Anyone used CVS??

compgeek1221 I'm in the beginning stages of creating an SCI game and I decided to use CVS so the team members can easily update their working copy to the latest version - plus we have the version tracking. So far, pics and views aren't a problem. I can just save them out as Pic.001 or View.001 in the game directory with resource.000 and sciv.exe and they get picked up.

My question has to deal with scripts. I'd like to be able to have SCIStudio output files in the game directory rather than putting them in the resource. I'd like to be able to return a room to a previous state from CVS without recompiling, etc. I know I can always extract a script from the resource, but then I'd have to re-extract it every time I compiled.

Any ideas? TIA
AGI1122 All the scripts are already stored outside the games resources automatically in the "src" directory. ;)
compgeek1221 Chris,

I noticed that but I was hoping for a compiled version outside the resource without manually having to extract it. I've done about 4 or 5 CVS commits today and each time resource.000 got updated because I was working on various scripts. To me, it's not elegant since I can't roll back just one room to a given state in the CVS tree without mixing and matching room scripts and recompiling. Hope that makes sense.

One thought I just had is using a command-line compiler and using a 3rd-party text editor. The compiler would create the files in the game directory rather than embedding them in resource.000. Is the integrated compiler for SCS available as a standalone binary?

Maybe I'm just weird, but it'd be cool if I could figure out how to do this... ;D
AGI1122 I am not sure if SCI can pick those up or not, but if so, you would probably have to build your own tool wich saves the compiled scripts to the directory. Since SCI Studio is open source, you should be able to use it's source to figure out how to compile scripts, and then use that to write your tool. I don't think a tool like this already exists, but then again I could be wrong.
Chris Cromer wrote:

I am not sure if SCI can pick those up or not, but if so, you would probably have to build your own tool wich saves the compiled scripts to the directory. Since SCI Studio is open source, you should be able to use it's source to figure out how to compile scripts, and then use that to write your tool. I don't think a tool like this already exists, but then again I could be wrong.


I tried extracting Script.001 into the same folder as sciv and it picked it up. I also got the source to SCS and Brian put the script compiler stuff in a seperate folder. It looks like the integrated compiler is the same branch as code as the last seperate compiler (bottom of the download page). But there's no main.c file to allow the new compiler to stand on its own. I could probably hack something together, but I wanted to see if there was one already done. If I could get main.c from the older compiler, it might work with the new one with little or no modifications - Brian, if you're reading, what do you think?

Hope this makes sense and thanks for the info. I'm hoping that within a month, my team and I can get a basic game going with a few rooms.