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huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlruinedcastle\room7.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlruinedcastle\room9.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlruinedcastle\pristine\room1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlruinedcastle\pristine\room10.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlruinedcastle\pristine\room2.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlruinedcastle\pristine\room3.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlruinedcastle\pristine\room4.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlruinedcastle\pristine\room5.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlruinedcastle\pristine\room6.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlruinedcastle\pristine\room7.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlruinedcastle\pristine\room8.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\hylotl\hylotlruinedcastle\pristine\room9.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] dungeons\missions\apexmissions\apexmission1.json [TMX file differences are left out for huge size.] effects\electricplasma.effectsource 5c5,6 < "duration" : 0.05, --- > "duration" : 0.06, > "durationVariance" : 0.04, 14c15 < [ "electricswoosh1" ], [ "electricswoosh1" ], [ "electricswoosh2" ], [ "electricswoosh2" ], [ "electricswoosh2" ] --- > [ "electricswoosh1" ], [ "electricswoosh2" ], [ "electricswoosh2" ] effects\fireplasma.effectsource 4c4,5 < "duration" : 0.05, --- > "duration" : 0.06, > "durationVariance" : 0.04, effects\iceplasma.effectsource 4c4,5 < "duration" : 0.05, --- > "duration" : 0.06, > "durationVariance" : 0.04, effects\icetrail.effectsource 4c4,5 < "duration" : 0.07, --- > "duration" : 0.08, > "durationVariance" : 0.04, effects\poisonplasma.effectsource 4c4,5 < "duration" : 0.05, --- > "duration" : 0.06, > "durationVariance" : 0.04, effects\poisonthrowertrail.effectsource 4c4,5 < "duration" : 0.1, --- > "duration" : 0.12, > "durationVariance" : 0.08, items\active\weapons\bow\bow.lua 3a4,5 > activeItem.setCursor("/cursors/reticle0.cursor") > items\active\weapons\melee\axe\commonaxe.activeitem 28c28 < "knockback" : [15, 20] --- > "knockbackRange" : [15, 20] items\active\weapons\melee\axe\rareaxe.activeitem 27c27 < "knockback" : [15, 20] --- > "knockbackRange" : [15, 20] items\active\weapons\melee\axe\uncommonaxe.activeitem 27c27 < "knockback" : [15, 20] --- > "knockbackRange" : [15, 20] items\active\weapons\melee\dagger\commondagger.activeitem 32c32 < "knockback" : [10, 15], --- > "knockbackRange" : [10, 15], 40c40 < --- > 49c49 < --- > 58c58 < --- > items\active\weapons\melee\dagger\raredagger.activeitem 12c12 < --- > 33c33 < "knockback" : [10, 15], --- > "knockbackRange" : [10, 15], 41c41 < --- > 50c50 < --- > 59c59 < --- > items\active\weapons\melee\dagger\uncommondagger.activeitem 33c33 < "knockback" : [10, 15], --- > "knockbackRange" : [10, 15], 41c41 < --- > 50c50 < --- > 59c59 < --- > items\active\weapons\melee\hammer\rarehammer.activeitem 25c25 < "knockback" : [40, 50] --- > "knockbackRange" : [40, 50] items\active\weapons\melee\hammer\uncommonhammer.activeitem 25c25 < "knockback" : [40, 50] --- > "knockbackRange" : [40, 50] items\active\weapons\melee\spear\commonspear.activeitem 28c28 < "knockback" : [25, 35] --- > "knockbackRange" : [25, 35] items\active\weapons\melee\spear\rarespear.activeitem 27c27 < "knockback" : [25, 35] --- > "knockbackRange" : [25, 35] items\active\weapons\melee\spear\uncommonspear.activeitem 27c27 < "knockback" : [25, 35] --- > "knockbackRange" : [25, 35] items\active\weapons\npc\npcassaultrifle.activeitem 36c36 < "knockback" : [4,8] --- > "knockbackRange" : [4,8] 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items\active\weapons\protectorate\violiumbroadsword\violiumbroadsword.activeitem 39c39,45 < "baseDps" : 11.5 --- > "baseDps" : 11.5, > > "stances" : { > "windup1" : { > "duration" : 0.15 > } > } items\active\weapons\ranged\assaultrifle\commonassaultrifle.activeitem 39c39 < "knockback" : [4,8] --- > "knockbackRange" : [4,8] items\active\weapons\ranged\assaultrifle\rareassaultrifle.activeitem 36c36 < "knockback" : [4,8] --- > "knockbackRange" : [4,8] items\active\weapons\ranged\assaultrifle\uncommonassaultrifle.activeitem 36c36 < "knockback" : [4,8] --- > "knockbackRange" : [4,8] items\active\weapons\ranged\machinepistol\commonmachinepistol.activeitem 33c33 < "knockback" : [2,4] --- > "knockbackRange" : [2,4] items\active\weapons\ranged\machinepistol\raremachinepistol.activeitem 32c32 < "knockback" : [2,4] --- > "knockbackRange" : [2,4] items\active\weapons\ranged\machinepistol\uncommonmachinepistol.activeitem 32c32 < "knockback" : [2,4] --- > "knockbackRange" : [2,4] items\active\weapons\ranged\pistol\commonpistol.activeitem 35c35 < "knockback" : [4,8] --- > "knockbackRange" : [4,8] items\active\weapons\ranged\pistol\rarepistol.activeitem 32c32 < "knockback" : [4,8] --- > "knockbackRange" : [4,8] 34c34 < --- > items\active\weapons\ranged\pistol\uncommonpistol.activeitem 32c32 < "knockback" : [4,8] --- > "knockbackRange" : [4,8] items\active\weapons\ranged\shotgun\commonshotgun.activeitem 36c36 < "knockback" : [10, 40] --- > "knockbackRange" : [10, 40] items\active\weapons\ranged\shotgun\rareshotgun.activeitem 33c33 < "knockback" : [10, 40] --- > "knockbackRange" : [10, 40] items\active\weapons\ranged\shotgun\uncommonshotgun.activeitem 33c33 < "knockback" : [10, 40] --- > "knockbackRange" : [10, 40] items\active\weapons\ranged\sniperrifle\commonsniperrifle.activeitem 35c35 < "knockback" : [10, 40] --- > "knockbackRange" : [10, 30] items\active\weapons\ranged\sniperrifle\raresniperrifle.activeitem 31c31 < "knockback" : [10, 40] --- > "knockbackRange" : [10, 30] items\active\weapons\ranged\sniperrifle\uncommonsniperrifle.activeitem 31c31 < "knockback" : [10, 40] --- > "knockbackRange" : [10, 30] items\active\weapons\staff\staff.animation 41a42,51 > "transformationGroups" : ["weapon"] > } > }, > "stone" : { > "properties" : { > "zLevel" : 1, > "centered" : true, > "fullbright" : true, > "image" : "", > "offset" : [0.0, 0.0], 48c58 < "zLevel" : 1, --- > "zLevel" : 2, items\active\weapons\staff\abilities\controlprojectile\controlprojectile.lua 23c23 < -- world.debugPoint(self:focusPosition(), "blue") --- > world.debugPoint(self:focusPosition(), "blue") 82a83,85 > else > self:setState(self.cooldown) > return items\active\weapons\staff\abilities\controlprojectile\controlprojectile.weaponability 47c47 < "allowFlip" : false --- > "allowFlip" : true 65c65 < "allowFlip" : false --- > "allowFlip" : true items\active\weapons\staff\abilities\controlprojectile\elementball.weaponability 47c47 < "allowFlip" : false --- > "allowFlip" : true 65c65 < "allowFlip" : false --- > "allowFlip" : true items\active\weapons\staff\abilities\controlprojectile\elementbouncer.weaponability 47c47 < "allowFlip" : false --- > "allowFlip" : true 65c65 < "allowFlip" : false --- > "allowFlip" : true items\active\weapons\staff\abilities\controlprojectile\elementportal.weaponability 47c47 < "allowFlip" : false --- > "allowFlip" : true 65c65 < "allowFlip" : false --- > "allowFlip" : true items\active\weapons\staff\abilities\controlprojectile\elementrain.weaponability 18c18 < "projectileType" : "elementcloud", --- > "projectileType" : "elementcloudspawner", 20c20,21 < "baseDamage" : 10 --- > "baseDamage" : 10, > "spawnProjectile" : "elementcloud" 47c48 < "allowFlip" : false --- > "allowFlip" : true 65c66 < "allowFlip" : false --- > "allowFlip" : true items\active\weapons\staff\abilities\controlprojectile\elementshooter.weaponability 47c47 < "allowFlip" : false --- > "allowFlip" : true 65c65 < "allowFlip" : false --- > "allowFlip" : true items\active\weapons\staff\abilities\controlprojectile\plasmabarrage.weaponability 52c52 < "allowFlip" : false --- > "allowFlip" : true 70c70 < "allowFlip" : false --- > "allowFlip" : true items\active\weapons\staff\abilities\guidedbolt\guidedbolt.lua 137c137 < return vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), activeItem.handPosition(animator.partPoint("staff", "focalPoint"))) --- > return vec2.add(mcontroller.position(), activeItem.handPosition(animator.partPoint("stone", "focalPoint"))) items\active\weapons\staff\generated\commonstaff.activeitem 65c65 < "altAbilities" : ["healingzone", "lowgravzone", "bouncezone"], --- > "altAbilities" : ["healingzone", "lowgravzone", "slowzone", "pushzone", "pullzone", "forcecage"], items\active\weapons\staff\teslastaff\teslastaff.activeitem 15a16 > "stone" : "", items\armors\decorative\hats\herocap\herocap.head 20,21c20,21 < /* denim */ < { "ffca8a" : "cacdd0", "e0975c" : "8599ad", "a85636" : "627890", "6f2919" : "515a7f" }, --- > /* GREEN */ > { "ffca8a" : "b2e89d", "e0975c" : "51bd3b", "a85636" : "247824", "6f2919" : "144216" }, items\buildscripts\buildweapon.lua 68,69c68,69 < if config.primaryAbility.damageConfig then < config.primaryAbility.damageConfig.knockback = scaleConfig(parameters.primaryAbility.fireTimeFactor, config.primaryAbility.damageConfig.knockback) --- > if config.primaryAbility.damageConfig and config.primaryAbility.damageConfig.knockbackRange then > config.primaryAbility.damageConfig.knockback = scaleConfig(parameters.primaryAbility.fireTimeFactor, config.primaryAbility.damageConfig.knockbackRange) 79c79,81 < config.primaryAbility.projectileParameters.knockback = scaleConfig(parameters.primaryAbility.fireTimeFactor, config.primaryAbility.projectileParameters.knockback) --- > if config.primaryAbility.projectileParameters.knockbackRange then > config.primaryAbility.projectileParameters.knockback = scaleConfig(parameters.primaryAbility.fireTimeFactor, config.primaryAbility.projectileParameters.knockbackRange) > end items\buildscripts\weaponabilities.config 70a71 > "plasmabladebarrage" : "/items/active/weapons/staff/abilities/controlprojectile/plasmabladebarrage.weaponability", 74c75 < "bouncezone" : "/items/active/weapons/staff/abilities/effectzone/bouncezone.weaponability", --- > "slowzone" : "/items/active/weapons/staff/abilities/effectzone/slowzone.weaponability", 77c78 < "shieldzone" : "/items/active/weapons/staff/abilities/effectzone/shieldzone.weaponability", --- > "forcecage" : "/items/active/weapons/staff/abilities/effectzone/forcecage.weaponability", monsters\crawlers\crustoise\crustoise.animation 186c186,187 < "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.ogg" ] --- > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.ogg" ], > "wallCrash" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/peblit_drop1.ogg" ] monsters\crawlers\crustoise\crustoise.monstertype 55c55,56 < "wallCrashSound" : "", --- > "wallKnockback" : true, > "wallCrashSound" : "wallCrash", monsters\crawlers\pulpin\pulpin.monstertype 71c71,74 < "name" : "approach-crawl" --- > "name" : "approach-crawl", > "parameters" : { > "resetHeading" : false > } 82c85,88 < "name" : "approach-crawl" --- > "name" : "approach-crawl", > "parameters" : { > "resetHeading" : false > } 93c99,100 < "idleTime" : 1.0 --- > "idleTime" : 1.0, > "resetHeading" : false monsters\walkers\bobot\bobot.animation 188c188,189 < "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.ogg" ] --- > "deathPuff" : [ "/sfx/npc/enemydeathpuff.ogg" ], > "wallCrash" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/peblit_drop1.ogg" ] monsters\walkers\bobot\bobot.monstertype 45c45,46 < "wallCrashSound" : "", --- > "wallKnockback" : true, > "wallCrashSound" : "wallCrash", monsters\walkers\capricoat\capricoat.animation 205c205 < "fire" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/spit1.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/spit2.ogg" ] --- > "wallCrash" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/peblit_drop1.ogg" ] monsters\walkers\capricoat\capricoat.monstertype 43c43,44 < "wallCrashSound" : "", --- > "wallKnockback" : true, > "wallCrashSound" : "wallCrash", monsters\walkers\crabcano\crabcano.animation 31c31 < "persistentSoundStopTime" : 0.2 --- > "persistentSoundStopTime" : 0.3 monsters\walkers\crabcano\crabcano.monstertype 49c49 < "fireDelay" : 0.2, --- > "fireDelay" : 0.15, monsters\walkers\miasmop\miasmop.monstertype 35,36c35 < "name" : "action-leap", < "cooldown" : 0.5, --- > "name" : "action-leap", monsters\walkers\narfin\narfin.animation 201c201 < "fire" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/spit1.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/spit2.ogg" ] --- > "wallCrash" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/peblit_drop1.ogg" ] monsters\walkers\narfin\narfin.monstertype 64c64,65 < "wallCrashSound" : "", --- > "wallKnockback" : true, > "wallCrashSound" : "wallCrash", monsters\walkers\nutmidge\nutmidge.monstertype 44c44,45 < "wallCrashSound" : "", --- > "wallKnockback" : true, > "wallCrashSound" : "deathPuff", monsters\walkers\oogler\oogler.animation 227c227 < "fire" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/spit1.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/spit2.ogg" ] --- > "wallCrash" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/peblit_drop1.ogg" ] monsters\walkers\oogler\oogler.monstertype 47c47,48 < "wallCrashSound" : "", --- > "wallKnockback" : true, > "wallCrashSound" : "wallCrash", 68c69,70 < "wallCrashSound" : "", --- > "wallKnockback" : true, > "wallCrashSound" : "wallCrash", 86c88,89 < "wallCrashSound" : "", --- > "wallKnockback" : true, > "wallCrashSound" : "wallCrash", monsters\walkers\orbide\orbide.animation 311c311 < "fire" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/spit1.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/spit2.ogg" ] --- > "wallCrash" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/peblit_drop1.ogg" ] monsters\walkers\orbide\orbide.monstertype 53c53,54 < "wallCrashSound": "", --- > "wallKnockback" : true, > "wallCrashSound": "wallCrash", 54a56 > monsters\walkers\ringram\ringram.animation 33c33 < "cycle" : 0.125, --- > "cycle" : 0.225, 46c46 < "cycle" : 0.18, --- > "cycle" : 0.15, 209c209 < "fire" : [ "/sfx/projectiles/spit1.ogg", "/sfx/projectiles/spit2.ogg" ] --- > "wallCrash" : [ "/sfx/npc/monsters/peblit_drop1.ogg" ] monsters\walkers\ringram\ringram.monstertype 43c43,44 < "wallCrashSound" : "", --- > "wallKnockback" : true, > "wallCrashSound" : "wallCrash", monsters\walkers\snaunt\snaunt.animation 26a27,30 > "firewindup" : { > "frames" : 3, > "cycle" : 0.3 > }, 28,29c32,33 < "frames" : 10, < "cycle" : 0.6, --- > "frames" : 7, > "cycle" : 0.5, 94a99,103 > } > }, > "firewindup" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":windup." monsters\walkers\snaunt\snaunt.frames 9c9 < [ null, "fire.1", "fire.2", "fire.3", "fire.4", "fire.5", "fire.6", "fire.7", "fire.8", "fire.9", "fire.10" ] --- > [ null, "windup.1", "windup.2", "windup.3", "fire.1", "fire.2", "fire.3", "fire.4", "fire.5", "fire.6", "fire.7"] monsters\walkers\snaunt\snaunt.monstertype 39,41c39,40 < "minimumRange" : 10, < "windupState" : "", < "windupTime" : 0.0, --- > "minimumRange" : 0, > "windupTime" : 0.5, 45c44 < "fireOffset" : [0.75, 0.6875], --- > "fireOffset" : [0.875, 0.625], 48c47 < "fireDelay" : 0.3, --- > "fireDelay" : 0.2, 87c86 < "maxJumps" : 6, --- > "maxJumps" : 3, 90,91c89 < "jumpXControlForce" : 50, < "minXRange" : 10 --- > "jumpXControlForce" : 50 npcs\dungeon\apexbase\miniknoggeneral.npctype 4a5,6 > "levelVariance" : [2, 2], > 17,19c19,21 < "head" : [ { "name" : "visorhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } ], < "chest" : [ { "name" : "apextier6schest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "apextier6spants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], --- > "head" : [ { "name" : "visorhead" }, { "name" : "miniknoghead" } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "miniknogchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "miniknogpants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } ], npcs\mission\apexscout.npctype 4a5,6 > "levelVariance" : [1, 1], > 17,19c19,21 < "head" : [ { "name" : "visorhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } ], < "chest" : [ { "name" : "apextier6schest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "apextier6spants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], --- > "head" : [ { "name" : "visorhead" }, { "name" : "miniknoghead" }, "" ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "miniknogchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "miniknogpants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } ], objects\ancient\ancientconsole\ancientconsole.animation 25a26,48 > }, > "portal" : { > "default" : "closed", > "states" : { > "closed" : {}, > "open" : { > "frames" : 9, > "cycle" : 0.3, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "openloop" > }, > "openloop" : { > "frames" : 2, > "cycle" : 0.1, > "mode" : "loop" > }, > "close" : { > "frames" : 9, > "cycle" : 0.3, > "mode" : "transition", > "transition" : "closed" > } > } 32c55 < "centered" : false --- > "centered" : true 68c91 < "centered" : false, --- > "centered" : true, 94a118,173 > } > } > } > } > }, > "outpost" : { > "properties" : { > "centered" : true, > "zLevel" : 3, > "fullbright" : true, > "offset" : [0.0, 15.0] > }, > > "partStates" : { > "portal" : { > "open" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":open." > } > }, > "openloop" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":openloop." > } > }, > "close" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":close." > } > } > } > } > }, > "portal" : { > "properties" : { > "centered" : true, > "zLevel" : 4, > "fullbright" : true, > "offset" : [0.0, 15.0] > }, > > "partStates" : { > "portal" : { > "open" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":open." > } > }, > "openloop" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":openloop." > } > }, > "close" : { > "properties" : { > "image" : ":close." objects\ancient\ancientconsole\ancientconsole.frames 3c3 < "size" : [94, 173], --- > "size" : [94, 28], objects\ancient\ancientconsole\ancientconsole.lua 4,6c4,6 < -- self.detectArea = config.getParameter("detectArea") < -- self.detectArea[1] = object.toAbsolutePosition(self.detectArea[1]) < -- self.detectArea[2] = object.toAbsolutePosition(self.detectArea[2]) --- > self.detectArea = config.getParameter("detectArea") > self.detectArea[1] = object.toAbsolutePosition(self.detectArea[1]) > self.detectArea[2] = object.toAbsolutePosition(self.detectArea[2]) 13d12 < animator.playSound("on"); 39,54c38,52 < -- if then < -- local players = world.entityQuery(self.detectArea[1], self.detectArea[2], { < -- includedTypes = {"player"}, < -- boundMode = "CollisionArea" < -- }) < < -- if #players > 0 and animator.animationState("console") == "off" then < -- animator.setAnimationState("console", "turnon") < -- animator.playSound("on"); < -- object.setLightColor(config.getParameter("lightColor", {255, 255, 255})) < -- elseif #players == 0 and animator.animationState("console") == "on" then < -- animator.setAnimationState("console", "turnoff") < -- animator.playSound("off"); < -- object.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) < -- end < -- end --- > if then > local players = world.entityQuery(self.detectArea[1], self.detectArea[2], { > includedTypes = {"player"}, > boundMode = "CollisionArea" > }) > > if #players > 0 and animator.animationState("portal") == "closed" then > animator.setAnimationState("portal", "open") > animator.playSound("on"); > object.setLightColor(config.getParameter("lightColor", {255, 255, 255})) > elseif #players == 0 and animator.animationState("portal") == "openloop" then > animator.setAnimationState("portal", "close") > object.setLightColor({0, 0, 0, 0}) > end > end objects\ancient\ancientconsole\ancientconsole.object 33c33 < "animationPosition" : [-46, 0], --- > "animationPosition" : [0, 14], 50c50 < "animationPosition" : [-33, 0], --- > "animationPosition" : [13, 14], 68c68,70 < "fg" : "ancientconsolelit.png" --- > "fg" : "ancientconsolelit.png", > "outpost" : "outpost.png", > "portal" : "portal.png" objects\ancient\ancientconsole\ancientconsolelit.frames 3c3 < "size" : [94, 173], --- > "size" : [94, 28], objects\apex\classicdesk\classicdesk.object 25,27c25 < "imagePosition" : [-24, 0], < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], objects\hylotl\hylotlclassicdesk\hylotlclassicdesk.object 25c25 < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-24, 0], 35c35 < "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-24, 0], objects\hylotl\ornatetorch\ornatetorch.object 112c112 < "direction" : "right", --- > "direction" : "left", 115,116c115,116 < "bg" : "ornatetorchright.png", < "fg" : "ornatetorchrightlit.png" --- > "bg" : "ornatetorchleft.png", > "fg" : "ornatetorchleftlit.png" objects\hylotl\studylamp\studylamp.object 19c19 < "lightColor" : [110, 125, 110], --- > "lightColor" : [135, 153, 135], projectiles\activeitems\staff\plasmaball\plasmaball.projectile 3c3 < "physics" : "laser", --- > "physics" : "default", 9,10d8 < "periodicActions" : [ ], < "actionOnReap" : [ ], 17c15,54 < "emitters" : [ "energyplasma" ], --- > "periodicActions" : [ > { > "action" : "particle", > "specification" : "energyblade", > "time" : 0.15, > "repeat" : true > }, > { > "action" : "particle", > "specification" : "energyblade2", > "time" : 0.17, > "repeat" : true > } > ], > "actionOnReap" : [ > { > "action" : "sound", > "options" : [ > "/sfx/gun/impact_plasma.ogg" > ] > }, > { > "action" : "loop", > "count" : 5, > "body" : [ > { > "action" : "particle", > "specification" : "energyblade", > "time" : 0.1, > "repeat" : true > }, > { > "action" : "particle", > "specification" : "energyblade2", > "time" : 0.1, > "repeat" : true > } > ] > } > ], projectiles\activeitems\staff\pullzone\pullzone.projectile 17a18 > "categoryWhitelist" : ["monster", "player", "npc", "vehicle", "itemdrop"], projectiles\activeitems\staff\pushzone\pushzone.projectile 17a18 > "categoryWhitelist" : ["monster", "player", "npc", "vehicle", "itemdrop"], projectiles\guns\arrows\energyarrow\chargedenergyarrow.projectile 42a43,49 > }, > { > "action" : "particle", > "specification" : "energyarrowtrail", > "rotate" : true, > "time" : 0.032, > "repeat" : true projectiles\guns\arrows\energyarrow\energyarrow.projectile 3c3 < "physics" : "laser", --- > "physics" : "default", 15a16,22 > "repeat" : true > }, > { > "action" : "particle", > "specification" : "energyarrowtrail", > "rotate" : true, > "time" : 0.032, projectiles\npcs\bubble\bubbles.projectile 12c12 < "piercing" : false, --- > "piercing" : true, projectiles\npcs\snauntspit\snauntspit.projectile 18c18,20 < "emitters" : [ "poisonplasmarocket", "poisondrip" ] --- > "emitters" : [ "poisonplasmarocket", "poisondrip" ], > > "renderLayer" : "Monster+50" quests\generated\locations.config 2619a2620,2627 > }, > > // Hylotl Ruined Castle > "hylotlruinedcastle" : { > "castletop" : { > "name" : "top of the old Hylotl castle", > "tags" : [ "hylotl", "friendly" ] > } quests\generated\templates\borrow.questtemplate 41c41 < "Eager. First things first, youΓÇÖll need to ^green;speak to ^orange; ^white;and ^green;borrow ^orange;. ^white;Just tell I sent you, and 'll' be happy to lend it to you.", --- > "Eager. First things first, youΓÇÖll need to ^green;speak to ^orange; ^white;and ^green;borrow ^orange;. ^white;Just tell I sent you, and 'll be happy to lend it to you.", 86c86 < "Pleased. This will work perfectly! saved us tracking one down ourselves. Make sure you don't damage it, wouldn't be happy if you returned it in poor condition." --- > "Pleased. This will work perfectly! saved us tracking one down ourselves. Make sure you don't damage it, wouldn't be happy if you returned it in poor condition." quests\generated\templates\collect_fine.questtemplate 184c184 < "I failed to collect the fine from . Maybe should chase up ." --- > "I failed to collect the fine from . Maybe should chase up ." quests\generated\templates\hat.questtemplate 105c105 < "I was unable to help get something new to wear. look fine as is anyway.", --- > "I was unable to help get something new to wear. looks fine as is anyway.", quests\generated\templates\kill_npc.questtemplate 55c55 < " Robbed a of their ", --- > " robbed a of their ", quests\generated\templates\recruit_guard.questtemplate 54,55c54,55 < "Final part is to ^green;place ^orange; ^white;into a newly conssstructed home, along with ^green;3 ^orange;^green; items. ^white;This will attract a ^orange;^white;guard to move in! You will have to build this home from ssscratch. Don't forget to ^green;place this ^orange;Colony Deed^green; on the wall ^white;and ^green;provide a ^orange;light source^white; for them.", < "This final part will be hard work, but Floran assssures you it will be a success. You will need to ^green;build a home^white; for a guard to move into. ^green;Place a ^orange;light source^green; and the ^orange;^green; in the home alongside 3 ^orange; themed itemsss. ^white;This ^orange;Colony Deed^white; is alssso necessary!" --- > "Final part is to ^green;place ^orange; ^white;into a newly conssstructed home, along with ^green;3 ^orange;^green; items. ^white;This will attract a ^orange;^white;guard to move in! You'll have to build this home from ssscratch. Don't forget to ^green;place this ^orange;Colony Deed^green; on the wall ^white;and ^green;provide a ^orange;light source^white; for them.", > "This final part will be hard work, but Floran is ssure it will be a success. You will need to ^green;build a home^white; for a guard to move into. ^green;Place a ^orange;light source^green; and the ^orange;^green; in the house alongside 3 ^orange; themed itemsss. ^white;This ^orange;Colony Deed^white; is also necessary!" 58,59c58,59 < "Anxious. ^green;Build a home for our new guard. ^white;Make sure they will feel comfortable by adding a ^orange;light source, ^green;3 pieces of ^orange;^green; furniture^white; and, of course, the ^orange;. ^white;Don't forget, this ^orange;Colony Deed^white; needs to be ^green;placed on the wall.", < "Patient. ^green;This guard is going to need somewhere to stay. ^green;Build them a house to contain the ^orange;^white;. While you're at it, go ahead and ^green; get them 3 pieces of ^orange;^green; furniture^white; to help them settle in. ^green;Put this ^orange;Colony Deed^green; on the wall^white; somewhere inside, and ^green;add a^orange; light source^white; as a finishing touch." --- > "Excited. Lets ^green;build a home for our new guard! ^white; You can take the lead on this: make sure they'll feel comfortable by adding a ^orange;light source, ^green;3 pieces of ^orange;^green; furniture^white; and, of course, the ^orange;. ^white;And don't forget, this ^orange;Colony Deed^white; needs to be ^green;placed on the wall.", > "Thoughtful. ^green;This guard is going to need somewhere to live. ^green;You should build them a house! It should contain the ^orange;^white;, and you should^green; get them 3 pieces of ^orange;^green; furniture^white; to help them settle in. ^green;Put this ^orange;Colony Deed^green; on the wall^white; somewhere inside, and ^green;add a^orange; light source^white; as a finishing touch!" 63c63 < "All that's left is to ^green;build a new house with your ^orange;^white; in it, ^green;add 3 pieces of furniture that a ^orange;^white; would like and ^green;put this ^orange;Colony Deed^green; in it^white;! Don't forget to ^green;add a ^orange;light source!" --- > "All that's left is to ^green;build a new house with your ^orange;^white; in it, ^green;add 3 pieces of furniture that a ^orange;^white; would like, and ^green;put this ^orange;Colony Deed^green; up too^white;. Don't forget to ^green;add a ^orange;light source as well!" 70,71c70,71 < "Floran never doubted you for a moment! Floran already feels ssssafer here! Thanksss.", < "With the new guard around, Floran can feel the whole town relaxing more already. Thanksss for your hard work!" --- > "Floran never doubted you for a moment! Floran already feels sssafer here! Thanks.", > "With the new guard around, Floran can feel the whole town relaxing already. Thanksss for your hard work!" 85c85 < "I decided not to help 's security. If can't protect , probably shouldn't have moved here to begin with." --- > "I decided not to help improve 's security. If can't protect , probably shouldn't have moved here to begin with." quests\generated\templates\request_craft.questtemplate 37,38c37,38 < "To start with there's ssssomething Floran needs from , shouldn't mind. ^green;Go ask ^orange; ^green;to craft Floran one ^orange;.", < "Floran knowsss that can make the thing we need. We need one ^orange; ^white;and Floran wants you to ^green;get one from ^orange;." --- > "To start with there's sssomething Floran needs from , shouldn't mind. ^green;Go ask ^orange; ^green;to craft Floran one ^orange;.", > "Floran knowsss that ^orange; can make what we need. ^green;Go get one ^orange; ^white;from ." 41,42c41,42 < "Sneaky. ^green;I need you to pay a visit^white; to my very good friend ^orange;^white;. The ^orange;^white; promised to craft for me should be ready for collection.", < "Lonely. My friend ^orange;^white; said would help make the ^orange;^white; I needed, but did not show up. ^green;Would you go to and ask for it?" --- > "Restless. ^green;I need you to pay a visit^white; to ^orange;^white;. The ^orange;^white; promised to craft for me should be ready.", > "Sullen. My friend ^orange;^white; said would help make the ^orange;^white; I need, but has not shown up. ^green;Would you go to and ask for it?" 45c45 < "First, I need you to grab something for me. ^orange;^white; knows how to make the most perfect ^orange;^white; in the system, ^green;head over and ask for one.^white; It'll make sense why we need it.", --- > "First, I need you to grab something for me. ^orange;^white; knows how to make the best ^orange;^white; in the star system, ^green;head over and ask for one.^white; We'll need it later.", 52c52 < "Now, Floran needs to asssk you to ^green;get one ^orange;. ^white;Floran is sure ^orange; ^green;has one of thessse. " --- > "Now, Floran needs to asssk you to ^green;get one ^orange;. ^white;Floran is ssure ^orange; ^green;can make one. " 56c56 < "Jealous. ^orange;^white; knows how to make ^orange;s^white; better than I do. ^green;Please ask to make one for me." --- > "Morose. ^orange;^white; knows how to make ^orange;s^white; better than I do. ^green;Please ask to make one for me." 60c60 < "Next run over and have ^orange;^white; assemble us a custom ^orange;.^white; Just ^green;mention my name, knows how I like them made." --- > "Next, run over and have ^orange;^white; assemble us a custom ^orange;.^white; Just ^green;mention my name, knows how I like them made." 68c68 < "You got the ! Thisss is a good day for usss!" --- > "You got the ! Thisss is a good day for!" 71,72c71,72 < "Satisfied. You have done well. Although is friendly with me, is not always so generous. ", < "Obsessive. Great, you got the ! Now we need to put it use as part of my grand plan!" --- > "Pleased. Well done; is generally friendly towards me, but not always so generous. Thank you for your help.", > "Joyous. Great, you got the ! Now we need to put it to use as part of my grand plan!" 75,76c75,76 < "Nice one, that's definately the work of . That's one thing off the list...", < "I've never seen anyone make any as fine as does. This is going to be perfect for what I need next." --- > "Nice one, I knew would come up trumps. That's one thing off the list...", > "I've never seen anyone make any as fine as does. This is going to be perfect for what I've got planned." 81c81 < "Excellent, thiss will do nicely.", --- > "Excellent, thiss is perfect.", 90c90 < "No one makes them like ! That's one more thing accounted for. Thank you!" --- > "No one makes them like ! That's one more thing sorted. Thank you!" quests\generated\templates\return_stolen.questtemplate 64c64 < "^cyan;Floran has found out about ssshocking crime! Let's fix thisss.", --- > "^cyan;Floran has found out about shocking crime! Let's fix thisss.", 69c69 < "^cyan;Furious. I have discovered that has been stealing! Help me bring to justice, please." --- > "^cyan;Opportunistic. I have discovered that has been stealing. Help me bring to justice." 72c72 < "^cyan;I saw that was looking for stolen , and I happen to know where it is. 'd be pretty thankful if we were to help return it. ", --- > "^cyan;I saw that was looking for stolen , and I happen to know where it is. 'd be pretty thankful if we were to help return it.", 79,80c79,80 < "Floran has problemsss, needs help from you. That ssneakthief ^orange;^white; has stolen a fine ^orange;^white; from sstand-up citizen ! ^green;Take it back and put it in ^orange;'s^green; house. ^white;Floran thanksss you for this.", < "You won't believe what's happened! ^orange;^white; wasss robbed by none other than ^orange;.^white; Floran wishes there was ssssomething we could do to help. Maybe you can ^green;return the sssstolen ^orange; ^white;before things get worse!" --- > "Floran has a problem, needs help from you. That ssneakthief ^orange;^white; has stolen a fine ^orange;^white; from sstand-up citizen ! ^green;Please take it back and put it in ^orange;'ss^green; house.", > "You won't believe what's happened! ^orange;^white; was robbed by none other than ^orange;.^white; Floran wishes there was sssomething we could do to help. Maybe you can ^green;return the stolen ^orange; ^green;to ΓÇÖs houssse?" 83,84c83,84 < "Perturbed. A thief who goes by the name of ^orange;^white; has stolen ΓÇÖs prized ^orange;! Will you^green; retrieve it and put it back in ^orange;ΓÇÖs^green; house?^white; I'm sure would appreciate it.", < "Devious. could trust me more, and I know how to change that. stole an ^orange;^white; from the other day. ^green;Will you retrieve it from ^orange;'s^green; home^white; and ^green;put it back in ^orange;'s^green; house?" --- > "Concerned. A thief who goes by the name of ^orange;^white; has stolen ΓÇÖs prized ^orange;! Will you^green; retrieve it and put it back in ^orange;ΓÇÖs^green; house?^white; I'm sure would appreciate it.", > "Devious. could trust me more, and I know how to get that to happen. stole one ^orange;^white; from the other day. ^green;Will you retrieve it from ^orange;'s^green; home^white; and ^green;put it back in ^orange;'s^green; house?" 93,94c93,94 < "Yess nice work! Floran needss another favour from you. ^orange;^white; has stolen a preciouss ^orange;^white; from friendly neighbour - sso rude! ^green;Take it back and put it in ^orange;'s^green; house. ^white;Floran iss very grateful.", < "Floran isss torn up about recent incident. How could ^orange; ^white;shamelessssly steal from ? If you could ^green;return the ssstolen ^orange;^green; to poor ^orange;,^white; I'm sssure 'll be thankful." --- > "Yess nice work! Floran needs another favour from you... ^orange;^white; has stolen a precious ^orange;^white; from friendly neighbour - sso rude! ^green;Please take it back and put it in ^orange;'s^green; house.", > "Floran is upssset about something that happened - ^orange; ^white;shamelesssly stole from ! If you could ^green;return the stolen ^orange;^green; to ^orange;,^white; I'm sssure 'd be grateful." 97,98c97,98 < "Frustrated. That swindler, has had the nerve to steal poor 's favourite ^orange;.^white; We must do something about it! Would you be so kind as to ^green;retrieve it from ^orange;'s^green; home^white; and ^green;return it to ^orange;'s^green; house?", < "Guileful. Next, I bet it would make ^orange;^white; happy if you ^green;retrieved the ^orange;^white; that ^orange;^white; stole from , and ^green;put it back in house.^white; Will you do that?" --- > "Irritated. That swindler, has had the nerve to steal poor 's favourite ^orange;.^white; We must do something about it! Would you be so kind as to ^green;retrieve it from ^orange;'s^green; home^white; and ^green;return it to ^orange;'s^green; house?", > "Calculating. Next, I bet it would make ^orange;^white; happy if you ^green;retrieved the ^orange;^white; that ^orange;^white; stole from , and ^green;put it back in house.^white; That aught to get me into good books." 102c102 < "A little breaking and entering never hurt anyone. Nobody we know or care about, at least. Go ^green;steal back the ^orange; ^green; in ^orange;'s ^green; home. Then put it back in ^orange;ΓÇÖs ^green; home." --- > "A little breaking and entering never hurt anyone... Sort of. Go ^green;steal back the ^orange; ^green; in ^orange;'s ^green; home. Then put it back in ^orange;ΓÇÖs ^green; home." 107,108c107,108 < "Ssuper! Floran needss one more favour. ^orange;^white; has stolen one ^orange;^white; from poor - how tricksy! ^green;Take it back and put it in ^orange;'s^green; house. ^white;Then Floran leaves you alone.", < "Tragedy! Floran heard ^orange;^white; was robbed by ^orange;^white;. No one wasss there to ssstop the crime! Pleassse, will you ^green;retrieve the stolen ^orange;^green; from the thief?" --- > "Ssuper! Floran needs one more favour. ^orange;^white; has stolen one ^orange;^white; from poor - how tricksy! ^green;Take it back and put it in ^orange;'s^green; house. ^white;Then Floran leaves you alone.", > "Oh no! Floran heard ^orange;^white; was robbed by ^orange;^white;. No one was there to ssstop the crime! Please, will you ^green;retrieve the stolen ^orange;^green; from the thief?" 111,112c111,112 < "Agitated. We have one last problem - that pesky ^orange;^white; has stolen 's ^orange;^white;! 'll be devastated unless we - I mean... You, ^green;retrieve it and put it back in ^orange;'s^green; house.", < "Scheming. Finally, I know that ^orange;^white; recently stole 's ^orange;.^white; I bet if you ^green;retrieved it and put it back in ^orange;'s^green; house,^white; would be very grateful." --- > "Agitated. We have one last problem - that pesky ^orange;^white; has stolen 's favourite ^orange;^white;! ^orange; ^white;will be devastated unless we - I mean... You, ^green;retrieve it and put it back in house.", > "Artful. Finally, I know that ^orange;^white; recently stole 's ^orange;.^white; I bet if you ^green;retrieved it and put it back in ^orange;'s^green; house,^white; would be very grateful, and favour me in future." 115c115 < "Finally, time for some vigilante justice! ^green;Remove the stolen ^orange;^green; from ^orange;'s^green; home, and ^green;place it back in ^orange;'s^green; house.^white; I'll be watching to make sure nobody sees what's going on.", --- > "Finally, time for some vigilante justice! ^green;Remove the stolen ^orange;^green; from ^orange;'s^green; home, and ^green;place it back in ^orange;'s^green; house.^white; I'll be the lookout.", 121,122c121,122 < "You! Yesss, Floran speaks to you. ^orange;^white; has stolen a fine ^orange;^white; from dear friend - how ssneaky! ^green;Take it back and put it in ^orange;'s ^green;house. ^white;Floran thanksss you.", < "These are dark timesss... Floran heard rumourssss of ^orange;^white; stealing ^orange;'s^white; . ^white;Not even your neighbours can be trusssted nowadays! Please ^green;return the^orange; ^green;to itsss rightful owner." --- > "You! Floran needss you. ^orange;^white; has stolen a fine ^orange;^white; from dear friend - how ssneaky! ^green;Take it back and put it in ^orange;'s ^green;house, ^white;ok?", > "These are dark timesss... Floran heard rumours of ^orange;^white; stealing ^orange;'s^white; . ^white;Nowhere is safe these days! Please can you ^green;return the^orange; ^green;to itsss rightful owner?" 125,126c125,126 < "Concerned. In a moment of desperation, ^orange;^white; robbed of ^orange;^white;! If you ^green;retrieve it and put it back in ^orange;ΓÇÖs^green; house,^white; may never even realise it was gone! I would be grateful.", < "Clever. ^orange;^white; recently stole 's favourite . I bet ^orange;^white; would be very grateful to whomever ^green;retrieved the ^orange; ^green;and put it back in house.^white; Will you do this?" --- > "Concerned. In a moment of desperation, ^orange;^white; robbed of ^orange;^white;! If you ^green;retrieve it and put it back in ^orange;ΓÇÖs^green; house,^white; may never even realise it was gone. I would be grateful.", > "Cunning. ^orange;^white; recently stole 's favourite . I bet ^orange;^white; would be very grateful to whomever ^green;retrieved the ^orange; ^green;and put it back in house.^white; Will you do this for me?" 137,138c137,138 < "Stupendouss! will be sso pleased to have the back! Now Floran neeedss more help.", < "Panic averted! Now we can ressst easy, knowing that has been reunited with . " --- > "Stupendouss! will be so pleased to have the back! But Floran needss more help.", > "Now we can rest easssy, knowing that has been reunited with . " 141,142c141,142 < "Pleased. Nice work! has and all is right with the universe... Almost.", < "Impressed. You managed to put the back in 's house - thank you! If I can convince that I was responsible, I'll definitely have earned trust!" --- > "Pleased. Excellent! has and all is right with the universe... Almost.", > "Sly. You managed to put the back in 's house - thank you! If I can convince that I was responsible, I'll definitely have earned trust!" 151,152c151,152 < "Ssuperb! will be so grateful to have the back. Now Floran neeedss more help.", < "You did it! Hopefully regretsss crime. Floran will keep an eye out to make ssssure it doesn't happen again! " --- > "Ssuperb! will be so grateful to have the back. Now Floran needss more help.", > "You did it! Hopefully regretsss crime. Floran will keep an eye out to make sssure it doesn't happen again! " 155,156c155,156 < "Satisfied. You've done well! will be so pleased to have the back. Would you be willing to do something else for me?", < "Pleased. Thank you for retrieving the for ! I hope you don't mind me taking all the credit. I'll certainly have earned 's trust then!" --- > "Satisfied. Well done! will be so pleased to have the back. Would you be willing to do something else for me?", > "Sly. Thank you for retrieving the for ! I hope you don't mind me taking all the credit. I'll certainly have earned 's trust then!" 165,166c165,166 < "Ssssuccess! will be so happy to have the back. Thiss makes Floran happy too.", < "Floran thankssss you deeply for returning the to . Floran knows you can be counted on!" --- > "Sssuccess! will be so happy to have the back. Thiss makes Floran happy too.", > "Floran thanksss you deeply for returning the to . Floran knew you could be counted on!" 169,170c169,170 < "Gleeful. Crisis averted- has back! Thank you for being so helpful, .", < "Satisfied. I'm so glad you retrieved the for ! Once I take all the credit for helping out, 'll definitely trust me!" --- > "Overjoyed. Crisis averted- has back! Thank you for being so helpful, .", > "Pleased. I'm so glad you retrieved the for ! Once I take all the credit for helping out, 'll definitely trust me!" 180c180 < "You returned the ! I'm sssure that feels sssafer knowing you are here to help out!" --- > "You returned the ! I'm sure that feels sssafer knowing you're here to help out!" 184c184 < "Grateful. Nice work returning the to 's house on my behalf! You don't mind me taking all the credit, do you? Of course you don't." --- > "Happy. Nice work returning the to 's house on my behalf! You don't mind me taking all the credit, do you? Of course you don't." 188c188 < "Nice work! will be pretty thankful to see that I helped get back. We're a daring vigilante twosome now!" --- > "Nice work! will be pretty thankful to see that I helped get back. We're a daring vigilante duo now!" 195c195 < "I didn't manage to return the stolen item to . Let's hope that is okay with this." --- > "I didn't manage to return the stolen item to . Let's hope that doesn't mind too much." quests\generated\templates\share_secret.questtemplate 61c61 < "Poptops", --- > "poptops", 63,64c63,64 < "Gleaps", < "Pearlpeas", --- > "gleaps", > "pearlpeas", 67c67 < "Crasberries", --- > "crasberries", 76c76 < "Poptops", --- > "poptops", 78,79c78,79 < "Gleaps", < "Pearlpeas", --- > "gleaps", > "pearlpeas", 82c82 < "Crasberries", --- > "crasberries", 96c96 < "^cyan;Floran wishes trusted Floran more. Floran has plan to make thisss happen." --- > "^cyan;Floran wishes trusted Floran more. Floran has plan to make thiss happen." 100c100 < "^cyan;Friendly. I would like to win 's friendship - And have an idea on how to do this." --- > "^cyan;Optimistic. I would like to win 's friendship - And have an idea on how to do so." 110,111c110,111 < "To begin, Floran needsss 's friendship. Here is a ^orange;note ^white;Floran wantsss you to ^green;deliver to ^orange; ^white;to make friendsss. Don't read it yourssself or Floran will stab you.", < "Floran firssst needs trust of ^orange;. ^white;Floran will share persssonal secret with . ^green;Deliver this ^orange;note^green; to ^white; for Floran." --- > "To begin, Floran needsss 's friendship. Here is a ^orange;note ^white;Floran wantsss you to ^green;deliver to ^orange; ^white;to make friendsss. Don't read it yourself or Floran will stab you.", > "Firssst Floran needs trust of ^orange;. ^white;Floran will share pretend personal secret with . ^green;Deliver this ^orange;note^green; to ^white; for Floran." 118c118 < "To begin with, I'd like you to ^green;deliver this ^orange;note^green; to ^orange;.^white; It contains one of the many secrets that I keep. I'm hoping that, by sharing this secret with , might want to become my friend. ", --- > "To begin with, I'd like you to ^green;deliver this ^orange;note^green; to ^orange;.^white; It contains one of the my many secrets. I'm hoping that, by sharing this secret with , might want to become my friend. ", 125c125 < "Now Floran needss ^orange;'s^white; trust. Luckily, Floran is master sssocial engineer. ^green;Take this private ^orange;letter^green; to ^white; so Floran wins trussst." --- > "Now Floran needss ^orange;'s^white; trust. Luckily, Floran is master sssocial engineer. ^green;Take this private ^orange;letter^green; to ^white; so Floran wins trussst - it has a pretend secret in it." 128,129c128,129 < "Thoughtful. In order to initiate a new friendship, often a private secret is shared. I must ask you to ^green;hand this ^orange;note^green; to ^orange;.^white; It contains none other than my darkest secret.", < "Friendly. Next, I need to befriend ^orange;.^white; Sharing a secret with is the perfect way to build trust. ^green;Could you deliver this ^orange;note^green; to ?^white; Don't read it!" --- > "Thoughtful. In order to initiate a new friendship, often a private secret is shared. I must ask you to ^green;hand this ^orange;note^green; to ^orange;.^white; It contains none other than my most private secret.", > "Enthusiastic. Next, I need to befriend ^orange;.^white; Sharing a secret with is the perfect way to build trust. ^green;Could you deliver this ^orange;note^green; to ?^white; Please don't read it!" 133c133 < "^orange;^white; is a friendly face around town. I think it would be a good idea to befriend . I've prepared this ^orange;note^white; with some personal information. ^green;If you deliver it to , I'm positive will like me. " --- > "^orange;^white; is a friendly face around town. I think it would be a good idea to befriend . I've prepared this ^orange;note^white; with some personal information. ^green;If you deliver it to , I'm positive 'll like me. " 138,139c138,139 < "At lassst! Now Floran can become friendsss with . Here is Floran's darkest sssecret in a ^orange;letter.^white; Floran wantss you to ^green;give this to ^orange; ^white;to sssecure friendship.", < "Finally, Floran will win ^orange;'s ^white;favour by growing perssonal bond. Floran has a pretend secret in this ^orange;letter^white; to ssshare with . ^green;Pleassse take it for me." --- > "At last! Now Floran can become friendsss with . Here is Floran's darkest sssecret in a ^orange;letter.^white; Floran wants you to ^green;give this to ^orange; ^white;to sssecure our friendship.", > "Finally, Floran will win ^orange;'s ^white;favour by growing persssonal bond. Floran has a pretend secret in this ^orange;letter^white; to share with . ^green;Please deliver it for Floran." 142,143c142,143 < "Eager. At last we have arrived at the final part of our program. ^green;Please take this ^orange;note.^white; On it I have cited a very intimate secret of mine that I wish to ^green;share only with ^orange;'s^green; eyes. I trust you to deliver it unopened. ", < "Excited. Finally, I wish to form a bond of eternal friendship with ^orange;.^white; To do this, ^green;I need you to deliver this personal secret ^orange;note^green; to .^white; Please do not read it!" --- > "Eager. At last we have arrived at the final stage of our plan. ^green;Please take this ^orange;note.^white; In it I have written a very intimate secret of mine that I wish to ^green;share only with ^orange;^green;. I trust you to deliver it unopened. ", > "Excited. Finally, I wish to form a bond of eternal friendship with ^orange;.^white; To do this, ^green;I need you to deliver this personal ^orange;note^green; to .^white; It has my most closely guarded secret inside, please do not read it!" 146,147c146,147 < "It's time for me to initiate a friendship with ^orange;.^white; Sometimes when people make friends, share secrets. I've written down one of my secrets on this ^orange;note,^white; and I'd like you to ^green;deliver it to ^orange;. ", < "I've prepared this ^orange;note^white; with a sensitive message. It's one of my personal secrets. If you deliver it to ^orange;^white; I'm hoping that a friendship will be initiated. ^green;Please take it to ^white; without reading it yourself!" --- > "It's time for me to initiate a friendship with ^orange;.^white; Sometimes when people make friends, they share secrets, right? I've written down one of my secrets on this ^orange;note,^white; and I'd like you to ^green;deliver it to ^orange;. ", > "I've prepared this ^orange;note^white; with a sensitive message. It's one of my personal secrets. If you deliver it to ^orange;^white; I'm hoping that it will initiate a friendship. ^green;Please take it to ^white; without reading it yourself!" 153c153 < "Floran thinkss ^orange;'s ^white;friendssship could be useful one day. ^green;Take this private sssecret ^orange;letter^green; to ^white; from Floran so trusts Floran like true friend." --- > "Floran thinkss ^orange;'s ^white;friendship could be useful one day. Floran put a pretend ssecret in this ^orange;letter^white;. ^green;Take it to ^white; from Floran so trusts Floran like true friend." 156,157c156,157 < "Hesitant. This note contains my one and only secret. By ^green;sharing it with ^orange;,^white; a friendship is sure to blossom. Will you do the honours of ^green;delivering this ^orange;note^green; to for me?", < "Amicable. I must earn ^orange;'s^white; trust. Could you ^green;deliver this extremely personal secret ^orange;note^green; to for me?^white; Sharing secrets is the fastest way to earn trust!" --- > "Nervous. This note contains my one and only secret. By ^green;sharing it with ^orange;,^white; a friendship is sure to blossom. Will you do the honours of ^green;delivering this ^orange;note^green; to for me?", > "Cheerful. I want to earn ^orange;'s^white; confidence. Could you ^green;deliver this extremely personal ^orange;note^green; to for me?^white; Sharing secrets is the fastest way to earn trust!" 160c160 < "I always thought that ^orange;^white; was really cool, but I'm too intimidated to initiate contact. I've noted down one of my secrets on this ^orange;letter. ^white;Will you ^green;deliver it to for me?^white; I'm hoping that sharing a secret will encourage a friendship. ", --- > "I always thought that ^orange;^white; was really cool, but I'm too intimidated to initiate contact. I've written down one of my secrets on this ^orange;letter. ^white;Will you ^green;deliver it to for me?^white; I'm hoping that sharing a secret will encourage friendship to grow.", 168,169c168,169 < "Did you peek at Floran's sssecret? Perhaps will do Floran a favour now...", < "Successs! is now trussted contact. Thisss will prove useful." --- > "I hope you didn't you peek at Floran's sssecret? Anyway, will be Floran's friend and help Floran out now.", > "Successs! is now a trusting confidant. Thisss will prove useful." 173c173 < "Overjoyed. You delivered the note! and I will no doubt be close acquaintances. I'm sure this friendship will be helpful." --- > "Overjoyed. You delivered the note! and I will no doubt be close friends from now on, and we can be of help to one another." 177c177 < "I'm pleased! With a new friend in town things will be much easier. " --- > "I'm so pleased! With a new friend in town things will be much easier. " 182c182 < "Floran hearsss ssseeks a way to please Floran. Sharing sssecrets worked. Floran thanksss you.", --- > "Floran heard likess Floran now. Sharing ssecrets worked! Floran thinks will be a helpful friend.", 186,187c186,187 < "Appreciative. Thank you for delivering the note! I trust that you wouldn't have read such a personal document.", < "Pleased. 's reply means we're almost certainly friends! This friendship will be most beneficial. Thanks for your help." --- > "Appreciative. Thank you for delivering the note! I trust that you didn't have read such a personal correspondence.", > "Pleased. 's reply means we're almost certainly friends! This friendship will be most beneficial. Thank you for your help." 190c190 < "Good job! I expect things will go smoothly from here on thanks to having a new friend in town. ", --- > "Good job! I expect things will go smoothly from here on thanks to having a new friend in town.", 197c197 < "Floran has confession - Floran's secret letter wasssn't pretend. I hope you didn't read it. Thankss for your help!" --- > "Floran has confession - Floran's secret letter wasssn't pretend. I hope you didn't read it. Thanks for your help!" 201c201 < "Nervous. All I have left to do is to give this note containing a personal secret - Such a gesture of trust will convince to be my friend! Can you deliver this to for me?" --- > "Jubilant. I have a new friend in ! How wonderful. Thank you for your help" 205c205 < "A brand new friendship has blossomed. What a lovely outcome. I'm sure feels the same!" --- > "I think a brand new friendship has blossomed! Thank you!" 210,211c210,211 < "Floran pleased. will make a sssatisfactory friend.", < "Thankss! Now is friendsss with Floran. Friendssships are useful for tactical reasssons." --- > "Floran pleased. will make a good friend.", > "Thankss! Now is friends with Floran. Friendships are useful for tactical reasssons." quests\generated\templates\spread_rumors.questtemplate 54c54 < "Poptops", --- > "poptops", 56,57c56,57 < "Gleaps", < "Pearlpeas", --- > "gleaps", > "pearlpeas", 60c60 < "Crasberries", --- > "crasberries", 87c87 < "^cyan;Floran wantss to befriend . Let's get rid of current obnoxiouss friend!" --- > "^cyan;Floran wantss to befriend . Let's get rid of current horrible friend!" 101,102c101,102 < "First Floran needs to befriend . Floran knowss how friendss are made. We need to make ssure stops being friends with that pesssky ^orange;^white;! ^green;Deliver thiss ^orange;note^white; to ^orange;^white;. It describes the ugly truth about so called friend.", < "To start, Floran needss to befriend lovely . Too bad always spends time with ssstupid ^orange;^white;. Pleassse ^green;deliver this ^orange;note^green; to ^orange;^white;. It contains the truth about so called friend." --- > "First Floran needs to befriend . Floran knows how friendship works, there's only so much room in people's hearts! We need to make sure stops being friends with that pesssky ^orange;^white;! ^green;Deliver this ^orange;note^white; to ^orange;^white;. It describes the ugly truth about so called friend.", > "To start, Floran needss to befriend lovely . Too bad always spends time with ssstupid ^orange;^white;. Please ^green;deliver this ^orange;note^green; to ^orange;^white;. It contains the truth about terrible friend." 105c105 < "Envious. I want to be friends with , but spends all time with . But what if ^orange; had a horrible secret? ^green;Give this ^orange;note^green; to ^orange;^white;... 'll surely reconsider friend after reading this...", --- > "Envious. I want to be friends with , but spends all time with . But what if ^orange; had a horrible secret? ^green;Give this ^orange;note^green; to ^orange;^white;... 'll surely reconsider their friendship after reading this...", 109,110c109,110 < "I think and I would look good together as friends. always hangs out with the ugly ^orange;^white; though, so let's put a stop to that. ^green;Here's a ^orange;note^green; I want you to deliver to ^orange;^white; that will put off seeing ugly friend again.", < "Let's start by befriending . First we have to make stop seeing lame friend. ^green;I've prepared this ^orange;note^green; that I want you to deliver to ^orange;^white; that outlines with my opinion of boring friend. Please deliver it for me!" --- > "I think and I would make good friends, but 's always hanging out with horrible ^orange;^white;. Let's put a stop to it! ^green;Here's a ^orange;note^green; I want you to deliver to ^orange;^white; that will put off seeing horrible friend again.", > "Let's start by befriending . First we have to make stop seeing lame friend. ^green;I've prepared this ^orange;note^green; that I want you to deliver to ^orange;^white; that outlines the worser points of boring friend. Please deliver it for me!" 115,116c115,116 < "Now Floran needs like usss. Floran has seen friendly with ^orange;^white;. Put a ssstop to this so only friendly with Floran! ^green;Deliver thiss ^orange;letter^green; to ^orange;^white;. This will sssurely make realise what a loser friend iss.", < "It's time for Floran to befriend . We need to ssstop from seeing ^orange;^white;. This ^orange;note^white; Floran wrote containsss information that will make ^orange;^white; realise that Floran is better friend! ^green;Please deliver it!" --- > "Now Floran needs to become Floran's friend, but Floran has seen being friendly with ^orange;^white;! Put a stop to this ssso 's only friendly with Floran! ^green;Deliver thiss ^orange;letter^green; to ^orange;^white; - it illustrates how terrible is.", > "It's time for Floran to befriend . We need to ssstop from seeing ^orange;^white;, who is awful. This ^orange;note^white; Floran wrote containsss information that will make ^orange;^white; realise Floran is a better option! ^green;Please deliver it." 120c120 < "Vindictive. Once you ^green;give ^orange; ^green;this rumour about ^orange;, ^white; won't be able to resist telling everyone!" --- > "Callous. Once you ^green;give ^orange; ^green;this rumour I've written about ^orange;, ^white; won't be able to resist telling everyone!" 124c124 < "I want to stop being friendly with ^orange;^white; and become my friend instead. Here's a ^orange;note^white; I wrote with the truth about . ^green;Please, deliver it to ^orange;^white; for me!" --- > "I want to stop being friendly with ^orange;^white; and become my friend instead. Here's a ^orange;note^white; I wrote with the truth about in it. ^green;Please, deliver it to ^orange;^white; for me!" 129,130c129,130 < " and ^orange;^white; have been friends for long time. Now will finally become Floran's friend inssstead! Floran's plan is for you to ^green;tell ^orange;^green; how terrible friend iss.^white; Floran already prepared this ^orange;note^white; for^green; you to deliver.", < "Now for the finale! Floran wantss to befriend . We need to stop from conssstantly seeing ^orange;^white;. If you ^green;deliver thiss ^orange;letter^green; to ^orange;^white; will become Floran's friend insstead. Floran iss sure of thisss." --- > " and ^orange;^white; have been friends for a long time. Now will finally become Floran's friend inssstead! Floran's plan is for you to ^green;tell ^orange;^green; how terrible friend isss.^white; Floran already prepared this ^orange;note^white; for^green; you to deliver.", > "Now for the finale! Floran wantss to befriend . We need to stop from conssstantly seeing ^orange;^white;. If you ^green;deliver this ^orange;letter^green; to ^orange;^white; 'll become Floran's friend insstead. Floran is sure." 133,134c133,134 < "Dishonest. Lastly, I will need you to ^green;give this ^orange;note^green; to ^orange;. ^white; definitely won't want to speak to ^orange; ^white;anymore after reading this...", < "Venomous. Finally, ^green;hand this rumour about ^orange; ^green;to ^orange;. ^white;It's a little far fetched, but there's no smoke without fire." --- > "Devious. Lastly, I will need you to ^green;give this ^orange;note^green; to ^orange;. ^white; definitely won't want to speak to ^orange; ^white;anymore after reading this...", > "Vindictive. Finally, ^green;hand this rumour about ^orange; ^green;to ^orange;. ^white;It's a little far fetched, but there's no smoke without fire." 137,138c137,138 < "Finally, let's make ^orange; ^white;realise that I'm better friend material than ^orange;. ^green;Show this ^orange;note^green; that I've written^white; about and things will become obvious to !", < "Here's a ^orange;note^white; I wrote about ^orange;^white;. Everyone knows 's a bore, and still ^orange;^white; hangs out with every day. It's my time to be ^green;'s friend though! ^green;Please deliver this note to ." --- > "Finally, let's make ^orange; ^white;realise that I'm better friend material than ^orange;. ^green;Show this ^orange;note^green; that I've written^white; about and 'll see the light!", > "Here's a ^orange;note^white; I wrote about ^orange;^white;. Everyone knows 's terrible, but still ^orange;^white; hangs out with every day. It's my time to be ^green;'s friend! ^green;Please deliver this note to ." 144c144 < "Here is a ^orange;note ^green;Floran needss you to deliver to ^orange;^white;. Note containss the truth about friend ^orange;.^white; As sssoon as reads it will realise that Floran is better friend!" --- > "Here is a ^orange;note ^green;Floran needss you to deliver to ^orange;^white;. It contains the truth about friend ^orange;.^white; As sssoon as reads it will realise that Floran is a better friend!" 147,148c147,148 < "Devious. I want to get closer to , but only has eyes for . I bet that will change once you ^green;give ^orange;^green; this ^orange;note^white; ^green;about ^orange;^white;... I will definitely sound cooler by comparison.", < "Malicious. I'll teach ^orange;^white; a lesson won't soon forget. ^green;Give this rumour to ^orange;^white;, then we can sit back and watch the fireworks." --- > "Devious. I want to get closer to , but only has eyes for . I bet that will change once you ^green;give ^orange;^green; this ^orange;note^white; ^green;about ^orange;^white;... Then will have time for me!", > "Malicious. I'll teach ^orange;^white; a lesson won't soon forget. ^green;Give this rumour I've written to ^orange;^white;, then we can sit back and watch the fireworks." 151,152c151,152 < "I wish ^orange;^white; would become my friend instead of ^orange;'s^white;. I've prepared this ^orange;note^white; for that will explain the truth about . It will make realise I'm much better friend material! ^green;Please deliver it to for me.", < "I've wanted to be 's friend for ages, but only hangs out with ^orange;^white;. ^green;I've prepared this ^orange;note^green; for you to deliver to ^orange;^white;. It will tell the truth about friend." --- > "I wish ^orange;^white; would become my friend instead of ^orange;'s^white;. I've prepared this ^orange;note^white; for that will explain the truth about . It will make realise that I'm much better friend material! ^green;Please deliver it to for me.", > "I've wanted to be 's friend for ages, but only hangs out with ^orange;^white;. ^green;I've prepared this ^orange;note^green; for you to deliver to ^orange;^white;. It will tell the truth about ." 159,160c159,160 < "Good job! Now Floran's and 's friendssship will truly blossom. ", < "We did it! Floran iss happy about new friendsship. Thank you!" --- > "Good job! Now Floran'sss and 's friendship will truly blossom. ", > "We did it! Floran iss happy about this friendship. Thank you!" 164c164 < "Satisfied. That was great! bought it immediately. I can hear the rumour about spreading already." --- > "Satisfied. That was great! bought it immediately. The rumour about is spreading already." 167,168c167,168 < "Wonderful news! I've made a fashionable friend, and lost a friend. I can feel good things coming. ", < "You did it. Friends are great assets and I'm sure will prove useful to us in the future. " --- > "Wonderful news! 's out an I'm in! This is going to be great.", > "You did it. Friends are great assets and I'm sure will prove useful to me in the future. " 174c174 < "Thank you! Floran will have a lot of fun with thisss new friend of oursss. " --- > "Thank you! Floran will have a lot of fun with now." 178c178 < "Amused. It's safe to say won't be hanging around much longer! " --- > "Amused. I think it's safe to say 's social life is in tatters!" 187,188c187,188 < "Floran is pleasssed that plan is successful. Floran is ssssure that is thankful that we told the truth about .", < "Floran hass aquired a new friend! Thiss is a lovely day for Floran!" --- > "Floran is pleasssed that the plan was successful! Floran's sure that is grateful we told the truth about .", > "Floran hass acquired a new friend! Thiss is a lovely day for Floran!" 192c192 < "Delighted. That rumour fanned the flames magnificently! won't be spending much time with now." --- > "Delighted. That rumour fanned the flames magnificently! isn't going to have many friends left after this." 201,202c201,202 < "Success! Floran is happy that will now be more friendly with usss. Thank you, friend!", < "Thiss turned out just like Floran wanted! Floran iss happy with new friend." --- > "Success! We certainly made an impression on ! Thank you!", > "Thiss turned out just like Floran wanted! Floran is so happy." 205c205 < "Appreciative. I have no doubt that with out of the way, and I will become great friends!", --- > "Elated. I have no doubt that with out of the way, and I will become great friends!", 210c210 < "The plan worked! is now my friend - and is out of the picture. Thanks for helping make this happen!" --- > "The plan worked! is now my friend - and is out of the picture. Thanks for helping to make this happen!" 215,217c215,217 < "I didn't help in attempt to sabotage 's friendship. It wasn't a very nice plan, though.", < "I failed to spread rumours about to . Maybe should learn to make friends by being friendly?", < "I was unable to assist 's plot to ruin 's friendship. It was a mean plan, so I won't lose sleep over it." --- > "I didn't help in attempt to sabotage 's friendship. It wasn't a very nice plan, anyway.", > "I failed to spread rumours about to . Maybe should learn to make friends by being kind?", > "I was unable to assist in 's plot to ruin 's friendship. It was a mean plan, so I won't lose sleep over abandoning it." 226c226 < "Hey I hate to bring you bad news but is .", --- > "Hey , I hate to give you bad news but is .", quests\generated\templates\steal.questtemplate 52,53c52,53 < "Floran's first tassk for you is a sssneaky one. ^orange;^white; has a nice ^orange;^white; in house and Floran wants you to ^green;borrow it^white;, if you know what Floran means...", < "Let's get the firssst step out of the way. Floran needsss a particular thing from neighbour ^orange;'s^white; houssse. Floran already asssked but was not given the thing. Will you ^green;ssssneak in and get a shiny ^orange;^white; for Floran? " --- > "Floran's first task for you is a sssneaky one. ^orange;^white; has a nice ^orange;^white; in house and Floran wants you to ^green;borrow it^white;, if you know what Floran means...", > "Let's get the first ssstep out of the way. Floran needs a particular thing from neighbour ^orange;'s^white; house. Floran already asked but said no. Will you ^green;sssneak in and get the shiny ^orange;^white; for Floran? " 56,57c56,57 < "Hesitant. I'm in need of a certain object, specifically, ^orange;'s . ^white;Would you ^green;visit home and... Acquire it for me?^white; I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.", < "Insensitive. Priority one, I need you to ^green;obtain ^orange;'s . ^white;We can make far better use of it, but won't just hand it over. ^green;You'll have to take it." --- > "Furtive. I'm in need of a certain object; specifically, ^orange;'s . ^white;Would you ^green;visit home and... Acquire it for me?^white; I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.", > "Nervous. I need you to ^green;obtain ^orange;'s . ^white;We can make far better use of it, but won't just hand it over... ^green;You'll have to take it..." 61c61 < "First, some petty thievery. I need you to ^green;obtain ^orange;'s . ^green;Go grab it from house^white; but make sure nobody sees you." --- > "First, some petty thievery. I need you to ^green;obtain ^orange;'s . ^green;Go grab it from house^white;, but make sure nobody sees you." 66c66 < "Next job isss a vital part of Floransss plan. Floran needs you to ^green;visssit ^orange;'s ^green;house to borrow the ^orange;^white; that we need. Bessst not let know about thisss part of the plan.", --- > "Next job isss a vital part of Floran's plan. Floran needs you to ^green;visit ^orange;'s ^green;house to borrow the ^orange;^white; that we need. Bessst not let know...", 70c70 < "Demanding. Now I require a certain object. Specifically the ^orange;^green; in ^orange;'s^green; home.^white; You're going to have to ^green;acquire it for me. ", --- > "Shifty. Now I require a certain object... Specifically, the ^orange;^green; in ^orange;'s^green; home.^white; You're going to have to ^green;acquire it for me. ", 75c75 < "This next part requires something that isn't ours to use. We are in need of the ^orange; ^green;located in ^orange;'s^green; home. Could you get it?" --- > "This next part requires something that isn't ours to use. We are in need of the ^orange; ^green;located in ^orange;'s^green; home. You need to go and steal it." 82c82 < "Floran knew you could do it! Clearly no job isss beneath you. Floran appreciates thisss attitude.", --- > "Floran knew you could do it! Clearly no job isss beneath you. Floran appreciates your attitude.", 86,87c86,87 < "Anxious. You actually got the from ? I thought maybe you'd get cold feet. Keep hold of it for the time being, and make sure you don't lose it!", < "Paranoid. This is the I required. Am I correct to assume nobody saw you take it? Better not hand it to me immediately. LetΓÇÖs wait for a moment." --- > "Impressed. You actually got the from ? I thought maybe you'd get cold feet. Keep hold of it for the time being, and make sure you don't lose it.", > "Paranoid. This is the I required. I hope nobody saw you take it! Better not hand it to me immediately. LetΓÇÖs wait for a moment." 91c91 < "Yes, this is the I was looking for. Did you make sure nobody saw you take it?" --- > "Yes, that's the I was looking for! Nobody saw you take it, right?" 96,97c96,97 < "This is just what we needed! Thiss might not be the bessst way of finding things, but the goal jussstifiees the means, right?", < "Amazing! Not that Floran didn't expect you to sssucceed. This iss necessary for what comes next." --- > "This is just what we needed! This might not be the bessst way of getting things, but the goal justifies the meanss, right?", > "Amazing! Not that Floran didn't expect you to sssucceed. This is necessary for what comes next." 100c100 < "Unappreciative. This looks like ΓÇÖs alright. ItΓÇÖs not in the best condition, but itΓÇÖll have to do for now.", --- > "Unimpressed. This looks like ΓÇÖs alright. ItΓÇÖs not in the best condition, but itΓÇÖll have to do for now.", 104c104 < "Wow, I bet you'd take anything that wasn't nailed down! I don't want to get caught if comes looking for that so hold onto it for now.", --- > "Wow, I bet you'd take anything that wasn't nailed down! I don't want to get caught if comes looking for that , so hold onto it for now.", quests\generated\templates\themed_build.questtemplate 34c34 < "^cyan;Floran thinksss we need new neighbour! Floran has plan..." --- > "^cyan;Floran thinksss we need new a neighbour! Floran has plan..." 37,38c37,38 < "^cyan;Amicable. I have a plan to make new friends around here. Would you like to assist?", < "^cyan;Friendly. Don't you think we could use new neighbours around here? I have a plan..." --- > "^cyan;Cheerful. I have a plan to make new friends around here. Would you like to assist?", > "^cyan;Affable. Don't you think we could use some new neighbours around here? I have a plan..." 48,49c48,49 < "Floran needsss you to ^green;make home^white;, and put ^green;place ^orange;3^green; ^green; inside^white;. Don't forget ^green;a ^orange;Colony Deed^green; and a ^orange;light!", < "Floran wantsss you to ^green;make home^white;, and put ^green;place ^orange;3^green; ^green; inside.^white; Don't forget ^green;a ^orange;Colony Deed^green; and a ^orange;light!" --- > "Floran needsss you to ^green;make a home^white;, and ^green;place ^orange;3^green; ^green; inside^white;. Don't forget ^green;a ^orange;Colony Deed^green; and a ^orange;light!", > "Floran wantsss you to ^green;build a home^white;, and ^green;place ^orange;3^green; ^green; inside.^white; Don't forget ^green;a ^orange;Colony Deed^green; and a ^orange;light!" 52,53c52,53 < "Creative. Can you ^green; build a home^white;, and inside ^green;place ^orange;3^green; ^white;? Don't forget to ^green;include a ^orange;Colony Deed^green; and a ^orange;light!", < "Excited. Can you ^green;build a home^white;, and inside ^green;place ^orange;3^green; .^white; Don't forget to ^green;include a ^orange;Colony Deed^green; and a ^orange;light!" --- > "Attentive. Could you ^green;build a home^white; and ^green;place ^orange;3^green; ^white; inside? Don't forget to ^green;include a ^orange;Colony Deed^green; and a ^orange;light!", > "Excited. Can you ^green;build a home^white;, and ^green;place ^orange;3^green; .^white; inside? Don't forget to ^green;include a ^orange;Colony Deed^green; and a ^orange;light!" 64c64 < "Ssssuccess! Floran has new friend! Floran likesss the home you made.", --- > "Success! Floran has new friend! Floran likesss the home you made.", 68,69c68,69 < "Overjoyed. We have a new neighbour. I hope they fit in here! Thank you for your generous assistance.", < "Impressed. Your home-design skills are better than I expected. Thank you for your efforts!" --- > "Overjoyed. We have a new neighbour! I'm sure they'll fit in here. Thank you for your generous assistance.", > "Impressed. Your design skills are better than I expected, what a lovely home. Thank you for your efforts!" 73c73 < "Success! I hope our new neighbour enjoys their stay. Thanks for your help!" --- > "Success! I hope our new neighbour enjoys their home. Thanks for your help!" 79c79 < "I didn't help with idea to make a home. We don't need another neighbour." --- > "I didn't help with idea to make a home. She doesn't need another neighbour anyhow." quests\scripts\main.lua 108a109,114 > local eventName = config.getParameter("completeEvent", "completeQuest") > local eventFields = config.getParameter("completeEventFields", {}) > eventFields.templateId = quest.templateId() > eventFields.generated = false > player.recordEvent(eventName, eventFields) > quests\scripts\generated\common.lua 221a222,227 > local eventName = config.getParameter("completeEvent", "completeQuest") > local eventFields = config.getParameter("completeEventFields", {}) > eventFields.templateId = quest.templateId() > eventFields.generated = true > player.recordEvent(eventName, eventFields) > scripts\tenant.lua 10a11,14 > function tenant.isTenant() > return storage.respawner ~= nil > end > scripts\actions\movement.lua 499a500,507 > function clearControls(args, output) > args = parseArgs(args, { > }) > > mcontroller.clearControls() > return true > end > scripts\actions\projectiles.lua 46c46,48 < scalePower = true --- > scalePower = true, > damageRepeatGroup = nil, > uniqueRepeatGroup = true 51a54 > local uniqueRepeatGroup = BData:getBool(args.uniqueRepeatGroup) 61a65,72 > end > > if args.damageRepeatGroup then > parameters.damageRepeatGroup = args.damageRepeatGroup > if uniqueRepeatGroup then > parameters.damageRepeatGroup = string.format(parameters.damageRepeatGroup.."-%s", > sb.logInfo("Damage repeat group: %s", parameters.damageRepeatGroup) > end scripts\quest\participant.lua 2a3 > require("/scripts/achievements.lua") 338a340,343 > > if tenant and tenant.isTenant() then > recordEvent(player, "completeTenantQuest", entityEventFields(, worldEventFields()) > end stats\effects\lowgrav\stafflowgrav.statuseffect 4c4 < "gravityModifier" : 0.3 --- > "gravityModifier" : 0.25 tilesets\packed\huge-objects.json 10,608c10,608 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A beanstalk, it grows up to the sky. ", < "//name" : "beanstalk", < "//shortdescription" : "Beanstalk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "beanstalk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "Bright light streaks.", < "//name" : "lightstreaks", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Streaks", < "imagePositionX" : "-352", < "imagePositionY" : "-656", < "object" : "lightstreaks", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "It's a collection of ship parts.", < "//name" : "shipyardjunk", < "//shortdescription" : "Shipyard Junk", < "imagePositionX" : "-96", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipyardjunk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "It's a collection of ship parts.", < "//name" : "shipyardjunk_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Shipyard Junk", < "imagePositionX" : "-120", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipyardjunk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", < "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "volcanictrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A set piece not designed to be used as an object.", < "//name" : "01back", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Background", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "40", < "object" : "01back", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//name" : "01front", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A set piece not designed to be used as an object.", < "//name" : "03back", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Background", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "40", < "object" : "03back", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A set piece not designed to be used as an object.", < "//name" : "02back", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Background", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "40", < "object" : "02back", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A set piece not designed to be used as an object.", < "//name" : "05back", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Background", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "40", < "object" : "05back", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A set piece not designed to be used as an object.", < "//name" : "04back", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Background", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "40", < "object" : "04back", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate garden. 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They look strong.", < "//name" : "vine", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine", < "material" : "vine" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "Tiles made from smoothly polished stone.", < "//name" : "stonetiles", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Tiles", < "material" : "stonetiles" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", < "//name" : "rock15", < "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", < "material" : "rock15" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "Not quite mud, not quite's wet dirt.", < "//name" : "wetdirt", < "//shortdescription" : "Wet Dirt", < "material" : "wetdirt" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "Coarse gravel.", < "//name" : "gravel", < "//shortdescription" : "Gravel", < "material" : "gravel" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", < "//name" : "rock04", < "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", < "material" : "rock04" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A block made from tightly woven reeds.", < "//name" : "reedsmaterial", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Block", < "material" : "reedsmaterial" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A support beam made for pressurised environments.", < "//name" : "pressurisedbeam", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Beam", < "material" : "pressurisedbeam" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "Ancient stones with intricate carvings of creatures scratched into the surface.", < "//name" : "temple1", < "//shortdescription" : "Temple Block", < "material" : "temple1" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A matter block. A block that matters.", < "//name" : "matterblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Matter Block", < "material" : "matterblock" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", < "//name" : "rock01", < "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", < "material" : "rock01" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "A dark-tinted panel of glass.", < "//name" : "blackglass", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Glass", < "material" : "blackglass" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A thick wall type developed for exposure to extreme elements.", < "//name" : "outpostwall2", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Thick Wall", < "material" : "outpostwall2" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "Thick iron bars. Still strong, though decaying with rust.", < "//name" : "heavyironbars", < "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Iron Bars", < "material" : "heavyironbars" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "Simply fabulous.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Planks", < "material" : "rainbowwoodblock" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "Solid ice, tingly to the touch.", < "//name" : "ice", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice", < "material" : "ice" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "Traditional looking ornate roofing.", < "//name" : "ornateroofing", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Roofing", < "material" : "ornateroofing" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Old bricks, polished to perfection.", < "//name" : "tombbrick5", < "//shortdescription" : "Smooth Tomb Brick", < "material" : "tombbrick5" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "Tungsten chains, and not the fun kind.", < "//name" : "chain", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Chain", < "material" : "chain" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A block made of plant matter.", < "//name" : "plantblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Block", < "material" : "plantblock" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "Some dirt packed into small bricks.", < "//name" : "packeddirt", < "//shortdescription" : "Packed Dirt", < "material" : "packeddirt" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "Expertly treated ornate wood.", < "//name" : "ornatewood", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Wood", < "material" : "ornatewood" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "Thick and sticky mud.", < "//name" : "mud", < "//shortdescription" : "Mud", < "material" : "mud" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "Tough, gritty moon rock.", < "//name" : "moonrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Moonrock", < "material" : "moonrock" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "An extremely hard rock found just outside the atmosphere.", < "//name" : "meteoriterock", < "//shortdescription" : "Meteorite Rock", < "material" : "meteoriterock" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "The wood is very old and creaks in the wind.", < "//name" : "woodbridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bridge Block", < "material" : "woodbridge" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "Old metal encrusted with rust.", < "//name" : "rustymetal", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal", < "material" : "rustymetal" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "Sweet smelling dark leaves and flowers.", < "//name" : "petalblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Petal Matter Block", < "material" : "petalblock" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "Dusty and ancient bricks.", < "//name" : "tombbrick", < "//shortdescription" : "Tomb Brick", < "material" : "tombbrick" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "Useless scrap metal, mostly remnants of outmoded technology.", < "//name" : "junktech", < "//shortdescription" : "Junk Tech", < "material" : "junktech" < }, < "131" : { < "//name" : "invisible", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "This alloy looks incredibly durable.", < "//name" : "lunarbaseblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Block", < "material" : "lunarbaseblock" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "Eww, a fleshy looking material!", < "//name" : "hellstone", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Pile", < "material" : "hellstone" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "Carefully treated wood that maintains a freshly chopped appearance.", < "//name" : "fullwood1", < "//shortdescription" : "Treated Wood", < "material" : "fullwood1" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A simple lattice made of wood.", < "//name" : "crosshatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Window Lattice", < "material" : "crosshatch" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "Some hideous, foul-smelling kind of flesh.", < "//name" : "fleshblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chunk", < "material" : "fleshblock" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A shimmering block of made from crystals.", < "//name" : "crystalblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Block", < "material" : "crystalblock" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting block of corrupted dirt.", < "//name" : "corruptdirt", < "//shortdescription" : "Corrupt Dirt", < "material" : "corruptdirt" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden fence.", < "//name" : "fence", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Fence", < "material" : "fence" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "The superdense core of a dead planet. Nearly unbreakable.", < "//name" : "deadcore", < "//shortdescription" : "Dead Core Block", < "material" : "deadcore" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "Moondust, the thing dreams are made of.", < "//name" : "moondust", < "//shortdescription" : "Moondust", < "material" : "moondust" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A sleek metal wall panel.", < "//name" : "apexshipwall", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Panel", < "material" : "apexshipwall" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "Tough natural sandstone.", < "//name" : "sandstone01", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone", < "material" : "sandstone01" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "A cloud dense enough to walk on.", < "//name" : "cloudblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Cloud", < "material" : "cloudblock" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "These bricks look ancient. Intricate words are scratched into the surface but I can't make them out.", < "//name" : "temple2", < "//shortdescription" : "Temple Bricks", < "material" : "temple2" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A block made of packed plant matter.", < "//name" : "plantmatter", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Matter Block", < "material" : "plantmatter" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A non-reflective mirror.", < "//name" : "mirror", < "//shortdescription" : "Mirror Block", < "material" : "mirror" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A tumbling heap of squishy eyeballs.", < "//name" : "eyepiles", < "//shortdescription" : "Pile of Eyes", < "material" : "eyepiles" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "Wood that has been prepared for building and crafting.", < "//name" : "darkwood", < "//shortdescription" : "Timber", < "material" : "darkwood" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "Cold, hard, concrete.", < "//name" : "concrete", < "//shortdescription" : "Concrete Block", < "material" : "concrete" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "Solid ice, cut into block shape.", < "//name" : "iceblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Block", < "material" : "iceblock" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "Small bricks made from cobblestone.", < "//name" : "cobblestonebrick", < "//shortdescription" : "Cobblestone Brick", < "material" : "cobblestonebrick" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "Stone rubble which appears to be debris from an old structure.", < "//name" : "stonerubble", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Rubble", < "material" : "stonerubble" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "An old looking stone pillar.", < "//name" : "pillarblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Pillar Block", < "material" : "pillarblock" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "Simple roofing for a cabin.", < "//name" : "cabinroofing", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Roofing", < "material" : "cabinroofing" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "A wooden log. Good for building simple structures.", < "//name" : "logblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Log", < "material" : "logblock" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A block of sod roofing with growing grass.", < "//name" : "grassy", < "//shortdescription" : "Sod Block", < "material" : "grassy" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "Rough, grassy stone.", < "//name" : "grassyrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Grassy Rock", < "material" : "grassyrock" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "This dirt is frozen solid.", < "//name" : "frozendirt", < "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Dirt", < "material" : "frozendirt" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "This rock is glowing with bioluminescence.", < "//name" : "biorock", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Glow Rock", < "material" : "biorock" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "This blue rock is faintly glowing with bioluminescence.", < "//name" : "biorock2", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Glow Rock", < "material" : "biorock2" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Melting ice makes a thick slush.", < "//name" : "slush", < "//shortdescription" : "Slush", < "material" : "slush" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A tightly woven wicker material.", < "//name" : "wickersupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Wicker Support Block", < "material" : "wickersupport" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "Rough and unrefined, this wood has a colourful center.", < "//name" : "rainbowwood", < "//shortdescription" : "Unrefined Rainbow Wood", < "material" : "rainbowwood" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "Disgusting, faintly glowing toxic waste.", < "//name" : "waste", < "//shortdescription" : "Waste", < "material" : "waste" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "A window with a frame made from solid copper.", < "//name" : "copperwindow", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Window", < "material" : "copperwindow" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "This copper block has a distinct gear-like imprint.", < "//name" : "copperblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Gear Block", < "material" : "copperblock" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "Roofing tiles fashioned from copper.", < "//name" : "copperroofing", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Roofing", < "material" : "copperroofing" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "A giant screw crafted from silver.", < "//name" : "silverscrew", < "//shortdescription" : "Silver Screw", < "material" : "silverscrew" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A girder designed to accommodate pressurisation changes.", < "//name" : "pressurisedgirder", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Girder", < "material" : "pressurisedgirder" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A sewer pipe used for transporting waste.", < "//name" : "sewerpipe", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Pipe", < "material" : "sewerpipe" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A strong looking metal girder.", < "//name" : "girder", < "//shortdescription" : "Girder", < "material" : "girder" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", < "//name" : "rock12", < "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", < "material" : "rock12" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy copper fence.", < "//name" : "copperfence", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Fence", < "material" : "copperfence" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A wall support used in ship construction.", < "//name" : "apexshipsupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Support", < "material" : "apexshipsupport" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A heavy pipe, commonly used in waste systems.", < "//name" : "heavypipe", < "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Pipe", < "material" : "heavypipe" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A reinforced support beam.", < "//name" : "outpostsupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Support Beam", < "material" : "outpostsupport" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "A fragrant bundle made of flowers and leaves.", < "//name" : "floweryblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Block", < "material" : "floweryblock" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "Bricks carved from shadowy rock.", < "//name" : "shadowwallblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Bricks", < "material" : "shadowwallblock" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "A rock as pitch black as shadow.", < "//name" : "shadowblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Rock", < "material" : "shadowblock" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "A spiked block formed from shadowy material.", < "//name" : "shadowspikeblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Spike Block", < "material" : "shadowspikeblock" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "I can see my reflection... it's hideous!", < "//name" : "lightblocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Glass Block", < "material" : "lightblocker" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A solid stone filled with small geode crystals.", < "//name" : "geodestone", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode Stone", < "material" : "geodestone" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "...", < "//name" : "blackblock", < "//shortdescription" : "...", < "material" : "blackblock" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "Glimmering natural geode crystals.", < "//name" : "geodeblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode Crystals", < "material" : "geodeblock" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "A pile of random junk.", < "//name" : "junk", < "//shortdescription" : "Junk Pile", < "material" : "junk" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "Pulsating brain matter.. I wonder if it's thinking.", < "//name" : "brainsblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Brains", < "material" : "brainsblock" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "Stone bricks with a ridge carved near the top.", < "//name" : "ridgebrick", < "//shortdescription" : "Ridged Block", < "material" : "ridgebrick" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "This strange rock comes from an alien world.", < "//name" : "jellyblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Rock", < "material" : "jellyblock" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "Stone stepped bricks with a small ledge.", < "//name" : "ledgebrick", < "//shortdescription" : "Ledge Brick", < "material" : "ledgebrick" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A mass of wriggling tentacles.", < "//name" : "tentacleblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Cluster", < "material" : "tentacleblock" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "A large tentacle", < "//name" : "tentaclepipe", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Tentacle", < "material" : "tentaclepipe" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy mass with some thick, tough looking skin.", < "//name" : "dermisblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Ruin Dermis", < "material" : "dermisblock" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "This fleshy mass looks like it was part of some creature's stomach.", < "//name" : "stomachblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Stomach Lining", < "material" : "stomachblock" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "Freshly cut stalks of bamboo.", < "//name" : "bamboo", < "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo", < "material" : "bamboo" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "Nicely painted brickwork.", < "//name" : "homewalls1", < "//shortdescription" : "Painted Brick", < "material" : "homewalls1" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A shimmering hoard of valuable treasure.", < "//name" : "treasurehoard", < "//shortdescription" : "Tresaure Hoard", < "material" : "treasurehoard" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", < "//name" : "rock17", < "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", < "material" : "rock17" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "Beautiful, smooth moonstone.", < "//name" : "moonstone", < "//shortdescription" : "Moonstone", < "material" : "moonstone" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron block.", < "//name" : "ironblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Block", < "material" : "ironblock" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "This looks hi-tech!", < "//name" : "metallic", < "//shortdescription" : "Hi-tech Block", < "material" : "metallic" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "Thick metal bars. Still strong, though decaying with rust.", < "//name" : "bars", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bars", < "material" : "bars" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Rough and unrefined, this wood looks freshly chopped.", < "//name" : "fullwood2", < "//shortdescription" : "Unrefined Wood", < "material" : "fullwood2" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", < "//name" : "rock02", < "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", < "material" : "rock02" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "Old wooden slats that don't let much light through.", < "//name" : "woodenwindow2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Blinds", < "material" : "woodenwindow2" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Small stone slabs, perfect for the finer details.", < "//name" : "castlewalls2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Stone Brick", < "material" : "castlewalls2" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A collection of bones tightly packed together.", < "//name" : "bonematerial", < "//shortdescription" : "Packed Bones", < "material" : "bonematerial" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Light seems to twist inside these purple crystals.", < "//name" : "purplecrystal", < "//shortdescription" : "Purple Crystal Block", < "material" : "purplecrystal" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "Wall material commonly used in space outposts.", < "//name" : "outpost", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall", < "material" : "outpost" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A durasteel panel, specially designed to contain pressurised environments.", < "//name" : "pressuriseddurasteel", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Durasteel", < "material" : "pressuriseddurasteel" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "These bricks have worn smooth with age.", < "//name" : "tombbrick2", < "//shortdescription" : "Unmarked Tomb Brick", < "material" : "tombbrick2" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A whole block of solid platinum.", < "//name" : "platinumblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Platinum Block", < "material" : "platinumblock" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "Sticky hive combs made from the remains of fallen creatures.", < "//name" : "hive", < "//shortdescription" : "Hivestone", < "material" : "hive" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "Hard cobblestones, smooth to the touch.", < "//name" : "cobblestone", < "//shortdescription" : "Cobblestone", < "material" : "cobblestone" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "Thick, rancid tar. Just looking at it feels sticky.", < "//name" : "tar", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar", < "material" : "tar" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "This strange rock comes from an alien world.", < "//name" : "alienrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Rock", < "material" : "alienrock" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "These bricks have certainly survived the test of time.", < "//name" : "ancientblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Block", < "material" : "ancientblock" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A traditional screen panel.", < "//name" : "shojiscreenpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Shoji Screen Panel", < "material" : "shojiscreenpanel" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A riveted metal wall.", < "//name" : "apexshipdetails", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Railing", < "material" : "apexshipdetails" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A pile of tightly packed ash.", < "//name" : "ash", < "//shortdescription" : "Ash Pile", < "material" : "ash" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A cheap but effective construction material.", < "//name" : "asphalt", < "//shortdescription" : "Asphalt", < "material" : "asphalt" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "Cheap, tacky wallpaper.", < "//name" : "cheapwallpaper", < "//shortdescription" : "Tacky Wallpaper", < "material" : "cheapwallpaper" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "Small glyphs cover this stone.", < "//name" : "aztec", < "//shortdescription" : "Glyph Block", < "material" : "aztec" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "An advanced synthetic Avian material with printed markings.", < "//name" : "aztectech", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tech Block", < "material" : "aztectech" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "This baseboard completes the classic home look.", < "//name" : "baseboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Baseboard", < "material" : "baseboard" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "This carved brick is immeasurably old.", < "//name" : "ancientbrick", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Brick", < "material" : "ancientbrick" < }, < "48" : { < "//name" : "brains", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "Soft faded brick.", < "//name" : "fadedblocks", < "//shortdescription" : "Soft Brick", < "material" : "fadedblocks" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "Traditional thatched roofing.", < "//name" : "thatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Thatch", < "material" : "thatch" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "Strong stone slabs, perfect for building a castle.", < "//name" : "castlewalls1", < "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Stone Brick", < "material" : "castlewalls1" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "Weathered roof tiles. Their shape makes me feel uneasy.", < "//name" : "rooftiles", < "//shortdescription" : "Roof Tiles", < "material" : "rooftiles" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "Stacked natural granite bricks.", < "//name" : "rock14", < "//shortdescription" : "Granite Block", < "material" : "rock14" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "Delightful ornate flooring.", < "//name" : "ornateflooring", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Flooring", < "material" : "ornateflooring" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "Exquisite ornate roof tiles.", < "//name" : "ornatetiles", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Tiles", < "material" : "ornatetiles" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "Little wormlike forms wriggle beneath the surface of this glassy stone.", < "//name" : "direstone", < "//shortdescription" : "Dire Stone", < "material" : "direstone" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A crudely produced set of rock bricks.", < "//name" : "rockbrick", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Bricks", < "material" : "rockbrick" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A rusty old metal block.", < "//name" : "rustyblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Block", < "material" : "rustyblock" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "Sharp rocks produced by blasts of enormous heat.", < "//name" : "blaststone", < "//shortdescription" : "Blaststone Block", < "material" : "blaststone" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A whole block of silver.", < "//name" : "silverblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Silver Block", < "material" : "silverblock" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A dark, smooth stone block.", < "//name" : "darksmoothstone", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark Smooth Stone", < "material" : "darksmoothstone" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "Rough, unrefined limestone.", < "//name" : "limestone", < "//shortdescription" : "Limestone", < "material" : "limestone" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A block made of soft fungus.", < "//name" : "shroomblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Block", < "material" : "shroomblock" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "Magmarock. This is hot stuff.", < "//name" : "magmarock", < "//shortdescription" : "Magmarock", < "material" : "magmarock" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "Dark and cold to the touch, these bricks seem to suck the heat from the room.", < "//name" : "tombbrick4", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark Tomb Brick", < "material" : "tombbrick4" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "Bricks made from smoothed sandstone.", < "//name" : "sandstoneblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Bricks", < "material" : "sandstoneblock" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A piece of alien striped wood. Stripey!", < "//name" : "alienstripedblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Striped Wood", < "material" : "alienstripedblock" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "These small bricks are masterfully crafted.", < "//name" : "tombbrick3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Tomb Brick", < "material" : "tombbrick3" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "Dusty but finely crafted bricks.", < "//name" : "temple3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Temple Bricks", < "material" : "temple3" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "Reminds me of the inside of a medical centre.", < "//name" : "plate", < "//shortdescription" : "Smooth Plated Block", < "material" : "plate" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A coloured block filled with neon gas.", < "//name" : "neonblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Block", < "material" : "neonblock" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "Small but perfectly formed bricks made from clay.", < "//name" : "brick", < "//shortdescription" : "Bricks", < "material" : "brick" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A solid tungsten block.", < "//name" : "mediummetal", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Block", < "material" : "mediummetal" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "This wood panelling was fashionable in a distant era.", < "//name" : "woodpanelling", < "//shortdescription" : "Wood Panelling", < "material" : "woodpanelling" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "Sweet-smelling rock candy!", < "//name" : "candyblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Candy Block", < "material" : "candyblock" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A roughly woven wicker material.", < "//name" : "wicker", < "//shortdescription" : "Wicker Block", < "material" : "wicker" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting pile of sewage. Lovely.", < "//name" : "sewage", < "//shortdescription" : "Raw Sewage", < "material" : "sewage" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "Dirty looking dirt.", < "//name" : "dirt", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirt", < "material" : "dirt" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "Heavy, sticky clay.", < "//name" : "clay", < "//shortdescription" : "Clay", < "material" : "clay" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "Solid obsidian. It is naturally black.", < "//name" : "obsidian", < "//shortdescription" : "Obsidian", < "material" : "obsidian" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "Packed dirt, covered in moss.", < "//name" : "mossypackeddirt", < "//shortdescription" : "Mossy Packed Dirt", < "material" : "mossypackeddirt" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "This pattern suggests caution.", < "//name" : "hazard", < "//shortdescription" : "Hazard Block", < "material" : "hazard" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A small throwing block that sticks to surfaces.", < "//name" : "throwingblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Throwing Block", < "material" : "throwingblock" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A thick mucus. It jiggles when poked.", < "//name" : "slime", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Glob", < "material" : "slime" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A window with wooden panes.", < "//name" : "woodenwindow1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Window", < "material" : "woodenwindow1" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", < "//name" : "rock03", < "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", < "material" : "rock03" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", < "//name" : "rock20", < "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", < "material" : "rock20" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "Bricks made from coconut and mortar.", < "//name" : "coconutblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Coconut Block", < "material" : "coconutblock" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "I can see my reflection.", < "//name" : "glass", < "//shortdescription" : "Glass Block", < "material" : "glass" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "Old and poorly crafted blocks, crude drawings are scratched into the stone.", < "//name" : "temple4", < "//shortdescription" : "Simple Temple Blocks", < "material" : "temple4" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A fine glittering sand. Could probably be made into glass!", < "//name" : "sand", < "//shortdescription" : "Fine Sand", < "material" : "sand" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "Soft and fluffy snow.", < "//name" : "snow", < "//shortdescription" : "Snow", < "material" : "snow" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "Some classy wallpaper, the perfect finishing touch.", < "//name" : "wallpaper", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Wallpaper", < "material" : "wallpaper" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A whole block of solid gold.", < "//name" : "goldblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Block", < "material" : "goldblock" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A traditional looking wall.", < "//name" : "ornatewall", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Wall", < "material" : "ornatewall" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "Dark concrete specially designed for outposts.", < "//name" : "outpostwall1", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Concrete", < "material" : "outpostwall1" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "Some naturally smooth ice.", < "//name" : "frozenwater", < "//shortdescription" : "Smooth Ice", < "material" : "frozenwater" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A pile of dusty old books, they're full of tales of dragons and knights.", < "//name" : "bookpiles", < "//shortdescription" : "Pile of Books", < "material" : "bookpiles" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "Smooth metal, cold to the touch.", < "//name" : "smoothmetal", < "//shortdescription" : "Smooth Metal", < "material" : "smoothmetal" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "Soft and warm sand.", < "//name" : "sand2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sand", < "material" : "sand2" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "Cactus that's been fashioned into a construction block. Still prickly.", < "//name" : "cactiblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Cacti Block", < "material" : "cactiblock" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "Webs packed tight into a solid block.", < "//name" : "spidersilkblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Spider Silk", < "material" : "spidersilkblock" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A large stackable toy block.", < "//name" : "redtoyblock", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Toy Block", < "material" : "redtoyblock" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", < "//name" : "rock19", < "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", < "material" : "rock19" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A crystal used to power FTL technology. It's still not fully understood.", > "//name" : "supermatter", > "//shortdescription" : "Erchius Crystal", > "material" : "supermatter" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A light metallic tile, perfect for a research laboratory.", > "//name" : "lightmetal", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Metal", > "material" : "lightmetal" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Dirt, dried solid in the sun.", > "//name" : "drydirt", > "//shortdescription" : "Dry Dirt", > "material" : "drydirt" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "Hard, cracked sand that shatters underfoot.", > "//name" : "drysand", > "//shortdescription" : "Dry Sand", > "material" : "drysand" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A smooth panel made of titanium.", > "//name" : "composite01", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Panel", > "material" : "composite01" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A tile with a strange blue glyph engraved in the centre.", > "//name" : "blueneonsymbolblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Block", > "material" : "blueneonsymbolblock" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "Wiring hides beneath this reinforced hi-tech plated material.", > "//name" : "techhull1", > "//shortdescription" : "Reinforced Tech Block", > "material" : "techhull1" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A thick coil of vines. They look strong.", > "//name" : "vine", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine", > "material" : "vine" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "Tiles made from smoothly polished stone.", > "//name" : "stonetiles", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Tiles", > "material" : "stonetiles" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "//name" : "rock15", > "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "material" : "rock15" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "Not quite mud, not quite's wet dirt.", > "//name" : "wetdirt", > "//shortdescription" : "Wet Dirt", > "material" : "wetdirt" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "Coarse gravel.", > "//name" : "gravel", > "//shortdescription" : "Gravel", > "material" : "gravel" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "//name" : "rock04", > "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "material" : "rock04" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A block made from tightly woven reeds.", > "//name" : "reedsmaterial", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Block", > "material" : "reedsmaterial" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A support beam made for pressurised environments.", > "//name" : "pressurisedbeam", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Beam", > "material" : "pressurisedbeam" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "Ancient stones with intricate carvings of creatures scratched into the surface.", > "//name" : "temple1", > "//shortdescription" : "Temple Block", > "material" : "temple1" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A matter block. A block that matters.", > "//name" : "matterblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Matter Block", > "material" : "matterblock" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "//name" : "rock01", > "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "material" : "rock01" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "A dark-tinted panel of glass.", > "//name" : "blackglass", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Glass", > "material" : "blackglass" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A thick wall type developed for exposure to extreme elements.", > "//name" : "outpostwall2", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Thick Wall", > "material" : "outpostwall2" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "Thick iron bars. Still strong, though decaying with rust.", > "//name" : "heavyironbars", > "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Iron Bars", > "material" : "heavyironbars" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "Simply fabulous.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Planks", > "material" : "rainbowwoodblock" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "Solid ice, tingly to the touch.", > "//name" : "ice", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice", > "material" : "ice" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "Traditional looking ornate roofing.", > "//name" : "ornateroofing", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Roofing", > "material" : "ornateroofing" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Old bricks, polished to perfection.", > "//name" : "tombbrick5", > "//shortdescription" : "Smooth Tomb Brick", > "material" : "tombbrick5" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "Tungsten chains, and not the fun kind.", > "//name" : "chain", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Chain", > "material" : "chain" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A block made of plant matter.", > "//name" : "plantblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Block", > "material" : "plantblock" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "Some dirt packed into small bricks.", > "//name" : "packeddirt", > "//shortdescription" : "Packed Dirt", > "material" : "packeddirt" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "Expertly treated ornate wood.", > "//name" : "ornatewood", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Wood", > "material" : "ornatewood" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "Thick and sticky mud.", > "//name" : "mud", > "//shortdescription" : "Mud", > "material" : "mud" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "Tough, gritty moon rock.", > "//name" : "moonrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Moonrock", > "material" : "moonrock" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "An extremely hard rock found just outside the atmosphere.", > "//name" : "meteoriterock", > "//shortdescription" : "Meteorite Rock", > "material" : "meteoriterock" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "The wood is very old and creaks in the wind.", > "//name" : "woodbridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bridge Block", > "material" : "woodbridge" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "Old metal encrusted with rust.", > "//name" : "rustymetal", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal", > "material" : "rustymetal" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "Sweet smelling dark leaves and flowers.", > "//name" : "petalblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Petal Matter Block", > "material" : "petalblock" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "Dusty and ancient bricks.", > "//name" : "tombbrick", > "//shortdescription" : "Tomb Brick", > "material" : "tombbrick" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "Useless scrap metal, mostly remnants of outmoded technology.", > "//name" : "junktech", > "//shortdescription" : "Junk Tech", > "material" : "junktech" > }, > "131" : { > "//name" : "invisible", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "This alloy looks incredibly durable.", > "//name" : "lunarbaseblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Block", > "material" : "lunarbaseblock" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "Eww, a fleshy looking material!", > "//name" : "hellstone", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Pile", > "material" : "hellstone" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "Carefully treated wood that maintains a freshly chopped appearance.", > "//name" : "fullwood1", > "//shortdescription" : "Treated Wood", > "material" : "fullwood1" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A simple lattice made of wood.", > "//name" : "crosshatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Window Lattice", > "material" : "crosshatch" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "Some hideous, foul-smelling kind of flesh.", > "//name" : "fleshblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chunk", > "material" : "fleshblock" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A shimmering block of made from crystals.", > "//name" : "crystalblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Block", > "material" : "crystalblock" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting block of corrupted dirt.", > "//name" : "corruptdirt", > "//shortdescription" : "Corrupt Dirt", > "material" : "corruptdirt" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden fence.", > "//name" : "fence", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Fence", > "material" : "fence" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "The superdense core of a dead planet. Nearly unbreakable.", > "//name" : "deadcore", > "//shortdescription" : "Dead Core Block", > "material" : "deadcore" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "Moondust, the thing dreams are made of.", > "//name" : "moondust", > "//shortdescription" : "Moondust", > "material" : "moondust" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A sleek metal wall panel.", > "//name" : "apexshipwall", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Panel", > "material" : "apexshipwall" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "Tough natural sandstone.", > "//name" : "sandstone01", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone", > "material" : "sandstone01" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A cloud dense enough to walk on.", > "//name" : "cloudblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Cloud", > "material" : "cloudblock" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "These bricks look ancient. Intricate words are scratched into the surface but I can't make them out.", > "//name" : "temple2", > "//shortdescription" : "Temple Bricks", > "material" : "temple2" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A block made of packed plant matter.", > "//name" : "plantmatter", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Matter Block", > "material" : "plantmatter" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A non-reflective mirror.", > "//name" : "mirror", > "//shortdescription" : "Mirror Block", > "material" : "mirror" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A tumbling heap of squishy eyeballs.", > "//name" : "eyepiles", > "//shortdescription" : "Pile of Eyes", > "material" : "eyepiles" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "Wood that has been prepared for building and crafting.", > "//name" : "darkwood", > "//shortdescription" : "Timber", > "material" : "darkwood" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "Cold, hard, concrete.", > "//name" : "concrete", > "//shortdescription" : "Concrete Block", > "material" : "concrete" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "Solid ice, cut into block shape.", > "//name" : "iceblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Block", > "material" : "iceblock" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "Small bricks made from cobblestone.", > "//name" : "cobblestonebrick", > "//shortdescription" : "Cobblestone Brick", > "material" : "cobblestonebrick" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "Stone rubble which appears to be debris from an old structure.", > "//name" : "stonerubble", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Rubble", > "material" : "stonerubble" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "An old looking stone pillar.", > "//name" : "pillarblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Pillar Block", > "material" : "pillarblock" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "Simple roofing for a cabin.", > "//name" : "cabinroofing", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Roofing", > "material" : "cabinroofing" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "A wooden log. Good for building simple structures.", > "//name" : "logblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Log", > "material" : "logblock" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A block of sod roofing with growing grass.", > "//name" : "grassy", > "//shortdescription" : "Sod Block", > "material" : "grassy" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "Rough, grassy stone.", > "//name" : "grassyrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Grassy Rock", > "material" : "grassyrock" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "This dirt is frozen solid.", > "//name" : "frozendirt", > "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Dirt", > "material" : "frozendirt" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "This rock is glowing with bioluminescence.", > "//name" : "biorock", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Glow Rock", > "material" : "biorock" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "This blue rock is faintly glowing with bioluminescence.", > "//name" : "biorock2", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Glow Rock", > "material" : "biorock2" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Melting ice makes a thick slush.", > "//name" : "slush", > "//shortdescription" : "Slush", > "material" : "slush" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A tightly woven wicker material.", > "//name" : "wickersupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Wicker Support Block", > "material" : "wickersupport" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "Rough and unrefined, this wood has a colourful center.", > "//name" : "rainbowwood", > "//shortdescription" : "Unrefined Rainbow Wood", > "material" : "rainbowwood" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "Disgusting, faintly glowing toxic waste.", > "//name" : "waste", > "//shortdescription" : "Waste", > "material" : "waste" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "A window with a frame made from solid copper.", > "//name" : "copperwindow", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Window", > "material" : "copperwindow" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "This copper block has a distinct gear-like imprint.", > "//name" : "copperblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Gear Block", > "material" : "copperblock" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "Roofing tiles fashioned from copper.", > "//name" : "copperroofing", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Roofing", > "material" : "copperroofing" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A giant screw crafted from silver.", > "//name" : "silverscrew", > "//shortdescription" : "Silver Screw", > "material" : "silverscrew" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A girder designed to accommodate pressurisation changes.", > "//name" : "pressurisedgirder", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Girder", > "material" : "pressurisedgirder" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A sewer pipe used for transporting waste.", > "//name" : "sewerpipe", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Pipe", > "material" : "sewerpipe" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A strong looking metal girder.", > "//name" : "girder", > "//shortdescription" : "Girder", > "material" : "girder" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "//name" : "rock12", > "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "material" : "rock12" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy copper fence.", > "//name" : "copperfence", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Fence", > "material" : "copperfence" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A wall support used in ship construction.", > "//name" : "apexshipsupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Support", > "material" : "apexshipsupport" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A heavy pipe, commonly used in waste systems.", > "//name" : "heavypipe", > "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Pipe", > "material" : "heavypipe" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A reinforced support beam.", > "//name" : "outpostsupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Support Beam", > "material" : "outpostsupport" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "A fragrant bundle made of flowers and leaves.", > "//name" : "floweryblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Block", > "material" : "floweryblock" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "Bricks carved from shadowy rock.", > "//name" : "shadowwallblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Bricks", > "material" : "shadowwallblock" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A rock as pitch black as shadow.", > "//name" : "shadowblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Rock", > "material" : "shadowblock" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "A spiked block formed from shadowy material.", > "//name" : "shadowspikeblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Spike Block", > "material" : "shadowspikeblock" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "I can see my reflection... it's hideous!", > "//name" : "lightblocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Glass Block", > "material" : "lightblocker" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A solid stone filled with small geode crystals.", > "//name" : "geodestone", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Stone", > "material" : "geodestone" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "blackblock", > "//shortdescription" : "...", > "material" : "blackblock" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "Glimmering natural geode crystals.", > "//name" : "geodeblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Crystals", > "material" : "geodeblock" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "A pile of random junk.", > "//name" : "junk", > "//shortdescription" : "Junk Pile", > "material" : "junk" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "Pulsating brain matter.. I wonder if it's thinking.", > "//name" : "brainsblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Brains", > "material" : "brainsblock" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "Stone bricks with a ridge carved near the top.", > "//name" : "ridgebrick", > "//shortdescription" : "Ridged Block", > "material" : "ridgebrick" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "A slimy, bright coloured mass of jelly.", > "//name" : "jellyblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Jelly Blob", > "material" : "jellyblock" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "Stone stepped bricks with a small ledge.", > "//name" : "ledgebrick", > "//shortdescription" : "Ledge Brick", > "material" : "ledgebrick" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A mass of wriggling tentacles.", > "//name" : "tentacleblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Cluster", > "material" : "tentacleblock" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A large tentacle", > "//name" : "tentaclepipe", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Tentacle", > "material" : "tentaclepipe" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy mass with some thick, tough looking skin.", > "//name" : "dermisblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Ruin Dermis", > "material" : "dermisblock" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "This fleshy mass looks like it was part of some creature's stomach.", > "//name" : "stomachblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Stomach Lining", > "material" : "stomachblock" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "Freshly cut stalks of bamboo.", > "//name" : "bamboo", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo", > "material" : "bamboo" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Nicely painted brickwork.", > "//name" : "homewalls1", > "//shortdescription" : "Painted Brick", > "material" : "homewalls1" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A shimmering hoard of valuable treasure.", > "//name" : "treasurehoard", > "//shortdescription" : "Tresaure Hoard", > "material" : "treasurehoard" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "//name" : "rock17", > "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "material" : "rock17" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "Beautiful, smooth moonstone.", > "//name" : "moonstone", > "//shortdescription" : "Moonstone", > "material" : "moonstone" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron block.", > "//name" : "ironblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Block", > "material" : "ironblock" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "This looks hi-tech!", > "//name" : "metallic", > "//shortdescription" : "Hi-tech Block", > "material" : "metallic" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "Thick metal bars. Still strong, though decaying with rust.", > "//name" : "bars", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bars", > "material" : "bars" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Rough and unrefined, this wood looks freshly chopped.", > "//name" : "fullwood2", > "//shortdescription" : "Unrefined Wood", > "material" : "fullwood2" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "//name" : "rock02", > "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "material" : "rock02" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "Old wooden slats that don't let much light through.", > "//name" : "woodenwindow2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Blinds", > "material" : "woodenwindow2" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Small stone slabs, perfect for the finer details.", > "//name" : "castlewalls2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Stone Brick", > "material" : "castlewalls2" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A collection of bones tightly packed together.", > "//name" : "bonematerial", > "//shortdescription" : "Packed Bones", > "material" : "bonematerial" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Light seems to twist inside these purple crystals.", > "//name" : "purplecrystal", > "//shortdescription" : "Purple Crystal Block", > "material" : "purplecrystal" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "Wall material commonly used in space outposts.", > "//name" : "outpost", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall", > "material" : "outpost" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A durasteel panel, specially designed to contain pressurised environments.", > "//name" : "pressuriseddurasteel", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Durasteel", > "material" : "pressuriseddurasteel" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "These bricks have worn smooth with age.", > "//name" : "tombbrick2", > "//shortdescription" : "Unmarked Tomb Brick", > "material" : "tombbrick2" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A whole block of solid platinum.", > "//name" : "platinumblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Platinum Block", > "material" : "platinumblock" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Sticky hive combs made from the remains of fallen creatures.", > "//name" : "hive", > "//shortdescription" : "Hivestone", > "material" : "hive" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "Hard cobblestones, smooth to the touch.", > "//name" : "cobblestone", > "//shortdescription" : "Cobblestone", > "material" : "cobblestone" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "Thick, rancid tar. Just looking at it feels sticky.", > "//name" : "tar", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar", > "material" : "tar" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "This strange rock comes from an alien world.", > "//name" : "alienrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Rock", > "material" : "alienrock" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "These bricks have certainly survived the test of time.", > "//name" : "ancientblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Block", > "material" : "ancientblock" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A traditional screen panel.", > "//name" : "shojiscreenpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Shoji Screen Panel", > "material" : "shojiscreenpanel" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A riveted metal wall.", > "//name" : "apexshipdetails", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Railing", > "material" : "apexshipdetails" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A pile of tightly packed ash.", > "//name" : "ash", > "//shortdescription" : "Ash Pile", > "material" : "ash" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A cheap but effective construction material.", > "//name" : "asphalt", > "//shortdescription" : "Asphalt", > "material" : "asphalt" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "Cheap, tacky wallpaper.", > "//name" : "cheapwallpaper", > "//shortdescription" : "Tacky Wallpaper", > "material" : "cheapwallpaper" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "Small glyphs cover this stone.", > "//name" : "aztec", > "//shortdescription" : "Glyph Block", > "material" : "aztec" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "An advanced synthetic Avian material with printed markings.", > "//name" : "aztectech", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tech Block", > "material" : "aztectech" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "This baseboard completes the classic home look.", > "//name" : "baseboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Baseboard", > "material" : "baseboard" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "This carved brick is immeasurably old.", > "//name" : "ancientbrick", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Brick", > "material" : "ancientbrick" > }, > "48" : { > "//name" : "brains", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "Soft faded brick.", > "//name" : "fadedblocks", > "//shortdescription" : "Soft Brick", > "material" : "fadedblocks" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "Traditional thatched roofing.", > "//name" : "thatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Thatch", > "material" : "thatch" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "Strong stone slabs, perfect for building a castle.", > "//name" : "castlewalls1", > "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Stone Brick", > "material" : "castlewalls1" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "Weathered roof tiles. Their shape makes me feel uneasy.", > "//name" : "rooftiles", > "//shortdescription" : "Roof Tiles", > "material" : "rooftiles" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "Stacked natural granite bricks.", > "//name" : "rock14", > "//shortdescription" : "Granite Block", > "material" : "rock14" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "Delightful ornate flooring.", > "//name" : "ornateflooring", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Flooring", > "material" : "ornateflooring" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "Exquisite ornate roof tiles.", > "//name" : "ornatetiles", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Tiles", > "material" : "ornatetiles" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "Little wormlike forms wriggle beneath the surface of this glassy stone.", > "//name" : "direstone", > "//shortdescription" : "Dire Stone", > "material" : "direstone" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A crudely produced set of rock bricks.", > "//name" : "rockbrick", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Bricks", > "material" : "rockbrick" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A rusty old metal block.", > "//name" : "rustyblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Block", > "material" : "rustyblock" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "Sharp rocks produced by blasts of enormous heat.", > "//name" : "blaststone", > "//shortdescription" : "Blaststone Block", > "material" : "blaststone" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A whole block of silver.", > "//name" : "silverblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Silver Block", > "material" : "silverblock" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A dark, smooth stone block.", > "//name" : "darksmoothstone", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark Smooth Stone", > "material" : "darksmoothstone" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "Rough, unrefined limestone.", > "//name" : "limestone", > "//shortdescription" : "Limestone", > "material" : "limestone" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A block made of soft fungus.", > "//name" : "shroomblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Block", > "material" : "shroomblock" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "Magmarock. This is hot stuff.", > "//name" : "magmarock", > "//shortdescription" : "Magmarock", > "material" : "magmarock" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "Dark and cold to the touch, these bricks seem to suck the heat from the room.", > "//name" : "tombbrick4", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark Tomb Brick", > "material" : "tombbrick4" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "Bricks made from smoothed sandstone.", > "//name" : "sandstoneblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Bricks", > "material" : "sandstoneblock" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "A piece of alien striped wood. Stripey!", > "//name" : "alienstripedblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Striped Wood", > "material" : "alienstripedblock" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "These small bricks are masterfully crafted.", > "//name" : "tombbrick3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Tomb Brick", > "material" : "tombbrick3" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "Dusty but finely crafted bricks.", > "//name" : "temple3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Temple Bricks", > "material" : "temple3" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "Reminds me of the inside of a medical centre.", > "//name" : "plate", > "//shortdescription" : "Smooth Plated Block", > "material" : "plate" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A coloured block filled with neon gas.", > "//name" : "neonblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Neon Block", > "material" : "neonblock" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "Small but perfectly formed bricks made from clay.", > "//name" : "brick", > "//shortdescription" : "Bricks", > "material" : "brick" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A solid tungsten block.", > "//name" : "mediummetal", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Block", > "material" : "mediummetal" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "This wood panelling was fashionable in a distant era.", > "//name" : "woodpanelling", > "//shortdescription" : "Wood Panelling", > "material" : "woodpanelling" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "Sweet-smelling rock candy!", > "//name" : "candyblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Candy Block", > "material" : "candyblock" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A roughly woven wicker material.", > "//name" : "wicker", > "//shortdescription" : "Wicker Block", > "material" : "wicker" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting pile of sewage. Lovely.", > "//name" : "sewage", > "//shortdescription" : "Raw Sewage", > "material" : "sewage" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "Dirty looking dirt.", > "//name" : "dirt", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirt", > "material" : "dirt" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "Heavy, sticky clay.", > "//name" : "clay", > "//shortdescription" : "Clay", > "material" : "clay" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "Solid obsidian. It is naturally black.", > "//name" : "obsidian", > "//shortdescription" : "Obsidian", > "material" : "obsidian" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "Packed dirt, covered in moss.", > "//name" : "mossypackeddirt", > "//shortdescription" : "Mossy Packed Dirt", > "material" : "mossypackeddirt" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "This pattern suggests caution.", > "//name" : "hazard", > "//shortdescription" : "Hazard Block", > "material" : "hazard" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A small throwing block that sticks to surfaces.", > "//name" : "throwingblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Throwing Block", > "material" : "throwingblock" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A thick mucus. It jiggles when poked.", > "//name" : "slime", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Glob", > "material" : "slime" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A window with wooden panes.", > "//name" : "woodenwindow1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Window", > "material" : "woodenwindow1" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "//name" : "rock03", > "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "material" : "rock03" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "//name" : "rock20", > "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "material" : "rock20" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "Bricks made from coconut and mortar.", > "//name" : "coconutblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Coconut Block", > "material" : "coconutblock" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "I can see my reflection.", > "//name" : "glass", > "//shortdescription" : "Glass Block", > "material" : "glass" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "Old and poorly crafted blocks, crude drawings are scratched into the stone.", > "//name" : "temple4", > "//shortdescription" : "Simple Temple Blocks", > "material" : "temple4" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A fine glittering sand. Could probably be made into glass!", > "//name" : "sand", > "//shortdescription" : "Fine Sand", > "material" : "sand" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "Soft and fluffy snow.", > "//name" : "snow", > "//shortdescription" : "Snow", > "material" : "snow" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "Some classy wallpaper, the perfect finishing touch.", > "//name" : "wallpaper", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Wallpaper", > "material" : "wallpaper" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A whole block of solid gold.", > "//name" : "goldblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Block", > "material" : "goldblock" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "A traditional looking wall.", > "//name" : "ornatewall", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Wall", > "material" : "ornatewall" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "Dark concrete specially designed for outposts.", > "//name" : "outpostwall1", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Concrete", > "material" : "outpostwall1" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "Some naturally smooth ice.", > "//name" : "frozenwater", > "//shortdescription" : "Smooth Ice", > "material" : "frozenwater" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "A pile of dusty old books, they're full of tales of dragons and knights.", > "//name" : "bookpiles", > "//shortdescription" : "Pile of Books", > "material" : "bookpiles" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "Smooth metal, cold to the touch.", > "//name" : "smoothmetal", > "//shortdescription" : "Smooth Metal", > "material" : "smoothmetal" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "Soft and warm sand.", > "//name" : "sand2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sand", > "material" : "sand2" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "Cactus that's been fashioned into a construction block. Still prickly.", > "//name" : "cactiblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Cacti Block", > "material" : "cactiblock" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "Webs packed tight into a solid block.", > "//name" : "spidersilkblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Spider Silk", > "material" : "spidersilkblock" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "A large stackable toy block.", > "//name" : "redtoyblock", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Toy Block", > "material" : "redtoyblock" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "Rough, unrefined stone.", > "//name" : "rock19", > "//shortdescription" : "Rough Stone", > "material" : "rock19" > } 1148,1717c1148,1717 < "0" : { < "image" : "./../../../../tiled/packed/materials/supermatter.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "./../../../../tiled/packed/materials/lightmetal.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "./../../../../tiled/packed/materials/drydirt.png" < }, < "100" : { < "image" : "./../../../../tiled/packed/materials/drysand.png" < }, < "101" : { < "image" : 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Time to get breaking bad.", < "//name" : "smashcrystal", < "//shortdescription" : "Smashable Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashcrystal" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A tall, dusty pot that smells of bird poop. Maybe it's smashable.", < "//name" : "talljar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "talljar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclepart2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclepart2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclepart2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. 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Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket3" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", < "//name" : "hecklight2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight2" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", < "//name" : "embercoral2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "embercoral2" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "An icy sphere. 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Be sure to check for critters!", < "//name" : "tallgrass4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tallgrass4" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A divine, colourful bush.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", < "//name" : "crystalcavebush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalcavebush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A tiny house. Who lives here?", < "//name" : "smallhouse6", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "A snow drift.", < "//name" : "snowdrift4", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowdrift4" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A tiny clock tower. Save the clock tower!", < "//name" : "smallclocktower", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Clock Tower", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallclocktower", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock2", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A rusty bush. 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It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", < "//name" : "dirtyfossil1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dirtyfossil1" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", < "//name" : "smallhouse11", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse11", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell7", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "This jar has seen better days. It looks smashable...", < "//name" : "birdjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Temple Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", < "//name" : "cellstructure5", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellstructure5" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", < "//name" : "slimeblob5", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimeblob5" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Fancy Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicsmall1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell2", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "swamproot3", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swamproot3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "iceshard4", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "iceshard4" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A flowery bush.", < "//name" : "springbush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "rootbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rootbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Striped Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicsmall2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclepart1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclepart1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclepart1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclepart1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclepart1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "A breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "tentaclepopmed", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Tentacle Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclepopmed" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "What an ugly jar.", < "//name" : "birdjar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ugly Temple Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdjar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A tiny basket made of wicker.", < "//name" : "wickerbasket1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket1" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", < "//name" : "dirtyfossil6", < "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dirtyfossil6" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell8", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "iceshard5", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "iceshard5" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush of high aesthetic value.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", < "//name" : "smallhouse8", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A familiar-shaped jar. It looks angry and smashable.", < "//name" : "ashjar3", < "//shortdescription" : "Familiar Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashjar3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock1", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", < "//name" : "tarcrystal2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarcrystal2" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A dark rock.", < "//name" : "shadowrock3", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowrock3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "A leafy plant.", < "//name" : "junglebush13", < "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush13", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", < "//name" : "reedseed3", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedseed3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A lavish bird-shaped jar. Maybe I can smash it...", < "//name" : "bigjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Bird Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "A pile of mossy stones.", < "//name" : "mistprimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Pile of Mossy Stones", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mistprimer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", < "//name" : "tarcrystal3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarcrystal3" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", < "//name" : "rustbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of gold.", < "//name" : "goldrocksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Gold Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldrocksmall" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", < "//name" : "smallhouse7", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "A fragile thin urn made from clay.", < "//name" : "planturn2", < "//shortdescription" : "Thin Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planturn2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "geometricshard5", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricshard5" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "Part of a ribcage. It won't be intact for long.", < "//name" : "smashbones4", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashbones4" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", < "//name" : "slimeblob3", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimeblob3" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of diamond.", < "//name" : "diamondrocksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Diamond Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diamondrocksmall" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "Knock it down!", < "//name" : "bowlingpin", < "//shortdescription" : "Bowling Pin", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bowlingpin" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", < "//name" : "giantflower4", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflower4" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", < "//name" : "dirtyfossil3", < "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dirtyfossil3" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", < "//name" : "embercoral4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "embercoral4" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", < "//name" : "crystalcavebush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalcavebush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "swamproot1", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swamproot1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "An empty bottle of Oculemon nectar.", < "//name" : "smashabledrink3", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Nectar Bottle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashabledrink3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike10", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "buglike10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", < "//name" : "slimeblob4", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimeblob4" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", < "//name" : "dirtyfossil4", < "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dirtyfossil4" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "A tiny house. Who lives here?", < "//name" : "smallhouse1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", < "//name" : "tarcrystal5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarcrystal5" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "frozenmistprimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frozenmistprimer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "Some sort of eggs.", < "//name" : "hivebush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Eggs", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivebush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", < "//name" : "smallhouse4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "An oddly shaped egg sac.", < "//name" : "hivebush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Egg Sac", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivebush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "iceshard2", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "iceshard2" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "An empty bottle of dandelion root pop.", < "//name" : "smashabledrink2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Root Pop Bottle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashabledrink2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "A bird-shaped jar full of ash. I wanna break it.", < "//name" : "ashjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bird Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike6", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "buglike6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of gold.", < "//name" : "goldrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldrock" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "A dark rock.", < "//name" : "shadowrock4", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowrock4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", < "//name" : "giantflower3", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflower3" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket5", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket5" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "This looks like something I made in pottery class. Crude. I should smash it.", < "//name" : "talljar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crude Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "talljar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A large breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "capsulebig", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "capsulebig" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", < "//name" : "smallhouse10", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "A decorative clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", < "//name" : "claypot3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Clay Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "claypot3" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", < "//name" : "embercoral1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "embercoral1" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "geometricshard2", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricshard2" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "A snow drift.", < "//name" : "snowdrift2", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowdrift2" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicmedium1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", < "//name" : "crystallinebush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystallinebush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of diamond.", < "//name" : "diamondrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diamondrock" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "A leafy plant.", < "//name" : "junglebush16", < "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush16", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "Smoke billows from this point.", < "//name" : "smokeprimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Smoke", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smokeprimer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "212" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush7", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "213" : { < "//description" : "A blueprint encased in a vile bubble of slime.", < "//name" : "blueprintblob", < "//shortdescription" : "Blueprint Blob", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "blueprintblob" < }, < "214" : { < "//description" : "A crumbling old pot with patterned markings. It looks smashable.", < "//name" : "midjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "midjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", < "//name" : "reedseed5", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedseed5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "216" : { < "//description" : "A coiling plant, like DNA.", < "//name" : "dnaplant2", < "//shortdescription" : "DNA Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dnaplant2" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell1", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush that may secretly be a Floran in disguise.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush6", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", < "//name" : "tarcrystal4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarcrystal4" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Striped Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassiclarge1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicmedium2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "A breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "tentaclepopsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Tentacle Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclepopsmall" < }, < "223" : { < "//description" : "A bunny-shaped jar full of ash. Maybe I can smash it.", < "//name" : "ashjar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashjar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "224" : { < "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", < "//name" : "cellstructure1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellstructure1" < }, < "225" : { < "//description" : "Smoke billows from this point.", < "//name" : "protectoratesmokeprimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Smoke", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratesmokeprimer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "226" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush8", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "227" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush10", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "228" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell3", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "229" : { < "//description" : "A fully intact ribcage. Not for long.", < "//name" : "smashbones2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashbones2" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A small, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "shadowurnsmall2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowurnsmall2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "230" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "231" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike7", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "buglike7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "232" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike8", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "buglike8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "233" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike9", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "buglike9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "234" : { < "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", < "//name" : "cellstructure4", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellstructure4" < }, < "235" : { < "//description" : "A cute, colourful bush.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "236" : { < "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", < "//name" : "embercoral3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "embercoral3" < }, < "237" : { < "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", < "//name" : "embercoral5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "embercoral5" < }, < "238" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", < "//name" : "crystalcavebush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalcavebush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "239" : { < "//description" : "A dark rock.", < "//name" : "shadowrock5", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowrock5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A dark rock.", < "//name" : "shadowrock2", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowrock2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "240" : { < "//description" : "A large, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "shadowurnlarge2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Shadow Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowurnlarge2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "241" : { < "//description" : "A small, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "shadowurnsmall1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Shadow Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowurnsmall1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "242" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", < "//name" : "fleshbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "243" : { < "//description" : "A flowery bush.", < "//name" : "springbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "244" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", < "//name" : "fleshbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "245" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", < "//name" : "fleshbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "246" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", < "//name" : "fleshbush6", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshbush6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "247" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "248" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", < "//name" : "dirtyfossil7", < "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dirtyfossil7" < }, < "249" : { < "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", < "//name" : "giantflower1", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflower1" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel2b", < "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel2b", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "250" : { < "//description" : "Smoke", < "//name" : "protectoratesmokegen", < "//shortdescription" : "Smoke", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratesmokegen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "251" : { < "//description" : "A tiny communal building. Who visits it?", < "//name" : "smallchurch", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Building", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallchurch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "252" : { < "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", < "//name" : "smallhouse2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "253" : { < "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", < "//name" : "smallwindmill", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallwindmill", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "254" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "255" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush8", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "256" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush9", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "257" : { < "//description" : "An oddly shaped egg sac.", < "//name" : "hivebush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Egg Sac", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivebush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "258" : { < "//description" : "Some sort of eggs.", < "//name" : "hivebush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Eggs", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivebush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "259" : { < "//description" : "An oddly shaped egg sac.", < "//name" : "hivebush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Egg Sac", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivebush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel2b_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel2b", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "260" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", < "//name" : "hivelight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "261" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", < "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "262" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", < "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "263" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", < "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "264" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", < "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "265" : { < "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", < "//name" : "icesphere1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icesphere1" < }, < "266" : { < "//description" : "A putrid, horrible flower.", < "//name" : "junglebush17", < "//shortdescription" : "Putrid Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush17", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "267" : { < "//description" : "A putrid, horrible flower.", < "//name" : "junglebush18", < "//shortdescription" : "Putrid Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush18", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "268" : { < "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", < "//name" : "tallgrass2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tallgrass2" < }, < "269" : { < "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", < "//name" : "tallgrass3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tallgrass3" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A coiling plant, like DNA.", < "//name" : "dnaplant3", < "//shortdescription" : "DNA Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dnaplant3" < }, < "270" : { < "//description" : "A shard of crystallised tar", < "//name" : "tarcrystal1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarcrystal1" < }, < "271" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "gasprimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gasprimer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "272" : { < "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", < "//name" : "ceilingslime2", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "ceilingslime2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "273" : { < "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuck.", < "//name" : "slimeblob1", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimeblob1" < }, < "274" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of copper.", < "//name" : "copperrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperrock" < }, < "275" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of platinum.", < "//name" : "platinumrocksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Platinum Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "platinumrocksmall" < }, < "276" : { < "//description" : "A stylishly dressed snowman.", < "//name" : "fancysnowman", < "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Snowman", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fancysnowman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "277" : { < "//description" : "A snow drift.", < "//name" : "snowdrift3", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowdrift3" < }, < "278" : { < "//description" : "A perfect little snowman.", < "//name" : "snowman", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowman", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "279" : { < "//description" : "A flowery bush.", < "//name" : "springbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", < "//name" : "tallgrass1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tallgrass1" < }, < "280" : { < "//description" : "A flowery bush.", < "//name" : "springbush6", < "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springbush6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "281" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "rootbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rootbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "282" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "swamproot2", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swamproot2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "283" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "swamproot4", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swamproot4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "284" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclepart3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "285" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclepart3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "286" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclepart3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "287" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclepart3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "288" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclepart3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "289" : { < "//description" : "Smoke Primer.", < "//name" : "smokegen", < "//shortdescription" : "Smoke", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smokegen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", < "//name" : "slimeblob2", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimeblob2" < }, < "290" : { < "//description" : "A bird's nest with an egg in it.", < "//name" : "birdsnest", < "//shortdescription" : "Bird's Nest", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdsnest" < }, < "291" : { < "//description" : "Little flapping bugs appear to be moving inside this bush.", < "//name" : "butterflybush", < "//shortdescription" : "Butterfly Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "butterflybush" < }, < "292" : { < "//description" : "A breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "capsulemed", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "capsulemed" < }, < "293" : { < "//description" : "A decorative clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", < "//name" : "claypot1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Clay Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "claypot1" < }, < "294" : { < "//description" : "A cracked clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", < "//name" : "claypot2", < "//shortdescription" : "Unusual Clay Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "claypot2" < }, < "295" : { < "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel2", < "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "296" : { < "//description" : "An empty bottle of avesmingo cordial.", < "//name" : "smashabledrink1", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Cordial Bottle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashabledrink1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "297" : { < "//description" : "An empty bottle of fancy water.", < "//name" : "smashabledrink5", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Fancy Water Bottle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashabledrink5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "Little glowing bugs appear to be living in this bush.", < "//name" : "fireflybush", < "//shortdescription" : "Firefly Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fireflybush" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", < "//name" : "tentaclespawner1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespawner1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", < "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclespawner1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", < "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclespawner1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", < "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclespawner1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", < "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclespawner1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", < "//name" : "dirtyfossil5", < "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dirtyfossil5" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", < "//name" : "smallinn", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallinn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "geometricshard1", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricshard1" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "shadowurnmedium1", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Shadow Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowurnmedium1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", < "//name" : "rustbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", < "//name" : "icesphere4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icesphere4" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", < "//name" : "dirtyfossil2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dirtyfossil2" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of silver.", < "//name" : "silverrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Silver Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "silverrock" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell6", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A large, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "shadowurnlarge1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Shadow Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowurnlarge1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "geometricshard3", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricshard3" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "An empty bottle of petal nectar.", < "//name" : "smashabledrink4", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Petal Nectar Bottle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashabledrink4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush9", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush12", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush12", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A pile of bones, prime for smashing.", < "//name" : "smashbones3", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashbones3" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A small breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "capsulesmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "capsulesmall" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", < "//name" : "smallhouse3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Fancy Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassiclarge2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "shadowurnmedium2", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Shadow Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowurnmedium2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of silver.", < "//name" : "silverrocksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Silver Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "silverrocksmall" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A snow drift.", < "//name" : "snowdrift1", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowdrift1" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", < "//name" : "smallhouse5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", < "//name" : "ceilingslime1", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "ceilingslime1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "iceshard1", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "iceshard1" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", < "//name" : "crystallinebush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystallinebush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "iceshard3", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "iceshard3" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", < "//name" : "crystalcavebush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalcavebush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A bush with unusual colouring.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush10", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "rootbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rootbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "Let's find out what that fossil was! Place it down and smash it open!", < "//name" : "fossilpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Fossil Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossilpod" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "rootbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rootbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", < "//name" : "smallhouse9", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell5", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A small, brittle-looking pot. It looks smashable...", < "//name" : "smalljar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smalljar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A leafy plant.", < "//name" : "junglebush14", < "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush14", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket2" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A large breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "tentaclepopbig", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Tentacle Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclepopbig" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell4", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "geometricshard4", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricshard4" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of copper.", < "//name" : "copperrocksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Copper Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperrocksmall" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "toxicgasprimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicgasprimer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", < "//name" : "ceilingslime3", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ceilingslime3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A fragile wide urn made from clay.", < "//name" : "planturn1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planturn1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", < "//name" : "reedseed4", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedseed4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", < "//name" : "rustbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush7", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush6", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of platinum.", < "//name" : "platinumrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Platinum Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "platinumrock" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", < "//name" : "reedseed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedseed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "The ashes of Avian Stargazers are often stored in urns like this one.", < "//name" : "goldenurn", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", < "//name" : "giantflower2", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflower2" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", < "//name" : "fleshbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A flowery bush.", < "//name" : "springbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket4", < "//shortdescription" : "Handled Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket4" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A fragile small urn made from clay.", < "//name" : "planturn3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planturn3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "A flowery bush.", < "//name" : "springbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A tiny lamppost. Try not to kick it over.", < "//name" : "smalllamppost", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Lamppost", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smalllamppost", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike4_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", < "//name" : "cellstructure2", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellstructure2" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A coiling plant, like DNA.", < "//name" : "dnaplant4", < "//shortdescription" : "DNA Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dnaplant4" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", < "//name" : "icesphere2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icesphere2" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", < "//name" : "dirtyfossil8", < "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dirtyfossil8" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "rootbush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rootbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", < "//name" : "reedseed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedseed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush11", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush11", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclepart2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclepart2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock3", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A smashable crystal. Time to get breaking bad.", > "//name" : "smashcrystal", > "//shortdescription" : "Smashable Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashcrystal" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A tall, dusty pot that smells of bird poop. Maybe it's smashable.", > "//name" : "talljar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "talljar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", > "//name" : "crystallinebush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystallinebush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", > "//name" : "junglebush15", > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush15", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", > "//name" : "cellstructure3", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellstructure3" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", > "//name" : "hecklight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight2" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", > "//name" : "hecklight2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight2" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", > "//name" : "hecklight2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight2" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket3" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", > "//name" : "hecklight2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight2" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", > "//name" : "embercoral2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "embercoral2" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", > "//name" : "icesphere3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icesphere3" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "swamproot5", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swamproot5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "A pile of bones, prime for smashing.", > "//name" : "smashbones1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones1" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", > "//name" : "tallgrass4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tallgrass4" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A divine, colourful bush.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", > "//name" : "crystalcavebush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalcavebush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A tiny house. Who lives here?", > "//name" : "smallhouse6", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "A snow drift.", > "//name" : "snowdrift4", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowdrift4" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A tiny clock tower. Save the clock tower!", > "//name" : "smallclocktower", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Clock Tower", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallclocktower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock2", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", > "//name" : "rustbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "A dark rock.", > "//name" : "shadowrock1", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowrock1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", > "//name" : "hivelight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight2" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", > "//name" : "hivelight2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight2" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", > "//name" : "hivelight2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight2" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", > "//name" : "hivelight2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight2" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", > "//name" : "crystallinebush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystallinebush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", > "//name" : "fleshbush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A coiling plant, resembling DNA.", > "//name" : "dnaplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "DNA Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dnaplant1" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil1" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", > "//name" : "smallhouse11", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse11", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell7", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "This jar has seen better days. It looks smashable...", > "//name" : "birdjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Temple Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", > "//name" : "cellstructure5", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellstructure5" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", > "//name" : "slimeblob5", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimeblob5" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Fancy Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicsmall1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell2", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "swamproot3", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swamproot3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "iceshard4", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "iceshard4" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A flowery bush.", > "//name" : "springbush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springbush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "rootbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rootbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Striped Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicsmall2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "A breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "tentaclepopmed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Tentacle Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepopmed" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "What an ugly jar.", > "//name" : "birdjar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ugly Temple Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdjar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A tiny basket made of wicker.", > "//name" : "wickerbasket1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket1" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil6", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil6" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell8", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "iceshard5", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "iceshard5" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush of high aesthetic value.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", > "//name" : "smallhouse8", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A familiar-shaped jar. It looks angry and smashable.", > "//name" : "ashjar3", > "//shortdescription" : "Familiar Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashjar3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock1", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", > "//name" : "tarcrystal2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarcrystal2" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A dark rock.", > "//name" : "shadowrock3", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowrock3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", > "//name" : "junglebush13", > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush13", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "//name" : "reedseed3", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedseed3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A lavish bird-shaped jar. Maybe I can smash it...", > "//name" : "bigjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Bird Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "A pile of mossy stones.", > "//name" : "mistprimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Pile of Mossy Stones", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mistprimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", > "//name" : "tarcrystal3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarcrystal3" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", > "//name" : "rustbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of gold.", > "//name" : "goldrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Gold Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldrocksmall" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", > "//name" : "smallhouse7", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A fragile thin urn made from clay.", > "//name" : "planturn2", > "//shortdescription" : "Thin Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planturn2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "geometricshard5", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricshard5" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "Part of a ribcage. It won't be intact for long.", > "//name" : "smashbones4", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones4" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", > "//name" : "slimeblob3", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimeblob3" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of diamond.", > "//name" : "diamondrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Diamond Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamondrocksmall" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "Knock it down!", > "//name" : "bowlingpin", > "//shortdescription" : "Bowling Pin", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bowlingpin" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", > "//name" : "giantflower4", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflower4" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil3", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil3" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", > "//name" : "embercoral4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "embercoral4" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", > "//name" : "crystalcavebush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalcavebush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "swamproot1", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swamproot1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "An empty bottle of Oculemon nectar.", > "//name" : "smashabledrink3", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Nectar Bottle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashabledrink3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike10", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "buglike10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", > "//name" : "slimeblob4", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimeblob4" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil4", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil4" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "A tiny house. Who lives here?", > "//name" : "smallhouse1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", > "//name" : "tarcrystal5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarcrystal5" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "frozenmistprimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frozenmistprimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "Some sort of eggs.", > "//name" : "hivebush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Eggs", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivebush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", > "//name" : "smallhouse4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "An oddly shaped egg sac.", > "//name" : "hivebush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Egg Sac", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivebush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "iceshard2", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "iceshard2" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "An empty bottle of dandelion root pop.", > "//name" : "smashabledrink2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Root Pop Bottle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashabledrink2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "A bird-shaped jar full of ash. I wanna break it.", > "//name" : "ashjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bird Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike6", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "buglike6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of gold.", > "//name" : "goldrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldrock" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "A dark rock.", > "//name" : "shadowrock4", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowrock4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", > "//name" : "giantflower3", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflower3" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket5", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket5" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", > "//name" : "hecklight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", > "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "This looks like something I made in pottery class. Crude. I should smash it.", > "//name" : "talljar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crude Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "talljar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A large breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "capsulebig", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capsulebig" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", > "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", > "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", > "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", > "//name" : "smallhouse10", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "A decorative clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", > "//name" : "claypot3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Clay Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "claypot3" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", > "//name" : "embercoral1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "embercoral1" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "geometricshard2", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricshard2" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "A snow drift.", > "//name" : "snowdrift2", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowdrift2" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicmedium1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", > "//name" : "crystallinebush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystallinebush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of diamond.", > "//name" : "diamondrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamondrock" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", > "//name" : "junglebush16", > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush16", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "Smoke billows from this point.", > "//name" : "smokeprimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Smoke", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smokeprimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush7", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "A blueprint encased in a vile bubble of slime.", > "//name" : "blueprintblob", > "//shortdescription" : "Blueprint Blob", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "blueprintblob" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "A crumbling old pot with patterned markings. It looks smashable.", > "//name" : "midjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "midjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "//name" : "reedseed5", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedseed5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "A coiling plant, like DNA.", > "//name" : "dnaplant2", > "//shortdescription" : "DNA Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dnaplant2" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell1", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush that may secretly be a Floran in disguise.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush6", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", > "//name" : "tarcrystal4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarcrystal4" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Striped Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassiclarge1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicmedium2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "A breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "tentaclepopsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Tentacle Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepopsmall" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "A bunny-shaped jar full of ash. Maybe I can smash it.", > "//name" : "ashjar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashjar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", > "//name" : "cellstructure1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellstructure1" > }, > "225" : { > "//description" : "Smoke billows from this point.", > "//name" : "protectoratesmokeprimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Smoke", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratesmokeprimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "226" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush8", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "227" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush10", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "228" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell3", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "229" : { > "//description" : "A fully intact ribcage. Not for long.", > "//name" : "smashbones2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones2" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A small, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "shadowurnsmall2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowurnsmall2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "230" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike5", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "231" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike7", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "buglike7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "232" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike8", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "buglike8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "233" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike9", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "buglike9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "234" : { > "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", > "//name" : "cellstructure4", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellstructure4" > }, > "235" : { > "//description" : "A cute, colourful bush.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "236" : { > "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", > "//name" : "embercoral3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "embercoral3" > }, > "237" : { > "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", > "//name" : "embercoral5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "embercoral5" > }, > "238" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", > "//name" : "crystalcavebush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalcavebush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "A dark rock.", > "//name" : "shadowrock5", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowrock5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A dark rock.", > "//name" : "shadowrock2", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowrock2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "A large, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "shadowurnlarge2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Shadow Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowurnlarge2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "241" : { > "//description" : "A small, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "shadowurnsmall1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Shadow Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowurnsmall1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "242" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", > "//name" : "fleshbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "A flowery bush.", > "//name" : "springbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "244" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", > "//name" : "fleshbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "245" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", > "//name" : "fleshbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "246" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", > "//name" : "fleshbush6", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbush6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "247" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "248" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil7", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil7" > }, > "249" : { > "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", > "//name" : "giantflower1", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflower1" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel2b", > "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel2b", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "250" : { > "//description" : "Smoke", > "//name" : "protectoratesmokegen", > "//shortdescription" : "Smoke", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratesmokegen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "251" : { > "//description" : "A tiny communal building. Who visits it?", > "//name" : "smallchurch", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Building", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallchurch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "252" : { > "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", > "//name" : "smallhouse2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "253" : { > "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", > "//name" : "smallwindmill", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallwindmill", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "254" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "255" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush8", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "256" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush9", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "257" : { > "//description" : "An oddly shaped egg sac.", > "//name" : "hivebush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Egg Sac", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivebush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "258" : { > "//description" : "Some sort of eggs.", > "//name" : "hivebush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Eggs", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivebush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "259" : { > "//description" : "An oddly shaped egg sac.", > "//name" : "hivebush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Egg Sac", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivebush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel2b_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel2b", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "260" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", > "//name" : "hivelight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "261" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", > "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "262" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", > "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "263" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", > "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "264" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", > "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "265" : { > "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", > "//name" : "icesphere1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icesphere1" > }, > "266" : { > "//description" : "A putrid, horrible flower.", > "//name" : "junglebush17", > "//shortdescription" : "Putrid Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush17", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "267" : { > "//description" : "A putrid, horrible flower.", > "//name" : "junglebush18", > "//shortdescription" : "Putrid Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush18", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "268" : { > "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", > "//name" : "tallgrass2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tallgrass2" > }, > "269" : { > "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", > "//name" : "tallgrass3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tallgrass3" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A coiling plant, like DNA.", > "//name" : "dnaplant3", > "//shortdescription" : "DNA Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dnaplant3" > }, > "270" : { > "//description" : "A shard of crystallised tar", > "//name" : "tarcrystal1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarcrystal1" > }, > "271" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "gasprimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gasprimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "272" : { > "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", > "//name" : "ceilingslime2", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "ceilingslime2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "273" : { > "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuck.", > "//name" : "slimeblob1", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimeblob1" > }, > "274" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of copper.", > "//name" : "copperrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperrock" > }, > "275" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of platinum.", > "//name" : "platinumrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Platinum Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "platinumrocksmall" > }, > "276" : { > "//description" : "A stylishly dressed snowman.", > "//name" : "fancysnowman", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Snowman", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fancysnowman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "277" : { > "//description" : "A snow drift.", > "//name" : "snowdrift3", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowdrift3" > }, > "278" : { > "//description" : "A perfect little snowman.", > "//name" : "snowman", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowman", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "279" : { > "//description" : "A flowery bush.", > "//name" : "springbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", > "//name" : "tallgrass1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tallgrass1" > }, > "280" : { > "//description" : "A flowery bush.", > "//name" : "springbush6", > "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springbush6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "281" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "rootbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rootbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "282" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "swamproot2", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swamproot2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "283" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "swamproot4", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swamproot4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "284" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "285" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "286" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "287" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "288" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "289" : { > "//description" : "Smoke Primer.", > "//name" : "smokegen", > "//shortdescription" : "Smoke", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smokegen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", > "//name" : "slimeblob2", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimeblob2" > }, > "290" : { > "//description" : "A bird's nest with an egg in it.", > "//name" : "birdsnest", > "//shortdescription" : "Bird's Nest", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdsnest" > }, > "291" : { > "//description" : "Little flapping bugs appear to be moving inside this bush.", > "//name" : "butterflybush", > "//shortdescription" : "Butterfly Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "butterflybush" > }, > "292" : { > "//description" : "A breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "capsulemed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capsulemed" > }, > "293" : { > "//description" : "A decorative clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", > "//name" : "claypot1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Clay Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "claypot1" > }, > "294" : { > "//description" : "A cracked clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", > "//name" : "claypot2", > "//shortdescription" : "Unusual Clay Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "claypot2" > }, > "295" : { > "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel2", > "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "296" : { > "//description" : "An empty bottle of avesmingo cordial.", > "//name" : "smashabledrink1", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Cordial Bottle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashabledrink1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "297" : { > "//description" : "An empty bottle of fancy water.", > "//name" : "smashabledrink5", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Fancy Water Bottle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashabledrink5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "Little glowing bugs appear to be living in this bush.", > "//name" : "fireflybush", > "//shortdescription" : "Firefly Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fireflybush" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", > "//name" : "tentaclespawner1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespawner1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", > "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespawner1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", > "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespawner1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", > "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespawner1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", > "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespawner1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil5", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil5" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", > "//name" : "smallinn", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallinn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "geometricshard1", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricshard1" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "shadowurnmedium1", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Shadow Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowurnmedium1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", > "//name" : "rustbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", > "//name" : "icesphere4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icesphere4" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil2" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of silver.", > "//name" : "silverrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Silver Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "silverrock" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell6", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A large, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "shadowurnlarge1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Shadow Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowurnlarge1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "geometricshard3", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricshard3" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "An empty bottle of petal nectar.", > "//name" : "smashabledrink4", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Petal Nectar Bottle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashabledrink4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush9", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush12", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush12", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A pile of bones, prime for smashing.", > "//name" : "smashbones3", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones3" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A small breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "capsulesmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capsulesmall" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", > "//name" : "smallhouse3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Fancy Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassiclarge2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "shadowurnmedium2", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Shadow Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowurnmedium2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of silver.", > "//name" : "silverrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Silver Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "silverrocksmall" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A snow drift.", > "//name" : "snowdrift1", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowdrift1" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", > "//name" : "smallhouse5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", > "//name" : "ceilingslime1", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "ceilingslime1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "iceshard1", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "iceshard1" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. 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Place it down and smash it open!", > "//name" : "fossilpod", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fossilpod" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "rootbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rootbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", > "//name" : "smallhouse9", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell5", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A small, brittle-looking pot. It looks smashable...", > "//name" : "smalljar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smalljar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", > "//name" : "junglebush14", > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush14", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket2" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A large breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "tentaclepopbig", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Tentacle Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepopbig" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell4", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "geometricshard4", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricshard4" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of copper.", > "//name" : "copperrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Copper Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperrocksmall" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "toxicgasprimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicgasprimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", > "//name" : "ceilingslime3", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ceilingslime3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "A fragile wide urn made from clay.", > "//name" : "planturn1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planturn1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "//name" : "reedseed4", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedseed4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bush. 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It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil8", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil8" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "rootbush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rootbush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "//name" : "reedseed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedseed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush11", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush11", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart2", 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/goldenurn.png" > }, > "82" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/buglike1.png" > }, > "83" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflower2.png" > }, > "84" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/fleshbush2.png" > }, > "85" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/springbush4.png" > }, > "86" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wickerbasket4.png" > }, > "87" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/planturn3.png" > }, > "88" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/springbush2.png" > }, > "89" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/buglike4.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/smalllamppost.png" > }, > "90" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/buglike4_orientation1.png" > }, > "91" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/cellstructure2.png" > }, > "92" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dnaplant4.png" > }, > "93" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/icesphere2.png" > }, > "94" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dirtyfossil8.png" > }, > "95" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rootbush5.png" > }, > "96" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/reedseed2.png" > }, > "97" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/junglebush11.png" > }, > "98" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart2.png" > }, > "99" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart2_orientation2.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\crafting.json 10,669c10,669 < "0" : { < "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagnovakid", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagnovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagnovakid_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagnovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "This table has arms! The extra precision allows me to craft some seriously advanced stuff! ", < "//name" : "roboticcraftingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Robotic Crafting Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "roboticcraftingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A very basic cooking pot suspended over a campfire.", < "//name" : "floranstove", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stove", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranstove", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "For all your holiday crafting needs!", < "//name" : "holidaycraftingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Toymaker's Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaycraftingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "This machine can reorganize pixels into almost any shape.", < "//name" : "3dprinter", < "//shortdescription" : "Pixel Printer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "3dprinter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "Useful for crafting! This enables me to smelt basic ores into bars.", < "//name" : "stonefurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Stone Furnace^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonefurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A microwave. For when you're hungry enough to nuke your food.", < "//name" : "outpostmicrowave", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Microwave", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostmicrowave", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "Just the thing for making a gift to show someone you care.", < "//name" : "heartforge", < "//shortdescription" : "Heart Forge", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heartforge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A cooking countertop used for chopping meat.", < "//name" : "florantable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Countertop", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A old fashioned furnace for tempering tools.", < "//name" : "medievalfurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Furnace", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalfurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "Nuke all the foods!", < "//name" : "microwave", < "//shortdescription" : "Microwave", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "microwave", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "One could build some very sophisticated equipment on this table.", < "//name" : "ironcraftingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Crafting Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironcraftingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "Develop ^orange;specialized equipment^white;!", < "//name" : "researchstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Research Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "researchstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghylotl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghylotl_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "Crackling quietly, the smell of hickory smoke is delightful.", < "//name" : "rusticoven", < "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Oven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rusticoven", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "Craft ranged weapons of immense power and armor with deep energy reserves.", < "//name" : "manipulatortable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Manipulator's Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "manipulatortable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "It's been so long since I had a home cooked meal... or a home.", < "//name" : "oven1", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Oven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oven1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "The kitchen counter is used to produce wholesome foods with a variety of effects.", < "//name" : "woodencookingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Kitchen Counter^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencookingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "Compress pixels for storage.", < "//name" : "pixelcompressor", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pixel Compressor^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pixelcompressor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "For the marksman that needs both energy and defence from their gear!", < "//name" : "acceleratortable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Accelerator's Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "acceleratortable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "This module can turn strong ores and alloys into high quality equipment.", < "//name" : "scifianvil", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Replicator^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scifianvil", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "With this furnace I can craft steel and other strong materials.", < "//name" : "alloyfurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Furnace^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alloyfurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "The pet station is used to produce capture pods and pet related items.", < "//name" : "capturestation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pet Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "capturestation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "The fossil station is used to produce the items required for excavating and displaying fossils.", < "//name" : "fossilstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Fossil Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossilstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "The refinery is used to produce raw pixels from ores.", < "//name" : "refinery", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Refinery^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "refinery", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "This device can break down materials and turn them into far stronger ones.", < "//name" : "scififurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Atomic Furnace^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scififurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "For crafting the best in close range combat gear!", < "//name" : "separatortable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Separator's Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "separatortable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//name" : "skyrailtable", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "Cooks food to a reasonable standard.", < "//name" : "apexoven", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Oven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexoven", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "The wiring station is used to produce complex wiring components.", < "//name" : "wiringstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wiring Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wiringstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//name" : "spinningwheel", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A frog merchant. What it really is, or what it wants, nobody knows.", < "//name" : "frogmerchant", < "//shortdescription" : "Frog Merchant", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frogmerchant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A simple anvil, used for banging metal into shape.", < "//name" : "anvil", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Anvil", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "anvil", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "This cooking pot expels the odour of a hundred hearty meals.", < "//name" : "medievallargecookingpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cooking Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievallargecookingpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A standard issue kitchen counter.", < "//name" : "apexcounter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcounter2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "This station can forge steel and other strong alloys into useful equipment.", < "//name" : "metalworkstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Metalwork Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalworkstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A strange creature selling fascinating goods.", < "//name" : "molemerchant", < "//shortdescription" : "Mole Merchant", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "molemerchant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A coffee machine, for the perfect pick-me-up.", < "//name" : "coffeemachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coffeemachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "This counter seems ideal for food preparation.", < "//name" : "outpostcookingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cooking Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcookingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "Fire in a rusted-out barrel.", < "//name" : "prisonbarrelfire", < "//shortdescription" : "Barrel Fire", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbarrelfire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "Embers dance away from the camp fire, warming the air. The heat can be used for cooking.", < "//name" : "campfire", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Camp Fire^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "campfire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "I can use this to craft things I couldn't make with just my bare hands!", < "//name" : "woodencraftingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Inventors Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencraftingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//name" : "testfrog", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A quaint metal stove, perfect for cooking.", < "//name" : "cabinstove", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stove", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinstove", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet with a stove top.", < "//name" : "kitchenstovetop", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Stove Top", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenstovetop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "Provides exceptional heat and a great for cooking outdoors.", < "//name" : "nanostove", < "//shortdescription" : "Nanostove", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "nanostove", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "It's Rob Repairo, A mechanical merchant who repairs lost or broken vehicles.", < "//name" : "repairo", < "//shortdescription" : "Rob Repairo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "repairo", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A device for spinning fabric from natural fibres.", < "//name" : "spinningwheel", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Spinning Wheel^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spinningwheel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "I can use this to craft all the comforts of home!", < "//name" : "furnituretable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Furniture Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "furnituretable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "The Apothecary allows me to make bandages and other healing items.", < "//name" : "apothecary", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Apothecary^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apothecary", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "I can use this to aid me in farming, foraging and hunting.", < "//name" : "farmtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Foraging Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "farmtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "The primitive furnace is used to turn ores and other materials into crafting ingredients.", < "//name" : "craftingfurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Primitive Furnace^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "craftingfurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "The inventor's table is used to produce various crafting stations.", < "//name" : "inventorstable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Inventor's Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "inventorstable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "The anvil is used to produce armor and weapons from fabric and ores.", < "//name" : "craftinganvil", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Anvil^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "craftinganvil", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "The wooden workbench is used to produce materials and objects needed to build a settlement.", < "//name" : "craftingfurniture", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wooden Workbench^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "craftingfurniture", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "The spinning wheel is used to produce clothing, fabrics and other crafting ingredients.", < "//name" : "craftingwheel", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Spinning Wheel^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "craftingwheel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A station used to obtain employment beacons that call in all kinds of people.", < "//name" : "spawnerstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Employer's Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "The foraging table is used to produce items for hunting, mining and farming.", < "//name" : "craftingfarm", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Foraging Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "craftingfarm", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "The apothecary is used to produce healing items and medicine.", < "//name" : "craftingmedical", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Apothecary^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "craftingmedical", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A module that adds additional high-tech combat equipment and armour to the replicator.", < "//name" : "manipulatoraddon", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Manipulator Addon^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "manipulatoraddon", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A module that adds additional ranged equipment and armour to the replicator.", < "//name" : "acceleratoraddon", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Accelerator Addon^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "acceleratoraddon", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A module that adds additional melee equipment and armour to the replicator.", < "//name" : "separatoraddon", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Separator Addon^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "separatoraddon", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "An iron anvil, used for banging metal into shape.", < "//name" : "ironanvil", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Anvil^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironanvil", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "This table has arms! The extra precision allows me to craft some seriously advanced stuff! ", > "//name" : "roboticcraftingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Robotic Crafting Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "roboticcraftingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A very basic cooking pot suspended over a campfire.", > "//name" : "floranstove", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stove", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranstove", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "For all your holiday crafting needs!", > "//name" : "holidaycraftingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Toymaker's Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaycraftingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "This machine can reorganize pixels into almost any shape.", > "//name" : "3dprinter", > "//shortdescription" : "Pixel Printer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "3dprinter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "Useful for crafting! This enables me to smelt basic ores into bars.", > "//name" : "stonefurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Stone Furnace^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonefurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A microwave. For when you're hungry enough to nuke your food.", > "//name" : "outpostmicrowave", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Microwave", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostmicrowave", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "Just the thing for making a gift to show someone you care.", > "//name" : "heartforge", > "//shortdescription" : "Heart Forge", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heartforge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A cooking countertop used for chopping meat.", > "//name" : "florantable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Countertop", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A old fashioned furnace for tempering tools.", > "//name" : "medievalfurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Furnace", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalfurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Nuke all the foods!", > "//name" : "microwave", > "//shortdescription" : "Microwave", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "microwave", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "One could build some very sophisticated equipment on this table.", > "//name" : "ironcraftingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Crafting Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironcraftingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "Develop ^orange;specialized equipment^white;!", > "//name" : "researchstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Research Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "researchstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghylotl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghylotl_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "Crackling quietly, the smell of hickory smoke is delightful.", > "//name" : "rusticoven", > "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rusticoven", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "Craft ranged weapons of immense power and armor with deep energy reserves.", > "//name" : "manipulatortable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Manipulator's Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "manipulatortable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "It's been so long since I had a home cooked meal... or a home.", > "//name" : "oven1", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oven1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "The kitchen counter is used to produce wholesome foods with a variety of effects.", > "//name" : "woodencookingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Kitchen Counter^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencookingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "Compress pixels for storage.", > "//name" : "pixelcompressor", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pixel Compressor^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pixelcompressor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "For the marksman that needs both energy and defence from their gear!", > "//name" : "acceleratortable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Accelerator's Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "acceleratortable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "This module can turn strong ores and alloys into high quality equipment.", > "//name" : "scifianvil", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Replicator^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scifianvil", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "With this furnace I can craft steel and other strong materials.", > "//name" : "alloyfurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Furnace^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alloyfurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "The pet station is used to produce capture pods and pet related items.", > "//name" : "capturestation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pet Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capturestation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "The fossil station is used to produce the items required for excavating and displaying fossils.", > "//name" : "fossilstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Fossil Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fossilstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "The refinery is used to produce raw pixels from ores.", > "//name" : "refinery", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Refinery^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "refinery", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "This device can break down materials and turn them into far stronger ones.", > "//name" : "scififurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Atomic Furnace^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scififurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "For crafting the best in close range combat gear!", > "//name" : "separatortable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Separator's Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "separatortable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//name" : "skyrailtable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "Cooks food to a reasonable standard.", > "//name" : "apexoven", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexoven", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "The wiring station is used to produce complex wiring components.", > "//name" : "wiringstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wiring Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wiringstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//name" : "spinningwheel", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A frog merchant. What it really is, or what it wants, nobody knows.", > "//name" : "frogmerchant", > "//shortdescription" : "Frog Merchant", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frogmerchant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A simple anvil, used for banging metal into shape.", > "//name" : "anvil", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Anvil", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "anvil", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "This cooking pot expels the odour of a hundred hearty meals.", > "//name" : "medievallargecookingpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cooking Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievallargecookingpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue kitchen counter.", > "//name" : "apexcounter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcounter2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "This station can forge steel and other strong alloys into useful equipment.", > "//name" : "metalworkstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Metalwork Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalworkstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A strange creature selling fascinating goods.", > "//name" : "molemerchant", > "//shortdescription" : "Mole Merchant", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "molemerchant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A coffee machine, for the perfect pick-me-up.", > "//name" : "coffeemachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coffeemachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "This counter seems ideal for food preparation.", > "//name" : "outpostcookingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cooking Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcookingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "Fire in a rusted-out barrel.", > "//name" : "prisonbarrelfire", > "//shortdescription" : "Barrel Fire", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbarrelfire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "Embers dance away from the camp fire, warming the air. The heat can be used for cooking.", > "//name" : "campfire", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Camp Fire^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "campfire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "I can use this to craft things I couldn't make with just my bare hands!", > "//name" : "woodencraftingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Inventors Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencraftingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//name" : "testfrog", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A quaint metal stove, perfect for cooking.", > "//name" : "cabinstove", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stove", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinstove", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet with a stove top.", > "//name" : "kitchenstovetop", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Stove Top", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenstovetop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "Provides exceptional heat and a great for cooking outdoors.", > "//name" : "nanostove", > "//shortdescription" : "Nanostove", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "nanostove", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "It's Rob Repairo, A mechanical merchant who repairs lost or broken vehicles.", > "//name" : "repairo", > "//shortdescription" : "Rob Repairo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "repairo", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A device for spinning fabric from natural fibres.", > "//name" : "spinningwheel", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Spinning Wheel^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spinningwheel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "I can use this to craft all the comforts of home!", > "//name" : "furnituretable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Furniture Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "furnituretable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "The Apothecary allows me to make bandages and other healing items.", > "//name" : "apothecary", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Apothecary^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apothecary", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "I can use this to aid me in farming, foraging and hunting.", > "//name" : "farmtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Foraging Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "farmtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "The primitive furnace is used to turn ores and other materials into crafting ingredients.", > "//name" : "craftingfurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Primitive Furnace^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingfurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "The inventor's table is used to produce various crafting stations.", > "//name" : "inventorstable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Inventor's Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "inventorstable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "The anvil is used to produce armor and weapons from fabric and ores.", > "//name" : "craftinganvil", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Anvil^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftinganvil", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "The wooden workbench is used to produce materials and objects needed to build a settlement.", > "//name" : "craftingfurniture", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wooden Workbench^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingfurniture", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "The spinning wheel is used to produce clothing, fabrics and other crafting ingredients.", > "//name" : "craftingwheel", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Spinning Wheel^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingwheel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A station used to obtain employment beacons that call in all kinds of people.", > "//name" : "spawnerstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Employer's Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "The foraging table is used to produce items for hunting, mining and farming.", > "//name" : "craftingfarm", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Foraging Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingfarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "The apothecary is used to produce healing items and medicine.", > "//name" : "craftingmedical", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Apothecary^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingmedical", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A module that adds additional high-tech combat equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "//name" : "manipulatoraddon", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Manipulator Addon^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "manipulatoraddon", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A module that adds additional ranged equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "//name" : "acceleratoraddon", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Accelerator Addon^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "acceleratoraddon", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A module that adds additional melee equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "//name" : "separatoraddon", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Separator Addon^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "separatoraddon", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "An iron anvil, used for banging metal into shape.", > "//name" : "ironanvil", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Anvil^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironanvil", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 672,896c672,896 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid_orientation1.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian_orientation1.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/roboticcraftingtable.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranstove.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/holidaycraftingtable.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/3dprinter.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stonefurnace.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : 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Fishies!", < "//name" : "apexaquarium1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Aquarium", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexaquarium1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "It's a spaceship orbiting a planet.", < "//name" : "screen2", < "//shortdescription" : "Spaceship screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "A large geyser, covered in plant growth.", < "//name" : "plantgeyser1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Overgrown Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantgeyser1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1000" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It appears mystified when encountering new life forms. You can't help but feel watched.\"", < "//name" : "oogleraf", < "//shortdescription" : "Oogler Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oogleraf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1001" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The result of a scientific experiment gone wrong.\"", < "//name" : "voltipaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Voltip Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "voltipaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1002" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its charred surface is surprisingly pleasant to touch. Just keep away from the flames!\"", < "//name" : "ignomeaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Ignome Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ignomeaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1003" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Greedy and sly in nature. If disturbed whilst sneaking it will give you the evil eye.\"", < "//name" : "yokataf", < "//shortdescription" : "Yokat Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "yokataf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1004" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its hot core produces a constant flow of lava. It throws a good punch.\"", < "//name" : "pyromantleaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Pyromantle Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pyromantleaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1005" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It looks like a large and chunky leek. It bleeds when you cut it, though.\"", < "//name" : "bulbopaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Bulbop Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bulbopaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1006" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The inside of its beak is a truly terrifying sight.\"", < "//name" : "scaveranaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Scaveran Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scaveranaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1007" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It eats and lives in tar. Signs suggest it excretes tar as well.\"", < "//name" : "taroniaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Taroni Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "taroniaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1008" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It watches you through its big lens.\"", < "//name" : "triplodaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Triplod Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "triplodaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1009" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Despite appearing friendly, it is rarely seen interacting with other Pipkin.\"", < "//name" : "pipkinaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Pipkin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pipkinaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "This sign appears to be warning me of some danger.", < "//name" : "deathwarningmodern", < "//shortdescription" : "Death Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "deathwarningmodern" < }, < "1010" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The sharp spikes can penetrate any space boot.\"", < "//name" : "crustoiseaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Crustoise Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crustoiseaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1011" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its ancestors used to live in the sea. It might look small, but it's got a big bite.\"", < "//name" : "lilodonaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Lilodon Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lilodonaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1012" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Because of the size of its head in proportion to its body, it can't run long distances.\"", < "//name" : "peblitaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Peblit Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "peblitaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1013" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"An ancient species, know to be agile and mischievous. They have an intelligent look in their eye.\"", < "//name" : "monopusaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Monopus Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "monopusaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1014" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Something about the way it limps makes you feel uncomfortable.\"", < "//name" : "orbideaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Orbide Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "orbideaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1015" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"When it closes its eyes it becomes immune to attacks by entering a different plane of existence.\"", < "//name" : "spookitaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Spookit Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookitaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1016" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Sometimes when chasing its own tail it can accidentally set itself on fire.\"", < "//name" : "fennixaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Fennix Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fennixaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1017" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"During storms it attaches itself to trees so as not to blow away.\"", < "//name" : "paratailaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Paratail Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "paratailaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1018" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's huge...\"", < "//name" : "adultpoptopaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Adult Poptop Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "adultpoptopaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1019" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its thick coat keeps it warm in the coldest climates.\"", < "//name" : "capricoataf", < "//shortdescription" : "Capricoat Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "capricoataf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "A poster for a unpopular Hylotl movie \"Claw of Dread\".", < "//name" : "hylotlstyleposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Comedy Movie Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlstyleposter" < }, < "1020" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It uses its horns to attract a partner. The light shows during mating season are spectacular.\"", < "//name" : "narfinaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Narfin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "narfinaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1021" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's unpleasant to look at. It's also unpleasant when it looks at you.\"", < "//name" : "oculobaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Oculob Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oculobaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1022" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It brews a toxic paste in its pod made from fermented fruit.\"", < "//name" : "pteropodaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Pteropod Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pteropodaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1023" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The Ringram's horns start growing from birth and never stop.\"", < "//name" : "ringramaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Ringram Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ringramaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1024" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's actually covered in red skin, but it's still pretty gross.\"", < "//name" : "hemogoblinaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Hemogoblin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hemogoblinaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1025" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Nobody knows where it came from or who made it.\"", < "//name" : "bobotaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Bobot Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bobotaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1026" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The Poptop hums beautifully to confuse its prey.\"", < "//name" : "poptopaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Poptop Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "poptopaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1027" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its diet is made up of small amounts of water that it finds by digging into the ground.\"", < "//name" : "trictusaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Trictus Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trictusaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1028" : { < "//description" : "\"Its sleepy lifestyle allows it to flourish underground and reach impressive sizes.\"", < "//name" : "mandrafloraaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Mandraflora Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mandrafloraaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1029" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its shell is impossible to penetrate which can make it a tricky foe.\"", < "//name" : "snaggleraf", < "//shortdescription" : "Snaggler Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snaggleraf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "A large cage for designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcage1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1030" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"By tasting the particles in the air it can sense what's ahead of it.\"", < "//name" : "batongaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Batong Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "batongaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1031" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Iguarmor is not an aggressive species but the spikes on its tail can deal great damage.\"", < "//name" : "iguarmoraf", < "//shortdescription" : "Iguarmor Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "iguarmoraf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1032" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The bulb only stays lit while the Lumoth flaps its wings.\"", < "//name" : "lumothaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Lumoth Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lumothaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1033" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's always on edge. It walks sideways and erupts at the slightest confrontation.\"", < "//name" : "crabcanoaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Crabcano Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crabcanoaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1034" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's notorious for stealing from vegetable patches.\"", < "//name" : "snauntaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Snaunt Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snauntaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1035" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Prolonged exposure to its pungent fumes will knock you out.\"", < "//name" : "miasmopaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Miasmop Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miasmopaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1036" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It doesn't seem to eat or sleep... Is it a machine?\"", < "//name" : "tinticaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Tintic Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tinticaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1037" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It prefers warm and moist climates where it'll grow quicker.\"", < "//name" : "sporgusaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Sporgus Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sporgusaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1038" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Due to its sensitive eyes it prefers dark settings, like caves.\"", < "//name" : "agrobataf", < "//shortdescription" : "Agrobat Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "agrobataf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1039" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"At night, all you can see of the Anglure is its light.\"", < "//name" : "anglureaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Anglure Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "anglureaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//name" : "fossildouble31", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1040" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its poison is deadly even in small doses.\"", < "//name" : "crutteraf", < "//shortdescription" : "Crutter Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crutteraf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1041" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's made from a springy substance.\"", < "//name" : "gleapaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Gleap Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gleapaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1042" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It loves frolicking through forests and meadows.\"", < "//name" : "hypnareaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Hypnare Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hypnareaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1043" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The king nutmidgeling is the only one whose head tuft hasn't been trampled to death.\"", < "//name" : "nutmidgeaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Nutmidge Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "nutmidgeaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1044" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It stares at you expectantly with its beady eyes.\"", < "//name" : "petricubaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Petricub Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "petricubaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1045" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It has a sticky texture that allows it to climb surfaces with ease.\"", < "//name" : "pulpinaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Pulpin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pulpinaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1046" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its unhygienic lifestyle leaves much to be desired.\"", < "//name" : "quagmuttaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Quagmutt Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "quagmuttaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1047" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The scandroid is on an endless search. No one knows what for.\"", < "//name" : "scandroidaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Scandroid Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scandroidaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1048" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its lightweight body flows in the direction of the wind.\"", < "//name" : "skimbusaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Skimbus Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skimbusaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1049" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"A chemical reaction in its belly makes its hot breath toxic.\"", < "//name" : "smoglinaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Smoglin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smoglinaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "Some shoddy wooden scaffolding.", < "//name" : "medievalscaffolding", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Scaffolding", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalscaffolding", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1050" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its movement is determined by temperature levels in the atmosphere.\"", < "//name" : "squeemaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Squeem Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "squeemaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1051" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Some believe Wispers are lost spirits. At night their glow can lead explorers astray.\"", < "//name" : "wisperaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Wisper Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wisperaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1052" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1053" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1054" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "bannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1055" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "bannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1056" : { < "//description" : "A smoke machine.", < "//name" : "smokemachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Smoke Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smokemachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1057" : { < "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratewallbanner", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "protectoratewallbanner" < }, < "1058" : { < "//description" : "A bright sign warning of dangerously high temperatures.", < "//name" : "foundrysign", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrysign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1059" : { < "//description" : "A bathroom mirror from the Protectorate academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratedormmirror", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bathroom Mirror", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "protectoratedormmirror" < }, < "106" : { < "//name" : "fossildouble41", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1060" : { < "//description" : "A vending machine from the Protectorate Lobby.", < "//name" : "protectoratelobbyvending", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratelobbyvending" < }, < "1061" : { < "//description" : "A table from the Protectorate academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratelobbytable", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Lobby Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratelobbytable" < }, < "1062" : { < "//description" : "A bank of locked Protectorate lockers.", < "//name" : "protectoratelobbylockers", < "//shortdescription" : "Locked Protectorate Lockers", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratelobbylockers" < }, < "1063" : { < "//description" : "Protectorate wind chimes. These can be found in the garden.", < "//name" : "protectorategardenwindchimes", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Wind Chimes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "protectorategardenwindchimes", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1064" : { < "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", < "//name" : "foundrysupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrysupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1065" : { < "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", < "//name" : "foundrysupport_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrysupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1066" : { < "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", < "//name" : "foundrysupport_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrysupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1067" : { < "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", < "//name" : "foundrysupport_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrysupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1068" : { < "//description" : "Race banners from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratelobbyracebanners", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Race Banners", < "imagePositionX" : "-72", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "protectoratelobbyracebanners" < }, < "1069" : { < "//description" : "A nice lobby plant.", < "//name" : "protectoratelobbyplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Lobby Plant.", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratelobbyplant" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "Are those... brain waves? Yes. Yes they are.", < "//name" : "screen5", < "//shortdescription" : "Brain Activity Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1070" : { < "//description" : "A television playing a news report", < "//name" : "protectoratelobbytv", < "//shortdescription" : "Lobby TV", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratelobbytv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1071" : { < "//description" : "A sealed tank full of molten liquid.", < "//name" : "lavatanklarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Lava tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lavatanklarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1072" : { < "//description" : "Protectorate Garden Bushes.", < "//name" : "protectorategardentree", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Bushes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorategardentree" < }, < "1073" : { < "//description" : "A toilet roll holder. Hope it doesn't run out!", < "//name" : "protectoratedormtoiletroll", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Toilet Roll Holder.", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratedormtoiletroll" < }, < "1074" : { < "//description" : "A sack of straw with a face. Kinda loveable!", < "//name" : "scarecrow", < "//shortdescription" : "Scarecrow", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scarecrow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1075" : { < "//description" : "An industrial sized set of bellows from a foundry.", < "//name" : "foundrybellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Bellows", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrybellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1076" : { < "//description" : "This tank cycles the molten liquid inside to keep it from becoming stagnant.", < "//name" : "lavatankcascade", < "//shortdescription" : "Cascading Lava Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lavatankcascade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1077" : { < "//description" : "A small tank full of molten liquid.", < "//name" : "lavatanksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Lava Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lavatanksmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1078" : { < "//description" : "A container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", < "//name" : "ladlelarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Ladle", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ladlelarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1079" : { < "//description" : "A tall container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", < "//name" : "ladlesmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Ladle", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ladlesmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "Beautiful fabrics and clothing adorn this cute little stall.", < "//name" : "marketstall2", < "//shortdescription" : "Market Clothes Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1080" : { < "//description" : "A bright sign warning of dangerously high temperatures.", < "//name" : "foundrysign_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrysign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1081" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", < "//name" : "protectorateportrait1", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateportrait1" < }, < "1082" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", < "//name" : "protectorateportrait5", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "protectorateportrait5" < }, < "1083" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", < "//name" : "protectorateportrait3", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "protectorateportrait3" < }, < "1084" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", < "//name" : "protectorateportrait2", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "protectorateportrait2" < }, < "1085" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", < "//name" : "protectorateportrait4", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "protectorateportrait4" < }, < "1086" : { < "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", < "//name" : "protectoratehalllight", < "//shortdescription" : "Hall Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratehalllight" < }, < "1087" : { < "//description" : "A tall container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", < "//name" : "ladlesmall_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Ladle", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ladlesmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1088" : { < "//description" : "A crystal geode plant in a flower pot.", < "//name" : "geodeplantpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode Plant Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodeplantpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1089" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of an iron ore.\"", < "//name" : "ironsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A blue shelf used for displaying items.", < "//name" : "hylotlwallshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Wall Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlwallshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1090" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a uranium ore.\"", < "//name" : "uraniumsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Uranium Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "uraniumsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1091" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a violium ore.\"", < "//name" : "violiumsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Violium Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "violiumsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1092" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of an aegisalt ore.\"", < "//name" : "aegisaltsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "aegisaltsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1093" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a tungsten ore.\"", < "//name" : "tungstensample", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tungstensample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1094" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a gold ore.\"", < "//name" : "goldsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1095" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a core fragment ore.\"", < "//name" : "corefragmentsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Core Fragment Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "corefragmentsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1096" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a titanium ore.\"", < "//name" : "titaniumsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "titaniumsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1097" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a solarium ore.\"", < "//name" : "solariumsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Solarium Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "solariumsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1098" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a coal ore.\"", < "//name" : "coalsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Coal Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coalsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1099" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a plutonium ore.\"", < "//name" : "plutoniumsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Plutonium Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plutoniumsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripslime1", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripslime1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A large metal gong. It's so tempting to give it a smack!", < "//name" : "birdgong1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Gong", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdgong1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1100" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a ferozium ore.\"", < "//name" : "feroziumsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feroziumsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1101" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a platinum ore.\"", < "//name" : "platinumsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Platinum Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "platinumsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1102" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a copper ore.\"", < "//name" : "coppersample", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppersample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1103" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a diamond ore.\"", < "//name" : "diamondsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diamondsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1104" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a durasteel ore.\"", < "//name" : "durasteelsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "durasteelsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1105" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a prisilite ore.\"", < "//name" : "prisilitesample", < "//shortdescription" : "Prisilite Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisilitesample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1106" : { < "//description" : "A pretty, blue geode.", < "//name" : "geodebluesample", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Geode Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodebluesample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1107" : { < "//description" : "A pretty, yellow geode.", < "//name" : "geodeyellowsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Geode Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodeyellowsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1108" : { < "//description" : "A module that adds additional high-tech combat equipment and armour to the replicator.", < "//name" : "manipulatoraddon", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Manipulator Addon^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "manipulatoraddon", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1109" : { < "//description" : "A module that adds additional ranged equipment and armour to the replicator.", < "//name" : "acceleratoraddon", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Accelerator Addon^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "acceleratoraddon", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "Tools used for poking at burning coals or kindling.", < "//name" : "fireplacetools", < "//shortdescription" : "Fireplace Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fireplacetools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1110" : { < "//description" : "A pretty, green geode.", < "//name" : "geodegreensample", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Geode Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodegreensample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1111" : { < "//description" : "A pretty, purple geode.", < "//name" : "geodepurplesample", < "//shortdescription" : "Purple Geode Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodepurplesample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1112" : { < "//description" : "A module that adds additional melee equipment and armour to the replicator.", < "//name" : "separatoraddon", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Separator Addon^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "separatoraddon", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1113" : { < "//description" : "A pretty, orange geode.", < "//name" : "geodeorangesample", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Geode Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodeorangesample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1114" : { < "//description" : "A pretty, red geode.", < "//name" : "geoderedsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Geode Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geoderedsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1115" : { < "//description" : "A popular style of television set.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitytv", < "//shortdescription" : "Stylish TV", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitytv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1116" : { < "//description" : "A display stand for small fossils", < "//name" : "fossildisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Fossil Display", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "16", < "object" : "fossildisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1117" : { < "//description" : "A chest of drawers, minus a drawer.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawersmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Drawers", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawersmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1118" : { < "//description" : "A wooden utility pole.", < "//name" : "woodenutilitypole1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Utility Pole", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenutilitypole1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1119" : { < "//description" : "An arrow sign.", < "//name" : "scorchedcityarrowsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Tire Arrow Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcityarrowsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", < "//name" : "huntingpike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1120" : { < "//description" : "A broken fridge.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Stylish Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1121" : { < "//description" : "A display stand for medium fossils", < "//name" : "fossildisplay3", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Fossil Display", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "24", < "object" : "fossildisplay3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1122" : { < "//description" : "A broken chair.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stylish Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1123" : { < "//description" : "A chest of drawers, minus a few drawers.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawerlarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Broken Drawers", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawerlarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1124" : { < "//description" : "A rusty holding tank.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentank", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Holding Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1125" : { < "//description" : "A broken bed.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stylish Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1126" : { < "//description" : "A broken television set.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentv", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stylish TV", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1127" : { < "//description" : "A wooden utility pole.", < "//name" : "woodenutilitypole2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Telephone Pole", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenutilitypole2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1128" : { < "//description" : "A display stand for large fossils", < "//name" : "fossildisplay5", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Fossil Display", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "8", < "object" : "fossildisplay5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1129" : { < "//description" : "Everything you need to survive. Almost.", < "//name" : "bombsheltershelf1", < "//shortdescription" : "Shelter Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bombsheltershelf1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", < "//name" : "huntingpike2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1130" : { < "//description" : "A warning sign, but what is it warning of?", < "//name" : "scorchedcitysign1", < "//shortdescription" : "Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitysign1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1131" : { < "//description" : "A warning sign, but what is it warning of?", < "//name" : "scorchedcitysign1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitysign1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1132" : { < "//name" : "fossildisplay1_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1133" : { < "//name" : "fossildisplay3_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1134" : { < "//name" : "fossildisplay5_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1135" : { < "//description" : "A broken utility box.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox2", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Utility Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1136" : { < "//description" : "A broken electric box.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox1", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Electric Box", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1137" : { < "//description" : "A road sign, it is bent and rusted.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenroundsign1", < "//shortdescription" : "Neglected Rusty Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenroundsign1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1138" : { < "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", < "//name" : "vrheadset", < "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "16", < "object" : "vrheadset", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1139" : { < "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", < "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "16", < "object" : "vrheadset", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "Waz.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti1", < "//shortdescription" : "'Waz' Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongraffiti1" < }, < "1140" : { < "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1141" : { < "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1142" : { < "//description" : "A counter with added grime.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokencounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Grimy Stylish Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokencounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1143" : { < "//description" : "A broken register.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1144" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal shelf, some store goods still remain on the shelves.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1145" : { < "//description" : "A set of traffic lights, badly broken.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentraficlights", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Traffic Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentraficlights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1146" : { < "//description" : "An old sign from an Apex laboratory.", < "//name" : "miniknogoldsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Ministry of Knowledge Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "miniknogoldsign" < }, < "1147" : { < "//description" : "A roof top vent from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectoraterooftopprop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Roof Top Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoraterooftopprop1" < }, < "1148" : { < "//description" : "Security station from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratesecuritystation", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Security Station", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratesecuritystation" < }, < "1149" : { < "//description" : "A roof top vent from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectoraterooftopprop3", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Roof Top Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoraterooftopprop3" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "outpostradardish", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostradardish", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1150" : { < "//description" : "A roof top vent from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectoraterooftopprop4", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Roof Top Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoraterooftopprop4" < }, < "1151" : { < "//description" : "Storage unit from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratestorageempty", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Storage Unit", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratestorageempty" < }, < "1152" : { < "//description" : "Storage unit from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratestorage1", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Storage Unit", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratestorage1" < }, < "1153" : { < "//description" : "Storage unit from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratestorage2", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Storage Unit", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratestorage2" < }, < "1154" : { < "//description" : "Storage unit from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratestorage3", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Storage Unit", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratestorage3" < }, < "1155" : { < "//description" : "A roof top vent from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectoraterooftopprop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Roof Top Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoraterooftopprop2" < }, < "1156" : { < "//description" : "A torn Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratefbannertorn2", < "//shortdescription" : "Torn Protectorate Wall Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "protectoratefbannertorn2" < }, < "1157" : { < "//description" : "A torn Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratefbannertorn1", < "//shortdescription" : "Torn Protectorate Wall Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "protectoratefbannertorn1" < }, < "1158" : { < "//description" : "A water tank from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratewatertank", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Water Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratewatertank" < }, < "1159" : { < "//description" : "A roof top vent from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectorateroofdetail03", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Roof Top Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateroofdetail03" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "outpostradardish_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostradardish", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1160" : { < "//description" : "A roof top vent from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectorateroofdetail01", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Roof Top Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateroofdetail01" < }, < "1161" : { < "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", < "//name" : "strangeweb5", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "strangeweb5" < }, < "1162" : { < "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", < "//name" : "strangeweb6", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-64", < "object" : "strangeweb6" < }, < "1163" : { < "//description" : "A broken picture frame.", < "//name" : "protectoratebrokenportrait1", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Protectorate Picture Frame", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebrokenportrait1" < }, < "1164" : { < "//description" : "Esther Bright, former Grand Protector.", < "//name" : "protectoratebrokenportrait4", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebrokenportrait4" < }, < "1165" : { < "//description" : "A torn picture frame.", < "//name" : "protectoratebrokenportrait3", < "//shortdescription" : "Torn Protectorate Picture Frame", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebrokenportrait3" < }, < "1166" : { < "//description" : "Leda Portia, The Grand Protector.", < "//name" : "protectoratebrokenportrait5", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebrokenportrait5" < }, < "1167" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", < "//name" : "protectoratebrokenportrait2", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebrokenportrait2" < }, < "1168" : { < "//description" : "Beautiful warm rays of light", < "//name" : "protectoratelightrays", < "//shortdescription" : "protractorate light rays", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "protectoratelightrays" < }, < "1169" : { < "//description" : "This Matter Manipulator was meant for me... And I may need it to get out of here alive.", < "//name" : "protectoratebeamaxe", < "//shortdescription" : "Matter Manipulator", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebeamaxe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A classic air hockey table. First to ten wins!", < "//name" : "hockeytable", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Hockey Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hockeytable", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1170" : { < "//description" : "A bank of protectorate lockers, including yours.", < "//name" : "protectoratelobbylockers2", < "//shortdescription" : "My Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratelobbylockers2" < }, < "1171" : { < "//description" : "What a lovely flower!", < "//name" : "protectorateflower", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateflower", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1172" : { < "//description" : "A very robust looking tool box.", < "//name" : "protectoratetoolbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Toolbox", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratetoolbox" < }, < "1173" : { < "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", < "//name" : "clubceilinglightsgreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Club Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubceilinglightsgreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1174" : { < "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", < "//name" : "clubceilinglightsred", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Club Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubceilinglightsred", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1175" : { < "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", < "//name" : "clubceilinglightsyellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Club Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubceilinglightsyellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1176" : { < "//description" : "A Protector...", < "//name" : "protectorateincap3", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateincap3" < }, < "1177" : { < "//description" : "A Protector...", < "//name" : "protectorateincap1", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateincap1" < }, < "1178" : { < "//description" : "A Protector...", < "//name" : "protectorateincap4", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateincap4" < }, < "1179" : { < "//description" : "A Protector...", < "//name" : "protectorateincap6", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateincap6" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a great Apex poet. He...looks familiar.", < "//name" : "paintingapespeare", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Poet Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapespeare" < }, < "1180" : { < "//description" : "A Protector...", < "//name" : "protectorateincap2", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateincap2" < }, < "1181" : { < "//description" : "A students guitar.", < "//name" : "protectorateguitar", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Red Guitar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateguitar" < }, < "1182" : { < "//description" : "This needs a guitar to go with it.", < "//name" : "protectorateamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Amp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateamp" < }, < "1183" : { < "//description" : "Time to study...", < "//name" : "protectoratebooks", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Books", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebooks" < }, < "1184" : { < "//description" : "I'm very, very late!", < "//name" : "protectorateclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "protectorateclock" < }, < "1185" : { < "//description" : "For when you want to procrastinate.", < "//name" : "protectorategamesconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Games Console", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "protectorategamesconsole" < }, < "1186" : { < "//description" : "A Protector...", < "//name" : "protectorateincap5", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateincap5" < }, < "1187" : { < "//description" : "A Poptop action figure from the Protectorate.", < "//name" : "protectoratefigures", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Poptop Toy", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratefigures", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1188" : { < "//name" : "protectoratefigures_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1189" : { < "//description" : "An exotic-looking cactus in a flower pot.", < "//name" : "protectoratecactiflowerpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Cactus Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratecactiflowerpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "An adorable Normal Virorb plushie.", < "//name" : "plainorbplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Virorb Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plainorbplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1190" : { < "//description" : "A radio.", < "//name" : "protectorateradio", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Radio", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateradio", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1191" : { < "//description" : "Time to study...", < "//name" : "protectoratebooks2", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Books", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebooks2" < }, < "1192" : { < "//description" : "Storage unit from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratestorage4", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Storage Unit-todo-", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratestorage4" < }, < "1193" : { < "//description" : "Are you thirsty?", < "//name" : "protectoratewaterdispenser", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Water Dispenser", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratewaterdispenser" < }, < "1194" : { < "//description" : "A fire extinguisher for when the worst happens.", < "//name" : "protectorateextinguisher", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Fire Extinguisher", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "protectorateextinguisher" < }, < "1195" : { < "//description" : "So many books, so little time!", < "//name" : "protectoratebookcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Book Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebookcabinet" < }, < "1196" : { < "//description" : "Storage unit from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratestorage6", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Storage Unit-todo-", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratestorage6" < }, < "1197" : { < "//description" : "A bin.", < "//name" : "protectoratelobbybin", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bin", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratelobbybin" < }, < "1198" : { < "//description" : "Storage unit from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratestorage5", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Storage Unit-todo-", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratestorage5" < }, < "1199" : { < "//description" : "It's a painting of a bridge over still water.", < "//name" : "hylotlpainting3", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bridge Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlpainting3" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripslime1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripslime1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "These iron shackles may make escaping from prison inconvenient.", < "//name" : "wallshackles", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wallshackles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1200" : { < "//description" : "There's no way back. Even a Matter Manipulator couldn't break up this reinforced debris.", < "//name" : "protectoraterubble", < "//shortdescription" : "Impassable Rubble", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoraterubble", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1201" : { < "//description" : "A broken vending machine.", < "//name" : "protectoratebrokenvending", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebrokenvending" < }, < "1202" : { < "//description" : "A broken display case.", < "//name" : "protectoratebrokendisplay2", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Broken Display", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebrokendisplay2" < }, < "1203" : { < "//description" : "A broken display case.", < "//name" : "protectoratebrokendisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Broken Display", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebrokendisplay1" < }, < "1204" : { < "//description" : "The robe of a previous Grand Protector. Fancy!", < "//name" : "protectoraterobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Robe Prop", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoraterobe" < }, < "1205" : { < "//description" : "A retro poster.", < "//name" : "protectorateposter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "protectorateposter2" < }, < "1206" : { < "//description" : "A poster of a Matter Manipulator.", < "//name" : "protectorateposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "protectorateposter1" < }, < "1207" : { < "//description" : "An old book full of guidelines for Protectors.", < "//name" : "protectorateguidelines", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Old Book", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateguidelines" < }, < "1208" : { < "//description" : "A replica of a Matter Manipulator", < "//name" : "protectoratemanipulator", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Matter Manipulator", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratemanipulator" < }, < "1209" : { < "//description" : "A fallen ribbon.", < "//name" : "protectoratefallenrope", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Ruined Ribbon", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratefallenrope" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A cuddly bear plushy. Awwwww.", < "//name" : "bearplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Bear Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bearplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1210" : { < "//description" : "A fancy red ribbon.", < "//name" : "protectoraterope", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Ribbon", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoraterope" < }, < "1211" : { < "//description" : "A torn bit of fabric from a Protectorate Banner.", < "//name" : "protectoratecape", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Banner Rag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratecape", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1212" : { < "//description" : "A rack of traditional swords.", < "//name" : "hylotlkatanarack", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Sword Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlkatanarack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1213" : { < "//description" : "A stand displaying Hylotl armour.", < "//name" : "hylotluniformstand", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Armour Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotluniformstand", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1214" : { < "//description" : "A simple waste bin for students.", < "//name" : "protectoratewastebin", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Waste Bin", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratewastebin" < }, < "1215" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"If it survives for 200 years, it might become an Ixodoom.\"", < "//name" : "ixolingaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Ixoling Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ixolingaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1216" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"A stone temple guardian, animated with ancient technology.\"", < "//name" : "kluexsentryaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Sentry Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kluexsentryaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1217" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"They attack anyone that surprises them, and they're easily surprised.\"", < "//name" : "snuffishaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Snuffish Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snuffishaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1218" : { < "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase, only partially filled with books.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", < "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1219" : { < "//description" : "Anyone for scrambled monster egg?", < "//name" : "tentacleegg", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Monster Egg", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentacleegg" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands armed and resolute.", < "//name" : "medievalarmorarmed", < "//shortdescription" : "Armed Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmorarmed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1220" : { < "//description" : "An old projector for communicating holographically.", < "//name" : "hologramprojector", < "//shortdescription" : "Hologram Projector", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologramprojector" < }, < "1221" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to buy stuff.", < "//name" : "apexstoresign", < "//shortdescription" : "Store Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexstoresign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1222" : { < "//description" : "A statue dedicated to Benjamin \"Meuterion\" Deust.", < "//name" : "benjaminstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Benjamin Deust Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "benjaminstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1223" : { < "//description" : "A statue of Cameron \"KyeTheShy\" York. Loved to adventure, but wandered a little too far...into space.", < "//name" : "cameronstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Cameron York Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cameronstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1224" : { < "//description" : "A pile of sand bags.", < "//name" : "sandbags", < "//shortdescription" : "Sand Bags", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandbags", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1225" : { < "//description" : "The plaque reads \"For a father who opened up a new world for me. In Memory of Tracy Dietrich 1963-2003\".", < "//name" : "memorialstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Imagination Memorial", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "memorialstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1226" : { < "//description" : "The only letters I can make out are \"xOliver137\".", < "//name" : "oliverstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "xOliver137 Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oliverstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1227" : { < "//name" : "tentacleexperiment", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1228" : { < "//description" : "A statue honouring the history of the Avian god Kluex.", < "//name" : "kluexstatue1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Winged Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kluexstatue1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1229" : { < "//description" : "An old torn map which claims to lead to godly treasures.", < "//name" : "kluexmap1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Treasure Map", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "kluexmap1" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "A dirty looking wooden cup.", < "//name" : "medievalcup", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cup", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcup", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1230" : { < "//description" : "An ancient mural depicting the gifts given by Kluex to his followers.", < "//name" : "kluexmural2", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Gift Mural", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "kluexmural2" < }, < "1231" : { < "//description" : "An ancient mural of the god Kluex.", < "//name" : "kluexmural1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex World Mural", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "kluexmural1" < }, < "1232" : { < "//description" : "A statue depicting the might of the deity Kluex.", < "//name" : "kluexstatue2", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Serpentine Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kluexstatue2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1233" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "bossrightspawner", < "//shortdescription" : "Boss Right Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bossrightspawner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1234" : { < "//description" : "A disorganised map for locating Big Ape. Whoever drew it was very angry.", < "//name" : "bigapetargetmap", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Target Map", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bigapetargetmap" < }, < "1235" : { < "//description" : "A display cycling through information about Miniknog strongholds.", < "//name" : "miniknogintel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Miniknog Intel Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "miniknogintel1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1236" : { < "//description" : "A computer displaying information downloaded from the drone on top.", < "//name" : "minidronerack", < "//shortdescription" : "Minidrone Intel Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "minidronerack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1237" : { < "//description" : "A large propaganda newspaper, to be put up where everyone can see.", < "//name" : "miniknognewspaper", < "//shortdescription" : "Miniknog Newspaper", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "miniknognewspaper" < }, < "1238" : { < "//description" : "A somewhat suspicious doll of Big Ape.", < "//name" : "bigapedoll", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Doll", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigapedoll", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1239" : { < "//description" : "An intricate handmade paper model of a Hylotl library. There's little paper bookcases inside!", < "//name" : "librarymodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Library Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarymodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "...", < "//name" : "pleaseget", < "//shortdescription" : "Please Get Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "pleaseget" < }, < "1240" : { < "//description" : "An ancient tome that catalogues of all the Hylotl books in the galaxy.", < "//name" : "librarycodex", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Library Codex", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarycodex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1241" : { < "//description" : "A grand looking aquarium, with a small scale Hylotl pagoda model on top.", < "//name" : "pagodaaquarium", < "//shortdescription" : "Pagoda Aquarium", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pagodaaquarium", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1242" : { < "//description" : "An old poster of some ancient Hylotl library.", < "//name" : "hylotllibraryposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vintage Library Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotllibraryposter1" < }, < "1243" : { < "//description" : "A small insectile creature impaled on a hunting pike.", < "//name" : "ixolingpike", < "//shortdescription" : "Ixoling Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ixolingpike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1244" : { < "//name" : "ixolingpike_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1245" : { < "//description" : "This royal decree makes note of a keep, where treasures lay under watchful guard.", < "//name" : "glitchdecree", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Decree", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "glitchdecree" < }, < "1246" : { < "//description" : "A ceremonial horn that holds a woven banner.", < "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Mounted Horn Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "glitchhorndisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1247" : { < "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1248" : { < "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1249" : { < "//description" : "A crude painting of a Floran hunter wielding a spear.", < "//name" : "floranhunterpainting", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Hunter Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranhunterpainting" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "It looks like an old remote terminal.", < "//name" : "wreckconsole3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Terminal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckconsole3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1250" : { < "//description" : "A display commemorating the spear of a Floran who won a hunting ceremony.", < "//name" : "championspeardisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Champion's Spear Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "championspeardisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1251" : { < "//description" : "This chess board has custom pieces.", < "//name" : "glitchchess", < "//shortdescription" : "Themed Chess Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchchess", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1252" : { < "//description" : "A statue depicting the might of the deity Kluex.", < "//name" : "kluexstatue2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Serpentine Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kluexstatue2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1253" : { < "//description" : "It's a figurine of a Glitch noble.", < "//name" : "glitchbaronfigure", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Statuette", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchbaronfigure", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1254" : { < "//description" : "This trophy is a spinneret from some large, web spinning creature.", < "//name" : "floranspinneret", < "//shortdescription" : "Spinneret Trophy", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranspinneret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1255" : { < "//name" : "arkteleporterbroken", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1256" : { < "//description" : "This trophy rack is covered in a foul web.", < "//name" : "floranwebbing", < "//shortdescription" : "Web Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranwebbing", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1257" : { < "//name" : "floranwebbing_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1258" : { < "//name" : "floranwebbing_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1259" : { < "//description" : "This ancient teleporter no longer functions.", < "//name" : "arkdestinationteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ark Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arkdestinationteleporter" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "hylotlshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlshiplockerTier0" < }, < "1260" : { < "//description" : "An intricate handmade music box. The melody it plays is soothing.", < "//name" : "hylotlmusicbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Music Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlmusicbox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1261" : { < "//description" : "Thin hanging drapes. Quite classy.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Thin Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1262" : { < "//description" : "A distress beacon. Who knows who might hear it?", < "//name" : "beaconsnow", < "//shortdescription" : "Distress Beacon", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "beaconsnow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1263" : { < "//description" : "A dark chequered flag bearing an emblem.", < "//name" : "darkbattlestandard", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark Battle Standard", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "darkbattlestandard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1264" : { < "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1265" : { < "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1266" : { < "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1267" : { < "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1268" : { < "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1269" : { < "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "Glyphs pulse ominously... what do they mean?", < "//name" : "screen4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glyph Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1270" : { < "//description" : "A black bishop from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessbishopblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Bishop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessbishopblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1271" : { < "//description" : "A black queen from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessqueenblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Queen", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessqueenblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1272" : { < "//description" : "A black pawn from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chesspawnblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Pawn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chesspawnblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1273" : { < "//description" : "A black knight from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessknightblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Knight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessknightblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1274" : { < "//description" : "A black rook from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessrookblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Rook", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessrookblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1275" : { < "//description" : "A black king from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chesskingblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone King", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chesskingblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase built to be filled with classic literature.", < "//name" : "classicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "An appropriately glorious monument dedicated to a glorious leader.", < "//name" : "classicapestatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Monument", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicapestatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripslime1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripslime1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "novakidtechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidtechstation" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "Graffiti. The writer seems somewhat peeved.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti5", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti5" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "A skull mounted as a trophy on crossed wood planks.", < "//name" : "huntingtrophy3", < "//shortdescription" : "Cross Mounted Skull", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "huntingtrophy3" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A gear. Part of a well-oiled machine. Actually, it's a bit rusty.", < "//name" : "sewergear", < "//shortdescription" : "Gear", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewergear", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "It's a bust of Big Ape, Glorious Leader of the Apex.", < "//name" : "apexstatue1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Bust", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A small security panel.", < "//name" : "consoletribalwall", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Security Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribalwall" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.", < "//name" : "zenrock4", < "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "zenrock4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a priest, fallen in battle.", < "//name" : "tombstone6", < "//shortdescription" : "Priest's Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "I sure could use some water...", < "//name" : "wellcover", < "//shortdescription" : "Well Cover", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wellcover", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "A small lamp that gives off a low red light.", < "//name" : "hylotllamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Bio-Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotllamp" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A hologram displaying the latest trends in Hylotl fashion.", < "//name" : "hylotlfashionhologram", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fashion Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlfashionhologram", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads.", < "//name" : "royalbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful painting of the night sky.", < "//name" : "paintingstarrynight", < "//shortdescription" : "Abstract Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingstarrynight" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A small empty stall. It looks sad.", < "//name" : "marketstall4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Empty Market Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "A four-sided spinning top. There are curious symbols on each side.", < "//name" : "dreidel", < "//shortdescription" : "Dreidel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dreidel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "Eight marker.", < "//name" : "number8", < "//shortdescription" : "Eight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number8" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A metal fence with red and black warning stripes.", < "//name" : "miningfence", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Railing", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningfence", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Sleazy Burger Heroes'.", < "//name" : "arcadeorange", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadeorange", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "I don't feel welcome here...", < "//name" : "penguinposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguins Only Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "penguinposter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "Think happy thoughts!", < "//name" : "apexthoughtreassign", < "//shortdescription" : "Reassignment Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexthoughtreassign" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a bunny.", < "//name" : "tombstatuebunny", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bunny Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstatuebunny", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A small tribal wall tapestry. It looks soft!", < "//name" : "decorativewallrug2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Colourful Tapestry", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "decorativewallrug2" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "A large empty stall. I bet business is slow.", < "//name" : "marketstall5", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Empty Market Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//name" : "fossildouble42", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a worm. But where's the hook?", < "//name" : "wormstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Worm Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wormstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A giant swirly lollipop! Sweet!", < "//name" : "lollipop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Lollipop", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lollipop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "A rolled up bale of hay.", < "//name" : "hayroll", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Roll", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hayroll", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Don't forget to wash your hands!", < "//name" : "apexsink", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Sink", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexsink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A generic metal barrel. It's sealed.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "A star map! It's a little primitive.", < "//name" : "screen3", < "//shortdescription" : "Star Map Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster from the controversial romance film \"10 Things I Hate About Florans\".", < "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter3", < "//shortdescription" : "Romantic Movie Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlmovieposter3" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "Scratching sounds from the inside... I think something has made a nest in there.", < "//name" : "wreckconsole2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Computer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckconsole2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "It seems irresponsible to leave a bunch of unlabelled chemicals unattended.", < "//name" : "apexcoolshelf2", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chemical Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolshelf2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A Golden Egg! What!?", < "//name" : "goldenegg", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Egg", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenegg", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "Looks like the Apex and the Agarans aren't compatible.", < "//name" : "floranpodapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Trapped Apex Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranpodapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A customized signboard", < "//name" : "customsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "customsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster for cult hit, \"The Moleman Prophecy\".", < "//name" : "molemanposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Moleman Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "molemanposter" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "...", < "//name" : "helpme", < "//shortdescription" : "Help Me Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "helpme" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "An odd golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase1", < "//shortdescription" : "Odd Gold Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A thin set of short curtains.", < "//name" : "apexcurtain", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexcurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A holiday pole! Its festively striped.", < "//name" : "holidaypole", < "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Pole", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaypole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A service panel.", < "//name" : "outpostservicepanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Service Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostservicepanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex peace-keeper.", < "//name" : "apexpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting2" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "A model of an unknown planet.", < "//name" : "medievalglobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Globe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalglobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "A cute little turtle plush.", < "//name" : "turtleplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Turtle Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "turtleplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "A broken cage. What could have escaped?", < "//name" : "plantbrokencage", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbrokencage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "An intricately woven wall tapestry.", < "//name" : "decorativewallrug1", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Tapestry", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "decorativewallrug1" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "Just a ceremonial shield. It wouldn't do much good in a fight.", < "//name" : "wallshield", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Shield Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wallshield" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "florancorner", < "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "An Avian banner made of gorgeous silk.", < "//name" : "avianbanner3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Patterned Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "avianbanner3" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "florancorner_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "Gorgeous, colourful feathers arranged like flowers.", < "//name" : "feathers2", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Feather Bundle", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feathers2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "An old sign to warn of deathly danger.", < "//name" : "deathwarning", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "deathwarning" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "A snowglobe with a snowman inside. Festive!", < "//name" : "snowglobe1", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowman Snowglobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowglobe1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "A big, delicious red gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "redgumdrop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redgumdrop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "glitchshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchshiplockerTier0" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster from the movie \"Cybernetic Apocalypse\".", < "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Action Movie Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlmovieposter1" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage3", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "florantechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florantechstation" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife.", < "//name" : "sarcohuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcohuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.", < "//name" : "neonhylotlhead", < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "neonhylotlhead", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "A sewer pipe.", < "//name" : "wallpipe", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wallpipe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "A sewer pipe.", < "//name" : "wallpipe_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wallpipe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", < "//name" : "paintingapexpixellisa", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapexpixellisa" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "A squishy, adorable unicorn. What's not to love?", < "//name" : "unicornplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Unicorn Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "unicornplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", < "//name" : "huntingbigstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Floran Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingbigstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "A soft scent of fruit juice lingers.", < "//name" : "classicglass", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Glass", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicglass", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "Once upon a time, a couple of these things could power a whole ship.", < "//name" : "wreckgenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckgenerator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root5", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "root5" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone belonged to one of the grounded. It's been desecrated.", < "//name" : "tombstone8", < "//shortdescription" : "Desecrated Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "A classic football...or soccer ball, if you prefer.", < "//name" : "football", < "//shortdescription" : "Football", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "football", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "A broken stone pillar.", < "//name" : "pillar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stone Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pillar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", < "//name" : "apexwallpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexwallpainting1" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "A wrecked turbine, completely non-operational.", < "//name" : "wreckturbine2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbine", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckturbine2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "Ahh The Son of Man, you make me hungry!", < "//name" : "genericpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Curious Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "genericpainting1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "A heavy metal anchor. Yarr.", < "//name" : "anchor", < "//shortdescription" : "Anchor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "anchor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "techstation", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "techstation" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", < "//name" : "reedclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Wall Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "reedclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'lily pad'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Lily\" Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy3" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "Old wiring, torn apart.", < "//name" : "wreckwiresceiling", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Hanging Wires", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wreckwiresceiling" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A broken anchor", < "//name" : "brokenanchor", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Anchor", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brokenanchor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "The shelf is packed with all kinds of Hylotl goods.", < "//name" : "hylotlstoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlstoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "It appears to be a painting of a falling leaf.", < "//name" : "floranpainting4", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Leaf Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting4" < }, < "212" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "humanteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humanteleporterTier0" < }, < "213" : { < "//description" : "Looks like it's mainly used for data entry. Nothing too interesting.", < "//name" : "bunkercomputer", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Computer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercomputer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "214" : { < "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright green emblem.", < "//name" : "hylotlsymbolg", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Symbol", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsymbolg" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "It's a very tempting lever.", < "//name" : "hylotlswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "216" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone is engraved with an eye symbol", < "//name" : "tombstone10", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", < "//name" : "prisongrateh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizonal Metal Grates", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongrateh", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", < "//name" : "floranpod2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranpod2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "A monitor. But who monitors the monitor?", < "//name" : "outpostmonitor", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "outpostmonitor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A stone structure perfect for alien zen gardens.", < "//name" : "zenrock3", < "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "zenrock3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "A giant, delicious purple gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "purplegumdrop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Purple Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "purplegumdrop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway.", < "//name" : "prisonshowerdripping", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Prison Shower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonshowerdripping", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "Don't underestimate an Apex's love for bananas.", < "//name" : "apexpainting4", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting4" < }, < "223" : { < "//description" : "A carved bunny sits on top of this altar.", < "//name" : "altarbunny", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altarbunny", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "224" : { < "//description" : "A crudely-drawn skull. It looks cheerful.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti4", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti4" < }, < "225" : { < "//description" : "A soft Poptop plush toy.", < "//name" : "poptopplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Poptop Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "poptopplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "226" : { < "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's a lily pad.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicgong", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Gong", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicgong", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "227" : { < "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", < "//name" : "holly", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "holly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "228" : { < "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", < "//name" : "holly_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "holly" < }, < "229" : { < "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", < "//name" : "holly_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "holly" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A broken pillar.", < "//name" : "heckpillar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckpillar1" < }, < "230" : { < "//description" : "This vending machine is empty, I guess the crew had a taste for soda.", < "//name" : "wreckvendingmachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckvendingmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "231" : { < "//description" : "Stale air whistles through this old vent.", < "//name" : "wreckvent", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckvent" < }, < "232" : { < "//description" : "A bust of an important Apex.", < "//name" : "apexbustmale", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Male Bust", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbustmale", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "233" : { < "//description" : "A bowl. It doesn't look very clean.", < "//name" : "medievalbowl", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbowl" < }, < "234" : { < "//description" : "This guy looks surprised to see me!", < "//name" : "mask1", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Human Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask1" < }, < "235" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple32", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "236" : { < "//description" : "A water cooler. The best place to find the hottest gossip.", < "//name" : "watercooler", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Cooler", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "watercooler", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "237" : { < "//description" : "The lamp emits a low, ambient blue light.", < "//name" : "clublampsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Club Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clublampsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "238" : { < "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", < "//name" : "signproduce", < "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signproduce" < }, < "239" : { < "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", < "//name" : "signproduce_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signproduce" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "Ancient Greek marble sculpture, Venus De Pixel. Sculptor Unknown.", < "//name" : "venusdepixel", < "//shortdescription" : "Venus de Pixel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "venusdepixel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "240" : { < "//description" : "A flask full of blue liquid.", < "//name" : "blueflask", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flask", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "blueflask", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "241" : { < "//description" : "A simple striped bowl.", < "//name" : "hylotlbowl", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlbowl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "242" : { < "//name" : "testfossil", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "243" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "244" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "245" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "246" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "247" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "248" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "249" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "humanshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humanshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "250" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "251" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "252" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "253" : { < "//description" : "Penguin bones on a pike arranged decoratively.", < "//name" : "huntingpike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bones Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "254" : { < "//description" : "Thick metal bars surround each cell. Chance of escape seems pretty slim.", < "//name" : "prisonbars", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Bars", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbars" < }, < "255" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "256" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "257" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "258" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "259" : { < "//description" : "Graffiti. A harsh warning. Ignore it.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti3", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti3" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "The pelt of a large, snow dwelling animal.", < "//name" : "floranpelt4", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Snowy Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "floranpelt4" < }, < "260" : { < "//description" : "Vials full of various blood types. I hope they didn't take out ALL their blood.", < "//name" : "apexbloodbank", < "//shortdescription" : "Bloodbank", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbloodbank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "261" : { < "//description" : "A mechanical cash register. Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "medievalregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "262" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone has been smashed beyond repair.", < "//name" : "tombstone4", < "//shortdescription" : "Smashed Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "263" : { < "//description" : "A wireless energy supply.", < "//name" : "tesla", < "//shortdescription" : "Wireless Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tesla", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "264" : { < "//description" : "A bathroom urinal. Useful for some.", < "//name" : "bathroomurinal", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Urinal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bathroomurinal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "265" : { < "//description" : "The reason you don't play ball in the house.", < "//name" : "classicchina", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic China Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchina", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "266" : { < "//description" : "It's full of really tempting levers but I should probably leave it alone.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole1", < "//shortdescription" : "Command Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "267" : { < "//description" : "I didn't know clocks were capable of reproduction.", < "//name" : "grandfatherclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Grandfather Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "grandfatherclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "268" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple33", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "269" : { < "//description" : "A table. Perfect for tabletop gaming. Or eating.", < "//name" : "outposttable", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outposttable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A graffiti warning.", < "//name" : "nowayout", < "//shortdescription" : "nowayout", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "nowayout", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "270" : { < "//description" : "For displaying the fanciest of items, or holding up the smallest of buildings.", < "//name" : "classicpillarsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicpillarsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "271" : { < "//description" : "Unhelpful road signs.", < "//name" : "crossroadssign", < "//shortdescription" : "Crossroads Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crossroadssign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "272" : { < "//description" : "A vending machine filled with popular beverages.", < "//name" : "hylotldrinks", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotldrinks", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "273" : { < "//description" : "A fine china plate.", < "//name" : "classicplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "274" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "hylotlteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlteleporterTier0" < }, < "275" : { < "//description" : "It's a large server cabinet.", < "//name" : "bunkerserver", < "//shortdescription" : "Server Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerserver", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "276" : { < "//description" : "A fuzzy red stocking. A little too big for anyone's foot.", < "//name" : "stocking2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Stocking", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "stocking2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "277" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Mazebound64'.", < "//name" : "arcadegame", < "//shortdescription" : "Mazebound64", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadegame", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "278" : { < "//description" : "This bell must make quite a sound.", < "//name" : "largebell", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Bell", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "largebell", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "279" : { < "//description" : "A crane. Used for lifting, or swinging from.", < "//name" : "outpostcrane", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Crane", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "outpostcrane", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A sickly-sweet scent clings to the inside.", < "//name" : "lamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "280" : { < "//description" : "The pelt of a small, snow dwelling animal.", < "//name" : "floranpelt5", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowy Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpelt5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "281" : { < "//description" : "A standard cloth Avian banner.", < "//name" : "avianbanner4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Small Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianbanner4" < }, < "282" : { < "//description" : "Old system readings that seem to be out of date.", < "//name" : "screen1", < "//shortdescription" : "Data Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "283" : { < "//description" : "A wide solid wooden stand.", < "//name" : "woodenstand2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wooden Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenstand2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "284" : { < "//description" : "The Elegantly Automatic Sign Engineering Lithographer.", < "//name" : "signstore", < "//shortdescription" : "EASEL", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "signstore", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "285" : { < "//description" : "A big lollipop! Sweet!", < "//name" : "lollipop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Lollipop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lollipop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "286" : { < "//description" : "An arcane torture device. Best not to ask how it's used.", < "//name" : "planttorturedevice", < "//shortdescription" : "Torture Device", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorturedevice", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "287" : { < "//description" : "A cultist altar. Nefarious worship goes on here.", < "//name" : "cultistaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Cultist Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cultistaltar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "288" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a human couple.", < "//name" : "paintinggothic", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintinggothic" < }, < "289" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "hylotltechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotltechstation" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A keg full of juice. Mmm, juice!", < "//name" : "juicekeg", < "//shortdescription" : "Juice Keg", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "juicekeg", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "290" : { < "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "291" : { < "//description" : "I swear the eye is following me around the room..", < "//name" : "birdgodemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "birdgodemblem" < }, < "292" : { < "//description" : "A broken pillar.", < "//name" : "heckpillar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckpillar2" < }, < "293" : { < "//description" : "It's some sort of floor ornament. Frog spawn swirls inside.", < "//name" : "hylotlfloorornament", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Ornament", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlfloorornament", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "294" : { < "//description" : "The sign says \"DANGER\". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", < "//name" : "dangersignh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Danger Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dangersignh" < }, < "295" : { < "//description" : "An assortment of pointy things.", < "//name" : "marketstall3", < "//shortdescription" : "Market Weapon Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "296" : { < "//description" : "A flask full of red liquid.", < "//name" : "redflask", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Flask", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redflask", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "297" : { < "//description" : "A slim golden deocrative vase.", < "//name" : "goldvase3", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "298" : { < "//description" : "Invisible Sparker", < "//name" : "invisiblesparker", < "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Sparker", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "invisiblesparker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "299" : { < "//name" : "mask7", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A shiny glass panel.", < "//name" : "glasspanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Glass Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glasspanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A head mounted on a round plaque. Its eyes follow you...", < "//name" : "huntingtrophy1", < "//shortdescription" : "Round Mounted Skull", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "huntingtrophy1" < }, < "300" : { < "//description" : "This colourful sleigh has a big rocket engine on the back! Who needs reindeer, right?", < "//name" : "scifisleigh", < "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Rocket Sleigh", < "imagePositionX" : "-64", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scifisleigh", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "301" : { < "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane. It's crooked.", < "//name" : "greencandycane2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greencandycane2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "302" : { < "//description" : "A pile of hay. Probably not a great hiding place.", < "//name" : "haypile", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "haypile", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "303" : { < "//description" : "The shelves are empty.", < "//name" : "apexwoodenshelves", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Shelves", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwoodenshelves", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "304" : { < "//description" : "This guy looks hungry. His eyes make me uncomfortable.", < "//name" : "mask2", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Skull Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask2" < }, < "305" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", < "//name" : "floranpod1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranpod1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "306" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Looks like it's hatched.", < "//name" : "floranopenpod1", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranopenpod1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "307" : { < "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", < "//name" : "paintingmonalisa", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingmonalisa" < }, < "308" : { < "//name" : "fossildouble22", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "309" : { < "//description" : "One marker.", < "//name" : "number1", < "//shortdescription" : "One", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number1" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A carved Avian head sits atop this altar.", < "//name" : "altaravian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Head Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altaravian", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "310" : { < "//name" : "fossilsingle3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "311" : { < "//description" : "A synthetic fir tree.", < "//name" : "undecoratedtree", < "//shortdescription" : "Faux Fir Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "undecoratedtree", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "312" : { < "//description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", < "//name" : "owlclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Owl Wall Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "owlclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "313" : { < "//description" : "There's a book in here titled, 'How to Travel Backwards in Time for Dummies'.", < "//name" : "bunkerbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "314" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "315" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "316" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "317" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "318" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "319" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a famous, long-dead Earthling poet.", < "//name" : "paintingshakespeare", < "//shortdescription" : "Famous Poet Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingshakespeare" < }, < "320" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "321" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "322" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation9", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "323" : { < "//description" : "Very helpful rocks. Or could the arrow be a trick?", < "//name" : "huntingplatformrocks", < "//shortdescription" : "Arrow Etched Rocks", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatformrocks", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "324" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple43", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "325" : { < "//description" : "A flask full of green goo.", < "//name" : "greenflask", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Flask", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenflask", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "326" : { < "//description" : "The rack is filled with antique Avian spears.", < "//name" : "spearrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Spear Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spearrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "327" : { < "//description" : "A wall grate. Great.", < "//name" : "sewerwallgrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Wall Grate", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewerwallgrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "328" : { < "//description" : "Watch out! Lightning bolts!", < "//name" : "electricsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Electricity Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "electricsign" < }, < "329" : { < "//description" : "An ominous warning sign.", < "//name" : "poisonsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "poisonsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "Everything looks significantly more terrifying under a microscope.", < "//name" : "microscope", < "//shortdescription" : "Microscope", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "microscope", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "330" : { < "//description" : "Five marker.", < "//name" : "number5", < "//shortdescription" : "Five", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number5" < }, < "331" : { < "//description" : "A counter that oddly resembles a Hylotl.", < "//name" : "hylotlcounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlcounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "332" : { < "//description" : "An electrically charged plasma field. It reacts to sound.", < "//name" : "plasmadisc", < "//shortdescription" : "Plasma Disc", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plasmadisc", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "333" : { < "//description" : "It says 'BIG APE'.", < "//name" : "apexnameplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Nameplate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexnameplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "334" : { < "//description" : "A small set of lily pad wall hangings.", < "//name" : "hylotllilydeco2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Lily Pads", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotllilydeco2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "335" : { < "//description" : "A rather serious looking bird.", < "//name" : "mask4", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask4" < }, < "336" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", < "//name" : "floranpod3", < "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranpod3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "337" : { < "//name" : "geometricscreen", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "338" : { < "//name" : "geometricscreen_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "339" : { < "//name" : "geometricscreen_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "Simple, but elegant. Plaques like this bring some real class to a place.", < "//name" : "markerwallplaque2", < "//shortdescription" : "Polished Stone Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "markerwallplaque2" < }, < "340" : { < "//description" : "A map of an unknown world.", < "//name" : "medievalmap", < "//shortdescription" : "medieval Map", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "medievalmap" < }, < "341" : { < "//description" : "An ornate fountain - much of the water appears to be wasted.", < "//name" : "classicfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "342" : { < "//description" : "A tank of unknown use.", < "//name" : "outposttank", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outposttank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "343" : { < "//description" : "An old boiler. A dripping echoes from inside.", < "//name" : "wreckboiler", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckboiler", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "344" : { < "//description" : "An old wooden shelf.", < "//name" : "medievalshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "345" : { < "//description" : "An empty plaque. What belongs here?", < "//name" : "huntingdisplay2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingdisplay2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "346" : { < "//description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", < "//name" : "prisonfence1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Chain-link Fence", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfence1" < }, < "347" : { < "//description" : "It appears to be a tally chart.", < "//name" : "floranpainting3", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chart Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting3" < }, < "348" : { < "//description" : "A sewer gauge. Nobody knows what the gauge illustrates.", < "//name" : "sewergauge", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Gauge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewergauge" < }, < "349" : { < "//description" : "Four marker.", < "//name" : "number4", < "//shortdescription" : "Four", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number4" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "350" : { < "//description" : "That's not very encouraging.", < "//name" : "bunkerposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Motivational Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerposter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "351" : { < "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife. Wait a minute... I think I can hear something inside!", < "//name" : "sarcohumanalive", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcohumanalive", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "352" : { < "//description" : "This jukebox sounds great! Too bad there only seems to be one track.", < "//name" : "jukebox", < "//shortdescription" : "Jukebox", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jukebox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "353" : { < "//description" : "It's a map displaying a round central room branching out into several corridors.", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay3", < "//shortdescription" : "Map Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay3", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "354" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Zombie Banana Mansion'.", < "//name" : "arcadeyellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadeyellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "355" : { < "//description" : "A bathroom sink. Wash your hands!", < "//name" : "bathroomsink", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Sink", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bathroomsink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "356" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple51", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "357" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "novakidtechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidtechstationTier0" < }, < "358" : { < "//description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", < "//name" : "prisonfence2", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Chain-link Fence", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfence2" < }, < "359" : { < "//description" : "It's a framed replica of Big Ape's hit album, 'Jungle Love'.", < "//name" : "apexpainting3", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Record", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting3" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "360" : { < "//description" : "A rather detailed sketch of Glitch anatomy.", < "//name" : "glitchianman", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitchian Man", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "glitchianman" < }, < "361" : { < "//description" : "Six marker.", < "//name" : "number6", < "//shortdescription" : "Six", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number6" < }, < "362" : { < "//description" : "A graffiti message.", < "//name" : "thewayisblocked", < "//shortdescription" : "thewayisblocked", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "thewayisblocked", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "363" : { < "//description" : "Drops of water.", < "//name" : "drip1", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drip1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "364" : { < "//name" : "drip1_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "365" : { < "//name" : "drip1_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "366" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "glitchteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchteleporterTier0" < }, < "367" : { < "//description" : "He sees you when you're sleeping! He knows when you're awake!", < "//name" : "giantsanta", < "//shortdescription" : "Jetpack Santa Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantsanta", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "368" : { < "//description" : "A white knight from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessknight", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Knight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessknight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "369" : { < "//description" : "A machine used to move large amounts of mined material.", < "//name" : "miningbelt", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Conveyer Belt", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningbelt", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "370" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting some animals.", < "//name" : "caveart1", < "//shortdescription" : "Animal Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "371" : { < "//description" : "This book is full of strange illustrations.", < "//name" : "medievalcodex", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Codex", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcodex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "372" : { < "//description" : "Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "hylotlcashregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Store Cash Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlcashregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "373" : { < "//description" : "A sign marking where a checkout line begins.", < "//name" : "shopline", < "//shortdescription" : "Checkout Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shopline", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "374" : { < "//description" : "A bit of Glitch surrealism.", < "//name" : "persistenceofpixels", < "//shortdescription" : "Persistence of Pixels", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "persistenceofpixels" < }, < "375" : { < "//description" : "This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", < "//name" : "hazardtapeh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Hazard Tape", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hazardtapeh" < }, < "376" : { < "//description" : "An old battered sign warning of falling rocks.", < "//name" : "fallingrocks", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Falling Rocks Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fallingrocks" < }, < "377" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple22", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "378" : { < "//description" : "The altar is covered in carvings of a winged god.", < "//name" : "birdaltar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Prayer Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdaltar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "379" : { < "//description" : "It's a patient file. He appears to be human, but... with two hearts?", < "//name" : "bunkerpanel2", < "//shortdescription" : "Medical Data Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerpanel2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "380" : { < "//description" : "A large lily pad wall hanging.", < "//name" : "hylotllilydeco3", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Lily Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotllilydeco3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "381" : { < "//description" : "These display axes look very sharp.", < "//name" : "medievalaxedisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Axe Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "medievalaxedisplay" < }, < "382" : { < "//description" : "A big, delicious green gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "greengumdrop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Green Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengumdrop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "383" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple23", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "384" : { < "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", < "//name" : "eventlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eventlight" < }, < "385" : { < "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", < "//name" : "eventlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "eventlight" < }, < "386" : { < "//description" : "A small barred vent.", < "//name" : "barvent", < "//shortdescription" : "Barred Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barvent" < }, < "387" : { < "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", < "//name" : "signweaponshop", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signweaponshop" < }, < "388" : { < "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", < "//name" : "signweaponshop_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signweaponshop" < }, < "389" : { < "//description" : "These symbols signify a mass grave.", < "//name" : "tombstone11", < "//shortdescription" : "Mass Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone11", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "390" : { < "//description" : "Plaques don't come much classier than this.", < "//name" : "markerwallplaque3", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "markerwallplaque3" < }, < "391" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root4", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "root4" < }, < "392" : { < "//description" : "There's some sheet music here.", < "//name" : "apexpiano", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Piano", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexpiano", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "393" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "floranshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "394" : { < "//description" : "A giant mushroom of Agaran origin.", < "//name" : "agaranmushroom", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Agaran Mushroom", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "agaranmushroom", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "395" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple52", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "396" : { < "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "397" : { < "//description" : "This seems to be a scientist that 'gave his body to science'.", < "//name" : "apexstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Scientist Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "398" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting an offering.", < "//name" : "caveart5", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "caveart5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "399" : { < "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", < "//name" : "apexwallpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Modern Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "apexwallpainting2" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "Common, workshop tools used for quick repairs.", < "//name" : "garagetools", < "//shortdescription" : "Workshop Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "garagetools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievallarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "bannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "400" : { < "//description" : "A machine used for breaking down rocks.", < "//name" : "miningcrusher", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Impact Crusher", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningcrusher", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "401" : { < "//description" : "A wooden cabinet with a sink installed.", < "//name" : "woodensink", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Sink", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodensink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "402" : { < "//description" : "A large bronze statue of the Hylotl's home planet.", < "//name" : "giantglobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Globe Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantglobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "403" : { < "//description" : "A toxic waste barrel. Don't spill any!", < "//name" : "toxicwastebarrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Waste Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicwastebarrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "404" : { < "//description" : "A spade, a rake and a broom for all sorts of back-breaking farm work.", < "//name" : "farmtools", < "//shortdescription" : "Farm Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "farmtools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "405" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "floranteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranteleporterTier0" < }, < "406" : { < "//description" : "An old input panel, probably used to be used for security.", < "//name" : "wreckpanel2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wrecked Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckpanel2" < }, < "407" : { < "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway. If the water was actually clean.", < "//name" : "prisonshower", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Shower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonshower", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "408" : { < "//description" : "Basic Bath", < "//name" : "basicbath", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Bath", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basicbath", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "409" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising Numi, a famous mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", < "//name" : "numisign", < "//shortdescription" : "Numi Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "numisign" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", < "//name" : "apexstatue2", < "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "410" : { < "//description" : "An old-school arcade machine. This one plays 'Super Tralgar Blaster 2'.", < "//name" : "arcademachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcademachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "411" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple12", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "412" : { < "//description" : "The space heater emits a low, unpleasant hum.", < "//name" : "prisonradiator", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Radiator", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonradiator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "413" : { < "//name" : "fossildouble21", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "414" : { < "//description" : "An arcade machine running a game called 'Starbound'.", < "//name" : "arcadestarbound", < "//shortdescription" : "Starbound Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadestarbound", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "415" : { < "//description" : "A smashed monitor, not much use now.", < "//name" : "wreckscreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wreckscreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "416" : { < "//description" : "A big, delicious purple gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "purplegumdrop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Purple Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "purplegumdrop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "417" : { < "//description" : "X marks the spot.", < "//name" : "treasuremap", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Map", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "treasuremap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "418" : { < "//description" : "It's a set of loudspeakers through which people speak loudly.", < "//name" : "loudspeaker", < "//shortdescription" : "Loudspeakers", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "loudspeaker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "419" : { < "//description" : "A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.", < "//name" : "zenrock5", < "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "zenrock5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A support beam carved to resemble a fearsome bird.", < "//name" : "idolsupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "idolsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "420" : { < "//description" : "It's one of those drinking machines people use to make small-talk.", < "//name" : "watermachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Cooler", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "watermachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "421" : { < "//description" : "A glass case full of plushies and toys.", < "//name" : "hylotlprizecounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Prize Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlprizecounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "422" : { < "//description" : "A thin solid wooden stand.", < "//name" : "woodenstand1", < "//shortdescription" : "Thin Wooden Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenstand1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "423" : { < "//description" : "The skull on this tombstone shows that it belongs to one of the grounded.", < "//name" : "tombstone7", < "//shortdescription" : "Grounded's Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "424" : { < "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root10", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "root10" < }, < "425" : { < "//description" : "Is it wrong to take your bunny to the afterlife with you?", < "//name" : "sarcobunny", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcobunny", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "426" : { < "//description" : "This beady-eyed bird jar is made of solid gold.", < "//name" : "goldenjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Bird Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "427" : { < "//description" : "Ironically, looking at this decorative sun sends a chill down my spine.", < "//name" : "sundecor", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Sun", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sundecor" < }, < "428" : { < "//description" : "A smashed vat, the inside is covered in dried slime... Did something break out?", < "//name" : "wreckvat1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vat", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckvat1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "429" : { < "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", < "//name" : "tombstone1", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//name" : "idolsupport_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "430" : { < "//description" : "An altar sticky with old blood and feathers.", < "//name" : "sacrificialaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Sacrificial Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sacrificialaltar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "431" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "apexshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "432" : { < "//description" : "A wooden wall shelf for displaying trinkets.", < "//name" : "medievalwallshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalwallshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "433" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster of a city.", < "//name" : "hylotlcityposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl City Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlcityposter" < }, < "434" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "teleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teleporterTier0" < }, < "435" : { < "//description" : "This tomb is anonymous, engraved with the image of its occupant.", < "//name" : "tombstone3", < "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "436" : { < "//description" : "The sign says, \"Cell Block\".", < "//name" : "prisonsign1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Block Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsign1" < }, < "437" : { < "//description" : "A large pelt with thick, lustrous fur.", < "//name" : "floranpelt1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Brown Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "floranpelt1" < }, < "438" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a warrior, fallen in battle.", < "//name" : "tombstone5", < "//shortdescription" : "Warrior's Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "439" : { < "//description" : "A ragged fur pelt, hung from two large tusks.", < "//name" : "floranpelt3", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Black Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpelt3" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A defaced poster of Big Ape.", < "//name" : "apexmocksign", < "//shortdescription" : "Disobey Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexmocksign" < }, < "440" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "avianshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "441" : { < "//description" : "That sure is one flashy recruitment poster.", < "//name" : "bunkerpanel3", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Recruitment Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerpanel3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "442" : { < "//description" : "Tools for creating pure, unadulterated deliciousness.", < "//name" : "kitchentools", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "kitchentools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "443" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "humantechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humantechstation" < }, < "444" : { < "//description" : "A snowglobe with a penguin inside. The bird looks angry.", < "//name" : "snowglobe2", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Snowglobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowglobe2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "445" : { < "//description" : "A green neon sign advertising furniture from a lily pad inspired design movement.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign1g", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Lily Pad Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsign1g" < }, < "446" : { < "//description" : "I wish I'd paid attention in astrogeography class.", < "//name" : "screenplanet", < "//shortdescription" : "Planet Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screenplanet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "447" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'leap'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Leap\" Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy4" < }, < "448" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "449" : { < "//description" : "An empty shelving rack.", < "//name" : "plantshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "May we forever obey him.", < "//name" : "apexpainting5", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Cross-Stitch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting5" < }, < "450" : { < "//description" : "A small red bow.", < "//name" : "smallbow", < "//shortdescription" : "Little Red Bow", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallbow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "451" : { < "//description" : "A wood and bone shelf used for storing supplies and keepsakes.", < "//name" : "floranshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "452" : { < "//description" : "A sign that looks like it says \"BUBBLE\"...", < "//name" : "hylotlsign2b", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlsign2b" < }, < "453" : { < "//description" : "An Apex statue. A perfect likeness.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatueapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatueapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "454" : { < "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", < "//name" : "huntingpike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "455" : { < "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", < "//name" : "huntingpike1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "456" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain. The water looks refreshing.", < "//name" : "fountain1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiered Stone Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fountain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "457" : { < "//description" : "A large pair of decorative bells. Just the thing to get one into the holiday spirit!", < "//name" : "giantbells", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Holiday Bells", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "giantbells", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "458" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a human. Check out the hair.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatuehuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatuehuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "459" : { < "//description" : "A standing desk. Good for the posture.", < "//name" : "outpoststandingdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Standing Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpoststandingdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain with a floral centerpiece.", < "//name" : "petalfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Floral Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "petalfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "460" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "461" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "462" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "463" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "464" : { < "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. I wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "sarcoavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcoavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "465" : { < "//description" : "Sterile, recycled air whirs through the fanblades at a steady pace.", < "//name" : "bunkervent", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunker Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkervent" < }, < "466" : { < "//description" : "A sign that looks like it says \"RIBBIT\"...", < "//name" : "hylotlsign2g", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlsign2g" < }, < "467" : { < "//description" : "A classic golden jug.", < "//name" : "goldvase5", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "468" : { < "//description" : "A classic golden jug.", < "//name" : "goldvase5_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "469" : { < "//description" : "This emblem commemorates the Avians' first flight to the stars.", < "//name" : "moonemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Moon Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "moonemblem" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "It should be stocked full of science journals and lab reports.", < "//name" : "apexcoolbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "470" : { < "//description" : "A golden duck!", < "//name" : "goldenducky", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Ducky", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenducky", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "471" : { < "//description" : "It's a turbine. Y'know, for science.", < "//name" : "prisonturbine", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Turbine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonturbine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "472" : { < "//description" : "A very welcoming sign.", < "//name" : "hecksign", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecksign" < }, < "473" : { < "//description" : "This mask looks like my ex-wife.", < "//name" : "mask6", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Priest Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask6" < }, < "474" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising natural soft drinks.", < "//name" : "softdrinksign", < "//shortdescription" : "Soft Drink Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "softdrinksign" < }, < "475" : { < "//description" : "A fake plastic plant. Not a tree.", < "//name" : "plasticplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plasticplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "476" : { < "//description" : "A white rook from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessrook", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Rook", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessrook", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "477" : { < "//description" : "A reed shelf.", < "//name" : "reedshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "478" : { < "//description" : "It's a round window.", < "//name" : "porthole", < "//shortdescription" : "Porthole", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "porthole" < }, < "479" : { < "//description" : "The result of a successful Floran hunt.", < "//name" : "floranbonedisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Trophy", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonedisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A tall stone pillar.", < "//name" : "pillar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pillar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "480" : { < "//description" : "There are barbaric Floran tales etched into the bone.", < "//name" : "floranbonedisplay2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Carving", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonedisplay2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "481" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase made from the remains of Floran prey.", < "//name" : "floranbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "482" : { < "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", < "//name" : "floranceilingbones2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Bone Chimes", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranceilingbones2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "483" : { < "//description" : "A giant pod. It seems to contain a beast.", < "//name" : "giantfloranpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantfloranpod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "484" : { < "//description" : "Sure seems that way, Anonymous Graffiti Artist.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti2", < "//shortdescription" : "\"No Escape\" Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongraffiti2" < }, < "485" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Looks like it's hatched.", < "//name" : "floranopenpod2", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranopenpod2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "486" : { < "//description" : "It looks like someone has painted glyphs onto a piece of leather.", < "//name" : "floranpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Glyph Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting2" < }, < "487" : { < "//description" : "An Avian statue. Not likely to fly away.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatueavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatueavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "488" : { < "//description" : "A wooden screen, perfect for dressing behind.", < "//name" : "floranscreen1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Dressing Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranscreen1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "489" : { < "//description" : "It says, \"Reminder to all inmates: You're here for life.\"", < "//name" : "prisonpaper1", < "//shortdescription" : "Inmate Notice", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonpaper1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A creepy monitor. A face flickers onto the screen, almost faster than the eye can see.", < "//name" : "apexceilingtv", < "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Ceiling TV", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexceilingtv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "490" : { < "//description" : "A leather screen, used in Floran food preparation.", < "//name" : "floranscreen2", < "//shortdescription" : "Leather Dressing Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranscreen2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "491" : { < "//description" : "The paper is ripped and the words are smudged.", < "//name" : "prisonpaper2", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Torn Memo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonpaper2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "492" : { < "//description" : "This appears to be an analysis of the environment outside of the bunker.", < "//name" : "bunkerpanel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Environmental Data Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerpanel1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "493" : { < "//description" : "An animal pelt stretched and dried between two large bones.", < "//name" : "florantanningrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Tanning Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantanningrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "494" : { < "//description" : "A Floran spear mounted on a decorative plaque.", < "//name" : "huntingdisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Spear on a Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingdisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "495" : { < "//description" : "A bundle of unusually large leaves.", < "//name" : "huntingplatformleaves", < "//shortdescription" : "Leaf Bundle", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatformleaves", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "496" : { < "//description" : "A railing made of pikes tied together.", < "//name" : "huntingrail2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Pike Railing", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingrail2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "497" : { < "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. All of the weapons are missing.", < "//name" : "huntingweaponrack2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Weapon Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingweaponrack2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "498" : { < "//description" : "A tiny synthetic fir tree.", < "//name" : "smallholidaytree", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Faux Fir Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallholidaytree", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "499" : { < "//description" : "The radio is switched on but silent.", < "//name" : "apexradio", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Radio", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexradio", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A giant, delicious green gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "greengumdrop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Green Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengumdrop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", < "//name" : "signlibrary", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signlibrary" < }, < "500" : { < "//description" : "This water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", < "//name" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Water Feature", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "501" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane.", < "//name" : "redcandycane1", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redcandycane1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "502" : { < "//description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", < "//name" : "drillmachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", < "imagePositionX" : "-88", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drillmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "503" : { < "//description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", < "//name" : "drillmachine_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", < "imagePositionX" : "-104", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drillmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "504" : { < "//description" : "A log, smoothed for sitting on.", < "//name" : "plantlog", < "//shortdescription" : "Sitting Log", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantlog", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "505" : { < "//description" : "A very large shipping container.", < "//name" : "shippingcontainer", < "//shortdescription" : "Shipping Container", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shippingcontainer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "506" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "escaperadar", < "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "escaperadar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "507" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "escaperadar_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "escaperadar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "508" : { < "//description" : "A small monitor. But what does it display?", < "//name" : "outpostsmallmonitor", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Small Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "outpostsmallmonitor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "509" : { < "//description" : "Large logs arranged as a construction staging platform.", < "//name" : "plantplatform2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Staging", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantplatform2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", < "//name" : "signlibrary_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signlibrary" < }, < "510" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane. It's crooked.", < "//name" : "redcandycane2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redcandycane2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "511" : { < "//description" : "A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.", < "//name" : "zenrock1", < "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "zenrock1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "512" : { < "//description" : "This is just an electrical fire waiting to happen.", < "//name" : "bunkerwires", < "//shortdescription" : "Wires", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerwires", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "513" : { < "//description" : "A pale stone altar, undecorated.", < "//name" : "altar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "514" : { < "//description" : "This painting seems to illustrate how to build a fire.", < "//name" : "floranpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Fire Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpainting1" < }, < "515" : { < "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", < "//name" : "woodsupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "516" : { < "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", < "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "517" : { < "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", < "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "518" : { < "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", < "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "519" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. Won't stab you... probably.