Instance |
Hi. I am just starting this and I made a room and door and got it to work. I made a 2nd room and did the script thing, but the room 002 file says [error]: Unable to open vocab.000 for reading! so if I try to play the game and enter room 2 it says script.002 not found Can anyone please help? |
XFan2003 |
I havent gotten to that point because i had to start over in SCI 3.01 I had the same prob. you did in SCI 3.00, Brian fixed that in the newest version. Download 3.01 and it should work fine. Tom |
Instance | I have 3.01, but when I installed, I didn't delete the other stuff, I just extracted and replaced all. |
Instance | should I move my game folder somewhere else, then delete everything, then re-install sci studio 3.01? then move it back to the folder? |
Brian_Provinciano |
Execute the script editor by double clicking on a script in the explorer then create the new script (room 2), rather than clicking on the "Script" editor icon on the main toolbar then creating the new script. SS 3.00-3.01 treats the Script editor executed by clicking on the "Script" editor icon on the main toolbar as a stand alone editor for lose files, where as the Script Editor executed from within the explorer is an editor for the game's scripts. I will change it for 3.02 so that clicking on the icon while a game is open treats it as an editor for the game's scripts as well. |
Instance | Thanks |
Instance | Ok, this may be a stupid question but I made a new room, and new script for it. I put it as east of the first room, then I took script 1 and made room 1 west of this room. The character will walk to the right room, but he can't go back to the left room. Can anyone help? |
Eigen |
Open and scroll down to (method (doit) (super:doit()) (if(<= x 3) = edgeHit EDGE_LEFT )(else (if(<= y (send gRoom:horizon)) = edgeHit EDGE_TOP )(else (if(>= x 316) = edgeHit EDGE_RIGHT )(else (if(>= y 186) = edgeHit EDGE_BOTTOM )(else = edgeHit EDGE_NONE ) ) and check is it like this. If not change it. Or maybe you have some control line on the edge. -Eigen |
Instance |
Thanks. I had it where the numbers were 0 319 189 instead of 3 316 186 |
Wilco23 |
Hang on a second, I thought that we are supposed to use control lines to change from room to room? Or do we use this edgeHit command? Or perhaps: East 2 West 3 North 4 South 5 Oh gawd, now I've just confused myself. Perhaps just ignore me if I'm not making sense, it's friday afternoon and my brain has stopped working all together. :P ??? :P |
beyond infinity | it can't have stopped work, your brain, cuz given that case, you won't have been able to write this stuff, wilco *gg* |