Brian_Provinciano |
[center]![]() I've released another SCI sample game. This one really has the goods. You can pick up a key, open a door, close it, go to another room, turn on/off a lamp to change the picture colours (dark/light), etc. This is a must see! I'm working on the docs steadily. When they are done, you'll be making games. Until then, this is a taste of what you can make! |
Robin_Gravel |
Great work Brian. I see no one picture to show a room when it's darker. I guess it used an sci command. I could make a game with day /night scenes without adding night scenes. Robin Gravel |
Brian_Provinciano | In the picture editor, you'll notice that there are four palettes when you select your colour. You can change the colours of each of them and then you can have day/night scenes. All you have to do is specify which palette to use with DrawPic(). |
AGI1122 |
Wow nice work, your site was down earlier and I just now got to try it out. :) Nice online help too. :) |
Brian_Provinciano |
Thanks :) :D ;D I've just finished documenting the 63rd class. I just need to finish documenting some of the public procedures, then the kernels, then the tutorial! This is EXCITING! |
Robin_Gravel |
Take your time Brian. I can wait 1 more month to see your newest sci studio with better tutorial. Robin Gravel |
Aleksander |
Whens the help file going to be completed. I went to your page and read that youde done about 96% of it. I myself would like to make help files for programs I make. So far I have yoused Word and Notepad so I was wondering if you could tell me what application you use for the jobb. |
Brian_Provinciano |
It will be done soon. I'm finishing the tutorial right now. The help files are just HTML files. You can make them with any text editor or HTML editor. I compile them to CHM with Microsoft's HTML Help Workshop, available free at |
Aleks | I was wondering if it was posible to do like in AGS and add voices to the games. |
Robin_Gravel |
It should. Because in King's Quest 1 remake, I heard some noises like closing doors. I had a 486. But newest sci games do not work correctly on fast computers with sound activated. Robin Gravel |
Brian_Provinciano | King's Quest SCI was an SCI01 game. SCI Studio, working with SCI0 games, does not currently support voices. However, future versions will. |