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatuefloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatuefloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "There's nothing of interest on this shelf.", < "//name" : "apexcoolshelf1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Empty Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolshelf1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "520" : { < "//description" : "A board game, with a cardboard castle and game pieces.", < "//name" : "fantasyboardgame", < "//shortdescription" : "Fantasy Board Game", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fantasyboardgame", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "521" : { < "//name" : "fossilsingle1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "522" : { < "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", < "//name" : "signarmorshop", < "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signarmorshop" < }, < "523" : { < "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", < "//name" : "signarmorshop_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signarmorshop" < }, < "524" : { < "//description" : "Zero marker.", < "//name" : "number0", < "//shortdescription" : "Zero", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number0" < }, < "525" : { < "//name" : "fossilsingle2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "526" : { < "//description" : "Intercoms are often used to broadcast messages...or receive them.", < "//name" : "apexspeaker", < "//shortdescription" : "Announcement Intercom", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexspeaker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "527" : { < "//description" : "USCM, huh? I wouldn't wanna be one of their prisoners.", < "//name" : "prisonstonesign", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonstonesign", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "528" : { < "//description" : "A poster displaying Numi, mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", < "//name" : "numiposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Numi Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "numiposter" < }, < "529" : { < "//description" : "Two marker.", < "//name" : "number2", < "//shortdescription" : "Two", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number2" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", < "//name" : "bunkercorner", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "530" : { < "//name" : "fossilsingle4", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "531" : { < "//description" : "Yarrrr, me hearties!", < "//name" : "shipwheel", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Ship Wheel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipwheel", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "532" : { < "//name" : "fossildouble11", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "533" : { < "//name" : "fossildouble52", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "534" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple21", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "535" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple41", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "536" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple42", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "537" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "538" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientconsole_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "539" : { < "//description" : "A royal chalice, for filling a royal mouth with royal beverages.", < "//name" : "royalchalice", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chalice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalchalice", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", < "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "540" : { < "//description" : "An impossibly old message.", < "//name" : "ancientplaque1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "ancientplaque1" < }, < "541" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram2" < }, < "542" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram3" < }, < "543" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a galaxy.", < "//name" : "hologramgalaxy", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-104", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hologramgalaxy" < }, < "544" : { < "//description" : "A Floran's idea of abstract art.", < "//name" : "floranpainting5", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Abstract Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting5" < }, < "545" : { < "//description" : "An exotic-looking cactus in a flower pot.", < "//name" : "cactiflowerpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Cactus Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cactiflowerpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "546" : { < "//description" : "A fiery-looking flower in a pot.", < "//name" : "fireflowerpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Fiery Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fireflowerpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "547" : { < "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", < "//name" : "prisonmirror2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Mirror", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonmirror2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "548" : { < "//description" : "A peaceful stone fountain. The water gently flows.", < "//name" : "fountain2", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fountain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "549" : { < "//description" : "A huge snowflake decoration.", < "//name" : "giantsnowflake", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Snowflake", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "giantsnowflake", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", < "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "550" : { < "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", < "//name" : "prisongratev", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Metal Grates", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongratev", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "551" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting a ceremony.", < "//name" : "caveart3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ceremonial Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "552" : { < "//description" : "I should probably go that way.", < "//name" : "arrowsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Arrow Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arrowsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "553" : { < "//description" : "Ouch! I shouldn't get too close to that.", < "//name" : "barbedwire", < "//shortdescription" : "Barbed Wire", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barbedwire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "554" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting an unidentified subject.", < "//name" : "caveart4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "caveart4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "555" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting an unidentified subject.", < "//name" : "caveart4_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "556" : { < "//description" : "There's nothing on. Every channel just displays a picture of Big Ape.", < "//name" : "apextv", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape TV", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "557" : { < "//description" : "Simple, but elegant. Plaques like this bring some real class to a place.", < "//name" : "markerwallplaque1", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "markerwallplaque1" < }, < "558" : { < "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", < "//name" : "prisoncorner", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisoncorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "559" : { < "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", < "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisoncorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", < "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "560" : { < "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", < "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisoncorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "561" : { < "//description" : "A revolting pile of poop. The stench is foul!", < "//name" : "poop", < "//shortdescription" : "Poop", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "poop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "562" : { < "//description" : "A set of three TV monitors facing in different directions.'", < "//name" : "bunkertv2", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Television Monitors", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkertv2" < }, < "563" : { < "//description" : "Hollow bamboo strung together to make a wind chime.", < "//name" : "windchime", < "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Wind Chime", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "windchime", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "564" : { < "//description" : "A wheelbarrow for transporting goods.", < "//name" : "wheelbarrow", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheelbarrow", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wheelbarrow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "565" : { < "//description" : "A small snowflake decoration.", < "//name" : "smallsnowflake", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowflake", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "smallsnowflake", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "566" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a server. I wonder what kind of games could be hosted on that.", < "//name" : "apexcoolserver", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Server", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolserver", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "567" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", < "//name" : "wrecksupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "568" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", < "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "569" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", < "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "Is that an Avian... or a chicken?", < "//name" : "windchicken", < "//shortdescription" : "Weathervane", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "windchicken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "570" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", < "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "571" : { < "//description" : "A couple of wrecked turbines caked in dust.", < "//name" : "wreckturbines", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbines", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckturbines", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "572" : { < "//description" : "A screen for modest individuals to hide behind while getting changed.", < "//name" : "hylotlshojiscreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshojiscreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "573" : { < "//description" : "Nine marker.", < "//name" : "number9", < "//shortdescription" : "Nine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number9" < }, < "574" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how heavy it is.", < "//name" : "ballandchain", < "//shortdescription" : "Ball and Chain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ballandchain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "575" : { < "//description" : "A chequered flag bearing an emblem.", < "//name" : "battlestandard", < "//shortdescription" : "Battle Standard", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "battlestandard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "576" : { < "//description" : "An ordinary burlap sack.", < "//name" : "burlapsack", < "//shortdescription" : "Burlap Sack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "burlapsack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "577" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", < "//name" : "tombstatueavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstatueavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "578" : { < "//description" : "A rack full of fairly dull iron swords.", < "//name" : "medievalweaponrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Weapon Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalweaponrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "579" : { < "//description" : "A neat bale of hay, ready for stacking.", < "//name" : "haystack", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Stack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "haystack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane. It's crooked.", < "//name" : "greencandycane3", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greencandycane3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "580" : { < "//description" : "There's a hole in this bucket.", < "//name" : "medievalbucket", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bucket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbucket" < }, < "581" : { < "//description" : "A small clock with a pendulum. It ticks and tocks but the hands never move.", < "//name" : "medievalclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "medievalclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "582" : { < "//description" : "A flagpole fit for topping any building.", < "//name" : "medievalflagpole", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Flagpole", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalflagpole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "583" : { < "//description" : "A pedestal for putting your treasures on display.", < "//name" : "medievalpedestal", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Pedestal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalpedestal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "584" : { < "//description" : "A plate. It's gathering dust here.", < "//name" : "medievalplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalplate" < }, < "585" : { < "//description" : "These display swords could be dangerous in the wrong hands.", < "//name" : "medievalsworddisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Sword Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "medievalsworddisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "586" : { < "//description" : "A ornate obsidian bookcase.", < "//name" : "obsidianbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Obsidian Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "obsidianbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "587" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root3", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "root3" < }, < "588" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone looks as if it's about to fall over.", < "//name" : "tombstone9", < "//shortdescription" : "Unstable Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "589" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "This guy seems... wise.", < "//name" : "mask5", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Wiseman Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask5" < }, < "590" : { < "//description" : "It's a painting of a great big wave.", < "//name" : "hylotlpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wave Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlpainting1" < }, < "591" : { < "//description" : "A handy power generator.", < "//name" : "outpostgenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostgenerator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "592" : { < "//description" : "A tank filled with an unknown substance. Probably very lethal.", < "//name" : "sewertank", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sewertank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "593" : { < "//description" : "The huge speakers pump out loud dance music.", < "//name" : "clubdecks", < "//shortdescription" : "Club Decks", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubdecks", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "594" : { < "//description" : "A busted UFO.", < "//name" : "UFOprop", < "//shortdescription" : "UFO Prop", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "UFOprop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "595" : { < "//description" : "A fuzzy red stocking. A little too big for anyone's foot.", < "//name" : "stocking1", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Stocking", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "stocking1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "596" : { < "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", < "//name" : "signforge", < "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signforge" < }, < "597" : { < "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", < "//name" : "signforge_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signforge" < }, < "598" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", < "//name" : "signinn", < "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signinn" < }, < "599" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", < "//name" : "signinn_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signinn" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. Unsurprisingly, many of the weapons are gone.", < "//name" : "huntingweaponrack1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Weapon Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingweaponrack1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran holding a spear menacingly.", < "//name" : "huntingstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "600" : { < "//name" : "fossildouble32", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "601" : { < "//description" : "Three marker.", < "//name" : "number3", < "//shortdescription" : "Three", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number3" < }, < "602" : { < "//name" : "fossilsingle5", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "603" : { < "//description" : "A table with a studded gem motif resembling the three eyes of the Hylotl.", < "//name" : "hylotltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "604" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "floranshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranshiplockerTier0" < }, < "605" : { < "//description" : "Poor dummy, I'll name him Freddie!", < "//name" : "targetdummy", < "//shortdescription" : "Target Dummy", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "targetdummy", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "606" : { < "//description" : "A golden pedestal for something special.", < "//name" : "goldenpedestal", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Pedestal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenpedestal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "607" : { < "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase2", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "608" : { < "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "609" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red bow.", < "//name" : "giantbow2", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiny Red Bow", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "giantbow2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A graffiti sign.", < "//name" : "turnback", < "//shortdescription" : "turnback", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "turnback", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "610" : { < "//description" : "A terminal. Useful, probably.", < "//name" : "outpostterminal", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Terminal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostterminal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "611" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a mushroom.", < "//name" : "shroomstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "612" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red bow.", < "//name" : "giantbow1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Bow", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "giantbow1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "613" : { < "//description" : "A red ball adorned with a big white star! These are popular as holiday ornaments.", < "//name" : "redball", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Ball Holiday Ornament", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redball", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "614" : { < "//description" : "A questionably cute plushie of a Mindwurm.", < "//name" : "mindwurmplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Mindwurm Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mindwurmplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "615" : { < "//description" : "A giant, delicious red gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "redgumdrop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Red Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redgumdrop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "616" : { < "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane.", < "//name" : "greencandycane1", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greencandycane1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "617" : { < "//description" : "A television! I don't think this has worked for a long time.", < "//name" : "basictv", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Television", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basictv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "618" : { < "//description" : "A screen with a pie chart representing budget statistics.", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay2", < "//shortdescription" : "Statistical Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay2", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "619" : { < "//description" : "That's no moon...", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay4", < "//shortdescription" : "Anomalous Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "This vent clangs as air whistles through.", < "//name" : "vent", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vent" < }, < "620" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "hylotltechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotltechstationTier0" < }, < "621" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "florantechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florantechstationTier0" < }, < "622" : { < "//description" : "Someone couldn't count to 25.", < "//name" : "chalktally", < "//shortdescription" : "Tally Marks", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "chalktally" < }, < "623" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "hylotlshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "624" : { < "//description" : "The sign says \"DANGER\". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", < "//name" : "dangersignv", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Danger Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "dangersignv" < }, < "625" : { < "//description" : "This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", < "//name" : "hazardtapev", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Hazard Tape", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hazardtapev" < }, < "626" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "627" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "628" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "629" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "No chance of this thing starting up.", < "//name" : "wreckconsole1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckconsole1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "630" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "631" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "632" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "633" : { < "//description" : "An Avian banner woven with expensive silk.", < "//name" : "avianbanner1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Colourful Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "avianbanner1" < }, < "634" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a decorative lily pad.", < "//name" : "hylotllilypad", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Lily Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotllilypad", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "635" : { < "//description" : "This mask looks angry.", < "//name" : "mask3", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Alien Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask3" < }, < "636" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of William Glitchspeare.", < "//name" : "glitchspeare", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitchspeare Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "glitchspeare" < }, < "637" : { < "//description" : "Graffiti reading \"turn back\". Chances of it being adhered to: zero.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti6", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongraffiti6" < }, < "638" : { < "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", < "//name" : "prisonmirror1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Broken Mirror", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonmirror1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "639" : { < "//description" : "Inmate #2162's Study Group for Criminals Who Can't Read Good", < "//name" : "prisonpaper3", < "//shortdescription" : "Event Memo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonpaper3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "640" : { < "//description" : "A warning sign showing falling rocks.", < "//name" : "fallingrocksmodern", < "//shortdescription" : "Falling Rocks Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fallingrocksmodern" < }, < "641" : { < "//description" : "Used to trap tanks.", < "//name" : "tanktrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Tank Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tanktrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "642" : { < "//description" : "An orange neon sign displaying what seems to be Big Ape.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign1o", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Apex Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsign1o" < }, < "643" : { < "//description" : "A barrel of sewage. Almost certainly toxic.", < "//name" : "sewagebarrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewage Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sewagebarrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "644" : { < "//description" : "A fence fashioned out of heavy metal pipes.", < "//name" : "prisonpipefence", < "//shortdescription" : "Pipe Fence", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonpipefence" < }, < "645" : { < "//description" : "A white pawn from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chesspawn", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Pawn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chesspawn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "646" : { < "//description" : "An empty aquarium. How lonely.", < "//name" : "apexaquarium2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Wooden Aquarium", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexaquarium2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "647" : { < "//description" : "Ooh, what should I get?", < "//name" : "vendingmachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vendingmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "648" : { < "//description" : "A white bishop from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessbishop", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Bishop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessbishop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "649" : { < "//description" : "The machine runs a game called 'Psychedelic Rodeo Melee'.", < "//name" : "arcadeblue", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadeblue", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "650" : { < "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", < "//name" : "arcadedance", < "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadedance", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "651" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Stylish Thief Wasteland'.", < "//name" : "arcadegreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadegreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "652" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Cool Wizard Island'.", < "//name" : "arcadered", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadered", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "653" : { < "//description" : "A master work of craftsmanship. Beautiful.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "654" : { < "//description" : "Acceptable whether you're wearing sweatpants and a beanie or pantaloons.", < "//name" : "cider", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Fruit Drink", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cider", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "655" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "glitchtechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchtechstationTier0" < }, < "656" : { < "//description" : "An arcade sign. There's probably an arcade nearby.", < "//name" : "arcadesign", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "arcadesign" < }, < "657" : { < "//description" : "An old input panel .One of the keys has fallen off.", < "//name" : "wreckpanel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckpanel1" < }, < "658" : { < "//description" : "Bad Goo Plushie. A cuddly goo doll.", < "//name" : "badgooplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Bad Goo Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "badgooplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "659" : { < "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright blue emblem.", < "//name" : "hylotlsymbolb", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Symbol", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsymbolb" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "660" : { < "//description" : "Colourful ceiling lights found in clubs.", < "//name" : "clubceilinglights", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Club Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubceilinglights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "661" : { < "//description" : "A large club speaker.", < "//name" : "clubspeaker", < "//shortdescription" : "Club Speaker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubspeaker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "662" : { < "//description" : "Gorgeous, vibrant feathers arranged like flowers", < "//name" : "feathers1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Feather Bundle", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feathers1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "663" : { < "//description" : "A blue mailbox.", < "//name" : "hylotlmailbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Urban Mailbox", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlmailbox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "664" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster from the movie \"Fiery Blade Crusader\".", < "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Warrior Movie Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlmovieposter2" < }, < "665" : { < "//description" : "Bullseye!", < "//name" : "target", < "//shortdescription" : "Target", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "target", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "666" : { < "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", < "//name" : "hylotlshopsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshopsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "667" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "humantechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humantechstationTier0" < }, < "668" : { < "//description" : "A garbage bin.", < "//name" : "hylotltrashcan", < "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltrashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "669" : { < "//description" : "It's a trough for feeding livestock.", < "//name" : "trough", < "//shortdescription" : "Trough", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trough", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "670" : { < "//description" : "I'd better do what they say... ha!", < "//name" : "apexobeysign", < "//shortdescription" : "Obey Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexobeysign" < }, < "671" : { < "//description" : "It's a warning to anyone who cares to read it.", < "//name" : "hylotlwarningposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Warning Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlwarningposter" < }, < "672" : { < "//description" : "A plushie of Numi, the mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon of the same name.", < "//name" : "numiplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Numi Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "numiplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "673" : { < "//description" : "A sign that reads \"Danger!\". It couldn't really send a clearer message.", < "//name" : "reddangersign", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Danger Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "reddangersign" < }, < "674" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "returnconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "returnconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "675" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "returnconsole_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "returnconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "676" : { < "//description" : "A neon \"open\" sign.", < "//name" : "opensign", < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Open Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "opensign" < }, < "677" : { < "//description" : "A railing held together with bones.", < "//name" : "huntingrail1", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Bone Railing", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingrail1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "678" : { < "//description" : "A golden ball. These are popular as holiday ornaments.", < "//name" : "goldball", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Ball Holiday Ornament", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldball", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "679" : { < "//description" : "A white queen from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessqueen", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Queen", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessqueen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "680" : { < "//description" : "A clock in the shape of a lily pad.", < "//name" : "hylotllilyclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Lily Pad Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotllilyclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "681" : { < "//description" : "It's a copy of an old, famous painting.", < "//name" : "hylotlpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Mountain Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlpainting2" < }, < "682" : { < "//description" : "A study small Floran prison cage made from wood.", < "//name" : "plantcage2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcage2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "683" : { < "//description" : "A decorative wooden post with a lantern in it.", < "//name" : "hylotlpost", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wooden Post", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlpost", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "684" : { < "//description" : "A blue neon sign decorated with a seashell.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign1b", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Shell Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsign1b" < }, < "685" : { < "//description" : "It looks like the word 'croak', but apparently it means something completely different.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign2o", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlsign2o" < }, < "686" : { < "//name" : "testconsole1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "687" : { < "//description" : "A finely carved plaque with a skull on display.", < "//name" : "huntingtrophy2", < "//shortdescription" : "Shield Mounted Skull", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "huntingtrophy2" < }, < "688" : { < "//description" : "This pelt serves as a Floran hunter's trophy.", < "//name" : "floranpelt2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Black Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpelt2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "689" : { < "//description" : "The sign says, \"Mess Hall\".", < "//name" : "prisonsign2", < "//shortdescription" : "Mess Hall Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsign2" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "Don't do it!", < "//name" : "apexdonotenter", < "//shortdescription" : "Do Not Enter Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexdonotenter" < }, < "690" : { < "//description" : "This Avian server must contain a vast amount of data.", < "//name" : "tribalserver", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Server", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalserver", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "691" : { < "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum1", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "692" : { < "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "693" : { < "//description" : "Dripping Basic Bath", < "//name" : "basicbathdripping", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Basic Bath", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basicbathdripping", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "694" : { < "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", < "//name" : "tombstone2", < "//shortdescription" : "Embossed Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "695" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a flower, important to the Floran.", < "//name" : "flowerstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Flower Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "696" : { < "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root6", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "root6" < }, < "697" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram4" < }, < "698" : { < "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", < "//name" : "plantrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "699" : { < "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", < "//name" : "plantrack_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A space heater!", < "//name" : "bunkerheater1", < "//shortdescription" : "Space Heater", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerheater1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A white king from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessking", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone King", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessking", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "700" : { < "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", < "//name" : "plantrack_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "701" : { < "//description" : "A brain in a jar, daydreaming.", < "//name" : "apexbrainjar", < "//shortdescription" : "Brain in a Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbrainjar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "702" : { < "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", < "//name" : "floranceilingbones1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Bone Chimes", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranceilingbones1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "703" : { < "//description" : "A pair of stocks. A medieval method of punishment.", < "//name" : "medievalstock", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Stocks", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalstock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "704" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'pond'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Pond\" Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy5" < }, < "705" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple53", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "706" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone Glitch. It's not sentient.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatueglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatueglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "707" : { < "//description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty delicacy.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign3g", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Pod Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlsign3g" < }, < "708" : { < "//description" : "What does USCM stand for, again? Oh - United Systems Colonial Marines.", < "//name" : "marinesign", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "marinesign" < }, < "709" : { < "//name" : "testconsole2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "71" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple31", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "710" : { < "//description" : "A painting of two rainbows. A double rainbow.", < "//name" : "rainbowpainting", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "rainbowpainting", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "711" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Hylotl. Has the Innsmouth Look.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatuehylotl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatuehylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "712" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "apexshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexshiplockerTier0" < }, < "713" : { < "//description" : "A very flattering painting of Big Ape, Glorious Beloved Leader of the Apex.", < "//name" : "apexpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glorious Leader Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting1" < }, < "714" : { < "//description" : "A big fancy gong. It's covered in carvings.", < "//name" : "birdgong2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Avian Gong", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdgong2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "715" : { < "//description" : "It's just a wall panel.", < "//name" : "apexwoodpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wall Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexwoodpanel" < }, < "716" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'croak'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Croak\" Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy2" < }, < "717" : { < "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. The feather suggests it was for someone important.", < "//name" : "sarcoavian2", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Avian Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcoavian2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "718" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root1", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "root1" < }, < "719" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root2", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "root2" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A rack of 3 unidentified bones.", < "//name" : "floranbonerack", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonerack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "720" : { < "//description" : "An antenna. These are typically used to boost communication signals.", < "//name" : "antenna", < "//shortdescription" : "Antenna", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "antenna", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "721" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting some hunters.", < "//name" : "caveart2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunter Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "722" : { < "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "drip2", < "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drip2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "723" : { < "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "drip2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drip2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "724" : { < "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "drip2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drip2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "725" : { < "//description" : "A drill-mounted console.", < "//name" : "drillconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drillconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "726" : { < "//description" : "A metal sign that says \"HAZARD!\"", < "//name" : "mininghazardsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hazard Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mininghazardsign" < }, < "727" : { < "//description" : "A large metal Skip full of rubble.", < "//name" : "miningskip", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Skip", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningskip", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "728" : { < "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", < "//name" : "salesign", < "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "salesign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "729" : { < "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", < "//name" : "salesign_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "salesign", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A broken tank.", < "//name" : "brokentank", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brokentank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "730" : { < "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", < "//name" : "salesign_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "salesign" < }, < "731" : { < "//description" : "The sign indicates something medicine-related in the vicinity.", < "//name" : "apexmedsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Medical Bay Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexmedsign" < }, < "732" : { < "//description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", < "//name" : "bunkerdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "733" : { < "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root7", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "root7" < }, < "734" : { < "//description" : "A touch-screen console with all sorts of fun buttons.", < "//name" : "hylotlconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "735" : { < "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root8", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "root8" < }, < "736" : { < "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root9", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "root9" < }, < "737" : { < "//description" : "A fire extinquisher. Not for fun and games.", < "//name" : "fireextinguisher", < "//shortdescription" : "Fire Extinguisher", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fireextinguisher", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "738" : { < "//description" : "Seven marker.", < "//name" : "number7", < "//shortdescription" : "Seven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number7" < }, < "739" : { < "//description" : "This place is selling counterfeit ship licenses.", < "//name" : "penguinbay", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bay", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "penguinbay", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "Some rusty old vehicle, broken beyond repair.", < "//name" : "recreationalvehicle", < "//shortdescription" : "Recreational Vehicle", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "recreationalvehicle", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "740" : { < "//description" : "I think Big Ape is watching...", < "//name" : "apexhdtv", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape HDTV", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "apexhdtv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "741" : { < "//description" : "A vent.", < "//name" : "roofvent", < "//shortdescription" : "Roof Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "roofvent", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "742" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "techstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "techstationTier0" < }, < "743" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "aviantechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "aviantechstation" < }, < "744" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "aviantechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "aviantechstationTier0" < }, < "745" : { < "//description" : "The words \"get out\" have been written in blood. You can tell the writer was serious.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti7", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti7" < }, < "746" : { < "//description" : "A small lily pad decoration.", < "//name" : "hylotllilydeco1", < "//shortdescription" : "Little Lily Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotllilydeco1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "747" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "avianteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianteleporterTier0" < }, < "748" : { < "//description" : "The screen sends out an ominous flickering light.", < "//name" : "wrecktv", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wrecktv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "749" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple13", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "75" : { < "//name" : "fossildouble12", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "750" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "glitchtechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchtechstation" < }, < "751" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "humanshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humanshiplockerTier0" < }, < "752" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'ribbit'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Ribbit\" Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy1" < }, < "753" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "novakidshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidshiplockerTier0" < }, < "754" : { < "//description" : "A slim gold vase.", < "//name" : "goldvase4", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "755" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "novakidteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidteleporterTier0" < }, < "756" : { < "//description" : "A stone structure perfect for alien zen gardens.", < "//name" : "zenrock2", < "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "zenrock2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "757" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane. It's broken.", < "//name" : "redcandycane3", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redcandycane3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "758" : { < "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", < "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "759" : { < "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", < "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "The display shows a round central room branching off into several hallways.", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Blueprint Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "760" : { < "//description" : "A sunflower who's just looking for the sun.", < "//name" : "movingsunflower", < "//shortdescription" : "Moving Sunflower", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "movingsunflower", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "761" : { < "//description" : "Like a snowman, but sticky.", < "//name" : "tarman", < "//shortdescription" : "Tarman", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "762" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting a ceremony.", < "//name" : "caveart3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ceremonial Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "763" : { < "//description" : "Used to trap tanks.", < "//name" : "tanktrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tank Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tanktrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "764" : { < "//description" : "A security console. For keeping things secure.", < "//name" : "outpostsecurityconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Security Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostsecurityconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "765" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious doorway leading into an unknown dimension. What could possibly go wrong?", < "//name" : "challengedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "challengedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "766" : { < "//description" : "I sure hope this door will take me back to reality!", < "//name" : "challengereturndoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "challengereturndoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "767" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", < "//name" : "huntingchampionstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Champion Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingchampionstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "768" : { < "//description" : "It's a common emblem for the Hylotl. Three crystals representing their three eyes...", < "//name" : "hylotlemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "769" : { < "//description" : "A ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled.", < "//name" : "librarybookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "glitchshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "770" : { < "//description" : "A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.", < "//name" : "neonhylotlhead_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "neonhylotlhead", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "771" : { < "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", < "//name" : "hylotlshopsign_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshopsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "772" : { < "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", < "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "773" : { < "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", < "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "774" : { < "//description" : "A nice tree.", < "//name" : "treeprop3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tree Prop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "treeprop3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "775" : { < "//description" : "A nice tree.", < "//name" : "treeprop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tree Prop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "treeprop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "776" : { < "//description" : "A nice tree.", < "//name" : "treeprop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tree Prop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "treeprop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "777" : { < "//description" : "A bush from an ocean planet.", < "//name" : "bushprop3", < "//shortdescription" : "Bush Prop 3", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bushprop3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "778" : { < "//description" : "A bush from an ocean planet.", < "//name" : "bushprop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bush Prop 1", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bushprop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "779" : { < "//description" : "A bush from an ocean planet.", < "//name" : "bushprop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bush Prop 2", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bushprop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "This cool computer is making a lot of 'beep boop boop beep' noises.", < "//name" : "apexcoolcomputer", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Computer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolcomputer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "780" : { < "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "781" : { < "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmall_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "782" : { < "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmall_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "783" : { < "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase full of books.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseN2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "784" : { < "//description" : "A large antique bookcase.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseG2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "785" : { < "//description" : "A big antique bookcase.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseL2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "786" : { < "//description" : "A small bookcase.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseS1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "787" : { < "//description" : "A quill and ink.", < "//name" : "quillandink", < "//shortdescription" : "Quill and Ink", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "quillandink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "788" : { < "//description" : "A classic style desk.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "789" : { < "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", < "//name" : "greenredlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenredlight" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute.", < "//name" : "medievalarmor", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "790" : { < "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", < "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenredlight" < }, < "791" : { < "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", < "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenredlight" < }, < "792" : { < "//description" : "An old calligraphy painting depicting an early Hylotl warrior.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Warrior Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlclassicpainting1" < }, < "793" : { < "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "794" : { < "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "795" : { < "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "796" : { < "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing Apex figures.", < "//name" : "paintingcreationofapepixel", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Big Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingcreationofapepixel" < }, < "797" : { < "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming figure.", < "//name" : "paintingscream", < "//shortdescription" : "Screaming Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingscream" < }, < "798" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", < "//name" : "paintingbirthofapevenus", < "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingbirthofapevenus" < }, < "799" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", < "//name" : "paintingbirthofvenus", < "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingbirthofvenus" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "Small ocean creatures swim within this sign.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign3b", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlsign3b" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A tiny wall light.", < "//name" : "underwaterlightsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "underwaterlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "800" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex couple.", < "//name" : "paintingapegothic", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapegothic" < }, < "801" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a woman with an earring.", < "//name" : "paintingpearlearring", < "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "paintingpearlearring" < }, < "802" : { < "//description" : "A tiny wall light. It's broken.", < "//name" : "underwaterlightsmallbroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "underwaterlightsmallbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "803" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex with an earring.", < "//name" : "paintingapexpearlearring", < "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "paintingapexpearlearring" < }, < "804" : { < "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming Apex.", < "//name" : "paintingapescream", < "//shortdescription" : "Howler Monkey Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapescream" < }, < "805" : { < "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing figures.", < "//name" : "paintingcreationofpixel", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingcreationofpixel" < }, < "806" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner1", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Top", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner1" < }, < "807" : { < "//description" : "A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.", < "//name" : "hylotlplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Fake Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlplant1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "808" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Bottom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner3" < }, < "809" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner2" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", < "//name" : "florancurtain", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florancurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "810" : { < "//description" : "A gigantic bookcase filled with books.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "811" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "combinationprop", < "//shortdescription" : "Combination Lock Prop", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "combinationprop" < }, < "812" : { < "//description" : "A quiet painting of an Apex with a pet.", < "//name" : "paintingapexwithermine", < "//shortdescription" : "Pet Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapexwithermine" < }, < "813" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner2b", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid Symbol", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner2b" < }, < "814" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "815" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "816" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "817" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "818" : { < "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghylotl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "819" : { < "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghylotl_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", < "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florancurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "820" : { < "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagnovakid", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagnovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "821" : { < "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagnovakid_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagnovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "822" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "823" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "824" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "825" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "826" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "827" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "828" : { < "//description" : "A ornate bookcase with missing books", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-72", < "object" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "829" : { < "//description" : "This used to be the classiest curtain. Now it's a bit tattered.", < "//name" : "classicbannertattered", < "//shortdescription" : "Tattered Classic Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbannertattered" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", < "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florancurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "830" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "831" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "832" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "833" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "834" : { < "//description" : "A large bookcase that has been damaged.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-184", < "object" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "835" : { < "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-120", < "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "836" : { < "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "-120", < "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "837" : { < "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", < "//name" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy", < "//shortdescription" : "Studies in Female Hylotlgy", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy" < }, < "838" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", < "//name" : "tombstatueavian_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstatueavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "839" : { < "//description" : "A very famous self-portrait of a very famous Hylotl artist.", < "//name" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu", < "//shortdescription" : "Self-Portrait of Hylotl-Shu", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "There is no need to be upset.", < "//name" : "bunkerposter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Calming Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerposter2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "840" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the wild and destructive element of fire.", < "//name" : "fireemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Fire Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "fireemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "841" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the strong and resilient element of earth.", < "//name" : "earthemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Earth Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "earthemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "842" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the tranquil and life-bringing element of water.", < "//name" : "wateremblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Water Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wateremblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "843" : { < "//name" : "windemblem", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "844" : { < "//name" : "hylotlspeaker", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "845" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the free and flowing element of air.", < "//name" : "airemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Air Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "airemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "846" : { < "//description" : "An old radio, it still plays music.", < "//name" : "hylotlradio", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Radio", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlradio", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "847" : { < "//description" : "Floor marker.", < "//name" : "floor", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floor" < }, < "848" : { < "//description" : "Floop marker.", < "//name" : "floop", < "//shortdescription" : "Floop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floop" < }, < "849" : { < "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", < "//name" : "strangeweb1", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "strangeweb1" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A small geyser wrapped in growing vines.", < "//name" : "plantgeyser2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantgeyser2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "850" : { < "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", < "//name" : "strangeweb2", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "strangeweb2" < }, < "851" : { < "//name" : "penguinplush", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "852" : { < "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", < "//name" : "strangeweb3", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "strangeweb3" < }, < "853" : { < "//description" : "A huge stone tentacle", < "//name" : "largetentacleprop", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Tentacle Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largetentacleprop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "854" : { < "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", < "//name" : "strangeweb4", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", < "imagePositionX" : "-104", < "imagePositionY" : "-88", < "object" : "strangeweb4" < }, < "855" : { < "//description" : "A stepladder.", < "//name" : "stepladder", < "//shortdescription" : "Stepladder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stepladder", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "856" : { < "//description" : "A huge stone tentacle", < "//name" : "largetentacleprop_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Tentacle Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largetentacleprop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "857" : { < "//description" : "A temporary prop.", < "//name" : "ancientprop", < "//shortdescription" : "TODO - Ancient Prop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientprop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "858" : { < "//description" : "Tenth Study in Female Hylotlgy", < "//name" : "tenstudiesplaque", < "//shortdescription" : "Nameplate", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tenstudiesplaque" < }, < "859" : { < "//description" : "A machine that hobbyist travellers use to record geological information.", < "//name" : "travellersbeacon", < "//shortdescription" : "Traveller's Meter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "travellersbeacon" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A thick woven banner depicting a crescent moon.", < "//name" : "avianbanner2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lunar Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "avianbanner2" < }, < "860" : { < "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", < "//name" : "saloonpiano", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonpiano", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "861" : { < "//description" : "Eughh.", < "//name" : "saloonspittoon", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Spittoon", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonspittoon", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "862" : { < "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", < "//name" : "saloonpiano_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonpiano", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "863" : { < "//description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that is the symbol of knowledge.", < "//name" : "alpacaknowledgerune", < "//shortdescription" : "Alpaca Knowledge Rune", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alpacaknowledgerune" < }, < "864" : { < "//description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that is the symbol of ruin.", < "//name" : "alpacaruinrune", < "//shortdescription" : "Alpaca Ruin Rune", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alpacaruinrune" < }, < "865" : { < "//description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that is the symbol of personal growth.", < "//name" : "alpacagrowthrune", < "//shortdescription" : "Alpaca Growth Rune", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alpacagrowthrune" < }, < "866" : { < "//description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that is the symbol of life.", < "//name" : "alpacaliferune", < "//shortdescription" : "Alpaca Life Rune", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alpacaliferune" < }, < "867" : { < "//description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that is the symbol of one's home.", < "//name" : "alpacahomerune", < "//shortdescription" : "Alpaca Home Rune", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alpacahomerune" < }, < "868" : { < "//description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that symbolises the basic component of life.", < "//name" : "alpacacomponentrune", < "//shortdescription" : "Alpaca Component Rune", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alpacacomponentrune" < }, < "869" : { < "//description" : "A device for monitoring seismic activity.", < "//name" : "seismograph", < "//shortdescription" : "Seismograph", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "seismograph" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A sign seeking Hylotl to collect spawn from the surface.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign3o", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Collector Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlsign3o" < }, < "870" : { < "//description" : "A large microscope, designed for observing potentially hazardous bacteria.", < "//name" : "hazardmicroscope", < "//shortdescription" : "Hazard Microscope", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hazardmicroscope", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "871" : { < "//description" : "A metal sign with a biohazard symbol.", < "//name" : "biohazardsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Biohazard Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "biohazardsign" < }, < "872" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Mazebound64'.", < "//name" : "fossilgame", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Game", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossilgame", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "873" : { < "//description" : "A critter in a jar, daydreaming.", < "//name" : "symbiotesample", < "//shortdescription" : "Symbiote in a Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "symbiotesample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "874" : { < "//description" : "A rather adorable pink potted plant.", < "//name" : "splendidplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Splendid Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "splendidplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "875" : { < "//description" : "A particularly colourful potted plant.", < "//name" : "vibrantplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vibrantplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "876" : { < "//name" : "vibrantplant_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "877" : { < "//name" : "vibrantplant_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "878" : { < "//description" : "An explosive metal barrel. It looks dangerous.", < "//name" : "explosivebarrel", < "//shortdescription" : " Explosive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "explosivebarrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "879" : { < "//description" : "He looks busy.", < "//name" : "shipyardwelding", < "//shortdescription" : "Welding Penguin", < "imagePositionX" : "-80", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipyardwelding", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "The stale air produces little more than a creak from this old fan.", < "//name" : "wreckfan", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Fan", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wreckfan" < }, < "880" : { < "//description" : "A shady looking captain.", < "//name" : "shipyardcaptain", < "//shortdescription" : "Shipyard Captain", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipyardcaptain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "881" : { < "//description" : "blood is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripblood1", < "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripblood1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "882" : { < "//description" : "blood is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripblood1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripblood1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "883" : { < "//description" : "blood is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripblood1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripblood1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "884" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Earth, the home world of humanity.", < "//name" : "earthmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Earth Model", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "earthmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "885" : { < "//description" : "A seaweed in a flower pot.", < "//name" : "seaweedpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Seaweed Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seaweedpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "886" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of an old Earth satellite.", < "//name" : "satellite", < "//shortdescription" : "Satellite Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "satellite", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "887" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol System's planet Venus.", < "//name" : "venusmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Venus Model", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "venusmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "888" : { < "//description" : "A conspicuous pair of antlers. What kind of creature did these belong to?", < "//name" : "cabinornament", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Antlers", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinornament", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "889" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's most distinctly ringed planet, Saturn.", < "//name" : "saturnmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Saturn Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "saturnmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple11", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "890" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's most distant planet, Neptune.", < "//name" : "neptunemodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Neptune Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "neptunemodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "891" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's red planet, Mars.", < "//name" : "marsmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Mars Model", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "marsmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "892" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol System's planet Uranus.", < "//name" : "uranusmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Uranus Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "uranusmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "893" : { < "//description" : "A box of fresh, crusty bread.", < "//name" : "baguettebox", < "//shortdescription" : "Box Of Bread", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "baguettebox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "894" : { < "//description" : "A nice kitchen shelf that keeps spices handy.", < "//name" : "kitchenshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "895" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's smallest planet, Mercury.", < "//name" : "mercurymodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Mercury Model", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "mercurymodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "896" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's largest planet, Jupiter.", < "//name" : "jupitermodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Jupiter Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "jupitermodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "897" : { < "//description" : "A television set made in a Retro-Futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifitv", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Television", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifitv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "898" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's dwarf planet, Pluto.", < "//name" : "plutomodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Pluto Model", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plutomodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "899" : { < "//description" : "A basket full of apples.", < "//name" : "applebasket", < "//shortdescription" : "Apple Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "applebasket", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "It's churning out sultry tunes from Big Ape's #1 album, 'Jungle Love'.", < "//name" : "apexrecordplayer", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Record Player", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexrecordplayer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A computer. Probably quite a good one.", < "//name" : "outpostpc", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost PC", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostpc", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "900" : { < "//description" : "A wall mirror set in a coral frame.", < "//name" : "coralmirror", < "//shortdescription" : "Coral Mirror", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "coralmirror", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "901" : { < "//description" : "An old wooden carved globe.", < "//name" : "steampunkglobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Globe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkglobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "902" : { < "//description" : "A bubbling cauldron, big enough that you could fit a whole person inside it.", < "//name" : "spookycauldron", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Cauldron", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookycauldron", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "903" : { < "//description" : "An old grandfather clock, topped with a creepy bat carving.", < "//name" : "spookyclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookyclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "904" : { < "//description" : "A set of shelves hung with pipes.", < "//name" : "steampunkshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "905" : { < "//description" : "A set of shelves hung with pipes.", < "//name" : "steampunkshelf_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "906" : { < "//description" : "A wall shelf made from copper.", < "//name" : "coppershelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Wall Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppershelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "907" : { < "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", < "//name" : "coppersupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppersupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "908" : { < "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", < "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppersupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "909" : { < "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", < "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppersupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs 'Screaming Fashion Agent'.", < "//name" : "arcadepurple", < "//shortdescription" : "Purple Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadepurple", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "910" : { < "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", < "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppersupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "911" : { < "//description" : "A sleek fountain. The water looks refreshing.", < "//name" : "outdoorfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "912" : { < "//description" : "A material dispensing pod.", < "//name" : "volcanopod", < "//shortdescription" : "Dispensing Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "volcanopod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "913" : { < "//name" : "glitchdungeonpod", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "914" : { < "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", < "//name" : "arcadedance_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadedance", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "915" : { < "//description" : "Many find the gentle ringing of wind chimes like these quite soothing.", < "//name" : "shadowchimes", < "//shortdescription" : "Wind Chimes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "shadowchimes", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "916" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious flag marker. What kind of leather is that?", < "//name" : "shadowmarker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Marker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowmarker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "917" : { < "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", < "//name" : "shadowshrine", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowshrine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "918" : { < "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", < "//name" : "shadowshrine2", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowshrine2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "919" : { < "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", < "//name" : "shadowshrine3", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowshrine3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "I wonder what fruit they sell on this planet.", < "//name" : "marketstall1", < "//shortdescription" : "Market Fruit Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "920" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe3", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "921" : { < "//description" : "A small rusty boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", < "//name" : "steamboiler1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Steam Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamboiler1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "922" : { < "//description" : "A long dented boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", < "//name" : "steamboiler2", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Steam Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamboiler2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "923" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "924" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe2", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "925" : { < "//description" : "A huge painted boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", < "//name" : "steamboiler3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Steam Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamboiler3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "926" : { < "//description" : "A nice steam powered large clock face.", < "//name" : "steamclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Steam Clock Face", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "steamclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "927" : { < "//description" : "A rusted gear half-buried in the ground.", < "//name" : "floorgear1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Gear", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floorgear1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "928" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock4", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "929" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock7", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram1" < }, < "930" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock6", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "931" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock8", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "932" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock5", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "933" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism. There appears to be something inside.", < "//name" : "prismrockhumanoid", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrockhumanoid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "934" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism. There appears to be something inside.", < "//name" : "prismrockpenguin", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrockpenguin", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "935" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism with runes engraved into it.", < "//name" : "prismrockrunes", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrockrunes", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "936" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "937" : { < "//description" : "A long dented boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", < "//name" : "steamboiler2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Steam Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamboiler2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "938" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "939" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "avianshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianshiplockerTier0" < }, < "940" : { < "//description" : "A grail! It might be holy.", < "//name" : "grail", < "//shortdescription" : "Grail", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "grail", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "941" : { < "//name" : "anglureAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "942" : { < "//name" : "bulbopAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "943" : { < "//name" : "adultpoptopAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "944" : { < "//name" : "fennixAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "945" : { < "//name" : "spookitAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "946" : { < "//name" : "nutmidgeAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "947" : { < "//name" : "paratailAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "948" : { < "//name" : "hypnareAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "949" : { < "//name" : "ringramAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state.", < "//name" : "hourglass", < "//shortdescription" : "Hourglass", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hourglass", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "950" : { < "//name" : "snagglerAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "951" : { < "//name" : "voltipAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "952" : { < "//name" : "pyromantleAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "953" : { < "//name" : "miasmopAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "954" : { < "//name" : "crabcanoAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "955" : { < "//name" : "yokatAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "956" : { < "//name" : "capricoatAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "957" : { < "//description" : "A display for a large diamond.", < "//name" : "diamonddisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diamonddisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "958" : { < "//name" : "lumothAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "959" : { < "//name" : "mandrafloraAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "Large logs assembled as a construction platform.", < "//name" : "plantplatform1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Scaffolding", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantplatform1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "960" : { < "//name" : "orbideAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "961" : { < "//description" : "A tribute to GeorgeV! Developer Ultimate! ALL HAIL GEORGE!!!", < "//name" : "devstatuegeorge", < "//shortdescription" : "GeorgeV Dev Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "devstatuegeorge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "962" : { < "//name" : "bobotAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "963" : { < "//name" : "ignomeAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "964" : { < "//name" : "tinticAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "965" : { < "//name" : "triplodAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "966" : { < "//name" : "lilodonAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "967" : { < "//name" : "monopusAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "968" : { < "//name" : "gleapAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "969" : { < "//name" : "snauntAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", < "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "970" : { < "//name" : "oculobAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "971" : { < "//name" : "petricubAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "972" : { < "//name" : "squeemAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "973" : { < "//name" : "ooglerAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "974" : { < "//name" : "narfinAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "975" : { < "//name" : "agrobatAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "976" : { < "//name" : "hemogoblinAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "977" : { < "//name" : "wisperAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "978" : { < "//name" : "scandroidAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "979" : { < "//name" : "toumingoAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", < "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "980" : { < "//name" : "scaveranAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "981" : { < "//name" : "pulpinAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "982" : { < "//name" : "bobfaeAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "983" : { < "//name" : "crustoiseAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "984" : { < "//name" : "crutterAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "985" : { < "//name" : "iguarmorAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "986" : { < "//name" : "peblitAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "987" : { < "//name" : "pipkinAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "988" : { < "//name" : "poptopAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "989" : { < "//name" : "pteropodAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "Huge feathers are sprouting from this small bird statue.", < "//name" : "featherybird", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "featherybird", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "990" : { < "//name" : "skimbusAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "991" : { < "//name" : "taroniAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "992" : { < "//name" : "trictusAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "993" : { < "//name" : "quagmuttAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "994" : { < "//name" : "batongAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "995" : { < "//name" : "smoglinAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "996" : { < "//name" : "sporgusAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "997" : { < "//description" : "A quill and ink.", < "//name" : "quillandink_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Quill and Ink", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "quillandink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "998" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Not the most efficient flyer, it's a mystery how bobfae have survived as a species.\"", < "//name" : "bobfaeaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Bobfae Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bobfaeaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "999" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The long legs allow it to stand in water to catch fish.\"", < "//name" : "toumingoaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Toumingo Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toumingoaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble51", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "Look! Fishies!", > "//name" : "apexaquarium1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Aquarium", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexaquarium1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "It's a spaceship orbiting a planet.", > "//name" : "screen2", > "//shortdescription" : "Spaceship screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A large geyser, covered in plant growth.", > "//name" : "plantgeyser1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Overgrown Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantgeyser1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1000" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It appears mystified when encountering new life forms. You can't help but feel watched.\"", > "//name" : "oogleraf", > "//shortdescription" : "Oogler Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oogleraf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1001" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The result of a scientific experiment gone wrong.\"", > "//name" : "voltipaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Voltip Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "voltipaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1002" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its charred surface is surprisingly pleasant to touch. Just keep away from the flames!\"", > "//name" : "ignomeaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Ignome Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ignomeaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1003" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Greedy and sly in nature. If disturbed whilst sneaking it will give you the evil eye.\"", > "//name" : "yokataf", > "//shortdescription" : "Yokat Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "yokataf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1004" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its hot core produces a constant flow of lava. It throws a good punch.\"", > "//name" : "pyromantleaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Pyromantle Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pyromantleaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1005" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It looks like a large and chunky leek. It bleeds when you cut it, though.\"", > "//name" : "bulbopaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Bulbop Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bulbopaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1006" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The inside of its beak is a truly terrifying sight.\"", > "//name" : "scaveranaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Scaveran Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scaveranaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1007" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It eats and lives in tar. Signs suggest it excretes tar as well.\"", > "//name" : "taroniaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Taroni Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "taroniaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1008" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It watches you through its big lens.\"", > "//name" : "triplodaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Triplod Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "triplodaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1009" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Despite appearing friendly, it is rarely seen interacting with other Pipkin.\"", > "//name" : "pipkinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Pipkin Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pipkinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "This sign appears to be warning me of some danger.", > "//name" : "deathwarningmodern", > "//shortdescription" : "Death Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "deathwarningmodern" > }, > "1010" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The sharp spikes can penetrate any space boot.\"", > "//name" : "crustoiseaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Crustoise Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crustoiseaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1011" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its ancestors used to live in the sea. It might look small, but it's got a big bite.\"", > "//name" : "lilodonaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Lilodon Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lilodonaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1012" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Because of the size of its head in proportion to its body, it can't run long distances.\"", > "//name" : "peblitaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Peblit Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "peblitaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1013" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"An ancient species, know to be agile and mischievous. They have an intelligent look in their eye.\"", > "//name" : "monopusaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Monopus Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "monopusaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1014" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Something about the way it limps makes you feel uncomfortable.\"", > "//name" : "orbideaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Orbide Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "orbideaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1015" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"When it closes its eyes it becomes immune to attacks by entering a different plane of existence.\"", > "//name" : "spookitaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Spookit Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookitaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1016" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Sometimes when chasing its own tail it can accidentally set itself on fire.\"", > "//name" : "fennixaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Fennix Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fennixaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1017" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"During storms it attaches itself to trees so as not to blow away.\"", > "//name" : "paratailaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Paratail Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "paratailaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1018" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's huge...\"", > "//name" : "adultpoptopaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Adult Poptop Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "adultpoptopaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1019" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its thick coat keeps it warm in the coldest climates.\"", > "//name" : "capricoataf", > "//shortdescription" : "Capricoat Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capricoataf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A poster for a unpopular Hylotl movie \"Claw of Dread\".", > "//name" : "hylotlstyleposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Comedy Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlstyleposter" > }, > "1020" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It uses its horns to attract a partner. The light shows during mating season are spectacular.\"", > "//name" : "narfinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Narfin Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "narfinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1021" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's unpleasant to look at. It's also unpleasant when it looks at you.\"", > "//name" : "oculobaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Oculob Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oculobaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1022" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It brews a toxic paste in its pod made from fermented fruit.\"", > "//name" : "pteropodaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Pteropod Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pteropodaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1023" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The Ringram's horns start growing from birth and never stop.\"", > "//name" : "ringramaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Ringram Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ringramaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1024" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's actually covered in red skin, but it's still pretty gross.\"", > "//name" : "hemogoblinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Hemogoblin Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hemogoblinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1025" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Nobody knows where it came from or who made it.\"", > "//name" : "bobotaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Bobot Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bobotaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1026" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The Poptop hums beautifully to confuse its prey.\"", > "//name" : "poptopaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Poptop Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "poptopaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1027" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its diet is made up of small amounts of water that it finds by digging into the ground.\"", > "//name" : "trictusaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Trictus Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trictusaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1028" : { > "//description" : "\"Its sleepy lifestyle allows it to flourish underground and reach impressive sizes.\"", > "//name" : "mandrafloraaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Mandraflora Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mandrafloraaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1029" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its shell is impossible to penetrate which can make it a tricky foe.\"", > "//name" : "snaggleraf", > "//shortdescription" : "Snaggler Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snaggleraf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A large cage for designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcage1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1030" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"By tasting the particles in the air it can sense what's ahead of it.\"", > "//name" : "batongaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Batong Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "batongaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1031" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Iguarmor is not an aggressive species but the spikes on its tail can deal great damage.\"", > "//name" : "iguarmoraf", > "//shortdescription" : "Iguarmor Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "iguarmoraf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1032" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The bulb only stays lit while the Lumoth flaps its wings.\"", > "//name" : "lumothaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Lumoth Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lumothaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1033" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's always on edge. It walks sideways and erupts at the slightest confrontation.\"", > "//name" : "crabcanoaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Crabcano Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crabcanoaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1034" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's notorious for stealing from vegetable patches.\"", > "//name" : "snauntaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Snaunt Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snauntaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1035" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Prolonged exposure to its pungent fumes will knock you out.\"", > "//name" : "miasmopaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Miasmop Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miasmopaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1036" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It doesn't seem to eat or sleep... Is it a machine?\"", > "//name" : "tinticaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Tintic Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tinticaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1037" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It prefers warm and moist climates where it'll grow quicker.\"", > "//name" : "sporgusaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Sporgus Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sporgusaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1038" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Due to its sensitive eyes it prefers dark settings, like caves.\"", > "//name" : "agrobataf", > "//shortdescription" : "Agrobat Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "agrobataf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1039" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"At night, all you can see of the Anglure is its light.\"", > "//name" : "anglureaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Anglure Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "anglureaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble31", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1040" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its poison is deadly even in small doses.\"", > "//name" : "crutteraf", > "//shortdescription" : "Crutter Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crutteraf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1041" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's made from a springy substance.\"", > "//name" : "gleapaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Gleap Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gleapaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1042" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It loves frolicking through forests and meadows.\"", > "//name" : "hypnareaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Hypnare Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hypnareaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1043" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The king nutmidgeling is the only one whose head tuft hasn't been trampled to death.\"", > "//name" : "nutmidgeaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Nutmidge Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "nutmidgeaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1044" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It stares at you expectantly with its beady eyes.\"", > "//name" : "petricubaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Petricub Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "petricubaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1045" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It has a sticky texture that allows it to climb surfaces with ease.\"", > "//name" : "pulpinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Pulpin Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pulpinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1046" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its unhygienic lifestyle leaves much to be desired.\"", > "//name" : "quagmuttaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Quagmutt Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "quagmuttaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1047" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The scandroid is on an endless search. No one knows what for.\"", > "//name" : "scandroidaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Scandroid Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scandroidaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1048" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its lightweight body flows in the direction of the wind.\"", > "//name" : "skimbusaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Skimbus Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skimbusaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1049" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A chemical reaction in its belly makes its hot breath toxic.\"", > "//name" : "smoglinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Smoglin Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smoglinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "Some shoddy wooden scaffolding.", > "//name" : "medievalscaffolding", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Scaffolding", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalscaffolding", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1050" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its movement is determined by temperature levels in the atmosphere.\"", > "//name" : "squeemaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Squeem Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "squeemaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1051" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Some believe Wispers are lost spirits. At night their glow can lead explorers astray.\"", > "//name" : "wisperaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Wisper Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wisperaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1052" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1053" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1054" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1055" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1056" : { > "//description" : "A smoke machine.", > "//name" : "smokemachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Smoke Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smokemachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1057" : { > "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratewallbanner", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "protectoratewallbanner" > }, > "1058" : { > "//description" : "A bright sign warning of dangerously high temperatures.", > "//name" : "foundrysign", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1059" : { > "//description" : "A bathroom mirror from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratedormmirror", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bathroom Mirror", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "protectoratedormmirror" > }, > "106" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble41", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1060" : { > "//description" : "A vending machine from the Protectorate Lobby.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbyvending", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbyvending" > }, > "1061" : { > "//description" : "A table from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbytable", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Lobby Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbytable" > }, > "1062" : { > "//description" : "A bank of locked Protectorate lockers.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbylockers", > "//shortdescription" : "Locked Protectorate Lockers", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbylockers" > }, > "1063" : { > "//description" : "Protectorate wind chimes. These can be found in the garden.", > "//name" : "protectorategardenwindchimes", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Wind Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "protectorategardenwindchimes", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1064" : { > "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", > "//name" : "foundrysupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1065" : { > "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", > "//name" : "foundrysupport_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1066" : { > "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", > "//name" : "foundrysupport_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1067" : { > "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", > "//name" : "foundrysupport_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1068" : { > "//description" : "Race banners from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbyracebanners", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Race Banners", > "imagePositionX" : "-72", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "protectoratelobbyracebanners" > }, > "1069" : { > "//description" : "A nice lobby plant.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbyplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Lobby Plant.", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbyplant" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "Are those... brain waves? Yes. Yes they are.", > "//name" : "screen5", > "//shortdescription" : "Brain Activity Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1070" : { > "//description" : "A television playing a news report", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbytv", > "//shortdescription" : "Lobby TV", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbytv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1071" : { > "//description" : "A sealed tank full of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "lavatanklarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Lava tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavatanklarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1072" : { > "//description" : "Protectorate Garden Bushes.", > "//name" : "protectorategardentree", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Bushes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorategardentree" > }, > "1073" : { > "//description" : "A toilet roll holder. Hope it doesn't run out!", > "//name" : "protectoratedormtoiletroll", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Toilet Roll Holder.", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratedormtoiletroll" > }, > "1074" : { > "//description" : "A sack of straw with a face. Kinda loveable!", > "//name" : "scarecrow", > "//shortdescription" : "Scarecrow", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scarecrow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1075" : { > "//description" : "An industrial sized set of bellows from a foundry.", > "//name" : "foundrybellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Bellows", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrybellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1076" : { > "//description" : "This tank cycles the molten liquid inside to keep it from becoming stagnant.", > "//name" : "lavatankcascade", > "//shortdescription" : "Cascading Lava Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavatankcascade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1077" : { > "//description" : "A small tank full of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "lavatanksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Lava Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavatanksmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1078" : { > "//description" : "A container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "ladlelarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Ladle", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ladlelarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1079" : { > "//description" : "A tall container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "ladlesmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ladle", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ladlesmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "Beautiful fabrics and clothing adorn this cute little stall.", > "//name" : "marketstall2", > "//shortdescription" : "Market Clothes Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1080" : { > "//description" : "A bright sign warning of dangerously high temperatures.", > "//name" : "foundrysign_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1081" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", > "//name" : "protectorateportrait1", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateportrait1" > }, > "1082" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", > "//name" : "protectorateportrait5", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectorateportrait5" > }, > "1083" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", > "//name" : "protectorateportrait3", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectorateportrait3" > }, > "1084" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", > "//name" : "protectorateportrait2", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectorateportrait2" > }, > "1085" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", > "//name" : "protectorateportrait4", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectorateportrait4" > }, > "1086" : { > "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", > "//name" : "protectoratehalllight", > "//shortdescription" : "Hall Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratehalllight" > }, > "1087" : { > "//description" : "A tall container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "ladlesmall_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ladle", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ladlesmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1088" : { > "//description" : "A crystal geode plant in a flower pot.", > "//name" : "geodeplantpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Plant Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeplantpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1089" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of an iron ore.\"", > "//name" : "ironsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A blue shelf used for displaying items.", > "//name" : "hylotlwallshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Wall Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlwallshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1090" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a uranium ore.\"", > "//name" : "uraniumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Uranium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "uraniumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1091" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a violium ore.\"", > "//name" : "violiumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Violium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "violiumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1092" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of an aegisalt ore.\"", > "//name" : "aegisaltsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "aegisaltsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1093" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a tungsten ore.\"", > "//name" : "tungstensample", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tungstensample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1094" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a gold ore.\"", > "//name" : "goldsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1095" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a core fragment ore.\"", > "//name" : "corefragmentsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Core Fragment Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "corefragmentsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1096" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a titanium ore.\"", > "//name" : "titaniumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "titaniumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1097" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a solarium ore.\"", > "//name" : "solariumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Solarium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "solariumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1098" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a coal ore.\"", > "//name" : "coalsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Coal Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coalsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1099" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a plutonium ore.\"", > "//name" : "plutoniumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Plutonium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plutoniumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripslime1", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripslime1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A large metal gong. It's so tempting to give it a smack!", > "//name" : "birdgong1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Gong", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdgong1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1100" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a ferozium ore.\"", > "//name" : "feroziumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feroziumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1101" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a platinum ore.\"", > "//name" : "platinumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Platinum Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "platinumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1102" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a copper ore.\"", > "//name" : "coppersample", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppersample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1103" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a diamond ore.\"", > "//name" : "diamondsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamondsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1104" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a durasteel ore.\"", > "//name" : "durasteelsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "durasteelsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1105" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a prisilite ore.\"", > "//name" : "prisilitesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Prisilite Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisilitesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1106" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, blue geode.", > "//name" : "geodebluesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodebluesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1107" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, yellow geode.", > "//name" : "geodeyellowsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeyellowsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1108" : { > "//description" : "A module that adds additional high-tech combat equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "//name" : "manipulatoraddon", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Manipulator Addon^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "manipulatoraddon", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1109" : { > "//description" : "A module that adds additional ranged equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "//name" : "acceleratoraddon", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Accelerator Addon^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "acceleratoraddon", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "Tools used for poking at burning coals or kindling.", > "//name" : "fireplacetools", > "//shortdescription" : "Fireplace Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fireplacetools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1110" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, green geode.", > "//name" : "geodegreensample", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodegreensample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1111" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, purple geode.", > "//name" : "geodepurplesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Purple Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodepurplesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1112" : { > "//description" : "A module that adds additional melee equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "//name" : "separatoraddon", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Separator Addon^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "separatoraddon", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1113" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, orange geode.", > "//name" : "geodeorangesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeorangesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1114" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, red geode.", > "//name" : "geoderedsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geoderedsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1115" : { > "//description" : "A popular style of television set.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitytv", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitytv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1116" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for small fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "fossildisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1117" : { > "//description" : "A chest of drawers, minus a drawer.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawersmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawersmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1118" : { > "//description" : "A wooden utility pole.", > "//name" : "woodenutilitypole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Utility Pole", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenutilitypole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1119" : { > "//description" : "An arrow sign.", > "//name" : "scorchedcityarrowsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Tire Arrow Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcityarrowsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", > "//name" : "huntingpike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1120" : { > "//description" : "A broken fridge.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Stylish Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1121" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for medium fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay3", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "24", > "object" : "fossildisplay3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1122" : { > "//description" : "A broken chair.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stylish Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1123" : { > "//description" : "A chest of drawers, minus a few drawers.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawerlarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Broken Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawerlarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1124" : { > "//description" : "A rusty holding tank.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentank", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Holding Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1125" : { > "//description" : "A broken bed.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stylish Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1126" : { > "//description" : "A broken television set.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentv", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stylish TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1127" : { > "//description" : "A wooden utility pole.", > "//name" : "woodenutilitypole2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Telephone Pole", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenutilitypole2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1128" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for large fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay5", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "8", > "object" : "fossildisplay5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1129" : { > "//description" : "Everything you need to survive. Almost.", > "//name" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "//shortdescription" : "Shelter Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", > "//name" : "huntingpike2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1130" : { > "//description" : "A warning sign, but what is it warning of?", > "//name" : "scorchedcitysign1", > "//shortdescription" : "Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitysign1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1131" : { > "//description" : "A warning sign, but what is it warning of?", > "//name" : "scorchedcitysign1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitysign1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1132" : { > "//name" : "fossildisplay1_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1133" : { > "//name" : "fossildisplay3_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1134" : { > "//name" : "fossildisplay5_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1135" : { > "//description" : "A broken utility box.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox2", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Utility Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1136" : { > "//description" : "A broken electric box.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox1", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Electric Box", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1137" : { > "//description" : "A road sign, it is bent and rusted.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenroundsign1", > "//shortdescription" : "Neglected Rusty Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenroundsign1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1138" : { > "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", > "//name" : "vrheadset", > "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "vrheadset", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1139" : { > "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "vrheadset", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "Waz.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti1", > "//shortdescription" : "'Waz' Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongraffiti1" > }, > "1140" : { > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1141" : { > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1142" : { > "//description" : "A counter with added grime.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokencounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Grimy Stylish Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokencounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1143" : { > "//description" : "A broken register.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1144" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal shelf, some store goods still remain on the shelves.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1145" : { > "//description" : "A set of traffic lights, badly broken.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentraficlights", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Traffic Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentraficlights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1146" : { > "//description" : "An old sign from an Apex laboratory.", > "//name" : "miniknogoldsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Ministry of Knowledge Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "miniknogoldsign" > }, > "1147" : { > "//description" : "A roof top vent from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoraterooftopprop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Roof Top Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoraterooftopprop1" > }, > "1148" : { > "//description" : "Security station from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratesecuritystation", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Security Station", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratesecuritystation" > }, > "1149" : { > "//description" : "A roof top vent from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoraterooftopprop3", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Roof Top Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoraterooftopprop3" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "outpostradardish", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostradardish", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1150" : { > "//description" : "A roof top vent from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoraterooftopprop4", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Roof Top Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoraterooftopprop4" > }, > "1151" : { > "//description" : "Storage unit from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratestorageempty", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Storage Unit", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratestorageempty" > }, > "1152" : { > "//description" : "Storage unit from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratestorage1", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Storage Unit", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratestorage1" > }, > "1153" : { > "//description" : "Storage unit from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratestorage2", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Storage Unit", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratestorage2" > }, > "1154" : { > "//description" : "Storage unit from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratestorage3", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Storage Unit", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratestorage3" > }, > "1155" : { > "//description" : "A roof top vent from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoraterooftopprop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Roof Top Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoraterooftopprop2" > }, > "1156" : { > "//description" : "A torn Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratefbannertorn2", > "//shortdescription" : "Torn Protectorate Wall Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectoratefbannertorn2" > }, > "1157" : { > "//description" : "A torn Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratefbannertorn1", > "//shortdescription" : "Torn Protectorate Wall Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectoratefbannertorn1" > }, > "1158" : { > "//description" : "A water tank from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratewatertank", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Water Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratewatertank" > }, > "1159" : { > "//description" : "A roof top vent from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectorateroofdetail03", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Roof Top Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateroofdetail03" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "outpostradardish_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostradardish", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1160" : { > "//description" : "A roof top vent from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectorateroofdetail01", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Roof Top Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateroofdetail01" > }, > "1161" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb5", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "strangeweb5" > }, > "1162" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb6", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-64", > "object" : "strangeweb6" > }, > "1163" : { > "//description" : "A broken picture frame.", > "//name" : "protectoratebrokenportrait1", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Protectorate Picture Frame", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebrokenportrait1" > }, > "1164" : { > "//description" : "Esther Bright, former Grand Protector.", > "//name" : "protectoratebrokenportrait4", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebrokenportrait4" > }, > "1165" : { > "//description" : "A torn picture frame.", > "//name" : "protectoratebrokenportrait3", > "//shortdescription" : "Torn Protectorate Picture Frame", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebrokenportrait3" > }, > "1166" : { > "//description" : "Leda Portia, The Grand Protector.", > "//name" : "protectoratebrokenportrait5", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebrokenportrait5" > }, > "1167" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", > "//name" : "protectoratebrokenportrait2", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebrokenportrait2" > }, > "1168" : { > "//description" : "Beautiful warm rays of light", > "//name" : "protectoratelightrays", > "//shortdescription" : "protractorate light rays", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectoratelightrays" > }, > "1169" : { > "//description" : "This Matter Manipulator was meant for me... And I may need it to get out of here alive.", > "//name" : "protectoratebeamaxe", > "//shortdescription" : "Matter Manipulator", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebeamaxe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A classic air hockey table. First to ten wins!", > "//name" : "hockeytable", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Hockey Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hockeytable", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1170" : { > "//description" : "A bank of protectorate lockers, including yours.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbylockers2", > "//shortdescription" : "My Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbylockers2" > }, > "1171" : { > "//description" : "What a lovely flower!", > "//name" : "protectorateflower", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateflower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1172" : { > "//description" : "A very robust looking tool box.", > "//name" : "protectoratetoolbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Toolbox", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratetoolbox" > }, > "1173" : { > "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglightsgreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglightsgreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1174" : { > "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglightsred", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglightsred", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1175" : { > "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglightsyellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglightsyellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1176" : { > "//description" : "A Protector...", > "//name" : "protectorateincap3", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateincap3" > }, > "1177" : { > "//description" : "A Protector...", > "//name" : "protectorateincap1", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateincap1" > }, > "1178" : { > "//description" : "A Protector...", > "//name" : "protectorateincap4", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateincap4" > }, > "1179" : { > "//description" : "A Protector...", > "//name" : "protectorateincap6", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateincap6" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a great Apex poet. He...looks familiar.", > "//name" : "paintingapespeare", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Poet Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapespeare" > }, > "1180" : { > "//description" : "A Protector...", > "//name" : "protectorateincap2", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateincap2" > }, > "1181" : { > "//description" : "A students guitar.", > "//name" : "protectorateguitar", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Red Guitar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateguitar" > }, > "1182" : { > "//description" : "This needs a guitar to go with it.", > "//name" : "protectorateamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Amp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateamp" > }, > "1183" : { > "//description" : "Time to study...", > "//name" : "protectoratebooks", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Books", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebooks" > }, > "1184" : { > "//description" : "I'm very, very late!", > "//name" : "protectorateclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectorateclock" > }, > "1185" : { > "//description" : "For when you want to procrastinate.", > "//name" : "protectorategamesconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Games Console", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectorategamesconsole" > }, > "1186" : { > "//description" : "A Protector...", > "//name" : "protectorateincap5", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateincap5" > }, > "1187" : { > "//description" : "A Poptop action figure from the Protectorate.", > "//name" : "protectoratefigures", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Poptop Toy", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratefigures", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1188" : { > "//name" : "protectoratefigures_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1189" : { > "//description" : "An exotic-looking cactus in a flower pot.", > "//name" : "protectoratecactiflowerpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Cactus Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratecactiflowerpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "An adorable Normal Virorb plushie.", > "//name" : "plainorbplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Virorb Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plainorbplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1190" : { > "//description" : "A radio.", > "//name" : "protectorateradio", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Radio", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateradio", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1191" : { > "//description" : "Time to study...", > "//name" : "protectoratebooks2", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Books", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebooks2" > }, > "1192" : { > "//description" : "Storage unit from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratestorage4", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Storage Unit-todo-", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratestorage4" > }, > "1193" : { > "//description" : "Are you thirsty?", > "//name" : "protectoratewaterdispenser", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Water Dispenser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratewaterdispenser" > }, > "1194" : { > "//description" : "A fire extinguisher for when the worst happens.", > "//name" : "protectorateextinguisher", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Fire Extinguisher", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectorateextinguisher" > }, > "1195" : { > "//description" : "So many books, so little time!", > "//name" : "protectoratebookcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Book Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebookcabinet" > }, > "1196" : { > "//description" : "Storage unit from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratestorage6", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Storage Unit-todo-", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratestorage6" > }, > "1197" : { > "//description" : "A bin.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbybin", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bin", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbybin" > }, > "1198" : { > "//description" : "Storage unit from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratestorage5", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Storage Unit-todo-", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratestorage5" > }, > "1199" : { > "//description" : "It's a painting of a bridge over still water.", > "//name" : "hylotlpainting3", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bridge Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlpainting3" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripslime1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripslime1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "These iron shackles may make escaping from prison inconvenient.", > "//name" : "wallshackles", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wallshackles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1200" : { > "//description" : "There's no way back. Even a Matter Manipulator couldn't break up this reinforced debris.", > "//name" : "protectoraterubble", > "//shortdescription" : "Impassable Rubble", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoraterubble", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1201" : { > "//description" : "A broken vending machine.", > "//name" : "protectoratebrokenvending", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebrokenvending" > }, > "1202" : { > "//description" : "A broken display case.", > "//name" : "protectoratebrokendisplay2", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Broken Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebrokendisplay2" > }, > "1203" : { > "//description" : "A broken display case.", > "//name" : "protectoratebrokendisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Broken Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebrokendisplay1" > }, > "1204" : { > "//description" : "The robe of a previous Grand Protector. Fancy!", > "//name" : "protectoraterobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Robe Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoraterobe" > }, > "1205" : { > "//description" : "A retro poster.", > "//name" : "protectorateposter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "protectorateposter2" > }, > "1206" : { > "//description" : "A poster of a Matter Manipulator.", > "//name" : "protectorateposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectorateposter1" > }, > "1207" : { > "//description" : "An old book full of guidelines for Protectors.", > "//name" : "protectorateguidelines", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Old Book", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateguidelines" > }, > "1208" : { > "//description" : "A replica of a Matter Manipulator", > "//name" : "protectoratemanipulator", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Matter Manipulator", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratemanipulator" > }, > "1209" : { > "//description" : "A fallen ribbon.", > "//name" : "protectoratefallenrope", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Ruined Ribbon", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratefallenrope" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A cuddly bear plushy. Awwwww.", > "//name" : "bearplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Bear Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bearplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1210" : { > "//description" : "A fancy red ribbon.", > "//name" : "protectoraterope", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Ribbon", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoraterope" > }, > "1211" : { > "//description" : "A torn bit of fabric from a Protectorate Banner.", > "//name" : "protectoratecape", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Banner Rag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratecape", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1212" : { > "//description" : "A rack of traditional swords.", > "//name" : "hylotlkatanarack", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Sword Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlkatanarack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1213" : { > "//description" : "A stand displaying Hylotl armour.", > "//name" : "hylotluniformstand", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Armour Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotluniformstand", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1214" : { > "//description" : "A simple waste bin for students.", > "//name" : "protectoratewastebin", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Waste Bin", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratewastebin" > }, > "1215" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"If it survives for 200 years, it might become an Ixodoom.\"", > "//name" : "ixolingaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Ixoling Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ixolingaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1216" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A stone temple guardian, animated with ancient technology.\"", > "//name" : "kluexsentryaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Sentry Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexsentryaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1217" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"They attack anyone that surprises them, and they're easily surprised.\"", > "//name" : "snuffishaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Snuffish Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snuffishaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1218" : { > "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase, only partially filled with books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", > "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1219" : { > "//description" : "Anyone for scrambled monster egg?", > "//name" : "tentacleegg", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Monster Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentacleegg" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands armed and resolute.", > "//name" : "medievalarmorarmed", > "//shortdescription" : "Armed Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmorarmed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1220" : { > "//description" : "An old projector for communicating holographically.", > "//name" : "hologramprojector", > "//shortdescription" : "Hologram Projector", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologramprojector" > }, > "1221" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to buy stuff.", > "//name" : "apexstoresign", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexstoresign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1222" : { > "//description" : "A statue dedicated to Benjamin \"Meuterion\" Deust.", > "//name" : "benjaminstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Benjamin Deust Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "benjaminstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1223" : { > "//description" : "A statue of Cameron \"KyeTheShy\" York. Loved to adventure, but wandered a little too far...into space.", > "//name" : "cameronstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Cameron York Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cameronstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1224" : { > "//description" : "A pile of sand bags.", > "//name" : "sandbags", > "//shortdescription" : "Sand Bags", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandbags", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1225" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"For a father who opened up a new world for me. In Memory of Tracy Dietrich 1963-2003\".", > "//name" : "memorialstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Imagination Memorial", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "memorialstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1226" : { > "//description" : "The only letters I can make out are \"xOliver137\".", > "//name" : "oliverstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "xOliver137 Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oliverstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1227" : { > "//name" : "tentacleexperiment", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1228" : { > "//description" : "A statue honouring the history of the Avian god Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexstatue1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Winged Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexstatue1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1229" : { > "//description" : "An old torn map which claims to lead to godly treasures.", > "//name" : "kluexmap1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Treasure Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kluexmap1" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A dirty looking wooden cup.", > "//name" : "medievalcup", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cup", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcup", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1230" : { > "//description" : "An ancient mural depicting the gifts given by Kluex to his followers.", > "//name" : "kluexmural2", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Gift Mural", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kluexmural2" > }, > "1231" : { > "//description" : "An ancient mural of the god Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexmural1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex World Mural", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kluexmural1" > }, > "1232" : { > "//description" : "A statue depicting the might of the deity Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexstatue2", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Serpentine Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexstatue2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1233" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "bossrightspawner", > "//shortdescription" : "Boss Right Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bossrightspawner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1234" : { > "//description" : "A disorganised map for locating Big Ape. Whoever drew it was very angry.", > "//name" : "bigapetargetmap", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Target Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bigapetargetmap" > }, > "1235" : { > "//description" : "A display cycling through information about Miniknog strongholds.", > "//name" : "miniknogintel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Miniknog Intel Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "miniknogintel1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1236" : { > "//description" : "A computer displaying information downloaded from the drone on top.", > "//name" : "minidronerack", > "//shortdescription" : "Minidrone Intel Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "minidronerack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1237" : { > "//description" : "A large propaganda newspaper, to be put up where everyone can see.", > "//name" : "miniknognewspaper", > "//shortdescription" : "Miniknog Newspaper", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "miniknognewspaper" > }, > "1238" : { > "//description" : "A somewhat suspicious doll of Big Ape.", > "//name" : "bigapedoll", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Doll", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigapedoll", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1239" : { > "//description" : "An intricate handmade paper model of a Hylotl library. There's little paper bookcases inside!", > "//name" : "librarymodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Library Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarymodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "pleaseget", > "//shortdescription" : "Please Get Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "pleaseget" > }, > "1240" : { > "//description" : "An ancient tome that catalogues of all the Hylotl books in the galaxy.", > "//name" : "librarycodex", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Library Codex", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarycodex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1241" : { > "//description" : "A grand looking aquarium, with a small scale Hylotl pagoda model on top.", > "//name" : "pagodaaquarium", > "//shortdescription" : "Pagoda Aquarium", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pagodaaquarium", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1242" : { > "//description" : "An old poster of some ancient Hylotl library.", > "//name" : "hylotllibraryposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vintage Library Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllibraryposter1" > }, > "1243" : { > "//description" : "A small insectile creature impaled on a hunting pike.", > "//name" : "ixolingpike", > "//shortdescription" : "Ixoling Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ixolingpike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1244" : { > "//name" : "ixolingpike_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1245" : { > "//description" : "This royal decree makes note of a keep, where treasures lay under watchful guard.", > "//name" : "glitchdecree", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Decree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "glitchdecree" > }, > "1246" : { > "//description" : "A ceremonial horn that holds a woven banner.", > "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Mounted Horn Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "glitchhorndisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1247" : { > "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1248" : { > "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1249" : { > "//description" : "A crude painting of a Floran hunter wielding a spear.", > "//name" : "floranhunterpainting", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Hunter Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranhunterpainting" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "It looks like an old remote terminal.", > "//name" : "wreckconsole3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Terminal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckconsole3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1250" : { > "//description" : "A display commemorating the spear of a Floran who won a hunting ceremony.", > "//name" : "championspeardisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Champion's Spear Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "championspeardisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1251" : { > "//description" : "This chess board has custom pieces.", > "//name" : "glitchchess", > "//shortdescription" : "Themed Chess Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchchess", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1252" : { > "//description" : "A statue depicting the might of the deity Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexstatue2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Serpentine Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexstatue2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1253" : { > "//description" : "It's a figurine of a Glitch noble.", > "//name" : "glitchbaronfigure", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Statuette", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchbaronfigure", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1254" : { > "//description" : "This trophy is a spinneret from some large, web spinning creature.", > "//name" : "floranspinneret", > "//shortdescription" : "Spinneret Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranspinneret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1255" : { > "//name" : "arkteleporterbroken", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1256" : { > "//description" : "This trophy rack is covered in a foul web.", > "//name" : "floranwebbing", > "//shortdescription" : "Web Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranwebbing", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1257" : { > "//name" : "floranwebbing_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1258" : { > "//name" : "floranwebbing_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1259" : { > "//description" : "This ancient teleporter no longer functions.", > "//name" : "arkdestinationteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ark Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arkdestinationteleporter" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "hylotlshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlshiplockerTier0" > }, > "1260" : { > "//description" : "An intricate handmade music box. The melody it plays is soothing.", > "//name" : "hylotlmusicbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Music Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlmusicbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1261" : { > "//description" : "Thin hanging drapes. Quite classy.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Thin Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1262" : { > "//description" : "A distress beacon. Who knows who might hear it?", > "//name" : "beaconsnow", > "//shortdescription" : "Distress Beacon", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "beaconsnow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1263" : { > "//description" : "A dark chequered flag bearing an emblem.", > "//name" : "darkbattlestandard", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark Battle Standard", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "darkbattlestandard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1264" : { > "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1265" : { > "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1266" : { > "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1267" : { > "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1268" : { > "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1269" : { > "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "Glyphs pulse ominously... what do they mean?", > "//name" : "screen4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glyph Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1270" : { > "//description" : "A black bishop from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessbishopblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Bishop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessbishopblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1271" : { > "//description" : "A black queen from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessqueenblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Queen", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessqueenblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1272" : { > "//description" : "A black pawn from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chesspawnblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Pawn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chesspawnblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1273" : { > "//description" : "A black knight from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessknightblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Knight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessknightblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1274" : { > "//description" : "A black rook from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessrookblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Rook", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessrookblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1275" : { > "//description" : "A black king from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chesskingblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone King", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chesskingblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1276" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"Awarded to those who can challenge nature's power.\".", > "//name" : "trophysilver", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunter's Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trophysilver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1277" : { > "//description" : "A rack of traditional swords.", > "//name" : "hylotlkatanarack_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Sword Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlkatanarack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1278" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"All that is gold does not glitter. Awarded for a heroic victory.\".", > "//name" : "trophybronze", > "//shortdescription" : "Warrior's Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trophybronze", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1279" : { > "//description" : "An ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1empty", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Deprived Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseS1empty", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase built to be filled with classic literature.", > "//name" : "classicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1280" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"Awarded to those who can pass through the fire of combat unburned.\".", > "//name" : "trophygold", > "//shortdescription" : "Champion's Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trophygold", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "An appropriately glorious monument dedicated to a glorious leader.", > "//name" : "classicapestatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Monument", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicapestatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripslime1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripslime1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "novakidtechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidtechstation" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "Graffiti. The writer seems somewhat peeved.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti5", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisongraffiti5" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "A skull mounted as a trophy on crossed wood planks.", > "//name" : "huntingtrophy3", > "//shortdescription" : "Cross Mounted Skull", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "huntingtrophy3" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A gear. Part of a well-oiled machine. Actually, it's a bit rusty.", > "//name" : "sewergear", > "//shortdescription" : "Gear", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewergear", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "It's a bust of Big Ape, Glorious Leader of the Apex.", > "//name" : "apexstatue1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Bust", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A small security panel.", > "//name" : "consoletribalwall", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Security Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribalwall" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.", > "//name" : "zenrock4", > "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "zenrock4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a priest, fallen in battle.", > "//name" : "tombstone6", > "//shortdescription" : "Priest's Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "I sure could use some water...", > "//name" : "wellcover", > "//shortdescription" : "Well Cover", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wellcover", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "A small lamp that gives off a low red light.", > "//name" : "hylotllamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Bio-Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotllamp" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A hologram displaying the latest trends in Hylotl fashion.", > "//name" : "hylotlfashionhologram", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fashion Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlfashionhologram", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads.", > "//name" : "royalbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful painting of the night sky.", > "//name" : "paintingstarrynight", > "//shortdescription" : "Abstract Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingstarrynight" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A small empty stall. It looks sad.", > "//name" : "marketstall4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Empty Market Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A four-sided spinning top. There are curious symbols on each side.", > "//name" : "dreidel", > "//shortdescription" : "Dreidel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dreidel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "Eight marker.", > "//name" : "number8", > "//shortdescription" : "Eight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number8" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A metal fence with red and black warning stripes.", > "//name" : "miningfence", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Railing", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningfence", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Sleazy Burger Heroes'.", > "//name" : "arcadeorange", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadeorange", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "I don't feel welcome here...", > "//name" : "penguinposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguins Only Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "penguinposter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "Think happy thoughts!", > "//name" : "apexthoughtreassign", > "//shortdescription" : "Reassignment Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexthoughtreassign" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a bunny.", > "//name" : "tombstatuebunny", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bunny Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstatuebunny", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A small tribal wall tapestry. It looks soft!", > "//name" : "decorativewallrug2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Colourful Tapestry", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "decorativewallrug2" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "A large empty stall. I bet business is slow.", > "//name" : "marketstall5", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Empty Market Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble42", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a worm. But where's the hook?", > "//name" : "wormstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Worm Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wormstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A giant swirly lollipop! Sweet!", > "//name" : "lollipop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Lollipop", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lollipop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "A rolled up bale of hay.", > "//name" : "hayroll", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Roll", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hayroll", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Don't forget to wash your hands!", > "//name" : "apexsink", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Sink", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexsink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A generic metal barrel. It's sealed.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "A star map! It's a little primitive.", > "//name" : "screen3", > "//shortdescription" : "Star Map Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster from the controversial romance film \"10 Things I Hate About Florans\".", > "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter3", > "//shortdescription" : "Romantic Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlmovieposter3" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "Scratching sounds from the inside... I think something has made a nest in there.", > "//name" : "wreckconsole2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckconsole2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "It seems irresponsible to leave a bunch of unlabelled chemicals unattended.", > "//name" : "apexcoolshelf2", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chemical Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolshelf2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A Golden Egg! What!?", > "//name" : "goldenegg", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenegg", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "Looks like the Apex and the Agarans aren't compatible.", > "//name" : "floranpodapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Trapped Apex Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranpodapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A customized signboard", > "//name" : "customsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "customsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster for cult hit, \"The Moleman Prophecy\".", > "//name" : "molemanposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Moleman Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "molemanposter" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "helpme", > "//shortdescription" : "Help Me Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "helpme" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "An odd golden jug for special ceremonies.", > "//name" : "goldvase1", > "//shortdescription" : "Odd Gold Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A thin set of short curtains.", > "//name" : "apexcurtain", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexcurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A holiday pole! Its festively striped.", > "//name" : "holidaypole", > "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Pole", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaypole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A service panel.", > "//name" : "outpostservicepanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Service Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostservicepanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex peace-keeper.", > "//name" : "apexpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting2" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "A model of an unknown planet.", > "//name" : "medievalglobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Globe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalglobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "A cute little turtle plush.", > "//name" : "turtleplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Turtle Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "turtleplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A broken cage. What could have escaped?", > "//name" : "plantbrokencage", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbrokencage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "An intricately woven wall tapestry.", > "//name" : "decorativewallrug1", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Tapestry", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "decorativewallrug1" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "Just a ceremonial shield. It wouldn't do much good in a fight.", > "//name" : "wallshield", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Shield Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wallshield" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "florancorner", > "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "An Avian banner made of gorgeous silk.", > "//name" : "avianbanner3", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Patterned Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "avianbanner3" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "florancorner_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "Gorgeous, colourful feathers arranged like flowers.", > "//name" : "feathers2", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Feather Bundle", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feathers2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "An old sign to warn of deathly danger.", > "//name" : "deathwarning", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "deathwarning" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "A snowglobe with a snowman inside. Festive!", > "//name" : "snowglobe1", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowman Snowglobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowglobe1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "A big, delicious red gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "redgumdrop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redgumdrop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "glitchshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchshiplockerTier0" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster from the movie \"Cybernetic Apocalypse\".", > "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Action Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlmovieposter1" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "florantechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florantechstation" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife.", > "//name" : "sarcohuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcohuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.", > "//name" : "neonhylotlhead", > "//shortdescription" : "Neon Hylotl Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "neonhylotlhead", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "A sewer pipe.", > "//name" : "wallpipe", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wallpipe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "A sewer pipe.", > "//name" : "wallpipe_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wallpipe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", > "//name" : "paintingapexpixellisa", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapexpixellisa" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "A squishy, adorable unicorn. What's not to love?", > "//name" : "unicornplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Unicorn Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "unicornplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", > "//name" : "huntingbigstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Floran Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingbigstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "A soft scent of fruit juice lingers.", > "//name" : "classicglass", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Glass", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicglass", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "Once upon a time, a couple of these things could power a whole ship.", > "//name" : "wreckgenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckgenerator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root5", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "root5" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone belonged to one of the grounded. It's been desecrated.", > "//name" : "tombstone8", > "//shortdescription" : "Desecrated Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "A classic football...or soccer ball, if you prefer.", > "//name" : "football", > "//shortdescription" : "Football", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "football", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "A broken stone pillar.", > "//name" : "pillar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stone Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pillar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", > "//name" : "apexwallpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexwallpainting1" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "A wrecked turbine, completely non-operational.", > "//name" : "wreckturbine2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbine", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckturbine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "Ahh The Son of Man, you make me hungry!", > "//name" : "genericpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Curious Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "genericpainting1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "A heavy metal anchor. Yarr.", > "//name" : "anchor", > "//shortdescription" : "Anchor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "anchor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "techstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "techstation" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", > "//name" : "reedclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Wall Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "reedclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'lily pad'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Lily\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy3" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "Old wiring, torn apart.", > "//name" : "wreckwiresceiling", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Hanging Wires", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wreckwiresceiling" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A broken anchor", > "//name" : "brokenanchor", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Anchor", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brokenanchor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "The shelf is packed with all kinds of Hylotl goods.", > "//name" : "hylotlstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "It appears to be a painting of a falling leaf.", > "//name" : "floranpainting4", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Leaf Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting4" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "humanteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humanteleporterTier0" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "Looks like it's mainly used for data entry. Nothing too interesting.", > "//name" : "bunkercomputer", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercomputer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright green emblem.", > "//name" : "hylotlsymbolg", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Symbol", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsymbolg" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "It's a very tempting lever.", > "//name" : "hylotlswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone is engraved with an eye symbol", > "//name" : "tombstone10", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", > "//name" : "prisongrateh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizonal Metal Grates", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongrateh", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", > "//name" : "floranpod2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranpod2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "A monitor. But who monitors the monitor?", > "//name" : "outpostmonitor", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "outpostmonitor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A stone structure perfect for alien zen gardens.", > "//name" : "zenrock3", > "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "zenrock3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "A giant, delicious purple gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "purplegumdrop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Purple Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "purplegumdrop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway.", > "//name" : "prisonshowerdripping", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Prison Shower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonshowerdripping", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "Don't underestimate an Apex's love for bananas.", > "//name" : "apexpainting4", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting4" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "A carved bunny sits on top of this altar.", > "//name" : "altarbunny", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altarbunny", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "A crudely-drawn skull. It looks cheerful.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti4", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisongraffiti4" > }, > "225" : { > "//description" : "A soft Poptop plush toy.", > "//name" : "poptopplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Poptop Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "poptopplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "226" : { > "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's a lily pad.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicgong", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Gong", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicgong", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "227" : { > "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", > "//name" : "holly", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "holly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "228" : { > "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", > "//name" : "holly_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "holly" > }, > "229" : { > "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", > "//name" : "holly_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "holly" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A broken pillar.", > "//name" : "heckpillar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckpillar1" > }, > "230" : { > "//description" : "This vending machine is empty, I guess the crew had a taste for soda.", > "//name" : "wreckvendingmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckvendingmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "231" : { > "//description" : "Stale air whistles through this old vent.", > "//name" : "wreckvent", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckvent" > }, > "232" : { > "//description" : "A bust of an important Apex.", > "//name" : "apexbustmale", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Male Bust", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbustmale", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "233" : { > "//description" : "A bowl. It doesn't look very clean.", > "//name" : "medievalbowl", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbowl" > }, > "234" : { > "//description" : "This guy looks surprised to see me!", > "//name" : "mask1", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Human Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask1" > }, > "235" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple32", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "236" : { > "//description" : "A water cooler. The best place to find the hottest gossip.", > "//name" : "watercooler", > "//shortdescription" : "Water Cooler", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "watercooler", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "237" : { > "//description" : "The lamp emits a low, ambient blue light.", > "//name" : "clublampsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Club Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clublampsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "238" : { > "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", > "//name" : "signproduce", > "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signproduce" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", > "//name" : "signproduce_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signproduce" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "Ancient Greek marble sculpture, Venus De Pixel. Sculptor Unknown.", > "//name" : "venusdepixel", > "//shortdescription" : "Venus de Pixel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "venusdepixel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "A flask full of blue liquid.", > "//name" : "blueflask", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flask", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "blueflask", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "241" : { > "//description" : "A simple striped bowl.", > "//name" : "hylotlbowl", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "242" : { > "//name" : "testfossil", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "244" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "245" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "246" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "247" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "248" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "249" : { > "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv", > "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "humanshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humanshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "250" : { > "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "251" : { > "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "252" : { > "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "253" : { > "//description" : "Penguin bones on a pike arranged decoratively.", > "//name" : "huntingpike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bones Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "254" : { > "//description" : "Thick metal bars surround each cell. Chance of escape seems pretty slim.", > "//name" : "prisonbars", > "//shortdescription" : "Prison Bars", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbars" > }, > "255" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "256" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "257" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "258" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "259" : { > "//description" : "Graffiti. A harsh warning. Ignore it.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti3", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisongraffiti3" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "The pelt of a large, snow dwelling animal.", > "//name" : "floranpelt4", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Snowy Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "floranpelt4" > }, > "260" : { > "//description" : "Vials full of various blood types. I hope they didn't take out ALL their blood.", > "//name" : "apexbloodbank", > "//shortdescription" : "Bloodbank", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbloodbank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "261" : { > "//description" : "A mechanical cash register. Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "medievalregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "262" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone has been smashed beyond repair.", > "//name" : "tombstone4", > "//shortdescription" : "Smashed Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "263" : { > "//description" : "A wireless energy supply.", > "//name" : "tesla", > "//shortdescription" : "Wireless Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tesla", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "264" : { > "//description" : "A bathroom urinal. Useful for some.", > "//name" : "bathroomurinal", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Urinal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bathroomurinal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "265" : { > "//description" : "The reason you don't play ball in the house.", > "//name" : "classicchina", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic China Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchina", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "266" : { > "//description" : "It's full of really tempting levers but I should probably leave it alone.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Command Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "267" : { > "//description" : "I didn't know clocks were capable of reproduction.", > "//name" : "grandfatherclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Grandfather Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "grandfatherclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "268" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple33", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "269" : { > "//description" : "A table. Perfect for tabletop gaming. Or eating.", > "//name" : "outposttable", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outposttable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A graffiti warning.", > "//name" : "nowayout", > "//shortdescription" : "nowayout", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "nowayout", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "270" : { > "//description" : "For displaying the fanciest of items, or holding up the smallest of buildings.", > "//name" : "classicpillarsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicpillarsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "271" : { > "//description" : "Unhelpful road signs.", > "//name" : "crossroadssign", > "//shortdescription" : "Crossroads Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crossroadssign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "272" : { > "//description" : "A vending machine filled with popular beverages.", > "//name" : "hylotldrinks", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotldrinks", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "273" : { > "//description" : "A fine china plate.", > "//name" : "classicplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "274" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "hylotlteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlteleporterTier0" > }, > "275" : { > "//description" : "It's a large server cabinet.", > "//name" : "bunkerserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Server Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "276" : { > "//description" : "A fuzzy red stocking. A little too big for anyone's foot.", > "//name" : "stocking2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Stocking", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "stocking2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "277" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Mazebound64'.", > "//name" : "arcadegame", > "//shortdescription" : "Mazebound64", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadegame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "278" : { > "//description" : "This bell must make quite a sound.", > "//name" : "largebell", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Bell", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "largebell", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "279" : { > "//description" : "A crane. Used for lifting, or swinging from.", > "//name" : "outpostcrane", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Crane", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "outpostcrane", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A sickly-sweet scent clings to the inside.", > "//name" : "lamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "280" : { > "//description" : "The pelt of a small, snow dwelling animal.", > "//name" : "floranpelt5", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowy Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpelt5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "281" : { > "//description" : "A standard cloth Avian banner.", > "//name" : "avianbanner4", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Small Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianbanner4" > }, > "282" : { > "//description" : "Old system readings that seem to be out of date.", > "//name" : "screen1", > "//shortdescription" : "Data Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "283" : { > "//description" : "A wide solid wooden stand.", > "//name" : "woodenstand2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wooden Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenstand2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "284" : { > "//description" : "The Elegantly Automatic Sign Engineering Lithographer.", > "//name" : "signstore", > "//shortdescription" : "EASEL", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "signstore", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "285" : { > "//description" : "A big lollipop! Sweet!", > "//name" : "lollipop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Lollipop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lollipop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "286" : { > "//description" : "An arcane torture device. Best not to ask how it's used.", > "//name" : "planttorturedevice", > "//shortdescription" : "Torture Device", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorturedevice", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "287" : { > "//description" : "A cultist altar. Nefarious worship goes on here.", > "//name" : "cultistaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Cultist Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cultistaltar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "288" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a human couple.", > "//name" : "paintinggothic", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintinggothic" > }, > "289" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "hylotltechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotltechstation" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A keg full of juice. Mmm, juice!", > "//name" : "juicekeg", > "//shortdescription" : "Juice Keg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "juicekeg", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "290" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "291" : { > "//description" : "I swear the eye is following me around the room..", > "//name" : "birdgodemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "birdgodemblem" > }, > "292" : { > "//description" : "A broken pillar.", > "//name" : "heckpillar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckpillar2" > }, > "293" : { > "//description" : "It's some sort of floor ornament. Frog spawn swirls inside.", > "//name" : "hylotlfloorornament", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Ornament", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlfloorornament", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "294" : { > "//description" : "The sign says \"DANGER\". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", > "//name" : "dangersignh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Danger Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dangersignh" > }, > "295" : { > "//description" : "An assortment of pointy things.", > "//name" : "marketstall3", > "//shortdescription" : "Market Weapon Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "296" : { > "//description" : "A flask full of red liquid.", > "//name" : "redflask", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Flask", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redflask", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "297" : { > "//description" : "A slim golden deocrative vase.", > "//name" : "goldvase3", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "298" : { > "//description" : "Invisible Sparker", > "//name" : "invisiblesparker", > "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Sparker", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "invisiblesparker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "299" : { > "//name" : "mask7", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A shiny glass panel.", > "//name" : "glasspanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Glass Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glasspanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A head mounted on a round plaque. Its eyes follow you...", > "//name" : "huntingtrophy1", > "//shortdescription" : "Round Mounted Skull", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "huntingtrophy1" > }, > "300" : { > "//description" : "This colourful sleigh has a big rocket engine on the back! Who needs reindeer, right?", > "//name" : "scifisleigh", > "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Rocket Sleigh", > "imagePositionX" : "-64", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scifisleigh", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "301" : { > "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane. It's crooked.", > "//name" : "greencandycane2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greencandycane2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "302" : { > "//description" : "A pile of hay. Probably not a great hiding place.", > "//name" : "haypile", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "haypile", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "303" : { > "//description" : "The shelves are empty.", > "//name" : "apexwoodenshelves", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Shelves", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwoodenshelves", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "304" : { > "//description" : "This guy looks hungry. His eyes make me uncomfortable.", > "//name" : "mask2", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Skull Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask2" > }, > "305" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", > "//name" : "floranpod1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranpod1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "306" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Looks like it's hatched.", > "//name" : "floranopenpod1", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranopenpod1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "307" : { > "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", > "//name" : "paintingmonalisa", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingmonalisa" > }, > "308" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble22", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "309" : { > "//description" : "One marker.", > "//name" : "number1", > "//shortdescription" : "One", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number1" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A carved Avian head sits atop this altar.", > "//name" : "altaravian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Head Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altaravian", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "310" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "311" : { > "//description" : "A synthetic fir tree.", > "//name" : "undecoratedtree", > "//shortdescription" : "Faux Fir Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "undecoratedtree", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "312" : { > "//description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", > "//name" : "owlclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Owl Wall Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "owlclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "313" : { > "//description" : "There's a book in here titled, 'How to Travel Backwards in Time for Dummies'.", > "//name" : "bunkerbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "314" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "315" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "316" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "317" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "318" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "319" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a famous, long-dead Earthling poet.", > "//name" : "paintingshakespeare", > "//shortdescription" : "Famous Poet Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingshakespeare" > }, > "320" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "321" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "322" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation9", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "323" : { > "//description" : "Very helpful rocks. Or could the arrow be a trick?", > "//name" : "huntingplatformrocks", > "//shortdescription" : "Arrow Etched Rocks", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatformrocks", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "324" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple43", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "325" : { > "//description" : "A flask full of green goo.", > "//name" : "greenflask", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Flask", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenflask", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "326" : { > "//description" : "The rack is filled with antique Avian spears.", > "//name" : "spearrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Spear Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spearrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "327" : { > "//description" : "A wall grate. Great.", > "//name" : "sewerwallgrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Wall Grate", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewerwallgrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "328" : { > "//description" : "Watch out! Lightning bolts!", > "//name" : "electricsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Electricity Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "electricsign" > }, > "329" : { > "//description" : "An ominous warning sign.", > "//name" : "poisonsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "poisonsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "Everything looks significantly more terrifying under a microscope.", > "//name" : "microscope", > "//shortdescription" : "Microscope", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "microscope", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "330" : { > "//description" : "Five marker.", > "//name" : "number5", > "//shortdescription" : "Five", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number5" > }, > "331" : { > "//description" : "A counter that oddly resembles a Hylotl.", > "//name" : "hylotlcounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlcounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "332" : { > "//description" : "An electrically charged plasma field. It reacts to sound.", > "//name" : "plasmadisc", > "//shortdescription" : "Plasma Disc", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plasmadisc", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "333" : { > "//description" : "It says 'BIG APE'.", > "//name" : "apexnameplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Nameplate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexnameplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "334" : { > "//description" : "A small set of lily pad wall hangings.", > "//name" : "hylotllilydeco2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Lily Pads", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotllilydeco2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "335" : { > "//description" : "A rather serious looking bird.", > "//name" : "mask4", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask4" > }, > "336" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", > "//name" : "floranpod3", > "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranpod3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "337" : { > "//name" : "geometricscreen", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "338" : { > "//name" : "geometricscreen_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "339" : { > "//name" : "geometricscreen_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "Simple, but elegant. Plaques like this bring some real class to a place.", > "//name" : "markerwallplaque2", > "//shortdescription" : "Polished Stone Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "markerwallplaque2" > }, > "340" : { > "//description" : "A map of an unknown world.", > "//name" : "medievalmap", > "//shortdescription" : "medieval Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "medievalmap" > }, > "341" : { > "//description" : "An ornate fountain - much of the water appears to be wasted.", > "//name" : "classicfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Water Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "342" : { > "//description" : "A tank of unknown use.", > "//name" : "outposttank", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outposttank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "343" : { > "//description" : "An old boiler. A dripping echoes from inside.", > "//name" : "wreckboiler", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckboiler", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "344" : { > "//description" : "An old wooden shelf.", > "//name" : "medievalshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "345" : { > "//description" : "An empty plaque. What belongs here?", > "//name" : "huntingdisplay2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingdisplay2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "346" : { > "//description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", > "//name" : "prisonfence1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Chain-link Fence", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfence1" > }, > "347" : { > "//description" : "It appears to be a tally chart.", > "//name" : "floranpainting3", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chart Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting3" > }, > "348" : { > "//description" : "A sewer gauge. Nobody knows what the gauge illustrates.", > "//name" : "sewergauge", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Gauge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewergauge" > }, > "349" : { > "//description" : "Four marker.", > "//name" : "number4", > "//shortdescription" : "Four", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number4" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "350" : { > "//description" : "That's not very encouraging.", > "//name" : "bunkerposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Motivational Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerposter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "351" : { > "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife. Wait a minute... I think I can hear something inside!", > "//name" : "sarcohumanalive", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcohumanalive", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "352" : { > "//description" : "This jukebox sounds great! Too bad there only seems to be one track.", > "//name" : "jukebox", > "//shortdescription" : "Jukebox", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jukebox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "353" : { > "//description" : "It's a map displaying a round central room branching out into several corridors.", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay3", > "//shortdescription" : "Map Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay3", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "354" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Zombie Banana Mansion'.", > "//name" : "arcadeyellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadeyellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "355" : { > "//description" : "A bathroom sink. Wash your hands!", > "//name" : "bathroomsink", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Sink", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bathroomsink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "356" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple51", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "357" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "novakidtechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidtechstationTier0" > }, > "358" : { > "//description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", > "//name" : "prisonfence2", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Chain-link Fence", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfence2" > }, > "359" : { > "//description" : "It's a framed replica of Big Ape's hit album, 'Jungle Love'.", > "//name" : "apexpainting3", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Record", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting3" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "360" : { > "//description" : "A rather detailed sketch of Glitch anatomy.", > "//name" : "glitchianman", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitchian Man", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "glitchianman" > }, > "361" : { > "//description" : "Six marker.", > "//name" : "number6", > "//shortdescription" : "Six", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number6" > }, > "362" : { > "//description" : "A graffiti message.", > "//name" : "thewayisblocked", > "//shortdescription" : "thewayisblocked", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "thewayisblocked", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "363" : { > "//description" : "Drops of water.", > "//name" : "drip1", > "//shortdescription" : "Water Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drip1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "364" : { > "//name" : "drip1_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "365" : { > "//name" : "drip1_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "366" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "glitchteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchteleporterTier0" > }, > "367" : { > "//description" : "He sees you when you're sleeping! He knows when you're awake!", > "//name" : "giantsanta", > "//shortdescription" : "Jetpack Santa Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantsanta", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "368" : { > "//description" : "A white knight from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessknight", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Knight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessknight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "369" : { > "//description" : "A machine used to move large amounts of mined material.", > "//name" : "miningbelt", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Conveyer Belt", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningbelt", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "370" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting some animals.", > "//name" : "caveart1", > "//shortdescription" : "Animal Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "371" : { > "//description" : "This book is full of strange illustrations.", > "//name" : "medievalcodex", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Codex", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcodex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "372" : { > "//description" : "Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "hylotlcashregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Cash Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlcashregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "373" : { > "//description" : "A sign marking where a checkout line begins.", > "//name" : "shopline", > "//shortdescription" : "Checkout Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shopline", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "374" : { > "//description" : "A bit of Glitch surrealism.", > "//name" : "persistenceofpixels", > "//shortdescription" : "Persistence of Pixels", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "persistenceofpixels" > }, > "375" : { > "//description" : "This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", > "//name" : "hazardtapeh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Hazard Tape", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hazardtapeh" > }, > "376" : { > "//description" : "An old battered sign warning of falling rocks.", > "//name" : "fallingrocks", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Falling Rocks Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fallingrocks" > }, > "377" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple22", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "378" : { > "//description" : "The altar is covered in carvings of a winged god.", > "//name" : "birdaltar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Prayer Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdaltar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "379" : { > "//description" : "It's a patient file. He appears to be human, but... with two hearts?", > "//name" : "bunkerpanel2", > "//shortdescription" : "Medical Data Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerpanel2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "380" : { > "//description" : "A large lily pad wall hanging.", > "//name" : "hylotllilydeco3", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Lily Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotllilydeco3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "381" : { > "//description" : "These display axes look very sharp.", > "//name" : "medievalaxedisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Axe Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "medievalaxedisplay" > }, > "382" : { > "//description" : "A big, delicious green gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "greengumdrop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Green Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengumdrop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "383" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple23", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "384" : { > "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", > "//name" : "eventlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eventlight" > }, > "385" : { > "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", > "//name" : "eventlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "eventlight" > }, > "386" : { > "//description" : "A small barred vent.", > "//name" : "barvent", > "//shortdescription" : "Barred Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barvent" > }, > "387" : { > "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", > "//name" : "signweaponshop", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signweaponshop" > }, > "388" : { > "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", > "//name" : "signweaponshop_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signweaponshop" > }, > "389" : { > "//description" : "These symbols signify a mass grave.", > "//name" : "tombstone11", > "//shortdescription" : "Mass Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone11", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "390" : { > "//description" : "Plaques don't come much classier than this.", > "//name" : "markerwallplaque3", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "markerwallplaque3" > }, > "391" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root4", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "root4" > }, > "392" : { > "//description" : "There's some sheet music here.", > "//name" : "apexpiano", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "393" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "floranshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "394" : { > "//description" : "A giant mushroom of Agaran origin.", > "//name" : "agaranmushroom", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Agaran Mushroom", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "agaranmushroom", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "395" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple52", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "396" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "397" : { > "//description" : "This seems to be a scientist that 'gave his body to science'.", > "//name" : "apexstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Scientist Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "398" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting an offering.", > "//name" : "caveart5", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "caveart5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "399" : { > "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", > "//name" : "apexwallpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Modern Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "apexwallpainting2" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "Common, workshop tools used for quick repairs.", > "//name" : "garagetools", > "//shortdescription" : "Workshop Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "garagetools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievallarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "400" : { > "//description" : "A machine used for breaking down rocks.", > "//name" : "miningcrusher", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Impact Crusher", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningcrusher", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "401" : { > "//description" : "A wooden cabinet with a sink installed.", > "//name" : "woodensink", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Sink", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodensink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "402" : { > "//description" : "A large bronze statue of the Hylotl's home planet.", > "//name" : "giantglobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Globe Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantglobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "403" : { > "//description" : "A toxic waste barrel. Don't spill any!", > "//name" : "toxicwastebarrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Waste Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicwastebarrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "404" : { > "//description" : "A spade, a rake and a broom for all sorts of back-breaking farm work.", > "//name" : "farmtools", > "//shortdescription" : "Farm Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "farmtools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "405" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "floranteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranteleporterTier0" > }, > "406" : { > "//description" : "An old input panel, probably used to be used for security.", > "//name" : "wreckpanel2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wrecked Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckpanel2" > }, > "407" : { > "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway. If the water was actually clean.", > "//name" : "prisonshower", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Shower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonshower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "408" : { > "//description" : "Basic Bath", > "//name" : "basicbath", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Bath", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basicbath", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "409" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising Numi, a famous mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", > "//name" : "numisign", > "//shortdescription" : "Numi Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "numisign" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", > "//name" : "apexstatue2", > "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "410" : { > "//description" : "An old-school arcade machine. This one plays 'Super Tralgar Blaster 2'.", > "//name" : "arcademachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcademachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "411" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple12", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "412" : { > "//description" : "The space heater emits a low, unpleasant hum.", > "//name" : "prisonradiator", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Radiator", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonradiator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "413" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble21", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "414" : { > "//description" : "An arcade machine running a game called 'Starbound'.", > "//name" : "arcadestarbound", > "//shortdescription" : "Starbound Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadestarbound", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "415" : { > "//description" : "A smashed monitor, not much use now.", > "//name" : "wreckscreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wreckscreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "416" : { > "//description" : "A big, delicious purple gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "purplegumdrop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Purple Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "purplegumdrop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "417" : { > "//description" : "X marks the spot.", > "//name" : "treasuremap", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "treasuremap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "418" : { > "//description" : "It's a set of loudspeakers through which people speak loudly.", > "//name" : "loudspeaker", > "//shortdescription" : "Loudspeakers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "loudspeaker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "419" : { > "//description" : "A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.", > "//name" : "zenrock5", > "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "zenrock5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A support beam carved to resemble a fearsome bird.", > "//name" : "idolsupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "idolsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "420" : { > "//description" : "It's one of those drinking machines people use to make small-talk.", > "//name" : "watermachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Water Cooler", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "watermachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "421" : { > "//description" : "A glass case full of plushies and toys.", > "//name" : "hylotlprizecounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Prize Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlprizecounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "422" : { > "//description" : "A thin solid wooden stand.", > "//name" : "woodenstand1", > "//shortdescription" : "Thin Wooden Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenstand1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "423" : { > "//description" : "The skull on this tombstone shows that it belongs to one of the grounded.", > "//name" : "tombstone7", > "//shortdescription" : "Grounded's Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "424" : { > "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root10", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "root10" > }, > "425" : { > "//description" : "Is it wrong to take your bunny to the afterlife with you?", > "//name" : "sarcobunny", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcobunny", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "426" : { > "//description" : "This beady-eyed bird jar is made of solid gold.", > "//name" : "goldenjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Bird Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "427" : { > "//description" : "Ironically, looking at this decorative sun sends a chill down my spine.", > "//name" : "sundecor", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Sun", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sundecor" > }, > "428" : { > "//description" : "A smashed vat, the inside is covered in dried slime... Did something break out?", > "//name" : "wreckvat1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vat", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckvat1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "429" : { > "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", > "//name" : "tombstone1", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//name" : "idolsupport_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "430" : { > "//description" : "An altar sticky with old blood and feathers.", > "//name" : "sacrificialaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Sacrificial Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sacrificialaltar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "431" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "apexshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "432" : { > "//description" : "A wooden wall shelf for displaying trinkets.", > "//name" : "medievalwallshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalwallshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "433" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster of a city.", > "//name" : "hylotlcityposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl City Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlcityposter" > }, > "434" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "teleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teleporterTier0" > }, > "435" : { > "//description" : "This tomb is anonymous, engraved with the image of its occupant.", > "//name" : "tombstone3", > "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "436" : { > "//description" : "The sign says, \"Cell Block\".", > "//name" : "prisonsign1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Block Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsign1" > }, > "437" : { > "//description" : "A large pelt with thick, lustrous fur.", > "//name" : "floranpelt1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Brown Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "floranpelt1" > }, > "438" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a warrior, fallen in battle.", > "//name" : "tombstone5", > "//shortdescription" : "Warrior's Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "439" : { > "//description" : "A ragged fur pelt, hung from two large tusks.", > "//name" : "floranpelt3", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Black Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpelt3" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A defaced poster of Big Ape.", > "//name" : "apexmocksign", > "//shortdescription" : "Disobey Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexmocksign" > }, > "440" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "avianshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "441" : { > "//description" : "That sure is one flashy recruitment poster.", > "//name" : "bunkerpanel3", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Recruitment Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerpanel3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "442" : { > "//description" : "Tools for creating pure, unadulterated deliciousness.", > "//name" : "kitchentools", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kitchentools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "443" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "humantechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humantechstation" > }, > "444" : { > "//description" : "A snowglobe with a penguin inside. The bird looks angry.", > "//name" : "snowglobe2", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Snowglobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowglobe2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "445" : { > "//description" : "A green neon sign advertising furniture from a lily pad inspired design movement.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign1g", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Lily Pad Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsign1g" > }, > "446" : { > "//description" : "I wish I'd paid attention in astrogeography class.", > "//name" : "screenplanet", > "//shortdescription" : "Planet Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screenplanet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "447" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'leap'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy4", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Leap\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy4" > }, > "448" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "449" : { > "//description" : "An empty shelving rack.", > "//name" : "plantshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "May we forever obey him.", > "//name" : "apexpainting5", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Cross-Stitch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting5" > }, > "450" : { > "//description" : "A small red bow.", > "//name" : "smallbow", > "//shortdescription" : "Little Red Bow", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallbow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "451" : { > "//description" : "A wood and bone shelf used for storing supplies and keepsakes.", > "//name" : "floranshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "452" : { > "//description" : "A sign that looks like it says \"BUBBLE\"...", > "//name" : "hylotlsign2b", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlsign2b" > }, > "453" : { > "//description" : "An Apex statue. A perfect likeness.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatueapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatueapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "454" : { > "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", > "//name" : "huntingpike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "455" : { > "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", > "//name" : "huntingpike1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "456" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain. The water looks refreshing.", > "//name" : "fountain1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiered Stone Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fountain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "457" : { > "//description" : "A large pair of decorative bells. Just the thing to get one into the holiday spirit!", > "//name" : "giantbells", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Holiday Bells", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "giantbells", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "458" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a human. Check out the hair.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatuehuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatuehuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "459" : { > "//description" : "A standing desk. Good for the posture.", > "//name" : "outpoststandingdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Standing Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpoststandingdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain with a floral centerpiece.", > "//name" : "petalfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Floral Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "petalfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "460" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "461" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "462" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "463" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "464" : { > "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. I wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "sarcoavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcoavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "465" : { > "//description" : "Sterile, recycled air whirs through the fanblades at a steady pace.", > "//name" : "bunkervent", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunker Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkervent" > }, > "466" : { > "//description" : "A sign that looks like it says \"RIBBIT\"...", > "//name" : "hylotlsign2g", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlsign2g" > }, > "467" : { > "//description" : "A classic golden jug.", > "//name" : "goldvase5", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "468" : { > "//description" : "A classic golden jug.", > "//name" : "goldvase5_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "469" : { > "//description" : "This emblem commemorates the Avians' first flight to the stars.", > "//name" : "moonemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Moon Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "moonemblem" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "It should be stocked full of science journals and lab reports.", > "//name" : "apexcoolbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "470" : { > "//description" : "A golden duck!", > "//name" : "goldenducky", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Ducky", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenducky", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "471" : { > "//description" : "It's a turbine. Y'know, for science.", > "//name" : "prisonturbine", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Turbine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonturbine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "472" : { > "//description" : "A very welcoming sign.", > "//name" : "hecksign", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecksign" > }, > "473" : { > "//description" : "This mask looks like my ex-wife.", > "//name" : "mask6", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Priest Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask6" > }, > "474" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising natural soft drinks.", > "//name" : "softdrinksign", > "//shortdescription" : "Soft Drink Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "softdrinksign" > }, > "475" : { > "//description" : "A fake plastic plant. Not a tree.", > "//name" : "plasticplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plasticplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "476" : { > "//description" : "A white rook from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessrook", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Rook", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessrook", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "477" : { > "//description" : "A reed shelf.", > "//name" : "reedshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "478" : { > "//description" : "It's a round window.", > "//name" : "porthole", > "//shortdescription" : "Porthole", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "porthole" > }, > "479" : { > "//description" : "The result of a successful Floran hunt.", > "//name" : "floranbonedisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonedisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A tall stone pillar.", > "//name" : "pillar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pillar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "480" : { > "//description" : "There are barbaric Floran tales etched into the bone.", > "//name" : "floranbonedisplay2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Carving", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonedisplay2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "481" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase made from the remains of Floran prey.", > "//name" : "floranbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "482" : { > "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", > "//name" : "floranceilingbones2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Bone Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranceilingbones2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "483" : { > "//description" : "A giant pod. It seems to contain a beast.", > "//name" : "giantfloranpod", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantfloranpod", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "484" : { > "//description" : "Sure seems that way, Anonymous Graffiti Artist.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti2", > "//shortdescription" : "\"No Escape\" Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongraffiti2" > }, > "485" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Looks like it's hatched.", > "//name" : "floranopenpod2", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranopenpod2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "486" : { > "//description" : "It looks like someone has painted glyphs onto a piece of leather.", > "//name" : "floranpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Glyph Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting2" > }, > "487" : { > "//description" : "An Avian statue. Not likely to fly away.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatueavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatueavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "488" : { > "//description" : "A wooden screen, perfect for dressing behind.", > "//name" : "floranscreen1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Dressing Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranscreen1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "489" : { > "//description" : "It says, \"Reminder to all inmates: You're here for life.\"", > "//name" : "prisonpaper1", > "//shortdescription" : "Inmate Notice", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonpaper1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A creepy monitor. A face flickers onto the screen, almost faster than the eye can see.", > "//name" : "apexceilingtv", > "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Ceiling TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexceilingtv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "490" : { > "//description" : "A leather screen, used in Floran food preparation.", > "//name" : "floranscreen2", > "//shortdescription" : "Leather Dressing Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranscreen2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "491" : { > "//description" : "The paper is ripped and the words are smudged.", > "//name" : "prisonpaper2", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Torn Memo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonpaper2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "492" : { > "//description" : "This appears to be an analysis of the environment outside of the bunker.", > "//name" : "bunkerpanel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Environmental Data Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerpanel1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "493" : { > "//description" : "An animal pelt stretched and dried between two large bones.", > "//name" : "florantanningrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Tanning Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantanningrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "494" : { > "//description" : "A Floran spear mounted on a decorative plaque.", > "//name" : "huntingdisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Spear on a Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingdisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "495" : { > "//description" : "A bundle of unusually large leaves.", > "//name" : "huntingplatformleaves", > "//shortdescription" : "Leaf Bundle", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatformleaves", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "496" : { > "//description" : "A railing made of pikes tied together.", > "//name" : "huntingrail2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Pike Railing", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingrail2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "497" : { > "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. All of the weapons are missing.", > "//name" : "huntingweaponrack2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Weapon Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingweaponrack2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "498" : { > "//description" : "A tiny synthetic fir tree.", > "//name" : "smallholidaytree", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Faux Fir Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallholidaytree", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "499" : { > "//description" : "The radio is switched on but silent.", > "//name" : "apexradio", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Radio", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexradio", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A giant, delicious green gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "greengumdrop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Green Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengumdrop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", > "//name" : "signlibrary", > "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signlibrary" > }, > "500" : { > "//description" : "This water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", > "//name" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Water Feature", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "501" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane.", > "//name" : "redcandycane1", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redcandycane1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "502" : { > "//description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", > "//name" : "drillmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", > "imagePositionX" : "-88", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drillmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "503" : { > "//description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", > "//name" : "drillmachine_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drillmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "504" : { > "//description" : "A log, smoothed for sitting on.", > "//name" : "plantlog", > "//shortdescription" : "Sitting Log", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantlog", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "505" : { > "//description" : "A very large shipping container.", > "//name" : "shippingcontainer", > "//shortdescription" : "Shipping Container", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shippingcontainer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "506" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "escaperadar", > "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "escaperadar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "507" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "escaperadar_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "escaperadar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "508" : { > "//description" : "A small monitor. But what does it display?", > "//name" : "outpostsmallmonitor", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Small Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "outpostsmallmonitor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "509" : { > "//description" : "Large logs arranged as a construction staging platform.", > "//name" : "plantplatform2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Staging", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantplatform2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", > "//name" : "signlibrary_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signlibrary" > }, > "510" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane. It's crooked.", > "//name" : "redcandycane2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redcandycane2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "511" : { > "//description" : "A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.", > "//name" : "zenrock1", > "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "zenrock1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "512" : { > "//description" : "This is just an electrical fire waiting to happen.", > "//name" : "bunkerwires", > "//shortdescription" : "Wires", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerwires", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "513" : { > "//description" : "A pale stone altar, undecorated.", > "//name" : "altar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "514" : { > "//description" : "This painting seems to illustrate how to build a fire.", > "//name" : "floranpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Fire Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpainting1" > }, > "515" : { > "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", > "//name" : "woodsupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "516" : { > "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", > "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "517" : { > "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", > "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "518" : { > "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", > "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "519" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. Won't stab you... probably.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatuefloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatuefloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "There's nothing of interest on this shelf.", > "//name" : "apexcoolshelf1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Empty Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolshelf1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "520" : { > "//description" : "A board game, with a cardboard castle and game pieces.", > "//name" : "fantasyboardgame", > "//shortdescription" : "Fantasy Board Game", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fantasyboardgame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "521" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "522" : { > "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", > "//name" : "signarmorshop", > "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signarmorshop" > }, > "523" : { > "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", > "//name" : "signarmorshop_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signarmorshop" > }, > "524" : { > "//description" : "Zero marker.", > "//name" : "number0", > "//shortdescription" : "Zero", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number0" > }, > "525" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "526" : { > "//description" : "Intercoms are often used to broadcast messages...or receive them.", > "//name" : "apexspeaker", > "//shortdescription" : "Announcement Intercom", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexspeaker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "527" : { > "//description" : "USCM, huh? I wouldn't wanna be one of their prisoners.", > "//name" : "prisonstonesign", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonstonesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "528" : { > "//description" : "A poster displaying Numi, mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", > "//name" : "numiposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Numi Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "numiposter" > }, > "529" : { > "//description" : "Two marker.", > "//name" : "number2", > "//shortdescription" : "Two", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number2" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "530" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle4", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "531" : { > "//description" : "Yarrrr, me hearties!", > "//name" : "shipwheel", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Ship Wheel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipwheel", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "532" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble11", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "533" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble52", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "534" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple21", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "535" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple41", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "536" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple42", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "537" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "ancientconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "538" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "ancientconsole_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "539" : { > "//description" : "A royal chalice, for filling a royal mouth with royal beverages.", > "//name" : "royalchalice", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chalice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalchalice", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "540" : { > "//description" : "An impossibly old message.", > "//name" : "ancientplaque1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ancientplaque1" > }, > "541" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram2" > }, > "542" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram3" > }, > "543" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a galaxy.", > "//name" : "hologramgalaxy", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hologramgalaxy" > }, > "544" : { > "//description" : "A Floran's idea of abstract art.", > "//name" : "floranpainting5", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Abstract Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting5" > }, > "545" : { > "//description" : "An exotic-looking cactus in a flower pot.", > "//name" : "cactiflowerpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Cactus Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cactiflowerpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "546" : { > "//description" : "A fiery-looking flower in a pot.", > "//name" : "fireflowerpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Fiery Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fireflowerpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "547" : { > "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", > "//name" : "prisonmirror2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Mirror", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonmirror2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "548" : { > "//description" : "A peaceful stone fountain. The water gently flows.", > "//name" : "fountain2", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fountain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "549" : { > "//description" : "A huge snowflake decoration.", > "//name" : "giantsnowflake", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Snowflake", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "giantsnowflake", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "550" : { > "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", > "//name" : "prisongratev", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Metal Grates", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongratev", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "551" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting a ceremony.", > "//name" : "caveart3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ceremonial Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "552" : { > "//description" : "I should probably go that way.", > "//name" : "arrowsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Arrow Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arrowsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "553" : { > "//description" : "Ouch! I shouldn't get too close to that.", > "//name" : "barbedwire", > "//shortdescription" : "Barbed Wire", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barbedwire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "554" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting an unidentified subject.", > "//name" : "caveart4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "caveart4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "555" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting an unidentified subject.", > "//name" : "caveart4_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "556" : { > "//description" : "There's nothing on. Every channel just displays a picture of Big Ape.", > "//name" : "apextv", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "557" : { > "//description" : "Simple, but elegant. Plaques like this bring some real class to a place.", > "//name" : "markerwallplaque1", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "markerwallplaque1" > }, > "558" : { > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", > "//name" : "prisoncorner", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisoncorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "559" : { > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", > "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisoncorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "560" : { > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", > "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisoncorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "561" : { > "//description" : "A revolting pile of poop. The stench is foul!", > "//name" : "poop", > "//shortdescription" : "Poop", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "poop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "562" : { > "//description" : "A set of three TV monitors facing in different directions.'", > "//name" : "bunkertv2", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Television Monitors", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkertv2" > }, > "563" : { > "//description" : "Hollow bamboo strung together to make a wind chime.", > "//name" : "windchime", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Wind Chime", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "windchime", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "564" : { > "//description" : "A wheelbarrow for transporting goods.", > "//name" : "wheelbarrow", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheelbarrow", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wheelbarrow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "565" : { > "//description" : "A small snowflake decoration.", > "//name" : "smallsnowflake", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowflake", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "smallsnowflake", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "566" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a server. I wonder what kind of games could be hosted on that.", > "//name" : "apexcoolserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Server", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "567" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", > "//name" : "wrecksupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "568" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", > "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "569" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", > "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "Is that an Avian... or a chicken?", > "//name" : "windchicken", > "//shortdescription" : "Weathervane", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "windchicken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "570" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", > "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "571" : { > "//description" : "A couple of wrecked turbines caked in dust.", > "//name" : "wreckturbines", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbines", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckturbines", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "572" : { > "//description" : "A screen for modest individuals to hide behind while getting changed.", > "//name" : "hylotlshojiscreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshojiscreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "573" : { > "//description" : "Nine marker.", > "//name" : "number9", > "//shortdescription" : "Nine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number9" > }, > "574" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how heavy it is.", > "//name" : "ballandchain", > "//shortdescription" : "Ball and Chain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ballandchain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "575" : { > "//description" : "A chequered flag bearing an emblem.", > "//name" : "battlestandard", > "//shortdescription" : "Battle Standard", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "battlestandard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "576" : { > "//description" : "An ordinary burlap sack.", > "//name" : "burlapsack", > "//shortdescription" : "Burlap Sack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "burlapsack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "577" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", > "//name" : "tombstatueavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstatueavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "578" : { > "//description" : "A rack full of fairly dull iron swords.", > "//name" : "medievalweaponrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Weapon Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalweaponrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "579" : { > "//description" : "A neat bale of hay, ready for stacking.", > "//name" : "haystack", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Stack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "haystack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane. It's crooked.", > "//name" : "greencandycane3", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greencandycane3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "580" : { > "//description" : "There's a hole in this bucket.", > "//name" : "medievalbucket", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bucket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbucket" > }, > "581" : { > "//description" : "A small clock with a pendulum. It ticks and tocks but the hands never move.", > "//name" : "medievalclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "medievalclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "582" : { > "//description" : "A flagpole fit for topping any building.", > "//name" : "medievalflagpole", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Flagpole", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalflagpole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "583" : { > "//description" : "A pedestal for putting your treasures on display.", > "//name" : "medievalpedestal", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Pedestal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalpedestal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "584" : { > "//description" : "A plate. It's gathering dust here.", > "//name" : "medievalplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalplate" > }, > "585" : { > "//description" : "These display swords could be dangerous in the wrong hands.", > "//name" : "medievalsworddisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Sword Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "medievalsworddisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "586" : { > "//description" : "A ornate obsidian bookcase.", > "//name" : "obsidianbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Obsidian Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "obsidianbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "587" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root3", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "root3" > }, > "588" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone looks as if it's about to fall over.", > "//name" : "tombstone9", > "//shortdescription" : "Unstable Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "589" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "This guy seems... wise.", > "//name" : "mask5", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Wiseman Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask5" > }, > "590" : { > "//description" : "It's a painting of a great big wave.", > "//name" : "hylotlpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wave Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlpainting1" > }, > "591" : { > "//description" : "A handy power generator.", > "//name" : "outpostgenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostgenerator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "592" : { > "//description" : "A tank filled with an unknown substance. Probably very lethal.", > "//name" : "sewertank", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sewertank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "593" : { > "//description" : "The huge speakers pump out loud dance music.", > "//name" : "clubdecks", > "//shortdescription" : "Club Decks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubdecks", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "594" : { > "//description" : "A busted UFO.", > "//name" : "UFOprop", > "//shortdescription" : "UFO Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "UFOprop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "595" : { > "//description" : "A fuzzy red stocking. A little too big for anyone's foot.", > "//name" : "stocking1", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Stocking", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stocking1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "596" : { > "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", > "//name" : "signforge", > "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signforge" > }, > "597" : { > "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", > "//name" : "signforge_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signforge" > }, > "598" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", > "//name" : "signinn", > "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signinn" > }, > "599" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", > "//name" : "signinn_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signinn" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. Unsurprisingly, many of the weapons are gone.", > "//name" : "huntingweaponrack1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Weapon Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingweaponrack1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran holding a spear menacingly.", > "//name" : "huntingstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "600" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble32", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "601" : { > "//description" : "Three marker.", > "//name" : "number3", > "//shortdescription" : "Three", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number3" > }, > "602" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle5", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "603" : { > "//description" : "A table with a studded gem motif resembling the three eyes of the Hylotl.", > "//name" : "hylotltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "604" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "floranshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranshiplockerTier0" > }, > "605" : { > "//description" : "Poor dummy, I'll name him Freddie!", > "//name" : "targetdummy", > "//shortdescription" : "Target Dummy", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "targetdummy", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "606" : { > "//description" : "A golden pedestal for something special.", > "//name" : "goldenpedestal", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Pedestal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenpedestal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "607" : { > "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", > "//name" : "goldvase2", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "608" : { > "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", > "//name" : "goldvase2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "609" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red bow.", > "//name" : "giantbow2", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiny Red Bow", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "giantbow2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A graffiti sign.", > "//name" : "turnback", > "//shortdescription" : "turnback", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "turnback", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "610" : { > "//description" : "A terminal. Useful, probably.", > "//name" : "outpostterminal", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Terminal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostterminal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "611" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a mushroom.", > "//name" : "shroomstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "612" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red bow.", > "//name" : "giantbow1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Bow", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "giantbow1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "613" : { > "//description" : "A red ball adorned with a big white star! These are popular as holiday ornaments.", > "//name" : "redball", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Ball Holiday Ornament", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redball", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "614" : { > "//description" : "A questionably cute plushie of a Mindwurm.", > "//name" : "mindwurmplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Mindwurm Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mindwurmplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "615" : { > "//description" : "A giant, delicious red gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "redgumdrop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Red Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redgumdrop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "616" : { > "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane.", > "//name" : "greencandycane1", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greencandycane1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "617" : { > "//description" : "A television! I don't think this has worked for a long time.", > "//name" : "basictv", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Television", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basictv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "618" : { > "//description" : "A screen with a pie chart representing budget statistics.", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay2", > "//shortdescription" : "Statistical Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "619" : { > "//description" : "That's no moon...", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay4", > "//shortdescription" : "Anomalous Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "This vent clangs as air whistles through.", > "//name" : "vent", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vent" > }, > "620" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "hylotltechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotltechstationTier0" > }, > "621" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "florantechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florantechstationTier0" > }, > "622" : { > "//description" : "Someone couldn't count to 25.", > "//name" : "chalktally", > "//shortdescription" : "Tally Marks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "chalktally" > }, > "623" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "hylotlshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "624" : { > "//description" : "The sign says \"DANGER\". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", > "//name" : "dangersignv", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Danger Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "dangersignv" > }, > "625" : { > "//description" : "This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", > "//name" : "hazardtapev", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Hazard Tape", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hazardtapev" > }, > "626" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "627" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "628" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "629" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "No chance of this thing starting up.", > "//name" : "wreckconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "630" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "631" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "632" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "633" : { > "//description" : "An Avian banner woven with expensive silk.", > "//name" : "avianbanner1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Colourful Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "avianbanner1" > }, > "634" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a decorative lily pad.", > "//name" : "hylotllilypad", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Lily Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotllilypad", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "635" : { > "//description" : "This mask looks angry.", > "//name" : "mask3", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Alien Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask3" > }, > "636" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of William Glitchspeare.", > "//name" : "glitchspeare", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitchspeare Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "glitchspeare" > }, > "637" : { > "//description" : "Graffiti reading \"turn back\". Chances of it being adhered to: zero.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti6", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongraffiti6" > }, > "638" : { > "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", > "//name" : "prisonmirror1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Broken Mirror", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonmirror1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "639" : { > "//description" : "Inmate #2162's Study Group for Criminals Who Can't Read Good", > "//name" : "prisonpaper3", > "//shortdescription" : "Event Memo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonpaper3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "640" : { > "//description" : "A warning sign showing falling rocks.", > "//name" : "fallingrocksmodern", > "//shortdescription" : "Falling Rocks Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fallingrocksmodern" > }, > "641" : { > "//description" : "Used to trap tanks.", > "//name" : "tanktrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Tank Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tanktrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "642" : { > "//description" : "An orange neon sign displaying what seems to be Big Ape.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign1o", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Apex Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsign1o" > }, > "643" : { > "//description" : "A barrel of sewage. Almost certainly toxic.", > "//name" : "sewagebarrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewage Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sewagebarrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "644" : { > "//description" : "A fence fashioned out of heavy metal pipes.", > "//name" : "prisonpipefence", > "//shortdescription" : "Pipe Fence", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonpipefence" > }, > "645" : { > "//description" : "A white pawn from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chesspawn", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Pawn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chesspawn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "646" : { > "//description" : "An empty aquarium. How lonely.", > "//name" : "apexaquarium2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Wooden Aquarium", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexaquarium2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "647" : { > "//description" : "Ooh, what should I get?", > "//name" : "vendingmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vendingmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "648" : { > "//description" : "A white bishop from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessbishop", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Bishop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessbishop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "649" : { > "//description" : "The machine runs a game called 'Psychedelic Rodeo Melee'.", > "//name" : "arcadeblue", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadeblue", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "650" : { > "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", > "//name" : "arcadedance", > "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadedance", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "651" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Stylish Thief Wasteland'.", > "//name" : "arcadegreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadegreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "652" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Cool Wizard Island'.", > "//name" : "arcadered", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadered", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "653" : { > "//description" : "A master work of craftsmanship. Beautiful.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "654" : { > "//description" : "Acceptable whether you're wearing sweatpants and a beanie or pantaloons.", > "//name" : "cider", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Fruit Drink", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cider", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "655" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "glitchtechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchtechstationTier0" > }, > "656" : { > "//description" : "An arcade sign. There's probably an arcade nearby.", > "//name" : "arcadesign", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "arcadesign" > }, > "657" : { > "//description" : "An old input panel .One of the keys has fallen off.", > "//name" : "wreckpanel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckpanel1" > }, > "658" : { > "//description" : "Bad Goo Plushie. A cuddly goo doll.", > "//name" : "badgooplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Bad Goo Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "badgooplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "659" : { > "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright blue emblem.", > "//name" : "hylotlsymbolb", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Symbol", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsymbolb" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "660" : { > "//description" : "Colourful ceiling lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglights", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "661" : { > "//description" : "A large club speaker.", > "//name" : "clubspeaker", > "//shortdescription" : "Club Speaker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubspeaker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "662" : { > "//description" : "Gorgeous, vibrant feathers arranged like flowers", > "//name" : "feathers1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Feather Bundle", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feathers1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "663" : { > "//description" : "A blue mailbox.", > "//name" : "hylotlmailbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Mailbox", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlmailbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "664" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster from the movie \"Fiery Blade Crusader\".", > "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Warrior Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlmovieposter2" > }, > "665" : { > "//description" : "Bullseye!", > "//name" : "target", > "//shortdescription" : "Target", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "target", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "666" : { > "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", > "//name" : "hylotlshopsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshopsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "667" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "humantechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humantechstationTier0" > }, > "668" : { > "//description" : "A garbage bin.", > "//name" : "hylotltrashcan", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltrashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "669" : { > "//description" : "It's a trough for feeding livestock.", > "//name" : "trough", > "//shortdescription" : "Trough", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trough", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "670" : { > "//description" : "I'd better do what they say... ha!", > "//name" : "apexobeysign", > "//shortdescription" : "Obey Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexobeysign" > }, > "671" : { > "//description" : "It's a warning to anyone who cares to read it.", > "//name" : "hylotlwarningposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Warning Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlwarningposter" > }, > "672" : { > "//description" : "A plushie of Numi, the mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon of the same name.", > "//name" : "numiplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Numi Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "numiplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "673" : { > "//description" : "A sign that reads \"Danger!\". It couldn't really send a clearer message.", > "//name" : "reddangersign", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Danger Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "reddangersign" > }, > "674" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "returnconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "returnconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "675" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "returnconsole_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "returnconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "676" : { > "//description" : "A neon \"open\" sign.", > "//name" : "opensign", > "//shortdescription" : "Neon Open Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "opensign" > }, > "677" : { > "//description" : "A railing held together with bones.", > "//name" : "huntingrail1", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Bone Railing", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingrail1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "678" : { > "//description" : "A golden ball. These are popular as holiday ornaments.", > "//name" : "goldball", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Ball Holiday Ornament", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldball", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "679" : { > "//description" : "A white queen from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessqueen", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Queen", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessqueen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "680" : { > "//description" : "A clock in the shape of a lily pad.", > "//name" : "hylotllilyclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Lily Pad Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllilyclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "681" : { > "//description" : "It's a copy of an old, famous painting.", > "//name" : "hylotlpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Mountain Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlpainting2" > }, > "682" : { > "//description" : "A study small Floran prison cage made from wood.", > "//name" : "plantcage2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcage2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "683" : { > "//description" : "A decorative wooden post with a lantern in it.", > "//name" : "hylotlpost", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wooden Post", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlpost", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "684" : { > "//description" : "A blue neon sign decorated with a seashell.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign1b", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Shell Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsign1b" > }, > "685" : { > "//description" : "It looks like the word 'croak', but apparently it means something completely different.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign2o", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlsign2o" > }, > "686" : { > "//name" : "testconsole1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "687" : { > "//description" : "A finely carved plaque with a skull on display.", > "//name" : "huntingtrophy2", > "//shortdescription" : "Shield Mounted Skull", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "huntingtrophy2" > }, > "688" : { > "//description" : "This pelt serves as a Floran hunter's trophy.", > "//name" : "floranpelt2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Black Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpelt2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "689" : { > "//description" : "The sign says, \"Mess Hall\".", > "//name" : "prisonsign2", > "//shortdescription" : "Mess Hall Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsign2" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "Don't do it!", > "//name" : "apexdonotenter", > "//shortdescription" : "Do Not Enter Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexdonotenter" > }, > "690" : { > "//description" : "This Avian server must contain a vast amount of data.", > "//name" : "tribalserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Server", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "691" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum1", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "692" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "693" : { > "//description" : "Dripping Basic Bath", > "//name" : "basicbathdripping", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Basic Bath", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basicbathdripping", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "694" : { > "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", > "//name" : "tombstone2", > "//shortdescription" : "Embossed Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "695" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a flower, important to the Floran.", > "//name" : "flowerstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Flower Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "696" : { > "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root6", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "root6" > }, > "697" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram4" > }, > "698" : { > "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", > "//name" : "plantrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "699" : { > "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", > "//name" : "plantrack_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A space heater!", > "//name" : "bunkerheater1", > "//shortdescription" : "Space Heater", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerheater1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A white king from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessking", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone King", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessking", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "700" : { > "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", > "//name" : "plantrack_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "701" : { > "//description" : "A brain in a jar, daydreaming.", > "//name" : "apexbrainjar", > "//shortdescription" : "Brain in a Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbrainjar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "702" : { > "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", > "//name" : "floranceilingbones1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Bone Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranceilingbones1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "703" : { > "//description" : "A pair of stocks. A medieval method of punishment.", > "//name" : "medievalstock", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Stocks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalstock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "704" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'pond'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy5", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Pond\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy5" > }, > "705" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple53", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "706" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone Glitch. It's not sentient.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatueglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatueglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "707" : { > "//description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty delicacy.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign3g", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Pod Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlsign3g" > }, > "708" : { > "//description" : "What does USCM stand for, again? Oh - United Systems Colonial Marines.", > "//name" : "marinesign", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "marinesign" > }, > "709" : { > "//name" : "testconsole2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "71" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple31", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "710" : { > "//description" : "A painting of two rainbows. A double rainbow.", > "//name" : "rainbowpainting", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "rainbowpainting", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "711" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Hylotl. Has the Innsmouth Look.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatuehylotl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatuehylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "712" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "apexshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexshiplockerTier0" > }, > "713" : { > "//description" : "A very flattering painting of Big Ape, Glorious Beloved Leader of the Apex.", > "//name" : "apexpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glorious Leader Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting1" > }, > "714" : { > "//description" : "A big fancy gong. It's covered in carvings.", > "//name" : "birdgong2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Avian Gong", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdgong2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "715" : { > "//description" : "It's just a wall panel.", > "//name" : "apexwoodpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wall Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexwoodpanel" > }, > "716" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'croak'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Croak\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy2" > }, > "717" : { > "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. The feather suggests it was for someone important.", > "//name" : "sarcoavian2", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Avian Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcoavian2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "718" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root1", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "root1" > }, > "719" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root2", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "root2" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A rack of 3 unidentified bones.", > "//name" : "floranbonerack", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonerack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "720" : { > "//description" : "An antenna. These are typically used to boost communication signals.", > "//name" : "antenna", > "//shortdescription" : "Antenna", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "antenna", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "721" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting some hunters.", > "//name" : "caveart2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunter Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "722" : { > "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "drip2", > "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drip2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "723" : { > "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "drip2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drip2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "724" : { > "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "drip2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drip2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "725" : { > "//description" : "A drill-mounted console.", > "//name" : "drillconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drillconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "726" : { > "//description" : "A metal sign that says \"HAZARD!\"", > "//name" : "mininghazardsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hazard Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mininghazardsign" > }, > "727" : { > "//description" : "A large metal Skip full of rubble.", > "//name" : "miningskip", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Skip", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningskip", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "728" : { > "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", > "//name" : "salesign", > "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "salesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "729" : { > "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", > "//name" : "salesign_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "salesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A broken tank.", > "//name" : "brokentank", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brokentank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "730" : { > "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", > "//name" : "salesign_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "salesign" > }, > "731" : { > "//description" : "The sign indicates something medicine-related in the vicinity.", > "//name" : "apexmedsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Medical Bay Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexmedsign" > }, > "732" : { > "//description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", > "//name" : "bunkerdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "733" : { > "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root7", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "root7" > }, > "734" : { > "//description" : "A touch-screen console with all sorts of fun buttons.", > "//name" : "hylotlconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "735" : { > "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root8", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "root8" > }, > "736" : { > "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root9", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "root9" > }, > "737" : { > "//description" : "A fire extinquisher. Not for fun and games.", > "//name" : "fireextinguisher", > "//shortdescription" : "Fire Extinguisher", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fireextinguisher", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "738" : { > "//description" : "Seven marker.", > "//name" : "number7", > "//shortdescription" : "Seven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number7" > }, > "739" : { > "//description" : "This place is selling counterfeit ship licenses.", > "//name" : "penguinbay", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bay", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbay", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "Some rusty old vehicle, broken beyond repair.", > "//name" : "recreationalvehicle", > "//shortdescription" : "Recreational Vehicle", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "recreationalvehicle", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "740" : { > "//description" : "I think Big Ape is watching...", > "//name" : "apexhdtv", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape HDTV", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "apexhdtv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "741" : { > "//description" : "A vent.", > "//name" : "roofvent", > "//shortdescription" : "Roof Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "roofvent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "742" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "techstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "techstationTier0" > }, > "743" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "aviantechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "aviantechstation" > }, > "744" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "aviantechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "aviantechstationTier0" > }, > "745" : { > "//description" : "The words \"get out\" have been written in blood. You can tell the writer was serious.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti7", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisongraffiti7" > }, > "746" : { > "//description" : "A small lily pad decoration.", > "//name" : "hylotllilydeco1", > "//shortdescription" : "Little Lily Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllilydeco1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "747" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "avianteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianteleporterTier0" > }, > "748" : { > "//description" : "The screen sends out an ominous flickering light.", > "//name" : "wrecktv", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wrecktv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "749" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple13", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "75" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble12", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "750" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "glitchtechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchtechstation" > }, > "751" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "humanshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humanshiplockerTier0" > }, > "752" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'ribbit'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Ribbit\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy1" > }, > "753" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "novakidshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidshiplockerTier0" > }, > "754" : { > "//description" : "A slim gold vase.", > "//name" : "goldvase4", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "755" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "novakidteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidteleporterTier0" > }, > "756" : { > "//description" : "A stone structure perfect for alien zen gardens.", > "//name" : "zenrock2", > "//shortdescription" : "Zen Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "zenrock2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "757" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane. It's broken.", > "//name" : "redcandycane3", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redcandycane3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "758" : { > "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", > "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "759" : { > "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", > "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "The display shows a round central room branching off into several hallways.", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Blueprint Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "760" : { > "//description" : "A sunflower who's just looking for the sun.", > "//name" : "movingsunflower", > "//shortdescription" : "Moving Sunflower", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "movingsunflower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "761" : { > "//description" : "Like a snowman, but sticky.", > "//name" : "tarman", > "//shortdescription" : "Tarman", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "762" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting a ceremony.", > "//name" : "caveart3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ceremonial Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "763" : { > "//description" : "Used to trap tanks.", > "//name" : "tanktrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tank Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tanktrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "764" : { > "//description" : "A security console. For keeping things secure.", > "//name" : "outpostsecurityconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Security Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostsecurityconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "765" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious doorway leading into an unknown dimension. What could possibly go wrong?", > "//name" : "challengedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "challengedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "766" : { > "//description" : "I sure hope this door will take me back to reality!", > "//name" : "challengereturndoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "challengereturndoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "767" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", > "//name" : "huntingchampionstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Champion Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingchampionstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "768" : { > "//description" : "It's a common emblem for the Hylotl. Three crystals representing their three eyes...", > "//name" : "hylotlemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "769" : { > "//description" : "A small bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Small Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "librarybookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "glitchshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "770" : { > "//description" : "A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.", > "//name" : "neonhylotlhead_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Neon Hylotl Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "neonhylotlhead", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "771" : { > "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", > "//name" : "hylotlshopsign_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshopsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "772" : { > "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", > "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "773" : { > "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", > "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "774" : { > "//description" : "A nice tree.", > "//name" : "treeprop3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tree Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treeprop3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "775" : { > "//description" : "A nice tree.", > "//name" : "treeprop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tree Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treeprop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "776" : { > "//description" : "A nice tree.", > "//name" : "treeprop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tree Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treeprop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "777" : { > "//description" : "A bush from an ocean planet.", > "//name" : "bushprop3", > "//shortdescription" : "Bush Prop 3", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bushprop3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "778" : { > "//description" : "A bush from an ocean planet.", > "//name" : "bushprop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bush Prop 1", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bushprop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "779" : { > "//description" : "A bush from an ocean planet.", > "//name" : "bushprop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bush Prop 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bushprop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "This cool computer is making a lot of 'beep boop boop beep' noises.", > "//name" : "apexcoolcomputer", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolcomputer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "780" : { > "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "781" : { > "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmall_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "782" : { > "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmall_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "783" : { > "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase full of books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "784" : { > "//description" : "A large antique bookcase.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseG2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "785" : { > "//description" : "A big antique bookcase.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseL2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "786" : { > "//description" : "An ornately carved bookcase.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseS1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "787" : { > "//description" : "A quill and ink.", > "//name" : "quillandink", > "//shortdescription" : "Quill and Ink", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "quillandink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "788" : { > "//description" : "A classic style desk.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "789" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute.", > "//name" : "medievalarmor", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "790" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight" > }, > "791" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight" > }, > "792" : { > "//description" : "An old calligraphy painting depicting an early Hylotl warrior.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Warrior Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlclassicpainting1" > }, > "793" : { > "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "794" : { > "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "795" : { > "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "796" : { > "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing Apex figures.", > "//name" : "paintingcreationofapepixel", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Big Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingcreationofapepixel" > }, > "797" : { > "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming figure.", > "//name" : "paintingscream", > "//shortdescription" : "Screaming Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingscream" > }, > "798" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", > "//name" : "paintingbirthofapevenus", > "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingbirthofapevenus" > }, > "799" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", > "//name" : "paintingbirthofvenus", > "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingbirthofvenus" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "Small ocean creatures swim within this sign.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign3b", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlsign3b" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A tiny wall light.", > "//name" : "underwaterlightsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "underwaterlightsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "800" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex couple.", > "//name" : "paintingapegothic", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapegothic" > }, > "801" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a woman with an earring.", > "//name" : "paintingpearlearring", > "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "paintingpearlearring" > }, > "802" : { > "//description" : "A tiny wall light. It's broken.", > "//name" : "underwaterlightsmallbroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "underwaterlightsmallbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "803" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex with an earring.", > "//name" : "paintingapexpearlearring", > "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "paintingapexpearlearring" > }, > "804" : { > "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming Apex.", > "//name" : "paintingapescream", > "//shortdescription" : "Howler Monkey Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapescream" > }, > "805" : { > "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing figures.", > "//name" : "paintingcreationofpixel", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingcreationofpixel" > }, > "806" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner1", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Top", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner1" > }, > "807" : { > "//description" : "A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.", > "//name" : "hylotlplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Fake Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlplant1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "808" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Bottom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner3" > }, > "809" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner2" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", > "//name" : "florancurtain", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florancurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "810" : { > "//description" : "A gigantic bookcase filled with books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "811" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "combinationprop", > "//shortdescription" : "Combination Lock Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "combinationprop" > }, > "812" : { > "//description" : "A quiet painting of an Apex with a pet.", > "//name" : "paintingapexwithermine", > "//shortdescription" : "Pet Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapexwithermine" > }, > "813" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner2b", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid Symbol", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner2b" > }, > "814" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "815" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "816" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "817" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "818" : { > "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghylotl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "819" : { > "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghylotl_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", > "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florancurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "820" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "821" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "822" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "823" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "824" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "825" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "826" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "827" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "828" : { > "//description" : "A ornate bookcase with missing books", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-72", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "829" : { > "//description" : "This used to be the classiest curtain. Now it's a bit tattered.", > "//name" : "classicbannertattered", > "//shortdescription" : "Tattered Classic Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbannertattered" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", > "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florancurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "830" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "831" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "832" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "833" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "834" : { > "//description" : "A large bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-184", > "object" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "835" : { > "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-120", > "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "836" : { > "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "-120", > "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "837" : { > "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", > "//name" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy", > "//shortdescription" : "Studies in Female Hylotlgy", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy" > }, > "838" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", > "//name" : "tombstatueavian_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstatueavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "839" : { > "//description" : "A very famous self-portrait of a very famous Hylotl artist.", > "//name" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu", > "//shortdescription" : "Self-Portrait of Hylotl-Shu", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "There is no need to be upset.", > "//name" : "bunkerposter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Calming Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerposter2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "840" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the wild and destructive element of fire.", > "//name" : "fireemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Fire Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "fireemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "841" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the strong and resilient element of earth.", > "//name" : "earthemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Earth Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "earthemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "842" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the tranquil and life-bringing element of water.", > "//name" : "wateremblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Water Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wateremblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "843" : { > "//name" : "windemblem", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "844" : { > "//name" : "hylotlspeaker", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "845" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the free and flowing element of air.", > "//name" : "airemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Air Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "airemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "846" : { > "//description" : "An old radio, it still plays music.", > "//name" : "hylotlradio", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Radio", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlradio", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "847" : { > "//description" : "Floor marker.", > "//name" : "floor", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floor" > }, > "848" : { > "//description" : "Floop marker.", > "//name" : "floop", > "//shortdescription" : "Floop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floop" > }, > "849" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb1", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "strangeweb1" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A small geyser wrapped in growing vines.", > "//name" : "plantgeyser2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantgeyser2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "850" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb2", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "strangeweb2" > }, > "851" : { > "//name" : "penguinplush", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "852" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb3", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "strangeweb3" > }, > "853" : { > "//description" : "A huge stone tentacle", > "//name" : "largetentacleprop", > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Tentacle Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "largetentacleprop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "854" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb4", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "-88", > "object" : "strangeweb4" > }, > "855" : { > "//description" : "A stepladder.", > "//name" : "stepladder", > "//shortdescription" : "Stepladder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stepladder", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "856" : { > "//description" : "A huge stone tentacle", > "//name" : "largetentacleprop_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Tentacle Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "largetentacleprop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "857" : { > "//description" : "A temporary prop.", > "//name" : "ancientprop", > "//shortdescription" : "TODO - Ancient Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientprop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "858" : { > "//description" : "Tenth Study in Female Hylotlgy", > "//name" : "tenstudiesplaque", > "//shortdescription" : "Nameplate", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tenstudiesplaque" > }, > "859" : { > "//description" : "A machine that hobbyist travellers use to record geological information.", > "//name" : "travellersbeacon", > "//shortdescription" : "Traveller's Meter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "travellersbeacon" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A thick woven banner depicting a crescent moon.", > "//name" : "avianbanner2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lunar Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "avianbanner2" > }, > "860" : { > "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", > "//name" : "saloonpiano", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "861" : { > "//description" : "Eughh.", > "//name" : "saloonspittoon", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Spittoon", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonspittoon", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "862" : { > "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", > "//name" : "saloonpiano_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "863" : { > "//description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that is the symbol of knowledge.", > "//name" : "alpacaknowledgerune", > "//shortdescription" : "Alpaca Knowledge Rune", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alpacaknowledgerune" > }, > "864" : { > "//description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that is the symbol of ruin.", > "//name" : "alpacaruinrune", > "//shortdescription" : "Alpaca Ruin Rune", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alpacaruinrune" > }, > "865" : { > "//description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that is the symbol of personal growth.", > "//name" : "alpacagrowthrune", > "//shortdescription" : "Alpaca Growth Rune", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alpacagrowthrune" > }, > "866" : { > "//description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that is the symbol of life.", > "//name" : "alpacaliferune", > "//shortdescription" : "Alpaca Life Rune", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alpacaliferune" > }, > "867" : { > "//description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that is the symbol of one's home.", > "//name" : "alpacahomerune", > "//shortdescription" : "Alpaca Home Rune", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alpacahomerune" > }, > "868" : { > "//description" : "An ancient alpaca rune that symbolises the basic component of life.", > "//name" : "alpacacomponentrune", > "//shortdescription" : "Alpaca Component Rune", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alpacacomponentrune" > }, > "869" : { > "//description" : "A device for monitoring seismic activity.", > "//name" : "seismograph", > "//shortdescription" : "Seismograph", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "seismograph" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A sign seeking Hylotl to collect spawn from the surface.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign3o", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Collector Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlsign3o" > }, > "870" : { > "//description" : "A large microscope, designed for observing potentially hazardous bacteria.", > "//name" : "hazardmicroscope", > "//shortdescription" : "Hazard Microscope", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hazardmicroscope", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "871" : { > "//description" : "A metal sign with a biohazard symbol.", > "//name" : "biohazardsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Biohazard Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "biohazardsign" > }, > "872" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Mazebound64'.", > "//name" : "fossilgame", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Game", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fossilgame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "873" : { > "//description" : "A critter in a jar, daydreaming.", > "//name" : "symbiotesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Symbiote in a Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "symbiotesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "874" : { > "//description" : "A rather adorable pink potted plant.", > "//name" : "splendidplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Splendid Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "splendidplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "875" : { > "//description" : "A particularly colourful potted plant.", > "//name" : "vibrantplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vibrantplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "876" : { > "//name" : "vibrantplant_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "877" : { > "//name" : "vibrantplant_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "878" : { > "//description" : "An explosive metal barrel. It looks dangerous.", > "//name" : "explosivebarrel", > "//shortdescription" : " Explosive Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "explosivebarrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "879" : { > "//description" : "He looks busy.", > "//name" : "shipyardwelding", > "//shortdescription" : "Welding Penguin", > "imagePositionX" : "-80", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipyardwelding", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "The stale air produces little more than a creak from this old fan.", > "//name" : "wreckfan", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Fan", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wreckfan" > }, > "880" : { > "//description" : "A shady looking captain.", > "//name" : "shipyardcaptain", > "//shortdescription" : "Shipyard Captain", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipyardcaptain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "881" : { > "//description" : "blood is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripblood1", > "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripblood1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "882" : { > "//description" : "blood is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripblood1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripblood1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "883" : { > "//description" : "blood is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripblood1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripblood1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "884" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Earth, the home world of humanity.", > "//name" : "earthmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Earth Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "earthmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "885" : { > "//description" : "A seaweed in a flower pot.", > "//name" : "seaweedpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Seaweed Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seaweedpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "886" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of an old Earth satellite.", > "//name" : "satellite", > "//shortdescription" : "Satellite Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "satellite", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "887" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol System's planet Venus.", > "//name" : "venusmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Venus Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "venusmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "888" : { > "//description" : "A conspicuous pair of antlers. What kind of creature did these belong to?", > "//name" : "cabinornament", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Antlers", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinornament", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "889" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's most distinctly ringed planet, Saturn.", > "//name" : "saturnmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Saturn Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "saturnmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple11", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "890" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's most distant planet, Neptune.", > "//name" : "neptunemodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Neptune Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "neptunemodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "891" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's red planet, Mars.", > "//name" : "marsmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Mars Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "marsmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "892" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol System's planet Uranus.", > "//name" : "uranusmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Uranus Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "uranusmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "893" : { > "//description" : "A box of fresh, crusty bread.", > "//name" : "baguettebox", > "//shortdescription" : "Box Of Bread", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "baguettebox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "894" : { > "//description" : "A nice kitchen shelf that keeps spices handy.", > "//name" : "kitchenshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "895" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's smallest planet, Mercury.", > "//name" : "mercurymodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Mercury Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "mercurymodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "896" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's largest planet, Jupiter.", > "//name" : "jupitermodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Jupiter Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "jupitermodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "897" : { > "//description" : "A television set made in a Retro-Futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifitv", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Television", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifitv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "898" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's dwarf planet, Pluto.", > "//name" : "plutomodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Pluto Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plutomodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "899" : { > "//description" : "A basket full of apples.", > "//name" : "applebasket", > "//shortdescription" : "Apple Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "applebasket", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "It's churning out sultry tunes from Big Ape's #1 album, 'Jungle Love'.", > "//name" : "apexrecordplayer", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Record Player", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexrecordplayer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "A computer. Probably quite a good one.", > "//name" : "outpostpc", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost PC", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostpc", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "900" : { > "//description" : "A wall mirror set in a coral frame.", > "//name" : "coralmirror", > "//shortdescription" : "Coral Mirror", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "coralmirror", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "901" : { > "//description" : "An old wooden carved globe.", > "//name" : "steampunkglobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Globe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkglobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "902" : { > "//description" : "A bubbling cauldron, big enough that you could fit a whole person inside it.", > "//name" : "spookycauldron", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Cauldron", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookycauldron", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "903" : { > "//description" : "An old grandfather clock, topped with a creepy bat carving.", > "//name" : "spookyclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookyclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "904" : { > "//description" : "A set of shelves hung with pipes.", > "//name" : "steampunkshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "905" : { > "//description" : "A set of shelves hung with pipes.", > "//name" : "steampunkshelf_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "906" : { > "//description" : "A wall shelf made from copper.", > "//name" : "coppershelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Wall Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppershelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "907" : { > "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", > "//name" : "coppersupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppersupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "908" : { > "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", > "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppersupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "909" : { > "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", > "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppersupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs 'Screaming Fashion Agent'.", > "//name" : "arcadepurple", > "//shortdescription" : "Purple Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadepurple", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "910" : { > "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", > "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppersupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "911" : { > "//description" : "A sleek fountain. The water looks refreshing.", > "//name" : "outdoorfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "912" : { > "//description" : "A material dispensing pod.", > "//name" : "volcanopod", > "//shortdescription" : "Dispensing Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanopod", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "913" : { > "//name" : "glitchdungeonpod", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "914" : { > "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", > "//name" : "arcadedance_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadedance", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "915" : { > "//description" : "Many find the gentle ringing of wind chimes like these quite soothing.", > "//name" : "shadowchimes", > "//shortdescription" : "Wind Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "shadowchimes", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "916" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious flag marker. What kind of leather is that?", > "//name" : "shadowmarker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Marker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowmarker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "917" : { > "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", > "//name" : "shadowshrine", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowshrine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "918" : { > "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", > "//name" : "shadowshrine2", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowshrine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "919" : { > "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", > "//name" : "shadowshrine3", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowshrine3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "I wonder what fruit they sell on this planet.", > "//name" : "marketstall1", > "//shortdescription" : "Market Fruit Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "920" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe3", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "921" : { > "//description" : "A small rusty boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", > "//name" : "steamboiler1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Steam Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamboiler1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "922" : { > "//description" : "A long dented boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", > "//name" : "steamboiler2", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Steam Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamboiler2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "923" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "924" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe2", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "925" : { > "//description" : "A huge painted boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", > "//name" : "steamboiler3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Steam Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamboiler3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "926" : { > "//description" : "A nice steam powered large clock face.", > "//name" : "steamclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Steam Clock Face", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "steamclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "927" : { > "//description" : "A rusted gear half-buried in the ground.", > "//name" : "floorgear1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Gear", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floorgear1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "928" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock4", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "929" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock7", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram1" > }, > "930" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock6", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "931" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock8", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "932" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock5", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "933" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism. There appears to be something inside.", > "//name" : "prismrockhumanoid", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrockhumanoid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "934" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism. There appears to be something inside.", > "//name" : "prismrockpenguin", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrockpenguin", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "935" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism with runes engraved into it.", > "//name" : "prismrockrunes", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrockrunes", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "936" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "937" : { > "//description" : "A long dented boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", > "//name" : "steamboiler2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Steam Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamboiler2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "938" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "939" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "avianshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianshiplockerTier0" > }, > "940" : { > "//description" : "A grail! It might be holy.", > "//name" : "grail", > "//shortdescription" : "Grail", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "grail", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "941" : { > "//name" : "anglureAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "942" : { > "//name" : "bulbopAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "943" : { > "//name" : "adultpoptopAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "944" : { > "//name" : "fennixAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "945" : { > "//name" : "spookitAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "946" : { > "//name" : "nutmidgeAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "947" : { > "//name" : "paratailAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "948" : { > "//name" : "hypnareAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "949" : { > "//name" : "ringramAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state.", > "//name" : "hourglass", > "//shortdescription" : "Hourglass", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hourglass", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "950" : { > "//name" : "snagglerAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "951" : { > "//name" : "voltipAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "952" : { > "//name" : "pyromantleAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "953" : { > "//name" : "miasmopAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "954" : { > "//name" : "crabcanoAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "955" : { > "//name" : "yokatAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "956" : { > "//name" : "capricoatAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "957" : { > "//description" : "A display for a large diamond.", > "//name" : "diamonddisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamonddisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "958" : { > "//name" : "lumothAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "959" : { > "//name" : "mandrafloraAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "Large logs assembled as a construction platform.", > "//name" : "plantplatform1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Scaffolding", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantplatform1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "960" : { > "//name" : "orbideAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "961" : { > "//description" : "A tribute to GeorgeV! Developer Ultimate! ALL HAIL GEORGE!!!", > "//name" : "devstatuegeorge", > "//shortdescription" : "GeorgeV Dev Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "devstatuegeorge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "962" : { > "//name" : "bobotAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "963" : { > "//name" : "ignomeAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "964" : { > "//name" : "tinticAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "965" : { > "//name" : "triplodAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "966" : { > "//name" : "lilodonAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "967" : { > "//name" : "monopusAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "968" : { > "//name" : "gleapAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "969" : { > "//name" : "snauntAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", > "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "978" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "979" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "98" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlsupportbeam_orientation1.png" > }, > "980" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "981" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "982" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "983" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "984" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "985" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "986" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "987" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "988" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "989" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "99" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/featherybird.png" > }, > "990" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "991" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "992" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "993" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "994" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "995" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "996" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "997" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/quillandink_orientation1.png" > }, > "998" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bobfaeaf.png" > }, > "999" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/toumingoaf.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\door.json 10,921c10,921 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A cheaply made flood door.", < "//name" : "sewerflooddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Flood Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sewerflooddoor" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", < "//name" : "miningverticaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "miningverticaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "This door is beautifully crafted.", < "//name" : "classicbardoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Barred Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbardoor" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "A very sturdy wave door.", < "//name" : "wavedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Wave Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wavedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "A Geometric door. Sturdy!", < "//name" : "geometricdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricdoor" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "An impenetrable Executive door.", < "//name" : "executivedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "executivedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "A super-strong Opulent door.", < "//name" : "opulentdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "opulentdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "A manhole cover.", < "//name" : "manholedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Manhole Cover", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "manholedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "A trap door disguised as a metal platform.", < "//name" : "metallictrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Trap Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metallictrapdoor" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "A cleverly concealed entrance.", < "//name" : "secretdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "secretdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "A cleverly concealed entrance.", < "//name" : "secrettrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Trapdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secrettrapdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", < "//name" : "apexcooldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcooldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A rough sandstone door.", < "//name" : "sandstonedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "glitchshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A door made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonedoor" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A huge, intimidating door.", < "//name" : "largecastledoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Medieval Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largecastledoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "This massive iron portcullis closes with a thud.", < "//name" : "bardoor3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A tar door.", < "//name" : "tardoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tardoor" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with this dirt.", < "//name" : "dirttrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirt Trapdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "dirttrapdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "An alien plant door.", < "//name" : "aliendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "aliendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//name" : "tier6door", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A door of crossed blades. It looks like they can be withdrawn.", < "//name" : "irondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "irondoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A door covered in eyes. Don't blink.", < "//name" : "eyedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A door that's good under pressure.", < "//name" : "pressuredoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pressuredoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", < "//name" : "penguinbasedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "penguinbasedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A door made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reeddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reeddoor" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A door made from interlocking vines.", < "//name" : "plantdoor1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantdoor1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A retractable gate, made from a light wood.", < "//name" : "plantdoor2", < "//shortdescription" : "Retractable Wooden Gate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "plantdoor2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A door with a cheerful wreath on it.", < "//name" : "giantflowerdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A strong and secure door.", < "//name" : "castledoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castledoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "floranshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//name" : "tier7door", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "An inviting rainbow door.", < "//name" : "rainbowdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowdoor" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", < "//name" : "outpostslidingdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostslidingdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "humanshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humanshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A strong titanium door.", < "//name" : "tier3door", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3door" < }, < "34" : { < "//name" : "tier9door", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "avianshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy airlock door.", < "//name" : "airlockdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airlockdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A dungeon cell door, built to hold even the strongest prisoner.", < "//name" : "castledungeondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cell Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castledungeondoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", < "//name" : "apexslidingdoor2", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexslidingdoor2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A door made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwooddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwooddoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//name" : "tier5door", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Trapdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "This door is strong and sustainably sourced.", < "//name" : "bamboodoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bamboodoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A barrier composed of two coiling bars.", < "//name" : "celldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "celldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//name" : "tier8door", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A basic iron door.", < "//name" : "tier1door", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1door" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A cheaply made wooden door", < "//name" : "villagedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Village Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "villagedoor" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens upwards.", < "//name" : "bardoor2", < "//shortdescription" : "Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "novakidshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "It's some sort of electrical barrier. Looks dangerous...", < "//name" : "electricdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Electrical Barrier", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electricdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "Door goes up... Door goes down... Door goes up... Door goes down...", < "//name" : "slidingdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slidingdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A basic tungsten door.", < "//name" : "tier2door", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2door" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A manufactured wooden door.", < "//name" : "wooddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wooddoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", < "//name" : "apexslidingdoor1", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexslidingdoor1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A crude wooden door. Not very secure.", < "//name" : "woodendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A shoji screen door.", < "//name" : "hylotlshojidoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshojidoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "castlehiddendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castlehiddendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A door made of thick metal bars.", < "//name" : "prisondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Barred Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisondoor" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A crude wooden gate. Not very secure.", < "//name" : "woodengate", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Gate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodengate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "An industrial-looking metal door.", < "//name" : "miningdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Miner's Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "hylotlshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A rusty door. Looks like it should lead to a creepy basement.", < "//name" : "rustdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustdoor" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "This door is almost rusted shut.", < "//name" : "wreckdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", < "//name" : "outpostairlocklarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Airlock", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostairlocklarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A secure durasteel door.", < "//name" : "tier4door", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4door" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", < "//name" : "florandoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", < "//name" : "bunkerslidingdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerslidingdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", < "//name" : "bonedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", < "//name" : "bonedoor_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy door.", < "//name" : "fleshdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshdoor" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "An ice door. Don't grip the handle for too long.", < "//name" : "icedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A door made of mushrooms. It even has a cute mushroom handle.", < "//name" : "shroomdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", < "//name" : "huntingdoor1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingdoor1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A heavy golden door with crystals set into its surface.", < "//name" : "birddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Crystal Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birddoor" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "apexshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", < "//name" : "lunarbasedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", < "//name" : "lunarbasedoor_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully carved door.", < "//name" : "tribaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", < "//name" : "outpostairlock", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Airlock", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostairlock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//name" : "tier10door", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "76" : { < "//name" : "airlockdoor_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "77" : { < "//name" : "airlockdoor_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "templehiddendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "templehiddendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens inward.", < "//name" : "bardoor2sideways", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor2sideways", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "I wouldn't want to find myself locked behind these thick iron bars.", < "//name" : "bardoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bar Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "templehiddentrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Trapdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "templehiddentrapdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "ancienthiddenplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hidden Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancienthiddenplatform", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A beam of hard light creating a platform.", < "//name" : "ancientlightplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Light Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientlightplatform", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "An ancient-looking door.", < "//name" : "ancientdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "An ancient vertical hatch doorway.", < "//name" : "ancientverticaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientverticaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A swinging saloon door to keep those pesky tumbleweeds outside.", < "//name" : "saloondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "saloondoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A gloomy wooden door.", < "//name" : "gothicdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A portcullis made of solid durasteel.", < "//name" : "portcullis", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "portcullis", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "A sleek vertical doorway, perfect for secret labs.", < "//name" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy airlock hatch.", < "//name" : "airlockhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "airlockhatch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A classic banana-infused wood door with a gilded handle.", < "//name" : "classicdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden door, with a brass pipe frame.", < "//name" : "steamspringdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringdoor" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A smooth door made from a refractive glass.", < "//name" : "prismdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A sticky door made from organic hexagonal pods.", < "//name" : "hivedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "The Protectorate Academy door.", < "//name" : "protectoratedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Academy Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "A heavy metal door often used in foundries.", < "//name" : "foundrydoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrydoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A door carved from a cross section of a large geode.", < "//name" : "geodedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "I can't stand on this stone platform for long!", < "//name" : "templepressureplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Temple Pressure Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "templepressureplatform" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A force field which can only be passed through one way", < "//name" : "bossdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Force Field", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bossdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A very sturdy Serene door.", < "//name" : "serenedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Serene Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "serenedoor" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A creepy Doom door.", < "//name" : "doomdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doomdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A cheaply made flood door.", > "//name" : "sewerflooddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Flood Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sewerflooddoor" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", > "//name" : "miningverticaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "miningverticaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "This door is beautifully crafted.", > "//name" : "classicbardoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Barred Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbardoor" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A very sturdy wave door.", > "//name" : "wavedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A Geometric door. Sturdy!", > "//name" : "geometricdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricdoor" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "An impenetrable Executive door.", > "//name" : "executivedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A super-strong Opulent door.", > "//name" : "opulentdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A manhole cover.", > "//name" : "manholedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Manhole Cover", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "manholedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A trap door disguised as a metal platform.", > "//name" : "metallictrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Trap Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metallictrapdoor" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A cleverly concealed entrance.", > "//name" : "secretdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "secretdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A cleverly concealed entrance.", > "//name" : "secrettrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "secrettrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "//name" : "apexcooldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A rough sandstone door.", > "//name" : "sandstonedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "glitchshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A door made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonedoor" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A huge, intimidating door.", > "//name" : "largecastledoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Medieval Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "largecastledoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "This massive iron portcullis closes with a thud.", > "//name" : "bardoor3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A tar door.", > "//name" : "tardoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tardoor" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with this dirt.", > "//name" : "dirttrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirt Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "dirttrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "An alien plant door.", > "//name" : "aliendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "aliendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//name" : "tier6door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A door of crossed blades. It looks like they can be withdrawn.", > "//name" : "irondoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "irondoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A door covered in eyes. Don't blink.", > "//name" : "eyedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A door that's good under pressure.", > "//name" : "pressuredoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pressuredoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", > "//name" : "penguinbasedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "penguinbasedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A door made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reeddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reeddoor" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A door made from interlocking vines.", > "//name" : "plantdoor1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantdoor1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A retractable gate, made from a light wood.", > "//name" : "plantdoor2", > "//shortdescription" : "Retractable Wooden Gate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "plantdoor2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A door with a cheerful wreath on it.", > "//name" : "giantflowerdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A strong and secure door.", > "//name" : "castledoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castledoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "floranshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//name" : "tier7door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "An inviting rainbow door.", > "//name" : "rainbowdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowdoor" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", > "//name" : "outpostslidingdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostslidingdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "humanshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humanshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A strong titanium door.", > "//name" : "tier3door", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3door" > }, > "34" : { > "//name" : "tier9door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "avianshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy airlock door.", > "//name" : "airlockdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "airlockdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A dungeon cell door, built to hold even the strongest prisoner.", > "//name" : "castledungeondoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cell Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castledungeondoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", > "//name" : "apexslidingdoor2", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexslidingdoor2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A door made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwooddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwooddoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//name" : "tier5door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "This door is strong and sustainably sourced.", > "//name" : "bamboodoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bamboodoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A barrier composed of two coiling bars.", > "//name" : "celldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "celldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//name" : "tier8door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A basic iron door.", > "//name" : "tier1door", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1door" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A cheaply made wooden door", > "//name" : "villagedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Village Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "villagedoor" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens upwards.", > "//name" : "bardoor2", > "//shortdescription" : "Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "novakidshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "It's some sort of electrical barrier. Looks dangerous...", > "//name" : "electricdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Electrical Barrier", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electricdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "Door goes up... Door goes down... Door goes up... Door goes down...", > "//name" : "slidingdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slidingdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A basic tungsten door.", > "//name" : "tier2door", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2door" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A manufactured wooden door.", > "//name" : "wooddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wooddoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", > "//name" : "apexslidingdoor1", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexslidingdoor1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A crude wooden door. Not very secure.", > "//name" : "woodendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A shoji screen door.", > "//name" : "hylotlshojidoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshojidoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "castlehiddendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castlehiddendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A door made of thick metal bars.", > "//name" : "prisondoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Barred Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisondoor" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A crude wooden gate. Not very secure.", > "//name" : "woodengate", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Gate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodengate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "An industrial-looking metal door.", > "//name" : "miningdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Miner's Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "hylotlshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A rusty door. Looks like it should lead to a creepy basement.", > "//name" : "rustdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustdoor" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "This door is almost rusted shut.", > "//name" : "wreckdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "//name" : "outpostairlocklarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Airlock", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostairlocklarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A secure durasteel door.", > "//name" : "tier4door", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4door" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", > "//name" : "florandoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", > "//name" : "bunkerslidingdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerslidingdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", > "//name" : "bonedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", > "//name" : "bonedoor_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy door.", > "//name" : "fleshdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshdoor" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "An ice door. Don't grip the handle for too long.", > "//name" : "icedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A door made of mushrooms. It even has a cute mushroom handle.", > "//name" : "shroomdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", > "//name" : "huntingdoor1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingdoor1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A heavy golden door with crystals set into its surface.", > "//name" : "birddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Crystal Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birddoor" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "apexshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", > "//name" : "lunarbasedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", > "//name" : "lunarbasedoor_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully carved door.", > "//name" : "tribaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "//name" : "outpostairlock", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Airlock", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostairlock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//name" : "tier10door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "76" : { > "//name" : "airlockdoor_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "77" : { > "//name" : "airlockdoor_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "templehiddendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "templehiddendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens inward.", > "//name" : "bardoor2sideways", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor2sideways", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "I wouldn't want to find myself locked behind these thick iron bars.", > "//name" : "bardoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bar Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "templehiddentrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "templehiddentrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "ancienthiddenplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hidden Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancienthiddenplatform", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A beam of hard light creating a platform.", > "//name" : "ancientlightplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Light Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientlightplatform", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "An ancient-looking door.", > "//name" : "ancientdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "An ancient vertical hatch doorway.", > "//name" : "ancientverticaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientverticaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A swinging saloon door to keep those pesky tumbleweeds outside.", > "//name" : "saloondoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "saloondoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A gloomy wooden door.", > "//name" : "gothicdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A portcullis made of solid durasteel.", > "//name" : "portcullis", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "portcullis", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "A sleek vertical doorway, perfect for secret labs.", > "//name" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy airlock hatch.", > "//name" : "airlockhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "airlockhatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A classic banana-infused wood door with a gilded handle.", > "//name" : "classicdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden door, with a brass pipe frame.", > "//name" : "steamspringdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringdoor" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "A smooth door made from a refractive glass.", > "//name" : "prismdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "A sticky door made from organic hexagonal pods.", > "//name" : "hivedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "The Protectorate Academy door.", > "//name" : "protectoratedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Academy Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "A heavy metal door often used in foundries.", > "//name" : "foundrydoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrydoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "A door carved from a cross section of a large geode.", > "//name" : "geodedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "I can't stand on this stone platform for long!", > "//name" : "templepressureplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Temple Pressure Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "templepressureplatform" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A force field which can only be passed through one way", > "//name" : "bossdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Force Field", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bossdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "A very sturdy Serene door.", > "//name" : "serenedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenedoor" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "A creepy Doom door.", > "//name" : "doomdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 924,1247c924,1247 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sewerflooddoor.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miningverticaldoor.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classicbardoor.png" < }, < "100" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wavedoor.png" < }, < "101" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/geometricdoor.png" < }, < "102" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/executivedoor.png" < }, < "103" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/opulentdoor.png" < }, < "104" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/manholedoor.png" < }, < "105" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/metallictrapdoor.png" < }, < "106" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/secretdoor.png" < }, < "107" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/secrettrapdoor.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcooldoor.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonedoor.png" < }, < "13" : { 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Looks pretty sleek.", < "//name" : "tier4bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "This desk is sleek, looks solid.", < "//name" : "apexcooldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcooldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A table made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "A table made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A stylish titanium table.", < "//name" : "tier3table", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "A standard issue wooden dining chair.", < "//name" : "apexwoodenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwoodenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed.", < "//name" : "woodenbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "novakidcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "A solid metal table.", < "//name" : "bunkertable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Solid Metal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//name" : "tier10chair", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "aviancaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "aviancaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A throne of 1000 swords.", < "//name" : "ironthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", < "//name" : "birdthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", < "//name" : "birdthrone_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A basic mass produced table.", < "//name" : "apextable", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A basic tungsten table.", < "//name" : "tier2table", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful bed made of shiny gold.", < "//name" : "royalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Royal Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", < "//name" : "flowerbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", < "//name" : "barstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Bar Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A cheaply-manufactured bed.", < "//name" : "apexbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "A wooden table which is overgrown with vines.", < "//name" : "plantvinetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvinetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "These cosy beds can stack on top of each other.", < "//name" : "lunarbasebunk", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Bunk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasebunk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "A basic bed. Not too comfy.", < "//name" : "outpostbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone bed. Make sure you dust it off before use.", < "//name" : "sandstonebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//name" : "tier8chair", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy table. Perfect for carnivores.", < "//name" : "fleshtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A simple tungsten chair.", < "//name" : "tier2chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking chair.", < "//name" : "tungstenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Folding Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tungstenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A nicely made wooden desk.", < "//name" : "medievaldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A hard chair, it would get uncomfortable pretty quickly.", < "//name" : "medievalchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "An alien bed. It seems to be alive.", < "//name" : "alienbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy metal chair.", < "//name" : "basicmetalchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basicmetalchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A bathroom stall. Don't get stuck!", < "//name" : "bathroomstall", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bathroomstall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A rusty chair. Don't rock back on it.", < "//name" : "rustchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A giant glowing mushroom table. Perfect for sitting at in the dark", < "//name" : "bioshroomtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroomtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "A table with swords for legs. Not ideal for playing footsie.", < "//name" : "irontable", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "irontable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "A contemporary chair.", < "//name" : "modernchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "modernchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A common tungsten bed.", < "//name" : "tier2bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "A teal blue chair.", < "//name" : "hylotlchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A chair. You sit in it. Yes.", < "//name" : "outpostchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "A desk, probably belonging to the greenfinger of a Floran tribe.", < "//name" : "florandesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "A bench made of wood and bones. Seems... inviting?", < "//name" : "floranbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A table fashioned out a small tree topped with a slab of wood.", < "//name" : "floransmalltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floransmalltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "This toilet doesn't look very leak-proof.", < "//name" : "florantoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Ye olde counter.", < "//name" : "medievalcounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of ice. In the summer, it becomes a water bed.", < "//name" : "icebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "A raised platform. Don't get stuck under it.", < "//name" : "huntingplatform1", < "//shortdescription" : "Raised Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatform1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "Legend has it that if you spend the night in this bed, you'll lose consciousness.", < "//name" : "hylotlbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Comfy Traditional Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "A flower bed. Hope you don't have hayfever.", < "//name" : "giantflowerbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "This chair is egg-shaped. I'm not sure whose idea that was.", < "//name" : "eggchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Egg Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eggchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A luxurious armchair.", < "//name" : "woodenarmchair2", < "//shortdescription" : "Soft Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenarmchair2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", < "//name" : "prisontorturebed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Upright Torture Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontorturebed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A solid stone bed topped with a nest of hay.", < "//name" : "birdbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Guardian's Nest", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A frozen chair. Uncomfortable after a while.", < "//name" : "icechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A car shaped bed, for those young at heart.", < "//name" : "carbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Car Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "carbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful rustic bench.", < "//name" : "avianbench1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianbench1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "... Another throne.", < "//name" : "royaltoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royaltoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A basic bench.", < "//name" : "bench", < "//shortdescription" : "Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A table set at kneeling height.", < "//name" : "hylotlshorttable", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Low Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshorttable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", < "//name" : "flowerbed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "An extremely basic bed of hay.", < "//name" : "medievalcellbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Hay Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcellbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "A coffin bed. The hottest in undead comfort.", < "//name" : "bonebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Coffin Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "An expensive-looking wooden desk.", < "//name" : "woodendesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodendesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "It's an exceptionally cool chair.", < "//name" : "apexcoolchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "An outhouse! Enjoy!", < "//name" : "outhouse", < "//shortdescription" : "Outhouse", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outhouse", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A firm bed with silky sheets.", < "//name" : "medievalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A rainbow table. Every meal is a joy.", < "//name" : "rainbowtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A rock chair.", < "//name" : "cavechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cavechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "An eye table. Not good for people wearing skirts.", < "//name" : "eyetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair, is it intended for important figures.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Fancy Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully carved Avian bed.", < "//name" : "tribalbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "Just a typical cafeteria table.", < "//name" : "prisontable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cafeteria Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "A crystal chair. Fit for a monarch.", < "//name" : "crystalchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A delicately designed wooden table.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassictable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Traditional Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassictable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "A tiny stool carved from bone.", < "//name" : "floranbonestool", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonestool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "A wall mountable Floran prison bunk.", < "//name" : "plantbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Wall Bunk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "An eye chair. Not to be confused with a high chair.", < "//name" : "eyechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone table. Don't spill water on it.", < "//name" : "sandstonetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", < "//name" : "plantbed4", < "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", < "//name" : "plantbed4_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "A chair that anyone can sit on!", < "//name" : "outpostpublicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Public Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostpublicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "A crystal bed, for when you want to dream of being rich.", < "//name" : "crystalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "An alien table. It seems to be alive.", < "//name" : "alientable", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alientable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "A dining chair fit for the sort of person who enjoys caviar.", < "//name" : "classicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of vines. Those spikes look poisonous.", < "//name" : "toxicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//name" : "tier5chair", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "A clean, brightly coloured table.", < "//name" : "celltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "celltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//name" : "tier8bed", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful bed of rich wood and silks.", < "//name" : "classicbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of flesh and bone. Great for nightmares.", < "//name" : "eyebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy chair. About as gross as it sounds.", < "//name" : "fleshchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "Each of these desks has a coffee mug and lamp fused to its surface.", < "//name" : "apexdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "A very well-made Geometric table.", < "//name" : "geometrictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometrictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "A flower chair. If you enjoy sitting here, you like butter.", < "//name" : "giantflowerchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "Strange huge flowers, you can hide inside!", < "//name" : "flowerbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Flower Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "A crudely made bench. It's had a lot of use during Floran hunts.", < "//name" : "huntingbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Crude Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "A rainbow bed. Colourful and comfortable.", < "//name" : "rainbowbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "A simple wooden stool.", < "//name" : "woodenstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Simple Wooden Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "An alien chair. It seems alive.", < "//name" : "alienchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden couch, the stripes help it go faster.", < "//name" : "woodencouch1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencouch1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "A rusty bed. Looks cheap and fragile.", < "//name" : "rustbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "212" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone chair. Crumbly.", < "//name" : "sandstonechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "213" : { < "//description" : "A wooden toilet. ", < "//name" : "woodtoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodtoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "214" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of rock.", < "//name" : "cavebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cavebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "A bone throne. For all your royal bone needs.", < "//name" : "bonechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "216" : { < "//name" : "tier10bed", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable titanium bed. Looks pretty sleek.", < "//name" : "tier3bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "A simple iron chair.", < "//name" : "tier1chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "A fancy feasting table.", < "//name" : "medievaldiningtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Dining Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldiningtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "apexcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "A deck lounge chair with a parasol, perfect for sun weather.", < "//name" : "oasisbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Deck Lounge Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oasisbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "hylotlcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "Filth and rust have eaten away at this bed. Thankfully I'm not at all tired.", < "//name" : "wreckbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "223" : { < "//description" : "A table with a studded gem motif resembling the three eyes of the Hylotl.", < "//name" : "hylotltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "224" : { < "//description" : "A traditional style table.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "225" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of bamboo and leaves.", < "//name" : "islandchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "islandchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "226" : { < "//description" : "A richly-stained table fit for an old Western.", < "//name" : "saloontable", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloontable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "227" : { < "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking saloon chair.", < "//name" : "saloonseat", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "228" : { < "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", < "//name" : "gothiccouch", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothiccouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "229" : { < "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", < "//name" : "gothiccouch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothiccouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A simple wooden chair with bone accents.", < "//name" : "floranchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "230" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally gothic chair.", < "//name" : "gothicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "231" : { < "//description" : "A glowing chair.", < "//name" : "glowchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "232" : { < "//description" : "A bed, with glowing plants grown through it.", < "//name" : "glowbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "233" : { < "//description" : "An old, worn and dusty bed.", < "//name" : "dustybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dustybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "234" : { < "//description" : "An old, worn and dusty chair.", < "//name" : "dustychair", < "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dustychair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "235" : { < "//description" : "A dusty wooden table.", < "//name" : "dustytable", < "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Wooden Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dustytable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "236" : { < "//description" : "A wobbly table made from leaves and roots.", < "//name" : "swamptable", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swamptable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "237" : { < "//description" : "A traditional bed made from roots and leaves.", < "//name" : "swampbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swampbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "238" : { < "//description" : "An unusual bed, with sides made of roots and leaf bedding.", < "//name" : "swampybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Cot", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swampybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "239" : { < "//description" : "A small seat made from leaves and roots.", < "//name" : "swampchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swampchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom chair. Or maybe a toadstool.", < "//name" : "shroomchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "240" : { < "//description" : "There's a rather grim face carved into the base of this table.", < "//name" : "islandtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "islandtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "241" : { < "//description" : "To some, a hammock is the very picture of luxury.", < "//name" : "islandhammock", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Hammock", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "islandhammock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "242" : { < "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", < "//name" : "gothicbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "243" : { < "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", < "//name" : "gothicbed_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "244" : { < "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", < "//name" : "seachair", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seachair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "245" : { < "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", < "//name" : "seachair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seachair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "246" : { < "//description" : "A bed made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifibed", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifibed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "247" : { < "//description" : "The design of this bed is based on an old Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "spaceshuttlebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Space Shuttle Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spaceshuttlebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "248" : { < "//description" : "A rustic kitchen table.", < "//name" : "kitchentable", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchentable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "249" : { < "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "liftoffseat", < "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liftoffseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "This upholstery is bananas.", < "//name" : "apexarmchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexarmchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "250" : { < "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liftoffseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "251" : { < "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liftoffseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "252" : { < "//description" : "A small, three legged wooden table.", < "//name" : "cabinstooltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stool Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinstooltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "253" : { < "//description" : "A seashell-shaped bed.", < "//name" : "seabed", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seabed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "254" : { < "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifichair", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifichair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "255" : { < "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifichair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifichair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "256" : { < "//description" : "What's better than a bed? Two beds!", < "//name" : "cabinbunkbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Bunk Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinbunkbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "257" : { < "//description" : "A table made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifitable", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifitable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "258" : { < "//description" : "An old, hand carved rocking chair.", < "//name" : "cabinchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "259" : { < "//description" : "A classic wooden table, suitable for any environment.", < "//name" : "cabintable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabintable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A wooden chair overgrown with vines.", < "//name" : "plantchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "260" : { < "//description" : "A metal desk, covered in curious devices.", < "//name" : "steampunkdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "261" : { < "//description" : "A bed supported by a framework of pipes.", < "//name" : "steampunkbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "262" : { < "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", < "//name" : "spookytombchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookytombchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "263" : { < "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", < "//name" : "spookytombchair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookytombchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "264" : { < "//description" : "A fancy looking armchair.", < "//name" : "steampunkarmchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkarmchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "265" : { < "//description" : "There's something disturbing about this fancy old bed.", < "//name" : "spookybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "266" : { < "//name" : "outdoorsit", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "267" : { < "//description" : "A chair, built to endure the elements.", < "//name" : "outdoorchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "268" : { < "//description" : "A bench, perfect for outdoors.", < "//name" : "outdoorbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "269" : { < "//description" : "A smart metal stool, suitable for the outdoors.", < "//name" : "outdoorstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//name" : "captainschair", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "270" : { < "//description" : "A minimalist bed made from a refractive glass.", < "//name" : "prismbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "271" : { < "//description" : "A smooth table cut from a refractive glass.", < "//name" : "prismtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "272" : { < "//name" : "prismtable_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "273" : { < "//name" : "prismtable_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "274" : { < "//description" : "A cleanly cut chair made from refractive glass.", < "//name" : "prismchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "275" : { < "//description" : "A neatly crafted table decorated with brass pipes.", < "//name" : "steamspringtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "276" : { < "//description" : "A fetching chair, made of fine wood and brass pipes.", < "//name" : "steamspringchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "277" : { < "//description" : "A comfy bed supported by a framework of pipes.", < "//name" : "steamspringbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "278" : { < "//description" : "A sticky table that looks more like a hive than furniture.", < "//name" : "hivetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "279" : { < "//description" : "A strange chair made from strange hexagonal pods.", < "//name" : "hivechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A simple iron table.", < "//name" : "tier1table", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "280" : { < "//description" : "A silk bed, resting on a strange hive-like base.", < "//name" : "hivebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "281" : { < "//description" : "The standard Protectorate student bunk bed.", < "//name" : "protectoratedormbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bunk Bed.", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratedormbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "282" : { < "//description" : "A nice looking chair for cool Protectorate students.", < "//name" : "protectoratelobbychair", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Lobby Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratelobbychair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "283" : { < "//description" : "The standard Protectorate Dorm Toilet.", < "//name" : "protectoratedormtoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Dorm Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratedormtoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "284" : { < "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate garden. It has a plaque.", < "//name" : "protectorategardenbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorategardenbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "285" : { < "//description" : "A bed with a large lamp over it, producing considerable heat.", < "//name" : "foundrybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "286" : { < "//description" : "A metallic chair from a foundry.", < "//name" : "foundrychair", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrychair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "287" : { < "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate.", < "//name" : "protectoratebench", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "288" : { < "//description" : "A large hollow geode carved into a chair.", < "//name" : "geodechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "289" : { < "//description" : "A bed carved inside of a giant geode.", < "//name" : "geodebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Geometric chair.", < "//name" : "geometricchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "290" : { < "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Cerulium bed.", < "//name" : "wavebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wave Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wavebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "291" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable Doom chair.", < "//name" : "doomchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doomchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "292" : { < "//description" : "A sublime Doom bed. Bit spiky, though.", < "//name" : "doombed", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doombed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "293" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Serene bed.", < "//name" : "serenebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Serene Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "serenebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "294" : { < "//description" : "A remarkably comfortable Opulent bed.", < "//name" : "opulentbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "opulentbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "295" : { < "//description" : "A rounded wooden table.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitytable", < "//shortdescription" : "Round Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitytable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "296" : { < "//description" : "A terrifying Doom table. It watches you eat.", < "//name" : "doomtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doomtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "297" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful Executive table.", < "//name" : "executivetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "executivetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "298" : { < "//description" : "A clean and sturdy bed.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "299" : { < "//description" : "A hardy serene table.", < "//name" : "serenetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Serene Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "serenetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking wooden chair.", < "//name" : "woodenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A basic wooden table.", < "//name" : "woodtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "300" : { < "//description" : "A broken wooden table.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentable", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Round Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "301" : { < "//description" : "An incredibly stylish Opulent table.", < "//name" : "opulenttable", < "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "opulenttable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "302" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Wave chair.", < "//name" : "wavechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wave Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wavechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "303" : { < "//description" : "A stylish but sturdy chair.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitychair", < "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitychair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "304" : { < "//description" : "An executive bed. For the sleep of your life.", < "//name" : "executivebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "executivebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "305" : { < "//description" : "An Executive chair. You'll never want to stand again.", < "//name" : "executivechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "executivechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "306" : { < "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Opulent chair.", < "//name" : "opulentchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "opulentchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "307" : { < "//description" : "A very comfortable Serene chair.", < "//name" : "serenechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Serene Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "serenechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "308" : { < "//description" : "A very hardy Wave table.", < "//name" : "wavetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Wave Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wavetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "309" : { < "//description" : "A dumpster.", < "//name" : "dumpster", < "//shortdescription" : "Dumpster", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dumpster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//name" : "tier10table", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "310" : { < "//description" : "A scorched bench.", < "//name" : "scorchedbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Scorched Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "311" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent1red", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Dome Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent1red", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "312" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent1blue", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Dome Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent1blue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "313" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent2yellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Basic Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent2yellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "314" : { < "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", < "//name" : "sleepingbagred", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Sleeping Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sleepingbagred", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "315" : { < "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", < "//name" : "sleepingbaggreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Sleeping Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sleepingbaggreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "316" : { < "//description" : "A military tent.", < "//name" : "apextent", < "//shortdescription" : "Military Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextent", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "317" : { < "//description" : "A wooden desk used by scribes.", < "//name" : "glitchscribe", < "//shortdescription" : "Scribe's Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchscribe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "318" : { < "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", < "//name" : "penguinbartop", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Top", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "penguinbartop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "319" : { < "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", < "//name" : "penguinbarbottom", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "penguinbarbottom", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//name" : "tier8table", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "320" : { < "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", < "//name" : "outpostbarstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Urban Bar Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostbarstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "321" : { < "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", < "//name" : "penguinbartop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Top", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "penguinbartop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "322" : { < "//description" : "A cooking countertop used for chopping meat.", < "//name" : "florantable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Countertop", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "323" : { < "//description" : "A standard issue kitchen counter.", < "//name" : "apexcounter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcounter2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "324" : { < "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate garden. It has a plaque.", < "//name" : "protectorategardenbench_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorategardenbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "glitchcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "Another victim of this tacky polka dot print.", < "//name" : "apexcouch", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden armchair.", < "//name" : "woodenarmchair1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenarmchair1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//name" : "tier5bed", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reedchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A fluffy two-seater couch.", < "//name" : "woodencouch2", < "//shortdescription" : "Soft Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencouch2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A simple metal table.", < "//name" : "bunkertable1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertable1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A table made from many small bones.", < "//name" : "floranbonetable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonetable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable titanium chair.", < "//name" : "tier3chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", < "//name" : "frozenfirechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frozenfirechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", < "//name" : "frozenfirechair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frozenfirechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reedbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "That sure is a cool table.", < "//name" : "apexcooltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcooltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom bed. Guaranteed to give you weird dreams.", < "//name" : "shroombed", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroombed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A thorny table. Careful where you put your feet.", < "//name" : "toxictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed with a headboard.", < "//name" : "woodenbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A throne fit for royal buttocks.", < "//name" : "royalthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//name" : "tier9table", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A giant flower. Perfect to use as a table.", < "//name" : "giantflowertable", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowertable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A fancy modern table to place fancy modern things on.", < "//name" : "moderntable", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "moderntable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//name" : "tier6table", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A creepy bone table. Looks more like a sacrificial altar. Good for picnics.", < "//name" : "bonetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//name" : "tier6bed", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A common iron bed.", < "//name" : "tier1bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A table reserved for traitors.", < "//name" : "apextorturebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextorturebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "florancaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel chair.", < "//name" : "tier4chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A sticky tar chair.", < "//name" : "tarchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//name" : "tier9chair", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A rusty table. Adds flavour.", < "//name" : "rusttable", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rusttable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A basic wooden chair.", < "//name" : "woodchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Padded Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A battered old table. Still operational as far as tables go!", < "//name" : "wrecktable", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecktable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A simple bench, save for the fact that the legs are nailed to the floor.", < "//name" : "prisonbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A sticky, slimy spot to sit.", < "//name" : "slimechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A toilet made of swords. Risky.", < "//name" : "irontoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "irontoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A basic bedroll on a wheeled wooden frame.", < "//name" : "plantbed3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheeled Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A small wooden stool.", < "//name" : "woodstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", < "//name" : "prisontorturebed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Torture Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontorturebed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable Avian bench.", < "//name" : "avianbench2", < "//shortdescription" : "Village Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianbench2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//name" : "tier7chair", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A bright, modern looking chair.", < "//name" : "cellchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "humancaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humancaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "Sleep sweetly, suspended in slime.", < "//name" : "slimebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "Ideal for laying out battle strategies, holding meetings and snacking.", < "//name" : "bunkertable3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Metal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertable3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A brutal yet effective execution device.", < "//name" : "guillotine", < "//shortdescription" : "Guillotine", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "guillotine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "Looks like someone had a rough night.", < "//name" : "prisontoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent2", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Basic Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A fancy royal desk.", < "//name" : "royaldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royaldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "It's just an armchair made of bones. No big deal.", < "//name" : "floranarmchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranarmchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", < "//name" : "classicdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//name" : "tier7bed", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A giant mushroom. Perfect to use as a table.", < "//name" : "shroomtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A table made of crystal. Perfect for rich foods.", < "//name" : "crystaltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "For when you want to make a table-based statement.", < "//name" : "classicdiningtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Dining Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdiningtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//name" : "tier9bed", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent1", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Dome Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "Some sort of solitary confinement device, maybe?", < "//name" : "prisonforcecell", < "//shortdescription" : "Force Cell", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonforcecell", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//name" : "tier5table", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "9" : { < "//name" : "tier6chair", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A stone table in typical Avian style.", < "//name" : "birdtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Temple Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A surprisingly comfortable chair.", < "//name" : "lunarbasechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A toilet! Thank the stars!", < "//name" : "basictoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basictoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A standard issue office chair.", < "//name" : "apexofficechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Office Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexofficechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "Good for hosting small dinner parties.", < "//name" : "classictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A small damaged table.", < "//name" : "wrecksmalltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wrecked Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksmalltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "An iron bed made of swords. Perfect for a power nap.", < "//name" : "ironbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A filthy chair. Insects skitter in and out of holes in the fabric.", < "//name" : "wreckchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A table made of carved ice.", < "//name" : "icetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "This entire table appears to have been carved from a single, enormous bone.", < "//name" : "floranbonetable1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonetable1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A cold, hard slab of metal meant to serve as a bed.", > "//name" : "prisonbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Chained Metal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "This mattress is filthy! I swear I just saw something crawling around inside.", > "//name" : "prisonmattress", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Mattress", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonmattress", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of fresh flesh.", > "//name" : "fleshbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A couch made of leather hide and large bones.", > "//name" : "florancouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "Like a snowman, but sticky.", > "//name" : "tarman", > "//shortdescription" : "Tarman", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A comfy chair, looks like it's meant to be nailed to the floor.", > "//name" : "apexcomfychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcomfychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A gloriously colourful rainbow chair.", > "//name" : "rainbowchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", > "//name" : "sleepingbag", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Sleeping Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sleepingbag", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A raised platform. Don't get stuck under it.", > "//name" : "huntingplatform2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ramped Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatform2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//name" : "tier7table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A very basic toilet.", > "//name" : "medievaltoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "The bone frame is sort of disturbing, but that fur blanket looks mighty comfy.", > "//name" : "floranbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prison bedroll. It spreads out on the ground.", > "//name" : "plantbed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A solid Durasteel table.", > "//name" : "tier4table", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4table", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "An interestingly carved table.", > "//name" : "tribaltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribaltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reeddesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reeddesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A simple tar bed.", > "//name" : "tarbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "Ye olde dining room table.", > "//name" : "medievaltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "Floran come together at tables like these to eat flesh stew.", > "//name" : "florantable1", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantable1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A strong Geometric bed.", > "//name" : "geometricbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel bed. Looks pretty sleek.", > "//name" : "tier4bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "This desk is sleek, looks solid.", > "//name" : "apexcooldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A table made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "A table made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A stylish titanium table.", > "//name" : "tier3table", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3table", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue wooden dining chair.", > "//name" : "apexwoodenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwoodenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed.", > "//name" : "woodenbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "novakidcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A solid metal table.", > "//name" : "bunkertable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Solid Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//name" : "tier10chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "aviancaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "aviancaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A throne of 1000 swords.", > "//name" : "ironthrone", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", > "//name" : "birdthrone", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", > "//name" : "birdthrone_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A basic mass produced table.", > "//name" : "apextable", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A basic tungsten table.", > "//name" : "tier2table", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2table", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful bed made of shiny gold.", > "//name" : "royalbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Royal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", > "//name" : "flowerbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", > "//name" : "barstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Bar Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A cheaply-manufactured bed.", > "//name" : "apexbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A wooden table which is overgrown with vines.", > "//name" : "plantvinetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvinetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "These cosy beds can stack on top of each other.", > "//name" : "lunarbasebunk", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Bunk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasebunk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "A basic bed. Not too comfy.", > "//name" : "outpostbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone bed. Make sure you dust it off before use.", > "//name" : "sandstonebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//name" : "tier8chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy table. Perfect for carnivores.", > "//name" : "fleshtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A simple tungsten chair.", > "//name" : "tier2chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking chair.", > "//name" : "tungstenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Folding Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tungstenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A nicely made wooden desk.", > "//name" : "medievaldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A hard chair, it would get uncomfortable pretty quickly.", > "//name" : "medievalchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "An alien bed. It seems to be alive.", > "//name" : "alienbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy metal chair.", > "//name" : "basicmetalchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basicmetalchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A bathroom stall. Don't get stuck!", > "//name" : "bathroomstall", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomstall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A rusty chair. Don't rock back on it.", > "//name" : "rustchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A giant glowing mushroom table. Perfect for sitting at in the dark", > "//name" : "bioshroomtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroomtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "A table with swords for legs. Not ideal for playing footsie.", > "//name" : "irontable", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "irontable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "A contemporary chair.", > "//name" : "modernchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "modernchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A common tungsten bed.", > "//name" : "tier2bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "A teal blue chair.", > "//name" : "hylotlchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A chair. You sit in it. Yes.", > "//name" : "outpostchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "A desk, probably belonging to the greenfinger of a Floran tribe.", > "//name" : "florandesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A bench made of wood and bones. Seems... inviting?", > "//name" : "floranbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A table fashioned out a small tree topped with a slab of wood.", > "//name" : "floransmalltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floransmalltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "This toilet doesn't look very leak-proof.", > "//name" : "florantoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Ye olde counter.", > "//name" : "medievalcounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of ice. In the summer, it becomes a water bed.", > "//name" : "icebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "A raised platform. Don't get stuck under it.", > "//name" : "huntingplatform1", > "//shortdescription" : "Raised Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatform1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "Legend has it that if you spend the night in this bed, you'll lose consciousness.", > "//name" : "hylotlbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Comfy Traditional Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "A flower bed. Hope you don't have hayfever.", > "//name" : "giantflowerbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "This chair is egg-shaped. I'm not sure whose idea that was.", > "//name" : "eggchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Egg Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eggchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A luxurious armchair.", > "//name" : "woodenarmchair2", > "//shortdescription" : "Soft Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenarmchair2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", > "//name" : "prisontorturebed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Upright Torture Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontorturebed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A solid stone bed topped with a nest of hay.", > "//name" : "birdbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Guardian's Nest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A frozen chair. Uncomfortable after a while.", > "//name" : "icechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A car shaped bed, for those young at heart.", > "//name" : "carbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Car Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "carbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful rustic bench.", > "//name" : "avianbench1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianbench1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "... Another throne.", > "//name" : "royaltoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royaltoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A basic bench.", > "//name" : "bench", > "//shortdescription" : "Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A table set at kneeling height.", > "//name" : "hylotlshorttable", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Low Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshorttable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", > "//name" : "flowerbed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "An extremely basic bed of hay.", > "//name" : "medievalcellbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Hay Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcellbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "A coffin bed. The hottest in undead comfort.", > "//name" : "bonebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Coffin Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "An expensive-looking wooden desk.", > "//name" : "woodendesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodendesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "It's an exceptionally cool chair.", > "//name" : "apexcoolchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "An outhouse! Enjoy!", > "//name" : "outhouse", > "//shortdescription" : "Outhouse", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outhouse", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A firm bed with silky sheets.", > "//name" : "medievalbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A rainbow table. Every meal is a joy.", > "//name" : "rainbowtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A rock chair.", > "//name" : "cavechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cavechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "An eye table. Not good for people wearing skirts.", > "//name" : "eyetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair, is it intended for important figures.