Name		Blaise Leijon
Trolltag	obfuscatedStupidity
Color		#008141
Shirt symbol	U+266F; - ♯ (Music Sharp Sign)
Subclass	Troll
Parentage	?
Offspring	None yet
Name meaning	From Blaise Pascal
Specibus	bookKind
Fetch modus	Hash
Fraymotif	Weezer - Beverly Hills
First app.	Not yet
Introduction	Not yet

	* ends sentences with ";", never other punctuation
	* capitalizes pronouns and such
	* precedes asides with "//"; they're comments
	OS: And He was just going all over the Place;
	OS: //I don't think He ever found It;
	OS: It was ofcourse hidden under the Couch in His Room;
	* very soft-spoken
	* calm
	* low volume
	* surprisingly good singer

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