others.\rI think you will be linked to each\nother by a strange power.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC874 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC84D @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 586, "I sensed your approach.", "Give up…");
say ("In your future, I sense that you\nwill meet many others.\rI think you will be linked to each\nother by a strange power.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC88B @ 3.62 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 587, "Somewhere on this island, peculiar\nPOKéMON are sleeping.", "What an amazing TRAINER!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC8B2);
say ("Somewhere on this island, peculiar\nPOKéMON are sleeping.\rCould it be that they're waiting\nfor you?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC8B2 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC88B @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 587, "Somewhere on this island, peculiar\nPOKéMON are sleeping.", "What an amazing TRAINER!");
say ("Somewhere on this island, peculiar\nPOKéMON are sleeping.\rCould it be that they're waiting\nfor you?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC8C9 @ 3.63 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 588, "Kyahaha!\nI'll flick you away effortlessly!", "Tch!\nToo strong for me!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC8F0);
say ("What's that?\nI don't act the way I look?\rHeh, that's a part of my strategy!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC8F0 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC8C9 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 588, "Kyahaha!\rComing back won't change a thing.\nI'll flick you away effortlessly!", "Tch!\nToo strong for me!");
say ("What's that?\nI don't act the way I look?\rHeh, that's a part of my strategy!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC907 @ 3.63 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 589, "EVE: I'll team up with JON and\nbattle together.", "EVE: Me and JON, we lost.\nEhehe.", "EVE: I want to team up with JON\nwhen I battle you.\rCome back with two POKéMON, okay?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC932);
say ("EVE: I'm going to work harder with\nJON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC932 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC907 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 589, "EVE: I'll team up with JON and\nbattle together again.", "EVE: Me and JON, we lost.\nEhehe.", "EVE: I want to team up with JON\nwhen I battle you.\rCome back with two POKéMON, okay?");
say ("EVE: I'm going to work harder with\nJON.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC94D @ 3.63 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 589, "JON: When I'm with EVE, it feels\nlike we could never lose.", "JON: When I'm with EVE,\nit doesn't feel like I've lost!", "JON: If it's with EVE, I'll be\nhappy to battle with you.\rSo, I'd like to make it a\ntwo-on-two battle, if I may.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC978);
say ("JON: When I'm with EVE, I feel\ngiddy whether I win or lose.\rIt's magical!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC978 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC94D @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 589, "JON: When I'm with EVE, it feels\nlike we could never lose, not ever.", "JON: When I'm with EVE,\nit doesn't feel like I've lost!", "JON: If it's with EVE, I'll be\nhappy to battle with you.\rSo, I'd like to make it a\ntwo-on-two battle, if I may.");
say ("JON: When I'm with EVE, I feel\ngiddy whether I win or lose.\rIt's magical!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC993 @ 3.63 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 590, "Howdy!\nAre you a member of my fan club?", "Oh, so you're not a fan…\rWell, I can change that.\nLet me sing for you!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC9BA);
say ("Lalalah…\nMy POKéMON, I send them out,\fall the girls scream and shout!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC9BA @ Referenced by lbl_1AC993 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 590, "Howdy! You're a member of my\nfan club, isn't that right?", "Oh, so you're not a fan…\rWell, I can change that.\nLet me sing for you!");
say ("Lalalah…\nMy POKéMON, I send them out,\fall the girls scream and shout!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC9D1 @ 3.63 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 521, "This island is too spread out…\nIt's not easy patrolling the place.", "Uh-huh…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1AC9F8);
say ("TRAINERS like you from cities,\nthey sure are tough.\rYou'll be headed for the TOWER,\nwon't you?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AC9F8 @ Referenced by lbl_1AC9D1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 521, "This island is too spread out…\nPatrolling the place is a drag…", "Uh-huh…");
say ("TRAINERS like you from cities,\nthey sure are tough.\rYou'll be headed for the TOWER,\nwon't you?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACA0F @ 3.63 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 522, "I punish people who abuse\nPOKéMON!", "You don't seem to be a problem\nTRAINER.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ACA36);
say ("If you treat your POKéMON with\nkindness, they'll understand.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACA36 @ Referenced by lbl_1ACA0F @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 522, "I don't forgive people who abuse\nPOKéMON!", "You don't seem to be a problem\nTRAINER.");
say ("If you treat your POKéMON with\nkindness, they'll understand.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACA4D @ 3.64 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 591, "My conditioning's in top form!", "Huh?\nSomething's not right…");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ACA74);
say ("The way I am now, I may have to\nhold off on TRAINER TOWER…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACA74 @ Referenced by lbl_1ACA4D @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 591, "Let's have another battle.\nMy conditioning's in top form!", "Huh?\nSomething's not right…");
say ("The way I am now, I may have to\nhold off on TRAINER TOWER…", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACA8B @ 3.64 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 593, "It doesn't matter if you happen to\nhave the strongest POKéMON…\rIt doesn't mean a thing if you don't\nknow how to use them properly!", "You're a master at this.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ACAB2);
say ("You see them every so often,\nTRAINERS with awesome POKéMON\fwho have no idea what to do.\rBefore training POKéMON, TRAINERS\nthemselves need to grow up.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACAB2 @ Referenced by lbl_1ACA8B @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 593, "It doesn't matter if you happen to\nhave the strongest POKéMON…\rIt doesn't mean a thing if you don't\nknow how to use them properly!", "You're a master at this.");
say ("You see them every so often,\nTRAINERS with awesome POKéMON\fwho have no idea what to do.\rBefore training POKéMON, TRAINERS\nthemselves need to grow up.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACAC9 @ 3.64 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 596, "I work to protect the environment.\nIn turn, nature protects me!", "Whoa! You're tough!\nHow about protecting me?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ACAF0);
say ("From far out among the stars, our\nplanet is just a drop of water.\rBut we want to protect that drop\nof water for everyone.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACAF0 @ Referenced by lbl_1ACAC9 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 596, "I work to protect the environment.\nIn turn, nature protects me!", "Whoa! You're tough!\nHow about protecting me?");
say ("From far out among the stars, our\nplanet is just a drop of water.\rBut we want to protect that drop\nof water for everyone.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACB07 @ 3.64 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 598, "Those shoes you have are pretty\nsnazzy.", "You're hot stuff in spite of your\ncute looks.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ACB2E);
say ("Your mom bought those snazzy\nRUNNING SHOES for you?\rShe must adore you.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACB2E @ Referenced by lbl_1ACB07 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 598, "Every time we meet, you have those\nsnazzy shoes on.", "You're hot stuff in spite of your\ncute looks.");
say ("Your mom bought those snazzy\nRUNNING SHOES for you?\rShe must adore you.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACB45 @ 3.64 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 599, "You look strong.\nLet me battle you, please!", "I knew it!\nYou're as tough as I thought!");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ACB6C);
say ("The way you battle has given me\na lot of useful data.\rThanks so much!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACB6C @ Referenced by lbl_1ACB45 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 599, "You must have gotten tougher.\nLet me battle you, please!", "I knew it!\nYou're as tough as I thought!");
say ("The way you battle has given me\na lot of useful data.\rThanks so much!", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACB83 @ 3.64 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 600, "I was given the best possible\neducation to become this strong.\rI don't want to lose to anyone!", "Thank you. I feel like I've been\nset free by losing to you.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ACBAA);
say ("For some reason, I get furious\nover the slightest thing.\rI'll calm myself by breathing\ndeeply.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACBAA @ Referenced by lbl_1ACB83 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 600, "I was given the best possible\neducation to become this strong.\rI won't lose this time.\nAbsolutely not!", "Thank you. I feel like I've been\nset free by losing to you.");
say ("For some reason, I get furious\nover the slightest thing.\rI'll calm myself by breathing\ndeeply.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACBC1 @ 3.64 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 601, "LEX: My darling NYA, together\nwe could win!", "LEX: I seem to have been too\ncareless…", "LEX: May I ask you to battle the\nboth of us at the same time?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ACBEC);
say ("LEX: I think it was a good\nexperience for NYA.\rYou have my gratitude.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACBEC @ Referenced by lbl_1ACBC1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 601, "LEX: My darling NYA, together\nwe will win for certain!", "LEX: I seem to have been too\ncareless…", "LEX: May I ask you to battle the\nboth of us at the same time?");
say ("LEX: I think it was a good\nexperience for NYA.\rYou have my gratitude.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACC07 @ 3.64 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (4, 601, "NYA: I'll do my best so I won't\ndrag down my mentor, LEX!", "NYA: Oh, no…\nI'm so sorry, I…", "NYA: I'm sorry, but may we battle\nin two-on-two style?");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ACC32);
say ("NYA: I think I'm going to need\nmuch more seasoning and tutoring\funder LEX…\r…So, LEX, please, may I stay with\nyou like this?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACC32 @ Referenced by lbl_1ACC07 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (7, 601, "NYA: I won't drag down my mentor\nLEX! We're going to win!", "NYA: Oh, no…\nI'm so sorry, I…", "NYA: I'm sorry, but may we battle\nin two-on-two style?");
say ("NYA: I think I'm going to need\nmuch more seasoning and tutoring\funder LEX…\r…So, LEX, please, may I stay with\nyou like this?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACC4D @ 3.65 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 602, "Do you know anything about this\nstone chamber?", "That was uncalled for.\nYou didn't have to be so rough.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ACC74);
say ("The TANOBY RUINS date back at\nleast 1,500 years.\rBut it's a baffling mystery as to\nwhy it was built in the first place.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACC74 @ Referenced by lbl_1ACC4D @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 602, "Have you discovered anything about\nthis stone chamber?", "That was uncalled for.\nYou didn't have to be so rough.");
say ("The TANOBY RUINS date back at\nleast 1,500 years.\rBut it's a baffling mystery as to\nwhy it was built in the first place.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACC8B @ 3.65 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 603, "A mystic POKéMON is said to sleep\ninside here.", "I'm not much good in battle.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ACCB2);
say ("I hear there are other ruins like\nthe one here.\rMight they be the resting places\nof other mystic POKéMON?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACCB2 @ Referenced by lbl_1ACC8B @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 603, "A mystic POKéMON is said to sleep\ninside here.", "I'm not much good in battle.");
say ("I hear there are other ruins like\nthe one here.\rMight they be the resting places\nof other mystic POKéMON?", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACCC9 @ 3.65 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 604, "CLIFFORD is teaching me how to\npaint.", "We might get in trouble for being\nnoisy here.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ACCF0);
say ("I said that I wanted to paint an\nold building.\rSo CLIFFORD brought me here.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACCF0 @ Referenced by lbl_1ACCC9 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 604, "My teacher is showing me how to\npaint some more.", "We might get in trouble for being\nnoisy here.");
say ("I said that I wanted to paint an\nold building.\rSo CLIFFORD brought me here.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACD07 @ 3.65 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (0, 605, "Today, in addition to our lesson,\nwe came to see the chamber.", "My, how extraordinary.");
special2 (0x800D, 0x39);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1ACD2E);
say ("Ah, so you are studying POKéMON\non your own…\rYes, you certainly are quite the\nextraordinary person, indeed.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACD2E @ Referenced by lbl_1ACD07 @ ----------------------------------------------
trainerbattle (5, 605, "Today, in addition to our lesson,\nwe came to see the chamber again.", "My, how extraordinary.");
say ("Ah, so you are studying POKéMON\non your own…\rYes, you certainly are quite the\nextraordinary person, indeed.", 6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACD65 @ 5.2 sign #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
setvar (0x8005, 0x3);
special (0x173);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x3);
special (0x173);
textcolor (3);
say ("POKéMON JOURNAL\rSpecial Feature: PROF. OAK,\nthe POKéMON Researcher!\rPROF. OAK reportedly lives with his\ngrandchildren DAISY and {TERRY}.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACDD0 @ 35.1 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x173);
textcolor (3);
say ("This is a POKéMON JOURNAL from\nyears ago…\rPOKéMON JOURNAL\nCONTEST Special!\rThe Spring POKéMON CONTEST's\nGrand Champion is DAISY OAK of\fPALLET TOWN!", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACDEA @ 3.22 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
setvar (0x8005, 0x3);
special (0x173);
say ("Oh, wow, that's the BOULDERBADGE!\nYou got it from BROCK, didn't you?\rBROCK is cool. He's not just tough.\nPeople like and respect him.\rI want to become a GYM LEADER\nlike him.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACE03 @ 1.1 person #13 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