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Fancy Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully carved Avian bed.", > "//name" : "tribalbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "Just a typical cafeteria table.", > "//name" : "prisontable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cafeteria Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "A crystal chair. Fit for a monarch.", > "//name" : "crystalchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A delicately designed wooden table.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassictable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Traditional Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassictable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A tiny stool carved from bone.", > "//name" : "floranbonestool", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonestool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "A wall mountable Floran prison bunk.", > "//name" : "plantbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Wall Bunk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "An eye chair. Not to be confused with a high chair.", > "//name" : "eyechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone table. Don't spill water on it.", > "//name" : "sandstonetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", > "//name" : "plantbed4", > "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", > "//name" : "plantbed4_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "A chair that anyone can sit on!", > "//name" : "outpostpublicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Public Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostpublicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "A crystal bed, for when you want to dream of being rich.", > "//name" : "crystalbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "An alien table. It seems to be alive.", > "//name" : "alientable", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alientable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "A dining chair fit for the sort of person who enjoys caviar.", > "//name" : "classicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of vines. Those spikes look poisonous.", > "//name" : "toxicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//name" : "tier5chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "A clean, brightly coloured table.", > "//name" : "celltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "celltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//name" : "tier8bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful bed of rich wood and silks.", > "//name" : "classicbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of flesh and bone. Great for nightmares.", > "//name" : "eyebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy chair. About as gross as it sounds.", > "//name" : "fleshchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "Each of these desks has a coffee mug and lamp fused to its surface.", > "//name" : "apexdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "A very well-made Geometric table.", > "//name" : "geometrictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometrictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "A flower chair. If you enjoy sitting here, you like butter.", > "//name" : "giantflowerchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "Strange huge flowers, you can hide inside!", > "//name" : "flowerbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Flower Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "A crudely made bench. It's had a lot of use during Floran hunts.", > "//name" : "huntingbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Crude Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "A rainbow bed. Colourful and comfortable.", > "//name" : "rainbowbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A simple wooden stool.", > "//name" : "woodenstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Simple Wooden Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "An alien chair. It seems alive.", > "//name" : "alienchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden couch, the stripes help it go faster.", > "//name" : "woodencouch1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencouch1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bed. Looks cheap and fragile.", > "//name" : "rustbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone chair. Crumbly.", > "//name" : "sandstonechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "A wooden toilet. ", > "//name" : "woodtoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodtoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of rock.", > "//name" : "cavebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cavebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "A bone throne. For all your royal bone needs.", > "//name" : "bonechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//name" : "tier10bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable titanium bed. Looks pretty sleek.", > "//name" : "tier3bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "A simple iron chair.", > "//name" : "tier1chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "A fancy feasting table.", > "//name" : "medievaldiningtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Dining Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldiningtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "apexcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "A deck lounge chair with a parasol, perfect for sun weather.", > "//name" : "oasisbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Deck Lounge Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oasisbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "hylotlcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "Filth and rust have eaten away at this bed. Thankfully I'm not at all tired.", > "//name" : "wreckbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "A table with a studded gem motif resembling the three eyes of the Hylotl.", > "//name" : "hylotltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "A traditional style table.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "225" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of bamboo and leaves.", > "//name" : "islandchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "226" : { > "//description" : "A richly-stained table fit for an old Western.", > "//name" : "saloontable", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloontable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "227" : { > "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking saloon chair.", > "//name" : "saloonseat", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "228" : { > "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", > "//name" : "gothiccouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothiccouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "229" : { > "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", > "//name" : "gothiccouch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothiccouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A simple wooden chair with bone accents.", > "//name" : "floranchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "230" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally gothic chair.", > "//name" : "gothicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "231" : { > "//description" : "A glowing chair.", > "//name" : "glowchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "232" : { > "//description" : "A bed, with glowing plants grown through it.", > "//name" : "glowbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "233" : { > "//description" : "An old, worn and dusty bed.", > "//name" : "dustybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dustybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "234" : { > "//description" : "An old, worn and dusty chair.", > "//name" : "dustychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dustychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "235" : { > "//description" : "A dusty wooden table.", > "//name" : "dustytable", > "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Wooden Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dustytable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "236" : { > "//description" : "A wobbly table made from leaves and roots.", > "//name" : "swamptable", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swamptable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "237" : { > "//description" : "A traditional bed made from roots and leaves.", > "//name" : "swampbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "238" : { > "//description" : "An unusual bed, with sides made of roots and leaf bedding.", > "//name" : "swampybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Cot", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "A small seat made from leaves and roots.", > "//name" : "swampchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom chair. Or maybe a toadstool.", > "//name" : "shroomchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "There's a rather grim face carved into the base of this table.", > "//name" : "islandtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "241" : { > "//description" : "To some, a hammock is the very picture of luxury.", > "//name" : "islandhammock", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Hammock", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandhammock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "242" : { > "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", > "//name" : "gothicbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", > "//name" : "gothicbed_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "244" : { > "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", > "//name" : "seachair", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seachair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "245" : { > "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", > "//name" : "seachair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seachair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "246" : { > "//description" : "A bed made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifibed", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifibed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "247" : { > "//description" : "The design of this bed is based on an old Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "spaceshuttlebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Space Shuttle Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spaceshuttlebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "248" : { > "//description" : "A rustic kitchen table.", > "//name" : "kitchentable", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchentable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "249" : { > "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "liftoffseat", > "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liftoffseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "This upholstery is bananas.", > "//name" : "apexarmchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexarmchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "250" : { > "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liftoffseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "251" : { > "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liftoffseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "252" : { > "//description" : "A small, three legged wooden table.", > "//name" : "cabinstooltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stool Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinstooltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "253" : { > "//description" : "A seashell-shaped bed.", > "//name" : "seabed", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seabed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "254" : { > "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifichair", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifichair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "255" : { > "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifichair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifichair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "256" : { > "//description" : "What's better than a bed? Two beds!", > "//name" : "cabinbunkbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Bunk Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinbunkbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "257" : { > "//description" : "A table made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifitable", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifitable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "258" : { > "//description" : "An old, hand carved rocking chair.", > "//name" : "cabinchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "259" : { > "//description" : "A classic wooden table, suitable for any environment.", > "//name" : "cabintable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabintable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A wooden chair overgrown with vines.", > "//name" : "plantchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "260" : { > "//description" : "A metal desk, covered in curious devices.", > "//name" : "steampunkdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "261" : { > "//description" : "A bed supported by a framework of pipes.", > "//name" : "steampunkbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "262" : { > "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", > "//name" : "spookytombchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookytombchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "263" : { > "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", > "//name" : "spookytombchair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookytombchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "264" : { > "//description" : "A fancy looking armchair.", > "//name" : "steampunkarmchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkarmchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "265" : { > "//description" : "There's something disturbing about this fancy old bed.", > "//name" : "spookybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "266" : { > "//name" : "outdoorsit", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "267" : { > "//description" : "A chair, built to endure the elements.", > "//name" : "outdoorchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "268" : { > "//description" : "A bench, perfect for outdoors.", > "//name" : "outdoorbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "269" : { > "//description" : "A smart metal stool, suitable for the outdoors.", > "//name" : "outdoorstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//name" : "captainschair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "270" : { > "//description" : "A minimalist bed made from a refractive glass.", > "//name" : "prismbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "271" : { > "//description" : "A smooth table cut from a refractive glass.", > "//name" : "prismtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "272" : { > "//name" : "prismtable_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "273" : { > "//name" : "prismtable_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "274" : { > "//description" : "A cleanly cut chair made from refractive glass.", > "//name" : "prismchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "275" : { > "//description" : "A neatly crafted table decorated with brass pipes.", > "//name" : "steamspringtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "276" : { > "//description" : "A fetching chair, made of fine wood and brass pipes.", > "//name" : "steamspringchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "277" : { > "//description" : "A comfy bed supported by a framework of pipes.", > "//name" : "steamspringbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "278" : { > "//description" : "A sticky table that looks more like a hive than furniture.", > "//name" : "hivetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "279" : { > "//description" : "A strange chair made from strange hexagonal pods.", > "//name" : "hivechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A simple iron table.", > "//name" : "tier1table", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1table", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "280" : { > "//description" : "A silk bed, resting on a strange hive-like base.", > "//name" : "hivebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "281" : { > "//description" : "The standard Protectorate student bunk bed.", > "//name" : "protectoratedormbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bunk Bed.", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratedormbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "282" : { > "//description" : "A nice looking chair for cool Protectorate students.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Lobby Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "283" : { > "//description" : "The standard Protectorate Dorm Toilet.", > "//name" : "protectoratedormtoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Dorm Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratedormtoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "284" : { > "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate garden. It has a plaque.", > "//name" : "protectorategardenbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorategardenbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "285" : { > "//description" : "A bed with a large lamp over it, producing considerable heat.", > "//name" : "foundrybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "286" : { > "//description" : "A metallic chair from a foundry.", > "//name" : "foundrychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "287" : { > "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate.", > "//name" : "protectoratebench", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "288" : { > "//description" : "A large hollow geode carved into a chair.", > "//name" : "geodechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "289" : { > "//description" : "A bed carved inside of a giant geode.", > "//name" : "geodebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Geometric chair.", > "//name" : "geometricchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "290" : { > "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Cerulium bed.", > "//name" : "wavebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "291" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable Doom chair.", > "//name" : "doomchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "292" : { > "//description" : "A sublime Doom bed. Bit spiky, though.", > "//name" : "doombed", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doombed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "293" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Serene bed.", > "//name" : "serenebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "294" : { > "//description" : "A remarkably comfortable Opulent bed.", > "//name" : "opulentbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "295" : { > "//description" : "A rounded wooden table.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitytable", > "//shortdescription" : "Round Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitytable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "296" : { > "//description" : "A terrifying Doom table. It watches you eat.", > "//name" : "doomtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "297" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful Executive table.", > "//name" : "executivetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "298" : { > "//description" : "A clean and sturdy bed.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "299" : { > "//description" : "A hardy serene table.", > "//name" : "serenetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking wooden chair.", > "//name" : "woodenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A basic wooden table.", > "//name" : "woodtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "300" : { > "//description" : "A broken wooden table.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentable", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Round Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "301" : { > "//description" : "An incredibly stylish Opulent table.", > "//name" : "opulenttable", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulenttable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "302" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Wave chair.", > "//name" : "wavechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "303" : { > "//description" : "A stylish but sturdy chair.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "304" : { > "//description" : "An executive bed. For the sleep of your life.", > "//name" : "executivebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "305" : { > "//description" : "An Executive chair. You'll never want to stand again.", > "//name" : "executivechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "306" : { > "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Opulent chair.", > "//name" : "opulentchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "307" : { > "//description" : "A very comfortable Serene chair.", > "//name" : "serenechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "308" : { > "//description" : "A very hardy Wave table.", > "//name" : "wavetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "309" : { > "//description" : "A dumpster.", > "//name" : "dumpster", > "//shortdescription" : "Dumpster", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dumpster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//name" : "tier10table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "310" : { > "//description" : "A scorched bench.", > "//name" : "scorchedbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Scorched Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "311" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent1red", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Dome Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent1red", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "312" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent1blue", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Dome Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent1blue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "313" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent2yellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Basic Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent2yellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "314" : { > "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", > "//name" : "sleepingbagred", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Sleeping Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sleepingbagred", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "315" : { > "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", > "//name" : "sleepingbaggreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Sleeping Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sleepingbaggreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "316" : { > "//description" : "A military tent.", > "//name" : "apextent", > "//shortdescription" : "Military Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "317" : { > "//description" : "A wooden desk used by scribes.", > "//name" : "glitchscribe", > "//shortdescription" : "Scribe's Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchscribe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "318" : { > "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", > "//name" : "penguinbartop", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Top", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbartop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "319" : { > "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", > "//name" : "penguinbarbottom", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbarbottom", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//name" : "tier8table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "320" : { > "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", > "//name" : "outpostbarstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Bar Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostbarstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "321" : { > "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", > "//name" : "penguinbartop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Top", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbartop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "322" : { > "//description" : "A cooking countertop used for chopping meat.", > "//name" : "florantable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Countertop", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "323" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue kitchen counter.", > "//name" : "apexcounter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcounter2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "324" : { > "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate garden. It has a plaque.", > "//name" : "protectorategardenbench_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorategardenbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "glitchcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "Another victim of this tacky polka dot print.", > "//name" : "apexcouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden armchair.", > "//name" : "woodenarmchair1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenarmchair1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//name" : "tier5bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reedchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A fluffy two-seater couch.", > "//name" : "woodencouch2", > "//shortdescription" : "Soft Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencouch2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A simple metal table.", > "//name" : "bunkertable1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertable1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A table made from many small bones.", > "//name" : "floranbonetable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonetable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable titanium chair.", > "//name" : "tier3chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", > "//name" : "frozenfirechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frozenfirechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", > "//name" : "frozenfirechair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frozenfirechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reedbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "That sure is a cool table.", > "//name" : "apexcooltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom bed. Guaranteed to give you weird dreams.", > "//name" : "shroombed", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroombed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A thorny table. Careful where you put your feet.", > "//name" : "toxictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed with a headboard.", > "//name" : "woodenbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A throne fit for royal buttocks.", > "//name" : "royalthrone", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//name" : "tier9table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A giant flower. Perfect to use as a table.", > "//name" : "giantflowertable", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowertable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A fancy modern table to place fancy modern things on.", > "//name" : "moderntable", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "moderntable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//name" : "tier6table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A creepy bone table. Looks more like a sacrificial altar. Good for picnics.", > "//name" : "bonetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//name" : "tier6bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A common iron bed.", > "//name" : "tier1bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A table reserved for traitors.", > "//name" : "apextorturebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextorturebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "florancaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel chair.", > "//name" : "tier4chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A sticky tar chair.", > "//name" : "tarchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//name" : "tier9chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A rusty table. Adds flavour.", > "//name" : "rusttable", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rusttable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A basic wooden chair.", > "//name" : "woodchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Padded Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A battered old table. Still operational as far as tables go!", > "//name" : "wrecktable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecktable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A simple bench, save for the fact that the legs are nailed to the floor.", > "//name" : "prisonbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A sticky, slimy spot to sit.", > "//name" : "slimechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "A toilet made of swords. Risky.", > "//name" : "irontoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "irontoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A basic bedroll on a wheeled wooden frame.", > "//name" : "plantbed3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheeled Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A small wooden stool.", > "//name" : "woodstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", > "//name" : "prisontorturebed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Torture Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontorturebed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable Avian bench.", > "//name" : "avianbench2", > "//shortdescription" : "Village Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianbench2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//name" : "tier7chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A bright, modern looking chair.", > "//name" : "cellchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "humancaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humancaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "Sleep sweetly, suspended in slime.", > "//name" : "slimebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "Ideal for laying out battle strategies, holding meetings and snacking.", > "//name" : "bunkertable3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertable3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A brutal yet effective execution device.", > "//name" : "guillotine", > "//shortdescription" : "Guillotine", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "guillotine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "Looks like someone had a rough night.", > "//name" : "prisontoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent2", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Basic Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A fancy royal desk.", > "//name" : "royaldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royaldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "It's just an armchair made of bones. No big deal.", > "//name" : "floranarmchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranarmchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", > "//name" : "classicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//name" : "tier7bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A giant mushroom. Perfect to use as a table.", > "//name" : "shroomtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A table made of crystal. Perfect for rich foods.", > "//name" : "crystaltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "For when you want to make a table-based statement.", > "//name" : "classicdiningtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Dining Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdiningtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//name" : "tier9bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent1", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Dome Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "Some sort of solitary confinement device, maybe?", > "//name" : "prisonforcecell", > "//shortdescription" : "Force Cell", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonforcecell", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//name" : "tier5table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "9" : { > "//name" : "tier6chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "A stone table in typical Avian style.", > "//name" : "birdtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Temple Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "A surprisingly comfortable chair.", > "//name" : "lunarbasechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "A toilet! Thank the stars!", > "//name" : "basictoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basictoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue office chair.", > "//name" : "apexofficechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Office Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexofficechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "Good for hosting small dinner parties.", > "//name" : "classictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "A small damaged table.", > "//name" : "wrecksmalltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wrecked Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksmalltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "An iron bed made of swords. Perfect for a power nap.", > "//name" : "ironbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A filthy chair. Insects skitter in and out of holes in the fabric.", > "//name" : "wreckchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "A table made of carved ice.", > "//name" : "icetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "This entire table appears to have been carved from a single, enormous bone.", > "//name" : "floranbonetable1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonetable1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 2827,3801c2827,3801 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonbed.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonmattress.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : 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It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//name" : "avianteleporterdecorative", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", < "//name" : "classiclight", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", < "//name" : "secretsign3", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 3", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secretsign3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "A malfunctioning light.", < "//name" : "apexshiplightBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexshiplightBroken" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", < "//name" : "classiclight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "teleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teleporter" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "smallboosterflame", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "smallboosterflame" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "A big flashing light and blaring siren guaranteed to draw lots of attention.", < "//name" : "alarm", < "//shortdescription" : "Alarm", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "alarm", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful lamp built from Avian crystal tech.", < "//name" : "triballamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "triballamp" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "An ancient pillar found near the gates. It produces light.", < "//name" : "ancientpillar", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientpillar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", < "//name" : "medievaltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", < "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", < "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "A metallic light fixture.", < "//name" : "outpostceilinglight", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Light Fixture", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostceilinglight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "It looks like reed, but it's actually a lamp.", < "//name" : "reedlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", < "//name" : "classiclight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiclight" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "The panel displays information about interacting with prisoners...", < "//name" : "prisonpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflameapex2", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflameapex2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit the sun's rays.", < "//name" : "giantflowerlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "A standing torch. Illuminates the giant beast about to eat you.", < "//name" : "huntinggroundtorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Sturdy Torch Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinggroundtorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "A vine that seems to emit a pleasant glow.", < "//name" : "glowvinelamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvinelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//name" : "glowvinelamp_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", < "//name" : "lightbulb2", < "//shortdescription" : "Lightbulb", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "lightbulb2" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", < "//name" : "plantdesklamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantdesklamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", < "//name" : "plantdesklamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantdesklamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "smallboosterflameglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "smallboosterflameglitch" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", < "//name" : "classiccandlestick", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccandlestick", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflameapex3", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "boosterflameapex3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "Go Ape!", < "//name" : "apexlevel1sign", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Level 01 Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexlevel1sign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "hylotlteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlteleporter" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It looks hot.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", < "//name" : "toxiclamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxiclamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It's lighting the area faintly.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflamehuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflamehuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "A tall volcanic geyser. It's seeping lava.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A short volcanic geyser. It casts a faint glow.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano5", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", < "//name" : "classiccandlestick_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccandlestick", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A wall light.", < "//name" : "outpostlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflameapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflameapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", < "//name" : "lightbulb", < "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Lightbulb", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "lightbulb" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "This strange lamp emits a low green light.", < "//name" : "apextablelamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Lamp Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextablelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "bunkerceilinglight2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "If I look at these lights any longer, I'll probably go blind.", < "//name" : "floodlights", < "//shortdescription" : "Floodlights", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", < "//name" : "huntinglight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Vine Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A lantern made of tar.", < "//name" : "tarlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "Strip lighting, for use on a spaceship.", < "//name" : "invisiblelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "invisiblelight" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "There seems to be an Apex in there, connected to a bunch of wires and tubes.", < "//name" : "apexpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Life Support Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexpod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", < "//name" : "glowflower5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflower5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "Strip lighting, for use on a spaceship.", < "//name" : "shiplight", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shiplight" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "Once used to broadcast a video signal.", < "//name" : "tvstation", < "//shortdescription" : "TV Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tvstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "floranteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranteleporter" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "glitchteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchteleporter" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflamehuman3", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "boosterflamehuman3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "An oil lamp. It gives off some warmth.", < "//name" : "medievallamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievallamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", < "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", < "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "A royal glow.", < "//name" : "royalcandles", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Candles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalcandles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", < "//name" : "planttorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "Fairy lights that spell out 'waz', whatever that means.", < "//name" : "wazlights", < "//shortdescription" : "Waz Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wazlights" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", < "//name" : "apexbananasign", < "//shortdescription" : "Banana Propaganda Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexbananasign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "A set of candles.", < "//name" : "holidaycandles", < "//shortdescription" : "Festive Candles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaycandles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "holidaylights", < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "A warm holiday glow.", < "//name" : "menorah", < "//shortdescription" : "Menorah", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "menorah", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "bunkerlighth", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Fluorescent Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerlighth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "A common ship light.", < "//name" : "apexshiplight", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexshiplight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", < "//name" : "bioshroom1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroom1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "212" : { < "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", < "//name" : "lavalamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Lava Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lavalamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "213" : { < "//description" : "If you go this way, you're sure to be exiting... something.", < "//name" : "prisonexitsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Exit Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonexitsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "214" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "216" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "Use this to create new techs to equip on adventures!", < "//name" : "techconsolehuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "techconsolehuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", < "//name" : "biovine1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "biovine1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "A glow-in-the-dark mushroom. Handy AND cute.", < "//name" : "shroomlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", < "//name" : "glowflower4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflower4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", < "//name" : "bioshroom4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroom4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "223" : { < "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "oshroom4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oshroom4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "224" : { < "//description" : "A glowing alien plant.", < "//name" : "alienglowplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Alien Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienglowplant1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "225" : { < "//description" : "A Drysap Dispenser. The one thing standing between the Floran and a dusty demise.", < "//name" : "plantdrysapdispenser", < "//shortdescription" : "Drysap Dispenser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "plantdrysapdispenser" < }, < "226" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "227" : { < "//description" : "A bush that emits a pleasant glow.", < "//name" : "glowbushlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bush Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbushlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "228" : { < "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", < "//name" : "glowflower1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflower1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "229" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "bigboosterflame", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "bigboosterflame", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "230" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "231" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "232" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "233" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "234" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "235" : { < "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", < "//name" : "biovine5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "biovine5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "236" : { < "//description" : "A glowing crystal which functions as a lamp.", < "//name" : "crystallamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystallamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "237" : { < "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", < "//name" : "slimetorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "238" : { < "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", < "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "239" : { < "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", < "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "This chandelier is made of wrought-iron. It looks expensive.", < "//name" : "classicchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classicchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "240" : { < "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "oshroom3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oshroom3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "241" : { < "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "oshroom5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oshroom5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "242" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "humanteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humanteleporter" < }, < "243" : { < "//description" : "A glowing stalactite.", < "//name" : "cavelamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "cavelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "244" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", < "//name" : "secretsign1", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 1", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secretsign1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "245" : { < "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", < "//name" : "floranlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "246" : { < "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", < "//name" : "floranlamp1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "247" : { < "//description" : "A malfunctioning light.", < "//name" : "redlightBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redlightBroken" < }, < "248" : { < "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this menacing torch.", < "//name" : "skulltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull Torch Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skulltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "249" : { < "//description" : "Ape Flu? Sounds serious...", < "//name" : "apexflusign", < "//shortdescription" : "Ape Flu Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexflusign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", < "//name" : "biovine2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "biovine2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "250" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "251" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "bigboosterflameglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "bigboosterflameglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "252" : { < "//name" : "brokenshiplight", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "253" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "novakidteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidteleporter" < }, < "254" : { < "//name" : "tier6light", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "255" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "256" : { < "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", < "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "257" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "258" : { < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "259" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "bunkerceilinglight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "260" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "261" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "262" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "263" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "264" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "265" : { < "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", < "//name" : "studylamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "studylamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "266" : { < "//description" : "A decorative wooden post with a lantern in it.", < "//name" : "hylotlpost", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wooden Post", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlpost", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "267" : { < "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", < "//name" : "studylamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "studylamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "268" : { < "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "269" : { < "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "An iron chandelier. A good way to light a large room.", < "//name" : "medievalchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "medievalchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "270" : { < "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "271" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "272" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "273" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "274" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "275" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "276" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "277" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "278" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "279" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "An oil lantern on a stand.", < "//name" : "oillanterntall", < "//shortdescription" : "Standing Oil Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oillanterntall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "280" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "281" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "282" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "283" : { < "//description" : "The crystal embedded into this fixture glows with a pale light.", < "//name" : "avianwaterlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianwaterlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "284" : { < "//description" : "A bright blue alarm", < "//name" : "hylotlredalert", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Alert", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlredalert", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "285" : { < "//description" : "A sinister torch made from old bones.", < "//name" : "skullwalltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull Wall Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skullwalltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "286" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight13", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight13", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "287" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight13_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight13", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "288" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight9", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "289" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", < "//name" : "glowflower3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflower3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "290" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight5_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "291" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight10", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientstriplight10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "292" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight10_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientstriplight10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "293" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight11", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight11", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "294" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight11_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight11", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "295" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "296" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight4_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "297" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight12", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight12", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "298" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight12_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight12", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "299" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight6", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", < "//name" : "planttorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "300" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight6_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "301" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight7", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "302" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight7_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "303" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight8", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "304" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight8_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "305" : { < "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ancienttorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "306" : { < "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ancienttorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "307" : { < "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ancienttorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "308" : { < "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ancienttorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "309" : { < "//description" : "A wall light.", < "//name" : "ancientlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", < "//name" : "apexlamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Tall Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexlamp2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "310" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", < "//name" : "saloonlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "311" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", < "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "312" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", < "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "313" : { < "//description" : "Candlelight, delivered in the spookiest way.", < "//name" : "gothiclight", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Candle", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothiclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "314" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "glowroot2", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowroot2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "315" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "glowroot5", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowroot5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "316" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "317" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "glowroot3", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowroot3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "318" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "glowroot4", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowroot4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "319" : { < "//description" : "There are small glowing roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "glowroot1", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowroot1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//name" : "tier7light", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "320" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "321" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "322" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree4_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "323" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush5_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "324" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree5_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "325" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine4_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "326" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "327" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine5_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "328" : { < "//description" : "This station seems to be transmitting a lot of data.", < "//name" : "datastation", < "//shortdescription" : "Data Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "datastation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "329" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "fairylights", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fairylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A handy oil lantern. Careful not to spill it.", < "//name" : "tier1light", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1light" < }, < "330" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "fairylights_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fairylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "331" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "fairylights_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fairylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "332" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "holidaylights_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "333" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "holidaylights_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "334" : { < "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "toxicoshroom4", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicoshroom4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "335" : { < "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "toxicoshroom3", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicoshroom3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "336" : { < "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "toxicoshroom2", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicoshroom2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "337" : { < "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "toxicoshroom1", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicoshroom1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "338" : { < "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "toxicoshroom5", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicoshroom5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "339" : { < "//description" : "This glass lamp gives off a warm glow.", < "//name" : "islandlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "islandlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A red flashing light... That's usually not good.", < "//name" : "redalert", < "//shortdescription" : "Warning Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redalert" < }, < "340" : { < "//description" : "A cute seashell which provides light.", < "//name" : "sealamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Sea Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sealamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "341" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "342" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "343" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "344" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "345" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "346" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "347" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "348" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "349" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A homely ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "woodenlamp3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Ceiling Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenlamp3" < }, < "350" : { < "//description" : "An electric light with a hand-carved wooden stand.", < "//name" : "cabinlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "351" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of Sol, the yellow dwarf responsible for all life on Earth. It even casts light.", < "//name" : "sunmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Sol Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "sunmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "352" : { < "//description" : "The age-old traditional of pumpkin carving lives on.", < "//name" : "spookypumpkinhead", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Pumpkin Head", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookypumpkinhead", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "353" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall lamp, filled with a flowing, glowing gas.", < "//name" : "steampunklamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "steampunklamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "354" : { < "//description" : "The metal frame of this candle holder curls like fingers.", < "//name" : "spookycandles", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Candles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookycandles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "355" : { < "//description" : "A hanging ceiling light made from copper.", < "//name" : "copperceilinglight", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Ceiling Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "copperceilinglight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "356" : { < "//description" : "A lamp post, with thrice the lights.", < "//name" : "lamppost2", < "//shortdescription" : "Triple Lamp Post", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamppost2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "357" : { < "//description" : "A lamp, fit for outdoors.", < "//name" : "lamppost1", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Lamp Post", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamppost1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "358" : { < "//description" : "A lamp post with two lamps. Nifty!", < "//name" : "lamppost3", < "//shortdescription" : "Double Lamp Post", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamppost3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "359" : { < "//description" : "An oil lantern made of copper.", < "//name" : "copperlantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Oil Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperlantern", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" < }, < "360" : { < "//description" : "An oil lantern made of copper.", < "//name" : "copperlantern_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Oil Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperlantern", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "361" : { < "//description" : "A sleek red wall light.", < "//name" : "laboratorylight", < "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "laboratorylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "362" : { < "//description" : "A creaky lamp post, made from brass pipes.", < "//name" : "brasslamppost1", < "//shortdescription" : "Brass Lamp Post", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brasslamppost1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "363" : { < "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", < "//name" : "steamspringlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "364" : { < "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", < "//name" : "prismlamp3", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Cyan Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismlamp3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "365" : { < "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", < "//name" : "prismlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Magenta Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "366" : { < "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", < "//name" : "prismlamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Emerald Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismlamp2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "367" : { < "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", < "//name" : "steamspringlamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "368" : { < "//description" : "An odd lamp made from a hive-like structure.", < "//name" : "hivelamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "369" : { < "//description" : "An odd lamp made from a hive-like structure.", < "//name" : "hivelamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" < }, < "370" : { < "//description" : "An electrically charged plasma field. It reacts to sound.", < "//name" : "plasmadisc", < "//shortdescription" : "Plasma Disc", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plasmadisc", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "371" : { < "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", < "//name" : "foundrylight", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "372" : { < "//description" : "A lamp illuminated by suspended globules of lava.", < "//name" : "magmalamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Magma Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "magmalamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "373" : { < "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", < "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "374" : { < "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", < "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "375" : { < "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", < "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "376" : { < "//description" : "A light fashioned from a suspended glowing geode.", < "//name" : "geodeceilinglight", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodeceilinglight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "377" : { < "//description" : "A glowing Opulent light.", < "//name" : "opulentlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "opulentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "378" : { < "//description" : "A Doom light. The eye glows in the dark.", < "//name" : "doomlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doomlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "379" : { < "//description" : "A glowing Serene light.", < "//name" : "serenelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Serene Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "serenelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" < }, < "380" : { < "//description" : "A glowing Wave light.", < "//name" : "wavelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Wave Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wavelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "381" : { < "//description" : "A glowing Geometric light.", < "//name" : "geometriclight", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "382" : { < "//description" : "A dazzling Executive light.", < "//name" : "executivelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "executivelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "383" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "protectoratebrokenlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebrokenlight" < }, < "384" : { < "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", < "//name" : "apexfightlantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexfightlantern" < }, < "385" : { < "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", < "//name" : "apexfightlantern_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexfightlantern" < }, < "386" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "387" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "388" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "389" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation9", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflamehuman2", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflamehuman2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "390" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation10", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "391" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation11", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "392" : { < "//description" : "A round wall light.", < "//name" : "ancientlightround", < "//shortdescription" : "Round Ancient Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientlightround", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "393" : { < "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", < "//name" : "protectoratehologlobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Hologlobe", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratehologlobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "394" : { < "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", < "//name" : "protectoratelavalamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Lava Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratelavalamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "395" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "protectoratelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratelight" < }, < "396" : { < "//description" : "A tentacle nerve ending", < "//name" : "brainsynapse1", < "//shortdescription" : "Synapse", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brainsynapse1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "397" : { < "//name" : "mothlamp", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "398" : { < "//description" : "Attracts moths. Moths produce silk!", < "//name" : "mothtrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Moth Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mothtrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "399" : { < "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", < "//name" : "penguinbarsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "penguinbarsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", < "//name" : "glowflower2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflower2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//name" : "incinerator", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "400" : { < "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "penguinbarlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "penguinbarlamp" < }, < "401" : { < "//description" : "A gently flickering torch of mysterious organic origin.", < "//name" : "organictorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "organictorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "402" : { < "//description" : "A gently flickering torch of mysterious organic origin.", < "//name" : "organictorch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "organictorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "403" : { < "//description" : "A gently flickering torch of mysterious organic origin.", < "//name" : "organictorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "organictorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "404" : { < "//description" : "A gently flickering torch of mysterious organic origin.", < "//name" : "organictorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "organictorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "405" : { < "//description" : "A cold blue light.", < "//name" : "bluelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bluelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a homely feel.", < "//name" : "woodenlamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Standing Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenlamp2" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", < "//name" : "bioshroom2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroom2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A ceiling spotlight. Ideal lighting for fancy artwork.", < "//name" : "classiclightart", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ceiling Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiclightart", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A tall lamp, with each light linked to another.", < "//name" : "celllamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "celllamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A wall light.", < "//name" : "outpostlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A short wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", < "//name" : "apexlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "Is it a light, or is it a sabre? Maybe both.", < "//name" : "ironlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironlight" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A stone fireplace. A good way to warm a cold castle.", < "//name" : "medievalfireplace", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Fireplace", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalfireplace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A large flickering torch warms the air around it.", < "//name" : "woodentalllantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodentalllantern", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflamenovakid", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflamenovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A cute wooden lamp.", < "//name" : "woodenlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Table Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenlamp1" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "torch", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "torch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "torch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "torch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "torch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "torch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "torch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "torch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//name" : "tier9light", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A pretty oil lantern.", < "//name" : "oillantern1", < "//shortdescription" : "Oil Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oillantern1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A pretty oil lantern.", < "//name" : "oillantern1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Oil Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oillantern1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "oshroom2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oshroom2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "oshroom1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oshroom1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A wide volcanic geyser. It's venting hot gasses.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "avianteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianteleporter" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "sandstonetorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflame", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflame", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "hylotllantern1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Paper Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotllantern1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A handy hand dryer. Hands off.", < "//name" : "bathroomhanddryer", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Hand Dryer", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bathroomhanddryer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//name" : "tier5light", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "Big Ape is All Seeing!", < "//name" : "apexapesign", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexapesign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit a pleasant glow.", < "//name" : "glowflowerlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflowerlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "bigboosterflameavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "bigboosterflameavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A large, luminous pod hanigng from a vine.", < "//name" : "huntinglight3", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", < "//name" : "huntinglight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Vine Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", < "//name" : "biovine4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "biovine4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A glowing durasteel light.", < "//name" : "tier4light", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4light", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", < "//name" : "lunarbaselantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselantern" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", < "//name" : "lunarbaselantern_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselantern" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A set of monitors displaying the feeds from security cameras. Watch out for paranormal activity.", < "//name" : "prisoncamerastation", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncamerastation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A glowing titanium light.", < "//name" : "tier3light", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3light" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", < "//name" : "bioshroom3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroom3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", < "//name" : "toxiclamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "toxiclamp2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A dim red light.", < "//name" : "redlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "bunkerlightv", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Fluorescent Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerlightv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", < "//name" : "secretsign2", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 2", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secretsign2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "apexlamp3", < "//shortdescription" : "Paper Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexlamp3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "bigboosterflamehuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-48", < "object" : "bigboosterflamehuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", < "//name" : "biovine3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "biovine3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "smallboosterflamehuman2", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "smallboosterflamehuman2" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A simple tungsten lamp.", < "//name" : "tier2light", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2light" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "Torches have been stuck to a sapling in lieu of a fancy chandelier.", < "//name" : "floranchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this flickering torch.", > "//name" : "birdgroundlantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdgroundlantern", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "The pod is empty.", > "//name" : "apexpod2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Life Support Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpod2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//name" : "tier10light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A synthetic tree decorated with strings of lights and festive ornaments.", > "//name" : "decoratedtree", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "decoratedtree", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A blue flower lamp", > "//name" : "flowerlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "flowerlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//name" : "tier8light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A small wax candle in a holder.", > "//name" : "medievalcandle", > "//shortdescription" : "Candle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcandle", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A crystal levitates above its frame, emitting an eerie light.", > "//name" : "crystaltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", > "//name" : "plantbiolight", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbiolight" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", > "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbiolight" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", > "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbiolight" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", > "//name" : "bioshroom5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroom5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//name" : "avianteleporterdecorative", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", > "//name" : "secretsign3", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 3", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "secretsign3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "A malfunctioning light.", > "//name" : "apexshiplightBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexshiplightBroken" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", > "//name" : "glowbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "teleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teleporter" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "smallboosterflame", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "smallboosterflame" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "A big flashing light and blaring siren guaranteed to draw lots of attention.", > "//name" : "alarm", > "//shortdescription" : "Alarm", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "alarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful lamp built from Avian crystal tech.", > "//name" : "triballamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "triballamp" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "An ancient pillar found near the gates. It produces light.", > "//name" : "ancientpillar", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientpillar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", > "//name" : "medievaltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", > "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", > "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "A metallic light fixture.", > "//name" : "outpostceilinglight", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Light Fixture", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostceilinglight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "It looks like reed, but it's actually a lamp.", > "//name" : "reedlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "The panel displays information about interacting with prisoners...", > "//name" : "prisonpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflameapex2", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflameapex2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit the sun's rays.", > "//name" : "giantflowerlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A standing torch. Illuminates the giant beast about to eat you.", > "//name" : "huntinggroundtorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Sturdy Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinggroundtorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "A vine that seems to emit a pleasant glow.", > "//name" : "glowvinelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvinelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//name" : "glowvinelamp_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", > "//name" : "lightbulb2", > "//shortdescription" : "Lightbulb", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "lightbulb2" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", > "//name" : "plantdesklamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantdesklamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", > "//name" : "plantdesklamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantdesklamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "smallboosterflameglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "smallboosterflameglitch" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", > "//name" : "classiccandlestick", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccandlestick", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflameapex3", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "boosterflameapex3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "Go Ape!", > "//name" : "apexlevel1sign", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Level 01 Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexlevel1sign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "hylotlteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlteleporter" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It looks hot.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", > "//name" : "toxiclamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxiclamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It's lighting the area faintly.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflamehuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflamehuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A tall volcanic geyser. It's seeping lava.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A short volcanic geyser. It casts a faint glow.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano5", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", > "//name" : "classiccandlestick_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccandlestick", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A wall light.", > "//name" : "outpostlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflameapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflameapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", > "//name" : "lightbulb", > "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Lightbulb", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "lightbulb" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "This strange lamp emits a low green light.", > "//name" : "apextablelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Lamp Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextablelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "bunkerceilinglight2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "If I look at these lights any longer, I'll probably go blind.", > "//name" : "floodlights", > "//shortdescription" : "Floodlights", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", > "//name" : "huntinglight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Vine Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A lantern made of tar.", > "//name" : "tarlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "Strip lighting, for use on a spaceship.", > "//name" : "invisiblelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "invisiblelight" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "There seems to be an Apex in there, connected to a bunch of wires and tubes.", > "//name" : "apexpod", > "//shortdescription" : "Life Support Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpod", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", > "//name" : "glowflower5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflower5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "Strip lighting, for use on a spaceship.", > "//name" : "shiplight", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shiplight" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "Once used to broadcast a video signal.", > "//name" : "tvstation", > "//shortdescription" : "TV Station", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tvstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "floranteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranteleporter" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "glitchteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchteleporter" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflamehuman3", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "boosterflamehuman3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "An oil lamp. It gives off some warmth.", > "//name" : "medievallamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievallamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", > "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", > "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "A royal glow.", > "//name" : "royalcandles", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Candles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalcandles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "Fairy lights that spell out 'waz', whatever that means.", > "//name" : "wazlights", > "//shortdescription" : "Waz Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wazlights" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", > "//name" : "apexbananasign", > "//shortdescription" : "Banana Propaganda Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexbananasign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "A set of candles.", > "//name" : "holidaycandles", > "//shortdescription" : "Festive Candles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaycandles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "holidaylights", > "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A warm holiday glow.", > "//name" : "menorah", > "//shortdescription" : "Menorah", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "menorah", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "bunkerlighth", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Fluorescent Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerlighth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "A common ship light.", > "//name" : "apexshiplight", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexshiplight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", > "//name" : "bioshroom1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroom1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", > "//name" : "lavalamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Lava Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavalamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "If you go this way, you're sure to be exiting... something.", > "//name" : "prisonexitsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Exit Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonexitsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "Use this to create new techs to equip on adventures!", > "//name" : "techconsolehuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Tech Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techconsolehuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", > "//name" : "biovine1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "biovine1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "A glow-in-the-dark mushroom. Handy AND cute.", > "//name" : "shroomlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", > "//name" : "glowflower4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflower4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", > "//name" : "bioshroom4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroom4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "oshroom4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oshroom4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "A glowing alien plant.", > "//name" : "alienglowplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Alien Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienglowplant1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "225" : { > "//description" : "A Drysap Dispenser. The one thing standing between the Floran and a dusty demise.", > "//name" : "plantdrysapdispenser", > "//shortdescription" : "Drysap Dispenser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "plantdrysapdispenser" > }, > "226" : { > "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", > "//name" : "glowbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "227" : { > "//description" : "A bush that emits a pleasant glow.", > "//name" : "glowbushlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bush Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbushlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "228" : { > "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", > "//name" : "glowflower1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflower1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "229" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "bigboosterflame", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "bigboosterflame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "230" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "231" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "232" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "233" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "234" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "235" : { > "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", > "//name" : "biovine5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "biovine5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "236" : { > "//description" : "A glowing crystal which functions as a lamp.", > "//name" : "crystallamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystallamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "237" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "238" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "This chandelier is made of wrought-iron. It looks expensive.", > "//name" : "classicchandelier", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chandelier", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classicchandelier", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "oshroom3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oshroom3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "241" : { > "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "oshroom5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oshroom5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "242" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "humanteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humanteleporter" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "A glowing stalactite.", > "//name" : "cavelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "cavelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "244" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", > "//name" : "secretsign1", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 1", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "secretsign1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "245" : { > "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", > "//name" : "floranlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "246" : { > "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", > "//name" : "floranlamp1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "247" : { > "//description" : "A malfunctioning light.", > "//name" : "redlightBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redlightBroken" > }, > "248" : { > "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this menacing torch.", > "//name" : "skulltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skulltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "249" : { > "//description" : "Ape Flu? Sounds serious...", > "//name" : "apexflusign", > "//shortdescription" : "Ape Flu Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexflusign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", > "//name" : "biovine2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "biovine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "250" : { > "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", > "//name" : "glowbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "251" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "bigboosterflameglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "bigboosterflameglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "252" : { > "//name" : "brokenshiplight", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "253" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "novakidteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidteleporter" > }, > "254" : { > "//name" : "tier6light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "255" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "256" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "257" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "258" : { > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "259" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bunkerceilinglight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "260" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "261" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "262" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "263" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "264" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "265" : { > "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", > "//name" : "studylamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "studylamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "266" : { > "//description" : "A decorative wooden post with a lantern in it.", > "//name" : "hylotlpost", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wooden Post", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlpost", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "267" : { > "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", > "//name" : "studylamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "studylamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "268" : { > "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "269" : { > "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "An iron chandelier. A good way to light a large room.", > "//name" : "medievalchandelier", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chandelier", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "medievalchandelier", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "270" : { > "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "271" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "272" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "273" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "274" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "275" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "276" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "277" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "278" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "279" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "An oil lantern on a stand.", > "//name" : "oillanterntall", > "//shortdescription" : "Standing Oil Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oillanterntall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "280" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "281" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "282" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "283" : { > "//description" : "The crystal embedded into this fixture glows with a pale light.", > "//name" : "avianwaterlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianwaterlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "284" : { > "//description" : "A bright blue alarm", > "//name" : "hylotlredalert", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Alert", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlredalert", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "285" : { > "//description" : "A sinister torch made from old bones.", > "//name" : "skullwalltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull Wall Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skullwalltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "286" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight13", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight13", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "287" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight13_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight13", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "288" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight9", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "289" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", > "//name" : "glowflower3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflower3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "290" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight5_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "291" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight10", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientstriplight10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "292" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight10_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientstriplight10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "293" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight11", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight11", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "294" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight11_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight11", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "295" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "296" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight4_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "297" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight12", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight12", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "298" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight12_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight12", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "299" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "300" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight6_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "301" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "302" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight7_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "303" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight8", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "304" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight8_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "305" : { > "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ancienttorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "306" : { > "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ancienttorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "307" : { > "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ancienttorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "308" : { > "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ancienttorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "309" : { > "//description" : "A wall light.", > "//name" : "ancientlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", > "//name" : "apexlamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Tall Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexlamp2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "310" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", > "//name" : "saloonlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "311" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", > "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "312" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", > "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "313" : { > "//description" : "Candlelight, delivered in the spookiest way.", > "//name" : "gothiclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Candle", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothiclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "314" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "glowroot2", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowroot2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "315" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "glowroot5", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowroot5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "316" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "317" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "glowroot3", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowroot3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "318" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "glowroot4", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowroot4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "319" : { > "//description" : "There are small glowing roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "glowroot1", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowroot1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//name" : "tier7light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "320" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "321" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "322" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree4_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "323" : { > "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", > "//name" : "glowbush5_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "324" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree5_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "325" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine4_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "326" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "327" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine5_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "328" : { > "//description" : "This station seems to be transmitting a lot of data.", > "//name" : "datastation", > "//shortdescription" : "Data Station", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "datastation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "329" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "fairylights", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fairylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A handy oil lantern. Careful not to spill it.", > "//name" : "tier1light", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1light" > }, > "330" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "fairylights_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fairylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "331" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "fairylights_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fairylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "332" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "holidaylights_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "333" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "holidaylights_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "334" : { > "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "toxicoshroom4", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicoshroom4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "335" : { > "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "toxicoshroom3", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicoshroom3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "336" : { > "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "toxicoshroom2", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicoshroom2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "337" : { > "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "toxicoshroom1", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicoshroom1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "338" : { > "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "toxicoshroom5", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicoshroom5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "339" : { > "//description" : "This glass lamp gives off a warm glow.", > "//name" : "islandlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "islandlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A red flashing light... That's usually not good.", > "//name" : "redalert", > "//shortdescription" : "Warning Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redalert" > }, > "340" : { > "//description" : "A cute seashell which provides light.", > "//name" : "sealamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Sea Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sealamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "341" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "342" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "343" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "344" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "345" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "346" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "347" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "348" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "349" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A homely ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "woodenlamp3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Ceiling Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenlamp3" > }, > "350" : { > "//description" : "An electric light with a hand-carved wooden stand.", > "//name" : "cabinlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "351" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of Sol, the yellow dwarf responsible for all life on Earth. It even casts light.", > "//name" : "sunmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Sol Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "sunmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "352" : { > "//description" : "The age-old traditional of pumpkin carving lives on.", > "//name" : "spookypumpkinhead", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Pumpkin Head", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookypumpkinhead", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "353" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall lamp, filled with a flowing, glowing gas.", > "//name" : "steampunklamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "steampunklamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "354" : { > "//description" : "The metal frame of this candle holder curls like fingers.", > "//name" : "spookycandles", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Candles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookycandles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "355" : { > "//description" : "A hanging ceiling light made from copper.", > "//name" : "copperceilinglight", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Ceiling Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "copperceilinglight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "356" : { > "//description" : "A lamp post, with thrice the lights.", > "//name" : "lamppost2", > "//shortdescription" : "Triple Lamp Post", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamppost2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "357" : { > "//description" : "A lamp, fit for outdoors.", > "//name" : "lamppost1", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Lamp Post", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamppost1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "358" : { > "//description" : "A lamp post with two lamps. Nifty!", > "//name" : "lamppost3", > "//shortdescription" : "Double Lamp Post", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamppost3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "359" : { > "//description" : "An oil lantern made of copper.", > "//name" : "copperlantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Oil Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperlantern", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" > }, > "360" : { > "//description" : "An oil lantern made of copper.", > "//name" : "copperlantern_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Oil Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperlantern", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "361" : { > "//description" : "A sleek red wall light.", > "//name" : "laboratorylight", > "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "laboratorylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "362" : { > "//description" : "A creaky lamp post, made from brass pipes.", > "//name" : "brasslamppost1", > "//shortdescription" : "Brass Lamp Post", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brasslamppost1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "363" : { > "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", > "//name" : "steamspringlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "364" : { > "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", > "//name" : "prismlamp3", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Cyan Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismlamp3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "365" : { > "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", > "//name" : "prismlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Magenta Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "366" : { > "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", > "//name" : "prismlamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Emerald Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismlamp2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "367" : { > "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", > "//name" : "steamspringlamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "368" : { > "//description" : "An odd lamp made from a hive-like structure.", > "//name" : "hivelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "369" : { > "//description" : "An odd lamp made from a hive-like structure.", > "//name" : "hivelamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" > }, > "370" : { > "//description" : "An electrically charged plasma field. It reacts to sound.", > "//name" : "plasmadisc", > "//shortdescription" : "Plasma Disc", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plasmadisc", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "371" : { > "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", > "//name" : "foundrylight", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "372" : { > "//description" : "A lamp illuminated by suspended globules of lava.", > "//name" : "magmalamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Magma Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmalamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "373" : { > "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", > "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "374" : { > "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", > "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "375" : { > "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", > "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "376" : { > "//description" : "A light fashioned from a suspended glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodeceilinglight", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeceilinglight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "377" : { > "//description" : "A glowing Opulent light.", > "//name" : "opulentlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "378" : { > "//description" : "A Doom light. The eye glows in the dark.", > "//name" : "doomlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "379" : { > "//description" : "A glowing Serene light.", > "//name" : "serenelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" > }, > "380" : { > "//description" : "A glowing Wave light.", > "//name" : "wavelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "381" : { > "//description" : "A glowing Geometric light.", > "//name" : "geometriclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "382" : { > "//description" : "A dazzling Executive light.", > "//name" : "executivelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "383" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "protectoratebrokenlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebrokenlight" > }, > "384" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", > "//name" : "apexfightlantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexfightlantern" > }, > "385" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", > "//name" : "apexfightlantern_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexfightlantern" > }, > "386" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "387" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "388" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "389" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation9", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflamehuman2", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflamehuman2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "390" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation10", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "391" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation11", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "392" : { > "//description" : "A round wall light.", > "//name" : "ancientlightround", > "//shortdescription" : "Round Ancient Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientlightround", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "393" : { > "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", > "//name" : "protectoratehologlobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Hologlobe", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratehologlobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "394" : { > "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", > "//name" : "protectoratelavalamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Lava Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelavalamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "395" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "protectoratelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelight" > }, > "396" : { > "//description" : "A tentacle nerve ending", > "//name" : "brainsynapse1", > "//shortdescription" : "Synapse", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brainsynapse1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "397" : { > "//name" : "mothlamp", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "398" : { > "//description" : "Attracts moths. Moths produce silk!", > "//name" : "mothtrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Moth Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mothtrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "399" : { > "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", > "//name" : "penguinbarsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "penguinbarsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", > "//name" : "glowflower2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflower2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//name" : "incinerator", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "400" : { > "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "penguinbarlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "penguinbarlamp" > }, > "401" : { > "//description" : "A gently flickering torch of mysterious organic origin.", > "//name" : "organictorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "organictorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "402" : { > "//description" : "A gently flickering torch of mysterious organic origin.", > "//name" : "organictorch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "organictorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "403" : { > "//description" : "A gently flickering torch of mysterious organic origin.", > "//name" : "organictorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "organictorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "404" : { > "//description" : "A gently flickering torch of mysterious organic origin.", > "//name" : "organictorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "organictorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "405" : { > "//description" : "A cold blue light.", > "//name" : "bluelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bluelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a homely feel.", > "//name" : "woodenlamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Standing Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenlamp2" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", > "//name" : "bioshroom2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroom2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A ceiling spotlight. Ideal lighting for fancy artwork.", > "//name" : "classiclightart", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ceiling Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiclightart", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A tall lamp, with each light linked to another.", > "//name" : "celllamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "celllamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A wall light.", > "//name" : "outpostlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A short wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", > "//name" : "apexlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "Is it a light, or is it a sabre? Maybe both.", > "//name" : "ironlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironlight" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A stone fireplace. A good way to warm a cold castle.", > "//name" : "medievalfireplace", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Fireplace", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalfireplace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A large flickering torch warms the air around it.", > "//name" : "woodentalllantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodentalllantern", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflamenovakid", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflamenovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A cute wooden lamp.", > "//name" : "woodenlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Table Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenlamp1" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "torch", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "torch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "torch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "torch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "torch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "torch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "torch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "torch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//name" : "tier9light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A pretty oil lantern.", > "//name" : "oillantern1", > "//shortdescription" : "Oil Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oillantern1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A pretty oil lantern.", > "//name" : "oillantern1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Oil Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oillantern1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "oshroom2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oshroom2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "oshroom1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oshroom1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A wide volcanic geyser. It's venting hot gasses.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "avianteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianteleporter" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflame", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "hylotllantern1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Paper Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllantern1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A handy hand dryer. Hands off.", > "//name" : "bathroomhanddryer", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Hand Dryer", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bathroomhanddryer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//name" : "tier5light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "Big Ape is All Seeing!", > "//name" : "apexapesign", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexapesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit a pleasant glow.", > "//name" : "glowflowerlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflowerlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "bigboosterflameavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "bigboosterflameavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A large, luminous pod hanigng from a vine.", > "//name" : "huntinglight3", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", > "//name" : "huntinglight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Vine Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", > "//name" : "biovine4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "biovine4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A glowing durasteel light.", > "//name" : "tier4light", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4light", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", > "//name" : "lunarbaselantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselantern" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", > "//name" : "lunarbaselantern_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselantern" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "A set of monitors displaying the feeds from security cameras. Watch out for paranormal activity.", > "//name" : "prisoncamerastation", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera Station", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncamerastation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A glowing titanium light.", > "//name" : "tier3light", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3light" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", > "//name" : "glowbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", > "//name" : "bioshroom3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroom3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", > "//name" : "toxiclamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "toxiclamp2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A dim red light.", > "//name" : "redlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "bunkerlightv", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Fluorescent Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerlightv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", > "//name" : "secretsign2", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "secretsign2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A paper 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> "88" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/biovine3.png" > }, > "89" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/smallboosterflamehuman2.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tier2light.png" > }, > "90" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/electriclight.png" > }, > "91" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/electriclight_orientation2.png" > }, > "92" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/electriclight_orientation3.png" > }, > "93" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/electriclight_orientation4.png" > }, > "94" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/electriclight_orientation5.png" > }, > "95" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glowbush5.png" > }, > "96" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranchandelier.png" > }, > "97" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/futurelight.png" > }, > "98" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/futurelight_orientation1.png" > }, > "99" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/futurelight_orientation2.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\other.json 10,2095c10,2095 < "0" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "magmagroundspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "magmagroundspike2" < }, < "1" : { < "//name" : "tier9switch", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "desertceilingspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "desertceilingspike3" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenavianfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenavianfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "A status pod. Take your chances...", < "//name" : "statuspod", < "//shortdescription" : "Status Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "statuspod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "A durasteel control console. Press all the buttons!", < "//name" : "tier4switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a frog sitting peacefully.", < "//name" : "frogstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Frog Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frogstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "greengroundspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengroundspike4" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "A tribute to GeorgeV! Developer Ultimate! ALL HAIL GEORGE!!!", < "//name" : "devstatuegeorge", < "//shortdescription" : "GeorgeV Dev Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "devstatuegeorge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"A bright yellow bug, its wings smell like butter.\"", < "//name" : "butterbee", < "//shortdescription" : "Butterbee Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "butterbee", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug makes a faint ringing sound as it flies through the air.\"", < "//name" : "driftbell", < "//shortdescription" : "Driftbell Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "driftbell", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Where there's frost, there are frostflies.\"", < "//name" : "frostfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Frostfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frostfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalactite4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalactite4" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug never stops eating.\"", < "//name" : "hivehog", < "//shortdescription" : "Hivehog Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivehog", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"These bugs can be seen dancing at dusk.\"", < "//name" : "muddancer", < "//shortdescription" : "Muddancer Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "muddancer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The smallest and most pathetic bug I've ever seen.\"", < "//name" : "orphanfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Orphanfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "orphanfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Who would live in the desert? This clown.\"", < "//name" : "sandclown", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandclown Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandclown", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug has a snout like a seahorse.\"", < "//name" : "seahornet", < "//shortdescription" : "Seahornet Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seahornet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It looks as if it could slip out of its shell at a moments notice.\"", < "//name" : "shellcreep", < "//shortdescription" : "Shellcreep Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shellcreep", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A steaming cup of Earl Grey.", < "//name" : "testbug", < "//shortdescription" : "Teacup", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "testbug", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Comes out only during certain phases of the moon.\"", < "//name" : "tidefly", < "//shortdescription" : "Tidefly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tidefly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "An intergalactic convenience store. It seems an ideal place to stock up.", < "//name" : "infinityexpress", < "//shortdescription" : "Infinity Express", < "imagePositionX" : "-88", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "infinityexpress", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalagmite1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalagmite1" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Hard to spot, these bugs are as black as night.\"", < "//name" : "shadowmoth", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadowmoth Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowmoth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "savannahgroundspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "savannahgroundspike3" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This pretty bug loves sunshine.\"", < "//name" : "sunskipper", < "//shortdescription" : "Sunskipper Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sunskipper", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "groundspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "groundspike4" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "desertceilingspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "desertceilingspike1" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "humanfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "humanfuelhatch" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", < "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Sharp Sticks", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpunjisticks2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "savannahgroundspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "savannahgroundspike2" < }, < "127" : { < "//name" : "dungeonpod", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug's wings are frozen over.\"", < "//name" : "icetip", < "//shortdescription" : "Icetip Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icetip", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "Wooden spikes. Just waiting to be decorated with the heads of your enemies!", < "//name" : "medievalspikes", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalspikes", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A random fountain. The most unpredictable of fountains.", < "//name" : "randomfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Random Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "randomfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The wings of this bug are iridescent like ice.\"", < "//name" : "shardwing", < "//shortdescription" : "Shardwing Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shardwing", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "desertgroundspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "desertgroundspike4" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted marker with a plaque embedded into it.", < "//name" : "markergroundplaque", < "//shortdescription" : "Commemorative Marker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "markergroundplaque", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "ceilingspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ceilingspike3" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "savannahceilingspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "savannahceilingspike2" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "thorns4", < "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thorns4" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "apexfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexfuelhatch" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "The perfect teapot for a tea party.", < "//name" : "teapot1", < "//shortdescription" : "Teapot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teapot1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A robust tungesten lever. Demands to be pulled.", < "//name" : "tier2switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "A grail! It might be holy.", < "//name" : "grail", < "//shortdescription" : "Grail", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "grail", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "thorns3", < "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thorns3" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "An adorable kennel for an adorable pet.", < "//name" : "kennel", < "//shortdescription" : "Kennel", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kennel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalagmite3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalagmite3" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "groundspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "groundspike1" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalactite3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalactite3" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "magmaceilingspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "magmaceilingspike3" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Hot to the touch, its shell flickers like flame.\"", < "//name" : "flameroach", < "//shortdescription" : "Flameroach Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flameroach", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This blue bug has sharp little teeth.\"", < "//name" : "blueback", < "//shortdescription" : "Blueback Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "blueback", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", < "//name" : "ceilingstalactite4", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "ceilingstalactite4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "greenceilingspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "greenceilingspike4" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "savannahceilingspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "savannahceilingspike4" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its tawny wings make it hard to spot on trees.\"", < "//name" : "fawnfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Fawnfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fawnfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", < "//name" : "ceilingslime2", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "ceilingslime2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", < "//name" : "ceilingstalactite1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "ceilingstalactite1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "greenceilingspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "greenceilingspike1" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "greengroundspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengroundspike3" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", < "//name" : "ceilingstalactite5", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "ceilingstalactite5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalactite1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalactite1" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "magmaceilingspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "magmaceilingspike1" < }, < "166" : { < 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"//shortdescription" : "Brightstripe Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brightstripe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "This shop offers personal teleporters in a variety of styles.", < "//name" : "2stopshop", < "//shortdescription" : "2 Stop Teleshop", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "2stopshop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalagmite4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalagmite4" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", < "//name" : "ceilingslime3", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ceilingslime3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "I can sell some of my loot here. I should check out their inventory.", < "//name" : "treasuredtrophies", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasured Trophies", < "imagePositionX" : "-88", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "treasuredtrophies", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "desertceilingspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "desertceilingspike2" < }, < "175" : { < "//name" : "chattestbug", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "176" : { < "//name" : "npctestnuru", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "177" : { < "//name" : "npctesttonowak", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientconsole_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "thorns1", < "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thorns1" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "I sure hope this door will take me back to reality!", < "//name" : "challengereturndoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "challengereturndoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious doorway leading into an unknown dimension. What could possibly go wrong?", < "//name" : "challengedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "challengedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sawblade2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade2" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade2" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "returnconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "returnconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "returnconsole_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "returnconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "This statue is dedicated to a creature named Derrick, who seemingly vanished from his owner.", < "//name" : "derrickstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Derrick Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "derrickstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", < "//name" : "ceilingslime1", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "ceilingslime1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "This looks like an ancient control panel. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientsmallconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientsmallconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "He looks busy.", < "//name" : "shipyardwelding", < "//shortdescription" : "Welding Penguin", < "imagePositionX" : "-80", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipyardwelding", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "A shady looking captain.", < "//name" : "shipyardcaptain", < "//shortdescription" : "Shipyard Captain", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipyardcaptain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "The finest furnishings from around the universe.", < "//name" : "frogfurnishing", < "//shortdescription" : "Fr├╢gg Furnishing", < "imagePositionX" : "-64", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frogfurnishing", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", < "//name" : "geodednatural", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode D (Natural)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodednatural", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "A note carved from a blue musical geode.", < "//name" : "geodeenote", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode E", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodeenote", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "A note carved from an orange musical geode.", < "//name" : "geodebnote", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode B", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodebnote", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "A note carved from a green musical geode.", < "//name" : "geodednote", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode D", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodednote", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", < "//name" : "geodebnatural", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode B (Natural)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodebnatural", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "199" : { < "//name" : "geodeanote", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "2" : { < "//name" : "tier8switch", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A titanium control console. Press all the buttons!", < "//name" : "tier3switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "200" : { < "//name" : "geodeanatural", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", < "//name" : "geodecnatural", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode C (Natural)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodecnatural", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "A note carved from a yellow musical geode.", < "//name" : "geodecnote", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode C", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodecnote", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "A note carved from a purple musical geode.", < "//name" : "geodefnote", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode F", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodefnote", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "A note carved from a pink musical geode.", < "//name" : "geodegnote", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode G", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodegnote", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//name" : "geodehnote", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "206" : { < "//name" : "geodehnatural", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "A note carved from a white musical geode.", < "//name" : "geodehighanote", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode High A", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodehighanote", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", < "//name" : "geodehighanatural", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode High A (Natural)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodehighanatural", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "A note carved from a red musical geode.", < "//name" : "geodelowanote", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode Low A", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodelowanote", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"A bug that can usually be found chasing the crest of a wave.\"", < "//name" : "wavebird", < "//shortdescription" : "Wavebird Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wavebird", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", < "//name" : "geodelowanatural", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode Low A (Natural)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodelowanatural", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "211" : { < "//name" : "floranfossil2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "212" : { < "//name" : "glitchfossil3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "213" : { < "//name" : "trilobitefossilcomplete", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "214" : { < "//name" : "glitchfossilcomplete", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "215" : { < "//name" : "hylotlfossil1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "216" : { < "//name" : "apexfossilcomplete", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "217" : { < "//name" : "avianfossil3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "218" : { < "//name" : "hylotlfossil2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "219" : { < "//name" : "hylotlfossilcomplete", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", < "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Sharp Sticks", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpunjisticks1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "220" : { < "//name" : "humanfossil3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "221" : { < "//name" : "ammonitefossil", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "222" : { < "//name" : "humanfossil2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "223" : { < "//name" : "avianfossil1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "224" : { < "//name" : "hylotlfossil3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "225" : { < "//name" : "apexfossil1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "226" : { < "//name" : "avianfossilcomplete", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "227" : { < "//name" : "floranfossil3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "228" : { < "//name" : "humanfossilcomplete", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "229" : { < "//name" : "floranfossilcomplete", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "groundspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "groundspike3" < }, < "230" : { < "//name" : "avianfossil2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "231" : { < "//name" : "apexfossil2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "232" : { < "//name" : "trilobitefossil", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "233" : { < "//name" : "apexfossil3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "234" : { < "//name" : "floranfossil1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "235" : { < "//name" : "glitchfossil1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "236" : { < "//name" : "glitchfossil2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "237" : { < "//name" : "humanfossil1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "238" : { < "//name" : "ammonitefossilcomplete", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "239" : { < "//description" : "A Opulent console. Sturdy enough to tap-dance on.", < "//name" : "opulentswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "opulentswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenglitchfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatch" < }, < "240" : { < "//description" : "A Doom console. Be careful how you operate it - it's watching.", < "//name" : "doomswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doomswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "241" : { < "//description" : "An Geometric console. Sturdy enough to jump on.", < "//name" : "geometricswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "242" : { < "//description" : "An serene console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", < "//name" : "sereneswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Serene Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sereneswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "243" : { < "//description" : "A wave console. Strong enough to dropkick.", < "//name" : "waveswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Wave Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "waveswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "244" : { < "//name" : "trilobitefossilcomplete_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "245" : { < "//name" : "glitchfossilcomplete_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "246" : { < "//name" : "apexfossilcomplete_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "247" : { < "//name" : "hylotlfossilcomplete_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "248" : { < "//name" : "avianfossilcomplete_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "249" : { < "//name" : "humanfossilcomplete_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", < "//name" : "ceilingstalactite3", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "ceilingstalactite3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "250" : { < "//name" : "floranfossilcomplete_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "251" : { < "//name" : "ammonitefossilcomplete_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "252" : { < "//name" : "trexfossilcomplete", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "253" : { < "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", < "//name" : "fistlauncher", < "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fistlauncher" < }, < "254" : { < "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", < "//name" : "fistlauncher_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fistlauncher" < }, < "255" : { < "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", < "//name" : "fistlauncher_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "fistlauncher" < }, < "256" : { < "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", < "//name" : "fistlauncher_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "fistlauncher" < }, < "257" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "bigapescreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Ape Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigapescreen" < }, < "258" : { < "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratewindbanner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "259" : { < "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug looks like it's wearing tiny green shoes.\"", < "//name" : "greentip", < "//shortdescription" : "Greentip Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greentip", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "260" : { < "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner2", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratewindbanner2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "261" : { < "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner2_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "262" : { < "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner3", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratewindbanner3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "263" : { < "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner3_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "264" : { < "//description" : "A dancing hula girl. Aloha!", < "//name" : "protectoratehulagirl", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Hula Girl", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratehulagirl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "265" : { < "//description" : "A good source of information.", < "//name" : "protectorateinfobooth", < "//shortdescription" : "Info Booth", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateinfobooth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "266" : { < "//description" : "An invading tentacle.", < "//name" : "protectoratetentacle", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Tentacle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratetentacle", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "267" : { < "//description" : "An invading tentacle.", < "//name" : "protectoratetentacle2", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Tentacle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratetentacle2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "268" : { < "//description" : "Upgrade your Matter Manipulator!", < "//name" : "mmupgradeconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "M.M. Upgrade Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mmupgradeconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "269" : { < "//description" : "If you die, you will respawn at this location.", < "//name" : "checkpoint", < "//shortdescription" : "Mission Checkpoint", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "checkpoint", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "270" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "litorgans", < "//shortdescription" : "Lit Organs", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "litorgans", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sawblade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//name" : "tier7switch", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This little bug's legs are covered in see-through hairs.\"", < "//name" : "polarmoth", < "//shortdescription" : "Polarmoth Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "polarmoth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "thorns2", < "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thorns2" < }, < "35" : { < "//name" : "tier5switch", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"A large, formidable bug. Can survive extreme heat.\"", < "//name" : "fireygiant", < "//shortdescription" : "Fireygiant Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fireygiant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "greengroundspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengroundspike1" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "greengroundspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengroundspike2" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Not to be confused with the infamous Dreadwing.\"", < "//name" : "redwing", < "//shortdescription" : "Redwing Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redwing", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "magmagroundspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "magmagroundspike3" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "savannahgroundspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "savannahgroundspike4" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "desertgroundspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "desertgroundspike2" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenfloranfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenfloranfuelhatch" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The tips of its legs are covered in snow.\"", < "//name" : "snowskater", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowskater Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowskater", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "groundspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "groundspike2" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy iron lever. Perfect for pulling.", < "//name" : "tier1switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//name" : "tier6switch", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenapexfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenapexfuelhatch" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This prickly little fellow has razor sharp wings.\"", < "//name" : "thornbee", < "//shortdescription" : "Thornbee Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thornbee", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug is easily mistaken for a snowflake.\"", < "//name" : "frostfleck", < "//shortdescription" : "Frostfleck Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frostfleck", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenapexfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenapexfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "greenceilingspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "greenceilingspike3" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A pretty white flower in a pot.", < "//name" : "wflowerpot", < "//shortdescription" : "White Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wflowerpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "glitchfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "glitchfuelhatch" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", < "//name" : "ceilingstalactite2", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "ceilingstalactite2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", < "//name" : "ceilingstalactite2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "ceilingstalactite2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "desertgroundspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "desertgroundspike3" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "avianfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "avianfuelhatch" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The warmer this bug gets, the more it glows.\"", < "//name" : "glowbug", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowbug Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbug" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenavianfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenavianfuelhatch" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"These bugs appear to rise from clouds of ash.\"", < "//name" : "ashsprite", < "//shortdescription" : "Ashsprite Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashsprite", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "magmagroundspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "magmagroundspike1" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "Don't burn your feet!", < "//name" : "burningcoals", < "//shortdescription" : "Burning Coals", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "burningcoals", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "novakidfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "novakidfuelhatch" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This tiny creature skips across hot lakes of lava.\"", < "//name" : "lavahopper", < "//shortdescription" : "Lavahopper Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lavahopper", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"A lively bug, it can be seen drinking morning dew.\"", < "//name" : "dewhopper", < "//shortdescription" : "Dewhopper Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dewhopper", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "floranfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranfuelhatch" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug rubs its legs together to produce tiny sparks.\"", < "//name" : "phoenixfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Phoenixfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "phoenixfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The surface of this bug's shell shimmers like oil.\"", < "//name" : "aurorabee", < "//shortdescription" : "Aurorabee Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "aurorabee", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Thrives in desolate conditions.\"", < "//name" : "cinderfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Cinderfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cinderfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A display for a large diamond.", < "//name" : "diamonddisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diamonddisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"You'll smell one of these little guys before you see one.\"", < "//name" : "stinkjack", < "//shortdescription" : "Stinkjack Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stinkjack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A steaming cup of Earl Grey.", < "//name" : "teacup1", < "//shortdescription" : "Teacup", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teacup1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalactite2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalactite2" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug's legs move so fast they're difficult to count.\"", < "//name" : "scuttleploom", < "//shortdescription" : "Scuttleploom Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scuttleploom", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "magmaceilingspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "magmaceilingspike2" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "greenceilingspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "greenceilingspike2" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalagmite2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalagmite2" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "savannahgroundspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "savannahgroundspike1" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "ceilingspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ceilingspike1" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A dancing hula girl. Aloha!", < "//name" : "hulagirl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hula Girl", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hulagirl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "desertgroundspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "desertgroundspike1" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This guy has a creepy little face.\"", < "//name" : "xenofly", < "//shortdescription" : "Xenofly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "xenofly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug is incredibly sticky. It has two long horns on its head.\"", < "//name" : "mudstag", < "//shortdescription" : "Mudstag Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mudstag", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatch" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Attracted to heat, this little guy needs warmth.\"", < "//name" : "heathugger", < "//shortdescription" : "Heathugger Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heathugger", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenhumanfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhumanfuelhatch" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "hylotlfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlfuelhatch" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"A bug with glistening gold wings, very fancy!\"", < "//name" : "goldbuck", < "//shortdescription" : "Goldbuck Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldbuck", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "desertceilingspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "desertceilingspike4" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokennovakidfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatch" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "For all your farming and terraforming needs!", < "//name" : "terramart", < "//shortdescription" : "Terramart", < "imagePositionX" : "-64", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "terramart", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The trail of a dustmoth looks like stardust.\"", < "//name" : "dustmoth", < "//shortdescription" : "Dustmoth Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dustmoth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "\"These bugs float on updrafts of poisonous gases.\"", < "//name" : "gasgiant", < "//shortdescription" : "Gasgiant Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gasgiant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its legs look like intertwining vines.\"", < "//name" : "vineclimber", < "//shortdescription" : "Vineclimber Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vineclimber", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "magmagroundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmagroundspike2" > }, > "1" : { > "//name" : "tier9switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "desertceilingspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "desertceilingspike3" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenavianfuelhatchTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenavianfuelhatchTier0" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A status pod. Take your chances...", > "//name" : "statuspod", > "//shortdescription" : "Status Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "statuspod", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A durasteel control console. Press all the buttons!", > "//name" : "tier4switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a frog sitting peacefully.", > "//name" : "frogstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Frog Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frogstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "greengroundspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengroundspike4" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A tribute to GeorgeV! Developer Ultimate! ALL HAIL GEORGE!!!", > "//name" : "devstatuegeorge", > "//shortdescription" : "GeorgeV Dev Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "devstatuegeorge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A bright yellow bug, its wings smell like butter.\"", > "//name" : "butterbee", > "//shortdescription" : "Butterbee Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "butterbee", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug makes a faint ringing sound as it flies through the air.\"", > "//name" : "driftbell", > "//shortdescription" : "Driftbell Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "driftbell", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Where there's frost, there are frostflies.\"", > "//name" : "frostfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Frostfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frostfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalactite4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalactite4" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug never stops eating.\"", > "//name" : "hivehog", > "//shortdescription" : "Hivehog Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivehog", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"These bugs can be seen dancing at dusk.\"", > "//name" : "muddancer", > "//shortdescription" : "Muddancer Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "muddancer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The smallest and most pathetic bug I've ever seen.\"", > "//name" : "orphanfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Orphanfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "orphanfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Who would live in the desert? This clown.\"", > "//name" : "sandclown", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandclown Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandclown", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug has a snout like a seahorse.\"", > "//name" : "seahornet", > "//shortdescription" : "Seahornet Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seahornet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It looks as if it could slip out of its shell at a moments notice.\"", > "//name" : "shellcreep", > "//shortdescription" : "Shellcreep Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shellcreep", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A steaming cup of Earl Grey.", > "//name" : "testbug", > "//shortdescription" : "Teacup", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "testbug", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Comes out only during certain phases of the moon.\"", > "//name" : "tidefly", > "//shortdescription" : "Tidefly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tidefly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "An intergalactic convenience store. It seems an ideal place to stock up.", > "//name" : "infinityexpress", > "//shortdescription" : "Infinity Express", > "imagePositionX" : "-88", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "infinityexpress", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalagmite1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalagmite1" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Hard to spot, these bugs are as black as night.\"", > "//name" : "shadowmoth", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadowmoth Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowmoth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "savannahgroundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "savannahgroundspike3" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This pretty bug loves sunshine.\"", > "//name" : "sunskipper", > "//shortdescription" : "Sunskipper Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sunskipper", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "groundspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "groundspike4" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "desertceilingspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "desertceilingspike1" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "humanfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "humanfuelhatch" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", > "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Sharp Sticks", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpunjisticks2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "savannahgroundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "savannahgroundspike2" > }, > "127" : { > "//name" : "dungeonpod", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug's wings are frozen over.\"", > "//name" : "icetip", > "//shortdescription" : "Icetip Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icetip", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "Wooden spikes. Just waiting to be decorated with the heads of your enemies!", > "//name" : "medievalspikes", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalspikes", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A random fountain. The most unpredictable of fountains.", > "//name" : "randomfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Random Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "randomfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The wings of this bug are iridescent like ice.\"", > "//name" : "shardwing", > "//shortdescription" : "Shardwing Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shardwing", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "desertgroundspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "desertgroundspike4" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted marker with a plaque embedded into it.", > "//name" : "markergroundplaque", > "//shortdescription" : "Commemorative Marker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "markergroundplaque", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "ceilingspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ceilingspike3" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "savannahceilingspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "savannahceilingspike2" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "thorns4", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thorns4" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "apexfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexfuelhatch" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "The perfect teapot for a tea party.", > "//name" : "teapot1", > "//shortdescription" : "Teapot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teapot1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A robust tungesten lever. Demands to be pulled.", > "//name" : "tier2switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A grail! It might be holy.", > "//name" : "grail", > "//shortdescription" : "Grail", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "grail", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "thorns3", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thorns3" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "An adorable kennel for an adorable pet.", > "//name" : "kennel", > "//shortdescription" : "Kennel", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kennel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalagmite3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalagmite3" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "groundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "groundspike1" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalactite3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalactite3" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "magmaceilingspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "magmaceilingspike3" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Hot to the touch, its shell flickers like flame.\"", > "//name" : "flameroach", > "//shortdescription" : "Flameroach Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flameroach", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This blue bug has sharp little teeth.\"", > "//name" : "blueback", > "//shortdescription" : "Blueback Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "blueback", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite4", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "greenceilingspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "greenceilingspike4" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "savannahceilingspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "savannahceilingspike4" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its tawny wings make it hard to spot on trees.\"", > "//name" : "fawnfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Fawnfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fawnfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", > "//name" : "ceilingslime2", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "ceilingslime2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "greenceilingspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "greenceilingspike1" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "greengroundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengroundspike3" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite5", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalactite1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalactite1" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "magmaceilingspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "magmaceilingspike1" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "ceilingspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ceilingspike2" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "savannahceilingspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "savannahceilingspike1" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "ceilingspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ceilingspike4" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "savannahceilingspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "savannahceilingspike3" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Vibrant and beautiful, it has a friendly little smile on its face.\"", > "//name" : "brightstripe", > "//shortdescription" : "Brightstripe Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brightstripe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "This shop offers personal teleporters in a variety of styles.", > "//name" : "2stopshop", > "//shortdescription" : "2 Stop Teleshop", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "2stopshop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalagmite4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalagmite4" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", > "//name" : "ceilingslime3", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ceilingslime3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "I can sell some of my loot here. I should check out their inventory.", > "//name" : "treasuredtrophies", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasured Trophies", > "imagePositionX" : "-88", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treasuredtrophies", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "desertceilingspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "desertceilingspike2" > }, > "175" : { > "//name" : "chattestbug", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "176" : { > "//name" : "npctestnuru", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "177" : { > "//name" : "npctesttonowak", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "ancientconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "ancientconsole_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "thorns1", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thorns1" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "I sure hope this door will take me back to reality!", > "//name" : "challengereturndoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "challengereturndoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious doorway leading into an unknown dimension. What could possibly go wrong?", > "//name" : "challengedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "challengedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sawblade2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade2" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade2" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "returnconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "returnconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "returnconsole_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "returnconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "This statue is dedicated to a creature named Derrick, who seemingly vanished from his owner.", > "//name" : "derrickstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Derrick Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "derrickstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", > "//name" : "ceilingslime1", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "ceilingslime1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "This looks like an ancient control panel. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "ancientsmallconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientsmallconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "He looks busy.", > "//name" : "shipyardwelding", > "//shortdescription" : "Welding Penguin", > "imagePositionX" : "-80", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipyardwelding", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "A shady looking captain.", > "//name" : "shipyardcaptain", > "//shortdescription" : "Shipyard Captain", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipyardcaptain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "The finest furnishings from around the universe.", > "//name" : "frogfurnishing", > "//shortdescription" : "Fr├╢gg Furnishing", > "imagePositionX" : "-64", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frogfurnishing", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodednatural", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode D (Natural)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodednatural", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a blue musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodeenote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode E", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeenote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from an orange musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodebnote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode B", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodebnote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a green musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodednote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode D", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodednote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodebnatural", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode B (Natural)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodebnatural", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//name" : "geodeanote", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "2" : { > "//name" : "tier8switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A titanium control console. Press all the buttons!", > "//name" : "tier3switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "200" : { > "//name" : "geodeanatural", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodecnatural", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode C (Natural)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodecnatural", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a yellow musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodecnote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode C", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodecnote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a purple musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodefnote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode F", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodefnote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a pink musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodegnote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode G", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodegnote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//name" : "geodehnote", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "206" : { > "//name" : "geodehnatural", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a white musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodehighanote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode High A", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodehighanote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodehighanatural", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode High A (Natural)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodehighanatural", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a red musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodelowanote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Low A", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodelowanote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A bug that can usually be found chasing the crest of a wave.\"", > "//name" : "wavebird", > "//shortdescription" : "Wavebird Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavebird", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodelowanatural", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Low A (Natural)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodelowanatural", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//name" : "floranfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "212" : { > "//name" : "glitchfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "213" : { > "//name" : "trilobitefossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "214" : { > "//name" : "glitchfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "215" : { > "//name" : "hylotlfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "216" : { > "//name" : "apexfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "217" : { > "//name" : "avianfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "218" : { > "//name" : "hylotlfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "219" : { > "//name" : "hylotlfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", > "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Sharp Sticks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpunjisticks1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "220" : { > "//name" : "humanfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "221" : { > "//name" : "ammonitefossil", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "222" : { > "//name" : "humanfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "223" : { > "//name" : "avianfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "224" : { > "//name" : "hylotlfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "225" : { > "//name" : "apexfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "226" : { > "//name" : "avianfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "227" : { > "//name" : "floranfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "228" : { > "//name" : "humanfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "229" : { > "//name" : "floranfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "groundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "groundspike3" > }, > "230" : { > "//name" : "avianfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "231" : { > "//name" : "apexfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "232" : { > "//name" : "trilobitefossil", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "233" : { > "//name" : "apexfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "234" : { > "//name" : "floranfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "235" : { > "//name" : "glitchfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "236" : { > "//name" : "glitchfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "237" : { > "//name" : "humanfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "238" : { > "//name" : "ammonitefossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "A Opulent console. Sturdy enough to tap-dance on.", > "//name" : "opulentswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenglitchfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatch" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "A Doom console. Be careful how you operate it - it's watching.", > "//name" : "doomswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "241" : { > "//description" : "An Geometric console. Sturdy enough to jump on.", > "//name" : "geometricswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "242" : { > "//description" : "An serene console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", > "//name" : "sereneswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sereneswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "A wave console. Strong enough to dropkick.", > "//name" : "waveswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "waveswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "244" : { > "//name" : "trilobitefossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "245" : { > "//name" : "glitchfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "246" : { > "//name" : "apexfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "247" : { > "//name" : "hylotlfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "248" : { > "//name" : "avianfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "249" : { > "//name" : "humanfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite3", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "250" : { > "//name" : "floranfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "251" : { > "//name" : "ammonitefossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "252" : { > "//name" : "trexfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "253" : { > "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", > "//name" : "fistlauncher", > "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fistlauncher" > }, > "254" : { > "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", > "//name" : "fistlauncher_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fistlauncher" > }, > "255" : { > "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", > "//name" : "fistlauncher_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "fistlauncher" > }, > "256" : { > "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", > "//name" : "fistlauncher_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "fistlauncher" > }, > "257" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "bigapescreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Ape Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigapescreen" > }, > "258" : { > "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratewindbanner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "259" : { > "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug looks like it's wearing tiny green shoes.\"", > "//name" : "greentip", > "//shortdescription" : "Greentip Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greentip", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "260" : { > "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner2", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratewindbanner2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "261" : { > "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner2_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "262" : { > "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner3", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratewindbanner3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "263" : { > "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner3_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "264" : { > "//description" : "A dancing hula girl. Aloha!", > "//name" : "protectoratehulagirl", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Hula Girl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratehulagirl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "265" : { > "//description" : "A good source of information.", > "//name" : "protectorateinfobooth", > "//shortdescription" : "Info Booth", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateinfobooth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "266" : { > "//description" : "An invading tentacle.", > "//name" : "protectoratetentacle", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Tentacle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratetentacle", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "267" : { > "//description" : "An invading tentacle.", > "//name" : "protectoratetentacle2", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Tentacle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratetentacle2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "268" : { > "//description" : "Upgrade your Matter Manipulator!", > "//name" : "mmupgradeconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "M.M. Upgrade Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mmupgradeconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "269" : { > "//description" : "If you die, you will respawn at this location.", > "//name" : "checkpoint", > "//shortdescription" : "Mission Checkpoint", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "checkpoint", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0" > }, > "270" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "litorgans", > "//shortdescription" : "Lit Organs", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "litorgans", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sawblade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//name" : "tier7switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This little bug's legs are covered in see-through hairs.\"", > "//name" : "polarmoth", > "//shortdescription" : "Polarmoth Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "polarmoth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "thorns2", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thorns2" > }, > "35" : { > "//name" : "tier5switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A large, formidable bug. Can survive extreme heat.\"", > "//name" : "fireygiant", > "//shortdescription" : "Fireygiant Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fireygiant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "greengroundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengroundspike1" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "greengroundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengroundspike2" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Not to be confused with the infamous Dreadwing.\"", > "//name" : "redwing", > "//shortdescription" : "Redwing Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redwing", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "magmagroundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmagroundspike3" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "savannahgroundspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "savannahgroundspike4" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatchTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatchTier0" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "desertgroundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "desertgroundspike2" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenfloranfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenfloranfuelhatch" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The tips of its legs are covered in snow.\"", > "//name" : "snowskater", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowskater Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowskater", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "groundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "groundspike2" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy iron lever. Perfect for pulling.", > "//name" : "tier1switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//name" : "tier6switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenapexfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenapexfuelhatch" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This prickly little fellow has razor sharp wings.\"", > "//name" : "thornbee", > "//shortdescription" : "Thornbee Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thornbee", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug is easily mistaken for a snowflake.\"", > "//name" : "frostfleck", > "//shortdescription" : "Frostfleck Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frostfleck", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenapexfuelhatchTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenapexfuelhatchTier0" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "greenceilingspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "greenceilingspike3" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A pretty white flower in a pot.", > "//name" : "wflowerpot", > "//shortdescription" : "White Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wflowerpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "glitchfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "glitchfuelhatch" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite2", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "desertgroundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "desertgroundspike3" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "avianfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "avianfuelhatch" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The warmer this bug gets, the more it glows.\"", > "//name" : "glowbug", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowbug Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbug" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenavianfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenavianfuelhatch" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"These bugs appear to rise from clouds of ash.\"", > "//name" : "ashsprite", > "//shortdescription" : "Ashsprite Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashsprite", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "magmagroundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmagroundspike1" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "Don't burn your feet!", > "//name" : "burningcoals", > "//shortdescription" : "Burning Coals", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "burningcoals", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "novakidfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "novakidfuelhatch" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This tiny creature skips across hot lakes of lava.\"", > "//name" : "lavahopper", > "//shortdescription" : "Lavahopper Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavahopper", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A lively bug, it can be seen drinking morning dew.\"", > "//name" : "dewhopper", > "//shortdescription" : "Dewhopper Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dewhopper", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "floranfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranfuelhatch" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug rubs its legs together to produce tiny sparks.\"", > "//name" : "phoenixfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Phoenixfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "phoenixfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The surface of this bug's shell shimmers like oil.\"", > "//name" : "aurorabee", > "//shortdescription" : "Aurorabee Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "aurorabee", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Thrives in desolate conditions.\"", > "//name" : "cinderfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Cinderfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cinderfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A display for a large diamond.", > "//name" : "diamonddisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamonddisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"You'll smell one of these little guys before you see one.\"", > "//name" : "stinkjack", > "//shortdescription" : "Stinkjack Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stinkjack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A steaming cup of Earl Grey.", > "//name" : "teacup1", > "//shortdescription" : "Teacup", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teacup1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalactite2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalactite2" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug's legs move so fast they're difficult to count.\"", > "//name" : "scuttleploom", > "//shortdescription" : "Scuttleploom Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scuttleploom", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "magmaceilingspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "magmaceilingspike2" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "greenceilingspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "greenceilingspike2" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalagmite2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalagmite2" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "savannahgroundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "savannahgroundspike1" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "ceilingspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ceilingspike1" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A dancing hula girl. 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This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "desertgroundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "desertgroundspike1" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This guy has a creepy little face.\"", > "//name" : "xenofly", > "//shortdescription" : "Xenofly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "xenofly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug is incredibly sticky. It has two long horns on its head.\"", > "//name" : "mudstag", > "//shortdescription" : "Mudstag Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mudstag", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatch" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Attracted to heat, this little guy needs warmth.\"", > "//name" : "heathugger", > "//shortdescription" : "Heathugger Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heathugger", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/railstop.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/railsensor.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/railbumper.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/railswitch.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\sapling.json 10,18c10,18 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A sapling. From simple roots a tree will grow.", < "//name" : "sapling", < "//shortdescription" : "Sapling", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sapling", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A sapling. From simple roots a tree will grow.", > "//name" : "sapling", > "//shortdescription" : "Sapling", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sapling", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 21,23c21,23 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sapling.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sapling.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\seed.json 10,675c10,675 < "0" : { < "//description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", < "//name" : "wildtomatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildtomatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A prickly plant with prickly fruits.", < "//name" : "thornplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Thorny Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thornplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", < "//name" : "crystalplantseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalplantseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.", < "//name" : "wildautomatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildautomatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", < "//name" : "avesmingoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avesmingoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", < "//name" : "currentcornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "currentcornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", < "//name" : "wildtoxictopseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Top Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildtoxictopseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", < "//name" : "wildpotatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpotatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", < "//name" : "wildcurrentcornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcurrentcornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", < "//name" : "wildsugarcaneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildsugarcaneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", < "//name" : "wildwartweedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildwartweedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", < "//name" : "dirturchinseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dirturchinseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", < "//name" : "cornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", < "//name" : "toxictopseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Top Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxictopseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", < "//name" : "wildwheatseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildwheatseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A plant which grows fluffy cotton buds.", < "//name" : "cottonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Cotton Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cottonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", < "//name" : "grapesseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "grapesseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", < "//name" : "wildriceseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildriceseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", < "//name" : "reefpodseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reefpodseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", < "//name" : "wildgrapesseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildgrapesseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "Grows boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", < "//name" : "boltbulbseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "boltbulbseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", < "//name" : "eggshootseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eggshootseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "No one knows how this sword got here. Pull it out, it could be legendary!", < "//name" : "wildswordstoneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Swordstone", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildswordstoneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom. The farmer who plants these is a fun guy.", < "//name" : "mushroomseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mushroomseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", < "//name" : "wildneonmelonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildneonmelonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", < "//name" : "potatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "potatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", < "//name" : "wildbananaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildbananaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", < "//name" : "wildbeakseedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildbeakseedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", < "//name" : "wildcarrotseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcarrotseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", < "//name" : "riceseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "riceseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", < "//name" : "wildoculemonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildoculemonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", < "//name" : "sugarcaneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sugarcaneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", < "//name" : "bananaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bananaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", < "//name" : "wildfeathercrownseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildfeathercrownseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", < "//name" : "bonebooseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonebooseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "Boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", < "//name" : "wildboltbulbseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildboltbulbseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", < "//name" : "oculemonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oculemonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", < "//name" : "wheatseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wheatseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "Pearlpea, you'll need to bite down hard.", < "//name" : "pearlpeaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pearlpeaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "No one knows how this sword got here. Pull it out, it could be legendary!", < "//name" : "swordstoneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Swordstoneseed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swordstoneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", < "//name" : "wildpussplumseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpussplumseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", < "//name" : "wildreefpodseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildreefpodseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A flower with bright blue petals. Useful for making dye.", < "//name" : "flowerblue", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerblue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", < "//name" : "wildkiwiseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildkiwiseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", < "//name" : "wilddiodiaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wilddiodiaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "Pearlpea, I'll need to bite down hard.", < "//name" : "wildpearlpeaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpearlpeaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", < "//name" : "coffeeseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coffeeseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A flower with bright red petals. Useful for making dye.", < "//name" : "flowerred", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerred", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", < "//name" : "wildavesmingoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildavesmingoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", < "//name" : "coralcreepseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coralcreepseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", < "//name" : "neonmelonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "neonmelonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", < "//name" : "wildchiliseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildchiliseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", < "//name" : "pussplumseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pussplumseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", < "//name" : "kiwiseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kiwiseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", < "//name" : "wildcrystalplantseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcrystalplantseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", < "//name" : "tomatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tomatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A flower with bright yellow petals. Useful for making dye.", < "//name" : "floweryellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floweryellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", < "//name" : "diodiaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diodiaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", < "//name" : "beakseedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "beakseedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", < "//name" : "wildbonebooseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildbonebooseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", < "//name" : "carrotseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "carrotseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", < "//name" : "chiliseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chiliseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", < "//name" : "wildcoffeeseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcoffeeseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", < "//name" : "wildcornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A plant which grows fluffy cotton buds!", < "//name" : "wildcottonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Cotton Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcottonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", < "//name" : "wilddirturchinseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wilddirturchinseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", < "//name" : "wildeggshootseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildeggshootseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", < "//name" : "wildcoralcreepseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcoralcreepseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", < "//name" : "feathercrownseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feathercrownseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A sweetly scented spring flower.", < "//name" : "flowerspring", < "//shortdescription" : "Spring Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerspring", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", < "//name" : "pineappleseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pineappleseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", < "//name" : "wildpineappleseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpineappleseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.", < "//name" : "automatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "automatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", < "//name" : "wartweedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wartweedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", > "//name" : "wildtomatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildtomatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A prickly plant with prickly fruits.", > "//name" : "thornplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorny Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thornplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", > "//name" : "crystalplantseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalplantseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.", > "//name" : "wildautomatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildautomatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", > "//name" : "avesmingoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avesmingoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", > "//name" : "currentcornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "currentcornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", > "//name" : "wildtoxictopseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Top Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildtoxictopseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", > "//name" : "wildpotatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpotatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", > "//name" : "wildcurrentcornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcurrentcornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", > "//name" : "wildsugarcaneseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildsugarcaneseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", > "//name" : "wildwartweedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildwartweedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", > "//name" : "dirturchinseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirturchinseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", > "//name" : "cornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", > "//name" : "toxictopseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Top Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxictopseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", > "//name" : "wildwheatseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildwheatseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A plant which grows fluffy cotton buds.", > "//name" : "cottonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cotton Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cottonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", > "//name" : "grapesseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "grapesseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", > "//name" : "wildriceseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildriceseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", > "//name" : "reefpodseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reefpodseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", > "//name" : "wildgrapesseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildgrapesseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "Grows boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", > "//name" : "boltbulbseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "boltbulbseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", > "//name" : "eggshootseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eggshootseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "No one knows how this sword got here. Pull it out, it could be legendary!", > "//name" : "wildswordstoneseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Swordstone", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildswordstoneseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom. The farmer who plants these is a fun guy.", > "//name" : "mushroomseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mushroomseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", > "//name" : "wildneonmelonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildneonmelonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", > "//name" : "potatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "potatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", > "//name" : "wildbananaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildbananaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", > "//name" : "wildbeakseedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildbeakseedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", > "//name" : "wildcarrotseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcarrotseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", > "//name" : "riceseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "riceseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", > "//name" : "wildoculemonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildoculemonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", > "//name" : "sugarcaneseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sugarcaneseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", > "//name" : "bananaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bananaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", > "//name" : "wildfeathercrownseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildfeathercrownseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", > "//name" : "bonebooseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonebooseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "Boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", > "//name" : "wildboltbulbseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildboltbulbseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", > "//name" : "oculemonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oculemonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", > "//name" : "wheatseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wheatseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "Pearlpea, you'll need to bite down hard.", > "//name" : "pearlpeaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pearlpeaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "No one knows how this sword got here. Pull it out, it could be legendary!", > "//name" : "swordstoneseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Swordstoneseed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swordstoneseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", > "//name" : "wildpussplumseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpussplumseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", > "//name" : "wildreefpodseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildreefpodseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A flower with bright blue petals. Useful for making dye.", > "//name" : "flowerblue", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerblue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", > "//name" : "wildkiwiseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildkiwiseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", > "//name" : "wilddiodiaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wilddiodiaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "Pearlpea, I'll need to bite down hard.", > "//name" : "wildpearlpeaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpearlpeaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", > "//name" : "coffeeseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coffeeseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A flower with bright red petals. Useful for making dye.", > "//name" : "flowerred", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerred", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", > "//name" : "wildavesmingoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildavesmingoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", > "//name" : "coralcreepseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coralcreepseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", > "//name" : "neonmelonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "neonmelonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", > "//name" : "wildchiliseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildchiliseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", > "//name" : "pussplumseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pussplumseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", > "//name" : "kiwiseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kiwiseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", > "//name" : "wildcrystalplantseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcrystalplantseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", > "//name" : "tomatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tomatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A flower with bright yellow petals. Useful for making dye.", > "//name" : "floweryellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floweryellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", > "//name" : "diodiaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diodiaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", > "//name" : "beakseedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "beakseedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", > "//name" : "wildbonebooseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildbonebooseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", > "//name" : "carrotseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "carrotseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", > "//name" : "chiliseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chiliseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", > "//name" : "wildcoffeeseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcoffeeseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", > "//name" : "wildcornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A plant which grows fluffy cotton buds!", > "//name" : "wildcottonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cotton Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcottonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", > "//name" : "wilddirturchinseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wilddirturchinseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", > "//name" : "wildeggshootseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildeggshootseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", > "//name" : "wildcoralcreepseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcoralcreepseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", > "//name" : "feathercrownseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feathercrownseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A sweetly scented spring flower.", > "//name" : "flowerspring", > "//shortdescription" : "Spring Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerspring", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", > "//name" : "pineappleseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pineappleseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", > "//name" : "wildpineappleseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpineappleseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.", > "//name" : "automatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "automatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", > "//name" : "wartweedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wartweedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 678,899c678,899 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildtomatoseed.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/thornplant.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/crystalplantseed.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildautomatoseed.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avesmingoseed.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/currentcornseed.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildtoxictopseed.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildpotatoseed.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildcurrentcornseed.png" < }, < "17" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildsugarcaneseed.png" < }, < "18" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildwartweedseed.png" < }, < "19" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dirturchinseed.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/cornseed.png" < }, < "20" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/toxictopseed.png" < }, < "21" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildwheatseed.png" < }, < "22" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/cottonseed.png" < }, < "23" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/grapesseed.png" < }, < "24" : 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildpussplumseed.png" < }, < "46" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildreefpodseed.png" < }, < "47" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flowerblue.png" < }, < "48" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildkiwiseed.png" < }, < "49" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wilddiodiaseed.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildpearlpeaseed.png" < }, < "50" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/coffeeseed.png" < }, < "51" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flowerred.png" < }, < "52" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildavesmingoseed.png" < }, < "53" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/coralcreepseed.png" < }, < "54" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/neonmelonseed.png" < }, < "55" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildchiliseed.png" < }, < "56" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/pussplumseed.png" < }, < "57" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/kiwiseed.png" < }, < "58" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildcrystalplantseed.png" < }, < "59" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tomatoseed.png" < }, < "6" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floweryellow.png" < }, < "60" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/diodiaseed.png" < }, < "61" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/beakseedseed.png" < }, < "62" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildbonebooseed.png" < }, < "63" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/carrotseed.png" < }, < "64" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/chiliseed.png" < }, < "65" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildcoffeeseed.png" < }, < "66" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildcornseed.png" < }, < "67" : { < 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There's something odd about it.", < "//name" : "giftmonstersmallbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Unusual Gift Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "giftmonstersmallbox" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", < "//name" : "florancabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of a thick slime substance.", < "//name" : "slimehide", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimehide", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "floranstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranstoragelocker" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "Looks like it used to be filled with medical supplies - not any more.", < "//name" : "prisoncabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Supply Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "A glowing orb. It looks like there's room to store things inside.", < "//name" : "plantorb", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Orb", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantorb", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "A fridge, good for keeping food cold.", < "//name" : "apexfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "largewoodencrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largewoodencrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase for storing folk tales and legends...", < "//name" : "medievalbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A treasure chest.", < "//name" : "treasurechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "treasurechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A antique crate, I wonder what's inside..", < "//name" : "wreckcrate1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckcrate1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "An upright cardboard box.", < "//name" : "cardboard1", < "//shortdescription" : "Upright Cardboard Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cardboard1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "This dresser has a musty smell. It doesn't look very clean.", < "//name" : "medievaldresser", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Dresser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldresser", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A locker with a tall metal door.", < "//name" : "locker1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "locker1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "A locker with a wide metal door.", < "//name" : "locker2", < "//shortdescription" : "Flat Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "locker2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "Just big enough for a small animal to fit comfortably inside", < "//name" : "pethouse", < "//shortdescription" : "Pet House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pethouse", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "hylotlstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlstoragelocker" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "techchest2", < "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "techchest2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "An opened cardboard box.", < "//name" : "cardboard3", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Cardboard Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cardboard3", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodencabinet3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wooden Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencabinet3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy suspended bookshelf.", < "//name" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Bookshelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A plain stone tomb caked in dust.", < "//name" : "tombthing1", < "//shortdescription" : "Undecorated Stone Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "A charming and well-made wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "medievalcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A storage crate, typically used for stashing equipment and ores.", < "//name" : "lunarbasecrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasecrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "This chest itself is a treasure, let alone the contents.", < "//name" : "royalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "smallwoodencrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallwoodencrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate filled with treasure.", < "//name" : "woodencrategoldfilled", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Filled Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrategoldfilled", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in green-coloured paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present4", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier2techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "A toxic chest.", < "//name" : "toxicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it's full of hazardous materials.", < "//name" : "bunkercabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A metal crate.", < "//name" : "bunkercrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A classy chest filled with classy treasure!", < "//name" : "classicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A Safe.", < "//name" : "safe", < "//shortdescription" : "Safe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "safe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "A chest of roughly hewn sandstone.", < "//name" : "sandstonechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", < "//name" : "prisonfile2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Rusty Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfile2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A crystal chest. Perhaps the chest itself is the treasure?", < "//name" : "crystalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "A chest made from plant material. It appears to be still growing.", < "//name" : "chestplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestplant1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", < "//name" : "chestmedavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Decorative Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestmedavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "An old wooden chest, still going strong.", < "//name" : "medievalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "An engraved Avian tomb depicting the aether.", < "//name" : "tombthing2", < "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Avian Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", < "//name" : "prisonlocker2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Prison Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonlocker2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "The lily pad rotates to lock its doors.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A really gross looking chest.", < "//name" : "hivechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Double Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Single Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A chest with a spherical lock.", < "//name" : "cellchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "A small wooden crate.", < "//name" : "box1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "box1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier4techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of vines, it's not really safe.", < "//name" : "junglechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A rusty chest. Practically falling apart.", < "//name" : "rustchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//name" : "tier10techchest", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "Perfect for storing tools and equipment in!", < "//name" : "miningchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "avianstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianstoragelocker" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A Miniknog locker.", < "//name" : "apexlocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexlocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "A crate containing cargo. What cargo? Who knows.", < "//name" : "outpostcargocrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cargo Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcargocrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "A small cargo crate. No doubt it has cargo in it.", < "//name" : "outpostcargocrateshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Short Cargo Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcargocrateshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodsafe", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodsafe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "A basic desk.", < "//name" : "outpostdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "A treasure chest made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "An altar dedicated to some unspeakable horror.", < "//name" : "heckaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckaltar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "A reed shelf.", < "//name" : "reedshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "An ancient chest of unknown origin.", < "//name" : "ancientchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A blue mailbox.", < "//name" : "hylotlmailbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Urban Mailbox", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlmailbox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "A traditional index filled with cards.", < "//name" : "index", < "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "index", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodencabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Double Wooden Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A mechanical cash register. Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "medievalregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "A very large shipping container.", < "//name" : "shippingcontainer", < "//shortdescription" : "Shipping Container", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shippingcontainer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "hylotlcashregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Store Cash Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlcashregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "A garbage bin.", < "//name" : "hylotltrashcan", < "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltrashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "A garbage bin.", < "//name" : "hylotltrashcan_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltrashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A classic style desk.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "A useful storage chest.", < "//name" : "podchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Pod Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "podchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A heavy duty chest for storing weapons.", < "//name" : "weaponchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "weaponchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A fearsome ancient chest ornamented with a lidless eye.", < "//name" : "ancientbigchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Big Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientbigchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A basic wooden chest.", < "//name" : "woodenchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A chest sealed with a piercing eye. Worth a look inside.", < "//name" : "eyechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A basic iron chest.", < "//name" : "ironchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A drinks cabinet, stocked with glassware and odd-shaped bottles.", < "//name" : "salooncabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "salooncabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//name" : "gothiccabinet", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "173" : { < "//name" : "gothiccabinet_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "A chest made from twigs and roots.", < "//name" : "swampchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swampchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "A tropical looking cabinet, complete with a little tree.", < "//name" : "islandcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "islandcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", < "//name" : "gothicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", < "//name" : "gothicbookcase_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscificabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscificabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscificabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "An open stone tomb. It smells.", < "//name" : "tombthing3", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Stone Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscificabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "A tall, sturdy kitchen cabinet. Perfect for storing tableware and food.", < "//name" : "kitchencabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Kitchen Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchencabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchencabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchencabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//name" : "kitchencabinet3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom wardrobe.", < "//name" : "shroomwardrobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomwardrobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "A dresser made in a retro-futuristic style", < "//name" : "retroscifidresser", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Dresser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifidresser", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//name" : "copperlocker", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "A strong storage crate made from copper.", < "//name" : "copperbox1", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperbox1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "An old crate of Mining supplies - For every budding Miner!", < "//name" : "miningsupplies", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Supplies Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningsupplies", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "A dark, shadowy chest.", < "//name" : "shadowchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "This sturdy chest is made from volcanic material. Heat rises from it.", < "//name" : "volcanicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Volcanic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "volcanicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "A large contemporary chest of drawers.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Stylish Drawers", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "A small contemporary chest of drawers.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawersmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Stylish Drawers", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawersmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "The creature healing station is used to heal captured creatures.", < "//name" : "pethealingstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pet Healing Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pethealingstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "A contemprary style fridge, capable of extending the shelf life of food.", < "//name" : "scorchedcityfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcityfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//name" : "geometricchest", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "The cabinet made of leather stretched between four large tusks.", < "//name" : "florancabinet3", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "A small rusty looking crate.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Rusty Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "A rusty looking chest.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitychest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitychest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "A rusty crate.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitycrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitycrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "This device has a slot for a creature capture pod.", < "//name" : "pettether", < "//shortdescription" : "Pet Tether", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pettether", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "Everything you need to survive. Almost.", < "//name" : "bombsheltershelf1", < "//shortdescription" : "Shelter Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bombsheltershelf1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "A clean looking counter.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitycounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitycounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "scorchedcityregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Store Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcityregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "A metal shelf packed with store goods.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "A dumpster.", < "//name" : "dumpster", < "//shortdescription" : "Dumpster", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dumpster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "A ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled.", < "//name" : "librarybookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A lavish Avian tomb.", < "//name" : "tombthing4", < "//shortdescription" : "Lavish Avian Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase, only partially filled with books.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", < "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "A small bookcase.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseS1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "212" : { < "//description" : "Ideal for storing food and keeping it fresh.", < "//name" : "minifridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Mini Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "minifridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "213" : { < "//description" : "There are some items on this shelf.", < "//name" : "apexstoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "214" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal shelf, some store goods still remain on the shelves.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A cute wooden end table.", < "//name" : "woodenendtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden End Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenendtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A chest with a spring flower latch.", < "//name" : "springchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Spring Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "An old locker. Hey! There's a photo taped to the inside... eww, tentacles", < "//name" : "wrecklocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecklocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "hylotlshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlshiplocker" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of bone. Hopefully it's not filled with marrow.", < "//name" : "bonechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", < "//name" : "bathroomtrashquest", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bathroomtrashquest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier1techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", < "//name" : "woodencrate1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrate1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//name" : "tier9techchest", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "shroomchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of flesh.", < "//name" : "heckchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A dank old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", < "//name" : "chestavian2", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestavian2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", < "//name" : "prisonfile1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfile1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A pair of standard issue kitchen cabinets.", < "//name" : "apexcounter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcounter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", < "//name" : "bathroomtrash", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bathroomtrash", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top. There's something odd about it.", < "//name" : "giftmonsterbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Unusual Gift Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "giftmonsterbox" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A high-tech container for guns.", < "//name" : "gunchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Gun Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gunchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", < "//name" : "woodencrate2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrate2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A large classy storage cabinet.", < "//name" : "classiccupboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Cupboard", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccupboard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//name" : "tier8techchest", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A set of lockers, perfect for storing things.", < "//name" : "lunarbaselocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lockers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A frozen, spherical chest. Perfect for treasure, or making ice cubes.", < "//name" : "icespherechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespherechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "This cupboard is sleek, but it doesn't look sturdy.", < "//name" : "apexcoolcupboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Cupboard", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolcupboard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A secured wooden crate.", < "//name" : "box2", < "//shortdescription" : "Secure Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "box2", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "An ice chest. Totally secure, until it melts.", < "//name" : "icechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//name" : "tier7techchest", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", < "//name" : "foodbowl", < "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foodbowl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", < "//name" : "foodbowl_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foodbowl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "apexstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexstoragelocker" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A trash can. What a load of rubbish.", < "//name" : "trashcan", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//name" : "tier5techchest", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "This chest appears organic in construction.", < "//name" : "glowchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "An ice dispenser made of ice. That's ice ice, baby.", < "//name" : "icemachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icemachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A filing cabinet. Sorted.", < "//name" : "filingcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "filingcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A tall wooden bookcase full of books.", < "//name" : "woodenbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "apexshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexshiplocker" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A large old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", < "//name" : "chestmedavian2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Old Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestmedavian2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A small chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", < "//name" : "chestfloran1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestfloran1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A smooth cooking surface.", < "//name" : "tribalcounter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcounter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//name" : "tier6techchest", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A very basic mass produced wardrobe.", < "//name" : "apexwardrobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwardrobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier3techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "avianshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianshiplocker" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A wooden cabinet. Its doors are full of etched decoration.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Square Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A fridge. Hopefully filled with tasty, tasty treats.", < "//name" : "outpostfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Chic Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A simple cardboard box.", < "//name" : "cardboard2", < "//shortdescription" : "Cardboard Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cardboard2", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodencabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A barrel. Sadly not full party hats.", < "//name" : "barrellarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrellarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "This book case was built to store Avian history.", < "//name" : "tribalbookcase2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Avian Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbookcase2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A barrel. Anything could be inside!", < "//name" : "barrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "novakidshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidshiplocker" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A storage crate made of unrefined wood and bone.", < "//name" : "florancrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy chest. To store things in.", < "//name" : "fleshchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "This cabinet is where the signs come out. Maybe I can put one in?", < "//name" : "signdispenser", < "//shortdescription" : "EASEL Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "signdispenser", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "Valuable things should be stored here.", < "//name" : "royalcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", < "//name" : "chestavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of rock.", < "//name" : "cavechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cavechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A locker of unknown ownership.", < "//name" : "outpostlocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Lockers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostlocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", < "//name" : "prisonlocker1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Prison Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonlocker1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "humanstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humanstoragelocker" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in red paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present2", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "glitchstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchstoragelocker" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "Perfect for storing a lot of food and keeping it fresh.", < "//name" : "fridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Full-Size Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "Tar fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "tarpitchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Tarpit Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarpitchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "An alien chest.", < "//name" : "alienchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in teal paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present1", < "//shortdescription" : "Teal Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A trash bag. What a load of rubbish.", < "//name" : "trashbag", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trashbag", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A long chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", < "//name" : "chestfloran2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestfloran2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top.", < "//name" : "bigpresent", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigpresent", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A shipping container. Probably doesn't contain a ship.", < "//name" : "outpostshippingcontainer", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Shipping Container", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostshippingcontainer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A chest decorated with beautiful rainbow markings.", < "//name" : "rainbowchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "Looks like a place you might store an eggcup... Do Avians eat eggs?", < "//name" : "tribalwallcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tribalwallcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "novakidstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidstoragelocker" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in blue paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present3", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of flowers.", < "//name" : "giantflowerchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet containing who knows what?", < "//name" : "outpostcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "Hand-made and beautiful, this bookcase is intricately carved.", < "//name" : "tribalbookcase1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbookcase1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", < "//name" : "florancabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "Carved patterns surround this small cabinet.", < "//name" : "tribalcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Carved Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "The crystal on top of this closet appears to be broken.", < "//name" : "tribalcloset1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Closet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcloset1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet with a table top.", < "//name" : "plantcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "humanshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humanshiplocker" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "floranshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranshiplocker" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A barrel filled with treasure!", < "//name" : "barrelgoldfilled", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrelgoldfilled", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Reeds fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "reedchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A desk with large cabinet drawers.", > "//name" : "plantcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "glitchshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchshiplocker" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top. There's something odd about it.", > "//name" : "giftmonstersmallbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Unusual Gift Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "giftmonstersmallbox" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", > "//name" : "florancabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of a thick slime substance.", > "//name" : "slimehide", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimehide", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "floranstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranstoragelocker" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "Looks like it used to be filled with medical supplies - not any more.", > "//name" : "prisoncabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Supply Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A glowing orb. It looks like there's room to store things inside.", > "//name" : "plantorb", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Orb", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantorb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A fridge, good for keeping food cold.", > "//name" : "apexfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate.", > "//name" : "largewoodencrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "largewoodencrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase for storing folk tales and legends...", > "//name" : "medievalbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A treasure chest.", > "//name" : "treasurechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treasurechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A antique crate, I wonder what's inside..", > "//name" : "wreckcrate1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckcrate1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "An upright cardboard box.", > "//name" : "cardboard1", > "//shortdescription" : "Upright Cardboard Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cardboard1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "This dresser has a musty smell. It doesn't look very clean.", > "//name" : "medievaldresser", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Dresser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldresser", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A locker with a tall metal door.", > "//name" : "locker1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "locker1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A locker with a wide metal door.", > "//name" : "locker2", > "//shortdescription" : "Flat Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "locker2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "Just big enough for a small animal to fit comfortably inside", > "//name" : "pethouse", > "//shortdescription" : "Pet House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pethouse", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "hylotlstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlstoragelocker" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "techchest2", > "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techchest2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "An opened cardboard box.", > "//name" : "cardboard3", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Cardboard Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cardboard3", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodencabinet3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wooden Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencabinet3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy suspended bookshelf.", > "//name" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Bookshelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A plain stone tomb caked in dust.", > "//name" : "tombthing1", > "//shortdescription" : "Undecorated Stone Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A charming and well-made wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "medievalcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A storage crate, typically used for stashing equipment and ores.", > "//name" : "lunarbasecrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasecrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "This chest itself is a treasure, let alone the contents.", > "//name" : "royalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate.", > "//name" : "smallwoodencrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallwoodencrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate filled with treasure.", > "//name" : "woodencrategoldfilled", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Filled Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrategoldfilled", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in green-coloured paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present4", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "tier2techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "A toxic chest.", > "//name" : "toxicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it's full of hazardous materials.", > "//name" : "bunkercabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A metal crate.", > "//name" : "bunkercrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A classy chest filled with classy treasure!", > "//name" : "classicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A Safe.", > "//name" : "safe", > "//shortdescription" : "Safe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "safe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "A chest of roughly hewn sandstone.", > "//name" : "sandstonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", > "//name" : "prisonfile2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Rusty Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfile2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A crystal chest. Perhaps the chest itself is the treasure?", > "//name" : "crystalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A chest made from plant material. It appears to be still growing.", > "//name" : "chestplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestplant1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", > "//name" : "chestmedavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Decorative Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestmedavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "An old wooden chest, still going strong.", > "//name" : "medievalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "An engraved Avian tomb depicting the aether.", > "//name" : "tombthing2", > "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Avian Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", > "//name" : "prisonlocker2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Prison Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonlocker2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "The lily pad rotates to lock its doors.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A really gross looking chest.", > "//name" : "hivechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Double Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Single Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A chest with a spherical lock.", > "//name" : "cellchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A small wooden crate.", > "//name" : "box1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "box1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "tier4techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of vines, it's not really safe.", > "//name" : "junglechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A rusty chest. Practically falling apart.", > "//name" : "rustchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//name" : "tier10techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for storing tools and equipment in!", > "//name" : "miningchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "avianstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianstoragelocker" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A Miniknog locker.", > "//name" : "apexlocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexlocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "A crate containing cargo. What cargo? Who knows.", > "//name" : "outpostcargocrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cargo Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcargocrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "A small cargo crate. No doubt it has cargo in it.", > "//name" : "outpostcargocrateshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Short Cargo Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcargocrateshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodsafe", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodsafe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "A basic desk.", > "//name" : "outpostdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "A treasure chest made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "An altar dedicated to some unspeakable horror.", > "//name" : "heckaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckaltar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "A reed shelf.", > "//name" : "reedshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "An ancient chest of unknown origin.", > "//name" : "ancientchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A blue mailbox.", > "//name" : "hylotlmailbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Mailbox", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlmailbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "A traditional index filled with cards.", > "//name" : "index", > "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "index", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodencabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Double Wooden Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A mechanical cash register. Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "medievalregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "A very large shipping container.", > "//name" : "shippingcontainer", > "//shortdescription" : "Shipping Container", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shippingcontainer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "hylotlcashregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Cash Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlcashregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "A garbage bin.", > "//name" : "hylotltrashcan", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltrashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "A garbage bin.", > "//name" : "hylotltrashcan_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltrashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A classic style desk.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A useful storage chest.", > "//name" : "podchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Pod Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "podchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A heavy duty chest for storing weapons.", > "//name" : "weaponchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "weaponchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A fearsome ancient chest ornamented with a lidless eye.", > "//name" : "ancientbigchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Big Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientbigchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A basic wooden chest.", > "//name" : "woodenchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A chest sealed with a piercing eye. Worth a look inside.", > "//name" : "eyechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A basic iron chest.", > "//name" : "ironchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A drinks cabinet, stocked with glassware and odd-shaped bottles.", > "//name" : "salooncabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "salooncabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//name" : "gothiccabinet", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "173" : { > "//name" : "gothiccabinet_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "A chest made from twigs and roots.", > "//name" : "swampchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "A tropical looking cabinet, complete with a little tree.", > "//name" : "islandcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", > "//name" : "gothicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", > "//name" : "gothicbookcase_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscificabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscificabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscificabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "An open stone tomb. It smells.", > "//name" : "tombthing3", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Stone Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscificabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "A tall, sturdy kitchen cabinet. Perfect for storing tableware and food.", > "//name" : "kitchencabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Kitchen Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchencabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchencabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchencabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//name" : "kitchencabinet3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom wardrobe.", > "//name" : "shroomwardrobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomwardrobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "A dresser made in a retro-futuristic style", > "//name" : "retroscifidresser", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Dresser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifidresser", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//name" : "copperlocker", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "A strong storage crate made from copper.", > "//name" : "copperbox1", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperbox1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "An old crate of Mining supplies - For every budding Miner!", > "//name" : "miningsupplies", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Supplies Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningsupplies", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "A dark, shadowy chest.", > "//name" : "shadowchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "This sturdy chest is made from volcanic material. Heat rises from it.", > "//name" : "volcanicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Volcanic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "A large contemporary chest of drawers.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Stylish Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "A small contemporary chest of drawers.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawersmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Stylish Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawersmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "The creature healing station is used to heal captured creatures.", > "//name" : "pethealingstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pet Healing Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pethealingstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "A contemprary style fridge, capable of extending the shelf life of food.", > "//name" : "scorchedcityfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcityfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//name" : "geometricchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "The cabinet made of leather stretched between four large tusks.", > "//name" : "florancabinet3", > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "A small rusty looking crate.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Rusty Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "A rusty looking chest.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "A rusty crate.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitycrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitycrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "This device has a slot for a creature capture pod.", > "//name" : "pettether", > "//shortdescription" : "Pet Tether", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pettether", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "Everything you need to survive. Almost.", > "//name" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "//shortdescription" : "Shelter Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "A clean looking counter.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitycounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitycounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "scorchedcityregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcityregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "A metal shelf packed with store goods.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A dumpster.", > "//name" : "dumpster", > "//shortdescription" : "Dumpster", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dumpster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "A small bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Small Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "librarybookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A lavish Avian tomb.", > "//name" : "tombthing4", > "//shortdescription" : "Lavish Avian Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase, only partially filled with books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", > "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "An ornately carved bookcase.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseS1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "Ideal for storing food and keeping it fresh.", > "//name" : "minifridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Mini Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "minifridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "There are some items on this shelf.", > "//name" : "apexstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal shelf, some store goods still remain on the shelves.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A cute wooden end table.", > "//name" : "woodenendtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden End Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenendtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A chest with a spring flower latch.", > "//name" : "springchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Spring Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "An old locker. Hey! There's a photo taped to the inside... eww, tentacles", > "//name" : "wrecklocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecklocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "hylotlshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlshiplocker" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of bone. Hopefully it's not filled with marrow.", > "//name" : "bonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", > "//name" : "bathroomtrashquest", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomtrashquest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "tier1techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", > "//name" : "woodencrate1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrate1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//name" : "tier9techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "shroomchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of flesh.", > "//name" : "heckchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A dank old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", > "//name" : "chestavian2", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestavian2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", > "//name" : "prisonfile1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfile1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A pair of standard issue kitchen cabinets.", > "//name" : "apexcounter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcounter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", > "//name" : "bathroomtrash", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomtrash", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top. There's something odd about it.", > "//name" : "giftmonsterbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Unusual Gift Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "giftmonsterbox" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A high-tech container for guns.", > "//name" : "gunchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Gun Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gunchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", > "//name" : "woodencrate2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrate2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A large classy storage cabinet.", > "//name" : "classiccupboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Cupboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccupboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//name" : "tier8techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A set of lockers, perfect for storing things.", > "//name" : "lunarbaselocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lockers", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A frozen, spherical chest. Perfect for treasure, or making ice cubes.", > "//name" : "icespherechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespherechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "This cupboard is sleek, but it doesn't look sturdy.", > "//name" : "apexcoolcupboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Cupboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolcupboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A secured wooden crate.", > "//name" : "box2", > "//shortdescription" : "Secure Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "box2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "An ice chest. Totally secure, until it melts.", > "//name" : "icechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//name" : "tier7techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", > "//name" : "foodbowl", > "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foodbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", > "//name" : "foodbowl_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foodbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "apexstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexstoragelocker" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A trash can. What a load of rubbish.", > "//name" : "trashcan", > "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//name" : "tier5techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "This chest appears organic in construction.", > "//name" : "glowchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "An ice dispenser made of ice. That's ice ice, baby.", > "//name" : "icemachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icemachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A filing cabinet. Sorted.", > "//name" : "filingcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "filingcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A tall wooden bookcase full of books.", > "//name" : "woodenbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "apexshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexshiplocker" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A large old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", > "//name" : "chestmedavian2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Old Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestmedavian2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A small chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", > "//name" : "chestfloran1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestfloran1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A smooth cooking surface.", > "//name" : "tribalcounter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcounter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//name" : "tier6techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A very basic mass produced wardrobe.", > "//name" : "apexwardrobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwardrobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "tier3techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "avianshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianshiplocker" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A wooden cabinet. Its doors are full of etched decoration.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Square Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A fridge. Hopefully filled with tasty, tasty treats.", > "//name" : "outpostfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Chic Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A simple cardboard box.", > "//name" : "cardboard2", > "//shortdescription" : "Cardboard Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cardboard2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodencabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "A barrel. Sadly not full party hats.", > "//name" : "barrellarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrellarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "This book case was built to store Avian history.", > "//name" : "tribalbookcase2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Avian Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbookcase2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A barrel. Anything could be inside!", > "//name" : "barrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "novakidshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidshiplocker" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A storage crate made of unrefined wood and bone.", > "//name" : "florancrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy chest. To store things in.", > "//name" : "fleshchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "This cabinet is where the signs come out. Maybe I can put one in?", > "//name" : "signdispenser", > "//shortdescription" : "EASEL Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "signdispenser", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "Valuable things should be stored here.", > "//name" : "royalcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", > "//name" : "chestavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of rock.", > "//name" : "cavechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cavechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A locker of unknown ownership.", > "//name" : "outpostlocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Lockers", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostlocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", > "//name" : "prisonlocker1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Prison Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonlocker1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "humanstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humanstoragelocker" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in red paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present2", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "glitchstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchstoragelocker" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for storing a lot of food and keeping it fresh.", > "//name" : "fridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Full-Size Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "Tar fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "tarpitchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Tarpit Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarpitchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "An alien chest.", > "//name" : "alienchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in teal paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present1", > "//shortdescription" : "Teal Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A trash bag. What a load of rubbish.", > "//name" : "trashbag", > "//shortdescription" : "Trash Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trashbag", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A long chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", > "//name" : "chestfloran2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestfloran2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top.", > "//name" : "bigpresent", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigpresent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A shipping container. Probably doesn't contain a ship.", > "//name" : "outpostshippingcontainer", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Shipping Container", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostshippingcontainer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A chest decorated with beautiful rainbow markings.", > "//name" : "rainbowchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "Looks like a place you might store an eggcup... Do Avians eat eggs?", > "//name" : "tribalwallcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tribalwallcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "novakidstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidstoragelocker" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in blue paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present3", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of flowers.", > "//name" : "giantflowerchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet containing who knows what?", > "//name" : "outpostcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "Hand-made and beautiful, this bookcase is intricately carved.", > "//name" : "tribalbookcase1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbookcase1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", > "//name" : "florancabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "Carved patterns surround this small cabinet.", > "//name" : "tribalcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Carved Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "The crystal on top of this closet appears to be broken.", > "//name" : "tribalcloset1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Closet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcloset1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet with a table top.", > "//name" : "plantcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "humanshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humanshiplocker" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "floranshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranshiplocker" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "A barrel filled with treasure!", > "//name" : "barrelgoldfilled", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrelgoldfilled", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 1876,2520c1876,2520 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/reedchest.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantcabinet2.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchshiplocker.png" < }, < "100" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giftmonstersmallbox.png" < }, < "101" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/florancabinet1.png" < }, < "102" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/slimehide.png" < }, < "103" : { 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giftmonsterbox.png" > }, > "37" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/gunchest.png" > }, > "38" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodencrate2.png" > }, > "39" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classiccupboard.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "40" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbaselocker.png" > }, > "41" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/icespherechest.png" > }, > "42" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcoolcupboard.png" > }, > "43" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/box2.png" > }, > "44" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/icechest.png" > }, > "45" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "46" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/foodbowl.png" > }, > "47" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/foodbowl_orientation1.png" > }, > "48" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexstoragelocker.png" > }, > "49" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/trashcan.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "50" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glowchest.png" > }, > "51" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/icemachine.png" > }, > "52" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/filingcabinet.png" > }, > "53" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodenbookcase.png" > }, > "54" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexshiplocker.png" > }, > "55" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/chestmedavian2.png" > }, > "56" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/chestfloran1.png" > }, > "57" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tribalcounter1.png" > }, > "58" : { > 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{ > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tarpitchest.png" > }, > "80" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alienchest.png" > }, > "81" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/present1.png" > }, > "82" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/trashbag.png" > }, > "83" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/chestfloran2.png" > }, > "84" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bigpresent.png" > }, > "85" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostshippingcontainer.png" > }, > "86" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/techchest.png" > }, > "87" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowchest.png" > }, > "88" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tribalwallcabinet.png" > }, > "89" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidstoragelocker.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/present3.png" > }, > "90" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflowerchest.png" > }, > "91" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostcabinet.png" > }, > "92" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tribalbookcase1.png" > }, > "93" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/florancabinet2.png" > }, > "94" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tribalcabinet1.png" > }, > "95" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tribalcloset1.png" > }, > "96" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantcabinet1.png" > }, > "97" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/humanshiplocker.png" > }, > "98" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranshiplocker.png" > }, > "99" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/barrelgoldfilled.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\teleporter.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 30, --- > "tilecount" : 31, 10,260c10,269 < "0" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "stoneteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stoneteleporter" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "woodenteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenteleporter" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagnovakid", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagnovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagnovakid_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagnovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghylotl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghylotl_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "This teleporter should get me back to the ship when I'm ready to leave.", < "//name" : "exitteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Exit Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "exitteleporter" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", < "//name" : "floranartifactaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Artifact Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranartifactaltar" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", < "//name" : "avianartifactaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Artifact Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianartifactaltar" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", < "//name" : "apexartifactaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Artifact Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexartifactaltar" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", < "//name" : "hylotlartifactaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Artifact Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlartifactaltar" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", < "//name" : "glitchartifactaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Artifact Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchartifactaltar" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "This teleporter should get me back to the Ark.", < "//name" : "arkteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Ark Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arkteleporter" < }, < "3" : { < "//name" : "missionteleporter", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "futureteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Futuristic Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futureteleporter" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "This teleporter makes a great demonstration and a handy return point!", < "//name" : "2stoptele", < "//shortdescription" : "2 Stop Teleshop Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "2stoptele", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "brassteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Brass Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brassteleporter" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "blackteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "blackteleporter" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "scienceteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Scientific Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scienceteleporter" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "tombteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Tomb Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombteleporter" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "stoneteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stoneteleporter" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "woodenteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenteleporter" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghylotl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghylotl_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "This teleporter should get me back to the ship when I'm ready to leave.", > "//name" : "exitteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Exit Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "exitteleporter" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "floranartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranartifactaltar" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "avianartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianartifactaltar" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "apexartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexartifactaltar" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "hylotlartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlartifactaltar" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "glitchartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchartifactaltar" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "This teleporter should get me back to the Ark.", > "//name" : "arkteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Ark Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arkteleporter" > }, > "3" : { > "//name" : "missionteleporter", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "If you die, you will respawn at this location.", > "//name" : "checkpoint", > "//shortdescription" : "Mission Checkpoint", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "checkpoint", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "futureteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Futuristic Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futureteleporter" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "This teleporter makes a great demonstration and a handy return point!", > "//name" : "2stoptele", > "//shortdescription" : "2 Stop Teleshop Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "2stoptele", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "brassteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Brass Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brassteleporter" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "blackteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "blackteleporter" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "scienceteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Scientific Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scienceteleporter" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "tombteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Tomb Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombteleporter" > } 263,352c272,364 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stoneteleporter.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodenteleporter.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran_orientation1.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid_orientation1.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch_orientation1.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl.png" < }, < "17" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl_orientation1.png" < }, < "18" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian.png" < }, < "19" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian_orientation1.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/exitteleporter.png" < }, < "20" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex.png" < }, < "21" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex_orientation1.png" < }, < "22" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman.png" < }, < "23" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman_orientation1.png" < }, < "24" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranartifactaltar.png" < }, < "25" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianartifactaltar.png" < }, < "26" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexartifactaltar.png" < }, < "27" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlartifactaltar.png" < }, < "28" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchartifactaltar.png" < }, < "29" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/arkteleporter.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/futureteleporter.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/2stoptele.png" < }, < "6" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brassteleporter.png" < }, < "7" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/blackteleporter.png" < }, < "8" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/scienceteleporter.png" < }, < "9" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombteleporter.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stoneteleporter.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodenteleporter.png" > }, > "10" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran.png" > }, > "11" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran_orientation1.png" > }, > "12" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid.png" > }, > "13" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid_orientation1.png" > }, > "14" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch.png" > }, > "15" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch_orientation1.png" > }, > "16" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl.png" > }, > "17" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl_orientation1.png" > }, > "18" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian.png" > }, > "19" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian_orientation1.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/exitteleporter.png" > }, > "20" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex.png" > }, > "21" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex_orientation1.png" > }, > "22" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman.png" > }, > "23" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman_orientation1.png" > }, > "24" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranartifactaltar.png" > }, > "25" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianartifactaltar.png" > }, > "26" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexartifactaltar.png" > }, > "27" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlartifactaltar.png" > }, > "28" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchartifactaltar.png" > }, > "29" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/arkteleporter.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "30" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/checkpoint.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/futureteleporter.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/2stoptele.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brassteleporter.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/blackteleporter.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/scienceteleporter.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombteleporter.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\teleportmarker.json 10,135c10,135 < "0" : { < "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghylotl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghylotl_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagnovakid", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagnovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagnovakid_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagnovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghylotl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghylotl_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 138,179c138,179 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl_orientation1.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran_orientation1.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid_orientation1.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman_orientation1.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex_orientation1.png" < }, < "6" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian.png" < }, < "7" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian_orientation1.png" < }, < "8" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch.png" < }, < "9" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch_orientation1.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl_orientation1.png" > }, > "10" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran.png" > }, > "11" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran_orientation1.png" > }, > "12" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid.png" > }, > "13" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid_orientation1.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman_orientation1.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex_orientation1.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian_orientation1.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch_orientation1.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-category\trap.json 10,1740c10,1740 < "0" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "savannahgroundspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "savannahgroundspike4" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "savannahgroundspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "savannahgroundspike3" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalactite1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : 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"bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. 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"tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation9", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation10", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation11", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < 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"152" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancienticetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancienticetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienticetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : 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"tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your running speed.", > "//name" : "speedbooster_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Speed Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "speedbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "greengroundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengroundspike3" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your running speed.", > "//name" : "speedbooster_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Speed Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "speedbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your running speed.", > "//name" : "speedbooster_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Speed Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "speedbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", > "//name" : "jumpbooster", > "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jumpbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", > "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jumpbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", > "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "jumpbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", > "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "jumpbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", > "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jumpbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", > "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jumpbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", > "//name" : "powerbooster", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "powerbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", > "//name" : "powerbooster_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "powerbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "magmagroundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmagroundspike3" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", > "//name" : "powerbooster_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "powerbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", > "//name" : "powerbooster_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "powerbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", > "//name" : "powerbooster_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "powerbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", > "//name" : "powerbooster_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "powerbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "Don't burn your feet!", > "//name" : "burningcoals", > "//shortdescription" : "Burning Coals", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "burningcoals", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", > "//name" : "floranbouldertrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Boulder Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranbouldertrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "This device is used to rapidly freeze materials.", > "//name" : "freezetrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Cryogenic Blaster", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "freezetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "Wooden spikes. Just waiting to be decorated with the heads of your enemies!", > "//name" : "medievalspikes", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalspikes", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation9", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation10", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation11", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "savannahgroundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "savannahgroundspike1" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "savannahgroundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "savannahgroundspike2" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation12", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation13", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "desertceilingspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "desertceilingspike2" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "thorns3", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thorns3" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalagmite2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalagmite2" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sawblade2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade2" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade2" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "magmagroundspike1", > 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Can be used to store a wire state.", < "//name" : "dlatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Latch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "dlatch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation5", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Watch your step, this looks explosive!", < "//name" : "landmine", < "//shortdescription" : "Military Land Mine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "landmine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", < "//name" : "hylotlbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Base Button", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlbutton" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "Urge... to push... rising!", < "//name" : "bigredbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Button", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigredbutton", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A circuit that relays signals after a set delay.", < "//name" : "delay", < "//shortdescription" : "Delay Gate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "delay" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "Repels objects with a strong elastic force", < "//name" : "jumppad", < "//shortdescription" : "Jump Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jumppad" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "...", < "//name" : "invisiblesound", < "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Sound", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "invisiblesound", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "A brass valve, rusted from years of use.", < "//name" : "boilervalve", < "//shortdescription" : "Boiler Valve", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "boilervalve", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "not", < "//shortdescription" : "NOT Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "not", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "This durasteel elevator will get the job done.", < "//name" : "durasteelelevatorlong", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Durasteel Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "durasteelelevatorlong", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "This durasteel elevator will get the job done.", < "//name" : "durasteelelevatorshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Durasteel Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "durasteelelevatorshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", < "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Mechanical Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", < "//name" : "woodenelevatorshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Wooden Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenelevatorshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", < "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Mechanical Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", < "//name" : "woodenelevatorlong", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Wooden Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenelevatorlong", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "This elevator design is commonly seen in foundries.", < "//name" : "foundryelevatorlong", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Industrial Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundryelevatorlong", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A switch for activating foundry machinery.", < "//name" : "foundryswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundryswitch" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "This elevator design is commonly seen in foundries.", < "//name" : "foundryelevatorshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Industrial Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundryelevatorshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "A console with interesting looking levels and lightbulbs.", < "//name" : "foundryconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundryconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "An /'OR'/ switch. Allows you to have multiple individual inputs.", < "//name" : "or", < "//shortdescription" : "OR Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "or", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "A button fit for purpose in a foundry.", < "//name" : "foundrybutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Button", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrybutton", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "An XOR switch. The output will be on when exactly one of the inputs is on.", < "//name" : "foundryxor", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry XOR Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundryxor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrycountdowntimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Countdown Timer", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrycountdowntimer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrytimer1s", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (1 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrytimer1s" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrytimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (0.5 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrytimer" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrytimer5s", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (5 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrytimer5s" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrydelay", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Delay Gate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrydelay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundryor", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Or Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundryor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrynot", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Not Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrynot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrydlatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Latch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrydlatch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrytimer4s", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (4 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrytimer4s" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrytimer3s", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (3 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrytimer3s" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundryand", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry And Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundryand", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrytimer2s", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (2 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrytimer2s" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "An Executive console. So exquisite, you can't help but treat it with respect.", < "//name" : "executiveswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "executiveswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "An old, forgotten land mine. It may still be active!", < "//name" : "scorchedlandmine", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Land Mine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedlandmine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", < "//name" : "wallb", < "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wallb", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", < "//name" : "wallb_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wallb", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", < "//name" : "wallb_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wallb", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", < "//name" : "wallb_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wallb", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "Crossing this laser beam might trigger something!", < "//name" : "lasertripwire", < "//shortdescription" : "Laser Tripwire", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "lasertripwire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "Crossing this laser beam might trigger something!", < "//name" : "lasertripwire_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Laser Tripwire", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lasertripwire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "An alarm bell. One would hope this never needs to be rung.", < "//name" : "glitchalarm", < "//shortdescription" : "Alarm Bell", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchalarm", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "An alarm bell. One would hope this never needs to be rung.", < "//name" : "glitchalarm_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Alarm Bell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchalarm", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "An automated soil watering solution.", < "//name" : "sprinkler", < "//shortdescription" : "Sprinkler", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sprinkler", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "An automated soil watering solution.", < "//name" : "sprinkler_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sprinkler", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sprinkler", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "A durasteel control console. Press all the buttons!", < "//name" : "tier4switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "A robust tungesten lever. Demands to be pulled.", < "//name" : "tier2switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A Opulent console. Sturdy enough to tap-dance on.", < "//name" : "opulentswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "opulentswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A titanium control console. Press all the buttons!", < "//name" : "tier3switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A wave console. Strong enough to dropkick.", < "//name" : "waveswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Wave Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "waveswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "An serene console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", < "//name" : "sereneswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Serene Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sereneswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy iron lever. Perfect for pulling.", < "//name" : "tier1switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "A Doom console. Be careful how you operate it - it's watching.", < "//name" : "doomswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doomswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "An Geometric console. Sturdy enough to jump on.", < "//name" : "geometricswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", < "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A pressure plate, to be used wisely.", < "//name" : "medievalpressureplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalpressureplate" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "The finest automated security turret around.", < "//name" : "apexturret", < "//shortdescription" : "High-tech Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "An /'AND'/ switch. Requires all inputs to be /'on'/ to work.", < "//name" : "and", < "//shortdescription" : "AND Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "and", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "One of these shackles looks suspicious...", < "//name" : "medievalswitchshackle", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "medievalswitchshackle", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "That big red level should probably be left alone.", < "//name" : "apexconsole1", < "//shortdescription" : "Research Terminal", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexconsole1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute. Hmm... The shield looks loose.", < "//name" : "medievalarmorswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspicious Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmorswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A sunflower who's just looking for the sun.", < "//name" : "movingsunflower", < "//shortdescription" : "Moving Sunflower", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "movingsunflower", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "referencegenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Reference Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-80", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "referencegenerator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "The amount of data on this screen is overwhelming.", < "//name" : "bunkerbigpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerbigpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A compact switch that can be flipped on or off.", < "//name" : "tinywallswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Wall Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tinywallswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "It seems to scan eyeballs to match personnel data.", < "//name" : "bunkereyescanner", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Eye Scanner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkereyescanner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "This chest is rigged with a sensor that sends a signal when its opened.", < "//name" : "trapchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Trap Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trapchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", < "//name" : "lightsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lightsensor" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", < "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lightsensor" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", < "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lightsensor" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", < "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lightsensor" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with a bird crudely etched into the base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal1", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Bird Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "Stay still! It can't see you if you stay still.", < "//name" : "bunkermotiondetector", < "//shortdescription" : "Motion Detector", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkermotiondetector", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", < "//name" : "smallwallswitchlighttoggle", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch (Toggled Light)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallwallswitchlighttoggle" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with a flame carved into its base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal3", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Flame Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//name" : "tier10switch", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "It scans fingerprints to match personnel data.", < "//name" : "bunkerhandscanner", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Fingerprint Scanner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkerhandscanner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "An output light. Indicates whether something is on or off.", < "//name" : "bulb", < "//shortdescription" : "Bulb", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bulb" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "The finest security camera around.", < "//name" : "apexsecuritycamera", < "//shortdescription" : "High-tech Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A sleek control console.", < "//name" : "lunarbaseconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaseconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A button.", < "//name" : "outpostbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Button", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostbutton", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", < "//name" : "smallwallswitchlit", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch (Light)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallwallswitchlit" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 4 seconds.", < "//name" : "timer4s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (4 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer4s" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "The sword in the... console?", < "//name" : "ironswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", < "//name" : "smallwallbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Button", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallwallbutton" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "Pushing it might be fun, at least for a moment.", < "//name" : "smallfloorbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floor Button", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallfloorbutton", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A security console. For keeping things secure.", < "//name" : "outpostsecurityconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Security Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostsecurityconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A shield generator. Protective!", < "//name" : "humangenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Shield Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-80", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humangenerator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "It sure doesn't look like this could generate a shield.", < "//name" : "shieldgenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Shield Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "shieldgenerator" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana! The sacred fruit!", < "//name" : "apexstatue3", < "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Lock Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 3 seconds.", < "//name" : "timer3s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (3 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer3s" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "Gurgle gurgle!", < "//name" : "drain", < "//shortdescription" : "Drain", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drain" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", < "//name" : "smallwallswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallwallswitch" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "An /'XOR'/ switch. Requires one input to be on, and one off.", < "//name" : "xor", < "//shortdescription" : "XOR Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "xor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "liquidsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "Perfect for all your automated door needs!", < "//name" : "scanner", < "//shortdescription" : "Proximity Scanner", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scanner" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A keypad.", < "//name" : "outpostkeypad", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Keypad", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "outpostkeypad", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A large control panel powered by Avian crystals.", < "//name" : "consoletribal4", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "I wonder what all these buttons are for...", < "//name" : "apexconsolekeyboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Console Keyboard", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexconsolekeyboard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with an egg is etched into its base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal2", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Egg Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "Once triggered this switch will remain in its switched state.", < "//name" : "persistentswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Persistent Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "persistentswitch" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "An ideal device for preparing traps and the like.", < "//name" : "huntingpressureplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious lever. I wonder what this does?", < "//name" : "medievalswitchlever", < "//shortdescription" : "Switch Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchlever", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "This pressure plate activates when stepped on.", < "//name" : "proximitysensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "proximitysensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A suspicious crystal with more to it than meets the eye.", < "//name" : "castleswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Gem Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castleswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "One of these books looks out of place... I wonder...", < "//name" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "It's a screen full of super top secret mission data... Boring.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole4", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A sign that says either offline or online.", < "//name" : "miningpowersign", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningpowersign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "Two keyboards and one monitor?", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "Lots of tempting buttons that should probably be left alone.", < "//name" : "plantpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A sewer valve. It's had a funny turn.", < "//name" : "sewervalve", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Valve", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewervalve", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A control panel that appears to operate lights, doors and alarms.", < "//name" : "prisoncontrolpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Control Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncontrolpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A computer console made of tar.", < "//name" : "tarconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 2 seconds.", < "//name" : "timer2s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (2 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer2s" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A laser made to mine through moon rock.", < "//name" : "lunarbaselaser", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Laser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselaser", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "Watch your step!", < "//name" : "proximitywallsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Proximity Wall Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "proximitywallsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A control console.", < "//name" : "outpostconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A compact button that activates when pressed.", < "//name" : "tinywallbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Wall Button", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tinywallbutton" < }, < "84" : { < "//name" : "avianproximitysensor", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", < "//name" : "avianpressureplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 1 second.", < "//name" : "timer1s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (1 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer1s" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 5 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer5s", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (5 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer5s" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", > "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 0.5 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (0.5 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", > "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", > "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A sign that indicates the status of a pump.", > "//name" : "pumpsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Pump Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pumpsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//name" : "libraryswitchprop", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "invisibleproximitysensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Proximity Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "invisibleproximitysensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A timer that stays active for a set duration.", > "//name" : "countdowntimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Countdown Timer", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "countdowntimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//name" : "tombtrap", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "107" : { > "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "108" : { > "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "109" : { > "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation4", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A Latch. Can be used to store a wire state.", > "//name" : "dlatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Latch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "dlatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation5", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Watch your step, this looks explosive!", > "//name" : "landmine", > "//shortdescription" : "Military Land Mine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "landmine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", > "//name" : "hylotlbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Base Button", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlbutton" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "Urge... to push... rising!", > "//name" : "bigredbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Button", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigredbutton", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A circuit that relays signals after a set delay.", > "//name" : "delay", > "//shortdescription" : "Delay Gate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "delay" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "Repels objects with a strong elastic force", > "//name" : "jumppad", > "//shortdescription" : "Jump Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jumppad" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "invisiblesound", > "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Sound", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "invisiblesound", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "A brass valve, rusted from years of use.", > "//name" : "boilervalve", > "//shortdescription" : "Boiler Valve", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "boilervalve", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "not", > "//shortdescription" : "NOT Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "not", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "This durasteel elevator will get the job done.", > "//name" : "durasteelelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Durasteel Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "durasteelelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "This durasteel elevator will get the job done.", > "//name" : "durasteelelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Durasteel Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "durasteelelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", > "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Mechanical Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", > "//name" : "woodenelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Wooden Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", > "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Mechanical Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", > "//name" : "woodenelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Wooden Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "This elevator design is commonly seen in foundries.", > "//name" : "foundryelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Industrial Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundryelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A switch for activating foundry machinery.", > "//name" : "foundryswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundryswitch" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "This elevator design is commonly seen in foundries.", > "//name" : "foundryelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Industrial Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundryelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "A console with interesting looking levels and lightbulbs.", > "//name" : "foundryconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundryconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "An /'OR'/ switch. Allows you to have multiple individual inputs.", > "//name" : "or", > "//shortdescription" : "OR Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "or", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "A button fit for purpose in a foundry.", > "//name" : "foundrybutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Button", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrybutton", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "An XOR switch. The output will be on when exactly one of the inputs is on.", > "//name" : "foundryxor", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry XOR Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundryxor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrycountdowntimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Countdown Timer", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrycountdowntimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer1s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (1 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer1s" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (0.5 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer5s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (5 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer5s" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrydelay", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Delay Gate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrydelay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundryor", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Or Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundryor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrynot", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Not Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrynot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrydlatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Latch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrydlatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer4s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (4 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer4s" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer3s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (3 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer3s" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundryand", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry And Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundryand", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer2s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (2 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer2s" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "An Executive console. So exquisite, you can't help but treat it with respect.", > "//name" : "executiveswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executiveswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "An old, forgotten land mine. It may still be active!", > "//name" : "scorchedlandmine", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Land Mine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedlandmine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", > "//name" : "wallb", > "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wallb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", > "//name" : "wallb_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wallb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", > "//name" : "wallb_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wallb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", > "//name" : "wallb_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wallb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "Crossing this laser beam might trigger something!", > "//name" : "lasertripwire", > "//shortdescription" : "Laser Tripwire", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "lasertripwire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "Crossing this laser beam might trigger something!", > "//name" : "lasertripwire_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Laser Tripwire", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lasertripwire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "An alarm bell. One would hope this never needs to be rung.", > "//name" : "glitchalarm", > "//shortdescription" : "Alarm Bell", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchalarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "An alarm bell. One would hope this never needs to be rung.", > "//name" : "glitchalarm_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Alarm Bell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchalarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "An automated soil watering solution.", > "//name" : "sprinkler", > "//shortdescription" : "Sprinkler", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sprinkler", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "An automated soil watering solution.", > "//name" : "sprinkler_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sprinkler", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sprinkler", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A durasteel control console. Press all the buttons!", > "//name" : "tier4switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "A robust tungesten lever. Demands to be pulled.", > "//name" : "tier2switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A Opulent console. Sturdy enough to tap-dance on.", > "//name" : "opulentswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A titanium control console. Press all the buttons!", > "//name" : "tier3switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A wave console. Strong enough to dropkick.", > "//name" : "waveswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "waveswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "An serene console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", > "//name" : "sereneswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sereneswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy iron lever. Perfect for pulling.", > "//name" : "tier1switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "A Doom console. Be careful how you operate it - it's watching.", > "//name" : "doomswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "An Geometric console. Sturdy enough to jump on.", > "//name" : "geometricswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", > "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A pressure plate, to be used wisely.", > "//name" : "medievalpressureplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalpressureplate" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "The finest automated security turret around.", > "//name" : "apexturret", > "//shortdescription" : "High-tech Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "An /'AND'/ switch. Requires all inputs to be /'on'/ to work.", > "//name" : "and", > "//shortdescription" : "AND Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "and", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "One of these shackles looks suspicious...", > "//name" : "medievalswitchshackle", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "medievalswitchshackle", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "That big red level should probably be left alone.", > "//name" : "apexconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Research Terminal", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute. Hmm... The shield looks loose.", > "//name" : "medievalarmorswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspicious Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmorswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A sunflower who's just looking for the sun.", > "//name" : "movingsunflower", > "//shortdescription" : "Moving Sunflower", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "movingsunflower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "referencegenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Reference Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-80", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "referencegenerator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "The amount of data on this screen is overwhelming.", > "//name" : "bunkerbigpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerbigpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A compact switch that can be flipped on or off.", > "//name" : "tinywallswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Wall Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tinywallswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "It seems to scan eyeballs to match personnel data.", > "//name" : "bunkereyescanner", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Eye Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkereyescanner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "This chest is rigged with a sensor that sends a signal when its opened.", > "//name" : "trapchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Trap Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trapchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", > "//name" : "lightsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lightsensor" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", > "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lightsensor" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", > "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lightsensor" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", > "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lightsensor" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with a bird crudely etched into the base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Bird Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "Stay still! It can't see you if you stay still.", > "//name" : "bunkermotiondetector", > "//shortdescription" : "Motion Detector", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkermotiondetector", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", > "//name" : "smallwallswitchlighttoggle", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch (Toggled Light)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallwallswitchlighttoggle" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with a flame carved into its base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal3", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Flame Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//name" : "tier10switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "It scans fingerprints to match personnel data.", > "//name" : "bunkerhandscanner", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Fingerprint Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkerhandscanner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "An output light. Indicates whether something is on or off.", > "//name" : "bulb", > "//shortdescription" : "Bulb", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bulb" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "The finest security camera around.", > "//name" : "apexsecuritycamera", > "//shortdescription" : "High-tech Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A sleek control console.", > "//name" : "lunarbaseconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaseconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A button.", > "//name" : "outpostbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Button", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostbutton", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", > "//name" : "smallwallswitchlit", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch (Light)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallwallswitchlit" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 4 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer4s", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (4 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer4s" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "The sword in the... console?", > "//name" : "ironswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", > "//name" : "smallwallbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Button", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallwallbutton" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "Pushing it might be fun, at least for a moment.", > "//name" : "smallfloorbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floor Button", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallfloorbutton", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A security console. For keeping things secure.", > "//name" : "outpostsecurityconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Security Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostsecurityconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A shield generator. Protective!", > "//name" : "humangenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Shield Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-80", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humangenerator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "It sure doesn't look like this could generate a shield.", > "//name" : "shieldgenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Shield Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "shieldgenerator" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana! The sacred fruit!", > "//name" : "apexstatue3", > "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Lock Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 3 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer3s", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (3 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer3s" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "Gurgle gurgle!", > "//name" : "drain", > "//shortdescription" : "Drain", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drain" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", > "//name" : "smallwallswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallwallswitch" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "An /'XOR'/ switch. Requires one input to be on, and one off.", > "//name" : "xor", > "//shortdescription" : "XOR Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "xor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "liquidsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for all your automated door needs!", > "//name" : "scanner", > "//shortdescription" : "Proximity Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scanner" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A keypad.", > "//name" : "outpostkeypad", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Keypad", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "outpostkeypad", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A large control panel powered by Avian crystals.", > "//name" : "consoletribal4", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "I wonder what all these buttons are for...", > "//name" : "apexconsolekeyboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Console Keyboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexconsolekeyboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with an egg is etched into its base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal2", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Egg Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "Once triggered this switch will remain in its switched state.", > "//name" : "persistentswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Persistent Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "persistentswitch" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "An ideal device for preparing traps and the like.", > "//name" : "huntingpressureplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious lever. I wonder what this does?", > "//name" : "medievalswitchlever", > "//shortdescription" : "Switch Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchlever", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "This pressure plate activates when stepped on.", > "//name" : "proximitysensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "proximitysensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A suspicious crystal with more to it than meets the eye.", > "//name" : "castleswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gem Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castleswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "One of these books looks out of place... I wonder...", > "//name" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "It's a screen full of super top secret mission data... Boring.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole4", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A sign that says either offline or online.", > "//name" : "miningpowersign", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningpowersign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "Two keyboards and one monitor?", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "Lots of tempting buttons that should probably be left alone.", > "//name" : "plantpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A sewer valve. It's had a funny turn.", > "//name" : "sewervalve", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Valve", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewervalve", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A control panel that appears to operate lights, doors and alarms.", > "//name" : "prisoncontrolpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Control Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncontrolpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "A computer console made of tar.", > "//name" : "tarconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 2 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer2s", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (2 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer2s" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A laser made to mine through moon rock.", > "//name" : "lunarbaselaser", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Laser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselaser", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "Watch your step!", > "//name" : "proximitywallsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Proximity Wall Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "proximitywallsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A control console.", > "//name" : "outpostconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A compact button that activates when pressed.", > "//name" : "tinywallbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Wall Button", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tinywallbutton" > }, > "84" : { > "//name" : "avianproximitysensor", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", > "//name" : "avianpressureplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks 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"//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "An impossibly old message.", < "//name" : "ancientplaque1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "ancientplaque1" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", < "//name" : "secretsign2", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 2", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secretsign2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "An ancient-looking door.", < "//name" : "ancientdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram2" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", < "//name" : "jumpbooster", < "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jumpbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", < "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jumpbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", < "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "jumpbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", < "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "jumpbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight10", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientstriplight10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { 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"//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram4" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "This looks like an ancient control panel. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientsmallconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientsmallconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", < "//name" : "secretsign1", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 1", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secretsign1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your running speed.", < "//name" : "speedbooster", < "//shortdescription" : "Speed Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "speedbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your running speed.", < "//name" : "speedbooster_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Speed Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "speedbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your running speed.", < "//name" : "speedbooster_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Speed Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "speedbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your running speed.", < "//name" : "speedbooster_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Speed Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "speedbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight10_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientstriplight10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your running speed.", < "//name" : "speedbooster_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Speed Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "speedbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your running speed.", < "//name" : "speedbooster_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Speed Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "speedbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A wall light.", < "//name" : "ancientlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A temporary prop.", < "//name" : "ancientprop", < "//shortdescription" : "TODO - Ancient Prop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientprop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight8", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight8_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", < "//name" : "secretsign3", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 3", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secretsign3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "I sure hope this door will take me back to reality!", < "//name" : "challengereturndoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "challengereturndoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", < "//name" : "ancientbouldertrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Boulder Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "ancientbouldertrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientconsole_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "returnconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "returnconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "returnconsole_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "returnconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "ancienthiddenplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hidden Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancienthiddenplatform", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to 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< "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight6_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight9", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ancienttorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ancienttorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ancienttorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ancienttorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram1" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram3" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sawblade2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade2" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade2" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter 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"right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "An ancient vertical hatch doorway.", < "//name" : "ancientverticaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientverticaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight7", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight7_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight5_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A huge stone tentacle", < "//name" : "largetentacleprop", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Tentacle Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largetentacleprop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A huge stone tentacle", < "//name" : "largetentacleprop_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Tentacle Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largetentacleprop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight11", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight11", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious doorway leading into an unknown dimension. What could possibly go wrong?", > "//name" : "challengedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "challengedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "An ancient pillar found near the gates. It produces light.", > "//name" : "ancientpillar", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientpillar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight13", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight13", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight13_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight13", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A round wall light.", > "//name" : "ancientlightround", > "//shortdescription" : "Round Ancient Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientlightround", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight4_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", > "//name" : "powerbooster", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "powerbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", > "//name" : "powerbooster_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "powerbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", > "//name" : "powerbooster_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "powerbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", > "//name" : "powerbooster_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "powerbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", > "//name" : "powerbooster_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "powerbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", > "//name" : "powerbooster_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "powerbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight11_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight11", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a galaxy.", > "//name" : "hologramgalaxy", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hologramgalaxy" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight12", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight12", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight12_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight12", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A manhole cover.", > "//name" : "manholedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Manhole Cover", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "manholedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "An ancient chest of unknown origin.", > "//name" : "ancientchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A beam of hard light creating a platform.", > "//name" : "ancientlightplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Light Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientlightplatform", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "An impossibly old message.", > "//name" : "ancientplaque1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ancientplaque1" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", > "//name" : "secretsign2", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "secretsign2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "An ancient-looking door.", > "//name" : "ancientdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram2" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", > "//name" : "jumpbooster", > "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jumpbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", > "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jumpbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", > "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "jumpbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", > "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "jumpbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight10", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientstriplight10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", > "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jumpbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", > "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jumpbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A fearsome ancient chest ornamented with a lidless eye.", > "//name" : "ancientbigchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Big Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientbigchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram4" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "This looks like an ancient control panel. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "ancientsmallconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientsmallconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", > "//name" : "secretsign1", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 1", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "secretsign1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your running speed.", > "//name" : "speedbooster", > "//shortdescription" : "Speed Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "speedbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your running speed.", > "//name" : "speedbooster_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Speed Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "speedbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your running speed.", > "//name" : "speedbooster_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Speed Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "speedbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your running speed.", > "//name" : "speedbooster_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Speed Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "speedbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight10_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientstriplight10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your running speed.", > "//name" : "speedbooster_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Speed Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "speedbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your running speed.", > "//name" : "speedbooster_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Speed Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "speedbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A wall light.", > "//name" : "ancientlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A temporary prop.", > "//name" : "ancientprop", > "//shortdescription" : "TODO - Ancient Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientprop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight8", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight8_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", > "//name" : "secretsign3", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 3", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "secretsign3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "I sure hope this door will take me back to reality!", > "//name" : "challengereturndoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "challengereturndoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", > "//name" : "ancientbouldertrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Boulder Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "ancientbouldertrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "ancientconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "ancientconsole_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "returnconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "returnconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "returnconsole_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "returnconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "ancienthiddenplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hidden Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancienthiddenplatform", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienticetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/airbooster_orientation5.png" > }, > "32" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientplaque1.png" > }, > "33" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/secretsign2.png" > }, > "34" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientdoor.png" > }, > "35" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hologram2.png" > }, > "36" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/jumpbooster.png" > }, > "37" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/jumpbooster_orientation1.png" > }, > "38" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/jumpbooster_orientation2.png" > }, > "39" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/jumpbooster_orientation3.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientstriplight10.png" > }, > "40" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/jumpbooster_orientation4.png" > }, > "41" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/jumpbooster_orientation5.png" > }, > "42" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientbigchest.png" > }, > "43" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hologram4.png" > }, > "44" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientsmallconsole.png" > }, > "45" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/secretsign1.png" > }, > "46" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/speedbooster.png" > }, > "47" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/speedbooster_orientation1.png" > }, > "48" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/speedbooster_orientation2.png" > }, > "49" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/speedbooster_orientation3.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientstriplight10_orientation1.png" > }, > "50" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/speedbooster_orientation4.png" > }, > "51" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/speedbooster_orientation5.png" > }, > "52" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientlight.png" > }, > "53" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientprop.png" > }, > "54" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientstriplight8.png" > }, > "55" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientstriplight8_orientation1.png" > }, > "56" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/secretsign3.png" > }, > "57" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/challengereturndoor.png" > }, > "58" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientbouldertrap.png" > }, > "59" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientconsole.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientflametrap.png" > }, > "60" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientconsole_orientation1.png" > }, > "61" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/returnconsole.png" > }, > "62" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/returnconsole_orientation1.png" > }, > "63" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancienthiddenplatform.png" > }, > "64" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancienticetrap.png" > }, > "65" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancienticetrap_orientation1.png" > }, > "66" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancienticetrap_orientation2.png" > }, > "67" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancienticetrap_orientation3.png" > }, > "68" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancienticetrap_orientation4.png" > }, > "69" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancienticetrap_orientation5.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientflametrap_orientation1.png" > }, > "70" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientstriplight2.png" > }, > "71" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientstriplight6.png" > }, > "72" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientstriplight6_orientation1.png" > }, > "73" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientstriplight9.png" > }, > "74" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancienttorch.png" > }, > "75" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancienttorch_orientation2.png" > }, > "76" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancienttorch_orientation3.png" > }, > "77" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancienttorch_orientation4.png" > }, > "78" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hologram1.png" > }, > "79" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hologram3.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientflametrap_orientation2.png" > }, > "80" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sawblade2.png" > }, > "81" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sawblade2_orientation2.png" > }, > "82" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sawblade2_orientation3.png" > }, > "83" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sawblade2_orientation4.png" > }, > "84" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sawblade2_orientation5.png" > }, > "85" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientcrystaltrap.png" > }, > "86" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientcrystaltrap_orientation1.png" > }, > "87" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientcrystaltrap_orientation2.png" > }, > "88" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientcrystaltrap_orientation3.png" > }, > "89" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientcrystaltrap_orientation4.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientflametrap_orientation3.png" > }, > "90" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientcrystaltrap_orientation5.png" > }, > "91" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientcrystaltrap_orientation6.png" > }, > "92" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientcrystaltrap_orientation7.png" > }, > "93" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientverticaldoor.png" > }, > "94" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientstriplight7.png" > }, > "95" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientstriplight7_orientation1.png" > }, > "96" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientstriplight5.png" > }, > "97" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientstriplight5_orientation1.png" > }, > "98" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/largetentacleprop.png" > }, > "99" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/largetentacleprop_orientation1.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\apex.json 10,1581c10,1581 < "0" : { < "//description" : "It's churning out sultry tunes from Big Ape's #1 album, 'Jungle Love'.", < "//name" : "apexrecordplayer", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Record Player", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexrecordplayer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "teleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teleporterTier0" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "There's nothing of interest on this shelf.", < "//name" : "apexcoolshelf1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Empty Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolshelf1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "Don't underestimate an Apex's love for bananas.", < "//name" : "apexpainting4", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting4" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "That sure is a cool table.", < "//name" : "apexcooltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcooltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "I'd better do what they say... ha!", < "//name" : "apexobeysign", < "//shortdescription" : "Obey Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexobeysign" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "teleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teleporter" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful bed of rich wood and 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Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "apexshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexshiplocker" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "Think happy thoughts!", < "//name" : "apexthoughtreassign", < "//shortdescription" : "Reassignment Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexthoughtreassign" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "apexshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "Good for hosting small dinner parties.", < "//name" : "classictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "Everything looks significantly more terrifying under a microscope.", < "//name" : "microscope", < "//shortdescription" : "Microscope", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "microscope", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex peace-keeper.", < "//name" : "apexpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting2" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "Vials full of various blood types. I hope they didn't take out ALL their blood.", < "//name" : "apexbloodbank", < "//shortdescription" : "Bloodbank", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbloodbank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "An empty aquarium. How lonely.", < "//name" : "apexaquarium2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Wooden Aquarium", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexaquarium2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A sign that reads \"Danger!\". It couldn't really send a clearer message.", < "//name" : "reddangersign", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Danger Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "reddangersign" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming Apex.", < "//name" : "paintingapescream", < "//shortdescription" : "Howler Monkey Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapescream" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "It's a bust of Big Ape, Glorious Leader of the Apex.", < "//name" : "apexstatue1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Bust", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "That big red level should probably be left alone.", < "//name" : "apexconsole1", < "//shortdescription" : "Research Terminal", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexconsole1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Look! Fishies!", < "//name" : "apexaquarium1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Aquarium", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexaquarium1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "This cool computer is making a lot of 'beep boop boop beep' noises.", < "//name" : "apexcoolcomputer", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Computer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolcomputer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", < "//name" : "apexcooldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcooldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "It seems irresponsible to leave a bunch of unlabelled chemicals unattended.", < "//name" : "apexcoolshelf2", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chemical Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolshelf2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "Another victim of this tacky polka dot print.", < "//name" : "apexcouch", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "A thin set of short curtains.", < "//name" : "apexcurtain", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexcurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "A fridge, good for keeping food cold.", < "//name" : "apexfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A short wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", < "//name" : "apexlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "A defaced poster of Big Ape.", < "//name" : "apexmocksign", < "//shortdescription" : "Disobey Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexmocksign" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "It's a framed replica of Big Ape's hit album, 'Jungle Love'.", < "//name" : "apexpainting3", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Record", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting3" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "May we forever obey him.", < "//name" : "apexpainting5", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Cross-Stitch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting5" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", < "//name" : "apexbananasign", < "//shortdescription" : "Banana Propaganda Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexbananasign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", < "//name" : "apexslidingdoor2", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexslidingdoor2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "Intercoms are often used to broadcast messages...or receive them.", < "//name" : "apexspeaker", < "//shortdescription" : "Announcement Intercom", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexspeaker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "This strange lamp emits a low green light.", < "//name" : "apextablelamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Lamp Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextablelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A table reserved for traitors.", < "//name" : "apextorturebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextorturebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "A very basic mass produced wardrobe.", < "//name" : "apexwardrobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwardrobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A standard issue wooden dining chair.", < "//name" : "apexwoodenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwoodenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A comfy chair, looks like it's meant to be nailed to the floor.", < "//name" : "apexcomfychair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcomfychair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "The shelves are empty.", < "//name" : "apexwoodenshelves", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Shelves", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwoodenshelves", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A flask full of blue liquid.", < "//name" : "blueflask", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flask", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "blueflask", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", < "//name" : "classiccandlestick", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccandlestick", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", < "//name" : "classiccandlestick_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccandlestick", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "This chandelier is made of wrought-iron. It looks expensive.", < "//name" : "classicchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classicchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "A large classy storage cabinet.", < "//name" : "classiccupboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Cupboard", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccupboard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A creepy monitor. A face flickers onto the screen, almost faster than the eye can see.", < "//name" : "apexceilingtv", < "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Ceiling TV", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexceilingtv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "A classic banana-infused wood door with a gilded handle.", < "//name" : "classicdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "A ceiling spotlight. Ideal lighting for fancy artwork.", < "//name" : "classiclightart", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ceiling Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiclightart", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "An electrically charged plasma field. It reacts to sound.", < "//name" : "plasmadisc", < "//shortdescription" : "Plasma Disc", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plasmadisc", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "A wireless energy supply.", < "//name" : "tesla", < "//shortdescription" : "Wireless Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tesla", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "There seems to be an Apex in there, connected to a bunch of wires and tubes.", < "//name" : "apexpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Life Support Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexpod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Fancy Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicsmall1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "Acceptable whether you're wearing sweatpants and a beanie or pantaloons.", < "//name" : "cider", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Fruit Drink", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cider", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "A very flattering painting of Big Ape, Glorious Beloved Leader of the Apex.", < "//name" : "apexpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glorious Leader Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting1" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", < "//name" : "apexwallpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexwallpainting1" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "Go Ape!", < "//name" : "apexlevel1sign", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Level 01 Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexlevel1sign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A fine china plate.", < "//name" : "classicplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A dining chair fit for the sort of person who enjoys caviar.", < "//name" : "classicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "Big Ape is All Seeing!", < "//name" : "apexapesign", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexapesign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "A standard issue kitchen counter.", < "//name" : "apexcounter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcounter2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Fancy Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassiclarge2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "This desk is sleek, looks solid.", < "//name" : "apexcooldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcooldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A brain in a jar, daydreaming.", < "//name" : "apexbrainjar", < "//shortdescription" : "Brain in a Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbrainjar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", < "//name" : "flowerbed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Striped Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicsmall2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", < "//name" : "apexfightlantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexfightlantern" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", < "//name" : "apexfightlantern_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexfightlantern" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a server. I wonder what kind of games could be hosted on that.", < "//name" : "apexcoolserver", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Server", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolserver", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "There are some items on this shelf.", < "//name" : "apexstoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to buy stuff.", < "//name" : "apexstoresign", < "//shortdescription" : "Store Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexstoresign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A military tent.", < "//name" : "apextent", < "//shortdescription" : "Military Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextent", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A pile of sand bags.", < "//name" : "sandbags", < "//shortdescription" : "Sand Bags", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandbags", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "A disorganised map for locating Big Ape. Whoever drew it was very angry.", < "//name" : "bigapetargetmap", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Target Map", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bigapetargetmap" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "A display cycling through information about Miniknog strongholds.", < "//name" : "miniknogintel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Miniknog Intel Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "miniknogintel1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "A computer displaying information downloaded from the drone on top.", < "//name" : "minidronerack", < "//shortdescription" : "Minidrone Intel Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "minidronerack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "A large propaganda newspaper, to be put up where everyone can see.", < "//name" : "miniknognewspaper", < "//shortdescription" : "Miniknog Newspaper", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "miniknognewspaper" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A somewhat suspicious doll of Big Ape.", < "//name" : "bigapedoll", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Doll", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigapedoll", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "Thin hanging drapes. Quite classy.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Thin Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A soft scent of fruit juice lingers.", < "//name" : "classicglass", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Glass", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicglass", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Striped Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassiclarge1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "techstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "techstationTier0" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "apexshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexshiplockerTier0" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "It should be stocked full of science journals and lab reports.", < "//name" : "apexcoolbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A cheaply-manufactured bed.", < "//name" : "apexbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "An appropriately glorious monument dedicated to a glorious leader.", < "//name" : "classicapestatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Monument", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicapestatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing Apex figures.", < "//name" : "paintingcreationofapepixel", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Big Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingcreationofapepixel" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "apexshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicmedium2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "This door is beautifully crafted.", < "//name" : "classicbardoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Barred Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbardoor" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "Cooks food to a reasonable standard.", < "//name" : "apexoven", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Oven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexoven", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "For displaying the fanciest of items, or holding up the smallest of buildings.", < "//name" : "classicpillarsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicpillarsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "The sign indicates something medicine-related in the vicinity.", < "//name" : "apexmedsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Medical Bay Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexmedsign" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A classy chest filled with classy treasure!", < "//name" : "classicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "It's just a wall panel.", < "//name" : "apexwoodpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wall Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexwoodpanel" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "techstation", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "techstation" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", < "//name" : "paintingbirthofapevenus", < "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingbirthofapevenus" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenapexfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenapexfuelhatch" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A nice steam powered large clock face.", < "//name" : "steamclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Steam Clock Face", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "steamclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "This upholstery is bananas.", < "//name" : "apexarmchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexarmchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "apexcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "Ape Flu? Sounds serious...", < "//name" : "apexflusign", < "//shortdescription" : "Ape Flu Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexflusign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "The finest automated security turret around.", < "//name" : "apexturret", < "//shortdescription" : "High-tech Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "Don't forget to wash your hands!", < "//name" : "apexsink", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Sink", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexsink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "An ornate fountain - much of the water appears to be wasted.", < "//name" : "classicfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A sleek vertical doorway, perfect for secret labs.", < "//name" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicmedium1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", < "//name" : "apexlamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Tall Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexlamp2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a great Apex poet. He...looks familiar.", < "//name" : "paintingapespeare", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Poet Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapespeare" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "I think Big Ape is watching...", < "//name" : "apexhdtv", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape HDTV", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "apexhdtv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A basic mass produced table.", < "//name" : "apextable", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "apexfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexfuelhatch" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A sleek red wall light.", < "//name" : "laboratorylight", < "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "laboratorylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A flask full of green goo.", < "//name" : "greenflask", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Flask", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenflask", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", < "//name" : "classicdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A pair of standard issue kitchen cabinets.", < "//name" : "apexcounter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcounter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "This seems to be a scientist that 'gave his body to science'.", < "//name" : "apexstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Scientist Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase built to be filled with classic literature.", < "//name" : "classicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "The reason you don't play ball in the house.", < "//name" : "classicchina", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic China Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchina", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "It's an exceptionally cool chair.", < "//name" : "apexcoolchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "Don't do it!", < "//name" : "apexdonotenter", < "//shortdescription" : "Do Not Enter Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexdonotenter" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A board game, with a cardboard castle and game pieces.", < "//name" : "fantasyboardgame", < "//shortdescription" : "Fantasy Board Game", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fantasyboardgame", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "apexlamp3", < "//shortdescription" : "Paper Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexlamp3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", < "//name" : "apexslidingdoor1", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexslidingdoor1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "The finest security camera around.", < "//name" : "apexsecuritycamera", < "//shortdescription" : "High-tech Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A bust of an important Apex.", < "//name" : "apexbustmale", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Male Bust", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbustmale", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "For when you want to make a table-based statement.", < "//name" : "classicdiningtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Dining Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdiningtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "I didn't know clocks were capable of reproduction.", < "//name" : "grandfatherclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Grandfather Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "grandfatherclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "There's nothing on. Every channel just displays a picture of Big Ape.", < "//name" : "apextv", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape TV", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", < "//name" : "apexstatue2", < "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "The radio is switched on but silent.", < "//name" : "apexradio", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Radio", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexradio", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A Miniknog locker.", < "//name" : "apexlocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexlocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", < "//name" : "flowerbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "An old sign from an Apex laboratory.", < "//name" : "miniknogoldsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Ministry of Knowledge Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "miniknogoldsign" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana! The sacred fruit!", < "//name" : "apexstatue3", < "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Lock Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "I should probably go that way.", < "//name" : "arrowsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Arrow Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arrowsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex with an earring.", < "//name" : "paintingapexpearlearring", < "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "paintingapexpearlearring" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "Watch out! Lightning bolts!", < "//name" : "electricsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Electricity Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "electricsign" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "I wonder what all these buttons are for...", < "//name" : "apexconsolekeyboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Console Keyboard", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexconsolekeyboard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A flask full of red liquid.", < "//name" : "redflask", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Flask", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redflask", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "apexstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexstoragelocker" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", < "//name" : "apexwallpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Modern Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "apexwallpainting2" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "The pod is empty.", < "//name" : "apexpod2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Life Support Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexpod2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenapexfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenapexfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "It says 'BIG APE'.", < "//name" : "apexnameplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Nameplate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexnameplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "This cupboard is sleek, but it doesn't look sturdy.", < "//name" : "apexcoolcupboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Cupboard", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolcupboard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", < "//name" : "paintingapexpixellisa", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapexpixellisa" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "Each of these desks has a coffee mug and lamp fused to its surface.", < "//name" : "apexdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex couple.", < "//name" : "paintingapegothic", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapegothic" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "There's some sheet music here.", < "//name" : "apexpiano", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Piano", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexpiano", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A quiet painting of an Apex with a pet.", < "//name" : "paintingapexwithermine", < "//shortdescription" : "Pet Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapexwithermine" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "It's churning out sultry tunes from Big Ape's #1 album, 'Jungle Love'.", > "//name" : "apexrecordplayer", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Record Player", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexrecordplayer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "teleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teleporterTier0" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "There's nothing of interest on this shelf.", > "//name" : "apexcoolshelf1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Empty Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolshelf1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "Don't underestimate an Apex's love for bananas.", > "//name" : "apexpainting4", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting4" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "That sure is a cool table.", > "//name" : "apexcooltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "I'd better do what they say... ha!", > "//name" : "apexobeysign", > "//shortdescription" : "Obey Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexobeysign" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "teleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teleporter" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful bed of rich wood and silks.", > "//name" : "classicbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue office chair.", > "//name" : "apexofficechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Office Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexofficechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "apexshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexshiplocker" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "Think happy thoughts!", > "//name" : "apexthoughtreassign", > "//shortdescription" : "Reassignment Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexthoughtreassign" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "apexshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "Good for hosting small dinner parties.", > "//name" : "classictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "Everything looks significantly more terrifying under a microscope.", > "//name" : "microscope", > "//shortdescription" : "Microscope", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "microscope", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex peace-keeper.", > "//name" : "apexpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting2" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "Vials full of various blood types. I hope they didn't take out ALL their blood.", > "//name" : "apexbloodbank", > "//shortdescription" : "Bloodbank", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbloodbank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "An empty aquarium. How lonely.", > "//name" : "apexaquarium2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Wooden Aquarium", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexaquarium2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A sign that reads \"Danger!\". It couldn't really send a clearer message.", > "//name" : "reddangersign", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Danger Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "reddangersign" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming Apex.", > "//name" : "paintingapescream", > "//shortdescription" : "Howler Monkey Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapescream" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "It's a bust of Big Ape, Glorious Leader of the Apex.", > "//name" : "apexstatue1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Bust", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "That big red level should probably be left alone.", > "//name" : "apexconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Research Terminal", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Look! Fishies!", > "//name" : "apexaquarium1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Aquarium", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexaquarium1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "This cool computer is making a lot of 'beep boop boop beep' noises.", > "//name" : "apexcoolcomputer", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolcomputer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "//name" : "apexcooldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "It seems irresponsible to leave a bunch of unlabelled chemicals unattended.", > "//name" : "apexcoolshelf2", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chemical Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolshelf2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "Another victim of this tacky polka dot print.", > "//name" : "apexcouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A thin set of short curtains.", > "//name" : "apexcurtain", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexcurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A fridge, good for keeping food cold.", > "//name" : "apexfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A short wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", > "//name" : "apexlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "A defaced poster of Big Ape.", > "//name" : "apexmocksign", > "//shortdescription" : "Disobey Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexmocksign" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "It's a framed replica of Big Ape's hit album, 'Jungle Love'.", > "//name" : "apexpainting3", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Record", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting3" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "May we forever obey him.", > "//name" : "apexpainting5", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Cross-Stitch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting5" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", > "//name" : "apexbananasign", > "//shortdescription" : "Banana Propaganda Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexbananasign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", > "//name" : "apexslidingdoor2", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexslidingdoor2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "Intercoms are often used to broadcast messages...or receive them.", > "//name" : "apexspeaker", > "//shortdescription" : "Announcement Intercom", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexspeaker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "This strange lamp emits a low green light.", > "//name" : "apextablelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Lamp Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextablelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A table reserved for traitors.", > "//name" : "apextorturebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextorturebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A very basic mass produced wardrobe.", > "//name" : "apexwardrobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwardrobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue wooden dining chair.", > "//name" : "apexwoodenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwoodenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A comfy chair, looks like it's meant to be nailed to the floor.", > "//name" : "apexcomfychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcomfychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "The shelves are empty.", > "//name" : "apexwoodenshelves", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Shelves", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwoodenshelves", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A flask full of blue liquid.", > "//name" : "blueflask", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flask", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "blueflask", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", > "//name" : "classiccandlestick", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccandlestick", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", > "//name" : "classiccandlestick_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccandlestick", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "This chandelier is made of wrought-iron. It looks expensive.", > "//name" : "classicchandelier", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chandelier", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classicchandelier", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "A large classy storage cabinet.", > "//name" : "classiccupboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Cupboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccupboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A creepy monitor. A face flickers onto the screen, almost faster than the eye can see.", > "//name" : "apexceilingtv", > "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Ceiling TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexceilingtv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "A classic banana-infused wood door with a gilded handle.", > "//name" : "classicdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "A ceiling spotlight. Ideal lighting for fancy artwork.", > "//name" : "classiclightart", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ceiling Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiclightart", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "An electrically charged plasma field. It reacts to sound.", > "//name" : "plasmadisc", > "//shortdescription" : "Plasma Disc", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plasmadisc", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "A wireless energy supply.", > "//name" : "tesla", > "//shortdescription" : "Wireless Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tesla", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "There seems to be an Apex in there, connected to a bunch of wires and tubes.", > "//name" : "apexpod", > "//shortdescription" : "Life Support Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpod", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Fancy Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicsmall1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "Acceptable whether you're wearing sweatpants and a beanie or pantaloons.", > "//name" : "cider", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Fruit Drink", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cider", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A very flattering painting of Big Ape, Glorious Beloved Leader of the Apex.", > "//name" : "apexpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glorious Leader Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting1" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", > "//name" : "apexwallpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexwallpainting1" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "Go Ape!", > "//name" : "apexlevel1sign", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Level 01 Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexlevel1sign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A fine china plate.", > "//name" : "classicplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A dining chair fit for the sort of person who enjoys caviar.", > "//name" : "classicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "Big Ape is All Seeing!", > "//name" : "apexapesign", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexapesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue kitchen counter.", > "//name" : "apexcounter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcounter2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Fancy Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassiclarge2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "This desk is sleek, looks solid.", > "//name" : "apexcooldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A brain in a jar, daydreaming.", > "//name" : "apexbrainjar", > "//shortdescription" : "Brain in a Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbrainjar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", > "//name" : "flowerbed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Striped Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicsmall2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", > "//name" : "apexfightlantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexfightlantern" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", > "//name" : "apexfightlantern_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexfightlantern" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a server. I wonder what kind of games could be hosted on that.", > "//name" : "apexcoolserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Server", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "There are some items on this shelf.", > "//name" : "apexstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to buy stuff.", > "//name" : "apexstoresign", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexstoresign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A military tent.", > "//name" : "apextent", > "//shortdescription" : "Military Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A pile of sand bags.", > "//name" : "sandbags", > "//shortdescription" : "Sand Bags", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandbags", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "A disorganised map for locating Big Ape. Whoever drew it was very angry.", > "//name" : "bigapetargetmap", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Target Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bigapetargetmap" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "A display cycling through information about Miniknog strongholds.", > "//name" : "miniknogintel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Miniknog Intel Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "miniknogintel1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A computer displaying information downloaded from the drone on top.", > "//name" : "minidronerack", > "//shortdescription" : "Minidrone Intel Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "minidronerack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "A large propaganda newspaper, to be put up where everyone can see.", > "//name" : "miniknognewspaper", > "//shortdescription" : "Miniknog Newspaper", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "miniknognewspaper" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A somewhat suspicious doll of Big Ape.", > "//name" : "bigapedoll", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Doll", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigapedoll", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "Thin hanging drapes. Quite classy.