Actually any non zero-sum game, can be portrayed as a zero-sum game by addition of of a storage of components such as a stack. not very useful, but yes, if you meant that it isn't a game according to game theory, well I'm rather noobish with game theory but it might be so.
Actually they do, but in most cases by many orders of magnitude lower than by time and entropy, exceptions for non-standard operation (as mentioned temperature and voltage, but those aren't relevant in normal operation of anything) and flash memory.
Lastly there is the possibility of doing calculations with the motherboard by magnetic logic, but that is silly, hard to predict (as a motherboard has other purposes than being a magnetic logic circuit) and slow compared to 1960s mainframes. In actuality a motherboard is a mechanical fixture for components and a connector which tries to eliminate magnetic interference between wires (which is the cause of two of the reasons why you wouldn't use it to calculate anything).
Lastly, the beginning of the thread was more enjoyable because of the higher macro per post ratio.