setvar (0x8005, 0x4);
special (0x173);
say ("Hi, I'm excavating for fossils here\nunder MT. MOON.\rSometimes, BROCK of PEWTER GYM\nlends me a hand.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACE1C @ 6.0 sign #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x173);
textcolor (3);
say ("POKéMON JOURNAL\rSpecial Feature: PEWTER GYM\nLEADER BROCK!\rBROCK rarely laughs, but is said to\nbe unable to stop if he starts.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACE36 @ 3.38 person #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x3);
special (0x173);
say ("Strong TRAINERS and WATER POKéMON\nare common sights in these parts.\rThey say that MISTY of the\nCERULEAN GYM trains here.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACE4F @ 3.44 person #11 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x4);
special (0x173);
say ("This cape is a famous date spot.\rMISTY, the GYM LEADER, has high\nhopes about this place.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACE68 @ 7.3 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x173);
textcolor (3);
say ("POKéMON JOURNAL\rSpecial Feature: CERULEAN GYM\nLEADER MISTY!\rMISTY is said to worship LORELEI\nof the ELITE FOUR.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACE83 @ 9.1 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x173);
textcolor (3);
say ("POKéMON JOURNAL\rSpecial Feature: VERMILION GYM\nLEADER LT. SURGE!\rLT. SURGE is rumored to have been\na pilot while home in America.\rHe used the electricity generated\nby POKéMON to power his plane.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACE9D @ 10.8 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x5);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x173);
textcolor (3);
say ("POKéMON JOURNAL\rSpecial Feature: CELADON GYM\nLEADER ERIKA!\rRumor has it that if you peek into\nCELADON GYM, you can often\fsee ERIKA snoozing.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACEB8 @ 11.7 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x6);
setvar (0x8005, 0x4);
special (0x173);
textcolor (3);
say ("POKéMON JOURNAL\rSpecial Feature: FUCHSIA GYM\nLEADER KOGA!\rKOGA is said to have a thorough\nknowledge of medicine.\rHe even concocts medicine to nurse\nhis POKéMON to health.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACED3 @ 1.69 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x6);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x173);
say ("The SAFARI ZONE's huge, wouldn't\nyou say?\rFUCHSIA's GYM LEADER, KOGA, \npatrols the grounds every so often.\rThanks to him, we can play here\nknowing that we're safe.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACEEC @ 14.6 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x7);
setvar (0x8005, 0x4);
special (0x173);
textcolor (3);
say ("POKéMON JOURNAL\rSpecial Feature: SAFFRON GYM\nLEADER SABRINA!\rPeople say that SABRINA can\ncommunicate with her POKéMON\fduring battle without speaking.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACF07 @ 12.0 sign #14 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x8);
setvar (0x8005, 0x4);
special (0x173);
setvar (0x8004, 0xE);
setvar (0x8005, 0x4);
special (0x173);
say ("It's a photo of BLAINE and\nMR. FUJI.\rThey're standing shoulder to\nshoulder with big grins.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACF2C @ 39.0 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x8);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x173);
textcolor (3);
say ("POKéMON JOURNAL\rSpecial Feature: CINNABAR GYM\nLEADER BLAINE!\rBLAINE is said to remove his dark\nshades only when he is thinking up\fnew quiz questions.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACF46 @ 35.7 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x9);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x173);
say ("We've had a great and powerful\nTRAINER grow up on this island.\rI bet even you'd know her.\nIt's LORELEI of the ELITE FOUR!\rWhen LORELEI was just a tyke,\nI taught her about POKéMON.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACF5F @ 36.0 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x9);
setvar (0x8005, 0x3);
special (0x173);
textcolor (3);
say ("POKéMON JOURNAL\rSpecial Feature:\nELITE FOUR's LORELEI!\rKnown for her logical, calculated,\nand cool battling style, LORELEI\fhas a surprising secret!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACF7A @ 14.9 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xA);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x173);
textcolor (3);
say ("POKéMON JOURNAL\rSpecial Feature:\nELITE FOUR's BRUNO!\rBRUNO apparently joined the ELITE\nFOUR out of his burning ambition to\fbattle the best TRAINERS.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACF95 @ 3.64 person #19 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xA);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x173);
say ("Training by oneself is certainly\nnot a bad thing.\rBut it's also not bad to aim for\nthe top with a partner.\rEven BRUNO…\nHe trained with a fellow by the\fname of BRAWLY before.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACFAE @ 13.0 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xB);
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
special (0x173);
setvar (0x8004, 0xB);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x173);
say ("AGATHA's GHOST-type POKéMON are\nhorrifically terrifying in toughness.\rI took my FIGHTING-type POKéMON\nand raised them to the max.\rI went at AGATHA feeling pretty\nconfident, but she whupped us.\rThat old lady's also got a really\nshort fuse, too.\rIt doesn't take anything to get\nthat scary lady hollering.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACFD4 @ 31.3 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xB);
setvar (0x8005, 0x3);
special (0x173);
textcolor (3);
say ("POKéMON JOURNAL\rSpecial Feature:\nELITE FOUR's AGATHA!\rIn her youth, AGATHA and PROF.\nOAK were rivals who vied for\fsupremacy as TRAINERS.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81ACFEF @ 37.4 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xB);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x173);
say ("Play with POKéMON lots and live\na long life!\rTake AGATHA, for example.\rShe set a record for being the\noldest-ever ELITE FOUR member.\rShe spurs me to do bigger things.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AD03A @ 3.10 person #14 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xC);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x173);
say ("This FAN CLUB…\nNo one here has a clue!\rHow could they not recognize\nthe brilliance that is LANCE?\rHe stands for justice!\nHe's cool, and yet passionate!\fHe's the greatest, LANCE!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AD053 @ 10.1 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xC);
setvar (0x8005, 0x3);
special (0x173);
say ("We have a customer, LANCE, who\noccasionally comes.\rHe always buys capes.\rI wonder… Does he have many\nidentical capes at home?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AD06C @ 13.0 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xC);
setvar (0x8005, 0x4);
special (0x173);
textcolor (3);
say ("POKéMON JOURNAL\rSpecial Feature:\nELITE FOUR's LANCE!\rLANCE's grandfather is thought to\nbe the elder of a famous clan of\fdragon masters.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AD087 @ 13.0 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xC);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x173);
say ("Maybe becoming an ELITE FOUR\nmember is in the blood.\rFrom what I've heard, LANCE has\na cousin who's a GYM LEADER\fsomewhere far away.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AD0A0 @ 8.0 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xE);
setvar (0x8005, 0x3);
special (0x173);
say ("I recently moved to this town.\rI hear that MR. FUJI's not from\nthese parts originally, either.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AD0B9 @ 12.5 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xE);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x173);
textcolor (3);
say ("POKéMON JOURNAL\rSpecial Feature:\nMR. FUJI of POKéMON HOUSE!\rEditor: The shy MR. FUJI turned\ndown our interview requests.\rHe is a kindly man who is adored\nand respected in LAVENDER TOWN.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AD0D4 @ 1.51 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xF);
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
special (0x173);
say ("Those thugs that took over our\nbuilding…\rTheir BOSS said he was looking for\nstrong POKéMON.\rI hope our PRESIDENT managed to\navoid trouble…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81AD0ED @ 1.54 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
setvar (0x8004, 0xF);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
special (0x173);
say ("TEAM ROCKET's BOSS is terribly\ncruel!\rTo him, POKéMON are just tools to\nbe used.\rWhat will happen if that tyrant\ntakes over our company…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2867 @ 10.14 sign #35 @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
showmoney (0, 0, 0);
say ("It's a POKéMON PRINTER!\rIt can put a print of your POKéMON\non the back of your TRAINER CARD.\rIt costs only \xB750.\nWould you like to try it?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1B2926);
checkmoney (0x32, 0);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1B292B);
playsound (0xF8);
takemoney (0x32, 0);
updatemoney (0, 0, 0);
checksound ();
preparemsg ("Please choose the print type.");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (21, 0, 2, 1);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1B28DB);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1B28E6);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1B28F1);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1B28FC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B28FC @ Referenced by lbl_1B2867 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
jump (lbl_1B2907);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2907 @ Referenced by lbl_1B28FC @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("A big smile for the photo, please!\nThree… Two… One…\rFlash!");
waitmsg ();
playsound (0x140);
doanimation (0x45);
pause (0x3C);
special (0x167);
say ("Your POKéMON print is ready!\nCheck your TRAINER CARD.", 4);
hidemoney (0, 0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B28F1 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2867 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
jump (lbl_1B2907);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B28E6 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2867 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1B2907);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B28DB @ Referenced by lbl_1B2867 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1B2907);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B292B @ Referenced by lbl_1B2867 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You don't have enough money.", 4);
hidemoney (0, 0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2926 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2867 @ ----------------------------------------------
hidemoney (0, 0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2938 @ 35.6 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
special2 (0x8008, 0x168);
if (not 0x290) goto (lbl_1B2951);
if (0x290) goto (lbl_1B2994);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2994 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2938 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
if (0x8008 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1B29C6);
preparemsg ("Oh, hi!\nHere comes the braggart.\rWhat are you going to brag about\ntoday?");
waitmsg ();
jump (lbl_1B29D0);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B29D0 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2994 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8000, 0x8008);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1B2A23);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1B2A4F);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_1B2A7B);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1B2AA7);
if (0x8000 == 0x5) goto (lbl_1B2ADE);
if (0x8000 == 0x6) goto (lbl_1B2B15);
if (0x8000 == 0x7) goto (lbl_1B2B4C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2B4C @ Referenced by lbl_1B29D0 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (15, 5, 9, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1B2B98);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1B2C62);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1B2D2C);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1B2DF6);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1B2DF6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2DF6 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2B4C @ ----------------------------------------------
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2D2C @ Referenced by lbl_1B2B4C @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x8006 <= 0x13) goto (lbl_1B2D59);
if (0x8006 <= 0x31) goto (lbl_1B2D77);
if (0x8006 <= 0x63) goto (lbl_1B2D95);
if (0x8006 => 0x64) goto (lbl_1B2DB3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2DB3 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2D2C @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x404B == 0x4) goto (lbl_1B2DDB);
setvar (0x404B, 0x4);
say ("Wh… Wickedly whoa!\nYou've won mind-blowingly often!\rIt just knocks me out thinking\nabout how tough you are.\rYou're the stuff of nightmares!\nThat's it, I have to give you this.", 4);
jump (lbl_1B2DE5);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2DE5 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2DB3 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x101);
preparemsg ("The VICTORY STICKER was applied\nto the TRAINER CARD.");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
pause (0x5A);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2DDB @ Referenced by lbl_1B2DB3 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, no, no can do.\rYou're practically a living legend.\nI have no SITCKERS left to give.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2D95 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2D2C @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x404B == 0x3) goto (lbl_1B2DD1);
setvar (0x404B, 0x3);
say ("Whoa! You've beaten your friends\na frightful number of times.\rHave you lost friends over this?\nI'll give you one of these.", 4);
jump (lbl_1B2DE5);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2DD1 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2D95 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hmm…\rCome back with a better story next\ntime, okay?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2D77 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2D2C @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x404B == 0x2) goto (lbl_1B2DD1);
setvar (0x404B, 0x2);
say ("You've beaten your friends a lot\nlink battling, huh?\rYou're impressively strong, yup!\nI'll give you one of these.", 4);
jump (lbl_1B2DE5);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2D59 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2D2C @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x404B == 0x1) goto (lbl_1B2DD1);
setvar (0x404B, 0x1);
say ("Oh, wow, you've had success\nlink battling?\rYou're pretty strong, yup!\nI'll give you one of these.", 4);
jump (lbl_1B2DE5);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2C62 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2B4C @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x8005 <= 0x63) goto (lbl_1B2C8F);
if (0x8005 <= 0xC7) goto (lbl_1B2CAD);
if (0x8005 <= 0x12B) goto (lbl_1B2CCB);
if (0x8005 => 0x12C) goto (lbl_1B2CE9);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2CE9 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2C62 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x404A == 0x4) goto (lbl_1B2D11);
setvar (0x404A, 0x4);
say ("Wh… You hatched that many EGGS?\rWhat's behind your love of EGGS?\nIt's beyond incredible, yup!\rYou're too awesome, I tell you.\nThat's it, I have to give you this.", 4);
