Scandinavian characters in SCI/SCI Studio..?

marikka As default I can't use scandinavian characters (
Brian_Provinciano All you need to do is draw fonts with the characters you need, and you're set! If you put all the characters in the right place, you've be able to use them when typing scripts in SCI Studio.
marikka Exuse my dumbness but what do the numbers 1-125 represent? ASCII characters? Because sadly enough those characters are part of the extended ASCII character set... :(

BTW. The Font tester raises a Access violation if I try to type a "
Brian_Provinciano The characters are ASCII, yes. Unfortunately, SCI only supports 128 characters.
marikka :'( :'( Ohww.. the pain...

Seriously speaking, Would it be in any way possible to implement also the extended chars?

If not, where are the bottlenecks? The SCI interpreter? The SCI Studio?

And thanks for your replies Brian. I do appreciate the whole project a lot.
Lars Skovlund
Brian Provinciano wrote:

Unfortunately, SCI only supports 128 characters.

That's true in the case of SCI0, yes. SCI01 and later are fully 8-bit clean.

Brian_Provinciano I don't plan on supporting SCI01 in SCI Studio, but I will support SCI1 in the near future.
marikka yippee!

thanks Brian. I'll wait for the SCI1 impatiently....
marikka As for SCI0 I guess I could take some characters that I don't need and draw
Brian_Provinciano You could always do an English verison in SCI0, then the Scandinavian version in SCI1 :)
Omer Mor Did sierra produce an SCI0 game in your language?
If they did, you could try to find one, look in it's resources, and see how they implemented those extra characters.
I know that an Hebrew game was never out, but that's OK - we're used to play in english here in Israel... :)
Omer Mor.

If I already brought up the fact that I'm from Israel - did you know that in Conquest of Camelot, there are some hebrew graffiti on the walls of Gazza that warns you from thiefs and bad food, all in (bad) hebrew?
Omer Mor wrote:

Did sierra produce an SCI0 game in your language?

A Sierra game in Finnish? That would be fun. :)
Hmm.. Come to think of it, maybe it would be possible to remake a Sierra game in Finnish, if they used the text resources, but I can't possibly see a reason why ..
Omer Mor Maybe they did produce a translated versions of on of their SCI0 games in finnish.
I know there are german versions of some games, so why not finnish?
But you should know better than me.
Omer Mor wrote:

I know there are german versions of some games, so why not finnish?

Germany's population: 84 million
Finland's population: 5 million

That's why not. :)
Omer Mor Only 5 million? really?
So how can you explain all those really great bands from finland?
I listen to lots of bands from finland (nightwish, stratovarius, adagio, amorphis, and many more) so I thought there must be many millions of people there to justify the huge amount of taleneted musicians!

I'm sorry I went so off-topic guys, but I'm shocked with this news about finland ;)
Israel BTW has more than 6 millions, but it seems to me like such a small country :-)

About the REAL topic - I don't know too much about the variations in non-english alphabets, but maybe one of the non-english speaking versions sierra made does have other special chars, and you could learn from the way they implemented it how to make yourself a nice finnish alphabet in SCI.

Omer Mor.
Omer Mor wrote:

About the REAL topic - I don't know too much about the variations in non-english alphabets, but maybe one of the non-english speaking versions sierra made does have other special chars, and you could learn from the way they implemented it how to make yourself a nice finnish alphabet in SCI.

Unless one is willing to sacrifice a few characters from low-ASCII, it can't be done.
Sierra themselves never sold a translated game made in SCI0. The first one that I know of
(and have had a chance to look at) is a German Space Quest 3. The original is SCI0, the translation
is SCI01. Since Brian isn't going to, I'd volunteer to code the support myself
(we don't really have to support the whole thing), but I don't have a suitable build environment.
I have written a detailed description of how multilanguage support is done in SCI01 which I intended
for the FreeSCI docs, but Christoph hasn't had the time to upload it yet.
Omer Mor wrote:

About the REAL topic - I don't know too much about the variations in non-english alphabets, but maybe one of the non-english speaking versions sierra made does have other special chars, and you could learn from the way they implemented it how to make yourself a nice finnish alphabet in SCI.

Unless one is willing to sacrifice a few characters from low-ASCII, it can't be done.
Sierra themselves never sold a translated game made in SCI0. The first one that I know of
(and have had a chance to look at) is a German Space Quest 3. The original is SCI0, the translation
is SCI01. Since Brian isn't going to, I'd volunteer to code the support myself
(we don't really have to support the whole thing), but I don't have a suitable build environment.
I have written a detailed description of how multilanguage support is done in SCI01 which I intended
for the FreeSCI docs, but Christoph hasn't had the time to upload it yet.
Omer Mor Guys, I've got the German version of SQ3 (Thanks Lars!) and I must tell you it's great!
It's actually multilingual: You can choose to play it in German or English!
You can independently control the language of the text, the input, and you can even see the text in both languages! And you control this from whithin the game itself (not from the install program), so it changes the languages in runtime.
I don't think putting links to full games is permited in this messageboard, but since this game is both abandoned, and highly educational for the SCI community, I think I'll put the link anyway:

Omer Mor