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Thin Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A soft scent of fruit juice lingers.", > "//name" : "classicglass", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Glass", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicglass", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Striped Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassiclarge1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "techstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "techstationTier0" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "apexshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexshiplockerTier0" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "It should be stocked full of science journals and lab reports.", > "//name" : "apexcoolbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A cheaply-manufactured bed.", > "//name" : "apexbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "An appropriately glorious monument dedicated to a glorious leader.", > "//name" : "classicapestatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Monument", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicapestatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing Apex figures.", > "//name" : "paintingcreationofapepixel", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Big Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingcreationofapepixel" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "apexshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicmedium2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "This door is beautifully crafted.", > "//name" : "classicbardoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Barred Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbardoor" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "Cooks food to a reasonable standard.", > "//name" : "apexoven", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexoven", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "For displaying the fanciest of items, or holding up the smallest of buildings.", > "//name" : "classicpillarsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicpillarsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "The sign indicates something medicine-related in the vicinity.", > "//name" : "apexmedsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Medical Bay Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexmedsign" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A classy chest filled with classy treasure!", > "//name" : "classicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "It's just a wall panel.", > "//name" : "apexwoodpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wall Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexwoodpanel" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "techstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "techstation" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", > "//name" : "paintingbirthofapevenus", > "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingbirthofapevenus" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenapexfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenapexfuelhatch" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A nice steam powered large clock face.", > "//name" : "steamclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Steam Clock Face", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "steamclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "This upholstery is bananas.", > "//name" : "apexarmchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexarmchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "apexcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "Ape Flu? Sounds serious...", > "//name" : "apexflusign", > "//shortdescription" : "Ape Flu Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexflusign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "The finest automated security turret around.", > "//name" : "apexturret", > "//shortdescription" : "High-tech Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "Don't forget to wash your hands!", > "//name" : "apexsink", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Sink", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexsink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "An ornate fountain - much of the water appears to be wasted.", > "//name" : "classicfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Water Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A sleek vertical doorway, perfect for secret labs.", > "//name" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicmedium1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", > "//name" : "apexlamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Tall Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexlamp2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a great Apex poet. He...looks familiar.", > "//name" : "paintingapespeare", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Poet Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapespeare" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "I think Big Ape is watching...", > "//name" : "apexhdtv", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape HDTV", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "apexhdtv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A basic mass produced table.", > "//name" : "apextable", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "apexfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexfuelhatch" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A sleek red wall light.", > "//name" : "laboratorylight", > "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "laboratorylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A flask full of green goo.", > "//name" : "greenflask", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Flask", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenflask", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", > "//name" : "classicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A pair of standard issue kitchen cabinets.", > "//name" : "apexcounter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcounter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "This seems to be a scientist that 'gave his body to science'.", > "//name" : "apexstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Scientist Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase built to be filled with classic literature.", > "//name" : "classicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "The reason you don't play ball in the house.", > "//name" : "classicchina", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic China Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchina", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "It's an exceptionally cool chair.", > "//name" : "apexcoolchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "Don't do it!", > "//name" : "apexdonotenter", > "//shortdescription" : "Do Not Enter Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexdonotenter" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A board game, with a cardboard castle and game pieces.", > "//name" : "fantasyboardgame", > "//shortdescription" : "Fantasy Board Game", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fantasyboardgame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "apexlamp3", > "//shortdescription" : "Paper Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexlamp3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", > "//name" : "apexslidingdoor1", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexslidingdoor1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "The finest security camera around.", > "//name" : "apexsecuritycamera", > "//shortdescription" : "High-tech Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A bust of an important Apex.", > "//name" : "apexbustmale", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Male Bust", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbustmale", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "For when you want to make a table-based statement.", > "//name" : "classicdiningtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Dining Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdiningtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "I didn't know clocks were capable of reproduction.", > "//name" : "grandfatherclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Grandfather Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "grandfatherclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "There's nothing on. Every channel just displays a picture of Big Ape.", > "//name" : "apextv", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", > "//name" : "apexstatue2", > "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "The radio is switched on but silent.", > "//name" : "apexradio", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Radio", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexradio", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A Miniknog locker.", > "//name" : "apexlocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexlocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", > "//name" : "flowerbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "An old sign from an Apex laboratory.", > "//name" : "miniknogoldsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Ministry of Knowledge Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "miniknogoldsign" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana! The sacred fruit!", > "//name" : "apexstatue3", > "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Lock Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "I should probably go that way.", > "//name" : "arrowsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Arrow Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arrowsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex with an earring.", > "//name" : "paintingapexpearlearring", > "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "paintingapexpearlearring" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "Watch out! Lightning bolts!", > "//name" : "electricsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Electricity Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "electricsign" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "I wonder what all these buttons are for...", > "//name" : "apexconsolekeyboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Console Keyboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexconsolekeyboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A flask full of red liquid.", > "//name" : "redflask", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Flask", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redflask", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "apexstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexstoragelocker" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", > "//name" : "apexwallpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Modern Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "apexwallpainting2" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "The pod is empty.", > "//name" : "apexpod2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Life Support Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpod2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenapexfuelhatchTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenapexfuelhatchTier0" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "It says 'BIG APE'.", > "//name" : "apexnameplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Nameplate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexnameplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "This cupboard is sleek, but it doesn't look sturdy.", > "//name" : "apexcoolcupboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Cupboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolcupboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", > "//name" : "paintingapexpixellisa", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapexpixellisa" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "Each of these desks has a coffee mug and lamp fused to its surface.", > "//name" : "apexdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex couple.", > "//name" : "paintingapegothic", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapegothic" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "There's some sheet music here.", > "//name" : "apexpiano", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : 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Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful bed of rich wood and silks.", < "//name" : "classicbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", < "//name" : "classiclight", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", < "//name" : "classiclight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", < "//name" : "classiclight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiclight" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "Good for hosting small dinner parties.", < "//name" : "classictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "It's a bust of Big Ape, Glorious Leader of the Apex.", < "//name" : "apexstatue1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Bust", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", < "//name" : "classiccandlestick", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccandlestick", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", < "//name" : "classiccandlestick_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccandlestick", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "This chandelier is made of wrought-iron. It looks expensive.", < "//name" : "classicchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classicchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A large classy storage cabinet.", < "//name" : "classiccupboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Cupboard", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccupboard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A classic banana-infused wood door with a gilded handle.", < "//name" : "classicdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A ceiling spotlight. Ideal lighting for fancy artwork.", < "//name" : "classiclightart", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ceiling Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiclightart", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Fancy Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicsmall1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "Acceptable whether you're wearing sweatpants and a beanie or pantaloons.", < "//name" : "cider", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Fruit Drink", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cider", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A dining chair fit for the sort of person who enjoys caviar.", < "//name" : "classicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Fancy Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassiclarge2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", < "//name" : "flowerbed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Striped Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicsmall2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "Thin hanging drapes. Quite classy.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Thin Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicmedium2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A fine china plate.", > "//name" : "classicplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A soft scent of fruit juice lingers.", > "//name" : "classicglass", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Glass", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicglass", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "This door is beautifully crafted.", > "//name" : "classicbardoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Barred Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbardoor" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "For displaying the fanciest of items, or holding up the smallest of buildings.", > "//name" : "classicpillarsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicpillarsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Striped Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassiclarge1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A classy chest filled with classy treasure!", > "//name" : "classicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "It's just a wall panel.", > "//name" : "apexwoodpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wall Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexwoodpanel" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "An ornate fountain - much of the water appears to be wasted.", > "//name" : "classicfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Water Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicmedium1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", > "//name" : "classicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase built to be filled with classic literature.", > "//name" : "classicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "The reason you don't play ball in the house.", > "//name" : "classicchina", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic China Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchina", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A board game, with a cardboard castle and game pieces.", > "//name" : "fantasyboardgame", > "//shortdescription" : "Fantasy Board Game", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fantasyboardgame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A bust of an important Apex.", > "//name" : "apexbustmale", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Male Bust", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbustmale", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "For when you want to make a table-based statement.", > "//name" : "classicdiningtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Dining Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdiningtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "An appropriately glorious monument dedicated to a glorious leader.", > "//name" : "classicapestatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Monument", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicapestatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "I didn't know clocks were capable of reproduction.", > "//name" : "grandfatherclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Grandfather Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "grandfatherclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", > "//name" : "apexstatue2", > "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", > "//name" : "flowerbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana! The sacred fruit!", > "//name" : "apexstatue3", > "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Lock Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "It says 'BIG APE'.", > "//name" : "apexnameplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Nameplate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexnameplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful bed of rich wood and silks.", > "//name" : "classicbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "Good for hosting small dinner parties.", > "//name" : "classictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "It's a bust of Big Ape, Glorious Leader of the Apex.", > "//name" : "apexstatue1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Bust", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", > "//name" : "classiccandlestick", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccandlestick", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", > "//name" : "classiccandlestick_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccandlestick", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "This chandelier is made of wrought-iron. It looks expensive.", > "//name" : "classicchandelier", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chandelier", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classicchandelier", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A large classy storage cabinet.", > "//name" : "classiccupboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Cupboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccupboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A classic banana-infused wood door with a gilded handle.", > "//name" : "classicdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A ceiling spotlight. Ideal lighting for fancy artwork.", > "//name" : "classiclightart", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ceiling Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiclightart", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Fancy Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicsmall1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "Acceptable whether you're wearing sweatpants and a beanie or pantaloons.", > "//name" : "cider", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Fruit Drink", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cider", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A dining chair fit for the sort of person who enjoys caviar.", > "//name" : "classicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Fancy Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassiclarge2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", > "//name" : "flowerbed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Striped Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicsmall2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "Thin hanging drapes. Quite classy.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Thin Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. 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I hope they didn't take out ALL their blood.", < "//name" : "apexbloodbank", < "//shortdescription" : "Bloodbank", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbloodbank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A sign that reads \"Danger!\". It couldn't really send a clearer message.", < "//name" : "reddangersign", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Danger Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "reddangersign" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "That big red level should probably be left alone.", < "//name" : "apexconsole1", < "//shortdescription" : "Research Terminal", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexconsole1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "This cool computer is making a lot of 'beep boop boop beep' noises.", < "//name" : "apexcoolcomputer", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Computer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolcomputer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", < "//name" : "apexcooldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcooldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "It seems irresponsible to leave a bunch of unlabelled chemicals unattended.", < "//name" : "apexcoolshelf2", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chemical Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolshelf2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", < "//name" : "apexbananasign", < "//shortdescription" : "Banana Propaganda Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexbananasign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "This strange lamp emits a low green light.", < "//name" : "apextablelamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Lamp Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextablelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A table reserved for traitors.", < "//name" : "apextorturebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextorturebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A creepy monitor. A face flickers onto the screen, almost faster than the eye can see.", < "//name" : "apexceilingtv", < "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Ceiling TV", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexceilingtv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A flask full of blue liquid.", < "//name" : "blueflask", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flask", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "blueflask", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "An electrically charged plasma field. It reacts to sound.", < "//name" : "plasmadisc", < "//shortdescription" : "Plasma Disc", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plasmadisc", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A wireless energy supply.", < "//name" : "tesla", < "//shortdescription" : "Wireless Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tesla", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "There seems to be an Apex in there, connected to a bunch of wires and tubes.", < "//name" : "apexpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Life Support Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexpod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "Go Ape!", < "//name" : "apexlevel1sign", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Level 01 Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexlevel1sign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "Big Ape is All Seeing!", < "//name" : "apexapesign", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexapesign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "This desk is sleek, looks solid.", < "//name" : "apexcooldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcooldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A brain in a jar, daydreaming.", < "//name" : "apexbrainjar", < "//shortdescription" : "Brain in a Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbrainjar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A display cycling through information about Miniknog strongholds.", < "//name" : "miniknogintel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Miniknog Intel Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "miniknogintel1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A computer displaying information downloaded from the drone on top.", < "//name" : "minidronerack", < "//shortdescription" : "Minidrone Intel Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "minidronerack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a server. I wonder what kind of games could be hosted on that.", < "//name" : "apexcoolserver", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Server", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolserver", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "It should be stocked full of science journals and lab reports.", < "//name" : "apexcoolbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "The sign indicates something medicine-related in the vicinity.", < "//name" : "apexmedsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Medical Bay Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexmedsign" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "The finest automated security turret around.", < "//name" : "apexturret", < "//shortdescription" : "High-tech Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "I think Big Ape is watching...", < "//name" : "apexhdtv", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape HDTV", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "apexhdtv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Ape Flu? Sounds serious...", > "//name" : "apexflusign", > "//shortdescription" : "Ape Flu Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexflusign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "There's nothing of interest on this shelf.", > "//name" : "apexcoolshelf1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Empty Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolshelf1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A flask full of green goo.", > "//name" : "greenflask", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Flask", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenflask", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "It's an exceptionally cool chair.", > "//name" : "apexcoolchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "The finest security camera around.", > "//name" : "apexsecuritycamera", > "//shortdescription" : "High-tech Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "There's nothing on. Every channel just displays a picture of Big Ape.", > "//name" : "apextv", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A Miniknog locker.", > "//name" : "apexlocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexlocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "I should probably go that way.", > "//name" : "arrowsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Arrow Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arrowsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Watch out! Lightning bolts!", > "//name" : "electricsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Electricity Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "electricsign" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "I wonder what all these buttons are for...", > "//name" : "apexconsolekeyboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Console Keyboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexconsolekeyboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A flask full of red liquid.", > "//name" : "redflask", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Flask", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redflask", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "The pod is empty.", > "//name" : "apexpod2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Life Support Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpod2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Think happy thoughts!", > "//name" : "apexthoughtreassign", > "//shortdescription" : "Reassignment Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexthoughtreassign" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "This cupboard is sleek, but it doesn't look sturdy.", > "//name" : "apexcoolcupboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Cupboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolcupboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "That sure is a cool table.", > "//name" : "apexcooltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue office chair.", > "//name" : "apexofficechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Office Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexofficechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "Everything looks significantly more terrifying under a microscope.", > "//name" : "microscope", > "//shortdescription" : "Microscope", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "microscope", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "Vials full of various blood types. I hope they didn't take out ALL their blood.", > "//name" : "apexbloodbank", > "//shortdescription" : "Bloodbank", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbloodbank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A sign that reads \"Danger!\". It couldn't really send a clearer message.", > "//name" : "reddangersign", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Danger Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "reddangersign" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "That big red level should probably be left alone.", > "//name" : "apexconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Research Terminal", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "This cool computer is making a lot of 'beep boop boop beep' noises.", > "//name" : "apexcoolcomputer", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolcomputer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "//name" : "apexcooldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "It seems irresponsible to leave a bunch of unlabelled chemicals unattended.", > "//name" : "apexcoolshelf2", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chemical Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolshelf2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", > "//name" : "apexbananasign", > "//shortdescription" : "Banana Propaganda Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexbananasign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "This strange lamp emits a low green light.", > "//name" : "apextablelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Lamp Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextablelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A table reserved for traitors.", > "//name" : "apextorturebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextorturebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A creepy monitor. A face flickers onto the screen, almost faster than the eye can see.", > "//name" : "apexceilingtv", > "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Ceiling TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexceilingtv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A flask full of blue liquid.", > "//name" : "blueflask", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flask", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "blueflask", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "An electrically charged plasma field. It reacts to sound.", > "//name" : "plasmadisc", > "//shortdescription" : "Plasma Disc", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plasmadisc", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A wireless energy supply.", > "//name" : "tesla", > "//shortdescription" : "Wireless Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tesla", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "There seems to be an Apex in there, connected to a bunch of wires and tubes.", > "//name" : "apexpod", > "//shortdescription" : "Life Support Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpod", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "Go Ape!", > "//name" : "apexlevel1sign", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Level 01 Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexlevel1sign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "Big Ape is All Seeing!", > "//name" : "apexapesign", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexapesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "This desk is sleek, looks solid.", > "//name" : "apexcooldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A brain in a jar, daydreaming.", > "//name" : "apexbrainjar", > "//shortdescription" : "Brain in a Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbrainjar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A display cycling through information about Miniknog strongholds.", > "//name" : "miniknogintel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Miniknog Intel Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "miniknogintel1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A computer displaying information downloaded from the drone on top.", > "//name" : "minidronerack", > "//shortdescription" : "Minidrone Intel Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "minidronerack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a server. I wonder what kind of games could be hosted on that.", > "//name" : "apexcoolserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Server", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "It should be stocked full of science journals and lab reports.", > "//name" : "apexcoolbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "The sign indicates something medicine-related in the vicinity.", > "//name" : "apexmedsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Medical Bay Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexmedsign" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "The finest automated security turret around.", > "//name" : "apexturret", > "//shortdescription" : "High-tech Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "I think Big Ape is watching...", > "//name" : "apexhdtv", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape HDTV", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "apexhdtv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 450,599c450,599 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexflusign.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcoolshelf1.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/greenflask.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcoolchair.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexsecuritycamera.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apextv.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexlocker.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/arrowsign.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/electricsign.png" < }, < "17" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexconsolekeyboard.png" < }, < "18" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/redflask.png" < }, < "19" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexpod2.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexthoughtreassign.png" < }, < "20" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcoolcupboard.png" < }, < "21" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcooltable.png" < }, < "22" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexofficechair.png" < }, < "23" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/microscope.png" < }, < "24" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexbloodbank.png" < }, < "25" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/reddangersign.png" < }, < "26" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexconsole1.png" < }, < "27" : { < 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/teslaspike_orientation6.png" < }, < "38" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/teslaspike_orientation7.png" < }, < "39" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/teslaspike_orientation8.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexceilingtv.png" < }, < "40" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/blueflask.png" < }, < "41" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plasmadisc.png" < }, < "42" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tesla.png" < }, < "43" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexpod.png" < }, < "44" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexlevel1sign.png" < }, < "45" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexapesign.png" < }, < "46" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcooldesk.png" < }, < "47" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexbrainjar.png" < }, < "48" : { 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/teslaspike_orientation3.png" > }, > "35" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/teslaspike_orientation4.png" > }, > "36" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/teslaspike_orientation5.png" > }, > "37" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/teslaspike_orientation6.png" > }, > "38" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/teslaspike_orientation7.png" > }, > "39" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/teslaspike_orientation8.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexceilingtv.png" > }, > "40" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/blueflask.png" > }, > "41" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plasmadisc.png" > }, > "42" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tesla.png" > }, > "43" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexpod.png" > }, > "44" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexlevel1sign.png" > }, > "45" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexapesign.png" > }, > "46" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcooldesk.png" > }, > "47" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexbrainjar.png" > }, > "48" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miniknogintel1.png" > }, > "49" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/minidronerack.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcoolserver.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcoolbookcase.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexmedsign.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexturret.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexhdtv.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\apexvillage.json 10,341c10,341 < "0" : { < "//description" : "It's churning out sultry tunes from Big Ape's #1 album, 'Jungle Love'.", < "//name" : "apexrecordplayer", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Record Player", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexrecordplayer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "Cooks food to a reasonable standard.", < "//name" : "apexoven", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Oven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexoven", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A pair of standard issue kitchen cabinets.", < "//name" : "apexcounter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcounter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "This seems to be a scientist that 'gave his body to science'.", < "//name" : "apexstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Scientist Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Don't do it!", < "//name" : "apexdonotenter", < "//shortdescription" : "Do Not Enter Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexdonotenter" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "apexlamp3", < "//shortdescription" : "Paper Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexlamp3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "The radio is switched on but silent.", < "//name" : "apexradio", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Radio", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexradio", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", < "//name" : "apexwallpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Modern Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "apexwallpainting2" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Each of these desks has a coffee mug and lamp fused to its surface.", < "//name" : "apexdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "There's some sheet music here.", < "//name" : "apexpiano", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Piano", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexpiano", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "Don't underestimate an Apex's love for bananas.", < "//name" : "apexpainting4", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting4" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "I'd better do what they say... ha!", < "//name" : "apexobeysign", < "//shortdescription" : "Obey Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexobeysign" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", < "//name" : "apexslidingdoor1", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexslidingdoor1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex peace-keeper.", < "//name" : "apexpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting2" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "An empty aquarium. How lonely.", < "//name" : "apexaquarium2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Wooden Aquarium", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexaquarium2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "Another victim of this tacky polka dot print.", < "//name" : "apexcouch", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A thin set of short curtains.", < "//name" : "apexcurtain", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexcurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A fridge, good for keeping food cold.", < "//name" : "apexfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A short wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", < "//name" : "apexlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A defaced poster of Big Ape.", < "//name" : "apexmocksign", < "//shortdescription" : "Disobey Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexmocksign" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "It's a framed replica of Big Ape's hit album, 'Jungle Love'.", < "//name" : "apexpainting3", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Record", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting3" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "May we forever obey him.", < "//name" : "apexpainting5", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Cross-Stitch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting5" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", < "//name" : "apexslidingdoor2", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexslidingdoor2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "Look! Fishies!", < "//name" : "apexaquarium1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Aquarium", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexaquarium1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Intercoms are often used to broadcast messages...or receive them.", < "//name" : "apexspeaker", < "//shortdescription" : "Announcement Intercom", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexspeaker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A very basic mass produced wardrobe.", < "//name" : "apexwardrobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwardrobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A standard issue wooden dining chair.", < "//name" : "apexwoodenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwoodenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "The shelves are empty.", < "//name" : "apexwoodenshelves", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Shelves", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwoodenshelves", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A very flattering painting of Big Ape, Glorious Beloved Leader of the Apex.", < "//name" : "apexpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glorious Leader Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting1" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", < "//name" : "apexwallpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexwallpainting1" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A standard issue kitchen counter.", < "//name" : "apexcounter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcounter2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A somewhat suspicious doll of Big Ape.", < "//name" : "bigapedoll", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Doll", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigapedoll", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A comfy chair, looks like it's meant to be nailed to the floor.", < "//name" : "apexcomfychair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcomfychair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A cheaply-manufactured bed.", < "//name" : "apexbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "This upholstery is bananas.", < "//name" : "apexarmchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexarmchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "Don't forget to wash your hands!", < "//name" : "apexsink", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Sink", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexsink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", < "//name" : "apexlamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Tall Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexlamp2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A basic mass produced table.", < "//name" : "apextable", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "It's churning out sultry tunes from Big Ape's #1 album, 'Jungle Love'.", > "//name" : "apexrecordplayer", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Record Player", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexrecordplayer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "Cooks food to a reasonable standard.", > "//name" : "apexoven", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexoven", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A pair of standard issue kitchen cabinets.", > "//name" : "apexcounter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcounter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "This seems to be a scientist that 'gave his body to science'.", > "//name" : "apexstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Scientist Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Don't do it!", > "//name" : "apexdonotenter", > "//shortdescription" : "Do Not Enter Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexdonotenter" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "apexlamp3", > "//shortdescription" : "Paper Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexlamp3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "The radio is switched on but silent.", > "//name" : "apexradio", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Radio", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexradio", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", > "//name" : "apexwallpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Modern Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "apexwallpainting2" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Each of these desks has a coffee mug and lamp fused to its surface.", > "//name" : "apexdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "There's some sheet music here.", > "//name" : "apexpiano", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "Don't underestimate an Apex's love for bananas.", > "//name" : "apexpainting4", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting4" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "I'd better do what they say... ha!", > "//name" : "apexobeysign", > "//shortdescription" : "Obey Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexobeysign" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", > "//name" : "apexslidingdoor1", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexslidingdoor1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex peace-keeper.", > "//name" : "apexpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting2" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "An empty aquarium. How lonely.", > "//name" : "apexaquarium2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Wooden Aquarium", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexaquarium2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "Another victim of this tacky polka dot print.", > "//name" : "apexcouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A thin set of short curtains.", > "//name" : "apexcurtain", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexcurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A fridge, good for keeping food cold.", > "//name" : "apexfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A short wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", > "//name" : "apexlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A defaced poster of Big Ape.", > "//name" : "apexmocksign", > "//shortdescription" : "Disobey Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexmocksign" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "It's a framed replica of Big Ape's hit album, 'Jungle Love'.", > "//name" : "apexpainting3", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Record", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting3" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "May we forever obey him.", > "//name" : "apexpainting5", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Cross-Stitch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting5" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", > "//name" : "apexslidingdoor2", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexslidingdoor2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "Look! Fishies!", > "//name" : "apexaquarium1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Aquarium", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexaquarium1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Intercoms are often used to broadcast messages...or receive them.", > "//name" : "apexspeaker", > "//shortdescription" : "Announcement Intercom", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexspeaker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A very basic mass produced wardrobe.", > "//name" : "apexwardrobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwardrobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue wooden dining chair.", > "//name" : "apexwoodenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwoodenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "The shelves are empty.", > "//name" : "apexwoodenshelves", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Shelves", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwoodenshelves", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A very flattering painting of Big Ape, Glorious Beloved Leader of the Apex.", > "//name" : "apexpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glorious Leader Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting1" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", > "//name" : "apexwallpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexwallpainting1" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue kitchen counter.", > "//name" : "apexcounter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Counter", > "imagePositionX" : 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"//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexarmchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "Don't forget to wash your hands!", > "//name" : "apexsink", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Sink", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexsink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", > "//name" : "apexlamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Tall Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexlamp2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A basic mass produced table.", > "//name" : "apextable", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 344,457c344,457 < "0" : { < "image" : 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexlamp2.png" < }, < "9" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apextable.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexrecordplayer.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexoven.png" > }, > "10" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcounter1.png" > }, > "11" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexstatue.png" > }, > "12" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexdonotenter.png" > }, > "13" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexlamp3.png" > }, > "14" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexradio.png" > }, > "15" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexwallpainting2.png" > }, > "16" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexdesk.png" > }, > "17" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexpiano.png" > }, > "18" : { > "image" : 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: "-24", < "object" : "mercurymodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's dwarf planet, Pluto.", < "//name" : "plutomodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Pluto Model", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plutomodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol System's planet Venus.", < "//name" : "venusmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Venus Model", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "venusmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "liftoffseat", < "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liftoffseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space 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It even casts light.", < "//name" : "sunmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Sol Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "sunmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "The design of this bed is based on an old Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "spaceshuttlebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Space Shuttle Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spaceshuttlebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol System's planet Uranus.", < "//name" : "uranusmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Uranus Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "uranusmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's most distant planet, Neptune.", < "//name" : "neptunemodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Neptune Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "neptunemodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of an old Earth satellite.", > "//name" : "satellite", > "//shortdescription" : "Satellite Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "satellite", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Earth, the home world of humanity.", > "//name" : "earthmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Earth Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "earthmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's largest planet, Jupiter.", > "//name" : "jupitermodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Jupiter Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "jupitermodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's most distinctly ringed planet, Saturn.", > "//name" : "saturnmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Saturn Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "saturnmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's red planet, Mars.", > "//name" : "marsmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Mars Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "marsmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's smallest planet, Mercury.", > "//name" : "mercurymodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Mercury Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "mercurymodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's dwarf planet, Pluto.", > "//name" : "plutomodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Pluto Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plutomodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol System's planet Venus.", > "//name" : "venusmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Venus Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "venusmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "liftoffseat", > "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liftoffseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liftoffseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liftoffseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of Sol, the yellow dwarf responsible for all life on Earth. It even casts light.", > "//name" : "sunmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Sol Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "sunmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "The design of this bed is based on an old Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "spaceshuttlebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Space Shuttle Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spaceshuttlebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol System's planet Uranus.", > "//name" : "uranusmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Uranus Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "uranusmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's most distant planet, Neptune.", > "//name" : "neptunemodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Neptune Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "neptunemodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 147,191c147,191 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/satellite.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/earthmodel.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/jupitermodel.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saturnmodel.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/marsmodel.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mercurymodel.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plutomodel.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/venusmodel.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/liftoffseat.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/liftoffseat_orientation2.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/liftoffseat_orientation3.png" < }, < "6" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sunmodel.png" < }, < "7" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/spaceshuttlebed.png" < }, < "8" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/uranusmodel.png" < }, < "9" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/neptunemodel.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/satellite.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/earthmodel.png" > }, > "10" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/jupitermodel.png" > }, > "11" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saturnmodel.png" > }, > "12" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/marsmodel.png" > }, > "13" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mercurymodel.png" > }, > "14" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plutomodel.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/venusmodel.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/liftoffseat.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/liftoffseat_orientation2.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/liftoffseat_orientation3.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sunmodel.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/spaceshuttlebed.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/uranusmodel.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/neptunemodel.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\avian.json 10,1687c10,1687 < "0" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "avianteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianteleporter" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A sickly-sweet scent clings to the inside.", < "//name" : "lamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sawblade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", < "//name" : "tombstatueavian_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstatueavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "Glyphs pulse ominously... what do they mean?", < "//name" : "screen4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glyph Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "A bird-shaped jar full of ash. I wanna break it.", < "//name" : "ashjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bird Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "An intricately woven wall tapestry.", < "//name" : "decorativewallrug1", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Tapestry", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "decorativewallrug1" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "This Avian server must contain a vast amount of data.", < "//name" : "tribalserver", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Server", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalserver", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "A small, brittle-looking pot. It looks smashable...", < "//name" : "smalljar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smalljar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "A carved bunny sits on top of this altar.", < "//name" : "altarbunny", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altarbunny", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "A pale stone altar, undecorated.", < "//name" : "altar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "Beautiful fabrics and clothing adorn this cute little stall.", < "//name" : "marketstall2", < "//shortdescription" : "Market Clothes Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "This beady-eyed bird jar is made of solid gold.", < "//name" : "goldenjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Bird Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "An altar sticky with old blood and feathers.", < "//name" : "sacrificialaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Sacrificial Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sacrificialaltar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", < "//name" : "tombstone1", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", < "//name" : "bouldertrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Temple Boulder Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bouldertrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "Gorgeous, vibrant feathers arranged like flowers", < "//name" : "feathers1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Feather Bundle", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feathers1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "The crystal embedded into this fixture glows with a pale light.", < "//name" : "avianwaterlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianwaterlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A crumbling old pot with patterned markings. It looks smashable.", < "//name" : "midjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "midjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful lamp built from Avian crystal tech.", < "//name" : "triballamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "triballamp" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "This jar has seen better days. It looks smashable...", < "//name" : "birdjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Temple Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden couch, the stripes help it go faster.", < "//name" : "woodencouch1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencouch1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "An Avian banner made of gorgeous silk.", < "//name" : "avianbanner3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Patterned Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "avianbanner3" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "A small security panel.", < "//name" : "consoletribalwall", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Security Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribalwall" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "Looks like a place you might store an eggcup... Do Avians eat eggs?", < "//name" : "tribalwallcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tribalwallcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with a bird crudely etched into the base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal1", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Bird Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "This mask looks like my ex-wife.", < "//name" : "mask6", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Priest Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask6" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a bunny.", < "//name" : "tombstatuebunny", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bunny Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstatuebunny", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "A familiar-shaped jar. It looks angry and smashable.", < "//name" : "ashjar3", < "//shortdescription" : "Familiar Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashjar3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the wild and destructive element of fire.", < "//name" : "fireemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Fire Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "fireemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "A carved Avian head sits atop this altar.", < "//name" : "altaravian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Head Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altaravian", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "Old system readings that seem to be out of date.", < "//name" : "screen1", < "//shortdescription" : "Data Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A standard cloth Avian banner.", < "//name" : "avianbanner4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Small Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianbanner4" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful rustic bench.", < "//name" : "avianbench1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianbench1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "A thick woven banner depicting a crescent moon.", < "//name" : "avianbanner2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lunar Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "avianbanner2" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A big fancy gong. It's covered in carvings.", < "//name" : "birdgong2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Avian Gong", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdgong2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "What an ugly jar.", < "//name" : "birdjar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ugly Temple Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdjar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "A dank old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", < "//name" : "chestavian2", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestavian2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "A large control panel powered by Avian crystals.", < "//name" : "consoletribal4", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "A small tribal wall tapestry. It looks soft!", < "//name" : "decorativewallrug2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Colourful Tapestry", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "decorativewallrug2" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "An assortment of pointy things.", < "//name" : "marketstall3", < "//shortdescription" : "Market Weapon Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "This guy looks surprised to see me!", < "//name" : "mask1", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Human Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask1" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "This guy looks hungry. His eyes make me uncomfortable.", < "//name" : "mask2", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Skull Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask2" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "Yarrrr, me hearties!", < "//name" : "shipwheel", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Ship Wheel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipwheel", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "Ironically, looking at this decorative sun sends a chill down my spine.", < "//name" : "sundecor", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Sun", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sundecor" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A star map! It's a little primitive.", < "//name" : "screen3", < "//shortdescription" : "Star Map Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A tall, dusty pot that smells of bird poop. Maybe it's smashable.", < "//name" : "talljar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "talljar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "This tomb is anonymous, engraved with the image of its occupant.", < "//name" : "tombstone3", < "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone has been smashed beyond repair.", < "//name" : "tombstone4", < "//shortdescription" : "Smashed Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a warrior, fallen in battle.", < "//name" : "tombstone5", < "//shortdescription" : "Warrior's Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a priest, fallen in battle.", < "//name" : "tombstone6", < "//shortdescription" : "Priest's Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "Carved patterns surround this small cabinet.", < "//name" : "tribalcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Carved Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "The crystal on top of this closet appears to be broken.", < "//name" : "tribalcloset1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Closet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcloset1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "This massive iron portcullis closes with a thud.", < "//name" : "bardoor3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "The skull on this tombstone shows that it belongs to one of the grounded.", < "//name" : "tombstone7", < "//shortdescription" : "Grounded's Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable Avian bench.", < "//name" : "avianbench2", < "//shortdescription" : "Village Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianbench2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. The feather suggests it was for someone important.", < "//name" : "sarcoavian2", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Avian Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcoavian2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully carved door.", < "//name" : "tribaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", < "//name" : "tombstone2", < "//shortdescription" : "Embossed Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "The altar is covered in carvings of a winged god.", < "//name" : "birdaltar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Prayer Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdaltar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A large metal gong. It's so tempting to give it a smack!", < "//name" : "birdgong1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Gong", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdgong1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A lavish Avian tomb.", < "//name" : "tombthing4", < "//shortdescription" : "Lavish Avian Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "Hand-made and beautiful, this bookcase is intricately carved.", < "//name" : "tribalbookcase1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbookcase1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A lavish bird-shaped jar. Maybe I can smash it...", < "//name" : "bigjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Bird Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "I wonder what fruit they sell on this planet.", < "//name" : "marketstall1", < "//shortdescription" : "Market Fruit Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with an egg is etched into its base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal2", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Egg Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "templehiddentrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Trapdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "templehiddentrapdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//name" : "tentacleexperiment", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "A statue honouring the history of the Avian god Kluex.", < "//name" : "kluexstatue1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Winged Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kluexstatue1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "An old torn map which claims to lead to godly treasures.", < "//name" : "kluexmap1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Treasure Map", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "kluexmap1" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "An ancient mural depicting the gifts given by Kluex to his followers.", < "//name" : "kluexmural2", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Gift Mural", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "kluexmural2" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "An ancient mural of the god Kluex.", < "//name" : "kluexmural1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex World Mural", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "kluexmural1" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "A statue depicting the might of the deity Kluex.", < "//name" : "kluexstatue2", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Serpentine Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kluexstatue2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", < "//name" : "birdthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "A statue depicting the might of the deity Kluex.", < "//name" : "kluexstatue2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Serpentine Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kluexstatue2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "avianshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", < "//name" : "birdthrone_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the strong and resilient element of earth.", < "//name" : "earthemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Earth Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "earthemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "Are those... brain waves? Yes. Yes they are.", < "//name" : "screen5", < "//shortdescription" : "Brain Activity Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden armchair.", < "//name" : "woodenarmchair1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenarmchair1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A small empty stall. It looks sad.", < "//name" : "marketstall4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Empty Market Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "avianshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianshiplockerTier0" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this flickering torch.", < "//name" : "birdgroundlantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdgroundlantern", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A stone table in typical Avian style.", < "//name" : "birdtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Temple Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "Is that an Avian... or a chicken?", < "//name" : "windchicken", < "//shortdescription" : "Weathervane", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "windchicken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A large empty stall. I bet business is slow.", < "//name" : "marketstall5", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Empty Market Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenavianfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenavianfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A plain stone tomb caked in dust.", < "//name" : "tombthing1", < "//shortdescription" : "Undecorated Stone Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "X marks the spot.", < "//name" : "treasuremap", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Map", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "treasuremap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. I wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "sarcoavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcoavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "This mask looks angry.", < "//name" : "mask3", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Alien Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask3" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A golden duck!", < "//name" : "goldenducky", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Ducky", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenducky", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "avianshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianshiplocker" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully carved Avian bed.", < "//name" : "tribalbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A rather serious looking bird.", < "//name" : "mask4", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask4" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "The rack is filled with antique Avian spears.", < "//name" : "spearrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Spear Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spearrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "avianstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianstoragelocker" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A crystal levitates above its frame, emitting an eerie light.", < "//name" : "crystaltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A support beam carved to resemble a fearsome bird.", < "//name" : "idolsupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "idolsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "An Avian banner woven with expensive silk.", < "//name" : "avianbanner1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Colourful Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "avianbanner1" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with a flame carved into its base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal3", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Flame Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife.", < "//name" : "sarcohuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcohuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "Huge feathers are sprouting from this small bird statue.", < "//name" : "featherybird", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "featherybird", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "An oil lantern on a stand.", < "//name" : "oillanterntall", < "//shortdescription" : "Standing Oil Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oillanterntall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens inward.", < "//name" : "bardoor2sideways", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor2sideways", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "Is it wrong to take your bunny to the afterlife with you?", < "//name" : "sarcobunny", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcobunny", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "This book case was built to store Avian history.", < "//name" : "tribalbookcase2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Avian Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbookcase2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A large old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", < "//name" : "chestmedavian2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Old Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestmedavian2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "avianteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianteleporterTier0" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "avianshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "avianfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "avianfuelhatch" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenavianfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenavianfuelhatch" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "aviantechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "aviantechstation" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "I swear the eye is following me around the room..", < "//name" : "birdgodemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "birdgodemblem" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A bunny-shaped jar full of ash. Maybe I can smash it.", < "//name" : "ashjar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashjar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the tranquil and life-bringing element of water.", < "//name" : "wateremblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Water Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wateremblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "The ashes of Avian Stargazers are often stored in urns like this one.", < "//name" : "goldenurn", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone is engraved with an eye symbol", < "//name" : "tombstone10", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A ornate obsidian bookcase.", < "//name" : "obsidianbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Obsidian Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "obsidianbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A heavy golden door with crystals set into its surface.", < "//name" : "birddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Crystal Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birddoor" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "It's a spaceship orbiting a planet.", < "//name" : "screen2", < "//shortdescription" : "Spaceship screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", < "//name" : "chestmedavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Decorative Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestmedavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "This looks like something I made in pottery class. Crude. I should smash it.", < "//name" : "talljar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crude Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "talljar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens upwards.", < "//name" : "bardoor2", < "//shortdescription" : "Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone looks as if it's about to fall over.", < "//name" : "tombstone9", < "//shortdescription" : "Unstable Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "These symbols signify a mass grave.", < "//name" : "tombstone11", < "//shortdescription" : "Mass Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone11", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "This emblem commemorates the Avians' first flight to the stars.", < "//name" : "moonemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Moon Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "moonemblem" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "This guy seems... wise.", < "//name" : "mask5", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Wiseman Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask5" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A smooth cooking surface.", < "//name" : "tribalcounter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcounter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A solid stone bed topped with a nest of hay.", < "//name" : "birdbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Guardian's Nest", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "Gorgeous, colourful feathers arranged like flowers.", < "//name" : "feathers2", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Feather Bundle", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feathers2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A red flashing light... That's usually not good.", < "//name" : "redalert", < "//shortdescription" : "Warning Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redalert" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone belonged to one of the grounded. It's been desecrated.", < "//name" : "tombstone8", < "//shortdescription" : "Desecrated Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the free and flowing element of air.", < "//name" : "airemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Air Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "airemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "I can't stand on this stone platform for long!", < "//name" : "templepressureplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Temple Pressure Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "templepressureplatform" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", < "//name" : "chestavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "templehiddendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "templehiddendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife. Wait a minute... I think I can hear something inside!", < "//name" : "sarcohumanalive", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcohumanalive", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "An open stone tomb. It smells.", < "//name" : "tombthing3", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Stone Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", < "//name" : "owlclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Owl Wall Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "owlclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A heavy metal anchor. Yarr.", < "//name" : "anchor", < "//shortdescription" : "Anchor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "anchor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A Golden Egg! What!?", < "//name" : "goldenegg", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Egg", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenegg", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "An engraved Avian tomb depicting the aether.", < "//name" : "tombthing2", < "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Avian Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "aviancaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "aviancaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "An interestingly carved table.", < "//name" : "tribaltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribaltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", < "//name" : "avianpressureplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", < "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", < "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "aviantechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "aviantechstationTier0" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A trap door disguised as a metal platform.", < "//name" : "metallictrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Trap Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metallictrapdoor" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", < "//name" : "tombstatueavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstatueavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "avianteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianteleporter" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A sickly-sweet scent clings to the inside.", > "//name" : "lamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sawblade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", > "//name" : "tombstatueavian_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstatueavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "Glyphs pulse ominously... what do they mean?", > "//name" : "screen4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glyph Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A bird-shaped jar full of ash. I wanna break it.", > "//name" : "ashjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bird Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "An intricately woven wall tapestry.", > "//name" : "decorativewallrug1", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Tapestry", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "decorativewallrug1" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "This Avian server must contain a vast amount of data.", > "//name" : "tribalserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Server", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A small, brittle-looking pot. It looks smashable...", > "//name" : "smalljar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smalljar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A carved bunny sits on top of this altar.", > "//name" : "altarbunny", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altarbunny", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A pale stone altar, undecorated.", > "//name" : "altar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "Beautiful fabrics and clothing adorn this cute little stall.", > "//name" : "marketstall2", > "//shortdescription" : "Market Clothes Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "This beady-eyed bird jar is made of solid gold.", > "//name" : "goldenjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Bird Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "An altar sticky with old blood and feathers.", > "//name" : "sacrificialaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Sacrificial Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sacrificialaltar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", > "//name" : "tombstone1", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", > "//name" : "bouldertrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Temple Boulder Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bouldertrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "Gorgeous, vibrant feathers arranged like flowers", > "//name" : "feathers1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Feather Bundle", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feathers1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "The crystal embedded into this fixture glows with a pale light.", > "//name" : "avianwaterlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianwaterlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A crumbling old pot with patterned markings. It looks smashable.", > "//name" : "midjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "midjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful lamp built from Avian crystal tech.", > "//name" : "triballamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "triballamp" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "This jar has seen better days. It looks smashable...", > "//name" : "birdjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Temple Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden couch, the stripes help it go faster.", > "//name" : "woodencouch1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencouch1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "An Avian banner made of gorgeous silk.", > "//name" : "avianbanner3", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Patterned Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "avianbanner3" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A small security panel.", > "//name" : "consoletribalwall", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Security Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribalwall" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "Looks like a place you might store an eggcup... Do Avians eat eggs?", > "//name" : "tribalwallcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tribalwallcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with a bird crudely etched into the base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Bird Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "This mask looks like my ex-wife.", > "//name" : "mask6", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Priest Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask6" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a bunny.", > "//name" : "tombstatuebunny", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bunny Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstatuebunny", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A familiar-shaped jar. It looks angry and smashable.", > "//name" : "ashjar3", > "//shortdescription" : "Familiar Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashjar3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the wild and destructive element of fire.", > "//name" : "fireemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Fire Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "fireemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "A carved Avian head sits atop this altar.", > "//name" : "altaravian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Head Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altaravian", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "Old system readings that seem to be out of date.", > "//name" : "screen1", > "//shortdescription" : "Data Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A standard cloth Avian banner.", > "//name" : "avianbanner4", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Small Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianbanner4" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful rustic bench.", > "//name" : "avianbench1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianbench1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "A thick woven banner depicting a crescent moon.", > "//name" : "avianbanner2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lunar Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "avianbanner2" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A big fancy gong. It's covered in carvings.", > "//name" : "birdgong2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Avian Gong", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdgong2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "What an ugly jar.", > "//name" : "birdjar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ugly Temple Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdjar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "A dank old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", > "//name" : "chestavian2", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestavian2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "A large control panel powered by Avian crystals.", > "//name" : "consoletribal4", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "A small tribal wall tapestry. It looks soft!", > "//name" : "decorativewallrug2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Colourful Tapestry", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "decorativewallrug2" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "An assortment of pointy things.", > "//name" : "marketstall3", > "//shortdescription" : "Market Weapon Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "This guy looks surprised to see me!", > "//name" : "mask1", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Human Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask1" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "This guy looks hungry. His eyes make me uncomfortable.", > "//name" : "mask2", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Skull Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask2" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "Yarrrr, me hearties!", > "//name" : "shipwheel", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Ship Wheel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipwheel", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "Ironically, looking at this decorative sun sends a chill down my spine.", > "//name" : "sundecor", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Sun", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sundecor" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A star map! It's a little primitive.", > "//name" : "screen3", > "//shortdescription" : "Star Map Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A tall, dusty pot that smells of bird poop. Maybe it's smashable.", > "//name" : "talljar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "talljar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "This tomb is anonymous, engraved with the image of its occupant.", > "//name" : "tombstone3", > "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone has been smashed beyond repair.", > "//name" : "tombstone4", > "//shortdescription" : "Smashed Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a warrior, fallen in battle.", > "//name" : "tombstone5", > "//shortdescription" : "Warrior's Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a priest, fallen in battle.", > "//name" : "tombstone6", > "//shortdescription" : "Priest's Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "Carved patterns surround this small cabinet.", > "//name" : "tribalcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Carved Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "The crystal on top of this closet appears to be broken.", > "//name" : "tribalcloset1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Closet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcloset1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "This massive iron portcullis closes with a thud.", > "//name" : "bardoor3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "The skull on this tombstone shows that it belongs to one of the grounded.", > "//name" : "tombstone7", > "//shortdescription" : "Grounded's Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable Avian bench.", > "//name" : "avianbench2", > "//shortdescription" : "Village Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianbench2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. The feather suggests it was for someone important.", > "//name" : "sarcoavian2", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Avian Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcoavian2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully carved door.", > "//name" : "tribaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", > "//name" : "tombstone2", > "//shortdescription" : "Embossed Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "The altar is covered in carvings of a winged god.", > "//name" : "birdaltar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Prayer Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdaltar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A large metal gong. It's so tempting to give it a smack!", > "//name" : "birdgong1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Gong", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdgong1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A lavish Avian tomb.", > "//name" : "tombthing4", > "//shortdescription" : "Lavish Avian Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "Hand-made and beautiful, this bookcase is intricately carved.", > "//name" : "tribalbookcase1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbookcase1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A lavish bird-shaped jar. Maybe I can smash it...", > "//name" : "bigjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Bird Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "I wonder what fruit they sell on this planet.", > "//name" : "marketstall1", > "//shortdescription" : "Market Fruit Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with an egg is etched into its base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal2", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Egg Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "templehiddentrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "templehiddentrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//name" : "tentacleexperiment", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "A statue honouring the history of the Avian god Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexstatue1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Winged Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexstatue1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "An old torn map which claims to lead to godly treasures.", > "//name" : "kluexmap1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Treasure Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kluexmap1" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "An ancient mural depicting the gifts given by Kluex to his followers.", > "//name" : "kluexmural2", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Gift Mural", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kluexmural2" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "An ancient mural of the god Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexmural1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex World Mural", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kluexmural1" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "A statue depicting the might of the deity Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexstatue2", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Serpentine Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexstatue2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", > "//name" : "birdthrone", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "A statue depicting the might of the deity Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexstatue2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Serpentine Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexstatue2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "avianshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", > "//name" : "birdthrone_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the strong and resilient element of earth.", > "//name" : "earthemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Earth Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "earthemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "Are those... brain waves? Yes. Yes they are.", > "//name" : "screen5", > "//shortdescription" : "Brain Activity Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden armchair.", > "//name" : "woodenarmchair1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenarmchair1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A small empty stall. It looks sad.", > "//name" : "marketstall4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Empty Market Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "avianshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianshiplockerTier0" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this flickering torch.", > "//name" : "birdgroundlantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdgroundlantern", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A stone table in typical Avian style.", > "//name" : "birdtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Temple Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "Is that an Avian... or a chicken?", > "//name" : "windchicken", > "//shortdescription" : "Weathervane", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "windchicken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A large empty stall. I bet business is slow.", > "//name" : "marketstall5", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Empty Market Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenavianfuelhatchTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenavianfuelhatchTier0" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A plain stone tomb caked in dust.", > "//name" : "tombthing1", > "//shortdescription" : "Undecorated Stone Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "X marks the spot.", > "//name" : "treasuremap", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "treasuremap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. I wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "sarcoavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcoavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "This mask looks angry.", > "//name" : "mask3", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Alien Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask3" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A golden duck!", > "//name" : "goldenducky", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Ducky", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenducky", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "avianshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianshiplocker" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully carved Avian bed.", > "//name" : "tribalbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A rather serious looking bird.", > "//name" : "mask4", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask4" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "The rack is filled with antique Avian spears.", > "//name" : "spearrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Spear Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spearrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "avianstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianstoragelocker" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A crystal levitates above its frame, emitting an eerie light.", > "//name" : "crystaltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A support beam carved to resemble a fearsome bird.", > "//name" : "idolsupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "idolsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "An Avian banner woven with expensive silk.", > "//name" : "avianbanner1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Colourful Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "avianbanner1" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with a flame carved into its base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal3", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Flame Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife.", > "//name" : "sarcohuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcohuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "Huge feathers are sprouting from this small bird statue.", > "//name" : "featherybird", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "featherybird", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "An oil lantern on a stand.", > "//name" : "oillanterntall", > "//shortdescription" : "Standing Oil Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oillanterntall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens inward.", > "//name" : "bardoor2sideways", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor2sideways", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "Is it wrong to take your bunny to the afterlife with you?", > "//name" : "sarcobunny", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcobunny", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "This book case was built to store Avian history.", > "//name" : "tribalbookcase2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Avian Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbookcase2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A large old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", > "//name" : "chestmedavian2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Old Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestmedavian2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "avianteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianteleporterTier0" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "avianshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "avianfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "avianfuelhatch" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenavianfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenavianfuelhatch" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "aviantechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "aviantechstation" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "I swear the eye is following me around the room..", > "//name" : "birdgodemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "birdgodemblem" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A bunny-shaped jar full of ash. Maybe I can smash it.", > "//name" : "ashjar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashjar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the tranquil and life-bringing element of water.", > "//name" : "wateremblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Water Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wateremblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "The ashes of Avian Stargazers are often stored in urns like this one.", > "//name" : "goldenurn", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone is engraved with an eye symbol", > "//name" : "tombstone10", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A ornate obsidian bookcase.", > "//name" : "obsidianbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Obsidian Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "obsidianbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A heavy golden door with crystals set into its surface.", > "//name" : "birddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Crystal Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birddoor" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "It's a spaceship orbiting a planet.", > "//name" : "screen2", > "//shortdescription" : "Spaceship screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", > "//name" : "chestmedavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Decorative Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestmedavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "This looks like something I made in pottery class. Crude. I should smash it.", > "//name" : "talljar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crude Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "talljar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens upwards.", > "//name" : "bardoor2", > "//shortdescription" : "Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone looks as if it's about to fall over.", > "//name" : "tombstone9", > "//shortdescription" : "Unstable Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "These symbols signify a mass grave.", > "//name" : "tombstone11", > "//shortdescription" : "Mass Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone11", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "This emblem commemorates the Avians' first flight to the stars.", > "//name" : "moonemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Moon Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "moonemblem" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "This guy seems... wise.", > "//name" : "mask5", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Wiseman Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask5" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A smooth cooking surface.", > "//name" : "tribalcounter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcounter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A solid stone bed topped with a nest of hay.", > "//name" : "birdbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Guardian's Nest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "Gorgeous, colourful feathers arranged like flowers.", > "//name" : "feathers2", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Feather Bundle", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feathers2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A red flashing light... That's usually not good.", > "//name" : "redalert", > "//shortdescription" : "Warning Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redalert" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone belonged to one of the grounded. It's been desecrated.", > "//name" : "tombstone8", > "//shortdescription" : "Desecrated Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the free and flowing element of air.", > "//name" : "airemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Air Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "airemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "I can't stand on this stone platform for long!", > "//name" : "templepressureplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Temple Pressure Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "templepressureplatform" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", > "//name" : "chestavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "templehiddendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "templehiddendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife. Wait a minute... I think I can hear something inside!", > "//name" : "sarcohumanalive", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcohumanalive", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "An open stone tomb. It smells.", > "//name" : "tombthing3", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Stone Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", > "//name" : "owlclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Owl Wall Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "owlclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A heavy metal anchor. Yarr.", > "//name" : "anchor", > "//shortdescription" : "Anchor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "anchor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "A Golden Egg! What!?", > "//name" : "goldenegg", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenegg", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "An engraved Avian tomb depicting the aether.", > "//name" : "tombthing2", > "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Avian Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "aviancaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "aviancaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "An interestingly carved table.", > "//name" : "tribaltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribaltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", > "//name" : "avianpressureplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", > "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", > "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "aviantechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "aviantechstationTier0" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "A trap door disguised as a metal platform.", > "//name" : "metallictrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Trap Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metallictrapdoor" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", > "//name" : "tombstatueavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstatueavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 1690,2262c1690,2262 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianteleporter.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lamp.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sawblade.png" < }, < "100" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombstatueavian_orientation1.png" < }, < 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/obsidianbookcase.png" > }, > "69" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/birddoor.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/screen2.png" > }, > "70" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/chestmedavian1.png" > }, > "71" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/talljar2.png" > }, > "72" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bardoor2.png" > }, > "73" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombstone9.png" > }, > "74" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombstone11.png" > }, > "75" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/moonemblem.png" > }, > "76" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mask5.png" > }, > "77" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tribalcounter1.png" > }, > "78" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/birdbed.png" > }, > "79" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/feathers2.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/redalert.png" > }, > "80" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombstone8.png" > }, > "81" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/airemblem.png" > }, > "82" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/templepressureplatform.png" > }, > "83" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/chestavian1.png" > }, > "84" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/templehiddendoor.png" > }, > "85" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian.png" > }, > "86" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian_orientation1.png" > }, > "87" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sarcohumanalive.png" > }, > "88" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombthing3.png" > }, > "89" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/owlclock.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/anchor.png" > }, > "90" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/goldenegg.png" > }, > "91" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombthing2.png" > }, > "92" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/aviancaptainschair.png" > }, > "93" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tribaltable.png" > }, > "94" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianpressureplate.png" > }, > "95" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianpressureplate_orientation2.png" > }, > "96" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianpressureplate_orientation3.png" > }, > "97" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/aviantechstationTier0.png" > }, > "98" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/metallictrapdoor.png" > }, > "99" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombstatueavian.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\avianairship.json 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Yarr.", < "//name" : "anchor", < "//shortdescription" : "Anchor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "anchor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "X marks the spot.", < "//name" : "treasuremap", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Map", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "treasuremap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "Yarrrr, me hearties!", < "//name" : "shipwheel", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Ship Wheel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipwheel", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A heavy metal anchor. Yarr.", > "//name" : "anchor", > "//shortdescription" : "Anchor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "anchor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "X marks the spot.", > "//name" : "treasuremap", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "treasuremap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "Yarrrr, me hearties!", > "//name" : "shipwheel", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Ship Wheel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipwheel", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > } 84,107c84,107 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/anchor.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/treasuremap.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/propeller.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/propeller_orientation2.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/propeller_orientation3.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/propeller_orientation4.png" < }, < "6" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/propeller_orientation5.png" < }, < "7" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipwheel.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/anchor.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/treasuremap.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/propeller.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/propeller_orientation2.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/propeller_orientation3.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/propeller_orientation4.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/propeller_orientation5.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shipwheel.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\aviantemple.json 10,736c10,736 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A sickly-sweet scent clings to the inside.", < "//name" : "lamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "It's a spaceship orbiting a planet.", < "//name" : "screen2", < "//shortdescription" : "Spaceship screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", < "//name" : "birdthrone_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "Are those... brain waves? Yes. Yes they are.", < "//name" : "screen5", < "//shortdescription" : "Brain Activity Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this flickering torch.", < "//name" : "birdgroundlantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdgroundlantern", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A stone table in typical Avian style.", < "//name" : "birdtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Temple Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A golden duck!", < "//name" : "goldenducky", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Ducky", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenducky", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A red flashing light... That's usually not good.", < "//name" : "redalert", < "//shortdescription" : "Warning Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redalert" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with a flame carved into its base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal3", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Flame Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "Huge feathers are sprouting from this small bird statue.", < "//name" : "featherybird", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "featherybird", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A bunny-shaped jar full of ash. Maybe I can smash it.", < "//name" : "ashjar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashjar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "The ashes of Avian Stargazers are often stored in urns like this one.", < "//name" : "goldenurn", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A heavy golden door with crystals set into its surface.", < "//name" : "birddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Crystal Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birddoor" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "This looks like something I made in pottery class. Crude. I should smash it.", < "//name" : "talljar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crude Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "talljar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A solid stone bed topped with a nest of hay.", < "//name" : "birdbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Guardian's Nest", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "Gorgeous, colourful feathers arranged like flowers.", < "//name" : "feathers2", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Feather Bundle", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feathers2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "I can't stand on this stone platform for long!", < "//name" : "templepressureplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Temple Pressure Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "templepressureplatform" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "templehiddendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "templehiddendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sawblade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A trap door disguised as a metal platform.", < "//name" : "metallictrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Trap Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metallictrapdoor" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "Glyphs pulse ominously... what do they mean?", < "//name" : "screen4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glyph Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A bird-shaped jar full of ash. I wanna break it.", < "//name" : "ashjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bird Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "This Avian server must contain a vast amount of data.", < "//name" : "tribalserver", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Server", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalserver", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A small, brittle-looking pot. It looks smashable...", < "//name" : "smalljar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smalljar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A pale stone altar, undecorated.", < "//name" : "altar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "This beady-eyed bird jar is made of solid gold.", < "//name" : "goldenjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Bird Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "An altar sticky with old blood and feathers.", < "//name" : "sacrificialaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Sacrificial Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sacrificialaltar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", < "//name" : "bouldertrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Temple Boulder Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bouldertrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "Gorgeous, vibrant feathers arranged like flowers", < "//name" : "feathers1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Feather Bundle", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feathers1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "The crystal embedded into this fixture glows with a pale light.", < "//name" : "avianwaterlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianwaterlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A crumbling old pot with patterned markings. It looks smashable.", < "//name" : "midjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "midjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "This jar has seen better days. It looks smashable...", < "//name" : "birdjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Temple Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A small security panel.", < "//name" : "consoletribalwall", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Security Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribalwall" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with a bird crudely etched into the base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal1", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Bird Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A familiar-shaped jar. It looks angry and smashable.", < "//name" : "ashjar3", < "//shortdescription" : "Familiar Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashjar3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "Old system readings that seem to be out of date.", < "//name" : "screen1", < "//shortdescription" : "Data Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A big fancy gong. It's covered in carvings.", < "//name" : "birdgong2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Avian Gong", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdgong2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "What an ugly jar.", < "//name" : "birdjar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ugly Temple Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdjar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A large control panel powered by Avian crystals.", < "//name" : "consoletribal4", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "Ironically, looking at this decorative sun sends a chill down my spine.", < "//name" : "sundecor", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Sun", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sundecor" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A tall, dusty pot that smells of bird poop. Maybe it's smashable.", < "//name" : "talljar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "talljar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "The altar is covered in carvings of a winged god.", < "//name" : "birdaltar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Prayer Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdaltar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A large metal gong. It's so tempting to give it a smack!", < "//name" : "birdgong1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Gong", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdgong1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A lavish bird-shaped jar. Maybe I can smash it...", < "//name" : "bigjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Bird Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with an egg is etched into its base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal2", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Egg Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "templehiddentrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Trapdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "templehiddentrapdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A statue honouring the history of the Avian god Kluex.", < "//name" : "kluexstatue1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Winged Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kluexstatue1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "An old torn map which claims to lead to godly treasures.", < "//name" : "kluexmap1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Treasure Map", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "kluexmap1" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "An ancient mural depicting the gifts given by Kluex to his followers.", < "//name" : "kluexmural2", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Gift Mural", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "kluexmural2" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "An ancient mural of the god Kluex.", < "//name" : "kluexmural1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex World Mural", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "kluexmural1" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A star map! It's a little primitive.", < "//name" : "screen3", < "//shortdescription" : "Star Map Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A statue depicting the might of the deity Kluex.", < "//name" : "kluexstatue2", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Serpentine Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kluexstatue2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A statue depicting the might of the deity Kluex.", < "//name" : "kluexstatue2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Serpentine Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kluexstatue2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", < "//name" : "birdthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A sickly-sweet scent clings to the inside.", > "//name" : "lamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "It's a spaceship orbiting a planet.", > "//name" : "screen2", > "//shortdescription" : "Spaceship screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", > "//name" : "birdthrone_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "Are those... brain waves? Yes. Yes they are.", > "//name" : "screen5", > "//shortdescription" : "Brain Activity Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this flickering torch.", > "//name" : "birdgroundlantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdgroundlantern", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A stone table in typical Avian style.", > "//name" : "birdtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Temple Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A golden duck!", > "//name" : "goldenducky", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Ducky", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenducky", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A red flashing light... That's usually not good.", > "//name" : "redalert", > "//shortdescription" : "Warning Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redalert" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with a flame carved into its base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal3", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Flame Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "Huge feathers are sprouting from this small bird statue.", > "//name" : "featherybird", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "featherybird", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A bunny-shaped jar full of ash. Maybe I can smash it.", > "//name" : "ashjar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashjar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "The ashes of Avian Stargazers are often stored in urns like this one.", > "//name" : "goldenurn", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A heavy golden door with crystals set into its surface.", > "//name" : "birddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Crystal Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birddoor" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "This looks like something I made in pottery class. Crude. I should smash it.", > "//name" : "talljar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crude Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "talljar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A solid stone bed topped with a nest of hay.", > "//name" : "birdbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Guardian's Nest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "Gorgeous, colourful feathers arranged like flowers.", > "//name" : "feathers2", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Feather Bundle", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feathers2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "I can't stand on this stone platform for long!", > "//name" : "templepressureplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Temple Pressure Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "templepressureplatform" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "templehiddendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "templehiddendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sawblade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A trap door disguised as a metal platform.", > "//name" : "metallictrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Trap Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metallictrapdoor" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "Glyphs pulse ominously... what do they mean?", > "//name" : "screen4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glyph Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A bird-shaped jar full of ash. I wanna break it.", > "//name" : "ashjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bird Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "This Avian server must contain a vast amount of data.", > "//name" : "tribalserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Server", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A small, brittle-looking pot. It looks smashable...", > "//name" : "smalljar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smalljar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A pale stone altar, undecorated.", > "//name" : "altar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "This beady-eyed bird jar is made of solid gold.", > "//name" : "goldenjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Bird Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "An altar sticky with old blood and feathers.", > "//name" : "sacrificialaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Sacrificial Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sacrificialaltar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", > "//name" : "bouldertrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Temple Boulder Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bouldertrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "Gorgeous, vibrant feathers arranged like flowers", > "//name" : "feathers1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Feather Bundle", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feathers1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "The crystal embedded into this fixture glows with a pale light.", > "//name" : "avianwaterlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianwaterlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A crumbling old pot with patterned markings. It looks smashable.", > "//name" : "midjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "midjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "This jar has seen better days. It looks smashable...", > "//name" : "birdjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Temple Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A small security panel.", > "//name" : "consoletribalwall", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Security Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribalwall" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with a bird crudely etched into the base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Bird Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A familiar-shaped jar. It looks angry and smashable.", > "//name" : "ashjar3", > "//shortdescription" : "Familiar Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashjar3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "Old system readings that seem to be out of date.", > "//name" : "screen1", > "//shortdescription" : "Data Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A big fancy gong. It's covered in carvings.", > "//name" : "birdgong2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Avian Gong", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdgong2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "What an ugly jar.", > "//name" : "birdjar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ugly Temple Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdjar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A large control panel powered by Avian crystals.", > "//name" : "consoletribal4", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > 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crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "Ironically, looking at this decorative sun sends a chill down my spine.", > "//name" : "sundecor", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Sun", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sundecor" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "A tall, dusty pot that smells of bird poop. Maybe it's smashable.", > "//name" : "talljar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "talljar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "The altar is covered in carvings of a winged god.", > "//name" : "birdaltar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Prayer Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdaltar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A large metal gong. It's so tempting to give it a smack!", > "//name" : "birdgong1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Gong", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdgong1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A lavish bird-shaped jar. Maybe I can smash it...", > "//name" : "bigjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Bird Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with an egg is etched into its base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal2", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Egg Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "templehiddentrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "templehiddentrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A statue honouring the history of the Avian god Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexstatue1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Winged Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexstatue1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "An old torn map which claims to lead to godly treasures.", > "//name" : "kluexmap1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Treasure Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kluexmap1" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "An ancient mural depicting the gifts given by Kluex to his followers.", > "//name" : "kluexmural2", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Gift Mural", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kluexmural2" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "An ancient mural of the god Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexmural1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex World Mural", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kluexmural1" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A star map! It's a little primitive.", > "//name" : "screen3", > "//shortdescription" : "Star Map Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A statue depicting the might of the deity Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexstatue2", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Serpentine Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexstatue2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A statue depicting the might of the deity Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexstatue2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Serpentine Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexstatue2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", > "//name" : "birdthrone", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 739,984c739,984 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lamp.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/screen2.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/birdthrone_orientation1.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/screen5.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/birdgroundlantern.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/birdtable.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/goldenducky.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianswitchhidden1.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianswitchhidden1_orientation2.png" < }, < "17" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianswitchhidden1_orientation3.png" < }, < "18" : { < "image" : 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianswitchhidden1_orientation3.png" > }, > "18" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianswitchhidden1_orientation4.png" > }, > "19" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianswitchhidden1_orientation5.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/redalert.png" > }, > "20" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/consoletribal3.png" > }, > "21" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/featherybird.png" > }, > "22" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ashjar2.png" > }, > "23" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/goldenurn.png" > }, > "24" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/birddoor.png" > }, > "25" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/talljar2.png" > }, > "26" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/birdbed.png" > }, > "27" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/feathers2.png" > }, > "28" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/templepressureplatform.png" > }, > "29" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/templehiddendoor.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sawblade.png" > }, > "30" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/metallictrapdoor.png" > }, > "31" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/screen4.png" > }, > "32" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ashjar1.png" > }, > "33" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tribalserver.png" > }, > "34" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/smalljar1.png" > }, > "35" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/altar1.png" > }, > "36" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/goldenjar1.png" > }, > "37" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sacrificialaltar.png" > }, > "38" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bouldertrap.png" > }, > "39" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/feathers1.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sawblade_orientation2.png" > }, > "40" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianwaterlight.png" > }, > "41" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/midjar1.png" > }, > "42" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/birdjar1.png" > }, > "43" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/consoletribalwall.png" > }, > "44" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/consoletribal1.png" > }, > "45" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ashjar3.png" > }, > "46" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/screen1.png" > }, > "47" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/birdgong2.png" > }, > "48" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/birdjar2.png" > }, > "49" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/consoletribal4.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sawblade_orientation3.png" > }, > "50" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/crystaltrap.png" > }, > "51" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/crystaltrap_orientation1.png" > }, > "52" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/crystaltrap_orientation2.png" > }, > "53" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/crystaltrap_orientation3.png" > }, > "54" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/crystaltrap_orientation4.png" > }, > "55" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/crystaltrap_orientation5.png" > }, > "56" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/crystaltrap_orientation6.png" > }, > "57" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/crystaltrap_orientation7.png" > }, > "58" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flametrap.png" > }, > "59" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flametrap_orientation1.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sawblade_orientation4.png" > }, > "60" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flametrap_orientation2.png" > }, > "61" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flametrap_orientation3.png" > }, > "62" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flametrap_orientation4.png" > }, > "63" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flametrap_orientation5.png" > }, > "64" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sundecor.png" > }, > "65" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/talljar1.png" > }, > "66" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wingedurn.png" > }, > "67" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wingedurn_orientation2.png" > }, > "68" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wingedurn_orientation3.png" > }, > "69" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wingedurn_orientation4.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sawblade_orientation5.png" > }, > "70" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wingedurn_orientation5.png" > }, > "71" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/birdaltar2.png" > }, > "72" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/birdgong1.png" > }, > "73" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bigjar1.png" > }, > "74" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/consoletribal2.png" > }, > "75" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/templehiddentrapdoor.png" > }, > "76" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/kluexstatue1.png" > }, > "77" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/kluexmap1.png" > }, > "78" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/kluexmural2.png" > }, > "79" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/kluexmural1.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/screen3.png" > }, > "80" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/kluexstatue2.png" > }, > "81" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/kluexstatue2_orientation1.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/birdthrone.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\aviantomb.json 10,495c10,495 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A crystal levitates above its frame, emitting an eerie light.", < "//name" : "crystaltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "I swear the eye is following me around the room..", < "//name" : "birdgodemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "birdgodemblem" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife.", < "//name" : "sarcohuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcohuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens inward.", < "//name" : "bardoor2sideways", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor2sideways", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Is it wrong to take your bunny to the afterlife with you?", < "//name" : "sarcobunny", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcobunny", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the tranquil and life-bringing element of water.", < "//name" : "wateremblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Water Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wateremblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone is engraved with an eye symbol", < "//name" : "tombstone10", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A ornate obsidian bookcase.", < "//name" : "obsidianbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Obsidian Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "obsidianbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", < "//name" : "chestmedavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Decorative Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestmedavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens upwards.", < "//name" : "bardoor2", < "//shortdescription" : "Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone looks as if it's about to fall over.", < "//name" : "tombstone9", < "//shortdescription" : "Unstable Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "These symbols signify a mass grave.", < "//name" : "tombstone11", < "//shortdescription" : "Mass Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone11", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "This massive iron portcullis closes with a thud.", < "//name" : "bardoor3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "This emblem commemorates the Avians' first flight to the stars.", < "//name" : "moonemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Moon Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "moonemblem" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "This guy seems... wise.", < "//name" : "mask5", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Wiseman Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask5" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone belonged to one of the grounded. It's been desecrated.", < "//name" : "tombstone8", < "//shortdescription" : "Desecrated Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the free and flowing element of air.", < "//name" : "airemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Air Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "airemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", < "//name" : "chestavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife. Wait a minute... I think I can hear something inside!", < "//name" : "sarcohumanalive", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcohumanalive", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "An open stone tomb. It smells.", < "//name" : "tombthing3", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Stone Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "An engraved Avian tomb depicting the aether.", < "//name" : "tombthing2", < "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Avian Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", < "//name" : "avianpressureplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", < "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the strong and resilient element of earth.", < "//name" : "earthemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Earth Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "earthemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", < "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", < "//name" : "tombstatueavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstatueavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", < "//name" : "tombstatueavian_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstatueavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A carved bunny sits on top of this altar.", < "//name" : "altarbunny", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altarbunny", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", < "//name" : "tombstone1", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful lamp built from Avian crystal tech.", < "//name" : "triballamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "triballamp" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "This mask looks like my ex-wife.", < "//name" : "mask6", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Priest Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask6" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a bunny.", < "//name" : "tombstatuebunny", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bunny Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstatuebunny", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the wild and destructive element of fire.", < "//name" : "fireemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Fire Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "fireemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A carved Avian head sits atop this altar.", < "//name" : "altaravian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Head Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altaravian", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A plain stone tomb caked in dust.", < "//name" : "tombthing1", < "//shortdescription" : "Undecorated Stone Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "This guy looks surprised to see me!", < "//name" : "mask1", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Human Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask1" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "This guy looks hungry. His eyes make me uncomfortable.", < "//name" : "mask2", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Skull Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask2" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "This tomb is anonymous, engraved with the image of its occupant.", < "//name" : "tombstone3", < "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone has been smashed beyond repair.", < "//name" : "tombstone4", < "//shortdescription" : "Smashed Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a warrior, fallen in battle.", < "//name" : "tombstone5", < "//shortdescription" : "Warrior's Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. I wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "sarcoavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcoavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a priest, fallen in battle.", < "//name" : "tombstone6", < "//shortdescription" : "Priest's Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "The skull on this tombstone shows that it belongs to one of the grounded.", < "//name" : "tombstone7", < "//shortdescription" : "Grounded's Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. The feather suggests it was for someone important.", < "//name" : "sarcoavian2", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Avian Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcoavian2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", < "//name" : "tombstone2", < "//shortdescription" : "Embossed Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A lavish Avian tomb.", < "//name" : "tombthing4", < "//shortdescription" : "Lavish Avian Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "This mask looks angry.", < "//name" : "mask3", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Alien Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask3" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A rather serious looking bird.", < "//name" : "mask4", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask4" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "The rack is filled with antique Avian spears.", < "//name" : "spearrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Spear Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spearrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A support beam carved to resemble a fearsome bird.", < "//name" : "idolsupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "idolsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A crystal levitates above its frame, emitting an eerie light.", > "//name" : "crystaltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "I swear the eye is following me around the room..", > "//name" : "birdgodemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "birdgodemblem" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife.", > "//name" : "sarcohuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcohuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens inward.", > "//name" : "bardoor2sideways", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor2sideways", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Is it wrong to take your bunny to the afterlife with you?", > "//name" : "sarcobunny", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcobunny", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the tranquil and life-bringing element of water.", > "//name" : "wateremblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Water Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wateremblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone is engraved with an eye symbol", > "//name" : "tombstone10", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A ornate obsidian bookcase.", > "//name" : "obsidianbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Obsidian Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "obsidianbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", > "//name" : "chestmedavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Decorative Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestmedavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens upwards.", > "//name" : "bardoor2", > "//shortdescription" : "Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone looks as if it's about to fall over.", > "//name" : "tombstone9", > "//shortdescription" : "Unstable Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "These symbols signify a mass grave.", > "//name" : "tombstone11", > "//shortdescription" : "Mass Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone11", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "This massive iron portcullis closes with a thud.", > "//name" : "bardoor3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "This emblem commemorates the Avians' first flight to the stars.", > "//name" : "moonemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Moon Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "moonemblem" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "This guy seems... wise.", > "//name" : "mask5", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Wiseman Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask5" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone belonged to one of the grounded. It's been desecrated.", > "//name" : "tombstone8", > "//shortdescription" : "Desecrated Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the free and flowing element of air.", > "//name" : "airemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Air Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "airemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", > "//name" : "chestavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife. Wait a minute... I think I can hear something inside!", > "//name" : "sarcohumanalive", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcohumanalive", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "An open stone tomb. It smells.", > "//name" : "tombthing3", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Stone Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "An engraved Avian tomb depicting the aether.", > "//name" : "tombthing2", > "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Avian Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", > "//name" : "avianpressureplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", > "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the strong and resilient element of earth.", > "//name" : "earthemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Earth Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "earthemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", > "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", > "//name" : "tombstatueavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstatueavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", > "//name" : "tombstatueavian_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstatueavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A carved bunny sits on top of this altar.", > "//name" : "altarbunny", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altarbunny", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", > "//name" : "tombstone1", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful lamp built from Avian crystal tech.", > "//name" : "triballamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "triballamp" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "This mask looks like my ex-wife.", > "//name" : "mask6", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Priest Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask6" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a bunny.", > "//name" : "tombstatuebunny", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bunny Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstatuebunny", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the wild and destructive element of fire.", > "//name" : "fireemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Fire Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "fireemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A carved Avian head sits atop this altar.", > "//name" : "altaravian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Head Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altaravian", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A plain stone tomb caked in dust.", > "//name" : "tombthing1", > "//shortdescription" : "Undecorated Stone Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "This guy looks surprised to see me!", > "//name" : "mask1", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Human Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask1" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "This guy looks hungry. His eyes make me uncomfortable.", > "//name" : "mask2", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Skull Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask2" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "This tomb is anonymous, engraved with the image of its occupant.", > "//name" : "tombstone3", > "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone has been smashed beyond repair.", > "//name" : "tombstone4", > "//shortdescription" : "Smashed Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a warrior, fallen in battle.", > "//name" : "tombstone5", > "//shortdescription" : "Warrior's Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. I wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "sarcoavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcoavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a priest, fallen in battle.", > "//name" : "tombstone6", > "//shortdescription" : "Priest's Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "The skull on this tombstone shows that it belongs to one of the grounded.", > "//name" : "tombstone7", > "//shortdescription" : "Grounded's Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. The feather suggests it was for someone important.", > "//name" : "sarcoavian2", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Avian Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcoavian2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", > "//name" : "tombstone2", > "//shortdescription" : "Embossed Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A lavish Avian tomb.", > "//name" : "tombthing4", > "//shortdescription" : "Lavish Avian Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "This mask looks angry.", > "//name" : "mask3", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Alien Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask3" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A rather serious looking bird.", > "//name" : "mask4", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask4" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "The rack is filled with antique Avian spears.", > "//name" : "spearrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Spear Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spearrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A support beam carved to resemble a fearsome bird.", > "//name" : "idolsupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "idolsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > } 498,662c498,662 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/crystaltorch.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/birdgodemblem.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sarcohuman.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bardoor2sideways.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sarcobunny.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wateremblem.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombstone10.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/obsidianbookcase.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/chestmedavian1.png" < }, < "17" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bardoor2.png" < }, < "18" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombstone9.png" < }, < "19" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombstone11.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bardoor3.png" < }, < "20" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/moonemblem.png" < }, < "21" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mask5.png" < }, < "22" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombstone8.png" < }, < "23" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/airemblem.png" < }, < "24" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/chestavian1.png" < }, < "25" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sarcohumanalive.png" < }, < "26" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombthing3.png" < }, < "27" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombthing2.png" < }, < "28" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianpressureplate.png" < }, < "29" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianpressureplate_orientation2.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/earthemblem.png" < }, < "30" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianpressureplate_orientation3.png" < }, < "31" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombstatueavian.png" < }, < "32" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombstatueavian_orientation1.png" < }, < "33" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/altarbunny.png" < }, < "34" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombstone1.png" < }, < "35" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/triballamp.png" < }, < "36" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mask6.png" < }, < "37" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombstatuebunny.png" < }, < "38" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/fireemblem.png" < }, < "39" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/altaravian.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombthing1.png" < }, < "40" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianswitchhidden2.png" < }, < "41" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianswitchhidden2_orientation2.png" < }, < "42" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianswitchhidden2_orientation3.png" < }, < "43" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianswitchhidden2_orientation4.png" < }, < "44" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianswitchhidden2_orientation5.png" < }, < "45" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mask1.png" < }, < "46" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mask2.png" < }, < "47" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombstone3.png" < }, < "48" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombstone4.png" < }, < "49" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombstone5.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sarcoavian1.png" < }, < "50" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombstone6.png" < }, < "51" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombstone7.png" < }, < "52" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sarcoavian2.png" < }, < "53" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombstone2.png" < }, < "54" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombthing4.png" < }, < "6" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mask3.png" < }, < "7" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mask4.png" < }, < "8" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/spearrack.png" < }, < "9" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/idolsupport.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/crystaltorch.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/birdgodemblem.png" > }, > "10" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sarcohuman.png" > }, > "11" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bardoor2sideways.png" > }, > "12" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sarcobunny.png" > }, > "13" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wateremblem.png" > }, > "14" : { > "image" : 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How morbid.", < "//name" : "huntingpike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", < "//name" : "huntingpike1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of bone. Hopefully it's not filled with marrow.", < "//name" : "bonechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A fully intact ribcage. Not for long.", < "//name" : "smashbones2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashbones2" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A sinister torch made from old bones.", < "//name" : "skullwalltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull Wall Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skullwalltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "Part of a ribcage. It won't be intact for long.", < "//name" : "smashbones4", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashbones4" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A pile of bones, prime for smashing.", < "//name" : "smashbones3", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashbones3" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A coffin bed. The hottest in undead comfort.", < "//name" : "bonebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Coffin Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A bone throne. For all your royal bone needs.", < "//name" : "bonechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", < "//name" : "bonedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", < "//name" : "bonedoor_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A pile of bones, prime for smashing.", < "//name" : "smashbones1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashbones1" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation9", < 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: "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation12", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation13", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A small insectile creature impaled on a hunting pike.", < "//name" : "ixolingpike", < "//shortdescription" : "Ixoling Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ixolingpike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//name" : "ixolingpike_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation9", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation10", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation11", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation12", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation13", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A creepy bone table. Looks more like a sacrificial altar. Good for picnics.", > "//name" : "bonetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", > "//name" : "huntingpike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", > "//name" : "huntingpike2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this menacing torch.", > "//name" : "skulltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skulltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "Penguin bones on a pike arranged decoratively.", > "//name" : "huntingpike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bones Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", > "//name" : "huntingpike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", > "//name" : "huntingpike1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of bone. Hopefully it's not filled with marrow.", > "//name" : "bonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A fully intact ribcage. Not for long.", > "//name" : "smashbones2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones2" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A sinister torch made from old bones.", > "//name" : "skullwalltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull Wall Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skullwalltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "Part of a ribcage. It won't be intact for long.", > "//name" : "smashbones4", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones4" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A pile of bones, prime for smashing.", > "//name" : "smashbones3", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones3" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A coffin bed. The hottest in undead comfort.", > "//name" : "bonebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Coffin Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A bone throne. For all your royal bone needs.", > "//name" : "bonechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", > "//name" : "bonedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", > "//name" : "bonedoor_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A pile of bones, prime for smashing.", > "//name" : "smashbones1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones1" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation9", > 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Who needs reindeer, right?", < "//name" : "scifisleigh", < "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Rocket Sleigh", < "imagePositionX" : "-64", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scifisleigh", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red bow.", < "//name" : "giantbow2", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiny Red Bow", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "giantbow2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A fuzzy red stocking. 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Yummy!", < "//name" : "purplegumdrop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Purple Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "purplegumdrop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A present! 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Just the thing to get one into the holiday spirit!", < "//name" : "giantbells", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Holiday Bells", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "giantbells", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A big lollipop! 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These are popular as holiday ornaments.", < "//name" : "redball", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Ball Holiday Ornament", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redball", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A small snowflake decoration.", < "//name" : "smallsnowflake", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowflake", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "smallsnowflake", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A tiny synthetic fir tree.", < "//name" : "smallholidaytree", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Faux Fir Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallholidaytree", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "holidaylights", < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "holidaylights_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "holidaylights_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A big, delicious green gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "greengumdrop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Green Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengumdrop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane. It's crooked.", < "//name" : "greencandycane3", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greencandycane3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Fairy lights that spell out 'waz', whatever that means.", > "//name" : "wazlights", > "//shortdescription" : "Waz Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wazlights" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "This colourful sleigh has a big rocket engine on the back! Who needs reindeer, right?", > "//name" : "scifisleigh", > "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Rocket Sleigh", > "imagePositionX" : "-64", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scifisleigh", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red bow.", > "//name" : "giantbow2", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiny Red Bow", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "giantbow2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A fuzzy red stocking. 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Yummy!", > "//name" : "redgumdrop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Red Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redgumdrop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A four-sided spinning top. There are curious symbols on each side.", > "//name" : "dreidel", > "//shortdescription" : "Dreidel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dreidel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A big, delicious purple gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "purplegumdrop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Purple Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "purplegumdrop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A golden ball. These are popular as holiday ornaments.", > "//name" : "goldball", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Ball Holiday Ornament", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldball", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in red paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present2", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane. It's broken.", > "//name" : "redcandycane3", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redcandycane3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A synthetic fir tree.", > "//name" : "undecoratedtree", > "//shortdescription" : "Faux Fir Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "undecoratedtree", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A small red bow.", > "//name" : "smallbow", > "//shortdescription" : "Little Red Bow", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallbow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in teal paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present1", > "//shortdescription" : "Teal Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A fuzzy red stocking. A little too big for anyone's foot.", > "//name" : "stocking2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Stocking", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "stocking2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top. There's something odd about it.", > "//name" : "giftmonstersmallbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Unusual Gift Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "giftmonstersmallbox" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A giant, delicious purple gumdrop! 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Watch out for the horn!", > "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A cute, colourful bush.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush that may secretly be a Floran in disguise.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A bush with unusual colouring.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 164,214c164,214 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowwoodtable.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/colourfulbush3.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowwoodbed.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowbed.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowtable.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowdoor.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/colourfulbush4.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowwooddoor.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowwoodsafe.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowchair.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowchest.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowunicornstatue.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowunicornstatue_orientation1.png" < }, < "6" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/colourfulbush2.png" < }, < "7" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/colourfulbush5.png" < }, < "8" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowwoodchair.png" < }, < "9" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/colourfulbush1.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowwoodtable.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/colourfulbush3.png" > }, > "10" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowwoodbed.png" > }, > "11" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowbed.png" > }, > "12" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowtable.png" > }, > "13" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowdoor.png" > }, > "14" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/colourfulbush4.png" > }, > "15" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowwooddoor.png" > }, > "16" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowwoodsafe.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowchair.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowchest.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowunicornstatue.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowunicornstatue_orientation1.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/colourfulbush2.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/colourfulbush5.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowwoodchair.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/colourfulbush1.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\combat.json 10,264c10,264 < "0" : { < "//description" : "Watch your step, this looks explosive!", < "//name" : "landmine", < "//shortdescription" : "Military Land Mine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "landmine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", < "//name" : "huntingchampionstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Champion Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingchampionstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "Just a ceremonial shield. It wouldn't do much good in a fight.", < "//name" : "wallshield", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Shield Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wallshield" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "An assortment of pointy things.", < "//name" : "marketstall3", < "//shortdescription" : "Market Weapon Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A high-tech container for guns.", < "//name" : "gunchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Gun Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gunchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "These display axes look very sharp.", < "//name" : "medievalaxedisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Axe Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "medievalaxedisplay" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute. Hmm... The shield looks loose.", < "//name" : "medievalarmorswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspicious Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmorswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "The rack is filled with antique Avian spears.", < "//name" : "spearrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Spear Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spearrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "The finest automated security turret around.", < "//name" : "apexturret", < "//shortdescription" : "High-tech Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "An old, forgotten land mine. It may still be active!", < "//name" : "scorchedlandmine", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Land Mine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedlandmine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands armed and resolute.", < "//name" : "medievalarmorarmed", < "//shortdescription" : "Armed Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmorarmed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "Bullseye!", < "//name" : "target", < "//shortdescription" : "Target", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "target", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "Poor dummy, I'll name him Freddie!", < "//name" : "targetdummy", < "//shortdescription" : "Target Dummy", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "targetdummy", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. Unsurprisingly, many of the weapons are gone.", < "//name" : "huntingweaponrack1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Weapon Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingweaponrack1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", < "//name" : "signweaponshop", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signweaponshop" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", < "//name" : "signweaponshop_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signweaponshop" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A rack full of fairly dull iron swords.", < "//name" : "medievalweaponrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Weapon Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalweaponrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", < "//name" : "signarmorshop", < "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signarmorshop" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", < "//name" : "signarmorshop_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signarmorshop" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "These display swords could be dangerous in the wrong hands.", < "//name" : "medievalsworddisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Sword Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "medievalsworddisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute.", < "//name" : "medievalarmor", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A heavy duty chest for storing weapons.", < "//name" : "weaponchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "weaponchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. All of the weapons are missing.", < "//name" : "huntingweaponrack2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Weapon Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingweaponrack2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A Floran spear mounted on a decorative plaque.", < "//name" : "huntingdisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Spear on a Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingdisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Watch your step, this looks explosive!", > "//name" : "landmine", > "//shortdescription" : "Military Land Mine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "landmine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", > "//name" : "huntingchampionstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Champion Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingchampionstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Just a ceremonial shield. It wouldn't do much good in a fight.", > "//name" : "wallshield", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Shield Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wallshield" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "An assortment of pointy things.", > "//name" : "marketstall3", > "//shortdescription" : "Market Weapon Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A high-tech container for guns.", > "//name" : "gunchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Gun Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gunchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "These display axes look very sharp.", > "//name" : "medievalaxedisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Axe Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "medievalaxedisplay" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute. Hmm... The shield looks loose.", > "//name" : "medievalarmorswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspicious Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmorswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "The rack is filled with antique Avian spears.", > "//name" : "spearrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Spear Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spearrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "The finest automated security turret around.", > "//name" : "apexturret", > "//shortdescription" : "High-tech Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "An old, forgotten land mine. It may still be active!", > "//name" : "scorchedlandmine", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Land Mine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedlandmine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands armed and resolute.", > "//name" : "medievalarmorarmed", > "//shortdescription" : "Armed Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmorarmed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "Bullseye!", > "//name" : "target", > "//shortdescription" : "Target", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "target", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Poor dummy, I'll name him Freddie!", > "//name" : "targetdummy", > "//shortdescription" : "Target Dummy", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "targetdummy", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. Unsurprisingly, many of the weapons are gone.", > "//name" : "huntingweaponrack1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Weapon Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingweaponrack1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", > "//name" : "signweaponshop", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signweaponshop" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", > "//name" : "signweaponshop_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signweaponshop" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A rack full of fairly dull iron swords.", > "//name" : "medievalweaponrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Weapon Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalweaponrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", > "//name" : "signarmorshop", > "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signarmorshop" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", > "//name" : "signarmorshop_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signarmorshop" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "These display swords could be dangerous in the wrong hands.", > "//name" : "medievalsworddisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Sword Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "medievalsworddisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute.", > "//name" : "medievalarmor", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A heavy duty chest for storing weapons.", > "//name" : "weaponchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "weaponchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. All of the weapons are missing.", > "//name" : "huntingweaponrack2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Weapon Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingweaponrack2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A Floran spear mounted on a decorative plaque.", > "//name" : "huntingdisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Spear on a Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingdisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 267,353c267,353 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/landmine.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntingchampionstatue.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wallshield.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/marketstall3.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/gunchest.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalaxedisplay.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalarmorswitch.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/spearrack.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexturret.png" < }, < "17" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/scorchedlandmine.png" < }, < "18" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalarmorarmed.png" < }, < "19" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/target.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/targetdummy.png" < }, < "20" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntingweaponrack1.png" < }, < "21" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signweaponshop.png" < }, < "22" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signweaponshop_orientation2.png" < }, < "23" : { < "image" : 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Every meal is a joy.", < "//name" : "rainbowtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", < "//name" : "hylotlshopsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshopsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", < "//name" : "hylotlshopsign_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshopsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "A small rusty looking crate.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Rusty Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "A metal crate.", < "//name" : "bunkercrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "smallwoodencrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallwoodencrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "This desk is sleek, looks solid.", < "//name" : "apexcooldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcooldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "A table made of carved ice.", < "//name" : "icetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "A basic desk.", < "//name" : "outpostdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "Everything you need to survive. Almost.", < "//name" : "bombsheltershelf1", < "//shortdescription" : "Shelter Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bombsheltershelf1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", < "//name" : "bunkerdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "largewoodencrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largewoodencrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "I can sell some of my loot here. I should check out their inventory.", < "//name" : "treasuredtrophies", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasured Trophies", < "imagePositionX" : "-88", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "treasuredtrophies", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A hardy serene table.", < "//name" : "serenetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Serene Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "serenetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "A wobbly table made from leaves and roots.", < "//name" : "swamptable", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swamptable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "I wonder what fruit they sell on this planet.", < "//name" : "marketstall1", < "//shortdescription" : "Market Fruit Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A classic wooden table, suitable for any environment.", < "//name" : "cabintable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabintable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "The refinery is used to produce raw pixels from ores.", < "//name" : "refinery", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Refinery^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "refinery", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A good source of information.", < "//name" : "protectorateinfobooth", < "//shortdescription" : "Info Booth", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateinfobooth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "There are some items on this shelf.", < "//name" : "apexstoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to buy stuff.", < "//name" : "apexstoresign", < "//shortdescription" : "Store Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexstoresign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", < "//name" : "signinn", < "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signinn" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "A wooden desk used by scribes.", < "//name" : "glitchscribe", < "//shortdescription" : "Scribe's Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchscribe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", < "//name" : "penguinbartop", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Top", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "penguinbartop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", < "//name" : "penguinbarbottom", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "penguinbarbottom", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", < "//name" : "penguinbartop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Top", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "penguinbartop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "A cooking countertop used for chopping meat.", < "//name" : "florantable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Countertop", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "A standard issue kitchen counter.", < "//name" : "apexcounter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcounter2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", < "//name" : "signinn_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signinn" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", < "//name" : "signforge", < "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signforge" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", < "//name" : "signforge_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signforge" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", < "//name" : "signarmorshop", < "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signarmorshop" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", < "//name" : "signarmorshop_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signarmorshop" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "Ye olde counter.", < "//name" : "medievalcounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A barrel. Sadly not full party hats.", < "//name" : "barrellarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrellarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A basic tungsten table.", < "//name" : "tier2table", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A basic wooden table.", < "//name" : "woodtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "An expensive-looking wooden desk.", < "//name" : "woodendesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodendesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", < "//name" : "woodencrate2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrate2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "Ooh, what should I get?", < "//name" : "vendingmachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vendingmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "Floran come together at tables like these to eat flesh stew.", < "//name" : "florantable1", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantable1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A table fashioned out a small tree topped with a slab of wood.", < "//name" : "floransmalltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floransmalltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A table made from many small bones.", < "//name" : "floranbonetable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonetable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "This entire table appears to have been carved from a single, enormous bone.", < "//name" : "floranbonetable1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonetable1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "There's a rather grim face carved into the base of this table.", < "//name" : "islandtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "islandtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "An assortment of pointy things.", < "//name" : "marketstall3", < "//shortdescription" : "Market Weapon Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A very well-made Geometric table.", < "//name" : "geometrictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometrictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", < "//name" : "signlibrary", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signlibrary" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", < "//name" : "signlibrary_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signlibrary" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A table made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful Executive table.", < "//name" : "executivetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "executivetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A rusty table. Adds flavour.", < "//name" : "rusttable", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rusttable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A small empty stall. It looks sad.", < "//name" : "marketstall4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Empty Market Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "hylotlcashregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Store Cash Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlcashregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "Compress pixels for storage.", < "//name" : "pixelcompressor", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pixel Compressor^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pixelcompressor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone table. Don't spill water on it.", < "//name" : "sandstonetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "For all your farming and terraforming needs!", < "//name" : "terramart", < "//shortdescription" : "Terramart", < "imagePositionX" : "-64", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "terramart", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A terrifying Doom table. It watches you eat.", < "//name" : "doomtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doomtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A large empty stall. I bet business is slow.", < "//name" : "marketstall5", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Empty Market Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "The shelf is packed with all kinds of Hylotl goods.", < "//name" : "hylotlstoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlstoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A thorny table. Careful where you put your feet.", < "//name" : "toxictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A fancy royal desk.", < "//name" : "royaldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royaldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "An incredibly stylish Opulent table.", < "//name" : "opulenttable", < "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "opulenttable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A simple metal table.", < "//name" : "bunkertable1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertable1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A desk, probably belonging to the greenfinger of a Floran tribe.", < "//name" : "florandesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A counter that oddly resembles a Hylotl.", < "//name" : "hylotlcounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlcounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A rusty crate.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitycrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitycrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "Ye olde dining room table.", < "//name" : "medievaltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A small cargo crate. No doubt it has cargo in it.", < "//name" : "outpostcargocrateshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Short Cargo Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcargocrateshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising natural soft drinks.", < "//name" : "softdrinksign", < "//shortdescription" : "Soft Drink Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "softdrinksign" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A shady looking captain.", < "//name" : "shipyardcaptain", < "//shortdescription" : "Shipyard Captain", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipyardcaptain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A basic mass produced table.", < "//name" : "apextable", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", < "//name" : "classicdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A table with swords for legs. Not ideal for playing footsie.", < "//name" : "irontable", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "irontable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A table. Perfect for tabletop gaming. Or eating.", < "//name" : "outposttable", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outposttable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal shelf, some store goods still remain on the shelves.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A simple iron table.", < "//name" : "tier1table", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A pedestal for putting your treasures on display.", < "//name" : "medievalpedestal", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Pedestal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalpedestal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A dusty wooden table.", < "//name" : "dustytable", < "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Wooden Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dustytable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A sign marking where a checkout line begins.", < "//name" : "shopline", < "//shortdescription" : "Checkout Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shopline", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "For when you want to make a table-based statement.", < "//name" : "classicdiningtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Dining Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdiningtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A table made of crystal. Perfect for rich foods.", < "//name" : "crystaltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A giant mushroom. Perfect to use as a table.", < "//name" : "shroomtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A hologram displaying the latest trends in Hylotl fashion.", < "//name" : "hylotlfashionhologram", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fashion Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlfashionhologram", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A very hardy Wave table.", < "//name" : "wavetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Wave Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wavetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", < "//name" : "signweaponshop", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signweaponshop" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", < "//name" : "signweaponshop_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signweaponshop" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", < "//name" : "woodencrate1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrate1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A glass case full of plushies and toys.", < "//name" : "hylotlprizecounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Prize Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlprizecounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A poster for a unpopular Hylotl movie \"Claw of Dread\".", < "//name" : "hylotlstyleposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Comedy Movie Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlstyleposter" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A blue shelf used for displaying items.", < "//name" : "hylotlwallshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Wall Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlwallshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reeddesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reeddesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "An interestingly carved table.", < "//name" : "tribaltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribaltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "This place is selling counterfeit ship licenses.", < "//name" : "penguinbay", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bay", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "penguinbay", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A small, three legged wooden table.", < "//name" : "cabinstooltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stool Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinstooltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A barrel. Anything could be inside!", < "//name" : "barrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "Each of these desks has a coffee mug and lamp fused to its surface.", < "//name" : "apexdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", < "//name" : "salesign", < "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "salesign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", < "//name" : "salesign_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "salesign", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", < "//name" : "salesign_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "salesign" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "The Elegantly Automatic Sign Engineering Lithographer.", < "//name" : "signstore", < "//shortdescription" : "EASEL", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "signstore", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A table with a studded gem motif resembling the three eyes of the Hylotl.", < "//name" : "hylotltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A metal shelf packed with store goods.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A delicately designed wooden table.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassictable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Traditional Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassictable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A strong storage crate made from copper.", < "//name" : "copperbox1", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperbox1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "That sure is a cool table.", < "//name" : "apexcooltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcooltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "Beautiful fabrics and clothing adorn this cute little stall.", < "//name" : "marketstall2", < "//shortdescription" : "Market Clothes Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A nicely made wooden desk.", < "//name" : "medievaldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", < "//name" : "signproduce", < "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signproduce" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", < "//name" : "signproduce_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signproduce" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "A smooth table cut from a refractive glass.", < "//name" : "prismtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A solid metal table.", < "//name" : "bunkertable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Solid Metal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A vending machine filled with popular beverages.", < "//name" : "hylotldrinks", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotldrinks", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "Good for hosting small dinner parties.", < "//name" : "classictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A mechanical cash register. Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "medievalregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A neon \"open\" sign.", < "//name" : "opensign", < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Open Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "opensign" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "scorchedcityregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Store Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcityregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "A crate containing cargo. What cargo? Who knows.", < "//name" : "outpostcargocrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cargo Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcargocrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A classic style desk.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "The finest furnishings from around the universe.", < "//name" : "frogfurnishing", < "//shortdescription" : "Fr├╢gg Furnishing", < "imagePositionX" : "-64", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frogfurnishing", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A traditional style table.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A solid Durasteel table.", < "//name" : "tier4table", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "An intergalactic convenience store. It seems an ideal place to stock up.", < "//name" : "infinityexpress", < "//shortdescription" : "Infinity Express", < "imagePositionX" : "-88", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "infinityexpress", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A table set at kneeling height.", > "//name" : "hylotlshorttable", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Low Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshorttable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A stylish titanium table.", > "//name" : "tier3table", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3table", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A rustic kitchen table.", > "//name" : "kitchentable", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchentable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A rainbow table. Every meal is a joy.", > "//name" : "rainbowtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", > "//name" : "hylotlshopsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshopsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", > "//name" : "hylotlshopsign_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshopsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A small rusty looking crate.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Rusty Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A metal crate.", > "//name" : "bunkercrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate.", > "//name" : "smallwoodencrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallwoodencrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "This desk is sleek, looks solid.", > "//name" : "apexcooldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A table made of carved ice.", > "//name" : "icetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "A basic desk.", > "//name" : "outpostdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "Everything you need to survive. Almost.", > "//name" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "//shortdescription" : "Shelter Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", > "//name" : "bunkerdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate.", > "//name" : "largewoodencrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "largewoodencrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "I can sell some of my loot here. I should check out their inventory.", > "//name" : "treasuredtrophies", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasured Trophies", > "imagePositionX" : "-88", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treasuredtrophies", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A hardy serene table.", > "//name" : "serenetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A wobbly table made from leaves and roots.", > "//name" : "swamptable", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swamptable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "I wonder what fruit they sell on this planet.", > "//name" : "marketstall1", > "//shortdescription" : "Market Fruit Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A classic wooden table, suitable for any environment.", > "//name" : "cabintable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabintable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "The refinery is used to produce raw pixels from ores.", > "//name" : "refinery", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Refinery^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "refinery", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A good source of information.", > "//name" : "protectorateinfobooth", > "//shortdescription" : "Info Booth", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateinfobooth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "There are some items on this shelf.", > "//name" : "apexstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to buy stuff.", > "//name" : "apexstoresign", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexstoresign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", > "//name" : "signinn", > "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signinn" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A wooden desk used by scribes.", > "//name" : "glitchscribe", > "//shortdescription" : "Scribe's Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchscribe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", > "//name" : "penguinbartop", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Top", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbartop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", > "//name" : "penguinbarbottom", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbarbottom", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", > "//name" : "penguinbartop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Top", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbartop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A cooking countertop used for chopping meat.", > "//name" : "florantable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Countertop", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue kitchen counter.", > "//name" : "apexcounter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcounter2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", > "//name" : "signinn_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signinn" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", > "//name" : "signforge", > "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signforge" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", > "//name" : "signforge_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signforge" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", > "//name" : "signarmorshop", > "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signarmorshop" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", > "//name" : "signarmorshop_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signarmorshop" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "Ye olde counter.", > "//name" : "medievalcounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A barrel. Sadly not full party hats.", > "//name" : "barrellarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrellarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A basic tungsten table.", > "//name" : "tier2table", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2table", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A basic wooden table.", > "//name" : "woodtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "An expensive-looking wooden desk.", > "//name" : "woodendesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodendesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", > "//name" : "woodencrate2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrate2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "Ooh, what should I get?", > "//name" : "vendingmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vendingmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "Floran come together at tables like these to eat flesh stew.", > "//name" : "florantable1", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantable1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A table fashioned out a small tree topped with a slab of wood.", > "//name" : "floransmalltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floransmalltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A table made from many small bones.", > "//name" : "floranbonetable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonetable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "This entire table appears to have been carved from a single, enormous bone.", > "//name" : "floranbonetable1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonetable1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "There's a rather grim face carved into the base of this table.", > "//name" : "islandtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "An assortment of pointy things.", > "//name" : "marketstall3", > "//shortdescription" : "Market Weapon Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A very well-made Geometric table.", > "//name" : "geometrictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometrictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", > "//name" : "signlibrary", > "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signlibrary" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", > "//name" : "signlibrary_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signlibrary" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A table made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful Executive table.", > "//name" : "executivetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A rusty table. Adds flavour.", > "//name" : "rusttable", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rusttable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A small empty stall. It looks sad.", > "//name" : "marketstall4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Empty Market Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "hylotlcashregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Cash Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlcashregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "Compress pixels for storage.", > "//name" : "pixelcompressor", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pixel Compressor^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pixelcompressor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone table. Don't spill water on it.", > "//name" : "sandstonetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "For all your farming and terraforming needs!", > "//name" : "terramart", > "//shortdescription" : "Terramart", > "imagePositionX" : "-64", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "terramart", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A terrifying Doom table. It watches you eat.", > "//name" : "doomtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A large empty stall. I bet business is slow.", > "//name" : "marketstall5", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Empty Market Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "The shelf is packed with all kinds of Hylotl goods.", > "//name" : "hylotlstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A thorny table. Careful where you put your feet.", > "//name" : "toxictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A fancy royal desk.", > "//name" : "royaldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royaldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "An incredibly stylish Opulent table.", > "//name" : "opulenttable", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulenttable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A simple metal table.", > "//name" : "bunkertable1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertable1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A desk, probably belonging to the greenfinger of a Floran tribe.", > "//name" : "florandesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A counter that oddly resembles a Hylotl.", > "//name" : "hylotlcounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlcounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A rusty crate.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitycrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitycrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "Ye olde dining room table.", > "//name" : "medievaltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A small cargo crate. No doubt it has cargo in it.", > "//name" : "outpostcargocrateshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Short Cargo Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcargocrateshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising natural soft drinks.", > "//name" : "softdrinksign", > "//shortdescription" : "Soft Drink Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "softdrinksign" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A shady looking captain.", > "//name" : "shipyardcaptain", > "//shortdescription" : "Shipyard Captain", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipyardcaptain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A basic mass produced table.", > "//name" : "apextable", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", > "//name" : "classicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A table with swords for legs. Not ideal for playing footsie.", > "//name" : "irontable", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "irontable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A table. Perfect for tabletop gaming. Or eating.", > "//name" : "outposttable", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outposttable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal shelf, some store goods still remain on the shelves.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A simple iron table.", > "//name" : "tier1table", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1table", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A pedestal for putting your treasures on display.", > "//name" : "medievalpedestal", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Pedestal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalpedestal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A dusty wooden table.", > "//name" : "dustytable", > "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Wooden Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dustytable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A sign marking where a checkout line begins.", > "//name" : "shopline", > "//shortdescription" : "Checkout Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shopline", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "For when you want to make a table-based statement.", > "//name" : "classicdiningtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Dining Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdiningtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A table made of crystal. Perfect for rich foods.", > "//name" : "crystaltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A giant mushroom. Perfect to use as a table.", > "//name" : "shroomtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A hologram displaying the latest trends in Hylotl fashion.", > "//name" : "hylotlfashionhologram", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fashion Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlfashionhologram", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A very hardy Wave table.", > "//name" : "wavetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", > "//name" : "signweaponshop", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signweaponshop" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", > "//name" : "signweaponshop_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signweaponshop" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", > "//name" : "woodencrate1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrate1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A glass case full of plushies and toys.", > "//name" : "hylotlprizecounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Prize Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlprizecounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A poster for a unpopular Hylotl movie \"Claw of Dread\".", > "//name" : "hylotlstyleposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Comedy Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlstyleposter" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A blue shelf used for displaying items.", > "//name" : "hylotlwallshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Wall Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlwallshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reeddesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reeddesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "An interestingly carved table.", > "//name" : "tribaltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribaltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "This place is selling counterfeit ship licenses.", > "//name" : "penguinbay", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bay", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbay", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A small, three legged wooden table.", > "//name" : "cabinstooltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stool Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinstooltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A barrel. Anything could be inside!", > "//name" : "barrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "Each of these desks has a coffee mug and lamp fused to its surface.", > "//name" : "apexdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", > "//name" : "salesign", > "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "salesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", > "//name" : "salesign_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "salesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", > "//name" : "salesign_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "salesign" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "The Elegantly Automatic Sign Engineering Lithographer.", > "//name" : "signstore", > "//shortdescription" : "EASEL", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "signstore", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A table with a studded gem motif resembling the three eyes of the Hylotl.", > "//name" : "hylotltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A metal shelf packed with store goods.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A delicately designed wooden table.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassictable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Traditional Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassictable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A strong storage crate made from copper.", > "//name" : "copperbox1", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperbox1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "That sure is a cool table.", > "//name" : "apexcooltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "Beautiful fabrics and clothing adorn this cute little stall.", > "//name" : "marketstall2", > "//shortdescription" : "Market Clothes Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A nicely made wooden desk.", > "//name" : "medievaldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", > "//name" : "signproduce", > "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signproduce" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", > "//name" : "signproduce_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signproduce" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "A smooth table cut from a refractive glass.", > "//name" : "prismtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "A solid metal table.", > "//name" : "bunkertable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Solid Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A vending machine filled with popular beverages.", > "//name" : "hylotldrinks", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotldrinks", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "Good for hosting small dinner parties.", > "//name" : "classictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "A mechanical cash register. Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "medievalregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "A neon \"open\" sign.", > "//name" : "opensign", > "//shortdescription" : "Neon Open Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "opensign" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "scorchedcityregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcityregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "A crate containing cargo. What cargo? Who knows.", > "//name" : "outpostcargocrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cargo Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcargocrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "A classic style desk.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "The finest furnishings from around the universe.", > "//name" : "frogfurnishing", > "//shortdescription" : "Fr├╢gg Furnishing", > "imagePositionX" : "-64", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frogfurnishing", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A traditional style table.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "A solid Durasteel table.", > "//name" : "tier4table", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4table", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "An intergalactic convenience store. It seems an ideal place to stock up.", > "//name" : "infinityexpress", > "//shortdescription" : "Infinity Express", > "imagePositionX" : "-88", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "infinityexpress", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > } 1130,1507c1130,1507 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlshorttable.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tier3table.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/kitchentable.png" < }, < "100" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rainbowtable.png" < }, < "101" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlshopsign.png" < }, < "102" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlshopsign_orientation1.png" < }, < "103" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/scorchedcitysmallcrate.png" < }, < "104" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkercrate.png" < }, < "105" : { < "image" : 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/embercoral2.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/embercoral3.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/embercoral4.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/embercoral1.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/embercoral5.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\crafting.json 10,317c10,317 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", < "//name" : "signforge", < "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signforge" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", < "//name" : "signforge_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signforge" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "With this furnace I can craft steel and other strong materials.", < "//name" : 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"0", < "object" : "manipulatortable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "This table has arms! The extra precision allows me to craft some seriously advanced stuff! ", < "//name" : "roboticcraftingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Robotic Crafting Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "roboticcraftingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "I can use this to aid me in farming, foraging and hunting.", < "//name" : "farmtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Foraging Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "farmtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Just the thing for making a gift to show someone you care.", < "//name" : "heartforge", < "//shortdescription" : "Heart Forge", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heartforge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "I can use this to craft all the comforts of home!", < "//name" : "furnituretable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Furniture Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "furnituretable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "The anvil is used to produce armor and weapons from fabric and ores.", < "//name" : "craftinganvil", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Anvil^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "craftinganvil", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "I can use this to craft things I couldn't make with just my bare hands!", < "//name" : "woodencraftingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Inventors Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencraftingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A module that adds additional high-tech combat equipment and armour to the replicator.", < "//name" : "manipulatoraddon", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Manipulator Addon^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "manipulatoraddon", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "The Apothecary allows me to make bandages and other healing items.", < "//name" : "apothecary", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Apothecary^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apothecary", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "The wooden workbench is used to produce materials and objects needed to build a settlement.", < "//name" : "craftingfurniture", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wooden Workbench^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "craftingfurniture", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "For all your holiday crafting needs!", < "//name" : "holidaycraftingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Toymaker's Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaycraftingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A simple anvil, used for banging metal into shape.", < "//name" : "anvil", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Anvil", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "anvil", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "The apothecary is used to produce healing items and medicine.", < "//name" : "craftingmedical", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Apothecary^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "craftingmedical", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "This device can break down materials and turn them into far stronger ones.", < "//name" : "scififurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Atomic Furnace^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scififurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "One could build some very sophisticated equipment on this table.", < "//name" : "ironcraftingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Crafting Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironcraftingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A module that adds additional ranged equipment and armour to the replicator.", < "//name" : "acceleratoraddon", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Accelerator Addon^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "acceleratoraddon", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "For the marksman that needs both energy and defence from their gear!", < "//name" : "acceleratortable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Accelerator's Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "acceleratortable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A module that adds additional melee equipment and armour to the replicator.", < "//name" : "separatoraddon", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Separator Addon^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "separatoraddon", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "The primitive furnace is used to turn ores and other materials into crafting ingredients.", < "//name" : "craftingfurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Primitive Furnace^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "craftingfurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "For crafting the best in close range combat gear!", < "//name" : "separatortable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Separator's Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "separatortable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//name" : "skyrailtable", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "The foraging table is used to produce items for hunting, mining and farming.", < "//name" : "craftingfarm", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Foraging Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "craftingfarm", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "The inventor's table is used to produce various crafting stations.", < "//name" : "inventorstable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Inventor's Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "inventorstable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "The wiring station is used to produce complex wiring components.", < "//name" : "wiringstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wiring Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wiringstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "Useful for crafting! This enables me to smelt basic ores into bars.", < "//name" : "stonefurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Stone Furnace^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonefurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "The fossil station is used to produce the items required for excavating and displaying fossils.", < "//name" : "fossilstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Fossil Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossilstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "Common, workshop tools used for quick repairs.", < "//name" : "garagetools", < "//shortdescription" : "Workshop Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "garagetools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "The spinning wheel is used to produce clothing, fabrics and other crafting ingredients.", < "//name" : "craftingwheel", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Spinning Wheel^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "craftingwheel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "This module can turn strong ores and alloys into high quality equipment.", < "//name" : "scifianvil", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Replicator^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scifianvil", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "This station can forge steel and other strong alloys into useful equipment.", < "//name" : "metalworkstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Metalwork Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalworkstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", > "//name" : "signforge", > "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signforge" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", > "//name" : "signforge_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signforge" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "With this furnace I can craft steel and other strong materials.", > "//name" : "alloyfurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Furnace^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alloyfurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "An iron anvil, used for banging metal into shape.", > "//name" : "ironanvil", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Anvil^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironanvil", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A old fashioned furnace for tempering tools.", > "//name" : "medievalfurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Furnace", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalfurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "Craft ranged weapons of immense power and armor with deep energy reserves.", > "//name" : "manipulatortable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Manipulator's Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "manipulatortable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "This table has arms! The extra precision allows me to craft some seriously advanced stuff! ", > "//name" : "roboticcraftingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Robotic Crafting Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "roboticcraftingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "I can use this to aid me in farming, foraging and hunting.", > "//name" : "farmtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Foraging Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "farmtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Just the thing for making a gift to show someone you care.", > "//name" : "heartforge", > "//shortdescription" : "Heart Forge", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heartforge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "I can use this to craft all the comforts of home!", > "//name" : "furnituretable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Furniture Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "furnituretable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "The anvil is used to produce armor and weapons from fabric and ores.", > "//name" : "craftinganvil", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Anvil^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftinganvil", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "I can use this to craft things I couldn't make with just my bare hands!", > "//name" : "woodencraftingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Inventors Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencraftingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A module that adds additional high-tech combat equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "//name" : "manipulatoraddon", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Manipulator Addon^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "manipulatoraddon", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "The Apothecary allows me to make bandages and other healing items.", > "//name" : "apothecary", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Apothecary^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apothecary", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "The wooden workbench is used to produce materials and objects needed to build a settlement.", > "//name" : "craftingfurniture", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wooden Workbench^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingfurniture", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "For all your holiday crafting needs!", > "//name" : "holidaycraftingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Toymaker's Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaycraftingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A simple anvil, used for banging metal into shape.", > "//name" : "anvil", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Anvil", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "anvil", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "The apothecary is used to produce healing items and medicine.", > "//name" : "craftingmedical", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Apothecary^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingmedical", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "This device can break down materials and turn them into far stronger ones.", > "//name" : "scififurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Atomic Furnace^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scififurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "One could build some very sophisticated equipment on this table.", > "//name" : "ironcraftingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Crafting Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironcraftingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A module that adds additional ranged equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "//name" : "acceleratoraddon", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Accelerator Addon^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "acceleratoraddon", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "For the marksman that needs both energy and defence from their gear!", > "//name" : "acceleratortable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Accelerator's Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "acceleratortable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A module that adds additional melee equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "//name" : "separatoraddon", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Separator Addon^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "separatoraddon", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "The primitive furnace is used to turn ores and other materials into crafting ingredients.", > "//name" : "craftingfurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Primitive Furnace^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingfurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "For crafting the best in close range combat gear!", > "//name" : "separatortable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Separator's Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "separatortable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//name" : "skyrailtable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "The foraging table is used to produce items for hunting, mining and farming.", > "//name" : "craftingfarm", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Foraging Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingfarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "The inventor's table is used to produce various crafting stations.", > "//name" : "inventorstable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Inventor's Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "inventorstable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "The wiring station is used to produce complex wiring components.", > "//name" : "wiringstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wiring Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wiringstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "Useful for crafting! This enables me to smelt basic ores into bars.", > "//name" : "stonefurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Stone Furnace^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonefurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "The fossil station is used to produce the items required for excavating and displaying fossils.", > "//name" : "fossilstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Fossil Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fossilstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "Common, workshop tools used for quick repairs.", > "//name" : "garagetools", > "//shortdescription" : "Workshop Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "garagetools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "The spinning wheel is used to produce clothing, fabrics and other crafting ingredients.", > "//name" : "craftingwheel", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Spinning Wheel^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingwheel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "This module can turn strong ores and alloys into high quality equipment.", > "//name" : "scifianvil", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Replicator^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scifianvil", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "This station can forge steel and other strong alloys into useful equipment.", > "//name" : "metalworkstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Metalwork Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalworkstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 320,424c320,424 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signforge.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signforge_orientation2.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alloyfurnace.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ironanvil.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalfurnace.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/manipulatortable.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/roboticcraftingtable.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/farmtable.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/heartforge.png" < }, < "17" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/furnituretable.png" < }, < "18" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/craftinganvil.png" < }, < "19" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodencraftingtable.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/manipulatoraddon.png" < 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/separatortable.png" < }, < "31" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" < }, < "32" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/craftingfarm.png" < }, < "33" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/inventorstable.png" < }, < "34" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wiringstation.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stonefurnace.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/fossilstation.png" < }, < "6" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/garagetools.png" < }, < "7" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/craftingwheel.png" < }, < "8" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/scifianvil.png" < }, < "9" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/metalworkstation.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signforge.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : 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Bit spiky, though.", < "//name" : "doombed", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doombed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable Doom chair.", < "//name" : "doomchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doomchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A Doom light. The eye glows in the dark.", < "//name" : "doomlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doomlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A creepy Doom door.", < "//name" : "doomdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doomdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A Doom console. Be careful how you operate it - it's watching.", > "//name" : "doomswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A terrifying Doom table. It watches you eat.", > "//name" : "doomtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A sublime Doom bed. Bit spiky, though.", > "//name" : "doombed", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doombed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable Doom chair.", > "//name" : "doomchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A Doom light. The eye glows in the dark.", > "//name" : "doomlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A creepy Doom door.", > "//name" : "doomdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 66,83c66,83 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/doomswitch.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/doomtable.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/doombed.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/doomchair.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/doomlight.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/doomdoor.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/doomswitch.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/doomtable.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/doombed.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/doomchair.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/doomlight.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/doomdoor.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\door.json 10,862c10,862 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A basic tungsten door.", < "//name" : "tier2door", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2door" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A very sturdy Serene door.", < "//name" : "serenedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Serene Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "serenedoor" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A cheaply made wooden door", < "//name" : "villagedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Village Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "villagedoor" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A door made of thick metal bars.", < "//name" : "prisondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Barred Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisondoor" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A manufactured wooden door.", < "//name" : "wooddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wooddoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A portcullis made of solid durasteel.", < "//name" : "portcullis", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "portcullis", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A door of crossed blades. It looks like they can be withdrawn.", < "//name" : "irondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "irondoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "It's some sort of electrical barrier. Looks dangerous...", < "//name" : "electricdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Electrical Barrier", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electricdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Door goes up... Door goes down... Door goes up... Door goes down...", < "//name" : "slidingdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slidingdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A retractable gate, made from a light wood.", < "//name" : "plantdoor2", < "//shortdescription" : "Retractable Wooden Gate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "plantdoor2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A tar door.", < "//name" : "tardoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tardoor" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Trapdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A Geometric door. Sturdy!", < "//name" : "geometricdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricdoor" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A rough sandstone door.", < "//name" : "sandstonedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A huge, intimidating door.", < "//name" : "largecastledoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Medieval Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largecastledoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "This massive iron portcullis closes with a thud.", < "//name" : "bardoor3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", < "//name" : "huntingdoor1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingdoor1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "hylotlshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A door made from interlocking vines.", < "//name" : "plantdoor1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantdoor1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A crude wooden door. Not very secure.", < "//name" : "woodendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "This door is strong and sustainably sourced.", < "//name" : "bamboodoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bamboodoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "An industrial-looking metal door.", < "//name" : "miningdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Miner's Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy airlock hatch.", < "//name" : "airlockhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "airlockhatch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "glitchshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", < "//name" : "miningverticaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "miningverticaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "castlehiddendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castlehiddendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "I wouldn't want to find myself locked behind these thick iron bars.", < "//name" : "bardoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bar Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A swinging saloon door to keep those pesky tumbleweeds outside.", < "//name" : "saloondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "saloondoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A cheaply made flood door.", < "//name" : "sewerflooddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Flood Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sewerflooddoor" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A door covered in eyes. Don't blink.", < "//name" : "eyedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A basic iron door.", < "//name" : "tier1door", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1door" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A door carved from a cross section of a large geode.", < "//name" : "geodedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "This door is beautifully crafted.", < "//name" : "classicbardoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Barred Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbardoor" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A crude wooden gate. Not very secure.", < "//name" : "woodengate", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Gate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodengate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "apexshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A strong titanium door.", < "//name" : "tier3door", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3door" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A sticky door made from organic hexagonal pods.", < "//name" : "hivedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "An impenetrable Executive door.", < "//name" : "executivedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "executivedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens inward.", < "//name" : "bardoor2sideways", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor2sideways", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A manhole cover.", < "//name" : "manholedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Manhole Cover", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "manholedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "This door is almost rusted shut.", < "//name" : "wreckdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A dungeon cell door, built to hold even the strongest prisoner.", < "//name" : "castledungeondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cell Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castledungeondoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A sleek vertical doorway, perfect for secret labs.", < "//name" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "avianshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A door made of mushrooms. It even has a cute mushroom handle.", < "//name" : "shroomdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A secure durasteel door.", < "//name" : "tier4door", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4door" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A strong and secure door.", < "//name" : "castledoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castledoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", < "//name" : "lunarbasedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", < "//name" : "lunarbasedoor_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A smooth door made from a refractive glass.", < "//name" : "prismdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy airlock door.", < "//name" : "airlockdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airlockdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "An ancient-looking door.", < "//name" : "ancientdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A heavy golden door with crystals set into its surface.", < "//name" : "birddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Crystal Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birddoor" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens upwards.", < "//name" : "bardoor2", < "//shortdescription" : "Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", < "//name" : "outpostairlocklarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Airlock", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostairlocklarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", < "//name" : "outpostslidingdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostslidingdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", < "//name" : "penguinbasedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "penguinbasedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", < "//name" : "outpostairlock", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Airlock", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostairlock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A door that's good under pressure.", < "//name" : "pressuredoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pressuredoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "I can't stand on this stone platform for long!", < "//name" : "templepressureplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Temple Pressure Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "templepressureplatform" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "humanshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humanshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "templehiddendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "templehiddendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "An ice door. Don't grip the handle for too long.", < "//name" : "icedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A trap door disguised as a metal platform.", < "//name" : "metallictrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Trap Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metallictrapdoor" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A door with a cheerful wreath on it.", < "//name" : "giantflowerdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A door made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reeddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reeddoor" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A creepy Doom door.", < "//name" : "doomdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doomdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A force field which can only be passed through one way", < "//name" : "bossdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Force Field", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bossdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A super-strong Opulent door.", < "//name" : "opulentdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "opulentdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", < "//name" : "florandoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A gloomy wooden door.", < "//name" : "gothicdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "floranshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", < "//name" : "apexcooldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcooldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "An alien plant door.", < "//name" : "aliendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "aliendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A door made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonedoor" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", < "//name" : "apexslidingdoor2", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexslidingdoor2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "An ancient vertical hatch doorway.", < "//name" : "ancientverticaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientverticaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A classic banana-infused wood door with a gilded handle.", < "//name" : "classicdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A shoji screen door.", < "//name" : "hylotlshojidoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshojidoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with this dirt.", < "//name" : "dirttrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirt Trapdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "dirttrapdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A very sturdy wave door.", < "//name" : "wavedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Wave Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wavedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "An inviting rainbow door.", < "//name" : "rainbowdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowdoor" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "novakidshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", < "//name" : "bunkerslidingdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerslidingdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A heavy metal door often used in foundries.", < "//name" : "foundrydoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrydoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully carved door.", < "//name" : "tribaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A barrier composed of two coiling bars.", < "//name" : "celldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "celldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden door, with a brass pipe frame.", < "//name" : "steamspringdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringdoor" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A rusty door. Looks like it should lead to a creepy basement.", < "//name" : "rustdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustdoor" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", < "//name" : "apexslidingdoor1", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexslidingdoor1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy door.", < "//name" : "fleshdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshdoor" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A door made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwooddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwooddoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "templehiddentrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Trapdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "templehiddentrapdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", < "//name" : "bonedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", < "//name" : "bonedoor_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A cleverly concealed entrance.", < "//name" : "secretdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "secretdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A cleverly concealed entrance.", < "//name" : "secrettrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Trapdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secrettrapdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A basic tungsten door.", > "//name" : "tier2door", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2door" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A very sturdy Serene door.", > "//name" : "serenedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenedoor" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A cheaply made wooden door", > "//name" : "villagedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Village Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "villagedoor" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A door made of thick metal bars.", > "//name" : "prisondoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Barred Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisondoor" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A manufactured wooden door.", > "//name" : "wooddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wooddoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A portcullis made of solid durasteel.", > "//name" : "portcullis", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "portcullis", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A door of crossed blades. It looks like they can be withdrawn.", > "//name" : "irondoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "irondoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "It's some sort of electrical barrier. Looks dangerous...", > "//name" : "electricdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Electrical Barrier", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electricdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Door goes up... Door goes down... Door goes up... Door goes down...", > "//name" : "slidingdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slidingdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A retractable gate, made from a light wood.", > "//name" : "plantdoor2", > "//shortdescription" : "Retractable Wooden Gate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "plantdoor2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A tar door.", > "//name" : "tardoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tardoor" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A Geometric door. Sturdy!", > "//name" : "geometricdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricdoor" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A rough sandstone door.", > "//name" : "sandstonedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A huge, intimidating door.", > "//name" : "largecastledoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Medieval Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "largecastledoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "This massive iron portcullis closes with a thud.", > "//name" : "bardoor3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", > "//name" : "huntingdoor1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingdoor1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "hylotlshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A door made from interlocking vines.", > "//name" : "plantdoor1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantdoor1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A crude wooden door. Not very secure.", > "//name" : "woodendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "This door is strong and sustainably sourced.", > "//name" : "bamboodoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bamboodoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "An industrial-looking metal door.", > "//name" : "miningdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Miner's Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy airlock hatch.", > "//name" : "airlockhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "airlockhatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "glitchshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", > "//name" : "miningverticaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "miningverticaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "castlehiddendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castlehiddendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "I wouldn't want to find myself locked behind these thick iron bars.", > "//name" : "bardoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bar Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A swinging saloon door to keep those pesky tumbleweeds outside.", > "//name" : "saloondoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "saloondoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A cheaply made flood door.", > "//name" : "sewerflooddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Flood Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sewerflooddoor" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A door covered in eyes. Don't blink.", > "//name" : "eyedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A basic iron door.", > "//name" : "tier1door", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1door" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A door carved from a cross section of a large geode.", > "//name" : "geodedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "This door is beautifully crafted.", > "//name" : "classicbardoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Barred Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbardoor" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A crude wooden gate. Not very secure.", > "//name" : "woodengate", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Gate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodengate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "apexshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A strong titanium door.", > "//name" : "tier3door", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3door" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A sticky door made from organic hexagonal pods.", > "//name" : "hivedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "An impenetrable Executive door.", > "//name" : "executivedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens inward.", > "//name" : "bardoor2sideways", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor2sideways", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A manhole cover.", > "//name" : "manholedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Manhole Cover", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "manholedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "This door is almost rusted shut.", > "//name" : "wreckdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A dungeon cell door, built to hold even the strongest prisoner.", > "//name" : "castledungeondoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cell Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castledungeondoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A sleek vertical doorway, perfect for secret labs.", > "//name" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "avianshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A door made of mushrooms. It even has a cute mushroom handle.", > "//name" : "shroomdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A secure durasteel door.", > "//name" : "tier4door", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4door" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A strong and secure door.", > "//name" : "castledoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castledoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", > "//name" : "lunarbasedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", > "//name" : "lunarbasedoor_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A smooth door made from a refractive glass.", > "//name" : "prismdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy airlock door.", > "//name" : "airlockdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "airlockdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "An ancient-looking door.", > "//name" : "ancientdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A heavy golden door with crystals set into its surface.", > "//name" : "birddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Crystal Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birddoor" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens upwards.", > "//name" : "bardoor2", > "//shortdescription" : "Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "//name" : "outpostairlocklarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Airlock", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostairlocklarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", > "//name" : "outpostslidingdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostslidingdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", > "//name" : "penguinbasedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "penguinbasedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "//name" : "outpostairlock", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Airlock", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostairlock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A door that's good under pressure.", > "//name" : "pressuredoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pressuredoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "I can't stand on this stone platform for long!", > "//name" : "templepressureplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Temple Pressure Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "templepressureplatform" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "humanshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humanshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "templehiddendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "templehiddendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "An ice door. Don't grip the handle for too long.", > "//name" : "icedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A trap door disguised as a metal platform.", > "//name" : "metallictrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Trap Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metallictrapdoor" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A door with a cheerful wreath on it.", > "//name" : "giantflowerdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A door made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reeddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reeddoor" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A creepy Doom door.", > "//name" : "doomdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A force field which can only be passed through one way", > "//name" : "bossdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Force Field", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bossdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A super-strong Opulent door.", > "//name" : "opulentdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", > "//name" : "florandoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A gloomy wooden door.", > "//name" : "gothicdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "floranshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "//name" : "apexcooldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "An alien plant door.", > "//name" : "aliendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "aliendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A door made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonedoor" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", > "//name" : "apexslidingdoor2", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexslidingdoor2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "An ancient vertical hatch doorway.", > "//name" : "ancientverticaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientverticaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "A classic banana-infused wood door with a gilded handle.", > "//name" : "classicdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A shoji screen door.", > "//name" : "hylotlshojidoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshojidoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with this dirt.", > "//name" : "dirttrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirt Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "dirttrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A very sturdy wave door.", > "//name" : "wavedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "An inviting rainbow door.", > "//name" : "rainbowdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowdoor" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "novakidshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", > "//name" : "bunkerslidingdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerslidingdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A heavy metal door often used in foundries.", > "//name" : "foundrydoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrydoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully carved door.", > "//name" : "tribaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A barrier composed of two coiling bars.", > "//name" : "celldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "celldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden door, with a brass pipe frame.", > "//name" : "steamspringdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringdoor" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "A rusty door. Looks like it should lead to a creepy basement.", > "//name" : "rustdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustdoor" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", > "//name" : "apexslidingdoor1", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexslidingdoor1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy door.", > "//name" : "fleshdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshdoor" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "A door made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwooddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwooddoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "templehiddentrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "templehiddentrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", > "//name" : "bonedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", > "//name" : "bonedoor_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "A cleverly concealed entrance.", > "//name" : "secretdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "secretdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "A cleverly concealed entrance.", > "//name" : "secrettrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "secrettrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 865,1155c865,1155 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tier2door.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/serenedoor.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/villagedoor.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : 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tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\electronic.json 10,960c10,960 < "0" : { < "//description" : "Ideal for laying out battle strategies, holding meetings and snacking.", < "//name" : "bunkertable3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Metal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertable3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty delicacy.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign3g", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Pod Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlsign3g" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "It's a patient file. He appears to be human, but... with two hearts?", < "//name" : "bunkerpanel2", < "//shortdescription" : "Medical Data Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerpanel2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "A set of monitors displaying the feeds from security cameras. Watch out for paranormal activity.", < "//name" : "prisoncamerastation", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncamerastation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "A sign that looks like it says \"BUBBLE\"...", < "//name" : "hylotlsign2b", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlsign2b" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "For crafting the best in close range combat gear!", < "//name" : "separatortable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Separator's Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "separatortable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with an egg is etched into its base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal2", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Egg Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "The wiring station is used to produce complex wiring components.", < "//name" : "wiringstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wiring Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wiringstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "A display cycling through information about Miniknog strongholds.", < "//name" : "miniknogintel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Miniknog Intel Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "miniknogintel1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "A computer displaying information downloaded from the drone on top.", < "//name" : "minidronerack", < "//shortdescription" : "Minidrone Intel Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "minidronerack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "It scans fingerprints to match personnel data.", < "//name" : "bunkerhandscanner", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Fingerprint Scanner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkerhandscanner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "It seems to scan eyeballs to match personnel data.", < "//name" : "bunkereyescanner", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Eye Scanner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkereyescanner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "The display shows a round central room branching off into several hallways.", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Blueprint Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", < "//name" : "bunkerdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "It's a screen full of super top secret mission data... Boring.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole4", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "It's full of really tempting levers but I should probably leave it alone.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole1", < "//shortdescription" : "Command Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "The amount of data on this screen is overwhelming.", < "//name" : "bunkerbigpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerbigpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A sign that indicates the status of a pump.", < "//name" : "pumpsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Pump Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pumpsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A terminal. Useful, probably.", < "//name" : "outpostterminal", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Terminal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostterminal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "Nuke all the foods!", < "//name" : "microwave", < "//shortdescription" : "Microwave", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "microwave", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "Once used to broadcast a video signal.", < "//name" : "tvstation", < "//shortdescription" : "TV Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tvstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "It looks like the word 'croak', but apparently it means something completely different.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign2o", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlsign2o" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "It's some sort of electrical barrier. Looks dangerous...", < "//name" : "electricdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Electrical Barrier", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electricdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "The panel displays information about interacting with prisoners...", < "//name" : "prisonpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "It's a spaceship orbiting a planet.", < "//name" : "screen2", < "//shortdescription" : "Spaceship screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A screen with a pie chart representing budget statistics.", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay2", < "//shortdescription" : "Statistical Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay2", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A creepy monitor. A face flickers onto the screen, almost faster than the eye can see.", < "//name" : "apexceilingtv", < "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Ceiling TV", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexceilingtv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A star map! It's a little primitive.", < "//name" : "screen3", < "//shortdescription" : "Star Map Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A service panel.", < "//name" : "outpostservicepanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Service Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostservicepanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Small ocean creatures swim within this sign.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign3b", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlsign3b" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a server. I wonder what kind of games could be hosted on that.", < "//name" : "apexcoolserver", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Server", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolserver", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "Are those... brain waves? Yes. Yes they are.", < "//name" : "screen5", < "//shortdescription" : "Brain Activity Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "Two keyboards and one monitor?", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "escaperadar", < "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "escaperadar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "escaperadar_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "escaperadar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A sign that looks like it says \"RIBBIT\"...", < "//name" : "hylotlsign2g", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlsign2g" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A television! I don't think this has worked for a long time.", < "//name" : "basictv", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Television", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basictv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A green neon sign advertising furniture from a lily pad inspired design movement.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign1g", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Lily Pad Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsign1g" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A sign seeking Hylotl to collect spawn from the surface.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign3o", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Collector Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlsign3o" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with a flame carved into its base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal3", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Flame Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "This module can turn strong ores and alloys into high quality equipment.", < "//name" : "scifianvil", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Replicator^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scifianvil", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "The finest automated security turret around.", < "//name" : "apexturret", < "//shortdescription" : "High-tech Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "I think Big Ape is watching...", < "//name" : "apexhdtv", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape HDTV", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "apexhdtv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "Craft ranged weapons of immense power and armor with deep energy reserves.", < "//name" : "manipulatortable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Manipulator's Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "manipulatortable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Mazebound64'.", < "//name" : "fossilgame", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Game", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossilgame", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "That's no moon...", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay4", < "//shortdescription" : "Anomalous Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "An orange neon sign displaying what seems to be Big Ape.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign1o", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Apex Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsign1o" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "I wish I'd paid attention in astrogeography class.", < "//name" : "screenplanet", < "//shortdescription" : "Planet Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screenplanet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "The finest security camera around.", < "//name" : "apexsecuritycamera", < "//shortdescription" : "High-tech Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A monitor. But who monitors the monitor?", < "//name" : "outpostmonitor", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "outpostmonitor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A control panel that appears to operate lights, doors and alarms.", < "//name" : "prisoncontrolpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Control Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncontrolpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "There's nothing on. Every channel just displays a picture of Big Ape.", < "//name" : "apextv", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape TV", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "outpostradardish", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostradardish", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "outpostradardish_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostradardish", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Cool Wizard Island'.", < "//name" : "arcadered", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadered", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A hologram displaying the latest trends in Hylotl fashion.", < "//name" : "hylotlfashionhologram", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fashion Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlfashionhologram", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Sleazy Burger Heroes'.", < "//name" : "arcadeorange", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadeorange", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Zombie Banana Mansion'.", < "//name" : "arcadeyellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadeyellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs 'Screaming Fashion Agent'.", < "//name" : "arcadepurple", < "//shortdescription" : "Purple Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadepurple", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "I wonder what all these buttons are for...", < "//name" : "apexconsolekeyboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Console Keyboard", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexconsolekeyboard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "It's a large server cabinet.", < "//name" : "bunkerserver", < "//shortdescription" : "Server Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerserver", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "An arcade machine running a game called 'Starbound'.", < "//name" : "arcadestarbound", < "//shortdescription" : "Starbound Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadestarbound", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "Glyphs pulse ominously... what do they mean?", < "//name" : "screen4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glyph Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "This Avian server must contain a vast amount of data.", < "//name" : "tribalserver", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Server", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalserver", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "This station seems to be transmitting a lot of data.", < "//name" : "datastation", < "//shortdescription" : "Data Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "datastation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "The huge speakers pump out loud dance music.", < "//name" : "clubdecks", < "//shortdescription" : "Club Decks", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubdecks", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "Stay still! It can't see you if you stay still.", < "//name" : "bunkermotiondetector", < "//shortdescription" : "Motion Detector", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkermotiondetector", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A small monitor. But what does it display?", < "//name" : "outpostsmallmonitor", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Small Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "outpostsmallmonitor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", < "//name" : "arcadedance", < "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadedance", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "The screen sends out an ominous flickering light.", < "//name" : "wrecktv", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wrecktv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Mazebound64'.", < "//name" : "arcadegame", < "//shortdescription" : "Mazebound64", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadegame", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "This is just an electrical fire waiting to happen.", < "//name" : "bunkerwires", < "//shortdescription" : "Wires", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerwires", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A blue neon sign decorated with a seashell.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign1b", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Shell Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsign1b" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A sign that says either offline or online.", < "//name" : "miningpowersign", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningpowersign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", < "//name" : "arcadedance_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadedance", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "Looks like it's mainly used for data entry. Nothing too interesting.", < "//name" : "bunkercomputer", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Computer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercomputer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "The machine runs a game called 'Psychedelic Rodeo Melee'.", < "//name" : "arcadeblue", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadeblue", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "This device can break down materials and turn them into far stronger ones.", < "//name" : "scififurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Atomic Furnace^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scififurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A small security panel.", < "//name" : "consoletribalwall", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Security Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribalwall" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "That big red level should probably be left alone.", < "//name" : "apexconsole1", < "//shortdescription" : "Research Terminal", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexconsole1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "This cool computer is making a lot of 'beep boop boop beep' noises.", < "//name" : "apexcoolcomputer", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Computer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolcomputer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with a bird crudely etched into the base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal1", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Bird Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "An old-school arcade machine. This one plays 'Super Tralgar Blaster 2'.", < "//name" : "arcademachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcademachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "An electrically charged plasma field. It reacts to sound.", < "//name" : "plasmadisc", < "//shortdescription" : "Plasma Disc", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plasmadisc", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "An arcade sign. There's probably an arcade nearby.", < "//name" : "arcadesign", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "arcadesign" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A set of three TV monitors facing in different directions.'", < "//name" : "bunkertv2", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Television Monitors", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkertv2" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A security console. For keeping things secure.", < "//name" : "outpostsecurityconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Security Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostsecurityconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "Old system readings that seem to be out of date.", < "//name" : "screen1", < "//shortdescription" : "Data Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "This appears to be an analysis of the environment outside of the bunker.", < "//name" : "bunkerpanel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Environmental Data Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerpanel1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A large control panel powered by Avian crystals.", < "//name" : "consoletribal4", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "It's a map displaying a round central room branching out into several corridors.", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay3", < "//shortdescription" : "Map Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay3", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "That sure is one flashy recruitment poster.", < "//name" : "bunkerpanel3", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Recruitment Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerpanel3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A shield generator. Protective!", < "//name" : "humangenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Shield Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-80", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humangenerator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Stylish Thief Wasteland'.", < "//name" : "arcadegreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadegreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "For the marksman that needs both energy and defence from their gear!", < "//name" : "acceleratortable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Accelerator's Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "acceleratortable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A computer. Probably quite a good one.", < "//name" : "outpostpc", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost PC", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostpc", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Ideal for laying out battle strategies, holding meetings and snacking.", > "//name" : "bunkertable3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertable3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty delicacy.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign3g", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Pod Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlsign3g" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "It's a patient file. He appears to be human, but... with two hearts?", > "//name" : "bunkerpanel2", > "//shortdescription" : "Medical Data Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerpanel2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A set of monitors displaying the feeds from security cameras. Watch out for paranormal activity.", > "//name" : "prisoncamerastation", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera Station", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncamerastation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A sign that looks like it says \"BUBBLE\"...", > "//name" : "hylotlsign2b", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlsign2b" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "For crafting the best in close range combat gear!", > "//name" : "separatortable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Separator's Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "separatortable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with an egg is etched into its base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal2", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Egg Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "The wiring station is used to produce complex wiring components.", > "//name" : "wiringstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wiring Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wiringstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A display cycling through information about Miniknog strongholds.", > "//name" : "miniknogintel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Miniknog Intel Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "miniknogintel1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A computer displaying information downloaded from the drone on top.", > "//name" : "minidronerack", > "//shortdescription" : "Minidrone Intel Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "minidronerack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "It scans fingerprints to match personnel data.", > "//name" : "bunkerhandscanner", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Fingerprint Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkerhandscanner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "It seems to scan eyeballs to match personnel data.", > "//name" : "bunkereyescanner", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Eye Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkereyescanner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "The display shows a round central room branching off into several hallways.", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Blueprint Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", > "//name" : "bunkerdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "It's a screen full of super top secret mission data... Boring.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole4", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "It's full of really tempting levers but I should probably leave it alone.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Command Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "The amount of data on this screen is overwhelming.", > "//name" : "bunkerbigpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerbigpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A sign that indicates the status of a pump.", > "//name" : "pumpsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Pump Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pumpsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A terminal. Useful, probably.", > "//name" : "outpostterminal", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Terminal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostterminal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "Nuke all the foods!", > "//name" : "microwave", > "//shortdescription" : "Microwave", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "microwave", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "Once used to broadcast a video signal.", > "//name" : "tvstation", > "//shortdescription" : "TV Station", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tvstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "It looks like the word 'croak', but apparently it means something completely different.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign2o", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlsign2o" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "It's some sort of electrical barrier. Looks dangerous...", > "//name" : "electricdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Electrical Barrier", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electricdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "The panel displays information about interacting with prisoners...", > "//name" : "prisonpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "It's a spaceship orbiting a planet.", > "//name" : "screen2", > "//shortdescription" : "Spaceship screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A screen with a pie chart representing budget statistics.", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay2", > "//shortdescription" : "Statistical Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A creepy monitor. A face flickers onto the screen, almost faster than the eye can see.", > "//name" : "apexceilingtv", > "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Ceiling TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexceilingtv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A star map! It's a little primitive.", > "//name" : "screen3", > "//shortdescription" : "Star Map Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A service panel.", > "//name" : "outpostservicepanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Service Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostservicepanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Small ocean creatures swim within this sign.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign3b", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlsign3b" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a server. I wonder what kind of games could be hosted on that.", > "//name" : "apexcoolserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Server", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "Are those... brain waves? Yes. Yes they are.", > "//name" : "screen5", > "//shortdescription" : "Brain Activity Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "Two keyboards and one monitor?", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "escaperadar", > "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "escaperadar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "escaperadar_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "escaperadar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv", > "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A sign that looks like it says \"RIBBIT\"...", > "//name" : "hylotlsign2g", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlsign2g" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A television! I don't think this has worked for a long time.", > "//name" : "basictv", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Television", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basictv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A green neon sign advertising furniture from a lily pad inspired design movement.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign1g", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Lily Pad Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsign1g" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A sign seeking Hylotl to collect spawn from the surface.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign3o", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Collector Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlsign3o" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with a flame carved into its base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal3", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Flame Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "This module can turn strong ores and alloys into high quality equipment.", > "//name" : "scifianvil", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Replicator^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scifianvil", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "The finest automated security turret around.", > "//name" : "apexturret", > "//shortdescription" : "High-tech Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "I think Big Ape is watching...", > "//name" : "apexhdtv", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape HDTV", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "apexhdtv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "Craft ranged weapons of immense power and armor with deep energy reserves.", > "//name" : "manipulatortable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Manipulator's Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "manipulatortable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Mazebound64'.", > "//name" : "fossilgame", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Game", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fossilgame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "That's no moon...", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay4", > "//shortdescription" : "Anomalous Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "An orange neon sign displaying what seems to be Big Ape.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign1o", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Apex Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsign1o" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "I wish I'd paid attention in astrogeography class.", > "//name" : "screenplanet", > "//shortdescription" : "Planet Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screenplanet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "The finest security camera around.", > "//name" : "apexsecuritycamera", > "//shortdescription" : "High-tech Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A monitor. But who monitors the monitor?", > "//name" : "outpostmonitor", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "outpostmonitor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A control panel that appears to operate lights, doors and alarms.", > "//name" : "prisoncontrolpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Control Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncontrolpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "There's nothing on. Every channel just displays a picture of Big Ape.", > "//name" : "apextv", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "outpostradardish", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostradardish", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "outpostradardish_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostradardish", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Cool Wizard Island'.", > "//name" : "arcadered", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadered", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A hologram displaying the latest trends in Hylotl fashion.", > "//name" : "hylotlfashionhologram", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fashion Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlfashionhologram", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Sleazy Burger Heroes'.", > "//name" : "arcadeorange", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadeorange", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Zombie Banana Mansion'.", > "//name" : "arcadeyellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadeyellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs 'Screaming Fashion Agent'.", > "//name" : "arcadepurple", > "//shortdescription" : "Purple Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadepurple", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "I wonder what all these buttons are for...", > "//name" : "apexconsolekeyboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Console Keyboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexconsolekeyboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "It's a large server cabinet.", > "//name" : "bunkerserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Server Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "An arcade machine running a game called 'Starbound'.", > "//name" : "arcadestarbound", > "//shortdescription" : "Starbound Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadestarbound", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "Glyphs pulse ominously... what do they mean?", > "//name" : "screen4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glyph Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "This Avian server must contain a vast amount of data.", > "//name" : "tribalserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Server", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "This station seems to be transmitting a lot of data.", > "//name" : "datastation", > "//shortdescription" : "Data Station", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "datastation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "The huge speakers pump out loud dance music.", > "//name" : "clubdecks", > "//shortdescription" : "Club Decks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubdecks", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "Stay still! It can't see you if you stay still.", > "//name" : "bunkermotiondetector", > "//shortdescription" : "Motion Detector", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkermotiondetector", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A small monitor. But what does it display?", > "//name" : "outpostsmallmonitor", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Small Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "outpostsmallmonitor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", > "//name" : "arcadedance", > "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadedance", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "The screen sends out an ominous flickering light.", > "//name" : "wrecktv", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wrecktv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Mazebound64'.", > "//name" : "arcadegame", > "//shortdescription" : "Mazebound64", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadegame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "This is just an electrical fire waiting to happen.", > "//name" : "bunkerwires", > "//shortdescription" : "Wires", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerwires", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A blue neon sign decorated with a seashell.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign1b", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Shell Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsign1b" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "A sign that says either offline or online.", > "//name" : "miningpowersign", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningpowersign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", > "//name" : "arcadedance_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadedance", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "Looks like it's mainly used for data entry. Nothing too interesting.", > "//name" : "bunkercomputer", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercomputer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "The machine runs a game called 'Psychedelic Rodeo Melee'.", > "//name" : "arcadeblue", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadeblue", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "This device can break down materials and turn them into far stronger ones.", > "//name" : "scififurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Atomic Furnace^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scififurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A small security panel.", > "//name" : "consoletribalwall", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Security Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribalwall" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "That big red level should probably be left alone.", > "//name" : "apexconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Research Terminal", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "This cool computer is making a lot of 'beep boop boop beep' noises.", > "//name" : "apexcoolcomputer", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolcomputer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with a bird crudely etched into the base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Bird Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "An old-school arcade machine. This one plays 'Super Tralgar Blaster 2'.", > "//name" : "arcademachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcademachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "An electrically charged plasma field. It reacts to sound.", > "//name" : "plasmadisc", > "//shortdescription" : "Plasma Disc", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plasmadisc", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "An arcade sign. There's probably an arcade nearby.", > "//name" : "arcadesign", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "arcadesign" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A set of three TV monitors facing in different directions.'", > "//name" : "bunkertv2", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Television Monitors", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkertv2" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "A security console. For keeping things secure.", > "//name" : "outpostsecurityconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Security Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostsecurityconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "Old system readings that seem to be out of date.", > "//name" : "screen1", > "//shortdescription" : "Data Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "This appears to be an analysis of the environment outside of the bunker.", > "//name" : "bunkerpanel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Environmental Data Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerpanel1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "A large control panel powered by Avian crystals.", > "//name" : "consoletribal4", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "It's a map displaying a round central room branching out into several corridors.", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay3", > "//shortdescription" : "Map Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay3", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "That sure is one flashy recruitment poster.", > "//name" : "bunkerpanel3", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Recruitment Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerpanel3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "A shield generator. Protective!", > "//name" : "humangenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Shield Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-80", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humangenerator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Stylish Thief Wasteland'.", > "//name" : "arcadegreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadegreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "For the marksman that needs both energy and defence from their gear!", > "//name" : "acceleratortable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Accelerator's Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "acceleratortable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "A computer. Probably quite a good one.", > "//name" : "outpostpc", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost PC", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostpc", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 963,1283c963,1283 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkertable3.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlsign3g.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerpanel2.png" < }, < "100" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisoncamerastation.png" < }, < "101" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlsign2b.png" < }, < "102" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/separatortable.png" < }, < "103" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/consoletribal2.png" < }, < "104" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wiringstation.png" < }, < "105" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miniknogintel1.png" < }, < "106" : 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The hottest in undead comfort.", < "//name" : "bonebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Coffin Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "There seems to be an Apex in there, connected to a bunch of wires and tubes.", < "//name" : "apexpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Life Support Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexpod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation11", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", < "//name" : "bonedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation12", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", < "//name" : "bonedoor_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", < "//name" : "volcanictrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "volcanictrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", < "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "volcanictrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", < "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "volcanictrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", < "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "volcanictrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", < "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "volcanictrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", < "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "volcanictrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", < "//name" : "floranbouldertrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Boulder Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranbouldertrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "This device is used to rapidly freeze materials.", < "//name" : "freezetrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Cryogenic Blaster", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "freezetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", < "//name" : "arenaflametrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arenaflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation13", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", < "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arenaflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", < "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "arenaflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", < "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "arenaflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", < "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arenaflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", < "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arenaflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A creepy bone table. Looks more like a sacrificial altar. Good for picnics.", < "//name" : "bonetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation9", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation10", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation11", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation12", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation13", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A small insectile creature impaled on a hunting pike.", < "//name" : "ixolingpike", < "//shortdescription" : "Ixoling Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ixolingpike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//name" : "ixolingpike_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Wooden spikes. Just waiting to be decorated with the heads of your enemies!", < "//name" : "medievalspikes", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalspikes", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A dark chequered flag bearing an emblem.", < "//name" : "darkbattlestandard", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark Battle Standard", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "darkbattlestandard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A cultist altar. Nefarious worship goes on here.", < "//name" : "cultistaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Cultist Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cultistaltar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A wide volcanic geyser. It's venting hot gasses.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It's lighting the area faintly.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It looks hot.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", < "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Sharp Sticks", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpunjisticks1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "Think happy thoughts!", < "//name" : "apexthoughtreassign", < "//shortdescription" : "Reassignment Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexthoughtreassign" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sawblade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", < "//name" : "huntingpike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", < "//name" : "huntingpike2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", < "//name" : "prisontorturebed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Upright Torture Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontorturebed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this menacing torch.", < "//name" : "skulltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull Torch Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skulltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "One of these shackles looks suspicious...", < "//name" : "medievalswitchshackle", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "medievalswitchshackle", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "These iron shackles may make escaping from prison inconvenient.", < "//name" : "wallshackles", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wallshackles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation9", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation10", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation11", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation12", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation13", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A sublime Doom bed. Bit spiky, though.", < "//name" : "doombed", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doombed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A tall volcanic geyser. It's seeping lava.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "Penguin bones on a pike arranged decoratively.", < "//name" : "huntingpike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bones Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "Don't burn your feet!", < "//name" : "burningcoals", < "//shortdescription" : "Burning Coals", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "burningcoals", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable Doom chair.", < "//name" : "doomchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doomchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", < "//name" : "huntingpike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", < "//name" : "huntingpike1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how heavy it is.", < "//name" : "ballandchain", < "//shortdescription" : "Ball and Chain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ballandchain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A pair of stocks. A medieval method of punishment.", < "//name" : "medievalstock", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Stocks", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalstock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A sinister torch made from old bones.", < "//name" : "skullwalltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull Wall Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skullwalltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", < "//name" : "plantrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", < "//name" : "plantrack_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", < "//name" : "plantrack_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", < "//name" : "shadowshrine3", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowshrine3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "Don't do it!", < "//name" : "apexdonotenter", < "//shortdescription" : "Do Not Enter Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexdonotenter" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", < "//name" : "shadowshrine", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowshrine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A brutal yet effective execution device.", < "//name" : "guillotine", < "//shortdescription" : "Guillotine", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "guillotine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A short volcanic geyser. It casts a faint glow.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano5", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", < "//name" : "prisontorturebed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Torture Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontorturebed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", < "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Sharp Sticks", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpunjisticks2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "Ouch! I shouldn't get too close to that.", < "//name" : "barbedwire", < "//shortdescription" : "Barbed Wire", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barbedwire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "The pod is empty.", < "//name" : "apexpod2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Life Support Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexpod2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A Doom light. The eye glows in the dark.", < "//name" : "doomlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doomlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A creepy Doom door.", < "//name" : "doomdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doomdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A glowing orb. It looks like there's room to store things inside.", < "//name" : "plantorb", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Orb", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantorb", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A toxic chest.", < "//name" : "toxicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "An altar sticky with old blood and feathers.", < "//name" : "sacrificialaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Sacrificial Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sacrificialaltar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", < "//name" : "bouldertrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Temple Boulder Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bouldertrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", < "//name" : "shadowshrine2", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowshrine2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "An arcane torture device. Best not to ask how it's used.", < "//name" : "planttorturedevice", < "//shortdescription" : "Torture Device", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorturedevice", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", < "//name" : "ancientbouldertrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Boulder Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "ancientbouldertrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "Looks like someone had a rough night.", < "//name" : "prisontoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sawblade2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade2" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade2" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A Doom console. Be careful how you operate it - it's watching.", > "//name" : "doomswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A terrifying Doom table. It watches you eat.", > "//name" : "doomtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation9", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A table reserved for traitors.", > "//name" : "apextorturebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextorturebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation10", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A coffin bed. The hottest in undead comfort.", > "//name" : "bonebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Coffin Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "There seems to be an Apex in there, connected to a bunch of wires and tubes.", > "//name" : "apexpod", > "//shortdescription" : "Life Support Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpod", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation11", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", > "//name" : "bonedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation12", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", > "//name" : "bonedoor_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", > "//name" : "floranbouldertrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Boulder Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranbouldertrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "This device is used to rapidly freeze materials.", > "//name" : "freezetrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Cryogenic Blaster", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "freezetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation13", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A creepy bone table. Looks more like a sacrificial altar. Good for picnics.", > "//name" : "bonetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation9", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation10", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation11", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation12", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation13", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A small insectile creature impaled on a hunting pike.", > "//name" : "ixolingpike", > "//shortdescription" : "Ixoling Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ixolingpike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//name" : "ixolingpike_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Wooden spikes. Just waiting to be decorated with the heads of your enemies!", > "//name" : "medievalspikes", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalspikes", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A dark chequered flag bearing an emblem.", > "//name" : "darkbattlestandard", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark Battle Standard", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "darkbattlestandard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A cultist altar. Nefarious worship goes on here.", > "//name" : "cultistaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Cultist Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cultistaltar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A wide volcanic geyser. It's venting hot gasses.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It's lighting the area faintly.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It looks hot.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", > "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Sharp Sticks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpunjisticks1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "Think happy thoughts!", > "//name" : "apexthoughtreassign", > "//shortdescription" : "Reassignment Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexthoughtreassign" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sawblade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", > "//name" : "huntingpike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", > "//name" : "huntingpike2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", > "//name" : "prisontorturebed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Upright Torture Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontorturebed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this menacing torch.", > "//name" : "skulltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skulltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "One of these shackles looks suspicious...", > "//name" : "medievalswitchshackle", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "medievalswitchshackle", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "These iron shackles may make escaping from prison inconvenient.", > "//name" : "wallshackles", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wallshackles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation9", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation10", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation11", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation12", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation13", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A sublime Doom bed. Bit spiky, though.", > "//name" : "doombed", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doombed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A tall volcanic geyser. It's seeping lava.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "Penguin bones on a pike arranged decoratively.", > "//name" : "huntingpike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bones Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "Don't burn your feet!", > "//name" : "burningcoals", > "//shortdescription" : "Burning Coals", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "burningcoals", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable Doom chair.", > "//name" : "doomchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", > "//name" : "huntingpike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", > "//name" : "huntingpike1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how heavy it is.", > "//name" : "ballandchain", > "//shortdescription" : "Ball and Chain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ballandchain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A pair of stocks. A medieval method of punishment.", > "//name" : "medievalstock", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Stocks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalstock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A sinister torch made from old bones.", > "//name" : "skullwalltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull Wall Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skullwalltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", > "//name" : "plantrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", > "//name" : "plantrack_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", > "//name" : "plantrack_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", > "//name" : "shadowshrine3", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowshrine3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "Don't do it!", > "//name" : "apexdonotenter", > "//shortdescription" : "Do Not Enter Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexdonotenter" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", > "//name" : "shadowshrine", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowshrine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A brutal yet effective execution device.", > "//name" : "guillotine", > "//shortdescription" : "Guillotine", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "guillotine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A short volcanic geyser. It casts a faint glow.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano5", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", > "//name" : "prisontorturebed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Torture Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontorturebed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", > "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Sharp Sticks", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpunjisticks2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "Ouch! I shouldn't get too close to that.", > "//name" : "barbedwire", > "//shortdescription" : "Barbed Wire", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barbedwire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "The pod is empty.", > "//name" : "apexpod2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Life Support Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpod2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "A Doom light. The eye glows in the dark.", > "//name" : "doomlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A creepy Doom door.", > "//name" : "doomdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A glowing orb. It looks like there's room to store things inside.", > "//name" : "plantorb", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Orb", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantorb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A toxic chest.", > "//name" : "toxicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "An altar sticky with old blood and feathers.", > "//name" : "sacrificialaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Sacrificial Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sacrificialaltar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", > "//name" : "bouldertrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Temple Boulder Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bouldertrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", > "//name" : "shadowshrine2", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowshrine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "An arcane torture device. Best not to ask how it's used.", > "//name" : "planttorturedevice", > "//shortdescription" : "Torture Device", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorturedevice", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", > "//name" : "ancientbouldertrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Boulder Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "ancientbouldertrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "Looks like someone had a rough night.", > "//name" : "prisontoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienticetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienticetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancienticetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancienticetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienticetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienticetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sawblade2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > 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"Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 1496,1996c1496,1996 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/doomswitch.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/doomtable.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bonespike_orientation9.png" < }, < "100" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientcrystaltrap_orientation4.png" < }, < "101" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientcrystaltrap_orientation5.png" < }, < "102" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientcrystaltrap_orientation6.png" < }, < "103" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientcrystaltrap_orientation7.png" < }, < "104" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apextorturebed.png" < }, < "105" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/teslaspike.png" < }, < 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It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", < "//name" : "plantrack_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "A small geyser wrapped in growing vines.", < "//name" : "plantgeyser2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantgeyser2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "The cabinet made of leather stretched between four large tusks.", < "//name" : "florancabinet3", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "An empty plaque. What belongs here?", < "//name" : "huntingdisplay2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingdisplay2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "A leather screen, used in Floran food preparation.", < "//name" : "floranscreen2", < "//shortdescription" : "Leather Dressing Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranscreen2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "A bench made of wood and bones. Seems... inviting?", < "//name" : "floranbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "A large, luminous pod hanigng from a vine.", < "//name" : "huntinglight3", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", < "//name" : "florancurtain", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florancurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", < "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florancurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", < "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florancurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A wooden chair overgrown with vines.", < "//name" : "plantchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "A short volcanic geyser. It casts a faint glow.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano5", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A small chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", < "//name" : "chestfloran1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestfloran1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", < "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Sharp Sticks", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpunjisticks2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting an offering.", < "//name" : "caveart5", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "caveart5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage3", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. Unsurprisingly, many of the weapons are gone.", < "//name" : "huntingweaponrack1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Weapon Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingweaponrack1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A wide volcanic geyser. It's venting hot gasses.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "A basic bedroll on a wheeled wooden frame.", < "//name" : "plantbed3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheeled Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A long chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", < "//name" : "chestfloran2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestfloran2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "It appears to be a tally chart.", < "//name" : "floranpainting3", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chart Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting3" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "Very helpful rocks. Or could the arrow be a trick?", < "//name" : "huntingplatformrocks", < "//shortdescription" : "Arrow Etched Rocks", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatformrocks", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "florancaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", < "//name" : "floranceilingbones1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Bone Chimes", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranceilingbones1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A large cage for designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcage1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "A very basic cooking pot suspended over a campfire.", < "//name" : "floranstove", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stove", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranstove", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "An ideal device for preparing traps and the like.", < "//name" : "huntingpressureplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", < "//name" : "vrheadset", < "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "16", < "object" : "vrheadset", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It's lighting the area faintly.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", < "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "16", < "object" : "vrheadset", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "132" : { < "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", < "//name" : "floranlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", < "//name" : "floranlamp1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum1", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "Large logs arranged as a construction staging platform.", < "//name" : "plantplatform2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Staging", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantplatform2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A glowing orb. It looks like there's room to store things inside.", < "//name" : "plantorb", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Orb", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantorb", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", < "//name" : "florandoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It looks hot.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "A finely carved plaque with a skull on display.", < "//name" : "huntingtrophy2", < "//shortdescription" : "Shield Mounted Skull", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "huntingtrophy2" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", < "//name" : "florancabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting some animals.", < "//name" : "caveart1", < "//shortdescription" : "Animal Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", < "//name" : "planttorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", < "//name" : "planttorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", < "//name" : "planttorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", < "//name" : "planttorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A wall mountable Floran prison bunk.", < "//name" : "plantbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Wall Bunk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "A chest made from plant material. It appears to be still growing.", < "//name" : "chestplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestplant1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "floranshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A fragile thin urn made from clay.", < "//name" : "planturn2", < "//shortdescription" : "Thin Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planturn2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "An arcane torture device. Best not to ask how it's used.", < "//name" : "planttorturedevice", < "//shortdescription" : "Torture Device", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorturedevice", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "A cooking countertop used for chopping meat.", < "//name" : "florantable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Countertop", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "A tiny stool carved from bone.", < "//name" : "floranbonestool", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonestool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "A fragile small urn made from clay.", < "//name" : "planturn3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planturn3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "This painting seems to illustrate how to build a fire.", < "//name" : "floranpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Fire Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpainting1" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "An animal pelt stretched and dried between two large bones.", < "//name" : "florantanningrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Tanning Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantanningrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "This pelt serves as a Floran hunter's trophy.", < "//name" : "floranpelt2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Black Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpelt2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "A Drysap Dispenser. The one thing standing between the Floran and a dusty demise.", < "//name" : "plantdrysapdispenser", < "//shortdescription" : "Drysap Dispenser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "plantdrysapdispenser" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", < "//name" : "florancabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "A Floran's idea of abstract art.", < "//name" : "floranpainting5", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Abstract Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting5" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A log, smoothed for sitting on.", < "//name" : "plantlog", < "//shortdescription" : "Sitting Log", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantlog", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "floranshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranshiplockerTier0" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "A wooden table which is overgrown with vines.", < "//name" : "plantvinetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvinetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "floranteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranteleporterTier0" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "A storage crate made of unrefined wood and bone.", < "//name" : "florancrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting an unidentified subject.", < "//name" : "caveart4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "caveart4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting an unidentified subject.", < "//name" : "caveart4_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "florantechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florantechstationTier0" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase made from the remains of Floran prey.", < "//name" : "floranbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "An empty shelving rack.", < "//name" : "plantshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", < "//name" : "floranbouldertrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Boulder Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranbouldertrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A large geyser, covered in plant growth.", < "//name" : "plantgeyser1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Overgrown Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantgeyser1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A small insectile creature impaled on a hunting pike.", < "//name" : "ixolingpike", < "//shortdescription" : "Ixoling Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ixolingpike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//name" : "ixolingpike_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A crude painting of a Floran hunter wielding a spear.", < "//name" : "floranhunterpainting", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Hunter Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranhunterpainting" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A display commemorating the spear of a Floran who won a hunting ceremony.", < "//name" : "championspeardisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Champion's Spear Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "championspeardisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "This trophy is a spinneret from some large, web spinning creature.", < "//name" : "floranspinneret", < "//shortdescription" : "Spinneret Trophy", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranspinneret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "This trophy rack is covered in a foul web.", < "//name" : "floranwebbing", < "//shortdescription" : "Web Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranwebbing", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//name" : "floranwebbing_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "177" : { < "//name" : "floranwebbing_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A retractable gate, made from a light wood.", < "//name" : "plantdoor2", < "//shortdescription" : "Retractable Wooden Gate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "plantdoor2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A desk with large cabinet drawers.", < "//name" : "plantcabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "florantechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florantechstation" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet with a table top.", < "//name" : "plantcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", < "//name" : "plantbed4", < "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", < "//name" : "plantbed4_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. All of the weapons are missing.", < "//name" : "huntingweaponrack2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Weapon Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingweaponrack2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A head mounted on a round plaque. Its eyes follow you...", < "//name" : "huntingtrophy1", < "//shortdescription" : "Round Mounted Skull", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "huntingtrophy1" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A railing made of pikes tied together.", < "//name" : "huntingrail2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Pike Railing", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingrail2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", < "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Sharp Sticks", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpunjisticks1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A bundle of unusually large leaves.", < "//name" : "huntingplatformleaves", < "//shortdescription" : "Leaf Bundle", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatformleaves", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A raised platform. Don't get stuck under it.", < "//name" : "huntingplatform1", < "//shortdescription" : "Raised Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatform1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", < "//name" : "huntinglight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Vine Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "floranshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A Floran spear mounted on a decorative plaque.", < "//name" : "huntingdisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Spear on a Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingdisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", < "//name" : "huntingbigstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Floran Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingbigstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A crudely made bench. It's had a lot of use during Floran hunts.", < "//name" : "huntingbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Crude Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "Floran come together at tables like these to eat flesh stew.", < "//name" : "florantable1", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantable1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A table fashioned out a small tree topped with a slab of wood.", < "//name" : "floransmalltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floransmalltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A wooden screen, perfect for dressing behind.", < "//name" : "floranscreen1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Dressing Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranscreen1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "The pelt of a small, snow dwelling animal.", < "//name" : "floranpelt5", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowy Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpelt5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "The pelt of a large, snow dwelling animal.", < "//name" : "floranpelt4", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Snowy Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "floranpelt4" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A large pelt with thick, lustrous fur.", < "//name" : "floranpelt1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Brown Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "floranpelt1" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "floranfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranfuelhatch" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "florancorner", < "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "florancorner_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A simple wooden chair with bone accents.", < "//name" : "floranchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", < "//name" : "floranceilingbones2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Bone Chimes", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranceilingbones2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A table made from many small bones.", < "//name" : "floranbonetable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonetable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "This entire table appears to have been carved from a single, enormous bone.", < "//name" : "floranbonetable1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonetable1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "There are barbaric Floran tales etched into the bone.", < "//name" : "floranbonedisplay2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Carving", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonedisplay2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "The result of a successful Floran hunt.", < "//name" : "floranbonedisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Trophy", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonedisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "An old sign to warn of deathly danger.", < "//name" : "deathwarning", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "deathwarning" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "It appears to be a painting of a falling leaf.", < "//name" : "floranpainting4", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Leaf Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting4" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenfloranfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenfloranfuelhatch" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "It's just an armchair made of bones. No big deal.", < "//name" : "floranarmchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranarmchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", < "//name" : "huntingpike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", < "//name" : "huntingpike2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", < "//name" : "plantbiolight", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbiolight" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", < "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbiolight" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", < "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbiolight" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A raised platform. Don't get stuck under it.", < "//name" : "huntingplatform2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ramped Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatform2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A fragile wide urn made from clay.", < "//name" : "planturn1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planturn1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", < "//name" : "huntinglight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Vine Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", < "//name" : "huntingchampionstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Champion Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingchampionstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", < "//name" : "huntingdoor1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingdoor1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A door made from interlocking vines.", < "//name" : "plantdoor1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantdoor1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran holding a spear menacingly.", < "//name" : "huntingstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A couch made of leather hide and large bones.", < "//name" : "florancouch", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "It looks like someone has painted glyphs onto a piece of leather.", < "//name" : "floranpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Glyph Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting2" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "This door is strong and sustainably sourced.", < "//name" : "bamboodoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bamboodoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "Lots of tempting buttons that should probably be left alone.", < "//name" : "plantpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "floranstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranstoragelocker" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prison bedroll. It spreads out on the ground.", < "//name" : "plantbed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Bedroll", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting some hunters.", < "//name" : "caveart2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunter Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "Large logs assembled as a construction platform.", < "//name" : "plantplatform1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Scaffolding", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantplatform1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this menacing torch.", < "//name" : "skulltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull Torch Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skulltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "The bone frame is sort of disturbing, but that fur blanket looks mighty comfy.", < "//name" : "floranbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A wood and bone shelf used for storing supplies and keepsakes.", < "//name" : "floranshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "Torches have been stuck to a sapling in lieu of a fancy chandelier.", < "//name" : "floranchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", < "//name" : "plantdesklamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantdesklamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", < "//name" : "plantdesklamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantdesklamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A skull mounted as a trophy on crossed wood planks.", < "//name" : "huntingtrophy3", < "//shortdescription" : "Cross Mounted Skull", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "huntingtrophy3" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A railing held together with bones.", < "//name" : "huntingrail1", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Bone Railing", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingrail1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A tall volcanic geyser. It's seeping lava.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A study small Floran prison cage made from wood.", < "//name" : "plantcage2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcage2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "Penguin bones on a pike arranged decoratively.", < "//name" : "huntingpike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bones Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A standing torch. Illuminates the giant beast about to eat you.", < "//name" : "huntinggroundtorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Sturdy Torch Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinggroundtorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "A desk, probably belonging to the greenfinger of a Floran tribe.", < "//name" : "florandesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "This toilet doesn't look very leak-proof.", < "//name" : "florantoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "An old battered sign warning of falling rocks.", < "//name" : "fallingrocks", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Falling Rocks Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fallingrocks" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A ragged fur pelt, hung from two large tusks.", < "//name" : "floranpelt3", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Black Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpelt3" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", < "//name" : "huntingpike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", < "//name" : "huntingpike1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A rack of 3 unidentified bones.", < "//name" : "floranbonerack", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonerack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "floranteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranteleporter" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "floranshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranshiplocker" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A sinister torch made from old bones.", < "//name" : "skullwalltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull Wall Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skullwalltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A broken cage. What could have escaped?", < "//name" : "plantbrokencage", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbrokencage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", < "//name" : "plantrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", < "//name" : "plantrack_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting a ceremony.", > "//name" : "caveart3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ceremonial Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting a ceremony.", > "//name" : "caveart3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ceremonial Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", > "//name" : "plantrack_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A small geyser wrapped in growing vines.", > "//name" : "plantgeyser2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantgeyser2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "The cabinet made of leather stretched between four large tusks.", > "//name" : "florancabinet3", > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "An empty plaque. What belongs here?", > "//name" : "huntingdisplay2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingdisplay2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A leather screen, used in Floran food preparation.", > "//name" : "floranscreen2", > "//shortdescription" : "Leather Dressing Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranscreen2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A bench made of wood and bones. Seems... inviting?", > "//name" : "floranbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A large, luminous pod hanigng from a vine.", > "//name" : "huntinglight3", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", > "//name" : "florancurtain", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florancurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", > "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florancurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", > "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florancurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A wooden chair overgrown with vines.", > "//name" : "plantchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "A short volcanic geyser. It casts a faint glow.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano5", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A small chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", > "//name" : "chestfloran1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestfloran1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", > "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Sharp Sticks", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpunjisticks2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting an offering.", > "//name" : "caveart5", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "caveart5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. Unsurprisingly, many of the weapons are gone.", > "//name" : "huntingweaponrack1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Weapon Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingweaponrack1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A wide volcanic geyser. It's venting hot gasses.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A basic bedroll on a wheeled wooden frame.", > "//name" : "plantbed3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheeled Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A long chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", > "//name" : "chestfloran2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestfloran2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "It appears to be a tally chart.", > "//name" : "floranpainting3", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chart Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting3" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "Very helpful rocks. Or could the arrow be a trick?", > "//name" : "huntingplatformrocks", > "//shortdescription" : "Arrow Etched Rocks", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatformrocks", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "florancaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", > "//name" : "floranceilingbones1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Bone Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranceilingbones1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A large cage for designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcage1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "A very basic cooking pot suspended over a campfire.", > "//name" : "floranstove", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stove", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranstove", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "An ideal device for preparing traps and the like.", > "//name" : "huntingpressureplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", > "//name" : "vrheadset", > "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "vrheadset", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It's lighting the area faintly.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "vrheadset", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "132" : { > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", > "//name" : "floranlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", > "//name" : "floranlamp1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum1", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "Large logs arranged as a construction staging platform.", > "//name" : "plantplatform2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Staging", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantplatform2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A glowing orb. It looks like there's room to store things inside.", > "//name" : "plantorb", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Orb", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantorb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", > "//name" : "florandoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It looks hot.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "A finely carved plaque with a skull on display.", > "//name" : "huntingtrophy2", > "//shortdescription" : "Shield Mounted Skull", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "huntingtrophy2" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", > "//name" : "florancabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting some animals.", > "//name" : "caveart1", > "//shortdescription" : "Animal Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A wall mountable Floran prison bunk.", > "//name" : "plantbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Wall Bunk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "A chest made from plant material. It appears to be still growing.", > "//name" : "chestplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestplant1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "floranshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A fragile thin urn made from clay.", > "//name" : "planturn2", > "//shortdescription" : "Thin Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planturn2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "An arcane torture device. Best not to ask how it's used.", > "//name" : "planttorturedevice", > "//shortdescription" : "Torture Device", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorturedevice", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "A cooking countertop used for chopping meat.", > "//name" : "florantable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Countertop", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A tiny stool carved from bone.", > "//name" : "floranbonestool", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonestool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "A fragile small urn made from clay.", > "//name" : "planturn3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planturn3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "This painting seems to illustrate how to build a fire.", > "//name" : "floranpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Fire Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpainting1" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "An animal pelt stretched and dried between two large bones.", > "//name" : "florantanningrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Tanning Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantanningrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "This pelt serves as a Floran hunter's trophy.", > "//name" : "floranpelt2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Black Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpelt2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A Drysap Dispenser. The one thing standing between the Floran and a dusty demise.", > "//name" : "plantdrysapdispenser", > "//shortdescription" : "Drysap Dispenser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "plantdrysapdispenser" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", > "//name" : "florancabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "A Floran's idea of abstract art.", > "//name" : "floranpainting5", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Abstract Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting5" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A log, smoothed for sitting on.", > "//name" : "plantlog", > "//shortdescription" : "Sitting Log", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantlog", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "floranshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranshiplockerTier0" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "A wooden table which is overgrown with vines.", > "//name" : "plantvinetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvinetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "floranteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranteleporterTier0" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "A storage crate made of unrefined wood and bone.", > "//name" : "florancrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting an unidentified subject.", > "//name" : "caveart4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "caveart4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting an unidentified subject.", > "//name" : "caveart4_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "florantechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florantechstationTier0" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase made from the remains of Floran prey.", > "//name" : "floranbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "An empty shelving rack.", > "//name" : "plantshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", > "//name" : "floranbouldertrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Boulder Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranbouldertrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A large geyser, covered in plant growth.", > "//name" : "plantgeyser1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Overgrown Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantgeyser1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A small insectile creature impaled on a hunting pike.", > "//name" : "ixolingpike", > "//shortdescription" : "Ixoling Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ixolingpike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//name" : "ixolingpike_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A crude painting of a Floran hunter wielding a spear.", > "//name" : "floranhunterpainting", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Hunter Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranhunterpainting" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A display commemorating the spear of a Floran who won a hunting ceremony.", > "//name" : "championspeardisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Champion's Spear Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "championspeardisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "This trophy is a spinneret from some large, web spinning creature.", > "//name" : "floranspinneret", > "//shortdescription" : "Spinneret Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranspinneret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "This trophy rack is covered in a foul web.", > "//name" : "floranwebbing", > "//shortdescription" : "Web Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranwebbing", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//name" : "floranwebbing_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "177" : { > "//name" : "floranwebbing_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A retractable gate, made from a light wood.", > "//name" : "plantdoor2", > "//shortdescription" : "Retractable Wooden Gate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "plantdoor2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A desk with large cabinet drawers.", > "//name" : "plantcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "florantechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florantechstation" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet with a table top.", > "//name" : "plantcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", > "//name" : "plantbed4", > "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", > "//name" : "plantbed4_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. All of the weapons are missing.", > "//name" : "huntingweaponrack2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Weapon Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingweaponrack2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A head mounted on a round plaque. Its eyes follow you...", > "//name" : "huntingtrophy1", > "//shortdescription" : "Round Mounted Skull", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "huntingtrophy1" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A railing made of pikes tied together.", > "//name" : "huntingrail2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Pike Railing", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingrail2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", > "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Sharp Sticks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpunjisticks1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A bundle of unusually large leaves.", > "//name" : "huntingplatformleaves", > "//shortdescription" : "Leaf Bundle", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatformleaves", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A raised platform. Don't get stuck under it.", > "//name" : "huntingplatform1", > "//shortdescription" : "Raised Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatform1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", > "//name" : "huntinglight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Vine Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "floranshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A Floran spear mounted on a decorative plaque.", > "//name" : "huntingdisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Spear on a Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingdisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", > "//name" : "huntingbigstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Floran Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingbigstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A crudely made bench. It's had a lot of use during Floran hunts.", > "//name" : "huntingbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Crude Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "Floran come together at tables like these to eat flesh stew.", > "//name" : "florantable1", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantable1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A table fashioned out a small tree topped with a slab of wood.", > "//name" : "floransmalltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floransmalltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A wooden screen, perfect for dressing behind.", > "//name" : "floranscreen1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Dressing Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranscreen1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "The pelt of a small, snow dwelling animal.", > "//name" : "floranpelt5", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowy Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpelt5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "The pelt of a large, snow dwelling animal.", > "//name" : "floranpelt4", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Snowy Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "floranpelt4" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A large pelt with thick, lustrous fur.", > "//name" : "floranpelt1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Brown Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "floranpelt1" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "floranfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranfuelhatch" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "florancorner", > "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "florancorner_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A simple wooden chair with bone accents.", > "//name" : "floranchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", > "//name" : "floranceilingbones2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Bone Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranceilingbones2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A table made from many small bones.", > "//name" : "floranbonetable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonetable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "This entire table appears to have been carved from a single, enormous bone.", > "//name" : "floranbonetable1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonetable1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "There are barbaric Floran tales etched into the bone.", > "//name" : "floranbonedisplay2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Carving", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonedisplay2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "The result of a successful Floran hunt.", > "//name" : "floranbonedisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonedisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "An old sign to warn of deathly danger.", > "//name" : "deathwarning", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "deathwarning" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "It appears to be a painting of a falling leaf.", > "//name" : "floranpainting4", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Leaf Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting4" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenfloranfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenfloranfuelhatch" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "It's just an armchair made of bones. No big deal.", > "//name" : "floranarmchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranarmchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", > "//name" : "huntingpike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", > "//name" : "huntingpike2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", > "//name" : "plantbiolight", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbiolight" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", > "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbiolight" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", > "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbiolight" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A raised platform. Don't get stuck under it.", > "//name" : "huntingplatform2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ramped Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatform2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A fragile wide urn made from clay.", > "//name" : "planturn1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planturn1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", > "//name" : "huntinglight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Vine Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", > "//name" : "huntingchampionstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Champion Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingchampionstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", > "//name" : "huntingdoor1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingdoor1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A door made from interlocking vines.", > "//name" : "plantdoor1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantdoor1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran holding a spear menacingly.", > "//name" : "huntingstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A couch made of leather hide and large bones.", > "//name" : "florancouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "It looks like someone has painted glyphs onto a piece of leather.", > "//name" : "floranpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Glyph Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting2" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "This door is strong and sustainably sourced.", > "//name" : "bamboodoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bamboodoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "Lots of tempting buttons that should probably be left alone.", > "//name" : "plantpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "floranstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranstoragelocker" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prison bedroll. It spreads out on the ground.", > "//name" : "plantbed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting some hunters.", > "//name" : "caveart2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunter Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "Large logs assembled as a construction platform.", > "//name" : "plantplatform1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Scaffolding", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantplatform1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this menacing torch.", > "//name" : "skulltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skulltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "The bone frame is sort of disturbing, but that fur blanket looks mighty comfy.", > "//name" : "floranbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A wood and bone shelf used for storing supplies and keepsakes.", > "//name" : "floranshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "Torches have been stuck to a sapling in lieu of a fancy chandelier.", > "//name" : "floranchandelier", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chandelier", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranchandelier", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", > "//name" : "plantdesklamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantdesklamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", > "//name" : "plantdesklamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantdesklamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A skull mounted as a trophy on crossed wood planks.", > "//name" : "huntingtrophy3", > "//shortdescription" : "Cross Mounted Skull", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "huntingtrophy3" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A railing held together with bones.", > "//name" : "huntingrail1", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Bone Railing", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingrail1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "A tall volcanic geyser. It's seeping lava.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A study small Floran prison cage made from wood.", > "//name" : "plantcage2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcage2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "Penguin bones on a pike arranged decoratively.", > "//name" : "huntingpike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bones Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A standing torch. Illuminates the giant beast about to eat you.", > "//name" : "huntinggroundtorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Sturdy Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinggroundtorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "A desk, probably belonging to the greenfinger of a Floran tribe.", > "//name" : "florandesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "This toilet doesn't look very leak-proof.", > "//name" : "florantoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "An old battered sign warning of falling rocks.", > "//name" : "fallingrocks", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Falling Rocks Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fallingrocks" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "A ragged fur pelt, hung from two large tusks.", > "//name" : "floranpelt3", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Black Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpelt3" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", > "//name" : "huntingpike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", > "//name" : "huntingpike1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "A rack of 3 unidentified bones.", > "//name" : "floranbonerack", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonerack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "floranteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranteleporter" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "floranshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranshiplocker" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "A sinister torch made from old bones.", > "//name" : "skullwalltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull Wall Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skullwalltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A broken cage. What could have escaped?", > "//name" : "plantbrokencage", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbrokencage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", > "//name" : "plantrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", > "//name" : "plantrack_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 1561,2094c1561,2094 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/caveart3.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/caveart3_orientation1.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran.png" < }, < "100" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantrack_orientation3.png" < }, < "101" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantgeyser2.png" < }, < "102" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/florancabinet3.png" < }, < "103" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntingdisplay2.png" < }, < "104" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranscreen2.png" < }, < "105" : { < "image" : 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/skulltorch.png" > }, > "72" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranbed.png" > }, > "73" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranshelf.png" > }, > "74" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranchandelier.png" > }, > "75" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantdesklamp.png" > }, > "76" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantdesklamp_orientation1.png" > }, > "77" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntingtrophy3.png" > }, > "78" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntingrail1.png" > }, > "79" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantvolcano4.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantcage2.png" > }, > "80" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntingpike3.png" > }, > "81" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranlight.png" > }, > "82" : { > 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntingpike1_orientation1.png" > }, > "93" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranbonerack.png" > }, > "94" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranteleporter.png" > }, > "95" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranshiplocker.png" > }, > "96" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/skullwalltorch.png" > }, > "97" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantbrokencage.png" > }, > "98" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantrack.png" > }, > "99" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantrack_orientation2.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\floranhuntinggrounds.json 10,430c10,430 < "0" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting a ceremony.", < "//name" : "caveart3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ceremonial Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" 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Don't get stuck under it.", < "//name" : "huntingplatform1", < "//shortdescription" : "Raised Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatform1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", < "//name" : "huntinglight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Vine Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A Floran spear mounted on a decorative plaque.", < "//name" : "huntingdisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Spear on a Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingdisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", < "//name" : "huntingbigstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Floran Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingbigstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "An old sign to warn of deathly danger.", < "//name" : "deathwarning", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "deathwarning" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", < "//name" : "huntingpike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", < "//name" : "huntingpike2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A raised platform. Don't get stuck under it.", < "//name" : "huntingplatform2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ramped Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatform2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", < "//name" : "huntinglight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Vine Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", < "//name" : "huntingdoor1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingdoor1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", < "//name" : "huntingchampionstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Champion Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingchampionstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran holding a spear menacingly.", < "//name" : "huntingstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this menacing torch.", < "//name" : "skulltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull Torch Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skulltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A skull mounted as a trophy on crossed wood planks.", < "//name" : "huntingtrophy3", < "//shortdescription" : "Cross Mounted Skull", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "huntingtrophy3" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A railing held together with bones.", < "//name" : "huntingrail1", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Bone Railing", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingrail1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "Penguin bones on a pike arranged decoratively.", < "//name" : "huntingpike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bones Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A standing torch. Illuminates the giant beast about to eat you.", < "//name" : "huntinggroundtorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Sturdy Torch Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinggroundtorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", < "//name" : "huntingpike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", < "//name" : "huntingpike1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A sinister torch made from old bones.", < "//name" : "skullwalltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull Wall Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skullwalltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "An empty plaque. What belongs here?", < "//name" : "huntingdisplay2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingdisplay2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting some hunters.", < "//name" : "caveart2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunter Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A large, luminous pod hanigng from a vine.", < "//name" : "huntinglight3", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A small chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", < "//name" : "chestfloran1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestfloran1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", < "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Sharp Sticks", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpunjisticks2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting an offering.", < "//name" : "caveart5", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "caveart5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. Unsurprisingly, many of the weapons are gone.", < "//name" : "huntingweaponrack1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Weapon Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingweaponrack1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A long chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", < "//name" : "chestfloran2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestfloran2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "Very helpful rocks. Or could the arrow be a trick?", < "//name" : "huntingplatformrocks", < "//shortdescription" : "Arrow Etched Rocks", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatformrocks", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "An ideal device for preparing traps and the like.", < "//name" : "huntingpressureplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A finely carved plaque with a skull on display.", < "//name" : "huntingtrophy2", < "//shortdescription" : "Shield Mounted Skull", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "huntingtrophy2" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting some animals.", < "//name" : "caveart1", < "//shortdescription" : "Animal Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "An old battered sign warning of falling rocks.", < "//name" : "fallingrocks", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Falling Rocks Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fallingrocks" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting an unidentified subject.", < "//name" : "caveart4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "caveart4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting an unidentified subject.", < "//name" : "caveart4_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A small insectile creature impaled on a hunting pike.", < "//name" : "ixolingpike", < "//shortdescription" : "Ixoling Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ixolingpike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//name" : "ixolingpike_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A display commemorating the spear of a Floran who won a hunting ceremony.", < "//name" : "championspeardisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Champion's Spear Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "championspeardisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "This trophy is a spinneret from some large, web spinning creature.", < "//name" : "floranspinneret", < "//shortdescription" : "Spinneret Trophy", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranspinneret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "This trophy rack is covered in a foul web.", < "//name" : "floranwebbing", < "//shortdescription" : "Web Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranwebbing", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//name" : "floranwebbing_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "48" : { < "//name" : "floranwebbing_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. All of the weapons are missing.", < "//name" : "huntingweaponrack2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Weapon Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingweaponrack2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A head mounted on a round plaque. Its eyes follow you...", < "//name" : "huntingtrophy1", < "//shortdescription" : "Round Mounted Skull", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "huntingtrophy1" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A railing made of pikes tied together.", < "//name" : "huntingrail2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Pike Railing", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingrail2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", < "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Sharp Sticks", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpunjisticks1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A bundle of unusually large leaves.", < "//name" : "huntingplatformleaves", < "//shortdescription" : "Leaf Bundle", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatformleaves", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting a ceremony.", > "//name" : "caveart3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ceremonial Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting a ceremony.", > "//name" : "caveart3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ceremonial Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A raised platform. Don't get stuck under it.", > "//name" : "huntingplatform1", > "//shortdescription" : "Raised Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatform1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", > "//name" : "huntinglight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Vine Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A Floran spear mounted on a decorative plaque.", > "//name" : "huntingdisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Spear on a Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingdisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", > "//name" : "huntingbigstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Floran Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingbigstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "An old sign to warn of deathly danger.", > "//name" : "deathwarning", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "deathwarning" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", > "//name" : "huntingpike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", > "//name" : "huntingpike2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A raised platform. Don't get stuck under it.", > "//name" : "huntingplatform2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ramped Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatform2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", > "//name" : "huntinglight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Vine Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", > "//name" : "huntingdoor1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingdoor1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", > "//name" : "huntingchampionstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Champion Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingchampionstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran holding a spear menacingly.", > "//name" : "huntingstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this menacing torch.", > "//name" : "skulltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skulltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A skull mounted as a trophy on crossed wood planks.", > "//name" : "huntingtrophy3", > "//shortdescription" : "Cross Mounted Skull", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "huntingtrophy3" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A railing held together with bones.", > "//name" : "huntingrail1", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Bone Railing", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingrail1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "Penguin bones on a pike arranged decoratively.", > "//name" : "huntingpike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bones Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A standing torch. Illuminates the giant beast about to eat you.", > "//name" : "huntinggroundtorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Sturdy Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinggroundtorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", > "//name" : "huntingpike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", > "//name" : "huntingpike1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A sinister torch made from old bones.", > "//name" : "skullwalltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull Wall Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skullwalltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "An empty plaque. What belongs here?", > "//name" : "huntingdisplay2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingdisplay2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting some hunters.", > "//name" : "caveart2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunter Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A large, luminous pod hanigng from a vine.", > "//name" : "huntinglight3", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A small chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", > "//name" : "chestfloran1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestfloran1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", > "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Sharp Sticks", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpunjisticks2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting an offering.", > "//name" : "caveart5", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "caveart5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. Unsurprisingly, many of the weapons are gone.", > "//name" : "huntingweaponrack1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Weapon Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingweaponrack1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A long chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", > "//name" : "chestfloran2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestfloran2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "Very helpful rocks. Or could the arrow be a trick?", > "//name" : "huntingplatformrocks", > "//shortdescription" : "Arrow Etched Rocks", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatformrocks", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "An ideal device for preparing traps and the like.", > "//name" : "huntingpressureplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A finely carved plaque with a skull on display.", > "//name" : "huntingtrophy2", > "//shortdescription" : "Shield Mounted Skull", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "huntingtrophy2" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting some animals.", > "//name" : "caveart1", > "//shortdescription" : "Animal Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "An old battered sign warning of falling rocks.", > "//name" : "fallingrocks", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Falling Rocks Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fallingrocks" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting an unidentified subject.", > "//name" : "caveart4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "caveart4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting an unidentified subject.", > "//name" : "caveart4_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A small insectile creature impaled on a hunting pike.", > "//name" : "ixolingpike", > "//shortdescription" : "Ixoling Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ixolingpike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//name" : "ixolingpike_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A display commemorating the spear of a Floran who won a hunting ceremony.", > "//name" : "championspeardisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Champion's Spear Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "championspeardisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "This trophy is a spinneret from some large, web spinning creature.", > "//name" : "floranspinneret", > "//shortdescription" : "Spinneret Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranspinneret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "This trophy rack is covered in a foul web.", > "//name" : "floranwebbing", > "//shortdescription" : "Web Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranwebbing", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//name" : "floranwebbing_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "48" : { > "//name" : "floranwebbing_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. All of the weapons are missing.", > "//name" : "huntingweaponrack2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Weapon Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingweaponrack2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A head mounted on a round plaque. Its eyes follow you...", > "//name" : "huntingtrophy1", > "//shortdescription" : "Round Mounted Skull", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "huntingtrophy1" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A railing made of pikes tied together.", > "//name" : "huntingrail2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Pike Railing", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingrail2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", > "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Sharp Sticks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpunjisticks1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A bundle of unusually large leaves.", > "//name" : "huntingplatformleaves", > "//shortdescription" : "Leaf Bundle", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatformleaves", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 433,579c433,579 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/caveart3.