jump (lbl_1B2D1B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2D1B @ Referenced by lbl_1B2CE9 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x101);
preparemsg ("The EGG STICKER was applied\nto the TRAINER CARD.");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
pause (0x5A);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2D11 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2CE9 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, no, no can do.\rYou're practically a living legend.\nI have no SITCKERS left to give.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2CCB @ Referenced by lbl_1B2C62 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x404A == 0x3) goto (lbl_1B2D07);
setvar (0x404A, 0x3);
say ("Whoa! You've hatched a whole\nbunch of EGGS!\rYou're an EGG-hatching machine!\nI'll give you one of these.", 4);
jump (lbl_1B2D1B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2D07 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2CCB @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hmm…\rCome back with a better story next\ntime, okay?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2CAD @ Referenced by lbl_1B2C62 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x404A == 0x2) goto (lbl_1B2D07);
setvar (0x404A, 0x2);
say ("You've hatched that many EGGS?\nYou really must like them!\rThat's impressive, yup!\nI'll give you one of these.", 4);
jump (lbl_1B2D1B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2C8F @ Referenced by lbl_1B2C62 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x404A == 0x1) goto (lbl_1B2D07);
setvar (0x404A, 0x1);
say ("Oh, wow, there are POKéMON EGGS?\nI didn't know that!\rThat's pretty good, yup!\nI'll give you one of these.", 4);
jump (lbl_1B2D1B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2B98 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2B4C @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x8004 <= 0x27) goto (lbl_1B2BC5);
if (0x8004 <= 0x63) goto (lbl_1B2BE3);
if (0x8004 <= 0xC7) goto (lbl_1B2C01);
if (0x8004 => 0xC8) goto (lbl_1B2C1F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2C1F @ Referenced by lbl_1B2B98 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4049 == 0x4) goto (lbl_1B2C47);
setvar (0x4049, 0x4);
say ("No way! You've gone into the\nHALL OF FAME that many times?\rYou're beyond incredible, yup!\nThat's it, I have to give you this.", 4);
jump (lbl_1B2C51);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2C51 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2C1F @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
jingle (0x101);
preparemsg ("The HALL OF FAME STICKER was\napplied to the TRAINER CARD.");
waitmsg ();
waitforjingle ();
pause (0x5A);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2C47 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2C1F @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, no, no can do.\rYou're practically a living legend.\nI have no SITCKERS left to give.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2C01 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2B98 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4049 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1B2C3D);
setvar (0x4049, 0x3);
say ("Whoa! You've made it into the\nHALL OF FAME that often?\fThat's seriously incredible, yup!\rYou own the POKéMON LEAGUE!\nI'll give you one of these.", 4);
jump (lbl_1B2C51);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2C3D @ Referenced by lbl_1B2C01 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hmm…\rCome back with a better story next\ntime, okay?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2BE3 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2B98 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4049 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1B2C3D);
setvar (0x4049, 0x2);
say ("Oh, wow, you've entered the\nHALL OF FAME often!\rThat's impressive, yup!\nI'll give you one of these.", 4);
jump (lbl_1B2C51);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2BC5 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2B98 @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x4049 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1B2C3D);
setvar (0x4049, 0x1);
say ("Oh, wow, you made it into the\nHALL OF FAME.\rThat's pretty good, yup!\nI'll give you one of these.", 4);
jump (lbl_1B2C51);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2B15 @ Referenced by lbl_1B29D0 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (15, 6, 8, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1B2C62);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1B2D2C);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1B2DF6);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1B2DF6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2ADE @ Referenced by lbl_1B29D0 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (15, 6, 7, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1B2B98);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1B2D2C);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1B2DF6);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1B2DF6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2AA7 @ Referenced by lbl_1B29D0 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (15, 6, 6, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1B2B98);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1B2C62);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1B2DF6);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1B2DF6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2A7B @ Referenced by lbl_1B29D0 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (15, 8, 5, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1B2D2C);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1B2DF6);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1B2DF6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2A4F @ Referenced by lbl_1B29D0 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (16, 8, 4, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1B2C62);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1B2DF6);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1B2DF6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2A23 @ Referenced by lbl_1B29D0 @ ----------------------------------------------
multichoice (15, 8, 3, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1B2B98);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1B2DF6);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1B2DF6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B29C6 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2994 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Brag about something for me.\nI'll give you a STICKER.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2951 @ Referenced by lbl_1B2938 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x290);
say ("Giggle…\nI collected a ton of STICKERS.\fI wish I could show them off…", 4);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75E1);
waitformove (0x0);
playsound (0x15);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x1, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
if (0x8008 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1B2B8E);
preparemsg ("Oh, excellent!\nYou've come to the right place!\rLook, look! See? See?\nThese are my STICKERS!\fLook how many I got!\rI bet you want some.\nI bet you do!\rI'll give a STICKER if you can tell\nme something awesome about\fyourself.\rWhat will you brag about?");
waitmsg ();
jump (lbl_1B29D0);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81B2B8E @ Referenced by lbl_1B2951 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, excellent!\nYou've come to the right place!\rLook, look! See? See?\nThese are my STICKERS!\fLook how many I got!\rI bet you want some.\nI bet you do!\rI'll give a STICKER if you can tell\nme something awesome about\fyourself.\rWhat will you brag about?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB1B4 @ 6.6 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1BB1BA);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB1BA @ Referenced by lbl_1BB1B4 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0x180);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BB1CE);
clearflag (0x70);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB1CE @ Referenced by lbl_1BB1BA @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x70);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB1D2 @ 5.5 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
executeram ();
say ("Thank you for accessing the\nMYSTERY GIFT System.", 2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB237 @ 33.0 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
if (0x406F == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BB285);
if (0x406F == 0x2) goto (lbl_1BB285);
if (0x406F == 0x5) goto (lbl_1BB285);
if (0x406F == 0x3) goto (lbl_1BB28B);
if (0x406F == 0x6) goto (lbl_1BB291);
if (0x406F == 0x7) goto (lbl_1BB297);
if (0x406F == 0x8) goto (lbl_1BB29D);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB29D @ Referenced by lbl_1BB237 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1BC048);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB297 @ Referenced by lbl_1BB237 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1BC034);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB291 @ Referenced by lbl_1BB237 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1BC020);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB28B @ Referenced by lbl_1BB237 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1BC034);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB285 @ Referenced by lbl_1BB237 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1BC034);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB44A @ Standard Script: Cable Club @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Welcome to the POKéMON CABLE\nCLUB.\rWhich of our services do you wish\nto use?");
waitmsg ();
pause (0xF);
jump (lbl_1BB467);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB467 @ Referenced by lbl_1BB44A @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
multichoice (0, 0, 39, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BB6AB);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BB4A3);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB4A3 @ Referenced by lbl_1BB467 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8007, 0x800F);
jump (lbl_1BB4AE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB4AE @ Referenced by lbl_1BB4A3 @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Which Battle Mode would you like\nto play?");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (0, 0, 17, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BB50F);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BB51A);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1BB541);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1BB501);
if (0x8000 == 0x4) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB501 @ Referenced by lbl_1BB4AE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("There are three Battle Modes.\rSINGLE BATTLE is for two TRAINERS\nwith one or more POKéMON each.\rEach TRAINER can have one POKéMON\nin battle at a time.\rDOUBLE BATTLE is for two TRAINERS\nwith two or more POKéMON each.\rEach TRAINER will send out two\nPOKéMON in battle at a time.\rMULTI BATTLE is for four TRAINERS\nwith one or more POKéMON each.\rEach TRAINER can have one POKéMON\nin battle at a time.", 4);
jump (lbl_1BB4AE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB541 @ Referenced by lbl_1BB4AE @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x5);
jump (lbl_1BB54C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB54C @ Referenced by lbl_1BB541 @ ----------------------------------------------
call (SaveYourGame);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
preparemsg ("Please wait.\n… … B Button: Cancel");
waitmsg ();
special (0x198);
textcolor (3);
special (0x1C);
waitstate ();
call (lbl_1A6675);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BB5B3);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1BB80F);
if (0x800D == 0x3) goto (lbl_1BB81F);
if (0x800D == 0x4) goto (lbl_1BB63C);
if (0x800D == 0x5) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
if (0x800D == 0x6) goto (lbl_1BB7FF);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB7FF @ Referenced by lbl_1BB54C @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x1F);
special (0x199);
say ("Sorry, we have a link error…\nPlease reset and try again.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB63C @ Referenced by lbl_1BB54C @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8000, 0x8004);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BB68A);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1BB679);
if (0x8000 == 0x5) goto (lbl_1BB668);
jump (lbl_1BB857);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB857 @ Referenced by lbl_1BB63C @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x1F);
special (0x199);
say ("The number of participants is\nincorrect.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB668 @ Referenced by lbl_1BB63C @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x1F);
say ("There must be four players to play\nthis Battle Mode.", 4);
jump (lbl_1BB69B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB69B @ Referenced by lbl_1BB668 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x1F);
special (0x199);
say ("Please confirm the number of\nplayers and start again.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB679 @ Referenced by lbl_1BB63C @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x1F);
say ("The DOUBLE BATTLE Mode can't be\nplayed by {var:2} players.", 4);
jump (lbl_1BB69B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB68A @ Referenced by lbl_1BB63C @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x1F);
say ("The SINGLE BATTLE Mode can't be\nplayed by {var:2} players.", 4);
jump (lbl_1BB69B);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB81F @ Referenced by lbl_1BB54C @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x1F);
special (0x199);
say ("The link partners appear to have\nmade different selections.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB80F @ Referenced by lbl_1BB54C @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x1F);
special (0x199);
say ("Someone is not ready to link.\rPlease come back after everyone\nhas made preparations.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB5B3 @ Referenced by lbl_1BB54C @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x0);
special (0x27);
special (0x14B);
copyvar (0x406F, 0x8004);
preparemsg2 ("Please enter.");
waitmsg ();
call (lbl_1BC034);
special (0x8E);
playsound (0x1E);
pause (0x3C);
applymove (0x800F, move_1BB88F);
waitformove (0x0);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1BB898);
waitformove (0x0);
setdooropened (0x9, 0x1);
doorchange ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1BB89C);
waitformove (0x0);
spriteinvisible (0xFF, 0, 0);
setdoorclosed (0x9, 0x1);
doorchange ();
release ();
if (0x8004 == 0x5) goto (lbl_1BB62C);
special (0x1);
warp (0, 0, 255, 0x6, 0x8);
special (0x2);
waitstate ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB62C @ Referenced by lbl_1BB5B3 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x1);
warp (0, 3, 255, 0x5, 0x8);
special (0x2);
waitstate ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB51A @ Referenced by lbl_1BB4AE @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x3D);
if (0x800D != 0x0) goto (lbl_1BB533);
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
jump (lbl_1BB54C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB533 @ Referenced by lbl_1BB51A @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("For a DOUBLE BATTLE, you must\nhave at least two POKéMON.", 4);
jump (lbl_1BB4AE);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB50F @ Referenced by lbl_1BB4AE @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1BB54C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB6AB @ Referenced by lbl_1BB467 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8007, 0x800F);
