[ - | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W ]


  1. inside, use with a noun
    biR <bɪr>
  2. inside, location
    biR <bɪr>
  3. in, generic
    biR <bɪr>

birh oe

  1. be inside
    biR oe <bɪr oə>
    1st sing.birh oelbirh oelwbirh oesenabirh oelite
    2nd sing.birh oeebirh oeewbirh oeesewbirh oeite
    3rd sing.birh oenbirh oenwabirh oeesenbirh oenite
    1st plur.birh oelibirh oelwibirh oesenaibirh oelitei
    2nd plur.birh oeeibirh oeewibirh oeesewibirh oeitei
    3rd plur.birh oenibirh oenwaibirh oeesenibirh oenitei
    imperativebirh oeil
    adjectivebirh oeaw
    interrogativebirh oeia
    agentivebirh oefhra
    abilitivebirh oerhuw
    propositivebirh oeiuhr


  1. into
    biRta <bɪrtɐ>