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/caveart3_orientation1.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntingplatform1.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntinglight2.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntingdisplay1.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/caveart4_orientation1.png" > }, > "42" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ixolingpike.png" > }, > "43" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "44" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/championspeardisplay.png" > }, > "45" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranspinneret.png" > }, > "46" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranwebbing.png" > }, > "47" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "48" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntingweaponrack2.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntingtrophy1.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntingrail2.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntingpunjisticks1.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntingplatformleaves.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\floranprison.json 10,472c10,472 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A study small Floran prison cage made from wood.", < "//name" : "plantcage2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcage2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A wide volcanic geyser. It's venting hot gasses.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", < "//name" : "plantbed4", < "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", < "//name" : "plantbed4_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", < "//name" : "plantbiolight", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbiolight" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", < "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbiolight" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", < "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbiolight" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A fragile wide urn made from clay.", < "//name" : "planturn1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planturn1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A door made from interlocking vines.", < "//name" : "plantdoor1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantdoor1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "Lots of tempting buttons that should probably be left alone.", < "//name" : "plantpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prison bedroll. It spreads out on the ground.", < "//name" : "plantbed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Bedroll", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "Large logs assembled as a construction platform.", < "//name" : "plantplatform1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Scaffolding", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantplatform1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It's lighting the area faintly.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", < "//name" : "plantdesklamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantdesklamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", < "//name" : "plantdesklamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantdesklamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A tall volcanic geyser. It's seeping lava.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A broken cage. What could have escaped?", < "//name" : "plantbrokencage", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbrokencage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", < "//name" : "plantrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", < "//name" : "plantrack_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", < "//name" : "plantrack_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A small geyser wrapped in growing vines.", < "//name" : "plantgeyser2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantgeyser2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A wooden chair overgrown with vines.", < "//name" : "plantchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A short volcanic geyser. It casts a faint glow.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano5", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It looks hot.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage3", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A basic bedroll on a wheeled wooden frame.", < "//name" : "plantbed3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheeled Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A large cage for designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcage1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", < "//name" : "vrheadset", < "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "16", < "object" : "vrheadset", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", < "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "16", < "object" : "vrheadset", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "39" : { < "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A fragile thin urn made from clay.", < "//name" : "planturn2", < "//shortdescription" : "Thin Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planturn2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "Large logs arranged as a construction staging platform.", < "//name" : "plantplatform2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Staging", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantplatform2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A glowing orb. It looks like there's room to store things inside.", < "//name" : "plantorb", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Orb", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantorb", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", < "//name" : "planttorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", < "//name" : "planttorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", < "//name" : "planttorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", < "//name" : "planttorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A wall mountable Floran prison bunk.", < "//name" : "plantbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Wall Bunk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A chest made from plant material. It appears to be still growing.", < "//name" : "chestplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestplant1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "An arcane torture device. Best not to ask how it's used.", < "//name" : "planttorturedevice", < "//shortdescription" : "Torture Device", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorturedevice", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A fragile small urn made from clay.", < "//name" : "planturn3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planturn3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A log, smoothed for sitting on.", < "//name" : "plantlog", < "//shortdescription" : "Sitting Log", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantlog", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A Drysap Dispenser. The one thing standing between the Floran and a dusty demise.", < "//name" : "plantdrysapdispenser", < "//shortdescription" : "Drysap Dispenser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "plantdrysapdispenser" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A wooden table which is overgrown with vines.", < "//name" : "plantvinetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvinetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "An empty shelving rack.", < "//name" : "plantshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A large geyser, covered in plant growth.", < "//name" : "plantgeyser1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Overgrown Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantgeyser1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A retractable gate, made from a light wood.", < "//name" : "plantdoor2", < "//shortdescription" : "Retractable Wooden Gate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "plantdoor2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A desk with large cabinet drawers.", < "//name" : "plantcabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet with a table top.", < "//name" : "plantcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A study small Floran prison cage made from wood.", > "//name" : "plantcage2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcage2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A wide volcanic geyser. It's venting hot gasses.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", > "//name" : "plantbed4", > "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", > "//name" : "plantbed4_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", > "//name" : "plantbiolight", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbiolight" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", > "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbiolight" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", > "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbiolight" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A fragile wide urn made from clay.", > "//name" : "planturn1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planturn1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A door made from interlocking vines.", > "//name" : "plantdoor1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantdoor1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "Lots of tempting buttons that should probably be left alone.", > "//name" : "plantpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prison bedroll. It spreads out on the ground.", > "//name" : "plantbed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "Large logs assembled as a construction platform.", > "//name" : "plantplatform1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Scaffolding", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantplatform1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It's lighting the area faintly.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", > "//name" : "plantdesklamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantdesklamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", > "//name" : "plantdesklamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantdesklamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A tall volcanic geyser. It's seeping lava.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A broken cage. What could have escaped?", > "//name" : "plantbrokencage", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbrokencage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", > "//name" : "plantrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", > "//name" : "plantrack_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", > "//name" : "plantrack_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A small geyser wrapped in growing vines.", > "//name" : "plantgeyser2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantgeyser2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A wooden chair overgrown with vines.", > "//name" : "plantchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A short volcanic geyser. It casts a faint glow.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano5", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It looks hot.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A basic bedroll on a wheeled wooden frame.", > "//name" : "plantbed3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheeled Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A large cage for designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcage1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", > "//name" : "vrheadset", > "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "vrheadset", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "vrheadset", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "39" : { > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A fragile thin urn made from clay.", > "//name" : "planturn2", > "//shortdescription" : "Thin Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planturn2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "Large logs arranged as a construction staging platform.", > "//name" : "plantplatform2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Staging", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantplatform2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A glowing orb. It looks like there's room to store things inside.", > "//name" : "plantorb", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Orb", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantorb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A wall mountable Floran prison bunk.", > "//name" : "plantbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Wall Bunk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A chest made from plant material. It appears to be still growing.", > "//name" : "chestplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestplant1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "An arcane torture device. Best not to ask how it's used.", > "//name" : "planttorturedevice", > "//shortdescription" : "Torture Device", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorturedevice", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A fragile small urn made from clay.", > "//name" : "planturn3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planturn3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A log, smoothed for sitting on.", > "//name" : "plantlog", > "//shortdescription" : "Sitting Log", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantlog", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A Drysap Dispenser. The one thing standing between the Floran and a dusty demise.", > "//name" : "plantdrysapdispenser", > "//shortdescription" : "Drysap Dispenser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "plantdrysapdispenser" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A wooden table which is overgrown with vines.", > "//name" : "plantvinetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvinetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "An empty shelving rack.", > "//name" : "plantshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A large geyser, covered in plant growth.", > "//name" : "plantgeyser1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Overgrown Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantgeyser1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A retractable gate, made from a light wood.", > "//name" : "plantdoor2", > "//shortdescription" : "Retractable Wooden Gate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "plantdoor2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A desk with large cabinet drawers.", > "//name" : "plantcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet with a table top.", > "//name" : "plantcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 475,633c475,633 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantcage2.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantvolcano3.png" 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantorb.png" < }, < "42" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/planttorch.png" < }, < "43" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/planttorch_orientation2.png" < }, < "44" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/planttorch_orientation3.png" < }, < "45" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/planttorch_orientation4.png" < }, < "46" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantbed2.png" < }, < "47" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/chestplant1.png" < }, < "48" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/planttorturedevice.png" < }, < "49" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/planturn3.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantlog.png" < }, < "50" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantdrysapdispenser.png" < }, < "51" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantvinetable.png" < 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tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\floranvillage.json 10,540c10,540 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A crudely made bench. It's had a lot of use during Floran hunts.", < "//name" : "huntingbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Crude Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "Floran come together at tables like these to eat flesh stew.", < "//name" : "florantable1", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantable1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A simple wooden chair with bone accents.", < "//name" : "floranchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", < "//name" : "floranceilingbones2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Bone Chimes", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranceilingbones2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A table made from many small bones.", < "//name" : "floranbonetable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonetable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "This entire table appears to have been carved from a single, enormous bone.", < "//name" : "floranbonetable1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonetable1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "There are barbaric Floran tales etched into the bone.", < "//name" : "floranbonedisplay2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Carving", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonedisplay2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "The result of a successful Floran hunt.", < "//name" : "floranbonedisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Trophy", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonedisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "It appears to be a painting of a falling leaf.", < "//name" : "floranpainting4", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Leaf Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting4" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "It's just an armchair made of bones. No big deal.", < "//name" : "floranarmchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranarmchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A couch made of leather hide and large bones.", < "//name" : "florancouch", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A table fashioned out a small tree topped with a slab of wood.", < "//name" : "floransmalltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floransmalltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "It looks like someone has painted glyphs onto a piece of leather.", < "//name" : "floranpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Glyph Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting2" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "This door is strong and sustainably sourced.", < "//name" : "bamboodoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bamboodoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "The bone frame is sort of disturbing, but that fur blanket looks mighty comfy.", < "//name" : "floranbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A wood and bone shelf used for storing supplies and keepsakes.", < "//name" : "floranshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "Torches have been stuck to a sapling in lieu of a fancy chandelier.", < "//name" : "floranchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A wooden screen, perfect for dressing behind.", < "//name" : "floranscreen1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Dressing Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranscreen1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A desk, probably belonging to the greenfinger of a Floran tribe.", < "//name" : "florandesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "This toilet doesn't look very leak-proof.", < "//name" : "florantoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A ragged fur pelt, hung from two large tusks.", < "//name" : "floranpelt3", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Black Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpelt3" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A rack of 3 unidentified bones.", < "//name" : "floranbonerack", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonerack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "The cabinet made of leather stretched between four large tusks.", < "//name" : "florancabinet3", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A leather screen, used in Floran food preparation.", < "//name" : "floranscreen2", < "//shortdescription" : "Leather Dressing Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranscreen2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A bench made of wood and bones. Seems... inviting?", < "//name" : "floranbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", < "//name" : "florancurtain", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florancurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", < "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florancurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "The pelt of a small, snow dwelling animal.", < "//name" : "floranpelt5", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowy Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpelt5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", < "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florancurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "It appears to be a tally chart.", < "//name" : "floranpainting3", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chart Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting3" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", < "//name" : "floranceilingbones1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Bone Chimes", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranceilingbones1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A very basic cooking pot suspended over a campfire.", < "//name" : "floranstove", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stove", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranstove", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", < "//name" : "floranlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", < "//name" : "floranlamp1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum1", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", < "//name" : "florandoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", < "//name" : "florancabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "The pelt of a large, snow dwelling animal.", < "//name" : "floranpelt4", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Snowy Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "floranpelt4" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A cooking countertop used for chopping meat.", < "//name" : "florantable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Countertop", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A tiny stool carved from bone.", < "//name" : "floranbonestool", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonestool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "This painting seems to illustrate how to build a fire.", < "//name" : "floranpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Fire Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpainting1" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "An animal pelt stretched and dried between two large bones.", < "//name" : "florantanningrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Tanning Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantanningrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "This pelt serves as a Floran hunter's trophy.", < "//name" : "floranpelt2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Black Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpelt2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", < "//name" : "florancabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A Floran's idea of abstract art.", < "//name" : "floranpainting5", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Abstract Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting5" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A storage crate made of unrefined wood and bone.", < "//name" : "florancrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase made from the remains of Floran prey.", < "//name" : "floranbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A crude painting of a Floran hunter wielding a spear.", < "//name" : "floranhunterpainting", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Hunter Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranhunterpainting" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A large pelt with thick, lustrous fur.", < "//name" : "floranpelt1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Brown Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "floranpelt1" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "florancorner", < "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "florancorner_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A crudely made bench. It's had a lot of use during Floran hunts.", > "//name" : "huntingbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Crude Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "Floran come together at tables like these to eat flesh stew.", > "//name" : "florantable1", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantable1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A simple wooden chair with bone accents.", > "//name" : "floranchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", > "//name" : "floranceilingbones2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Bone Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranceilingbones2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A table made from many small bones.", > "//name" : "floranbonetable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonetable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "This entire table appears to have been carved from a single, enormous bone.", > "//name" : "floranbonetable1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonetable1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "There are barbaric Floran tales etched into the bone.", > "//name" : "floranbonedisplay2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Carving", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonedisplay2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "The result of a successful Floran hunt.", > "//name" : "floranbonedisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonedisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "It appears to be a painting of a falling leaf.", > "//name" : "floranpainting4", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Leaf Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting4" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "It's just an armchair made of bones. No big deal.", > "//name" : "floranarmchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranarmchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A couch made of leather hide and large bones.", > "//name" : "florancouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A table fashioned out a small tree topped with a slab of wood.", > "//name" : "floransmalltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floransmalltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "It looks like someone has painted glyphs onto a piece of leather.", > "//name" : "floranpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Glyph Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting2" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "This door is strong and sustainably sourced.", > "//name" : "bamboodoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bamboodoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "The bone frame is sort of disturbing, but that fur blanket looks mighty comfy.", > "//name" : "floranbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A wood and bone shelf used for storing supplies and keepsakes.", > "//name" : "floranshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "Torches have been stuck to a sapling in lieu of a fancy chandelier.", > "//name" : "floranchandelier", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chandelier", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranchandelier", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A wooden screen, perfect for dressing behind.", > "//name" : "floranscreen1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Dressing Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranscreen1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A desk, probably belonging to the greenfinger of a Floran tribe.", > "//name" : "florandesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "This toilet doesn't look very leak-proof.", > "//name" : "florantoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A ragged fur pelt, hung from two large tusks.", > "//name" : "floranpelt3", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Black Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpelt3" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A rack of 3 unidentified bones.", > "//name" : "floranbonerack", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonerack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "The cabinet made of leather stretched between four large tusks.", > "//name" : "florancabinet3", > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A leather screen, used in Floran food preparation.", > "//name" : "floranscreen2", > "//shortdescription" : "Leather Dressing Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranscreen2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A bench made of wood and bones. Seems... inviting?", > "//name" : "floranbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", > "//name" : "florancurtain", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florancurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", > "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florancurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "The pelt of a small, snow dwelling animal.", > "//name" : "floranpelt5", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowy Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpelt5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", > "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florancurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "It appears to be a tally chart.", > "//name" : "floranpainting3", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chart Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting3" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", > "//name" : "floranceilingbones1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Bone Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranceilingbones1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A very basic cooking pot suspended over a campfire.", > "//name" : "floranstove", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stove", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranstove", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", > "//name" : "floranlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", > "//name" : "floranlamp1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum1", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", > "//name" : "florandoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", > "//name" : "florancabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "The pelt of a large, snow dwelling animal.", > "//name" : "floranpelt4", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Snowy Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "floranpelt4" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A cooking countertop used for chopping meat.", > "//name" : "florantable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Countertop", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A tiny stool carved from bone.", > "//name" : "floranbonestool", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonestool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "This painting seems to illustrate how to build a fire.", > "//name" : "floranpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Fire Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpainting1" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "An animal pelt stretched and dried between two large bones.", > "//name" : "florantanningrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Tanning Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantanningrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "This pelt serves as a Floran hunter's trophy.", > "//name" : "floranpelt2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Black Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpelt2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", > "//name" : "florancabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A Floran's idea of abstract art.", > "//name" : "floranpainting5", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Abstract Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting5" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A storage crate made of unrefined wood and bone.", > "//name" : "florancrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase made from the remains of Floran prey.", > "//name" : "floranbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A crude painting of a Floran hunter wielding a spear.", > "//name" : "floranhunterpainting", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Hunter Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranhunterpainting" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A large pelt with thick, lustrous fur.", > "//name" : "floranpelt1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Brown Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "floranpelt1" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned 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"right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A lamp illuminated by suspended globules of lava.", < "//name" : "magmalamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Magma Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "magmalamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A button fit for purpose in a foundry.", < "//name" : "foundrybutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Button", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrybutton", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A tall container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", < "//name" : "ladlesmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Ladle", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ladlesmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A tall container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", < "//name" : "ladlesmall_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Ladle", < "imagePositionX" : 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"right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A lamp illuminated by suspended globules of lava.", > "//name" : "magmalamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Magma Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmalamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A button fit for purpose in a foundry.", > "//name" : "foundrybutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Button", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrybutton", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A tall container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "ladlesmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ladle", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ladlesmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A tall container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "ladlesmall_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ladle", > "imagePositionX" : 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"lavatanksmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer2s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (2 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer2s" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "This elevator design is commonly seen in foundries.", > "//name" : "foundryelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Industrial Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundryelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > } 356,472c356,472 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/foundryor.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/foundryconsole.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ladlelarge.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lavatanklarge.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/foundrylight.png" < }, < "13" : { < 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Perfect to use as a table.", > "//name" : "giantflowertable", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowertable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 98,127c98,127 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflowerchair.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflower1.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflower4.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflowerchest.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflower2.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflowerlamp.png" < }, < "6" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflowerbed.png" < }, < "7" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflowerdoor.png" < }, < "8" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflower3.png" < }, < "9" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflowertable.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflowerchair.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflower1.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflower4.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflowerchest.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflower2.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflowerlamp.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflowerbed.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflowerdoor.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflower3.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantflowertable.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\glitch.json 10,1579c10,1579 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "glitchshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "glitchcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", < "//name" : "signinn_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signinn" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands armed and resolute.", < "//name" : "medievalarmorarmed", < "//shortdescription" : "Armed Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmorarmed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "This book is full of strange illustrations.", < "//name" : "medievalcodex", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Codex", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcodex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "A bowl. It doesn't look very clean.", < "//name" : "medievalbowl", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbowl" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket4", < "//shortdescription" : "Handled Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket4" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "glitchshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchshiplockerTier0" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "A brutal yet effective execution device.", < "//name" : "guillotine", < "//shortdescription" : "Guillotine", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "guillotine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "A sewer pipe.", < "//name" : "wallpipe", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wallpipe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "A sewer pipe.", < "//name" : "wallpipe_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wallpipe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievallarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "bannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "bannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", < "//name" : "signforge", < "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signforge" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "bannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "Bullseye!", < "//name" : "target", < "//shortdescription" : "Target", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "target", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A rolled up bale of hay.", < "//name" : "hayroll", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Roll", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hayroll", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", < "//name" : "signweaponshop", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signweaponshop" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", < "//name" : "signweaponshop_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signweaponshop" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A model of an unknown planet.", < "//name" : "medievalglobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Globe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalglobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A wall grate. Great.", < "//name" : "sewerwallgrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Wall Grate", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewerwallgrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "This chest itself is a treasure, let alone the contents.", < "//name" : "royalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A tiny basket made of wicker.", < "//name" : "wickerbasket1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket1" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "An outhouse! Enjoy!", < "//name" : "outhouse", < "//shortdescription" : "Outhouse", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outhouse", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", < "//name" : "signforge_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signforge" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "A rack full of fairly dull iron swords.", < "//name" : "medievalweaponrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Weapon Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalweaponrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A barrel. Anything could be inside!", < "//name" : "barrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "glitchteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchteleporterTier0" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "glitchshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchshiplocker" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "A simple anvil, used for banging metal into shape.", < "//name" : "anvil", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Anvil", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "anvil", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "A white pawn from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chesspawn", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Pawn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chesspawn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A trash can. What a load of rubbish.", < "//name" : "trashcan", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "A fancy feasting table.", < "//name" : "medievaldiningtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Dining Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldiningtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "An oil lamp. It gives off some warmth.", < "//name" : "medievallamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievallamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "It's a trough for feeding livestock.", < "//name" : "trough", < "//shortdescription" : "Trough", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trough", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", < "//name" : "signarmorshop", < "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signarmorshop" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A very basic toilet.", < "//name" : "medievaltoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "One of these books looks out of place... I wonder...", < "//name" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "A nicely made wooden desk.", < "//name" : "medievaldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", < "//name" : "signproduce", < "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signproduce" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", < "//name" : "signproduce_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signproduce" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A simple wooden stool.", < "//name" : "woodenstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Simple Wooden Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "A white rook from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessrook", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Rook", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessrook", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A white bishop from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessbishop", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Bishop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessbishop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "A mechanical cash register. Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "medievalregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "An ominous warning sign.", < "//name" : "poisonsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "poisonsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", < "//name" : "signarmorshop_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signarmorshop" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket5", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket5" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A gear. Part of a well-oiled machine. Actually, it's a bit rusty.", < "//name" : "sewergear", < "//shortdescription" : "Gear", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewergear", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A rather detailed sketch of Glitch anatomy.", < "//name" : "glitchianman", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitchian Man", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "glitchianman" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "Some shoddy wooden scaffolding.", < "//name" : "medievalscaffolding", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Scaffolding", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalscaffolding", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase for storing folk tales and legends...", < "//name" : "medievalbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "glitchfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "glitchfuelhatch" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "glitchtechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchtechstationTier0" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A white knight from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessknight", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Knight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessknight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "I sure could use some water...", < "//name" : "wellcover", < "//shortdescription" : "Well Cover", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wellcover", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "Tools for creating pure, unadulterated deliciousness.", < "//name" : "kitchentools", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "kitchentools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A royal glow.", < "//name" : "royalcandles", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Candles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalcandles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious lever. I wonder what this does?", < "//name" : "medievalswitchlever", < "//shortdescription" : "Switch Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchlever", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "smallwoodencrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallwoodencrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "This dresser has a musty smell. It doesn't look very clean.", < "//name" : "medievaldresser", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Dresser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldresser", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "A spade, a rake and a broom for all sorts of back-breaking farm work.", < "//name" : "farmtools", < "//shortdescription" : "Farm Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "farmtools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "A sewer valve. It's had a funny turn.", < "//name" : "sewervalve", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Valve", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewervalve", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "largewoodencrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largewoodencrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "A plate. It's gathering dust here.", < "//name" : "medievalplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalplate" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "A sewer gauge. Nobody knows what the gauge illustrates.", < "//name" : "sewergauge", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Gauge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewergauge" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "This royal decree makes note of a keep, where treasures lay under watchful guard.", < "//name" : "glitchdecree", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Decree", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "glitchdecree" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "A ceremonial horn that holds a woven banner.", < "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Mounted Horn Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "glitchhorndisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Valuable things should be stored here.", < "//name" : "royalcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "161" : { < "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "A wooden desk used by scribes.", < "//name" : "glitchscribe", < "//shortdescription" : "Scribe's Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchscribe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "This chess board has custom pieces.", < "//name" : "glitchchess", < "//shortdescription" : "Themed Chess Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchchess", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "An alarm bell. One would hope this never needs to be rung.", < "//name" : "glitchalarm", < "//shortdescription" : "Alarm Bell", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchalarm", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "An alarm bell. One would hope this never needs to be rung.", < "//name" : "glitchalarm_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Alarm Bell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchalarm", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "It's a figurine of a Glitch noble.", < "//name" : "glitchbaronfigure", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Statuette", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchbaronfigure", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A dark chequered flag bearing an emblem.", < "//name" : "darkbattlestandard", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark Battle Standard", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "darkbattlestandard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "These display swords could be dangerous in the wrong hands.", < "//name" : "medievalsworddisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Sword Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "medievalsworddisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "A black bishop from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessbishopblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Bishop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessbishopblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "A black queen from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessqueenblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Queen", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessqueenblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "A black pawn from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chesspawnblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Pawn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chesspawnblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "A black knight from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessknightblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Knight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessknightblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A black rook from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessrookblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Rook", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessrookblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A black king from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chesskingblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone King", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chesskingblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "Wooden spikes. Just waiting to be decorated with the heads of your enemies!", < "//name" : "medievalspikes", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalspikes", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "An old wooden shelf.", < "//name" : "medievalshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "This cooking pot expels the odour of a hundred hearty meals.", < "//name" : "medievallargecookingpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cooking Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievallargecookingpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A flagpole fit for topping any building.", < "//name" : "medievalflagpole", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Flagpole", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalflagpole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "Ye olde counter.", < "//name" : "medievalcounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A small clock with a pendulum. It ticks and tocks but the hands never move.", < "//name" : "medievalclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "medievalclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A small wax candle in a holder.", < "//name" : "medievalcandle", < "//shortdescription" : "Candle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcandle", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A chequered flag bearing an emblem.", < "//name" : "battlestandard", < "//shortdescription" : "Battle Standard", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "battlestandard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A charming and well-made wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "medievalcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute.", < "//name" : "medievalarmor", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A keg full of juice. Mmm, juice!", < "//name" : "juicekeg", < "//shortdescription" : "Juice Keg", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "juicekeg", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A neat bale of hay, ready for stacking.", < "//name" : "haystack", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Stack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "haystack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "glitchteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchteleporter" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "An ordinary burlap sack.", < "//name" : "burlapsack", < "//shortdescription" : "Burlap Sack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "burlapsack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A barrel. Sadly not full party hats.", < "//name" : "barrellarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrellarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of William Glitchspeare.", < "//name" : "glitchspeare", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitchspeare Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "glitchspeare" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "... Another throne.", < "//name" : "royaltoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royaltoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket2" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "Just a ceremonial shield. It wouldn't do much good in a fight.", < "//name" : "wallshield", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Shield Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wallshield" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A royal chalice, for filling a royal mouth with royal beverages.", < "//name" : "royalchalice", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chalice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalchalice", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A tank filled with an unknown substance. Probably very lethal.", < "//name" : "sewertank", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sewertank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Trapdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A stone fireplace. A good way to warm a cold castle.", < "//name" : "medievalfireplace", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Fireplace", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalfireplace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads.", < "//name" : "royalbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", < "//name" : "signlibrary", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signlibrary" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", < "//name" : "signlibrary_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signlibrary" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A wheelbarrow for transporting goods.", < "//name" : "wheelbarrow", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheelbarrow", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wheelbarrow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A huge, intimidating door.", < "//name" : "largecastledoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Medieval Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largecastledoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", < "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", < "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "glitchshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenglitchfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatch" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A hard chair, it would get uncomfortable pretty quickly.", < "//name" : "medievalchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A dirty looking wooden cup.", < "//name" : "medievalcup", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cup", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcup", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "There's a hole in this bucket.", < "//name" : "medievalbucket", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bucket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbucket" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "glitchtechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchtechstation" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", < "//name" : "medievaltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", < "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", < "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "Unhelpful road signs.", < "//name" : "crossroadssign", < "//shortdescription" : "Crossroads Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crossroadssign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A throne fit for royal buttocks.", < "//name" : "royalthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A wooden wall shelf for displaying trinkets.", < "//name" : "medievalwallshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalwallshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "An extremely basic bed of hay.", < "//name" : "medievalcellbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Hay Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcellbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "castlehiddendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castlehiddendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "One of these shackles looks suspicious...", < "//name" : "medievalswitchshackle", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "medievalswitchshackle", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "Tools used for poking at burning coals or kindling.", < "//name" : "fireplacetools", < "//shortdescription" : "Fireplace Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fireplacetools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A cheaply made wooden door", < "//name" : "villagedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Village Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "villagedoor" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A white king from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessking", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone King", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessking", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A barrel of sewage. Almost certainly toxic.", < "//name" : "sewagebarrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewage Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sewagebarrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A cheaply made flood door.", < "//name" : "sewerflooddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Flood Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sewerflooddoor" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "These display axes look very sharp.", < "//name" : "medievalaxedisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Axe Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "medievalaxedisplay" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "These iron shackles may make escaping from prison inconvenient.", < "//name" : "wallshackles", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wallshackles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A white queen from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessqueen", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Queen", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessqueen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A fancy royal desk.", < "//name" : "royaldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royaldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A pile of hay. Probably not a great hiding place.", < "//name" : "haypile", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "haypile", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "Common, workshop tools used for quick repairs.", < "//name" : "garagetools", < "//shortdescription" : "Workshop Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "garagetools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute. Hmm... The shield looks loose.", < "//name" : "medievalarmorswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspicious Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmorswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "Poor dummy, I'll name him Freddie!", < "//name" : "targetdummy", < "//shortdescription" : "Target Dummy", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "targetdummy", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A firm bed with silky sheets.", < "//name" : "medievalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "Ye olde dining room table.", < "//name" : "medievaltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A dungeon cell door, built to hold even the strongest prisoner.", < "//name" : "castledungeondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cell Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castledungeondoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket3" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how heavy it is.", < "//name" : "ballandchain", < "//shortdescription" : "Ball and Chain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ballandchain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A old fashioned furnace for tempering tools.", < "//name" : "medievalfurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Furnace", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalfurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A pressure plate, to be used wisely.", < "//name" : "medievalpressureplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalpressureplate" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A pair of stocks. A medieval method of punishment.", < "//name" : "medievalstock", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Stocks", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalstock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "An old wooden chest, still going strong.", < "//name" : "medievalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful bed made of shiny gold.", < "//name" : "royalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Royal Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", < "//name" : "signinn", < "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signinn" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "This bell must make quite a sound.", < "//name" : "largebell", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Bell", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "largebell", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A strong and secure door.", < "//name" : "castledoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castledoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A trash bag. What a load of rubbish.", < "//name" : "trashbag", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trashbag", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A toxic waste barrel. Don't spill any!", < "//name" : "toxicwastebarrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Waste Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicwastebarrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "A suspicious crystal with more to it than meets the eye.", < "//name" : "castleswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Gem Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castleswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A pedestal for putting your treasures on display.", < "//name" : "medievalpedestal", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Pedestal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalpedestal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "An iron chandelier. A good way to light a large room.", < "//name" : "medievalchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "medievalchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state.", < "//name" : "hourglass", < "//shortdescription" : "Hourglass", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hourglass", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A map of an unknown world.", < "//name" : "medievalmap", < "//shortdescription" : "medieval Map", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "medievalmap" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "glitchstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchstoragelocker" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "glitchshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "glitchcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", > "//name" : "signinn_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signinn" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands armed and resolute.", > "//name" : "medievalarmorarmed", > "//shortdescription" : "Armed Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmorarmed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "This book is full of strange illustrations.", > "//name" : "medievalcodex", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Codex", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcodex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A bowl. It doesn't look very clean.", > "//name" : "medievalbowl", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbowl" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket4", > "//shortdescription" : "Handled Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket4" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "glitchshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchshiplockerTier0" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A brutal yet effective execution device.", > "//name" : "guillotine", > "//shortdescription" : "Guillotine", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "guillotine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A sewer pipe.", > "//name" : "wallpipe", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wallpipe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A sewer pipe.", > "//name" : "wallpipe_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wallpipe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievallarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", > "//name" : "signforge", > "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signforge" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "Bullseye!", > "//name" : "target", > "//shortdescription" : "Target", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "target", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A rolled up bale of hay.", > "//name" : "hayroll", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Roll", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hayroll", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", > "//name" : "signweaponshop", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signweaponshop" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", > "//name" : "signweaponshop_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signweaponshop" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A model of an unknown planet.", > "//name" : "medievalglobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Globe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalglobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A wall grate. Great.", > "//name" : "sewerwallgrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Wall Grate", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewerwallgrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "This chest itself is a treasure, let alone the contents.", > "//name" : "royalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A tiny basket made of wicker.", > "//name" : "wickerbasket1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket1" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "An outhouse! Enjoy!", > "//name" : "outhouse", > "//shortdescription" : "Outhouse", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outhouse", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", > "//name" : "signforge_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signforge" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A rack full of fairly dull iron swords.", > "//name" : "medievalweaponrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Weapon Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalweaponrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A barrel. Anything could be inside!", > "//name" : "barrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "glitchteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchteleporterTier0" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "glitchshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchshiplocker" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A simple anvil, used for banging metal into shape.", > "//name" : "anvil", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Anvil", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "anvil", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A white pawn from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chesspawn", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Pawn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chesspawn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A trash can. What a load of rubbish.", > "//name" : "trashcan", > "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "A fancy feasting table.", > "//name" : "medievaldiningtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Dining Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldiningtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "An oil lamp. It gives off some warmth.", > "//name" : "medievallamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievallamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "It's a trough for feeding livestock.", > "//name" : "trough", > "//shortdescription" : "Trough", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trough", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", > "//name" : "signarmorshop", > "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signarmorshop" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A very basic toilet.", > "//name" : "medievaltoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "One of these books looks out of place... I wonder...", > "//name" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "A nicely made wooden desk.", > "//name" : "medievaldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", > "//name" : "signproduce", > "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signproduce" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", > "//name" : "signproduce_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signproduce" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A simple wooden stool.", > "//name" : "woodenstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Simple Wooden Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "A white rook from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessrook", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Rook", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessrook", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A white bishop from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessbishop", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Bishop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessbishop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "A mechanical cash register. Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "medievalregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "An ominous warning sign.", > "//name" : "poisonsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "poisonsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", > "//name" : "signarmorshop_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signarmorshop" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket5", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket5" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A gear. Part of a well-oiled machine. Actually, it's a bit rusty.", > "//name" : "sewergear", > "//shortdescription" : "Gear", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewergear", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A rather detailed sketch of Glitch anatomy.", > "//name" : "glitchianman", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitchian Man", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "glitchianman" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "Some shoddy wooden scaffolding.", > "//name" : "medievalscaffolding", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Scaffolding", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalscaffolding", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase for storing folk tales and legends...", > "//name" : "medievalbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "glitchfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "glitchfuelhatch" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "glitchtechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchtechstationTier0" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A white knight from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessknight", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Knight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessknight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "I sure could use some water...", > "//name" : "wellcover", > "//shortdescription" : "Well Cover", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wellcover", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "Tools for creating pure, unadulterated deliciousness.", > "//name" : "kitchentools", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kitchentools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A royal glow.", > "//name" : "royalcandles", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Candles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalcandles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious lever. I wonder what this does?", > "//name" : "medievalswitchlever", > "//shortdescription" : "Switch Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchlever", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate.", > "//name" : "smallwoodencrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallwoodencrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "This dresser has a musty smell. It doesn't look very clean.", > "//name" : "medievaldresser", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Dresser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldresser", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "A spade, a rake and a broom for all sorts of back-breaking farm work.", > "//name" : "farmtools", > "//shortdescription" : "Farm Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "farmtools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "A sewer valve. It's had a funny turn.", > "//name" : "sewervalve", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Valve", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewervalve", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate.", > "//name" : "largewoodencrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "largewoodencrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "A plate. It's gathering dust here.", > "//name" : "medievalplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalplate" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A sewer gauge. Nobody knows what the gauge illustrates.", > "//name" : "sewergauge", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Gauge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewergauge" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "This royal decree makes note of a keep, where treasures lay under watchful guard.", > "//name" : "glitchdecree", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Decree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "glitchdecree" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "A ceremonial horn that holds a woven banner.", > "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Mounted Horn Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "glitchhorndisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Valuable things should be stored here.", > "//name" : "royalcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "161" : { > "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "A wooden desk used by scribes.", > "//name" : "glitchscribe", > "//shortdescription" : "Scribe's Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchscribe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "This chess board has custom pieces.", > "//name" : "glitchchess", > "//shortdescription" : "Themed Chess Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchchess", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "An alarm bell. One would hope this never needs to be rung.", > "//name" : "glitchalarm", > "//shortdescription" : "Alarm Bell", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchalarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "An alarm bell. One would hope this never needs to be rung.", > "//name" : "glitchalarm_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Alarm Bell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchalarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "It's a figurine of a Glitch noble.", > "//name" : "glitchbaronfigure", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Statuette", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchbaronfigure", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A dark chequered flag bearing an emblem.", > "//name" : "darkbattlestandard", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark Battle Standard", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "darkbattlestandard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "These display swords could be dangerous in the wrong hands.", > "//name" : "medievalsworddisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Sword Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "medievalsworddisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "A black bishop from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessbishopblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Bishop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessbishopblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "A black queen from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessqueenblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Queen", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessqueenblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A black pawn from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chesspawnblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Pawn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chesspawnblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "A black knight from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessknightblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Knight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessknightblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A black rook from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessrookblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Rook", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessrookblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A black king from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chesskingblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone King", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chesskingblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "Wooden spikes. Just waiting to be decorated with the heads of your enemies!", > "//name" : "medievalspikes", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalspikes", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "An old wooden shelf.", > "//name" : "medievalshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "This cooking pot expels the odour of a hundred hearty meals.", > "//name" : "medievallargecookingpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cooking Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievallargecookingpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A flagpole fit for topping any building.", > "//name" : "medievalflagpole", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Flagpole", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalflagpole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "Ye olde counter.", > "//name" : "medievalcounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A small clock with a pendulum. It ticks and tocks but the hands never move.", > "//name" : "medievalclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "medievalclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A small wax candle in a holder.", > "//name" : "medievalcandle", > "//shortdescription" : "Candle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcandle", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A chequered flag bearing an emblem.", > "//name" : "battlestandard", > "//shortdescription" : "Battle Standard", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "battlestandard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A charming and well-made wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "medievalcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute.", > "//name" : "medievalarmor", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A keg full of juice. Mmm, juice!", > "//name" : "juicekeg", > "//shortdescription" : "Juice Keg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "juicekeg", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A neat bale of hay, ready for stacking.", > "//name" : "haystack", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Stack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "haystack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "glitchteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchteleporter" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "An ordinary burlap sack.", > "//name" : "burlapsack", > "//shortdescription" : "Burlap Sack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "burlapsack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A barrel. Sadly not full party hats.", > "//name" : "barrellarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrellarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of William Glitchspeare.", > "//name" : "glitchspeare", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitchspeare Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "glitchspeare" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "... Another throne.", > "//name" : "royaltoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royaltoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket2" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "Just a ceremonial shield. It wouldn't do much good in a fight.", > "//name" : "wallshield", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Shield Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wallshield" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A royal chalice, for filling a royal mouth with royal beverages.", > "//name" : "royalchalice", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chalice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalchalice", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A tank filled with an unknown substance. Probably very lethal.", > "//name" : "sewertank", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sewertank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A stone fireplace. A good way to warm a cold castle.", > "//name" : "medievalfireplace", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Fireplace", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalfireplace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads.", > "//name" : "royalbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", > "//name" : "signlibrary", > "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signlibrary" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", > "//name" : "signlibrary_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signlibrary" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A wheelbarrow for transporting goods.", > "//name" : "wheelbarrow", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheelbarrow", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wheelbarrow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A huge, intimidating door.", > "//name" : "largecastledoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Medieval Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "largecastledoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", > "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", > "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "glitchshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenglitchfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatch" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A hard chair, it would get uncomfortable pretty quickly.", > "//name" : "medievalchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A dirty looking wooden cup.", > "//name" : "medievalcup", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cup", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcup", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "There's a hole in this bucket.", > "//name" : "medievalbucket", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bucket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbucket" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "glitchtechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchtechstation" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", > "//name" : "medievaltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", > "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", > "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "Unhelpful road signs.", > "//name" : "crossroadssign", > "//shortdescription" : "Crossroads Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crossroadssign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A throne fit for royal buttocks.", > "//name" : "royalthrone", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "A wooden wall shelf for displaying trinkets.", > "//name" : "medievalwallshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalwallshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "An extremely basic bed of hay.", > "//name" : "medievalcellbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Hay Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcellbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "castlehiddendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castlehiddendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "One of these shackles looks suspicious...", > "//name" : "medievalswitchshackle", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "medievalswitchshackle", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "Tools used for poking at burning coals or kindling.", > "//name" : "fireplacetools", > "//shortdescription" : "Fireplace Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fireplacetools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A cheaply made wooden door", > "//name" : "villagedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Village Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "villagedoor" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A white king from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessking", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone King", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessking", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A barrel of sewage. Almost certainly toxic.", > "//name" : "sewagebarrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewage Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sewagebarrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A cheaply made flood door.", > "//name" : "sewerflooddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Flood Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sewerflooddoor" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "These display axes look very sharp.", > "//name" : "medievalaxedisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Axe Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "medievalaxedisplay" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "These iron shackles may make escaping from prison inconvenient.", > "//name" : "wallshackles", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wallshackles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "A white queen from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessqueen", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Queen", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessqueen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A fancy royal desk.", > "//name" : "royaldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royaldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A pile of hay. Probably not a great hiding place.", > "//name" : "haypile", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "haypile", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "Common, workshop tools used for quick repairs.", > "//name" : "garagetools", > "//shortdescription" : "Workshop Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "garagetools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute. Hmm... The shield looks loose.", > "//name" : "medievalarmorswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspicious Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmorswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "Poor dummy, I'll name him Freddie!", > "//name" : "targetdummy", > "//shortdescription" : "Target Dummy", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "targetdummy", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A firm bed with silky sheets.", > "//name" : "medievalbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "Ye olde dining room table.", > "//name" : "medievaltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A dungeon cell door, built to hold even the strongest prisoner.", > "//name" : "castledungeondoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cell Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castledungeondoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket3" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how heavy it is.", > "//name" : "ballandchain", > "//shortdescription" : "Ball and Chain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ballandchain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A old fashioned furnace for tempering tools.", > "//name" : "medievalfurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Furnace", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalfurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A pressure plate, to be used wisely.", > "//name" : "medievalpressureplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalpressureplate" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A pair of stocks. A medieval method of punishment.", > "//name" : "medievalstock", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Stocks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalstock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "An old wooden chest, still going strong.", > "//name" : "medievalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful bed made of shiny gold.", > "//name" : "royalbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Royal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", > "//name" : "signinn", > "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signinn" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "This bell must make quite a sound.", > "//name" : "largebell", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Bell", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "largebell", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "A strong and secure door.", > "//name" : "castledoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castledoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "A trash bag. What a load of rubbish.", > "//name" : "trashbag", > "//shortdescription" : "Trash Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trashbag", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "A toxic waste barrel. Don't spill any!", > "//name" : "toxicwastebarrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Waste Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicwastebarrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "A suspicious crystal with more to it than meets the eye.", > "//name" : "castleswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gem Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castleswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "A pedestal for putting your treasures on display.", > "//name" : "medievalpedestal", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Pedestal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalpedestal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "An iron chandelier. A good way to light a large room.", > "//name" : "medievalchandelier", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chandelier", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "medievalchandelier", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state.", > "//name" : "hourglass", > "//shortdescription" : "Hourglass", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hourglass", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "A map of an unknown world.", > "//name" : "medievalmap", > "//shortdescription" : "medieval Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "medievalmap" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "glitchstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchstoragelocker" > } 1582,2121c1582,2121 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchshipdoor.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchcaptainschair.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signinn_orientation2.png" < }, < "100" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalarmorarmed.png" < }, < "101" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalcodex.png" < }, < "102" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalbowl.png" < }, < "103" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wickerbasket4.png" < }, < "104" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchshiplockerTier0.png" < }, < "105" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/guillotine.png" < }, < "106" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wallpipe.png" < }, < "107" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wallpipe_orientation1.png" < }, < "108" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bannermedievallarge.png" < }, < "109" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bannermedievallarge_orientation2.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signforge.png" < }, < "110" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bannermedievallarge_orientation3.png" < }, < "111" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/target.png" < }, < "112" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hayroll.png" < }, < "113" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signweaponshop.png" < }, < "114" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signweaponshop_orientation2.png" < }, < "115" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalglobe.png" < }, < "116" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sewerwallgrate.png" < }, < "117" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/royalchest.png" < }, < "118" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wickerbasket1.png" < }, < "119" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outhouse.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signforge_orientation2.png" < }, < "120" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalweaponrack.png" < }, < "121" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/barrel.png" < }, < "122" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchteleporterTier0.png" < }, < "123" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchshiplocker.png" < }, < "124" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/anvil.png" < }, < "125" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/chesspawn.png" < }, < "126" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/trashcan.png" < }, < "127" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievaldiningtable.png" < }, < "128" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievallamp.png" < }, < "129" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/trough.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signarmorshop.png" < }, < "130" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievaltoilet.png" < }, < "131" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalbookcaseswitch.png" < }, < "132" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievaldesk.png" < }, < "133" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signproduce.png" < }, < "134" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signproduce_orientation2.png" < }, < "135" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodenstool.png" < }, < "136" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/chessrook.png" < }, < "137" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/chessbishop.png" < }, < "138" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalregister.png" < }, < "139" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/poisonsign.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signarmorshop_orientation2.png" < }, < "140" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wickerbasket5.png" < }, < "141" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sewergear.png" < }, < "142" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchianman.png" < }, < "143" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalscaffolding.png" < }, < "144" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalbookcase.png" < }, < "145" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchfuelhatch.png" < }, < "146" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchtechstationTier0.png" < }, < "147" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/chessknight.png" < }, < "148" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wellcover.png" < }, < "149" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/kitchentools.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/royalcandles.png" < }, < "150" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalswitchlever.png" < }, < "151" : { < "image" : 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signlibrary_orientation2.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wheelbarrow.png" > }, > "50" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/largecastledoor.png" > }, > "51" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalstreetlamp.png" > }, > "52" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalstreetlamp_orientation1.png" > }, > "53" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchshipdoorBroken.png" > }, > "54" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokenglitchfuelhatch.png" > }, > "55" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalchair.png" > }, > "56" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalcup.png" > }, > "57" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalbucket.png" > }, > "58" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch.png" > }, > "59" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch_orientation1.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchtechstation.png" > }, > "60" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievaltorch.png" > }, > "61" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievaltorch_orientation2.png" > }, > "62" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievaltorch_orientation3.png" > }, > "63" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/crossroadssign.png" > }, > "64" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/royalthrone.png" > }, > "65" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalwallshelf.png" > }, > "66" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalcellbed.png" > }, > "67" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/castlehiddendoor.png" > }, > "68" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalswitchshackle.png" > }, > "69" : { > "image" : 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/targetdummy.png" > }, > "80" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalbed.png" > }, > "81" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievaltable.png" > }, > "82" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/castledungeondoor.png" > }, > "83" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wickerbasket3.png" > }, > "84" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ballandchain.png" > }, > "85" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalfurnace.png" > }, > "86" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalpressureplate.png" > }, > "87" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalstock.png" > }, > "88" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalchest.png" > }, > "89" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/royalbed.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signinn.png" > }, > "90" : { > 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It ticks and tocks but the hands never move.", < "//name" : "medievalclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "medievalclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute.", < "//name" : "medievalarmor", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "... Another throne.", < "//name" : "royaltoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royaltoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "Just a ceremonial shield. It wouldn't do much good in a fight.", < "//name" : "wallshield", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Shield Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wallshield" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A royal chalice, for filling a royal mouth with royal beverages.", < "//name" : "royalchalice", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chalice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalchalice", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Trapdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "Valuable things should be stored here.", < "//name" : "royalcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A stone fireplace. A good way to warm a cold castle.", < "//name" : "medievalfireplace", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Fireplace", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalfireplace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads.", < "//name" : "royalbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A huge, intimidating door.", < "//name" : "largecastledoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Medieval Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largecastledoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", < "//name" : "medievaltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", < "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", < "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A throne fit for royal buttocks.", < "//name" : "royalthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "castlehiddendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castlehiddendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "One of these shackles looks suspicious...", < "//name" : "medievalswitchshackle", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "medievalswitchshackle", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Tools used for poking at burning coals or kindling.", < "//name" : "fireplacetools", < "//shortdescription" : "Fireplace Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fireplacetools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "These display swords could be dangerous in the wrong hands.", < "//name" : "medievalsworddisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Sword Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "medievalsworddisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A white king from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessking", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone King", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessking", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "These display axes look very sharp.", < "//name" : "medievalaxedisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Axe Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "medievalaxedisplay" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "These iron shackles may make escaping from prison inconvenient.", < "//name" : "wallshackles", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wallshackles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A white queen from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessqueen", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Queen", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessqueen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A fancy royal desk.", < "//name" : "royaldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royaldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute. Hmm... The shield looks loose.", < "//name" : "medievalarmorswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspicious Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmorswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A dungeon cell door, built to hold even the strongest prisoner.", < "//name" : "castledungeondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cell Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castledungeondoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how heavy it is.", < "//name" : "ballandchain", < "//shortdescription" : "Ball and Chain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ballandchain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A pressure plate, to be used wisely.", < "//name" : "medievalpressureplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalpressureplate" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful bed made of shiny gold.", < "//name" : "royalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Royal Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "This bell must make quite a sound.", < "//name" : "largebell", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Bell", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "largebell", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A strong and secure door.", < "//name" : "castledoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castledoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A suspicious crystal with more to it than meets the eye.", < "//name" : "castleswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Gem Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castleswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A pedestal for putting your treasures on display.", < "//name" : "medievalpedestal", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Pedestal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalpedestal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "An iron chandelier. A good way to light a large room.", < "//name" : "medievalchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "medievalchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state.", < "//name" : "hourglass", < "//shortdescription" : "Hourglass", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hourglass", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A map of an unknown world.", < "//name" : "medievalmap", < "//shortdescription" : "medieval Map", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "medievalmap" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands armed and resolute.", < "//name" : "medievalarmorarmed", < "//shortdescription" : "Armed Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmorarmed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "This book is full of strange illustrations.", < "//name" : "medievalcodex", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Codex", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcodex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A brutal yet effective execution device.", < "//name" : "guillotine", < "//shortdescription" : "Guillotine", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "guillotine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievallarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "bannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", 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: "medievalweaponrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Weapon Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalweaponrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A white pawn from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chesspawn", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Pawn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chesspawn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A fancy feasting table.", < "//name" : "medievaldiningtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Dining Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldiningtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A white rook from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessrook", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Rook", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessrook", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A white bishop from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessbishop", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Bishop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessbishop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "Some shoddy wooden scaffolding.", < "//name" : "medievalscaffolding", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Scaffolding", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalscaffolding", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A white knight from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessknight", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Knight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessknight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious lever. I wonder what this does?", < "//name" : "medievalswitchlever", < "//shortdescription" : "Switch Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchlever", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "This royal decree makes note of a keep, where treasures lay under watchful guard.", < "//name" : "glitchdecree", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Decree", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "glitchdecree" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A ceremonial horn that holds a woven banner.", < "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Mounted Horn Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "glitchhorndisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "66" : { < "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A dark chequered flag bearing an emblem.", < "//name" : "darkbattlestandard", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark Battle Standard", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "darkbattlestandard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A black bishop from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessbishopblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Bishop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessbishopblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A black queen from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessqueenblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Queen", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessqueenblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A black pawn from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chesspawnblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Pawn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chesspawnblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A black knight from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessknightblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Knight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessknightblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A black rook from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessrookblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Rook", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessrookblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A black king from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chesskingblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone King", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chesskingblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "Wooden spikes. Just waiting to be decorated with the heads of your enemies!", < "//name" : "medievalspikes", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalspikes", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A chequered flag bearing an emblem.", > "//name" : "battlestandard", > "//shortdescription" : "Battle Standard", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "battlestandard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A royal glow.", > "//name" : "royalcandles", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Candles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalcandles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A flagpole fit for topping any building.", > "//name" : "medievalflagpole", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Flagpole", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalflagpole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A small clock with a pendulum. It ticks and tocks but the hands never move.", > "//name" : "medievalclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "medievalclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute.", > "//name" : "medievalarmor", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "... Another throne.", > "//name" : "royaltoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royaltoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "Just a ceremonial shield. It wouldn't do much good in a fight.", > "//name" : "wallshield", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Shield Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wallshield" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A royal chalice, for filling a royal mouth with royal beverages.", > "//name" : "royalchalice", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chalice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalchalice", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Valuable things should be stored here.", > "//name" : "royalcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A stone fireplace. A good way to warm a cold castle.", > "//name" : "medievalfireplace", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Fireplace", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalfireplace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads.", > "//name" : "royalbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A huge, intimidating door.", > "//name" : "largecastledoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Medieval Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "largecastledoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", > "//name" : "medievaltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", > "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", > "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A throne fit for royal buttocks.", > "//name" : "royalthrone", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "castlehiddendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castlehiddendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "One of these shackles looks suspicious...", > "//name" : "medievalswitchshackle", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "medievalswitchshackle", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Tools used for poking at burning coals or kindling.", > "//name" : "fireplacetools", > "//shortdescription" : "Fireplace Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fireplacetools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "These display swords could be dangerous in the wrong hands.", > "//name" : "medievalsworddisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Sword Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "medievalsworddisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A white king from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessking", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone King", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessking", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "These display axes look very sharp.", > "//name" : "medievalaxedisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Axe Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "medievalaxedisplay" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "These iron shackles may make escaping from prison inconvenient.", > "//name" : "wallshackles", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wallshackles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A white queen from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessqueen", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Queen", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessqueen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A fancy royal desk.", > "//name" : "royaldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royaldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute. Hmm... The shield looks loose.", > "//name" : "medievalarmorswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspicious Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmorswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A dungeon cell door, built to hold even the strongest prisoner.", > "//name" : "castledungeondoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cell Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castledungeondoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how heavy it is.", > "//name" : "ballandchain", > "//shortdescription" : "Ball and Chain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ballandchain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A pressure plate, to be used wisely.", > "//name" : "medievalpressureplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalpressureplate" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful bed made of shiny gold.", > "//name" : "royalbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Royal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "This bell must make quite a sound.", > "//name" : "largebell", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Bell", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "largebell", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A strong and secure door.", > "//name" : "castledoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castledoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A suspicious crystal with more to it than meets the eye.", > "//name" : "castleswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gem Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castleswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A pedestal for putting your treasures on display.", > "//name" : "medievalpedestal", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Pedestal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalpedestal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "An iron chandelier. A good way to light a large room.", > "//name" : "medievalchandelier", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chandelier", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "medievalchandelier", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state.", > "//name" : "hourglass", > "//shortdescription" : "Hourglass", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hourglass", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A map of an unknown world.", > "//name" : "medievalmap", > "//shortdescription" : "medieval Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "medievalmap" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands armed and resolute.", > "//name" : "medievalarmorarmed", > "//shortdescription" : "Armed Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmorarmed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "This book is full of strange illustrations.", > "//name" : "medievalcodex", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Codex", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcodex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A brutal yet effective execution device.", > "//name" : "guillotine", > "//shortdescription" : "Guillotine", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "guillotine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievallarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A model of an unknown planet.", > "//name" : "medievalglobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Globe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalglobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "This chest itself is a treasure, let alone the contents.", > "//name" : "royalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A rack full of fairly dull iron swords.", > "//name" : "medievalweaponrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Weapon Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalweaponrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A white pawn from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chesspawn", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Pawn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chesspawn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A fancy feasting table.", > "//name" : "medievaldiningtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Dining Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldiningtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A white rook from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessrook", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Rook", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessrook", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A white bishop from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessbishop", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Bishop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessbishop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "Some shoddy wooden scaffolding.", > "//name" : "medievalscaffolding", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Scaffolding", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalscaffolding", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A white knight from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessknight", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Knight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessknight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious lever. I wonder what this does?", > "//name" : "medievalswitchlever", > "//shortdescription" : "Switch Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchlever", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "This royal decree makes note of a keep, where treasures lay under watchful guard.", > "//name" : "glitchdecree", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Decree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "glitchdecree" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A ceremonial horn that holds a woven banner.", > "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Mounted Horn Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "glitchhorndisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "66" : { > "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A dark 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Probably very lethal.", < "//name" : "sewertank", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sewertank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A barrel of sewage. Almost certainly toxic.", < "//name" : "sewagebarrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewage Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sewagebarrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A gear. Part of a well-oiled machine. Actually, it's a bit rusty.", < "//name" : "sewergear", < "//shortdescription" : "Gear", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewergear", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A sewer valve. It's had a funny turn.", < "//name" : "sewervalve", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Valve", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewervalve", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A sewer gauge. Nobody knows what the gauge illustrates.", < "//name" : "sewergauge", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Gauge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewergauge" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A cheaply made flood door.", < "//name" : "sewerflooddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Flood Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sewerflooddoor" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A trash bag. What a load of rubbish.", < "//name" : "trashbag", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trashbag", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A toxic waste barrel. Don't spill any!", < "//name" : "toxicwastebarrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Waste Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicwastebarrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A sewer pipe.", < "//name" : "wallpipe", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wallpipe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A sewer pipe.", < "//name" : "wallpipe_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wallpipe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A wall grate. Great.", < "//name" : "sewerwallgrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Wall Grate", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewerwallgrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A trash can. What a load of rubbish.", < "//name" : "trashcan", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "An ominous warning sign.", < "//name" : "poisonsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "poisonsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A tank filled with an unknown substance. Probably very lethal.", > "//name" : "sewertank", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sewertank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A barrel of sewage. Almost certainly toxic.", > "//name" : "sewagebarrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewage Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sewagebarrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A gear. Part of a well-oiled machine. Actually, it's a bit rusty.", > "//name" : "sewergear", > "//shortdescription" : "Gear", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewergear", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A sewer valve. It's had a funny turn.", > "//name" : "sewervalve", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Valve", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewervalve", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A sewer gauge. Nobody knows what the gauge illustrates.", > "//name" : "sewergauge", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Gauge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewergauge" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A cheaply made flood door.", > "//name" : "sewerflooddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Flood Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sewerflooddoor" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A trash bag. What a load of rubbish.", > "//name" : "trashbag", > "//shortdescription" : "Trash Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trashbag", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A toxic waste barrel. Don't spill any!", > "//name" : "toxicwastebarrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Waste Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicwastebarrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A sewer pipe.", > "//name" : "wallpipe", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wallpipe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A sewer pipe.", > "//name" : "wallpipe_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wallpipe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A wall grate. Great.", > "//name" : "sewerwallgrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Wall Grate", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewerwallgrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A trash can. What a load of rubbish.", > "//name" : "trashcan", > "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "An ominous warning sign.", > "//name" : "poisonsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "poisonsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 127,165c127,165 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sewertank.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sewagebarrel.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sewergear.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sewervalve.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sewergauge.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sewerflooddoor.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/trashbag.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/toxicwastebarrel.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wallpipe.png" < }, < "6" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wallpipe_orientation1.png" < }, < "7" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sewerwallgrate.png" < }, < "8" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/trashcan.png" < }, < "9" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/poisonsign.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sewertank.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sewagebarrel.png" > }, > "10" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sewergear.png" > }, > "11" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sewervalve.png" > }, > "12" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sewergauge.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sewerflooddoor.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/trashbag.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/toxicwastebarrel.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wallpipe.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wallpipe_orientation1.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sewerwallgrate.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/trashcan.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/poisonsign.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\glitchvillage.json 10,591c10,591 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A wheelbarrow for transporting goods.", < "//name" : "wheelbarrow", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheelbarrow", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wheelbarrow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A cheaply made wooden door", < "//name" : "villagedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Village Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "villagedoor" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "This cooking pot expels the odour of a hundred hearty meals.", < "//name" : "medievallargecookingpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cooking Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievallargecookingpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "Ye olde counter.", < "//name" : "medievalcounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A small wax candle in a holder.", < "//name" : "medievalcandle", < "//shortdescription" : "Candle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcandle", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A charming and well-made wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "medievalcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A keg full of juice. Mmm, juice!", < "//name" : "juicekeg", < "//shortdescription" : "Juice Keg", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "juicekeg", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A neat bale of hay, ready for stacking.", < "//name" : "haystack", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Stack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "haystack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "An ordinary burlap sack.", < "//name" : "burlapsack", < "//shortdescription" : "Burlap Sack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "burlapsack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A barrel. Sadly not full party hats.", < "//name" : "barrellarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrellarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket2" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", < "//name" : "signlibrary", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signlibrary" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "Poor dummy, I'll name him Freddie!", < "//name" : "targetdummy", < "//shortdescription" : "Target Dummy", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "targetdummy", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", < "//name" : "signlibrary_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signlibrary" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", < "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", < "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A hard chair, it would get uncomfortable pretty quickly.", < "//name" : "medievalchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A dirty looking wooden cup.", < "//name" : "medievalcup", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cup", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcup", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "There's a hole in this bucket.", < "//name" : "medievalbucket", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bucket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbucket" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Unhelpful road signs.", < "//name" : "crossroadssign", < "//shortdescription" : "Crossroads Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crossroadssign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A wooden wall shelf for displaying trinkets.", < "//name" : "medievalwallshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalwallshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "An extremely basic bed of hay.", < "//name" : "medievalcellbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Hay Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcellbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A pile of hay. Probably not a great hiding place.", < "//name" : "haypile", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "haypile", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", < "//name" : "signinn", < "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signinn" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Common, workshop tools used for quick repairs.", < "//name" : "garagetools", < "//shortdescription" : "Workshop Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "garagetools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A firm bed with silky sheets.", < "//name" : "medievalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "Ye olde dining room table.", < "//name" : "medievaltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket3" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A old fashioned furnace for tempering tools.", < "//name" : "medievalfurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Furnace", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalfurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A pair of stocks. A medieval method of punishment.", < "//name" : "medievalstock", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Stocks", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalstock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "An old wooden chest, still going strong.", < "//name" : "medievalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A bowl. It doesn't look very clean.", < "//name" : "medievalbowl", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbowl" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket4", < "//shortdescription" : "Handled Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket4" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "Bullseye!", < "//name" : "target", < "//shortdescription" : "Target", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "target", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", < "//name" : "signinn_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signinn" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A rolled up bale of hay.", < "//name" : "hayroll", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Roll", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hayroll", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", < "//name" : "signweaponshop", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signweaponshop" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", < "//name" : "signweaponshop_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signweaponshop" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A tiny basket made of wicker.", < "//name" : "wickerbasket1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket1" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "An outhouse! Enjoy!", < "//name" : "outhouse", < "//shortdescription" : "Outhouse", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outhouse", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A barrel. Anything could be inside!", < "//name" : "barrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A simple anvil, used for banging metal into shape.", < "//name" : "anvil", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Anvil", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "anvil", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "An oil lamp. It gives off some warmth.", < "//name" : "medievallamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievallamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "It's a trough for feeding livestock.", < "//name" : "trough", < "//shortdescription" : "Trough", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trough", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A very basic toilet.", < "//name" : "medievaltoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", < "//name" : "signforge", < "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signforge" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "One of these books looks out of place... I wonder...", < "//name" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A nicely made wooden desk.", < "//name" : "medievaldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", < "//name" : "signproduce", < "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signproduce" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", < "//name" : "signproduce_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signproduce" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A simple wooden stool.", < "//name" : "woodenstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Simple Wooden Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A mechanical cash register. Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "medievalregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket5", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket5" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase for storing folk tales and legends...", < "//name" : "medievalbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "I sure could use some water...", < "//name" : "wellcover", < "//shortdescription" : "Well Cover", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wellcover", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "Tools for creating pure, unadulterated deliciousness.", < "//name" : "kitchentools", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "kitchentools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", < "//name" : "signforge_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signforge" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "smallwoodencrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallwoodencrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "This dresser has a musty smell. It doesn't look very clean.", < "//name" : "medievaldresser", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Dresser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldresser", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A spade, a rake and a broom for all sorts of back-breaking farm work.", < "//name" : "farmtools", < "//shortdescription" : "Farm Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "farmtools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "largewoodencrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largewoodencrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A plate. It's gathering dust here.", < "//name" : "medievalplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalplate" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A wooden desk used by scribes.", < "//name" : "glitchscribe", < "//shortdescription" : "Scribe's Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchscribe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "This chess board has custom pieces.", < "//name" : "glitchchess", < "//shortdescription" : "Themed Chess Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchchess", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", < "//name" : "signarmorshop", < "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signarmorshop" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", < "//name" : "signarmorshop_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signarmorshop" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "An old wooden shelf.", < "//name" : "medievalshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A wheelbarrow for transporting goods.", > "//name" : "wheelbarrow", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheelbarrow", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wheelbarrow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A cheaply made wooden door", > "//name" : "villagedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Village Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "villagedoor" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "This cooking pot expels the odour of a hundred hearty meals.", > "//name" : "medievallargecookingpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cooking Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievallargecookingpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "Ye olde counter.", > "//name" : "medievalcounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A small wax candle in a holder.", > "//name" : "medievalcandle", > "//shortdescription" : "Candle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcandle", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A charming and well-made wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "medievalcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A keg full of juice. Mmm, juice!", > "//name" : "juicekeg", > "//shortdescription" : "Juice Keg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "juicekeg", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A neat bale of hay, ready for stacking.", > "//name" : "haystack", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Stack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "haystack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "An ordinary burlap sack.", > "//name" : "burlapsack", > "//shortdescription" : "Burlap Sack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "burlapsack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A barrel. Sadly not full party hats.", > "//name" : "barrellarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrellarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket2" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", > "//name" : "signlibrary", > "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signlibrary" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Poor dummy, I'll name him Freddie!", > "//name" : "targetdummy", > "//shortdescription" : "Target Dummy", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "targetdummy", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", > "//name" : "signlibrary_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signlibrary" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", > "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", > "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A hard chair, it would get uncomfortable pretty quickly.", > "//name" : "medievalchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A dirty looking wooden cup.", > "//name" : "medievalcup", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cup", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcup", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "There's a hole in this bucket.", > "//name" : "medievalbucket", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bucket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbucket" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Unhelpful road signs.", > "//name" : "crossroadssign", > "//shortdescription" : "Crossroads Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crossroadssign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A wooden wall shelf for displaying trinkets.", > "//name" : "medievalwallshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalwallshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "An extremely basic bed of hay.", > "//name" : "medievalcellbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Hay Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcellbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A pile of hay. Probably not a great hiding place.", > "//name" : "haypile", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "haypile", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", > "//name" : "signinn", > "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signinn" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Common, workshop tools used for quick repairs.", > "//name" : "garagetools", > "//shortdescription" : "Workshop Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "garagetools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A firm bed with silky sheets.", > "//name" : "medievalbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "Ye olde dining room table.", > "//name" : "medievaltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket3" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A old fashioned furnace for tempering tools.", > "//name" : "medievalfurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Furnace", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalfurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A pair of stocks. A medieval method of punishment.", > "//name" : "medievalstock", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Stocks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalstock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "An old wooden chest, still going strong.", > "//name" : "medievalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A bowl. It doesn't look very clean.", > "//name" : "medievalbowl", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbowl" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket4", > "//shortdescription" : "Handled Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket4" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "Bullseye!", > "//name" : "target", > "//shortdescription" : "Target", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "target", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", > "//name" : "signinn_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signinn" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A rolled up bale of hay.", > "//name" : "hayroll", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Roll", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hayroll", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", > "//name" : "signweaponshop", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signweaponshop" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", > "//name" : "signweaponshop_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signweaponshop" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A tiny basket made of wicker.", > "//name" : "wickerbasket1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket1" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "An outhouse! Enjoy!", > "//name" : "outhouse", > "//shortdescription" : "Outhouse", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outhouse", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A barrel. Anything could be inside!", > "//name" : "barrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A simple anvil, used for banging metal into shape.", > "//name" : "anvil", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Anvil", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "anvil", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "An oil lamp. It gives off some warmth.", > "//name" : "medievallamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievallamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "It's a trough for feeding livestock.", > "//name" : "trough", > "//shortdescription" : "Trough", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trough", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A very basic toilet.", > "//name" : "medievaltoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", > "//name" : "signforge", > "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signforge" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "One of these books looks out of place... I wonder...", > "//name" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A nicely made wooden desk.", > "//name" : "medievaldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", > "//name" : "signproduce", > "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signproduce" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", > "//name" : "signproduce_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signproduce" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A simple wooden stool.", > "//name" : "woodenstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Simple Wooden Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A mechanical cash register. Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "medievalregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket5", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket5" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase for storing folk tales and legends...", > "//name" : "medievalbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "I sure could use some water...", > "//name" : "wellcover", > "//shortdescription" : "Well Cover", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wellcover", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "Tools for creating pure, unadulterated deliciousness.", > "//name" : "kitchentools", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kitchentools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", > "//name" : "signforge_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signforge" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate.", > "//name" : "smallwoodencrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallwoodencrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "This dresser has a musty smell. It doesn't look very clean.", > "//name" : "medievaldresser", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Dresser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldresser", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A spade, a rake and a broom for all sorts of back-breaking farm work.", > "//name" : "farmtools", > "//shortdescription" : "Farm Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "farmtools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate.", > "//name" : "largewoodencrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "largewoodencrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A plate. 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/barrelgoldfilled.png" > }, > "17" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/goldvase2.png" > }, > "18" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/goldvase2_orientation1.png" > }, > "19" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/safe.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mysteriouslight_orientation3.png" > }, > "20" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/diamonddisplay.png" > }, > "21" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/goldvase4.png" > }, > "22" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/treasurechest.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mysteriouslight_orientation4.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mysteriouslight_orientation5.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mysteriouslight_orientation6.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mysteriouslight_orientation7.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mysteriouslight_orientation8.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodencrategoldfilled.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/grail.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\human.json 10,2162c10,2162 < "0" : { < "//description" : "Ideal for laying out battle strategies, holding meetings and snacking.", < "//name" : "bunkertable3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Metal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertable3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "humantechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humantechstationTier0" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A laser made to mine through moon rock.", < "//name" : "lunarbaselaser", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Laser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselaser", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "A television! I don't think this has worked for a long time.", < "//name" : "basictv", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Television", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basictv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing figures.", < "//name" : "paintingcreationofpixel", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingcreationofpixel" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "A simple metal table.", < "//name" : "bunkertable1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertable1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "If you go this way, you're sure to be exiting... something.", < "//name" : "prisonexitsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Exit Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonexitsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", < "//name" : "prisoncorner", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisoncorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", < "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisoncorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A simple bench, save for the fact that the legs are nailed to the floor.", < "//name" : "prisonbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", < "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisoncorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", < "//name" : "lightbulb2", < "//shortdescription" : "Lightbulb", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "lightbulb2" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A sleek control console.", < "//name" : "lunarbaseconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaseconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", < "//name" : "prisonfile2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Rusty Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfile2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway. If the water was actually clean.", < "//name" : "prisonshower", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Shower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonshower", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "humanshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humanshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "Sterile, recycled air whirs through the fanblades at a steady pace.", < "//name" : "bunkervent", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunker Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkervent" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", < "//name" : "sleepingbag", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Sleeping Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sleepingbag", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A contemporary chair.", < "//name" : "modernchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "modernchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "A large metal Skip full of rubble.", < "//name" : "miningskip", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Skip", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningskip", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Inmate #2162's Study Group for Criminals Who Can't Read Good", < "//name" : "prisonpaper3", < "//shortdescription" : "Event Memo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonpaper3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a human couple.", < "//name" : "paintinggothic", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintinggothic" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", < "//name" : "hazardtapev", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Hazard Tape", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hazardtapev" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "Fire in a rusted-out barrel.", < "//name" : "prisonbarrelfire", < "//shortdescription" : "Barrel Fire", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbarrelfire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "A space heater!", < "//name" : "bunkerheater1", < "//shortdescription" : "Space Heater", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerheater1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A stepladder.", < "//name" : "stepladder", < "//shortdescription" : "Stepladder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stepladder", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "It says, \"Reminder to all inmates: You're here for life.\"", < "//name" : "prisonpaper1", < "//shortdescription" : "Inmate Notice", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonpaper1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A car shaped bed, for those young at heart.", < "//name" : "carbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Car Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "carbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", < "//name" : "lunarbasedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", < "//name" : "lunarbasedoor_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "That's no moon...", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay4", < "//shortdescription" : "Anomalous Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway.", < "//name" : "prisonshowerdripping", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Prison Shower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonshowerdripping", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", < "//name" : "prisonfence2", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Chain-link Fence", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfence2" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "The paper is ripped and the words are smudged.", < "//name" : "prisonpaper2", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Torn Memo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonpaper2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A control panel that appears to operate lights, doors and alarms.", < "//name" : "prisoncontrolpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Control Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncontrolpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", < "//name" : "prisonmirror1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Broken Mirror", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonmirror1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "A surprisingly comfortable chair.", < "//name" : "lunarbasechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "There is no need to be upset.", < "//name" : "bunkerposter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Calming Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerposter2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", < "//name" : "prisontorturebed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Torture Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontorturebed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "Some sort of solitary confinement device, maybe?", < "//name" : "prisonforcecell", < "//shortdescription" : "Force Cell", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonforcecell", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A machine used to move large amounts of mined material.", < "//name" : "miningbelt", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Conveyer Belt", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningbelt", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "Ouch! I shouldn't get too close to that.", < "//name" : "barbedwire", < "//shortdescription" : "Barbed Wire", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barbedwire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", < "//name" : "hazardtapeh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Hazard Tape", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hazardtapeh" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A crudely-drawn skull. It looks cheerful.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti4", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti4" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "humanshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humanshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "What does USCM stand for, again? Oh - United Systems Colonial Marines.", < "//name" : "marinesign", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "marinesign" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenhumanfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhumanfuelhatch" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "This jukebox sounds great! Too bad there only seems to be one track.", < "//name" : "jukebox", < "//shortdescription" : "Jukebox", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jukebox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "There's a book in here titled, 'How to Travel Backwards in Time for Dummies'.", < "//name" : "bunkerbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "It's one of those drinking machines people use to make small-talk.", < "//name" : "watermachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Cooler", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "watermachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "Sure seems that way, Anonymous Graffiti Artist.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti2", < "//shortdescription" : "\"No Escape\" Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongraffiti2" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "The words \"get out\" have been written in blood. You can tell the writer was serious.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti7", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti7" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "Someone couldn't count to 25.", < "//name" : "chalktally", < "//shortdescription" : "Tally Marks", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "chalktally" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "The space heater emits a low, unpleasant hum.", < "//name" : "prisonradiator", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Radiator", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonradiator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "It's a large server cabinet.", < "//name" : "bunkerserver", < "//shortdescription" : "Server Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerserver", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "bunkerceilinglight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "A toilet! Thank the stars!", < "//name" : "basictoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basictoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "A set of lockers, perfect for storing things.", < "//name" : "lunarbaselocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lockers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "A generic metal barrel. It's sealed.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming figure.", < "//name" : "paintingscream", < "//shortdescription" : "Screaming Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingscream" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "Stay still! It can't see you if you stay still.", < "//name" : "bunkermotiondetector", < "//shortdescription" : "Motion Detector", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkermotiondetector", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "Graffiti reading \"turn back\". Chances of it being adhered to: zero.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti6", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongraffiti6" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "This is just an electrical fire waiting to happen.", < "//name" : "bunkerwires", < "//shortdescription" : "Wires", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerwires", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "Looks like it used to be filled with medical supplies - not any more.", < "//name" : "prisoncabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Supply Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "A sign that says either offline or online.", < "//name" : "miningpowersign", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningpowersign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "This mattress is filthy! I swear I just saw something crawling around inside.", < "//name" : "prisonmattress", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Mattress", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonmattress", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "It's a turbine. Y'know, for science.", < "//name" : "prisonturbine", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Turbine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonturbine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", < "//name" : "prisonmirror2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Mirror", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonmirror2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "The sign says \"DANGER\". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", < "//name" : "dangersignv", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Danger Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "dangersignv" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel2b", < "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel2b", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel2b_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel2b", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "A solid metal table.", < "//name" : "bunkertable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Solid Metal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "humanstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humanstoragelocker" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A metal sign that says \"HAZARD!\"", < "//name" : "mininghazardsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hazard Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mininghazardsign" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "Looks like it's mainly used for data entry. Nothing too interesting.", < "//name" : "bunkercomputer", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Computer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercomputer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "humanteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humanteleporterTier0" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", < "//name" : "prisonfence1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Chain-link Fence", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfence1" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "A drill-mounted console.", < "//name" : "drillconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drillconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", < "//name" : "prisonlocker2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Prison Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonlocker2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "Looks like someone had a rough night.", < "//name" : "prisontoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", < "//name" : "prisongratev", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Metal Grates", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongratev", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "humanteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humanteleporter" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "An old-school arcade machine. This one plays 'Super Tralgar Blaster 2'.", < "//name" : "arcademachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcademachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "USCM, huh? I wouldn't wanna be one of their prisoners.", < "//name" : "prisonstonesign", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonstonesign", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", < "//name" : "paintingmonalisa", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingmonalisa" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a famous, long-dead Earthling poet.", < "//name" : "paintingshakespeare", < "//shortdescription" : "Famous Poet Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingshakespeare" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful painting of the night sky.", < "//name" : "paintingstarrynight", < "//shortdescription" : "Abstract Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingstarrynight" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "humanshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humanshiplocker" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "A bit of Glitch surrealism.", < "//name" : "persistenceofpixels", < "//shortdescription" : "Persistence of Pixels", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "persistenceofpixels" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "This appears to be an analysis of the environment outside of the bunker.", < "//name" : "bunkerpanel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Environmental Data Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerpanel1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "The sign says, \"Mess Hall\".", < "//name" : "prisonsign2", < "//shortdescription" : "Mess Hall Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsign2" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", < "//name" : "bunkerslidingdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerslidingdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "humanshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humanshiplockerTier0" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "It's a map displaying a round central room branching out into several corridors.", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay3", < "//shortdescription" : "Map Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay3", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "humantechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humantechstation" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "That sure is one flashy recruitment poster.", < "//name" : "bunkerpanel3", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Recruitment Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerpanel3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "A metal crate.", < "//name" : "bunkercrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "bunkerceilinglight2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "Dripping Basic Bath", < "//name" : "basicbathdripping", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Basic Bath", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basicbathdripping", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "Perfect for storing tools and equipment in!", < "//name" : "miningchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "212" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it's full of hazardous materials.", < "//name" : "bunkercabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "213" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "214" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "216" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "A shield generator. Protective!", < "//name" : "humangenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Shield Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-80", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humangenerator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "That's not very encouraging.", < "//name" : "bunkerposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Motivational Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerposter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", < "//name" : "prisonlocker1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Prison Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonlocker1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "223" : { < "//description" : "A set of monitors displaying the feeds from security cameras. Watch out for paranormal activity.", < "//name" : "prisoncamerastation", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncamerastation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "224" : { < "//description" : "A cold, hard slab of metal meant to serve as a bed.", < "//name" : "prisonbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Chained Metal Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "225" : { < "//description" : "Thick metal bars surround each cell. Chance of escape seems pretty slim.", < "//name" : "prisonbars", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Bars", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbars" < }, < "226" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "227" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "228" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "229" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "230" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "231" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "232" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "233" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "234" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "235" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "236" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "237" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation9", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "238" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation10", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "239" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation11", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", < "//name" : "lavalamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Lava Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lavalamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "240" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent1red", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Dome Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent1red", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "241" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent1blue", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Dome Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent1blue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "242" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent2yellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Basic Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent2yellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "243" : { < "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", < "//name" : "sleepingbagred", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Sleeping Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sleepingbagred", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "244" : { < "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", < "//name" : "sleepingbaggreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Sleeping Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sleepingbaggreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "Perfect for storing a lot of food and keeping it fresh.", < "//name" : "fridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Full-Size Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "humancaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humancaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation9", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A set of three TV monitors facing in different directions.'", < "//name" : "bunkertv2", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Television Monitors", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkertv2" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "Just a typical cafeteria table.", < "//name" : "prisontable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cafeteria Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "It's a patient file. He appears to be human, but... with two hearts?", < "//name" : "bunkerpanel2", < "//shortdescription" : "Medical Data Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerpanel2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "It scans fingerprints to match personnel data.", < "//name" : "bunkerhandscanner", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Fingerprint Scanner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkerhandscanner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "It seems to scan eyeballs to match personnel data.", < "//name" : "bunkereyescanner", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Eye Scanner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkereyescanner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A metal fence with red and black warning stripes.", < "//name" : "miningfence", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Railing", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningfence", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "The display shows a round central room branching off into several hallways.", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Blueprint Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", < "//name" : "bunkerdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "It's a screen full of super top secret mission data... Boring.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole4", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "It's full of really tempting levers but I should probably leave it alone.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole1", < "//shortdescription" : "Command Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "The amount of data on this screen is overwhelming.", < "//name" : "bunkerbigpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerbigpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "Basic Bath", < "//name" : "basicbath", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Bath", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basicbath", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", < "//name" : "drillmachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", < "imagePositionX" : "-88", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drillmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "Nuke all the foods!", < "//name" : "microwave", < "//shortdescription" : "Microwave", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "microwave", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "This sign appears to be warning me of some danger.", < "//name" : "deathwarningmodern", < "//shortdescription" : "Death Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "deathwarningmodern" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A door made of thick metal bars.", < "//name" : "prisondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Barred Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisondoor" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "bunkerlighth", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Fluorescent Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerlighth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking chair.", < "//name" : "tungstenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Folding Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tungstenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "Some rusty old vehicle, broken beyond repair.", < "//name" : "recreationalvehicle", < "//shortdescription" : "Recreational Vehicle", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "recreationalvehicle", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel2", < "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", < "//name" : "drillmachine_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", < "imagePositionX" : "-104", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drillmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", < "//name" : "lightbulb", < "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Lightbulb", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "lightbulb" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "This chair is egg-shaped. I'm not sure whose idea that was.", < "//name" : "eggchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Egg Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eggchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "Ooh, what should I get?", < "//name" : "vendingmachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vendingmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "humanfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "humanfuelhatch" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent1", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Dome Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "The sign says, \"Cell Block\".", < "//name" : "prisonsign1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Block Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsign1" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "The panel displays information about interacting with prisoners...", < "//name" : "prisonpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "It's been so long since I had a home cooked meal... or a home.", < "//name" : "oven1", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Oven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oven1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", < "//name" : "bunkercorner", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", < "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "These cosy beds can stack on top of each other.", < "//name" : "lunarbasebunk", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Bunk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasebunk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", < "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", < "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "If I look at these lights any longer, I'll probably go blind.", < "//name" : "floodlights", < "//shortdescription" : "Floodlights", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent2", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Basic Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A screen with a pie chart representing budget statistics.", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay2", < "//shortdescription" : "Statistical Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay2", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A storage crate, typically used for stashing equipment and ores.", < "//name" : "lunarbasecrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasecrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", < "//name" : "paintingbirthofvenus", < "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingbirthofvenus" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", < "//name" : "prisontorturebed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Upright Torture Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontorturebed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "An industrial-looking metal door.", < "//name" : "miningdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Miner's Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "The sign says \"DANGER\". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", < "//name" : "dangersignh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Danger Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dangersignh" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "Ancient Greek marble sculpture, Venus De Pixel. Sculptor Unknown.", < "//name" : "venusdepixel", < "//shortdescription" : "Venus de Pixel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "venusdepixel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", < "//name" : "prisonfile1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfile1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A fancy modern table to place fancy modern things on.", < "//name" : "moderntable", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "moderntable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", < "//name" : "miningverticaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "miningverticaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", < "//name" : "lunarbaselantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselantern" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", < "//name" : "lunarbaselantern_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselantern" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "Graffiti. A harsh warning. Ignore it.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti3", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti3" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A warning sign showing falling rocks.", < "//name" : "fallingrocksmodern", < "//shortdescription" : "Falling Rocks Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fallingrocksmodern" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "Two keyboards and one monitor?", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "Graffiti. The writer seems somewhat peeved.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti5", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti5" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A fence fashioned out of heavy metal pipes.", < "//name" : "prisonpipefence", < "//shortdescription" : "Pipe Fence", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonpipefence" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", < "//name" : "prisongrateh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizonal Metal Grates", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongrateh", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "Waz.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti1", < "//shortdescription" : "'Waz' Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongraffiti1" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A machine used for breaking down rocks.", < "//name" : "miningcrusher", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Impact Crusher", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningcrusher", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "bunkerlightv", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Fluorescent Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerlightv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A shiny glass panel.", < "//name" : "glasspanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Glass Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glasspanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a woman with an earring.", < "//name" : "paintingpearlearring", < "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "paintingpearlearring" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Ideal for laying out battle strategies, holding meetings and snacking.", > "//name" : "bunkertable3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertable3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "humantechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humantechstationTier0" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A laser made to mine through moon rock.", > "//name" : "lunarbaselaser", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Laser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselaser", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv", > "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A television! I don't think this has worked for a long time.", > "//name" : "basictv", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Television", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basictv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing figures.", > "//name" : "paintingcreationofpixel", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingcreationofpixel" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A simple metal table.", > "//name" : "bunkertable1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertable1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "If you go this way, you're sure to be exiting... something.", > "//name" : "prisonexitsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Exit Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonexitsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", > "//name" : "prisoncorner", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisoncorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", > "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisoncorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A simple bench, save for the fact that the legs are nailed to the floor.", > "//name" : "prisonbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", > "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisoncorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", > "//name" : "lightbulb2", > "//shortdescription" : "Lightbulb", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "lightbulb2" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A sleek control console.", > "//name" : "lunarbaseconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaseconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", > "//name" : "prisonfile2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Rusty Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfile2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway. If the water was actually clean.", > "//name" : "prisonshower", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Shower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonshower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "humanshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humanshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "Sterile, recycled air whirs through the fanblades at a steady pace.", > "//name" : "bunkervent", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunker Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkervent" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", > "//name" : "sleepingbag", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Sleeping Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sleepingbag", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A contemporary chair.", > "//name" : "modernchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "modernchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "A large metal Skip full of rubble.", > "//name" : "miningskip", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Skip", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningskip", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Inmate #2162's Study Group for Criminals Who Can't Read Good", > "//name" : "prisonpaper3", > "//shortdescription" : "Event Memo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonpaper3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a human couple.", > "//name" : "paintinggothic", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintinggothic" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", > "//name" : "hazardtapev", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Hazard Tape", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hazardtapev" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "Fire in a rusted-out barrel.", > "//name" : "prisonbarrelfire", > "//shortdescription" : "Barrel Fire", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbarrelfire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A space heater!", > "//name" : "bunkerheater1", > "//shortdescription" : "Space Heater", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerheater1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A stepladder.", > "//name" : "stepladder", > "//shortdescription" : "Stepladder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stepladder", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "It says, \"Reminder to all inmates: You're here for life.\"", > "//name" : "prisonpaper1", > "//shortdescription" : "Inmate Notice", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonpaper1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A car shaped bed, for those young at heart.", > "//name" : "carbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Car Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "carbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", > "//name" : "lunarbasedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", > "//name" : "lunarbasedoor_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "That's no moon...", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay4", > "//shortdescription" : "Anomalous Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway.", > "//name" : "prisonshowerdripping", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Prison Shower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonshowerdripping", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", > "//name" : "prisonfence2", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Chain-link Fence", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfence2" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "The paper is ripped and the words are smudged.", > "//name" : "prisonpaper2", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Torn Memo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonpaper2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A control panel that appears to operate lights, doors and alarms.", > "//name" : "prisoncontrolpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Control Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncontrolpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", > "//name" : "prisonmirror1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Broken Mirror", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonmirror1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A surprisingly comfortable chair.", > "//name" : "lunarbasechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "There is no need to be upset.", > "//name" : "bunkerposter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Calming Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerposter2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", > "//name" : "prisontorturebed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Torture Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontorturebed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "Some sort of solitary confinement device, maybe?", > "//name" : "prisonforcecell", > "//shortdescription" : "Force Cell", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonforcecell", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A machine used to move large amounts of mined material.", > "//name" : "miningbelt", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Conveyer Belt", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningbelt", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "Ouch! I shouldn't get too close to that.", > "//name" : "barbedwire", > "//shortdescription" : "Barbed Wire", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barbedwire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", > "//name" : "hazardtapeh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Hazard Tape", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hazardtapeh" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A crudely-drawn skull. It looks cheerful.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti4", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisongraffiti4" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "humanshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humanshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "What does USCM stand for, again? Oh - United Systems Colonial Marines.", > "//name" : "marinesign", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "marinesign" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenhumanfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenhumanfuelhatch" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "This jukebox sounds great! Too bad there only seems to be one track.", > "//name" : "jukebox", > "//shortdescription" : "Jukebox", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jukebox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "There's a book in here titled, 'How to Travel Backwards in Time for Dummies'.", > "//name" : "bunkerbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "It's one of those drinking machines people use to make small-talk.", > "//name" : "watermachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Water Cooler", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "watermachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "Sure seems that way, Anonymous Graffiti Artist.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti2", > "//shortdescription" : "\"No Escape\" Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongraffiti2" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "The words \"get out\" have been written in blood. You can tell the writer was serious.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti7", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisongraffiti7" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "Someone couldn't count to 25.", > "//name" : "chalktally", > "//shortdescription" : "Tally Marks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "chalktally" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "The space heater emits a low, unpleasant hum.", > "//name" : "prisonradiator", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Radiator", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonradiator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "It's a large server cabinet.", > "//name" : "bunkerserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Server Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bunkerceilinglight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "A toilet! Thank the stars!", > "//name" : "basictoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basictoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "A set of lockers, perfect for storing things.", > "//name" : "lunarbaselocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lockers", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "A generic metal barrel. It's sealed.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming figure.", > "//name" : "paintingscream", > "//shortdescription" : "Screaming Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingscream" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "Stay still! It can't see you if you stay still.", > "//name" : "bunkermotiondetector", > "//shortdescription" : "Motion Detector", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkermotiondetector", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "Graffiti reading \"turn back\". Chances of it being adhered to: zero.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti6", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongraffiti6" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "This is just an electrical fire waiting to happen.", > "//name" : "bunkerwires", > "//shortdescription" : "Wires", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerwires", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "Looks like it used to be filled with medical supplies - not any more.", > "//name" : "prisoncabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Supply Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "A sign that says either offline or online.", > "//name" : "miningpowersign", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningpowersign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "This mattress is filthy! I swear I just saw something crawling around inside.", > "//name" : "prisonmattress", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Mattress", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonmattress", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "It's a turbine. Y'know, for science.", > "//name" : "prisonturbine", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Turbine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonturbine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", > "//name" : "prisonmirror2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Mirror", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonmirror2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "The sign says \"DANGER\". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", > "//name" : "dangersignv", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Danger Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "dangersignv" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel2b", > "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel2b", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel2b_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel2b", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "A solid metal table.", > "//name" : "bunkertable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Solid Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "humanstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humanstoragelocker" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A metal sign that says \"HAZARD!\"", > "//name" : "mininghazardsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hazard Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mininghazardsign" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "Looks like it's mainly used for data entry. Nothing too interesting.", > "//name" : "bunkercomputer", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercomputer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "humanteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humanteleporterTier0" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", > "//name" : "prisonfence1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Chain-link Fence", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfence1" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "A drill-mounted console.", > "//name" : "drillconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drillconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", > "//name" : "prisonlocker2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Prison Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonlocker2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "Looks like someone had a rough night.", > "//name" : "prisontoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", > "//name" : "prisongratev", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Metal Grates", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongratev", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "humanteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humanteleporter" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "An old-school arcade machine. This one plays 'Super Tralgar Blaster 2'.", > "//name" : "arcademachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcademachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "USCM, huh? I wouldn't wanna be one of their prisoners.", > "//name" : "prisonstonesign", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonstonesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", > "//name" : "paintingmonalisa", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingmonalisa" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a famous, long-dead Earthling poet.", > "//name" : "paintingshakespeare", > "//shortdescription" : "Famous Poet Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingshakespeare" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful painting of the night sky.", > "//name" : "paintingstarrynight", > "//shortdescription" : "Abstract Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingstarrynight" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "humanshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humanshiplocker" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "A bit of Glitch surrealism.", > "//name" : "persistenceofpixels", > "//shortdescription" : "Persistence of Pixels", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "persistenceofpixels" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "This appears to be an analysis of the environment outside of the bunker.", > "//name" : "bunkerpanel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Environmental Data Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerpanel1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "The sign says, \"Mess Hall\".", > "//name" : "prisonsign2", > "//shortdescription" : "Mess Hall Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsign2" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", > "//name" : "bunkerslidingdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerslidingdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "humanshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humanshiplockerTier0" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "It's a map displaying a round central room branching out into several corridors.", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay3", > "//shortdescription" : "Map Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay3", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "humantechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humantechstation" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "That sure is one flashy recruitment poster.", > "//name" : "bunkerpanel3", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Recruitment Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerpanel3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A metal crate.", > "//name" : "bunkercrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "bunkerceilinglight2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "Dripping Basic Bath", > "//name" : "basicbathdripping", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Basic Bath", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basicbathdripping", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for storing tools and equipment in!", > "//name" : "miningchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it's full of hazardous materials.", > "//name" : "bunkercabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "A shield generator. Protective!", > "//name" : "humangenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Shield Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-80", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humangenerator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "That's not very encouraging.", > "//name" : "bunkerposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Motivational Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerposter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", > "//name" : "prisonlocker1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Prison Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonlocker1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "A set of monitors displaying the feeds from security cameras. Watch out for paranormal activity.", > "//name" : "prisoncamerastation", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera Station", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncamerastation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "A cold, hard slab of metal meant to serve as a bed.", > "//name" : "prisonbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Chained Metal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "225" : { > "//description" : "Thick metal bars surround each cell. Chance of escape seems pretty slim.", > "//name" : "prisonbars", > "//shortdescription" : "Prison Bars", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbars" > }, > "226" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "227" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "228" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "229" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "230" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "231" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "232" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "233" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "234" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "235" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "236" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "237" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation9", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "238" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation10", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation11", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", > "//name" : "lavalamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Lava Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavalamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent1red", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Dome Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent1red", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "241" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent1blue", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Dome Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent1blue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "242" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent2yellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Basic Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent2yellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", > "//name" : "sleepingbagred", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Sleeping Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sleepingbagred", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "244" : { > "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", > "//name" : "sleepingbaggreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Sleeping Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sleepingbaggreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for storing a lot of food and keeping it fresh.", > "//name" : "fridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Full-Size Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "humancaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humancaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation9", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A set of three TV monitors facing in different directions.'", > "//name" : "bunkertv2", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Television Monitors", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkertv2" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "Just a typical cafeteria table.", > "//name" : "prisontable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cafeteria Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "It's a patient file. He appears to be human, but... with two hearts?", > "//name" : "bunkerpanel2", > "//shortdescription" : "Medical Data Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerpanel2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "It scans fingerprints to match personnel data.", > "//name" : "bunkerhandscanner", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Fingerprint Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkerhandscanner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "It seems to scan eyeballs to match personnel data.", > "//name" : "bunkereyescanner", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Eye Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkereyescanner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A metal fence with red and black warning stripes.", > "//name" : "miningfence", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Railing", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningfence", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "The display shows a round central room branching off into several hallways.", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Blueprint Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", > "//name" : "bunkerdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "It's a screen full of super top secret mission data... Boring.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole4", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "It's full of really tempting levers but I should probably leave it alone.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Command Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "The amount of data on this screen is overwhelming.", > "//name" : "bunkerbigpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerbigpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "Basic Bath", > "//name" : "basicbath", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Bath", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basicbath", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", > "//name" : "drillmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", > "imagePositionX" : "-88", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drillmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "Nuke all the foods!", > "//name" : "microwave", > "//shortdescription" : "Microwave", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "microwave", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "This sign appears to be warning me of some danger.", > "//name" : "deathwarningmodern", > "//shortdescription" : "Death Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "deathwarningmodern" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A door made of thick metal bars.", > "//name" : "prisondoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Barred Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisondoor" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "bunkerlighth", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Fluorescent Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerlighth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking chair.", > "//name" : "tungstenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Folding Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tungstenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "Some rusty old vehicle, broken beyond repair.", > "//name" : "recreationalvehicle", > "//shortdescription" : "Recreational Vehicle", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "recreationalvehicle", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel2", > "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", > "//name" : "drillmachine_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drillmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", > "//name" : "lightbulb", > "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Lightbulb", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "lightbulb" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "This chair is egg-shaped. I'm not sure whose idea that was.", > "//name" : "eggchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Egg Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eggchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "Ooh, what should I get?", > "//name" : "vendingmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vendingmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "humanfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "humanfuelhatch" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent1", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Dome Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "The sign says, \"Cell Block\".", > "//name" : "prisonsign1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Block Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsign1" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "The panel displays information about interacting with prisoners...", > "//name" : "prisonpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "It's been so long since I had a home cooked meal... or a home.", > "//name" : "oven1", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oven1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "These cosy beds can stack on top of each other.", > "//name" : "lunarbasebunk", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Bunk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasebunk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "If I look at these lights any longer, I'll probably go blind.", > "//name" : "floodlights", > "//shortdescription" : "Floodlights", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent2", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Basic Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A screen with a pie chart representing budget statistics.", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay2", > "//shortdescription" : "Statistical Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "A storage crate, typically used for stashing equipment and ores.", > "//name" : "lunarbasecrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasecrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", > "//name" : "paintingbirthofvenus", > "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingbirthofvenus" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", > "//name" : "prisontorturebed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Upright Torture Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontorturebed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "An industrial-looking metal door.", > "//name" : "miningdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Miner's Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "The sign says \"DANGER\". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", > "//name" : "dangersignh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Danger Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dangersignh" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "Ancient Greek marble sculpture, Venus De Pixel. Sculptor Unknown.", > "//name" : "venusdepixel", > "//shortdescription" : "Venus de Pixel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "venusdepixel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", > "//name" : "prisonfile1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfile1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A fancy modern table to place fancy modern things on.", > "//name" : "moderntable", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "moderntable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", > "//name" : "miningverticaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "miningverticaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", > "//name" : "lunarbaselantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselantern" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", > "//name" : "lunarbaselantern_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselantern" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "Graffiti. 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sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "bunkerlighth", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Fluorescent Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerlighth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel2", < "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "This chair is egg-shaped. I'm not sure whose idea that was.", < "//name" : "eggchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Egg Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eggchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "It's a patient file. He appears to be human, but... with two hearts?", < "//name" : "bunkerpanel2", < "//shortdescription" : "Medical Data Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerpanel2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "Ooh, what should I get?", < "//name" : "vendingmachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vendingmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", < "//name" : "bunkercorner", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", < "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", < "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", < "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "If I look at these lights any longer, I'll probably go blind.", < "//name" : "floodlights", < "//shortdescription" : "Floodlights", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A screen with a pie chart representing budget statistics.", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay2", < "//shortdescription" : "Statistical Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay2", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "The sign says \"DANGER\". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", < "//name" : "dangersignh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Danger Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dangersignh" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A fancy modern table to place fancy modern things on.", < "//name" : "moderntable", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "moderntable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Two keyboards and one monitor?", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "It scans fingerprints to match personnel data.", < "//name" : "bunkerhandscanner", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Fingerprint Scanner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkerhandscanner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "bunkerlightv", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Fluorescent Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerlightv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A shiny glass panel.", < "//name" : "glasspanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Glass Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glasspanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A simple metal table.", < "//name" : "bunkertable1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertable1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "Sterile, recycled air whirs through the fanblades at a steady pace.", < "//name" : "bunkervent", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunker Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkervent" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A contemporary chair.", < "//name" : "modernchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "modernchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", < "//name" : "hazardtapev", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Hazard Tape", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hazardtapev" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "It seems to scan eyeballs to match personnel data.", < "//name" : "bunkereyescanner", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Eye Scanner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkereyescanner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A space heater!", < "//name" : "bunkerheater1", < "//shortdescription" : "Space Heater", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerheater1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "That's no moon...", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay4", < "//shortdescription" : "Anomalous Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "There is no need to be upset.", < "//name" : "bunkerposter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Calming Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerposter2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", < "//name" : "hazardtapeh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Hazard Tape", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hazardtapeh" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "What does USCM stand for, again? Oh - United Systems Colonial Marines.", < "//name" : "marinesign", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "marinesign" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "There's a book in here titled, 'How to Travel Backwards in Time for Dummies'.", < "//name" : "bunkerbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "It's one of those drinking machines people use to make small-talk.", < "//name" : "watermachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Cooler", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "watermachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "It's a large server cabinet.", < "//name" : "bunkerserver", < "//shortdescription" : "Server Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerserver", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "bunkerceilinglight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A generic metal barrel. It's sealed.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "The display shows a round central room branching off into several hallways.", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Blueprint Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "Stay still! It can't see you if you stay still.", < "//name" : "bunkermotiondetector", < "//shortdescription" : "Motion Detector", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkermotiondetector", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "This is just an electrical fire waiting to happen.", < "//name" : "bunkerwires", < "//shortdescription" : "Wires", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerwires", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "The sign says \"DANGER\". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", < "//name" : "dangersignv", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Danger Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "dangersignv" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel2b", < "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel2b", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel2b_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel2b", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A solid metal table.", < "//name" : "bunkertable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Solid Metal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "Looks like it's mainly used for data entry. Nothing too interesting.", < "//name" : "bunkercomputer", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Computer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercomputer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "An old-school arcade machine. This one plays 'Super Tralgar Blaster 2'.", < "//name" : "arcademachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcademachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "This appears to be an analysis of the environment outside of the bunker.", < "//name" : "bunkerpanel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Environmental Data Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerpanel1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", < "//name" : "bunkerslidingdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerslidingdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", < "//name" : "bunkerdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "It's a map displaying a round central room branching out into several corridors.", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay3", < "//shortdescription" : "Map Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay3", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "That sure is one flashy recruitment poster.", < "//name" : "bunkerpanel3", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Recruitment Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerpanel3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A metal crate.", < "//name" : "bunkercrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "bunkerceilinglight2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it's full of hazardous materials.", < "//name" : "bunkercabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "That's not very encouraging.", < "//name" : "bunkerposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Motivational Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerposter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation9", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "It's a screen full of super top secret mission data... Boring.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole4", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation10", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation11", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Ideal for laying out battle strategies, holding meetings and snacking.", > "//name" : "bunkertable3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertable3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A set of three TV monitors facing in different directions.'", > "//name" : "bunkertv2", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Television Monitors", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkertv2" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "It's full of really tempting levers but I should probably leave it alone.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Command Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "The amount of data on this screen is overwhelming.", > "//name" : "bunkerbigpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerbigpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "bunkerlighth", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Fluorescent Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerlighth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel2", > "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "This chair is egg-shaped. I'm not sure whose idea that was.", > "//name" : "eggchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Egg Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eggchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "It's a patient file. He appears to be human, but... with two hearts?", > "//name" : "bunkerpanel2", > "//shortdescription" : "Medical Data Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerpanel2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "Ooh, what should I get?", > "//name" : "vendingmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vendingmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "If I look at these lights any longer, I'll probably go blind.", > "//name" : "floodlights", > "//shortdescription" : "Floodlights", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A screen with a pie chart representing budget statistics.", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay2", > "//shortdescription" : "Statistical Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "The sign says \"DANGER\". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", > "//name" : "dangersignh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Danger Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dangersignh" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A fancy modern table to place fancy modern things on.", > "//name" : "moderntable", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "moderntable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Two keyboards and one monitor?", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "It scans fingerprints to match personnel data.", > "//name" : "bunkerhandscanner", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Fingerprint Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkerhandscanner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "bunkerlightv", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Fluorescent Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerlightv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A shiny glass panel.", > "//name" : "glasspanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Glass Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glasspanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv", > "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A simple metal table.", > "//name" : "bunkertable1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertable1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "Sterile, recycled air whirs through the fanblades at a steady pace.", > "//name" : "bunkervent", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunker Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkervent" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A contemporary chair.", > "//name" : "modernchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "modernchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", > "//name" : "hazardtapev", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Hazard Tape", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hazardtapev" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "It seems to scan eyeballs to match personnel data.", > "//name" : "bunkereyescanner", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Eye Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkereyescanner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A space heater!", > "//name" : "bunkerheater1", > "//shortdescription" : "Space Heater", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerheater1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "That's no moon...", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay4", > "//shortdescription" : "Anomalous Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "There is no need to be upset.", > "//name" : "bunkerposter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Calming Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerposter2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", > "//name" : "hazardtapeh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Hazard Tape", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hazardtapeh" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "What does USCM stand for, again? Oh - United Systems Colonial Marines.", > "//name" : "marinesign", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "marinesign" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "There's a book in here titled, 'How to Travel Backwards in Time for Dummies'.", > "//name" : "bunkerbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "It's one of those drinking machines people use to make small-talk.", > "//name" : "watermachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Water Cooler", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "watermachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "It's a large server cabinet.", > "//name" : "bunkerserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Server Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bunkerceilinglight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A generic metal barrel. It's sealed.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "The display shows a round central room branching off into several hallways.", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Blueprint Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "Stay still! It can't see you if you stay still.", > "//name" : "bunkermotiondetector", > "//shortdescription" : "Motion Detector", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkermotiondetector", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "This is just an electrical fire waiting to happen.", > "//name" : "bunkerwires", > "//shortdescription" : "Wires", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerwires", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "The sign says \"DANGER\". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", > "//name" : "dangersignv", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Danger Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "dangersignv" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel2b", > "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel2b", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel2b_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel2b", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A solid metal table.", > "//name" : "bunkertable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Solid Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "Looks like it's mainly used for data entry. Nothing too interesting.", > "//name" : "bunkercomputer", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercomputer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "An old-school arcade machine. This one plays 'Super Tralgar Blaster 2'.", > "//name" : "arcademachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcademachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "This appears to be an analysis of the environment outside of the bunker.", > "//name" : "bunkerpanel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Environmental Data Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerpanel1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", > "//name" : "bunkerslidingdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerslidingdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", > "//name" : "bunkerdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "It's a map displaying a round central room branching out into several corridors.", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay3", > "//shortdescription" : "Map Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay3", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "That sure is one flashy recruitment poster.", > "//name" : "bunkerpanel3", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Recruitment Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerpanel3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A metal crate.", > "//name" : "bunkercrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "bunkerceilinglight2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it's full of hazardous materials.", > "//name" : "bunkercabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "That's not very encouraging.", > "//name" : "bunkerposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Motivational Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerposter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation9", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "It's a screen full of super top secret mission data... Boring.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole4", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation10", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation11", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 653,868c653,868 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkertable3.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkertv2.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerconsole1.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerbigpanel.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alertlight.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alertlight_orientation2.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alertlight_orientation3.png" < 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/arcademachine.png" < }, < "58" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerpanel1.png" < }, < "59" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerslidingdoor.png" < }, < "6" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerdesk.png" < }, < "60" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerdisplay3.png" < }, < "61" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerpanel3.png" < }, < "62" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkercrate.png" < }, < "63" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerceilinglight2.png" < }, < "64" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkercabinet1.png" < }, < "65" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerposter1.png" < }, < "66" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alertlight_orientation6.png" < }, < "67" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alertlight_orientation7.png" < }, < "68" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alertlight_orientation8.png" < }, < "69" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alertlight_orientation9.png" < }, < "7" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerconsole4.png" < }, < "70" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alertlight_orientation10.png" < }, < "71" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alertlight_orientation11.png" < }, < "8" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerconsole3.png" < }, < "9" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerconsole3_orientation1.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkertable3.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkertv2.png" > }, > "10" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerconsole1.png" > }, > "11" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerbigpanel.png" > }, > "12" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alertlight.png" > }, > "13" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alertlight_orientation2.png" > }, > "14" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alertlight_orientation3.png" > }, > "15" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alertlight_orientation4.png" > }, > "16" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alertlight_orientation5.png" > }, > "17" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerlighth.png" > }, > "18" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/metalbarrel2.png" > }, > "19" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/eggchair.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerpanel2.png" > }, > "20" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/vendingmachine.png" > }, > "21" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkercorner.png" > }, > "22" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkercorner_orientation1.png" > }, > "23" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkercorner_orientation2.png" > }, > "24" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkercorner_orientation3.png" > }, > "25" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floodlights.png" > }, > "26" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerdisplay2.png" > }, > "27" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dangersignh.png" > }, > "28" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/moderntable.png" > }, > "29" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerconsole2.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerhandscanner.png" > }, > "30" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerlightv.png" > }, > "31" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glasspanel.png" > }, > "32" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkertv.png" > }, > "33" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkertv_orientation1.png" > }, > "34" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkertv_orientation2.png" > }, > "35" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkertv_orientation3.png" > }, > "36" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkertable1.png" > }, > "37" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkervent.png" > }, > "38" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/modernchair.png" > }, > "39" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hazardtapev.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkereyescanner.png" > }, > "40" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerheater1.png" > }, > "41" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerdisplay4.png" > }, > 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dangersignv.png" > }, > "53" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/metalbarrel2b.png" > }, > "54" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/metalbarrel2b_orientation1.png" > }, > "55" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkertable2.png" > }, > "56" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkercomputer.png" > }, > "57" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/arcademachine.png" > }, > "58" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerpanel1.png" > }, > "59" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerslidingdoor.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerdesk.png" > }, > "60" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerdisplay3.png" > }, > "61" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerpanel3.png" > }, > "62" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkercrate.png" > }, > "63" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerceilinglight2.png" > }, > "64" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkercabinet1.png" > }, > "65" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerposter1.png" > }, > "66" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alertlight_orientation6.png" > }, > "67" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alertlight_orientation7.png" > }, > "68" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alertlight_orientation8.png" > }, > "69" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alertlight_orientation9.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerconsole4.png" > }, > "70" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alertlight_orientation10.png" > }, > "71" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alertlight_orientation11.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerconsole3.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerconsole3_orientation1.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\humanprison.json 10,834c10,834 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A simple bench, save for the fact that the legs are nailed to the floor.", < "//name" : "prisonbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "Inmate #2162's Study Group for Criminals Who Can't Read Good", < "//name" : "prisonpaper3", < "//shortdescription" : "Event Memo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonpaper3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "Just a typical cafeteria table.", < "//name" : "prisontable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cafeteria Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A door made of thick metal bars.", < "//name" : "prisondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Barred Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisondoor" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking chair.", < "//name" : "tungstenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Folding Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tungstenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", < "//name" : "lightbulb", < "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Lightbulb", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "lightbulb" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "The sign says, \"Cell Block\".", < "//name" : "prisonsign1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Block Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsign1" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "The panel displays information about interacting with prisoners...", < "//name" : "prisonpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", < "//name" : "prisontorturebed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Upright Torture Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontorturebed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "It says, \"Reminder to all inmates: You're here for life.\"", < "//name" : "prisonpaper1", < "//shortdescription" : "Inmate Notice", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonpaper1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", < "//name" : "prisonfile1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfile1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "Graffiti. A harsh warning. Ignore it.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti3", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti3" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Graffiti. The writer seems somewhat peeved.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti5", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti5" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A fence fashioned out of heavy metal pipes.", < "//name" : "prisonpipefence", < "//shortdescription" : "Pipe Fence", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonpipefence" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", < "//name" : "prisongrateh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizonal Metal Grates", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongrateh", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Waz.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti1", < "//shortdescription" : "'Waz' Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongraffiti1" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", < "//name" : "prisonmirror1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Broken Mirror", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonmirror1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "If you go this way, you're sure to be exiting... something.", < "//name" : "prisonexitsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Exit Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonexitsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", < "//name" : "prisoncorner", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisoncorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", < "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisoncorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", < "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisoncorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", < "//name" : "lightbulb2", < "//shortdescription" : "Lightbulb", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "lightbulb2" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", < "//name" : "prisonfile2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Rusty Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfile2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway. If the water was actually clean.", < "//name" : "prisonshower", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Shower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonshower", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A crudely-drawn skull. It looks cheerful.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti4", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti4" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "Fire in a rusted-out barrel.", < "//name" : "prisonbarrelfire", < "//shortdescription" : "Barrel Fire", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbarrelfire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway.", < "//name" : "prisonshowerdripping", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Prison Shower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonshowerdripping", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", < "//name" : "prisonfence2", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Chain-link Fence", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfence2" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "The paper is ripped and the words are smudged.", < "//name" : "prisonpaper2", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Torn Memo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonpaper2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A control panel that appears to operate lights, doors and alarms.", < "//name" : "prisoncontrolpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Control Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncontrolpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", < "//name" : "prisontorturebed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Torture Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontorturebed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "Some sort of solitary confinement device, maybe?", < "//name" : "prisonforcecell", < "//shortdescription" : "Force Cell", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonforcecell", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "Ouch! I shouldn't get too close to that.", < "//name" : "barbedwire", < "//shortdescription" : "Barbed Wire", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barbedwire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "Sure seems that way, Anonymous Graffiti Artist.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti2", < "//shortdescription" : "\"No Escape\" Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongraffiti2" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "The words \"get out\" have been written in blood. You can tell the writer was serious.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti7", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti7" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "Someone couldn't count to 25.", < "//name" : "chalktally", < "//shortdescription" : "Tally Marks", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "chalktally" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "The space heater emits a low, unpleasant hum.", < "//name" : "prisonradiator", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Radiator", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonradiator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "Graffiti reading \"turn back\". Chances of it being adhered to: zero.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti6", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongraffiti6" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "Looks like it used to be filled with medical supplies - not any more.", < "//name" : "prisoncabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Supply Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "This mattress is filthy! I swear I just saw something crawling around inside.", < "//name" : "prisonmattress", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Mattress", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonmattress", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "It's a turbine. Y'know, for science.", < "//name" : "prisonturbine", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Turbine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonturbine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", < "//name" : "prisonmirror2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Mirror", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonmirror2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", < "//name" : "prisonfence1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Chain-link Fence", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfence1" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", < "//name" : "prisonlocker2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Prison Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonlocker2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "Looks like someone had a rough night.", < "//name" : "prisontoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", < "//name" : "prisongratev", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Metal Grates", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongratev", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "USCM, huh? I wouldn't wanna be one of their prisoners.", < "//name" : "prisonstonesign", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonstonesign", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "The sign says, \"Mess Hall\".", < "//name" : "prisonsign2", < "//shortdescription" : "Mess Hall Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsign2" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", < "//name" : "prisonlocker1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Prison Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonlocker1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A set of monitors displaying the feeds from security cameras. Watch out for paranormal activity.", < "//name" : "prisoncamerastation", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncamerastation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A cold, hard slab of metal meant to serve as a bed.", < "//name" : "prisonbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Chained Metal Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "Thick metal bars surround each cell. Chance of escape seems pretty slim.", < "//name" : "prisonbars", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Bars", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbars" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A simple bench, save for the fact that the legs are nailed to the floor.", > "//name" : "prisonbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "Inmate #2162's Study Group for Criminals Who Can't Read Good", > "//name" : "prisonpaper3", > "//shortdescription" : "Event Memo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonpaper3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "Just a typical cafeteria table.", > "//name" : "prisontable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cafeteria Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A door made of thick metal bars.", > "//name" : "prisondoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Barred Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisondoor" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking chair.", > "//name" : "tungstenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Folding Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tungstenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", > "//name" : "lightbulb", > "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Lightbulb", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "lightbulb" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "The sign says, \"Cell Block\".", > "//name" : "prisonsign1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Block Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsign1" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "The panel displays information about interacting with prisoners...", > "//name" : "prisonpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", > "//name" : "prisontorturebed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Upright Torture Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontorturebed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "It says, \"Reminder to all inmates: You're here for life.\"", > "//name" : "prisonpaper1", > "//shortdescription" : "Inmate Notice", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonpaper1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", > "//name" : "prisonfile1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfile1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "Graffiti. A harsh warning. Ignore it.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti3", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisongraffiti3" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Graffiti. The writer seems somewhat peeved.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti5", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisongraffiti5" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A fence fashioned out of heavy metal pipes.", > "//name" : "prisonpipefence", > "//shortdescription" : "Pipe Fence", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonpipefence" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", > "//name" : "prisongrateh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizonal Metal Grates", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongrateh", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Waz.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti1", > "//shortdescription" : "'Waz' Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongraffiti1" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", > "//name" : "prisonmirror1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Broken Mirror", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonmirror1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "If you go this way, you're sure to be exiting... something.", > "//name" : "prisonexitsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Exit Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonexitsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", > "//name" : "prisoncorner", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisoncorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", > "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisoncorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", > "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisoncorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", > "//name" : "lightbulb2", > "//shortdescription" : "Lightbulb", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "lightbulb2" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", > "//name" : "prisonfile2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Rusty Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfile2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway. If the water was actually clean.", > "//name" : "prisonshower", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Shower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonshower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A crudely-drawn skull. It looks cheerful.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti4", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisongraffiti4" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "Fire in a rusted-out barrel.", > "//name" : "prisonbarrelfire", > "//shortdescription" : "Barrel Fire", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbarrelfire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway.", > "//name" : "prisonshowerdripping", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Prison Shower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonshowerdripping", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", > "//name" : "prisonfence2", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Chain-link Fence", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfence2" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "The paper is ripped and the words are smudged.", > "//name" : "prisonpaper2", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Torn Memo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonpaper2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A control panel that appears to operate lights, doors and alarms.", > "//name" : "prisoncontrolpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Control Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncontrolpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", > "//name" : "prisontorturebed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Torture Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontorturebed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "Some sort of solitary confinement device, maybe?", > "//name" : "prisonforcecell", > "//shortdescription" : "Force Cell", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonforcecell", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "Ouch! I shouldn't get too close to that.", > "//name" : "barbedwire", > "//shortdescription" : "Barbed Wire", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barbedwire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "Sure seems that way, Anonymous Graffiti Artist.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti2", > "//shortdescription" : "\"No Escape\" Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongraffiti2" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "The words \"get out\" have been written in blood. You can tell the writer was serious.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti7", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisongraffiti7" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "Someone couldn't count to 25.", > "//name" : "chalktally", > "//shortdescription" : "Tally Marks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "chalktally" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "The space heater emits a low, unpleasant hum.", > "//name" : "prisonradiator", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Radiator", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonradiator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "Graffiti reading \"turn back\". Chances of it being adhered to: zero.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti6", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongraffiti6" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "Looks like it used to be filled with medical supplies - not any more.", > "//name" : "prisoncabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Supply Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "This mattress is filthy! I swear I just saw something crawling around inside.", > "//name" : "prisonmattress", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Mattress", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonmattress", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "It's a turbine. Y'know, for science.", > "//name" : "prisonturbine", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Turbine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonturbine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", > "//name" : "prisonmirror2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Mirror", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonmirror2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", > "//name" : "prisonfence1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Chain-link Fence", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfence1" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", > "//name" : "prisonlocker2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Prison Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonlocker2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "Looks like someone had a rough night.", > "//name" : "prisontoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", > "//name" : "prisongratev", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Metal Grates", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongratev", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "USCM, huh? I wouldn't wanna be one of their prisoners.", > "//name" : "prisonstonesign", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonstonesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "The sign says, \"Mess Hall\".", > "//name" : "prisonsign2", > "//shortdescription" : "Mess Hall Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsign2" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", > "//name" : "prisonlocker1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Prison Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonlocker1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A set of monitors displaying the feeds from security cameras. Watch out for paranormal activity.", > "//name" : "prisoncamerastation", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera Station", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncamerastation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "A cold, hard slab of metal meant to serve as a bed.", > "//name" : "prisonbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Chained Metal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "Thick metal bars surround each cell. Chance of escape seems pretty slim.", > "//name" : "prisonbars", > "//shortdescription" : "Prison Bars", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbars" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 837,1118c837,1118 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonbench.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonpaper3.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation5.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation6.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation7.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisontable.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisondoor.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tungstenchair.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lightbulb.png" < }, < "17" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonsign1.png" < }, < "18" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonpanel.png" < }, < "19" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisontorturebed1.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonpaper1.png" < }, < "20" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonfile1.png" < }, < "21" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisongirderh.png" < }, < "22" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisongirderh_orientation2.png" < }, < "23" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisongirderh_orientation3.png" < }, < "24" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisongirderh_orientation4.png" < }, < "25" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisongraffiti3.png" < }, < "26" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisongraffiti5.png" < }, < "27" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonpipefence.png" < }, < "28" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisongrateh.png" < }, < "29" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisongraffiti1.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonmirror1.png" < }, < "30" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonexitsign.png" < }, < "31" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisoncorner.png" < }, < "32" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisoncorner_orientation2.png" < }, < "33" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisoncorner_orientation3.png" < }, < "34" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lightbulb2.png" < }, < "35" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonfile2.png" < }, < "36" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonshower.png" < }, < "37" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/electriclight.png" < }, < "38" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/electriclight_orientation2.png" < }, < "39" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/electriclight_orientation3.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisongraffiti4.png" < }, < "40" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/electriclight_orientation4.png" < }, < "41" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/electriclight_orientation5.png" < }, < "42" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonbarrelfire.png" < }, < "43" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonshowerdripping.png" < }, < "44" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonfence2.png" < }, < "45" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonpaper2.png" < }, < "46" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisoncontrolpanel.png" < }, < "47" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisongirderv.png" < }, < "48" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisongirderv_orientation2.png" < }, < "49" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisongirderv_orientation3.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonfloodlightBroken.png" < }, < "50" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisongirderv_orientation4.png" < }, < "51" : { < "image" : 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/fridge.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/curtain1.png" > }, > "10" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/basicbath.png" > }, > "11" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/microwave.png" > }, > "12" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/oven1.png" > }, > "13" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/basictv.png" > }, > "14" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/basictoilet.png" > }, > "15" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/basicbathdripping.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/curtain1_orientation2.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/curtain1_orientation3.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/curtain1_orientation4.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/curtain1_orientation5.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/curtain1_orientation6.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/curtain1_orientation7.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/curtain1_orientation8.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/curtain1_orientation9.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\hylotl.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 212, --- > "tilecount" : 214, 10,1851c10,1869 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A table set at kneeling height.", < "//name" : "hylotlshorttable", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Low Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshorttable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "hylotlteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlteleporterTier0" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A quill and ink.", < "//name" : "quillandink", < "//shortdescription" : "Quill and Ink", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "quillandink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising natural soft drinks.", < "//name" : "softdrinksign", < "//shortdescription" : "Soft Drink Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "softdrinksign" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "hylotltechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotltechstation" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster from the movie \"Fiery Blade Crusader\".", < "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Warrior Movie Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlmovieposter2" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "A small lily pad decoration.", < "//name" : "hylotllilydeco1", < "//shortdescription" : "Little Lily Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotllilydeco1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright blue emblem.", < "//name" : "hylotlsymbolb", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Symbol", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsymbolb" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "An empty bottle of avesmingo cordial.", < "//name" : "smashabledrink1", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Cordial Bottle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashabledrink1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "hylotllantern1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Paper Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotllantern1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "A bright blue alarm", < "//name" : "hylotlredalert", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Alert", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlredalert", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "A master work of craftsmanship. Beautiful.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A large antique bookcase.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseG2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A quill and ink.", < "//name" : "quillandink_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Quill and Ink", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "quillandink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmall_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmall_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "An empty bottle of petal nectar.", < "//name" : "smashabledrink4", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Petal Nectar Bottle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashabledrink4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghylotl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghylotl_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "Tenth Study in Female Hylotlgy", < "//name" : "tenstudiesplaque", < "//shortdescription" : "Nameplate", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tenstudiesplaque" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A plushie of Numi, the mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon of the same name.", < "//name" : "numiplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Numi Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "numiplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A touch-screen console with all sorts of fun buttons.", < "//name" : "hylotlconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'leap'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Leap\" Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy4" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A sign that indicates the status of a pump.", < "//name" : "pumpsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Pump Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pumpsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's a lily pad.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicgong", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Gong", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicgong", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A ornate bookcase with missing books", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-72", < "object" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising Numi, a famous mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", < "//name" : "numisign", < "//shortdescription" : "Numi Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "numisign" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "A traditional index filled with cards.", < "//name" : "index", < "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "index", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "An empty bottle of dandelion root pop.", < "//name" : "smashabledrink2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Root Pop Bottle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashabledrink2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy airlock door.", < "//name" : "airlockdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airlockdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "combinationprop", < "//shortdescription" : "Combination Lock Prop", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "combinationprop" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "hylotlshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlshiplockerTier0" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Cool Wizard Island'.", < "//name" : "arcadered", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadered", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A hologram displaying the latest trends in Hylotl fashion.", < "//name" : "hylotlfashionhologram", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fashion Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlfashionhologram", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A soft Poptop plush toy.", < "//name" : "poptopplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Poptop Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "poptopplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "This water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", < "//name" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Water Feature", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster from the movie \"Cybernetic Apocalypse\".", < "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Action Movie Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlmovieposter1" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Sleazy Burger Heroes'.", < "//name" : "arcadeorange", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadeorange", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-120", < "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "-120", < "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs 'Screaming Fashion Agent'.", < "//name" : "arcadepurple", < "//shortdescription" : "Purple Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadepurple", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "A door that's good under pressure.", < "//name" : "pressuredoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pressuredoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A glass case full of plushies and toys.", < "//name" : "hylotlprizecounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Prize Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlprizecounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner2b", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid Symbol", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner2b" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "It's a very tempting lever.", < "//name" : "hylotlswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "An adorable Normal Virorb plushie.", < "//name" : "plainorbplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Virorb Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plainorbplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "A small set of lily pad wall hangings.", < "//name" : "hylotllilydeco2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Lily Pads", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotllilydeco2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A poster for a unpopular Hylotl movie \"Claw of Dread\".", < "//name" : "hylotlstyleposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Comedy Movie Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlstyleposter" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A blue mailbox.", < "//name" : "hylotlmailbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Urban Mailbox", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlmailbox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", < "//name" : "barstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Bar Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", < "//name" : "hylotlbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Base Button", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlbutton" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "Legend has it that if you spend the night in this bed, you'll lose consciousness.", < "//name" : "hylotlbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Comfy Traditional Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A big antique bookcase.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseL2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.", < "//name" : "neonhylotlhead", < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "neonhylotlhead", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "This used to be the classiest curtain. Now it's a bit tattered.", < "//name" : "classicbannertattered", < "//shortdescription" : "Tattered Classic Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbannertattered" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.", < "//name" : "neonhylotlhead_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "neonhylotlhead", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "An arcade machine running a game called 'Starbound'.", < "//name" : "arcadestarbound", < "//shortdescription" : "Starbound Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadestarbound", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", < "//name" : "salesign", < "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "salesign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", < "//name" : "salesign_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "salesign", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", < "//name" : "salesign_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "salesign" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", < "//name" : "studylamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "studylamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", < "//name" : "studylamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "studylamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A delicately designed wooden table.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassictable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Traditional Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassictable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "The huge speakers pump out loud dance music.", < "//name" : "clubdecks", < "//shortdescription" : "Club Decks", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubdecks", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", < "//name" : "eventlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eventlight" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A large bookcase that has been damaged.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-184", < "object" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", < "//name" : "eventlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "eventlight" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'ribbit'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Ribbit\" Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy1" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "It's a common emblem for the Hylotl. Three crystals representing their three eyes...", < "//name" : "hylotlemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "It's a warning to anyone who cares to read it.", < "//name" : "hylotlwarningposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Warning Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlwarningposter" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "A blue neon sign decorated with a seashell.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign1b", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Shell Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsign1b" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair, is it intended for important figures.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Fancy Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "It's a copy of an old, famous painting.", < "//name" : "hylotlpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Mountain Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlpainting2" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "The lamp emits a low, ambient blue light.", < "//name" : "clublampsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Club Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clublampsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "hylotlshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "The machine runs a game called 'Psychedelic Rodeo Melee'.", < "//name" : "arcadeblue", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadeblue", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled.", < "//name" : "librarybookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A neon \"open\" sign.", < "//name" : "opensign", < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Open Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "opensign" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "A classic style desk.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A traditional style table.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "A poster displaying Numi, mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", < "//name" : "numiposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Numi Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "numiposter" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster from the controversial romance film \"10 Things I Hate About Florans\".", < "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter3", < "//shortdescription" : "Romantic Movie Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlmovieposter3" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "A simple striped bowl.", < "//name" : "hylotlbowl", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlbowl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A gigantic bookcase filled with books.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "An arcade sign. There's probably an arcade nearby.", < "//name" : "arcadesign", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "arcadesign" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster for cult hit, \"The Moleman Prophecy\".", < "//name" : "molemanposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Moleman Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "molemanposter" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", < "//name" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy", < "//shortdescription" : "Studies in Female Hylotlgy", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A blue shelf used for displaying items.", < "//name" : "hylotlwallshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Wall Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlwallshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", < "//name" : "hylotlshopsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshopsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", < "//name" : "hylotlshopsign_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshopsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "An old radio, it still plays music.", < "//name" : "hylotlradio", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Radio", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlradio", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "A very large shipping container.", < "//name" : "shippingcontainer", < "//shortdescription" : "Shipping Container", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shippingcontainer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Stylish Thief Wasteland'.", < "//name" : "arcadegreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadegreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "A squishy, adorable unicorn. What's not to love?", < "//name" : "unicornplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Unicorn Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "unicornplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "hylotlcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright green emblem.", < "//name" : "hylotlsymbolg", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Symbol", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsymbolg" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "A small bookcase.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseS1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "A sign that looks like it says \"BUBBLE\"...", < "//name" : "hylotlsign2b", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlsign2b" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "hylotlteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlteleporter" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A garbage bin.", < "//name" : "hylotltrashcan", < "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltrashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", < "//name" : "clubceilinglightsgreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Club Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubceilinglightsgreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", < "//name" : "clubceilinglightsred", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Club Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubceilinglightsred", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", < "//name" : "clubceilinglightsyellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Club Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubceilinglightsyellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "A rack of traditional swords.", < "//name" : "hylotlkatanarack", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Sword Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlkatanarack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "It's a painting of a bridge over still water.", < "//name" : "hylotlpainting3", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bridge Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlpainting3" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase, only partially filled with books.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", < "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "An old projector for communicating holographically.", < "//name" : "hologramprojector", < "//shortdescription" : "Hologram Projector", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologramprojector" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "An intricate handmade paper model of a Hylotl library. There's little paper bookcases inside!", < "//name" : "librarymodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Library Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarymodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "An ancient tome that catalogues of all the Hylotl books in the galaxy.", < "//name" : "librarycodex", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Library Codex", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarycodex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "A grand looking aquarium, with a small scale Hylotl pagoda model on top.", < "//name" : "pagodaaquarium", < "//shortdescription" : "Pagoda Aquarium", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pagodaaquarium", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A garbage bin.", < "//name" : "hylotltrashcan_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltrashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "An old poster of some ancient Hylotl library.", < "//name" : "hylotllibraryposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vintage Library Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotllibraryposter1" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "An intricate handmade music box. The melody it plays is soothing.", < "//name" : "hylotlmusicbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Music Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlmusicbox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A table with a studded gem motif resembling the three eyes of the Hylotl.", < "//name" : "hylotltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", < "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", < "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", < "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", < "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A sign that looks like it says \"RIBBIT\"...", < "//name" : "hylotlsign2g", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlsign2g" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "An orange neon sign displaying what seems to be Big Ape.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign1o", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Apex Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsign1o" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A screen for modest individuals to hide behind while getting changed.", < "//name" : "hylotlshojiscreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshojiscreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A shoji screen door.", < "//name" : "hylotlshojidoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshojidoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A decorative wooden post with a lantern in it.", < "//name" : "hylotlpost", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wooden Post", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlpost", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A large lily pad wall hanging.", < "//name" : "hylotllilydeco3", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Lily Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotllilydeco3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A clock in the shape of a lily pad.", < "//name" : "hylotllilyclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Lily Pad Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotllilyclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A vending machine filled with popular beverages.", < "//name" : "hylotldrinks", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotldrinks", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "The lily pad rotates to lock its doors.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatch" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A wooden cabinet. Its doors are full of etched decoration.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Square Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'lily pad'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Lily\" Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy3" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A classic air hockey table. First to ten wins!", < "//name" : "hockeytable", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Hockey Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hockeytable", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", < "//name" : "greenredlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenredlight" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", < "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenredlight" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", < "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenredlight" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A classic football...or soccer ball, if you prefer.", < "//name" : "football", < "//shortdescription" : "Football", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "football", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A large club speaker.", < "//name" : "clubspeaker", < "//shortdescription" : "Club Speaker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubspeaker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "Colourful ceiling lights found in clubs.", < "//name" : "clubceilinglights", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Club Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubceilinglights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Bottom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner3" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A questionably cute plushie of a Mindwurm.", < "//name" : "mindwurmplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Mindwurm Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mindwurmplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner2" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A cuddly bear plushy. Awwwww.", < "//name" : "bearplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Bear Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bearplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Zombie Banana Mansion'.", < "//name" : "arcadeyellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadeyellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", < "//name" : "arcadedance", < "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadedance", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", < "//name" : "arcadedance_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadedance", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "hylotltechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotltechstationTier0" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "It's a painting of a great big wave.", < "//name" : "hylotlpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wave Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlpainting1" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty delicacy.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign3g", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Pod Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlsign3g" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "It looks like the word 'croak', but apparently it means something completely different.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign2o", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlsign2o" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "It's a round window.", < "//name" : "porthole", < "//shortdescription" : "Porthole", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "porthole" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "It's some sort of floor ornament. Frog spawn swirls inside.", < "//name" : "hylotlfloorornament", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Ornament", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlfloorornament", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A tiny wall light.", < "//name" : "underwaterlightsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "underwaterlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A teal blue chair.", < "//name" : "hylotlchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A cute little turtle plush.", < "//name" : "turtleplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Turtle Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "turtleplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "Bad Goo Plushie. A cuddly goo doll.", < "//name" : "badgooplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Bad Goo Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "badgooplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "Small ocean creatures swim within this sign.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign3b", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlsign3b" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'pond'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Pond\" Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy5" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "hylotlshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A small lamp that gives off a low red light.", < "//name" : "hylotllamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Bio-Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotllamp" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "hylotlfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlfuelhatch" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy airlock hatch.", < "//name" : "airlockhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "airlockhatch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "An old calligraphy painting depicting an early Hylotl warrior.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Warrior Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlclassicpainting1" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "An empty bottle of fancy water.", < "//name" : "smashabledrink5", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Fancy Water Bottle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashabledrink5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster of a city.", < "//name" : "hylotlcityposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl City Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlcityposter" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase full of books.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseN2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "hylotlstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlstoragelocker" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "hylotlcashregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Store Cash Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlcashregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "hylotlshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlshiplocker" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A large bronze statue of the Hylotl's home planet.", < "//name" : "giantglobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Globe Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantglobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A very famous self-portrait of a very famous Hylotl artist.", < "//name" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu", < "//shortdescription" : "Self-Portrait of Hylotl-Shu", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A sign marking where a checkout line begins.", < "//name" : "shopline", < "//shortdescription" : "Checkout Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shopline", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "The shelf is packed with all kinds of Hylotl goods.", < "//name" : "hylotlstoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlstoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A green neon sign advertising furniture from a lily pad inspired design movement.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign1g", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Lily Pad Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsign1g" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner1", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Top", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner1" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A sign seeking Hylotl to collect spawn from the surface.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign3o", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Collector Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlsign3o" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'croak'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Croak\" Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy2" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A tiny wall light. It's broken.", < "//name" : "underwaterlightsmallbroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "underwaterlightsmallbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A counter that oddly resembles a Hylotl.", < "//name" : "hylotlcounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlcounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a decorative lily pad.", < "//name" : "hylotllilypad", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Lily Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotllilypad", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.", < "//name" : "hylotlplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Fake Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlplant1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "An empty bottle of Oculemon nectar.", < "//name" : "smashabledrink3", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Nectar Bottle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashabledrink3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A table set at kneeling height.", > "//name" : "hylotlshorttable", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Low Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshorttable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "hylotlteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlteleporterTier0" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A quill and ink.", > "//name" : "quillandink", > "//shortdescription" : "Quill and Ink", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "quillandink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising natural soft drinks.", > "//name" : "softdrinksign", > "//shortdescription" : "Soft Drink Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "softdrinksign" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "hylotltechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotltechstation" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster from the movie \"Fiery Blade Crusader\".", > "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Warrior Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlmovieposter2" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A small lily pad decoration.", > "//name" : "hylotllilydeco1", > "//shortdescription" : "Little Lily Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllilydeco1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright blue emblem.", > "//name" : "hylotlsymbolb", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Symbol", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsymbolb" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "An empty bottle of avesmingo cordial.", > "//name" : "smashabledrink1", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Cordial Bottle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashabledrink1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "hylotllantern1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Paper Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllantern1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A bright blue alarm", > "//name" : "hylotlredalert", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Alert", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlredalert", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "A master work of craftsmanship. Beautiful.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A large antique bookcase.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseG2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A quill and ink.", > "//name" : "quillandink_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Quill and Ink", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "quillandink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmall_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmall_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "An empty bottle of petal nectar.", > "//name" : "smashabledrink4", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Petal Nectar Bottle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashabledrink4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghylotl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghylotl_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "Tenth Study in Female Hylotlgy", > "//name" : "tenstudiesplaque", > "//shortdescription" : "Nameplate", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tenstudiesplaque" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A plushie of Numi, the mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon of the same name.", > "//name" : "numiplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Numi Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "numiplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A touch-screen console with all sorts of fun buttons.", > "//name" : "hylotlconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'leap'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy4", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Leap\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy4" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A sign that indicates the status of a pump.", > "//name" : "pumpsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Pump Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pumpsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's a lily pad.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicgong", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Gong", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicgong", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A ornate bookcase with missing books", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-72", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising Numi, a famous mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", > "//name" : "numisign", > "//shortdescription" : "Numi Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "numisign" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A traditional index filled with cards.", > "//name" : "index", > "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "index", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "An empty bottle of dandelion root pop.", > "//name" : "smashabledrink2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Root Pop Bottle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashabledrink2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy airlock door.", > "//name" : "airlockdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "airlockdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "combinationprop", > "//shortdescription" : "Combination Lock Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "combinationprop" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "hylotlshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlshiplockerTier0" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Cool Wizard Island'.", > "//name" : "arcadered", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadered", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A hologram displaying the latest trends in Hylotl fashion.", > "//name" : "hylotlfashionhologram", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fashion Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlfashionhologram", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A soft Poptop plush toy.", > "//name" : "poptopplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Poptop Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "poptopplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "This water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", > "//name" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Water Feature", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster from the movie \"Cybernetic Apocalypse\".", > "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Action Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlmovieposter1" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Sleazy Burger Heroes'.", > "//name" : "arcadeorange", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadeorange", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-120", > "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "-120", > "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs 'Screaming Fashion Agent'.", > "//name" : "arcadepurple", > "//shortdescription" : "Purple Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadepurple", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "A door that's good under pressure.", > "//name" : "pressuredoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pressuredoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A glass case full of plushies and toys.", > "//name" : "hylotlprizecounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Prize Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlprizecounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner2b", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid Symbol", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner2b" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "It's a very tempting lever.", > "//name" : "hylotlswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "An adorable Normal Virorb plushie.", > "//name" : "plainorbplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Virorb Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plainorbplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "A small set of lily pad wall hangings.", > "//name" : "hylotllilydeco2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Lily Pads", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotllilydeco2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A poster for a unpopular Hylotl movie \"Claw of Dread\".", > "//name" : "hylotlstyleposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Comedy Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlstyleposter" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A blue mailbox.", > "//name" : "hylotlmailbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Mailbox", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlmailbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", > "//name" : "barstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Bar Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", > "//name" : "hylotlbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Base Button", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlbutton" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "Legend has it that if you spend the night in this bed, you'll lose consciousness.", > "//name" : "hylotlbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Comfy Traditional Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A big antique bookcase.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseL2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.", > "//name" : "neonhylotlhead", > "//shortdescription" : "Neon Hylotl Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "neonhylotlhead", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "This used to be the classiest curtain. Now it's a bit tattered.", > "//name" : "classicbannertattered", > "//shortdescription" : "Tattered Classic Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbannertattered" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.", > "//name" : "neonhylotlhead_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Neon Hylotl Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "neonhylotlhead", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "An arcade machine running a game called 'Starbound'.", > "//name" : "arcadestarbound", > "//shortdescription" : "Starbound Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadestarbound", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", > "//name" : "salesign", > "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "salesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", > "//name" : "salesign_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "salesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", > "//name" : "salesign_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "salesign" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", > "//name" : "studylamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "studylamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", > "//name" : "studylamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "studylamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A delicately designed wooden table.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassictable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Traditional Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassictable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "The huge speakers pump out loud dance music.", > "//name" : "clubdecks", > "//shortdescription" : "Club Decks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubdecks", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", > "//name" : "eventlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eventlight" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A large bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-184", > "object" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", > "//name" : "eventlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "eventlight" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'ribbit'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Ribbit\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy1" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "It's a common emblem for the Hylotl. Three crystals representing their three eyes...", > "//name" : "hylotlemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "It's a warning to anyone who cares to read it.", > "//name" : "hylotlwarningposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Warning Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlwarningposter" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "A blue neon sign decorated with a seashell.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign1b", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Shell Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsign1b" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair, is it intended for important figures.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Fancy Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "It's a copy of an old, famous painting.", > "//name" : "hylotlpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Mountain Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlpainting2" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "The lamp emits a low, ambient blue light.", > "//name" : "clublampsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Club Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clublampsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "hylotlshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "The machine runs a game called 'Psychedelic Rodeo Melee'.", > "//name" : "arcadeblue", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadeblue", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A small bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Small Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "librarybookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A neon \"open\" sign.", > "//name" : "opensign", > "//shortdescription" : "Neon Open Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "opensign" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "A classic style desk.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A traditional style table.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "A poster displaying Numi, mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", > "//name" : "numiposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Numi Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "numiposter" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster from the controversial romance film \"10 Things I Hate About Florans\".", > "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter3", > "//shortdescription" : "Romantic Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlmovieposter3" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "A simple striped bowl.", > "//name" : "hylotlbowl", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A gigantic bookcase filled with books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "An arcade sign. There's probably an arcade nearby.", > "//name" : "arcadesign", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "arcadesign" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster for cult hit, \"The Moleman Prophecy\".", > "//name" : "molemanposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Moleman Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "molemanposter" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", > "//name" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy", > "//shortdescription" : "Studies in Female Hylotlgy", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A blue shelf used for displaying items.", > "//name" : "hylotlwallshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Wall Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlwallshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", > "//name" : "hylotlshopsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshopsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", > "//name" : "hylotlshopsign_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshopsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "An old radio, it still plays music.", > "//name" : "hylotlradio", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Radio", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlradio", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "A very large shipping container.", > "//name" : "shippingcontainer", > "//shortdescription" : "Shipping Container", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shippingcontainer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Stylish Thief Wasteland'.", > "//name" : "arcadegreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadegreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "A squishy, adorable unicorn. What's not to love?", > "//name" : "unicornplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Unicorn Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "unicornplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "hylotlcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright green emblem.", > "//name" : "hylotlsymbolg", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Symbol", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsymbolg" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "An ornately carved bookcase.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseS1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "A sign that looks like it says \"BUBBLE\"...", > "//name" : "hylotlsign2b", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlsign2b" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "hylotlteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlteleporter" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A garbage bin.", > "//name" : "hylotltrashcan", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltrashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglightsgreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglightsgreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglightsred", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglightsred", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglightsyellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglightsyellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "A rack of traditional swords.", > "//name" : "hylotlkatanarack", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Sword Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlkatanarack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "It's a painting of a bridge over still water.", > "//name" : "hylotlpainting3", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bridge Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlpainting3" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase, only partially filled with books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", > "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "An old projector for communicating holographically.", > "//name" : "hologramprojector", > "//shortdescription" : "Hologram Projector", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologramprojector" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "An intricate handmade paper model of a Hylotl library. There's little paper bookcases inside!", > "//name" : "librarymodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Library Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarymodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "An ancient tome that catalogues of all the Hylotl books in the galaxy.", > "//name" : "librarycodex", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Library Codex", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarycodex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "A grand looking aquarium, with a small scale Hylotl pagoda model on top.", > "//name" : "pagodaaquarium", > "//shortdescription" : "Pagoda Aquarium", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pagodaaquarium", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A garbage bin.", > "//name" : "hylotltrashcan_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltrashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "An old poster of some ancient Hylotl library.", > "//name" : "hylotllibraryposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vintage Library Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllibraryposter1" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "An intricate handmade music box. The melody it plays is soothing.", > "//name" : "hylotlmusicbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Music Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlmusicbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "A rack of traditional swords.", > "//name" : "hylotlkatanarack_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Sword Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlkatanarack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "An ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1empty", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Deprived Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseS1empty", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A table with a studded gem motif resembling the three eyes of the Hylotl.", > "//name" : "hylotltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", > "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", > "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", > "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", > "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A sign that looks like it says \"RIBBIT\"...", > "//name" : "hylotlsign2g", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlsign2g" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "An orange neon sign displaying what seems to be Big Ape.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign1o", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Apex Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsign1o" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A screen for modest individuals to hide behind while getting changed.", > "//name" : "hylotlshojiscreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshojiscreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatchTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatchTier0" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A shoji screen door.", > "//name" : "hylotlshojidoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshojidoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A decorative wooden post with a lantern in it.", > "//name" : "hylotlpost", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wooden Post", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlpost", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A large lily pad wall hanging.", > "//name" : "hylotllilydeco3", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Lily Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotllilydeco3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A clock in the shape of a lily pad.", > "//name" : "hylotllilyclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Lily Pad Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllilyclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A vending machine filled with popular beverages.", > "//name" : "hylotldrinks", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotldrinks", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "The lily pad rotates to lock its doors.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenhylotlfuelhatch" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A wooden cabinet. Its doors are full of etched decoration.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Square Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'lily pad'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Lily\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy3" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A classic air hockey table. First to ten wins!", > "//name" : "hockeytable", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Hockey Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hockeytable", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A classic football...or soccer ball, if you prefer.", > "//name" : "football", > "//shortdescription" : "Football", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "football", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A large club speaker.", > "//name" : "clubspeaker", > "//shortdescription" : "Club Speaker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubspeaker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "Colourful ceiling lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglights", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Bottom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner3" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A questionably cute plushie of a Mindwurm.", > "//name" : "mindwurmplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Mindwurm Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mindwurmplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner2" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A cuddly bear plushy. Awwwww.", > "//name" : "bearplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Bear Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bearplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Zombie Banana Mansion'.", > "//name" : "arcadeyellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadeyellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", > "//name" : "arcadedance", > "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadedance", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", > "//name" : "arcadedance_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadedance", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "hylotltechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotltechstationTier0" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "It's a painting of a great big wave.", > "//name" : "hylotlpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wave Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlpainting1" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty delicacy.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign3g", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Pod Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlsign3g" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "It looks like the word 'croak', but apparently it means something completely different.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign2o", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlsign2o" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "It's a round window.", > "//name" : "porthole", > "//shortdescription" : "Porthole", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "porthole" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "It's some sort of floor ornament. Frog spawn swirls inside.", > "//name" : "hylotlfloorornament", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Ornament", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlfloorornament", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A tiny wall light.", > "//name" : "underwaterlightsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "underwaterlightsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A teal blue chair.", > "//name" : "hylotlchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A cute little turtle plush.", > "//name" : "turtleplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Turtle Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "turtleplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "Bad Goo Plushie. A cuddly goo doll.", > "//name" : "badgooplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Bad Goo Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "badgooplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "Small ocean creatures swim within this sign.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign3b", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlsign3b" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'pond'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy5", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Pond\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy5" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "hylotlshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A small lamp that gives off a low red light.", > "//name" : "hylotllamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Bio-Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotllamp" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "hylotlfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlfuelhatch" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy airlock hatch.", > "//name" : "airlockhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "airlockhatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "An old calligraphy painting depicting an early Hylotl warrior.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Warrior Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlclassicpainting1" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "An empty bottle of fancy water.", > "//name" : "smashabledrink5", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Fancy Water Bottle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashabledrink5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster of a city.", > "//name" : "hylotlcityposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl City Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlcityposter" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase full of books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "hylotlstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlstoragelocker" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "hylotlcashregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Cash Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlcashregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "hylotlshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlshiplocker" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A large bronze statue of the Hylotl's home planet.", > "//name" : "giantglobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Globe Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantglobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "A very famous self-portrait of a very famous Hylotl artist.", > "//name" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu", > "//shortdescription" : "Self-Portrait of Hylotl-Shu", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A sign marking where a checkout line begins.", > "//name" : "shopline", > "//shortdescription" : "Checkout Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shopline", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "The shelf is packed with all kinds of Hylotl goods.", > "//name" : "hylotlstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "A green neon sign advertising furniture from a lily pad inspired design movement.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign1g", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Lily Pad Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsign1g" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner1", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Top", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner1" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "A sign seeking Hylotl to collect spawn from the surface.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign3o", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Collector Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlsign3o" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'croak'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Croak\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy2" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "A tiny wall light. It's broken.", > "//name" : "underwaterlightsmallbroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "underwaterlightsmallbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "A counter that oddly resembles a Hylotl.", > "//name" : "hylotlcounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlcounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a decorative lily pad.", > "//name" : "hylotllilypad", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Lily Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotllilypad", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.", > "//name" : "hylotlplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Fake Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlplant1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "An empty bottle of Oculemon nectar.", > "//name" : "smashabledrink3", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Nectar Bottle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashabledrink3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 1854,2489c1872,2513 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlshorttable.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlteleporterTier0.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/quillandink.png" < }, < "100" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/softdrinksign.png" < }, < "101" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotltechstation.png" < }, < "102" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlmovieposter2.png" < }, < "103" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotllilydeco1.png" < }, < "104" : { < "image" : 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Three crystals representing their three eyes...", < "//name" : "hylotlemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "It's a warning to anyone who cares to read it.", < "//name" : "hylotlwarningposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Warning Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlwarningposter" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A blue neon sign decorated with a seashell.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign1b", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Shell Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsign1b" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A garbage bin.", < "//name" : "hylotltrashcan", < "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltrashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "The lamp emits a low, ambient blue light.", < "//name" : "clublampsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Club Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clublampsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "The machine runs a game called 'Psychedelic Rodeo Melee'.", < "//name" : "arcadeblue", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadeblue", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A neon \"open\" sign.", < "//name" : "opensign", < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Open Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "opensign" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "A poster displaying Numi, mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", < "//name" : "numiposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Numi Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "numiposter" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster from the controversial romance film \"10 Things I Hate About Florans\".", < "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter3", < "//shortdescription" : "Romantic Movie Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlmovieposter3" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "An arcade sign. There's probably an arcade nearby.", < "//name" : "arcadesign", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "arcadesign" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster for cult hit, \"The Moleman Prophecy\".", < "//name" : "molemanposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Moleman Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "molemanposter" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", < "//name" : "hylotlshopsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshopsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", < "//name" : "hylotlshopsign_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshopsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "A very large shipping container.", < "//name" : "shippingcontainer", < "//shortdescription" : "Shipping Container", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shippingcontainer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A garbage bin.", < "//name" : "hylotltrashcan_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltrashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Stylish Thief Wasteland'.", < "//name" : "arcadegreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadegreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A squishy, adorable unicorn. What's not to love?", < "//name" : "unicornplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Unicorn Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "unicornplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright green emblem.", < "//name" : "hylotlsymbolg", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Symbol", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsymbolg" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "A sign that looks like it says \"BUBBLE\"...", < "//name" : "hylotlsign2b", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlsign2b" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", < "//name" : "clubceilinglightsgreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Club Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubceilinglightsgreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", < "//name" : "clubceilinglightsred", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Club Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubceilinglightsred", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", < "//name" : "clubceilinglightsyellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Club Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubceilinglightsyellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "An old poster of some ancient Hylotl library.", < "//name" : "hylotllibraryposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vintage Library Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotllibraryposter1" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A table with a studded gem motif resembling the three eyes of the Hylotl.", < "//name" : "hylotltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", < "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", < "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", < "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", < "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A sign that looks like it says \"RIBBIT\"...", < "//name" : "hylotlsign2g", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlsign2g" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "An orange neon sign displaying what seems to be Big Ape.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign1o", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Apex Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsign1o" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A tiny wall light.", < "//name" : "underwaterlightsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "underwaterlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A vending machine filled with popular beverages.", < "//name" : "hylotldrinks", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotldrinks", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A classic air hockey table. First to ten wins!", < "//name" : "hockeytable", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Hockey Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hockeytable", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", < "//name" : "greenredlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenredlight" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", < "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenredlight" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", < "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenredlight" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A classic football...or soccer ball, if you prefer.", < "//name" : "football", < "//shortdescription" : "Football", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "football", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "An empty bottle of fancy water.", < "//name" : "smashabledrink5", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Fancy Water Bottle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashabledrink5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A large club speaker.", < "//name" : "clubspeaker", < "//shortdescription" : "Club Speaker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubspeaker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "Colourful ceiling lights found in clubs.", < "//name" : "clubceilinglights", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Club Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubceilinglights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A cuddly bear plushy. Awwwww.", < "//name" : "bearplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Bear Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bearplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Zombie Banana Mansion'.", < "//name" : "arcadeyellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadeyellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", < "//name" : "arcadedance", < "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadedance", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", < "//name" : "arcadedance_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadedance", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A sign marking where a checkout line begins.", < "//name" : "shopline", < "//shortdescription" : "Checkout Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shopline", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "It looks like the word 'croak', but apparently it means something completely different.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign2o", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlsign2o" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "It's a round window.", < "//name" : "porthole", < "//shortdescription" : "Porthole", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "porthole" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A teal blue chair.", < "//name" : "hylotlchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A cute little turtle plush.", < "//name" : "turtleplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Turtle Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "turtleplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A sign that indicates the status of a pump.", < "//name" : "pumpsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Pump Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pumpsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "Bad Goo Plushie. A cuddly goo doll.", < "//name" : "badgooplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Bad Goo Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "badgooplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "Small ocean creatures swim within this sign.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign3b", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlsign3b" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A small lamp that gives off a low red light.", < "//name" : "hylotllamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Bio-Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotllamp" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy airlock hatch.", < "//name" : "airlockhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "airlockhatch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster of a city.", < "//name" : "hylotlcityposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl City Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlcityposter" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "hylotlcashregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Store Cash Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlcashregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A large bronze statue of the Hylotl's home planet.", < "//name" : "giantglobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Globe Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantglobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A soft Poptop plush toy.", < "//name" : "poptopplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Poptop Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "poptopplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "The shelf is packed with all kinds of Hylotl goods.", < "//name" : "hylotlstoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlstoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A green neon sign advertising furniture from a lily pad inspired design movement.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign1g", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Lily Pad Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsign1g" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A sign seeking Hylotl to collect spawn from the surface.", < "//name" : "hylotlsign3o", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Collector Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlsign3o" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A tiny wall light. It's broken.", < "//name" : "underwaterlightsmallbroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "underwaterlightsmallbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A counter that oddly resembles a Hylotl.", < "//name" : "hylotlcounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlcounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a decorative lily pad.", < "//name" : "hylotllilypad", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Lily Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotllilypad", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.", < "//name" : "hylotlplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Fake Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlplant1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "An empty bottle of Oculemon nectar.", < "//name" : "smashabledrink3", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Nectar Bottle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashabledrink3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising natural soft drinks.", < "//name" : "softdrinksign", < "//shortdescription" : "Soft Drink Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "softdrinksign" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster from the movie \"Fiery Blade Crusader\".", < "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Warrior Movie Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlmovieposter2" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "An adorable Normal Virorb plushie.", < "//name" : "plainorbplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Virorb Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plainorbplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright blue emblem.", < "//name" : "hylotlsymbolb", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Symbol", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsymbolb" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "An empty bottle of avesmingo cordial.", < "//name" : "smashabledrink1", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Cordial Bottle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashabledrink1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A bright blue alarm", < "//name" : "hylotlredalert", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Alert", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlredalert", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmall_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmall_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "An empty bottle of petal nectar.", < "//name" : "smashabledrink4", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Petal Nectar Bottle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashabledrink4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A plushie of Numi, the mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon of the same name.", < "//name" : "numiplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Numi Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "numiplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A touch-screen console with all sorts of fun buttons.", < "//name" : "hylotlconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising Numi, a famous mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", < "//name" : "numisign", < "//shortdescription" : "Numi Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "numisign" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.", < "//name" : "neonhylotlhead", < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "neonhylotlhead", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "An empty bottle of dandelion root pop.", < "//name" : "smashabledrink2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Root Pop Bottle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashabledrink2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy airlock door.", < "//name" : "airlockdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airlockdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Cool Wizard Island'.", < "//name" : "arcadered", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadered", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A hologram displaying the latest trends in Hylotl fashion.", < "//name" : "hylotlfashionhologram", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Fashion Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlfashionhologram", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster from the movie \"Cybernetic Apocalypse\".", < "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Action Movie Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlmovieposter1" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Sleazy Burger Heroes'.", < "//name" : "arcadeorange", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadeorange", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs 'Screaming Fashion Agent'.", < "//name" : "arcadepurple", < "//shortdescription" : "Purple Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadepurple", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A door that's good under pressure.", < "//name" : "pressuredoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pressuredoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "A glass case full of plushies and toys.", < "//name" : "hylotlprizecounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Prize Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlprizecounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "It's a very tempting lever.", < "//name" : "hylotlswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.", < "//name" : "neonhylotlhead_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "neonhylotlhead", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A poster for a unpopular Hylotl movie \"Claw of Dread\".", < "//name" : "hylotlstyleposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Comedy Movie Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlstyleposter" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A blue mailbox.", < "//name" : "hylotlmailbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Urban Mailbox", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlmailbox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", < "//name" : "barstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Bar Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", < "//name" : "hylotlbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Base Button", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlbutton" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A questionably cute plushie of a Mindwurm.", > "//name" : "mindwurmplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Mindwurm Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mindwurmplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty delicacy.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign3g", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Pod Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlsign3g" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A blue shelf used for displaying items.", > "//name" : "hylotlwallshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Wall Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlwallshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "An arcade machine running a game called 'Starbound'.", > "//name" : "arcadestarbound", > "//shortdescription" : "Starbound Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadestarbound", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", > "//name" : "salesign", > "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "salesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", > "//name" : "salesign_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "salesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A banner advertising a sale. Everybody loves sales!", > "//name" : "salesign_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sale Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "salesign" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "The huge speakers pump out loud dance music.", > "//name" : "clubdecks", > "//shortdescription" : "Club Decks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubdecks", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", > "//name" : "eventlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eventlight" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", > "//name" : "eventlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "eventlight" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "It's a common emblem for the Hylotl. Three crystals representing their three eyes...", > "//name" : "hylotlemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "It's a warning to anyone who cares to read it.", > "//name" : "hylotlwarningposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Warning Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlwarningposter" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A blue neon sign decorated with a seashell.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign1b", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Shell Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsign1b" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A garbage bin.", > "//name" : "hylotltrashcan", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltrashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "The lamp emits a low, ambient blue light.", > "//name" : "clublampsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Club Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clublampsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "The machine runs a game called 'Psychedelic Rodeo Melee'.", > "//name" : "arcadeblue", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadeblue", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A neon \"open\" sign.", > "//name" : "opensign", > "//shortdescription" : "Neon Open Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "opensign" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A poster displaying Numi, mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", > "//name" : "numiposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Numi Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "numiposter" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster from the controversial romance film \"10 Things I Hate About Florans\".", > "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter3", > "//shortdescription" : "Romantic Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlmovieposter3" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "An arcade sign. There's probably an arcade nearby.", > "//name" : "arcadesign", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "arcadesign" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster for cult hit, \"The Moleman Prophecy\".", > "//name" : "molemanposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Moleman Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "molemanposter" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", > "//name" : "hylotlshopsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshopsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A cheery welcome sign meant for Hylotl-owned shops.", > "//name" : "hylotlshopsign_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Friendly Hylotl Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshopsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "A very large shipping container.", > "//name" : "shippingcontainer", > "//shortdescription" : "Shipping Container", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shippingcontainer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A garbage bin.", > "//name" : "hylotltrashcan_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltrashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Stylish Thief Wasteland'.", > "//name" : "arcadegreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadegreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A squishy, adorable unicorn. What's not to love?", > "//name" : "unicornplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Unicorn Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "unicornplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright green emblem.", > "//name" : "hylotlsymbolg", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Symbol", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsymbolg" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A sign that looks like it says \"BUBBLE\"...", > "//name" : "hylotlsign2b", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlsign2b" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglightsgreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglightsgreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglightsred", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglightsred", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglightsyellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglightsyellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "An old poster of some ancient Hylotl library.", > "//name" : "hylotllibraryposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vintage Library Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllibraryposter1" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A table with a studded gem motif resembling the three eyes of the Hylotl.", > "//name" : "hylotltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", > "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", > "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", > "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.", > "//name" : "hylotlsupportbeam_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressurised Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlsupportbeam", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A sign that looks like it says \"RIBBIT\"...", > "//name" : "hylotlsign2g", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlsign2g" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "An orange neon sign displaying what seems to be Big Ape.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign1o", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Apex Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsign1o" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A tiny wall light.", > "//name" : "underwaterlightsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "underwaterlightsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A vending machine filled with popular beverages.", > "//name" : "hylotldrinks", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotldrinks", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A classic air hockey table. First to ten wins!", > "//name" : "hockeytable", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Hockey Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hockeytable", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A classic football...or soccer ball, if you prefer.", > "//name" : "football", > "//shortdescription" : "Football", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "football", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "An empty bottle of fancy water.", > "//name" : "smashabledrink5", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Fancy Water Bottle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashabledrink5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A large club speaker.", > "//name" : "clubspeaker", > "//shortdescription" : "Club Speaker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubspeaker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "Colourful ceiling lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglights", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A cuddly bear plushy. Awwwww.", > "//name" : "bearplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Bear Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bearplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Zombie Banana Mansion'.", > "//name" : "arcadeyellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadeyellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", > "//name" : "arcadedance", > "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadedance", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Let's play some Dance-Dance!", > "//name" : "arcadedance_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Dance-Dance Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadedance", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A sign marking where a checkout line begins.", > "//name" : "shopline", > "//shortdescription" : "Checkout Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shopline", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "It looks like the word 'croak', but apparently it means something completely different.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign2o", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlsign2o" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "It's a round window.", > "//name" : "porthole", > "//shortdescription" : "Porthole", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "porthole" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A teal blue chair.", > "//name" : "hylotlchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A cute little turtle plush.", > "//name" : "turtleplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Turtle Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "turtleplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A sign that indicates the status of a pump.", > "//name" : "pumpsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Pump Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pumpsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "Bad Goo Plushie. A cuddly goo doll.", > "//name" : "badgooplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Bad Goo Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "badgooplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "Small ocean creatures swim within this sign.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign3b", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlsign3b" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A small lamp that gives off a low red light.", > "//name" : "hylotllamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Bio-Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotllamp" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy airlock hatch.", > "//name" : "airlockhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "airlockhatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster of a city.", > "//name" : "hylotlcityposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl City Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlcityposter" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "hylotlcashregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Cash Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlcashregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A large bronze statue of the Hylotl's home planet.", > "//name" : "giantglobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Globe Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantglobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A small flickering light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmallflickering_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flickering Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmallflickering", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A soft Poptop plush toy.", > "//name" : "poptopplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Poptop Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "poptopplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "The shelf is packed with all kinds of Hylotl goods.", > "//name" : "hylotlstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A green neon sign advertising furniture from a lily pad inspired design movement.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign1g", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Lily Pad Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsign1g" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A sign seeking Hylotl to collect spawn from the surface.", > "//name" : "hylotlsign3o", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Neon Collector Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlsign3o" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A tiny wall light. It's broken.", > "//name" : "underwaterlightsmallbroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "underwaterlightsmallbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A counter that oddly resembles a Hylotl.", > "//name" : "hylotlcounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlcounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a decorative lily pad.", > "//name" : "hylotllilypad", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Lily Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotllilypad", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.", > "//name" : "hylotlplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Fake Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlplant1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "An empty bottle of Oculemon nectar.", > "//name" : "smashabledrink3", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Nectar Bottle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashabledrink3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising natural soft drinks.", > "//name" : "softdrinksign", > "//shortdescription" : "Soft Drink Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "softdrinksign" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster from the movie \"Fiery Blade Crusader\".", > "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Warrior Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlmovieposter2" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "An adorable Normal Virorb plushie.", > "//name" : "plainorbplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Virorb Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > 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"object" : "neonhylotlhead", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "An empty bottle of dandelion root pop.", > "//name" : "smashabledrink2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Root Pop Bottle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashabledrink2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy airlock door.", > "//name" : "airlockdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Airlock Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "airlockdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Cool Wizard Island'.", > "//name" : "arcadered", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadered", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A hologram displaying the latest trends in Hylotl fashion.", > "//name" : "hylotlfashionhologram", > 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"imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "neonhylotlhead", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "A poster for a unpopular Hylotl movie \"Claw of Dread\".", > "//name" : "hylotlstyleposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Comedy Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlstyleposter" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "A blue mailbox.", > "//name" : "hylotlmailbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Mailbox", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlmailbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", > "//name" : "barstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Bar Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", > "//name" : "hylotlbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Base Button", > 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Beautiful.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A large antique bookcase.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseG2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'leap'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Leap\" Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy4" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's a lily pad.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicgong", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Gong", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicgong", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A ornate bookcase with missing books", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-72", < "object" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A traditional index filled with cards.", < "//name" : "index", < "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "index", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "This water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", < "//name" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Water Feature", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-120", < "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "-120", < "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A small set of lily pad wall hangings.", < "//name" : "hylotllilydeco2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Lily Pads", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotllilydeco2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A large bookcase that has been damaged.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-184", < "object" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Legend has it that if you spend the night in this bed, you'll lose consciousness.", < "//name" : "hylotlbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Comfy Traditional Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A big antique bookcase.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseL2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", < "//name" : "studylamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "studylamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled.", < "//name" : "librarybookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", < "//name" : "studylamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "studylamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A delicately designed wooden table.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassictable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Traditional Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassictable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'ribbit'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Ribbit\" Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy1" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair, is it intended for important figures.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Fancy Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "It's a copy of an old, famous painting.", < "//name" : "hylotlpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Mountain Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlpainting2" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A classic style desk.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A traditional style table.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A simple striped bowl.", < "//name" : "hylotlbowl", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlbowl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A gigantic bookcase filled with books.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "An old radio, it still plays music.", < "//name" : "hylotlradio", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Radio", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlradio", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A screen for modest individuals to hide behind while getting changed.", < "//name" : "hylotlshojiscreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshojiscreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A small bookcase.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseS1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "It's a painting of a bridge over still water.", < "//name" : "hylotlpainting3", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bridge Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlpainting3" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase, only partially filled with books.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", < "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "An intricate handmade paper model of a Hylotl library. There's little paper bookcases inside!", < "//name" : "librarymodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Library Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarymodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "An ancient tome that catalogues of all the Hylotl books in the galaxy.", < "//name" : "librarycodex", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Library Codex", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarycodex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A grand looking aquarium, with a small scale Hylotl pagoda model on top.", < "//name" : "pagodaaquarium", < "//shortdescription" : "Pagoda Aquarium", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pagodaaquarium", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "An old poster of some ancient Hylotl library.", < "//name" : "hylotllibraryposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vintage Library Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotllibraryposter1" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "An intricate handmade music box. The melody it plays is soothing.", < "//name" : "hylotlmusicbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Music Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlmusicbox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A shoji screen door.", < "//name" : "hylotlshojidoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlshojidoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A decorative wooden post with a lantern in it.", < "//name" : "hylotlpost", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wooden Post", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlpost", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A large lily pad wall hanging.", < "//name" : "hylotllilydeco3", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Lily Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotllilydeco3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A clock in the shape of a lily pad.", < "//name" : "hylotllilyclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Lily Pad Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotllilyclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A table set at kneeling height.", > "//name" : "hylotlshorttable", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Low Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshorttable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A quill and ink.", > "//name" : "quillandink", > "//shortdescription" : "Quill and Ink", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "quillandink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "The lily pad rotates to lock its doors.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A wooden cabinet. Its doors are full of etched decoration.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Square Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'lily pad'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Lily\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy3" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "It's a painting of a great big wave.", > "//name" : "hylotlpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wave Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlpainting1" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "It's some sort of floor ornament. Frog spawn swirls inside.", > "//name" : "hylotlfloorornament", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Ornament", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlfloorornament", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'pond'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy5", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Pond\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy5" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase full of books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'croak'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Croak\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy2" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A small lily pad decoration.", > "//name" : "hylotllilydeco1", > "//shortdescription" : "Little Lily Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllilydeco1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "hylotllantern1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Paper Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllantern1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A quill and ink.", > "//name" : "quillandink_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Quill and Ink", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "quillandink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A master work of craftsmanship. Beautiful.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A large antique bookcase.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseG2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'leap'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy4", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Leap\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy4" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's a lily pad.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicgong", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Gong", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicgong", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A ornate bookcase with missing books", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-72", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A traditional index filled with cards.", > "//name" : "index", > "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "index", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "This water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", > "//name" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Water Feature", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-120", > "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "-120", > "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A small set of lily pad wall hangings.", > "//name" : "hylotllilydeco2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Lily Pads", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotllilydeco2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A large bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-184", > "object" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Legend has it that if you spend the night in this bed, you'll lose consciousness.", > "//name" : "hylotlbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Comfy Traditional Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A big antique bookcase.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseL2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", > "//name" : "studylamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "studylamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A small bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Small Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "librarybookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", > "//name" : "studylamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "studylamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A delicately designed wooden table.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassictable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Traditional Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassictable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'ribbit'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Ribbit\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy1" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair, is it intended for important figures.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Fancy Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "It's a copy of an old, famous painting.", > "//name" : "hylotlpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Mountain Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlpainting2" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A classic style desk.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A traditional style table.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A simple striped bowl.", > "//name" : "hylotlbowl", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A gigantic bookcase filled with books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "An old radio, it still plays music.", > "//name" : "hylotlradio", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Radio", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlradio", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A screen for modest individuals to hide behind while getting changed.", > "//name" : "hylotlshojiscreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshojiscreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "An ornately carved bookcase.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseS1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "It's a painting of a bridge over still water.", > "//name" : "hylotlpainting3", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bridge Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlpainting3" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase, only partially filled with books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", > "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "An intricate handmade paper model of a Hylotl library. There's little paper bookcases inside!", > "//name" : "librarymodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Library Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarymodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "An ancient tome that catalogues of all the Hylotl books in the galaxy.", > "//name" : "librarycodex", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Library Codex", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarycodex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A grand looking aquarium, with a small scale Hylotl pagoda model on top.", > "//name" : "pagodaaquarium", > "//shortdescription" : "Pagoda Aquarium", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pagodaaquarium", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "An old poster of some ancient Hylotl library.", > "//name" : "hylotllibraryposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vintage Library Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllibraryposter1" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "An intricate handmade music box. The melody it plays is soothing.", > "//name" : "hylotlmusicbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Music Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlmusicbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "An ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1empty", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Deprived Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseS1empty", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A shoji screen door.", > "//name" : "hylotlshojidoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Shoji Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlshojidoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A decorative wooden post with a lantern in it.", > "//name" : "hylotlpost", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wooden Post", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlpost", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A large lily pad wall hanging.", > "//name" : "hylotllilydeco3", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Lily Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotllilydeco3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A clock in the shape of a lily pad.", > "//name" : "hylotllilyclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Lily Pad Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllilyclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 525,698c534,710 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlshorttable.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/quillandink.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlclassicwardrobe1.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlclassiccabinet1.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlcalligraphy3.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlpainting1.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlfloorornament.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : 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Uncomfortable after a while.", > "//name" : "icechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation9", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation10", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation11", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation12", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation13", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A snowglobe with a penguin inside. 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Don't grip the handle for too long.", > "//name" : "icedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A snow drift.", > "//name" : "snowdrift2", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowdrift2" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A perfect little snowman.", > "//name" : "snowman", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowman", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "iceshard4", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "iceshard4" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "geometricshard3", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricshard3" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A snow drift.", > "//name" : "snowdrift4", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowdrift4" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "geometricshard1", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricshard1" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "geometricshard2", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricshard2" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "An ice dispenser made of ice. That's ice ice, baby.", > "//name" : "icemachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icemachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A table made of carved ice.", > "//name" : "icetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", > "//name" : "icesphere1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icesphere1" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", > "//name" : "icesphere4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icesphere4" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "An icy sphere. 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: "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase full of books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 306,404c315,416 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/librarybookcaseG2damage.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/librarybookcase.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/treasuremap.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tribalbookcase2.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlclassicbookcase.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/librarybookcaseG2.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classicbookcase.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalbookcaseswitch.png" > }, > "26" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/steampunkglobe.png" > }, > "27" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalbookcase.png" > }, > "28" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/librarybookcaseHUGE.png" > }, > "29" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranbookcase.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/royalbookcase.png" > }, > "30" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/librarybookcaseS1.png" > }, > "31" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/librarybookcaseN2empty.png" > }, > "32" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchchess.png" > }, > "33" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/librarybookcaseS1empty.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signlibrary.