FormatPrint Kernel

Robin_Gravel Hi folks

(procedure public (FormatPrint textorstring textid view loop cel params)
(var temps[500])
(if(<u textorstring 1000)
Format(@temps textorstring textid rest params)
Format(@temps rest textorstring)
Print(@temps #icon view loop cel)

In room game:
FormatPrint("Grostesteing. Tu es condamne a %d ans de prison. La soif de la conquete de Grostesteing se termine ici." prison1 73 2 0)

My code works.

I which to add #title in FormatPrint kernel but I don't know how.

I used FormatPrint because I used a variable.

Thanks in advance

Robin Gravel
Robert Eric
Format(strText "Grostesteing. Tu es cond*mne a %d ans de prison. La soif de la conquete de Grostesteing se termine ici." prison1 73 2 0)
Print(strText #title)

Something like that, I think. Use format to create the string that will hold the string with variables, then use Print to display the string using the #title parameter. Try that.
cloudee1 Doesn't 31 years seem a little long, I'll miss ya :'(
Robin_Gravel I made a new game to check Robert's code.

It works but I got Oops message and the game quits. I guess something's missing.

To Cloudee1: 31 is the variable's value. The variable may change
depending Grostesteing has done for bad. It may vary from 1 to 68.

Robin Gravel
Robert Eric
Format(strText "Grostesteing. Tu es cond*mne a %d ans de prison. La soif de la conquete de Grostesteing se termine ici." prison1 73 2 0)
Print(strText #title)

You have one %d and four variables after it. That might be the problem. Did you add your own title after #title? It should read like '#title "sometext"', sometext being your title.
Robin_Gravel Thanks Robert

I changed the code in
(procedure public (FormatPrint textorstring textid params)
(var temps[500])
(if(<u textorstring 1000)
Format(@temps textorstring textid rest params)
Format(@temps rest textorstring)

And I used this code in room1:
Format(strText"Grostesteing. Tu es condamne a %d ans de prison. La soif de la conquete de Grostesteing se termine ici." prison1)
Print(strText #title"Sergeant Flint" #icon 73 2 0)

It works in a new game but I still get Oops message in the game I'm working "Grostesteing: plus m
Robin_Gravel Thanks again Robert

Everything's working in my game. I'm going to release this newest
version to my site tomorrow.

Robin Gravel
Eero R Sounds like an interesting game... Too bad it's only in French.
cloudee1 Hey robin why did you add new french verbs to the vocab list instead of just adding them to their english counterpart, ie. observer add to look. le add to the. parler add to talk :-\

At least then us self-centered english speakers only who think that everything should be done in english because that's what we speak, might have at least a chance to muddle through the game, If you were to continuosly use the same vocab resource in other projects then it might prove to be beneficial in the long run to have one list with both words set as similes, once it's done, it's done kind of thing. ;)

I can't comment to much on the game however as I couldn't get the door open. :'(
Robin_Gravel Hi cloudee1

Why did you add new french verbs to the vocab list instead of just adding them to their english counterpart

This game is for French audience only because I got more e-mails rom them than from English people.

Don't worry for this detail. I shall translate Grostesteing: plus m
Robin_Gravel I, Robin Gravel, close this thopic.

If you which to talk more about "Grostesteing: plus m