Pikachu14 | In Larry 3, you could enter your own custom cussword and whenever appropiate, Larry would say it. But how is it done? EditPrint, obviously, but... |
AGI1122 |
You save the "word" as a variable and use FormatPrint to print it. For instance I beleive it was something like this: FormatPrint("Don't you dare say %s to me again!" aString) It will then replace %s with the word that is in aString. Hope this helps. |
Pikachu14 | Well, that's showing the cussword. But how does EditPrint fit in? |
AGI1122 | EditPrint is for entering a value into a edit field(just like the input for typeing.) When it is called it opens a dialog window with the text you chose, the input box, and any text you want to be within the input box. |
Brian_Provinciano |
You simply use a combination of EditPrint() and FormatPrint(). You can use string variables:
or local variables:
or temp variables:
Each operate slightly differently, but all work. |
Pikachu14 |
YAY! It works! Thank you! Enter new cuss word: Camelpoo c -What are you going to do?- uss "Camelpoo!" you shout, and feel much better... |