Global actors

Pikachu14 K, imagine this. I have my Ego character, we'll call him "Graham" for now, and another actor that's supposed to follow Graham from screen to screen. We'll call this guy "Billy the Goat".

Or, imagine this instead. I have my Ego character, we'll call him "Roger" now, and another actor that's supposed to pop up in the room if Roger loiters too much. We'll call him "Joe the Zombie".

I want Billy and/or Joe to appear in multiple rooms while scripting them only once. I know this is supposed to be done with Regions and stuff, but I'll need some details.
Pikachu14 Hello? Anybody? Mr. Provinciano? Mr. Cromer? Hello-o?
Robin_Gravel Let me see...

You wish to someone follows the ego from room to room.
Is that right?

Robin Gravel
AGI1122 Have some patience, I didn't see this post till just now.

We do have lives you know. :P

Anyway... my SCI programming skills are a bit rusty because I havn't worked with it in a long while. So I wouldn't be able to help you much until I get back into SCI. Which I do plan to do because I have a game idea.
Robin_Gravel wrote:

Let me see...

You wish to someone follows the ego from room to room.
Is that right?

Robin Gravel
Yeah! That's it!
Lars Skovlund Tofu,

I think Robin is implicitly suggesting you look at his game "I want my C64 back," for which I helped him with the region things. Take a look at his web page.

Don't hesitate to ask if you have any specific questions.


Pikachu14 IIRC in the C64 game it was just a regional timer, not an actor.
Robin_Gravel I got the message: don't asking questions, try yourself.

I asked a question about palette problem and no one has replied:;action=display;threadid=3842

All right Tofu Towa. I'm looking for it with no charge (because you're asking money for drawing).

Robin Gravel
Robin_Gravel Try this:

Room 1:

SCI Template Game
By Brian Provinciano
Contains the first room of your game.
(include "")
(include "")
(script 1)
(use "main")
(use "controls")
(use "cycle")
(use "game")
(use "feature")
(use "obj")
(use "inv")
(use "door")
(use "jump")
(use "follow")
(instance public rm001 of Rm
picture scriptNumber
      // Set up the rooms to go to/come from here
north 2
east 0
south 0
west 0
(method (init)
// same in every script, starts things up
(aChief: init()
//posn(send gEgo:x gEgo:y)
setMotion(Follow(gEgo aChief 50))
// Check which room ego came from and position it
* Put the cases here for the rooms ego can come from *
// Set up ego's position if it hasn't come from any room
(case north
    (send gEgo:
    posn(150 30)
    posn(150 28)
(case 976
    (send gEgo:
    posn(150 130)
    posn(150 133)
      // Set up the ego
(send gEgo:init())
* Set up the room's music to play here *
****************************************/ /*
(send gTheMusic:

* Add the rest of your initialization stuff here *
(instance RoomScript of Script
(method (handleEvent pEvent)

* Handle the possible said phrases here *
Print("You are in room 1")
(instance aChief of Act
y 100
x 138
loop 2
view 3
cycleSpeed 2
moveSpeed 2

Room 2:
(include "")
(include "")
(script 2)
(use "controls")
(use "cycle")
(use "door")
(use "feature")
(use "game")
(use "inv")
(use "main")
(use "obj")
(use "follow")
(instance public rm002 of Rm
picture 1
north 0
east 0
south 1
west 0
(method (init)
(aChief: init()
setMotion(Follow(gEgo aChief 50))
* Put the cases here for the rooms ego can come from *
// Set up ego's position if it hasn't come from any room
(case south
   (send gEgo:
    posn(150 179)
    posn(150 189)
(send gEgo:init())
(instance RoomScript of Script
(method (handleEvent pEvent)

* Handle the possible said phrases here *
Print("You are in room 2")
(instance aChief of Act
y 100
x 138
loop 2
view 3
cycleSpeed 3
moveSpeed 3

Go to the north, your pal should follow you to the next room and go back to the south.

Robin Gravel
Pikachu14 Nifty enough, but it doesn't quite use those nifty regions doesn't it? I'll try and figure it out ;)