Space Huns

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Revision as of 13:27, 23 September 2023 by Letrune (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The "Space Huns", also known as "Magyar telepesek" (Hungarian settlers) are humans who built a colony system in the Periphery sector. Their main settlement is Újhon (New Home), from which further settlements were built. The closest to felin space is the Emese system, with one colony. The space huns are called as such for their deliberate simplification of their name. While they are seen as warlike by many, that is just because their systems are in a currently dangerous...")
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The "Space Huns", also known as "Magyar telepesek" (Hungarian settlers) are humans who built a colony system in the Periphery sector. Their main settlement is Újhon (New Home), from which further settlements were built. The closest to felin space is the Emese system, with one colony.

The space huns are called as such for their deliberate simplification of their name. While they are seen as warlike by many, that is just because their systems are in a currently dangerous area and is being stabilised.

As recorded by Ili Akelen, a felin archeologist and sociologist: So, these people, despite calling themselves "magyarok" among themselves, prefer to go by "space huns" by everyone else. Might as well! So, these came from a place called Earth or Dirt, translations differ. They are kind of a weird bunch, even by human standards, their language is a weird mashup, they happily call us "space cats" and are quite friendly, if weird. One of their major ritual is drinking strong alcohol that makes me want to puke. Anyways, their history: they arrived with a space colonisation company from some other nation, but about 95% of the settlers were Hungarians. That megacorp went bust after a few decades, and the huns just raided it until they could build an actual functional colony, then they estabilished themselves as constructors and fighters. The felin met them at their newest rework, they want to be merchants as well, because now they got all the extra food and stuff.

Honestly, not much to write home about on that, but here is the crazy stuff: they decided to be friendly with us after a Hero and one of their captains met in space. I forgot the names, because the storytelling is only happening if you drink with them, and they want you to drink pálinka, which is just stiff as hell, and makes me all woozy. So, one of our Heroes and one of their heroes meet in space, then get into a meteor shower, both ships damaged. They agree to join forces, the huns starting to dismantle their own ship to fix ours, so they manage to fit both crews in too, and to celebrate, they launch their ship to a felin world nearby.