call (lbl_1BB79C);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
call (SaveYourGame);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
preparemsg ("Please wait.\n… … B Button: Cancel");
waitmsg ();
special (0x198);
textcolor (3);
special (0x1D);
waitstate ();
call (lbl_1A6675);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BB73D);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1BB80F);
if (0x800D == 0x3) goto (lbl_1BB81F);
if (0x800D == 0x4) goto (lbl_1BB857);
if (0x800D == 0x5) goto (lbl_1BB82F);
if (0x800D == 0x6) goto (lbl_1BB7FF);
if (0x800D == 0x7) goto (lbl_1BB7DF);
if (0x800D == 0x9) goto (lbl_1BB7EF);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB7EF @ Referenced by lbl_1BB6AB @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x1F);
special (0x199);
say ("The other TRAINER is not ready.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB7DF @ Referenced by lbl_1BB6AB @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x1F);
special (0x199);
say ("I'm awfully sorry.\rWe're not set up to conduct trades\nwith TRAINERS far away in another\fregion yet…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB73D @ Referenced by lbl_1BB6AB @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
copyvar (0x406F, 0x8004);
preparemsg2 ("Please enter.");
waitmsg ();
call (lbl_1BC034);
special (0x8E);
playsound (0x1E);
pause (0x3C);
applymove (0x800F, move_1BB88F);
waitformove (0x0);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1BB898);
waitformove (0x0);
setdooropened (0x9, 0x1);
doorchange ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1BB89C);
waitformove (0x0);
spriteinvisible (0xFF, 0, 0);
setdoorclosed (0x9, 0x1);
doorchange ();
release ();
special (0x1);
warp3 (0, 1, 255, 0x5, 0x8);
special (0x2);
waitstate ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB8C3 @ 0.0 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
textcolor (3);
special (0x20);
waitstate ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB8CF @ 0.0 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
textcolor (3);
special (0x20);
waitstate ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB8DB @ 0.3 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
fade (1);
special (0x29);
waitstate ();
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BB94F);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
textcolor (3);
special (0x20);
waitstate ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB94F @ Referenced by lbl_1BB8DB @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB8F8 @ 0.3 trap #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
fade (1);
special (0x29);
waitstate ();
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BB94F);
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
textcolor (3);
special (0x20);
waitstate ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB915 @ 0.3 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
fade (1);
special (0x29);
waitstate ();
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BB94F);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
textcolor (3);
special (0x20);
waitstate ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB932 @ 0.3 trap #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
fade (1);
special (0x29);
waitstate ();
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BB94F);
setvar (0x8005, 0x3);
textcolor (3);
special (0x20);
waitstate ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB950 @ 0.1 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
textcolor (3);
special (0x21);
waitstate ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB95C @ 0.1 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
textcolor (3);
special (0x21);
waitstate ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB980 @ 0.2 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB9AF @ 0.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
special (0x127);
say ("Please take your seat and start\nyour battle.", 4);
special (0x128);
closeonkeypress ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB9C1 @ 0.1 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
textcolor (3);
special (0x127);
say ("Please take your seat and start\nyour trade.", 4);
special (0x128);
closeonkeypress ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BB9D3 @ 0.2 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BC05C @ 9.1 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x182);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BC2E7 @ 33.0 sign #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lockall ();
special (0x195);
waitstate ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BC2FC @ 33.0 sign #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lockall ();
special (0x1A6);
waitstate ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BDF13 @ Standard Script: Cut Tree @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lockall ();
if (not 0x821) goto (lbl_1BDF87);
checkformove (0xF);
if (0x800D == 0x6) goto (lbl_1BDF87);
setanimation (0, 0x800D);
getpartypokemon (0, 0x800D);
getmovename (1, 0xF);
say ("This tree looks like it can be CUT\ndown!\rWould you like to CUT it?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BDF91);
say ("{var:2} used {var:3}!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
doanimation (0x2);
waitstate ();
jump (lbl_1BDF76);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BDF76 @ Referenced by lbl_1BDF13 @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x800F, move_1BDF85);
waitformove (0x0);
hidesprite (0x800F);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BDF85 @ Referenced by lbl_1BDF76 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (HMAnim.Cut, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BDF91 @ Referenced by lbl_1BDF13 @ ----------------------------------------------
closeonkeypress ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BDF87 @ Referenced by lbl_1BDF13 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("This tree looks like it can be CUT\ndown!", 3);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE00C @ Standard Script: Rock Smash Boulder @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lockall ();
if (not 0x825) goto (lbl_1BE091);
checkformove (0xF9);
if (0x800D == 0x6) goto (lbl_1BE091);
setanimation (0, 0x800D);
getpartypokemon (0, 0x800D);
getmovename (1, 0xF9);
say ("This rock appears to be breakable.\nWould you like to use ROCK SMASH?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BE09A);
say ("{var:2} used {var:3}!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
doanimation (0x25);
waitstate ();
jump (lbl_1BE06F);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE06F @ Referenced by lbl_1BE00C @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x800F, move_1BE08F);
waitformove (0x0);
hidesprite (0x800F);
special (0xAB);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BE08D);
waitstate ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE08D @ Referenced by lbl_1BE06F @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE08F @ Referenced by lbl_1BE06F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (HMAnim.RockSmash, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE09A @ Referenced by lbl_1BE00C @ ----------------------------------------------
closeonkeypress ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE091 @ Referenced by lbl_1BE00C @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It's a rugged rock, but a POKéMON\nmay be able to smash it.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE11D @ Standard Script: Strength Boulder @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lockall ();
if (not 0x823) goto (lbl_1BE185);
if (0x805) goto (lbl_1BE18E);
checkformove (0x46);
if (0x800D == 0x6) goto (lbl_1BE185);
setanimation (0, 0x800D);
say ("It's a big boulder, but a POKéMON\nmay be able to push it aside.\rWould you like to use STRENGTH?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BE197);
closeonkeypress ();
doanimation (0x28);
waitstate ();
jump (lbl_1BE179);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE179 @ Referenced by lbl_1BE11D @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x805);
say ("{var:2} used STRENGTH!\r{var:2}'s STRENGTH made it\npossible to move boulders around!", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE197 @ Referenced by lbl_1BE11D @ ----------------------------------------------
closeonkeypress ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE18E @ Referenced by lbl_1BE11D @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("STRENGTH made it possible to move\nboulders around.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE185 @ Referenced by lbl_1BE11D @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It's a big boulder, but a POKéMON\nmay be able to push it aside.", 3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE2B7 @ Standard Script: Waterfall @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lockall ();
checkformove (0x7F);
if (0x800D == 0x6) goto (lbl_1BE300);
getpartypokemon (0, 0x800D);
setanimation (0, 0x800D);
say ("It's a large waterfall.\nWould you like to use WATERFALL?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BE308);
say ("{var:2} used WATERFALL.", 4);
doanimation (0x2B);
jump (lbl_1BE308);
lockall ();
say ("A wall of water is crashing down\nwith a mighty roar.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE308 @ Referenced by lbl_1BE2B7 @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE300 @ Referenced by lbl_1BE2B7 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A wall of water is crashing down\nwith a mighty roar.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE38B @ Standard Script: Dive (unused and disabled) @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
checkformove (0x123);
if (0x800D == 0x6) goto (lbl_1BE3CA);
getpartypokemon (0, 0x800D);
setanimation (0, 0x800D);
setanimation (1, 0x1);
say ("The sea is deep here.\nWould you like to use DIVE?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BE3D2);
say ("{var:2} used DIVE.", 4);
doanimation (0x2C);
jump (lbl_1BE3D2);
lockall ();
say ("The sea is deep here. A POKéMON\nmay be able to go underwater.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE3D2 @ Referenced by lbl_1BE38B @ ----------------------------------------------
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE3CA @ Referenced by lbl_1BE38B @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("The sea is deep here. A POKéMON\nmay be able to go underwater.", 4);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE58E @ 3.20 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x22);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE59B @ 3.20 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x12);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE5A8 @ 1.0 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x4);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE5B5 @ 1.0 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0xE);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE5C2 @ 1.0 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0xD);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE5CF @ 1.1 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x12);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE5DC @ 1.1 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x129);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE5E9 @ 1.1 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0xD);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE5F6 @ 1.1 person #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x44);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE603 @ 1.1 person #11 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x55);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE610 @ 1.1 person #12 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x5E);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE61D @ 1.3 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x6D);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE62A @ 1.3 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x14E);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE637 @ 3.22 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x125);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE644 @ 3.43 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x14D);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE651 @ 3.44 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x14B);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE65E @ 1.13 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x13F);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE66B @ 1.19 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x6C);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE678 @ 1.21 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x4B);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE685 @ 1.25 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x14C);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE692 @ 1.26 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x22);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE69F @ 1.28 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x16);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE6AC @ 1.10 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x3);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE6B9 @ 3.27 person #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x148);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE6C6 @ 1.42 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x55);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE6D3 @ 1.42 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x15);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE6E0 @ 1.43 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x4D);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE6ED @ 1.43 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x5E);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE6FA @ 1.43 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x12C);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE707 @ 1.43 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x16);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE714 @ 1.44 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x44);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE721 @ 1.44 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x135);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE72E @ 1.45 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x151);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE73B @ 1.45 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x23);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE748 @ 1.45 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x43);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE755 @ 1.90 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x55);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE762 @ 1.91 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x24);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE76F @ 1.91 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x11);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE77C @ 1.91 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x3);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE789 @ 1.92 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x6E);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE796 @ 1.93 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x44);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE7A3 @ 1.93 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x4E);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE7B0 @ 3.30 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x150);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE7BD @ 3.30 person #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x41);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE7CA @ 3.33 person #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x132);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE7D7 @ 1.63 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x6E);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE7E4 @ 1.64 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x14);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE7F1 @ 1.64 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x13);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE7FE @ 1.64 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x12B);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE80B @ 1.64 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x62);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE818 @ 1.65 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x40);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE825 @ 1.65 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x14F);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE832 @ 1.66 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x140);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE83F @ 1.66 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x161);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE84C @ 1.66 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x14);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE859 @ 1.66 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x19);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE866 @ 1.49 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x15);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE873 @ 1.50 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x19);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE880 @ 1.50 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x55);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE88D @ 1.50 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x17);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE89A @ 1.51 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x40);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE8A7 @ 1.51 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x121);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE8B4 @ 1.51 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x163);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE8C1 @ 1.52 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x3F);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE8CE @ 1.52 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x4F);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE8DB @ 1.53 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x43);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE8E8 @ 1.53 person #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x128);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE8F5 @ 1.56 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x42);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE902 @ 1.56 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x2);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE90F @ 1.56 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x44);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE91C @ 1.95 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x14);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE929 @ 1.95 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x131);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE936 @ 1.95 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x139);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE943 @ 1.95 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x60);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE950 @ 1.95 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x24);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE95D @ 1.59 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x42);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE96A @ 1.59 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x55);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE977 @ 1.60 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x43);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE984 @ 1.61 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x14);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE991 @ 1.61 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x41);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE99E @ 1.62 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x12E);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE9AB @ 1.62 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x13);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE9B8 @ 1.62 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x136);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE9C5 @ 1.62 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x15F);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE9D2 @ 1.39 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x44);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE9DF @ 1.39 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x122);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE9EC @ 1.40 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x49);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BE9F9 @ 1.40 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x127);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEA06 @ 1.40 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x17);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEA13 @ 1.40 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x145);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEA20 @ 1.41 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x19);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEA2D @ 1.41 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x152);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEA3A @ 1.72 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x25);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEA47 @ 1.72 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x6E);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEA54 @ 1.72 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x13);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEA61 @ 1.73 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x13);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEA6E @ 1.73 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x45);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEA7B @ 1.73 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x2);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEA88 @ 1.74 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x19);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEA95 @ 1.74 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x2);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEAA2 @ 11.7 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x44);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEAAF @ 3.13 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x18);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEABC @ 3.14 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x46);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEAC9 @ 1.0 person #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0xD);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEAD6 @ 1.3 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x18);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEAE3 @ 1.3 person #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0xE);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEAF0 @ 3.29 person #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x4C);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEAFD @ 3.27 person #11 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0xF);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEB0A @ 1.81 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x56);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEB17 @ 1.81 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x6A);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEB24 @ 1.81 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x55);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEB31 @ 1.82 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x18);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEB3E @ 1.82 person #10 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x23);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEB4B @ 1.54 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x41);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEB58 @ 1.57 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x46);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEB65 @ 1.59 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x40);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEB72 @ 1.60 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x46);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEB7F @ 1.60 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x3F);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEB8C @ 3.1 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0xD);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEB99 @ 3.29 person #11 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x3);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEBA6 @ 3.29 person #12 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x11);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEBB3 @ 1.92 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0xBE);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEBC0 @ 3.6 person #13 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x22);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEBCD @ 1.44 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0xCE);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEBDA @ 1.65 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0xB7);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEBE7 @ 1.83 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x10);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEBF4 @ 1.84 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x61);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEC01 @ 1.84 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x18);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEC0E @ 1.85 person #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x6B);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEC1B @ 1.87 person #3 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x2);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEC28 @ 3.15 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x6D);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEC35 @ 3.15 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x6C);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEC42 @ 3.45 person #26 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x22);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEC4F @ 3.45 person #27 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x54);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEC5C @ 3.45 person #28 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x42);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEC69 @ 3.56 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x14);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEC76 @ 3.56 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x45);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEC83 @ 3.57 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0xC7);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEC90 @ 3.58 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x45);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEC9D @ 3.60 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x24);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BECAA @ 3.60 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0xC9);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BECB7 @ 3.61 person #15 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x13);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BECC4 @ 3.61 person #14 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x3F);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BECD1 @ 3.61 person #16 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x5D);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BECDE @ 3.64 person #16 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0xBB);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BECEB @ 3.64 person #17 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x25);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BECF8 @ 3.64 person #18 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x6E);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BED05 @ 1.109 person #11 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x23);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BED12 @ 1.109 person #12 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x17);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BED1F @ 1.109 person #13 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x25);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BED2C @ 1.97 person #17 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x2);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BED39 @ 1.97 person #18 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x5F);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BED46 @ 1.97 person #19 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x4A);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BED53 @ 1.111 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x2);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BED60 @ 1.111 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x159);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BED6D @ 1.112 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x13);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BED7A @ 1.112 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0xD4);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BED87 @ 1.114 person #6 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x6B);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BED94 @ 1.114 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x144);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEDA1 @ 1.114 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x6A);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEDAE @ 1.114 person #9 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0xDA);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEDBB @ 2.22 person #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0xD9);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEDC8 @ 2.23 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0xDD);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEDD5 @ 2.24 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0xDC);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEDE2 @ 2.25 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x19);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEDEF @ 2.26 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x44);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEE09 @ 1.50 person #7 @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvarifnot0 (0x8000, 0x149);
copyvarifnot0 (0x8001, 0x1);
callstd (1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEE16 @ 6.5 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x4001 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BEE3A);
if (0x82D) goto (lbl_1BEECD);
say ("Hi, glad to meet you!\r…That's unfriendly of you.\nHow about saying hi back?\rSo, come on, tell me about\nyourself.\rI'd love to hear your profile!", 4);
jump (lbl_1BEE44);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEE44 @ Referenced by lbl_1BEE16 @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Tell me something good about\nyourself. What's your profile?");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (18, 6, 18, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BEE8F);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BEEC3);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1BEE81);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1BEEC3);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEE81 @ Referenced by lbl_1BEE44 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A profile is written using four\nwords or phrases.\rThere're plenty of words to choose\nfrom for your profile.\rThe words and phrases are placed\nin several convenient groups.\rFirst, choose a group, then choose\na word or phrase.\r…It's easier than it sounds.\nWhy don't you try it?", 4);
