Codename IceMan, editing decoy values in the arcade sections?

Count Crickula I just gave up trying to complete Codename: IceMan, after I tried to pass its stupid random arcade sections by using various memory editors to give myself infinite decoys for the sub. It worked first, but I still got shot down, and when I restored, all values changed and my memory searches were good for nothing.

Could SCI Studio be used to edit this, to permanently change the default value of decoys that the game has? If so, has someone tried this? Right now I don't even know where to look for it - among the scripts? - and what to change...
Count Crickula Uhh, sorry, I was reading both the AGI and the SCI section of the forum, and clicked "New topic" in the AGI section by mistake... :\
Nychold I assume you're getting your butt kicked by the Russian Alpha sub, not the surface destroyer. I know, been there...took me three weeks. But, there's no need to hack the game. Is it possible? Probably, but why? General steadfast rule among adventure games: go everywhere, do everything. If that doesn't help you, I'll give you a solution (not the only one):
Dive down quickly. You'll hit an inversion layer. Keep going until you hit bottom. Remember the depth and restore (I'd tell you, but I forget...I think it's around 1800, but you'll probably crash.) Do it again, only this time, don't crash. Then, zig zag. The Alpha will lose you due to the disturbances of the rocks and leave. You win by default. There may be a way to win in sea combat, but I never could.
cloudee1 When I got past the alpha sub I didn't zig zag, I went all quiet, shut everything down and pretended I wasn't there. I always died when I tried a confrontation.
Jace The arcade sequences of that game always pissed me off. I gave up on the damn thing after weeks of getting pissed off. Now after all this time you guys say the solution is to NOT fight... I don't know if I even want to play the game to try this.. I was so pissed at buying that damn thing and never finishing it.