Stories: Trollopedia

The Kids

A young man stands in his bedroom. It just so happens that today, the 13th of April, is this young man's birthday...

-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 16:13 --

TG: hey so what sort of insane loot did you rake in today
EB: i got a little monsters poster, it's so awesome.
TG: really
TG: hold on dude this is weird

EB: what do you mean?
EB: it's just a poster

TG: i know
TG: it feels like we had this conversation before

EB: y'know what? we totally have.
EB: dave, it worked!
EB: we're back on earth!

TG: no meteors
TG: no dead guardians
TG: everything back the way it was

EB: i can't believe we did it.
TG: funny thing is i still have those two copies of sburb
EB: i wouldn't go and run those just yet.
TG: i hear ya bro
TG: wouldnt want to provoke any cosmic bullshit into happening
TG: plonk that disc in there bam meteor comin at ya after all

EB: that'd be pretty bad. we'd have to play it all over again!
EB: when i get my copy, i'm going to take a good look at the disc contents first without letting it run.

TG: first good idea of the day prankman
TG: hey i just realized something

EB: what's that?
TG: you know how i had spent months in the game while you had only 24 hours
TG: well i guess thisd be as close to that experience as a non time player would get

EB: yeah... we get to relive april 13 all over again
TG: were all like bill murray up in this bitch
TG: only less utterly repetitive
TG: and its not even februari

EB: you would know.
TG: how could i forget
EB: hold on...
EB: dave!

TG: whats wrong
EB: the trolls! what do you think happened to them?
TG: i dunno man
TG: try contacting one i guess

EB: i think i will!

-- turntechGodhead [TG] ceased pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 16:29 --

John glanced at the list of handles on his Pesterchum. The various trolls had disappeared, since he hadn't actually added them to the chumroll yet. A dreadful feeling occurred to him -- what if the trolls were gone?

Still, he could always try to contact them by manually entering their handles...

-- arachnidsGrip is not on the network --

-- carcinoGeneticist is not on the network --

-- gallowsCalibrator is not on the network --

John was starting to feel very bad. In restoring their world, they had specifically made certain the trolls would have a good end too...

No. I won't... I can't accept this.

-- arachnidsGrip is not on the network --

-- ectoBiologist [EB] began pestering carcinoGeneticist [CG] at 16:42 --

EB: karkat?
EB: you there, buddy?