jump (lbl_1BEE44);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEEC3 @ Referenced by lbl_1BEE44 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Aww… Don't be like that.\nYou can tell me your profile.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEE8F @ Referenced by lbl_1BEE44 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("What's your profile?", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
jump (lbl_1BEF5A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEF5A @ Referenced by lbl_1BEE8F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
call (lbl_1A6AC0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x8004 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BEF3F);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BEE9E);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BEEA8);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEEA8 @ Referenced by lbl_1BEF5A @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
special (0x60);
waitmsg ();
pause (0x50);
say ("Hmhm…\rYour profile really says something\nabout who you are.\rNow that I know you better, it \nmakes us better friends than ever!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEE9E @ Referenced by lbl_1BEF5A @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, you've decided not to?\nYou're fickle, aren't you?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEF3F @ Referenced by lbl_1BEF5A @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4001, 0x1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
special (0x60);
waitmsg ();
pause (0x50);
say ("Oh, I've heard that before…\rMy cousin, who lives far away,\nalways used to say that, I think.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81A6AC0 @ Referenced by lbl_1BEF5A @ ----------------------------------------------
fade (1);
special (0x5F);
fade (0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEECD @ Referenced by lbl_1BEE16 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Hi!\nWe meet again!", 4);
jump (lbl_1BEEDB);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEEDB @ Referenced by lbl_1BEECD @ ----------------------------------------------
preparemsg ("Would you like to change your\nprofile?");
waitmsg ();
multichoice (18, 6, 18, 0);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BEF26);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BEF35);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1BEF18);
if (0x8000 == 0x7F) goto (lbl_1BEF35);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEF18 @ Referenced by lbl_1BEEDB @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("A profile is written using four\nwords or phrases.\rThere're plenty of words to choose\nfrom for your profile.\rThe words and phrases are placed\nin several convenient groups.\rFirst, choose a group, then choose\na word or phrase.\r…It's easier than it sounds.\nWhy don't you try it?", 4);
jump (lbl_1BEEDB);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEF35 @ Referenced by lbl_1BEEDB @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Okay, you like your profile the\nway it is.\rI think so, too.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEF26 @ Referenced by lbl_1BEEDB @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("What are you like now?\nI'd really like to know.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
jump (lbl_1BEF5A);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BEE3A @ Referenced by lbl_1BEE16 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Please tell me more about\nyourself next time!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BF398 @ 17.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
showmoney (0, 0, 0);
special2 (0x800D, 0x178);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BF46E);
say ("I run the DAY-CARE service.\rWould you like me to raise one of\nyour POKéMON?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BF3DD);
say ("Come again.", 4);
jump (lbl_1BF541);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BF541 @ Referenced by lbl_1BF398 @ ----------------------------------------------
hidemoney (0, 0);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BF3DD @ Referenced by lbl_1BF398 @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0x84);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BF452);
say ("Which POKéMON should I raise?", 4);
fade (1);
hidemoney (0, 0);
special (0xBC);
waitstate ();
showmoney (0, 0, 0);
if (0x8004 => 0x6) goto (lbl_1BF444);
special2 (0x800D, 0x85);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1BF460);
special2 (0x8005, 0xBA);
say ("Fine, I'll look after your\n{var:2} for a while.", 4);
checksound ();
cry (0x8005, 0x0);
say ("Come see me in a while.", 4);
waitforcry ();
special (0x176);
unknown_c3 (47);
jump (lbl_1BF541);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BF460 @ Referenced by lbl_1BF3DD @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("If you leave me that POKéMON,\nwhat will you battle with?", 4);
jump (lbl_1BF541);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BF444 @ Referenced by lbl_1BF3DD @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Fine.\nCome anytime you like.", 4);
jump (lbl_1BF541);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BF452 @ Referenced by lbl_1BF3DD @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh? You only have one POKéMON\nwith you.", 4);
jump (lbl_1BF541);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BF46E @ Referenced by lbl_1BF398 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
special2 (0x800D, 0x179);
if (0x800D != 0x0) call (lbl_1BF4AA);
if (0x800D == 0x0) call (lbl_1BF4B3);
special (0x177);
say ("You owe me \xB7{var:3} for the return\nof this POKéMON.", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BF4BC);
jump (lbl_1BF444);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BF4BC @ Referenced by lbl_1BF46E @ ----------------------------------------------
special2 (0x800D, 0x83);
if (0x800D == 0x6) goto (lbl_1BF533);
special2 (0x800D, 0xC5);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1BF4EA);
say ("You don't have enough money.", 4);
jump (lbl_1BF541);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BF4EA @ Referenced by lbl_1BF4BC @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
special2 (0x800D, 0x17A);
special (0xC6);
updatemoney (0, 0, 0);
copyvar (0x8008, 0x800D);
getpartysize ();
subvar (0x800D, 0x1);
getpartypokemon (0, 0x800D);
copyvar (0x800D, 0x8008);
say ("Thank you!\nHere's your POKéMON.", 4);
textcolor (3);
checksound ();
cry (0x800D, 0x0);
say ("{RED} got {var:2} back\nfrom the DAY-CARE MAN.", 4);
call (lbl_1A6675);
waitforcry ();
jump (lbl_1BF541);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BF533 @ Referenced by lbl_1BF4BC @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You can't take this POKéMON back\nif you've got no room for it.", 4);
jump (lbl_1BF541);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BF4B3 @ Referenced by lbl_1BF46E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You're back already?\rYour {var:2} needs to spend\nsome more time with me.", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BF4AA @ Referenced by lbl_1BF46E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Your {var:2} has grown a lot.\nYes, quite a lot, I'd say.\rLet me see…\nBy level, it's grown by {var:3}.\rAren't I great?", 4);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81BF546 @ Each Step Test: Hatching @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
say ("Huh?", 4);
special (0xC2);
waitstate ();
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C47AE @ 1.40 person #12 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2C0) goto (lbl_1C480C);
say ("You should be proud of yourself,\nhaving battled your way through\fVICTORY ROAD so courageously.\rIn recognition of your feat,\nI'll teach you DOUBLE-EDGE.\rWould you like me to teach that\ntechnique?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4802);
call (lbl_1C4F37);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4802);
say ("Which POKéMON should I teach\nDOUBLE-EDGE?", 4);
setvar (0x8005, 0x4);
call (lbl_1C4F30);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4802);
setflag (0x2C0);
jump (lbl_1C480C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4802 @ Referenced by lbl_1C47AE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I'll teach you the technique\nanytime.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C480C @ Referenced by lbl_1C47AE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Keep that drive going for the\nPOKéMON LEAGUE!\rTake a run at them and knock 'em\nout!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C487E @ 1.82 person #8 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2C2) goto (lbl_1C48DC);
say ("When you're up on a rocky mountain\nlike this, rockslides are a threat.\rCan you imagine?\nBoulders tumbling down on you?\rThat'd be, like, waaaaaaaaaaah!\nTotal terror!\rYou don't seem to be scared.\nWant to try using ROCK SLIDE?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C48D2);
call (lbl_1C4F37);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C48D2);
say ("Which POKéMON should I teach\nROCK SLIDE?", 4);
setvar (0x8005, 0xD);
call (lbl_1C4F30);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C48D2);
setflag (0x2C2);
jump (lbl_1C48DC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C48D2 @ Referenced by lbl_1C487E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, so you are scared after all.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C48DC @ Referenced by lbl_1C487E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("It might be scary to use it in this\ntunnel…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C48E6 @ 1.97 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2C3) goto (lbl_1C4944);
say ("Can you imagine?\nIf this volcano were to erupt?\rThe explosion would be the end of\nus. How terrifying is that?\rWhile we're terrified, would you\nlike me to teach EXPLOSION?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C493A);
call (lbl_1C4F37);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C493A);
say ("You're terribly brave!\rWhich POKéMON should I teach\nEXPLOSION?", 4);
setvar (0x8005, 0xC);
call (lbl_1C4F30);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C493A);
setflag (0x2C3);
jump (lbl_1C4944);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C493A @ Referenced by lbl_1C48E6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Yeah, you're right.\nIt is too terrifying.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4944 @ Referenced by lbl_1C48E6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Using EXPLOSION while on this\nvolcano…\rWhat a terrifying thrill!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C494E @ 3.22 person #4 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2C4) goto (lbl_1C49AC);
say ("A punch of roaring ferocity!\rPacked with destructive power!\rWhen the chips are down,\nMEGA PUNCH is the ultimate attack!\fYou agree, yes?\rNow!\nLet me teach it to your POKéMON!", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C49A2);
call (lbl_1C4F37);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C49A2);
say ("Fine!\nWhich POKéMON will learn it?", 4);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
call (lbl_1C4F30);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C49A2);
setflag (0x2C4);
jump (lbl_1C49AC);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C49A2 @ Referenced by lbl_1C494E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You'll be back when you understand\nthe worth of MEGA PUNCH.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C49AC @ Referenced by lbl_1C494E @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Now, we are comrades in the way of\npunching!\rYou should go before you're seen\nby the misguided fool who trains\fonly his silly kicking over there.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C49B6 @ 3.22 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2C5) goto (lbl_1C4A14);
say ("A kick of brutal ferocity!\rPacked with destructive power!\rWhen you get right down to it,\nMEGA KICK is the ultimate attack!\fDon't you agree?\rOkay!\nI'll teach it to your POKéMON!", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4A0A);
call (lbl_1C4F37);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4A0A);
say ("All right!\nWhich POKéMON wants to learn it?", 4);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
call (lbl_1C4F30);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4A0A);
setflag (0x2C5);
jump (lbl_1C4A14);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4A0A @ Referenced by lbl_1C49B6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("You'll come crawling back when you\nrealize the value of MEGA KICK.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4A14 @ Referenced by lbl_1C49B6 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Now, we are soul mates in the way\nof kicking!\rYou should run before you're seen\nby the deluded nitwit who trains\fonly simple punching over there.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4AEE @ 3.7 person #14 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2C8) goto (lbl_1C4B4C);
say ("Aww, I wish I was a KANGASKHAN\nbaby.\rI'd love to be a substitute for the\nbaby…\rAnd snuggle in the mother\nKANGASKHAN's belly pouch.\rBut only POKéMON can use the\ntechnique SUBSTITUTE…\rWant me to teach SUBSTITUTE to\none of your POKéMON?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4B42);
call (lbl_1C4F37);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4B42);
say ("Which POKéMON wants to learn\nSUBSTITUTE?", 4);
setvar (0x8005, 0xE);
call (lbl_1C4F30);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4B42);
setflag (0x2C8);
jump (lbl_1C4B4C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4B42 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4AEE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Oh, really?\nSUBSTITUTE seems so fun…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4B4C @ Referenced by lbl_1C4AEE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Boy, what I'd give to crawl inside\na KANGASKHAN belly pouch…", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4B56 @ 3.17 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2C9) goto (lbl_1C4BB4);
say ("Not many people come out here.\rIf I train here, I'm convinced that\nI'll get stronger and stronger.\rYep, stronger and stronger…\rHow would you like to learn a move\nlike that? It's SWORDS DANCE.", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4BAA);
call (lbl_1C4F37);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4BAA);
say ("All right, pick which POKéMON\nI should teach it to.", 4);
setvar (0x8005, 0x1);
call (lbl_1C4F30);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4BAA);
setflag (0x2C9);
jump (lbl_1C4BB4);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4BAA @ Referenced by lbl_1C4B56 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Well, that's fine, too.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4BB4 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4B56 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("If only we could keep getting\nstronger and stronger, eh?", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4BBE @ 6.0 person #5 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2CA) goto (lbl_1C4C1C);
say ("The secrets of space…\nThe mysteries of earth…\rThere are so many things about\nwhich we know so little.\rBut that should spur us to study\nharder, not toss in the towel.\rThe only thing you should toss…\rWell, how about SEISMIC TOSS?\nShould I teach that to a POKéMON?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4C12);
call (lbl_1C4F37);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4C12);
say ("Which POKéMON wants to learn\nSEISMIC TOSS?", 4);
setvar (0x8005, 0x6);
call (lbl_1C4F30);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4C12);
