AGI Problem with XP?

PeaceMan I built a new PC a few days ago and it runs XP Pro but when I run AGI Studio I can create a new folder but can't start building a game in it. I keeps saying it is Invalid.
Oliver I remember I had the same problem. But I can't remember how I got it fixed :-\
Zonkie I've had the same problem as well. Just copy the template game into the folder and then open the template game and start changing that.
smartguy240 sometimes if the folder names are too looong...

(ex C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/Desktop/Patrick's Folder/AGI Games In Development/July/2003/AGI Sequential Testing Files/Beta 1/RC47/Main/Game/Start)

Then it wont read it for the file path....try moving it just to the C:\> and see what happens ???
Patrick wrote:

sometimes if the folder names are too looong...

Then it wont read it for the file path....try moving it just to the C:\> and see what happens ???

That way didn't work. It looks like I'll just have to copy the files over when I want to make a game.

Thanks anyway. :)