kq4 on nagi

sony why am i seeing screenshots of kq4 working? it's not agi. and i tried it, it doesn't work.

why am i seeing screenshots of kq4 working? it's not agi. and i tried it, it doesn't work.

kq4 comes in two flavours, SCI version with pretty graphics and hi res (real 320x200), and AGI v3 with low res and good (for agi) graphics. but not good compared to SCI graphics

sony can i convert my sci version to agi?
Jessie Bains

can i convert my sci version to agi?


can i convert my sci version to agi?

I agree.  No.

can i convert my sci version to agi?

ye.. uh.. no
Jonozon Ah! An impromptu survey! ;D

Yes! my friend, you can do it! it will require that you redraw every screen and view and recode all the logics by hand, but it can be done! If you want to do it I'm not stopping you.
