Help (Part II)

mr-t /******************************************************************************
SCI Template Game
By Brian Provinciano
Contains the first room of your game.
(include "")
(include "")
(script 1)
(use "main")
(use "controls")
(use "cycle")
(use "game")
(use "feature")
(use "obj")
(use "inv")
(use "autodoor")
(use "jump")
(use "dpath")
(use "wander")
(instance public rm001 of Rm
      picture scriptNumber
      // Set up the rooms to go to/come from here
      north 0
      east 0
      south 0
      west 0
   (method (init)


230 190
285 190
285 130
230 130
230 190


// same in every script, starts things up
      // Check which room ego came from and position it
* Put the cases here for the rooms ego can come from *
******************************************************/ /*
(case north
            (send gEgo:
               posn(210 110)
// Set up ego's position if it hasn't come from any room
            (send gEgo:
               posn(50 140)
      // Set up the ego
      (send gEgo:init())

* Set up the room's music to play here *
****************************************/ /*
      (send gTheMusic:

* Add the rest of your initialization stuff here *
(instance RoomScript of Script
   (method (handleEvent pEvent)
(var dyingScript)
(if(< (send gEgo:distanceTo(aDroid)) 30)
Print("These droids aren't as friendly as they look. Noticing you on his optical sensors, he blasts you with his laser. Ouch.")
Print("You fall to the ground, dead. I hope you enjoy your new butthole!")
SetUpEgo(0 3)
= dyingScript ScriptID(DYING_SCRIPT)
(send dyingScript:
register("Your body lays there for a few days, until it is scraped up by a cleaning droid. Yummy.")
(send gGame:setScript(dyingScript))
(if(< (send gEgo:distanceTo(anotherDroid)) 30)
Print("These droids aren't as friendly as they look. Noticing you on his optical sensors, he blasts you with his laser. Ouch.")
Print("You fall to the ground, dead. I hope you enjoy your new butthole!")
SetUpEgo(0 3)
= dyingScript ScriptID(DYING_SCRIPT)
(send dyingScript:
register("Your body lays there for a few days, until it is scraped up by a cleaning droid. Yummy.")
(send gGame:setScript(dyingScript))

* Handle the possible said phrases here *
(if(< (send gEgo:distanceTo(anotherDroid)) 50)
Print("Now isn't a good time for looking.")
Print("You are wandering through strange maze of corridors.")

(instance aDroid of Act
y 190
x 230
view 2
(instance anotherDroid of Act
y 140
x 10
view 2
(instance aDoor of AutoDoor
entranceTo 2
locked FALSE

This script gives me an 'Oops!' error when I try to run it.
Brian_Provinciano I didn't look at the script itself. However, just comment out all of your code, then uncomment it one line at a time until you find the source of the error. That's the best way.

Altertatively, you can do a Print("1") Print("2") Print("3") etc. between your lines. Run it, if it goes "1" "2", then you know the error is after 2, before 3!