setflag (0x2CA);
jump (lbl_1C4C1C);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4C12 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4BBE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Is that so?\nI'm sure you'll be back for it.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4C1C @ Referenced by lbl_1C4BBE @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I hope you won't toss in the towel.\nKeep it up.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4D84 @ 35.3 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2CE) goto (lbl_1C4DE2);
say ("Ready?\nBoing!\rWe're having a BODY SLAM match\nto see who wimps out first.\rIf you were to join us, you'd be\nsquashed like a bug, though…\rHow about I teach BODY SLAM to\na POKéMON of yours instead?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4DD8);
call (lbl_1C4F37);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4DD8);
say ("Which POKéMON wants to learn how\nto BODY SLAM?", 4);
setvar (0x8005, 0x3);
call (lbl_1C4F30);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4DD8);
setflag (0x2CE);
jump (lbl_1C4DE2);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4DD8 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4D84 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Come again!\nBoing!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4DE2 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4D84 @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Boioing!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4DEC @ 40.0 person #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x187);
if (0x800D == 0x2) goto (lbl_1A7AE0);
special (0x188);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
if (0x2E1) goto (lbl_1C4EA1);
if (0x2) goto (lbl_1C4E97);
getfirstpokemonname (0);
say ("I perfected the ultimate move of\nits type…\rBut will no one take it for\nfuture use?\r…Hm? Hmmm!\rY-you…\nTh-that {var:2}…", 4);
special2 (0x800D, 0x1A3);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4F26);
copyvar (0x8009, 0x8005);
if (0x800C == 0x2) call (lbl_1C4EF0);
if (0x800C == 0x1) call (lbl_1C4EFB);
if (0x800C == 0x4) call (lbl_1C4F06);
if (0x800C == 0x3) call (lbl_1C4F11);
say ("Oh! This is the one!\nThis is the POKéMON!\rThis {var:2} is worthy of\nlearning my ultimate move!\rWill you allow it?\rWill you allow your {var:2} to\nlearn my {var:3}?", 5);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4F1C);
call (lbl_1C4F37);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4F1C);
say ("You will allow it?\rThen, let me confer my ultimate\n{var:3} on your {var:2}.\rGgggrah-awooo!", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
fade (1);
jump (lbl_1C4EDA);
fade (0);
jump (lbl_1C4EAB);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4EAB @ Referenced by lbl_1C4DEC @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8005, 0x8009);
special2 (0x800D, 0x1A4);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C4ECD);
say ("Gasp, gasp, gasp…\rI didn't think I could teach that\nmove while I still lived…", 4);
setflag (0x2);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4ECD @ Referenced by lbl_1C4EAB @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Gasp, gasp, gasp…\rI have no regrets now.\nI've passed on everything I know.\rNow I can live out my life knowing\nmy work is done.", 4);
setflag (0x2E1);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4EDA @ Referenced by lbl_1C4DEC @ ----------------------------------------------
call (lbl_1C4F30);
if (0x800D == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4F1C);
jump (lbl_1C4EAB);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4F1C @ Referenced by lbl_1C4DEC @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("Gaah! You reject it?\nNo, I won't be dissuaded!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4F11 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4DEC @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1C4F52);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4F52 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4F11 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x55, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4F06 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4DEC @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1C4F50);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4F50 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4F06 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x54, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4EFB @ Referenced by lbl_1C4DEC @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1C4F4E);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4F4E @ Referenced by lbl_1C4EFB @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x53, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4EF0 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4DEC @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x1, move_1C4F4C);
waitformove (0x0);
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4F4C @ Referenced by lbl_1C4EF0 @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (0x52, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4F26 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4DEC @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("…No…\nI was just mistaken.", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4E97 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4DEC @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("I implore you to make the best\nuse of that move and gain power!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4EA1 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4DEC @ ----------------------------------------------
say ("After I passed on my knowledge to\nyou, I felt so much relief.\rIn fact, I feel rejuvenated,\nas if I were younger again!", 4);
release ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4F54 @ 2.2 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4002, 0x0);
setvar (0x8004, 0xA);
special (0x194);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4F62 @ 2.6 map script @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x0);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C4FA7);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C4FC5);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5019);
setflag (0x2);
setflag (0x3);
setflag (0x4);
setflag (0x5);
setvar (0x400E, 0x1);
setvar (0x400F, 0x1);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C5019 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4F62 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x5);
setvar (0x400F, 0x1);
movesprite2 (0x2, 0xA, 0xA);
spritebehave (0x2, 8);
movesprite2 (0x3, 0xE, 0xD);
spritebehave (0x3, 9);
movesprite2 (0x4, 0xA, 0x10);
spritebehave (0x4, 7);
setflag (0x6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4FC5 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4F62 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x3);
setflag (0x4);
setvar (0x400E, 0x1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x5);
special (0x194);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C4FFE);
movesprite2 (0x2, 0xA, 0xC);
spritebehave (0x2, 9);
movesprite2 (0x5, 0xA, 0xD);
spritebehave (0x5, 9);
jump (lbl_1C5042);
movesprite2 (0x2, 0xA, 0xC);
spritebehave (0x2, 8);
movesprite2 (0x5, 0xB, 0xC);
spritebehave (0x5, 8);
jump (lbl_1C5042);
setflag (0x5);
setvar (0x400F, 0x1);
movesprite2 (0x2, 0xA, 0xA);
spritebehave (0x2, 8);
movesprite2 (0x3, 0xE, 0xD);
spritebehave (0x3, 9);
movesprite2 (0x4, 0xA, 0x10);
spritebehave (0x4, 7);
setflag (0x6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C5042 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4FC5 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4FFE @ Referenced by lbl_1C4FC5 @ ----------------------------------------------
movesprite2 (0x2, 0xA, 0xC);
spritebehave (0x2, 8);
movesprite2 (0x5, 0xB, 0xC);
spritebehave (0x5, 8);
jump (lbl_1C5042);
setflag (0x5);
setvar (0x400F, 0x1);
movesprite2 (0x2, 0xA, 0xA);
spritebehave (0x2, 8);
movesprite2 (0x3, 0xE, 0xD);
spritebehave (0x3, 9);
movesprite2 (0x4, 0xA, 0x10);
spritebehave (0x4, 7);
setflag (0x6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C4FA7 @ Referenced by lbl_1C4F62 @ ----------------------------------------------
setflag (0x2);
setflag (0x4);
setflag (0x5);
setvar (0x400F, 0x1);
movesprite2 (0x3, 0xF, 0xD);
spritebehave (0x3, 9);
jump (lbl_1C5042);
setflag (0x3);
setflag (0x4);
setvar (0x400E, 0x1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x5);
special (0x194);
if (0x800D == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C4FFE);
movesprite2 (0x2, 0xA, 0xC);
spritebehave (0x2, 9);
movesprite2 (0x5, 0xA, 0xD);
spritebehave (0x5, 9);
jump (lbl_1C5042);
movesprite2 (0x2, 0xA, 0xC);
spritebehave (0x2, 8);
movesprite2 (0x5, 0xB, 0xC);
spritebehave (0x5, 8);
jump (lbl_1C5042);
setflag (0x5);
setvar (0x400F, 0x1);
movesprite2 (0x2, 0xA, 0xA);
spritebehave (0x2, 8);
movesprite2 (0x3, 0xE, 0xD);
spritebehave (0x3, 9);
movesprite2 (0x4, 0xA, 0x10);
spritebehave (0x4, 7);
setflag (0x6);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C54AF @ 2.1 trap #0 @ ----------------------------------------------
jump (lbl_1C508F);
setvar (0x4003, 0x0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x10);
special (0x194);
if (0x800D != 0x0) goto (lbl_1C5528);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75DD);
jump (lbl_1C551B);
setvar (0x4003, 0x1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x10);
special (0x194);
if (0x800D != 0x0) goto (lbl_1C5528);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x5, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x5, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
setvar (0x400F, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C508F);
lockall ();
playsound (0x42);
say ("This is a two-on-two battle.\rYou may not battle unless you have\nat least two POKéMON.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1C5544);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C5544 @ Referenced by lbl_1C54AF @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C551B @ Referenced by lbl_1C54AF @ ----------------------------------------------
waitformove (0x0);
setvar (0x400F, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C508F);
lockall ();
playsound (0x42);
say ("This is a two-on-two battle.\rYou may not battle unless you have\nat least two POKéMON.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1C5544);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C5528 @ Referenced by lbl_1C54AF @ ----------------------------------------------
lockall ();
playsound (0x42);
say ("This is a two-on-two battle.\rYou may not battle unless you have\nat least two POKéMON.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1C5544);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C508F @ Referenced by lbl_1C54AF @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C50C2);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C510D);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C515C);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
setvar (0x400E, 0x1);
applymove (0x3, move_1C5541);
waitformove (0x0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
special (0x194);
say (0x2021D18, 4);
closeonkeypress ();
jump (lbl_1C5219);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
copyvar (0x8006, 0x4003);
special (0x194);
say (0x2021D18, 4);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
addvar (0x4003, 0x1);
if (0x4003 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C5146);
setvar (0x4003, 0x0);
copyvar (0x8006, 0x4003);
special (0x194);
say (0x2021D18, 4);
closeonkeypress ();
jump (lbl_1C5219);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C5182);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C51AD);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C51D8);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x4, move_1C5546);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_1C51FE);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1C5549);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_1C51FE);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x3, move_1C5542);
waitformove (0x0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
copyvar (0x8006, 0x4001);
special (0x194);
say (0x2021D18, 4);
closeonkeypress ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
waitstate ();
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C524D);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C52E0);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1C52E0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52D7);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52BA);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5280);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52A6);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52B0);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C52D0);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
applymove (0x5, move_1C554C);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1C5550);
jump (lbl_1C52D7);
applymove (0x3, move_1C554D);
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
special (0x194);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C554D @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Face.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C5550 @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Face.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C554C @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.West, Walk.North, Face.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C52D0 @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x3, move_1C554D);
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
special (0x194);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C52B0 @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
applymove (0x5, move_1C554C);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1C5550);
jump (lbl_1C52D7);
applymove (0x3, move_1C554D);
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
special (0x194);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C52A6 @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
applymove (0x5, move_1C554C);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1C5550);
jump (lbl_1C52D7);
applymove (0x3, move_1C554D);
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
special (0x194);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C5280 @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52A6);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52B0);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C52D0);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
applymove (0x5, move_1C554C);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1C5550);
jump (lbl_1C52D7);
applymove (0x3, move_1C554D);
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
special (0x194);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C52BA @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
applymove (0x5, move_1C554C);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1C5550);
jump (lbl_1C52D7);
applymove (0x3, move_1C554D);
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
special (0x194);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C52D7 @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
special (0x194);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C52E0 @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
special (0x0);
setvar (0x8004, 0xB);
special (0x194);
warp (2, 10, 255, 0x9, 0x7);
waitstate ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C5327);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C5327);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5331);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C536E);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C536E);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5378);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x2);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
jump (lbl_1C5391);
setvar (0x8006, 0x1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x5);
special (0x194);
lock ();
faceplayer ();
say (0x2021D18, 4);
release ();
return ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C524D @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52D7);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52BA);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5280);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52A6);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52B0);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C52D0);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
applymove (0x5, move_1C554C);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1C5550);
jump (lbl_1C52D7);
applymove (0x3, move_1C554D);
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
special (0x194);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C5542 @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C5549 @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.South, Walk.South, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C51FE @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
copyvar (0x8006, 0x4001);
special (0x194);
say (0x2021D18, 4);
closeonkeypress ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
waitstate ();
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C524D);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C52E0);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1C52E0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52D7);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52BA);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5280);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52A6);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52B0);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C52D0);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
applymove (0x5, move_1C554C);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1C5550);
jump (lbl_1C52D7);
applymove (0x3, move_1C554D);
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
special (0x194);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C5546 @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.North, Walk.North, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C51D8 @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x3, move_1C5542);
waitformove (0x0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
copyvar (0x8006, 0x4001);
special (0x194);
say (0x2021D18, 4);
closeonkeypress ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
waitstate ();
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C524D);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C52E0);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1C52E0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52D7);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52BA);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5280);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52A6);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52B0);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C52D0);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
applymove (0x5, move_1C554C);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1C5550);
jump (lbl_1C52D7);
applymove (0x3, move_1C554D);
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
special (0x194);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C51AD @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1C5549);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_1C51FE);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x3, move_1C5542);
waitformove (0x0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
copyvar (0x8006, 0x4001);
special (0x194);
say (0x2021D18, 4);
closeonkeypress ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
waitstate ();
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C524D);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C52E0);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1C52E0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52D7);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52BA);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5280);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52A6);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52B0);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C52D0);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
applymove (0x5, move_1C554C);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1C5550);
jump (lbl_1C52D7);
applymove (0x3, move_1C554D);
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
special (0x194);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C5182 @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x4, move_1C5546);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_1C51FE);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1C5549);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_1C51FE);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x3, move_1C5542);
waitformove (0x0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
copyvar (0x8006, 0x4001);
special (0x194);
say (0x2021D18, 4);
closeonkeypress ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
waitstate ();
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C524D);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C52E0);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1C52E0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52D7);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52BA);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5280);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52A6);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52B0);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C52D0);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
applymove (0x5, move_1C554C);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1C5550);
jump (lbl_1C52D7);
applymove (0x3, move_1C554D);
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
special (0x194);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C5146 @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8006, 0x4003);
special (0x194);
say (0x2021D18, 4);
closeonkeypress ();
jump (lbl_1C5219);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C5182);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C51AD);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C51D8);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x4, move_1C5546);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_1C51FE);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1C5549);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_1C51FE);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x3, move_1C5542);
waitformove (0x0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
copyvar (0x8006, 0x4001);
special (0x194);
say (0x2021D18, 4);
closeonkeypress ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
waitstate ();
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C524D);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C52E0);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1C52E0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52D7);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52BA);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5280);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52A6);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52B0);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C52D0);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
applymove (0x5, move_1C554C);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1C5550);
jump (lbl_1C52D7);
applymove (0x3, move_1C554D);
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
special (0x194);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C5219 @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
waitstate ();
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C524D);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C52E0);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1C52E0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52D7);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52BA);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5280);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52A6);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52B0);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C52D0);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
applymove (0x5, move_1C554C);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1C5550);
jump (lbl_1C52D7);
applymove (0x3, move_1C554D);
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
special (0x194);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C5541 @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
rawb (Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Walk.East, Move.End);
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C515C @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C5182);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C51AD);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C51D8);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x4, move_1C5546);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_1C51FE);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1C5549);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_1C51FE);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x3, move_1C5542);
waitformove (0x0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
copyvar (0x8006, 0x4001);
special (0x194);
say (0x2021D18, 4);
closeonkeypress ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
waitstate ();
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C524D);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C52E0);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1C52E0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52D7);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52BA);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5280);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52A6);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52B0);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C52D0);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
applymove (0x5, move_1C554C);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1C5550);
jump (lbl_1C52D7);
applymove (0x3, move_1C554D);
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
special (0x194);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C510D @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
copyvar (0x8006, 0x4003);
special (0x194);
say (0x2021D18, 4);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
addvar (0x4003, 0x1);
if (0x4003 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C5146);
setvar (0x4003, 0x0);
copyvar (0x8006, 0x4003);
special (0x194);
say (0x2021D18, 4);
closeonkeypress ();
jump (lbl_1C5219);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C5182);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C51AD);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C51D8);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x4, move_1C5546);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_1C51FE);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1C5549);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_1C51FE);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x3, move_1C5542);
waitformove (0x0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
copyvar (0x8006, 0x4001);
special (0x194);
say (0x2021D18, 4);
closeonkeypress ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
waitstate ();
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C524D);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C52E0);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1C52E0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52D7);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52BA);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5280);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52A6);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52B0);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C52D0);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
applymove (0x5, move_1C554C);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1C5550);
jump (lbl_1C52D7);
applymove (0x3, move_1C554D);
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
special (0x194);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C50C2 @ Referenced by lbl_1C508F @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
setvar (0x400E, 0x1);
applymove (0x3, move_1C5541);
waitformove (0x0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
setvar (0x8006, 0x0);
special (0x194);
say (0x2021D18, 4);
closeonkeypress ();
jump (lbl_1C5219);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
copyvar (0x8006, 0x4003);
special (0x194);
say (0x2021D18, 4);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
addvar (0x4003, 0x1);
if (0x4003 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C5146);
setvar (0x4003, 0x0);
copyvar (0x8006, 0x4003);
special (0x194);
say (0x2021D18, 4);
closeonkeypress ();
jump (lbl_1C5219);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C5182);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C51AD);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C51D8);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x4, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x4, move_1C5546);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_1C51FE);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1C5549);
waitformove (0x0);
jump (lbl_1C51FE);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x3, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x3, move_1C5542);
waitformove (0x0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x1);
setvar (0x8005, 0x2);
copyvar (0x8006, 0x4001);
special (0x194);
say (0x2021D18, 4);
closeonkeypress ();
setvar (0x8004, 0x2);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
waitstate ();
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C524D);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C52E0);
if (0x8000 == 0x3) goto (lbl_1C52E0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x3);
setvar (0x8005, 0x0);
special (0x194);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x800D);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52D7);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52BA);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C5280);
copyvar (0x8000, 0x4001);
if (0x8000 == 0x0) goto (lbl_1C52A6);
if (0x8000 == 0x1) goto (lbl_1C52B0);
if (0x8000 == 0x2) goto (lbl_1C52D0);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
addvar (0x4001, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C515C);
applymove (0x5, move_1C554C);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1C5550);
jump (lbl_1C52D7);
applymove (0x3, move_1C554D);
setvar (0x8004, 0x4);
special (0x194);
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C54B4 @ 2.1 trap #1 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4003, 0x0);
setvar (0x8004, 0x10);
special (0x194);
if (0x800D != 0x0) goto (lbl_1C5528);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x2, move_1A75DD);
jump (lbl_1C551B);
setvar (0x4003, 0x1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x10);
special (0x194);
if (0x800D != 0x0) goto (lbl_1C5528);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x5, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x5, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
setvar (0x400F, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C508F);
lockall ();
playsound (0x42);
say ("This is a two-on-two battle.\rYou may not battle unless you have\nat least two POKéMON.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1C5544);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();
@ ---------------------------------------------- @ 0x81C54EA @ 2.1 trap #2 @ ----------------------------------------------
setvar (0x4003, 0x1);
setvar (0x8004, 0x10);
special (0x194);
if (0x800D != 0x0) goto (lbl_1C5528);
setvar (0x8004, 0x13);
special (0x194);
applymove (0x5, move_1A75DB);
waitformove (0x0);
applymove (0x5, move_1A75DD);
waitformove (0x0);
setvar (0x400F, 0x1);
jump (lbl_1C508F);
lockall ();
playsound (0x42);
say ("This is a two-on-two battle.\rYou may not battle unless you have\nat least two POKéMON.", 4);
closeonkeypress ();
applymove (0xFF, move_1C5544);
waitformove (0x0);
releaseall ();
end ();