cycle.time problem

Corby I've been having some problems with the cycle.time command, whenever I add this command to an object, the object does not animate whatsoever. Maybe I'm not using the right variable... what are the variables for this command? In particular, which one is for normal and slow speed? It's weird, sometimes this command works for me, other times it doesn't. Is it possible I'm placing this command line in a wrong spot?
thanks for your time.
Robin_Gravel You need the start.cycling command. Check also if you didn't use stop.cycling somewhere in your game.

Robin Gravel
Corby I have the start.cycling command, it's just that when I try to change the speed of the animation, the animation just stops completely. It's very strange.
MagickPoultry Is the start.cycling command in a place where it gets run every cycle? If so, and the cycle.time is greater than 1, the cycle gets restarted every time, so there aren't enough cycles for the cel to advance. If this is the problem, you just have to move start.cycling to a place where it only gets run once. If that's not the problem, then I have no idea.
Kon-Tiki Same thing counts for the cycle.time command. It should be runned once as well or it'll give the same problem.

Corby Thanks guys I got it working! :D
Zero2003 Hey Corby
When is you game gona be Realeasd????
AGI1122 When he finishes it. ;)
Corby Well.... programming is 50 percent done... pics all done... views all done... no sound as of yet however... we're looking at a week and some.. although I always underguess these things... don't forget about debugging... we'll just have to see i guess.