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : 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"object" : "alarm", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "A standing torch. Illuminates the giant beast about to eat you.", < "//name" : "huntinggroundtorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Sturdy Torch Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinggroundtorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", < "//name" : "prismlamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Emerald Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismlamp2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "An electric light with a hand-carved wooden stand.", < "//name" : "cabinlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A handy oil lantern. Careful not to spill it.", < "//name" : "tier1light", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1light" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "If you go this way, you're sure to be exiting... something.", < "//name" : "prisonexitsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Exit Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonexitsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", < "//name" : "lightbulb2", < "//shortdescription" : "Lightbulb", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "lightbulb2" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "A blue flower lamp", < "//name" : "flowerlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "flowerlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light from a 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"tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", < "//name" : "apexlamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Tall Lamp", < 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Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmall_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "Ape Flu? Sounds serious...", < "//name" : "apexflusign", < "//shortdescription" : "Ape Flu Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexflusign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", < "//name" : "floodlightsmall_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A sinister torch made from old bones.", < "//name" : "skullwalltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull Wall Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skullwalltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "Is it a light, or is it a sabre? Maybe both.", < "//name" : "ironlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironlight" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", < "//name" : "foundrylight", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", < "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", < "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", < "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "It looks like reed, but it's actually a lamp.", < "//name" : "reedlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "A creaky lamp post, made from brass pipes.", < "//name" : "brasslamppost1", < "//shortdescription" : "Brass Lamp Post", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brasslamppost1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "An iron chandelier. A good way to light a large room.", < "//name" : "medievalchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "medievalchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A sleek red wall light.", < "//name" : "laboratorylight", < "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "laboratorylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "apexlamp3", < "//shortdescription" : "Paper Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexlamp3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "sandstonetorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", < "//name" : "toxiclamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "toxiclamp2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "A large, luminous pod hanigng from a vine.", < "//name" : "huntinglight3", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "Just the thing for making a gift to show someone you care.", < "//name" : "heartforge", < "//shortdescription" : "Heart Forge", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heartforge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram2" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "A vine that seems to emit a pleasant glow.", < "//name" : "glowvinelamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvinelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A tiny wall light.", < "//name" : "underwaterlightsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "underwaterlightsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "Some sort of solitary confinement device, maybe?", < "//name" : "prisonforcecell", < "//shortdescription" : "Force Cell", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonforcecell", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A decorative wooden post with a lantern in it.", < "//name" : "hylotlpost", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wooden Post", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlpost", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A quaint metal stove, perfect for cooking.", < "//name" : "cabinstove", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stove", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinstove", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "torch", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "torch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "torch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "torch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "torch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "torch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "torch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "torch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "A cute seashell which provides light.", < "//name" : "sealamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Sea Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sealamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "A glowing Wave light.", < "//name" : "wavelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Wave Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wavelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", < "//name" : "greenredlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenredlight" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "Crackling quietly, the smell of hickory smoke is delightful.", < "//name" : "rusticoven", < "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Oven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rusticoven", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "A glowing Serene light.", < "//name" : "serenelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Serene Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "serenelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", < "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenredlight" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "This jukebox sounds great! Too bad there only seems to be one track.", < "//name" : "jukebox", < "//shortdescription" : "Jukebox", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jukebox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "The pod is empty.", < "//name" : "apexpod2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Life Support Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexpod2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "A pretty oil lantern.", < "//name" : "oillantern1", < "//shortdescription" : "Oil Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oillantern1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "A pretty oil lantern.", < "//name" : "oillantern1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Oil Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oillantern1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "A glowing durasteel light.", < "//name" : "tier4light", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4light", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "A very basic cooking pot suspended over a campfire.", < "//name" : "floranstove", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stove", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranstove", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "A hanging ceiling light made from copper.", < "//name" : "copperceilinglight", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Ceiling Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "copperceilinglight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight11", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight11", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", < "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenredlight" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "A Doom light. The eye glows in the dark.", < "//name" : "doomlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doomlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "A warm holiday glow.", < "//name" : "menorah", < "//shortdescription" : "Menorah", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "menorah", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "Colourful ceiling lights found in clubs.", < "//name" : "clubceilinglights", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Club Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubceilinglights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "212" : { < "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "bunkerceilinglight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "213" : { < "//description" : "A lamp, fit for outdoors.", < "//name" : "lamppost1", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Lamp Post", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamppost1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "214" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram4" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "A wall light.", < "//name" : "outpostlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "216" : { < "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", < "//name" : "floranlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", < "//name" : "floranlamp1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", < "//name" : "studylamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "studylamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", < "//name" : "studylamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "studylamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", < "//name" : "lavalamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Lava Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lavalamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", < "//name" : "eventlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eventlight" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", < "//name" : "eventlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "eventlight" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "A wall light.", < "//name" : "ancientlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "223" : { < "//description" : "An oil lamp. It gives off some warmth.", < "//name" : "medievallamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievallamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "224" : { < "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", < "//name" : "classiclight", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "225" : { < "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", < "//name" : "classiclight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "226" : { < "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", < "//name" : "classiclight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiclight" < }, < "227" : { < "//description" : "The lamp emits a low, ambient blue light.", < "//name" : "clublampsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Club Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clublampsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "228" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight8", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "229" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight8_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A common ship light.", < "//name" : "apexshiplight", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexshiplight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "230" : { < "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", < "//name" : "planttorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "231" : { < "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", < "//name" : "planttorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "232" : { < "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", < "//name" : "planttorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "233" : { < "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", < "//name" : "planttorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "234" : { < "//description" : "A glow-in-the-dark mushroom. Handy AND cute.", < "//name" : "shroomlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "235" : { < "//description" : "The crystal embedded into this fixture glows with a pale light.", < "//name" : "avianwaterlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianwaterlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "236" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful lamp built from Avian crystal tech.", < "//name" : "triballamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "triballamp" < }, < "237" : { < "//description" : "The age-old traditional of pumpkin carving lives on.", < "//name" : "spookypumpkinhead", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Pumpkin Head", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookypumpkinhead", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "238" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", < "//name" : "saloonlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "239" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", < "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "240" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", < "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "241" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "242" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight6", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "243" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight6_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "244" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight9", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "245" : { < "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ancienttorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "246" : { < "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ancienttorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "247" : { < "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ancienttorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "248" : { < "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ancienttorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "249" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram1" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "250" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram3" < }, < "251" : { < "//description" : "A short wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", < "//name" : "apexlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "252" : { < "//description" : "This strange lamp emits a low green light.", < "//name" : "apextablelamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Lamp Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextablelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "253" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", < "//name" : "hivelight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "254" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", < "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "255" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", < "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "256" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", < "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "257" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", < "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "258" : { < "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", < "//name" : "classiccandlestick", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccandlestick", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "259" : { < "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", < "//name" : "classiccandlestick_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccandlestick", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "260" : { < "//description" : "This chandelier is made of wrought-iron. It looks expensive.", < "//name" : "classicchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classicchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "261" : { < "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", < "//name" : "toxiclamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxiclamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "262" : { < "//description" : "A ceiling spotlight. Ideal lighting for fancy artwork.", < "//name" : "classiclightart", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ceiling Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiclightart", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "263" : { < "//description" : "An electrically charged plasma field. It reacts to sound.", < "//name" : "plasmadisc", < "//shortdescription" : "Plasma Disc", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plasmadisc", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "264" : { < "//description" : "There seems to be an Apex in there, connected to a bunch of wires and tubes.", < "//name" : "apexpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Life Support Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexpod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "265" : { < "//description" : "An arcade sign. There's probably an arcade nearby.", < "//name" : "arcadesign", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "arcadesign" < }, < "266" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight7", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "267" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight7_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "268" : { < "//description" : "A lamp post with two lamps. Nifty!", < "//name" : "lamppost3", < "//shortdescription" : "Double Lamp Post", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamppost3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "269" : { < "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", < "//name" : "steamspringlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "270" : { < "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", < "//name" : "steamspringlamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "271" : { < "//description" : "A simple tungsten lamp.", < "//name" : "tier2light", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2light" < }, < "272" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "273" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight5_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "274" : { < "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", < "//name" : "prismlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Magenta Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "275" : { < "//description" : "Go Ape!", < "//name" : "apexlevel1sign", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Level 01 Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexlevel1sign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "276" : { < "//description" : "A bush that emits a pleasant glow.", < "//name" : "glowbushlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bush Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbushlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "277" : { < "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit a pleasant glow.", < "//name" : "glowflowerlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflowerlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "278" : { < "//description" : "Big Ape is All Seeing!", < "//name" : "apexapesign", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexapesign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "279" : { < "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "bunkerceilinglight2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "280" : { < "//description" : "A glowing crystal which functions as a lamp.", < "//name" : "crystallamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystallamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "281" : { < "//description" : "A lamp illuminated by suspended globules of lava.", < "//name" : "magmalamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Magma Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "magmalamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "282" : { < "//description" : "An ancient pillar found near the gates. It produces light.", < "//name" : "ancientpillar", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientpillar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "283" : { < "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", < "//name" : "hivelight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight2" < }, < "284" : { < "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", < "//name" : "hivelight2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight2" < }, < "285" : { < "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", < "//name" : "hivelight2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight2" < }, < "286" : { < "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", < "//name" : "hivelight2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight2" < }, < "287" : { < "//description" : "A wall light.", < "//name" : "outpostlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "288" : { < "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", < "//name" : "prismlamp3", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Cyan Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismlamp3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "289" : { < "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright green emblem.", < "//name" : "hylotlsymbolg", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Symbol", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsymbolg" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Fairy lights that spell out 'waz', whatever that means.", < "//name" : "wazlights", < "//shortdescription" : "Waz Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wazlights" < }, < "290" : { < "//description" : "A glowing stalactite.", < "//name" : "cavelamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "cavelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "291" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "292" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "293" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "294" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "295" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "296" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "297" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "298" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "299" : { < "//description" : "A dazzling Executive light.", < "//name" : "executivelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "executivelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight11_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight11", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "holidaylights", < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "300" : { < "//description" : "A lantern made of tar.", < "//name" : "tarlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "301" : { < "//description" : "A glowing Opulent light.", < "//name" : "opulentlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "opulentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "302" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight13", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight13", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "303" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight13_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight13", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "304" : { < "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", < "//name" : "apexfightlantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexfightlantern" < }, < "305" : { < "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", < "//name" : "apexfightlantern_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexfightlantern" < }, < "306" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "307" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "308" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "309" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation9", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "holidaylights_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "310" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation10", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "311" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation11", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "312" : { < "//description" : "A round wall light.", < "//name" : "ancientlightround", < "//shortdescription" : "Round Ancient Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientlightround", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "313" : { < "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", < "//name" : "clubceilinglightsgreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Club Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubceilinglightsgreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "314" : { < "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", < "//name" : "clubceilinglightsred", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Club Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubceilinglightsred", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "315" : { < "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", < "//name" : "clubceilinglightsyellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Club Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "clubceilinglightsyellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "316" : { < "//name" : "mothlamp", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "317" : { < "//description" : "Attracts moths. Moths produce silk!", < "//name" : "mothtrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Moth Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mothtrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "318" : { < "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", < "//name" : "penguinbarsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "penguinbarsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "319" : { < "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "penguinbarlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "penguinbarlamp" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "holidaylights_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "320" : { < "//description" : "A gently flickering torch of mysterious organic origin.", < "//name" : "organictorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "organictorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "321" : { < "//description" : "A gently flickering torch of mysterious organic origin.", < "//name" : "organictorch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "organictorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "322" : { < "//description" : "A gently flickering torch of mysterious organic origin.", < "//name" : "organictorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "organictorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "323" : { < "//description" : "A gently flickering torch of mysterious organic origin.", < "//name" : "organictorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "organictorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "324" : { < "//description" : "A cold blue light.", < "//name" : "bluelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bluelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A crystal levitates above its frame, emitting an eerie light.", < "//name" : "crystaltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of Sol, the yellow dwarf responsible for all life on Earth. It even casts light.", < "//name" : "sunmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Sol Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "sunmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A royal glow.", < "//name" : "royalcandles", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Candles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalcandles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "This cooking pot expels the odour of a hundred hearty meals.", < "//name" : "medievallargecookingpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cooking Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievallargecookingpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A small wax candle in a holder.", < "//name" : "medievalcandle", < "//shortdescription" : "Candle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcandle", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A large flickering torch warms the air around it.", < "//name" : "woodentalllantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodentalllantern", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A homely ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "woodenlamp3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Ceiling Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenlamp3" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A lamp post, with thrice the lights.", < "//name" : "lamppost2", < "//shortdescription" : "Triple Lamp Post", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamppost2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A cute wooden lamp.", < "//name" : "woodenlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Table Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenlamp1" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "bunkerlighth", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Fluorescent Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerlighth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", < "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "underwaterlight" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "Strip lighting, for use on a spaceship.", < "//name" : "shiplight", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shiplight" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "An oil lantern on a stand.", < "//name" : "oillanterntall", < "//shortdescription" : "Standing Oil Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oillanterntall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", < "//name" : "lightbulb", < "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Lightbulb", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "lightbulb" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "fairylights", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fairylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "Embers dance away from the camp fire, warming the air. The heat can be used for cooking.", < "//name" : "campfire", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Camp Fire^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "campfire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "fairylights_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fairylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "fairylights_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fairylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", < "//name" : "slimetorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", < "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", < "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", < "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", < "//name" : "huntinglight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Vine Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "Candlelight, delivered in the spookiest way.", < "//name" : "gothiclight", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Candle", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothiclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A stone fireplace. A good way to warm a cold castle.", < "//name" : "medievalfireplace", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Fireplace", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalfireplace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A red flashing light... That's usually not good.", < "//name" : "redalert", < "//shortdescription" : "Warning Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redalert" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A light fashioned from a suspended glowing geode.", < "//name" : "geodeceilinglight", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodeceilinglight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "If I look at these lights any longer, I'll probably go blind.", < "//name" : "floodlights", < "//shortdescription" : "Floodlights", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A set of candles.", < "//name" : "holidaycandles", < "//shortdescription" : "Festive Candles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaycandles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", < "//name" : "apexbananasign", < "//shortdescription" : "Banana Propaganda Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexbananasign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", < "//name" : "plantbiolight", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbiolight" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", < "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbiolight" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", < "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbiolight" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a homely feel.", < "//name" : "woodenlamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Standing Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenlamp2" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", < "//name" : "huntinglight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Vine Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", < "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", < "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A tall lamp, with each light linked to another.", < "//name" : "celllamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "celllamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall lamp, filled with a flowing, glowing gas.", < "//name" : "steampunklamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "steampunklamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A small lamp that gives off a low red light.", < "//name" : "hylotllamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Bio-Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotllamp" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight10", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientstriplight10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight10_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientstriplight10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A synthetic tree decorated with strings of lights and festive ornaments.", < "//name" : "decoratedtree", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "decoratedtree", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", < "//name" : "medievaltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", < "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", < "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", < "//name" : "lunarbaselantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselantern" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", < "//name" : "lunarbaselantern_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselantern" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this menacing torch.", < "//name" : "skulltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull Torch Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skulltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight4_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this flickering torch.", < "//name" : "birdgroundlantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdgroundlantern", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A dim red light.", < "//name" : "redlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "Torches have been stuck to a sapling in lieu of a fancy chandelier.", < "//name" : "floranchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "An odd lamp made from a hive-like structure.", < "//name" : "hivelamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "An odd lamp made from a hive-like structure.", < "//name" : "hivelamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", < "//name" : "plantdesklamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantdesklamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", < "//name" : "plantdesklamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantdesklamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "bunkerlightv", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Fluorescent Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerlightv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a galaxy.", < "//name" : "hologramgalaxy", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-104", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hologramgalaxy" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "An oil lantern made of copper.", < "//name" : "copperlantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Oil Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperlantern", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A glowing titanium light.", > "//name" : "tier3light", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3light" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "An oil lantern made of copper.", > "//name" : "copperlantern_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Oil Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperlantern", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "This glass lamp gives off a warm glow.", > "//name" : "islandlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "islandlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight12", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight12", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight12_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight12", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A metallic light fixture.", > "//name" : "outpostceilinglight", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Light Fixture", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostceilinglight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A big flashing light and blaring siren guaranteed to draw lots of attention.", > "//name" : "alarm", > "//shortdescription" : "Alarm", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "alarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A standing torch. Illuminates the giant beast about to eat you.", > "//name" : "huntinggroundtorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Sturdy Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinggroundtorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", > "//name" : "prismlamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Emerald Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismlamp2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "An electric light with a hand-carved wooden stand.", > "//name" : "cabinlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A handy oil lantern. Careful not to spill it.", > "//name" : "tier1light", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1light" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "If you go this way, you're sure to be exiting... something.", > "//name" : "prisonexitsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Exit Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonexitsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", > "//name" : "lightbulb2", > "//shortdescription" : "Lightbulb", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "lightbulb2" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "A blue flower lamp", > "//name" : "flowerlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "flowerlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "The metal frame of this candle holder curls like fingers.", > "//name" : "spookycandles", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Candles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookycandles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", > "//name" : "apexlamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Tall Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexlamp2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", > "//name" : "hecklight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight2" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", > "//name" : "hecklight2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight2" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", > "//name" : "hecklight2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight2" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", > "//name" : "hecklight2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight2" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "A old fashioned furnace for tempering tools.", > "//name" : "medievalfurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Furnace", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalfurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "Fire in a rusted-out barrel.", > "//name" : "prisonbarrelfire", > "//shortdescription" : "Barrel Fire", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbarrelfire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright blue emblem.", > "//name" : "hylotlsymbolb", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Symbol", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsymbolb" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A glowing Geometric light.", > "//name" : "geometriclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "hylotllantern1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Paper Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllantern1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "A bright blue alarm", > "//name" : "hylotlredalert", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Alert", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlredalert", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit the sun's rays.", > "//name" : "giantflowerlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmall_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "Ape Flu? Sounds serious...", > "//name" : "apexflusign", > "//shortdescription" : "Ape Flu Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexflusign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "A small light that can work in water.", > "//name" : "floodlightsmall_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Flood Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlightsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A sinister torch made from old bones.", > "//name" : "skullwalltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull Wall Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skullwalltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "Is it a light, or is it a sabre? Maybe both.", > "//name" : "ironlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironlight" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", > "//name" : "foundrylight", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", > "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", > "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", > "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "It looks like reed, but it's actually a lamp.", > "//name" : "reedlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "A creaky lamp post, made from brass pipes.", > "//name" : "brasslamppost1", > "//shortdescription" : "Brass Lamp Post", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brasslamppost1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "An iron chandelier. A good way to light a large room.", > "//name" : "medievalchandelier", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chandelier", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "medievalchandelier", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A sleek red wall light.", > "//name" : "laboratorylight", > "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "laboratorylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "apexlamp3", > "//shortdescription" : "Paper Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexlamp3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", > "//name" : "toxiclamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "toxiclamp2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "A large, luminous pod hanigng from a vine.", > "//name" : "huntinglight3", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "Just the thing for making a gift to show someone you care.", > "//name" : "heartforge", > "//shortdescription" : "Heart Forge", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heartforge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram2" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "A vine that seems to emit a pleasant glow.", > "//name" : "glowvinelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvinelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A tiny wall light.", > "//name" : "underwaterlightsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "underwaterlightsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "Some sort of solitary confinement device, maybe?", > "//name" : "prisonforcecell", > "//shortdescription" : "Force Cell", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonforcecell", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A decorative wooden post with a lantern in it.", > "//name" : "hylotlpost", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wooden Post", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlpost", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A quaint metal stove, perfect for cooking.", > "//name" : "cabinstove", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stove", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinstove", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "torch", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "torch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "torch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "torch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "torch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "torch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "torch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "torch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "A cute seashell which provides light.", > "//name" : "sealamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Sea Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sealamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A glowing Wave light.", > "//name" : "wavelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "Crackling quietly, the smell of hickory smoke is delightful.", > "//name" : "rusticoven", > "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rusticoven", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", > "//name" : "hecklight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", > "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", > "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", > "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", > "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "A glowing Serene light.", > "//name" : "serenelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "This jukebox sounds great! Too bad there only seems to be one track.", > "//name" : "jukebox", > "//shortdescription" : "Jukebox", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jukebox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "The pod is empty.", > "//name" : "apexpod2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Life Support Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpod2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "A pretty oil lantern.", > "//name" : "oillantern1", > "//shortdescription" : "Oil Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oillantern1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "A pretty oil lantern.", > "//name" : "oillantern1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Oil Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oillantern1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "A glowing durasteel light.", > "//name" : "tier4light", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4light", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "A very basic cooking pot suspended over a campfire.", > "//name" : "floranstove", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stove", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranstove", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "A hanging ceiling light made from copper.", > "//name" : "copperceilinglight", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Ceiling Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "copperceilinglight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight11", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight11", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A light that can switch between green and red.", > "//name" : "greenredlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenredlight" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "A Doom light. The eye glows in the dark.", > "//name" : "doomlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "A warm holiday glow.", > "//name" : "menorah", > "//shortdescription" : "Menorah", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "menorah", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "Colourful ceiling lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglights", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bunkerceilinglight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "A lamp, fit for outdoors.", > "//name" : "lamppost1", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Lamp Post", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamppost1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram4" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "A wall light.", > "//name" : "outpostlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", > "//name" : "floranlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", > "//name" : "floranlamp1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", > "//name" : "studylamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "studylamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", > "//name" : "studylamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "studylamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", > "//name" : "lavalamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Lava Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavalamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", > "//name" : "eventlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eventlight" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "A light meant to draw attention to an area.", > "//name" : "eventlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "eventlight" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "A wall light.", > "//name" : "ancientlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "An oil lamp. It gives off some warmth.", > "//name" : "medievallamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievallamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "225" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "226" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight" > }, > "227" : { > "//description" : "The lamp emits a low, ambient blue light.", > "//name" : "clublampsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Club Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clublampsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "228" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight8", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "229" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight8_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A common ship light.", > "//name" : "apexshiplight", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexshiplight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "230" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "231" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "232" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "233" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "234" : { > "//description" : "A glow-in-the-dark mushroom. Handy AND cute.", > "//name" : "shroomlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "235" : { > "//description" : "The crystal embedded into this fixture glows with a pale light.", > "//name" : "avianwaterlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianwaterlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "236" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful lamp built from Avian crystal tech.", > "//name" : "triballamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "triballamp" > }, > "237" : { > "//description" : "The age-old traditional of pumpkin carving lives on.", > "//name" : "spookypumpkinhead", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Pumpkin Head", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookypumpkinhead", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "238" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", > "//name" : "saloonlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", > "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", > "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "241" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "242" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight6_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "244" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight9", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "245" : { > "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ancienttorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "246" : { > "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ancienttorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "247" : { > "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ancienttorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "248" : { > "//description" : "This ancient torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ancienttorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "249" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram1" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "250" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram3" > }, > "251" : { > "//description" : "A short wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", > "//name" : "apexlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "252" : { > "//description" : "This strange lamp emits a low green light.", > "//name" : "apextablelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Lamp Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextablelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "253" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", > "//name" : "hivelight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "254" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", > "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "255" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", > "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "256" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", > "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "257" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", > "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "258" : { > "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", > "//name" : "classiccandlestick", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccandlestick", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "259" : { > "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", > "//name" : "classiccandlestick_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccandlestick", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "260" : { > "//description" : "This chandelier is made of wrought-iron. It looks expensive.", > "//name" : "classicchandelier", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chandelier", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classicchandelier", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "261" : { > "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", > "//name" : "toxiclamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxiclamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "262" : { > "//description" : "A ceiling spotlight. Ideal lighting for fancy artwork.", > "//name" : "classiclightart", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ceiling Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiclightart", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "263" : { > "//description" : "An electrically charged plasma field. It reacts to sound.", > "//name" : "plasmadisc", > "//shortdescription" : "Plasma Disc", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plasmadisc", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "264" : { > "//description" : "There seems to be an Apex in there, connected to a bunch of wires and tubes.", > "//name" : "apexpod", > "//shortdescription" : "Life Support Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpod", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "265" : { > "//description" : "An arcade sign. There's probably an arcade nearby.", > "//name" : "arcadesign", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "arcadesign" > }, > "266" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "267" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight7_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "268" : { > "//description" : "A lamp post with two lamps. Nifty!", > "//name" : "lamppost3", > "//shortdescription" : "Double Lamp Post", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamppost3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "269" : { > "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", > "//name" : "steamspringlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "270" : { > "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", > "//name" : "steamspringlamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "271" : { > "//description" : "A simple tungsten lamp.", > "//name" : "tier2light", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2light" > }, > "272" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "273" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight5_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "274" : { > "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", > "//name" : "prismlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Magenta Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "275" : { > "//description" : "Go Ape!", > "//name" : "apexlevel1sign", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Level 01 Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexlevel1sign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "276" : { > "//description" : "A bush that emits a pleasant glow.", > "//name" : "glowbushlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bush Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbushlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "277" : { > "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit a pleasant glow.", > "//name" : "glowflowerlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflowerlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "278" : { > "//description" : "Big Ape is All Seeing!", > "//name" : "apexapesign", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexapesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "279" : { > "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "bunkerceilinglight2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "280" : { > "//description" : "A glowing crystal which functions as a lamp.", > "//name" : "crystallamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystallamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "281" : { > "//description" : "A lamp illuminated by suspended globules of lava.", > "//name" : "magmalamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Magma Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmalamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "282" : { > "//description" : "An ancient pillar found near the gates. It produces light.", > "//name" : "ancientpillar", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientpillar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "283" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", > "//name" : "hivelight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight2" > }, > "284" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", > "//name" : "hivelight2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight2" > }, > "285" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", > "//name" : "hivelight2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight2" > }, > "286" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", > "//name" : "hivelight2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight2" > }, > "287" : { > "//description" : "A wall light.", > "//name" : "outpostlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "288" : { > "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", > "//name" : "prismlamp3", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Cyan Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismlamp3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "289" : { > "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright green emblem.", > "//name" : "hylotlsymbolg", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Symbol", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsymbolg" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Fairy lights that spell out 'waz', whatever that means.", > "//name" : "wazlights", > "//shortdescription" : "Waz Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wazlights" > }, > "290" : { > "//description" : "A glowing stalactite.", > "//name" : "cavelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "cavelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "291" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "292" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "293" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "294" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "295" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "296" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "297" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "298" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "299" : { > "//description" : "A dazzling Executive light.", > "//name" : "executivelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight11_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight11", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "holidaylights", > "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "300" : { > "//description" : "A lantern made of tar.", > "//name" : "tarlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "301" : { > "//description" : "A glowing Opulent light.", > "//name" : "opulentlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "302" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight13", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight13", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "303" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight13_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight13", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "304" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", > "//name" : "apexfightlantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexfightlantern" > }, > "305" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", > "//name" : "apexfightlantern_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexfightlantern" > }, > "306" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "307" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "308" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "309" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation9", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "holidaylights_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "310" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation10", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "311" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation11", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "312" : { > "//description" : "A round wall light.", > "//name" : "ancientlightround", > "//shortdescription" : "Round Ancient Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientlightround", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "313" : { > "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglightsgreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglightsgreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "314" : { > "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglightsred", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglightsred", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "315" : { > "//description" : "Colourful lights found in clubs.", > "//name" : "clubceilinglightsyellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Club Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubceilinglightsyellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "316" : { > "//name" : "mothlamp", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "317" : { > "//description" : "Attracts moths. Moths produce silk!", > "//name" : "mothtrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Moth Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mothtrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "318" : { > "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", > "//name" : "penguinbarsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "penguinbarsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "319" : { > "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "penguinbarlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "penguinbarlamp" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "holidaylights_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "320" : { > "//description" : "A gently flickering torch of mysterious organic origin.", > "//name" : "organictorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "organictorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "321" : { > "//description" : "A gently flickering torch of mysterious organic origin.", > "//name" : "organictorch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "organictorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "322" : { > "//description" : "A gently flickering torch of mysterious organic origin.", > "//name" : "organictorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "organictorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "323" : { > "//description" : "A gently flickering torch of mysterious organic origin.", > "//name" : "organictorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "organictorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "324" : { > "//description" : "A cold blue light.", > "//name" : "bluelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bluelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A crystal levitates above its frame, emitting an eerie light.", > "//name" : "crystaltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of Sol, the yellow dwarf responsible for all life on Earth. It even casts light.", > "//name" : "sunmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Sol Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "sunmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A royal glow.", > "//name" : "royalcandles", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Candles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalcandles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "This cooking pot expels the odour of a hundred hearty meals.", > "//name" : "medievallargecookingpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cooking Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievallargecookingpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A small wax candle in a holder.", > "//name" : "medievalcandle", > "//shortdescription" : "Candle", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcandle", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A large flickering torch warms the air around it.", > "//name" : "woodentalllantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodentalllantern", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A homely ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "woodenlamp3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Ceiling Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenlamp3" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A lamp post, with thrice the lights.", > "//name" : "lamppost2", > "//shortdescription" : "Triple Lamp Post", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamppost2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A cute wooden lamp.", > "//name" : "woodenlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Table Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenlamp1" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "bunkerlighth", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Fluorescent Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerlighth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A light protected by a glass cage.", > "//name" : "underwaterlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Waterproof Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "underwaterlight" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "Strip lighting, for use on a spaceship.", > "//name" : "shiplight", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shiplight" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "An oil lantern on a stand.", > "//name" : "oillanterntall", > "//shortdescription" : "Standing Oil Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oillanterntall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", > "//name" : "lightbulb", > "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Lightbulb", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "lightbulb" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "fairylights", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fairylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "Embers dance away from the camp fire, warming the air. The heat can be used for cooking.", > "//name" : "campfire", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Camp Fire^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "campfire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "fairylights_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fairylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "fairylights_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fairylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", > "//name" : "huntinglight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Vine Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "Candlelight, delivered in the spookiest way.", > "//name" : "gothiclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Candle", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothiclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A stone fireplace. A good way to warm a cold castle.", > "//name" : "medievalfireplace", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Fireplace", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalfireplace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A red flashing light... That's usually not good.", > "//name" : "redalert", > "//shortdescription" : "Warning Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redalert" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "A light fashioned from a suspended glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodeceilinglight", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeceilinglight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "If I look at these lights any longer, I'll probably go blind.", > "//name" : "floodlights", > "//shortdescription" : "Floodlights", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A set of candles.", > "//name" : "holidaycandles", > "//shortdescription" : "Festive Candles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaycandles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", > "//name" : "apexbananasign", > "//shortdescription" : "Banana Propaganda Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexbananasign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", > "//name" : "plantbiolight", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbiolight" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", > "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbiolight" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", > "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbiolight" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a homely feel.", > "//name" : "woodenlamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Standing Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenlamp2" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", > "//name" : "huntinglight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Vine Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", > "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", > "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A tall lamp, with each light linked to another.", > "//name" : "celllamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "celllamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall lamp, filled with a flowing, glowing gas.", > "//name" : "steampunklamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "steampunklamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A small lamp that gives off a low red light.", > "//name" : "hylotllamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Bio-Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotllamp" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight10", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientstriplight10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight10_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientstriplight10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A synthetic tree decorated with strings of lights and festive ornaments.", > "//name" : "decoratedtree", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "decoratedtree", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", > "//name" : "medievaltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", > "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", > "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", > "//name" : "lunarbaselantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselantern" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", > "//name" : "lunarbaselantern_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselantern" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this menacing torch.", > "//name" : "skulltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skulltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight4_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this flickering torch.", > "//name" : "birdgroundlantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdgroundlantern", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "A dim red light.", > "//name" : "redlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "Torches have been stuck to a sapling in lieu of a fancy chandelier.", > "//name" : "floranchandelier", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chandelier", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranchandelier", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "An odd lamp made from a hive-like structure.", > "//name" : "hivelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "An odd lamp made from a hive-like structure.", > "//name" : "hivelamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", > "//name" : "plantdesklamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantdesklamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", > "//name" : "plantdesklamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantdesklamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "bunkerlightv", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Fluorescent Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerlightv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a galaxy.", > "//name" : "hologramgalaxy", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > 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< "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "This sign appears to be warning me of some danger.", < "//name" : "deathwarningmodern", < "//shortdescription" : "Death Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "deathwarningmodern" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A storage crate, typically used for stashing equipment and ores.", < "//name" : "lunarbasecrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasecrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "An industrial-looking metal door.", < "//name" : "miningdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Miner's Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", < "//name" : "miningverticaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "miningverticaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A metal fence with red and black warning stripes.", > "//name" : "miningfence", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Railing", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningfence", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", > "//name" : "drillmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", > "imagePositionX" : "-88", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drillmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", > "//name" : "lunarbaselantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselantern" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", > "//name" : "lunarbaselantern_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselantern" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A machine used for breaking down rocks.", > "//name" : "miningcrusher", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Impact Crusher", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningcrusher", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A sleek control console.", > "//name" : "lunarbaseconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaseconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A large metal Skip full of rubble.", > "//name" : "miningskip", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Skip", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningskip", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", > "//name" : "lunarbasedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", > "//name" : "lunarbasedoor_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A surprisingly comfortable chair.", > "//name" : "lunarbasechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A machine used to move large amounts of mined material.", > "//name" : "miningbelt", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Conveyer Belt", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningbelt", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A set of lockers, perfect for storing things.", > "//name" : "lunarbaselocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lockers", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", > "//name" : "drillmachine_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drillmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A sign that says either offline or online.", > "//name" : "miningpowersign", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningpowersign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A metal sign that says \"HAZARD!\"", > "//name" : "mininghazardsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hazard Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mininghazardsign" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A drill-mounted console.", > "//name" : "drillconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drillconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for storing tools and equipment in!", > "//name" : "miningchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "These cosy beds can stack on top of each other.", > "//name" : "lunarbasebunk", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Bunk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasebunk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A warning sign showing falling rocks.", > "//name" : "fallingrocksmodern", > "//shortdescription" : "Falling Rocks Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fallingrocksmodern" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A laser made to mine through moon rock.", > "//name" : "lunarbaselaser", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Laser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselaser", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "This sign appears to be warning me of some danger.", > "//name" : "deathwarningmodern", > "//shortdescription" : "Death Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "deathwarningmodern" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A storage crate, typically used for stashing equipment and ores.", > "//name" : "lunarbasecrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasecrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "An industrial-looking metal door.", > "//name" : "miningdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Miner's Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", > "//name" : "miningverticaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "miningverticaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 223,294c223,294 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miningfence.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/drillmachine.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbaselantern.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbaselantern_orientation2.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miningcrusher.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbaseconsole.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miningskip.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbasedoor.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbasedoor_orientation1.png" < }, < "17" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbasechair.png" < }, < "18" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miningbelt.png" < }, < "19" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbaselocker.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/drillmachine_orientation1.png" < }, < "20" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miningpowersign.png" < }, < "21" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mininghazardsign.png" < }, < "22" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/drillconsole.png" < }, < "23" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miningchest.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbasebunk.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/fallingrocksmodern.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbaselaser.png" < }, < "6" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/deathwarningmodern.png" < }, < "7" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbasecrate.png" < }, < "8" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miningdoor.png" < }, < "9" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miningverticaldoor.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miningfence.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/drillmachine.png" > }, > "10" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbaselantern.png" > }, > "11" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbaselantern_orientation2.png" > }, > "12" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miningcrusher.png" > }, > "13" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbaseconsole.png" > }, > "14" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miningskip.png" > }, > "15" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbasedoor.png" > }, > "16" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbasedoor_orientation1.png" > }, > "17" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbasechair.png" > }, > "18" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miningbelt.png" > }, > "19" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbaselocker.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/drillmachine_orientation1.png" > }, > "20" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miningpowersign.png" > }, > "21" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mininghazardsign.png" > }, > "22" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/drillconsole.png" > }, > "23" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miningchest.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbasebunk.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/fallingrocksmodern.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbaselaser.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/deathwarningmodern.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lunarbasecrate.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miningdoor.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miningverticaldoor.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\mechanical.json 10,571c10,571 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A smashed vat, the inside is covered in dried slime... Did something break out?", < "//name" : "wreckvat1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vat", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckvat1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "It looks like an old remote terminal.", < "//name" : "wreckconsole3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Terminal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckconsole3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe3", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "escaperadar", < "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "escaperadar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "escaperadar_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "escaperadar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A machine used for breaking down rocks.", < "//name" : "miningcrusher", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Impact Crusher", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningcrusher", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A small tank full of molten liquid.", < "//name" : "lavatanksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Lava Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lavatanksmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "Sterile, recycled air whirs through the fanblades at a steady pace.", < "//name" : "bunkervent", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunker Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkervent" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", < "//name" : "ladlelarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Ladle", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ladlelarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A rusted gear half-buried in the ground.", < "//name" : "floorgear1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Gear", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floorgear1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "An old input panel, probably used to be used for security.", < "//name" : "wreckpanel2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wrecked Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckpanel2" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A sealed tank full of molten liquid.", < "//name" : "lavatanklarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Lava tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lavatanklarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A crane. Used for lifting, or swinging from.", < "//name" : "outpostcrane", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Crane", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "outpostcrane", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "This table has arms! The extra precision allows me to craft some seriously advanced stuff! ", < "//name" : "roboticcraftingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Robotic Crafting Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "roboticcraftingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A space heater!", < "//name" : "bunkerheater1", < "//shortdescription" : "Space Heater", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerheater1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A huge painted boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", < "//name" : "steamboiler3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Steam Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamboiler3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", < "//name" : "drillmachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", < "imagePositionX" : "-88", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drillmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A creaky lamp post, made from brass pipes.", < "//name" : "brasslamppost1", < "//shortdescription" : "Brass Lamp Post", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brasslamppost1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A rusty holding tank.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentank", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Holding Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "An industrial sized set of bellows from a foundry.", < "//name" : "foundrybellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Bellows", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrybellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "outpostradardish", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostradardish", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "outpostradardish_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostradardish", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A machine used to move large amounts of mined material.", < "//name" : "miningbelt", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Conveyer Belt", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningbelt", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "An old input panel .One of the keys has fallen off.", < "//name" : "wreckpanel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckpanel1" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "An old boiler. A dripping echoes from inside.", < "//name" : "wreckboiler", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckboiler", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A tank of unknown use.", < "//name" : "outposttank", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outposttank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", < "//name" : "drillmachine_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", < "imagePositionX" : "-104", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drillmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A wrecked turbine, completely non-operational.", < "//name" : "wreckturbine2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbine", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckturbine2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe2", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "Scratching sounds from the inside... I think something has made a nest in there.", < "//name" : "wreckconsole2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Computer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckconsole2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A handy power generator.", < "//name" : "outpostgenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostgenerator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "The space heater emits a low, unpleasant hum.", < "//name" : "prisonradiator", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Radiator", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonradiator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A useful storage chest.", < "//name" : "podchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Pod Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "podchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "It's a turbine. Y'know, for science.", < "//name" : "prisonturbine", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Turbine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonturbine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A small rusty boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", < "//name" : "steamboiler1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Steam Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamboiler1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A long dented boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", < "//name" : "steamboiler2", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Steam Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamboiler2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "No chance of this thing starting up.", < "//name" : "wreckconsole1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckconsole1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A long dented boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", < "//name" : "steamboiler2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Steam Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamboiler2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A drill-mounted console.", < "//name" : "drillconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drillconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "The stale air produces little more than a creak from this old fan.", < "//name" : "wreckfan", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Fan", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wreckfan" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A gear. Part of a well-oiled machine. Actually, it's a bit rusty.", < "//name" : "sewergear", < "//shortdescription" : "Gear", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewergear", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", < "//name" : "steamspringlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", < "//name" : "steamspringlamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A brass valve, rusted from years of use.", < "//name" : "boilervalve", < "//shortdescription" : "Boiler Valve", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "boilervalve", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "Perfect for storing tools and equipment in!", < "//name" : "miningchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "This tank cycles the molten liquid inside to keep it from becoming stagnant.", < "//name" : "lavatankcascade", < "//shortdescription" : "Cascading Lava Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lavatankcascade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A sewer valve. It's had a funny turn.", < "//name" : "sewervalve", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Valve", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewervalve", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A tank filled with an unknown substance. Probably very lethal.", < "//name" : "sewertank", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sewertank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A tall container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", < "//name" : "ladlesmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Ladle", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ladlesmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A tall container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", < "//name" : "ladlesmall_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Ladle", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ladlesmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A sewer gauge. Nobody knows what the gauge illustrates.", < "//name" : "sewergauge", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Gauge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewergauge" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A couple of wrecked turbines caked in dust.", < "//name" : "wreckturbines", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbines", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckturbines", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "This vending machine is empty, I guess the crew had a taste for soda.", < "//name" : "wreckvendingmachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckvendingmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "Once upon a time, a couple of these things could power a whole ship.", < "//name" : "wreckgenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckgenerator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A smashed vat, the inside is covered in dried slime... Did something break out?", > "//name" : "wreckvat1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vat", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckvat1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "It looks like an old remote terminal.", > "//name" : "wreckconsole3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Terminal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckconsole3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe3", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "escaperadar", > "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "escaperadar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "escaperadar_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "escaperadar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A machine used for breaking down rocks.", > "//name" : "miningcrusher", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Impact Crusher", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningcrusher", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A small tank full of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "lavatanksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Lava Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavatanksmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "Sterile, recycled air whirs through the fanblades at a steady pace.", > "//name" : "bunkervent", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunker Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkervent" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "ladlelarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Ladle", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ladlelarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A rusted gear half-buried in the ground.", > "//name" : "floorgear1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Gear", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floorgear1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "An old input panel, probably used to be used for security.", > "//name" : "wreckpanel2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wrecked Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckpanel2" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A sealed tank full of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "lavatanklarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Lava tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavatanklarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A crane. Used for lifting, or swinging from.", > "//name" : "outpostcrane", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Crane", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "outpostcrane", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "This table has arms! The extra precision allows me to craft some seriously advanced stuff! ", > "//name" : "roboticcraftingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Robotic Crafting Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "roboticcraftingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A space heater!", > "//name" : "bunkerheater1", > "//shortdescription" : "Space Heater", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerheater1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A huge painted boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", > "//name" : "steamboiler3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Steam Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamboiler3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", > "//name" : "drillmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", > "imagePositionX" : "-88", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drillmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A creaky lamp post, made from brass pipes.", > "//name" : "brasslamppost1", > "//shortdescription" : "Brass Lamp Post", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brasslamppost1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A rusty holding tank.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentank", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Holding Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "An industrial sized set of bellows from a foundry.", > "//name" : "foundrybellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Bellows", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrybellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "outpostradardish", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostradardish", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "outpostradardish_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostradardish", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A machine used to move large amounts of mined material.", > "//name" : "miningbelt", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Conveyer Belt", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningbelt", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "An old input panel .One of the keys has fallen off.", > "//name" : "wreckpanel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckpanel1" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "An old boiler. A dripping echoes from inside.", > "//name" : "wreckboiler", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckboiler", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A tank of unknown use.", > "//name" : "outposttank", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outposttank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", > "//name" : "drillmachine_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drillmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A wrecked turbine, completely non-operational.", > "//name" : "wreckturbine2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbine", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckturbine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe2", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "Scratching sounds from the inside... I think something has made a nest in there.", > "//name" : "wreckconsole2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckconsole2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A handy power generator.", > "//name" : "outpostgenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostgenerator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "The space heater emits a low, unpleasant hum.", > "//name" : "prisonradiator", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Radiator", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonradiator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A useful storage chest.", > "//name" : "podchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Pod Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "podchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "It's a turbine. Y'know, for science.", > "//name" : "prisonturbine", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Turbine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonturbine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A small rusty boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", > "//name" : "steamboiler1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Steam Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamboiler1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A long dented boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", > "//name" : "steamboiler2", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Steam Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamboiler2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "No chance of this thing starting up.", > "//name" : "wreckconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A long dented boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", > "//name" : "steamboiler2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Steam Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamboiler2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A drill-mounted console.", > "//name" : "drillconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drillconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "The stale air produces little more than a creak from this old fan.", > "//name" : "wreckfan", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Fan", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wreckfan" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A gear. Part of a well-oiled machine. Actually, it's a bit rusty.", > "//name" : "sewergear", > "//shortdescription" : "Gear", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewergear", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", > "//name" : "steamspringlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", > "//name" : "steamspringlamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A brass valve, rusted from years of use.", > "//name" : "boilervalve", > "//shortdescription" : "Boiler Valve", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "boilervalve", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for storing tools and equipment in!", > "//name" : "miningchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "This tank cycles the molten liquid inside to keep it from becoming stagnant.", > "//name" : "lavatankcascade", > "//shortdescription" : "Cascading Lava Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavatankcascade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A sewer valve. It's had a funny turn.", > "//name" : "sewervalve", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Valve", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewervalve", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A tank filled with an unknown substance. Probably very lethal.", > "//name" : "sewertank", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sewertank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A tall container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "ladlesmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ladle", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ladlesmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A tall container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "ladlesmall_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ladle", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ladlesmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A sewer gauge. Nobody knows what the gauge illustrates.", > "//name" : "sewergauge", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Gauge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewergauge" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A couple of wrecked turbines caked in dust.", > "//name" : "wreckturbines", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbines", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckturbines", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "This vending machine is empty, I guess the crew had a taste for soda.", > "//name" : "wreckvendingmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckvendingmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "Once upon a time, a couple of these things could power a whole ship.", > "//name" : "wreckgenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckgenerator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 574,762c574,762 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckvat1.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckconsole3.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floorpipe3.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floorpipe3_orientation1.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/escaperadar.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/escaperadar_orientation1.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/miningcrusher.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lavatanksmall.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floorpipe1.png" < }, < "17" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floorpipe1_orientation1.png" < }, < "18" : { < "image" : 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Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "tentaclepopbig", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Tentacle Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclepopbig" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "A breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "tentaclepopmed", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Tentacle Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclepopmed" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "A breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "tentaclepopsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Tentacle Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclepopsmall" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", < "//name" : "glitchartifactaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Artifact Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchartifactaltar" < }, < "105" : { < "//name" : "arkteleporterbroken", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "This teleporter should get me back to the Ark.", < "//name" : "arkteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Ark Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arkteleporter" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "This ancient teleporter no longer functions.", < "//name" : "arkdestinationteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ark Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arkdestinationteleporter" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A busted UFO.", < "//name" : "UFOprop", < "//shortdescription" : "UFO Prop", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "UFOprop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", < "//name" : "apexartifactaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Artifact Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexartifactaltar" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "Used to trap tanks.", < "//name" : "tanktrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Tank Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tanktrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "Used to trap tanks.", < "//name" : "tanktrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tank Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tanktrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "Use this to create new techs to equip on adventures!", < "//name" : "techconsolehuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "techconsolehuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A malfunctioning light.", < "//name" : "redlightBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redlightBroken" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A toilet made of swords. Risky.", < "//name" : "irontoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "irontoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A throne of 1000 swords.", < "//name" : "ironthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Cerulium bed.", < "//name" : "wavebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wave Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wavebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "This vent clangs as air whistles through.", < "//name" : "vent", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vent" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", < "//name" : "avianartifactaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Artifact Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianartifactaltar" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A strong Geometric bed.", < "//name" : "geometricbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A small breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "capsulesmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "capsulesmall" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A small barred vent.", < "//name" : "barvent", < "//shortdescription" : "Barred Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barvent" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Opulent chair.", < "//name" : "opulentchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "opulentchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "...", < "//name" : "pleaseget", < "//shortdescription" : "Please Get Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "pleaseget" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A revolting pile of poop. The stench is foul!", < "//name" : "poop", < "//shortdescription" : "Poop", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "poop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A remarkably comfortable Opulent bed.", < "//name" : "opulentbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "opulentbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own chef!", < "//name" : "spawnerchef", < "//shortdescription" : "Chef Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerchef", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "woodenteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenteleporter" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A small wooden stool.", < "//name" : "woodstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed with a headboard.", < "//name" : "woodenbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "An Executive chair. You'll never want to stand again.", < "//name" : "executivechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "executivechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel bed. Looks pretty sleek.", < "//name" : "tier4bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "It's a set of loudspeakers through which people speak loudly.", < "//name" : "loudspeaker", < "//shortdescription" : "Loudspeakers", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "loudspeaker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "An adorable kennel for an adorable pet.", < "//name" : "kennel", < "//shortdescription" : "Kennel", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kennel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own Apex villager!", < "//name" : "spawnerapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable titanium chair.", < "//name" : "tier3chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Geometric chair.", < "//name" : "geometricchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A wooden toilet. ", < "//name" : "woodtoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodtoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "This device has a slot for a creature capture pod.", < "//name" : "pettether", < "//shortdescription" : "Pet Tether", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pettether", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own doctor!", < "//name" : "spawnerdoctor", < "//shortdescription" : "Doctor Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerdoctor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "blackteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "blackteleporter" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", < "//name" : "woodsupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", < "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", < "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", < "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "capsulemed", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "capsulemed" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable titanium bed. Looks pretty sleek.", < "//name" : "tier3bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel chair.", < "//name" : "tier4chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A bird's nest with an egg in it.", < "//name" : "birdsnest", < "//shortdescription" : "Bird's Nest", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdsnest" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own human villager!", < "//name" : "spawnerhuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerhuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy metal chair.", < "//name" : "basicmetalchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basicmetalchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own Avian villager!", < "//name" : "spawneravian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawneravian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "...", < "//name" : "helpme", < "//shortdescription" : "Help Me Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "helpme" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "Knock it down!", < "//name" : "bowlingpin", < "//shortdescription" : "Bowling Pin", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bowlingpin" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "An iron bed made of swords. Perfect for a power nap.", < "//name" : "ironbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A random fountain. The most unpredictable of fountains.", < "//name" : "randomfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Random Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "randomfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A common iron bed.", < "//name" : "tier1bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A wide solid wooden stand.", < "//name" : "woodenstand2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wooden Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenstand2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "stoneteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stoneteleporter" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A very comfortable Serene chair.", < "//name" : "serenechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Serene Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "serenechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A thin solid wooden stand.", < "//name" : "woodenstand1", < "//shortdescription" : "Thin Wooden Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenstand1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed.", < "//name" : "woodenbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A basic wooden chair.", < "//name" : "woodchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Padded Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", < "//name" : "floranartifactaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Artifact Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranartifactaltar" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "tombteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Tomb Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombteleporter" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A large breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "capsulebig", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "capsulebig" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A status pod. Take your chances...", < "//name" : "statuspod", < "//shortdescription" : "Status Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "statuspod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "I don't feel welcome here...", < "//name" : "penguinposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguins Only Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "penguinposter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own Floran villager!", < "//name" : "spawnerfloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "This teleporter should get me back to the ship when I'm ready to leave.", < "//name" : "exitteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Exit Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "exitteleporter" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "Stim Merchant Spawner - for when you really need a pick-me-up.", < "//name" : "spawnerstim", < "//shortdescription" : "Stim Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerstim", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A luxurious armchair.", < "//name" : "woodenarmchair2", < "//shortdescription" : "Soft Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenarmchair2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A fluffy two-seater couch.", < "//name" : "woodencouch2", < "//shortdescription" : "Soft Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencouch2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own wizard!", < "//name" : "spawnerwizard", < "//shortdescription" : "Wizard Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerwizard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A simple tungsten chair.", < "//name" : "tier2chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "Spawns monsters in a variety of configurable ways.", < "//name" : "monsterspawner", < "//shortdescription" : "Monster Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "monsterspawner" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own pirate!", < "//name" : "spawnerpirate", < "//shortdescription" : "Pirate Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerpirate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "Just big enough for a small animal to fit comfortably inside", < "//name" : "pethouse", < "//shortdescription" : "Pet House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pethouse", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "An old, worn and dusty bed.", < "//name" : "dustybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dustybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own Hylotl villager!", < "//name" : "spawnerhylotl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerhylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "brassteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Brass Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brassteleporter" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A smashable crystal. Time to get breaking bad.", < "//name" : "smashcrystal", < "//shortdescription" : "Smashable Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashcrystal" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A malfunctioning light.", < "//name" : "apexshiplightBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexshiplightBroken" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own guard!", < "//name" : "spawnerguard", < "//shortdescription" : "Guard Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerguard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "An old, worn and dusty chair.", < "//name" : "dustychair", < "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dustychair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking wooden chair.", < "//name" : "woodenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Serene bed.", < "//name" : "serenebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Serene Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "serenebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A simple iron chair.", < "//name" : "tier1chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", < "//name" : "foodbowl", < "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foodbowl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", < "//name" : "foodbowl_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foodbowl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "scienceteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Scientific Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scienceteleporter" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "Tool Merchant Spawner - for when you need to dig a hole.", < "//name" : "spawnertools", < "//shortdescription" : "Tool Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnertools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "futureteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Futuristic Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futureteleporter" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", < "//name" : "fistlauncher", < "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fistlauncher" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", < "//name" : "fistlauncher_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fistlauncher" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", < "//name" : "fistlauncher_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "fistlauncher" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", < "//name" : "fistlauncher_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "fistlauncher" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "bigapescreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Ape Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigapescreen" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", < "//name" : "vrheadset", < "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "16", < "object" : "vrheadset", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", < "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "16", < "object" : "vrheadset", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "99" : { < "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A common tungsten bed.", > "//name" : "tier2bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Wave chair.", > "//name" : "wavechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own Glitch villager!", > "//name" : "spawnerglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "hylotlartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlartifactaltar" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A large breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "tentaclepopbig", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Tentacle Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepopbig" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "tentaclepopmed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Tentacle Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepopmed" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "tentaclepopsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Tentacle Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepopsmall" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "glitchartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchartifactaltar" > }, > "105" : { > "//name" : "arkteleporterbroken", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "This teleporter should get me back to the Ark.", > "//name" : "arkteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Ark Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arkteleporter" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "This ancient teleporter no longer functions.", > "//name" : "arkdestinationteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ark Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arkdestinationteleporter" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A busted UFO.", > "//name" : "UFOprop", > "//shortdescription" : "UFO Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "UFOprop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "apexartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexartifactaltar" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "Used to trap tanks.", > "//name" : "tanktrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Tank Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tanktrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "Used to trap tanks.", > "//name" : "tanktrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tank Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tanktrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "Use this to create new techs to equip on adventures!", > "//name" : "techconsolehuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Tech Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techconsolehuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A malfunctioning light.", > "//name" : "redlightBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redlightBroken" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A toilet made of swords. Risky.", > "//name" : "irontoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "irontoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A throne of 1000 swords.", > "//name" : "ironthrone", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Cerulium bed.", > "//name" : "wavebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "This vent clangs as air whistles through.", > "//name" : "vent", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vent" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "avianartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianartifactaltar" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A strong Geometric bed.", > "//name" : "geometricbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A small breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "capsulesmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capsulesmall" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A small barred vent.", > "//name" : "barvent", > "//shortdescription" : "Barred Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barvent" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Opulent chair.", > "//name" : "opulentchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "pleaseget", > "//shortdescription" : "Please Get Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "pleaseget" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A revolting pile of poop. The stench is foul!", > "//name" : "poop", > "//shortdescription" : "Poop", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "poop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A remarkably comfortable Opulent bed.", > "//name" : "opulentbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own chef!", > "//name" : "spawnerchef", > "//shortdescription" : "Chef Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerchef", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "woodenteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenteleporter" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A small wooden stool.", > "//name" : "woodstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed with a headboard.", > "//name" : "woodenbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "An Executive chair. You'll never want to stand again.", > "//name" : "executivechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel bed. Looks pretty sleek.", > "//name" : "tier4bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "It's a set of loudspeakers through which people speak loudly.", > "//name" : "loudspeaker", > "//shortdescription" : "Loudspeakers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "loudspeaker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "An adorable kennel for an adorable pet.", > "//name" : "kennel", > "//shortdescription" : "Kennel", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kennel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own Apex villager!", > "//name" : "spawnerapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable titanium chair.", > "//name" : "tier3chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Geometric chair.", > "//name" : "geometricchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A wooden toilet. ", > "//name" : "woodtoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodtoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "This device has a slot for a creature capture pod.", > "//name" : "pettether", > "//shortdescription" : "Pet Tether", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pettether", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own doctor!", > "//name" : "spawnerdoctor", > "//shortdescription" : "Doctor Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerdoctor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "blackteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "blackteleporter" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", > "//name" : "woodsupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", > "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", > "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", > "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "capsulemed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capsulemed" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable titanium bed. Looks pretty sleek.", > "//name" : "tier3bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel chair.", > "//name" : "tier4chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A bird's nest with an egg in it.", > "//name" : "birdsnest", > "//shortdescription" : "Bird's Nest", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdsnest" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own human villager!", > "//name" : "spawnerhuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerhuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy metal chair.", > "//name" : "basicmetalchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basicmetalchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own Avian villager!", > "//name" : "spawneravian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawneravian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "helpme", > "//shortdescription" : "Help Me Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "helpme" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "Knock it down!", > "//name" : "bowlingpin", > "//shortdescription" : "Bowling Pin", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bowlingpin" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "An iron bed made of swords. Perfect for a power nap.", > "//name" : "ironbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A random fountain. The most unpredictable of fountains.", > "//name" : "randomfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Random Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "randomfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A common iron bed.", > "//name" : "tier1bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A wide solid wooden stand.", > "//name" : "woodenstand2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wooden Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenstand2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "stoneteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stoneteleporter" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A very comfortable Serene chair.", > "//name" : "serenechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A thin solid wooden stand.", > "//name" : "woodenstand1", > "//shortdescription" : "Thin Wooden Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenstand1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed.", > "//name" : "woodenbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A basic wooden chair.", > "//name" : "woodchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Padded Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "floranartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranartifactaltar" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "tombteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Tomb Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombteleporter" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A large breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "capsulebig", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capsulebig" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A status pod. Take your chances...", > "//name" : "statuspod", > "//shortdescription" : "Status Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "statuspod", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "I don't feel welcome here...", > "//name" : "penguinposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguins Only Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "penguinposter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own Floran villager!", > "//name" : "spawnerfloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "This teleporter should get me back to the ship when I'm ready to leave.", > "//name" : "exitteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Exit Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "exitteleporter" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "Stim Merchant Spawner - for when you really need a pick-me-up.", > "//name" : "spawnerstim", > "//shortdescription" : "Stim Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerstim", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A luxurious armchair.", > "//name" : "woodenarmchair2", > "//shortdescription" : "Soft Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenarmchair2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A fluffy two-seater couch.", > "//name" : "woodencouch2", > "//shortdescription" : "Soft Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencouch2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own wizard!", > "//name" : "spawnerwizard", > "//shortdescription" : "Wizard Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerwizard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A simple tungsten chair.", > "//name" : "tier2chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "Spawns monsters in a variety of configurable ways.", > "//name" : "monsterspawner", > "//shortdescription" : "Monster Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "monsterspawner" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own pirate!", > "//name" : "spawnerpirate", > "//shortdescription" : "Pirate Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerpirate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "Just big enough for a small animal to fit comfortably inside", > "//name" : "pethouse", > "//shortdescription" : "Pet House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pethouse", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "An old, worn and dusty bed.", > "//name" : "dustybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dustybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own Hylotl villager!", > "//name" : "spawnerhylotl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerhylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "brassteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Brass Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brassteleporter" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A smashable crystal. Time to get breaking bad.", > "//name" : "smashcrystal", > "//shortdescription" : "Smashable Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashcrystal" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A malfunctioning light.", > "//name" : "apexshiplightBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexshiplightBroken" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own guard!", > "//name" : "spawnerguard", > "//shortdescription" : "Guard Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerguard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "An old, worn and dusty chair.", > "//name" : "dustychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dustychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking wooden chair.", > "//name" : "woodenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Serene bed.", > "//name" : "serenebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A simple iron chair.", > "//name" : "tier1chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", > "//name" : "foodbowl", > "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foodbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", > "//name" : "foodbowl_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foodbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "scienceteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Scientific Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scienceteleporter" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "Tool Merchant Spawner - for when you need to dig a hole.", > "//name" : "spawnertools", > "//shortdescription" : "Tool Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnertools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "futureteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Futuristic Teleporter", > 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Oh, I see. It's a lily pad.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicgong", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Gong", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicgong", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "This jukebox sounds great! Too bad there only seems to be one track.", < "//name" : "jukebox", < "//shortdescription" : "Jukebox", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jukebox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A large pair of decorative bells. Just the thing to get one into the holiday spirit!", < "//name" : "giantbells", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Holiday Bells", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "giantbells", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "It's churning out sultry tunes from Big Ape's #1 album, 'Jungle Love'.", > "//name" : "apexrecordplayer", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Record Player", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexrecordplayer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A large club speaker.", > "//name" : "clubspeaker", > "//shortdescription" : "Club Speaker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubspeaker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "There's some sheet music here.", > "//name" : "apexpiano", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum1", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "The huge speakers pump out loud dance music.", > "//name" : "clubdecks", > "//shortdescription" : "Club Decks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "clubdecks", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "It's a framed replica of Big Ape's hit album, 'Jungle Love'.", > "//name" : "apexpainting3", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Record", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting3" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A big fancy gong. It's covered in carvings.", > "//name" : "birdgong2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Avian Gong", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdgong2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "An old radio, it still plays music.", > "//name" : "hylotlradio", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Radio", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlradio", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A large metal gong. It's so tempting to give it a smack!", > "//name" : "birdgong1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Gong", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdgong1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", > "//name" : "saloonpiano", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", > "//name" : "saloonpiano_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "This bell must make quite a sound.", > "//name" : "largebell", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Bell", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "largebell", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's a lily pad.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicgong", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Gong", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicgong", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "This jukebox sounds great! Too bad there only seems to be one track.", > "//name" : "jukebox", > "//shortdescription" : "Jukebox", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jukebox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A large pair of decorative bells. Just the thing to get one into the holiday spirit!", > "//name" : "giantbells", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Holiday Bells", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "giantbells", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 173,226c173,226 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexrecordplayer.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/clubspeaker.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexpiano.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/florandrum1.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/clubdecks.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/florandrum2.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexpainting3.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/birdgong2.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlradio.png" < }, < 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"image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/florandrum1.png" > }, > "12" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/clubdecks.png" > }, > "13" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/florandrum2.png" > }, > "14" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexpainting3.png" > }, > "15" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/birdgong2.png" > }, > "16" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlradio.png" > }, > "17" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/birdgong1.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/florandrum3.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/florandrum4.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonpiano.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonpiano_orientation1.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/largebell.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlclassicgong.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/jukebox.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/giantbells.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\naturalcave.json 10,36c10,36 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", < "//name" : "woodencrate2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrate2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "If I look at these lights any longer, I'll probably go blind.", < "//name" : "floodlights", < "//shortdescription" : "Floodlights", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", < "//name" : "woodencrate1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrate1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", > "//name" : "woodencrate2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrate2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "If I look at these lights any longer, I'll probably go blind.", > "//name" : "floodlights", > "//shortdescription" : "Floodlights", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", > "//name" : "woodencrate1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrate1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 39,47c39,47 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodencrate2.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floodlights.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodencrate1.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodencrate2.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floodlights.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodencrate1.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\nature.json 10,1790c10,1790 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A seaweed in a flower pot.", < "//name" : "seaweedpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Seaweed Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seaweedpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Not to be confused with the infamous Dreadwing.\"", < "//name" : "redwing", < "//shortdescription" : "Redwing Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redwing", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A giant mushroom of Agaran origin.", < "//name" : "agaranmushroom", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Agaran Mushroom", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "agaranmushroom", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", < "//name" : "wildcoffeeseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcoffeeseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", < "//name" : "toxictopseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Top Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxictopseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "A large, luminous pod hanigng from a vine.", < "//name" : "huntinglight3", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reedbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", < "//name" : "wildtoxictopseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Top Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildtoxictopseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", < "//name" : "wildcurrentcornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcurrentcornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "A plant which grows fluffy cotton buds.", < "//name" : "cottonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Cotton Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cottonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "A giant mushroom. Perfect to use as a table.", < "//name" : "shroomtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", < "//name" : "reedseed5", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedseed5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "This water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", < "//name" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Water Feature", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", < "//name" : "wildwheatseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildwheatseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Hard to spot, these bugs are as black as night.\"", < "//name" : "shadowmoth", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadowmoth Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowmoth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "A flower bed. Hope you don't have hayfever.", < "//name" : "giantflowerbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", < "//name" : "wilddiodiaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wilddiodiaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", < "//name" : "reedseed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedseed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", < "//name" : "flowerbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A rolled up bale of hay.", < "//name" : "hayroll", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Roll", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hayroll", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "Boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", < "//name" : "wildboltbulbseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildboltbulbseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", < "//name" : "wildpotatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpotatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A sunflower who's just looking for the sun.", < "//name" : "movingsunflower", < "//shortdescription" : "Moving Sunflower", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "movingsunflower", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "Pearlpea, I'll need to bite down hard.", < "//name" : "wildpearlpeaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpearlpeaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", < "//name" : "wartweedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wartweedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", < "//name" : "feathercrownseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feathercrownseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", < "//name" : "wildcrystalplantseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcrystalplantseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "\"These bugs float on updrafts of poisonous gases.\"", < "//name" : "gasgiant", < "//shortdescription" : "Gasgiant Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gasgiant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug's legs move so fast they're difficult to count.\"", < "//name" : "scuttleploom", < "//shortdescription" : "Scuttleploom Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scuttleploom", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"A large, formidable bug. Can survive extreme heat.\"", < "//name" : "fireygiant", < "//shortdescription" : "Fireygiant Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fireygiant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug rubs its legs together to produce tiny sparks.\"", < "//name" : "phoenixfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Phoenixfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "phoenixfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", < "//name" : "crystalplantseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalplantseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom chair. Or maybe a toadstool.", < "//name" : "shroomchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "A small set of lily pad wall hangings.", < "//name" : "hylotllilydeco2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Lily Pads", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotllilydeco2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"You'll smell one of these little guys before you see one.\"", < "//name" : "stinkjack", < "//shortdescription" : "Stinkjack Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stinkjack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", < "//name" : "tomatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tomatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reedchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reeddesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reeddesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "Reeds fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "reedchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The surface of this bug's shell shimmers like oil.\"", < "//name" : "aurorabee", < "//shortdescription" : "Aurorabee Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "aurorabee", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", < "//name" : "wildtomatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildtomatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This little bug's legs are covered in see-through hairs.\"", < "//name" : "polarmoth", < "//shortdescription" : "Polarmoth Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "polarmoth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "A door with a cheerful wreath on it.", < "//name" : "giantflowerdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", < "//name" : "wildsugarcaneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildsugarcaneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", < "//name" : "wildcornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its tawny wings make it hard to spot on trees.\"", < "//name" : "fawnfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Fawnfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fawnfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A door made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reeddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reeddoor" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", < "//name" : "bonebooseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonebooseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"These bugs appear to rise from clouds of ash.\"", < "//name" : "ashsprite", < "//shortdescription" : "Ashsprite Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashsprite", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", < "//name" : "eggshootseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eggshootseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A flower with bright blue petals. Useful for making dye.", < "//name" : "flowerblue", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerblue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", < "//name" : "coffeeseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coffeeseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", < "//name" : "reedseed3", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedseed3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "A glow-in-the-dark mushroom. Handy AND cute.", < "//name" : "shroomlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", < "//name" : "wildreefpodseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildreefpodseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Thrives in desolate conditions.\"", < "//name" : "cinderfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Cinderfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cinderfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", < "//name" : "wildgrapesseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildgrapesseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", < "//name" : "reedseed4", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedseed4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", < "//name" : "wildwartweedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildwartweedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom bed. Guaranteed to give you weird dreams.", < "//name" : "shroombed", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroombed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Vibrant and beautiful, it has a friendly little smile on its face.\"", < "//name" : "brightstripe", < "//shortdescription" : "Brightstripe Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brightstripe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a flower, important to the Floran.", < "//name" : "flowerstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Flower Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", < "//name" : "wildbananaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildbananaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A sweetly scented spring flower.", < "//name" : "flowerspring", < "//shortdescription" : "Spring Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerspring", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", < "//name" : "toxiclamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxiclamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", < "//name" : "reefpodseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reefpodseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Comes out only during certain phases of the moon.\"", < "//name" : "tidefly", < "//shortdescription" : "Tidefly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tidefly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a mushroom.", < "//name" : "shroomstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This tiny creature skips across hot lakes of lava.\"", < "//name" : "lavahopper", < "//shortdescription" : "Lavahopper Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lavahopper", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.", < "//name" : "automatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "automatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"A bug that can usually be found chasing the crest of a wave.\"", < "//name" : "wavebird", < "//shortdescription" : "Wavebird Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wavebird", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It looks as if it could slip out of its shell at a moments notice.\"", < "//name" : "shellcreep", < "//shortdescription" : "Shellcreep Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shellcreep", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "A bush that emits a pleasant glow.", < "//name" : "glowbushlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bush Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbushlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of vines. Those spikes look poisonous.", < "//name" : "toxicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", < "//name" : "wildcarrotseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcarrotseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit a pleasant glow.", < "//name" : "glowflowerlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflowerlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", < "//name" : "pineappleseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pineappleseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "Little flapping bugs appear to be moving inside this bush.", < "//name" : "butterflybush", < "//shortdescription" : "Butterfly Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "butterflybush" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", < "//name" : "wildneonmelonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildneonmelonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The warmer this bug gets, the more it glows.\"", < "//name" : "glowbug", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowbug Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbug" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A fiery-looking flower in a pot.", < "//name" : "fireflowerpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Fiery Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fireflowerpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", < "//name" : "riceseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "riceseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "An exotic-looking cactus in a flower pot.", < "//name" : "cactiflowerpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Cactus Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cactiflowerpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", < "//name" : "giantflower3", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflower3" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug is easily mistaken for a snowflake.\"", < "//name" : "frostfleck", < "//shortdescription" : "Frostfleck Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frostfleck", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", < "//name" : "wildbeakseedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildbeakseedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A giant flower. Perfect to use as a table.", < "//name" : "giantflowertable", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowertable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", < "//name" : "wildoculemonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildoculemonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", < "//name" : "flowerbed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug makes a faint ringing sound as it flies through the air.\"", < "//name" : "driftbell", < "//shortdescription" : "Driftbell Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "driftbell", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom. The farmer who plants these is a fun guy.", < "//name" : "mushroomseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mushroomseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "A rather adorable pink potted plant.", < "//name" : "splendidplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Splendid Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "splendidplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"A lively bug, it can be seen drinking morning dew.\"", < "//name" : "dewhopper", < "//shortdescription" : "Dewhopper Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dewhopper", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Where there's frost, there are frostflies.\"", < "//name" : "frostfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Frostfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frostfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug never stops eating.\"", < "//name" : "hivehog", < "//shortdescription" : "Hivehog Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivehog", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The smallest and most pathetic bug I've ever seen.\"", < "//name" : "orphanfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Orphanfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "orphanfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Who would live in the desert? This clown.\"", < "//name" : "sandclown", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandclown Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandclown", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", < "//name" : "potatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "potatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", < "//name" : "oculemonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oculemonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug has a snout like a seahorse.\"", < "//name" : "seahornet", < "//shortdescription" : "Seahornet Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seahornet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The wings of this bug are iridescent like ice.\"", < "//name" : "shardwing", < "//shortdescription" : "Shardwing Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shardwing", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "A steaming cup of Earl Grey.", < "//name" : "testbug", < "//shortdescription" : "Teacup", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "testbug", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This pretty bug loves sunshine.\"", < "//name" : "sunskipper", < "//shortdescription" : "Sunskipper Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sunskipper", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "A fake plastic plant. Not a tree.", < "//name" : "plasticplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plasticplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", < "//name" : "beakseedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "beakseedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "What a lovely flower!", < "//name" : "protectorateflower", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateflower", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "A torn bit of fabric from a Protectorate Banner.", < "//name" : "protectoratecape", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Banner Rag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratecape", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "A grand looking aquarium, with a small scale Hylotl pagoda model on top.", < "//name" : "pagodaaquarium", < "//shortdescription" : "Pagoda Aquarium", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pagodaaquarium", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This blue bug has sharp little teeth.\"", < "//name" : "blueback", < "//shortdescription" : "Blueback Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "blueback", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", < "//name" : "grapesseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "grapesseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A flower with bright yellow petals. Useful for making dye.", < "//name" : "floweryellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floweryellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", < "//name" : "wildfeathercrownseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildfeathercrownseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", < "//name" : "wilddirturchinseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wilddirturchinseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A plant which grows fluffy cotton buds!", < "//name" : "wildcottonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Cotton Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcottonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", < "//name" : "wildcoralcreepseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcoralcreepseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", < "//name" : "coralcreepseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coralcreepseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", < "//name" : "chiliseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chiliseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", < "//name" : "wildbonebooseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildbonebooseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Grows boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", < "//name" : "boltbulbseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "boltbulbseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A flower chair. If you enjoy sitting here, you like butter.", < "//name" : "giantflowerchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "shroomchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", < "//name" : "reedclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Wall Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "reedclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", < "//name" : "currentcornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "currentcornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "Look! Fishies!", < "//name" : "apexaquarium1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Aquarium", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexaquarium1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A pretty white flower in a pot.", < "//name" : "wflowerpot", < "//shortdescription" : "White Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wflowerpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", < "//name" : "wildavesmingoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildavesmingoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A crystal geode plant in a flower pot.", < "//name" : "geodeplantpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode Plant Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodeplantpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", < "//name" : "huntinglight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Vine Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug looks like it's wearing tiny green shoes.\"", < "//name" : "greentip", < "//shortdescription" : "Greentip Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greentip", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A reed shelf.", < "//name" : "reedshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A large lily pad wall hanging.", < "//name" : "hylotllilydeco3", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Lily Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotllilydeco3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "This door is strong and sustainably sourced.", < "//name" : "bamboodoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bamboodoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"A bug with glistening gold wings, very fancy!\"", < "//name" : "goldbuck", < "//shortdescription" : "Goldbuck Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldbuck", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", < "//name" : "kiwiseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kiwiseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A prickly plant with prickly fruits.", < "//name" : "thornplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Thorny Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thornplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", < "//name" : "sugarcaneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sugarcaneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of vines, it's not really safe.", < "//name" : "junglechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Attracted to heat, this little guy needs warmth.\"", < "//name" : "heathugger", < "//shortdescription" : "Heathugger Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heathugger", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A chest with a spring flower latch.", < "//name" : "springchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Spring Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", < "//name" : "holly", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "holly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", < "//name" : "holly_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "holly" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A neat bale of hay, ready for stacking.", < "//name" : "haystack", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Stack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "haystack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", < "//name" : "holly_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "holly" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", < "//name" : "avesmingoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avesmingoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", < "//name" : "reedseed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedseed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom wardrobe.", < "//name" : "shroomwardrobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomwardrobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", < "//name" : "wildpineappleseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpineappleseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This guy has a creepy little face.\"", < "//name" : "xenofly", < "//shortdescription" : "Xenofly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "xenofly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A particularly colourful potted plant.", < "//name" : "vibrantplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vibrantplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", < "//name" : "giantflower1", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflower1" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", < "//name" : "dirturchinseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dirturchinseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", < "//name" : "bananaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bananaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "Little glowing bugs appear to be living in this bush.", < "//name" : "fireflybush", < "//shortdescription" : "Firefly Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fireflybush" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", < "//name" : "wildpussplumseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpussplumseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", < "//name" : "carrotseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "carrotseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.", < "//name" : "wildautomatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildautomatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A thorny table. Careful where you put your feet.", < "//name" : "toxictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", < "//name" : "giantflower4", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflower4" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The tips of its legs are covered in snow.\"", < "//name" : "snowskater", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowskater Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowskater", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A pile of hay. Probably not a great hiding place.", < "//name" : "haypile", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "haypile", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A bundle of unusually large leaves.", < "//name" : "huntingplatformleaves", < "//shortdescription" : "Leaf Bundle", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatformleaves", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This prickly little fellow has razor sharp wings.\"", < "//name" : "thornbee", < "//shortdescription" : "Thornbee Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thornbee", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of flowers.", < "//name" : "giantflowerchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"A bright yellow bug, its wings smell like butter.\"", < "//name" : "butterbee", < "//shortdescription" : "Butterbee Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "butterbee", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A blue flower lamp", < "//name" : "flowerlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "flowerlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.", < "//name" : "hylotlplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Fake Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlplant1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its legs look like intertwining vines.\"", < "//name" : "vineclimber", < "//shortdescription" : "Vineclimber Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vineclimber", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", < "//name" : "wildkiwiseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildkiwiseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A flower with bright red petals. Useful for making dye.", < "//name" : "flowerred", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerred", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain with a floral centerpiece.", < "//name" : "petalfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Floral Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "petalfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", < "//name" : "giantflower2", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflower2" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", < "//name" : "wildeggshootseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildeggshootseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A small lily pad decoration.", < "//name" : "hylotllilydeco1", < "//shortdescription" : "Little Lily Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotllilydeco1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The trail of a dustmoth looks like stardust.\"", < "//name" : "dustmoth", < "//shortdescription" : "Dustmoth Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dustmoth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A door made of mushrooms. It even has a cute mushroom handle.", < "//name" : "shroomdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit the sun's rays.", < "//name" : "giantflowerlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug is incredibly sticky. It has two long horns on its head.\"", < "//name" : "mudstag", < "//shortdescription" : "Mudstag Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mudstag", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", < "//name" : "pussplumseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pussplumseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", < "//name" : "neonmelonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "neonmelonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug's wings are frozen over.\"", < "//name" : "icetip", < "//shortdescription" : "Icetip Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icetip", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "Strange huge flowers, you can hide inside!", < "//name" : "flowerbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Flower Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "It looks like reed, but it's actually a lamp.", < "//name" : "reedlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", < "//name" : "huntinglight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Vine Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", < "//name" : "wheatseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wheatseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"These bugs can be seen dancing at dusk.\"", < "//name" : "muddancer", < "//shortdescription" : "Muddancer Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "muddancer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", < "//name" : "diodiaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diodiaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", < "//name" : "wildchiliseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildchiliseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Hot to the touch, its shell flickers like flame.\"", < "//name" : "flameroach", < "//shortdescription" : "Flameroach Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flameroach", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", < "//name" : "wildriceseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildriceseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", < "//name" : "cornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A bed, with glowing plants grown through it.", < "//name" : "glowbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "Pearlpea, you'll need to bite down hard.", < "//name" : "pearlpeaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pearlpeaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", < "//name" : "toxiclamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "toxiclamp2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A seaweed in a flower pot.", > "//name" : "seaweedpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Seaweed Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seaweedpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Not to be confused with the infamous Dreadwing.\"", > "//name" : "redwing", > "//shortdescription" : "Redwing Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redwing", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A giant mushroom of Agaran origin.", > "//name" : "agaranmushroom", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Agaran Mushroom", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "agaranmushroom", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", > "//name" : "wildcoffeeseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcoffeeseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", > "//name" : "toxictopseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Top Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxictopseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A large, luminous pod hanigng from a vine.", > "//name" : "huntinglight3", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reedbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", > "//name" : "wildtoxictopseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Top Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildtoxictopseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", > "//name" : "wildcurrentcornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcurrentcornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A plant which grows fluffy cotton buds.", > "//name" : "cottonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cotton Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cottonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A giant mushroom. Perfect to use as a table.", > "//name" : "shroomtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "//name" : "reedseed5", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedseed5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "This water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", > "//name" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Water Feature", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", > "//name" : "wildwheatseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildwheatseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Hard to spot, these bugs are as black as night.\"", > "//name" : "shadowmoth", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadowmoth Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowmoth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "A flower bed. Hope you don't have hayfever.", > "//name" : "giantflowerbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", > "//name" : "wilddiodiaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wilddiodiaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "//name" : "reedseed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedseed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", > "//name" : "flowerbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A rolled up bale of hay.", > "//name" : "hayroll", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Roll", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hayroll", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "Boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", > "//name" : "wildboltbulbseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildboltbulbseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", > "//name" : "wildpotatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpotatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A sunflower who's just looking for the sun.", > "//name" : "movingsunflower", > "//shortdescription" : "Moving Sunflower", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "movingsunflower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "Pearlpea, I'll need to bite down hard.", > "//name" : "wildpearlpeaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpearlpeaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", > "//name" : "wartweedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wartweedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", > "//name" : "feathercrownseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feathercrownseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", > "//name" : "wildcrystalplantseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcrystalplantseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "\"These bugs float on updrafts of poisonous gases.\"", > "//name" : "gasgiant", > "//shortdescription" : "Gasgiant Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gasgiant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug's legs move so fast they're difficult to count.\"", > "//name" : "scuttleploom", > "//shortdescription" : "Scuttleploom Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scuttleploom", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A large, formidable bug. Can survive extreme heat.\"", > "//name" : "fireygiant", > "//shortdescription" : "Fireygiant Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fireygiant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug rubs its legs together to produce tiny sparks.\"", > "//name" : "phoenixfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Phoenixfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "phoenixfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", > "//name" : "crystalplantseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalplantseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom chair. Or maybe a toadstool.", > "//name" : "shroomchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A small set of lily pad wall hangings.", > "//name" : "hylotllilydeco2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Lily Pads", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotllilydeco2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"You'll smell one of these little guys before you see one.\"", > "//name" : "stinkjack", > "//shortdescription" : "Stinkjack Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stinkjack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", > "//name" : "tomatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tomatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reedchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reeddesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reeddesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "Reeds fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "reedchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The surface of this bug's shell shimmers like oil.\"", > "//name" : "aurorabee", > "//shortdescription" : "Aurorabee Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "aurorabee", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", > "//name" : "wildtomatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildtomatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This little bug's legs are covered in see-through hairs.\"", > "//name" : "polarmoth", > "//shortdescription" : "Polarmoth Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "polarmoth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "A door with a cheerful wreath on it.", > "//name" : "giantflowerdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", > "//name" : "wildsugarcaneseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildsugarcaneseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", > "//name" : "wildcornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its tawny wings make it hard to spot on trees.\"", > "//name" : "fawnfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Fawnfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fawnfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A door made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reeddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reeddoor" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", > "//name" : "bonebooseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonebooseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"These bugs appear to rise from clouds of ash.\"", > "//name" : "ashsprite", > "//shortdescription" : "Ashsprite Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashsprite", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", > "//name" : "eggshootseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eggshootseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A flower with bright blue petals. Useful for making dye.", > "//name" : "flowerblue", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerblue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", > "//name" : "coffeeseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coffeeseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "//name" : "reedseed3", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedseed3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "A glow-in-the-dark mushroom. Handy AND cute.", > "//name" : "shroomlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", > "//name" : "wildreefpodseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildreefpodseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Thrives in desolate conditions.\"", > "//name" : "cinderfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Cinderfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cinderfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", > "//name" : "wildgrapesseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildgrapesseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "//name" : "reedseed4", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedseed4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", > "//name" : "wildwartweedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildwartweedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom bed. Guaranteed to give you weird dreams.", > "//name" : "shroombed", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroombed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Vibrant and beautiful, it has a friendly little smile on its face.\"", > "//name" : "brightstripe", > "//shortdescription" : "Brightstripe Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brightstripe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a flower, important to the Floran.", > "//name" : "flowerstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Flower Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", > "//name" : "wildbananaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildbananaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A sweetly scented spring flower.", > "//name" : "flowerspring", > "//shortdescription" : "Spring Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerspring", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", > "//name" : "toxiclamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxiclamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", > "//name" : "reefpodseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reefpodseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Comes out only during certain phases of the moon.\"", > "//name" : "tidefly", > "//shortdescription" : "Tidefly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tidefly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a mushroom.", > "//name" : "shroomstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This tiny creature skips across hot lakes of lava.\"", > "//name" : "lavahopper", > "//shortdescription" : "Lavahopper Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavahopper", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.", > "//name" : "automatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "automatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A bug that can usually be found chasing the crest of a wave.\"", > "//name" : "wavebird", > "//shortdescription" : "Wavebird Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavebird", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It looks as if it could slip out of its shell at a moments notice.\"", > "//name" : "shellcreep", > "//shortdescription" : "Shellcreep Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shellcreep", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A bush that emits a pleasant glow.", > "//name" : "glowbushlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bush Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbushlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of vines. Those spikes look poisonous.", > "//name" : "toxicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", > "//name" : "wildcarrotseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcarrotseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit a pleasant glow.", > "//name" : "glowflowerlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflowerlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", > "//name" : "pineappleseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pineappleseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "Little flapping bugs appear to be moving inside this bush.", > "//name" : "butterflybush", > "//shortdescription" : "Butterfly Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "butterflybush" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", > "//name" : "wildneonmelonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildneonmelonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The warmer this bug gets, the more it glows.\"", > "//name" : "glowbug", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowbug Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbug" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A fiery-looking flower in a pot.", > "//name" : "fireflowerpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Fiery Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fireflowerpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", > "//name" : "riceseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "riceseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "An exotic-looking cactus in a flower pot.", > "//name" : "cactiflowerpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Cactus Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cactiflowerpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", > "//name" : "giantflower3", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflower3" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug is easily mistaken for a snowflake.\"", > "//name" : "frostfleck", > "//shortdescription" : "Frostfleck Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frostfleck", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", > "//name" : "wildbeakseedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildbeakseedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A giant flower. Perfect to use as a table.", > "//name" : "giantflowertable", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowertable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", > "//name" : "wildoculemonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildoculemonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", > "//name" : "flowerbed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug makes a faint ringing sound as it flies through the air.\"", > "//name" : "driftbell", > "//shortdescription" : "Driftbell Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "driftbell", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom. The farmer who plants these is a fun guy.", > "//name" : "mushroomseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mushroomseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "A rather adorable pink potted plant.", > "//name" : "splendidplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Splendid Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "splendidplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A lively bug, it can be seen drinking morning dew.\"", > "//name" : "dewhopper", > "//shortdescription" : "Dewhopper Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dewhopper", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Where there's frost, there are frostflies.\"", > "//name" : "frostfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Frostfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frostfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug never stops eating.\"", > "//name" : "hivehog", > "//shortdescription" : "Hivehog Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivehog", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The smallest and most pathetic bug I've ever seen.\"", > "//name" : "orphanfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Orphanfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "orphanfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Who would live in the desert? This clown.\"", > "//name" : "sandclown", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandclown Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandclown", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", > "//name" : "potatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "potatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", > "//name" : "oculemonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oculemonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug has a snout like a seahorse.\"", > "//name" : "seahornet", > "//shortdescription" : "Seahornet Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seahornet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The wings of this bug are iridescent like ice.\"", > "//name" : "shardwing", > "//shortdescription" : "Shardwing Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shardwing", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "A steaming cup of Earl Grey.", > "//name" : "testbug", > "//shortdescription" : "Teacup", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "testbug", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This pretty bug loves sunshine.\"", > "//name" : "sunskipper", > "//shortdescription" : "Sunskipper Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sunskipper", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "A fake plastic plant. Not a tree.", > "//name" : "plasticplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plasticplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", > "//name" : "beakseedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "beakseedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "What a lovely flower!", > "//name" : "protectorateflower", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateflower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "A torn bit of fabric from a Protectorate Banner.", > "//name" : "protectoratecape", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Banner Rag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratecape", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "A grand looking aquarium, with a small scale Hylotl pagoda model on top.", > "//name" : "pagodaaquarium", > "//shortdescription" : "Pagoda Aquarium", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pagodaaquarium", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This blue bug has sharp little teeth.\"", > "//name" : "blueback", > "//shortdescription" : "Blueback Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "blueback", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", > "//name" : "grapesseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "grapesseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A flower with bright yellow petals. Useful for making dye.", > "//name" : "floweryellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floweryellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", > "//name" : "wildfeathercrownseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildfeathercrownseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", > "//name" : "wilddirturchinseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wilddirturchinseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A plant which grows fluffy cotton buds!", > "//name" : "wildcottonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cotton Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcottonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", > "//name" : "wildcoralcreepseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcoralcreepseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", > "//name" : "coralcreepseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coralcreepseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", > "//name" : "chiliseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chiliseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", > "//name" : "wildbonebooseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildbonebooseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Grows boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", > "//name" : "boltbulbseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "boltbulbseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A flower chair. If you enjoy sitting here, you like butter.", > "//name" : "giantflowerchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "shroomchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", > "//name" : "reedclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Wall Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "reedclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", > "//name" : "currentcornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "currentcornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "Look! Fishies!", > "//name" : "apexaquarium1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Aquarium", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexaquarium1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A pretty white flower in a pot.", > "//name" : "wflowerpot", > "//shortdescription" : "White Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wflowerpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", > "//name" : "wildavesmingoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildavesmingoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A crystal geode plant in a flower pot.", > "//name" : "geodeplantpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Plant Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeplantpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", > "//name" : "huntinglight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Vine Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug looks like it's wearing tiny green shoes.\"", > "//name" : "greentip", > "//shortdescription" : "Greentip Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greentip", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A reed shelf.", > "//name" : "reedshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A large lily pad wall hanging.", > "//name" : "hylotllilydeco3", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Lily Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotllilydeco3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "This door is strong and sustainably sourced.", > "//name" : "bamboodoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bamboodoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A bug with glistening gold wings, very fancy!\"", > "//name" : "goldbuck", > "//shortdescription" : "Goldbuck Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldbuck", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", > "//name" : "kiwiseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kiwiseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A prickly plant with prickly fruits.", > "//name" : "thornplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorny Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thornplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", > "//name" : "sugarcaneseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sugarcaneseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of vines, it's not really safe.", > "//name" : "junglechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Attracted to heat, this little guy needs warmth.\"", > "//name" : "heathugger", > "//shortdescription" : "Heathugger Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heathugger", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A chest with a spring flower latch.", > "//name" : "springchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Spring Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", > "//name" : "holly", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "holly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", > "//name" : "holly_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "holly" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A neat bale of hay, ready for stacking.", > "//name" : "haystack", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Stack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "haystack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", > "//name" : "holly_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "holly" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", > "//name" : "avesmingoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avesmingoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "//name" : "reedseed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedseed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom wardrobe.", > "//name" : "shroomwardrobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomwardrobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", > "//name" : "wildpineappleseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpineappleseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This guy has a creepy little face.\"", > "//name" : "xenofly", > "//shortdescription" : "Xenofly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "xenofly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A particularly colourful potted plant.", > "//name" : "vibrantplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vibrantplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", > "//name" : "giantflower1", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflower1" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", > "//name" : "dirturchinseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirturchinseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", > "//name" : "bananaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bananaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "Little glowing bugs appear to be living in this bush.", > "//name" : "fireflybush", > "//shortdescription" : "Firefly Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fireflybush" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", > "//name" : "wildpussplumseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpussplumseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", > "//name" : "carrotseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "carrotseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.", > "//name" : "wildautomatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildautomatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A thorny table. Careful where you put your feet.", > "//name" : "toxictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", > "//name" : "giantflower4", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflower4" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The tips of its legs are covered in snow.\"", > "//name" : "snowskater", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowskater Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowskater", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A pile of hay. Probably not a great hiding place.", > "//name" : "haypile", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "haypile", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A bundle of unusually large leaves.", > "//name" : "huntingplatformleaves", > "//shortdescription" : "Leaf Bundle", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatformleaves", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This prickly little fellow has razor sharp wings.\"", > "//name" : "thornbee", > "//shortdescription" : "Thornbee Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thornbee", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of flowers.", > "//name" : "giantflowerchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A bright yellow bug, its wings smell like butter.\"", > "//name" : "butterbee", > "//shortdescription" : "Butterbee Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "butterbee", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A blue flower lamp", > "//name" : "flowerlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "flowerlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.", > "//name" : "hylotlplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Fake Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlplant1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its legs look like intertwining vines.\"", > "//name" : "vineclimber", > "//shortdescription" : "Vineclimber Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vineclimber", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", > "//name" : "wildkiwiseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildkiwiseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A flower with bright red petals. Useful for making dye.", > "//name" : "flowerred", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerred", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain with a floral centerpiece.", > "//name" : "petalfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Floral Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "petalfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", > "//name" : "giantflower2", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflower2" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", > "//name" : "wildeggshootseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildeggshootseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A small lily pad decoration.", > "//name" : "hylotllilydeco1", > "//shortdescription" : "Little Lily Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllilydeco1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The trail of a dustmoth looks like stardust.\"", > "//name" : "dustmoth", > "//shortdescription" : "Dustmoth Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dustmoth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A door made of mushrooms. It even has a cute mushroom handle.", > "//name" : "shroomdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit the sun's rays.", > "//name" : "giantflowerlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug is incredibly sticky. It has two long horns on its head.\"", > "//name" : "mudstag", > "//shortdescription" : "Mudstag Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mudstag", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", > "//name" : "pussplumseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pussplumseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", > "//name" : "neonmelonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "neonmelonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug's wings are frozen over.\"", > "//name" : "icetip", > "//shortdescription" : "Icetip Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icetip", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "Strange huge flowers, you can hide inside!", > "//name" : "flowerbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Flower Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "It looks like reed, but it's actually a lamp.", > "//name" : "reedlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", > "//name" : "huntinglight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Vine Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", > "//name" : "wheatseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wheatseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"These bugs can be seen dancing at dusk.\"", > "//name" : "muddancer", > "//shortdescription" : "Muddancer Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "muddancer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", > "//name" : "diodiaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diodiaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", > "//name" : "wildchiliseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildchiliseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Hot to the touch, its shell flickers like flame.\"", > "//name" : "flameroach", > "//shortdescription" : "Flameroach Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flameroach", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", > "//name" : "wildriceseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildriceseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", > "//name" : "cornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A bed, with glowing plants grown through it.", > "//name" : "glowbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "Pearlpea, you'll need to bite down hard.", > "//name" : "pearlpeaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pearlpeaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", > "//name" : "toxiclamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "toxiclamp2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 1793,2389c1793,2389 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/seaweedpot.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/redwing.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/agaranmushroom.png" < }, < "100" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildcoffeeseed.png" < }, < "101" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/toxictopseed.png" < }, < "102" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntinglight3.png" < }, < "103" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/reedbed.png" < }, < "104" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildtoxictopseed.png" < }, < "105" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildcurrentcornseed.png" < }, < "106" : { < 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shroomchair.png" < }, < "128" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotllilydeco2.png" < }, < "129" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stinkjack.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tomatoseed.png" < }, < "130" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/reedchair.png" < }, < "131" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/reeddesk.png" < }, < "132" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/reedchest.png" < }, < "133" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/aurorabee.png" < }, < "134" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildtomatoseed.png" < }, < "135" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flowerbasket1.png" < }, < "136" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flowerbasket1_orientation2.png" < }, < "137" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flowerbasket1_orientation3.png" < }, < 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This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokennovakidfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatch" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "novakidshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidshiplockerTier0" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "novakidteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidteleporterTier0" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "novakidshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "novakidstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidstoragelocker" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "novakidteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidteleporter" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "novakidtechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidtechstation" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "novakidshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidshiplocker" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. 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To store things in.", < "//name" : "fleshchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush6", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", < "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. 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Worth a look inside.", < "//name" : "eyechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", < "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana! The sacred fruit!", < "//name" : "apexstatue3", < "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Lock Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "Tar fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "tarpitchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Tarpit Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarpitchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife. Wait a minute... I think I can hear something inside!", < "//name" : "sarcohumanalive", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcohumanalive", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A broken pillar.", < "//name" : "heckpillar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckpillar2" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "Like a snowman, but sticky.", < "//name" : "tarman", < "//shortdescription" : "Tarman", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", < "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of a thick slime substance.", < "//name" : "slimehide", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimehide", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "No one knows how this sword got here. Pull it out, it could be legendary!", < "//name" : "wildswordstoneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Swordstone", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildswordstoneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "An eye table. Not good for people wearing skirts.", < "//name" : "eyetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A simple tar bed.", < "//name" : "tarbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A bright, modern looking chair.", < "//name" : "cellchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A sticky, slimy spot to sit.", < "//name" : "slimechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A toxic chest.", < "//name" : "toxicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A painting of two rainbows. A double rainbow.", < "//name" : "rainbowpainting", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "rainbowpainting", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A sticky tar chair.", < "//name" : "tarchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "It's some sort of floor ornament. Frog spawn swirls inside.", < "//name" : "hylotlfloorornament", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Ornament", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlfloorornament", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A computer console made of tar.", < "//name" : "tarconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy table. Perfect for carnivores.", < "//name" : "fleshtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "An alien plant door.", < "//name" : "aliendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "aliendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A defaced poster of Big Ape.", < "//name" : "apexmocksign", < "//shortdescription" : "Disobey Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexmocksign" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "An altar dedicated to some unspeakable horror.", < "//name" : "heckaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckaltar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A sack of straw with a face. Kinda loveable!", < "//name" : "scarecrow", < "//shortdescription" : "Scarecrow", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scarecrow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "Ahh The Son of Man, you make me hungry!", < "//name" : "genericpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Curious Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "genericpainting1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "An alien chair. It seems alive.", < "//name" : "alienchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "Sleep sweetly, suspended in slime.", < "//name" : "slimebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A giant glowing mushroom table. Perfect for sitting at in the dark", < "//name" : "bioshroomtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroomtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A tar door.", < "//name" : "tardoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tardoor" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A chest with a spherical lock.", < "//name" : "cellchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A barrier composed of two coiling bars.", < "//name" : "celldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "celldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A clean, brightly coloured table.", < "//name" : "celltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "celltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of flesh and bone. Great for nightmares.", < "//name" : "eyebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy door.", < "//name" : "fleshdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshdoor" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A brain in a jar, daydreaming.", < "//name" : "apexbrainjar", < "//shortdescription" : "Brain in a Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbrainjar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A lantern made of tar.", < "//name" : "tarlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A giant pod. It seems to contain a beast.", < "//name" : "giantfloranpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantfloranpod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "No one knows how this sword got here. Pull it out, it could be legendary!", < "//name" : "swordstoneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Swordstoneseed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swordstoneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush8", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A critter in a jar, daydreaming.", > "//name" : "symbiotesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Symbiote in a Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "symbiotesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A tall lamp, with each light linked to another.", > "//name" : "celllamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "celllamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "An alien bed. It seems to be alive.", > "//name" : "alienbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy chair. About as gross as it sounds.", > "//name" : "fleshchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "An eye chair. Not to be confused with a high chair.", > "//name" : "eyechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A door covered in eyes. Don't blink.", > "//name" : "eyedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Is that an Avian... or a chicken?", > "//name" : "windchicken", > "//shortdescription" : "Weathervane", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "windchicken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "This statue is dedicated to a creature named Derrick, who seemingly vanished from his owner.", > "//name" : "derrickstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Derrick Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "derrickstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "An odd lamp made from a hive-like structure.", > "//name" : "hivelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "An odd lamp made from a hive-like structure.", > "//name" : "hivelamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of flesh.", > "//name" : "heckchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush7", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "An alien table. It seems to be alive.", > "//name" : "alientable", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alientable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush9", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy chest. To store things in.", > "//name" : "fleshchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush6", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", > "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", > "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A broken pillar.", > "//name" : "heckpillar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckpillar1" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", > "//name" : "hecklight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight2" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", > "//name" : "hecklight2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight2" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", > "//name" : "hecklight2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight2" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", > "//name" : "hecklight2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight2" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "An alien chest.", > "//name" : "alienchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush10", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A board game, with a cardboard castle and game pieces.", > "//name" : "fantasyboardgame", > "//shortdescription" : "Fantasy Board Game", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fantasyboardgame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of fresh flesh.", > "//name" : "fleshbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A chest sealed with a piercing eye. Worth a look inside.", > "//name" : "eyechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana! The sacred fruit!", > "//name" : "apexstatue3", > "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Lock Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "Tar fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "tarpitchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Tarpit Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarpitchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", > "//name" : "hecklight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", > "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", > "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", > "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", > "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife. Wait a minute... I think I can hear something inside!", > "//name" : "sarcohumanalive", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcohumanalive", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A broken pillar.", > "//name" : "heckpillar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckpillar2" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "Like a snowman, but sticky.", > "//name" : "tarman", > "//shortdescription" : "Tarman", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of a thick slime substance.", > "//name" : "slimehide", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimehide", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "No one knows how this sword got here. Pull it out, it could be legendary!", > "//name" : "wildswordstoneseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Swordstone", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildswordstoneseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "An eye table. Not good for people wearing skirts.", > "//name" : "eyetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A simple tar bed.", > "//name" : "tarbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A bright, modern looking chair.", > "//name" : "cellchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A sticky, slimy spot to sit.", > "//name" : "slimechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A toxic chest.", > "//name" : "toxicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A painting of two rainbows. 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Pull it out, it could be legendary!", > "//name" : "swordstoneseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Swordstoneseed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swordstoneseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 705,938c705,938 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/heckbush8.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/symbiotesample.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/heckbush4.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/celllamp.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alienbed.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/fleshchair.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/eyechair.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/eyedoor.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/windchicken.png" < }, < "17" : { < "image" : 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For when you're hungry enough to nuke your food.", < "//name" : "outpostmicrowave", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Microwave", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostmicrowave", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A terminal. Useful, probably.", < "//name" : "outpostterminal", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Terminal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostterminal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A control console.", < "//name" : "outpostconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Five marker.", < "//name" : "number5", < "//shortdescription" : "Five", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number5" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A coffee machine, for the perfect pick-me-up.", < "//name" : "coffeemachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coffeemachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "This counter seems ideal for food preparation.", < "//name" : "outpostcookingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cooking Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcookingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A chair that anyone can sit on!", < "//name" : "outpostpublicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Public Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostpublicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A bathroom sink. Wash your hands!", < "//name" : "bathroomsink", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Sink", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bathroomsink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A bathroom urinal. Useful for some.", < "//name" : "bathroomurinal", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Urinal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bathroomurinal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A handy hand dryer. Hands off.", < "//name" : "bathroomhanddryer", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Hand Dryer", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bathroomhanddryer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "For all your farming and terraforming needs!", < "//name" : "terramart", < "//shortdescription" : "Terramart", < "imagePositionX" : "-64", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "terramart", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A chair. You sit in it. Yes.", < "//name" : "outpostchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "escaperadar", < "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "escaperadar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "escaperadar_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "escaperadar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A metallic light fixture.", < "//name" : "outpostceilinglight", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Light Fixture", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostceilinglight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "Zero marker.", < "//name" : "number0", < "//shortdescription" : "Zero", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number0" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "This cabinet is where the signs come out. Maybe I can put one in?", < "//name" : "signdispenser", < "//shortdescription" : "EASEL Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "signdispenser", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A keypad.", < "//name" : "outpostkeypad", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Keypad", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "outpostkeypad", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A basic bed. Not too comfy.", < "//name" : "outpostbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "Six marker.", < "//name" : "number6", < "//shortdescription" : "Six", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number6" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A bathroom stall. Don't get stuck!", < "//name" : "bathroomstall", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bathroomstall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A shady looking captain.", < "//name" : "shipyardcaptain", < "//shortdescription" : "Shipyard Captain", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipyardcaptain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A small cargo crate. No doubt it has cargo in it.", < "//name" : "outpostcargocrateshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Short Cargo Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcargocrateshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Floop marker.", < "//name" : "floop", < "//shortdescription" : "Floop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floop" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A shipping container. Probably doesn't contain a ship.", < "//name" : "outpostshippingcontainer", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Shipping Container", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostshippingcontainer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A crane. Used for lifting, or swinging from.", < "//name" : "outpostcrane", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Crane", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "outpostcrane", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A table. Perfect for tabletop gaming. Or eating.", < "//name" : "outposttable", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outposttable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Mazebound64'.", < "//name" : "fossilgame", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Game", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossilgame", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "Seven marker.", < "//name" : "number7", < "//shortdescription" : "Seven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number7" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "Eight marker.", < "//name" : "number8", < "//shortdescription" : "Eight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number8" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "Three marker.", < "//name" : "number3", < "//shortdescription" : "Three", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number3" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A monitor. But who monitors the monitor?", < "//name" : "outpostmonitor", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "outpostmonitor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A fridge. Hopefully filled with tasty, tasty treats.", < "//name" : "outpostfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Chic Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "Floor marker.", < "//name" : "floor", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floor" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "outpostradardish", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostradardish", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "outpostradardish_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostradardish", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", < "//name" : "outpostairlocklarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Airlock", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostairlocklarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", < "//name" : "outpostslidingdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostslidingdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", < "//name" : "outpostairlock", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Airlock", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostairlock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A basic bench.", < "//name" : "bench", < "//shortdescription" : "Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", < "//name" : "bathroomtrashquest", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bathroomtrashquest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A tank of unknown use.", < "//name" : "outposttank", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outposttank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "Four marker.", < "//name" : "number4", < "//shortdescription" : "Four", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number4" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "This place is selling counterfeit ship licenses.", < "//name" : "penguinbay", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bay", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "penguinbay", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", < "//name" : "bathroomtrash", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bathroomtrash", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A handy power generator.", < "//name" : "outpostgenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostgenerator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A button.", < "//name" : "outpostbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Button", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostbutton", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A wall light.", < "//name" : "outpostlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "The Elegantly Automatic Sign Engineering Lithographer.", < "//name" : "signstore", < "//shortdescription" : "EASEL", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "signstore", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "Nine marker.", < "//name" : "number9", < "//shortdescription" : "Nine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number9" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "He looks busy.", < "//name" : "shipyardwelding", < "//shortdescription" : "Welding Penguin", < "imagePositionX" : "-80", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipyardwelding", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A small monitor. But what does it display?", < "//name" : "outpostsmallmonitor", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Small Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "outpostsmallmonitor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Mazebound64'.", < "//name" : "arcadegame", < "//shortdescription" : "Mazebound64", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadegame", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A crate containing cargo. What cargo? Who knows.", < "//name" : "outpostcargocrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cargo Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcargocrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A fire extinquisher. Not for fun and games.", < "//name" : "fireextinguisher", < "//shortdescription" : "Fire Extinguisher", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fireextinguisher", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "An antenna. These are typically used to boost communication signals.", < "//name" : "antenna", < "//shortdescription" : "Antenna", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "antenna", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A vent.", < "//name" : "roofvent", < "//shortdescription" : "Roof Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "roofvent", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "The finest furnishings from around the universe.", < "//name" : "frogfurnishing", < "//shortdescription" : "Fr├╢gg Furnishing", < "imagePositionX" : "-64", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frogfurnishing", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A filing cabinet. Sorted.", < "//name" : "filingcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "filingcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A locker of unknown ownership.", < "//name" : "outpostlocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Lockers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostlocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "An intergalactic convenience store. It seems an ideal place to stock up.", < "//name" : "infinityexpress", < "//shortdescription" : "Infinity Express", < "imagePositionX" : "-88", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "infinityexpress", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A security console. For keeping things secure.", < "//name" : "outpostsecurityconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Security Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostsecurityconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet containing who knows what?", < "//name" : "outpostcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A computer. Probably quite a good one.", < "//name" : "outpostpc", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost PC", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostpc", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A wall light.", < "//name" : "outpostlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A basic desk.", < "//name" : "outpostdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "One marker.", < "//name" : "number1", < "//shortdescription" : "One", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number1" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "This teleporter makes a great demonstration and a handy return point!", < "//name" : "2stoptele", < "//shortdescription" : "2 Stop Teleshop Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "2stoptele", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "I can sell some of my loot here. I should check out their inventory.", < "//name" : "treasuredtrophies", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasured Trophies", < "imagePositionX" : "-88", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "treasuredtrophies", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A standing desk. Good for the posture.", < "//name" : "outpoststandingdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Standing Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpoststandingdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A fake plastic plant. Not a tree.", < "//name" : "plasticplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plasticplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "It's Rob Repairo, A mechanical merchant who repairs lost or broken vehicles.", < "//name" : "repairo", < "//shortdescription" : "Rob Repairo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "repairo", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "This shop offers personal teleporters in a variety of styles.", < "//name" : "2stopshop", < "//shortdescription" : "2 Stop Teleshop", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "2stopshop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", < "//name" : "outpostbarstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Urban Bar Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostbarstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A service panel.", < "//name" : "outpostservicepanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Service Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostservicepanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A water cooler. The best place to find the hottest gossip.", < "//name" : "watercooler", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Cooler", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "watercooler", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Two marker.", > "//name" : "number2", > "//shortdescription" : "Two", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number2" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A microwave. For when you're hungry enough to nuke your food.", > "//name" : "outpostmicrowave", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Microwave", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostmicrowave", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A terminal. Useful, probably.", > "//name" : "outpostterminal", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Terminal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostterminal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A control console.", > "//name" : "outpostconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Five marker.", > "//name" : "number5", > "//shortdescription" : "Five", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number5" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A coffee machine, for the perfect pick-me-up.", > "//name" : "coffeemachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coffeemachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "This counter seems ideal for food preparation.", > "//name" : "outpostcookingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cooking Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcookingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A chair that anyone can sit on!", > "//name" : "outpostpublicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Public Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostpublicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A bathroom sink. Wash your hands!", > "//name" : "bathroomsink", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Sink", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bathroomsink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A bathroom urinal. Useful for some.", > "//name" : "bathroomurinal", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Urinal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bathroomurinal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A handy hand dryer. Hands off.", > "//name" : "bathroomhanddryer", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Hand Dryer", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bathroomhanddryer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "For all your farming and terraforming needs!", > "//name" : "terramart", > "//shortdescription" : "Terramart", > "imagePositionX" : "-64", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "terramart", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A chair. You sit in it. Yes.", > "//name" : "outpostchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "escaperadar", > "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "escaperadar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "escaperadar_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "escaperadar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A metallic light fixture.", > "//name" : "outpostceilinglight", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Light Fixture", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostceilinglight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "Zero marker.", > "//name" : "number0", > "//shortdescription" : "Zero", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number0" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "This cabinet is where the signs come out. Maybe I can put one in?", > "//name" : "signdispenser", > "//shortdescription" : "EASEL Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "signdispenser", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A keypad.", > "//name" : "outpostkeypad", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Keypad", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "outpostkeypad", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A basic bed. Not too comfy.", > "//name" : "outpostbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "Six marker.", > "//name" : "number6", > "//shortdescription" : "Six", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number6" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A bathroom stall. Don't get stuck!", > "//name" : "bathroomstall", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomstall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A shady looking captain.", > "//name" : "shipyardcaptain", > "//shortdescription" : "Shipyard Captain", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipyardcaptain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A small cargo crate. No doubt it has cargo in it.", > "//name" : "outpostcargocrateshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Short Cargo Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcargocrateshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Floop marker.", > "//name" : "floop", > "//shortdescription" : "Floop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floop" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A shipping container. Probably doesn't contain a ship.", > "//name" : "outpostshippingcontainer", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Shipping Container", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostshippingcontainer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A crane. Used for lifting, or swinging from.", > "//name" : "outpostcrane", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Crane", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "outpostcrane", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A table. Perfect for tabletop gaming. Or eating.", > "//name" : "outposttable", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outposttable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Mazebound64'.", > "//name" : "fossilgame", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Game", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fossilgame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Seven marker.", > "//name" : "number7", > "//shortdescription" : "Seven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number7" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "Eight marker.", > "//name" : "number8", > "//shortdescription" : "Eight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number8" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "Three marker.", > "//name" : "number3", > "//shortdescription" : "Three", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number3" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A monitor. But who monitors the monitor?", > "//name" : "outpostmonitor", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "outpostmonitor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A fridge. Hopefully filled with tasty, tasty treats.", > "//name" : "outpostfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Chic Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "Floor marker.", > "//name" : "floor", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floor" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "outpostradardish", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostradardish", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "outpostradardish_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostradardish", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "//name" : "outpostairlocklarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Airlock", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostairlocklarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", > "//name" : "outpostslidingdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostslidingdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "//name" : "outpostairlock", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Airlock", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostairlock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A basic bench.", > "//name" : "bench", > "//shortdescription" : "Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", > "//name" : "bathroomtrashquest", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomtrashquest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A tank of unknown use.", > "//name" : "outposttank", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outposttank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "Four marker.", > "//name" : "number4", > "//shortdescription" : "Four", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number4" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "This place is selling counterfeit ship licenses.", > "//name" : "penguinbay", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bay", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbay", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", > "//name" : "bathroomtrash", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomtrash", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A handy power generator.", > "//name" : "outpostgenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostgenerator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A button.", > "//name" : "outpostbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Button", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostbutton", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A wall light.", > "//name" : "outpostlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "The Elegantly Automatic Sign Engineering Lithographer.", > "//name" : "signstore", > "//shortdescription" : "EASEL", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "signstore", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "Nine marker.", > "//name" : "number9", > "//shortdescription" : "Nine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number9" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "He looks busy.", > "//name" : "shipyardwelding", > "//shortdescription" : "Welding Penguin", > "imagePositionX" : "-80", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipyardwelding", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A small monitor. 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I should check out their inventory.", > "//name" : "treasuredtrophies", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasured Trophies", > "imagePositionX" : "-88", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treasuredtrophies", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A standing desk. Good for the posture.", > "//name" : "outpoststandingdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Standing Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpoststandingdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A fake plastic plant. 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{ > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/infinityexpress.png" > }, > "65" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostsecurityconsole.png" > }, > "66" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostcabinet.png" > }, > "67" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostpc.png" > }, > "68" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostlight.png" > }, > "69" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostdesk.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/number1.png" > }, > "70" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/2stoptele.png" > }, > "71" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/treasuredtrophies.png" > }, > "72" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpoststandingdesk.png" > }, > "73" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plasticplant.png" > }, > "74" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/repairo.png" > }, > "75" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/2stopshop.png" > }, > "76" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostbarstool.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostservicepanel.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/watercooler.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\pretty.json 7c7 < "tilecount" : 439, --- > "tilecount" : 442, 10,3836c10,3863 < "0" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting a ceremony.", < "//name" : "caveart3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ceremonial Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting a ceremony.", < "//name" : "caveart3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ceremonial Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.", < "//name" : "neonhylotlhead_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "neonhylotlhead", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "Plaques don't come much classier than this.", < "//name" : "markerwallplaque3", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "markerwallplaque3" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicmedium2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a woman with an earring.", < "//name" : "paintingpearlearring", < "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "paintingpearlearring" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "A golden duck!", < "//name" : "goldenducky", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Ducky", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenducky", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A rather serious looking bird.", < "//name" : "mask4", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask4" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A chequered flag bearing an emblem.", < "//name" : "battlestandard", < "//shortdescription" : "Battle Standard", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "battlestandard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A snowglobe with a penguin inside. The bird looks angry.", < "//name" : "snowglobe2", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Snowglobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowglobe2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", < "//name" : "giantflower4", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflower4" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing figures.", < "//name" : "paintingcreationofpixel", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingcreationofpixel" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "A synthetic fir tree.", < "//name" : "undecoratedtree", < "//shortdescription" : "Faux Fir Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "undecoratedtree", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", < "//name" : "prismlamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Emerald Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismlamp2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a uranium ore.\"", < "//name" : "uraniumsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Uranium Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "uraniumsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"When it closes its eyes it becomes immune to attacks by entering a different plane of existence.\"", < "//name" : "spookitaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Spookit Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookitaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner1", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Top", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner1" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A sickly-sweet scent clings to the inside.", < "//name" : "lamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute. Hmm... The shield looks loose.", < "//name" : "medievalarmorswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspicious Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmorswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'croak'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Croak\" Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy2" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "For displaying the fanciest of items, or holding up the smallest of buildings.", < "//name" : "classicpillarsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicpillarsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "A classy chest filled with classy treasure!", < "//name" : "classicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "A support beam carved to resemble a fearsome bird.", < "//name" : "idolsupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "idolsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its lightweight body flows in the direction of the wind.\"", < "//name" : "skimbusaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Skimbus Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skimbusaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "An Avian banner woven with expensive silk.", < "//name" : "avianbanner1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Colourful Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "avianbanner1" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a decorative lily pad.", < "//name" : "hylotllilypad", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Lily Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotllilypad", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", < "//name" : "prisoncorner", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisoncorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A large lily pad wall hanging.", < "//name" : "hylotllilydeco3", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Lily Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotllilydeco3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", < "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisoncorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", < "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisoncorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "Huge feathers are sprouting from this small bird statue.", < "//name" : "featherybird", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "featherybird", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A ragged fur pelt, hung from two large tusks.", < "//name" : "floranpelt3", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Black Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpelt3" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "An Apex statue. A perfect likeness.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatueapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatueapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", < "//name" : "paintingbirthofapevenus", < "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingbirthofapevenus" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "A small red bow.", < "//name" : "smallbow", < "//shortdescription" : "Little Red Bow", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallbow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It looks like a large and chunky leek. It bleeds when you cut it, though.\"", < "//name" : "bulbopaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Bulbop Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bulbopaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "A snowglobe with a snowman inside. Festive!", < "//name" : "snowglobe1", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowman Snowglobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowglobe1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's notorious for stealing from vegetable patches.\"", < "//name" : "snauntaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Snaunt Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snauntaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A clock in the shape of a lily pad.", < "//name" : "hylotllilyclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Lily Pad Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotllilyclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's unpleasant to look at. It's also unpleasant when it looks at you.\"", < "//name" : "oculobaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Oculob Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oculobaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A nice steam powered large clock face.", < "//name" : "steamclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Steam Clock Face", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "steamclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.", < "//name" : "hylotlplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Fake Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlplant1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", < "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", < "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The inside of its beak is a truly terrifying sight.\"", < "//name" : "scaveranaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Scaveran Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scaveranaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A pretty, purple geode.", < "//name" : "geodepurplesample", < "//shortdescription" : "Purple Geode Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodepurplesample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase2", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a platinum ore.\"", < "//name" : "platinumsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Platinum Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "platinumsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'lily pad'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Lily\" Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy3" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "An ornate fountain - much of the water appears to be wasted.", < "//name" : "classicfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It watches you through its big lens.\"", < "//name" : "triplodaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Triplod Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "triplodaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain with a floral centerpiece.", < "//name" : "petalfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Floral Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "petalfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "A rack of 3 unidentified bones.", < "//name" : "floranbonerack", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonerack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", < "//name" : "giantflower2", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflower2" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a titanium ore.\"", < "//name" : "titaniumsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "titaniumsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicmedium1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a human couple.", < "//name" : "paintinggothic", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintinggothic" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a great Apex poet. He...looks familiar.", < "//name" : "paintingapespeare", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Poet Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapespeare" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster from the movie \"Fiery Blade Crusader\".", < "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Warrior Movie Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlmovieposter2" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "An old battered sign warning of falling rocks.", < "//name" : "fallingrocks", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Falling Rocks Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fallingrocks" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A small lily pad decoration.", < "//name" : "hylotllilydeco1", < "//shortdescription" : "Little Lily Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotllilydeco1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "A pretty, green geode.", < "//name" : "geodegreensample", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Geode Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodegreensample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Due to its sensitive eyes it prefers dark settings, like caves.\"", < "//name" : "agrobataf", < "//shortdescription" : "Agrobat Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "agrobataf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright blue emblem.", < "//name" : "hylotlsymbolb", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Symbol", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsymbolb" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It uses its horns to attract a partner. The light shows during mating season are spectacular.\"", < "//name" : "narfinaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Narfin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "narfinaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", < "//name" : "classicdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "This seems to be a scientist that 'gave his body to science'.", < "//name" : "apexstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Scientist Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "This bell must make quite a sound.", < "//name" : "largebell", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Bell", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "largebell", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"A chemical reaction in its belly makes its hot breath toxic.\"", < "//name" : "smoglinaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Smoglin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smoglinaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its charred surface is surprisingly pleasant to touch. Just keep away from the flames!\"", < "//name" : "ignomeaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Ignome Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ignomeaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Bottom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner3" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The sharp spikes can penetrate any space boot.\"", < "//name" : "crustoiseaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Crustoise Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crustoiseaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "Tenth Study in Female Hylotlgy", < "//name" : "tenstudiesplaque", < "//shortdescription" : "Nameplate", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tenstudiesplaque" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "Strange huge flowers, you can hide inside!", < "//name" : "flowerbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Flower Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A plushie of Numi, the mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon of the same name.", < "//name" : "numiplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Numi Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "numiplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a ferozium ore.\"", < "//name" : "feroziumsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feroziumsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "A car shaped bed, for those young at heart.", < "//name" : "carbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Car Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "carbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's huge...\"", < "//name" : "adultpoptopaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Adult Poptop Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "adultpoptopaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its hot core produces a constant flow of lava. It throws a good punch.\"", < "//name" : "pyromantleaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Pyromantle Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pyromantleaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "The reason you don't play ball in the house.", < "//name" : "classicchina", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic China Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchina", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of an aegisalt ore.\"", < "//name" : "aegisaltsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "aegisaltsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner2" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Hylotl. Has the Innsmouth Look.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatuehylotl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatuehylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'leap'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Leap\" Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy4" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A suspicious crystal with more to it than meets the eye.", < "//name" : "castleswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Gem Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castleswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's a lily pad.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicgong", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Gong", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicgong", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "A pedestal for putting your treasures on display.", < "//name" : "medievalpedestal", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Pedestal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalpedestal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "A bunny-shaped jar full of ash. Maybe I can smash it.", < "//name" : "ashjar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashjar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state.", < "//name" : "hourglass", < "//shortdescription" : "Hourglass", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hourglass", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the tranquil and life-bringing element of water.", < "//name" : "wateremblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Water Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wateremblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising Numi, a famous mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", < "//name" : "numisign", < "//shortdescription" : "Numi Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "numisign" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "The ashes of Avian Stargazers are often stored in urns like this one.", < "//name" : "goldenurn", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A cuddly bear plushy. Awwwww.", < "//name" : "bearplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Bear Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bearplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "An impossibly old message.", < "//name" : "ancientplaque1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "ancientplaque1" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The bulb only stays lit while the Lumoth flaps its wings.\"", < "//name" : "lumothaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Lumoth Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lumothaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"At night, all you can see of the Anglure is its light.\"", < "//name" : "anglureaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Anglure Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "anglureaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands armed and resolute.", < "//name" : "medievalarmorarmed", < "//shortdescription" : "Armed Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmorarmed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "A bust of an important Apex.", < "//name" : "apexbustmale", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Male Bust", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbustmale", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "I didn't know clocks were capable of reproduction.", < "//name" : "grandfatherclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Grandfather Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "grandfatherclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievallarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "bannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "bannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "bannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "Simple, but elegant. Plaques like this bring some real class to a place.", < "//name" : "markerwallplaque1", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "markerwallplaque1" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A questionably cute plushie of a Mindwurm.", < "//name" : "mindwurmplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Mindwurm Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mindwurmplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The king nutmidgeling is the only one whose head tuft hasn't been trampled to death.\"", < "//name" : "nutmidgeaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Nutmidge Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "nutmidgeaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "There is no need to be upset.", < "//name" : "bunkerposter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Calming Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerposter2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a violium ore.\"", < "//name" : "violiumsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Violium Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "violiumsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "An Avian statue. Not likely to fly away.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatueavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatueavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "A display for a large diamond.", < "//name" : "diamonddisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diamonddisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "This looks like something I made in pottery class. Crude. I should smash it.", < "//name" : "talljar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crude Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "talljar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "This emblem commemorates the Avians' first flight to the stars.", < "//name" : "moonemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Moon Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "moonemblem" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", < "//name" : "apexstatue2", < "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram2" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "This water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", < "//name" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Water Feature", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster from the movie \"Cybernetic Apocalypse\".", < "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Action Movie Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlmovieposter1" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of William Glitchspeare.", < "//name" : "glitchspeare", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitchspeare Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "glitchspeare" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its poison is deadly even in small doses.\"", < "//name" : "crutteraf", < "//shortdescription" : "Crutter Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crutteraf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "This guy seems... wise.", < "//name" : "mask5", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Wiseman Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask5" < }, < "212" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", < "//name" : "flowerbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "213" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting an offering.", < "//name" : "caveart5", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "caveart5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "214" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its movement is determined by temperature levels in the atmosphere.\"", < "//name" : "squeemaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Squeem Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "squeemaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "Gorgeous, colourful feathers arranged like flowers.", < "//name" : "feathers2", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Feather Bundle", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feathers2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "216" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana! The sacred fruit!", < "//name" : "apexstatue3", < "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Lock Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "A tribute to GeorgeV! Developer Ultimate! ALL HAIL GEORGE!!!", < "//name" : "devstatuegeorge", < "//shortdescription" : "GeorgeV Dev Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "devstatuegeorge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its thick coat keeps it warm in the coldest climates.\"", < "//name" : "capricoataf", < "//shortdescription" : "Capricoat Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "capricoataf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "A cracked clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", < "//name" : "claypot2", < "//shortdescription" : "Unusual Clay Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "claypot2" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", < "//name" : "lavalamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Lava Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lavalamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "A sunflower who's just looking for the sun.", < "//name" : "movingsunflower", < "//shortdescription" : "Moving Sunflower", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "movingsunflower", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's made from a springy substance.\"", < "//name" : "gleapaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Gleap Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gleapaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex with an earring.", < "//name" : "paintingapexpearlearring", < "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "paintingapexpearlearring" < }, < "223" : { < "//description" : "He sees you when you're sleeping! He knows when you're awake!", < "//name" : "giantsanta", < "//shortdescription" : "Jetpack Santa Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantsanta", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "224" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner2b", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid Symbol", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner2b" < }, < "225" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the free and flowing element of air.", < "//name" : "airemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Air Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "airemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "226" : { < "//description" : "It appears to be a tally chart.", < "//name" : "floranpainting3", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chart Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting3" < }, < "227" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its ancestors used to live in the sea. It might look small, but it's got a big bite.\"", < "//name" : "lilodonaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Lilodon Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lilodonaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "228" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a plutonium ore.\"", < "//name" : "plutoniumsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Plutonium Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plutoniumsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "229" : { < "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", < "//name" : "floranceilingbones1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Bone Chimes", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranceilingbones1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A pretty, blue geode.", < "//name" : "geodebluesample", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Geode Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodebluesample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "230" : { < "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", < "//name" : "apexwallpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Modern Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "apexwallpainting2" < }, < "231" : { < "//description" : "This jukebox sounds great! Too bad there only seems to be one track.", < "//name" : "jukebox", < "//shortdescription" : "Jukebox", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jukebox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "232" : { < "//description" : "A small set of lily pad wall hangings.", < "//name" : "hylotllilydeco2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Lily Pads", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotllilydeco2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "233" : { < "//description" : "It says 'BIG APE'.", < "//name" : "apexnameplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Nameplate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexnameplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "234" : { < "//description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", < "//name" : "owlclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Owl Wall Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "owlclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "235" : { < "//description" : "A Golden Egg! What!?", < "//name" : "goldenegg", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Egg", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenegg", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "236" : { < "//description" : "A poster for a unpopular Hylotl movie \"Claw of Dread\".", < "//name" : "hylotlstyleposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Comedy Movie Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlstyleposter" < }, < "237" : { < "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", < "//name" : "paintingapexpixellisa", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapexpixellisa" < }, < "238" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It has a sticky texture that allows it to climb surfaces with ease.\"", < "//name" : "pulpinaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Pulpin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pulpinaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "239" : { < "//description" : "This used to be the classiest curtain. Now it's a bit tattered.", < "//name" : "classicbannertattered", < "//shortdescription" : "Tattered Classic Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbannertattered" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red bow.", < "//name" : "giantbow2", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiny Red Bow", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "giantbow2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "240" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", < "//name" : "tombstatueavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstatueavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "241" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", < "//name" : "tombstatueavian_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstatueavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "242" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "243" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "244" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "245" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram4" < }, < "246" : { < "//description" : "A large pair of decorative bells. Just the thing to get one into the holiday spirit!", < "//name" : "giantbells", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Holiday Bells", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "giantbells", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "247" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a human. Check out the hair.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatuehuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatuehuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "248" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex couple.", < "//name" : "paintingapegothic", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapegothic" < }, < "249" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a gold ore.\"", < "//name" : "goldsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A slim golden deocrative vase.", < "//name" : "goldvase3", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "250" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It appears mystified when encountering new life forms. You can't help but feel watched.\"", < "//name" : "oogleraf", < "//shortdescription" : "Oogler Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oogleraf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "251" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red bow.", < "//name" : "giantbow1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Bow", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "giantbow1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "252" : { < "//description" : "A bird-shaped jar full of ash. I wanna break it.", < "//name" : "ashjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bird Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "253" : { < "//description" : "An intricately woven wall tapestry.", < "//name" : "decorativewallrug1", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Tapestry", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "decorativewallrug1" < }, < "254" : { < "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming figure.", < "//name" : "paintingscream", < "//shortdescription" : "Screaming Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingscream" < }, < "255" : { < "//description" : "A small, brittle-looking pot. It looks smashable...", < "//name" : "smalljar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smalljar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "256" : { < "//description" : "A white pawn from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chesspawn", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Pawn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chesspawn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "257" : { < "//description" : "A pretty, yellow geode.", < "//name" : "geodeyellowsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Geode Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodeyellowsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "258" : { < "//description" : "A quiet painting of an Apex with a pet.", < "//name" : "paintingapexwithermine", < "//shortdescription" : "Pet Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapexwithermine" < }, < "259" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a core fragment ore.\"", < "//name" : "corefragmentsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Core Fragment Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "corefragmentsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "An odd golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase1", < "//shortdescription" : "Odd Gold Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "260" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'ribbit'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Ribbit\" Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy1" < }, < "261" : { < "//description" : "It's a common emblem for the Hylotl. Three crystals representing their three eyes...", < "//name" : "hylotlemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "262" : { < "//description" : "A carved bunny sits on top of this altar.", < "//name" : "altarbunny", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altarbunny", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "263" : { < "//description" : "Don't underestimate an Apex's love for bananas.", < "//name" : "apexpainting4", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting4" < }, < "264" : { < "//description" : "Hollow bamboo strung together to make a wind chime.", < "//name" : "windchime", < "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Wind Chime", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "windchime", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "265" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Something about the way it limps makes you feel uncomfortable.\"", < "//name" : "orbideaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Orbide Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "orbideaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "266" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's always on edge. It walks sideways and erupts at the slightest confrontation.\"", < "//name" : "crabcanoaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Crabcano Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crabcanoaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "267" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The result of a scientific experiment gone wrong.\"", < "//name" : "voltipaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Voltip Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "voltipaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "268" : { < "//description" : "I'd better do what they say... ha!", < "//name" : "apexobeysign", < "//shortdescription" : "Obey Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexobeysign" < }, < "269" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Nobody knows where it came from or who made it.\"", < "//name" : "bobotaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Bobot Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bobotaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "It's a painting of a great big wave.", < "//name" : "hylotlpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wave Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlpainting1" < }, < "270" : { < "//description" : "This beady-eyed bird jar is made of solid gold.", < "//name" : "goldenjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Bird Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "271" : { < "//description" : "A temporary prop.", < "//name" : "ancientprop", < "//shortdescription" : "TODO - Ancient Prop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientprop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "272" : { < "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", < "//name" : "classiclight", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "273" : { < "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", < "//name" : "classiclight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "274" : { < "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", < "//name" : "classiclight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiclight" < }, < "275" : { < "//description" : "It's a copy of an old, famous painting.", < "//name" : "hylotlpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Mountain Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlpainting2" < }, < "276" : { < "//description" : "A pretty, orange geode.", < "//name" : "geodeorangesample", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Geode Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodeorangesample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "277" : { < "//description" : "A finely carved plaque with a skull on display.", < "//name" : "huntingtrophy2", < "//shortdescription" : "Shield Mounted Skull", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "huntingtrophy2" < }, < "278" : { < "//description" : "A painting of two rainbows. A double rainbow.", < "//name" : "rainbowpainting", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "rainbowpainting", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "279" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It eats and lives in tar. Signs suggest it excretes tar as well.\"", < "//name" : "taroniaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Taroni Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "taroniaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "These display swords could be dangerous in the wrong hands.", < "//name" : "medievalsworddisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Sword Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "medievalsworddisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "280" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting some animals.", < "//name" : "caveart1", < "//shortdescription" : "Animal Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "281" : { < "//description" : "Gorgeous, vibrant feathers arranged like flowers", < "//name" : "feathers1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Feather Bundle", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feathers1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "282" : { < "//description" : "A crumbling old pot with patterned markings. It looks smashable.", < "//name" : "midjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "midjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "283" : { < "//description" : "A slim gold vase.", < "//name" : "goldvase4", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "284" : { < "//description" : "Simple, but elegant. Plaques like this bring some real class to a place.", < "//name" : "markerwallplaque2", < "//shortdescription" : "Polished Stone Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "markerwallplaque2" < }, < "285" : { < "//description" : "A white rook from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessrook", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Rook", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessrook", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "286" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex peace-keeper.", < "//name" : "apexpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting2" < }, < "287" : { < "//description" : "A white bishop from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessbishop", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Bishop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessbishop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "288" : { < "//description" : "An empty aquarium. How lonely.", < "//name" : "apexaquarium2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Wooden Aquarium", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexaquarium2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "289" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's actually covered in red skin, but it's still pretty gross.\"", < "//name" : "hemogoblinaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Hemogoblin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hemogoblinaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A flagpole fit for topping any building.", < "//name" : "medievalflagpole", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Flagpole", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalflagpole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "290" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It loves frolicking through forests and meadows.\"", < "//name" : "hypnareaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Hypnare Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hypnareaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "291" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Iguarmor is not an aggressive species but the spikes on its tail can deal great damage.\"", < "//name" : "iguarmoraf", < "//shortdescription" : "Iguarmor Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "iguarmoraf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "292" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Prolonged exposure to its pungent fumes will knock you out.\"", < "//name" : "miasmopaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Miasmop Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miasmopaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "293" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"During storms it attaches itself to trees so as not to blow away.\"", < "//name" : "paratailaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Paratail Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "paratailaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "294" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Because of the size of its head in proportion to its body, it can't run long distances.\"", < "//name" : "peblitaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Peblit Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "peblitaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "295" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Despite appearing friendly, it is rarely seen interacting with other Pipkin.\"", < "//name" : "pipkinaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Pipkin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pipkinaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "296" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It brews a toxic paste in its pod made from fermented fruit.\"", < "//name" : "pteropodaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Pteropod Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pteropodaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "297" : { < "//description" : "This jar has seen better days. It looks smashable...", < "//name" : "birdjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Temple Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "298" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its shell is impossible to penetrate which can make it a tricky foe.\"", < "//name" : "snaggleraf", < "//shortdescription" : "Snaggler Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snaggleraf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "299" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It doesn't seem to eat or sleep... Is it a machine?\"", < "//name" : "tinticaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Tintic Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tinticaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a solarium ore.\"", < "//name" : "solariumsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Solarium Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "solariumsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A small clock with a pendulum. It ticks and tocks but the hands never move.", < "//name" : "medievalclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "medievalclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "300" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its diet is made up of small amounts of water that it finds by digging into the ground.\"", < "//name" : "trictusaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Trictus Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trictusaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "301" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Some believe Wispers are lost spirits. At night their glow can lead explorers astray.\"", < "//name" : "wisperaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Wisper Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wisperaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "302" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Greedy and sly in nature. If disturbed whilst sneaking it will give you the evil eye.\"", < "//name" : "yokataf", < "//shortdescription" : "Yokat Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "yokataf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "303" : { < "//description" : "A neon \"open\" sign.", < "//name" : "opensign", < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Open Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "opensign" < }, < "304" : { < "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming Apex.", < "//name" : "paintingapescream", < "//shortdescription" : "Howler Monkey Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapescream" < }, < "305" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram1" < }, < "306" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram3" < }, < "307" : { < "//description" : "An Avian banner made of gorgeous silk.", < "//name" : "avianbanner3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Patterned Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "avianbanner3" < }, < "308" : { < "//description" : "It's a bust of Big Ape, Glorious Leader of the Apex.", < "//name" : "apexstatue1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Bust", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "309" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"By tasting the particles in the air it can sense what's ahead of it.\"", < "//name" : "batongaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Batong Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "batongaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute.", < "//name" : "medievalarmor", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "310" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Sometimes when chasing its own tail it can accidentally set itself on fire.\"", < "//name" : "fennixaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Fennix Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fennixaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "311" : { < "//description" : "A fragile small urn made from clay.", < "//name" : "planturn3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planturn3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "312" : { < "//description" : "This painting seems to illustrate how to build a fire.", < "//name" : "floranpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Fire Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpainting1" < }, < "313" : { < "//description" : "A rather detailed sketch of Glitch anatomy.", < "//name" : "glitchianman", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitchian Man", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "glitchianman" < }, < "314" : { < "//description" : "It's a framed replica of Big Ape's hit album, 'Jungle Love'.", < "//name" : "apexpainting3", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Record", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting3" < }, < "315" : { < "//description" : "May we forever obey him.", < "//name" : "apexpainting5", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Cross-Stitch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting5" < }, < "316" : { < "//description" : "A poster displaying Numi, mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", < "//name" : "numiposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Numi Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "numiposter" < }, < "317" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a flower, important to the Floran.", < "//name" : "flowerstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Flower Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "318" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster from the controversial romance film \"10 Things I Hate About Florans\".", < "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter3", < "//shortdescription" : "Romantic Movie Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlmovieposter3" < }, < "319" : { < "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", < "//name" : "classiccandlestick", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccandlestick", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "320" : { < "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", < "//name" : "classiccandlestick_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccandlestick", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "321" : { < "//description" : "This chandelier is made of wrought-iron. It looks expensive.", < "//name" : "classicchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classicchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "322" : { < "//description" : "A large classy storage cabinet.", < "//name" : "classiccupboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Cupboard", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccupboard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "323" : { < "//description" : "This mask looks like my ex-wife.", < "//name" : "mask6", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Priest Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask6" < }, < "324" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. Won't stab you... probably.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatuefloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatuefloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "325" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a bunny.", < "//name" : "tombstatuebunny", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bunny Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstatuebunny", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "326" : { < "//description" : "A ceiling spotlight. Ideal lighting for fancy artwork.", < "//name" : "classiclightart", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ceiling Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiclightart", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "327" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Fancy Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicsmall1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "328" : { < "//description" : "Ahh The Son of Man, you make me hungry!", < "//name" : "genericpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Curious Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "genericpainting1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "329" : { < "//description" : "A white knight from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessknight", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Knight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessknight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "330" : { < "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", < "//name" : "paintingmonalisa", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingmonalisa" < }, < "331" : { < "//description" : "A familiar-shaped jar. It looks angry and smashable.", < "//name" : "ashjar3", < "//shortdescription" : "Familiar Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashjar3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "332" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a famous, long-dead Earthling poet.", < "//name" : "paintingshakespeare", < "//shortdescription" : "Famous Poet Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingshakespeare" < }, < "333" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful painting of the night sky.", < "//name" : "paintingstarrynight", < "//shortdescription" : "Abstract Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingstarrynight" < }, < "334" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the wild and destructive element of fire.", < "//name" : "fireemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Fire Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "fireemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "335" : { < "//description" : "A bit of Glitch surrealism.", < "//name" : "persistenceofpixels", < "//shortdescription" : "Persistence of Pixels", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "persistenceofpixels" < }, < "336" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone Glitch. It's not sentient.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatueglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatueglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "337" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a mushroom.", < "//name" : "shroomstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "338" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster for cult hit, \"The Moleman Prophecy\".", < "//name" : "molemanposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Moleman Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "molemanposter" < }, < "339" : { < "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", < "//name" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy", < "//shortdescription" : "Studies in Female Hylotlgy", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "340" : { < "//description" : "A carved Avian head sits atop this altar.", < "//name" : "altaravian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Head Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altaravian", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "341" : { < "//description" : "A standard cloth Avian banner.", < "//name" : "avianbanner4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Small Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianbanner4" < }, < "342" : { < "//description" : "A thick woven banner depicting a crescent moon.", < "//name" : "avianbanner2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lunar Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "avianbanner2" < }, < "343" : { < "//description" : "A very flattering painting of Big Ape, Glorious Beloved Leader of the Apex.", < "//name" : "apexpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glorious Leader Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting1" < }, < "344" : { < "//description" : "A big fancy gong. It's covered in carvings.", < "//name" : "birdgong2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Avian Gong", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdgong2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "345" : { < "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", < "//name" : "apexwallpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexwallpainting1" < }, < "346" : { < "//description" : "What an ugly jar.", < "//name" : "birdjar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ugly Temple Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdjar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "347" : { < "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", < "//name" : "prismlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Magenta Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "348" : { < "//description" : "A small tribal wall tapestry. It looks soft!", < "//name" : "decorativewallrug2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Colourful Tapestry", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "decorativewallrug2" < }, < "349" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It prefers warm and moist climates where it'll grow quicker.\"", < "//name" : "sporgusaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Sporgus Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sporgusaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A broken stone pillar.", < "//name" : "pillar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stone Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pillar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "350" : { < "//description" : "This guy looks surprised to see me!", < "//name" : "mask1", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Human Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask1" < }, < "351" : { < "//description" : "This guy looks hungry. His eyes make me uncomfortable.", < "//name" : "mask2", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Skull Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask2" < }, < "352" : { < "//description" : "Ironically, looking at this decorative sun sends a chill down my spine.", < "//name" : "sundecor", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Sun", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sundecor" < }, < "353" : { < "//description" : "A tall, dusty pot that smells of bird poop. Maybe it's smashable.", < "//name" : "talljar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "talljar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "354" : { < "//description" : "This pelt serves as a Floran hunter's trophy.", < "//name" : "floranpelt2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Black Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpelt2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "355" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "356" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "357" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "358" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "359" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted marker with a plaque embedded into it.", < "//name" : "markergroundplaque", < "//shortdescription" : "Commemorative Marker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "markergroundplaque", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "360" : { < "//description" : "A red ball adorned with a big white star! These are popular as holiday ornaments.", < "//name" : "redball", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Ball Holiday Ornament", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redball", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "361" : { < "//description" : "A pretty, red geode.", < "//name" : "geoderedsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Geode Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geoderedsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "362" : { < "//description" : "A fiery-looking flower in a pot.", < "//name" : "fireflowerpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Fiery Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fireflowerpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "363" : { < "//description" : "A small snowflake decoration.", < "//name" : "smallsnowflake", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowflake", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "smallsnowflake", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "364" : { < "//description" : "A Floran's idea of abstract art.", < "//name" : "floranpainting5", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Abstract Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting5" < }, < "365" : { < "//description" : "An exotic-looking cactus in a flower pot.", < "//name" : "cactiflowerpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Cactus Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cactiflowerpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "366" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a copper ore.\"", < "//name" : "coppersample", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppersample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "367" : { < "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", < "//name" : "giantflower3", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflower3" < }, < "368" : { < "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Fancy Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassiclarge2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "369" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A huge snowflake decoration.", < "//name" : "giantsnowflake", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Snowflake", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "giantsnowflake", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "370" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "371" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "372" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "373" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "374" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "375" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "376" : { < "//description" : "A lamp illuminated by suspended globules of lava.", < "//name" : "magmalamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Magma Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "magmalamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "377" : { < "//description" : "That's not very encouraging.", < "//name" : "bunkerposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Motivational Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerposter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "378" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a coal ore.\"", < "//name" : "coalsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Coal Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coalsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "379" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a durasteel ore.\"", < "//name" : "durasteelsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "durasteelsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A decorative clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", < "//name" : "claypot3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Clay Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "claypot3" < }, < "380" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of an iron ore.\"", < "//name" : "ironsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "381" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a prisilite ore.\"", < "//name" : "prisilitesample", < "//shortdescription" : "Prisilite Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisilitesample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "382" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a tungsten ore.\"", < "//name" : "tungstensample", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tungstensample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "383" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Not the most efficient flyer, it's a mystery how bobfae have survived as a species.\"", < "//name" : "bobfaeaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Bobfae Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bobfaeaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "384" : { < "//description" : "A tiny synthetic fir tree.", < "//name" : "smallholidaytree", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Faux Fir Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallholidaytree", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "385" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain. The water looks refreshing.", < "//name" : "fountain1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiered Stone Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fountain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "386" : { < "//description" : "\"Its sleepy lifestyle allows it to flourish underground and reach impressive sizes.\"", < "//name" : "mandrafloraaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Mandraflora Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mandrafloraaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "387" : { < "//description" : "A squishy, adorable unicorn. What's not to love?", < "//name" : "unicornplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Unicorn Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "unicornplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "388" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", < "//name" : "flowerbed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "389" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting an unidentified subject.", < "//name" : "caveart4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "caveart4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "I swear the eye is following me around the room..", < "//name" : "birdgodemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "birdgodemblem" < }, < "390" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting an unidentified subject.", < "//name" : "caveart4_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "391" : { < "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", < "//name" : "prismlamp3", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Cyan Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismlamp3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "392" : { < "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright green emblem.", < "//name" : "hylotlsymbolg", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Symbol", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "hylotlsymbolg" < }, < "393" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Striped Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicsmall2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "394" : { < "//description" : "A rather adorable pink potted plant.", < "//name" : "splendidplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Splendid Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "splendidplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "395" : { < "//description" : "A lavish bird-shaped jar. Maybe I can smash it...", < "//name" : "bigjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Bird Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "396" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its unhygienic lifestyle leaves much to be desired.\"", < "//name" : "quagmuttaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Quagmutt Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "quagmuttaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "397" : { < "//description" : "A decorative clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", < "//name" : "claypot1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Clay Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "claypot1" < }, < "398" : { < "//description" : "A peaceful stone fountain. The water gently flows.", < "//name" : "fountain2", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fountain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "399" : { < "//description" : "A fake plastic plant. Not a tree.", < "//name" : "plasticplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plasticplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", < "//name" : "huntingchampionstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Champion Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingchampionstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A fragile thin urn made from clay.", < "//name" : "planturn2", < "//shortdescription" : "Thin Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planturn2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "400" : { < "//description" : "A Poptop action figure from the Protectorate.", < "//name" : "protectoratefigures", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Poptop Toy", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratefigures", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "401" : { < "//name" : "protectoratefigures_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "402" : { < "//description" : "It's a painting of a bridge over still water.", < "//name" : "hylotlpainting3", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bridge Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlpainting3" < }, < "403" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"If it survives for 200 years, it might become an Ixodoom.\"", < "//name" : "ixolingaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Ixoling Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ixolingaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "404" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"A stone temple guardian, animated with ancient technology.\"", < "//name" : "kluexsentryaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Sentry Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kluexsentryaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "405" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"They attack anyone that surprises them, and they're easily surprised.\"", < "//name" : "snuffishaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Snuffish Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snuffishaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "406" : { < "//description" : "A statue dedicated to Benjamin \"Meuterion\" Deust.", < "//name" : "benjaminstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Benjamin Deust Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "benjaminstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "407" : { < "//description" : "A statue of Cameron \"KyeTheShy\" York. Loved to adventure, but wandered a little too far...into space.", < "//name" : "cameronstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Cameron York Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cameronstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "408" : { < "//description" : "The plaque reads \"For a father who opened up a new world for me. In Memory of Tracy Dietrich 1963-2003\".", < "//name" : "memorialstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Imagination Memorial", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "memorialstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "409" : { < "//description" : "The only letters I can make out are \"xOliver137\".", < "//name" : "oliverstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "xOliver137 Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oliverstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A head mounted on a round plaque. Its eyes follow you...", < "//name" : "huntingtrophy1", < "//shortdescription" : "Round Mounted Skull", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "huntingtrophy1" < }, < "410" : { < "//name" : "tentacleexperiment", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "411" : { < "//description" : "A somewhat suspicious doll of Big Ape.", < "//name" : "bigapedoll", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Doll", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigapedoll", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "412" : { < "//description" : "An intricate handmade paper model of a Hylotl library. There's little paper bookcases inside!", < "//name" : "librarymodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Library Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarymodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "413" : { < "//description" : "An ancient tome that catalogues of all the Hylotl books in the galaxy.", < "//name" : "librarycodex", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Library Codex", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarycodex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "414" : { < "//description" : "A grand looking aquarium, with a small scale Hylotl pagoda model on top.", < "//name" : "pagodaaquarium", < "//shortdescription" : "Pagoda Aquarium", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pagodaaquarium", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "415" : { < "//description" : "An old poster of some ancient Hylotl library.", < "//name" : "hylotllibraryposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vintage Library Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotllibraryposter1" < }, < "416" : { < "//description" : "This royal decree makes note of a keep, where treasures lay under watchful guard.", < "//name" : "glitchdecree", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Decree", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "glitchdecree" < }, < "417" : { < "//description" : "A ceremonial horn that holds a woven banner.", < "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Mounted Horn Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "glitchhorndisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "418" : { < "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "419" : { < "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", < "//name" : "huntingbigstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Floran Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingbigstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "420" : { < "//description" : "A crude painting of a Floran hunter wielding a spear.", < "//name" : "floranhunterpainting", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Hunter Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranhunterpainting" < }, < "421" : { < "//description" : "This chess board has custom pieces.", < "//name" : "glitchchess", < "//shortdescription" : "Themed Chess Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchchess", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "422" : { < "//description" : "It's a figurine of a Glitch noble.", < "//name" : "glitchbaronfigure", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Statuette", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchbaronfigure", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "423" : { < "//description" : "An intricate handmade music box. The melody it plays is soothing.", < "//name" : "hylotlmusicbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Music Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlmusicbox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "424" : { < "//description" : "Thin hanging drapes. Quite classy.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Thin Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "425" : { < "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", < "//name" : "penguinbarsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "penguinbarsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "426" : { < "//description" : "A dark chequered flag bearing an emblem.", < "//name" : "darkbattlestandard", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark Battle Standard", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "darkbattlestandard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "427" : { < "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "428" : { < "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "429" : { < "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "The pelt of a small, snow dwelling animal.", < "//name" : "floranpelt5", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowy Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpelt5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "430" : { < "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "431" : { < "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "432" : { < "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "433" : { < "//description" : "A black bishop from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessbishopblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Bishop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessbishopblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "434" : { < "//description" : "A black queen from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessqueenblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Queen", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessqueenblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "435" : { < "//description" : "A black pawn from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chesspawnblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Pawn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chesspawnblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "436" : { < "//description" : "A black knight from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessknightblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Knight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessknightblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "437" : { < "//description" : "A black rook from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessrookblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Rook", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessrookblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "438" : { < "//description" : "A black king from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chesskingblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone King", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chesskingblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "The pelt of a large, snow dwelling animal.", < "//name" : "floranpelt4", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Snowy Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "floranpelt4" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A large pelt with thick, lustrous fur.", < "//name" : "floranpelt1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Brown Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "floranpelt1" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "Just a ceremonial shield. It wouldn't do much good in a fight.", < "//name" : "wallshield", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Shield Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wallshield" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "florancorner", < "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "florancorner_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", < "//name" : "floranceilingbones2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Bone Chimes", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranceilingbones2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting some hunters.", < "//name" : "caveart2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunter Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The scandroid is on an endless search. No one knows what for.\"", < "//name" : "scandroidaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Scandroid Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scandroidaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "There are barbaric Floran tales etched into the bone.", < "//name" : "floranbonedisplay2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Carving", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonedisplay2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "The result of a successful Floran hunt.", < "//name" : "floranbonedisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Trophy", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonedisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A cute little turtle plush.", < "//name" : "turtleplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Turtle Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "turtleplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "It appears to be a painting of a falling leaf.", < "//name" : "floranpainting4", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Leaf Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting4" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "Look! Fishies!", < "//name" : "apexaquarium1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Aquarium", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexaquarium1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The long legs allow it to stand in water to catch fish.\"", < "//name" : "toumingoaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Toumingo Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toumingoaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A pretty white flower in a pot.", < "//name" : "wflowerpot", < "//shortdescription" : "White Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wflowerpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "Bad Goo Plushie. A cuddly goo doll.", < "//name" : "badgooplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Bad Goo Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "badgooplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A fragile wide urn made from clay.", < "//name" : "planturn1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planturn1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "Ancient Greek marble sculpture, Venus De Pixel. Sculptor Unknown.", < "//name" : "venusdepixel", < "//shortdescription" : "Venus de Pixel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "venusdepixel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"An ancient species, know to be agile and mischievous. They have an intelligent look in their eye.\"", < "//name" : "monopusaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Monopus Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "monopusaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'pond'.", < "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Pond\" Calligraphy", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy5" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran holding a spear menacingly.", < "//name" : "huntingstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "It looks like someone has painted glyphs onto a piece of leather.", < "//name" : "floranpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Glyph Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting2" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", < "//name" : "paintingbirthofvenus", < "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingbirthofvenus" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Striped Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassiclarge1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a frog sitting peacefully.", < "//name" : "frogstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Frog Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frogstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the strong and resilient element of earth.", < "//name" : "earthemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Earth Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "earthemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "An old calligraphy painting depicting an early Hylotl warrior.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Warrior Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlclassicpainting1" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A tall stone pillar.", < "//name" : "pillar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pillar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A soft Poptop plush toy.", < "//name" : "poptopplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Poptop Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "poptopplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A synthetic tree decorated with strings of lights and festive ornaments.", < "//name" : "decoratedtree", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "decoratedtree", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A classic golden jug.", < "//name" : "goldvase5", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A classic golden jug.", < "//name" : "goldvase5_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The Poptop hums beautifully to confuse its prey.\"", < "//name" : "poptopaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Poptop Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "poptopaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A dancing hula girl. Aloha!", < "//name" : "hulagirl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hula Girl", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hulagirl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The Ringram's horns start growing from birth and never stop.\"", < "//name" : "ringramaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Ringram Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ringramaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A framed poster of a city.", < "//name" : "hylotlcityposter", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl City Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlcityposter" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "An appropriately glorious monument dedicated to a glorious leader.", < "//name" : "classicapestatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Monument", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicapestatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A white king from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessking", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone King", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessking", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing Apex figures.", < "//name" : "paintingcreationofapepixel", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Big Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingcreationofapepixel" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "An adorable Normal Virorb plushie.", < "//name" : "plainorbplush", < "//shortdescription" : "Virorb Plushie", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plainorbplush", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "Is that an Avian... or a chicken?", < "//name" : "windchicken", < "//shortdescription" : "Weathervane", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "windchicken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a diamond ore.\"", < "//name" : "diamondsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diamondsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It stares at you expectantly with its beady eyes.\"", < "//name" : "petricubaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Petricub Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "petricubaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "These display axes look very sharp.", < "//name" : "medievalaxedisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Axe Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "medievalaxedisplay" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "This statue is dedicated to a creature named Derrick, who seemingly vanished from his owner.", < "//name" : "derrickstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Derrick Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "derrickstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.", < "//name" : "neonhylotlhead", < "//shortdescription" : "Neon Hylotl Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "neonhylotlhead", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A skull mounted as a trophy on crossed wood planks.", < "//name" : "huntingtrophy3", < "//shortdescription" : "Cross Mounted Skull", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "huntingtrophy3" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A large bronze statue of the Hylotl's home planet.", < "//name" : "giantglobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Globe Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantglobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A particularly colourful potted plant.", < "//name" : "vibrantplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vibrantplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", < "//name" : "giantflower1", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflower1" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "A very famous self-portrait of a very famous Hylotl artist.", < "//name" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu", < "//shortdescription" : "Self-Portrait of Hylotl-Shu", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a worm. But where's the hook?", < "//name" : "wormstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Worm Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wormstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a galaxy.", < "//name" : "hologramgalaxy", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-104", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hologramgalaxy" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A white queen from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessqueen", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Queen", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessqueen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A golden ball. These are popular as holiday ornaments.", < "//name" : "goldball", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Ball Holiday Ornament", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldball", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "This mask looks angry.", < "//name" : "mask3", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Alien Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask3" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting a ceremony.", > "//name" : "caveart3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ceremonial Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting a ceremony.", > "//name" : "caveart3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ceremonial Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.", > "//name" : "neonhylotlhead_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Neon Hylotl Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "neonhylotlhead", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "Plaques don't come much classier than this.", > "//name" : "markerwallplaque3", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "markerwallplaque3" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicmedium2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a woman with an earring.", > "//name" : "paintingpearlearring", > "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "paintingpearlearring" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A golden duck!", > "//name" : "goldenducky", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Ducky", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenducky", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A rather serious looking bird.", > "//name" : "mask4", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask4" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A chequered flag bearing an emblem.", > "//name" : "battlestandard", > "//shortdescription" : "Battle Standard", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "battlestandard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A snowglobe with a penguin inside. The bird looks angry.", > "//name" : "snowglobe2", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Snowglobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowglobe2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", > "//name" : "giantflower4", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflower4" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing figures.", > "//name" : "paintingcreationofpixel", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingcreationofpixel" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A synthetic fir tree.", > "//name" : "undecoratedtree", > "//shortdescription" : "Faux Fir Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "undecoratedtree", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", > "//name" : "prismlamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Emerald Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismlamp2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a uranium ore.\"", > "//name" : "uraniumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Uranium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "uraniumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"When it closes its eyes it becomes immune to attacks by entering a different plane of existence.\"", > "//name" : "spookitaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Spookit Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookitaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner1", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Top", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner1" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A sickly-sweet scent clings to the inside.", > "//name" : "lamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute. Hmm... The shield looks loose.", > "//name" : "medievalarmorswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspicious Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmorswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'croak'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Croak\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy2" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "For displaying the fanciest of items, or holding up the smallest of buildings.", > "//name" : "classicpillarsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicpillarsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A classy chest filled with classy treasure!", > "//name" : "classicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A support beam carved to resemble a fearsome bird.", > "//name" : "idolsupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "idolsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its lightweight body flows in the direction of the wind.\"", > "//name" : "skimbusaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Skimbus Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skimbusaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "An Avian banner woven with expensive silk.", > "//name" : "avianbanner1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Colourful Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "avianbanner1" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a decorative lily pad.", > "//name" : "hylotllilypad", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Lily Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotllilypad", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", > "//name" : "prisoncorner", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisoncorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A large lily pad wall hanging.", > "//name" : "hylotllilydeco3", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Lily Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotllilydeco3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", > "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisoncorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", > "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisoncorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "Huge feathers are sprouting from this small bird statue.", > "//name" : "featherybird", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "featherybird", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A ragged fur pelt, hung from two large tusks.", > "//name" : "floranpelt3", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Black Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpelt3" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "An Apex statue. A perfect likeness.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatueapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatueapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", > "//name" : "paintingbirthofapevenus", > "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingbirthofapevenus" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "A small red bow.", > "//name" : "smallbow", > "//shortdescription" : "Little Red Bow", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallbow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It looks like a large and chunky leek. It bleeds when you cut it, though.\"", > "//name" : "bulbopaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Bulbop Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bulbopaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "A snowglobe with a snowman inside. Festive!", > "//name" : "snowglobe1", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowman Snowglobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowglobe1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's notorious for stealing from vegetable patches.\"", > "//name" : "snauntaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Snaunt Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snauntaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A clock in the shape of a lily pad.", > "//name" : "hylotllilyclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Lily Pad Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllilyclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's unpleasant to look at. It's also unpleasant when it looks at you.\"", > "//name" : "oculobaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Oculob Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oculobaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A nice steam powered large clock face.", > "//name" : "steamclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Steam Clock Face", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "steamclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.", > "//name" : "hylotlplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Fake Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlplant1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", > "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", > "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The inside of its beak is a truly terrifying sight.\"", > "//name" : "scaveranaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Scaveran Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scaveranaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, purple geode.", > "//name" : "geodepurplesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Purple Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodepurplesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", > "//name" : "goldvase2", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", > "//name" : "goldvase2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a platinum ore.\"", > "//name" : "platinumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Platinum Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "platinumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'lily pad'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Lily\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy3" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "An ornate fountain - much of the water appears to be wasted.", > "//name" : "classicfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Water Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It watches you through its big lens.\"", > "//name" : "triplodaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Triplod Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "triplodaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain with a floral centerpiece.", > "//name" : "petalfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Floral Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "petalfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "A rack of 3 unidentified bones.", > "//name" : "floranbonerack", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonerack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", > "//name" : "giantflower2", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflower2" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a titanium ore.\"", > "//name" : "titaniumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "titaniumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicmedium1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a human couple.", > "//name" : "paintinggothic", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintinggothic" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a great Apex poet. He...looks familiar.", > "//name" : "paintingapespeare", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Poet Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapespeare" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster from the movie \"Fiery Blade Crusader\".", > "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Warrior Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlmovieposter2" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "An old battered sign warning of falling rocks.", > "//name" : "fallingrocks", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Falling Rocks Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fallingrocks" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A small lily pad decoration.", > "//name" : "hylotllilydeco1", > "//shortdescription" : "Little Lily Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllilydeco1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, green geode.", > "//name" : "geodegreensample", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodegreensample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Due to its sensitive eyes it prefers dark settings, like caves.\"", > "//name" : "agrobataf", > "//shortdescription" : "Agrobat Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "agrobataf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright blue emblem.", > "//name" : "hylotlsymbolb", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Neon Symbol", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsymbolb" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It uses its horns to attract a partner. The light shows during mating season are spectacular.\"", > "//name" : "narfinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Narfin Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "narfinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", > "//name" : "classicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "This seems to be a scientist that 'gave his body to science'.", > "//name" : "apexstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Scientist Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "This bell must make quite a sound.", > "//name" : "largebell", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Bell", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "largebell", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A chemical reaction in its belly makes its hot breath toxic.\"", > "//name" : "smoglinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Smoglin Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smoglinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its charred surface is surprisingly pleasant to touch. Just keep away from the flames!\"", > "//name" : "ignomeaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Ignome Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ignomeaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Bottom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner3" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The sharp spikes can penetrate any space boot.\"", > "//name" : "crustoiseaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Crustoise Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crustoiseaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "Tenth Study in Female Hylotlgy", > "//name" : "tenstudiesplaque", > "//shortdescription" : "Nameplate", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tenstudiesplaque" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "Strange huge flowers, you can hide inside!", > "//name" : "flowerbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Flower Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A plushie of Numi, the mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon of the same name.", > "//name" : "numiplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Numi Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "numiplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a ferozium ore.\"", > "//name" : "feroziumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feroziumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "A car shaped bed, for those young at heart.", > "//name" : "carbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Car Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "carbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's huge...\"", > "//name" : "adultpoptopaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Adult Poptop Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "adultpoptopaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its hot core produces a constant flow of lava. It throws a good punch.\"", > "//name" : "pyromantleaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Pyromantle Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pyromantleaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "The reason you don't play ball in the house.", > "//name" : "classicchina", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic China Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchina", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of an aegisalt ore.\"", > "//name" : "aegisaltsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "aegisaltsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner2" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Hylotl. Has the Innsmouth Look.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatuehylotl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatuehylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'leap'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy4", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Leap\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy4" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A suspicious crystal with more to it than meets the eye.", > "//name" : "castleswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gem Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castleswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's a lily pad.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicgong", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Gong", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicgong", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "A pedestal for putting your treasures on display.", > "//name" : "medievalpedestal", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Pedestal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalpedestal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "A bunny-shaped jar full of ash. Maybe I can smash it.", > "//name" : "ashjar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashjar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state.", > "//name" : "hourglass", > "//shortdescription" : "Hourglass", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hourglass", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the tranquil and life-bringing element of water.", > "//name" : "wateremblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Water Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wateremblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising Numi, a famous mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", > "//name" : "numisign", > "//shortdescription" : "Numi Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "numisign" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "The ashes of Avian Stargazers are often stored in urns like this one.", > "//name" : "goldenurn", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A cuddly bear plushy. Awwwww.", > "//name" : "bearplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Bear Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bearplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "An impossibly old message.", > "//name" : "ancientplaque1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ancientplaque1" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The bulb only stays lit while the Lumoth flaps its wings.\"", > "//name" : "lumothaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Lumoth Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lumothaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"At night, all you can see of the Anglure is its light.\"", > "//name" : "anglureaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Anglure Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "anglureaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands armed and resolute.", > "//name" : "medievalarmorarmed", > "//shortdescription" : "Armed Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmorarmed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "A bust of an important Apex.", > "//name" : "apexbustmale", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Male Bust", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbustmale", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "I didn't know clocks were capable of reproduction.", > "//name" : "grandfatherclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Grandfather Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "grandfatherclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievallarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "Simple, but elegant. Plaques like this bring some real class to a place.", > "//name" : "markerwallplaque1", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "markerwallplaque1" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A questionably cute plushie of a Mindwurm.", > "//name" : "mindwurmplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Mindwurm Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mindwurmplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The king nutmidgeling is the only one whose head tuft hasn't been trampled to death.\"", > "//name" : "nutmidgeaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Nutmidge Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "nutmidgeaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "There is no need to be upset.", > "//name" : "bunkerposter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Calming Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerposter2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a violium ore.\"", > "//name" : "violiumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Violium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "violiumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "An Avian statue. Not likely to fly away.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatueavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatueavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "A display for a large diamond.", > "//name" : "diamonddisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamonddisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "This looks like something I made in pottery class. Crude. I should smash it.", > "//name" : "talljar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crude Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "talljar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "This emblem commemorates the Avians' first flight to the stars.", > "//name" : "moonemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Moon Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "moonemblem" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", > "//name" : "apexstatue2", > "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram2" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "This water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.", > "//name" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Water Feature", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlwaterfeature1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster from the movie \"Cybernetic Apocalypse\".", > "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Action Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlmovieposter1" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of William Glitchspeare.", > "//name" : "glitchspeare", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitchspeare Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "glitchspeare" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its poison is deadly even in small doses.\"", > "//name" : "crutteraf", > "//shortdescription" : "Crutter Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crutteraf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "This guy seems... wise.", > "//name" : "mask5", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Wiseman Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask5" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", > "//name" : "flowerbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting an offering.", > "//name" : "caveart5", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "caveart5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its movement is determined by temperature levels in the atmosphere.\"", > "//name" : "squeemaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Squeem Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "squeemaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "Gorgeous, colourful feathers arranged like flowers.", > "//name" : "feathers2", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Feather Bundle", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feathers2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana! The sacred fruit!", > "//name" : "apexstatue3", > "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Lock Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "A tribute to GeorgeV! Developer Ultimate! ALL HAIL GEORGE!!!", > "//name" : "devstatuegeorge", > "//shortdescription" : "GeorgeV Dev Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "devstatuegeorge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its thick coat keeps it warm in the coldest climates.\"", > "//name" : "capricoataf", > "//shortdescription" : "Capricoat Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capricoataf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "A cracked clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", > "//name" : "claypot2", > "//shortdescription" : "Unusual Clay Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "claypot2" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", > "//name" : "lavalamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Lava Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavalamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "A sunflower who's just looking for the sun.", > "//name" : "movingsunflower", > "//shortdescription" : "Moving Sunflower", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "movingsunflower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's made from a springy substance.\"", > "//name" : "gleapaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Gleap Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gleapaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex with an earring.", > "//name" : "paintingapexpearlearring", > "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "paintingapexpearlearring" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "He sees you when you're sleeping! He knows when you're awake!", > "//name" : "giantsanta", > "//shortdescription" : "Jetpack Santa Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantsanta", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner2b", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid Symbol", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner2b" > }, > "225" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the free and flowing element of air.", > "//name" : "airemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Air Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "airemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "226" : { > "//description" : "It appears to be a tally chart.", > "//name" : "floranpainting3", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chart Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting3" > }, > "227" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its ancestors used to live in the sea. It might look small, but it's got a big bite.\"", > "//name" : "lilodonaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Lilodon Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lilodonaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "228" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a plutonium ore.\"", > "//name" : "plutoniumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Plutonium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plutoniumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "229" : { > "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", > "//name" : "floranceilingbones1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Bone Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranceilingbones1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, blue geode.", > "//name" : "geodebluesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodebluesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "230" : { > "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", > "//name" : "apexwallpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Modern Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "apexwallpainting2" > }, > "231" : { > "//description" : "This jukebox sounds great! Too bad there only seems to be one track.", > "//name" : "jukebox", > "//shortdescription" : "Jukebox", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jukebox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "232" : { > "//description" : "A small set of lily pad wall hangings.", > "//name" : "hylotllilydeco2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Lily Pads", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotllilydeco2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "233" : { > "//description" : "It says 'BIG APE'.", > "//name" : "apexnameplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Nameplate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexnameplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "234" : { > "//description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", > "//name" : "owlclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Owl Wall Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "owlclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "235" : { > "//description" : "A Golden Egg! What!?", > "//name" : "goldenegg", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenegg", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "236" : { > "//description" : "A poster for a unpopular Hylotl movie \"Claw of Dread\".", > "//name" : "hylotlstyleposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Comedy Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlstyleposter" > }, > "237" : { > "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", > "//name" : "paintingapexpixellisa", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapexpixellisa" > }, > "238" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It has a sticky texture that allows it to climb surfaces with ease.\"", > "//name" : "pulpinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Pulpin Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pulpinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "This used to be the classiest curtain. Now it's a bit tattered.", > "//name" : "classicbannertattered", > "//shortdescription" : "Tattered Classic Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbannertattered" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red bow.", > "//name" : "giantbow2", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiny Red Bow", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "giantbow2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", > "//name" : "tombstatueavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstatueavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "241" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", > "//name" : "tombstatueavian_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstatueavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "242" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "244" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "245" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram4" > }, > "246" : { > "//description" : "A large pair of decorative bells. Just the thing to get one into the holiday spirit!", > "//name" : "giantbells", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Holiday Bells", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "giantbells", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "247" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a human. Check out the hair.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatuehuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatuehuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "248" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex couple.", > "//name" : "paintingapegothic", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapegothic" > }, > "249" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a gold ore.\"", > "//name" : "goldsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A slim golden deocrative vase.", > "//name" : "goldvase3", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "250" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It appears mystified when encountering new life forms. You can't help but feel watched.\"", > "//name" : "oogleraf", > "//shortdescription" : "Oogler Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oogleraf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "251" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red bow.", > "//name" : "giantbow1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Bow", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "giantbow1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "252" : { > "//description" : "A bird-shaped jar full of ash. I wanna break it.", > "//name" : "ashjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bird Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "253" : { > "//description" : "An intricately woven wall tapestry.", > "//name" : "decorativewallrug1", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Tapestry", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "decorativewallrug1" > }, > "254" : { > "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming figure.", > "//name" : "paintingscream", > "//shortdescription" : "Screaming Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingscream" > }, > "255" : { > "//description" : "A small, brittle-looking pot. It looks smashable...", > "//name" : "smalljar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smalljar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "256" : { > "//description" : "A white pawn from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chesspawn", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Pawn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chesspawn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "257" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, yellow geode.", > "//name" : "geodeyellowsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeyellowsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "258" : { > "//description" : "A quiet painting of an Apex with a pet.", > "//name" : "paintingapexwithermine", > "//shortdescription" : "Pet Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapexwithermine" > }, > "259" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a core fragment ore.\"", > "//name" : "corefragmentsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Core Fragment Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "corefragmentsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "An odd golden jug for special ceremonies.", > "//name" : "goldvase1", > "//shortdescription" : "Odd Gold Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "260" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'ribbit'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Ribbit\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy1" > }, > "261" : { > "//description" : "It's a common emblem for the Hylotl. Three crystals representing their three eyes...", > "//name" : "hylotlemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "262" : { > "//description" : "A carved bunny sits on top of this altar.", > "//name" : "altarbunny", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altarbunny", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "263" : { > "//description" : "Don't underestimate an Apex's love for bananas.", > "//name" : "apexpainting4", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting4" > }, > "264" : { > "//description" : "Hollow bamboo strung together to make a wind chime.", > "//name" : "windchime", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Wind Chime", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "windchime", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "265" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Something about the way it limps makes you feel uncomfortable.\"", > "//name" : "orbideaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Orbide Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "orbideaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "266" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's always on edge. It walks sideways and erupts at the slightest confrontation.\"", > "//name" : "crabcanoaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Crabcano Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crabcanoaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "267" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The result of a scientific experiment gone wrong.\"", > "//name" : "voltipaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Voltip Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "voltipaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "268" : { > "//description" : "I'd better do what they say... ha!", > "//name" : "apexobeysign", > "//shortdescription" : "Obey Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexobeysign" > }, > "269" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Nobody knows where it came from or who made it.\"", > "//name" : "bobotaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Bobot Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bobotaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "It's a painting of a great big wave.", > "//name" : "hylotlpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wave Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlpainting1" > }, > "270" : { > "//description" : "This beady-eyed bird jar is made of solid gold.", > "//name" : "goldenjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Bird Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "271" : { > "//description" : "A temporary prop.", > "//name" : "ancientprop", > "//shortdescription" : "TODO - Ancient Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientprop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "272" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "273" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "274" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight" > }, > "275" : { > "//description" : "It's a copy of an old, famous painting.", > "//name" : "hylotlpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Mountain Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlpainting2" > }, > "276" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, orange geode.", > "//name" : "geodeorangesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeorangesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "277" : { > "//description" : "A finely carved plaque with a skull on display.", > "//name" : "huntingtrophy2", > "//shortdescription" : "Shield Mounted Skull", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "huntingtrophy2" > }, > "278" : { > "//description" : "A painting of two rainbows. A double rainbow.", > "//name" : "rainbowpainting", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "rainbowpainting", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "279" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It eats and lives in tar. Signs suggest it excretes tar as well.\"", > "//name" : "taroniaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Taroni Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "taroniaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "These display swords could be dangerous in the wrong hands.", > "//name" : "medievalsworddisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Sword Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "medievalsworddisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "280" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting some animals.", > "//name" : "caveart1", > "//shortdescription" : "Animal Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "281" : { > "//description" : "Gorgeous, vibrant feathers arranged like flowers", > "//name" : "feathers1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Feather Bundle", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feathers1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "282" : { > "//description" : "A crumbling old pot with patterned markings. It looks smashable.", > "//name" : "midjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "midjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "283" : { > "//description" : "A slim gold vase.", > "//name" : "goldvase4", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "284" : { > "//description" : "Simple, but elegant. Plaques like this bring some real class to a place.", > "//name" : "markerwallplaque2", > "//shortdescription" : "Polished Stone Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "markerwallplaque2" > }, > "285" : { > "//description" : "A white rook from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessrook", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Rook", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessrook", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "286" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex peace-keeper.", > "//name" : "apexpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting2" > }, > "287" : { > "//description" : "A white bishop from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessbishop", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Bishop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessbishop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "288" : { > "//description" : "An empty aquarium. How lonely.", > "//name" : "apexaquarium2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Wooden Aquarium", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexaquarium2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "289" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's actually covered in red skin, but it's still pretty gross.\"", > "//name" : "hemogoblinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Hemogoblin Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hemogoblinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A flagpole fit for topping any building.", > "//name" : "medievalflagpole", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Flagpole", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalflagpole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "290" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It loves frolicking through forests and meadows.\"", > "//name" : "hypnareaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Hypnare Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hypnareaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "291" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Iguarmor is not an aggressive species but the spikes on its tail can deal great damage.\"", > "//name" : "iguarmoraf", > "//shortdescription" : "Iguarmor Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "iguarmoraf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "292" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Prolonged exposure to its pungent fumes will knock you out.\"", > "//name" : "miasmopaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Miasmop Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miasmopaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "293" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"During storms it attaches itself to trees so as not to blow away.\"", > "//name" : "paratailaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Paratail Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "paratailaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "294" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Because of the size of its head in proportion to its body, it can't run long distances.\"", > "//name" : "peblitaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Peblit Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "peblitaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "295" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Despite appearing friendly, it is rarely seen interacting with other Pipkin.\"", > "//name" : "pipkinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Pipkin Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pipkinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "296" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It brews a toxic paste in its pod made from fermented fruit.\"", > "//name" : "pteropodaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Pteropod Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pteropodaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "297" : { > "//description" : "This jar has seen better days. It looks smashable...", > "//name" : "birdjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Temple Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "298" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its shell is impossible to penetrate which can make it a tricky foe.\"", > "//name" : "snaggleraf", > "//shortdescription" : "Snaggler Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snaggleraf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "299" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It doesn't seem to eat or sleep... Is it a machine?\"", > "//name" : "tinticaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Tintic Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tinticaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a solarium ore.\"", > "//name" : "solariumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Solarium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "solariumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A small clock with a pendulum. It ticks and tocks but the hands never move.", > "//name" : "medievalclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "medievalclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "300" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its diet is made up of small amounts of water that it finds by digging into the ground.\"", > "//name" : "trictusaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Trictus Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trictusaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "301" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Some believe Wispers are lost spirits. At night their glow can lead explorers astray.\"", > "//name" : "wisperaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Wisper Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wisperaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "302" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Greedy and sly in nature. If disturbed whilst sneaking it will give you the evil eye.\"", > "//name" : "yokataf", > "//shortdescription" : "Yokat Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "yokataf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "303" : { > "//description" : "A neon \"open\" sign.", > "//name" : "opensign", > "//shortdescription" : "Neon Open Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "opensign" > }, > "304" : { > "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming Apex.", > "//name" : "paintingapescream", > "//shortdescription" : "Howler Monkey Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapescream" > }, > "305" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram1" > }, > "306" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram3" > }, > "307" : { > "//description" : "An Avian banner made of gorgeous silk.", > "//name" : "avianbanner3", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Patterned Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "avianbanner3" > }, > "308" : { > "//description" : "It's a bust of Big Ape, Glorious Leader of the Apex.", > "//name" : "apexstatue1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Bust", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "309" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"By tasting the particles in the air it can sense what's ahead of it.\"", > "//name" : "batongaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Batong Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "batongaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute.", > "//name" : "medievalarmor", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "310" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Sometimes when chasing its own tail it can accidentally set itself on fire.\"", > "//name" : "fennixaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Fennix Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fennixaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "311" : { > "//description" : "A fragile small urn made from clay.", > "//name" : "planturn3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planturn3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "312" : { > "//description" : "This painting seems to illustrate how to build a fire.", > "//name" : "floranpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Fire Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpainting1" > }, > "313" : { > "//description" : "A rather detailed sketch of Glitch anatomy.", > "//name" : "glitchianman", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitchian Man", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "glitchianman" > }, > "314" : { > "//description" : "It's a framed replica of Big Ape's hit album, 'Jungle Love'.", > "//name" : "apexpainting3", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Record", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting3" > }, > "315" : { > "//description" : "May we forever obey him.", > "//name" : "apexpainting5", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Cross-Stitch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting5" > }, > "316" : { > "//description" : "A poster displaying Numi, mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.", > "//name" : "numiposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Numi Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "numiposter" > }, > "317" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a flower, important to the Floran.", > "//name" : "flowerstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Flower Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "318" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster from the controversial romance film \"10 Things I Hate About Florans\".", > "//name" : "hylotlmovieposter3", > "//shortdescription" : "Romantic Movie Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlmovieposter3" > }, > "319" : { > "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", > "//name" : "classiccandlestick", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccandlestick", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "320" : { > "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", > "//name" : "classiccandlestick_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccandlestick", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "321" : { > "//description" : "This chandelier is made of wrought-iron. It looks expensive.", > "//name" : "classicchandelier", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chandelier", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classicchandelier", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "322" : { > "//description" : "A large classy storage cabinet.", > "//name" : "classiccupboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Cupboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccupboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "323" : { > "//description" : "This mask looks like my ex-wife.", > "//name" : "mask6", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Priest Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask6" > }, > "324" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. Won't stab you... probably.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatuefloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatuefloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "325" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a bunny.", > "//name" : "tombstatuebunny", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bunny Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstatuebunny", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "326" : { > "//description" : "A ceiling spotlight. Ideal lighting for fancy artwork.", > "//name" : "classiclightart", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ceiling Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiclightart", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "327" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Fancy Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicsmall1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "328" : { > "//description" : "Ahh The Son of Man, you make me hungry!", > "//name" : "genericpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Curious Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "genericpainting1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "329" : { > "//description" : "A white knight from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessknight", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Knight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessknight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "330" : { > "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", > "//name" : "paintingmonalisa", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingmonalisa" > }, > "331" : { > "//description" : "A familiar-shaped jar. It looks angry and smashable.", > "//name" : "ashjar3", > "//shortdescription" : "Familiar Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashjar3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "332" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a famous, long-dead Earthling poet.", > "//name" : "paintingshakespeare", > "//shortdescription" : "Famous Poet Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingshakespeare" > }, > "333" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful painting of the night sky.", > "//name" : "paintingstarrynight", > "//shortdescription" : "Abstract Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingstarrynight" > }, > "334" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the wild and destructive element of fire.", > "//name" : "fireemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Fire Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "fireemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "335" : { > "//description" : "A bit of Glitch surrealism.", > "//name" : "persistenceofpixels", > "//shortdescription" : "Persistence of Pixels", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "persistenceofpixels" > }, > "336" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone Glitch. It's not sentient.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatueglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatueglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "337" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a mushroom.", > "//name" : "shroomstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "338" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster for cult hit, \"The Moleman Prophecy\".", > "//name" : "molemanposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Moleman Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "molemanposter" > }, > "339" : { > "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", > "//name" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy", > "//shortdescription" : "Studies in Female Hylotlgy", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "340" : { > "//description" : "A carved Avian head sits atop this altar.", > "//name" : "altaravian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Head Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altaravian", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "341" : { > "//description" : "A standard cloth Avian banner.", > "//name" : "avianbanner4", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Small Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianbanner4" > }, > "342" : { > "//description" : "A thick woven banner depicting a crescent moon.", > "//name" : "avianbanner2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lunar Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "avianbanner2" > }, > "343" : { > "//description" : "A very flattering painting of Big Ape, Glorious Beloved Leader of the Apex.", > "//name" : "apexpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glorious Leader Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting1" > }, > "344" : { > "//description" : "A big fancy gong. It's covered in carvings.", > "//name" : "birdgong2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Avian Gong", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdgong2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "345" : { > "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", > "//name" : "apexwallpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexwallpainting1" > }, > "346" : { > "//description" : "What an ugly jar.", > "//name" : "birdjar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ugly Temple Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdjar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "347" : { > "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", > "//name" : "prismlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Magenta Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "348" : { > "//description" : "A small tribal wall tapestry. It looks soft!", > "//name" : "decorativewallrug2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Colourful Tapestry", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "decorativewallrug2" > }, > "349" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It prefers warm and moist climates where it'll grow quicker.\"", > "//name" : "sporgusaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Sporgus Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sporgusaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A broken stone pillar.", > "//name" : "pillar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stone Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pillar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "350" : { > "//description" : "This guy looks surprised to see me!", > "//name" : "mask1", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Human Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask1" > }, > "351" : { > "//description" : "This guy looks hungry. His eyes make me uncomfortable.", > "//name" : "mask2", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Skull Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask2" > }, > "352" : { > "//description" : "Ironically, looking at this decorative sun sends a chill down my spine.", > "//name" : "sundecor", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Sun", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sundecor" > }, > "353" : { > "//description" : "A tall, dusty pot that smells of bird poop. Maybe it's smashable.", > "//name" : "talljar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "talljar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "354" : { > "//description" : "This pelt serves as a Floran hunter's trophy.", > "//name" : "floranpelt2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Black Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpelt2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "355" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "356" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "357" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "358" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "359" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted marker with a plaque embedded into it.", > "//name" : "markergroundplaque", > "//shortdescription" : "Commemorative Marker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "markergroundplaque", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "360" : { > "//description" : "A red ball adorned with a big white star! These are popular as holiday ornaments.", > "//name" : "redball", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Ball Holiday Ornament", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redball", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "361" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, red geode.", > "//name" : "geoderedsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geoderedsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "362" : { > "//description" : "A fiery-looking flower in a pot.", > "//name" : "fireflowerpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Fiery Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fireflowerpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "363" : { > "//description" : "A small snowflake decoration.", > "//name" : "smallsnowflake", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowflake", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "smallsnowflake", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "364" : { > "//description" : "A Floran's idea of abstract art.", > "//name" : "floranpainting5", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Abstract Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting5" > }, > "365" : { > "//description" : "An exotic-looking cactus in a flower pot.", > "//name" : "cactiflowerpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Cactus Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cactiflowerpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "366" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a copper ore.\"", > "//name" : "coppersample", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppersample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "367" : { > "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", > "//name" : "giantflower3", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflower3" > }, > "368" : { > "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Fancy Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassiclarge2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "369" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A huge snowflake decoration.", > "//name" : "giantsnowflake", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Snowflake", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "giantsnowflake", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "370" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "371" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "372" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "373" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "374" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "375" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "376" : { > "//description" : "A lamp illuminated by suspended globules of lava.", > "//name" : "magmalamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Magma Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmalamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "377" : { > "//description" : "That's not very encouraging.", > "//name" : "bunkerposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Motivational Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerposter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "378" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a coal ore.\"", > "//name" : "coalsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Coal Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coalsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "379" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a durasteel ore.\"", > "//name" : "durasteelsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "durasteelsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A decorative clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", > "//name" : "claypot3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Clay Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "claypot3" > }, > "380" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of an iron ore.\"", > "//name" : "ironsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "381" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a prisilite ore.\"", > "//name" : "prisilitesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Prisilite Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisilitesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "382" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a tungsten ore.\"", > "//name" : "tungstensample", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tungstensample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "383" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Not the most efficient flyer, it's a mystery how bobfae have survived as a species.\"", > "//name" : "bobfaeaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Bobfae Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bobfaeaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "384" : { > "//description" : "A tiny synthetic fir tree.", > "//name" : "smallholidaytree", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Faux Fir Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallholidaytree", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "385" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain. The water looks refreshing.", > "//name" : "fountain1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiered Stone Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fountain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "386" : { > "//description" : "\"Its sleepy lifestyle allows it to flourish underground and reach impressive sizes.\"", > "//name" : "mandrafloraaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Mandraflora Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mandrafloraaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "387" : { > "//description" : "A squishy, adorable unicorn. What's not to love?", > "//name" : "unicornplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Unicorn Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "unicornplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "388" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", > "//name" : "flowerbed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "389" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting an unidentified subject.", > "//name" : "caveart4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "caveart4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "I swear the eye is following me around the room..", > "//name" : "birdgodemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "birdgodemblem" > }, > "390" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting an unidentified subject.", > "//name" : "caveart4_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "391" : { > "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", > "//name" : "prismlamp3", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Cyan Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismlamp3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "392" : { > "//description" : "A metal lily pad with a bright green emblem.", > "//name" : "hylotlsymbolg", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Neon Symbol", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "hylotlsymbolg" > }, > "393" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Striped Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicsmall2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "394" : { > "//description" : "A rather adorable pink potted plant.", > "//name" : "splendidplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Splendid Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "splendidplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "395" : { > "//description" : "A lavish bird-shaped jar. Maybe I can smash it...", > "//name" : "bigjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Bird Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "396" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its unhygienic lifestyle leaves much to be desired.\"", > "//name" : "quagmuttaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Quagmutt Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "quagmuttaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "397" : { > "//description" : "A decorative clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", > "//name" : "claypot1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Clay Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "claypot1" > }, > "398" : { > "//description" : "A peaceful stone fountain. The water gently flows.", > "//name" : "fountain2", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fountain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "399" : { > "//description" : "A fake plastic plant. Not a tree.", > "//name" : "plasticplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plasticplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", > "//name" : "huntingchampionstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Champion Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingchampionstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A fragile thin urn made from clay.", > "//name" : "planturn2", > "//shortdescription" : "Thin Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planturn2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "400" : { > "//description" : "A Poptop action figure from the Protectorate.", > "//name" : "protectoratefigures", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Poptop Toy", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratefigures", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "401" : { > "//name" : "protectoratefigures_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "402" : { > "//description" : "It's a painting of a bridge over still water.", > "//name" : "hylotlpainting3", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bridge Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlpainting3" > }, > "403" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"If it survives for 200 years, it might become an Ixodoom.\"", > "//name" : "ixolingaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Ixoling Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ixolingaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "404" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A stone temple guardian, animated with ancient technology.\"", > "//name" : "kluexsentryaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Sentry Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexsentryaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "405" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"They attack anyone that surprises them, and they're easily surprised.\"", > "//name" : "snuffishaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Snuffish Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snuffishaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "406" : { > "//description" : "A statue dedicated to Benjamin \"Meuterion\" Deust.", > "//name" : "benjaminstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Benjamin Deust Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "benjaminstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "407" : { > "//description" : "A statue of Cameron \"KyeTheShy\" York. Loved to adventure, but wandered a little too far...into space.", > "//name" : "cameronstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Cameron York Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cameronstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "408" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"For a father who opened up a new world for me. In Memory of Tracy Dietrich 1963-2003\".", > "//name" : "memorialstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Imagination Memorial", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "memorialstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "409" : { > "//description" : "The only letters I can make out are \"xOliver137\".", > "//name" : "oliverstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "xOliver137 Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oliverstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A head mounted on a round plaque. Its eyes follow you...", > "//name" : "huntingtrophy1", > "//shortdescription" : "Round Mounted Skull", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "huntingtrophy1" > }, > "410" : { > "//name" : "tentacleexperiment", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "411" : { > "//description" : "A somewhat suspicious doll of Big Ape.", > "//name" : "bigapedoll", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Doll", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigapedoll", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "412" : { > "//description" : "An intricate handmade paper model of a Hylotl library. There's little paper bookcases inside!", > "//name" : "librarymodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Library Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarymodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "413" : { > "//description" : "An ancient tome that catalogues of all the Hylotl books in the galaxy.", > "//name" : "librarycodex", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Library Codex", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarycodex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "414" : { > "//description" : "A grand looking aquarium, with a small scale Hylotl pagoda model on top.", > "//name" : "pagodaaquarium", > "//shortdescription" : "Pagoda Aquarium", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pagodaaquarium", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "415" : { > "//description" : "An old poster of some ancient Hylotl library.", > "//name" : "hylotllibraryposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vintage Library Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotllibraryposter1" > }, > "416" : { > "//description" : "This royal decree makes note of a keep, where treasures lay under watchful guard.", > "//name" : "glitchdecree", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Decree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "glitchdecree" > }, > "417" : { > "//description" : "A ceremonial horn that holds a woven banner.", > "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Mounted Horn Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "glitchhorndisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "418" : { > "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "419" : { > "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", > "//name" : "huntingbigstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Floran Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingbigstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "420" : { > "//description" : "A crude painting of a Floran hunter wielding a spear.", > "//name" : "floranhunterpainting", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Hunter Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranhunterpainting" > }, > "421" : { > "//description" : "This chess board has custom pieces.", > "//name" : "glitchchess", > "//shortdescription" : "Themed Chess Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchchess", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "422" : { > "//description" : "It's a figurine of a Glitch noble.", > "//name" : "glitchbaronfigure", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Statuette", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchbaronfigure", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "423" : { > "//description" : "An intricate handmade music box. The melody it plays is soothing.", > "//name" : "hylotlmusicbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Music Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlmusicbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "424" : { > "//description" : "Thin hanging drapes. Quite classy.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Thin Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "425" : { > "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", > "//name" : "penguinbarsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "penguinbarsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "426" : { > "//description" : "A dark chequered flag bearing an emblem.", > "//name" : "darkbattlestandard", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark Battle Standard", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "darkbattlestandard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "427" : { > "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "428" : { > "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "429" : { > "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "The pelt of a small, snow dwelling animal.", > "//name" : "floranpelt5", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowy Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpelt5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "430" : { > "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "431" : { > "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "432" : { > "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "433" : { > "//description" : "A black bishop from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessbishopblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Bishop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessbishopblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "434" : { > "//description" : "A black queen from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessqueenblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Queen", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessqueenblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "435" : { > "//description" : "A black pawn from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chesspawnblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Pawn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chesspawnblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "436" : { > "//description" : "A black knight from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessknightblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Knight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessknightblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "437" : { > "//description" : "A black rook from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessrookblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Rook", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessrookblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "438" : { > "//description" : "A black king from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chesskingblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone King", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chesskingblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "439" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"Awarded to those who can challenge nature's power.\".", > "//name" : "trophysilver", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunter's Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trophysilver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "The pelt of a large, snow dwelling animal.", > "//name" : "floranpelt4", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Snowy Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "floranpelt4" > }, > "440" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"All that is gold does not glitter. Awarded for a heroic victory.\".", > "//name" : "trophybronze", > "//shortdescription" : "Warrior's Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trophybronze", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "441" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"Awarded to those who can pass through the fire of combat unburned.\".", > "//name" : "trophygold", > "//shortdescription" : "Champion's Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trophygold", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A large pelt with thick, lustrous fur.", > "//name" : "floranpelt1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Brown Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "floranpelt1" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "Just a ceremonial shield. It wouldn't do much good in a fight.", > "//name" : "wallshield", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Shield Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wallshield" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "florancorner", > "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "florancorner_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", > "//name" : "floranceilingbones2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Bone Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranceilingbones2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting some hunters.", > "//name" : "caveart2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunter Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The scandroid is on an endless search. No one knows what for.\"", > "//name" : "scandroidaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Scandroid Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scandroidaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "There are barbaric Floran tales etched into the bone.", > "//name" : "floranbonedisplay2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Carving", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonedisplay2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "The result of a successful Floran hunt.", > "//name" : "floranbonedisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonedisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A cute little turtle plush.", > "//name" : "turtleplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Turtle Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "turtleplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "It appears to be a painting of a falling leaf.", > "//name" : "floranpainting4", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Leaf Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting4" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "Look! Fishies!", > "//name" : "apexaquarium1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Aquarium", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexaquarium1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The long legs allow it to stand in water to catch fish.\"", > "//name" : "toumingoaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Toumingo Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toumingoaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A pretty white flower in a pot.", > "//name" : "wflowerpot", > "//shortdescription" : "White Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wflowerpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "Bad Goo Plushie. A cuddly goo doll.", > "//name" : "badgooplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Bad Goo Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "badgooplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A fragile wide urn made from clay.", > "//name" : "planturn1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planturn1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "Ancient Greek marble sculpture, Venus De Pixel. Sculptor Unknown.", > "//name" : "venusdepixel", > "//shortdescription" : "Venus de Pixel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "venusdepixel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"An ancient species, know to be agile and mischievous. They have an intelligent look in their eye.\"", > "//name" : "monopusaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Monopus Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "monopusaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "Framed calligraphy for 'pond'.", > "//name" : "hylotlcalligraphy5", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl \"Pond\" Calligraphy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlcalligraphy5" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran holding a spear menacingly.", > "//name" : "huntingstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "It looks like someone has painted glyphs onto a piece of leather.", > "//name" : "floranpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Glyph Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting2" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", > "//name" : "paintingbirthofvenus", > "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingbirthofvenus" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Striped Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassiclarge1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a frog sitting peacefully.", > "//name" : "frogstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Frog Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frogstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the strong and resilient element of earth.", > "//name" : "earthemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Earth Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "earthemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "An old calligraphy painting depicting an early Hylotl warrior.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Warrior Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlclassicpainting1" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A tall stone pillar.", > "//name" : "pillar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pillar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A soft Poptop plush toy.", > "//name" : "poptopplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Poptop Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "poptopplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A synthetic tree decorated with strings of lights and festive ornaments.", > "//name" : "decoratedtree", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "decoratedtree", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A classic golden jug.", > "//name" : "goldvase5", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A classic golden jug.", > "//name" : "goldvase5_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The Poptop hums beautifully to confuse its prey.\"", > "//name" : "poptopaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Poptop Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "poptopaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A dancing hula girl. Aloha!", > "//name" : "hulagirl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hula Girl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hulagirl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The Ringram's horns start growing from birth and never stop.\"", > "//name" : "ringramaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Ringram Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ringramaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A framed poster of a city.", > "//name" : "hylotlcityposter", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl City Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlcityposter" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "An appropriately glorious monument dedicated to a glorious leader.", > "//name" : "classicapestatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Monument", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicapestatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A white king from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessking", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone King", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessking", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing Apex figures.", > "//name" : "paintingcreationofapepixel", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Big Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingcreationofapepixel" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "An adorable Normal Virorb plushie.", > "//name" : "plainorbplush", > "//shortdescription" : "Virorb Plushie", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plainorbplush", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "Is that an Avian... or a chicken?", > "//name" : "windchicken", > "//shortdescription" : "Weathervane", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "windchicken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a diamond ore.\"", > "//name" : "diamondsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamondsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It stares at you expectantly with its beady eyes.\"", > "//name" : "petricubaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Petricub Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "petricubaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "These display axes look very sharp.", > "//name" : "medievalaxedisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Axe Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "medievalaxedisplay" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "This statue is dedicated to a creature named Derrick, who seemingly vanished from his owner.", > "//name" : "derrickstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Derrick Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "derrickstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.", > "//name" : "neonhylotlhead", > "//shortdescription" : "Neon Hylotl Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "neonhylotlhead", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "A skull mounted as a trophy on crossed wood planks.", > "//name" : "huntingtrophy3", > "//shortdescription" : "Cross Mounted Skull", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "huntingtrophy3" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "A large bronze statue of the Hylotl's home planet.", > "//name" : "giantglobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Globe Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantglobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "A particularly colourful potted plant.", > "//name" : "vibrantplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vibrantplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", > "//name" : "giantflower1", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflower1" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "A very famous self-portrait of a very famous Hylotl artist.", > "//name" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu", > "//shortdescription" : "Self-Portrait of Hylotl-Shu", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a worm. But where's the hook?", > "//name" : "wormstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Worm Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wormstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a galaxy.", > "//name" : "hologramgalaxy", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hologramgalaxy" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A white queen from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessqueen", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Queen", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessqueen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "A golden ball. 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Don't spill water on it.", < "//name" : "sandstonetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "An Avian statue. Not likely to fly away.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatueavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatueavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a human. Check out the hair.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatuehuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatuehuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. Won't stab you... probably.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatuefloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatuefloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone Glitch. It's not sentient.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatueglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatueglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone bed. Make sure you dust it off before use.", < "//name" : "sandstonebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone chair. Crumbly.", < "//name" : "sandstonechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a worm. But where's the hook?", < "//name" : "wormstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Worm Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wormstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "An Apex statue. A perfect likeness.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatueapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatueapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Hylotl. 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Don't spill water on it.", > "//name" : "sandstonetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "An Avian statue. Not likely to fly away.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatueavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatueavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a human. Check out the hair.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatuehuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatuehuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. Won't stab you... probably.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatuefloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatuefloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone Glitch. It's not sentient.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatueglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatueglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone bed. Make sure you dust it off before use.", > "//name" : "sandstonebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone chair. Crumbly.", > "//name" : "sandstonechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a worm. But where's the hook?", > "//name" : "wormstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Worm Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wormstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "An Apex statue. A perfect likeness.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatueapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatueapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Hylotl. Has the Innsmouth Look.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatuehylotl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatuehylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A chest of roughly hewn sandstone.", > "//name" : "sandstonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 156,203c156,203 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonedoor.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonetable.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonestatueavian.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonestatuehuman.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonestatuefloran.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonestatueglitch.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonebed.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonechair.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wormstatue.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonestatueapex.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonestatuehylotl.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonetorch.png" < }, < "6" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonetorch_orientation2.png" < }, < "7" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonetorch_orientation3.png" < }, < "8" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonetorch_orientation4.png" < }, < "9" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonechest.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonedoor.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonetable.png" > }, > "10" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonestatueavian.png" > }, > "11" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonestatuehuman.png" > }, > "12" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonestatuefloran.png" > }, > "13" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonestatueglitch.png" > }, > "14" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonebed.png" > }, > "15" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonechair.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wormstatue.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonestatueapex.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonestatuehylotl.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonetorch.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonetorch_orientation2.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonetorch_orientation3.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonetorch_orientation4.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sandstonechest.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\science.json 10,151c10,151 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A metal sign with a biohazard symbol.", < "//name" : "biohazardsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Biohazard Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "biohazardsign" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A critter in a jar, daydreaming.", < "//name" : "symbiotesample", < "//shortdescription" : "Symbiote in a Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < 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It reacts to sound.", < "//name" : "plasmadisc", < "//shortdescription" : "Plasma Disc", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plasmadisc", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A wireless energy supply.", < "//name" : "tesla", < "//shortdescription" : "Wireless Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tesla", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "There seems to be an Apex in there, connected to a bunch of wires and tubes.", < "//name" : "apexpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Life Support Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexpod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A brain in a jar, daydreaming.", < "//name" : "apexbrainjar", < "//shortdescription" : "Brain in a Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbrainjar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A metal desk, covered in curious devices.", < "//name" : "steampunkdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A large microscope, designed for observing potentially hazardous bacteria.", < "//name" : "hazardmicroscope", < "//shortdescription" : "Hazard Microscope", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hazardmicroscope", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A flask full of green goo.", < "//name" : "greenflask", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Flask", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenflask", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A device for monitoring seismic activity.", < "//name" : "seismograph", < "//shortdescription" : "Seismograph", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "seismograph" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A flask full of red liquid.", < "//name" : "redflask", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Flask", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redflask", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "The pod is empty.", < "//name" : "apexpod2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Life Support Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexpod2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "Everything looks significantly more terrifying under a microscope.", < "//name" : "microscope", < "//shortdescription" : "Microscope", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "microscope", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "Vials full of various blood types. I hope they didn't take out ALL their blood.", < "//name" : "apexbloodbank", < "//shortdescription" : "Bloodbank", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbloodbank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A metal sign with a biohazard symbol.", > "//name" : "biohazardsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Biohazard Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "biohazardsign" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A critter in a jar, daydreaming.", > "//name" : "symbiotesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Symbiote in a Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "symbiotesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "It seems irresponsible to leave a bunch of unlabelled chemicals unattended.", > "//name" : "apexcoolshelf2", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chemical Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolshelf2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A flask full of blue liquid.", > "//name" : "blueflask", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flask", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "blueflask", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "An electrically charged plasma field. It reacts to sound.", > "//name" : "plasmadisc", > "//shortdescription" : "Plasma Disc", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plasmadisc", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A wireless energy supply.", > "//name" : "tesla", > "//shortdescription" : "Wireless Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tesla", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "There seems to be an Apex in there, connected to a bunch of wires and tubes.", > "//name" : "apexpod", > "//shortdescription" : "Life Support Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpod", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A brain in a jar, daydreaming.", > "//name" : "apexbrainjar", > "//shortdescription" : "Brain in a Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbrainjar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A metal desk, covered in curious devices.", > "//name" : "steampunkdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A large microscope, designed for observing potentially hazardous bacteria.", > "//name" : "hazardmicroscope", > "//shortdescription" : "Hazard Microscope", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hazardmicroscope", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A flask full of green goo.", > "//name" : "greenflask", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Flask", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenflask", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A device for monitoring seismic activity.", > "//name" : "seismograph", > "//shortdescription" : "Seismograph", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "seismograph" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A flask full of red liquid.", > "//name" : "redflask", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Flask", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redflask", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "The pod is empty.", > "//name" : "apexpod2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Life Support Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpod2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "Everything looks significantly more terrifying under a microscope.", > "//name" : "microscope", > "//shortdescription" : "Microscope", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "microscope", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "Vials full of various blood types. I hope they didn't take out ALL their blood.", > "//name" : "apexbloodbank", > "//shortdescription" : "Bloodbank", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbloodbank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 154,201c154,201 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/biohazardsign.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/symbiotesample.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcoolshelf2.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/blueflask.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plasmadisc.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tesla.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexpod.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexbrainjar.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/steampunkdesk.png" < }, < "3" : { < 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tesla.png" > }, > "14" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexpod.png" > }, > "15" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexbrainjar.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/steampunkdesk.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hazardmicroscope.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/greenflask.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/seismograph.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/redflask.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexpod2.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/microscope.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexbloodbank.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\scorched.json 10,359c10,359 < "0" : { < "//description" : "An arrow sign.", < "//name" : "scorchedcityarrowsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Tire Arrow Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcityarrowsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A large contemporary chest of drawers.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Stylish Drawers", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A counter with added grime.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokencounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Grimy Stylish Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokencounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal shelf, some store goods still remain on the shelves.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A broken television set.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentv", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stylish TV", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A rusty holding tank.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentank", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Holding Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A wooden utility pole.", < "//name" : "woodenutilitypole2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Telephone Pole", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenutilitypole2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A broken bed.", < "//name" : 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: "scorchedcitybrokenregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A metal shelf packed with store goods.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A clean and sturdy bed.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A rusty looking chest.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitychest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitychest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A chest of drawers, minus a few drawers.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawerlarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Broken Drawers", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawerlarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "scorchedcityregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Store Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcityregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A small rusty looking crate.