In GAME.SH: * add (define MAXHEALTH 100) In GAME.SC: * add gEgoHealth = MAXHEALTH to the list of local variables. * add this to sq5StatusLineCode::doit() (Graph grFILL_BOX 2 109 8 211 VISUAL 0 -1 -1) (Graph grFILL_BOX 3 110 7 (+ 110 gEgoHealth) VISUAL 15 -1 -1) just before the final grUPDATE_BOX and SetPort calls. * add this to SQ5 (method (reduceHealth param1) (= gEgoHealth (- gEgoHealth param1)) (if (<= gEgoHealth 0) (= gEgoHealth 0) (Die 1) ) (if (> gEgoHealth MAXHEALTH) (= gEgoHealth MAXHEALTH) ) (statusLineCode doit:) ) In ANY EVENT WHERE THE PLAYER GETS HURT: * (gGame reduceHealth: theAmount) where theAmount is any numerical value. To HEAL THE PLAYER: * do the same, but with a -negative- value for theAmount.