Screenshot from Camp Quest...

C-16 I got a screenshot from the game that I am currently working on. It's called Camp Quest.

You can find the screenshot at:

I will need some help with scripting later on when I am done with all the graphics. This scene took about me about 12 hours to make (not too long, really) and I expect to make a lot more. If you'd like to help me out please email me at:
C-16 Note: You have to copy & paste that URL in your address bar manually or it won't work.
sonneveld Hey wow.. nice use of sci art.

- Nick
Omer Mor Nice!
C-16 Thanks!
jonnings Good job man!
Brian_Provinciano It looks great! When will we be seeing a demo?
C-16 Thx. I'm glad you like it. You can expect it within the month if I can ever get that PCX2RAW2PIC program to download (which I doubt) :(.