Re-compiling SCI scripts

Khaveen Ok, we all know about the new SCI disassembler, that it can decompile all SCI scripts.
But I have a question. For example, I'm translating a SCI game. I decompile a script and translate all strings. Can I compile it again? SCI Studio's and the original SCI's compilers are different aren't they?
And one more question. Maybe Bran will include the 'strings editing' feature to SS 4? I mean, don't decompile a script, but allow user to edit its strings. Is it possible?
Brian_Provinciano If you'll look through the recent topics, you'll see loads and loads of info on my decompiler. It would allow editing of games when done (it's close to being done).

The code written (ie. (send gEgo:something) ) would actually compile to:

pushi 123
lag $0
send 4

That's why you see code like that in the disassembler. Sierra wrote code similar to the (send gEgo: something) as well, and it is compiled to the same assembly language. The decompiler reconstructs it into a high-level language state, which would allow the editing and recompilation of code.

As for the disassembler, SCI supports inline assembly, so you could put the code in your scripts like this:

pushi #something
lag gEgo
send 4

I did write a disassembler that disassembled script with all the code in (asm) blocks so it could be recompiled and edited, but I never released it because it wasn't for the regular user. I used it to help create the VGA template.

SCI Studio 4 should allow the editing of Sierra games, though as mentioned in the previous messages, it will be an as-is feature for the skillfuls. I don't want to write docs on editing scripts for newbies because I don't want lamers destroying Sierra games :). I'll leave the editing to those who have the natural skill and thus, should use them responsibly.
Khaveen unlogged Thanks for the info :D !
Kyoufu "Because I don't want lamers destroying Sierra games"...

You and me both, dude.
I don't want lamers destroying Sierra games

Well then, I'd better do some brushing up on my skills (I haven't done so in months!). But I have a darn lot of work to do, so I may have to leave it till after January.

Till next time stay cool 8)
Paladinlover wrote:

I don't want lamers destroying Sierra games

Well then, I'd better do some brushing up on my skills (I haven't done so in months!). But I have a darn lot of work to do, so I may have to leave it till after January.

Till next time stay cool 8)

Don't worry, you're approved :) If _you_ have any trouble with editing the games, I'll help you. Don't worry!