FastaKilla |
1. I don't know how to have it bring up the inventory item view when you type 'look/pumpkin' I have the 'pumpkin' item working, I followed the tutorial. It is something in the global said statements in the main script right? Does it use InspectObj or something else? At the bottom of main script I have (instance {pumpkin} of Iitem (properties said 'pumpkin' description "This is a pumpkin." view 14 ) ) 2. I have a view of a person, and I have a close-up pic and I have that working ok. The view disappears when I type 'back' though and go back to the room. It comes back if I leave the room and come back though. Also, how can I get the view to play loop 2 when I type 'talk/man' ? (loop 1 is a still pic, loop 2 is the animation of him talking) |
Data Soong |
1. Did you put something like this in the header file?: // Inventory Items (define INV_ Pumpkin 0)// save don't compile |
FastaKilla |
Yes, I already did that, in (that's the header file, right?) I have // Inventory Items (define INV_NOTHING 0) (define INV_PUMPKIN 1) |
Data Soong | 1. Yes, it is. It should be working. Are you testing this through a saved game? You need to reenter the room or start a new game, if you made changes to the script. |
Wilco23 | Make sure you compile each and every script that you made changes to before you re-enter your game! I found this out the hard way - was having lots of problems because I wasn't saving pictures and scripts to the resource properly. |
FastaKilla | I compile and rebuild all the time. That's not the problem. Do I have to change something from the INV script? |
FastaKilla |
Should I just make an icon print? I can have 'look/pumpkin' for the room and use if/else for whether or not you have it or not, then make a global 'look/pumpkin' in the main script and use another if/else. Then if you do have the pumpkin use an icon print. Should I just try that? |
Wilco23 |
FastaKilla wrote: I'm also just experimenting with this only now, but what I did last night was put another instance using the same view at the bottom of my roomScript, but set it to loop 2 of that view. Then you can call this instance from within an "if(Said" statment to initialise it. Of course the man will have to be temporarily hidden, so I inserted a "hide()" statement. Something like this: (if(Said('talk/man)) (aMan2: init() setCycle(End) setSpeed(2) ) (aMan:hid()) ) But this is just my solution, I still haven't figured out how to make the initial character reappear after my animation has finished. |
FastaKilla |
I made icon prints for the items, so that is out of the way, but I have another question. What do you type to take something out of your inventory? like the opposite of (send gEgo:get(INV_PUMPKIN)) Will this be a problem though? Won't it mess up everything I have such as (if(Said('look/pumpkin')) (if(send gEgo:has(INV_PUMPKIN)) Print( "This is a pumpkin." #title "Pumpkin" #icon 14 0 0 ) )(else Print("There is a weird looking pumpkin on the ground.") ) ) |
Eigen |
To drop an inventory object: (send gEgo:put(INV_PUMPKIN)) -Eigen |
Brian_Provinciano | The reason "look <item>" is not automatic is because most sierra games have custom messages and events on the "look" phrases. |
FastaKilla | Thanks. |
FastaKilla |
Now I have more questions. First, how can I have it go to a room, play the loop of a view just once, then go back to the original room? For an example, you can use view.026 original room pic.026 (same script #) pic with animation pic.027 trigger for playing animation is 'look/glass' I want you to be able to do this only once. Also, I think I'll need to type these, but where in the script would I put them? ProgramControl() Code:PlayerControl() My other question is about 2-word things. How can I have something like baking soda in the vocab? |