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Rusty Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "Everything you need to survive. Almost.", < "//name" : "bombsheltershelf1", < "//shortdescription" : "Shelter Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bombsheltershelf1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "An explosive metal barrel. It looks dangerous.", < "//name" : "explosivebarrel", < "//shortdescription" : " Explosive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "explosivebarrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A broken chair.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stylish Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A broken fridge.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Stylish Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A broken wooden table.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentable", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Round Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentable", < 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"imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitycrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A set of traffic lights, badly broken.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentraficlights", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Traffic Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentraficlights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "An old, forgotten land mine. It may still be active!", < "//name" : "scorchedlandmine", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Land Mine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedlandmine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "An arrow sign.", > "//name" : "scorchedcityarrowsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Tire Arrow Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcityarrowsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A large contemporary chest of drawers.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Stylish Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A counter with added grime.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokencounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Grimy Stylish Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokencounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal shelf, some store goods still remain on the shelves.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A broken television set.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentv", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stylish TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A rusty holding tank.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentank", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Holding Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A wooden utility 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"scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawersmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A broken register.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A metal shelf packed with store goods.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A clean and sturdy bed.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A rusty looking chest.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychest", > "//shortdescription" : 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"//description" : "Everything you need to survive. Almost.", > "//name" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "//shortdescription" : "Shelter Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "An explosive metal barrel. 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"tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A stylish but sturdy chair.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A rounded wooden table.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitytable", > "//shortdescription" : "Round Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitytable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A small contemporary chest of drawers.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawersmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Stylish Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawersmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A clean looking counter.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitycounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Counter", > 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> }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A wooden utility pole.", > "//name" : "woodenutilitypole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Utility Pole", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenutilitypole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A popular style of television set.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitytv", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitytv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A contemprary style fridge, capable of extending the shelf life of food.", > "//name" : "scorchedcityfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcityfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A rusty crate.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitycrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitycrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A set of traffic lights, badly broken.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentraficlights", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Traffic Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentraficlights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "An old, forgotten land mine. 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Answer: yes.", < "//name" : "bathroomtrash", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bathroomtrash", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "This book case was built to store Avian history.", < "//name" : "tribalbookcase2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Avian Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbookcase2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "A present! 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Hopefully it's not filled with marrow.", < "//name" : "bonechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", < "//name" : "gothicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", < "//name" : "gothicbookcase_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "A shipping container. Probably doesn't contain a ship.", < "//name" : "outpostshippingcontainer", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Shipping Container", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostshippingcontainer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "A master work of craftsmanship. Beautiful.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "An old wooden chest, still going strong.", < "//name" : "medievalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A tropical looking cabinet, complete with a little tree.", < "//name" : "islandcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "islandcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A large antique bookcase.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseG2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", < "//name" : "classicdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A pair of standard issue kitchen cabinets.", < "//name" : "apexcounter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcounter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "An alien chest.", < "//name" : "alienchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "floranshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranshiplocker" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A trash bag. What a load of rubbish.", < "//name" : "trashbag", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trashbag", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A toxic waste barrel. Don't spill any!", < "//name" : "toxicwastebarrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Waste Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicwastebarrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodencabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase built to be filled with classic literature.", < "//name" : "classicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "A secured wooden crate.", < "//name" : "box2", < "//shortdescription" : "Secure Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "box2", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A large bookcase that has been damaged.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-184", < "object" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal shelf, some store goods still remain on the shelves.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "The reason you don't play ball in the house.", < "//name" : "classicchina", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic China Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchina", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "A ornate bookcase with missing books", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-72", < "object" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "The cabinet made of leather stretched between four large tusks.", < "//name" : "florancabinet3", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "A wooden cabinet with a sink installed.", < "//name" : "woodensink", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Sink", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodensink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "glitchstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchstoragelocker" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A traditional index filled with cards.", < "//name" : "index", < "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "index", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "This chest appears organic in construction.", < "//name" : "glowchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket4", < "//shortdescription" : "Handled Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket4" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "glitchshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchshiplockerTier0" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled.", < "//name" : "librarybookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A chest of roughly hewn sandstone.", < "//name" : "sandstonechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "A ornate obsidian bookcase.", < "//name" : "obsidianbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Obsidian Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "obsidianbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in blue paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present3", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A fridge. Hopefully filled with tasty, tasty treats.", < "//name" : "outpostfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Chic Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "hylotlshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlshiplockerTier0" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A chest sealed with a piercing eye. Worth a look inside.", < "//name" : "eyechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", < "//name" : "chestmedavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Decorative Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestmedavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier2techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "A Miniknog locker.", < "//name" : "apexlocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexlocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "A small chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", < "//name" : "chestfloran1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestfloran1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A blue shelf used for displaying items.", < "//name" : "hylotlwallshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Wall Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlwallshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "A smooth cooking surface.", < "//name" : "tribalcounter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcounter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-120", < "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "-120", < "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "A locker with a wide metal door.", < "//name" : "locker2", < "//shortdescription" : "Flat Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "locker2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "Tar fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "tarpitchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Tarpit Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarpitchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A tall wooden bookcase full of books.", < "//name" : "woodenbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A long chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", < "//name" : "chestfloran2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestfloran2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", < "//name" : "woodencrate1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrate1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "A glass case full of plushies and toys.", < "//name" : "hylotlprizecounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Prize Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlprizecounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", < "//name" : "bathroomtrashquest", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bathroomtrashquest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A garbage bin.", < "//name" : "hylotltrashcan", < "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltrashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "apexstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexstoragelocker" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", < "//name" : "chestavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "A tank of unknown use.", < "//name" : "outposttank", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outposttank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "There's a book in here titled, 'How to Travel Backwards in Time for Dummies'.", < "//name" : "bunkerbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "A blue mailbox.", < "//name" : "hylotlmailbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Urban Mailbox", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlmailbox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "This cupboard is sleek, but it doesn't look sturdy.", < "//name" : "apexcoolcupboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Cupboard", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolcupboard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "An ice chest. Totally secure, until it melts.", < "//name" : "icechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of a thick slime substance.", < "//name" : "slimehide", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimehide", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reeddesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reeddesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "Reeds fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "reedchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A garbage bin.", < "//name" : "hylotltrashcan_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltrashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "This chest itself is a treasure, let alone the contents.", < "//name" : "royalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "A tiny basket made of wicker.", < "//name" : "wickerbasket1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket1" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "A big antique bookcase.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Library Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseL2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "A dumpster.", < "//name" : "dumpster", < "//shortdescription" : "Dumpster", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dumpster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "A fearsome ancient chest ornamented with a lidless eye.", < "//name" : "ancientbigchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Big Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientbigchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A display stand for small fossils", < "//name" : "fossildisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Fossil Display", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "16", < "object" : "fossildisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "A barrel. Anything could be inside!", < "//name" : "barrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "Each of these desks has a coffee mug and lamp fused to its surface.", < "//name" : "apexdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A set of lockers, perfect for storing things.", < "//name" : "lunarbaselocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lockers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A generic metal barrel. It's sealed.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "The lily pad rotates to lock its doors.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in green-coloured paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present4", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A useful storage chest.", < "//name" : "podchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Pod Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "podchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "glitchshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchshiplocker" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A metal shelf packed with store goods.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "A rusty looking chest.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitychest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitychest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Double Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "A trash can. What a load of rubbish.", < "//name" : "trashcan", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "novakidshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidshiplockerTier0" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A strong storage crate made from copper.", < "//name" : "copperbox1", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperbox1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "An opened cardboard box.", < "//name" : "cardboard3", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Cardboard Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cardboard3", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A wooden cabinet. Its doors are full of etched decoration.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Square Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "Looks like it used to be filled with medical supplies - not any more.", < "//name" : "prisoncabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Supply Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchencabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchencabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A toxic chest.", < "//name" : "toxicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Single Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "apexshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexshiplocker" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "One of these books looks out of place... I wonder...", < "//name" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A nicely made wooden desk.", < "//name" : "medievaldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel2b", < "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel2b", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel2b_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel2b", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", < "//name" : "florancabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "Perfect for storing a lot of food and keeping it fresh.", < "//name" : "fridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Full-Size Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top.", < "//name" : "bigpresent", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigpresent", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "humanstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humanstoragelocker" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of rock.", < "//name" : "cavechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cavechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "techchest2", < "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "techchest2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "A chest made from plant material. It appears to be still growing.", < "//name" : "chestplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestplant1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket5", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket5" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", < "//name" : "prisonlocker2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Prison Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonlocker2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "A crate containing cargo. What cargo? Who knows.", < "//name" : "outpostcargocrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cargo Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcargocrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "A classic style desk.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "It seems irresponsible to leave a bunch of unlabelled chemicals unattended.", < "//name" : "apexcoolshelf2", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chemical Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolshelf2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A drinks cabinet, stocked with glassware and odd-shaped bottles.", < "//name" : "salooncabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "salooncabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A basic wooden chest.", < "//name" : "woodenchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "Looks like a place you might store an eggcup... Do Avians eat eggs?", < "//name" : "tribalwallcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tribalwallcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "A fridge, good for keeping food cold.", < "//name" : "apexfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "A really gross looking chest.", < "//name" : "hivechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase for storing folk tales and legends...", < "//name" : "medievalbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "A filing cabinet. Sorted.", < "//name" : "filingcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "filingcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "A very basic mass produced wardrobe.", < "//name" : "apexwardrobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwardrobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "A locker of unknown ownership.", < "//name" : "outpostlocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Lockers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostlocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "The shelves are empty.", < "//name" : "apexwoodenshelves", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Shelves", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwoodenshelves", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "A large classy storage cabinet.", < "//name" : "classiccupboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Cupboard", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccupboard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "A gigantic bookcase filled with books.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", < "//name" : "bunkerdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "212" : { < "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "213" : { < "//description" : "A dank old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", < "//name" : "chestavian2", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestavian2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "214" : { < "//description" : "A small rusty looking crate.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Rusty Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "A rusty chest. Practically falling apart.", < "//name" : "rustchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "216" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "novakidstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidstoragelocker" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet containing who knows what?", < "//name" : "outpostcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "Carved patterns surround this small cabinet.", < "//name" : "tribalcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Carved Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "The crystal on top of this closet appears to be broken.", < "//name" : "tribalcloset1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Closet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcloset1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate filled with treasure.", < "//name" : "woodencrategoldfilled", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Filled Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrategoldfilled", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "A very large shipping container.", < "//name" : "shippingcontainer", < "//shortdescription" : "Shipping Container", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shippingcontainer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "humanshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humanshiplockerTier0" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "A treasure chest made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "223" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", < "//name" : "florancabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "224" : { < "//description" : "A metal crate.", < "//name" : "bunkercrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "225" : { < "//description" : "A chest with a spherical lock.", < "//name" : "cellchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "226" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "floranshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranshiplockerTier0" < }, < "227" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "smallwoodencrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallwoodencrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "228" : { < "//description" : "Perfect for storing tools and equipment in!", < "//name" : "miningchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "229" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it's full of hazardous materials.", < "//name" : "bunkercabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "Valuable things should be stored here.", < "//name" : "royalcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "230" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "231" : { < "//description" : "This desk is sleek, looks solid.", < "//name" : "apexcooldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcooldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "232" : { < "//description" : "This dresser has a musty smell. It doesn't look very clean.", < "//name" : "medievaldresser", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Dresser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldresser", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "233" : { < "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", < "//name" : "prisonlocker1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Prison Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonlocker1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "234" : { < "//description" : "A frozen, spherical chest. Perfect for treasure, or making ice cubes.", < "//name" : "icespherechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespherechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "235" : { < "//description" : "A storage crate made of unrefined wood and bone.", < "//name" : "florancrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "236" : { < "//description" : "A basic desk.", < "//name" : "outpostdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "237" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodsafe", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodsafe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "238" : { < "//description" : "Everything you need to survive. Almost.", < "//name" : "bombsheltershelf1", < "//shortdescription" : "Shelter Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bombsheltershelf1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "239" : { < "//description" : "A clean looking counter.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitycounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitycounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "An old wooden shelf.", < "//name" : "medievalshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "240" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase made from the remains of Floran prey.", < "//name" : "floranbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "241" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "largewoodencrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largewoodencrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "242" : { < "//description" : "A treasure chest.", < "//name" : "treasurechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "treasurechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "243" : { < "//description" : "A small bookcase.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseS1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "244" : { < "//description" : "An empty shelving rack.", < "//name" : "plantshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "245" : { < "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase, only partially filled with books.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", < "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "246" : { < "//description" : "Ideal for storing food and keeping it fresh.", < "//name" : "minifridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Mini Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "minifridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "247" : { < "//description" : "There are some items on this shelf.", < "//name" : "apexstoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "248" : { < "//description" : "A wooden desk used by scribes.", < "//name" : "glitchscribe", < "//shortdescription" : "Scribe's Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchscribe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A charming and well-made wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "medievalcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A barrel. Sadly not full party hats.", < "//name" : "barrellarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrellarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A dresser made in a retro-futuristic style", < "//name" : "retroscifidresser", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Dresser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifidresser", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "An expensive-looking wooden desk.", < "//name" : "woodendesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodendesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", < "//name" : "woodencrate2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrate2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscificabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscificabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy suspended bookshelf.", < "//name" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Bookshelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodencabinet3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wooden Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencabinet3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A heavy duty chest for storing weapons.", < "//name" : "weaponchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "weaponchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A basic iron chest.", < "//name" : "ironchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "An old crate of Mining supplies - For every budding Miner!", < "//name" : "miningsupplies", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Supplies Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningsupplies", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel2", < "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A locker with a tall metal door.", < "//name" : "locker1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "locker1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "An upright cardboard box.", < "//name" : "cardboard1", < "//shortdescription" : "Upright Cardboard Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cardboard1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A display stand for large fossils", < "//name" : "fossildisplay5", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Fossil Display", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "8", < "object" : "fossildisplay5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket2" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscificabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A desk with large cabinet drawers.", < "//name" : "plantcabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet with a table top.", < "//name" : "plantcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A large contemporary chest of drawers.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Stylish Drawers", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "There's nothing of interest on this shelf.", < "//name" : "apexcoolshelf1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Empty Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolshelf1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "shroomchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier3techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads.", < "//name" : "royalbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A metal desk, covered in curious devices.", < "//name" : "steampunkdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A storage crate, typically used for stashing equipment and ores.", < "//name" : "lunarbasecrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasecrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A crystal chest. Perhaps the chest itself is the treasure?", < "//name" : "crystalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscificabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "Hand-made and beautiful, this bookcase is intricately carved.", < "//name" : "tribalbookcase1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbookcase1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A reed shelf.", < "//name" : "reedshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "apexshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexshiplockerTier0" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A cute wooden end table.", < "//name" : "woodenendtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden End Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenendtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodencabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Double Wooden Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A high-tech container for guns.", < "//name" : "gunchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Gun Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gunchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "It should be stocked full of science journals and lab reports.", < "//name" : "apexcoolbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", < "//name" : "prisonfile1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfile1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "floranstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranstoragelocker" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of vines, it's not really safe.", < "//name" : "junglechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A nice kitchen shelf that keeps spices handy.", < "//name" : "kitchenshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A wooden wall shelf for displaying trinkets.", < "//name" : "medievalwallshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalwallshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "This sturdy chest is made from volcanic material. Heat rises from it.", < "//name" : "volcanicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Volcanic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "volcanicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase full of books.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseN2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "hylotlstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlstoragelocker" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "avianshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianshiplockerTier0" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "hylotlshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlshiplocker" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A chest with a spring flower latch.", < "//name" : "springchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Spring Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A wood and bone shelf used for storing supplies and keepsakes.", < "//name" : "floranshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A set of shelves hung with pipes.", < "//name" : "steampunkshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A set of shelves hung with pipes.", < "//name" : "steampunkshelf_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A tall, sturdy kitchen cabinet. Perfect for storing tableware and food.", < "//name" : "kitchencabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Kitchen Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchencabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A barrel of sewage. Almost certainly toxic.", < "//name" : "sewagebarrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewage Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sewagebarrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A dark, shadowy chest.", < "//name" : "shadowchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom wardrobe.", < "//name" : "shroomwardrobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomwardrobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A chest decorated with beautiful rainbow markings.", < "//name" : "rainbowchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier4techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A small wooden crate.", < "//name" : "box1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "box1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of flesh.", < "//name" : "heckchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "humanshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humanshiplocker" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier1techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in red paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present2", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "avianshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianshiplocker" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "The shelf is packed with all kinds of Hylotl goods.", < "//name" : "hylotlstoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlstoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A fancy royal desk.", < "//name" : "royaldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royaldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A desk, probably belonging to the greenfinger of a Floran tribe.", < "//name" : "florandesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "avianstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianstoragelocker" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A contemprary style fridge, capable of extending the shelf life of food.", < "//name" : "scorchedcityfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcityfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "A classy chest filled with classy treasure!", < "//name" : "classicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy chest. To store things in.", < "//name" : "fleshchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A small cargo crate. No doubt it has cargo in it.", < "//name" : "outpostcargocrateshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Short Cargo Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcargocrateshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A display stand for medium fossils", < "//name" : "fossildisplay3", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Fossil Display", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "24", < "object" : "fossildisplay3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of flowers.", < "//name" : "giantflowerchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A rusty crate.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitycrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitycrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "An ancient chest of unknown origin.", < "//name" : "ancientchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "novakidshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidshiplocker" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", < "//name" : "prisonfile2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Rusty Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfile2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A simple cardboard box.", < "//name" : "cardboard2", < "//shortdescription" : "Cardboard Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cardboard2", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket3" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A barrel filled with treasure!", < "//name" : "barrelgoldfilled", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrelgoldfilled", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A large metal Skip full of rubble.", < "//name" : "miningskip", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Skip", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningskip", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "An old locker. Hey! There's a photo taped to the inside... eww, tentacles", > "//name" : "wrecklocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecklocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A antique crate, I wonder what's inside..", > "//name" : "wreckcrate1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckcrate1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", > "//name" : "bathroomtrash", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomtrash", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "This book case was built to store Avian history.", > "//name" : "tribalbookcase2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Avian Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbookcase2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in teal paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present1", > "//shortdescription" : "Teal Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A large old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", > "//name" : "chestmedavian2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Old Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestmedavian2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A Safe.", > "//name" : "safe", > "//shortdescription" : "Safe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "safe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of bone. Hopefully it's not filled with marrow.", > "//name" : "bonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", > "//name" : "gothicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", > "//name" : "gothicbookcase_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A shipping container. Probably doesn't contain a ship.", > "//name" : "outpostshippingcontainer", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Shipping Container", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostshippingcontainer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "A master work of craftsmanship. Beautiful.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "An old wooden chest, still going strong.", > "//name" : "medievalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A tropical looking cabinet, complete with a little tree.", > "//name" : "islandcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A large antique bookcase.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseG2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", > "//name" : "classicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A pair of standard issue kitchen cabinets.", > "//name" : "apexcounter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcounter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "An alien chest.", > "//name" : "alienchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "floranshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranshiplocker" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A trash bag. What a load of rubbish.", > "//name" : "trashbag", > "//shortdescription" : "Trash Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trashbag", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A toxic waste barrel. Don't spill any!", > "//name" : "toxicwastebarrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Waste Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicwastebarrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodencabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase built to be filled with classic literature.", > "//name" : "classicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "A secured wooden crate.", > "//name" : "box2", > "//shortdescription" : "Secure Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "box2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A large bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Grand Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-184", > "object" : "librarybookcaseG2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal shelf, some store goods still remain on the shelves.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "The reason you don't play ball in the house.", > "//name" : "classicchina", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic China Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchina", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "A ornate bookcase with missing books", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-72", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "The cabinet made of leather stretched between four large tusks.", > "//name" : "florancabinet3", > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A wooden cabinet with a sink installed.", > "//name" : "woodensink", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Sink", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodensink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "glitchstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchstoragelocker" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A traditional index filled with cards.", > "//name" : "index", > "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "index", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "This chest appears organic in construction.", > "//name" : "glowchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket4", > "//shortdescription" : "Handled Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket4" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "glitchshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchshiplockerTier0" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A small bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Small Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "librarybookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A chest of roughly hewn sandstone.", > "//name" : "sandstonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "A ornate obsidian bookcase.", > "//name" : "obsidianbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Obsidian Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "obsidianbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in blue paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present3", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A fridge. Hopefully filled with tasty, tasty treats.", > "//name" : "outpostfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Chic Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "hylotlshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlshiplockerTier0" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A chest sealed with a piercing eye. Worth a look inside.", > "//name" : "eyechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", > "//name" : "chestmedavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Decorative Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestmedavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "tier2techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "A Miniknog locker.", > "//name" : "apexlocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexlocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "A small chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", > "//name" : "chestfloran1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestfloran1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A blue shelf used for displaying items.", > "//name" : "hylotlwallshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Wall Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlwallshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "A smooth cooking surface.", > "//name" : "tribalcounter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcounter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-120", > "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A big antique bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2damage_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Large Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "-120", > "object" : "librarybookcaseL2damage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A locker with a wide metal door.", > "//name" : "locker2", > "//shortdescription" : "Flat Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "locker2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "Tar fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "tarpitchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Tarpit Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarpitchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A tall wooden bookcase full of books.", > "//name" : "woodenbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A long chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", > "//name" : "chestfloran2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestfloran2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", > "//name" : "woodencrate1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrate1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "A glass case full of plushies and toys.", > "//name" : "hylotlprizecounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Prize Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlprizecounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", > "//name" : "bathroomtrashquest", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomtrashquest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A garbage bin.", > "//name" : "hylotltrashcan", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltrashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "apexstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexstoragelocker" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", > "//name" : "chestavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A tank of unknown use.", > "//name" : "outposttank", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outposttank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "There's a book in here titled, 'How to Travel Backwards in Time for Dummies'.", > "//name" : "bunkerbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "A blue mailbox.", > "//name" : "hylotlmailbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Mailbox", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlmailbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "This cupboard is sleek, but it doesn't look sturdy.", > "//name" : "apexcoolcupboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Cupboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolcupboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "An ice chest. Totally secure, until it melts.", > "//name" : "icechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of a thick slime substance.", > "//name" : "slimehide", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimehide", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reeddesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reeddesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "Reeds fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "reedchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A garbage bin.", > "//name" : "hylotltrashcan_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltrashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "This chest itself is a treasure, let alone the contents.", > "//name" : "royalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "A tiny basket made of wicker.", > "//name" : "wickerbasket1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket1" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "A big antique bookcase.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseL2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseL2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "A dumpster.", > "//name" : "dumpster", > "//shortdescription" : "Dumpster", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dumpster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "A fearsome ancient chest ornamented with a lidless eye.", > "//name" : "ancientbigchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Big Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientbigchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for small fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "fossildisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A barrel. Anything could be inside!", > "//name" : "barrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "Each of these desks has a coffee mug and lamp fused to its surface.", > "//name" : "apexdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A set of lockers, perfect for storing things.", > "//name" : "lunarbaselocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lockers", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A generic metal barrel. It's sealed.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "The lily pad rotates to lock its doors.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in green-coloured paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present4", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A useful storage chest.", > "//name" : "podchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Pod Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "podchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "glitchshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchshiplocker" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A metal shelf packed with store goods.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "A rusty looking chest.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Double Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A trash can. What a load of rubbish.", > "//name" : "trashcan", > "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "novakidshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidshiplockerTier0" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A strong storage crate made from copper.", > "//name" : "copperbox1", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperbox1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "An opened cardboard box.", > "//name" : "cardboard3", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Cardboard Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cardboard3", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A wooden cabinet. Its doors are full of etched decoration.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Square Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "Looks like it used to be filled with medical supplies - not any more.", > "//name" : "prisoncabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Supply Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchencabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchencabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A toxic chest.", > "//name" : "toxicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Single Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "apexshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexshiplocker" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "One of these books looks out of place... I wonder...", > "//name" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A nicely made wooden desk.", > "//name" : "medievaldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel2b", > "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel2b", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel2b_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel2b", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", > "//name" : "florancabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for storing a lot of food and keeping it fresh.", > "//name" : "fridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Full-Size Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top.", > "//name" : "bigpresent", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigpresent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "humanstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humanstoragelocker" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of rock.", > "//name" : "cavechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cavechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "techchest2", > "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techchest2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "A chest made from plant material. It appears to be still growing.", > "//name" : "chestplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestplant1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket5", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket5" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", > "//name" : "prisonlocker2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Prison Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonlocker2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "A crate containing cargo. What cargo? Who knows.", > "//name" : "outpostcargocrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cargo Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcargocrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "A classic style desk.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "It seems irresponsible to leave a bunch of unlabelled chemicals unattended.", > "//name" : "apexcoolshelf2", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chemical Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolshelf2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A drinks cabinet, stocked with glassware and odd-shaped bottles.", > "//name" : "salooncabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "salooncabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A basic wooden chest.", > "//name" : "woodenchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "Looks like a place you might store an eggcup... Do Avians eat eggs?", > "//name" : "tribalwallcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tribalwallcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "A fridge, good for keeping food cold.", > "//name" : "apexfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "A really gross looking chest.", > "//name" : "hivechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase for storing folk tales and legends...", > "//name" : "medievalbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "A filing cabinet. Sorted.", > "//name" : "filingcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "filingcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "A very basic mass produced wardrobe.", > "//name" : "apexwardrobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwardrobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "A locker of unknown ownership.", > "//name" : "outpostlocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Lockers", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostlocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "The shelves are empty.", > "//name" : "apexwoodenshelves", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Shelves", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwoodenshelves", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A large classy storage cabinet.", > "//name" : "classiccupboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Cupboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccupboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "A gigantic bookcase filled with books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseHUGE", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", > "//name" : "bunkerdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "A dank old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", > "//name" : "chestavian2", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestavian2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "A small rusty looking crate.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Rusty Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "A rusty chest. Practically falling apart.", > "//name" : "rustchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "novakidstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidstoragelocker" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet containing who knows what?", > "//name" : "outpostcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "Carved patterns surround this small cabinet.", > "//name" : "tribalcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Carved Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "The crystal on top of this closet appears to be broken.", > "//name" : "tribalcloset1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Closet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcloset1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate filled with treasure.", > "//name" : "woodencrategoldfilled", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Filled Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrategoldfilled", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "A very large shipping container.", > "//name" : "shippingcontainer", > "//shortdescription" : "Shipping Container", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shippingcontainer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "humanshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humanshiplockerTier0" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "A treasure chest made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", > "//name" : "florancabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "A metal crate.", > "//name" : "bunkercrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "225" : { > "//description" : "A chest with a spherical lock.", > "//name" : "cellchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "226" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "floranshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranshiplockerTier0" > }, > "227" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate.", > "//name" : "smallwoodencrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallwoodencrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "228" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for storing tools and equipment in!", > "//name" : "miningchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "229" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it's full of hazardous materials.", > "//name" : "bunkercabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "Valuable things should be stored here.", > "//name" : "royalcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "230" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "231" : { > "//description" : "This desk is sleek, looks solid.", > "//name" : "apexcooldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "232" : { > "//description" : "This dresser has a musty smell. It doesn't look very clean.", > "//name" : "medievaldresser", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Dresser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldresser", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "233" : { > "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", > "//name" : "prisonlocker1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Prison Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonlocker1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "234" : { > "//description" : "A frozen, spherical chest. Perfect for treasure, or making ice cubes.", > "//name" : "icespherechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespherechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "235" : { > "//description" : "A storage crate made of unrefined wood and bone.", > "//name" : "florancrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "236" : { > "//description" : "A basic desk.", > "//name" : "outpostdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "237" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodsafe", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodsafe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "238" : { > "//description" : "Everything you need to survive. Almost.", > "//name" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "//shortdescription" : "Shelter Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "A clean looking counter.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitycounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitycounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "An old wooden shelf.", > "//name" : "medievalshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase made from the remains of Floran prey.", > "//name" : "floranbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "241" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate.", > "//name" : "largewoodencrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "largewoodencrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "242" : { > "//description" : "A treasure chest.", > "//name" : "treasurechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treasurechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "An ornately carved bookcase.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseS1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "244" : { > "//description" : "An empty shelving rack.", > "//name" : "plantshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "245" : { > "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase, only partially filled with books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", > "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "246" : { > "//description" : "Ideal for storing food and keeping it fresh.", > "//name" : "minifridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Mini Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "minifridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "247" : { > "//description" : "There are some items on this shelf.", > "//name" : "apexstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "248" : { > "//description" : "A wooden desk used by scribes.", > "//name" : "glitchscribe", > "//shortdescription" : "Scribe's Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchscribe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "249" : { > "//description" : "An ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1empty", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Deprived Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseS1empty", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A charming and well-made wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "medievalcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A barrel. Sadly not full party hats.", > "//name" : "barrellarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrellarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A dresser made in a retro-futuristic style", > "//name" : "retroscifidresser", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Dresser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifidresser", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "An expensive-looking wooden desk.", > "//name" : "woodendesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodendesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", > "//name" : "woodencrate2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrate2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscificabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscificabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy suspended bookshelf.", > "//name" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Bookshelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodencabinet3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wooden Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencabinet3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A heavy duty chest for storing weapons.", > "//name" : "weaponchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "weaponchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A basic iron chest.", > "//name" : "ironchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "An old crate of Mining supplies - For every budding Miner!", > "//name" : "miningsupplies", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Supplies Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningsupplies", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel2", > "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A locker with a tall metal door.", > "//name" : "locker1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "locker1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "An upright cardboard box.", > "//name" : "cardboard1", > "//shortdescription" : "Upright Cardboard Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cardboard1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for large fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay5", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "8", > "object" : "fossildisplay5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket2" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscificabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A desk with large cabinet drawers.", > "//name" : "plantcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet with a table top.", > "//name" : "plantcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A large contemporary chest of drawers.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Stylish Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "There's nothing of interest on this shelf.", > "//name" : "apexcoolshelf1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Empty Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolshelf1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "shroomchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "tier3techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads.", > "//name" : "royalbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A metal desk, covered in curious devices.", > "//name" : "steampunkdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A storage crate, typically used for stashing equipment and ores.", > "//name" : "lunarbasecrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasecrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A crystal chest. Perhaps the chest itself is the treasure?", > "//name" : "crystalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscificabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "Hand-made and beautiful, this bookcase is intricately carved.", > "//name" : "tribalbookcase1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbookcase1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A reed shelf.", > "//name" : "reedshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "apexshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexshiplockerTier0" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A cute wooden end table.", > "//name" : "woodenendtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden End Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenendtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodencabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Double Wooden Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A high-tech container for guns.", > "//name" : "gunchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Gun Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gunchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "It should be stocked full of science journals and lab reports.", > "//name" : "apexcoolbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", > "//name" : "prisonfile1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfile1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "floranstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranstoragelocker" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of vines, it's not really safe.", > "//name" : "junglechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A nice kitchen shelf that keeps spices handy.", > "//name" : "kitchenshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A wooden wall shelf for displaying trinkets.", > "//name" : "medievalwallshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalwallshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "This sturdy chest is made from volcanic material. Heat rises from it.", > "//name" : "volcanicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Volcanic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase full of books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "hylotlstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlstoragelocker" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "avianshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianshiplockerTier0" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "hylotlshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlshiplocker" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A chest with a spring flower latch.", > "//name" : "springchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Spring Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A wood and bone shelf used for storing supplies and keepsakes.", > "//name" : "floranshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A set of shelves hung with pipes.", > "//name" : "steampunkshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A set of shelves hung with pipes.", > "//name" : "steampunkshelf_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A tall, sturdy kitchen cabinet. Perfect for storing tableware and food.", > "//name" : "kitchencabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Kitchen Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchencabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A barrel of sewage. Almost certainly toxic.", > "//name" : "sewagebarrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewage Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sewagebarrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A dark, shadowy chest.", > "//name" : "shadowchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom wardrobe.", > "//name" : "shroomwardrobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomwardrobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A chest decorated with beautiful rainbow markings.", > "//name" : "rainbowchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "tier4techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A small wooden crate.", > "//name" : "box1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "box1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of flesh.", > "//name" : "heckchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "humanshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humanshiplocker" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "tier1techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in red paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present2", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "avianshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianshiplocker" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "The shelf is packed with all kinds of Hylotl goods.", > "//name" : "hylotlstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "A fancy royal desk.", > "//name" : "royaldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royaldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A desk, probably belonging to the greenfinger of a Floran tribe.", > "//name" : "florandesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "avianstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianstoragelocker" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A contemprary style fridge, capable of extending the shelf life of food.", > "//name" : "scorchedcityfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcityfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "A classy chest filled with classy treasure!", > "//name" : "classicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy chest. To store things in.", > "//name" : "fleshchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A small cargo crate. No doubt it has cargo in it.", > "//name" : "outpostcargocrateshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Short Cargo Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcargocrateshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for medium fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay3", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "24", > "object" : "fossildisplay3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of flowers.", > "//name" : "giantflowerchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "A rusty crate.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitycrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitycrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "An ancient chest of unknown origin.", > "//name" : "ancientchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "novakidshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidshiplocker" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", > "//name" : "prisonfile2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Rusty Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfile2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "A simple cardboard box.", > "//name" : "cardboard2", > "//shortdescription" : "Cardboard Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cardboard2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket3" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "A barrel filled with treasure!", > "//name" : "barrelgoldfilled", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrelgoldfilled", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "A large metal Skip full of rubble.", > "//name" : "miningskip", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Skip", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningskip", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 2227,2973c2236,2985 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wrecklocker.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckcrate1.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bathroomtrash.png" < }, < "100" : { < 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/arenaflametrap_orientation4.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/arenaflametrap_orientation5.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/arenaflametrap.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/arenaflametrap_orientation1.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/arenaflametrap_orientation2.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/arenaflametrap_orientation3.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/arenaflametrap_orientation4.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/arenaflametrap_orientation5.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\traveller.json 10,17c10,17 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A machine that hobbyist travellers use to record geological information.", < "//name" : "travellersbeacon", < "//shortdescription" : "Traveller's Meter", < 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Sculptor Unknown.", < "//name" : "venusdepixel", < "//shortdescription" : "Venus de Pixel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "venusdepixel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A sickly-sweet scent clings to the inside.", < "//name" : "lamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "... Another throne.", < "//name" : "royaltoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royaltoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A display stand for large fossils", < "//name" : "fossildisplay5", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Fossil Display", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "8", < "object" : "fossildisplay5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A royal chalice, for filling a royal mouth with royal beverages.", < "//name" : "royalchalice", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chalice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalchalice", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads.", < "//name" : "royalbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", < "//name" : "paintingbirthofvenus", < "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingbirthofvenus" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Striped Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassiclarge1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a frog sitting peacefully.", < "//name" : "frogstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Frog Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frogstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "An old calligraphy painting depicting an early Hylotl warrior.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Warrior Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlclassicpainting1" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A classic golden jug.", < "//name" : "goldvase5", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A classic golden jug.", < "//name" : "goldvase5_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of William Glitchspeare.", < "//name" : "glitchspeare", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitchspeare Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "glitchspeare" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A throne fit for royal buttocks.", < "//name" : "royalthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "An appropriately glorious monument dedicated to a glorious leader.", < "//name" : "classicapestatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Monument", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicapestatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing Apex figures.", < "//name" : "paintingcreationofapepixel", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Big Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingcreationofapepixel" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "This statue is dedicated to a creature named Derrick, who seemingly vanished from his owner.", < "//name" : "derrickstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Derrick Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "derrickstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A large bronze statue of the Hylotl's home planet.", < "//name" : "giantglobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Globe Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantglobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A very famous self-portrait of a very famous Hylotl artist.", < "//name" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu", < "//shortdescription" : "Self-Portrait of Hylotl-Shu", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicmedium2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a woman with an earring.", < "//name" : "paintingpearlearring", < "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "paintingpearlearring" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A golden duck!", < "//name" : "goldenducky", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Ducky", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenducky", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A fancy royal desk.", < "//name" : "royaldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royaldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate filled with treasure.", < "//name" : "woodencrategoldfilled", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Filled Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrategoldfilled", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing figures.", < "//name" : "paintingcreationofpixel", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingcreationofpixel" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A classy chest filled with classy treasure!", < "//name" : "classicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A display stand for medium fossils", < "//name" : "fossildisplay3", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Fossil Display", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "24", < "object" : "fossildisplay3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", < "//name" : "paintingbirthofapevenus", < "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingbirthofapevenus" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A nice steam powered large clock face.", < "//name" : "steamclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Steam Clock Face", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "steamclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", < "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", < "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A barrel filled with treasure!", < "//name" : "barrelgoldfilled", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrelgoldfilled", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase2", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A grail! It might be holy.", < "//name" : "grail", < "//shortdescription" : "Grail", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "grail", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "An ornate fountain - much of the water appears to be wasted.", < "//name" : "classicfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicmedium1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a human couple.", < "//name" : "paintinggothic", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintinggothic" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a great Apex poet. He...looks familiar.", < "//name" : "paintingapespeare", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Poet Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapespeare" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", < "//name" : "classicdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful bed made of shiny gold.", < "//name" : "royalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Royal Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "This seems to be a scientist that 'gave his body to science'.", < "//name" : "apexstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Scientist Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase built to be filled with classic literature.", < "//name" : "classicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "Tenth Study in Female Hylotlgy", < "//name" : "tenstudiesplaque", < "//shortdescription" : "Nameplate", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tenstudiesplaque" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A car shaped bed, for those young at heart.", < "//name" : "carbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Car Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "carbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A slim golden deocrative vase.", < "//name" : "goldvase3", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "The reason you don't play ball in the house.", < "//name" : "classicchina", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic China Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchina", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A bust of an important Apex.", < "//name" : "apexbustmale", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Male Bust", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbustmale", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "I didn't know clocks were capable of reproduction.", < "//name" : "grandfatherclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Grandfather Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "grandfatherclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A display for a large diamond.", < "//name" : "diamonddisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diamonddisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", < "//name" : "apexstatue2", < "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana! The sacred fruit!", < "//name" : "apexstatue3", < "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Lock Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A tribute to GeorgeV! Developer Ultimate! ALL HAIL GEORGE!!!", < "//name" : "devstatuegeorge", < "//shortdescription" : "GeorgeV Dev Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "devstatuegeorge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex with an earring.", < "//name" : "paintingapexpearlearring", < "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "paintingapexpearlearring" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "It says 'BIG APE'.", < "//name" : "apexnameplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Nameplate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexnameplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A Golden Egg! What!?", < "//name" : "goldenegg", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Egg", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenegg", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "An odd golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase1", < "//shortdescription" : "Odd Gold Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", < "//name" : "paintingapexpixellisa", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapexpixellisa" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "This chest itself is a treasure, let alone the contents.", < "//name" : "royalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A display stand for small fossils", < "//name" : "fossildisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Fossil Display", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "16", < "object" : "fossildisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex couple.", < "//name" : "paintingapegothic", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapegothic" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming figure.", < "//name" : "paintingscream", < "//shortdescription" : "Screaming Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingscream" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A quiet painting of an Apex with a pet.", < "//name" : "paintingapexwithermine", < "//shortdescription" : "Pet Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapexwithermine" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A carved bunny sits on top of this altar.", < "//name" : "altarbunny", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altarbunny", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A fancy feasting table.", < "//name" : "medievaldiningtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Dining Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldiningtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "This beady-eyed bird jar is made of solid gold.", < "//name" : "goldenjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Bird Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful bed of rich wood and silks.", < "//name" : "classicbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A golden pedestal for something special.", < "//name" : "goldenpedestal", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Pedestal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenpedestal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A painting of two rainbows. A double rainbow.", < "//name" : "rainbowpainting", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "rainbowpainting", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A slim gold vase.", < "//name" : "goldvase4", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming Apex.", < "//name" : "paintingapescream", < "//shortdescription" : "Howler Monkey Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapescream" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "It's a bust of Big Ape, Glorious Leader of the Apex.", < "//name" : "apexstatue1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Bust", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A rather detailed sketch of Glitch anatomy.", < "//name" : "glitchianman", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitchian Man", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "glitchianman" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a flower, important to the Floran.", < "//name" : "flowerstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Flower Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", < "//name" : "classiccandlestick", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccandlestick", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", < "//name" : "classiccandlestick_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccandlestick", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "This chandelier is made of wrought-iron. It looks expensive.", < "//name" : "classicchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classicchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A large classy storage cabinet.", < "//name" : "classiccupboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Cupboard", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccupboard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A royal glow.", < "//name" : "royalcandles", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Candles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalcandles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A classic banana-infused wood door with a gilded handle.", < "//name" : "classicdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Fancy Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicsmall1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "Ahh The Son of Man, you make me hungry!", < "//name" : "genericpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Curious Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "genericpainting1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", < "//name" : "paintingmonalisa", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingmonalisa" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a famous, long-dead Earthling poet.", < "//name" : "paintingshakespeare", < "//shortdescription" : "Famous Poet Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingshakespeare" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful painting of the night sky.", < "//name" : "paintingstarrynight", < "//shortdescription" : "Abstract Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingstarrynight" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A bit of Glitch surrealism.", < "//name" : "persistenceofpixels", < "//shortdescription" : "Persistence of Pixels", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "persistenceofpixels" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", < "//name" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy", < "//shortdescription" : "Studies in Female Hylotlgy", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "A carved Avian head sits atop this altar.", < "//name" : "altaravian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Head Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altaravian", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Fancy Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassiclarge2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "Valuable things should be stored here.", < "//name" : "royalcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain. The water looks refreshing.", < "//name" : "fountain1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiered Stone Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fountain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Striped Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicsmall2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A treasure chest.", < "//name" : "treasurechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "treasurechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A peaceful stone fountain. The water gently flows.", < "//name" : "fountain2", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fountain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "A statue dedicated to Benjamin \"Meuterion\" Deust.", < "//name" : "benjaminstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Benjamin Deust Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "benjaminstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A statue of Cameron \"KyeTheShy\" York. Loved to adventure, but wandered a little too far...into space.", < "//name" : "cameronstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Cameron York Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cameronstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "The plaque reads \"For a father who opened up a new world for me. In Memory of Tracy Dietrich 1963-2003\".", < "//name" : "memorialstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Imagination Memorial", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "memorialstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "The only letters I can make out are \"xOliver137\".", < "//name" : "oliverstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "xOliver137 Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oliverstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Ancient Greek marble sculpture, Venus De Pixel. Sculptor Unknown.", > "//name" : "venusdepixel", > "//shortdescription" : "Venus de Pixel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "venusdepixel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A sickly-sweet scent clings to the inside.", > "//name" : "lamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "... Another throne.", > "//name" : "royaltoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royaltoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"Awarded to those who can pass through the fire of combat unburned.\".", > "//name" : "trophygold", > "//shortdescription" : "Champion's Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trophygold", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for large fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay5", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "8", > "object" : "fossildisplay5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A royal chalice, for filling a royal mouth with royal beverages.", > "//name" : "royalchalice", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chalice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalchalice", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads.", > "//name" : "royalbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", > "//name" : "paintingbirthofvenus", > "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingbirthofvenus" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Striped Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassiclarge1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a frog sitting peacefully.", > "//name" : "frogstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Frog Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frogstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "An old calligraphy painting depicting an early Hylotl warrior.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Warrior Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlclassicpainting1" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A classic golden jug.", > "//name" : "goldvase5", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A classic golden jug.", > "//name" : "goldvase5_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of William Glitchspeare.", > "//name" : "glitchspeare", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitchspeare Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "glitchspeare" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A throne fit for royal buttocks.", > "//name" : "royalthrone", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "An appropriately glorious monument dedicated to a glorious leader.", > "//name" : "classicapestatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Monument", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicapestatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing Apex figures.", > "//name" : "paintingcreationofapepixel", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Big Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingcreationofapepixel" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "This statue is dedicated to a creature named Derrick, who seemingly vanished from his owner.", > "//name" : "derrickstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Derrick Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "derrickstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A large bronze statue of the Hylotl's home planet.", > "//name" : "giantglobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Globe Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantglobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A very famous self-portrait of a very famous Hylotl artist.", > "//name" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu", > "//shortdescription" : "Self-Portrait of Hylotl-Shu", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "selfportraitofhylotlshu" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicmedium2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a woman with an earring.", > "//name" : "paintingpearlearring", > "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "paintingpearlearring" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A golden duck!", > "//name" : "goldenducky", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Ducky", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenducky", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A fancy royal desk.", > "//name" : "royaldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royaldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate filled with treasure.", > "//name" : "woodencrategoldfilled", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Filled Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrategoldfilled", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing figures.", > "//name" : "paintingcreationofpixel", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingcreationofpixel" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A classy chest filled with classy treasure!", > "//name" : "classicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for medium fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay3", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "24", > "object" : "fossildisplay3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", > "//name" : "paintingbirthofapevenus", > "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingbirthofapevenus" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A nice steam powered large clock face.", > "//name" : "steamclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Steam Clock Face", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "steamclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", > "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", > "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A barrel filled with treasure!", > "//name" : "barrelgoldfilled", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrelgoldfilled", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", > "//name" : "goldvase2", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", > "//name" : "goldvase2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A grail! It might be holy.", > "//name" : "grail", > "//shortdescription" : "Grail", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "grail", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "An ornate fountain - much of the water appears to be wasted.", > "//name" : "classicfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Water Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicmedium1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a human couple.", > "//name" : "paintinggothic", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintinggothic" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a great Apex poet. He...looks familiar.", > "//name" : "paintingapespeare", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Poet Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapespeare" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", > "//name" : "classicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful bed made of shiny gold.", > "//name" : "royalbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Royal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "This seems to be a scientist that 'gave his body to science'.", > "//name" : "apexstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Scientist Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase built to be filled with classic literature.", > "//name" : "classicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "Tenth Study in Female Hylotlgy", > "//name" : "tenstudiesplaque", > "//shortdescription" : "Nameplate", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tenstudiesplaque" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A car shaped bed, for those young at heart.", > "//name" : "carbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Car Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "carbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A slim golden deocrative vase.", > "//name" : "goldvase3", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "The reason you don't play ball in the house.", > "//name" : "classicchina", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic China Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchina", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A bust of an important Apex.", > "//name" : "apexbustmale", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Male Bust", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbustmale", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "I didn't know clocks were capable of reproduction.", > "//name" : "grandfatherclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Grandfather Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "grandfatherclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A display for a large diamond.", > "//name" : "diamonddisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamonddisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", > "//name" : "apexstatue2", > "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana! The sacred fruit!", > "//name" : "apexstatue3", > "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Lock Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A tribute to GeorgeV! Developer Ultimate! ALL HAIL GEORGE!!!", > "//name" : "devstatuegeorge", > "//shortdescription" : "GeorgeV Dev Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "devstatuegeorge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex with an earring.", > "//name" : "paintingapexpearlearring", > "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "paintingapexpearlearring" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "It says 'BIG APE'.", > "//name" : "apexnameplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Nameplate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexnameplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A Golden Egg! What!?", > "//name" : "goldenegg", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenegg", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "An odd golden jug for special ceremonies.", > "//name" : "goldvase1", > "//shortdescription" : "Odd Gold Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", > "//name" : "paintingapexpixellisa", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapexpixellisa" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "This chest itself is a treasure, let alone the contents.", > "//name" : "royalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for small fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "fossildisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex couple.", > "//name" : "paintingapegothic", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapegothic" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming figure.", > "//name" : "paintingscream", > "//shortdescription" : "Screaming Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingscream" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "A quiet painting of an Apex with a pet.", > "//name" : "paintingapexwithermine", > "//shortdescription" : "Pet Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapexwithermine" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A carved bunny sits on top of this altar.", > "//name" : "altarbunny", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altarbunny", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A fancy feasting table.", > "//name" : "medievaldiningtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Dining Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldiningtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "This beady-eyed bird jar is made of solid gold.", > "//name" : "goldenjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Bird Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful bed of rich wood and silks.", > "//name" : "classicbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A golden pedestal for something special.", > "//name" : "goldenpedestal", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Pedestal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenpedestal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A painting of two rainbows. A double rainbow.", > "//name" : "rainbowpainting", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "rainbowpainting", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A slim gold vase.", > "//name" : "goldvase4", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming Apex.", > "//name" : "paintingapescream", > "//shortdescription" : "Howler Monkey Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapescream" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "It's a bust of Big Ape, Glorious Leader of the Apex.", > "//name" : "apexstatue1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Bust", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A rather detailed sketch of Glitch anatomy.", > "//name" : "glitchianman", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitchian Man", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "glitchianman" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a flower, important to the Floran.", > "//name" : "flowerstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Flower Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", > "//name" : "classiccandlestick", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccandlestick", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", > "//name" : "classiccandlestick_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccandlestick", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "This chandelier is made of wrought-iron. It looks expensive.", > "//name" : "classicchandelier", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chandelier", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classicchandelier", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "A large classy storage cabinet.", > "//name" : "classiccupboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Cupboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccupboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A royal glow.", > "//name" : "royalcandles", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Candles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalcandles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A classic banana-infused wood door with a gilded handle.", > "//name" : "classicdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Fancy Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicsmall1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "Ahh The Son of Man, you make me hungry!", > "//name" : "genericpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Curious Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "genericpainting1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", > "//name" : "paintingmonalisa", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingmonalisa" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a famous, long-dead Earthling poet.", > "//name" : "paintingshakespeare", > "//shortdescription" : "Famous Poet Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingshakespeare" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful painting of the night sky.", > "//name" : "paintingstarrynight", > "//shortdescription" : "Abstract Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingstarrynight" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A bit of Glitch surrealism.", > "//name" : "persistenceofpixels", > "//shortdescription" : "Persistence of Pixels", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "persistenceofpixels" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", > "//name" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy", > "//shortdescription" : "Studies in Female Hylotlgy", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "tenstudiesinfemalehylotlgy" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "A carved Avian head sits atop this altar.", > "//name" : "altaravian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Head Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altaravian", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Fancy Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassiclarge2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "Valuable things should be stored here.", > "//name" : "royalcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain. The water looks refreshing.", > "//name" : "fountain1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiered Stone Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fountain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Striped Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicsmall2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "A treasure chest.", > "//name" : "treasurechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treasurechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "A peaceful stone fountain. The water gently flows.", > "//name" : "fountain2", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fountain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "A statue dedicated to Benjamin \"Meuterion\" Deust.", > "//name" : "benjaminstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Benjamin Deust Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "benjaminstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "A statue of Cameron \"KyeTheShy\" York. Loved to adventure, but wandered a little too far...into space.", > "//name" : "cameronstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Cameron York Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cameronstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"For a father who opened up a new world for me. In Memory of Tracy Dietrich 1963-2003\".", > "//name" : "memorialstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Imagination Memorial", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "memorialstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "The only letters I can make out are \"xOliver137\".", > "//name" : "oliverstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "xOliver137 Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oliverstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"Awarded to those who can challenge nature's power.\".", > "//name" : "trophysilver", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunter's Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trophysilver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"All that is gold does not glitter. Awarded for a heroic victory.\".", > "//name" : "trophybronze", > "//shortdescription" : "Warrior's Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trophybronze", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 871,1164c898,1200 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/venusdepixel.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lamp.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/royaltoilet.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/fossildisplay5.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/royalchalice.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/royalbookcase.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/paintingbirthofvenus.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/vaseclassiclarge1.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/frogstatue.png" < }, < "17" 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Strong enough to dropkick.", > "//name" : "waveswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "waveswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A very hardy Wave table.", > "//name" : "wavetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A glowing Wave light.", > "//name" : "wavelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A very sturdy wave door.", > "//name" : "wavedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Cerulium bed.", > "//name" : "wavebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 66,83c66,83 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wavechair.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/waveswitch.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wavetable.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wavelight.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wavedoor.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wavebed.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wavechair.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/waveswitch.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wavetable.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wavelight.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wavedoor.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wavebed.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\wired.json 10,1282c10,1282 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A Doom console. Be careful how you operate it - it's watching.", < "//name" : "doomswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doomswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A compact switch that can be flipped on or off.", < "//name" : "tinywallswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Wall Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tinywallswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "An output light. Indicates whether something is on or off.", < "//name" : "bulb", < "//shortdescription" : "Bulb", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bulb" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrynot", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Not Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrynot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 0.5 seconds.", < "//name" : "timer", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (0.5 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "One of these books looks out of place... I wonder...", < "//name" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "A circuit that relays signals after a set delay.", < "//name" : "delay", < "//shortdescription" : "Delay Gate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "delay" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A computer console made of tar.", < "//name" : "tarconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "not", < "//shortdescription" : "NOT Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "not", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "A drill-mounted console.", < "//name" : "drillconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drillconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "An XOR switch. The output will be on when exactly one of the inputs is on.", < "//name" : "foundryxor", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry XOR Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundryxor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 1 second.", < "//name" : "timer1s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (1 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer1s" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "An /'AND'/ switch. Requires all inputs to be /'on'/ to work.", < "//name" : "and", < "//shortdescription" : "AND Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "and", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "That big red level should probably be left alone.", < "//name" : "apexconsole1", < "//shortdescription" : "Research Terminal", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexconsole1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with a bird crudely etched into the base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal1", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Bird Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", < "//name" : "smallwallswitchlit", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch (Light)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallwallswitchlit" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "A large control panel powered by Avian crystals.", < "//name" : "consoletribal4", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "A brass valve, rusted from years of use.", < "//name" : "boilervalve", < "//shortdescription" : "Boiler Valve", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "boilervalve", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", < "//name" : "wallb", < "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wallb", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", < "//name" : "wallb_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wallb", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", < "//name" : "wallb_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wallb", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", < "//name" : "wallb_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wallb", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious lever. I wonder what this does?", < "//name" : "medievalswitchlever", < "//shortdescription" : "Switch Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchlever", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrytimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (0.5 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrytimer" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrytimer3s", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (3 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrytimer3s" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrytimer5s", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (5 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrytimer5s" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A switch for activating foundry machinery.", < "//name" : "foundryswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundryswitch" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "An Executive console. So exquisite, you can't help but treat it with respect.", < "//name" : "executiveswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "executiveswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A button fit for purpose in a foundry.", < "//name" : "foundrybutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Button", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrybutton", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "A compact button that activates when pressed.", < "//name" : "tinywallbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Wall Button", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tinywallbutton" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A sewer valve. It's had a funny turn.", < "//name" : "sewervalve", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Valve", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewervalve", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "It sure doesn't look like this could generate a shield.", < "//name" : "shieldgenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Shield Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "shieldgenerator" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with an egg is etched into its base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal2", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Egg Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "A robust tungesten lever. Demands to be pulled.", < "//name" : "tier2switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "An alarm bell. One would hope this never needs to be rung.", < "//name" : "glitchalarm", < "//shortdescription" : "Alarm Bell", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchalarm", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "An alarm bell. One would hope this never needs to be rung.", < "//name" : "glitchalarm_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Alarm Bell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchalarm", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "Detects rail riders as they pass through", < "//name" : "railsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Rail Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "railsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "Directs rail riders to different paths", < "//name" : "railswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Rail Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "railswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "It scans fingerprints to match personnel data.", < "//name" : "bunkerhandscanner", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Fingerprint Scanner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkerhandscanner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "It seems to scan eyeballs to match personnel data.", < "//name" : "bunkereyescanner", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Eye Scanner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkereyescanner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", < "//name" : "smallwallbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Button", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallwallbutton" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", < "//name" : "woodenelevatorshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Wooden Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenelevatorshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", < "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Mechanical Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "This durasteel elevator will get the job done.", < "//name" : "durasteelelevatorshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Durasteel Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "durasteelelevatorshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "Once triggered this switch will remain in its switched state.", < "//name" : "persistentswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Persistent Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "persistentswitch" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A titanium control console. Press all the buttons!", < "//name" : "tier3switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundryor", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Or Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundryor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A control console.", < "//name" : "outpostconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Crossing this laser beam might trigger something!", < "//name" : "lasertripwire", < "//shortdescription" : "Laser Tripwire", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "lasertripwire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "Perfect for all your automated door needs!", < "//name" : "scanner", < "//shortdescription" : "Proximity Scanner", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scanner" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Crossing this laser beam might trigger something!", < "//name" : "lasertripwire_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Laser Tripwire", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lasertripwire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "Lots of tempting buttons that should probably be left alone.", < "//name" : "plantpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 5 seconds.", < "//name" : "timer5s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (5 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer5s" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A console with interesting looking levels and lightbulbs.", < "//name" : "foundryconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundryconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundryand", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry And Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundryand", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "Urge... to push... rising!", < "//name" : "bigredbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Button", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigredbutton", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "This elevator design is commonly seen in foundries.", < "//name" : "foundryelevatorshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Industrial Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundryelevatorshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", < "//name" : "lightsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lightsensor" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", < "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lightsensor" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", < "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lightsensor" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "This pressure plate activates when stepped on.", < "//name" : "proximitysensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "proximitysensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", < "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lightsensor" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "Two keyboards and one monitor?", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "One of these shackles looks suspicious...", < "//name" : "medievalswitchshackle", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "medievalswitchshackle", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 4 seconds.", < "//name" : "timer4s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (4 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer4s" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrydlatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Latch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrydlatch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrytimer1s", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (1 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrytimer1s" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrycountdowntimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Countdown Timer", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrycountdowntimer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A big flashing light and blaring siren guaranteed to draw lots of attention.", < "//name" : "alarm", < "//shortdescription" : "Alarm", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "alarm", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute. Hmm... The shield looks loose.", < "//name" : "medievalarmorswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspicious Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmorswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "...", < "//name" : "invisiblesound", < "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Sound", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "invisiblesound", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", < "//name" : "smallwallswitchlighttoggle", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch (Toggled Light)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallwallswitchlighttoggle" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrytimer2s", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (2 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrytimer2s" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with a flame carved into its base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal3", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Flame Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", < "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Mechanical Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", < "//name" : "woodenelevatorlong", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Wooden Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenelevatorlong", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "This elevator design is commonly seen in foundries.", < "//name" : "foundryelevatorlong", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Industrial Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundryelevatorlong", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "An /'OR'/ switch. Allows you to have multiple individual inputs.", < "//name" : "or", < "//shortdescription" : "OR Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "or", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A sleek control console.", < "//name" : "lunarbaseconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaseconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A keypad.", < "//name" : "outpostkeypad", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Keypad", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "outpostkeypad", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", < "//name" : "smallwallswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallwallswitch" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A pressure plate, to be used wisely.", < "//name" : "medievalpressureplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalpressureplate" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "An serene console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", < "//name" : "sereneswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Serene Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sereneswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A touch-screen console with all sorts of fun buttons.", < "//name" : "hylotlconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A suspicious crystal with more to it than meets the eye.", < "//name" : "castleswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Gem Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castleswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A wave console. Strong enough to dropkick.", < "//name" : "waveswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Wave Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "waveswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A timer that stays active for a set duration.", < "//name" : "countdowntimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Countdown Timer", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "countdowntimer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "combinationprop", < "//shortdescription" : "Combination Lock Prop", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "combinationprop" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "An Geometric console. Sturdy enough to jump on.", < "//name" : "geometricswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A control panel that appears to operate lights, doors and alarms.", < "//name" : "prisoncontrolpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Control Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncontrolpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A Latch. Can be used to store a wire state.", < "//name" : "dlatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Latch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "dlatch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 2 seconds.", < "//name" : "timer2s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (2 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer2s" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "liquidsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "Repels objects with a strong elastic force", < "//name" : "jumppad", < "//shortdescription" : "Jump Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jumppad" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana! The sacred fruit!", < "//name" : "apexstatue3", < "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Lock Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "Pushing it might be fun, at least for a moment.", < "//name" : "smallfloorbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floor Button", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallfloorbutton", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "An /'XOR'/ switch. Requires one input to be on, and one off.", < "//name" : "xor", < "//shortdescription" : "XOR Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "xor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "I wonder what all these buttons are for...", < "//name" : "apexconsolekeyboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Console Keyboard", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexconsolekeyboard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "It's a very tempting lever.", < "//name" : "hylotlswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A durasteel control console. Press all the buttons!", < "//name" : "tier4switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "The sword in the... console?", < "//name" : "ironswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrytimer4s", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (4 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrytimer4s" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "Gurgle gurgle!", < "//name" : "drain", < "//shortdescription" : "Drain", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drain" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 3 seconds.", < "//name" : "timer3s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (3 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer3s" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", < "//name" : "hylotlbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Base Button", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlbutton" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "A Opulent console. Sturdy enough to tap-dance on.", < "//name" : "opulentswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "opulentswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "An ideal device for preparing traps and the like.", < "//name" : "huntingpressureplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "Watch your step!", < "//name" : "proximitywallsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Proximity Wall Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "proximitywallsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", < "//name" : "avianpressureplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", < "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", < "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "...", < "//name" : "invisibleproximitysensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Proximity Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "invisibleproximitysensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "A button.", < "//name" : "outpostbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Button", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostbutton", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "This durasteel elevator will get the job done.", < "//name" : "durasteelelevatorlong", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Durasteel Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "durasteelelevatorlong", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy iron lever. Perfect for pulling.", < "//name" : "tier1switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "This looks like an ancient control panel. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientsmallconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientsmallconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrydelay", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Delay Gate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrydelay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "Stay still! It can't see you if you stay still.", < "//name" : "bunkermotiondetector", < "//shortdescription" : "Motion Detector", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkermotiondetector", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A Doom console. Be careful how you operate it - it's watching.", > "//name" : "doomswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A compact switch that can be flipped on or off.", > "//name" : "tinywallswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Wall Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tinywallswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "An output light. Indicates whether something is on or off.", > "//name" : "bulb", > "//shortdescription" : "Bulb", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bulb" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrynot", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Not Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrynot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 0.5 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (0.5 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "One of these books looks out of place... I wonder...", > "//name" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "A circuit that relays signals after a set delay.", > "//name" : "delay", > "//shortdescription" : "Delay Gate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "delay" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A computer console made of tar.", > "//name" : "tarconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "not", > "//shortdescription" : "NOT Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "not", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "A drill-mounted console.", > "//name" : "drillconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drillconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "An XOR switch. The output will be on when exactly one of the inputs is on.", > "//name" : "foundryxor", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry XOR Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundryxor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 1 second.", > "//name" : "timer1s", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (1 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer1s" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "An /'AND'/ switch. Requires all inputs to be /'on'/ to work.", > "//name" : "and", > "//shortdescription" : "AND Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "and", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "That big red level should probably be left alone.", > "//name" : "apexconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Research Terminal", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with a bird crudely etched into the base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Bird Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", > "//name" : "smallwallswitchlit", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch (Light)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallwallswitchlit" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A large control panel powered by Avian crystals.", > "//name" : "consoletribal4", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A brass valve, rusted from years of use.", > "//name" : "boilervalve", > "//shortdescription" : "Boiler Valve", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "boilervalve", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", > "//name" : "wallb", > "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wallb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", > "//name" : "wallb_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wallb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", > "//name" : "wallb_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wallb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", > "//name" : "wallb_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wallb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious lever. I wonder what this does?", > "//name" : "medievalswitchlever", > "//shortdescription" : "Switch Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchlever", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (0.5 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer3s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (3 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer3s" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer5s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (5 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer5s" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A switch for activating foundry machinery.", > "//name" : "foundryswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundryswitch" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "An Executive console. So exquisite, you can't help but treat it with respect.", > "//name" : "executiveswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executiveswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A button fit for purpose in a foundry.", > "//name" : "foundrybutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Button", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrybutton", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "A compact button that activates when pressed.", > "//name" : "tinywallbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Wall Button", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tinywallbutton" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A sewer valve. It's had a funny turn.", > "//name" : "sewervalve", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Valve", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewervalve", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "It sure doesn't look like this could generate a shield.", > "//name" : "shieldgenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Shield Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "shieldgenerator" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with an egg is etched into its base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal2", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Egg Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "A robust tungesten lever. Demands to be pulled.", > "//name" : "tier2switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "An alarm bell. One would hope this never needs to be rung.", > "//name" : "glitchalarm", > "//shortdescription" : "Alarm Bell", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchalarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "An alarm bell. One would hope this never needs to be rung.", > "//name" : "glitchalarm_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Alarm Bell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchalarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "Detects rail riders as they pass through", > "//name" : "railsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rail Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "railsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "Directs rail riders to different paths", > "//name" : "railswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Rail Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "railswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "It scans fingerprints to match personnel data.", > "//name" : "bunkerhandscanner", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Fingerprint Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkerhandscanner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "It seems to scan eyeballs to match personnel data.", > "//name" : "bunkereyescanner", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Eye Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkereyescanner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", > "//name" : "smallwallbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Button", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallwallbutton" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", > "//name" : "woodenelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Wooden Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", > "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Mechanical Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "This durasteel elevator will get the job done.", > "//name" : "durasteelelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Durasteel Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "durasteelelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "Once triggered this switch will remain in its switched state.", > "//name" : "persistentswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Persistent Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "persistentswitch" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A titanium control console. Press all the buttons!", > "//name" : "tier3switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundryor", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Or Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundryor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A control console.", > "//name" : "outpostconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Crossing this laser beam might trigger something!", > "//name" : "lasertripwire", > "//shortdescription" : "Laser Tripwire", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "lasertripwire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for all your automated door needs!", > "//name" : "scanner", > "//shortdescription" : "Proximity Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scanner" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Crossing this laser beam might trigger something!", > "//name" : "lasertripwire_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Laser Tripwire", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lasertripwire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "Lots of tempting buttons that should probably be left alone.", > "//name" : "plantpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 5 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer5s", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (5 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer5s" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A console with interesting looking levels and lightbulbs.", > "//name" : "foundryconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundryconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundryand", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry And Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundryand", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Urge... to push... rising!", > "//name" : "bigredbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Button", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigredbutton", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "This elevator design is commonly seen in foundries.", > "//name" : "foundryelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Industrial Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundryelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", > "//name" : "lightsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lightsensor" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", > "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lightsensor" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", > "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lightsensor" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "This pressure plate activates when stepped on.", > "//name" : "proximitysensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "proximitysensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", > "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lightsensor" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "Two keyboards and one monitor?", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "One of these shackles looks suspicious...", > "//name" : "medievalswitchshackle", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "medievalswitchshackle", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 4 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer4s", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (4 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer4s" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrydlatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Latch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrydlatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer1s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (1 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer1s" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrycountdowntimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Countdown Timer", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrycountdowntimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A big flashing light and blaring siren guaranteed to draw lots of attention.", > "//name" : "alarm", > "//shortdescription" : "Alarm", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "alarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute. Hmm... The shield looks loose.", > "//name" : "medievalarmorswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspicious Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmorswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "invisiblesound", > "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Sound", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "invisiblesound", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", > "//name" : "smallwallswitchlighttoggle", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch (Toggled Light)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallwallswitchlighttoggle" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer2s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (2 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer2s" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with a flame carved into its base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal3", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Flame Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", > "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Mechanical Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", > "//name" : "woodenelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Wooden Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "This elevator design is commonly seen in foundries.", > "//name" : "foundryelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Industrial Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundryelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "An /'OR'/ switch. Allows you to have multiple individual inputs.", > "//name" : "or", > "//shortdescription" : "OR Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "or", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A sleek control console.", > "//name" : "lunarbaseconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaseconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A keypad.", > "//name" : "outpostkeypad", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Keypad", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "outpostkeypad", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", > "//name" : "smallwallswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallwallswitch" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A pressure plate, to be used wisely.", > "//name" : "medievalpressureplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalpressureplate" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "An serene console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", > "//name" : "sereneswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sereneswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "A touch-screen console with all sorts of fun buttons.", > "//name" : "hylotlconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A suspicious crystal with more to it than meets the eye.", > "//name" : "castleswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gem Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castleswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A wave console. Strong enough to dropkick.", > "//name" : "waveswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "waveswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A timer that stays active for a set duration.", > "//name" : "countdowntimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Countdown Timer", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "countdowntimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "combinationprop", > "//shortdescription" : "Combination Lock Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "combinationprop" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "An Geometric console. Sturdy enough to jump on.", > "//name" : "geometricswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A control panel that appears to operate lights, doors and alarms.", > "//name" : "prisoncontrolpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Control Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncontrolpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A Latch. Can be used to store a wire state.", > "//name" : "dlatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Latch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "dlatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 2 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer2s", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (2 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer2s" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "liquidsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "Repels objects with a strong elastic force", > "//name" : "jumppad", > "//shortdescription" : "Jump Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jumppad" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana! The sacred fruit!", > "//name" : "apexstatue3", > "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Lock Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "Pushing it might be fun, at least for a moment.", > "//name" : "smallfloorbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floor Button", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallfloorbutton", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "An /'XOR'/ switch. Requires one input to be on, and one off.", > "//name" : "xor", > "//shortdescription" : "XOR Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "xor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "I wonder what all these buttons are for...", > "//name" : "apexconsolekeyboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Console Keyboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexconsolekeyboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "It's a very tempting lever.", > "//name" : "hylotlswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A durasteel control console. Press all the buttons!", > "//name" : "tier4switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "The sword in the... console?", > "//name" : "ironswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer4s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (4 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer4s" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "Gurgle gurgle!", > "//name" : "drain", > "//shortdescription" : "Drain", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drain" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 3 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer3s", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (3 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer3s" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", > "//name" : "hylotlbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Base Button", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlbutton" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "A Opulent console. Sturdy enough to tap-dance on.", > "//name" : "opulentswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "An ideal device for preparing traps and the like.", > "//name" : "huntingpressureplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "Watch your step!", > "//name" : "proximitywallsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Proximity Wall Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "proximitywallsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", > "//name" : "avianpressureplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", > "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", > "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "invisibleproximitysensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Proximity Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "invisibleproximitysensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "A button.", > "//name" : "outpostbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Button", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostbutton", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "This durasteel elevator will get the job done.", > "//name" : "durasteelelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Durasteel Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "durasteelelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy iron lever. Perfect for pulling.", > "//name" : "tier1switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "This looks like an ancient control panel. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "ancientsmallconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientsmallconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrydelay", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Delay Gate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrydelay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "Stay still! It can't see you if you stay still.", > "//name" : "bunkermotiondetector", > "//shortdescription" : "Motion Detector", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkermotiondetector", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 1285,1719c1285,1719 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/doomswitch.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tinywallswitch.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bulb.png" < }, < "100" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/foundrynot.png" < }, < "101" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/timer.png" < }, < "102" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalbookcaseswitch.png" < }, < "103" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/standingturret.png" < }, < "104" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/standingturret_orientation2.png" < }, < "105" : { < "image" : 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/foundrybutton.png" > }, > "136" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tinywallbutton.png" > }, > "137" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sewervalve.png" > }, > "138" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/shieldgenerator.png" > }, > "139" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/consoletribal2.png" > }, > "14" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlliquidsensor_orientation4.png" > }, > "140" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tier2switch.png" > }, > "141" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchalarm.png" > }, > "142" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchalarm_orientation1.png" > }, > "143" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/railsensor.png" > }, > "144" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/railswitch.png" > }, > "15" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerhandscanner.png" > }, > "16" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkereyescanner.png" > }, > "17" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalswitchhidden.png" > }, > "18" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalswitchhidden_orientation2.png" > }, > "19" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalswitchhidden_orientation3.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/smallwallbutton.png" > }, > "20" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalswitchhidden_orientation4.png" > }, > "21" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalswitchhidden_orientation5.png" > }, > "22" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodenelevatorshort.png" > }, > "23" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mechanicalelevatorshort.png" > }, > "24" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/durasteelelevatorshort.png" > }, > "25" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/persistentswitch.png" > }, > "26" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tier3switch.png" > }, > "27" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/foundryor.png" > }, > "28" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostconsole.png" > }, > "29" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lasertripwire.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/scanner.png" > }, > "30" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/lasertripwire_orientation1.png" > }, > "31" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantpanel.png" > }, > "32" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/timer5s.png" > }, > "33" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/foundryconsole.png" > }, > "34" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/foundryand.png" > }, > "35" : { > 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/foundrytimer1s.png" > }, > "46" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/foundrycountdowntimer.png" > }, > "47" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alarm.png" > }, > "48" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalarmorswitch.png" > }, > "49" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/invisiblesound.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/smallwallswitchlighttoggle.png" > }, > "50" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/foundrytimer2s.png" > }, > "51" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianswitchhidden1.png" > }, > "52" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianswitchhidden1_orientation2.png" > }, > "53" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianswitchhidden1_orientation3.png" > }, > "54" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianswitchhidden1_orientation4.png" > }, > "55" : { > 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlconsole.png" > }, > "66" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/castleswitch.png" > }, > "67" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/waveswitch.png" > }, > "68" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/countdowntimer.png" > }, > "69" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/combinationprop.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/geometricswitch.png" > }, > "70" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisoncontrolpanel.png" > }, > "71" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dlatch.png" > }, > "72" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/timer2s.png" > }, > "73" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/liquidsensor.png" > }, > "74" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/liquidsensor_orientation2.png" > }, > "75" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/liquidsensor_orientation3.png" > }, 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{ > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlbutton.png" > }, > "88" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/opulentswitch.png" > }, > "89" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntingpressureplate.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/proximitywallsensor.png" > }, > "90" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianpressureplate.png" > }, > "91" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianpressureplate_orientation2.png" > }, > "92" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avianpressureplate_orientation3.png" > }, > "93" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/invisibleproximitysensor.png" > }, > "94" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostbutton.png" > }, > "95" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/durasteelelevatorlong.png" > }, > "96" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tier1switch.png" > }, > "97" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/ancientsmallconsole.png" > }, > "98" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/foundrydelay.png" > }, > "99" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkermotiondetector.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-colonytag\wreck.json 10,247c10,247 < "0" : { < "//description" : "Old wiring, torn apart.", < "//name" : "wreckwiresceiling", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Hanging Wires", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wreckwiresceiling" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A smashed vat, the inside is covered in dried slime... Did something break out?", < "//name" : "wreckvat1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vat", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckvat1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "Once upon a time, a couple of these things could power a whole ship.", < "//name" : "wreckgenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckgenerator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A smashed monitor, not much use now.", < "//name" : "wreckscreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wreckscreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "This door is almost rusted shut.", < "//name" : "wreckdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "An old input panel, probably used to be used for security.", < "//name" : "wreckpanel2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wrecked Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckpanel2" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "Filth and rust have eaten away at this bed. Thankfully I'm not at all tired.", < "//name" : "wreckbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "An old input panel .One of the keys has fallen off.", < "//name" : "wreckpanel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckpanel1" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "An old boiler. A dripping echoes from inside.", < "//name" : "wreckboiler", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckboiler", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A wrecked turbine, completely non-operational.", < "//name" : "wreckturbine2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbine", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckturbine2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "Stale air whistles through this old vent.", < "//name" : "wreckvent", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckvent" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "Scratching sounds from the inside... I think something has made a nest in there.", < "//name" : "wreckconsole2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Computer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckconsole2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A battered old table. Still operational as far as tables go!", < "//name" : "wrecktable", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecktable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", < "//name" : "wrecksupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", < "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", < "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", < "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "The screen sends out an ominous flickering light.", < "//name" : "wrecktv", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wrecktv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "The stale air produces little more than a creak from this old fan.", < "//name" : "wreckfan", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Fan", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wreckfan" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A filthy chair. Insects skitter in and out of holes in the fabric.", < "//name" : "wreckchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A small damaged table.", < "//name" : "wrecksmalltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wrecked Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksmalltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "An old locker. Hey! There's a photo taped to the inside... eww, tentacles", < "//name" : "wrecklocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecklocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A antique crate, I wonder what's inside..", < "//name" : "wreckcrate1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckcrate1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "It looks like an old remote terminal.", < "//name" : "wreckconsole3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Terminal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckconsole3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "No chance of this thing starting up.", < "//name" : "wreckconsole1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckconsole1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A couple of wrecked turbines caked in dust.", < "//name" : "wreckturbines", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbines", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckturbines", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "This vending machine is empty, I guess the crew had a taste for soda.", < "//name" : "wreckvendingmachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckvendingmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Old wiring, torn apart.", > "//name" : "wreckwiresceiling", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Hanging Wires", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wreckwiresceiling" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A smashed vat, the inside is covered in dried slime... Did something break out?", > "//name" : "wreckvat1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vat", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckvat1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Once upon a time, a couple of these things could power a whole ship.", > "//name" : "wreckgenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckgenerator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A smashed monitor, not much use now.", > "//name" : "wreckscreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wreckscreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "This door is almost rusted shut.", > "//name" : "wreckdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "An old input panel, probably used to be used for security.", > "//name" : "wreckpanel2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wrecked Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckpanel2" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "Filth and rust have eaten away at this bed. Thankfully I'm not at all tired.", > "//name" : "wreckbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "An old input panel .One of the keys has fallen off.", > "//name" : "wreckpanel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckpanel1" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "An old boiler. A dripping echoes from inside.", > "//name" : "wreckboiler", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckboiler", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A wrecked turbine, completely non-operational.", > "//name" : "wreckturbine2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbine", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckturbine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "Stale air whistles through this old vent.", > "//name" : "wreckvent", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckvent" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "Scratching sounds from the inside... I think something has made a nest in there.", > "//name" : "wreckconsole2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckconsole2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A battered old table. Still operational as far as tables go!", > "//name" : "wrecktable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecktable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", > "//name" : "wrecksupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", > "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", > "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", > "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "The screen sends out an ominous flickering light.", > "//name" : "wrecktv", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wrecktv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "The stale air produces little more than a creak from this old fan.", > "//name" : "wreckfan", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Fan", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wreckfan" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A filthy chair. Insects skitter in and out of holes in the fabric.", > "//name" : "wreckchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A small damaged table.", > "//name" : "wrecksmalltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wrecked Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksmalltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "An old locker. Hey! There's a photo taped to the inside... eww, tentacles", > "//name" : "wrecklocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecklocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A antique crate, I wonder what's inside..", > "//name" : "wreckcrate1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckcrate1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "It looks like an old remote terminal.", > "//name" : "wreckconsole3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Terminal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckconsole3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "No chance of this thing starting up.", > "//name" : "wreckconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A couple of wrecked turbines caked in dust.", > "//name" : "wreckturbines", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbines", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckturbines", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "This vending machine is empty, I guess the crew had a taste for soda.", > "//name" : "wreckvendingmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckvendingmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 250,330c250,330 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckwiresceiling.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckvat1.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckgenerator.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckscreen.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckdoor.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckpanel2.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckbed.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckpanel1.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckboiler.png" < }, < "17" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckturbine2.png" < }, < "18" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckvent.png" < }, < "19" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckconsole2.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wrecktable.png" < }, < "20" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wrecksupport.png" < }, < "21" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wrecksupport_orientation1.png" < }, < "22" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wrecksupport_orientation2.png" < }, < "23" : { < 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wrecksupport.png" > }, > "21" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wrecksupport_orientation1.png" > }, > "22" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wrecksupport_orientation2.png" > }, > "23" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wrecksupport_orientation3.png" > }, > "24" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wrecktv.png" > }, > "25" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckfan.png" > }, > "26" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckchair.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wrecksmalltable.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wrecklocker.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckcrate1.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckconsole3.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wreckconsole1.png" > }, > 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alpacagrowthrune.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alpacaliferune.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alpacahomerune.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alpacacomponentrune.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alpacaknowledgerune.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alpacaruinrune.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alpacagrowthrune.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alpacaliferune.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alpacahomerune.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/alpacacomponentrune.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\ancient.json 10,1037c10,1037 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight3", < 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enemies.", < "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arenaflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", < "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arenaflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//name" : "arkteleporterbroken", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "This teleporter should get me back to the Ark.", < "//name" : "arkteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Ark Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arkteleporter" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "This ancient teleporter no longer functions.", < "//name" : "arkdestinationteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ark Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arkdestinationteleporter" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade2" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientconsole_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "An impossibly old message.", < "//name" : "ancientplaque1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "ancientplaque1" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "I sure hope this door will take me back to reality!", < "//name" : "challengereturndoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "challengereturndoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram3" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a galaxy.", < "//name" : "hologramgalaxy", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-104", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hologramgalaxy" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "returnconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "returnconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "An ancient pillar found near the gates. It produces light.", < "//name" : "ancientpillar", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientpillar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "returnconsole_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "returnconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram4" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientflametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", < "//name" : "ancientbouldertrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Boulder Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "ancientbouldertrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "An ancient chest of unknown origin.", < "//name" : "ancientchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancienticetrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your 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"speedbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your running speed.", < "//name" : "speedbooster_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Speed Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "speedbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your running speed.", < "//name" : "speedbooster_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Speed Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "speedbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your running speed.", < "//name" : "speedbooster_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Speed Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "speedbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", < "//name" : "jumpbooster", < "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jumpbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", < "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jumpbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", < "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "jumpbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", < "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "jumpbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", < "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jumpbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram2" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increase your jumping power.", < "//name" : "jumpbooster_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Jump Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jumpbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", < "//name" : "powerbooster", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "powerbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", < "//name" : "powerbooster_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "powerbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", < "//name" : "powerbooster_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "powerbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", < "//name" : "powerbooster_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "powerbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", < "//name" : "powerbooster_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "powerbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes increases your destructive power.", < "//name" : "powerbooster_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "powerbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A beam of hard light creating a platform.", < "//name" : "ancientlightplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Light Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientlightplatform", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", < "//name" : "secretsign1", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 1", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secretsign1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", < "//name" : "secretsign2", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 2", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secretsign2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious doorway leading into an unknown dimension. What could possibly go wrong?", < "//name" : "challengedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "challengedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", < "//name" : "secretsign3", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 3", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secretsign3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "An ancient-looking door.", < "//name" : "ancientdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "This looks like an ancient control panel. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientsmallconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientsmallconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "An ancient vertical hatch doorway.", < "//name" : "ancientverticaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientverticaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A fearsome ancient chest ornamented with a lidless eye.", < "//name" : "ancientbigchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Big Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientbigchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight13", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight13", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight13_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight13", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight9", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight5_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip 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"tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A temporary prop.", > "//name" : "ancientprop", > "//shortdescription" : "TODO - Ancient Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientprop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A wall light.", > "//name" : "ancientlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "ancienthiddenplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hidden Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancienthiddenplatform", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratewallbanner", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "protectoratewallbanner" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A manhole cover.", > "//name" : "manholedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Manhole Cover", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "manholedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A round wall light.", > "//name" : "ancientlightround", > "//shortdescription" : "Round Ancient Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientlightround", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "This device is used to rapidly freeze materials.", > "//name" : "freezetrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Cryogenic Blaster", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "freezetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "This trap 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"arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews a flame that empowers enemies.", > "//name" : "arenaflametrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Arena Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arenaflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//name" : "arkteleporterbroken", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "This teleporter should get me back to the Ark.", > "//name" : "arkteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Ark Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arkteleporter" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "This ancient teleporter no longer functions.", > "//name" : "arkdestinationteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ark Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arkdestinationteleporter" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade2" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "ancientconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "ancientconsole_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "An impossibly old message.", > "//name" : "ancientplaque1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ancientplaque1" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "I sure hope this door will take me back to reality!", > "//name" : "challengereturndoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "challengereturndoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram3" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a galaxy.", > "//name" : "hologramgalaxy", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hologramgalaxy" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. 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"ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientflametrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientflametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews flames to deter 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"object" : "ancientstriplight2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A 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"//shortdescription" : "Ancient Boulder Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "ancientbouldertrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienticetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienticetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancienticetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "An ancient chest of unknown origin.", > "//name" : "ancientchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancienticetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancienticetrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "This trap spews frost to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancienticetrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Ice 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This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenapexfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenapexfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "techstation", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "techstation" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush12", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush12", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Fancy Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicsmall1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", < "//name" : "classicdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "apexstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexstoragelocker" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of platinum.", < "//name" : "platinumrocksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Platinum Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "platinumrocksmall" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "For when you want to make a table-based statement.", < "//name" : "classicdiningtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Dining Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdiningtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "Don't underestimate an Apex's love for bananas.", < "//name" : "apexpainting4", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting4" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush6", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "Some sort of eggs.", < "//name" : "hivebush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Eggs", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivebush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of silver.", < "//name" : "silverrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Silver Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "silverrock" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "The finest security camera around.", < "//name" : "apexsecuritycamera", < "//shortdescription" : "High-tech Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "A bust of an important Apex.", < "//name" : "apexbustmale", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Male Bust", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbustmale", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "An oddly shaped egg sac.", < "//name" : "hivebush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Egg Sac", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivebush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A broken pillar.", < "//name" : "heckpillar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckpillar1" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", < "//name" : "tarcrystal3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarcrystal3" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "A flask full of blue liquid.", < "//name" : "blueflask", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flask", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "blueflask", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of diamond.", < "//name" : "diamondrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diamondrock" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush8", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "The classiest drape.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of gold.", < "//name" : "goldrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldrock" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "Vials full of various blood types. I hope they didn't take out ALL their blood.", < "//name" : "apexbloodbank", < "//shortdescription" : "Bloodbank", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbloodbank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "Part of a ribcage. It won't be intact for long.", < "//name" : "smashbones4", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashbones4" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", < "//name" : "smallhouse8", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", < "//name" : "cellstructure1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellstructure1" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "The reason you don't play ball in the house.", < "//name" : "classicchina", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic China Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchina", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "Big Ape is All Seeing!", < "//name" : "apexapesign", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexapesign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", < "//name" : "cellstructure2", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellstructure2" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "I didn't know clocks were capable of reproduction.", < "//name" : "grandfatherclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Grandfather Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "grandfatherclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", < "//name" : "hivelight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight2" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", < "//name" : "hivelight2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight2" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", < "//name" : "hivelight2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight2" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush10", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", < "//name" : "hivelight2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight2" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "For displaying the fanciest of items, or holding up the smallest of buildings.", < "//name" : "classicpillarsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicpillarsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", < "//name" : "hecklight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight2" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", < "//name" : "hecklight2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight2" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", < "//name" : "hecklight2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight2" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", < "//name" : "hecklight2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight2" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A bush with unusual colouring.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A putrid, horrible flower.", < "//name" : "junglebush17", < "//shortdescription" : "Putrid Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush17", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A fine china plate.", < "//name" : "classicplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", < "//name" : "crystalcavebush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalcavebush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A standard issue office chair.", < "//name" : "apexofficechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Office Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexofficechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "Good for hosting small dinner parties.", < "//name" : "classictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", < "//name" : "crystalcavebush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalcavebush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "apexshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexshiplocker" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a human couple.", < "//name" : "paintinggothic", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintinggothic" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "Some sort of eggs.", < "//name" : "hivebush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Eggs", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivebush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush that may secretly be a Floran in disguise.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A broken pillar.", < "//name" : "heckpillar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckpillar2" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", < "//name" : "crystalcavebush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalcavebush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A comfy chair, looks like it's meant to be nailed to the floor.", < "//name" : "apexcomfychair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcomfychair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "A very basic mass produced wardrobe.", < "//name" : "apexwardrobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwardrobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", < "//name" : "embercoral2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "embercoral2" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "A flask full of red liquid.", < "//name" : "redflask", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Flask", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redflask", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "The shelves are empty.", < "//name" : "apexwoodenshelves", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Shelves", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwoodenshelves", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "A coiling plant, like DNA.", < "//name" : "dnaplant2", < "//shortdescription" : "DNA Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dnaplant2" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", < "//name" : "paintingmonalisa", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingmonalisa" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", < "//name" : "slimeblob3", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimeblob3" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "A flask full of green goo.", < "//name" : "greenflask", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Flask", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greenflask", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "apexlamp3", < "//shortdescription" : "Paper Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexlamp3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", < "//name" : "embercoral4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "embercoral4" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "Watch out! Lightning bolts!", < "//name" : "electricsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Electricity Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "electricsign" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", < "//name" : "smallwindmill", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallwindmill", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "An electrically charged plasma field. It reacts to sound.", < "//name" : "plasmadisc", < "//shortdescription" : "Plasma Disc", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plasmadisc", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "A putrid, horrible flower.", < "//name" : "junglebush18", < "//shortdescription" : "Putrid Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush18", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "It says 'BIG APE'.", < "//name" : "apexnameplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Nameplate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexnameplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", < "//name" : "tarcrystal5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarcrystal5" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "This cabinet is where the signs come out. Maybe I can put one in?", < "//name" : "signdispenser", < "//shortdescription" : "EASEL Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "signdispenser", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana! The sacred fruit!", < "//name" : "apexstatue3", < "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Lock Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "An ornate fountain - much of the water appears to be wasted.", < "//name" : "classicfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", < "//name" : "smallinn", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallinn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "Don't forget to wash your hands!", < "//name" : "apexsink", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Sink", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexsink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", < "//name" : "embercoral1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "embercoral1" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "This desk is sleek, looks solid.", < "//name" : "apexcooldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcooldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "A standard issue wooden dining chair.", < "//name" : "apexwoodenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwoodenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "The pod is empty.", < "//name" : "apexpod2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Life Support Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexpod2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "It's a framed replica of Big Ape's hit album, 'Jungle Love'.", < "//name" : "apexpainting3", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Record", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting3" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush9", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", < "//name" : "smallhouse10", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush7", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of copper.", < "//name" : "copperrocksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Copper Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperrocksmall" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicmedium2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", < "//name" : "cellstructure4", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellstructure4" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A coiling plant, resembling DNA.", < "//name" : "dnaplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "DNA Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dnaplant1" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicmedium1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of copper.", < "//name" : "copperrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperrock" < }, < "212" : { < "//description" : "Plaques don't come much classier than this.", < "//name" : "markerwallplaque3", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "markerwallplaque3" < }, < "213" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "214" : { < "//description" : "There's some sheet music here.", < "//name" : "apexpiano", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Piano", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexpiano", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "A basic mass produced table.", < "//name" : "apextable", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "216" : { < "//description" : "A tiny clock tower. Save the clock tower!", < "//name" : "smallclocktower", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Clock Tower", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallclocktower", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "This seems to be a scientist that 'gave his body to science'.", < "//name" : "apexstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Scientist Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", < "//name" : "hivelight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", < "//name" : "flowerbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", < "//name" : "apexwallpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Modern Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "apexwallpainting2" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", < "//name" : "slimeblob4", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimeblob4" < }, < "223" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", < "//name" : "crystalcavebush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalcavebush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "224" : { < "//description" : "A cheaply-manufactured bed.", < "//name" : "apexbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "225" : { < "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", < "//name" : "tarcrystal4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarcrystal4" < }, < "226" : { < "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", < "//name" : "smallhouse9", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "227" : { < "//description" : "A malfunctioning light.", < "//name" : "apexshiplightBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexshiplightBroken" < }, < "228" : { < "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Fancy Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassiclarge2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "229" : { < "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", < "//name" : "apexslidingdoor2", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexslidingdoor2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", < "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "230" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "231" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "232" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "233" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "234" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", < "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecklight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "235" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush8", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "236" : { < "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", < "//name" : "smallhouse11", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse11", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "237" : { < "//description" : "I wonder what all these buttons are for...", < "//name" : "apexconsolekeyboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Console Keyboard", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexconsolekeyboard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "238" : { < "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", < "//name" : "smallhouse4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "239" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "apexshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", < "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "240" : { < "//description" : "A big flashing light and blaring siren guaranteed to draw lots of attention.", < "//name" : "alarm", < "//shortdescription" : "Alarm", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "alarm", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "241" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", < "//name" : "crystallinebush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystallinebush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "242" : { < "//description" : "Cooks food to a reasonable standard.", < "//name" : "apexoven", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Oven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexoven", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "243" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", < "//name" : "crystallinebush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystallinebush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "244" : { < "//description" : "A very welcoming sign.", < "//name" : "hecksign", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hecksign" < }, < "245" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "246" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "247" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "248" : { < "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", < "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flowerbasket1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "249" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of silver.", < "//name" : "silverrocksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Silver Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "silverrocksmall" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", < "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "250" : { < "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", < "//name" : "smallhouse5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "251" : { < "//description" : "The radio is switched on but silent.", < "//name" : "apexradio", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Radio", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexradio", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "252" : { < "//description" : "Go Ape!", < "//name" : "apexlevel1sign", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Level 01 Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexlevel1sign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "253" : { < "//description" : "A fridge, good for keeping food cold.", < "//name" : "apexfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "254" : { < "//description" : "A board game, with a cardboard castle and game pieces.", < "//name" : "fantasyboardgame", < "//shortdescription" : "Fantasy Board Game", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fantasyboardgame", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "255" : { < "//description" : "Intercoms are often used to broadcast messages...or receive them.", < "//name" : "apexspeaker", < "//shortdescription" : "Announcement Intercom", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexspeaker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "256" : { < "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", < "//name" : "rustbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "257" : { < "//description" : "A small breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "capsulesmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "capsulesmall" < }, < "258" : { < "//description" : "I should probably go that way.", < "//name" : "arrowsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Arrow Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arrowsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "259" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", < "//name" : "flowerbed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", < "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "260" : { < "//description" : "There's nothing on. Every channel just displays a picture of Big Ape.", < "//name" : "apextv", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape TV", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "261" : { < "//description" : "Simple, but elegant. Plaques like this bring some real class to a place.", < "//name" : "markerwallplaque1", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "markerwallplaque1" < }, < "262" : { < "//description" : "An oddly shaped egg sac.", < "//name" : "hivebush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Egg Sac", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivebush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "263" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush of high aesthetic value.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "264" : { < "//description" : "Hollow bamboo strung together to make a wind chime.", < "//name" : "windchime", < "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Wind Chime", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "windchime", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "265" : { < "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", < "//name" : "apexslidingdoor1", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexslidingdoor1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "266" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a server. I wonder what kind of games could be hosted on that.", < "//name" : "apexcoolserver", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Server", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolserver", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "267" : { < "//description" : "A coiling plant, like DNA.", < "//name" : "dnaplant4", < "//shortdescription" : "DNA Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dnaplant4" < }, < "268" : { < "//description" : "A divine, colourful bush.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "269" : { < "//description" : "It's an exceptionally cool chair.", < "//name" : "apexcoolchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a famous, long-dead Earthling poet.", < "//name" : "paintingshakespeare", < "//shortdescription" : "Famous Poet Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingshakespeare" < }, < "270" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "271" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "apexfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexfuelhatch" < }, < "272" : { < "//description" : "A fully intact ribcage. Not for long.", < "//name" : "smashbones2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashbones2" < }, < "273" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", < "//name" : "apexbananasign", < "//shortdescription" : "Banana Propaganda Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexbananasign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "274" : { < "//description" : "A pile of bones, prime for smashing.", < "//name" : "smashbones1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashbones1" < }, < "275" : { < "//description" : "A common ship light.", < "//name" : "apexshiplight", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexshiplight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "276" : { < "//description" : "An empty aquarium. How lonely.", < "//name" : "apexaquarium2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Wooden Aquarium", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexaquarium2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "277" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", < "//name" : "crystallinebush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystallinebush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "278" : { < "//description" : "Acceptable whether you're wearing sweatpants and a beanie or pantaloons.", < "//name" : "cider", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Fruit Drink", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cider", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "279" : { < "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Striped Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassicsmall2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "Everything looks significantly more terrifying under a microscope.", < "//name" : "microscope", < "//shortdescription" : "Microscope", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "microscope", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "280" : { < "//description" : "I'd better do what they say... ha!", < "//name" : "apexobeysign", < "//shortdescription" : "Obey Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexobeysign" < }, < "281" : { < "//description" : "A sign that reads \"Danger!\". It couldn't really send a clearer message.", < "//name" : "reddangersign", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Danger Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "reddangersign" < }, < "282" : { < "//description" : "A dining chair fit for the sort of person who enjoys caviar.", < "//name" : "classicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "283" : { < "//description" : "A standard issue kitchen counter.", < "//name" : "apexcounter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcounter2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "284" : { < "//description" : "A tiny communal building. Who visits it?", < "//name" : "smallchurch", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Building", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallchurch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "285" : { < "//description" : "Each of these desks has a coffee mug and lamp fused to its surface.", < "//name" : "apexdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "286" : { < "//description" : "A tiny house. Who lives here?", < "//name" : "smallhouse6", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "287" : { < "//description" : "A brain in a jar, daydreaming.", < "//name" : "apexbrainjar", < "//shortdescription" : "Brain in a Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbrainjar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "288" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "289" : { < "//description" : "A leafy plant.", < "//name" : "junglebush13", < "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush13", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Simple, but elegant. Plaques like this bring some real class to a place.", < "//name" : "markerwallplaque2", < "//shortdescription" : "Polished Stone Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "markerwallplaque2" < }, < "290" : { < "//description" : "A leafy plant.", < "//name" : "junglebush16", < "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush16", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "291" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush6", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "292" : { < "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", < "//name" : "rustbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "293" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "apexshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "294" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "apexshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexshiplockerTier0" < }, < "295" : { < "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", < "//name" : "lunarbasedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "296" : { < "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", < "//name" : "lunarbasedoor_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "297" : { < "//description" : "A very flattering painting of Big Ape, Glorious Beloved Leader of the Apex.", < "//name" : "apexpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glorious Leader Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting1" < }, < "298" : { < "//description" : "It's just a wall panel.", < "//name" : "apexwoodpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wall Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexwoodpanel" < }, < "299" : { < "//description" : "A shard of crystallised tar", < "//name" : "tarcrystal1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarcrystal1" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", < "//name" : "cellstructure3", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellstructure3" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", < "//name" : "classiclight", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "300" : { < "//description" : "The sign indicates something medicine-related in the vicinity.", < "//name" : "apexmedsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Medical Bay Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexmedsign" < }, < "301" : { < "//description" : "A malfunctioning light.", < "//name" : "redlightBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redlightBroken" < }, < "302" : { < "//description" : "Ape Flu? Sounds serious...", < "//name" : "apexflusign", < "//shortdescription" : "Ape Flu Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexflusign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "303" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "304" : { < "//description" : "I think Big Ape is watching...", < "//name" : "apexhdtv", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape HDTV", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "apexhdtv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "305" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "techstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "techstationTier0" < }, < "306" : { < "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", < "//name" : "embercoral5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "embercoral5" < }, < "307" : { < "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing Apex figures.", < "//name" : "paintingcreationofapepixel", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Big Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingcreationofapepixel" < }, < "308" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", < "//name" : "paintingbirthofapevenus", < "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingbirthofapevenus" < }, < "309" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex couple.", < "//name" : "paintingapegothic", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapegothic" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", < "//name" : "classiclight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "310" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex with an earring.", < "//name" : "paintingapexpearlearring", < "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Ape Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "paintingapexpearlearring" < }, < "311" : { < "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming Apex.", < "//name" : "paintingapescream", < "//shortdescription" : "Howler Monkey Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapescream" < }, < "312" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner1", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Top", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner1" < }, < "313" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Bottom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner3" < }, < "314" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner2" < }, < "315" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "combinationprop", < "//shortdescription" : "Combination Lock Prop", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "combinationprop" < }, < "316" : { < "//description" : "A quiet painting of an Apex with a pet.", < "//name" : "paintingapexwithermine", < "//shortdescription" : "Pet Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapexwithermine" < }, < "317" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classicbanner2b", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid Symbol", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbanner2b" < }, < "318" : { < "//description" : "This used to be the classiest curtain. Now it's a bit tattered.", < "//name" : "classicbannertattered", < "//shortdescription" : "Tattered Classic Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbannertattered" < }, < "319" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", < "//name" : "classiclight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiclight" < }, < "320" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "321" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "teleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teleporterTier0" < }, < "322" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "teleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teleporter" < }, < "323" : { < "//name" : "hylotlspeaker", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "324" : { < "//description" : "Tenth Study in Female Hylotlgy", < "//name" : "tenstudiesplaque", < "//shortdescription" : "Nameplate", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tenstudiesplaque" < }, < "325" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", < "//name" : "saloonlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "326" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", < "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "327" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", < "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "328" : { < "//description" : "A critter in a jar, daydreaming.", < "//name" : "symbiotesample", < "//shortdescription" : "Symbiote in a Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "symbiotesample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "329" : { < "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", < "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teslaspike" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful bed of rich wood and silks.", < "//name" : "classicbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "330" : { < "//description" : "A sleek vertical doorway, perfect for secret labs.", < "//name" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "331" : { < "//description" : "A sleek red wall light.", < "//name" : "laboratorylight", < "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "laboratorylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "332" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock4", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "333" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock7", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "334" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock6", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "335" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock8", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "336" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock5", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "337" : { < "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratewallbanner", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "protectoratewallbanner" < }, < "338" : { < "//description" : "A console with interesting looking levels and lightbulbs.", < "//name" : "foundryconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundryconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "339" : { < "//name" : "apexfossilcomplete", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A classic banana-infused wood door with a gilded handle.", < "//name" : "classicdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "340" : { < "//name" : "apexfossil1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "341" : { < "//name" : "apexfossil2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "342" : { < "//name" : "apexfossil3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "343" : { < "//description" : "Everything you need to survive. Almost.", < "//name" : "bombsheltershelf1", < "//shortdescription" : "Shelter Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bombsheltershelf1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "344" : { < "//name" : "apexfossilcomplete_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "345" : { < "//name" : "trexfossilcomplete", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "346" : { < "//description" : "A clean looking counter.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitycounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitycounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "347" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal shelf, some store goods still remain on the shelves.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "348" : { < "//description" : "An old sign from an Apex laboratory.", < "//name" : "miniknogoldsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Ministry of Knowledge Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "miniknogoldsign" < }, < "349" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", < "//name" : "apexartifactaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Artifact Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexartifactaltar" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", < "//name" : "classiccandlestick", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccandlestick", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "350" : { < "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", < "//name" : "fistlauncher", < "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fistlauncher" < }, < "351" : { < "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", < "//name" : "fistlauncher_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fistlauncher" < }, < "352" : { < "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", < "//name" : "fistlauncher_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "fistlauncher" < }, < "353" : { < "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", < "//name" : "fistlauncher_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "fistlauncher" < }, < "354" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "bigapescreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Ape Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigapescreen" < }, < "355" : { < "//description" : "A large breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "tentaclepopbig", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Tentacle Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclepopbig" < }, < "356" : { < "//description" : "A breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "tentaclepopmed", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Tentacle Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclepopmed" < }, < "357" : { < "//description" : "A breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "tentaclepopsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Tentacle Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclepopsmall" < }, < "358" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to buy stuff.", < "//name" : "apexstoresign", < "//shortdescription" : "Store Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexstoresign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "359" : { < "//description" : "A pile of sand bags.", < "//name" : "sandbags", < "//shortdescription" : "Sand Bags", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandbags", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", < "//name" : "classiccandlestick_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccandlestick", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "360" : { < "//description" : "A disorganised map for locating Big Ape. Whoever drew it was very angry.", < "//name" : "bigapetargetmap", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Target Map", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bigapetargetmap" < }, < "361" : { < "//description" : "A display cycling through information about Miniknog strongholds.", < "//name" : "miniknogintel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Miniknog Intel Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "miniknogintel1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "362" : { < "//description" : "A computer displaying information downloaded from the drone on top.", < "//name" : "minidronerack", < "//shortdescription" : "Minidrone Intel Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "minidronerack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "363" : { < "//description" : "A large propaganda newspaper, to be put up where everyone can see.", < "//name" : "miniknognewspaper", < "//shortdescription" : "Miniknog Newspaper", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "miniknognewspaper" < }, < "364" : { < "//description" : "A somewhat suspicious doll of Big Ape.", < "//name" : "bigapedoll", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Doll", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigapedoll", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "365" : { < "//description" : "Thin hanging drapes. Quite classy.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Thin Drape", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classiccurtain3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "This door is beautifully crafted.", < "//name" : "classicbardoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Barred Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbardoor" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush9", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "This strange lamp emits a low green light.", < "//name" : "apextablelamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Lamp Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextablelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of diamond.", < "//name" : "diamondrocksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Diamond Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diamondrocksmall" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", < "//name" : "apexstatue2", < "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "apexcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "The finest automated security turret around.", < "//name" : "apexturret", < "//shortdescription" : "High-tech Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "There seems to be an Apex in there, connected to a bunch of wires and tubes.", < "//name" : "apexpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Life Support Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexpod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A classy chest filled with classy treasure!", < "//name" : "classicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A defaced poster of Big Ape.", < "//name" : "apexmocksign", < "//shortdescription" : "Disobey Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexmocksign" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A Miniknog locker.", < "//name" : "apexlocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexlocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A cute, colourful bush.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "May we forever obey him.", < "//name" : "apexpainting5", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Cross-Stitch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexpainting5" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuck.", < "//name" : "slimeblob1", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimeblob1" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "capsulemed", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "capsulemed" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", < "//name" : "apexcooldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcooldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "It should be stocked full of science journals and lab reports.", < "//name" : "apexcoolbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A creepy monitor. A face flickers onto the screen, almost faster than the eye can see.", < "//name" : "apexceilingtv", < "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Ceiling TV", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexceilingtv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "There's nothing of interest on this shelf.", < "//name" : "apexcoolshelf1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Empty Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolshelf1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "This upholstery is bananas.", < "//name" : "apexarmchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexarmchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A leafy plant.", < "//name" : "junglebush15", < "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush15", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", < "//name" : "smallhouse7", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "Don't do it!", < "//name" : "apexdonotenter", < "//shortdescription" : "Do Not Enter Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexdonotenter" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", < "//name" : "smallhouse3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A blueprint encased in a vile bubble of slime.", < "//name" : "blueprintblob", < "//shortdescription" : "Blueprint Blob", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "blueprintblob" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "This chandelier is made of wrought-iron. It looks expensive.", < "//name" : "classicchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "classicchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike10", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "buglike10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "This cool computer is making a lot of 'beep boop boop beep' noises.", < "//name" : "apexcoolcomputer", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Computer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolcomputer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "That big red level should probably be left alone.", < "//name" : "apexconsole1", < "//shortdescription" : "Research Terminal", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexconsole1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "Another victim of this tacky polka dot print.", < "//name" : "apexcouch", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", < "//name" : "crystallinebush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystallinebush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A sunflower who's just looking for the sun.", < "//name" : "movingsunflower", < "//shortdescription" : "Moving Sunflower", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "movingsunflower", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", < "//name" : "tarcrystal2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarcrystal2" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", < "//name" : "apexlamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Tall Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexlamp2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "An oddly shaped egg sac.", < "//name" : "hivebush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Egg Sac", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivebush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush11", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush11", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a great Apex poet. He...looks familiar.", < "//name" : "paintingapespeare", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Poet Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingapespeare" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush7", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A tiny house. Who lives here?", < "//name" : "smallhouse1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase built to be filled with classic literature.", < "//name" : "classicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "An appropriately glorious monument dedicated to a glorious leader.", < "//name" : "classicapestatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Monument", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicapestatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "That sure is a cool table.", < "//name" : "apexcooltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcooltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", < "//name" : "smallhouse2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallhouse2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "It's a bust of Big Ape, Glorious Leader of the Apex.", < "//name" : "apexstatue1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Bust", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstatue1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike9", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "buglike9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Striped Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vaseclassiclarge1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A leafy plant.", < "//name" : "junglebush14", < "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush14", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of gold.", < "//name" : "goldrocksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Gold Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldrocksmall" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful painting of the night sky.", < "//name" : "paintingstarrynight", < "//shortdescription" : "Abstract Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingstarrynight" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", < "//name" : "embercoral3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "embercoral3" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "Think happy thoughts!", < "//name" : "apexthoughtreassign", < "//shortdescription" : "Reassignment Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexthoughtreassign" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A coiling plant, like DNA.", < "//name" : "dnaplant3", < "//shortdescription" : "DNA Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dnaplant3" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A table reserved for traitors.", < "//name" : "apextorturebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextorturebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike8", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "buglike8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", < "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiccurtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A large breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "capsulebig", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "capsulebig" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "It seems irresponsible to leave a bunch of unlabelled chemicals unattended.", < "//name" : "apexcoolshelf2", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chemical Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolshelf2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", < "//name" : "slimeblob2", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimeblob2" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A ceiling spotlight. Ideal lighting for fancy artwork.", < "//name" : "classiclightart", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ceiling Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "classiclightart", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A pair of standard issue kitchen cabinets.", < "//name" : "apexcounter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcounter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A short wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", < "//name" : "apexlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A thin set of short curtains.", < "//name" : "apexcurtain", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexcurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Look! Fishies!", > "//name" : "apexaquarium1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Aquarium", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexaquarium1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "It's churning out sultry tunes from Big Ape's #1 album, 'Jungle Love'.", > "//name" : "apexrecordplayer", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Record Player", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexrecordplayer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike7", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "buglike7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex peace-keeper.", > "//name" : "apexpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting2" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", > "//name" : "slimeblob5", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimeblob5" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", > "//name" : "rustbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A pile of bones, prime for smashing.", > "//name" : "smashbones3", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones3" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of platinum.", > "//name" : "platinumrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Platinum Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "platinumrock" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", > "//name" : "rustbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A large classy storage cabinet.", > "//name" : "classiccupboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Cupboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccupboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenapexfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenapexfuelhatch" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "This cupboard is sleek, but it doesn't look sturdy.", > "//name" : "apexcoolcupboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Cupboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolcupboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", > "//name" : "paintingapexpixellisa", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapexpixellisa" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike6", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "buglike6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A soft scent of fruit juice lingers.", > "//name" : "classicglass", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Glass", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicglass", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush10", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "Let's find out what that fossil was! Place it down and smash it open!", > "//name" : "fossilpod", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fossilpod" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", > "//name" : "cellstructure5", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellstructure5" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", > "//name" : "apexwallpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexwallpainting1" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenapexfuelhatchTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenapexfuelhatchTier0" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "techstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "techstation" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush12", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush12", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Fancy Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicsmall1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", > "//name" : "classicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "apexstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexstoragelocker" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of platinum.", > "//name" : "platinumrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Platinum Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "platinumrocksmall" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "For when you want to make a table-based statement.", > "//name" : "classicdiningtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Dining Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdiningtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "Don't underestimate an Apex's love for bananas.", > "//name" : "apexpainting4", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting4" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush6", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "Some sort of eggs.", > "//name" : "hivebush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Eggs", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivebush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of silver.", > "//name" : "silverrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Silver Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "silverrock" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "The finest security camera around.", > "//name" : "apexsecuritycamera", > "//shortdescription" : "High-tech Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A bust of an important Apex.", > "//name" : "apexbustmale", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Male Bust", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbustmale", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "An oddly shaped egg sac.", > "//name" : "hivebush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Egg Sac", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivebush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A broken pillar.", > "//name" : "heckpillar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckpillar1" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", > "//name" : "tarcrystal3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarcrystal3" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A flask full of blue liquid.", > "//name" : "blueflask", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flask", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "blueflask", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of diamond.", > "//name" : "diamondrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamondrock" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush8", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "The classiest drape.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of gold.", > "//name" : "goldrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldrock" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "Vials full of various blood types. I hope they didn't take out ALL their blood.", > "//name" : "apexbloodbank", > "//shortdescription" : "Bloodbank", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbloodbank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "Part of a ribcage. It won't be intact for long.", > "//name" : "smashbones4", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones4" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", > "//name" : "smallhouse8", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", > "//name" : "cellstructure1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellstructure1" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "The reason you don't play ball in the house.", > "//name" : "classicchina", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic China Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchina", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "Big Ape is All Seeing!", > "//name" : "apexapesign", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexapesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", > "//name" : "cellstructure2", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellstructure2" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "I didn't know clocks were capable of reproduction.", > "//name" : "grandfatherclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Grandfather Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "grandfatherclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", > "//name" : "hivelight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight2" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", > "//name" : "hivelight2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight2" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", > "//name" : "hivelight2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight2" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush10", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from hive.", > "//name" : "hivelight2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight2" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "For displaying the fanciest of items, or holding up the smallest of buildings.", > "//name" : "classicpillarsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicpillarsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", > "//name" : "hecklight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight2" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", > "//name" : "hecklight2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight2" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", > "//name" : "hecklight2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight2" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A sinister light from Heck.", > "//name" : "hecklight2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight2" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A bush with unusual colouring.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A putrid, horrible flower.", > "//name" : "junglebush17", > "//shortdescription" : "Putrid Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush17", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A fine china plate.", > "//name" : "classicplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", > "//name" : "crystalcavebush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalcavebush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue office chair.", > "//name" : "apexofficechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Office Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexofficechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "Good for hosting small dinner parties.", > "//name" : "classictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", > "//name" : "crystalcavebush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalcavebush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "apexshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexshiplocker" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a human couple.", > "//name" : "paintinggothic", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintinggothic" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "Some sort of eggs.", > "//name" : "hivebush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Eggs", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivebush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush that may secretly be a Floran in disguise.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A broken pillar.", > "//name" : "heckpillar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckpillar2" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", > "//name" : "crystalcavebush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalcavebush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A comfy chair, looks like it's meant to be nailed to the floor.", > "//name" : "apexcomfychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcomfychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "A very basic mass produced wardrobe.", > "//name" : "apexwardrobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwardrobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", > "//name" : "embercoral2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "embercoral2" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "A flask full of red liquid.", > "//name" : "redflask", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Flask", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redflask", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "The shelves are empty.", > "//name" : "apexwoodenshelves", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Shelves", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwoodenshelves", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "A coiling plant, like DNA.", > "//name" : "dnaplant2", > "//shortdescription" : "DNA Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dnaplant2" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.", > "//name" : "paintingmonalisa", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingmonalisa" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", > "//name" : "slimeblob3", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimeblob3" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "A flask full of green goo.", > "//name" : "greenflask", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Flask", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greenflask", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "apexlamp3", > "//shortdescription" : "Paper Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexlamp3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", > "//name" : "embercoral4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "embercoral4" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "Watch out! Lightning bolts!", > "//name" : "electricsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Electricity Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "electricsign" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", > "//name" : "smallwindmill", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallwindmill", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "An electrically charged plasma field. It reacts to sound.", > "//name" : "plasmadisc", > "//shortdescription" : "Plasma Disc", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plasmadisc", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "A putrid, horrible flower.", > "//name" : "junglebush18", > "//shortdescription" : "Putrid Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush18", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "It says 'BIG APE'.", > "//name" : "apexnameplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Nameplate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexnameplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", > "//name" : "tarcrystal5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarcrystal5" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "This cabinet is where the signs come out. Maybe I can put one in?", > "//name" : "signdispenser", > "//shortdescription" : "EASEL Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "signdispenser", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana! The sacred fruit!", > "//name" : "apexstatue3", > "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Lock Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "An ornate fountain - much of the water appears to be wasted.", > "//name" : "classicfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Water Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", > "//name" : "smallinn", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallinn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Don't forget to wash your hands!", > "//name" : "apexsink", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Sink", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexsink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", > "//name" : "embercoral1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "embercoral1" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "This desk is sleek, looks solid.", > "//name" : "apexcooldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue wooden dining chair.", > "//name" : "apexwoodenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwoodenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "The pod is empty.", > "//name" : "apexpod2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Life Support Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpod2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "It's a framed replica of Big Ape's hit album, 'Jungle Love'.", > "//name" : "apexpainting3", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Record", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting3" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush9", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", > "//name" : "smallhouse10", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush7", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of copper.", > "//name" : "copperrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Copper Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperrocksmall" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicmedium2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", > "//name" : "cellstructure4", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellstructure4" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A coiling plant, resembling DNA.", > "//name" : "dnaplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "DNA Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dnaplant1" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicmedium1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicmedium1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of copper.", > "//name" : "copperrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperrock" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "Plaques don't come much classier than this.", > "//name" : "markerwallplaque3", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "markerwallplaque3" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "There's some sheet music here.", > "//name" : "apexpiano", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "A basic mass produced table.", > "//name" : "apextable", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "A tiny clock tower. Save the clock tower!", > "//name" : "smallclocktower", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Clock Tower", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallclocktower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "This seems to be a scientist that 'gave his body to science'.", > "//name" : "apexstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Scientist Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", > "//name" : "hivelight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", > "//name" : "flowerbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "What does it MEAN?", > "//name" : "apexwallpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Modern Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "apexwallpainting2" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", > "//name" : "slimeblob4", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimeblob4" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", > "//name" : "crystalcavebush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalcavebush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "A cheaply-manufactured bed.", > "//name" : "apexbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "225" : { > "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", > "//name" : "tarcrystal4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarcrystal4" > }, > "226" : { > "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", > "//name" : "smallhouse9", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "227" : { > "//description" : "A malfunctioning light.", > "//name" : "apexshiplightBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexshiplightBroken" > }, > "228" : { > "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Fancy Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassiclarge2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "229" : { > "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", > "//name" : "apexslidingdoor2", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexslidingdoor2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", > "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "230" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", > "//name" : "hecklight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "231" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", > "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "232" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", > "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "233" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", > "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "234" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light. A light made of flesh. A-", > "//name" : "hecklight1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecklight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "235" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush8", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "236" : { > "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", > "//name" : "smallhouse11", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse11", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "237" : { > "//description" : "I wonder what all these buttons are for...", > "//name" : "apexconsolekeyboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Console Keyboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexconsolekeyboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "238" : { > "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", > "//name" : "smallhouse4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "apexshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", > "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "A big flashing light and blaring siren guaranteed to draw lots of attention.", > "//name" : "alarm", > "//shortdescription" : "Alarm", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "alarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "241" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", > "//name" : "crystallinebush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystallinebush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "242" : { > "//description" : "Cooks food to a reasonable standard.", > "//name" : "apexoven", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexoven", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", > "//name" : "crystallinebush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystallinebush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "244" : { > "//description" : "A very welcoming sign.", > "//name" : "hecksign", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hecksign" > }, > "245" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike5", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "246" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "247" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "248" : { > "//description" : "A delightful hanging basket. Don't swing from it!", > "//name" : "flowerbasket1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hanging Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flowerbasket1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "249" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of silver.", > "//name" : "silverrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Silver Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "silverrocksmall" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", > "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "250" : { > "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", > "//name" : "smallhouse5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Flats", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "251" : { > "//description" : "The radio is switched on but silent.", > "//name" : "apexradio", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Radio", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexradio", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "252" : { > "//description" : "Go Ape!", > "//name" : "apexlevel1sign", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Level 01 Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexlevel1sign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "253" : { > "//description" : "A fridge, good for keeping food cold.", > "//name" : "apexfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "254" : { > "//description" : "A board game, with a cardboard castle and game pieces.", > "//name" : "fantasyboardgame", > "//shortdescription" : "Fantasy Board Game", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fantasyboardgame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "255" : { > "//description" : "Intercoms are often used to broadcast messages...or receive them.", > "//name" : "apexspeaker", > "//shortdescription" : "Announcement Intercom", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexspeaker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "256" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", > "//name" : "rustbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "257" : { > "//description" : "A small breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "capsulesmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capsulesmall" > }, > "258" : { > "//description" : "I should probably go that way.", > "//name" : "arrowsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Arrow Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arrowsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "259" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", > "//name" : "flowerbed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A pulsating, fleshy light.", > "//name" : "hivelight1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "260" : { > "//description" : "There's nothing on. Every channel just displays a picture of Big Ape.", > "//name" : "apextv", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "261" : { > "//description" : "Simple, but elegant. Plaques like this bring some real class to a place.", > "//name" : "markerwallplaque1", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "markerwallplaque1" > }, > "262" : { > "//description" : "An oddly shaped egg sac.", > "//name" : "hivebush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Egg Sac", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivebush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "263" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush of high aesthetic value.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "264" : { > "//description" : "Hollow bamboo strung together to make a wind chime.", > "//name" : "windchime", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Wind Chime", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "windchime", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "265" : { > "//description" : "A lightweight sliding door, advertised as being slimmer, faster, and more expensive.", > "//name" : "apexslidingdoor1", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexslidingdoor1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "266" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a server. I wonder what kind of games could be hosted on that.", > "//name" : "apexcoolserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Server", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "267" : { > "//description" : "A coiling plant, like DNA.", > "//name" : "dnaplant4", > "//shortdescription" : "DNA Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dnaplant4" > }, > "268" : { > "//description" : "A divine, colourful bush.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "269" : { > "//description" : "It's an exceptionally cool chair.", > "//name" : "apexcoolchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a famous, long-dead Earthling poet.", > "//name" : "paintingshakespeare", > "//shortdescription" : "Famous Poet Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingshakespeare" > }, > "270" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "271" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "apexfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexfuelhatch" > }, > "272" : { > "//description" : "A fully intact ribcage. Not for long.", > "//name" : "smashbones2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones2" > }, > "273" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", > "//name" : "apexbananasign", > "//shortdescription" : "Banana Propaganda Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexbananasign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "274" : { > "//description" : "A pile of bones, prime for smashing.", > "//name" : "smashbones1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones1" > }, > "275" : { > "//description" : "A common ship light.", > "//name" : "apexshiplight", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexshiplight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "276" : { > "//description" : "An empty aquarium. How lonely.", > "//name" : "apexaquarium2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Wooden Aquarium", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexaquarium2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "277" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", > "//name" : "crystallinebush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystallinebush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "278" : { > "//description" : "Acceptable whether you're wearing sweatpants and a beanie or pantaloons.", > "//name" : "cider", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Fruit Drink", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cider", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "279" : { > "//description" : "A decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassicsmall2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Striped Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassicsmall2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "Everything looks significantly more terrifying under a microscope.", > "//name" : "microscope", > "//shortdescription" : "Microscope", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "microscope", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "280" : { > "//description" : "I'd better do what they say... ha!", > "//name" : "apexobeysign", > "//shortdescription" : "Obey Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexobeysign" > }, > "281" : { > "//description" : "A sign that reads \"Danger!\". It couldn't really send a clearer message.", > "//name" : "reddangersign", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Danger Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "reddangersign" > }, > "282" : { > "//description" : "A dining chair fit for the sort of person who enjoys caviar.", > "//name" : "classicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "283" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue kitchen counter.", > "//name" : "apexcounter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcounter2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "284" : { > "//description" : "A tiny communal building. Who visits it?", > "//name" : "smallchurch", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Building", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallchurch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "285" : { > "//description" : "Each of these desks has a coffee mug and lamp fused to its surface.", > "//name" : "apexdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "286" : { > "//description" : "A tiny house. Who lives here?", > "//name" : "smallhouse6", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "287" : { > "//description" : "A brain in a jar, daydreaming.", > "//name" : "apexbrainjar", > "//shortdescription" : "Brain in a Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbrainjar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "288" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "289" : { > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", > "//name" : "junglebush13", > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush13", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Simple, but elegant. Plaques like this bring some real class to a place.", > "//name" : "markerwallplaque2", > "//shortdescription" : "Polished Stone Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "markerwallplaque2" > }, > "290" : { > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", > "//name" : "junglebush16", > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush16", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "291" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush6", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "292" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", > "//name" : "rustbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "293" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "apexshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "294" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "apexshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexshiplockerTier0" > }, > "295" : { > "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", > "//name" : "lunarbasedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "296" : { > "//description" : "This door is airtight and made with incredibly strong materials.", > "//name" : "lunarbasedoor_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Blastdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "297" : { > "//description" : "A very flattering painting of Big Ape, Glorious Beloved Leader of the Apex.", > "//name" : "apexpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glorious Leader Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting1" > }, > "298" : { > "//description" : "It's just a wall panel.", > "//name" : "apexwoodpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wall Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexwoodpanel" > }, > "299" : { > "//description" : "A shard of crystallised tar", > "//name" : "tarcrystal1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarcrystal1" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A weird jumble of cells.", > "//name" : "cellstructure3", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Structure", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellstructure3" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "300" : { > "//description" : "The sign indicates something medicine-related in the vicinity.", > "//name" : "apexmedsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Medical Bay Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexmedsign" > }, > "301" : { > "//description" : "A malfunctioning light.", > "//name" : "redlightBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redlightBroken" > }, > "302" : { > "//description" : "Ape Flu? Sounds serious...", > "//name" : "apexflusign", > "//shortdescription" : "Ape Flu Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexflusign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "303" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "304" : { > "//description" : "I think Big Ape is watching...", > "//name" : "apexhdtv", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape HDTV", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "apexhdtv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "305" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "techstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "techstationTier0" > }, > "306" : { > "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", > "//name" : "embercoral5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "embercoral5" > }, > "307" : { > "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing Apex figures.", > "//name" : "paintingcreationofapepixel", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Big Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingcreationofapepixel" > }, > "308" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", > "//name" : "paintingbirthofapevenus", > "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingbirthofapevenus" > }, > "309" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex couple.", > "//name" : "paintingapegothic", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapegothic" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "310" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of an Apex with an earring.", > "//name" : "paintingapexpearlearring", > "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Ape Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "paintingapexpearlearring" > }, > "311" : { > "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming Apex.", > "//name" : "paintingapescream", > "//shortdescription" : "Howler Monkey Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapescream" > }, > "312" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner1", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Top", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner1" > }, > "313" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Bottom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner3" > }, > "314" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner2" > }, > "315" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "combinationprop", > "//shortdescription" : "Combination Lock Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "combinationprop" > }, > "316" : { > "//description" : "A quiet painting of an Apex with a pet.", > "//name" : "paintingapexwithermine", > "//shortdescription" : "Pet Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapexwithermine" > }, > "317" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classicbanner2b", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Banner Mid Symbol", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbanner2b" > }, > "318" : { > "//description" : "This used to be the classiest curtain. Now it's a bit tattered.", > "//name" : "classicbannertattered", > "//shortdescription" : "Tattered Classic Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbannertattered" > }, > "319" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A pretty iron wall sconce.", > "//name" : "classiclight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiclight" > }, > "320" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "321" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "teleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teleporterTier0" > }, > "322" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "teleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teleporter" > }, > "323" : { > "//name" : "hylotlspeaker", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "324" : { > "//description" : "Tenth Study in Female Hylotlgy", > "//name" : "tenstudiesplaque", > "//shortdescription" : "Nameplate", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tenstudiesplaque" > }, > "325" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", > "//name" : "saloonlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "326" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", > "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "327" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", > "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "328" : { > "//description" : "A critter in a jar, daydreaming.", > "//name" : "symbiotesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Symbiote in a Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "symbiotesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "329" : { > "//description" : "BZZZZZZZZT, ouch.", > "//name" : "teslaspike_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Tesla Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teslaspike" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful bed of rich wood and silks.", > "//name" : "classicbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "330" : { > "//description" : "A sleek vertical doorway, perfect for secret labs.", > "//name" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "laboratoryverticaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "331" : { > "//description" : "A sleek red wall light.", > "//name" : "laboratorylight", > "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "laboratorylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "332" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock4", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "333" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock7", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "334" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock6", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "335" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock8", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "336" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock5", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "337" : { > "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratewallbanner", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "protectoratewallbanner" > }, > "338" : { > "//description" : "A console with interesting looking levels and lightbulbs.", > "//name" : "foundryconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundryconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "339" : { > "//name" : "apexfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A classic banana-infused wood door with a gilded handle.", > "//name" : "classicdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "340" : { > "//name" : "apexfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "341" : { > "//name" : "apexfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "342" : { > "//name" : "apexfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "343" : { > "//description" : "Everything you need to survive. Almost.", > "//name" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "//shortdescription" : "Shelter Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "344" : { > "//name" : "apexfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "345" : { > "//name" : "trexfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "346" : { > "//description" : "A clean looking counter.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitycounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitycounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "347" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal shelf, some store goods still remain on the shelves.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "348" : { > "//description" : "An old sign from an Apex laboratory.", > "//name" : "miniknogoldsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Ministry of Knowledge Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "miniknogoldsign" > }, > "349" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "apexartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexartifactaltar" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", > "//name" : "classiccandlestick", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccandlestick", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "350" : { > "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", > "//name" : "fistlauncher", > "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fistlauncher" > }, > "351" : { > "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", > "//name" : "fistlauncher_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fistlauncher" > }, > "352" : { > "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", > "//name" : "fistlauncher_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "fistlauncher" > }, > "353" : { > "//description" : "This device is meticulously engineered to launch fists with great force", > "//name" : "fistlauncher_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Fist Launcher", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "fistlauncher" > }, > "354" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "bigapescreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Ape Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigapescreen" > }, > "355" : { > "//description" : "A large breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "tentaclepopbig", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Tentacle Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepopbig" > }, > "356" : { > "//description" : "A breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "tentaclepopmed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Tentacle Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepopmed" > }, > "357" : { > "//description" : "A breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "tentaclepopsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Tentacle Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepopsmall" > }, > "358" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to buy stuff.", > "//name" : "apexstoresign", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexstoresign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "359" : { > "//description" : "A pile of sand bags.", > "//name" : "sandbags", > "//shortdescription" : "Sand Bags", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandbags", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.", > "//name" : "classiccandlestick_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Candlestick", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccandlestick", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "360" : { > "//description" : "A disorganised map for locating Big Ape. Whoever drew it was very angry.", > "//name" : "bigapetargetmap", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Target Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bigapetargetmap" > }, > "361" : { > "//description" : "A display cycling through information about Miniknog strongholds.", > "//name" : "miniknogintel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Miniknog Intel Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "miniknogintel1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "362" : { > "//description" : "A computer displaying information downloaded from the drone on top.", > "//name" : "minidronerack", > "//shortdescription" : "Minidrone Intel Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "minidronerack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "363" : { > "//description" : "A large propaganda newspaper, to be put up where everyone can see.", > "//name" : "miniknognewspaper", > "//shortdescription" : "Miniknog Newspaper", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "miniknognewspaper" > }, > "364" : { > "//description" : "A somewhat suspicious doll of Big Ape.", > "//name" : "bigapedoll", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Doll", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigapedoll", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "365" : { > "//description" : "Thin hanging drapes. Quite classy.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Thin Drape", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classiccurtain3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "This door is beautifully crafted.", > "//name" : "classicbardoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Barred Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbardoor" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush9", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "This strange lamp emits a low green light.", > "//name" : "apextablelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Lamp Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextablelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of diamond.", > "//name" : "diamondrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Diamond Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamondrocksmall" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "All Hail the Great Banana!", > "//name" : "apexstatue2", > "//shortdescription" : "Great Banana Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "apexcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "The finest automated security turret around.", > "//name" : "apexturret", > "//shortdescription" : "High-tech Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "There seems to be an Apex in there, connected to a bunch of wires and tubes.", > "//name" : "apexpod", > "//shortdescription" : "Life Support Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexpod", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A classy chest filled with classy treasure!", > "//name" : "classicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A defaced poster of Big Ape.", > "//name" : "apexmocksign", > "//shortdescription" : "Disobey Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexmocksign" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A Miniknog locker.", > "//name" : "apexlocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexlocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A cute, colourful bush.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "May we forever obey him.", > "//name" : "apexpainting5", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Cross-Stitch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexpainting5" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuck.", > "//name" : "slimeblob1", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimeblob1" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "capsulemed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capsulemed" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "//name" : "apexcooldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "It should be stocked full of science journals and lab reports.", > "//name" : "apexcoolbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A creepy monitor. A face flickers onto the screen, almost faster than the eye can see.", > "//name" : "apexceilingtv", > "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Ceiling TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexceilingtv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "There's nothing of interest on this shelf.", > "//name" : "apexcoolshelf1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Empty Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolshelf1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "This upholstery is bananas.", > "//name" : "apexarmchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexarmchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", > "//name" : "junglebush15", > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush15", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", > "//name" : "smallhouse7", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "Don't do it!", > "//name" : "apexdonotenter", > "//shortdescription" : "Do Not Enter Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexdonotenter" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "Little house on the prairie. Or wherever you are.", > "//name" : "smallhouse3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A blueprint encased in a vile bubble of slime.", > "//name" : "blueprintblob", > "//shortdescription" : "Blueprint Blob", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "blueprintblob" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "This chandelier is made of wrought-iron. It looks expensive.", > "//name" : "classicchandelier", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chandelier", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "classicchandelier", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike10", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "buglike10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "This cool computer is making a lot of 'beep boop boop beep' noises.", > "//name" : "apexcoolcomputer", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolcomputer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "That big red level should probably be left alone.", > "//name" : "apexconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Research Terminal", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "Another victim of this tacky polka dot print.", > "//name" : "apexcouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A crystalline deposit. Shiny.", > "//name" : "crystallinebush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystalline Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystallinebush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A sunflower who's just looking for the sun.", > "//name" : "movingsunflower", > "//shortdescription" : "Moving Sunflower", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "movingsunflower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A shard of crystalised tar", > "//name" : "tarcrystal2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Shard", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarcrystal2" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", > "//name" : "apexlamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Tall Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexlamp2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "An oddly shaped egg sac.", > "//name" : "hivebush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Egg Sac", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivebush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush11", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush11", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a great Apex poet. He...looks familiar.", > "//name" : "paintingapespeare", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Poet Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingapespeare" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush7", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A tiny house. Who lives here?", > "//name" : "smallhouse1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase built to be filled with classic literature.", > "//name" : "classicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "An appropriately glorious monument dedicated to a glorious leader.", > "//name" : "classicapestatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Monument", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicapestatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "That sure is a cool table.", > "//name" : "apexcooltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A miniature house. Don't knock too hard!", > "//name" : "smallhouse2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallhouse2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "It's a bust of Big Ape, Glorious Leader of the Apex.", > "//name" : "apexstatue1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Ape Bust", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstatue1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike9", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "buglike9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A large decorative vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "vaseclassiclarge1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Striped Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vaseclassiclarge1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", > "//name" : "junglebush14", > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush14", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of gold.", > "//name" : "goldrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Gold Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldrocksmall" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful painting of the night sky.", > "//name" : "paintingstarrynight", > "//shortdescription" : "Abstract Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingstarrynight" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "A crispy coral shrub.", > "//name" : "embercoral3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ember Coral", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "embercoral3" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "Think happy thoughts!", > "//name" : "apexthoughtreassign", > "//shortdescription" : "Reassignment Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexthoughtreassign" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A coiling plant, like DNA.", > "//name" : "dnaplant3", > "//shortdescription" : "DNA Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dnaplant3" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A table reserved for traitors.", > "//name" : "apextorturebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextorturebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike8", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "buglike8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "The classiest curtain.", > "//name" : "classiccurtain1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiccurtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "A large breakable capsule. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "capsulebig", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capsulebig" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "It seems irresponsible to leave a bunch of unlabelled chemicals unattended.", > "//name" : "apexcoolshelf2", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chemical Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolshelf2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "A vile bubble of slime. Yuk.", > "//name" : "slimeblob2", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Blob", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimeblob2" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "A ceiling spotlight. Ideal lighting for fancy artwork.", > "//name" : "classiclightart", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Ceiling Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "classiclightart", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A pair of standard issue kitchen cabinets.", > "//name" : "apexcounter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcounter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "A short wooden lamp with a polka dot lamp shade.", > "//name" : "apexlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "A thin set of short curtains.", > "//name" : "apexcurtain", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexcurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 3145,4242c3145,4242 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexaquarium1.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexrecordplayer.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/buglike7.png" < }, < "100" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexpainting2.png" < }, < "101" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/slimeblob5.png" < }, < "102" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rustbush1.png" < }, < "103" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/smashbones3.png" < }, < "104" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/platinumrock.png" < }, < "105" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/rustbush2.png" < }, < "106" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classiccupboard.png" < }, < "107" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokenapexfuelhatch.png" < }, < "108" 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classiccurtain1_orientation3.png" > }, > "91" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classiccurtain1_orientation4.png" > }, > "92" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classiccurtain1_orientation5.png" > }, > "93" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/capsulebig.png" > }, > "94" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcoolshelf2.png" > }, > "95" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/slimeblob2.png" > }, > "96" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classiclightart.png" > }, > "97" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcounter1.png" > }, > "98" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexlamp1.png" > }, > "99" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcurtain.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\avian.json 10,2309c10,2309 < "0" : { < "//description" : "It's a spaceship orbiting a planet.", < "//name" : "screen2", < "//shortdescription" : "Spaceship screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A small tribal wall tapestry. It looks soft!", < "//name" : "decorativewallrug2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Colourful Tapestry", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "decorativewallrug2" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A heavy golden door with crystals set into its surface.", < "//name" : "birddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Crystal Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birddoor" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "X marks the spot.", < "//name" : "treasuremap", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Map", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "treasuremap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "Looks like a place you might store an eggcup... Do Avians eat eggs?", < "//name" : "tribalwallcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tribalwallcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "The skull on this tombstone shows that it belongs to one of the grounded.", < "//name" : "tombstone7", < "//shortdescription" : "Grounded's Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "Is it wrong to take your bunny to the afterlife with you?", < "//name" : "sarcobunny", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcobunny", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "This beady-eyed bird jar is made of solid gold.", < "//name" : "goldenjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Bird Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "Ironically, looking at this decorative sun sends a chill down my spine.", < "//name" : "sundecor", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Sun", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sundecor" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", < "//name" : "tombstone1", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "An altar sticky with old blood and feathers.", < "//name" : "sacrificialaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Sacrificial Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sacrificialaltar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "This tomb is anonymous, engraved with the image of its occupant.", < "//name" : "tombstone3", < "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a warrior, fallen in battle.", < "//name" : "tombstone5", < "//shortdescription" : "Warrior's Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "I wouldn't want to find myself locked behind these thick iron bars.", < "//name" : "bardoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bar Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "avianshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "Hand-made and beautiful, this bookcase is intricately carved.", < "//name" : "tribalbookcase1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbookcase1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "Carved patterns surround this small cabinet.", < "//name" : "tribalcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Carved Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "The crystal on top of this closet appears to be broken.", < "//name" : "tribalcloset1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Closet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcloset1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful lamp built from Avian crystal tech.", < "//name" : "triballamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "triballamp" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", < "//name" : "reedseed3", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedseed3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. I wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "sarcoavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcoavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "This emblem commemorates the Avians' first flight to the stars.", < "//name" : "moonemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Moon Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "moonemblem" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "A golden duck!", < "//name" : "goldenducky", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Ducky", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenducky", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful rustic bench.", < "//name" : "avianbench1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianbench1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", < "//name" : "reedseed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedseed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "This mask looks like my ex-wife.", < "//name" : "mask6", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Priest Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask6" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with an egg is etched into its base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal2", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Egg Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "A pale stone altar, undecorated.", < "//name" : "altar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens upwards.", < "//name" : "bardoor2", < "//shortdescription" : "Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "Yarrrr, me hearties!", < "//name" : "shipwheel", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Ship Wheel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipwheel", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A solid stone bed topped with a nest of hay.", < "//name" : "birdbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Guardian's Nest", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", < "//name" : "reedseed5", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedseed5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", < "//name" : "tombstatueavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstatueavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A bunny-shaped jar full of ash. Maybe I can smash it.", < "//name" : "ashjar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashjar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A bird-shaped jar full of ash. I wanna break it.", < "//name" : "ashjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bird Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A ornate obsidian bookcase.", < "//name" : "obsidianbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Obsidian Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "obsidianbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone looks as if it's about to fall over.", < "//name" : "tombstone9", < "//shortdescription" : "Unstable Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "This looks like something I made in pottery class. Crude. I should smash it.", < "//name" : "talljar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crude Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "talljar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully carved Avian bed.", < "//name" : "tribalbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "An Avian banner woven with expensive silk.", < "//name" : "avianbanner1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Colourful Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "avianbanner1" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "This mask looks angry.", < "//name" : "mask3", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Alien Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask3" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", < "//name" : "reedseed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedseed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", < "//name" : "chestmedavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Decorative Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestmedavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "Gorgeous, vibrant feathers arranged like flowers", < "//name" : "feathers1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Feather Bundle", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feathers1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "An engraved Avian tomb depicting the aether.", < "//name" : "tombthing2", < "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Avian Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A carved Avian head sits atop this altar.", < "//name" : "altaravian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Head Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altaravian", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "This Avian server must contain a vast amount of data.", < "//name" : "tribalserver", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Server", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalserver", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", < "//name" : "tombstone2", < "//shortdescription" : "Embossed Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A big fancy gong. It's covered in carvings.", < "//name" : "birdgong2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Avian Gong", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdgong2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. The feather suggests it was for someone important.", < "//name" : "sarcoavian2", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Avian Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcoavian2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully carved door.", < "//name" : "tribaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "avianstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianstoragelocker" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "aviantechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "aviantechstation" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "aviantechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "aviantechstationTier0" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "avianteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianteleporterTier0" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A familiar-shaped jar. It looks angry and smashable.", < "//name" : "ashjar3", < "//shortdescription" : "Familiar Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashjar3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", < "//name" : "avianpressureplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Tomb Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Temple Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", < "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", < "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "templehiddendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "templehiddendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sawblade2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade2" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade2" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens inward.", < "//name" : "bardoor2sideways", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor2sideways", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", < "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wingedurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//name" : "tombtrap", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "176" : { < "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "177" : { < "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "178" : { < "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation4", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "179" : { < "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation5", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "flametrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flametrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", < "//name" : "tombstatueavian_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstatueavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the wild and destructive element of fire.", < "//name" : "fireemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Fire Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "fireemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the strong and resilient element of earth.", < "//name" : "earthemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Earth Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "earthemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the tranquil and life-bringing element of water.", < "//name" : "wateremblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Water Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wateremblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//name" : "windemblem", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "The crystal embedded into this fixture glows with a pale light.", < "//name" : "avianwaterlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianwaterlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "An Avian banner made of gorgeous silk.", < "//name" : "avianbanner3", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Patterned Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "avianbanner3" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", < "//name" : "propeller_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "propeller", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "templehiddentrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Trapdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "templehiddentrapdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", < "//name" : "airbooster_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "airbooster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "This emblem signifies the free and flowing element of air.", < "//name" : "airemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Air Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "airemblem", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", < "//name" : "bouldertrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Temple Boulder Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bouldertrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "209" : { < "//name" : "bouldertrap_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A plain stone tomb caked in dust.", < "//name" : "tombthing1", < "//shortdescription" : "Undecorated Stone Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "210" : { < "//name" : "bouldertrap_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "211" : { < "//name" : "bouldertrap_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "212" : { < "//name" : "bouldertrap_orientation4", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "213" : { < "//name" : "bouldertrap_orientation5", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "214" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "216" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A support beam carved to resemble a fearsome bird.", < "//name" : "idolsupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "idolsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", < "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "A basic wooden chest.", < "//name" : "woodenchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "223" : { < "//name" : "anglureAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "224" : { < "//name" : "bulbopAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "225" : { < "//name" : "adultpoptopAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "226" : { < "//name" : "fennixAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "227" : { < "//name" : "spookitAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "228" : { < "//name" : "nutmidgeAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "229" : { < "//name" : "paratailAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "23" : { < "//name" : "idolsupport_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "230" : { < "//name" : "hypnareAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "231" : { < "//name" : "ringramAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "232" : { < "//name" : "snagglerAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "233" : { < "//name" : "voltipAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "234" : { < "//name" : "pyromantleAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "235" : { < "//name" : "miasmopAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "236" : { < "//name" : "crabcanoAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "237" : { < "//name" : "yokatAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "238" : { < "//name" : "capricoatAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "239" : { < "//name" : "lumothAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A tall stone pillar.", < "//name" : "pillar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pillar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "240" : { < "//name" : "mandrafloraAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "241" : { < "//name" : "orbideAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "242" : { < "//name" : "bobotAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "243" : { < "//name" : "ignomeAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "244" : { < "//name" : "tinticAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "245" : { < "//name" : "triplodAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "246" : { < "//name" : "lilodonAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "247" : { < "//name" : "monopusAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "248" : { < "//name" : "gleapAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "249" : { < "//name" : "snauntAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "Is that an Avian... or a chicken?", < "//name" : "windchicken", < "//shortdescription" : "Weathervane", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "windchicken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "250" : { < "//name" : "oculobAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "251" : { < "//name" : "petricubAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "252" : { < "//name" : "squeemAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "253" : { < "//name" : "ooglerAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "254" : { < "//name" : "narfinAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "255" : { < "//name" : "agrobatAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "256" : { < "//name" : "hemogoblinAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "257" : { < "//name" : "wisperAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "258" : { < "//name" : "scandroidAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "259" : { < "//name" : "toumingoAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "This guy seems... wise.", < "//name" : "mask5", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Wiseman Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask5" < }, < "260" : { < "//name" : "scaveranAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "261" : { < "//name" : "pulpinAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "262" : { < "//name" : "bobfaeAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "263" : { < "//name" : "crustoiseAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "264" : { < "//name" : "crutterAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "265" : { < "//name" : "iguarmorAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "266" : { < "//name" : "peblitAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "267" : { < "//name" : "pipkinAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "268" : { < "//name" : "poptopAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "269" : { < "//name" : "pteropodAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A thick woven banner depicting a crescent moon.", < "//name" : "avianbanner2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lunar Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "avianbanner2" < }, < "270" : { < "//name" : "skimbusAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "271" : { < "//name" : "taroniAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "272" : { < "//name" : "trictusAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "273" : { < "//name" : "quagmuttAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "274" : { < "//name" : "batongAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "275" : { < "//name" : "smoglinAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "276" : { < "//name" : "sporgusAF", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "277" : { < "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", < "//name" : "volcanictrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "volcanictrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "278" : { < "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", < "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "volcanictrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "279" : { < "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", < "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "volcanictrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "An open stone tomb. It smells.", < "//name" : "tombthing3", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Stone Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "280" : { < "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", < "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "volcanictrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "281" : { < "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", < "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "volcanictrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "282" : { < "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", < "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "volcanictrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "283" : { < "//description" : "I can't stand on this stone platform for long!", < "//name" : "templepressureplatform", < "//shortdescription" : "Temple Pressure Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "templepressureplatform" < }, < "284" : { < "//name" : "avianfossil3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "285" : { < "//description" : "An automated soil watering solution.", < "//name" : "sprinkler", < "//shortdescription" : "Sprinkler", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sprinkler", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "286" : { < "//description" : "An automated soil watering solution.", < "//name" : "sprinkler_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sprinkler", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sprinkler", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "287" : { < "//name" : "avianfossil1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "288" : { < "//name" : "avianfossilcomplete", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "289" : { < "//name" : "avianfossil2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "I wonder what fruit they sell on this planet.", < "//name" : "marketstall1", < "//shortdescription" : "Market Fruit Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "290" : { < "//name" : "avianfossilcomplete_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "291" : { < "//description" : "A trap door disguised as a metal platform.", < "//name" : "metallictrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Trap Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metallictrapdoor" < }, < "292" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", < "//name" : "avianartifactaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Artifact Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianartifactaltar" < }, < "293" : { < "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", < "//name" : "floranbouldertrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Boulder Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranbouldertrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "294" : { < "//name" : "tentacleexperiment", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "295" : { < "//description" : "A statue honouring the history of the Avian god Kluex.", < "//name" : "kluexstatue1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Winged Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kluexstatue1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "296" : { < "//description" : "An old torn map which claims to lead to godly treasures.", < "//name" : "kluexmap1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Treasure Map", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "kluexmap1" < }, < "297" : { < "//description" : "An ancient mural depicting the gifts given by Kluex to his followers.", < "//name" : "kluexmural2", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Gift Mural", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "kluexmural2" < }, < "298" : { < "//description" : "An ancient mural of the god Kluex.", < "//name" : "kluexmural1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex World Mural", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "kluexmural1" < }, < "299" : { < "//description" : "A statue depicting the might of the deity Kluex.", < "//name" : "kluexstatue2", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Serpentine Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kluexstatue2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone belonged to one of the grounded. It's been desecrated.", < "//name" : "tombstone8", < "//shortdescription" : "Desecrated Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", < "//name" : "reedseed4", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedseed4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "300" : { < "//description" : "A statue depicting the might of the deity Kluex.", < "//name" : "kluexstatue2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Serpentine Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kluexstatue2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "avianshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianshiplockerTier0" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "Huge feathers are sprouting from this small bird statue.", < "//name" : "featherybird", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "featherybird", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A lavish Avian tomb.", < "//name" : "tombthing4", < "//shortdescription" : "Lavish Avian Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "Are those... brain waves? Yes. Yes they are.", < "//name" : "screen5", < "//shortdescription" : "Brain Activity Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "Beautiful fabrics and clothing adorn this cute little stall.", < "//name" : "marketstall2", < "//shortdescription" : "Market Clothes Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A large metal gong. It's so tempting to give it a smack!", < "//name" : "birdgong1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Gong", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdgong1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A red flashing light... That's usually not good.", < "//name" : "redalert", < "//shortdescription" : "Warning Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redalert" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "Glyphs pulse ominously... what do they mean?", < "//name" : "screen4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glyph Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sawblade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A tall, dusty pot that smells of bird poop. Maybe it's smashable.", < "//name" : "talljar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "talljar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sawblade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", < "//name" : "sawblade_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "sawblade" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A small security panel.", < "//name" : "consoletribalwall", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Security Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribalwall" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a priest, fallen in battle.", < "//name" : "tombstone6", < "//shortdescription" : "Priest's Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A small empty stall. It looks sad.", < "//name" : "marketstall4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Empty Market Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A small, brittle-looking pot. It looks smashable...", < "//name" : "smalljar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smalljar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a bunny.", < "//name" : "tombstatuebunny", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bunny Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstatuebunny", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A large empty stall. I bet business is slow.", < "//name" : "marketstall5", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Empty Market Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A sickly-sweet scent clings to the inside.", < "//name" : "lamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a worm. But where's the hook?", < "//name" : "wormstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Worm Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wormstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A star map! It's a little primitive.", < "//name" : "screen3", < "//shortdescription" : "Star Map Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A dank old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", < "//name" : "chestavian2", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestavian2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A Golden Egg! What!?", < "//name" : "goldenegg", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Egg", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenegg", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with a bird crudely etched into the base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal1", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Bird Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "An intricately woven wall tapestry.", < "//name" : "decorativewallrug1", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Tapestry", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "decorativewallrug1" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "Gorgeous, colourful feathers arranged like flowers.", < "//name" : "feathers2", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Feather Bundle", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feathers2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable Avian bench.", < "//name" : "avianbench2", < "//shortdescription" : "Village Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianbench2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "An access panel with a flame carved into its base.", < "//name" : "consoletribal3", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Flame Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife.", < "//name" : "sarcohuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcohuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A lavish bird-shaped jar. Maybe I can smash it...", < "//name" : "bigjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Bird Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A broken stone pillar.", < "//name" : "pillar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stone Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pillar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A heavy metal anchor. Yarr.", < "//name" : "anchor", < "//shortdescription" : "Anchor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "anchor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", < "//name" : "reedclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Wall Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "reedclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone is engraved with an eye symbol", < "//name" : "tombstone10", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "avianteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianteleporter" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "The ashes of Avian Stargazers are often stored in urns like this one.", < "//name" : "goldenurn", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenurn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A carved bunny sits on top of this altar.", < "//name" : "altarbunny", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altarbunny", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "avianfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "avianfuelhatch" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "This guy looks surprised to see me!", < "//name" : "mask1", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Human Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask1" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "This tombstone has been smashed beyond repair.", < "//name" : "tombstone4", < "//shortdescription" : "Smashed Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenavianfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenavianfuelhatch" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A wireless energy supply.", < "//name" : "tesla", < "//shortdescription" : "Wireless Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tesla", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A stone table in typical Avian style.", < "//name" : "birdtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Temple Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A standard cloth Avian banner.", < "//name" : "avianbanner4", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Small Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianbanner4" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "Old system readings that seem to be out of date.", < "//name" : "screen1", < "//shortdescription" : "Data Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screen1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A large old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", < "//name" : "chestmedavian2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Old Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestmedavian2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "I swear the eye is following me around the room..", < "//name" : "birdgodemblem", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Emblem", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "birdgodemblem" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A smooth cooking surface.", < "//name" : "tribalcounter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcounter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "avianshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianshiplocker" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "An assortment of pointy things.", < "//name" : "marketstall3", < "//shortdescription" : "Market Weapon Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "marketstall3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//name" : "mask7", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "What an ugly jar.", < "//name" : "birdjar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ugly Temple Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdjar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "This guy looks hungry. His eyes make me uncomfortable.", < "//name" : "mask2", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Skull Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask2" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", < "//name" : "owlclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Owl Wall Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "owlclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "The rack is filled with antique Avian spears.", < "//name" : "spearrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Spear Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spearrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "This jar has seen better days. It looks smashable...", < "//name" : "birdjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Temple Jar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "An interestingly carved table.", < "//name" : "tribaltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribaltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "This book case was built to store Avian history.", < "//name" : "tribalbookcase2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Avian Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbookcase2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A rather serious looking bird.", < "//name" : "mask4", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird Mask", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mask4" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", < "//name" : "chestavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "A crumbling old pot with patterned markings. It looks smashable.", < "//name" : "midjar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "midjar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife. Wait a minute... I think I can hear something inside!", < "//name" : "sarcohumanalive", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sarcohumanalive", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this flickering torch.", < "//name" : "birdgroundlantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdgroundlantern", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "The altar is covered in carvings of a winged god.", < "//name" : "birdaltar2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Prayer Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdaltar2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A crystal levitates above its frame, emitting an eerie light.", < "//name" : "crystaltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "aviancaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "aviancaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "These symbols signify a mass grave.", < "//name" : "tombstone11", < "//shortdescription" : "Mass Tombstone", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombstone11", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", < "//name" : "birdthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", < "//name" : "birdthrone_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//name" : "avianteleporterdecorative", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "avianshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A large control panel powered by Avian crystals.", < "//name" : "consoletribal4", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "consoletribal4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenavianfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenavianfuelhatchTier0" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "It's a spaceship orbiting a planet.", > "//name" : "screen2", > "//shortdescription" : "Spaceship screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A small tribal wall tapestry. It looks soft!", > "//name" : "decorativewallrug2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Colourful Tapestry", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "decorativewallrug2" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A heavy golden door with crystals set into its surface.", > "//name" : "birddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Crystal Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birddoor" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "X marks the spot.", > "//name" : "treasuremap", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "treasuremap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "Looks like a place you might store an eggcup... Do Avians eat eggs?", > "//name" : "tribalwallcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tribalwallcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "The skull on this tombstone shows that it belongs to one of the grounded.", > "//name" : "tombstone7", > "//shortdescription" : "Grounded's Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "Is it wrong to take your bunny to the afterlife with you?", > "//name" : "sarcobunny", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcobunny", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "This beady-eyed bird jar is made of solid gold.", > "//name" : "goldenjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Bird Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "Ironically, looking at this decorative sun sends a chill down my spine.", > "//name" : "sundecor", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Sun", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sundecor" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", > "//name" : "tombstone1", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "An altar sticky with old blood and feathers.", > "//name" : "sacrificialaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Sacrificial Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sacrificialaltar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "This tomb is anonymous, engraved with the image of its occupant.", > "//name" : "tombstone3", > "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a warrior, fallen in battle.", > "//name" : "tombstone5", > "//shortdescription" : "Warrior's Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "I wouldn't want to find myself locked behind these thick iron bars.", > "//name" : "bardoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bar Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "avianshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "Hand-made and beautiful, this bookcase is intricately carved.", > "//name" : "tribalbookcase1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbookcase1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "Carved patterns surround this small cabinet.", > "//name" : "tribalcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Carved Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "The crystal on top of this closet appears to be broken.", > "//name" : "tribalcloset1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Closet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcloset1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful lamp built from Avian crystal tech.", > "//name" : "triballamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "triballamp" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "//name" : "reedseed3", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedseed3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. I wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "sarcoavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcoavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "This emblem commemorates the Avians' first flight to the stars.", > "//name" : "moonemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Moon Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "moonemblem" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "A golden duck!", > "//name" : "goldenducky", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Ducky", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenducky", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful rustic bench.", > "//name" : "avianbench1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianbench1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "//name" : "reedseed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedseed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "This mask looks like my ex-wife.", > "//name" : "mask6", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Priest Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask6" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with an egg is etched into its base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal2", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Egg Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A pale stone altar, undecorated.", > "//name" : "altar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens upwards.", > "//name" : "bardoor2", > "//shortdescription" : "Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "Yarrrr, me hearties!", > "//name" : "shipwheel", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Ship Wheel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shipwheel", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A solid stone bed topped with a nest of hay.", > "//name" : "birdbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Guardian's Nest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "//name" : "reedseed5", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedseed5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", > "//name" : "tombstatueavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstatueavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A bunny-shaped jar full of ash. Maybe I can smash it.", > "//name" : "ashjar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashjar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A bird-shaped jar full of ash. I wanna break it.", > "//name" : "ashjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bird Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A ornate obsidian bookcase.", > "//name" : "obsidianbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Obsidian Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "obsidianbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone looks as if it's about to fall over.", > "//name" : "tombstone9", > "//shortdescription" : "Unstable Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "This looks like something I made in pottery class. Crude. I should smash it.", > "//name" : "talljar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crude Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "talljar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully carved Avian bed.", > "//name" : "tribalbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "An Avian banner woven with expensive silk.", > "//name" : "avianbanner1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Colourful Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "avianbanner1" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "This mask looks angry.", > "//name" : "mask3", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Alien Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask3" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "//name" : "reedseed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedseed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", > "//name" : "chestmedavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Decorative Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestmedavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "Gorgeous, vibrant feathers arranged like flowers", > "//name" : "feathers1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Feather Bundle", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feathers1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "An engraved Avian tomb depicting the aether.", > "//name" : "tombthing2", > "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Avian Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A carved Avian head sits atop this altar.", > "//name" : "altaravian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Head Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altaravian", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "This Avian server must contain a vast amount of data.", > "//name" : "tribalserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Server", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "The words honour a fallen Avian.", > "//name" : "tombstone2", > "//shortdescription" : "Embossed Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A big fancy gong. It's covered in carvings.", > "//name" : "birdgong2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Avian Gong", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdgong2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "An expertly crafted Avian sarcophagus. The feather suggests it was for someone important.", > "//name" : "sarcoavian2", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Avian Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcoavian2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully carved door.", > "//name" : "tribaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "avianstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianstoragelocker" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "aviantechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "aviantechstation" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "aviantechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "aviantechstationTier0" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "avianteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianteleporterTier0" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A familiar-shaped jar. It looks angry and smashable.", > "//name" : "ashjar3", > "//shortdescription" : "Familiar Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashjar3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", > "//name" : "avianpressureplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "This tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "avianswitchhidden1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianswitchhidden1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", > "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "Use this pressure plate wisely.", > "//name" : "avianpressureplate_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "templehiddendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "templehiddendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sawblade2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade2" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Saw Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade2" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "This heavy iron portcullis opens inward.", > "//name" : "bardoor2sideways", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor2sideways", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A winged urn, perhaps believed to carry the dead into the afterlife.", > "//name" : "wingedurn_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Winged Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wingedurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//name" : "tombtrap", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "176" : { > "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "177" : { > "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "178" : { > "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation4", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "179" : { > "//name" : "tombtrap_orientation5", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "crystaltrap_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "A flame trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "flametrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flame Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flametrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a great Avian hero.", > "//name" : "tombstatueavian_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Hero Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstatueavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the wild and destructive element of fire.", > "//name" : "fireemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Fire Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "fireemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the strong and resilient element of earth.", > "//name" : "earthemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Earth Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "earthemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the tranquil and life-bringing element of water.", > "//name" : "wateremblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Water Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wateremblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//name" : "windemblem", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "The crystal embedded into this fixture glows with a pale light.", > "//name" : "avianwaterlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianwaterlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "An Avian banner made of gorgeous silk.", > "//name" : "avianbanner3", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Patterned Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "avianbanner3" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted propeller.", > "//name" : "propeller_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Propeller", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "propeller", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "templehiddentrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Brick Hidden Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "templehiddentrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "The gas released from these chutes makes you feel light as a feather.", > "//name" : "airbooster_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Booster", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "airbooster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "This emblem signifies the free and flowing element of air.", > "//name" : "airemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Air Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "airemblem", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", > "//name" : "bouldertrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Temple Boulder Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bouldertrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//name" : "bouldertrap_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A plain stone tomb caked in dust.", > "//name" : "tombthing1", > "//shortdescription" : "Undecorated Stone Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//name" : "bouldertrap_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "211" : { > "//name" : "bouldertrap_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "212" : { > "//name" : "bouldertrap_orientation4", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "213" : { > "//name" : "bouldertrap_orientation5", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A support beam carved to resemble a fearsome bird.", > "//name" : "idolsupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "idolsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "A crystal trap designed to deter invaders.", > "//name" : "ancientcrystaltrap_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Crystal Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientcrystaltrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "A basic wooden chest.", > "//name" : "woodenchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "223" : { > "//name" : "anglureAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "224" : { > "//name" : "bulbopAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "225" : { > "//name" : "adultpoptopAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "226" : { > "//name" : "fennixAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "227" : { > "//name" : "spookitAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "228" : { > "//name" : "nutmidgeAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "229" : { > "//name" : "paratailAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "23" : { > "//name" : "idolsupport_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "230" : { > "//name" : "hypnareAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "231" : { > "//name" : "ringramAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "232" : { > "//name" : "snagglerAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "233" : { > "//name" : "voltipAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "234" : { > "//name" : "pyromantleAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "235" : { > "//name" : "miasmopAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "236" : { > "//name" : "crabcanoAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "237" : { > "//name" : "yokatAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "238" : { > "//name" : "capricoatAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "239" : { > "//name" : "lumothAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A tall stone pillar.", > "//name" : "pillar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pillar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "240" : { > "//name" : "mandrafloraAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "241" : { > "//name" : "orbideAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "242" : { > "//name" : "bobotAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "243" : { > "//name" : "ignomeAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "244" : { > "//name" : "tinticAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "245" : { > "//name" : "triplodAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "246" : { > "//name" : "lilodonAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "247" : { > "//name" : "monopusAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "248" : { > "//name" : "gleapAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "249" : { > "//name" : "snauntAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "Is that an Avian... or a chicken?", > "//name" : "windchicken", > "//shortdescription" : "Weathervane", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "windchicken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "250" : { > "//name" : "oculobAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "251" : { > "//name" : "petricubAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "252" : { > "//name" : "squeemAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "253" : { > "//name" : "ooglerAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "254" : { > "//name" : "narfinAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "255" : { > "//name" : "agrobatAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "256" : { > "//name" : "hemogoblinAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "257" : { > "//name" : "wisperAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "258" : { > "//name" : "scandroidAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "259" : { > "//name" : "toumingoAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "This guy seems... wise.", > "//name" : "mask5", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Wiseman Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask5" > }, > "260" : { > "//name" : "scaveranAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "261" : { > "//name" : "pulpinAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "262" : { > "//name" : "bobfaeAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "263" : { > "//name" : "crustoiseAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "264" : { > "//name" : "crutterAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "265" : { > "//name" : "iguarmorAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "266" : { > "//name" : "peblitAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "267" : { > "//name" : "pipkinAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "268" : { > "//name" : "poptopAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "269" : { > "//name" : "pteropodAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A thick woven banner depicting a crescent moon.", > "//name" : "avianbanner2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Lunar Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "avianbanner2" > }, > "270" : { > "//name" : "skimbusAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "271" : { > "//name" : "taroniAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "272" : { > "//name" : "trictusAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "273" : { > "//name" : "quagmuttAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "274" : { > "//name" : "batongAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "275" : { > "//name" : "smoglinAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "276" : { > "//name" : "sporgusAF", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "277" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "278" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "279" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "An open stone tomb. It smells.", > "//name" : "tombthing3", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Stone Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "280" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "281" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "282" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "283" : { > "//description" : "I can't stand on this stone platform for long!", > "//name" : "templepressureplatform", > "//shortdescription" : "Temple Pressure Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "templepressureplatform" > }, > "284" : { > "//name" : "avianfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "285" : { > "//description" : "An automated soil watering solution.", > "//name" : "sprinkler", > "//shortdescription" : "Sprinkler", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sprinkler", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "286" : { > "//description" : "An automated soil watering solution.", > "//name" : "sprinkler_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sprinkler", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sprinkler", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "287" : { > "//name" : "avianfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "288" : { > "//name" : "avianfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "289" : { > "//name" : "avianfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "I wonder what fruit they sell on this planet.", > "//name" : "marketstall1", > "//shortdescription" : "Market Fruit Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "290" : { > "//name" : "avianfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "291" : { > "//description" : "A trap door disguised as a metal platform.", > "//name" : "metallictrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Trap Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metallictrapdoor" > }, > "292" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "avianartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianartifactaltar" > }, > "293" : { > "//description" : "A trap that drops heavy boulders on unsuspecting intruders.", > "//name" : "floranbouldertrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Boulder Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranbouldertrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "294" : { > "//name" : "tentacleexperiment", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "295" : { > "//description" : "A statue honouring the history of the Avian god Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexstatue1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Winged Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexstatue1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "296" : { > "//description" : "An old torn map which claims to lead to godly treasures.", > "//name" : "kluexmap1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Treasure Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kluexmap1" > }, > "297" : { > "//description" : "An ancient mural depicting the gifts given by Kluex to his followers.", > "//name" : "kluexmural2", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Gift Mural", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kluexmural2" > }, > "298" : { > "//description" : "An ancient mural of the god Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexmural1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex World Mural", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kluexmural1" > }, > "299" : { > "//description" : "A statue depicting the might of the deity Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexstatue2", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Serpentine Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexstatue2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone belonged to one of the grounded. It's been desecrated.", > "//name" : "tombstone8", > "//shortdescription" : "Desecrated Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Tall, leafy reeds.", > "//name" : "reedseed4", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedseed4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "300" : { > "//description" : "A statue depicting the might of the deity Kluex.", > "//name" : "kluexstatue2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Serpentine Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexstatue2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "avianshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianshiplockerTier0" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "Huge feathers are sprouting from this small bird statue.", > "//name" : "featherybird", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "featherybird", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A lavish Avian tomb.", > "//name" : "tombthing4", > "//shortdescription" : "Lavish Avian Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "Are those... brain waves? Yes. Yes they are.", > "//name" : "screen5", > "//shortdescription" : "Brain Activity Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Beautiful fabrics and clothing adorn this cute little stall.", > "//name" : "marketstall2", > "//shortdescription" : "Market Clothes Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A large metal gong. It's so tempting to give it a smack!", > "//name" : "birdgong1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Gong", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdgong1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A red flashing light... That's usually not good.", > "//name" : "redalert", > "//shortdescription" : "Warning Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redalert" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "Glyphs pulse ominously... what do they mean?", > "//name" : "screen4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glyph Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sawblade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A tall, dusty pot that smells of bird poop. Maybe it's smashable.", > "//name" : "talljar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "talljar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sawblade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "Wow, this looks sharp!", > "//name" : "sawblade_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Sawblade Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "sawblade" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A small security panel.", > "//name" : "consoletribalwall", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Security Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribalwall" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone belongs to a priest, fallen in battle.", > "//name" : "tombstone6", > "//shortdescription" : "Priest's Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A small empty stall. It looks sad.", > "//name" : "marketstall4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Empty Market Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A small, brittle-looking pot. It looks smashable...", > "//name" : "smalljar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smalljar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a bunny.", > "//name" : "tombstatuebunny", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bunny Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstatuebunny", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A large empty stall. I bet business is slow.", > "//name" : "marketstall5", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Empty Market Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A sickly-sweet scent clings to the inside.", > "//name" : "lamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a worm. But where's the hook?", > "//name" : "wormstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Worm Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wormstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A star map! It's a little primitive.", > "//name" : "screen3", > "//shortdescription" : "Star Map Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A dank old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", > "//name" : "chestavian2", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestavian2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A Golden Egg! What!?", > "//name" : "goldenegg", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenegg", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with a bird crudely etched into the base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Bird Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "An intricately woven wall tapestry.", > "//name" : "decorativewallrug1", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Tapestry", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "decorativewallrug1" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "Gorgeous, colourful feathers arranged like flowers.", > "//name" : "feathers2", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Feather Bundle", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feathers2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable Avian bench.", > "//name" : "avianbench2", > "//shortdescription" : "Village Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianbench2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "An access panel with a flame carved into its base.", > "//name" : "consoletribal3", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Flame Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife.", > "//name" : "sarcohuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcohuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A lavish bird-shaped jar. Maybe I can smash it...", > "//name" : "bigjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Bird Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A broken stone pillar.", > "//name" : "pillar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stone Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pillar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A heavy metal anchor. Yarr.", > "//name" : "anchor", > "//shortdescription" : "Anchor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "anchor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", > "//name" : "reedclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Wall Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "reedclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone is engraved with an eye symbol", > "//name" : "tombstone10", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "avianteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianteleporter" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "The ashes of Avian Stargazers are often stored in urns like this one.", > "//name" : "goldenurn", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenurn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A carved bunny sits on top of this altar.", > "//name" : "altarbunny", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunny Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altarbunny", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "avianfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "avianfuelhatch" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "This guy looks surprised to see me!", > "//name" : "mask1", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Human Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask1" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "This tombstone has been smashed beyond repair.", > "//name" : "tombstone4", > "//shortdescription" : "Smashed Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenavianfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenavianfuelhatch" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A wireless energy supply.", > "//name" : "tesla", > "//shortdescription" : "Wireless Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tesla", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A stone table in typical Avian style.", > "//name" : "birdtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Temple Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A standard cloth Avian banner.", > "//name" : "avianbanner4", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Small Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianbanner4" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "Old system readings that seem to be out of date.", > "//name" : "screen1", > "//shortdescription" : "Data Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screen1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A large old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", > "//name" : "chestmedavian2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Old Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestmedavian2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "I swear the eye is following me around the room..", > "//name" : "birdgodemblem", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Emblem", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "birdgodemblem" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A smooth cooking surface.", > "//name" : "tribalcounter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcounter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "avianshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianshiplocker" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "An assortment of pointy things.", > "//name" : "marketstall3", > "//shortdescription" : "Market Weapon Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "marketstall3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//name" : "mask7", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "What an ugly jar.", > "//name" : "birdjar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ugly Temple Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdjar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "This guy looks hungry. His eyes make me uncomfortable.", > "//name" : "mask2", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Skull Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask2" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "Tick, tock, tick, tock.", > "//name" : "owlclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Owl Wall Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "owlclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "The rack is filled with antique Avian spears.", > "//name" : "spearrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Spear Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spearrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "This jar has seen better days. It looks smashable...", > "//name" : "birdjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Temple Jar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "An interestingly carved table.", > "//name" : "tribaltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribaltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "This book case was built to store Avian history.", > "//name" : "tribalbookcase2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Avian Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbookcase2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A rather serious looking bird.", > "//name" : "mask4", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Bird Mask", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mask4" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", > "//name" : "chestavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "A crumbling old pot with patterned markings. It looks smashable.", > "//name" : "midjar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "midjar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "Avians have been known to attempt to take human companions with them to the afterlife. Wait a minute... I think I can hear something inside!", > "//name" : "sarcohumanalive", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Sarcophagus", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sarcohumanalive", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this flickering torch.", > "//name" : "birdgroundlantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdgroundlantern", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "The altar is covered in carvings of a winged god.", > "//name" : "birdaltar2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Prayer Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdaltar2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "A crystal levitates above its frame, emitting an eerie light.", > "//name" : "crystaltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "aviancaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "aviancaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "These symbols signify a mass grave.", > "//name" : "tombstone11", > "//shortdescription" : "Mass Tombstone", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombstone11", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", > "//name" : "birdthrone", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", > "//name" : "birdthrone_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//name" : "avianteleporterdecorative", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "avianshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "A large control panel powered by Avian crystals.", > "//name" : "consoletribal4", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "consoletribal4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenavianfuelhatchTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenavianfuelhatchTier0" > } 2312,3214c2312,3214 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/screen2.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/decorativewallrug2.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/birddoor.png" < }, < "100" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/treasuremap.png" < }, < "101" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tribalwallcabinet.png" < }, < "102" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombstone7.png" < }, < "103" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sarcobunny.png" < }, < "104" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/goldenjar1.png" < }, < "105" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sundecor.png" < }, < "106" : { < "image" : 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Unsurprisingly, many of the weapons are gone.", < "//name" : "huntingweaponrack1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Weapon Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingweaponrack1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A desk with large cabinet drawers.", < "//name" : "plantcabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A rack of 3 unidentified bones.", < "//name" : "floranbonerack", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonerack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "A wooden screen, perfect for dressing behind.", < "//name" : "floranscreen1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Dressing Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranscreen1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "A leather screen, used in Floran food preparation.", < "//name" : "floranscreen2", < "//shortdescription" : "Leather Dressing Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranscreen2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "A bench made of wood and bones. Seems... inviting?", < "//name" : "floranbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "A table fashioned out a small tree topped with a slab of wood.", < "//name" : "floransmalltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floransmalltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "floranstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranstoragelocker" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "An animal pelt stretched and dried between two large bones.", < "//name" : "florantanningrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Tanning Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantanningrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "This toilet doesn't look very leak-proof.", < "//name" : "florantoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "A Floran spear mounted on a decorative plaque.", < "//name" : "huntingdisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Spear on a Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingdisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "A standing torch. Illuminates the giant beast about to eat you.", < "//name" : "huntinggroundtorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Sturdy Torch Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinggroundtorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A raised platform. Don't get stuck under it.", < "//name" : "huntingplatform1", < "//shortdescription" : "Raised Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatform1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", < "//name" : "florancurtain", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florancurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A bundle of unusually large leaves.", < "//name" : "huntingplatformleaves", < "//shortdescription" : "Leaf Bundle", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatformleaves", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "An ideal device for preparing traps and the like.", < "//name" : "huntingpressureplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpressureplate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A railing made of pikes tied together.", < "//name" : "huntingrail2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Pike Railing", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingrail2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. All of the weapons are missing.", < "//name" : "huntingweaponrack2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Weapon Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingweaponrack2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", < "//name" : "plantdesklamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantdesklamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", < "//name" : "plantdesklamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantdesklamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A log, smoothed for sitting on.", < "//name" : "plantlog", < "//shortdescription" : "Sitting Log", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantlog", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A glowing orb. It looks like there's room to store things inside.", < "//name" : "plantorb", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Orb", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantorb", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "Large logs arranged as a construction staging platform.", < "//name" : "plantplatform2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Staging", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantplatform2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "This painting seems to illustrate how to build a fire.", < "//name" : "floranpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Fire Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpainting1" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", < "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florancurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "A fragile small urn made from clay.", < "//name" : "planturn3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planturn3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It looks hot.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It's lighting the area faintly.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "A tall volcanic geyser. It's seeping lava.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "A short volcanic geyser. It casts a faint glow.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano5", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "A Floran's idea of abstract art.", < "//name" : "floranpainting5", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Abstract Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting5" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", < "//name" : "huntinglight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Vine Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "Strip lighting, for use on a spaceship.", < "//name" : "invisiblelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "invisiblelight" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "Strip lighting, for use on a spaceship.", < "//name" : "shiplight", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shiplight" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "floranteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranteleporter" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", < "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florancurtain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "floranshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranshiplockerTier0" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "Lots of tempting buttons that should probably be left alone.", < "//name" : "plantpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "florantechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florantechstationTier0" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A tiny stool carved from bone.", < "//name" : "floranbonestool", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonestool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "A chest made from plant material. It appears to be still growing.", < "//name" : "chestplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestplant1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A wall mountable Floran prison bunk.", < "//name" : "plantbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Wall Bunk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", < "//name" : "plantbed4", < "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", < "//name" : "plantbed4_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "A railing held together with bones.", < "//name" : "huntingrail1", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Bone Railing", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingrail1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "A study small Floran prison cage made from wood.", < "//name" : "plantcage2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcage2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A small geyser wrapped in growing vines.", < "//name" : "plantgeyser2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantgeyser2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", < "//name" : "florandoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A finely carved plaque with a skull on display.", < "//name" : "huntingtrophy2", < "//shortdescription" : "Shield Mounted Skull", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "huntingtrophy2" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A Drysap Dispenser. The one thing standing between the Floran and a dusty demise.", < "//name" : "plantdrysapdispenser", < "//shortdescription" : "Drysap Dispenser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "plantdrysapdispenser" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "This pelt serves as a Floran hunter's trophy.", < "//name" : "floranpelt2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Black Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpelt2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum1", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", < "//name" : "plantrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", < "//name" : "plantrack_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", < "//name" : "plantrack_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", < "//name" : "floranceilingbones1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Bone Chimes", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranceilingbones1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "The cabinet made of leather stretched between four large tusks.", < "//name" : "florancabinet3", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", < "//name" : "huntingdoor1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingdoor1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "A crudely made bench. It's had a lot of use during Floran hunts.", < "//name" : "huntingbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Crude Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", < "//name" : "floranlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", < "//name" : "floranlamp1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this menacing torch.", < "//name" : "skulltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull Torch Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skulltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A fragile wide urn made from clay.", < "//name" : "planturn1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planturn1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "An altar dedicated to some unspeakable horror.", < "//name" : "heckaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckaltar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", < "//name" : "huntingchampionstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Champion Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingchampionstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Large logs assembled as a construction platform.", < "//name" : "plantplatform1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Scaffolding", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantplatform1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", < "//name" : "strangeweb1", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "strangeweb1" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", < "//name" : "strangeweb2", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "strangeweb2" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", < "//name" : "strangeweb3", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "strangeweb3" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", < "//name" : "strangeweb4", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", < "imagePositionX" : "-104", < "imagePositionY" : "-88", < "object" : "strangeweb4" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "A sinister torch made from old bones.", < "//name" : "skullwalltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull Wall Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skullwalltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", < "//name" : "gothiccouch", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothiccouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", < "//name" : "planttorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", < "//name" : "planttorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", < "//name" : "planttorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", < "//name" : "planttorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A large geyser, covered in plant growth.", < "//name" : "plantgeyser1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Overgrown Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantgeyser1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A portcullis made of solid durasteel.", < "//name" : "portcullis", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "portcullis", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//name" : "floranfossil2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A broken wooden table.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentable", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Round Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//name" : "floranfossil3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "174" : { < "//name" : "floranfossilcomplete", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "175" : { < "//name" : "floranfossil1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "176" : { < "//name" : "floranfossilcomplete_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", < "//name" : "vrheadset", < "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "16", < "object" : "vrheadset", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", < "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "16", < "object" : "vrheadset", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A large cage for designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcage1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", < "//name" : "floranartifactaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Artifact Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranartifactaltar" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", < "//name" : "strangeweb5", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "strangeweb5" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", < "//name" : "strangeweb6", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-64", < "object" : "strangeweb6" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "A small insectile creature impaled on a hunting pike.", < "//name" : "ixolingpike", < "//shortdescription" : "Ixoling Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ixolingpike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//name" : "ixolingpike_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A crude painting of a Floran hunter wielding a spear.", < "//name" : "floranhunterpainting", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Hunter Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranhunterpainting" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "A display commemorating the spear of a Floran who won a hunting ceremony.", < "//name" : "championspeardisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Champion's Spear Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "championspeardisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "This trophy is a spinneret from some large, web spinning creature.", < "//name" : "floranspinneret", < "//shortdescription" : "Spinneret Trophy", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranspinneret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "This trophy rack is covered in a foul web.", < "//name" : "floranwebbing", < "//shortdescription" : "Web Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranwebbing", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A fragile thin urn made from clay.", < "//name" : "planturn2", < "//shortdescription" : "Thin Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planturn2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//name" : "floranwebbing_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "191" : { < "//name" : "floranwebbing_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "florantechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "florantechstation" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", < "//name" : "huntingpike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", < "//name" : "huntingpike2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A skull mounted as a trophy on crossed wood planks.", < "//name" : "huntingtrophy3", < "//shortdescription" : "Cross Mounted Skull", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "huntingtrophy3" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A very basic cooking pot suspended over a campfire.", < "//name" : "floranstove", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stove", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranstove", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "florancaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Looks like the Apex and the Agarans aren't compatible.", < "//name" : "floranpodapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Trapped Apex Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranpodapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenfloranfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenfloranfuelhatch" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A broken cage. What could have escaped?", < "//name" : "plantbrokencage", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbrokencage", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "florancorner", < "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A table made from many small bones.", < "//name" : "floranbonetable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonetable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "florancorner_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A basic bedroll on a wheeled wooden frame.", < "//name" : "plantbed3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheeled Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage3", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", < "//name" : "huntingbigstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Floran Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingbigstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A wide volcanic geyser. It's venting hot gasses.", < "//name" : "plantvolcano3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvolcano3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "It's just an armchair made of bones. No big deal.", < "//name" : "floranarmchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranarmchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "It appears to be a painting of a falling leaf.", < "//name" : "floranpainting4", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Leaf Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting4" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A broken anchor", < "//name" : "brokenanchor", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Anchor", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brokenanchor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", < "//name" : "floranpod2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranpod2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A door made from interlocking vines.", < "//name" : "plantdoor1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantdoor1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "Penguin bones on a pike arranged decoratively.", < "//name" : "huntingpike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bones Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A cooking countertop used for chopping meat.", < "//name" : "florantable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Countertop", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A retractable gate, made from a light wood.", < "//name" : "plantdoor2", < "//shortdescription" : "Retractable Wooden Gate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "plantdoor2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A large, luminous pod hanigng from a vine.", < "//name" : "huntinglight3", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", < "//name" : "huntinglight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Vine Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntinglight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "The pelt of a small, snow dwelling animal.", < "//name" : "floranpelt5", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowy Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpelt5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "floranshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "An arcane torture device. Best not to ask how it's used.", < "//name" : "planttorturedevice", < "//shortdescription" : "Torture Device", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorturedevice", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "The pelt of a large, snow dwelling animal.", < "//name" : "floranpelt4", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Snowy Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "floranpelt4" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "This entire table appears to have been carved from a single, enormous bone.", < "//name" : "floranbonetable1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonetable1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A couch made of leather hide and large bones.", < "//name" : "florancouch", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "floranfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranfuelhatch" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A small chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", < "//name" : "chestfloran1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestfloran1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A raised platform. Don't get stuck under it.", < "//name" : "huntingplatform2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ramped Platform", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatform2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", < "//name" : "floranpod1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranpod1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Looks like it's hatched.", < "//name" : "floranopenpod1", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranopenpod1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "Very helpful rocks. Or could the arrow be a trick?", < "//name" : "huntingplatformrocks", < "//shortdescription" : "Arrow Etched Rocks", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingplatformrocks", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "The bone frame is sort of disturbing, but that fur blanket looks mighty comfy.", < "//name" : "floranbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A head mounted on a round plaque. Its eyes follow you...", < "//name" : "huntingtrophy1", < "//shortdescription" : "Round Mounted Skull", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "huntingtrophy1" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prison bedroll. It spreads out on the ground.", < "//name" : "plantbed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Bedroll", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "Floran come together at tables like these to eat flesh stew.", < "//name" : "florantable1", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantable1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A storage crate made of unrefined wood and bone.", < "//name" : "florancrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", < "//name" : "floranpod3", < "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranpod3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "Torches have been stuck to a sapling in lieu of a fancy chandelier.", < "//name" : "floranchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "An empty plaque. What belongs here?", < "//name" : "huntingdisplay2", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingdisplay2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "It appears to be a tally chart.", < "//name" : "floranpainting3", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chart Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting3" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A long chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", < "//name" : "chestfloran2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestfloran2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A simple wooden chair with bone accents.", < "//name" : "floranchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", < "//name" : "floranlight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "floranshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A giant mushroom of Agaran origin.", < "//name" : "agaranmushroom", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Agaran Mushroom", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "agaranmushroom", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", < "//name" : "florandrum3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Bongo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandrum3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A wooden table which is overgrown with vines.", < "//name" : "plantvinetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantvinetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "floranteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranteleporterTier0" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A large pelt with thick, lustrous fur.", < "//name" : "floranpelt1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Brown Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "floranpelt1" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A wooden chair overgrown with vines.", < "//name" : "plantchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A ragged fur pelt, hung from two large tusks.", < "//name" : "floranpelt3", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Black Pelt", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranpelt3" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", < "//name" : "florancabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "An empty shelving rack.", < "//name" : "plantshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Empty Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A wood and bone shelf used for storing supplies and keepsakes.", < "//name" : "floranshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet with a table top.", < "//name" : "plantcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", < "//name" : "huntingpike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", < "//name" : "huntingpike1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpike1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "floranshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranshiplocker" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "This door is strong and sustainably sourced.", < "//name" : "bamboodoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bamboodoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A reed shelf.", < "//name" : "reedshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran holding a spear menacingly.", < "//name" : "huntingstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "The result of a successful Floran hunt.", < "//name" : "floranbonedisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Trophy", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonedisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "There are barbaric Floran tales etched into the bone.", < "//name" : "floranbonedisplay2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Carving", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonedisplay2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase made from the remains of Floran prey.", < "//name" : "floranbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", < "//name" : "florancabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", < "//name" : "floranceilingbones2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Bone Chimes", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranceilingbones2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A desk, probably belonging to the greenfinger of a Floran tribe.", < "//name" : "florandesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A giant pod. It seems to contain a beast.", < "//name" : "giantfloranpod", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantfloranpod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "It looks like reed, but it's actually a lamp.", < "//name" : "reedlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Looks like it's hatched.", < "//name" : "floranopenpod2", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Fungal Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranopenpod2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "It looks like someone has painted glyphs onto a piece of leather.", < "//name" : "floranpainting2", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Glyph Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranpainting2" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. Unsurprisingly, many of the weapons are gone.", > "//name" : "huntingweaponrack1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Weapon Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingweaponrack1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A desk with large cabinet drawers.", > "//name" : "plantcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A rack of 3 unidentified bones.", > "//name" : "floranbonerack", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonerack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A wooden screen, perfect for dressing behind.", > "//name" : "floranscreen1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Dressing Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranscreen1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A leather screen, used in Floran food preparation.", > "//name" : "floranscreen2", > "//shortdescription" : "Leather Dressing Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranscreen2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A bench made of wood and bones. Seems... inviting?", > "//name" : "floranbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A table fashioned out a small tree topped with a slab of wood.", > "//name" : "floransmalltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floransmalltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "floranstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranstoragelocker" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "An animal pelt stretched and dried between two large bones.", > "//name" : "florantanningrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Tanning Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantanningrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "This toilet doesn't look very leak-proof.", > "//name" : "florantoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A Floran spear mounted on a decorative plaque.", > "//name" : "huntingdisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Spear on a Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingdisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "A standing torch. Illuminates the giant beast about to eat you.", > "//name" : "huntinggroundtorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Sturdy Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinggroundtorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A raised platform. Don't get stuck under it.", > "//name" : "huntingplatform1", > "//shortdescription" : "Raised Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatform1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", > "//name" : "florancurtain", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florancurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A bundle of unusually large leaves.", > "//name" : "huntingplatformleaves", > "//shortdescription" : "Leaf Bundle", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatformleaves", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "An ideal device for preparing traps and the like.", > "//name" : "huntingpressureplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunting Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpressureplate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A railing made of pikes tied together.", > "//name" : "huntingrail2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Pike Railing", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingrail2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A Floran weapon rack. All of the weapons are missing.", > "//name" : "huntingweaponrack2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Weapon Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingweaponrack2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", > "//name" : "plantdesklamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantdesklamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A desk lamp made from a glowing plant pod.", > "//name" : "plantdesklamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Desk Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantdesklamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A log, smoothed for sitting on.", > "//name" : "plantlog", > "//shortdescription" : "Sitting Log", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantlog", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A glowing orb. It looks like there's room to store things inside.", > "//name" : "plantorb", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Orb", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantorb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "Large logs arranged as a construction staging platform.", > "//name" : "plantplatform2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Staging", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantplatform2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "This painting seems to illustrate how to build a fire.", > "//name" : "floranpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Fire Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpainting1" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", > "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florancurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A fragile small urn made from clay.", > "//name" : "planturn3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planturn3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It looks hot.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "A small volcanic geyser. It's lighting the area faintly.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A tall volcanic geyser. It's seeping lava.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A short volcanic geyser. It casts a faint glow.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano5", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A Floran's idea of abstract art.", > "//name" : "floranpainting5", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Abstract Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting5" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", > "//name" : "huntinglight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Vine Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "Strip lighting, for use on a spaceship.", > "//name" : "invisiblelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "invisiblelight" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "Strip lighting, for use on a spaceship.", > "//name" : "shiplight", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shiplight" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "floranteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranteleporter" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A curtain, or a slab of half-dried, half-eaten meat. One of the two.", > "//name" : "florancurtain_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florancurtain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "floranshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranshiplockerTier0" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "Lots of tempting buttons that should probably be left alone.", > "//name" : "plantpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "florantechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florantechstationTier0" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A tiny stool carved from bone.", > "//name" : "floranbonestool", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonestool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A chest made from plant material. It appears to be still growing.", > "//name" : "chestplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestplant1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A wall mountable Floran prison bunk.", > "//name" : "plantbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Wall Bunk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", > "//name" : "plantbed4", > "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", > "//name" : "plantbed4_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "A railing held together with bones.", > "//name" : "huntingrail1", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Bone Railing", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingrail1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "A study small Floran prison cage made from wood.", > "//name" : "plantcage2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcage2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A small geyser wrapped in growing vines.", > "//name" : "plantgeyser2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantgeyser2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", > "//name" : "florandoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A finely carved plaque with a skull on display.", > "//name" : "huntingtrophy2", > "//shortdescription" : "Shield Mounted Skull", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "huntingtrophy2" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A Drysap Dispenser. The one thing standing between the Floran and a dusty demise.", > "//name" : "plantdrysapdispenser", > "//shortdescription" : "Drysap Dispenser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "plantdrysapdispenser" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "This pelt serves as a Floran hunter's trophy.", > "//name" : "floranpelt2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Black Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpelt2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum1", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", > "//name" : "plantrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", > "//name" : "plantrack_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "A prison torture rack. It's not a stretch to say this would hurt.", > "//name" : "plantrack_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", > "//name" : "floranceilingbones1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Bone Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranceilingbones1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "The cabinet made of leather stretched between four large tusks.", > "//name" : "florancabinet3", > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "This door is hardly suitable for keeping the weather out.", > "//name" : "huntingdoor1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingdoor1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "A crudely made bench. It's had a lot of use during Floran hunts.", > "//name" : "huntingbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Crude Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", > "//name" : "floranlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "A strange green light pod is hanging loosely from a curved wooden post.", > "//name" : "floranlamp1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "Deep shadows stretch away from this menacing torch.", > "//name" : "skulltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull Torch Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skulltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A fragile wide urn made from clay.", > "//name" : "planturn1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planturn1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "An altar dedicated to some unspeakable horror.", > "//name" : "heckaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckaltar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", > "//name" : "huntingchampionstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Champion Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingchampionstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Large logs assembled as a construction platform.", > "//name" : "plantplatform1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Scaffolding", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantplatform1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb1", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "strangeweb1" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb2", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "strangeweb2" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb3", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "strangeweb3" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb4", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "-88", > "object" : "strangeweb4" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "A sinister torch made from old bones.", > "//name" : "skullwalltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull Wall Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skullwalltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", > "//name" : "gothiccouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothiccouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A large geyser, covered in plant growth.", > "//name" : "plantgeyser1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Overgrown Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantgeyser1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A portcullis made of solid durasteel.", > "//name" : "portcullis", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "portcullis", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//name" : "floranfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A broken wooden table.