Stories: Trollopedia

One Shirt Two Shirt White Shirt Black Shirt

"Briiitneeey~" Shula called out as she reached below her desk. She took a package from it, wrapped in plain black. "I got you somethiiin'~"

Britney smiled slightly, surprised to see a gift intended for her, "Wh-what is it?"

"You'll see. Here, open it up."

Britney took the package and proceeded to open it carefully. Undoing the wrappings and raising an eyebrow as she saw what seemed to be a simple black T-shirt with the symbol for Mercury on it. "Thanks Sh-shula."

Shula sat and beamed with pride. "Car, would you please...?"

Carissa was momentarily confused, but quickly figured out what Shula was probably on about. She suddenly grabbed the bottom of Britney's sweater and deftly pulled it off, revealing an equally plain white shirt underneath, which she immediately grabbed. Britney yelped at the sudden removal of her sweater and stepped back at the grabbing of her white shirt.

"I-i-its a b-b-b-bit early for th-this..." She stammered, slightly confused.

"For what?" Shula asked jokingly as she took back the black shirt and held it ready. Carissa pulled off Britney's shirt and within moments Shula was putting the black one on her instead.

"O-o-oh...I m-misunderstood.." She smiled and looked down at the black shirt that now adorned her. "You c-could've let me do that myself."

"It's more fun this way", Carissa handwaved.

"Besides, we like the way you react", Shula continued. "You've got a really dirty mind, girl. Looks good on ya though."

Britney bit her lip and nodded, "Y-yeah...thanks ag-again." She took another look at the Mercury symbol, "Though...I d-don't think I get the p-p-point of t-this symbol."

"I'm the first Earthborn troll", Shula said matter-of-factly as she pointed at her chest. "Car's a loopy broad. Dad's crabby."

"A-and m-my symbol..?"

Shula cast her eyes a little further downwards and grinned. That was her answer. Carissa giggled from behind.

"C-c-come on! I d-don't get it!"

"Then you never will", Shula shrugged as she reached for a drink.

"Don't be a... 'dick', Shu", Carissa subtly joked, failing a bit on the subtlety.

Britney raised an eyebrow, "Does i-it have s-s-something to do w-w-with my s-secret..?"

"Guess it does", Shula admitted. "You could look it up - we did."

"I th-think I g-g-get it now..." She smiled softly and closed her eyes, putting her hands over the symbol, "It has b-b-both the symbols f-for male a-and female...l-like me in a w-way..."


"You're one of us, now", Carissa stated as she softly hugged Britney from behind.

Britney eeped slightly, but then her mind snapped to Dylan briefly. She pondered and asked aloud, "W-what about Dylan's sh-shirt?"

"What about it?" Carissa asked, her horns stroking Britney's hair.

"Wh-what does his r-r-represent?" She blushed slight, the stroking tickling.

"He got that symbol from his mom."


"I've thought about giving him a black shirt too", Shula considered, imagining Dylan in said shirt.

"It w-would look g-good on him." Britney stated.

"Guess we'd better get online and get a custom order in, then", Shula shrugged.

"I-i can p-pay for it if you w-want.."

"All three of us pooled our resources to pay for that shirt", Shula explained as she poked Britney in the chest, "so you can pay at least a bit of it if you want."

"I-i could cover all o-of i-i-it...My dad does have c-cash to sp-spare." She explained, her offer seemed generous in nature.

Shula couldn't help herself and giggled. "You just want some of that tight Strider ass, don'tcha?"

"Don't tease the poor girl like that, Shu", Carissa argued, her head right next to Britney's as she continued to hug her. "You know what happens when you do that too much."

Britney covered her face, embarrassed, "I-I just want to be n-n-nice!"

"Don't listen to her", Carissa whispered. "She's just trollin' ya."

Shula, on the other hand, felt the message of her joke nicely confirmed and chuckled at the image it brought to mind.

"S-so let's order him that sh-shirt s-s-shall we?" She tried to move the subject away from such buttfuckery.

"Right!" Shula called out. She got up and stood at her desk, impudently jutting out as she called up the custom shirt site she had visited before. "It's twelve bucks for a Unicode symbol, double that for something custom. How's about you cover... two thirds of that?"

"S-sounds fine to me." Britney replied, getting out her wallet to hand Shula her card. Shula ordered the shirt on Britney's bank account, then took out her own wallet and handed her eight dollars.

Carissa couldn't remember where she had left her wallet, but she'd worry about that later.
