Undefined Symbol "var"

HMS Im sitting whidt this code from the tutorial:

(var button)
= button Print(
"Do you want to click Yes or No?"
#title "Click What?"
#icon 0 0 0
#button " Yes " 1
#button " No " 0
(if(== button 1)
Print("You clicked YES")
Print("You clicked NO")

BUT it aint work!
It comes whitd followring errors:

Undefined Symbol "var"


doan sephim where did you put (var button)?
HMS (if(Said('look'))
Print("You are in your beed room")
doan sephim yeah...thats the problem - define the variable like this:
(method (handleEvent pEvent)
(var button)
then put the (if(Said('blah'))
= button Print("Blah")

HMS !!!

There is a new problem!!

Its come again and again how do i stop it?
doan sephim i put this into a game and it didnt keep popping up: what code did you use and does it image what ive got here?
(method (handleEvent pEvent)
(var dyingScript, button)
= button Print(
"Do you want to click Yes or No?"
#title "Click What?"
#button " Yes " 1
#button " No " 0
(if(== button 1)
Print("You clicked YES")
Print("You clicked NO")
HMS hmm i fixed the problem by going to another room.