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    hunterk That's great news. Thanks for all of your work on maintaining the unofficial repos these years!
    Screwtape For a long time, I have been maintaining an unofficial Git archive of byuu's official and WIP releases of higan and bsnes. Recently, byuu made them official, so now they live at GitHub:

    - was formerly the master branch of my git repo, and contains development history for higan.
    - was formerly the bsnes-v107 branch of my git repo, and contains development history for bsnes.

    The "new" bsnes was forked from higan v106r85, so both repos contain identical history before that point. Therefore, both of them can be used with the bsnes-history repo to get a more complete view of the development of both emulators.

    Other branches from the old repo have not been pushed to the new repo, but the only branches that might be in any way relevant are the bsnes-v106 RetroArch core (officially abandoned a while ago) and the bsnes-hd branch (superseded by its official repo). The old repo still exists if anybody needs to poke at it, but it's been updated with a pointer to the new repos and made read-only.

    Unlike the old GitLab repos, the new GitHub repos are set up for issue-tracking and pull-requests, so if you had something you wanted to contribute but couldn't be bothered making yet another account and learning yet another UI, here's your chance!
      Main » Projects » Heads up: higan and bsnes repositories have moved » New reply
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