AGI Tutorials

Majin Trugeta Does anyone know where I can find some up to date, and preferebly lengthy, tutorials on how to go about learning to program AGI?
Majin Trugeta Also, whats the best program to use to make an AGI game? I'm currently fooling around with AGI Studio, and was wondering if there was something better out there. I'd also appreciate a list on everything I need to get me started, the tutorials as mentioned earlier, included. TIA
Majin Trugeta I've been fooling around with AGI Studio, and I was wondering how you add additional loops & cels to a view file.. I can't seem to figure out how..
Jonozon Try my incomplete tutorial at and click on tutorial. I cover view creation in some detail.

Majin Trugeta It says the page doesn't exist..
briancorr trust me;agi studio is the best
sonneveld um.. hate to toot my own horn thingy but I made a list a while ago and posted it on this board.

hope that link works.  the thread is shown on page two

- Nick
Majin_Trugeta Yep saw that link after I posted mine, it was quite helpful, thanks :)

It says the page doesn't exist..

Whoops. Sorry about that. I never saw that before. It's fixed now.