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentable", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Round Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//name" : "floranfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "174" : { > "//name" : "floranfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "175" : { > "//name" : "floranfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "176" : { > "//name" : "floranfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", > "//name" : "vrheadset", > "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "vrheadset", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "vrheadset", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A large cage for designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcage1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "floranartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranartifactaltar" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb5", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "strangeweb5" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "Strange organic webbing.", > "//name" : "strangeweb6", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Web", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-64", > "object" : "strangeweb6" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "A small insectile creature impaled on a hunting pike.", > "//name" : "ixolingpike", > "//shortdescription" : "Ixoling Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ixolingpike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//name" : "ixolingpike_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A crude painting of a Floran hunter wielding a spear.", > "//name" : "floranhunterpainting", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Hunter Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranhunterpainting" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A display commemorating the spear of a Floran who won a hunting ceremony.", > "//name" : "championspeardisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Champion's Spear Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "championspeardisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "This trophy is a spinneret from some large, web spinning creature.", > "//name" : "floranspinneret", > "//shortdescription" : "Spinneret Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranspinneret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "This trophy rack is covered in a foul web.", > "//name" : "floranwebbing", > "//shortdescription" : "Web Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranwebbing", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A fragile thin urn made from clay.", > "//name" : "planturn2", > "//shortdescription" : "Thin Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planturn2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//name" : "floranwebbing_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "191" : { > "//name" : "floranwebbing_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "florantechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "florantechstation" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", > "//name" : "huntingpike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.", > "//name" : "huntingpike2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Skull on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenfloranfuelhatchTier0" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A skull mounted as a trophy on crossed wood planks.", > "//name" : "huntingtrophy3", > "//shortdescription" : "Cross Mounted Skull", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "huntingtrophy3" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A very basic cooking pot suspended over a campfire.", > "//name" : "floranstove", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stove", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranstove", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "florancaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Looks like the Apex and the Agarans aren't compatible.", > "//name" : "floranpodapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Trapped Apex Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranpodapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenfloranfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenfloranfuelhatch" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A broken cage. What could have escaped?", > "//name" : "plantbrokencage", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbrokencage", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "florancorner", > "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A table made from many small bones.", > "//name" : "floranbonetable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonetable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A piece of thin leather is stretched from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "florancorner_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Leather Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A basic bedroll on a wheeled wooden frame.", > "//name" : "plantbed3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheeled Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. It looks like a great hunter.", > "//name" : "huntingbigstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Floran Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingbigstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A wide volcanic geyser. It's venting hot gasses.", > "//name" : "plantvolcano3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvolcano3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "It's just an armchair made of bones. No big deal.", > "//name" : "floranarmchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranarmchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "It appears to be a painting of a falling leaf.", > "//name" : "floranpainting4", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Leaf Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting4" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A broken anchor", > "//name" : "brokenanchor", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Anchor", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brokenanchor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", > "//name" : "floranpod2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranpod2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A door made from interlocking vines.", > "//name" : "plantdoor1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantdoor1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "Penguin bones on a pike arranged decoratively.", > "//name" : "huntingpike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bones Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A cooking countertop used for chopping meat.", > "//name" : "florantable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Countertop", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A retractable gate, made from a light wood.", > "//name" : "plantdoor2", > "//shortdescription" : "Retractable Wooden Gate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "plantdoor2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A large, luminous pod hanigng from a vine.", > "//name" : "huntinglight3", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Pod Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A light made of vines. Or a vine made of lights?", > "//name" : "huntinglight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Vine Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntinglight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "The pelt of a small, snow dwelling animal.", > "//name" : "floranpelt5", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowy Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpelt5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "floranshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "An arcane torture device. Best not to ask how it's used.", > "//name" : "planttorturedevice", > "//shortdescription" : "Torture Device", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorturedevice", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "The pelt of a large, snow dwelling animal.", > "//name" : "floranpelt4", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Snowy Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "floranpelt4" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "This entire table appears to have been carved from a single, enormous bone.", > "//name" : "floranbonetable1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonetable1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A couch made of leather hide and large bones.", > "//name" : "florancouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "floranfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranfuelhatch" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A small chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", > "//name" : "chestfloran1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestfloran1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A raised platform. Don't get stuck under it.", > "//name" : "huntingplatform2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ramped Platform", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatform2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", > "//name" : "floranpod1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranpod1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Looks like it's hatched.", > "//name" : "floranopenpod1", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranopenpod1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "Very helpful rocks. Or could the arrow be a trick?", > "//name" : "huntingplatformrocks", > "//shortdescription" : "Arrow Etched Rocks", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingplatformrocks", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "The bone frame is sort of disturbing, but that fur blanket looks mighty comfy.", > "//name" : "floranbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A head mounted on a round plaque. Its eyes follow you...", > "//name" : "huntingtrophy1", > "//shortdescription" : "Round Mounted Skull", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "huntingtrophy1" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prison bedroll. It spreads out on the ground.", > "//name" : "plantbed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "Floran come together at tables like these to eat flesh stew.", > "//name" : "florantable1", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantable1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A storage crate made of unrefined wood and bone.", > "//name" : "florancrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Something is growing out of it.", > "//name" : "floranpod3", > "//shortdescription" : "Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranpod3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "Torches have been stuck to a sapling in lieu of a fancy chandelier.", > "//name" : "floranchandelier", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chandelier", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranchandelier", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "An empty plaque. What belongs here?", > "//name" : "huntingdisplay2", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingdisplay2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "It appears to be a tally chart.", > "//name" : "floranpainting3", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chart Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting3" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A long chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", > "//name" : "chestfloran2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestfloran2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A simple wooden chair with bone accents.", > "//name" : "floranchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "The pod emits a natural green light.", > "//name" : "floranlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "floranshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "A giant mushroom of Agaran origin.", > "//name" : "agaranmushroom", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Agaran Mushroom", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "agaranmushroom", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.", > "//name" : "florandrum3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Bongo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandrum3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A wooden table which is overgrown with vines.", > "//name" : "plantvinetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantvinetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "floranteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranteleporterTier0" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "A large pelt with thick, lustrous fur.", > "//name" : "floranpelt1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Brown Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "floranpelt1" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A wooden chair overgrown with vines.", > "//name" : "plantchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A ragged fur pelt, hung from two large tusks.", > "//name" : "floranpelt3", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Black Pelt", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranpelt3" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", > "//name" : "florancabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "An empty shelving rack.", > "//name" : "plantshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Empty Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A wood and bone shelf used for storing supplies and keepsakes.", > "//name" : "floranshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet with a table top.", > "//name" : "plantcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", > "//name" : "huntingpike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "Some bones on a pike. How morbid.", > "//name" : "huntingpike1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bones on a Pike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpike1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "floranshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranshiplocker" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "This door is strong and sustainably sourced.", > "//name" : "bamboodoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Bamboo Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bamboodoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "A reed shelf.", > "//name" : "reedshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran holding a spear menacingly.", > "//name" : "huntingstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "The result of a successful Floran hunt.", > "//name" : "floranbonedisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonedisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "There are barbaric Floran tales etched into the bone.", > "//name" : "floranbonedisplay2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Carving", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonedisplay2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase made from the remains of Floran prey.", > "//name" : "floranbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", > "//name" : "florancabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "A string of bones to hang from the ceiling, like a morbid wind chime.", > "//name" : "floranceilingbones2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Bone Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranceilingbones2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "A desk, probably belonging to the greenfinger of a Floran tribe.", > "//name" : "florandesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "A giant pod. It seems to contain a beast.", > "//name" : "giantfloranpod", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantfloranpod", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "It looks like reed, but it's actually a lamp.", > "//name" : "reedlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of bizarre pod. Looks like it's hatched.", > "//name" : "floranopenpod2", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Fungal Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranopenpod2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "It looks like someone has painted glyphs onto a piece of leather.", > "//name" : "floranpainting2", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Glyph Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranpainting2" > } 1658,2233c1658,2233 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntingweaponrack1.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/plantcabinet2.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranbonerack.png" < }, < "100" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranscreen1.png" < }, < "101" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranscreen2.png" < }, < "102" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranbench.png" < }, < "103" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floransmalltable.png" < }, < "104" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floranstoragelocker.png" < }, < "105" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/florantanningrack.png" < }, < "106" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/florantoilet.png" < }, < "107" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntingdisplay1.png" < }, < "108" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntinggroundtorch.png" < }, < "109" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntingplatform1.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/florancurtain.png" < }, < "110" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntingplatformleaves.png" < }, < "111" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/huntingpressureplate.png" < }, < "112" : { < "image" : 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"object" : "gothiccouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1045" : { < "//description" : "Candlelight, delivered in the spookiest way.", < "//name" : "gothiclight", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Candle", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothiclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1046" : { < "//name" : "gothiccabinet", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1047" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally gothic chair.", < "//name" : "gothicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1048" : { < "//description" : "A distress beacon. Who knows who might hear it?", < "//name" : "beaconsnow", < "//shortdescription" : "Distress Beacon", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "beaconsnow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1049" : { < "//description" : "A device for monitoring seismic activity.", < "//name" : "seismograph", < "//shortdescription" : "Seismograph", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "seismograph" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", < "//name" : "biovine2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "biovine2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1050" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "glowroot2", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowroot2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1051" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "glowroot5", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowroot5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1052" : { < "//description" : "A glowing chair.", < "//name" : "glowchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1053" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1054" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "glowroot3", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowroot3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1055" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "glowroot4", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowroot4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1056" : { < "//description" : "There are small glowing roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "glowroot1", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowroot1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1057" : { < "//description" : "A bed, with glowing plants grown through it.", < "//name" : "glowbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1058" : { < "//name" : "gothiccabinet_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1059" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "A chest sealed with a piercing eye. Worth a look inside.", < "//name" : "eyechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1060" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1061" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree4_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1062" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush5_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1063" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree5_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1064" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine4_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1065" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1066" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine5_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1067" : { < "//description" : "An old, worn and dusty bed.", < "//name" : "dustybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dustybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1068" : { < "//description" : "An old, worn and dusty chair.", < "//name" : "dustychair", < "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dustychair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1069" : { < "//description" : "A dusty wooden table.", < "//name" : "dustytable", < "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Wooden Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dustytable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", < "//name" : "wildfeathercrownseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildfeathercrownseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1070" : { < "//description" : "A large microscope, designed for observing potentially hazardous bacteria.", < "//name" : "hazardmicroscope", < "//shortdescription" : "Hazard Microscope", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hazardmicroscope", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1071" : { < "//description" : "A metal sign with a biohazard symbol.", < "//name" : "biohazardsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Biohazard Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "biohazardsign" < }, < "1072" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Mazebound64'.", < "//name" : "fossilgame", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Game", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossilgame", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1073" : { < "//description" : "This station seems to be transmitting a lot of data.", < "//name" : "datastation", < "//shortdescription" : "Data Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "datastation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1074" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "fairylights", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fairylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1075" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "gasprimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gasprimer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1076" : { < "//description" : "A wobbly table made from leaves and roots.", < "//name" : "swamptable", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swamptable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1077" : { < "//description" : "A traditional bed made from roots and leaves.", < "//name" : "swampbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swampbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1078" : { < "//description" : "A chest made from twigs and roots.", < "//name" : "swampchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swampchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1079" : { < "//description" : "A rather adorable pink potted plant.", < "//name" : "splendidplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Splendid Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "splendidplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "The stale air produces little more than a creak from this old fan.", < "//name" : "wreckfan", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Fan", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wreckfan" < }, < "1080" : { < "//description" : "An unusual bed, with sides made of roots and leaf bedding.", < "//name" : "swampybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Cot", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swampybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1081" : { < "//description" : "A small seat made from leaves and roots.", < "//name" : "swampchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swampchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1082" : { < "//description" : "A particularly colourful potted plant.", < "//name" : "vibrantplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vibrantplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1083" : { < "//name" : "vibrantplant_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1084" : { < "//name" : "vibrantplant_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1085" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "toxicgasprimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicgasprimer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1086" : { < "//description" : "An explosive metal barrel. It looks dangerous.", < "//name" : "explosivebarrel", < "//shortdescription" : " Explosive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "explosivebarrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1087" : { < "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel2b", < "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel2b", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1088" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "fairylights_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fairylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1089" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "fairylights_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fairylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", < "//name" : "giantflower4", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflower4" < }, < "1090" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "holidaylights_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1091" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "holidaylights_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1092" : { < "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel2b_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel2b", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1093" : { < "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "toxicoshroom4", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicoshroom4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1094" : { < "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "toxicoshroom3", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicoshroom3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1095" : { < "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "toxicoshroom2", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicoshroom2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1096" : { < "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "toxicoshroom1", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicoshroom1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1097" : { < "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "toxicoshroom5", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicoshroom5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1098" : { < "//description" : "A tropical looking cabinet, complete with a little tree.", < "//name" : "islandcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "islandcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1099" : { < "//description" : "There's a rather grim face carved into the base of this table.", < "//name" : "islandtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "islandtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A large flickering torch warms the air around it.", < "//name" : "woodentalllantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodentalllantern", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "Provides exceptional heat and a great for cooking outdoors.", < "//name" : "nanostove", < "//shortdescription" : "Nanostove", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "nanostove", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1100" : { < "//description" : "This glass lamp gives off a warm glow.", < "//name" : "islandlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "islandlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1101" : { < "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", < "//name" : "gothicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1102" : { < "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", < "//name" : "gothicbookcase_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1103" : { < "//description" : "A gloomy wooden door.", < "//name" : "gothicdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1104" : { < "//description" : "To some, a hammock is the very picture of luxury.", < "//name" : "islandhammock", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Hammock", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "islandhammock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1105" : { < "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", < "//name" : "gothicbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1106" : { < "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", < "//name" : "gothicbed_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1107" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Earth, the home world of humanity.", < "//name" : "earthmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Earth Model", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "earthmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1108" : { < "//description" : "A seaweed in a flower pot.", < "//name" : "seaweedpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Seaweed Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seaweedpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1109" : { < "//description" : "A cute seashell which provides light.", < "//name" : "sealamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Sea Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sealamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//name" : "tier10table", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1110" : { < "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", < "//name" : "seachair", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seachair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1111" : { < "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", < "//name" : "seachair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seachair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1112" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscificabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscificabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1113" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscificabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1114" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscificabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1115" : { < "//description" : "A bed made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifibed", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifibed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1116" : { < "//description" : "A tall, sturdy kitchen cabinet. Perfect for storing tableware and food.", < "//name" : "kitchencabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Kitchen Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchencabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1117" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchencabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchencabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1118" : { < "//description" : "A quaint metal stove, perfect for cooking.", < "//name" : "cabinstove", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stove", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinstove", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1119" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of an old Earth satellite.", < "//name" : "satellite", < "//shortdescription" : "Satellite Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "satellite", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A computer. Probably quite a good one.", < "//name" : "outpostpc", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost PC", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostpc", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1120" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol System's planet Venus.", < "//name" : "venusmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Venus Model", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "venusmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1121" : { < "//description" : "A conspicuous pair of antlers. What kind of creature did these belong to?", < "//name" : "cabinornament", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Antlers", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinornament", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1122" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1123" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1124" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1125" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1126" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1127" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1128" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1129" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//name" : "tier8table", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1130" : { < "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifilight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1131" : { < "//description" : "The design of this bed is based on an old Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "spaceshuttlebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Space Shuttle Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spaceshuttlebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1132" : { < "//description" : "A rustic kitchen table.", < "//name" : "kitchentable", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchentable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1133" : { < "//name" : "kitchencabinet3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1134" : { < "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "liftoffseat", < "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liftoffseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1135" : { < "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liftoffseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1136" : { < "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liftoffseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1137" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's most distinctly ringed planet, Saturn.", < "//name" : "saturnmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Saturn Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "saturnmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1138" : { < "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1139" : { < "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell1", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1140" : { < "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1141" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's most distant planet, Neptune.", < "//name" : "neptunemodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Neptune Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "neptunemodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1142" : { < "//description" : "A small, three legged wooden table.", < "//name" : "cabinstooltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stool Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinstooltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1143" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's red planet, Mars.", < "//name" : "marsmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Mars Model", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "marsmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1144" : { < "//description" : "A seashell-shaped bed.", < "//name" : "seabed", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seabed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1145" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol System's planet Uranus.", < "//name" : "uranusmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Uranus Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "uranusmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1146" : { < "//description" : "A box of fresh, crusty bread.", < "//name" : "baguettebox", < "//shortdescription" : "Box Of Bread", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "baguettebox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1147" : { < "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifichair", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifichair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1148" : { < "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifichair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifichair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1149" : { < "//description" : "A nice kitchen shelf that keeps spices handy.", < "//name" : "kitchenshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Vibrant and beautiful, it has a friendly little smile on its face.\"", < "//name" : "brightstripe", < "//shortdescription" : "Brightstripe Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brightstripe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1150" : { < "//description" : "What's better than a bed? Two beds!", < "//name" : "cabinbunkbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Bunk Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinbunkbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1151" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's smallest planet, Mercury.", < "//name" : "mercurymodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Mercury Model", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "mercurymodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1152" : { < "//description" : "A table made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifitable", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifitable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1153" : { < "//description" : "An electric light with a hand-carved wooden stand.", < "//name" : "cabinlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1154" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's largest planet, Jupiter.", < "//name" : "jupitermodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Jupiter Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "jupitermodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1155" : { < "//description" : "A television set made in a Retro-Futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifitv", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Television", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifitv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1156" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's dwarf planet, Pluto.", < "//name" : "plutomodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Pluto Model", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plutomodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1157" : { < "//description" : "A basket full of apples.", < "//name" : "applebasket", < "//shortdescription" : "Apple Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "applebasket", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1158" : { < "//description" : "An old, hand carved rocking chair.", < "//name" : "cabinchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1159" : { < "//description" : "A detailed model of Sol, the yellow dwarf responsible for all life on Earth. It even casts light.", < "//name" : "sunmodel", < "//shortdescription" : "Sol Model", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "sunmodel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram1" < }, < "1160" : { < "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1161" : { < "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1162" : { < "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1163" : { < "//description" : "A wall mirror set in a coral frame.", < "//name" : "coralmirror", < "//shortdescription" : "Coral Mirror", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "coralmirror", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1164" : { < "//description" : "A classic wooden table, suitable for any environment.", < "//name" : "cabintable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabintable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1165" : { < "//description" : "A dresser made in a retro-futuristic style", < "//name" : "retroscifidresser", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Dresser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifidresser", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1166" : { < "//description" : "A metal desk, covered in curious devices.", < "//name" : "steampunkdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1167" : { < "//description" : "A bed supported by a framework of pipes.", < "//name" : "steampunkbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1168" : { < "//description" : "An old wooden carved globe.", < "//name" : "steampunkglobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Globe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkglobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1169" : { < "//description" : "The age-old traditional of pumpkin carving lives on.", < "//name" : "spookypumpkinhead", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Pumpkin Head", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookypumpkinhead", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden armchair.", < "//name" : "woodenarmchair1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenarmchair1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1170" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall lamp, filled with a flowing, glowing gas.", < "//name" : "steampunklamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "steampunklamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1171" : { < "//description" : "The metal frame of this candle holder curls like fingers.", < "//name" : "spookycandles", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Candles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookycandles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1172" : { < "//description" : "A bubbling cauldron, big enough that you could fit a whole person inside it.", < "//name" : "spookycauldron", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Cauldron", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookycauldron", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1173" : { < "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", < "//name" : "spookytombchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookytombchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1174" : { < "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", < "//name" : "spookytombchair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookytombchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1175" : { < "//description" : "A fancy looking armchair.", < "//name" : "steampunkarmchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkarmchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1176" : { < "//description" : "There's something disturbing about this fancy old bed.", < "//name" : "spookybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1177" : { < "//description" : "An old grandfather clock, topped with a creepy bat carving.", < "//name" : "spookyclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookyclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1178" : { < "//description" : "A set of shelves hung with pipes.", < "//name" : "steampunkshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1179" : { < "//description" : "A set of shelves hung with pipes.", < "//name" : "steampunkshelf_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A decorative clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", < "//name" : "claypot1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Clay Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "claypot1" < }, < "1180" : { < "//description" : "A hanging ceiling light made from copper.", < "//name" : "copperceilinglight", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Ceiling Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "copperceilinglight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1181" : { < "//description" : "I wouldn't want to find myself locked behind these thick iron bars.", < "//name" : "bardoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bar Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1182" : { < "//name" : "copperlocker", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1183" : { < "//name" : "outdoorsit", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1184" : { < "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", < "//name" : "coppersupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppersupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1185" : { < "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", < "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppersupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1186" : { < "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", < "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppersupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1187" : { < "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", < "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppersupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1188" : { < "//description" : "A sleek fountain. The water looks refreshing.", < "//name" : "outdoorfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1189" : { < "//description" : "A lamp post, with thrice the lights.", < "//name" : "lamppost2", < "//shortdescription" : "Triple Lamp Post", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamppost2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "thorns1", < "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thorns1" < }, < "1190" : { < "//description" : "A chair, built to endure the elements.", < "//name" : "outdoorchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1191" : { < "//description" : "A lamp, fit for outdoors.", < "//name" : "lamppost1", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Lamp Post", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamppost1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1192" : { < "//description" : "A lamp post with two lamps. Nifty!", < "//name" : "lamppost3", < "//shortdescription" : "Double Lamp Post", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lamppost3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1193" : { < "//description" : "A strong storage crate made from copper.", < "//name" : "copperbox1", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperbox1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1194" : { < "//description" : "A bench, perfect for outdoors.", < "//name" : "outdoorbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1195" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush of high aesthetic value.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1196" : { < "//description" : "A divine, colourful bush.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1197" : { < "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", < "//name" : "rustbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1198" : { < "//description" : "A bush with unusual colouring.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1199" : { < "//description" : "A cute, colourful bush.", < "//name" : "colourfulbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "colourfulbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//name" : "tier8bed", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell7", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1200" : { < "//description" : "Part of a ribcage. It won't be intact for long.", < "//name" : "smashbones4", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashbones4" < }, < "1201" : { < "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", < "//name" : "rustbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1202" : { < "//description" : "A pile of bones, prime for smashing.", < "//name" : "smashbones1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashbones1" < }, < "1203" : { < "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", < "//name" : "rustbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1204" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet with a stove top.", < "//name" : "kitchenstovetop", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Stove Top", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenstovetop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1205" : { < "//description" : "A fully intact ribcage. Not for long.", < "//name" : "smashbones2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashbones2" < }, < "1206" : { < "//description" : "An oil lantern made of copper.", < "//name" : "copperlantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Oil Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperlantern", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1207" : { < "//description" : "An oil lantern made of copper.", < "//name" : "copperlantern_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Oil Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperlantern", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1208" : { < "//description" : "A pile of bones, prime for smashing.", < "//name" : "smashbones3", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashbones3" < }, < "1209" : { < "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", < "//name" : "rustbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "An oil lantern on a stand.", < "//name" : "oillanterntall", < "//shortdescription" : "Standing Oil Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oillanterntall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1210" : { < "//description" : "A wall shelf made from copper.", < "//name" : "coppershelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Wall Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppershelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1211" : { < "//description" : "An old crate of Mining supplies - For every budding Miner!", < "//name" : "miningsupplies", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Supplies Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningsupplies", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1212" : { < "//description" : "A smart metal stool, suitable for the outdoors.", < "//name" : "outdoorstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1213" : { < "//description" : "A pile of mossy stones.", < "//name" : "mistprimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Pile of Mossy Stones", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mistprimer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1214" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "geometricshard3", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricshard3" < }, < "1215" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "geometricshard4", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricshard4" < }, < "1216" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "geometricshard1", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricshard1" < }, < "1217" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "geometricshard5", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricshard5" < }, < "1218" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "geometricshard2", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricshard2" < }, < "1219" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious flag marker. What kind of leather is that?", < "//name" : "shadowmarker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Marker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowmarker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", < "//name" : "glowflower3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflower3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1220" : { < "//description" : "A dark, shadowy chest.", < "//name" : "shadowchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1221" : { < "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", < "//name" : "shadowshrine", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowshrine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1222" : { < "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", < "//name" : "shadowshrine2", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowshrine2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1223" : { < "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", < "//name" : "shadowshrine3", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowshrine3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1224" : { < "//description" : "A large, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "shadowurnlarge1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Shadow Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowurnlarge1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1225" : { < "//description" : "A dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "shadowurnmedium2", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Shadow Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowurnmedium2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1226" : { < "//description" : "A dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "shadowurnmedium1", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Shadow Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowurnmedium1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1227" : { < "//description" : "A small, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "shadowurnsmall2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowurnsmall2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1228" : { < "//description" : "A large, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "shadowurnlarge2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Shadow Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowurnlarge2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1229" : { < "//description" : "A small, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", < "//name" : "shadowurnsmall1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Shadow Urn", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowurnsmall1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "This sign appears to be warning me of some danger.", < "//name" : "deathwarningmodern", < "//shortdescription" : "Death Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "deathwarningmodern" < }, < "1230" : { < "//description" : "A dark rock.", < "//name" : "shadowrock2", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowrock2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1231" : { < "//description" : "A dark rock.", < "//name" : "shadowrock1", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowrock1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1232" : { < "//description" : "A dark rock.", < "//name" : "shadowrock3", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowrock3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1233" : { < "//description" : "A dark rock.", < "//name" : "shadowrock4", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowrock4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1234" : { < "//description" : "A dark rock.", < "//name" : "shadowrock5", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowrock5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1235" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock3", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1236" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe3", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1237" : { < "//description" : "A minimalist bed made from a refractive glass.", < "//name" : "prismbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1238" : { < "//description" : "A small rusty boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", < "//name" : "steamboiler1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Steam Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamboiler1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1239" : { < "//description" : "A smooth table cut from a refractive glass.", < "//name" : "prismtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", < "//name" : "ceilingslime1", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "ceilingslime1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1240" : { < "//name" : "prismtable_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1241" : { < "//name" : "prismtable_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1242" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock1", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1243" : { < "//description" : "A long dented boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", < "//name" : "steamboiler2", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Steam Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamboiler2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1244" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock2", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1245" : { < "//description" : "A cleanly cut chair made from refractive glass.", < "//name" : "prismchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1246" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1247" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe2", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1248" : { < "//description" : "A huge painted boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", < "//name" : "steamboiler3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Steam Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamboiler3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1249" : { < "//description" : "A nice steam powered large clock face.", < "//name" : "steamclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Steam Clock Face", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "steamclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//name" : "tier5bed", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1250" : { < "//description" : "A brass valve, rusted from years of use.", < "//name" : "boilervalve", < "//shortdescription" : "Boiler Valve", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "boilervalve", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1251" : { < "//description" : "A rusted gear half-buried in the ground.", < "//name" : "floorgear1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Gear", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floorgear1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1252" : { < "//description" : "A neatly crafted table decorated with brass pipes.", < "//name" : "steamspringtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1253" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden door, with a brass pipe frame.", < "//name" : "steamspringdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringdoor" < }, < "1254" : { < "//description" : "A fetching chair, made of fine wood and brass pipes.", < "//name" : "steamspringchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1255" : { < "//description" : "A smooth door made from a refractive glass.", < "//name" : "prismdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1256" : { < "//description" : "A creaky lamp post, made from brass pipes.", < "//name" : "brasslamppost1", < "//shortdescription" : "Brass Lamp Post", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brasslamppost1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1257" : { < "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", < "//name" : "steamspringlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1258" : { < "//description" : "A comfy bed supported by a framework of pipes.", < "//name" : "steamspringbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1259" : { < "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", < "//name" : "prismlamp3", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Cyan Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismlamp3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1260" : { < "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", < "//name" : "prismlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Magenta Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismlamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1261" : { < "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", < "//name" : "prismlamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Emerald Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismlamp2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1262" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "frozenmistprimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frozenmistprimer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1263" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock4", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1264" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock7", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1265" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock6", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1266" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock8", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1267" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", < "//name" : "prismrock5", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrock5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1268" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism. There appears to be something inside.", < "//name" : "prismrockhumanoid", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrockhumanoid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1269" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism. There appears to be something inside.", < "//name" : "prismrockpenguin", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrockpenguin", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "A door made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonedoor" < }, < "1270" : { < "//description" : "A highly refractive prism with runes engraved into it.", < "//name" : "prismrockrunes", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismrockrunes", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1271" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1272" : { < "//description" : "A sticky table that looks more like a hive than furniture.", < "//name" : "hivetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1273" : { < "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", < "//name" : "steamspringlamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1274" : { < "//description" : "A long dented boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", < "//name" : "steamboiler2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Steam Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamboiler2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1275" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1276" : { < "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", < "//name" : "floorpipe2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floorpipe2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1277" : { < "//description" : "A strange chair made from strange hexagonal pods.", < "//name" : "hivechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1278" : { < "//description" : "An odd lamp made from a hive-like structure.", < "//name" : "hivelamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1279" : { < "//description" : "An odd lamp made from a hive-like structure.", < "//name" : "hivelamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", < "//name" : "bonebooseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonebooseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1280" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1281" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1282" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike4_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1283" : { < "//description" : "A silk bed, resting on a strange hive-like base.", < "//name" : "hivebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1284" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike6", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "buglike6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1285" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1286" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike10", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "buglike10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1287" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1288" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike7", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "buglike7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1289" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "buglike5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A station used to obtain employment beacons that call in all kinds of people.", < "//name" : "spawnerstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Employer's Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1290" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike8", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "buglike8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1291" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "buglike9", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "buglike9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1292" : { < "//description" : "This durasteel elevator will get the job done.", < "//name" : "durasteelelevatorlong", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Durasteel Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "durasteelelevatorlong", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1293" : { < "//description" : "This durasteel elevator will get the job done.", < "//name" : "durasteelelevatorshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Durasteel Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "durasteelelevatorshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1294" : { < "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", < "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Mechanical Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1295" : { < "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", < "//name" : "woodenelevatorshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Wooden Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenelevatorshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1296" : { < "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", < "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Mechanical Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1297" : { < "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", < "//name" : "woodenelevatorlong", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Wooden Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenelevatorlong", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1298" : { < "//description" : "A tribute to GeorgeV! Developer Ultimate! ALL HAIL GEORGE!!!", < "//name" : "devstatuegeorge", < "//shortdescription" : "GeorgeV Dev Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "devstatuegeorge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1299" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Not the most efficient flyer, it's a mystery how bobfae have survived as a species.\"", < "//name" : "bobfaeaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Bobfae Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bobfaeaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", < "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "referencegenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Reference Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-80", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "referencegenerator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1300" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The long legs allow it to stand in water to catch fish.\"", < "//name" : "toumingoaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Toumingo Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toumingoaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1301" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It appears mystified when encountering new life forms. You can't help but feel watched.\"", < "//name" : "oogleraf", < "//shortdescription" : "Oogler Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oogleraf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1302" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The result of a scientific experiment gone wrong.\"", < "//name" : "voltipaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Voltip Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "voltipaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1303" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its charred surface is surprisingly pleasant to touch. Just keep away from the flames!\"", < "//name" : "ignomeaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Ignome Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ignomeaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1304" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Greedy and sly in nature. If disturbed whilst sneaking it will give you the evil eye.\"", < "//name" : "yokataf", < "//shortdescription" : "Yokat Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "yokataf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1305" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its hot core produces a constant flow of lava. It throws a good punch.\"", < "//name" : "pyromantleaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Pyromantle Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pyromantleaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1306" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It looks like a large and chunky leek. It bleeds when you cut it, though.\"", < "//name" : "bulbopaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Bulbop Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bulbopaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1307" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The inside of its beak is a truly terrifying sight.\"", < "//name" : "scaveranaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Scaveran Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scaveranaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1308" : { < "//description" : "A plant which grows fluffy cotton buds.", < "//name" : "cottonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Cotton Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cottonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1309" : { < "//description" : "It's Rob Repairo, A mechanical merchant who repairs lost or broken vehicles.", < "//name" : "repairo", < "//shortdescription" : "Rob Repairo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "repairo", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "A fluffy two-seater couch.", < "//name" : "woodencouch2", < "//shortdescription" : "Soft Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencouch2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1310" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It eats and lives in tar. Signs suggest it excretes tar as well.\"", < "//name" : "taroniaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Taroni Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "taroniaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1311" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It watches you through its big lens.\"", < "//name" : "triplodaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Triplod Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "triplodaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1312" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Despite appearing friendly, it is rarely seen interacting with other Pipkin.\"", < "//name" : "pipkinaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Pipkin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pipkinaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1313" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The sharp spikes can penetrate any space boot.\"", < "//name" : "crustoiseaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Crustoise Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crustoiseaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1314" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its ancestors used to live in the sea. It might look small, but it's got a big bite.\"", < "//name" : "lilodonaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Lilodon Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lilodonaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1315" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Because of the size of its head in proportion to its body, it can't run long distances.\"", < "//name" : "peblitaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Peblit Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "peblitaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1316" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"An ancient species, know to be agile and mischievous. They have an intelligent look in their eye.\"", < "//name" : "monopusaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Monopus Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "monopusaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1317" : { < "//name" : "broken-spinningwheel", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1318" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Something about the way it limps makes you feel uncomfortable.\"", < "//name" : "orbideaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Orbide Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "orbideaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1319" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"When it closes its eyes it becomes immune to attacks by entering a different plane of existence.\"", < "//name" : "spookitaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Spookit Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookitaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "A cute wooden end table.", < "//name" : "woodenendtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden End Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenendtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1320" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Sometimes when chasing its own tail it can accidentally set itself on fire.\"", < "//name" : "fennixaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Fennix Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fennixaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1321" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"During storms it attaches itself to trees so as not to blow away.\"", < "//name" : "paratailaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Paratail Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "paratailaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1322" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's huge...\"", < "//name" : "adultpoptopaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Adult Poptop Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "adultpoptopaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1323" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its thick coat keeps it warm in the coldest climates.\"", < "//name" : "capricoataf", < "//shortdescription" : "Capricoat Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "capricoataf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1324" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It uses its horns to attract a partner. The light shows during mating season are spectacular.\"", < "//name" : "narfinaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Narfin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "narfinaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1325" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's unpleasant to look at. It's also unpleasant when it looks at you.\"", < "//name" : "oculobaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Oculob Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oculobaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1326" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It brews a toxic paste in its pod made from fermented fruit.\"", < "//name" : "pteropodaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Pteropod Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pteropodaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1327" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The Ringram's horns start growing from birth and never stop.\"", < "//name" : "ringramaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Ringram Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ringramaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1328" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's actually covered in red skin, but it's still pretty gross.\"", < "//name" : "hemogoblinaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Hemogoblin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hemogoblinaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1329" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Nobody knows where it came from or who made it.\"", < "//name" : "bobotaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Bobot Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bobotaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A titanium control console. Press all the buttons!", < "//name" : "tier3switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1330" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The Poptop hums beautifully to confuse its prey.\"", < "//name" : "poptopaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Poptop Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "poptopaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1331" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its diet is made up of small amounts of water that it finds by digging into the ground.\"", < "//name" : "trictusaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Trictus Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trictusaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1332" : { < "//description" : "I can use this to craft all the comforts of home!", < "//name" : "furnituretable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Furniture Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "furnituretable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1333" : { < "//description" : "\"Its sleepy lifestyle allows it to flourish underground and reach impressive sizes.\"", < "//name" : "mandrafloraaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Mandraflora Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mandrafloraaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1334" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its shell is impossible to penetrate which can make it a tricky foe.\"", < "//name" : "snaggleraf", < "//shortdescription" : "Snaggler Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snaggleraf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1335" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"By tasting the particles in the air it can sense what's ahead of it.\"", < "//name" : "batongaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Batong Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "batongaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1336" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Iguarmor is not an aggressive species but the spikes on its tail can deal great damage.\"", < "//name" : "iguarmoraf", < "//shortdescription" : "Iguarmor Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "iguarmoraf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1337" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The bulb only stays lit while the Lumoth flaps its wings.\"", < "//name" : "lumothaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Lumoth Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lumothaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1338" : { < "//description" : "The Apothecary allows me to make bandages and other healing items.", < "//name" : "apothecary", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Apothecary^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apothecary", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1339" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's always on edge. It walks sideways and erupts at the slightest confrontation.\"", < "//name" : "crabcanoaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Crabcano Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crabcanoaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"A bug that can usually be found chasing the crest of a wave.\"", < "//name" : "wavebird", < "//shortdescription" : "Wavebird Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wavebird", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1340" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's notorious for stealing from vegetable patches.\"", < "//name" : "snauntaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Snaunt Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snauntaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1341" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Prolonged exposure to its pungent fumes will knock you out.\"", < "//name" : "miasmopaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Miasmop Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miasmopaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1342" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It doesn't seem to eat or sleep... Is it a machine?\"", < "//name" : "tinticaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Tintic Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tinticaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1343" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It prefers warm and moist climates where it'll grow quicker.\"", < "//name" : "sporgusaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Sporgus Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sporgusaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1344" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Due to its sensitive eyes it prefers dark settings, like caves.\"", < "//name" : "agrobataf", < "//shortdescription" : "Agrobat Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "agrobataf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1345" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"At night, all you can see of the Anglure is its light.\"", < "//name" : "anglureaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Anglure Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "anglureaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1346" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its poison is deadly even in small doses.\"", < "//name" : "crutteraf", < "//shortdescription" : "Crutter Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crutteraf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1347" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's made from a springy substance.\"", < "//name" : "gleapaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Gleap Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gleapaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1348" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It loves frolicking through forests and meadows.\"", < "//name" : "hypnareaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Hypnare Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hypnareaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1349" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The king nutmidgeling is the only one whose head tuft hasn't been trampled to death.\"", < "//name" : "nutmidgeaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Nutmidge Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "nutmidgeaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A chest with a spring flower latch.", < "//name" : "springchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Spring Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1350" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It stares at you expectantly with its beady eyes.\"", < "//name" : "petricubaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Petricub Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "petricubaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1351" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It has a sticky texture that allows it to climb surfaces with ease.\"", < "//name" : "pulpinaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Pulpin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pulpinaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1352" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its unhygienic lifestyle leaves much to be desired.\"", < "//name" : "quagmuttaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Quagmutt Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "quagmuttaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1353" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The scandroid is on an endless search. No one knows what for.\"", < "//name" : "scandroidaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Scandroid Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scandroidaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1354" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its lightweight body flows in the direction of the wind.\"", < "//name" : "skimbusaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Skimbus Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "skimbusaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1355" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"A chemical reaction in its belly makes its hot breath toxic.\"", < "//name" : "smoglinaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Smoglin Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smoglinaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1356" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its movement is determined by temperature levels in the atmosphere.\"", < "//name" : "squeemaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Squeem Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "squeemaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1357" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Some believe Wispers are lost spirits. At night their glow can lead explorers astray.\"", < "//name" : "wisperaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Wisper Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wisperaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1358" : { < "//description" : "Smoke billows from this point.", < "//name" : "smokeprimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Smoke", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smokeprimer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1359" : { < "//description" : "I can use this to aid me in farming, foraging and hunting.", < "//name" : "farmtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Foraging Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "farmtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "A snow drift.", < "//name" : "snowdrift3", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowdrift3" < }, < "1360" : { < "//description" : "A plant which grows fluffy cotton buds!", < "//name" : "wildcottonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Cotton Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcottonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1361" : { < "//description" : "This sturdy chest is made from volcanic material. Heat rises from it.", < "//name" : "volcanicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Volcanic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "volcanicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1362" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", < "//name" : "floranartifactaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Artifact Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranartifactaltar" < }, < "1363" : { < "//description" : "Smoke Primer.", < "//name" : "smokegen", < "//shortdescription" : "Smoke", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smokegen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1364" : { < "//description" : "A bright sign warning of dangerously high temperatures.", < "//name" : "foundrysign", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrysign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1365" : { < "//description" : "This elevator design is commonly seen in foundries.", < "//name" : "foundryelevatorlong", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Industrial Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundryelevatorlong", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1366" : { < "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", < "//name" : "foundrysupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrysupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1367" : { < "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", < "//name" : "foundrysupport_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrysupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1368" : { < "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", < "//name" : "foundrysupport_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrysupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1369" : { < "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", < "//name" : "foundrysupport_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrysupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", < "//name" : "wildeggshootseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildeggshootseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1370" : { < "//description" : "A switch for activating foundry machinery.", < "//name" : "foundryswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundryswitch" < }, < "1371" : { < "//description" : "A sealed tank full of molten liquid.", < "//name" : "lavatanklarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Lava tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lavatanklarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1372" : { < "//description" : "This elevator design is commonly seen in foundries.", < "//name" : "foundryelevatorshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Industrial Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundryelevatorshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1373" : { < "//description" : "An industrial sized set of bellows from a foundry.", < "//name" : "foundrybellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Bellows", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrybellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1374" : { < "//description" : "This tank cycles the molten liquid inside to keep it from becoming stagnant.", < "//name" : "lavatankcascade", < "//shortdescription" : "Cascading Lava Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lavatankcascade", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1375" : { < "//description" : "A small tank full of molten liquid.", < "//name" : "lavatanksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Lava Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lavatanksmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1376" : { < "//description" : "A container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", < "//name" : "ladlelarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Ladle", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ladlelarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1377" : { < "//description" : "A tall container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", < "//name" : "ladlesmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Ladle", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ladlesmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1378" : { < "//description" : "The primitive furnace is used to turn ores and other materials into crafting ingredients.", < "//name" : "craftingfurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Primitive Furnace^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "craftingfurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1379" : { < "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", < "//name" : "foundrylight", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "An old locker. Hey! There's a photo taped to the inside... eww, tentacles", < "//name" : "wrecklocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecklocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1380" : { < "//description" : "A heavy metal door often used in foundries.", < "//name" : "foundrydoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrydoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1381" : { < "//description" : "A bed with a large lamp over it, producing considerable heat.", < "//name" : "foundrybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1382" : { < "//description" : "A metallic chair from a foundry.", < "//name" : "foundrychair", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrychair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1383" : { < "//description" : "A bright sign warning of dangerously high temperatures.", < "//name" : "foundrysign_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrysign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1384" : { < "//description" : "The inventor's table is used to produce various crafting stations.", < "//name" : "inventorstable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Inventor's Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "inventorstable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1385" : { < "//description" : "A button fit for purpose in a foundry.", < "//name" : "foundrybutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Button", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrybutton", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1386" : { < "//description" : "The anvil is used to produce armor and weapons from fabric and ores.", < "//name" : "craftinganvil", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Anvil^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "craftinganvil", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1387" : { < "//description" : "The wooden workbench is used to produce materials and objects needed to build a settlement.", < "//name" : "craftingfurniture", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wooden Workbench^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "craftingfurniture", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1388" : { < "//description" : "The spinning wheel is used to produce clothing, fabrics and other crafting ingredients.", < "//name" : "craftingwheel", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Spinning Wheel^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "craftingwheel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1389" : { < "//description" : "A lamp illuminated by suspended globules of lava.", < "//name" : "magmalamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Magma Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "magmalamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", < "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Sharp Sticks", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpunjisticks1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1390" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrycountdowntimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Countdown Timer", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrycountdowntimer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1391" : { < "//description" : "A tall container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", < "//name" : "ladlesmall_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Ladle", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ladlesmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1392" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrytimer1s", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (1 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrytimer1s" < }, < "1393" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrytimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (0.5 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrytimer" < }, < "1394" : { < "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", < "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1395" : { < "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", < "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1396" : { < "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", < "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1397" : { < "//description" : "An XOR switch. The output will be on when exactly one of the inputs is on.", < "//name" : "foundryxor", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry XOR Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundryxor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1398" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrytimer5s", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (5 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrytimer5s" < }, < "1399" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrydelay", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Delay Gate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrydelay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", < "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "groundspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "groundspike3" < }, < "1400" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundryor", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Or Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundryor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1401" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrynot", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Not Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrynot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1402" : { < "//description" : "A console with interesting looking levels and lightbulbs.", < "//name" : "foundryconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundryconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1403" : { < "//description" : "The foraging table is used to produce items for hunting, mining and farming.", < "//name" : "craftingfarm", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Foraging Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "craftingfarm", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1404" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrydlatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Latch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrydlatch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1405" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrytimer4s", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (4 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrytimer4s" < }, < "1406" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrytimer3s", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (3 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrytimer3s" < }, < "1407" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundryand", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry And Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundryand", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1408" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "foundrytimer2s", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (2 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundrytimer2s" < }, < "1409" : { < "//description" : "The apothecary is used to produce healing items and medicine.", < "//name" : "craftingmedical", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Apothecary^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "craftingmedical", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable titanium chair.", < "//name" : "tier3chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1410" : { < "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", < "//name" : "geodednatural", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode D (Natural)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodednatural", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1411" : { < "//description" : "A crystal geode plant in a flower pot.", < "//name" : "geodeplantpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode Plant Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodeplantpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1412" : { < "//description" : "A door carved from a cross section of a large geode.", < "//name" : "geodedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1413" : { < "//description" : "A note carved from a blue musical geode.", < "//name" : "geodeenote", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode E", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodeenote", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1414" : { < "//description" : "A note carved from an orange musical geode.", < "//name" : "geodebnote", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode B", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodebnote", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1415" : { < "//description" : "A large hollow geode carved into a chair.", < "//name" : "geodechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1416" : { < "//description" : "A note carved from a green musical geode.", < "//name" : "geodednote", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode D", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodednote", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1417" : { < "//description" : "A bed carved inside of a giant geode.", < "//name" : "geodebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1418" : { < "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", < "//name" : "geodebnatural", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode B (Natural)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodebnatural", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1419" : { < "//name" : "geodeanote", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", < "//name" : "frozenfirechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frozenfirechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1420" : { < "//description" : "A light fashioned from a suspended glowing geode.", < "//name" : "geodeceilinglight", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodeceilinglight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1421" : { < "//name" : "geodeanatural", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1422" : { < "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", < "//name" : "geodecnatural", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode C (Natural)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodecnatural", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1423" : { < "//description" : "A note carved from a yellow musical geode.", < "//name" : "geodecnote", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode C", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodecnote", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1424" : { < "//description" : "A note carved from a purple musical geode.", < "//name" : "geodefnote", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode F", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodefnote", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1425" : { < "//description" : "A note carved from a pink musical geode.", < "//name" : "geodegnote", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode G", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodegnote", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1426" : { < "//name" : "geodehnote", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1427" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of an iron ore.\"", < "//name" : "ironsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1428" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a uranium ore.\"", < "//name" : "uraniumsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Uranium Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "uraniumsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1429" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a violium ore.\"", < "//name" : "violiumsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Violium Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "violiumsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", < "//name" : "frozenfirechair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frozenfirechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1430" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of an aegisalt ore.\"", < "//name" : "aegisaltsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "aegisaltsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1431" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a tungsten ore.\"", < "//name" : "tungstensample", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tungstensample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1432" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a gold ore.\"", < "//name" : "goldsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1433" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a core fragment ore.\"", < "//name" : "corefragmentsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Core Fragment Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "corefragmentsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1434" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a titanium ore.\"", < "//name" : "titaniumsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "titaniumsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1435" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a solarium ore.\"", < "//name" : "solariumsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Solarium Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "solariumsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1436" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a coal ore.\"", < "//name" : "coalsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Coal Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coalsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1437" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", < "//name" : "avianartifactaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Artifact Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianartifactaltar" < }, < "1438" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a plutonium ore.\"", < "//name" : "plutoniumsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Plutonium Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plutoniumsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1439" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a ferozium ore.\"", < "//name" : "feroziumsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feroziumsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "outpostradardish", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostradardish", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1440" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a platinum ore.\"", < "//name" : "platinumsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Platinum Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "platinumsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1441" : { < "//name" : "geodehnatural", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1442" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a copper ore.\"", < "//name" : "coppersample", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coppersample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1443" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a diamond ore.\"", < "//name" : "diamondsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diamondsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1444" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a durasteel ore.\"", < "//name" : "durasteelsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "durasteelsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1445" : { < "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a prisilite ore.\"", < "//name" : "prisilitesample", < "//shortdescription" : "Prisilite Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisilitesample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1446" : { < "//description" : "A pretty, blue geode.", < "//name" : "geodebluesample", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Geode Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodebluesample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1447" : { < "//description" : "A note carved from a white musical geode.", < "//name" : "geodehighanote", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode High A", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodehighanote", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1448" : { < "//description" : "A pretty, yellow geode.", < "//name" : "geodeyellowsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Geode Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodeyellowsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1449" : { < "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", < "//name" : "geodehighanatural", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode High A (Natural)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodehighanatural", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "outpostradardish_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostradardish", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1450" : { < "//description" : "A module that adds additional high-tech combat equipment and armour to the replicator.", < "//name" : "manipulatoraddon", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Manipulator Addon^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "manipulatoraddon", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1451" : { < "//description" : "A module that adds additional ranged equipment and armour to the replicator.", < "//name" : "acceleratoraddon", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Accelerator Addon^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "acceleratoraddon", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1452" : { < "//description" : "A note carved from a red musical geode.", < "//name" : "geodelowanote", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode Low A", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodelowanote", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1453" : { < "//description" : "A pretty, green geode.", < "//name" : "geodegreensample", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Geode Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodegreensample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1454" : { < "//description" : "A pretty, purple geode.", < "//name" : "geodepurplesample", < "//shortdescription" : "Purple Geode Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodepurplesample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1455" : { < "//description" : "A module that adds additional melee equipment and armour to the replicator.", < "//name" : "separatoraddon", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Separator Addon^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "separatoraddon", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1456" : { < "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", < "//name" : "geodelowanatural", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode Low A (Natural)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodelowanatural", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1457" : { < "//description" : "A pretty, orange geode.", < "//name" : "geodeorangesample", < "//shortdescription" : "Orange Geode Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodeorangesample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1458" : { < "//description" : "A pretty, red geode.", < "//name" : "geoderedsample", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Geode Sample", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geoderedsample", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1459" : { < "//description" : "A force field which can only be passed through one way", < "//name" : "bossdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Force Field", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bossdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "An iron anvil, used for banging metal into shape.", < "//name" : "ironanvil", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Anvil^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironanvil", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1460" : { < "//description" : "A glowing Opulent light.", < "//name" : "opulentlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "opulentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1461" : { < "//description" : "A popular style of television set.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitytv", < "//shortdescription" : "Stylish TV", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitytv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1462" : { < "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", < "//name" : "volcanictrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "volcanictrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1463" : { < "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", < "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "volcanictrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1464" : { < "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", < "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "volcanictrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1465" : { < "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", < "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "volcanictrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1466" : { < "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", < "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "volcanictrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1467" : { < "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", < "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "volcanictrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1468" : { < "//description" : "A Doom light. The eye glows in the dark.", < "//name" : "doomlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doomlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1469" : { < "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Cerulium bed.", < "//name" : "wavebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wave Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wavebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of bone. Hopefully it's not filled with marrow.", < "//name" : "bonechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1470" : { < "//description" : "A large contemporary chest of drawers.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Stylish Drawers", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1471" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable Doom chair.", < "//name" : "doomchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doomchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1472" : { < "//description" : "A sublime Doom bed. Bit spiky, though.", < "//name" : "doombed", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doombed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1473" : { < "//description" : "A display stand for small fossils", < "//name" : "fossildisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Fossil Display", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "16", < "object" : "fossildisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1474" : { < "//description" : "A very sturdy Serene door.", < "//name" : "serenedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Serene Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "serenedoor" < }, < "1475" : { < "//name" : "trilobitefossilcomplete", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1476" : { < "//description" : "A creepy Doom door.", < "//name" : "doomdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doomdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1477" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Serene bed.", < "//name" : "serenebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Serene Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "serenebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1478" : { < "//description" : "A very sturdy wave door.", < "//name" : "wavedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Wave Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wavedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1479" : { < "//description" : "A remarkably comfortable Opulent bed.", < "//name" : "opulentbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "opulentbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", < "//name" : "bathroomtrashquest", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bathroomtrashquest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1480" : { < "//description" : "A rounded wooden table.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitytable", < "//shortdescription" : "Round Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitytable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1481" : { < "//name" : "dirtyfossilsand", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1482" : { < "//description" : "A terrifying Doom table. It watches you eat.", < "//name" : "doomtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doomtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1483" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful Executive table.", < "//name" : "executivetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "executivetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1484" : { < "//description" : "A clean and sturdy bed.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1485" : { < "//description" : "A hardy serene table.", < "//name" : "serenetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Serene Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "serenetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1486" : { < "//name" : "ammonitefossil", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1487" : { < "//description" : "A glowing Serene light.", < "//name" : "serenelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Serene Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "serenelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1488" : { < "//description" : "A glowing Wave light.", < "//name" : "wavelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Wave Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wavelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1489" : { < "//description" : "A chest of drawers, minus a drawer.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawersmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Drawers", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawersmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", < "//name" : "ceilingstalactite3", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "ceilingstalactite3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1490" : { < "//description" : "A wooden utility pole.", < "//name" : "woodenutilitypole1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Utility Pole", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenutilitypole1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1491" : { < "//description" : "An arrow sign.", < "//name" : "scorchedcityarrowsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Tire Arrow Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcityarrowsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1492" : { < "//description" : "An incredibly stylish Opulent table.", < "//name" : "opulenttable", < "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "opulenttable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1493" : { < "//description" : "An Executive console. So exquisite, you can't help but treat it with respect.", < "//name" : "executiveswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "executiveswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1494" : { < "//description" : "A broken fridge.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Stylish Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1495" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Wave chair.", < "//name" : "wavechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wave Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wavechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1496" : { < "//description" : "A small contemporary chest of drawers.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawersmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Stylish Drawers", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawersmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1497" : { < "//description" : "The creature healing station is used to heal captured creatures.", < "//name" : "pethealingstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pet Healing Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pethealingstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1498" : { < "//description" : "A contemprary style fridge, capable of extending the shelf life of food.", < "//name" : "scorchedcityfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcityfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1499" : { < "//description" : "A display stand for medium fossils", < "//name" : "fossildisplay3", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Fossil Display", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "24", < "object" : "fossildisplay3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "An odd golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase1", < "//shortdescription" : "Odd Gold Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//name" : "tier7light", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1500" : { < "//description" : "A broken chair.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stylish Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1501" : { < "//description" : "A chest of drawers, minus a few drawers.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawerlarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Broken Drawers", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawerlarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1502" : { < "//description" : "A Geometric door. Sturdy!", < "//name" : "geometricdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricdoor" < }, < "1503" : { < "//description" : "A small rusty looking crate.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Rusty Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1504" : { < "//description" : "A rusty holding tank.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentank", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Holding Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1505" : { < "//name" : "trilobitefossil", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1506" : { < "//description" : "A broken bed.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stylish Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1507" : { < "//description" : "A broken television set.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentv", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stylish TV", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1508" : { < "//description" : "A stylish but sturdy chair.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitychair", < "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitychair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1509" : { < "//description" : "A rusty looking chest.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitychest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitychest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "...", < "//name" : "pleaseget", < "//shortdescription" : "Please Get Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "pleaseget" < }, < "1510" : { < "//description" : "A rusty crate.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitycrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitycrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1511" : { < "//description" : "An old, forgotten land mine. It may still be active!", < "//name" : "scorchedlandmine", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Land Mine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedlandmine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1512" : { < "//description" : "A wooden utility pole.", < "//name" : "woodenutilitypole2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Telephone Pole", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenutilitypole2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1513" : { < "//name" : "dirtyfossilmud", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1514" : { < "//description" : "A display stand for large fossils", < "//name" : "fossildisplay5", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Fossil Display", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "8", < "object" : "fossildisplay5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1515" : { < "//name" : "ammonitefossilcomplete", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1516" : { < "//description" : "A Opulent console. Sturdy enough to tap-dance on.", < "//name" : "opulentswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "opulentswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1517" : { < "//description" : "A glowing Geometric light.", < "//name" : "geometriclight", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1518" : { < "//description" : "A Doom console. Be careful how you operate it - it's watching.", < "//name" : "doomswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doomswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1519" : { < "//description" : "A dazzling Executive light.", < "//name" : "executivelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "executivelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "A handy oil lantern. Careful not to spill it.", < "//name" : "tier1light", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1light" < }, < "1520" : { < "//description" : "An executive bed. For the sleep of your life.", < "//name" : "executivebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "executivebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1521" : { < "//description" : "An Executive chair. You'll never want to stand again.", < "//name" : "executivechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "executivechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1522" : { < "//description" : "An impenetrable Executive door.", < "//name" : "executivedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "executivedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1523" : { < "//description" : "An Geometric console. Sturdy enough to jump on.", < "//name" : "geometricswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1524" : { < "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Opulent chair.", < "//name" : "opulentchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "opulentchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1525" : { < "//description" : "A super-strong Opulent door.", < "//name" : "opulentdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "opulentdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1526" : { < "//description" : "A very comfortable Serene chair.", < "//name" : "serenechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Serene Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "serenechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1527" : { < "//description" : "An serene console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", < "//name" : "sereneswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Serene Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sereneswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1528" : { < "//description" : "A wave console. Strong enough to dropkick.", < "//name" : "waveswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Wave Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "waveswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1529" : { < "//description" : "A very hardy Wave table.", < "//name" : "wavetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Wave Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wavetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "It looks like an old remote terminal.", < "//name" : "wreckconsole3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Terminal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckconsole3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1530" : { < "//description" : "A dumpster.", < "//name" : "dumpster", < "//shortdescription" : "Dumpster", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dumpster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1531" : { < "//description" : "This device has a slot for a creature capture pod.", < "//name" : "pettether", < "//shortdescription" : "Pet Tether", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pettether", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1532" : { < "//description" : "A warning sign, but what is it warning of?", < "//name" : "scorchedcitysign1", < "//shortdescription" : "Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitysign1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1533" : { < "//description" : "A warning sign, but what is it warning of?", < "//name" : "scorchedcitysign1_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitysign1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1534" : { < "//description" : "A scorched bench.", < "//name" : "scorchedbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Scorched Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1535" : { < "//name" : "fossildisplay1_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1536" : { < "//name" : "trilobitefossilcomplete_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1537" : { < "//description" : "Everything you need to survive. Almost.", < "//name" : "bombsheltershelf1", < "//shortdescription" : "Shelter Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bombsheltershelf1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1538" : { < "//name" : "fossildisplay3_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1539" : { < "//name" : "fossildisplay5_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "A sapling. From simple roots a tree will grow.", < "//name" : "sapling", < "//shortdescription" : "Sapling", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sapling", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1540" : { < "//name" : "ammonitefossilcomplete_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1541" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", < "//name" : "dirtyfossil4", < "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dirtyfossil4" < }, < "1542" : { < "//description" : "A broken utility box.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox2", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Utility Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1543" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", < "//name" : "dirtyfossil5", < "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dirtyfossil5" < }, < "1544" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", < "//name" : "dirtyfossil1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dirtyfossil1" < }, < "1545" : { < "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", < "//name" : "wallb", < "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wallb", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1546" : { < "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", < "//name" : "wallb_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wallb", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1547" : { < "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", < "//name" : "wallb_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wallb", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1548" : { < "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", < "//name" : "wallb_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wallb", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1549" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", < "//name" : "dirtyfossil6", < "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dirtyfossil6" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", < "//name" : "crystalplantseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalplantseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1550" : { < "//description" : "A broken electric box.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox1", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Electric Box", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1551" : { < "//description" : "Crossing this laser beam might trigger something!", < "//name" : "lasertripwire", < "//shortdescription" : "Laser Tripwire", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "lasertripwire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1552" : { < "//description" : "Crossing this laser beam might trigger something!", < "//name" : "lasertripwire_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Laser Tripwire", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lasertripwire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1553" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", < "//name" : "dirtyfossil3", < "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dirtyfossil3" < }, < "1554" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", < "//name" : "dirtyfossil2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dirtyfossil2" < }, < "1555" : { < "//description" : "A road sign, it is bent and rusted.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenroundsign1", < "//shortdescription" : "Neglected Rusty Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenroundsign1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1556" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", < "//name" : "dirtyfossil7", < "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dirtyfossil7" < }, < "1557" : { < "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", < "//name" : "dirtyfossil8", < "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dirtyfossil8" < }, < "1558" : { < "//description" : "A counter with added grime.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokencounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Grimy Stylish Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokencounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1559" : { < "//description" : "A broken register.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1560" : { < "//description" : "A metal shelf packed with store goods.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1561" : { < "//description" : "A set of traffic lights, badly broken.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentraficlights", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Traffic Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentraficlights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1562" : { < "//description" : "A broken wooden table.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentable", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Round Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1563" : { < "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", < "//name" : "apexfightlantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexfightlantern" < }, < "1564" : { < "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", < "//name" : "apexfightlantern_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexfightlantern" < }, < "1565" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1566" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1567" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1568" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation9", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1569" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation10", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "This massive iron portcullis closes with a thud.", < "//name" : "bardoor3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Portcullis", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bardoor3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1570" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation11", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1571" : { < "//description" : "A clean looking counter.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitycounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitycounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1572" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal shelf, some store goods still remain on the shelves.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1573" : { < "//description" : "A trap door disguised as a metal platform.", < "//name" : "metallictrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Trap Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metallictrapdoor" < }, < "1574" : { < "//description" : "A manhole cover.", < "//name" : "manholedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Manhole Cover", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "manholedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1575" : { < "//description" : "Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "scorchedcityregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Store Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcityregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1576" : { < "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", < "//name" : "vrheadset", < "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "16", < "object" : "vrheadset", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1577" : { < "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", < "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "16", < "object" : "vrheadset", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1578" : { < "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1579" : { < "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A homely ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "woodenlamp3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Ceiling Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenlamp3" < }, < "1580" : { < "//description" : "What a lovely flower!", < "//name" : "protectorateflower", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateflower", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1581" : { < "//description" : "Smoke", < "//name" : "protectoratesmokegen", < "//shortdescription" : "Smoke", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratesmokegen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1582" : { < "//description" : "A good source of information.", < "//name" : "protectorateinfobooth", < "//shortdescription" : "Info Booth", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateinfobooth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1583" : { < "//description" : "A retro poster.", < "//name" : "protectorateposter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "protectorateposter2" < }, < "1584" : { < "//description" : "A poster of a Matter Manipulator.", < "//name" : "protectorateposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "protectorateposter1" < }, < "1585" : { < "//description" : "A torn bit of fabric from a Protectorate Banner.", < "//name" : "protectoratecape", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Banner Rag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratecape", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1586" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1587" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1588" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1589" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug looks like it's wearing tiny green shoes.\"", < "//name" : "greentip", < "//shortdescription" : "Greentip Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greentip", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1590" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1591" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1592" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1593" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1594" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation9", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1595" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation10", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1596" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation11", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1597" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation12", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1598" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation13", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1599" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"If it survives for 200 years, it might become an Ixodoom.\"", < "//name" : "ixolingaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Ixoling Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ixolingaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "oshroom1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oshroom1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This little bug's legs are covered in see-through hairs.\"", < "//name" : "polarmoth", < "//shortdescription" : "Polarmoth Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "polarmoth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1600" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"A stone temple guardian, animated with ancient technology.\"", < "//name" : "kluexsentryaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Sentry Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kluexsentryaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1601" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"They attack anyone that surprises them, and they're easily surprised.\"", < "//name" : "snuffishaf", < "//shortdescription" : "Snuffish Action Figure", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snuffishaf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1602" : { < "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", < "//name" : "sleepingbagred", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Sleeping Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sleepingbagred", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1603" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent1red", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Dome Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent1red", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1604" : { < "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", < "//name" : "sleepingbaggreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Sleeping Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sleepingbaggreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1605" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent1blue", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Dome Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent1blue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1606" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent2yellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Basic Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent2yellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1607" : { < "//description" : "Ideal for storing food and keeping it fresh.", < "//name" : "minifridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Mini Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "minifridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "1608" : { < "//description" : "There are some items on this shelf.", < "//name" : "apexstoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1609" : { < "//description" : "A military tent.", < "//name" : "apextent", < "//shortdescription" : "Military Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextent", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "A tar door.", < "//name" : "tardoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tardoor" < }, < "1610" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush8", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1611" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1612" : { < "//description" : "A large breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "tentaclepopbig", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Tentacle Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclepopbig" < }, < "1613" : { < "//description" : "A putrid, horrible flower.", < "//name" : "junglebush17", < "//shortdescription" : "Putrid Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush17", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1614" : { < "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", < "//name" : "tentaclespawner1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclespawner1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1615" : { < "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", < "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclespawner1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1616" : { < "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", < "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclespawner1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1617" : { < "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", < "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclespawner1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1618" : { < "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", < "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclespawner1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1619" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclepart3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "A cracked clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", < "//name" : "claypot2", < "//shortdescription" : "Unusual Clay Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "claypot2" < }, < "1620" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclepart3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1621" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclepart3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1622" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclepart3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1623" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclepart3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1624" : { < "//description" : "Anyone for scrambled monster egg?", < "//name" : "tentacleegg", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Monster Egg", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentacleegg" < }, < "1625" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of platinum.", < "//name" : "platinumrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Platinum Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "platinumrock" < }, < "1626" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of gold.", < "//name" : "goldrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldrock" < }, < "1627" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of diamond.", < "//name" : "diamondrocksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Diamond Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diamondrocksmall" < }, < "1628" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclepart2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1629" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclepart2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "thorns2", < "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thorns2" < }, < "1630" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclepart2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1631" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclepart2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1632" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclepart2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1633" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclepart1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1634" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclepart1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1635" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclepart1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1636" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclepart1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1637" : { < "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", < "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tentaclepart1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1638" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of copper.", < "//name" : "copperrocksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Copper Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperrocksmall" < }, < "1639" : { < "//description" : "A leafy plant.", < "//name" : "junglebush14", < "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush14", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom bed. Guaranteed to give you weird dreams.", < "//name" : "shroombed", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroombed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1640" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush8", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1641" : { < "//description" : "A breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "tentaclepopmed", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Tentacle Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclepopmed" < }, < "1642" : { < "//description" : "A statue dedicated to Benjamin \"Meuterion\" Deust.", < "//name" : "benjaminstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Benjamin Deust Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "benjaminstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1643" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush6", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1644" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1645" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush7", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1646" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush12", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush12", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1647" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1648" : { < "//description" : "A statue of Cameron \"KyeTheShy\" York. Loved to adventure, but wandered a little too far...into space.", < "//name" : "cameronstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Cameron York Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cameronstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1649" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of platinum.", < "//name" : "platinumrocksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Platinum Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "platinumrocksmall" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A thorny table. Careful where you put your feet.", < "//name" : "toxictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1650" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1651" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1652" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush10", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1653" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of silver.", < "//name" : "silverrocksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Silver Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "silverrocksmall" < }, < "1654" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush11", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush11", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1655" : { < "//description" : "A breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", < "//name" : "tentaclepopsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Tentacle Capsule", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tentaclepopsmall" < }, < "1656" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of diamond.", < "//name" : "diamondrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diamondrock" < }, < "1657" : { < "//description" : "A leafy plant.", < "//name" : "junglebush15", < "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush15", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1658" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush7", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush7", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1659" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", < "//name" : "kiwiseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kiwiseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1660" : { < "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", < "//name" : "heckbush9", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckbush9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1661" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of copper.", < "//name" : "copperrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperrock" < }, < "1662" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1663" : { < "//description" : "The plaque reads \"For a father who opened up a new world for me. In Memory of Tracy Dietrich 1963-2003\".", < "//name" : "memorialstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Imagination Memorial", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "memorialstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1664" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1665" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of gold.", < "//name" : "goldrocksmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Gold Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldrocksmall" < }, < "1666" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush9", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush9", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1667" : { < "//description" : "A cracked rock full of silver.", < "//name" : "silverrock", < "//shortdescription" : "Silver Rock", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "silverrock" < }, < "1668" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1669" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush10", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush10", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed with a headboard.", < "//name" : "woodenbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1670" : { < "//description" : "A leafy plant.", < "//name" : "junglebush13", < "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush13", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1671" : { < "//description" : "The only letters I can make out are \"xOliver137\".", < "//name" : "oliverstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "xOliver137 Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oliverstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1672" : { < "//description" : "A leafy plant.", < "//name" : "junglebush16", < "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush16", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1673" : { < "//description" : "A putrid, horrible flower.", < "//name" : "junglebush18", < "//shortdescription" : "Putrid Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush18", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1674" : { < "//description" : "A colourful bush.", < "//name" : "junglebush6", < "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglebush6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1675" : { < "//description" : "-todo-", < "//name" : "bossrightspawner", < "//shortdescription" : "Boss Right Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bossrightspawner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1676" : { < "//description" : "A tentacle nerve ending", < "//name" : "brainsynapse1", < "//shortdescription" : "Synapse", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brainsynapse1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1677" : { < "//name" : "mothlamp", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1678" : { < "//description" : "It's a figurine of a Glitch noble.", < "//name" : "glitchbaronfigure", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Statuette", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchbaronfigure", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1679" : { < "//description" : "Attracts moths. Moths produce silk!", < "//name" : "mothtrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Moth Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mothtrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "An alien plant door.", < "//name" : "aliendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "aliendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1680" : { < "//description" : "If you die, you will respawn at this location.", < "//name" : "checkpoint", < "//shortdescription" : "Mission Checkpoint", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "checkpoint", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1681" : { < "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", < "//name" : "penguinbartop", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Top", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "penguinbartop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1682" : { < "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", < "//name" : "penguinbarbottom", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "penguinbarbottom", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1683" : { < "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", < "//name" : "outpostbarstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Urban Bar Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostbarstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1684" : { < "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", < "//name" : "penguinbarsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "penguinbarsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1685" : { < "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "penguinbarlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "penguinbarlamp" < }, < "1686" : { < "//description" : "A cleverly concealed entrance.", < "//name" : "secretdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "secretdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1687" : { < "//description" : "A cleverly concealed entrance.", < "//name" : "secrettrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Trapdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secrettrapdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1688" : { < "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", < "//name" : "penguinbartop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Top", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "penguinbartop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1689" : { < "//description" : "Stops and starts rail riders", < "//name" : "railstop", < "//shortdescription" : "Rail Stop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "railstop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A door of crossed blades. It looks like they can be withdrawn.", < "//name" : "irondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "irondoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1690" : { < "//description" : "Upgrade your Matter Manipulator!", < "//name" : "mmupgradeconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "M.M. Upgrade Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mmupgradeconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1691" : { < "//description" : "Detects rail riders as they pass through", < "//name" : "railsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Rail Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "railsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1692" : { < "//description" : "Caps rail endpoints to send riders back the way they came", < "//name" : "railbumper", < "//shortdescription" : "Rail Bumper", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "railbumper", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1693" : { < "//description" : "Directs rail riders to different paths", < "//name" : "railswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Rail Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "railswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1694" : { < "//description" : "A cold blue light.", < "//name" : "bluelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bluelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "magmagroundspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "magmagroundspike2" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflamehuman2", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflamehuman2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A door covered in eyes. Don't blink.", < "//name" : "eyedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", < "//name" : "wildriceseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildriceseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A giant flower. Perfect to use as a table.", < "//name" : "giantflowertable", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowertable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier1techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//name" : "tier5switch", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", < "//name" : "wildbananaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildbananaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//name" : "ironbeacon", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A fancy modern table to place fancy modern things on.", < "//name" : "moderntable", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "moderntable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A four-sided spinning top. There are curious symbols on each side.", < "//name" : "dreidel", < "//shortdescription" : "Dreidel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dreidel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking wooden chair.", < "//name" : "woodenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//name" : "tier6table", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "Eight marker.", < "//name" : "number8", < "//shortdescription" : "Eight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number8" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", < "//name" : "woodencrate1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrate1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"A large, formidable bug. Can survive extreme heat.\"", < "//name" : "fireygiant", < "//shortdescription" : "Fireygiant Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fireygiant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "greengroundspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengroundspike1" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", < "//name" : "dirturchinseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dirturchinseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "I don't feel welcome here...", < "//name" : "penguinposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguins Only Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "penguinposter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "A creepy bone table. Looks more like a sacrificial altar. Good for picnics.", < "//name" : "bonetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//name" : "tier6bed", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "A common iron bed.", < "//name" : "tier1bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", < "//name" : "wildcrystalplantseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcrystalplantseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", < "//name" : "neonmelonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "neonmelonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "This table has arms! The extra precision allows me to craft some seriously advanced stuff! ", < "//name" : "roboticcraftingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Robotic Crafting Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "roboticcraftingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "iceshard4", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "iceshard4" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "A giant swirly lollipop! Sweet!", < "//name" : "lollipop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Lollipop", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lollipop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "greengroundspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengroundspike2" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Not to be confused with the infamous Dreadwing.\"", < "//name" : "redwing", < "//shortdescription" : "Redwing Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redwing", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "shroomchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "For all your holiday crafting needs!", < "//name" : "holidaycraftingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Toymaker's Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaycraftingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "A generic metal barrel. It's sealed.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "savannahgroundspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "savannahgroundspike4" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", < "//name" : "planttorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", < "//name" : "giantflower1", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflower1" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a homely feel.", < "//name" : "woodenlamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Standing Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenlamp2" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of flesh.", < "//name" : "heckchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", < "//name" : "bioshroom2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroom2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "woodenteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenteleporter" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "Scratching sounds from the inside... I think something has made a nest in there.", < "//name" : "wreckconsole2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Computer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckconsole2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel chair.", < "//name" : "tier4chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "A sticky tar chair.", < "//name" : "tarchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.", < "//name" : "automatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "automatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "A rusty table. Adds flavour.", < "//name" : "rusttable", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rusttable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "A customized signboard", < "//name" : "customsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "customsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//name" : "geometricchest", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "A tall lamp, with each light linked to another.", < "//name" : "celllamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "celllamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "...", < "//name" : "helpme", < "//shortdescription" : "Help Me Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "helpme" < }, < "212" : { < "//description" : "A wall light.", < "//name" : "outpostlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "213" : { < "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", < "//name" : "tallgrass4", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tallgrass4" < }, < "214" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "desertgroundspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "desertgroundspike2" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", < "//name" : "lightsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lightsensor" < }, < "216" : { < "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", < "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lightsensor" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", < "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lightsensor" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", < "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lightsensor" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "A snow drift.", < "//name" : "snowdrift2", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowdrift2" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A tiny lamppost. Try not to kick it over.", < "//name" : "smalllamppost", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Lamppost", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smalllamppost", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", < "//name" : "wheatseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wheatseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "Is it a light, or is it a sabre? Maybe both.", < "//name" : "ironlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironlight" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "A holiday pole! Its festively striped.", < "//name" : "holidaypole", < "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Pole", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaypole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "223" : { < "//description" : "A service panel.", < "//name" : "outpostservicepanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Service Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostservicepanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "224" : { < "//description" : "A basic wooden chair.", < "//name" : "woodchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Padded Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "225" : { < "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", < "//name" : "bathroomtrash", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bathroomtrash", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "226" : { < "//description" : "A battered old table. Still operational as far as tables go!", < "//name" : "wrecktable", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecktable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "227" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The tips of its legs are covered in snow.\"", < "//name" : "snowskater", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowskater Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowskater", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "228" : { < "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top. There's something odd about it.", < "//name" : "giftmonsterbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Unusual Gift Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "giftmonsterbox" < }, < "229" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", < "//name" : "fleshbush6", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshbush6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A compact switch that can be flipped on or off.", < "//name" : "tinywallswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Wall Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tinywallswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "230" : { < "//description" : "A sticky, slimy spot to sit.", < "//name" : "slimechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "231" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "groundspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "groundspike2" < }, < "232" : { < "//description" : "A high-tech container for guns.", < "//name" : "gunchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Gun Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gunchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "233" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", < "//name" : "woodencrate2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrate2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "234" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "235" : { < "//description" : "A toilet made of swords. Risky.", < "//name" : "irontoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "irontoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "236" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy iron lever. Perfect for pulling.", < "//name" : "tier1switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "237" : { < "//description" : "This machine can reorganize pixels into almost any shape.", < "//name" : "3dprinter", < "//shortdescription" : "Pixel Printer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "3dprinter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "238" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflamenovakid", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflamenovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "239" : { < "//description" : "An old sign to warn of deathly danger.", < "//name" : "deathwarning", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "deathwarning" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", < "//name" : "smallwallswitchlighttoggle", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch (Toggled Light)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallwallswitchlighttoggle" < }, < "240" : { < "//description" : "A cute wooden lamp.", < "//name" : "woodenlamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Table Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenlamp1" < }, < "241" : { < "//description" : "A small wooden stool.", < "//name" : "woodstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "242" : { < "//name" : "tier6switch", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "243" : { < "//description" : "A snowglobe with a snowman inside. Festive!", < "//name" : "snowglobe1", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowman Snowglobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowglobe1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "244" : { < "//description" : "A bright, modern looking chair.", < "//name" : "cellchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "245" : { < "//description" : "A set of lockers, perfect for storing things.", < "//name" : "lunarbaselocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lockers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "246" : { < "//description" : "A big, delicious red gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "redgumdrop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redgumdrop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "247" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This prickly little fellow has razor sharp wings.\"", < "//name" : "thornbee", < "//shortdescription" : "Thornbee Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thornbee", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "248" : { < "//description" : "A frozen, spherical chest. Perfect for treasure, or making ice cubes.", < "//name" : "icespherechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespherechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "249" : { < "//description" : "Sleep sweetly, suspended in slime.", < "//name" : "slimebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", < "//name" : "smallwallbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Button", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallwallbutton" < }, < "250" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "torch", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "torch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "251" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "torch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "torch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "252" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "torch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "torch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "253" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "torch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "torch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "254" : { < "//description" : "Once upon a time, a couple of these things could power a whole ship.", < "//name" : "wreckgenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckgenerator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "255" : { < "//description" : "A secured wooden crate.", < "//name" : "box2", < "//shortdescription" : "Secure Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "box2", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "256" : { < "//name" : "tier9light", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "257" : { < "//description" : "An ice chest. Totally secure, until it melts.", < "//name" : "icechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "258" : { < "//name" : "tier7techchest", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "259" : { < "//description" : "A pretty oil lantern.", < "//name" : "oillantern1", < "//shortdescription" : "Oil Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oillantern1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Perfect for all your automated door needs!", < "//name" : "scanner", < "//shortdescription" : "Proximity Scanner", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scanner" < }, < "260" : { < "//description" : "A pretty oil lantern.", < "//name" : "oillantern1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Oil Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oillantern1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "261" : { < "//description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", < "//name" : "wildpussplumseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpussplumseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "262" : { < "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "oshroom2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oshroom2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "263" : { < "//description" : "Useful for crafting! This enables me to smelt basic ores into bars.", < "//name" : "stonefurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Stone Furnace^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonefurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "264" : { < "//description" : "A wrecked turbine, completely non-operational.", < "//name" : "wreckturbine2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbine", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckturbine2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "265" : { < "//description" : "Ahh The Son of Man, you make me hungry!", < "//name" : "genericpainting1", < "//shortdescription" : "Curious Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "genericpainting1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "266" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "greenceilingspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "greenceilingspike3" < }, < "267" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent2", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Basic Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "268" : { < "//description" : "A pretty white flower in a pot.", < "//name" : "wflowerpot", < "//shortdescription" : "White Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wflowerpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "269" : { < "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", < "//name" : "foodbowl", < "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foodbowl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "This pressure plate activates when stepped on.", < "//name" : "proximitysensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "proximitysensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "270" : { < "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", < "//name" : "foodbowl_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foodbowl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "271" : { < "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", < "//name" : "ceilingstalactite2", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "ceilingstalactite2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "272" : { < "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", < "//name" : "ceilingstalactite2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "ceilingstalactite2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "273" : { < "//description" : "A microwave. For when you're hungry enough to nuke your food.", < "//name" : "outpostmicrowave", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Microwave", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostmicrowave", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "274" : { < "//description" : "Old wiring, torn apart.", < "//name" : "wreckwiresceiling", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Hanging Wires", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wreckwiresceiling" < }, < "275" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "desertgroundspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "desertgroundspike3" < }, < "276" : { < "//description" : "It's a very tempting lever.", < "//name" : "hylotlswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "277" : { < "//name" : "tier10switch", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "278" : { < "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", < "//name" : "giantflower2", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflower2" < }, < "279" : { < "//description" : "A giant mushroom. Perfect to use as a table.", < "//name" : "shroomtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//name" : "tier6door", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "280" : { < "//description" : "A monitor. But who monitors the monitor?", < "//name" : "outpostmonitor", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "outpostmonitor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "281" : { < "//description" : "A table made of crystal. Perfect for rich foods.", < "//name" : "crystaltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystaltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "282" : { < "//description" : "A giant, delicious purple gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "purplegumdrop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Purple Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "purplegumdrop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "283" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "284" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "sandstonetorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "285" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "286" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "287" : { < "//name" : "tier9bed", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "288" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflame", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflame", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "289" : { < "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", < "//name" : "holly", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "holly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Watch your step, this looks explosive!", < "//name" : "landmine", < "//shortdescription" : "Military Land Mine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "landmine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "290" : { < "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", < "//name" : "holly_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "holly" < }, < "291" : { < "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", < "//name" : "holly_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "holly" < }, < "292" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent1", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Dome Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "293" : { < "//description" : "This vending machine is empty, I guess the crew had a taste for soda.", < "//name" : "wreckvendingmachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckvendingmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "294" : { < "//description" : "Stale air whistles through this old vent.", < "//name" : "wreckvent", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckvent" < }, < "295" : { < "//description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", < "//name" : "wildcoffeeseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcoffeeseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "296" : { < "//description" : "This chest appears organic in construction.", < "//name" : "glowchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "297" : { < "//description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", < "//name" : "wildkiwiseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildkiwiseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "298" : { < "//description" : "An ice dispenser made of ice. That's ice ice, baby.", < "//name" : "icemachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icemachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "299" : { < "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", < "//name" : "eggshootseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eggshootseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", < "//name" : "planttorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "planttorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Urge... to push... rising!", < "//name" : "bigredbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Button", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigredbutton", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "300" : { < "//description" : "A water cooler. The best place to find the hottest gossip.", < "//name" : "watercooler", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Cooler", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "watercooler", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "301" : { < "//name" : "tier5table", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "302" : { < "//description" : "Just the thing for making a gift to show someone you care.", < "//name" : "heartforge", < "//shortdescription" : "Heart Forge", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heartforge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "303" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The warmer this bug gets, the more it glows.\"", < "//name" : "glowbug", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowbug Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbug" < }, < "304" : { < "//description" : "A filing cabinet. Sorted.", < "//name" : "filingcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "filingcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "305" : { < "//description" : "This teleporter should get me back to the ship when I'm ready to leave.", < "//name" : "exitteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Exit Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "exitteleporter" < }, < "306" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "307" : { < "//description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", < "//name" : "feathercrownseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feathercrownseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "308" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", < "//name" : "fleshbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "309" : { < "//name" : "missionteleporter", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A tiny basket made of wicker.", < "//name" : "wickerbasket1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket1" < }, < "310" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"These bugs appear to rise from clouds of ash.\"", < "//name" : "ashsprite", < "//shortdescription" : "Ashsprite Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ashsprite", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "311" : { < "//description" : "A handy hand dryer. Hands off.", < "//name" : "bathroomhanddryer", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Hand Dryer", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bathroomhanddryer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "312" : { < "//description" : "A bathroom urinal. Useful for some.", < "//name" : "bathroomurinal", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Urinal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bathroomurinal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "313" : { < "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", < "//name" : "wildpineappleseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpineappleseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "314" : { < "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit a pleasant glow.", < "//name" : "glowflowerlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflowerlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "315" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "bigboosterflameavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "bigboosterflameavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "316" : { < "//description" : "A smashable crystal. Time to get breaking bad.", < "//name" : "smashcrystal", < "//shortdescription" : "Smashable Crystal", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smashcrystal" < }, < "317" : { < "//description" : "A surprisingly comfortable chair.", < "//name" : "lunarbasechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "318" : { < "//description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", < "//name" : "wartweedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wartweedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "319" : { < "//description" : "A sleek control console.", < "//name" : "lunarbaseconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaseconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//name" : "tier9techchest", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "320" : { < "//description" : "A table. Perfect for tabletop gaming. Or eating.", < "//name" : "outposttable", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outposttable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "321" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket2" < }, < "322" : { < "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", < "//name" : "giantflower3", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflower3" < }, < "323" : { < "//description" : "A door with a cheerful wreath on it.", < "//name" : "giantflowerdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "324" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "magmagroundspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "magmagroundspike1" < }, < "325" : { < "//description" : "A tall wooden bookcase full of books.", < "//name" : "woodenbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "326" : { < "//description" : "A button.", < "//name" : "outpostbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Button", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostbutton", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "327" : { < "//description" : "A fuzzy red stocking. A little too big for anyone's foot.", < "//name" : "stocking2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Stocking", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "stocking2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "328" : { < "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", < "//name" : "biovine4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "biovine4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "329" : { < "//description" : "A glowing durasteel light.", < "//name" : "tier4light", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4light", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//name" : "tier9table", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "330" : { < "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Mazebound64'.", < "//name" : "arcadegame", < "//shortdescription" : "Mazebound64", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcadegame", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "331" : { < "//description" : "A small damaged table.", < "//name" : "wrecksmalltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wrecked Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksmalltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "332" : { < "//description" : "A crane. Used for lifting, or swinging from.", < "//name" : "outpostcrane", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Crane", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "outpostcrane", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "333" : { < "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", < "//name" : "smallwallswitchlit", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch (Light)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallwallswitchlit" < }, < "334" : { < "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", < "//name" : "wildavesmingoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildavesmingoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "335" : { < "//description" : "An iron bed made of swords. Perfect for a power nap.", < "//name" : "ironbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "336" : { < "//description" : "A wide solid wooden stand.", < "//name" : "woodenstand2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wooden Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenstand2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "337" : { < "//description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", < "//name" : "wildpotatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpotatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "338" : { < "//description" : "The Elegantly Automatic Sign Engineering Lithographer.", < "//name" : "signstore", < "//shortdescription" : "EASEL", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "signstore", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "339" : { < "//description" : "A big lollipop! Sweet!", < "//name" : "lollipop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Lollipop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lollipop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//name" : "tier9switch", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "340" : { < "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", < "//name" : "lunarbaselantern", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselantern" < }, < "341" : { < "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", < "//name" : "lunarbaselantern_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselantern" < }, < "342" : { < "//description" : "A filthy chair. Insects skitter in and out of holes in the fabric.", < "//name" : "wreckchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "343" : { < "//description" : "A table made of carved ice.", < "//name" : "icetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "344" : { < "//name" : "robot", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "345" : { < "//description" : "Don't burn your feet!", < "//name" : "burningcoals", < "//shortdescription" : "Burning Coals", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "burningcoals", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "346" : { < "//description" : "One could build some very sophisticated equipment on this table.", < "//name" : "ironcraftingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Crafting Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironcraftingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "347" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "348" : { < "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", < "//name" : "wildcoralcreepseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcoralcreepseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "349" : { < "//description" : "The sword in the... console?", < "//name" : "ironswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//name" : "tier9chair", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "350" : { < "//description" : "An inviting rainbow door.", < "//name" : "rainbowdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowdoor" < }, < "351" : { < "//description" : "Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.", < "//name" : "wildautomatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildautomatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "352" : { < "//description" : "A cultist altar. Nefarious worship goes on here.", < "//name" : "cultistaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Cultist Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cultistaltar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "353" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"A lively bug, it can be seen drinking morning dew.\"", < "//name" : "dewhopper", < "//shortdescription" : "Dewhopper Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dewhopper", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "354" : { < "//description" : "Develop ^orange;specialized equipment^white;!", < "//name" : "researchstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Research Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "researchstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "355" : { < "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", < "//name" : "bioshroom3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroom3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "356" : { < "//description" : "Like a snowman, but sticky.", < "//name" : "tarman", < "//shortdescription" : "Tarman", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "357" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug rubs its legs together to produce tiny sparks.\"", < "//name" : "phoenixfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Phoenixfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "phoenixfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "358" : { < "//name" : "tier6techchest", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "359" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The surface of this bug's shell shimmers like oil.\"", < "//name" : "aurorabee", < "//shortdescription" : "Aurorabee Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "aurorabee", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//name" : "tier8techchest", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "360" : { < "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", < "//name" : "carrotseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "carrotseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "361" : { < "//description" : "A gloriously colourful rainbow chair.", < "//name" : "rainbowchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "362" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Thrives in desolate conditions.\"", < "//name" : "cinderfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Cinderfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cinderfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "363" : { < "//name" : "aviandungeonpod", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "364" : { < "//description" : "Pushing it might be fun, at least for a moment.", < "//name" : "smallfloorbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floor Button", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallfloorbutton", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "365" : { < "//description" : "A slim golden deocrative vase.", < "//name" : "goldvase3", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "366" : { < "//description" : "A fridge. Hopefully filled with tasty, tasty treats.", < "//name" : "outpostfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Chic Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "367" : { < "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", < "//name" : "sleepingbag", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Sleeping Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sleepingbag", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "368" : { < "//description" : "Invisible Sparker", < "//name" : "invisiblesparker", < "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Sparker", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "invisiblesparker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "369" : { < "//description" : "This colourful sleigh has a big rocket engine on the back! Who needs reindeer, right?", < "//name" : "scifisleigh", < "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Rocket Sleigh", < "imagePositionX" : "-64", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scifisleigh", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//name" : "tier8switch", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "370" : { < "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", < "//name" : "toxiclamp2", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "toxiclamp2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "371" : { < "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane. It's crooked.", < "//name" : "greencandycane2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greencandycane2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "372" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"You'll smell one of these little guys before you see one.\"", < "//name" : "stinkjack", < "//shortdescription" : "Stinkjack Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stinkjack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "373" : { < "//description" : "A steaming cup of Earl Grey.", < "//name" : "teacup1", < "//shortdescription" : "Teacup", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teacup1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "374" : { < "//description" : "A dim red light.", < "//name" : "redlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "375" : { < "//name" : "tier7table", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "376" : { < "//description" : "A security console. For keeping things secure.", < "//name" : "outpostsecurityconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Security Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostsecurityconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "377" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalactite2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalactite2" < }, < "378" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "magmaceilingspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "magmaceilingspike2" < }, < "379" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "greenceilingspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "greenceilingspike2" < }, < "38" : { < "//name" : "tier7switch", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "380" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalagmite2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalagmite2" < }, < "381" : { < "//description" : "One marker.", < "//name" : "number1", < "//shortdescription" : "One", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number1" < }, < "382" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", < "//name" : "fleshbush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "383" : { < "//description" : "A synthetic fir tree.", < "//name" : "undecoratedtree", < "//shortdescription" : "Faux Fir Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "undecoratedtree", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "384" : { < "//description" : "A simple cardboard box.", < "//name" : "cardboard2", < "//shortdescription" : "Cardboard Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cardboard2", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "385" : { < "//name" : "apexdungeonpod", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "386" : { < "//description" : "No one knows how this sword got here. Pull it out, it could be legendary!", < "//name" : "wildswordstoneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Swordstone", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildswordstoneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "387" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodencabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "388" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", < "//name" : "secretsign2", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 2", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secretsign2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "389" : { < "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", < "//name" : "icesphere2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icesphere2" < }, < "39" : { < "//name" : "tier7door", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "390" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "savannahgroundspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "savannahgroundspike1" < }, < "391" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "bigboosterflamehuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-48", < "object" : "bigboosterflamehuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "392" : { < "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", < "//name" : "biovine3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "biovine3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "393" : { < "//description" : "It sure doesn't look like this could generate a shield.", < "//name" : "shieldgenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Shield Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "shieldgenerator" < }, < "394" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "ceilingspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ceilingspike1" < }, < "395" : { < "//description" : "Five marker.", < "//name" : "number5", < "//shortdescription" : "Five", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number5" < }, < "396" : { < "//description" : "A simple tar bed.", < "//name" : "tarbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "397" : { < "//description" : "A strong titanium door.", < "//name" : "tier3door", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3door" < }, < "398" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "smallboosterflamehuman2", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "smallboosterflamehuman2" < }, < "399" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root5", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "root5" < }, < "40" : { < "//name" : "tier7chair", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "400" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "401" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "402" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "403" : { < "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", < "//name" : "electriclight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electriclight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "404" : { < "//description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", < "//name" : "sugarcaneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sugarcaneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "405" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "406" : { < "//description" : "A dancing hula girl. Aloha!", < "//name" : "hulagirl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hula Girl", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hulagirl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "407" : { < "//description" : "A strong Geometric bed.", < "//name" : "geometricbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "408" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel bed. Looks pretty sleek.", < "//name" : "tier4bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "409" : { < "//name" : "geometricscreen", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "41" : { < "//name" : "tier7bed", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "410" : { < "//name" : "geometricscreen_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "411" : { < "//name" : "geometricscreen_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "412" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell4", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "413" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "414" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "415" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "416" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "417" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "418" : { < "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "futurelight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futurelight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "419" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "desertgroundspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "desertgroundspike1" < }, < "42" : { < "//name" : "tier6chair", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "420" : { < "//description" : "A tank of unknown use.", < "//name" : "outposttank", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outposttank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "421" : { < "//description" : "An old boiler. A dripping echoes from inside.", < "//name" : "wreckboiler", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Boiler", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckboiler", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "422" : { < "//name" : "tier9door", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "423" : { < "//description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", < "//name" : "prisonfence1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Chain-link Fence", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfence1" < }, < "424" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket3" < }, < "425" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This guy has a creepy little face.\"", < "//name" : "xenofly", < "//shortdescription" : "Xenofly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "xenofly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "426" : { < "//description" : "Crackling quietly, the smell of hickory smoke is delightful.", < "//name" : "rusticoven", < "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Oven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rusticoven", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "427" : { < "//description" : "Gurgle gurgle!", < "//name" : "drain", < "//shortdescription" : "Drain", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drain" < }, < "428" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of rock.", < "//name" : "cavechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cavechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "429" : { < "//description" : "Four marker.", < "//name" : "number4", < "//shortdescription" : "Four", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number4" < }, < "43" : { < "//name" : "tier5techchest", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "430" : { < "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", < "//name" : "wildcarrotseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcarrotseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "431" : { < "//description" : "A table made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "432" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "433" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "434" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "435" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "436" : { < "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", < "//name" : "alertlight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alertlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "437" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug is incredibly sticky. It has two long horns on its head.\"", < "//name" : "mudstag", < "//shortdescription" : "Mudstag Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mudstag", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "438" : { < "//description" : "A bathroom sink. Wash your hands!", < "//name" : "bathroomsink", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Sink", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bathroomsink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "439" : { < "//description" : "A table made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//name" : "tier5light", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "440" : { < "//description" : "A prickly plant with prickly fruits.", < "//name" : "thornplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Thorny Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thornplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "441" : { < "//description" : "A locker of unknown ownership.", < "//name" : "outpostlocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Lockers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostlocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "442" : { < "//name" : "tier10light", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "443" : { < "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", < "//name" : "smallwallswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallwallswitch" < }, < "444" : { < "//description" : "Six marker.", < "//name" : "number6", < "//shortdescription" : "Six", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number6" < }, < "445" : { < "//description" : "A graffiti message.", < "//name" : "thewayisblocked", < "//shortdescription" : "thewayisblocked", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "thewayisblocked", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "446" : { < "//description" : "He sees you when you're sleeping! He knows when you're awake!", < "//name" : "giantsanta", < "//shortdescription" : "Jetpack Santa Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantsanta", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "447" : { < "//description" : "Pearlpea, I'll need to bite down hard.", < "//name" : "wildpearlpeaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpearlpeaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "448" : { < "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", < "//name" : "wilddiodiaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wilddiodiaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "449" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting some animals.", < "//name" : "caveart1", < "//shortdescription" : "Animal Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//name" : "tier5door", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "450" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "liquidsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "451" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "452" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "453" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "454" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Attracted to heat, this little guy needs warmth.\"", < "//name" : "heathugger", < "//shortdescription" : "Heathugger Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heathugger", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "455" : { < "//description" : "A keypad.", < "//name" : "outpostkeypad", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Keypad", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "outpostkeypad", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "456" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell5", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "457" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in red paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present2", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "458" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed.", < "//name" : "woodenbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "459" : { < "//description" : "An old battered sign warning of falling rocks.", < "//name" : "fallingrocks", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Falling Rocks Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fallingrocks" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of fresh flesh.", < "//name" : "fleshbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "460" : { < "//description" : "Grows boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", < "//name" : "boltbulbseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "boltbulbseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "461" : { < "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", < "//name" : "icesphere4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icesphere4" < }, < "462" : { < "//name" : "tier8light", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "463" : { < "//name" : "tier10chair", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "464" : { < "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", < "//name" : "avesmingoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avesmingoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "465" : { < "//description" : "An alien chest.", < "//name" : "alienchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "466" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in teal paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present1", < "//shortdescription" : "Teal Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "467" : { < "//description" : "Craft ranged weapons of immense power and armor with deep energy reserves.", < "//name" : "manipulatortable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Manipulator's Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "manipulatortable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "468" : { < "//description" : "A big, delicious green gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "greengumdrop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Green Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengumdrop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "469" : { < "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", < "//name" : "plantbiolight", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbiolight" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier3techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "470" : { < "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", < "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbiolight" < }, < "471" : { < "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", < "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbiolight" < }, < "472" : { < "//description" : "A small barred vent.", < "//name" : "barvent", < "//shortdescription" : "Barred Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barvent" < }, < "473" : { < "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", < "//name" : "bioshroom5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroom5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "474" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"A bug with glistening gold wings, very fancy!\"", < "//name" : "goldbuck", < "//shortdescription" : "Goldbuck Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldbuck", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "475" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "476" : { < "//description" : "A throne of 1000 swords.", < "//name" : "ironthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "477" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "desertceilingspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "desertceilingspike4" < }, < "478" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root4", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "root4" < }, < "479" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "iceshard5", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "iceshard5" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A solid Durasteel table.", < "//name" : "tier4table", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "480" : { < "//description" : "Boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", < "//name" : "wildboltbulbseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildboltbulbseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "481" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting an offering.", < "//name" : "caveart5", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "caveart5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "482" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket4", < "//shortdescription" : "Handled Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket4" < }, < "483" : { < "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top.", < "//name" : "bigpresent", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigpresent", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "484" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", < "//name" : "secretsign3", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 3", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secretsign3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "485" : { < "//description" : "For all your farming and terraforming needs!", < "//name" : "terramart", < "//shortdescription" : "Terramart", < "imagePositionX" : "-64", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "terramart", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "486" : { < "//description" : "A decorative clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", < "//name" : "claypot3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Clay Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "claypot3" < }, < "487" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The trail of a dustmoth looks like stardust.\"", < "//name" : "dustmoth", < "//shortdescription" : "Dustmoth Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dustmoth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "488" : { < "//description" : "A shipping container. Probably doesn't contain a ship.", < "//name" : "outpostshippingcontainer", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Shipping Container", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostshippingcontainer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "489" : { < "//description" : "A wooden cabinet with a sink installed.", < "//name" : "woodensink", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Sink", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodensink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A stylish titanium table.", < "//name" : "tier3table", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "490" : { < "//description" : "\"These bugs float on updrafts of poisonous gases.\"", < "//name" : "gasgiant", < "//shortdescription" : "Gasgiant Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gasgiant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "491" : { < "//description" : "A toxic waste barrel. Don't spill any!", < "//name" : "toxicwastebarrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Waste Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicwastebarrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "492" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "493" : { < "//description" : "These cosy beds can stack on top of each other.", < "//name" : "lunarbasebunk", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Bunk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasebunk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "494" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "495" : { < "//description" : "An old input panel, probably used to be used for security.", < "//name" : "wreckpanel2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wrecked Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckpanel2" < }, < "496" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its legs look like intertwining vines.\"", < "//name" : "vineclimber", < "//shortdescription" : "Vineclimber Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vineclimber", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "497" : { < "//description" : "A basic bed. Not too comfy.", < "//name" : "outpostbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "498" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone bed. Make sure you dust it off before use.", < "//name" : "sandstonebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "499" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell8", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell8", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A giant, delicious green gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "greengumdrop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Green Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengumdrop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A glowing titanium light.", < "//name" : "tier3light", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3light" < }, < "500" : { < "//description" : "An old-school arcade machine. This one plays 'Super Tralgar Blaster 2'.", < "//name" : "arcademachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arcademachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "501" : { < "//description" : "A status pod. Take your chances...", < "//name" : "statuspod", < "//shortdescription" : "Status Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "statuspod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "502" : { < "//name" : "tier8chair", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "503" : { < "//description" : "A durasteel control console. Press all the buttons!", < "//name" : "tier4switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "504" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light.", < "//name" : "ancientstriplight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientstriplight2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "505" : { < "//description" : "A smashed monitor, not much use now.", < "//name" : "wreckscreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wreckscreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "506" : { < "//description" : "A big, delicious purple gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "purplegumdrop1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Purple Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "purplegumdrop1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "507" : { < "//description" : "It's a set of loudspeakers through which people speak loudly.", < "//name" : "loudspeaker", < "//shortdescription" : "Loudspeakers", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "loudspeaker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "508" : { < "//description" : "A chest decorated with beautiful rainbow markings.", < "//name" : "rainbowchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "509" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "iceshard2", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "iceshard2" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A basic tungsten table.", < "//name" : "tier2table", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "510" : { < "//description" : "A thin solid wooden stand.", < "//name" : "woodenstand1", < "//shortdescription" : "Thin Wooden Stand", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenstand1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "511" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy table. Perfect for carnivores.", < "//name" : "fleshtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "512" : { < "//description" : "The kitchen counter is used to produce wholesome foods with a variety of effects.", < "//name" : "woodencookingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Kitchen Counter^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencookingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "513" : { < "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root10", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "root10" < }, < "514" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "teleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teleporter" < }, < "515" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "smallboosterflame", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "smallboosterflame" < }, < "516" : { < "//description" : "A smashed vat, the inside is covered in dried slime... Did something break out?", < "//name" : "wreckvat1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vat", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckvat1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "517" : { < "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking chair.", < "//name" : "tungstenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Folding Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tungstenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "518" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "teleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teleporterTier0" < }, < "519" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of flowers.", < "//name" : "giantflowerchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy chest. To store things in.", < "//name" : "fleshchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "520" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet containing who knows what?", < "//name" : "outpostcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "521" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a frog sitting peacefully.", < "//name" : "frogstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Frog Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frogstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "522" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "greengroundspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengroundspike4" < }, < "523" : { < "//description" : "A snowglobe with a penguin inside. The bird looks angry.", < "//name" : "snowglobe2", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Snowglobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowglobe2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "524" : { < "//description" : "I wish I'd paid attention in astrogeography class.", < "//name" : "screenplanet", < "//shortdescription" : "Planet Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "screenplanet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "525" : { < "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", < "//name" : "diodiaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diodiaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "526" : { < "//name" : "decoyprincess", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "527" : { < "//description" : "A small red bow.", < "//name" : "smallbow", < "//shortdescription" : "Little Red Bow", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "smallbow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "528" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"A bright yellow bug, its wings smell like butter.\"", < "//name" : "butterbee", < "//shortdescription" : "Butterbee Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "butterbee", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "529" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug makes a faint ringing sound as it flies through the air.\"", < "//name" : "driftbell", < "//shortdescription" : "Driftbell Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "driftbell", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A simple tungsten lamp.", < "//name" : "tier2light", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2light" < }, < "530" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Where there's frost, there are frostflies.\"", < "//name" : "frostfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Frostfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frostfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "531" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalactite4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalactite4" < }, < "532" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug never stops eating.\"", < "//name" : "hivehog", < "//shortdescription" : "Hivehog Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivehog", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "533" : { < "//description" : "An alien bed. It seems to be alive.", < "//name" : "alienbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "534" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy metal chair.", < "//name" : "basicmetalchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basicmetalchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "535" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"These bugs can be seen dancing at dusk.\"", < "//name" : "muddancer", < "//shortdescription" : "Muddancer Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "muddancer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "536" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The smallest and most pathetic bug I've ever seen.\"", < "//name" : "orphanfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Orphanfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "orphanfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "537" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Who would live in the desert? This clown.\"", < "//name" : "sandclown", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandclown Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandclown", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "538" : { < "//description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", < "//name" : "potatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "potatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "539" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug has a snout like a seahorse.\"", < "//name" : "seahornet", < "//shortdescription" : "Seahornet Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seahornet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A basic tungsten door.", < "//name" : "tier2door", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2door" < }, < "540" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"It looks as if it could slip out of its shell at a moments notice.\"", < "//name" : "shellcreep", < "//shortdescription" : "Shellcreep Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shellcreep", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "541" : { < "//description" : "An Apex statue. A perfect likeness.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatueapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatueapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "542" : { < "//description" : "A steaming cup of Earl Grey.", < "//name" : "testbug", < "//shortdescription" : "Teacup", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "testbug", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "543" : { < "//description" : "A bathroom stall. Don't get stuck!", < "//name" : "bathroomstall", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bathroomstall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "544" : { < "//description" : "A flower with bright red petals. Useful for making dye.", < "//name" : "flowerred", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerred", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "545" : { < "//description" : "For the marksman that needs both energy and defence from their gear!", < "//name" : "acceleratortable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Accelerator's Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "acceleratortable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "546" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain. The water looks refreshing.", < "//name" : "fountain1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiered Stone Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fountain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "547" : { < "//description" : "An ancient pillar found near the gates. It produces light.", < "//name" : "ancientpillar", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Pillar", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientpillar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "548" : { < "//description" : "A door made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwooddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwooddoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "549" : { < "//description" : "A rusty chair. Don't rock back on it.", < "//name" : "rustchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "magmagroundspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "magmagroundspike3" < }, < "550" : { < "//description" : "A large pair of decorative bells. Just the thing to get one into the holiday spirit!", < "//name" : "giantbells", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Holiday Bells", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "giantbells", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "551" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a human. Check out the hair.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatuehuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatuehuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "552" : { < "//description" : "With this furnace I can craft steel and other strong materials.", < "//name" : "alloyfurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Furnace^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alloyfurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "553" : { < "//description" : "A standing desk. Good for the posture.", < "//name" : "outpoststandingdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Standing Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpoststandingdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "554" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "futureteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Futuristic Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futureteleporter" < }, < "555" : { < "//description" : "The pet station is used to produce capture pods and pet related items.", < "//name" : "capturestation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pet Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "capturestation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "556" : { < "//description" : "The fossil station is used to produce the items required for excavating and displaying fossils.", < "//name" : "fossilstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Fossil Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossilstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "557" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Comes out only during certain phases of the moon.\"", < "//name" : "tidefly", < "//shortdescription" : "Tidefly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tidefly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "558" : { < "//description" : "An intergalactic convenience store. It seems an ideal place to stock up.", < "//name" : "infinityexpress", < "//shortdescription" : "Infinity Express", < "imagePositionX" : "-88", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "infinityexpress", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "559" : { < "//description" : "The refinery is used to produce raw pixels from ores.", < "//name" : "refinery", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Refinery^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "refinery", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A simple tungsten chair.", < "//name" : "tier2chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "560" : { < "//description" : "A giant glowing mushroom table. Perfect for sitting at in the dark", < "//name" : "bioshroomtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroomtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "561" : { < "//description" : "This device can break down materials and turn them into far stronger ones.", < "//name" : "scififurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Atomic Furnace^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scififurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "562" : { < "//description" : "For crafting the best in close range combat gear!", < "//name" : "separatortable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Separator's Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "separatortable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "563" : { < "//description" : "A classic golden jug.", < "//name" : "goldvase5", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "564" : { < "//description" : "A classic golden jug.", < "//name" : "goldvase5_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "565" : { < "//name" : "skyrailtable", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "566" : { < "//description" : "The wiring station is used to produce complex wiring components.", < "//name" : "wiringstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wiring Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wiringstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "567" : { < "//name" : "spinningwheel", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "568" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalagmite1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalagmite1" < }, < "569" : { < "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", < "//name" : "bananaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bananaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "This door is almost rusted shut.", < "//name" : "wreckdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "570" : { < "//description" : "A metallic light fixture.", < "//name" : "outpostceilinglight", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Light Fixture", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostceilinglight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "571" : { < "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", < "//name" : "wildbeakseedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildbeakseedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "572" : { < "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", < "//name" : "chiliseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chiliseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "573" : { < "//description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", < "//name" : "coffeeseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coffeeseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "574" : { < "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", < "//name" : "coralcreepseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coralcreepseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "575" : { < "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", < "//name" : "wickerbasket5", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wicker Basket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wickerbasket5" < }, < "576" : { < "//description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", < "//name" : "cornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "577" : { < "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", < "//name" : "currentcornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "currentcornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "578" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "savannahgroundspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "savannahgroundspike3" < }, < "579" : { < "//description" : "A sweetly scented spring flower.", < "//name" : "flowerspring", < "//shortdescription" : "Spring Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerspring", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A common tungsten bed.", < "//name" : "tier2bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "580" : { < "//description" : "A flower with bright yellow petals. Useful for making dye.", < "//name" : "floweryellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floweryellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "581" : { < "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", < "//name" : "grapesseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "grapesseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "582" : { < "//description" : "A table with swords for legs. Not ideal for playing footsie.", < "//name" : "irontable", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "irontable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "583" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom. The farmer who plants these is a fun guy.", < "//name" : "mushroomseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mushroomseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "584" : { < "//description" : "A contemporary chair.", < "//name" : "modernchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "modernchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "585" : { < "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", < "//name" : "wildneonmelonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildneonmelonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "586" : { < "//description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", < "//name" : "oculemonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oculemonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "587" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This pretty bug loves sunshine.\"", < "//name" : "sunskipper", < "//shortdescription" : "Sunskipper Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sunskipper", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "588" : { < "//description" : "A fake plastic plant. Not a tree.", < "//name" : "plasticplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plasticplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "589" : { < "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", < "//name" : "wilddirturchinseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wilddirturchinseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A graffiti warning.", < "//name" : "nowayout", < "//shortdescription" : "nowayout", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "nowayout", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "590" : { < "//description" : "Pearlpea, you'll need to bite down hard.", < "//name" : "pearlpeaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pearlpeaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "591" : { < "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", < "//name" : "pineappleseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pineappleseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "592" : { < "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top. There's something odd about it.", < "//name" : "giftmonstersmallbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Unusual Gift Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "giftmonstersmallbox" < }, < "593" : { < "//description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", < "//name" : "pussplumseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pussplumseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "594" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "groundspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "groundspike4" < }, < "595" : { < "//description" : "Once triggered this switch will remain in its switched state.", < "//name" : "persistentswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Persistent Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "persistentswitch" < }, < "596" : { < "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", < "//name" : "reefpodseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reefpodseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "597" : { < "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", < "//name" : "wildreefpodseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildreefpodseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "598" : { < "//description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", < "//name" : "wildsugarcaneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildsugarcaneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "599" : { < "//description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", < "//name" : "wildtomatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildtomatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "Reeds fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "reedchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug is easily mistaken for a snowflake.\"", < "//name" : "frostfleck", < "//shortdescription" : "Frostfleck Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frostfleck", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "600" : { < "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", < "//name" : "wildcurrentcornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcurrentcornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "601" : { < "//description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", < "//name" : "wildtoxictopseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Top Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildtoxictopseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "602" : { < "//description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", < "//name" : "wildwheatseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildwheatseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "603" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "604" : { < "//description" : "A chair. You sit in it. Yes.", < "//name" : "outpostchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "605" : { < "//name" : "glitchdungeonpod", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "606" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of a thick slime substance.", < "//name" : "slimehide", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimehide", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "607" : { < "//description" : "A barrier composed of two coiling bars.", < "//name" : "celldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "celldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "608" : { < "//description" : "An Avian statue. Not likely to fly away.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatueavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatueavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "609" : { < "//description" : "No one knows how this sword got here. Pull it out, it could be legendary!", < "//name" : "swordstoneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Swordstoneseed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swordstoneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "Tar fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "tarpitchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Tarpit Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarpitchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "610" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "desertceilingspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "desertceilingspike1" < }, < "611" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflameapex2", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflameapex2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "612" : { < "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit the sun's rays.", < "//name" : "giantflowerlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "613" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of ice. In the summer, it becomes a water bed.", < "//name" : "icebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "614" : { < "//description" : "A vine that seems to emit a pleasant glow.", < "//name" : "glowvinelamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvinelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "615" : { < "//name" : "glowvinelamp_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "616" : { < "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", < "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Sharp Sticks", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingpunjisticks2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "617" : { < "//description" : "A flower bed. Hope you don't have hayfever.", < "//name" : "giantflowerbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "618" : { < "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", < "//name" : "icesphere3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icesphere3" < }, < "619" : { < "//description" : "This chair is egg-shaped. I'm not sure whose idea that was.", < "//name" : "eggchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Egg Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eggchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This tiny creature skips across hot lakes of lava.\"", < "//name" : "lavahopper", < "//shortdescription" : "Lavahopper Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lavahopper", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "620" : { < "//name" : "tier8door", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "621" : { < "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", < "//name" : "lightbulb2", < "//shortdescription" : "Lightbulb", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "lightbulb2" < }, < "622" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "savannahgroundspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "savannahgroundspike2" < }, < "623" : { < "//description" : "A basic iron door.", < "//name" : "tier1door", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1door" < }, < "624" : { < "//description" : "A tiny synthetic fir tree.", < "//name" : "smallholidaytree", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Faux Fir Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallholidaytree", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "625" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "smallboosterflameglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "smallboosterflameglitch" < }, < "626" : { < "//name" : "dungeonpod", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "627" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane.", < "//name" : "redcandycane1", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redcandycane1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "628" : { < "//description" : "Knock it down!", < "//name" : "bowlingpin", < "//shortdescription" : "Bowling Pin", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bowlingpin" < }, < "629" : { < "//description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", < "//name" : "drillmachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", < "imagePositionX" : "-88", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drillmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in blue paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present3", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "630" : { < "//description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", < "//name" : "drillmachine_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", < "imagePositionX" : "-104", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drillmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "631" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflameapex3", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "boosterflameapex3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "632" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "escaperadar", < "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "escaperadar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "633" : { < "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", < "//name" : "escaperadar_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "escaperadar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "634" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", < "//name" : "fleshbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "635" : { < "//description" : "A small monitor. But what does it display?", < "//name" : "outpostsmallmonitor", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Small Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "outpostsmallmonitor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "636" : { < "//description" : "A luxurious armchair.", < "//name" : "woodenarmchair2", < "//shortdescription" : "Soft Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenarmchair2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "637" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane. It's crooked.", < "//name" : "redcandycane2", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redcandycane2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "638" : { < "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", < "//name" : "woodsupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "639" : { < "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", < "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A synthetic tree decorated with strings of lights and festive ornaments.", < "//name" : "decoratedtree", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "decoratedtree", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "640" : { < "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", < "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "641" : { < "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", < "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodsupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "642" : { < "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", < "//name" : "toxiclamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxiclamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "643" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. Won't stab you... probably.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatuefloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatuefloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "644" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflamehuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflamehuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "645" : { < "//description" : "Zero marker.", < "//name" : "number0", < "//shortdescription" : "Zero", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number0" < }, < "646" : { < "//description" : "Two marker.", < "//name" : "number2", < "//shortdescription" : "Two", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number2" < }, < "647" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug's wings are frozen over.\"", < "//name" : "icetip", < "//shortdescription" : "Icetip Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icetip", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "648" : { < "//description" : "A frozen chair. Uncomfortable after a while.", < "//name" : "icechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "649" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug's legs move so fast they're difficult to count.\"", < "//name" : "scuttleploom", < "//shortdescription" : "Scuttleploom Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scuttleploom", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "650" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "ancientconsole_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "651" : { < "//description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", < "//name" : "tomatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tomatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "652" : { < "//description" : "An impossibly old message.", < "//name" : "ancientplaque1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Plaque", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "ancientplaque1" < }, < "653" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram2" < }, < "654" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram3" < }, < "655" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a galaxy.", < "//name" : "hologramgalaxy", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-104", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hologramgalaxy" < }, < "656" : { < "//description" : "A wall light.", < "//name" : "outpostlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "657" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflameapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "boosterflameapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "658" : { < "//description" : "A car shaped bed, for those young at heart.", < "//name" : "carbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Car Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "carbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "659" : { < "//description" : "An exotic-looking cactus in a flower pot.", < "//name" : "cactiflowerpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Cactus Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cactiflowerpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A rainbow table. Every meal is a joy.", < "//name" : "rainbowtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "660" : { < "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", < "//name" : "lightbulb", < "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Lightbulb", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "lightbulb" < }, < "661" : { < "//description" : "An upright cardboard box.", < "//name" : "cardboard1", < "//shortdescription" : "Upright Cardboard Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cardboard1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "662" : { < "//description" : "It's some sort of electrical barrier. Looks dangerous...", < "//name" : "electricdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Electrical Barrier", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "electricdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "663" : { < "//description" : "A fiery-looking flower in a pot.", < "//name" : "fireflowerpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Fiery Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fireflowerpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "664" : { < "//description" : "If I look at these lights any longer, I'll probably go blind.", < "//name" : "floodlights", < "//shortdescription" : "Floodlights", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floodlights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "665" : { < "//name" : "florandungeonpod", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "666" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "667" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "668" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "669" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//name" : "peanutbutter", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "670" : { < "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fluorescentlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "671" : { < "//description" : "A basic bench.", < "//name" : "bench", < "//shortdescription" : "Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "672" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"The wings of this bug are iridescent like ice.\"", < "//name" : "shardwing", < "//shortdescription" : "Shardwing Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shardwing", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "673" : { < "//description" : "A peaceful stone fountain. The water gently flows.", < "//name" : "fountain2", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fountain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "674" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "desertgroundspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "desertgroundspike4" < }, < "675" : { < "//description" : "A frog merchant. What it really is, or what it wants, nobody knows.", < "//name" : "frogmerchant", < "//shortdescription" : "Frog Merchant", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frogmerchant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "676" : { < "//description" : "A lantern made of tar.", < "//name" : "tarlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "677" : { < "//description" : "A huge snowflake decoration.", < "//name" : "giantsnowflake", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Snowflake", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "giantsnowflake", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "678" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "679" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "680" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "681" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "682" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "683" : { < "//description" : "A locker with a tall metal door.", < "//name" : "locker1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "locker1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "684" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting a ceremony.", < "//name" : "caveart3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ceremonial Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "685" : { < "//description" : "A locker with a wide metal door.", < "//name" : "locker2", < "//shortdescription" : "Flat Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "locker2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "686" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting an unidentified subject.", < "//name" : "caveart4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "caveart4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "687" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting an unidentified subject.", < "//name" : "caveart4_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "688" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully crafted marker with a plaque embedded into it.", < "//name" : "markergroundplaque", < "//shortdescription" : "Commemorative Marker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "markergroundplaque", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "689" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "iceshard1", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "iceshard1" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "690" : { < "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", < "//name" : "glowflower5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflower5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "691" : { < "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", < "//name" : "metalbarrel2", < "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalbarrel2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "692" : { < "//description" : "Just big enough for a small animal to fit comfortably inside", < "//name" : "pethouse", < "//shortdescription" : "Pet House", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pethouse", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "693" : { < "//description" : "A revolting pile of poop. The stench is foul!", < "//name" : "poop", < "//shortdescription" : "Poop", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "poop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "694" : { < "//description" : "A coffin bed. The hottest in undead comfort.", < "//name" : "bonebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Coffin Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "695" : { < "//description" : "Door goes up... Door goes down... Door goes up... Door goes down...", < "//name" : "slidingdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slidingdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "696" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "techchest2", < "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "techchest2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "697" : { < "//description" : "Once used to broadcast a video signal.", < "//name" : "tvstation", < "//shortdescription" : "TV Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tvstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "698" : { < "//description" : "A material dispensing pod.", < "//name" : "volcanopod", < "//shortdescription" : "Dispensing Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "volcanopod", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "699" : { < "//description" : "An opened cardboard box.", < "//name" : "cardboard3", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Cardboard Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cardboard3", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", < "//name" : "wildcornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "700" : { < "//description" : "A manufactured wooden door.", < "//name" : "wooddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wooddoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "701" : { < "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", < "//name" : "iceshard3", < "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "iceshard3" < }, < "702" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodencabinet3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wooden Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencabinet3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "703" : { < "//description" : "A small snowflake decoration.", < "//name" : "smallsnowflake", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowflake", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "smallsnowflake", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "704" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy suspended bookshelf.", < "//name" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Bookshelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "705" : { < "//description" : "An expensive-looking wooden desk.", < "//name" : "woodendesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodendesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "706" : { < "//description" : "A crude wooden door. Not very secure.", < "//name" : "woodendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "707" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", < "//name" : "wrecksupport", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "708" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", < "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "709" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", < "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "710" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", < "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecksupport", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "711" : { < "//description" : "A couple of wrecked turbines caked in dust.", < "//name" : "wreckturbines", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbines", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckturbines", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "712" : { < "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", < "//name" : "wildbonebooseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildbonebooseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "713" : { < "//description" : "Nine marker.", < "//name" : "number9", < "//shortdescription" : "Nine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number9" < }, < "714" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "ceilingspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ceilingspike3" < }, < "715" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "savannahceilingspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "savannahceilingspike2" < }, < "716" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell2", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "717" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root3", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "root3" < }, < "718" : { < "//description" : "A handy power generator.", < "//name" : "outpostgenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostgenerator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "719" : { < "//description" : "A crude wooden gate. Not very secure.", < "//name" : "woodengate", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Gate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodengate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "720" : { < "//description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", < "//name" : "wildoculemonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildoculemonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "721" : { < "//description" : "The perfect teapot for a tea party.", < "//name" : "teapot1", < "//shortdescription" : "Teapot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "teapot1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "722" : { < "//description" : "A robust tungesten lever. Demands to be pulled.", < "//name" : "tier2switch", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2switch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "723" : { < "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", < "//name" : "beakseedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "beakseedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "724" : { < "//description" : "A rock chair.", < "//name" : "cavechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cavechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "725" : { < "//description" : "A busted UFO.", < "//name" : "UFOprop", < "//shortdescription" : "UFO Prop", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "UFOprop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "726" : { < "//description" : "A fuzzy red stocking. A little too big for anyone's foot.", < "//name" : "stocking1", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Stocking", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "stocking1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "727" : { < "//description" : "Three marker.", < "//name" : "number3", < "//shortdescription" : "Three", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number3" < }, < "728" : { < "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase2", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "729" : { < "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", < "//name" : "goldvase2_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone table. Don't spill water on it.", < "//name" : "sandstonetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "730" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "thorns3", < "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thorns3" < }, < "731" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red bow.", < "//name" : "giantbow2", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiny Red Bow", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "giantbow2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "732" : { < "//description" : "A set of candles.", < "//name" : "holidaycandles", < "//shortdescription" : "Festive Candles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaycandles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "733" : { < "//description" : "A terminal. Useful, probably.", < "//name" : "outpostterminal", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Terminal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostterminal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "734" : { < "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", < "//name" : "holidaylights", < "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "holidaylights", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "735" : { < "//description" : "An eye table. Not good for people wearing skirts.", < "//name" : "eyetable", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyetable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "736" : { < "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", < "//name" : "tallgrass2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tallgrass2" < }, < "737" : { < "//description" : "A warm holiday glow.", < "//name" : "menorah", < "//shortdescription" : "Menorah", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "menorah", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "738" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red bow.", < "//name" : "giantbow1", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Bow", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "giantbow1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "739" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in green-coloured paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present4", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", < "//name" : "wildchiliseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildchiliseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "740" : { < "//description" : "A red ball adorned with a big white star! These are popular as holiday ornaments.", < "//name" : "redball", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Ball Holiday Ornament", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redball", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "741" : { < "//description" : "A giant, delicious red gumdrop! Yummy!", < "//name" : "redgumdrop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Red Gumdrop", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redgumdrop2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "742" : { < "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane.", < "//name" : "greencandycane1", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greencandycane1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "743" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier2techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "744" : { < "//description" : "A toxic chest.", < "//name" : "toxicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "745" : { < "//description" : "A sign that says either offline or online.", < "//name" : "miningpowersign", < "//shortdescription" : "Power Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningpowersign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "746" : { < "//description" : "An adorable kennel for an adorable pet.", < "//name" : "kennel", < "//shortdescription" : "Kennel", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kennel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "747" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalagmite3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalagmite3" < }, < "748" : { < "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", < "//name" : "riceseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "riceseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "749" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "groundspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "groundspike1" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "An alien chair. It seems alive.", < "//name" : "alienchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "750" : { < "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", < "//name" : "bioshroom1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroom1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "751" : { < "//description" : "A chest of roughly hewn sandstone.", < "//name" : "sandstonechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "752" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalactite3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalactite3" < }, < "753" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "magmaceilingspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "magmaceilingspike3" < }, < "754" : { < "//description" : "A crystal chair. Fit for a monarch.", < "//name" : "crystalchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "755" : { < "//description" : "A crystal chest. Perhaps the chest itself is the treasure?", < "//name" : "crystalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "756" : { < "//description" : "A warning sign showing falling rocks.", < "//name" : "fallingrocksmodern", < "//shortdescription" : "Falling Rocks Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fallingrocksmodern" < }, < "757" : { < "//description" : "Used to trap tanks.", < "//name" : "tanktrap", < "//shortdescription" : "Tank Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tanktrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "758" : { < "//description" : "A barrel of sewage. Almost certainly toxic.", < "//name" : "sewagebarrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewage Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sewagebarrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "759" : { < "//description" : "A perfect little snowman.", < "//name" : "snowman", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowman", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "desertceilingspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "desertceilingspike3" < }, < "760" : { < "//description" : "A computer console made of tar.", < "//name" : "tarconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "761" : { < "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", < "//name" : "wildgrapesseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildgrapesseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "762" : { < "//description" : "A rusty door. Looks like it should lead to a creepy basement.", < "//name" : "rustdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustdoor" < }, < "763" : { < "//description" : "An old input panel .One of the keys has fallen off.", < "//name" : "wreckpanel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckpanel1" < }, < "764" : { < "//description" : "This teleporter makes a great demonstration and a handy return point!", < "//name" : "2stoptele", < "//shortdescription" : "2 Stop Teleshop Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "2stoptele", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "765" : { < "//description" : "A glow-in-the-dark mushroom. Handy AND cute.", < "//name" : "shroomlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "766" : { < "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", < "//name" : "outpostairlocklarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Airlock", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostairlocklarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "767" : { < "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", < "//name" : "glowflower4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflower4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "768" : { < "//description" : "An eye chair. Not to be confused with a high chair.", < "//name" : "eyechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "769" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "returnconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "returnconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A antique crate, I wonder what's inside..", < "//name" : "wreckcrate1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckcrate1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "770" : { < "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", < "//name" : "returnconsole_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "returnconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "771" : { < "//description" : "A golden ball. These are popular as holiday ornaments.", < "//name" : "goldball", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Ball Holiday Ornament", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldball", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "772" : { < "//description" : "A chair that anyone can sit on!", < "//name" : "outpostpublicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Public Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostpublicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "773" : { < "//description" : "A secure durasteel door.", < "//name" : "tier4door", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4door" < }, < "774" : { < "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", < "//name" : "bioshroom4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bioshroom4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "775" : { < "//description" : "A crystal bed, for when you want to dream of being rich.", < "//name" : "crystalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "776" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "brassteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Brass Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brassteleporter" < }, < "777" : { < "//description" : "A flower with bright blue petals. Useful for making dye.", < "//name" : "flowerblue", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerblue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "778" : { < "//description" : "An alien table. It seems to be alive.", < "//name" : "alientable", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alientable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "779" : { < "//name" : "testconsole1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "boosterflamehuman3", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "boosterflamehuman3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "780" : { < "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "oshroom4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oshroom4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "781" : { < "//description" : "A glowing alien plant.", < "//name" : "alienglowplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Alien Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienglowplant1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "782" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "783" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "784" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of vines. Those spikes look poisonous.", < "//name" : "toxicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "785" : { < "//description" : "A bush that emits a pleasant glow.", < "//name" : "glowbushlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bush Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbushlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "786" : { < "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", < "//name" : "glowflower1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflower1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "787" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "788" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "789" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom chair. Or maybe a toadstool.", < "//name" : "shroomchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "790" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "791" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Double Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "792" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine4", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "793" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Single Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "794" : { < "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowvine5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowvine5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "795" : { < "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", < "//name" : "biovine5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "biovine5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "796" : { < "//name" : "tier5chair", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "797" : { < "//description" : "Little flapping bugs appear to be moving inside this bush.", < "//name" : "butterflybush", < "//shortdescription" : "Butterfly Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "butterflybush" < }, < "798" : { < "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", < "//name" : "bonedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "799" : { < "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", < "//name" : "bonedoor_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "stoneteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stoneteleporter" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "This module can turn strong ores and alloys into high quality equipment.", < "//name" : "scifianvil", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Replicator^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scifianvil", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "800" : { < "//description" : "A chest with a spherical lock.", < "//name" : "cellchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "801" : { < "//description" : "A clean, brightly coloured table.", < "//name" : "celltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "celltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "802" : { < "//description" : "A glowing crystal which functions as a lamp.", < "//name" : "crystallamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystallamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "803" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of flesh and bone. Great for nightmares.", < "//name" : "eyebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "804" : { < "//description" : "A small wooden crate.", < "//name" : "box1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "box1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "805" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier4techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "806" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", < "//name" : "fleshbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "807" : { < "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root6", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "root6" < }, < "808" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy chair. About as gross as it sounds.", < "//name" : "fleshchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "809" : { < "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy door.", < "//name" : "fleshdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshdoor" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A really gross looking chest.", < "//name" : "hivechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "810" : { < "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", < "//name" : "hologram4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hologram4" < }, < "811" : { < "//description" : "A very well-made Geometric table.", < "//name" : "geometrictable", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometrictable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "812" : { < "//description" : "A laser made to mine through moon rock.", < "//name" : "lunarbaselaser", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Laser", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselaser", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "813" : { < "//description" : "A flower chair. If you enjoy sitting here, you like butter.", < "//name" : "giantflowerchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "814" : { < "//description" : "An ice door. Don't grip the handle for too long.", < "//name" : "icedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "815" : { < "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", < "//name" : "icesphere1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icesphere1" < }, < "816" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"This blue bug has sharp little teeth.\"", < "//name" : "blueback", < "//shortdescription" : "Blueback Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "blueback", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "817" : { < "//description" : "A door made of mushrooms. It even has a cute mushroom handle.", < "//name" : "shroomdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "818" : { < "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", < "//name" : "slimetorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "819" : { < "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", < "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "Fairy lights that spell out 'waz', whatever that means.", < "//name" : "wazlights", < "//shortdescription" : "Waz Lights", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wazlights" < }, < "820" : { < "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", < "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "821" : { < "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", < "//name" : "ceilingstalactite4", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "ceilingstalactite4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "822" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone Glitch. It's not sentient.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatueglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatueglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "823" : { < "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", < "//name" : "tallgrass1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tallgrass1" < }, < "824" : { < "//description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", < "//name" : "toxictopseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Top Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxictopseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "825" : { < "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", < "//name" : "tallgrass3", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tallgrass3" < }, < "826" : { < "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "oshroom3", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oshroom3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "827" : { < "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", < "//name" : "oshroom5", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oshroom5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "828" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "greenceilingspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "greenceilingspike4" < }, < "829" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell3", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain with a floral centerpiece.", < "//name" : "petalfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Floral Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "petalfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "830" : { < "//description" : "A rainbow bed. Colourful and comfortable.", < "//name" : "rainbowbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "831" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "savannahceilingspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "savannahceilingspike4" < }, < "832" : { < "//description" : "A painting of two rainbows. A double rainbow.", < "//name" : "rainbowpainting", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "rainbowpainting", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "833" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its tawny wings make it hard to spot on trees.\"", < "//name" : "fawnfly", < "//shortdescription" : "Fawnfly Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fawnfly", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "834" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "835" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden couch, the stripes help it go faster.", < "//name" : "woodencouch1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencouch1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "836" : { < "//description" : "A rusty bed. Looks cheap and fragile.", < "//name" : "rustbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "837" : { < "//description" : "A rusty chest. Practically falling apart.", < "//name" : "rustchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "838" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone chair. Crumbly.", < "//name" : "sandstonechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "839" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a Hylotl. Has the Innsmouth Look.", < "//name" : "sandstonestatuehylotl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Sandstone Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonestatuehylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", < "//name" : "wildwartweedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildwartweedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "840" : { < "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", < "//name" : "ceilingslime2", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "ceilingslime2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "841" : { < "//description" : "A stylishly dressed snowman.", < "//name" : "fancysnowman", < "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Snowman", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fancysnowman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "842" : { < "//description" : "A snow drift.", < "//name" : "snowdrift1", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowdrift1" < }, < "843" : { < "//description" : "A snow drift.", < "//name" : "snowdrift4", < "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "snowdrift4" < }, < "844" : { < "//description" : "A wooden toilet. ", < "//name" : "woodtoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodtoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "845" : { < "//name" : "tier10techchest", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "846" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of rock.", < "//name" : "cavebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cavebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "847" : { < "//description" : "A glowing stalactite.", < "//name" : "cavelamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "cavelamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "848" : { < "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", < "//name" : "ceilingstalactite1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "ceilingstalactite1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "849" : { < "//description" : "A bone throne. For all your royal bone needs.", < "//name" : "bonechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A rough sandstone door.", < "//name" : "sandstonedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "850" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root1", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "root1" < }, < "851" : { < "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root2", < "//shortdescription" : "Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "root2" < }, < "852" : { < "//description" : "An antenna. These are typically used to boost communication signals.", < "//name" : "antenna", < "//shortdescription" : "Antenna", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "antenna", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "853" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting some hunters.", < "//name" : "caveart2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hunter Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "854" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", < "//name" : "secretsign1", < "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 1", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "secretsign1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "855" : { < "//description" : "A drill-mounted console.", < "//name" : "drillconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drillconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "856" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", < "//name" : "fleshbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "857" : { < "//description" : "Perfect for storing tools and equipment in!", < "//name" : "miningchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "858" : { < "//description" : "Watch your step!", < "//name" : "proximitywallsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Proximity Wall Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "proximitywallsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "859" : { < "//description" : "This station can forge steel and other strong alloys into useful equipment.", < "//name" : "metalworkstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Metalwork Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "metalworkstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", < "//name" : "glowtree2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowtree2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "860" : { < "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root7", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "root7" < }, < "861" : { < "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root8", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "root8" < }, < "862" : { < "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", < "//name" : "root9", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "root9" < }, < "863" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "greenceilingspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "greenceilingspike1" < }, < "864" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "greengroundspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greengroundspike3" < }, < "865" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "866" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "867" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "868" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "869" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A seashell!", < "//name" : "seashell6", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seashell6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "870" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalactite1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalactite1" < }, < "871" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "magmaceilingspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "magmaceilingspike1" < }, < "872" : { < "//description" : "A strange creature selling fascinating goods.", < "//name" : "molemerchant", < "//shortdescription" : "Mole Merchant", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "molemerchant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "873" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "ceilingspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ceilingspike2" < }, < "874" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "savannahceilingspike1", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "savannahceilingspike1" < }, < "875" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "ceilingspike4", < "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ceilingspike4" < }, < "876" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "savannahceilingspike3", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "savannahceilingspike3" < }, < "877" : { < "//description" : "This shop offers personal teleporters in a variety of styles.", < "//name" : "2stopshop", < "//shortdescription" : "2 Stop Teleshop", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "2stopshop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "878" : { < "//name" : "tier10bed", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "879" : { < "//description" : "A crate containing cargo. What cargo? Who knows.", < "//name" : "outpostcargocrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cargo Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcargocrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodencabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Double Wooden Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "880" : { < "//description" : "A fire extinquisher. Not for fun and games.", < "//name" : "fireextinguisher", < "//shortdescription" : "Fire Extinguisher", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "fireextinguisher", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "881" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable titanium bed. Looks pretty sleek.", < "//name" : "tier3bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "882" : { < "//description" : "Seven marker.", < "//name" : "number7", < "//shortdescription" : "Seven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "number7" < }, < "883" : { < "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", < "//name" : "glowbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "884" : { < "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", < "//name" : "outpostairlock", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Airlock", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostairlock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "885" : { < "//description" : "A small cargo crate. No doubt it has cargo in it.", < "//name" : "outpostcargocrateshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Short Cargo Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcargocrateshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "886" : { < "//description" : "A control console.", < "//name" : "outpostconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostconsole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "887" : { < "//description" : "A coffee machine, for the perfect pick-me-up.", < "//name" : "coffeemachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coffeemachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "888" : { < "//description" : "This counter seems ideal for food preparation.", < "//name" : "outpostcookingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cooking Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcookingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "889" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodsafe", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodsafe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane. It's crooked.", < "//name" : "greencandycane3", < "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "greencandycane3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "890" : { < "//description" : "A basic desk.", < "//name" : "outpostdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "891" : { < "//description" : "This place is selling counterfeit ship licenses.", < "//name" : "penguinbay", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bay", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "penguinbay", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "892" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "icestalagmite4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icestalagmite4" < }, < "893" : { < "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", < "//name" : "ceilingslime3", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "ceilingslime3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "894" : { < "//description" : "A vent.", < "//name" : "roofvent", < "//shortdescription" : "Roof Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "roofvent", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "895" : { < "//description" : "A simple iron chair.", < "//name" : "tier1chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "896" : { < "//description" : "I can sell some of my loot here. I should check out their inventory.", < "//name" : "treasuredtrophies", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasured Trophies", < "imagePositionX" : "-88", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "treasuredtrophies", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "897" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "blackteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "blackteleporter" < }, < "898" : { < "//description" : "The screen sends out an ominous flickering light.", < "//name" : "wrecktv", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Screen", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wrecktv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "899" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "bigboosterflameglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "bigboosterflameglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", < "//name" : "glowflower2", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowflower2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "The label reads, \"Hard to spot, these bugs are as black as night.\"", < "//name" : "shadowmoth", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadowmoth Bug", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowmoth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "900" : { < "//name" : "brokenshiplight", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "901" : { < "//name" : "tier10door", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "902" : { < "//description" : "Embers dance away from the camp fire, warming the air. The heat can be used for cooking.", < "//name" : "campfire", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Camp Fire^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "campfire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "903" : { < "//description" : "A treasure chest made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "904" : { < "//description" : "A deck lounge chair with a parasol, perfect for sun weather.", < "//name" : "oasisbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Deck Lounge Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oasisbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "905" : { < "//description" : "A compact button that activates when pressed.", < "//name" : "tinywallbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Wall Button", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tinywallbutton" < }, < "906" : { < "//description" : "A slim gold vase.", < "//name" : "goldvase4", < "//shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Vase", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldvase4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "907" : { < "//description" : "Filth and rust have eaten away at this bed. Thankfully I'm not at all tired.", < "//name" : "wreckbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "908" : { < "//description" : "Watch out!", < "//name" : "desertceilingspike2", < "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "desertceilingspike2" < }, < "909" : { < "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane. It's broken.", < "//name" : "redcandycane3", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Candy Cane", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "redcandycane3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", < "//name" : "biovine1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "biovine1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "910" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "scienceteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Scientific Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scienceteleporter" < }, < "911" : { < "//name" : "tier6light", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "912" : { < "//description" : "I can use this to craft things I couldn't make with just my bare hands!", < "//name" : "woodencraftingtable", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Inventors Table^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencraftingtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "913" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "tombteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Tomb Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombteleporter" < }, < "914" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a mushroom.", < "//name" : "shroomstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "915" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom wardrobe.", < "//name" : "shroomwardrobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomwardrobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "916" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reedchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "917" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reedbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "918" : { < "//description" : "A flowery bush.", < "//name" : "springbush6", < "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springbush6", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "919" : { < "//description" : "A flowery bush.", < "//name" : "springbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A graffiti sign.", < "//name" : "turnback", < "//shortdescription" : "turnback", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "turnback", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "920" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "swamproot1", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swamproot1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "921" : { < "//description" : "A door made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reeddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reeddoor" < }, < "922" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "swamproot2", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swamproot2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "923" : { < "//description" : "A flowery bush.", < "//name" : "springbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "924" : { < "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", < "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "925" : { < "//description" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reeddesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reeddesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "926" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "swamproot4", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swamproot4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "927" : { < "//description" : "A blue flower lamp", < "//name" : "flowerlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "flowerlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "928" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "swamproot5", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swamproot5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "929" : { < "//description" : "A flowery bush.", < "//name" : "springbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A random fountain. The most unpredictable of fountains.", < "//name" : "randomfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Random Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "randomfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "930" : { < "//description" : "A flowery bush.", < "//name" : "springbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "931" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "swamproot3", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swamproot3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "932" : { < "//description" : "A flowery bush.", < "//name" : "springbush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "933" : { < "//description" : "Cave art depicting a ceremony.", < "//name" : "caveart3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Ceremonial Cave Art", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "caveart3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "934" : { < "//description" : "Used to trap tanks.", < "//name" : "tanktrap_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tank Trap", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tanktrap", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "935" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "rootbush2", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rootbush2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "936" : { < "//description" : "A statue of a flower, important to the Floran.", < "//name" : "flowerstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Flower Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "937" : { < "//description" : "Strange huge flowers, you can hide inside!", < "//name" : "flowerbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Flower Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "938" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of vines, it's not really safe.", < "//name" : "junglechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "939" : { < "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", < "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", < "//name" : "thorns4", < "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thorns4" < }, < "940" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "rootbush1", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rootbush1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "941" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "rootbush3", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rootbush3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "942" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "rootbush4", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rootbush4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "943" : { < "//description" : "It's a root.", < "//name" : "rootbush5", < "//shortdescription" : "Root", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rootbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "944" : { < "//description" : "An ancient chest of unknown origin.", < "//name" : "ancientchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "945" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious doorway leading into an unknown dimension. What could possibly go wrong?", < "//name" : "challengedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "challengedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "946" : { < "//name" : "chattestbug", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "947" : { < "//name" : "avianproximitysensor", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "948" : { < "//description" : "I sure hope this door will take me back to reality!", < "//name" : "challengereturndoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "challengereturndoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "949" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "This vent clangs as air whistles through.", < "//name" : "vent", < "//shortdescription" : "Air Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vent" < }, < "950" : { < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "951" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "952" : { < "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", < "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ornatetorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "953" : { < "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", < "//name" : "studylamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "studylamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "954" : { < "//description" : "A traditional index filled with cards.", < "//name" : "index", < "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "index", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "955" : { < "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", < "//name" : "studylamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "studylamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "956" : { < "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming figure.", < "//name" : "paintingscream", < "//shortdescription" : "Screaming Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "paintingscream" < }, < "957" : { < "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", < "//name" : "paintingbirthofvenus", < "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingbirthofvenus" < }, < "958" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a woman with an earring.", < "//name" : "paintingpearlearring", < "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "paintingpearlearring" < }, < "959" : { < "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing figures.", < "//name" : "paintingcreationofpixel", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Painting", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "paintingcreationofpixel" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "No chance of this thing starting up.", < "//name" : "wreckconsole1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckconsole1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "960" : { < "//description" : "A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.", < "//name" : "hylotlplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Fake Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlplant1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "961" : { < "//name" : "libraryswitchprop", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "962" : { < "//description" : "...", < "//name" : "invisibleproximitysensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Proximity Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "invisibleproximitysensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "963" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "964" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "965" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "966" : { < "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", < "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "967" : { < "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", < "//name" : "hylotlbutton", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Base Button", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlbutton" < }, < "968" : { < "//description" : "A circuit that relays signals after a set delay.", < "//name" : "delay", < "//shortdescription" : "Delay Gate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "delay" < }, < "969" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A simple iron table.", < "//name" : "tier1table", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1table", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "970" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "971" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "972" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation9", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "973" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation10", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "974" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation11", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "975" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation12", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "976" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "bonespike_orientation13", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "977" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "978" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "979" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", < "//name" : "bigboosterflame", < "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "bigboosterflame", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "980" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation9", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "981" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation10", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "982" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation11", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "983" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation12", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "984" : { < "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", < "//name" : "icespike_orientation13", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespike", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "985" : { < "//description" : "This statue is dedicated to a creature named Derrick, who seemingly vanished from his owner.", < "//name" : "derrickstatue", < "//shortdescription" : "Derrick Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "derrickstatue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "986" : { < "//description" : "Place in an ^orange;enclosed building ^white;with at least ^orange;one door and ^orange;light ^white;and someone will move in!", < "//name" : "colonydeed", < "//shortdescription" : "^yellow;Colony Deed", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "colonydeed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "987" : { < "//description" : "Repels objects with a strong elastic force", < "//name" : "jumppad", < "//shortdescription" : "Jump Pad", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jumppad" < }, < "988" : { < "//description" : "...", < "//name" : "invisiblesound", < "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Sound", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "invisiblesound", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "989" : { < "//description" : "Floor marker.", < "//name" : "floor", < "//shortdescription" : "Floor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floor" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A broken tank.", < "//name" : "brokentank", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brokentank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "990" : { < "//description" : "Floop marker.", < "//name" : "floop", < "//shortdescription" : "Floop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floop" < }, < "991" : { < "//name" : "penguinplush", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "992" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" < }, < "993" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" < }, < "994" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" < }, < "995" : { < "//description" : "A useful storage chest.", < "//name" : "podchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Pod Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "podchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "996" : { < "//description" : "A heavy duty chest for storing weapons.", < "//name" : "weaponchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "weaponchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "997" : { < "//description" : "A stepladder.", < "//name" : "stepladder", < "//shortdescription" : "Stepladder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stepladder", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "998" : { < "//description" : "He looks busy.", < "//name" : "shipyardwelding", < "//shortdescription" : "Welding Penguin", < "imagePositionX" : "-80", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipyardwelding", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "999" : { < "//description" : "A shady looking captain.", < "//name" : "shipyardcaptain", < "//shortdescription" : "Shipyard Captain", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shipyardcaptain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Little glowing bugs appear to be living in this bush.", > "//name" : "fireflybush", > "//shortdescription" : "Firefly Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fireflybush" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Hot to the touch, its shell flickers like flame.\"", > "//name" : "flameroach", > "//shortdescription" : "Flameroach Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flameroach", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1000" : { > "//description" : "The finest furnishings from around the universe.", > "//name" : "frogfurnishing", > "//shortdescription" : "Fr├╢gg Furnishing", > "imagePositionX" : "-64", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frogfurnishing", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1001" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of bamboo and leaves.", > "//name" : "islandchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1002" : { > "//name" : "testfrog", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1003" : { > "//description" : "A basic wooden chest.", > "//name" : "woodenchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1004" : { > "//description" : "A basic iron chest.", > "//name" : "ironchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1005" : { > "//description" : "A bird's nest with an egg in it.", > "//name" : "birdsnest", > "//shortdescription" : "Bird's Nest", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdsnest" > }, > "1006" : { > "//description" : "A machine that hobbyist travellers use to record geological information.", > "//name" : "travellersbeacon", > "//shortdescription" : "Traveller's Meter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "travellersbeacon" > }, > "1007" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple13", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1008" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple33", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1009" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple11", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite5", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1010" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple31", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1011" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1012" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple12", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1013" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble12", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1014" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple51", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1015" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle4", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1016" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble51", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1017" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple32", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1018" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble41", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1019" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple43", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "Some rusty old vehicle, broken beyond repair.", > "//name" : "recreationalvehicle", > "//shortdescription" : "Recreational Vehicle", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "recreationalvehicle", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1020" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble42", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1021" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple53", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1022" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble21", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1023" : { > "//name" : "testfossil", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1024" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble22", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1025" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple22", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1026" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple52", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1027" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1028" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1029" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble11", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Geometric chair.", > "//name" : "geometricchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1030" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble31", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1031" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble52", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1032" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple21", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1033" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple41", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1034" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble32", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1035" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle5", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1036" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple23", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1037" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple42", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1038" : { > "//description" : "A richly-stained table fit for an old Western.", > "//name" : "saloontable", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloontable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1039" : { > "//description" : "A drinks cabinet, stocked with glassware and odd-shaped bottles.", > "//name" : "salooncabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "salooncabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A basic wooden table.", > "//name" : "woodtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1040" : { > "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", > "//name" : "saloonpiano", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1041" : { > "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking saloon chair.", > "//name" : "saloonseat", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1042" : { > "//description" : "Eughh.", > "//name" : "saloonspittoon", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Spittoon", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonspittoon", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1043" : { > "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", > "//name" : "gothiccouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothiccouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1044" : { > "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", > "//name" : "gothiccouch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothiccouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1045" : { > "//description" : "Candlelight, delivered in the spookiest way.", > "//name" : "gothiclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Candle", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothiclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1046" : { > "//name" : "gothiccabinet", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1047" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally gothic chair.", > "//name" : "gothicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1048" : { > "//description" : "A distress beacon. Who knows who might hear it?", > "//name" : "beaconsnow", > "//shortdescription" : "Distress Beacon", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "beaconsnow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1049" : { > "//description" : "A device for monitoring seismic activity.", > "//name" : "seismograph", > "//shortdescription" : "Seismograph", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "seismograph" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", > "//name" : "biovine2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "biovine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1050" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "glowroot2", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowroot2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1051" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "glowroot5", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowroot5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1052" : { > "//description" : "A glowing chair.", > "//name" : "glowchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1053" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1054" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "glowroot3", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowroot3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1055" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "glowroot4", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowroot4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1056" : { > "//description" : "There are small glowing roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "glowroot1", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowroot1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1057" : { > "//description" : "A bed, with glowing plants grown through it.", > "//name" : "glowbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1058" : { > "//name" : "gothiccabinet_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1059" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A chest sealed with a piercing eye. Worth a look inside.", > "//name" : "eyechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1060" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1061" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree4_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1062" : { > "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", > "//name" : "glowbush5_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1063" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree5_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1064" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine4_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1065" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1066" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine5_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1067" : { > "//description" : "An old, worn and dusty bed.", > "//name" : "dustybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dustybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1068" : { > "//description" : "An old, worn and dusty chair.", > "//name" : "dustychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dustychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1069" : { > "//description" : "A dusty wooden table.", > "//name" : "dustytable", > "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Wooden Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dustytable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", > "//name" : "wildfeathercrownseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildfeathercrownseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1070" : { > "//description" : "A large microscope, designed for observing potentially hazardous bacteria.", > "//name" : "hazardmicroscope", > "//shortdescription" : "Hazard Microscope", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hazardmicroscope", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1071" : { > "//description" : "A metal sign with a biohazard symbol.", > "//name" : "biohazardsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Biohazard Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "biohazardsign" > }, > "1072" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Mazebound64'.", > "//name" : "fossilgame", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Game", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fossilgame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1073" : { > "//description" : "This station seems to be transmitting a lot of data.", > "//name" : "datastation", > "//shortdescription" : "Data Station", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "datastation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1074" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "fairylights", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fairylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1075" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "gasprimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gasprimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1076" : { > "//description" : "A wobbly table made from leaves and roots.", > "//name" : "swamptable", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swamptable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1077" : { > "//description" : "A traditional bed made from roots and leaves.", > "//name" : "swampbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1078" : { > "//description" : "A chest made from twigs and roots.", > "//name" : "swampchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1079" : { > "//description" : "A rather adorable pink potted plant.", > "//name" : "splendidplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Splendid Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "splendidplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "The stale air produces little more than a creak from this old fan.", > "//name" : "wreckfan", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Fan", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wreckfan" > }, > "1080" : { > "//description" : "An unusual bed, with sides made of roots and leaf bedding.", > "//name" : "swampybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Cot", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1081" : { > "//description" : "A small seat made from leaves and roots.", > "//name" : "swampchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1082" : { > "//description" : "A particularly colourful potted plant.", > "//name" : "vibrantplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Vibrant Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vibrantplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1083" : { > "//name" : "vibrantplant_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1084" : { > "//name" : "vibrantplant_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1085" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "toxicgasprimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicgasprimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1086" : { > "//description" : "An explosive metal barrel. It looks dangerous.", > "//name" : "explosivebarrel", > "//shortdescription" : " Explosive Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "explosivebarrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1087" : { > "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel2b", > "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel2b", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1088" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "fairylights_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fairylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1089" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "fairylights_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fairylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", > "//name" : "giantflower4", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflower4" > }, > "1090" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "holidaylights_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1091" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "holidaylights_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1092" : { > "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel2b_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel2b", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1093" : { > "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "toxicoshroom4", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicoshroom4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1094" : { > "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "toxicoshroom3", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicoshroom3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1095" : { > "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "toxicoshroom2", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicoshroom2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1096" : { > "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "toxicoshroom1", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicoshroom1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1097" : { > "//description" : "A toxic glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "toxicoshroom5", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicoshroom5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1098" : { > "//description" : "A tropical looking cabinet, complete with a little tree.", > "//name" : "islandcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1099" : { > "//description" : "There's a rather grim face carved into the base of this table.", > "//name" : "islandtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A large flickering torch warms the air around it.", > "//name" : "woodentalllantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodentalllantern", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "Provides exceptional heat and a great for cooking outdoors.", > "//name" : "nanostove", > "//shortdescription" : "Nanostove", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "nanostove", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1100" : { > "//description" : "This glass lamp gives off a warm glow.", > "//name" : "islandlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "islandlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1101" : { > "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", > "//name" : "gothicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1102" : { > "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", > "//name" : "gothicbookcase_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1103" : { > "//description" : "A gloomy wooden door.", > "//name" : "gothicdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1104" : { > "//description" : "To some, a hammock is the very picture of luxury.", > "//name" : "islandhammock", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Hammock", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandhammock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1105" : { > "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", > "//name" : "gothicbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1106" : { > "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", > "//name" : "gothicbed_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1107" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's planet Earth, the home world of humanity.", > "//name" : "earthmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Earth Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "earthmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1108" : { > "//description" : "A seaweed in a flower pot.", > "//name" : "seaweedpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Seaweed Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seaweedpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1109" : { > "//description" : "A cute seashell which provides light.", > "//name" : "sealamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Sea Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sealamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//name" : "tier10table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1110" : { > "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", > "//name" : "seachair", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seachair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1111" : { > "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", > "//name" : "seachair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seachair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1112" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscificabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscificabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1113" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscificabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1114" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscificabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1115" : { > "//description" : "A bed made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifibed", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifibed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1116" : { > "//description" : "A tall, sturdy kitchen cabinet. Perfect for storing tableware and food.", > "//name" : "kitchencabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Kitchen Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchencabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1117" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchencabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchencabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1118" : { > "//description" : "A quaint metal stove, perfect for cooking.", > "//name" : "cabinstove", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stove", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinstove", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1119" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of an old Earth satellite.", > "//name" : "satellite", > "//shortdescription" : "Satellite Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "satellite", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A computer. Probably quite a good one.", > "//name" : "outpostpc", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost PC", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostpc", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1120" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol System's planet Venus.", > "//name" : "venusmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Venus Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "venusmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1121" : { > "//description" : "A conspicuous pair of antlers. What kind of creature did these belong to?", > "//name" : "cabinornament", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Antlers", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinornament", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1122" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1123" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1124" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1125" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1126" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1127" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1128" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1129" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//name" : "tier8table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1130" : { > "//description" : "A spotlight made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifilight_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Spotlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifilight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1131" : { > "//description" : "The design of this bed is based on an old Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "spaceshuttlebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Space Shuttle Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spaceshuttlebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1132" : { > "//description" : "A rustic kitchen table.", > "//name" : "kitchentable", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchentable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1133" : { > "//name" : "kitchencabinet3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1134" : { > "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "liftoffseat", > "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liftoffseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1135" : { > "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liftoffseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1136" : { > "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liftoffseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1137" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's most distinctly ringed planet, Saturn.", > "//name" : "saturnmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Saturn Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "saturnmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1138" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1139" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell1", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1140" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1141" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's most distant planet, Neptune.", > "//name" : "neptunemodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Neptune Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "neptunemodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1142" : { > "//description" : "A small, three legged wooden table.", > "//name" : "cabinstooltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stool Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinstooltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1143" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's red planet, Mars.", > "//name" : "marsmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Mars Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "marsmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1144" : { > "//description" : "A seashell-shaped bed.", > "//name" : "seabed", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seabed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1145" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol System's planet Uranus.", > "//name" : "uranusmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Uranus Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "uranusmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1146" : { > "//description" : "A box of fresh, crusty bread.", > "//name" : "baguettebox", > "//shortdescription" : "Box Of Bread", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "baguettebox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1147" : { > "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifichair", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifichair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1148" : { > "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifichair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifichair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1149" : { > "//description" : "A nice kitchen shelf that keeps spices handy.", > "//name" : "kitchenshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Vibrant and beautiful, it has a friendly little smile on its face.\"", > "//name" : "brightstripe", > "//shortdescription" : "Brightstripe Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brightstripe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1150" : { > "//description" : "What's better than a bed? Two beds!", > "//name" : "cabinbunkbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Bunk Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinbunkbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1151" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's smallest planet, Mercury.", > "//name" : "mercurymodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Mercury Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "mercurymodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1152" : { > "//description" : "A table made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifitable", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifitable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1153" : { > "//description" : "An electric light with a hand-carved wooden stand.", > "//name" : "cabinlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1154" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's largest planet, Jupiter.", > "//name" : "jupitermodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Jupiter Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "jupitermodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1155" : { > "//description" : "A television set made in a Retro-Futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifitv", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Television", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifitv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1156" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of the Sol system's dwarf planet, Pluto.", > "//name" : "plutomodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Pluto Model", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plutomodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1157" : { > "//description" : "A basket full of apples.", > "//name" : "applebasket", > "//shortdescription" : "Apple Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "applebasket", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1158" : { > "//description" : "An old, hand carved rocking chair.", > "//name" : "cabinchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1159" : { > "//description" : "A detailed model of Sol, the yellow dwarf responsible for all life on Earth. It even casts light.", > "//name" : "sunmodel", > "//shortdescription" : "Sol Model", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "sunmodel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram1" > }, > "1160" : { > "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1161" : { > "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1162" : { > "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1163" : { > "//description" : "A wall mirror set in a coral frame.", > "//name" : "coralmirror", > "//shortdescription" : "Coral Mirror", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "coralmirror", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1164" : { > "//description" : "A classic wooden table, suitable for any environment.", > "//name" : "cabintable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabintable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1165" : { > "//description" : "A dresser made in a retro-futuristic style", > "//name" : "retroscifidresser", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Dresser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifidresser", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1166" : { > "//description" : "A metal desk, covered in curious devices.", > "//name" : "steampunkdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1167" : { > "//description" : "A bed supported by a framework of pipes.", > "//name" : "steampunkbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1168" : { > "//description" : "An old wooden carved globe.", > "//name" : "steampunkglobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Globe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkglobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1169" : { > "//description" : "The age-old traditional of pumpkin carving lives on.", > "//name" : "spookypumpkinhead", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Pumpkin Head", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookypumpkinhead", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden armchair.", > "//name" : "woodenarmchair1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenarmchair1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1170" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall lamp, filled with a flowing, glowing gas.", > "//name" : "steampunklamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "steampunklamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1171" : { > "//description" : "The metal frame of this candle holder curls like fingers.", > "//name" : "spookycandles", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Candles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookycandles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1172" : { > "//description" : "A bubbling cauldron, big enough that you could fit a whole person inside it.", > "//name" : "spookycauldron", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Cauldron", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookycauldron", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1173" : { > "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", > "//name" : "spookytombchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookytombchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1174" : { > "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", > "//name" : "spookytombchair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookytombchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1175" : { > "//description" : "A fancy looking armchair.", > "//name" : "steampunkarmchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkarmchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1176" : { > "//description" : "There's something disturbing about this fancy old bed.", > "//name" : "spookybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1177" : { > "//description" : "An old grandfather clock, topped with a creepy bat carving.", > "//name" : "spookyclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookyclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1178" : { > "//description" : "A set of shelves hung with pipes.", > "//name" : "steampunkshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1179" : { > "//description" : "A set of shelves hung with pipes.", > "//name" : "steampunkshelf_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A decorative clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", > "//name" : "claypot1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Clay Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "claypot1" > }, > "1180" : { > "//description" : "A hanging ceiling light made from copper.", > "//name" : "copperceilinglight", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Ceiling Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "copperceilinglight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1181" : { > "//description" : "I wouldn't want to find myself locked behind these thick iron bars.", > "//name" : "bardoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bar Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1182" : { > "//name" : "copperlocker", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1183" : { > "//name" : "outdoorsit", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1184" : { > "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", > "//name" : "coppersupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppersupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1185" : { > "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", > "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppersupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1186" : { > "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", > "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppersupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1187" : { > "//description" : "A copper structural support beam.", > "//name" : "coppersupport_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppersupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1188" : { > "//description" : "A sleek fountain. The water looks refreshing.", > "//name" : "outdoorfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1189" : { > "//description" : "A lamp post, with thrice the lights.", > "//name" : "lamppost2", > "//shortdescription" : "Triple Lamp Post", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamppost2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "thorns1", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thorns1" > }, > "1190" : { > "//description" : "A chair, built to endure the elements.", > "//name" : "outdoorchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1191" : { > "//description" : "A lamp, fit for outdoors.", > "//name" : "lamppost1", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Lamp Post", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamppost1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1192" : { > "//description" : "A lamp post with two lamps. Nifty!", > "//name" : "lamppost3", > "//shortdescription" : "Double Lamp Post", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lamppost3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1193" : { > "//description" : "A strong storage crate made from copper.", > "//name" : "copperbox1", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperbox1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1194" : { > "//description" : "A bench, perfect for outdoors.", > "//name" : "outdoorbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1195" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush of high aesthetic value.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1196" : { > "//description" : "A divine, colourful bush.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1197" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", > "//name" : "rustbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1198" : { > "//description" : "A bush with unusual colouring.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1199" : { > "//description" : "A cute, colourful bush.", > "//name" : "colourfulbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "colourfulbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//name" : "tier8bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell7", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1200" : { > "//description" : "Part of a ribcage. It won't be intact for long.", > "//name" : "smashbones4", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones4" > }, > "1201" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", > "//name" : "rustbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1202" : { > "//description" : "A pile of bones, prime for smashing.", > "//name" : "smashbones1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones1" > }, > "1203" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", > "//name" : "rustbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1204" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet with a stove top.", > "//name" : "kitchenstovetop", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Stove Top", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenstovetop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1205" : { > "//description" : "A fully intact ribcage. Not for long.", > "//name" : "smashbones2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones2" > }, > "1206" : { > "//description" : "An oil lantern made of copper.", > "//name" : "copperlantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Oil Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperlantern", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1207" : { > "//description" : "An oil lantern made of copper.", > "//name" : "copperlantern_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Oil Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperlantern", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1208" : { > "//description" : "A pile of bones, prime for smashing.", > "//name" : "smashbones3", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashbones3" > }, > "1209" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bush. Watch out for sharp edges.", > "//name" : "rustbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "An oil lantern on a stand.", > "//name" : "oillanterntall", > "//shortdescription" : "Standing Oil Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oillanterntall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1210" : { > "//description" : "A wall shelf made from copper.", > "//name" : "coppershelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Wall Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppershelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1211" : { > "//description" : "An old crate of Mining supplies - For every budding Miner!", > "//name" : "miningsupplies", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Supplies Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningsupplies", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1212" : { > "//description" : "A smart metal stool, suitable for the outdoors.", > "//name" : "outdoorstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1213" : { > "//description" : "A pile of mossy stones.", > "//name" : "mistprimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Pile of Mossy Stones", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mistprimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1214" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "geometricshard3", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricshard3" > }, > "1215" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "geometricshard4", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricshard4" > }, > "1216" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "geometricshard1", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricshard1" > }, > "1217" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "geometricshard5", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricshard5" > }, > "1218" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "geometricshard2", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricshard2" > }, > "1219" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious flag marker. What kind of leather is that?", > "//name" : "shadowmarker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Marker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowmarker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", > "//name" : "glowflower3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflower3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1220" : { > "//description" : "A dark, shadowy chest.", > "//name" : "shadowchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1221" : { > "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", > "//name" : "shadowshrine", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowshrine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1222" : { > "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", > "//name" : "shadowshrine2", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowshrine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1223" : { > "//description" : "A really creepy looking shrine.", > "//name" : "shadowshrine3", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Shrine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowshrine3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1224" : { > "//description" : "A large, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "shadowurnlarge1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Shadow Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowurnlarge1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1225" : { > "//description" : "A dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "shadowurnmedium2", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Shadow Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowurnmedium2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1226" : { > "//description" : "A dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "shadowurnmedium1", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Shadow Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowurnmedium1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1227" : { > "//description" : "A small, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "shadowurnsmall2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowurnsmall2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1228" : { > "//description" : "A large, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "shadowurnlarge2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Shadow Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowurnlarge2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1229" : { > "//description" : "A small, dark vase. Looks pretty smashable.", > "//name" : "shadowurnsmall1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Shadow Urn", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowurnsmall1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "This sign appears to be warning me of some danger.", > "//name" : "deathwarningmodern", > "//shortdescription" : "Death Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "deathwarningmodern" > }, > "1230" : { > "//description" : "A dark rock.", > "//name" : "shadowrock2", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowrock2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1231" : { > "//description" : "A dark rock.", > "//name" : "shadowrock1", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowrock1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1232" : { > "//description" : "A dark rock.", > "//name" : "shadowrock3", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowrock3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1233" : { > "//description" : "A dark rock.", > "//name" : "shadowrock4", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowrock4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1234" : { > "//description" : "A dark rock.", > "//name" : "shadowrock5", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark rock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowrock5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1235" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock3", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1236" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe3", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1237" : { > "//description" : "A minimalist bed made from a refractive glass.", > "//name" : "prismbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1238" : { > "//description" : "A small rusty boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", > "//name" : "steamboiler1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Steam Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamboiler1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1239" : { > "//description" : "A smooth table cut from a refractive glass.", > "//name" : "prismtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", > "//name" : "ceilingslime1", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "ceilingslime1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1240" : { > "//name" : "prismtable_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1241" : { > "//name" : "prismtable_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1242" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock1", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1243" : { > "//description" : "A long dented boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", > "//name" : "steamboiler2", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Steam Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamboiler2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1244" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock2", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1245" : { > "//description" : "A cleanly cut chair made from refractive glass.", > "//name" : "prismchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1246" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1247" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe2", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1248" : { > "//description" : "A huge painted boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", > "//name" : "steamboiler3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Steam Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamboiler3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1249" : { > "//description" : "A nice steam powered large clock face.", > "//name" : "steamclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Steam Clock Face", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "steamclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//name" : "tier5bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1250" : { > "//description" : "A brass valve, rusted from years of use.", > "//name" : "boilervalve", > "//shortdescription" : "Boiler Valve", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "boilervalve", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1251" : { > "//description" : "A rusted gear half-buried in the ground.", > "//name" : "floorgear1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Gear", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floorgear1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1252" : { > "//description" : "A neatly crafted table decorated with brass pipes.", > "//name" : "steamspringtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1253" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden door, with a brass pipe frame.", > "//name" : "steamspringdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringdoor" > }, > "1254" : { > "//description" : "A fetching chair, made of fine wood and brass pipes.", > "//name" : "steamspringchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1255" : { > "//description" : "A smooth door made from a refractive glass.", > "//name" : "prismdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1256" : { > "//description" : "A creaky lamp post, made from brass pipes.", > "//name" : "brasslamppost1", > "//shortdescription" : "Brass Lamp Post", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brasslamppost1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1257" : { > "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", > "//name" : "steamspringlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1258" : { > "//description" : "A comfy bed supported by a framework of pipes.", > "//name" : "steamspringbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1259" : { > "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", > "//name" : "prismlamp3", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Cyan Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismlamp3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1260" : { > "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", > "//name" : "prismlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Magenta Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismlamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1261" : { > "//description" : "A lamp made from a smoothly carved glowing crystal.", > "//name" : "prismlamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Emerald Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismlamp2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1262" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "frozenmistprimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frozenmistprimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1263" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock4", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1264" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock7", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1265" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock6", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1266" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock8", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1267" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism.", > "//name" : "prismrock5", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrock5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1268" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism. There appears to be something inside.", > "//name" : "prismrockhumanoid", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrockhumanoid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1269" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism. There appears to be something inside.", > "//name" : "prismrockpenguin", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrockpenguin", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "A door made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonedoor" > }, > "1270" : { > "//description" : "A highly refractive prism with runes engraved into it.", > "//name" : "prismrockrunes", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismrockrunes", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1271" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1272" : { > "//description" : "A sticky table that looks more like a hive than furniture.", > "//name" : "hivetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1273" : { > "//description" : "A strange lamp made from wood and brass.", > "//name" : "steamspringlamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1274" : { > "//description" : "A long dented boiler, for turning freezing water into steam.", > "//name" : "steamboiler2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Steam Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamboiler2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1275" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1276" : { > "//description" : "A pipe that comes out from the floor.", > "//name" : "floorpipe2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floorpipe2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1277" : { > "//description" : "A strange chair made from strange hexagonal pods.", > "//name" : "hivechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1278" : { > "//description" : "An odd lamp made from a hive-like structure.", > "//name" : "hivelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1279" : { > "//description" : "An odd lamp made from a hive-like structure.", > "//name" : "hivelamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", > "//name" : "bonebooseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonebooseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1280" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1281" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1282" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike4_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1283" : { > "//description" : "A silk bed, resting on a strange hive-like base.", > "//name" : "hivebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1284" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike6", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "buglike6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1285" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1286" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike10", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "buglike10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1287" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1288" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike7", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "buglike7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1289" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike5", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "buglike5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A station used to obtain employment beacons that call in all kinds of people.", > "//name" : "spawnerstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Employer's Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1290" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike8", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "buglike8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1291" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "buglike9", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "buglike9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1292" : { > "//description" : "This durasteel elevator will get the job done.", > "//name" : "durasteelelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Durasteel Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "durasteelelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1293" : { > "//description" : "This durasteel elevator will get the job done.", > "//name" : "durasteelelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Durasteel Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "durasteelelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1294" : { > "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", > "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Mechanical Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1295" : { > "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", > "//name" : "woodenelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Wooden Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1296" : { > "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", > "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Mechanical Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1297" : { > "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", > "//name" : "woodenelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Wooden Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1298" : { > "//description" : "A tribute to GeorgeV! Developer Ultimate! ALL HAIL GEORGE!!!", > "//name" : "devstatuegeorge", > "//shortdescription" : "GeorgeV Dev Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "devstatuegeorge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1299" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Not the most efficient flyer, it's a mystery how bobfae have survived as a species.\"", > "//name" : "bobfaeaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Bobfae Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bobfaeaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", > "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "referencegenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Reference Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-80", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "referencegenerator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1300" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The long legs allow it to stand in water to catch fish.\"", > "//name" : "toumingoaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Toumingo Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toumingoaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1301" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It appears mystified when encountering new life forms. You can't help but feel watched.\"", > "//name" : "oogleraf", > "//shortdescription" : "Oogler Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oogleraf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1302" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The result of a scientific experiment gone wrong.\"", > "//name" : "voltipaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Voltip Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "voltipaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1303" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its charred surface is surprisingly pleasant to touch. Just keep away from the flames!\"", > "//name" : "ignomeaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Ignome Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ignomeaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1304" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Greedy and sly in nature. If disturbed whilst sneaking it will give you the evil eye.\"", > "//name" : "yokataf", > "//shortdescription" : "Yokat Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "yokataf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1305" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its hot core produces a constant flow of lava. It throws a good punch.\"", > "//name" : "pyromantleaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Pyromantle Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pyromantleaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1306" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It looks like a large and chunky leek. It bleeds when you cut it, though.\"", > "//name" : "bulbopaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Bulbop Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bulbopaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1307" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The inside of its beak is a truly terrifying sight.\"", > "//name" : "scaveranaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Scaveran Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scaveranaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1308" : { > "//description" : "A plant which grows fluffy cotton buds.", > "//name" : "cottonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cotton Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cottonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1309" : { > "//description" : "It's Rob Repairo, A mechanical merchant who repairs lost or broken vehicles.", > "//name" : "repairo", > "//shortdescription" : "Rob Repairo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "repairo", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "A fluffy two-seater couch.", > "//name" : "woodencouch2", > "//shortdescription" : "Soft Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencouch2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1310" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It eats and lives in tar. Signs suggest it excretes tar as well.\"", > "//name" : "taroniaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Taroni Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "taroniaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1311" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It watches you through its big lens.\"", > "//name" : "triplodaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Triplod Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "triplodaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1312" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Despite appearing friendly, it is rarely seen interacting with other Pipkin.\"", > "//name" : "pipkinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Pipkin Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pipkinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1313" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The sharp spikes can penetrate any space boot.\"", > "//name" : "crustoiseaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Crustoise Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crustoiseaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1314" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its ancestors used to live in the sea. It might look small, but it's got a big bite.\"", > "//name" : "lilodonaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Lilodon Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lilodonaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1315" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Because of the size of its head in proportion to its body, it can't run long distances.\"", > "//name" : "peblitaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Peblit Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "peblitaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1316" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"An ancient species, know to be agile and mischievous. They have an intelligent look in their eye.\"", > "//name" : "monopusaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Monopus Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "monopusaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1317" : { > "//name" : "broken-spinningwheel", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1318" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Something about the way it limps makes you feel uncomfortable.\"", > "//name" : "orbideaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Orbide Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "orbideaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1319" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"When it closes its eyes it becomes immune to attacks by entering a different plane of existence.\"", > "//name" : "spookitaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Spookit Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookitaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "A cute wooden end table.", > "//name" : "woodenendtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden End Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenendtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1320" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Sometimes when chasing its own tail it can accidentally set itself on fire.\"", > "//name" : "fennixaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Fennix Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fennixaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1321" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"During storms it attaches itself to trees so as not to blow away.\"", > "//name" : "paratailaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Paratail Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "paratailaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1322" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's huge...\"", > "//name" : "adultpoptopaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Adult Poptop Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "adultpoptopaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1323" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its thick coat keeps it warm in the coldest climates.\"", > "//name" : "capricoataf", > "//shortdescription" : "Capricoat Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capricoataf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1324" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It uses its horns to attract a partner. The light shows during mating season are spectacular.\"", > "//name" : "narfinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Narfin Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "narfinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1325" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's unpleasant to look at. It's also unpleasant when it looks at you.\"", > "//name" : "oculobaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Oculob Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oculobaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1326" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It brews a toxic paste in its pod made from fermented fruit.\"", > "//name" : "pteropodaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Pteropod Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pteropodaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1327" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The Ringram's horns start growing from birth and never stop.\"", > "//name" : "ringramaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Ringram Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ringramaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1328" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's actually covered in red skin, but it's still pretty gross.\"", > "//name" : "hemogoblinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Hemogoblin Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hemogoblinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1329" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Nobody knows where it came from or who made it.\"", > "//name" : "bobotaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Bobot Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bobotaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A titanium control console. Press all the buttons!", > "//name" : "tier3switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1330" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The Poptop hums beautifully to confuse its prey.\"", > "//name" : "poptopaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Poptop Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "poptopaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1331" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its diet is made up of small amounts of water that it finds by digging into the ground.\"", > "//name" : "trictusaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Trictus Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trictusaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1332" : { > "//description" : "I can use this to craft all the comforts of home!", > "//name" : "furnituretable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Furniture Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "furnituretable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1333" : { > "//description" : "\"Its sleepy lifestyle allows it to flourish underground and reach impressive sizes.\"", > "//name" : "mandrafloraaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Mandraflora Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mandrafloraaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1334" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its shell is impossible to penetrate which can make it a tricky foe.\"", > "//name" : "snaggleraf", > "//shortdescription" : "Snaggler Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snaggleraf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1335" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"By tasting the particles in the air it can sense what's ahead of it.\"", > "//name" : "batongaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Batong Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "batongaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1336" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Iguarmor is not an aggressive species but the spikes on its tail can deal great damage.\"", > "//name" : "iguarmoraf", > "//shortdescription" : "Iguarmor Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "iguarmoraf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1337" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The bulb only stays lit while the Lumoth flaps its wings.\"", > "//name" : "lumothaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Lumoth Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lumothaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1338" : { > "//description" : "The Apothecary allows me to make bandages and other healing items.", > "//name" : "apothecary", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Apothecary^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apothecary", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1339" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's always on edge. It walks sideways and erupts at the slightest confrontation.\"", > "//name" : "crabcanoaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Crabcano Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crabcanoaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A bug that can usually be found chasing the crest of a wave.\"", > "//name" : "wavebird", > "//shortdescription" : "Wavebird Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavebird", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1340" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's notorious for stealing from vegetable patches.\"", > "//name" : "snauntaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Snaunt Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snauntaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1341" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Prolonged exposure to its pungent fumes will knock you out.\"", > "//name" : "miasmopaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Miasmop Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miasmopaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1342" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It doesn't seem to eat or sleep... Is it a machine?\"", > "//name" : "tinticaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Tintic Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tinticaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1343" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It prefers warm and moist climates where it'll grow quicker.\"", > "//name" : "sporgusaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Sporgus Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sporgusaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1344" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Due to its sensitive eyes it prefers dark settings, like caves.\"", > "//name" : "agrobataf", > "//shortdescription" : "Agrobat Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "agrobataf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1345" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"At night, all you can see of the Anglure is its light.\"", > "//name" : "anglureaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Anglure Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "anglureaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1346" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its poison is deadly even in small doses.\"", > "//name" : "crutteraf", > "//shortdescription" : "Crutter Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crutteraf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1347" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It's made from a springy substance.\"", > "//name" : "gleapaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Gleap Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gleapaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1348" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It loves frolicking through forests and meadows.\"", > "//name" : "hypnareaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Hypnare Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hypnareaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1349" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The king nutmidgeling is the only one whose head tuft hasn't been trampled to death.\"", > "//name" : "nutmidgeaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Nutmidge Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "nutmidgeaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A chest with a spring flower latch.", > "//name" : "springchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Spring Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1350" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It stares at you expectantly with its beady eyes.\"", > "//name" : "petricubaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Petricub Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "petricubaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1351" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It has a sticky texture that allows it to climb surfaces with ease.\"", > "//name" : "pulpinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Pulpin Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pulpinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1352" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its unhygienic lifestyle leaves much to be desired.\"", > "//name" : "quagmuttaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Quagmutt Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "quagmuttaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1353" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The scandroid is on an endless search. No one knows what for.\"", > "//name" : "scandroidaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Scandroid Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scandroidaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1354" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its lightweight body flows in the direction of the wind.\"", > "//name" : "skimbusaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Skimbus Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "skimbusaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1355" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A chemical reaction in its belly makes its hot breath toxic.\"", > "//name" : "smoglinaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Smoglin Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smoglinaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1356" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its movement is determined by temperature levels in the atmosphere.\"", > "//name" : "squeemaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Squeem Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "squeemaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1357" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Some believe Wispers are lost spirits. At night their glow can lead explorers astray.\"", > "//name" : "wisperaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Wisper Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wisperaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1358" : { > "//description" : "Smoke billows from this point.", > "//name" : "smokeprimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Smoke", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smokeprimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1359" : { > "//description" : "I can use this to aid me in farming, foraging and hunting.", > "//name" : "farmtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Foraging Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "farmtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "A snow drift.", > "//name" : "snowdrift3", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowdrift3" > }, > "1360" : { > "//description" : "A plant which grows fluffy cotton buds!", > "//name" : "wildcottonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cotton Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcottonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1361" : { > "//description" : "This sturdy chest is made from volcanic material. Heat rises from it.", > "//name" : "volcanicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Volcanic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1362" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "floranartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranartifactaltar" > }, > "1363" : { > "//description" : "Smoke Primer.", > "//name" : "smokegen", > "//shortdescription" : "Smoke", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smokegen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1364" : { > "//description" : "A bright sign warning of dangerously high temperatures.", > "//name" : "foundrysign", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1365" : { > "//description" : "This elevator design is commonly seen in foundries.", > "//name" : "foundryelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Industrial Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundryelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1366" : { > "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", > "//name" : "foundrysupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1367" : { > "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", > "//name" : "foundrysupport_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1368" : { > "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", > "//name" : "foundrysupport_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1369" : { > "//description" : "A metal girder, usually used for supporting ceilings.", > "//name" : "foundrysupport_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", > "//name" : "wildeggshootseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildeggshootseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1370" : { > "//description" : "A switch for activating foundry machinery.", > "//name" : "foundryswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundryswitch" > }, > "1371" : { > "//description" : "A sealed tank full of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "lavatanklarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Lava tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavatanklarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1372" : { > "//description" : "This elevator design is commonly seen in foundries.", > "//name" : "foundryelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Industrial Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundryelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1373" : { > "//description" : "An industrial sized set of bellows from a foundry.", > "//name" : "foundrybellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Bellows", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrybellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1374" : { > "//description" : "This tank cycles the molten liquid inside to keep it from becoming stagnant.", > "//name" : "lavatankcascade", > "//shortdescription" : "Cascading Lava Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavatankcascade", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1375" : { > "//description" : "A small tank full of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "lavatanksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Lava Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavatanksmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1376" : { > "//description" : "A container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "ladlelarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Ladle", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ladlelarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1377" : { > "//description" : "A tall container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "ladlesmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ladle", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ladlesmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1378" : { > "//description" : "The primitive furnace is used to turn ores and other materials into crafting ingredients.", > "//name" : "craftingfurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Primitive Furnace^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingfurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1379" : { > "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", > "//name" : "foundrylight", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "An old locker. Hey! There's a photo taped to the inside... eww, tentacles", > "//name" : "wrecklocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecklocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1380" : { > "//description" : "A heavy metal door often used in foundries.", > "//name" : "foundrydoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Heavy Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrydoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1381" : { > "//description" : "A bed with a large lamp over it, producing considerable heat.", > "//name" : "foundrybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1382" : { > "//description" : "A metallic chair from a foundry.", > "//name" : "foundrychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1383" : { > "//description" : "A bright sign warning of dangerously high temperatures.", > "//name" : "foundrysign_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrysign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1384" : { > "//description" : "The inventor's table is used to produce various crafting stations.", > "//name" : "inventorstable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Inventor's Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "inventorstable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1385" : { > "//description" : "A button fit for purpose in a foundry.", > "//name" : "foundrybutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Button", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrybutton", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1386" : { > "//description" : "The anvil is used to produce armor and weapons from fabric and ores.", > "//name" : "craftinganvil", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Anvil^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftinganvil", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1387" : { > "//description" : "The wooden workbench is used to produce materials and objects needed to build a settlement.", > "//name" : "craftingfurniture", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wooden Workbench^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingfurniture", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1388" : { > "//description" : "The spinning wheel is used to produce clothing, fabrics and other crafting ingredients.", > "//name" : "craftingwheel", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Spinning Wheel^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingwheel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1389" : { > "//description" : "A lamp illuminated by suspended globules of lava.", > "//name" : "magmalamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Magma Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmalamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", > "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Sharp Sticks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpunjisticks1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1390" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrycountdowntimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Countdown Timer", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrycountdowntimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1391" : { > "//description" : "A tall container full of bubbling of molten liquid.", > "//name" : "ladlesmall_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ladle", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ladlesmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1392" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer1s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (1 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer1s" > }, > "1393" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (0.5 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer" > }, > "1394" : { > "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", > "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1395" : { > "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", > "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1396" : { > "//description" : "The lava in this small fountain is superheated to brightly glow", > "//name" : "foundrylight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1397" : { > "//description" : "An XOR switch. The output will be on when exactly one of the inputs is on.", > "//name" : "foundryxor", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry XOR Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundryxor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1398" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer5s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (5 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer5s" > }, > "1399" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrydelay", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Delay Gate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrydelay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A stunning unicorn statue. Watch out for the horn!", > "//name" : "rainbowunicornstatue_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Unicorn Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowunicornstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "groundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "groundspike3" > }, > "1400" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundryor", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Or Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundryor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1401" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrynot", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Not Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrynot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1402" : { > "//description" : "A console with interesting looking levels and lightbulbs.", > "//name" : "foundryconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundryconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1403" : { > "//description" : "The foraging table is used to produce items for hunting, mining and farming.", > "//name" : "craftingfarm", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Foraging Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingfarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1404" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrydlatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Latch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrydlatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1405" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer4s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (4 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer4s" > }, > "1406" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer3s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (3 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer3s" > }, > "1407" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundryand", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry And Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundryand", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1408" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "foundrytimer2s", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Timer (2 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundrytimer2s" > }, > "1409" : { > "//description" : "The apothecary is used to produce healing items and medicine.", > "//name" : "craftingmedical", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Apothecary^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "craftingmedical", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable titanium chair.", > "//name" : "tier3chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1410" : { > "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodednatural", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode D (Natural)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodednatural", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1411" : { > "//description" : "A crystal geode plant in a flower pot.", > "//name" : "geodeplantpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Plant Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeplantpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1412" : { > "//description" : "A door carved from a cross section of a large geode.", > "//name" : "geodedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1413" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a blue musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodeenote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode E", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeenote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1414" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from an orange musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodebnote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode B", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodebnote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1415" : { > "//description" : "A large hollow geode carved into a chair.", > "//name" : "geodechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1416" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a green musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodednote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode D", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodednote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1417" : { > "//description" : "A bed carved inside of a giant geode.", > "//name" : "geodebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1418" : { > "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodebnatural", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode B (Natural)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodebnatural", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1419" : { > "//name" : "geodeanote", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", > "//name" : "frozenfirechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frozenfirechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1420" : { > "//description" : "A light fashioned from a suspended glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodeceilinglight", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeceilinglight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1421" : { > "//name" : "geodeanatural", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1422" : { > "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodecnatural", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode C (Natural)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodecnatural", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1423" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a yellow musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodecnote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode C", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodecnote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1424" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a purple musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodefnote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode F", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodefnote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1425" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a pink musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodegnote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode G", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodegnote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1426" : { > "//name" : "geodehnote", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1427" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of an iron ore.\"", > "//name" : "ironsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1428" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a uranium ore.\"", > "//name" : "uraniumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Uranium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "uraniumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1429" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a violium ore.\"", > "//name" : "violiumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Violium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "violiumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", > "//name" : "frozenfirechair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frozenfirechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1430" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of an aegisalt ore.\"", > "//name" : "aegisaltsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Aegisalt Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "aegisaltsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1431" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a tungsten ore.\"", > "//name" : "tungstensample", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tungstensample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1432" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a gold ore.\"", > "//name" : "goldsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1433" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a core fragment ore.\"", > "//name" : "corefragmentsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Core Fragment Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "corefragmentsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1434" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a titanium ore.\"", > "//name" : "titaniumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "titaniumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1435" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a solarium ore.\"", > "//name" : "solariumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Solarium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "solariumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1436" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a coal ore.\"", > "//name" : "coalsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Coal Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coalsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1437" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "avianartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianartifactaltar" > }, > "1438" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a plutonium ore.\"", > "//name" : "plutoniumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Plutonium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plutoniumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1439" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a ferozium ore.\"", > "//name" : "feroziumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Ferozium Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feroziumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "outpostradardish", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostradardish", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1440" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a platinum ore.\"", > "//name" : "platinumsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Platinum Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "platinumsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1441" : { > "//name" : "geodehnatural", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1442" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a copper ore.\"", > "//name" : "coppersample", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coppersample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1443" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a diamond ore.\"", > "//name" : "diamondsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamondsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1444" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a durasteel ore.\"", > "//name" : "durasteelsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "durasteelsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1445" : { > "//description" : "\"A perfect sample of a prisilite ore.\"", > "//name" : "prisilitesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Prisilite Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisilitesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1446" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, blue geode.", > "//name" : "geodebluesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodebluesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1447" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a white musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodehighanote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode High A", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodehighanote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1448" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, yellow geode.", > "//name" : "geodeyellowsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeyellowsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1449" : { > "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodehighanatural", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode High A (Natural)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodehighanatural", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "outpostradardish_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostradardish", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1450" : { > "//description" : "A module that adds additional high-tech combat equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "//name" : "manipulatoraddon", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Manipulator Addon^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "manipulatoraddon", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1451" : { > "//description" : "A module that adds additional ranged equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "//name" : "acceleratoraddon", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Accelerator Addon^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "acceleratoraddon", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1452" : { > "//description" : "A note carved from a red musical geode.", > "//name" : "geodelowanote", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Low A", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodelowanote", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1453" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, green geode.", > "//name" : "geodegreensample", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodegreensample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1454" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, purple geode.", > "//name" : "geodepurplesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Purple Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodepurplesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1455" : { > "//description" : "A module that adds additional melee equipment and armour to the replicator.", > "//name" : "separatoraddon", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Separator Addon^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "separatoraddon", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1456" : { > "//description" : "A green glowing geode.", > "//name" : "geodelowanatural", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Low A (Natural)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodelowanatural", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1457" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, orange geode.", > "//name" : "geodeorangesample", > "//shortdescription" : "Orange Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodeorangesample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1458" : { > "//description" : "A pretty, red geode.", > "//name" : "geoderedsample", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Geode Sample", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geoderedsample", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1459" : { > "//description" : "A force field which can only be passed through one way", > "//name" : "bossdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Force Field", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bossdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "An iron anvil, used for banging metal into shape.", > "//name" : "ironanvil", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Anvil^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironanvil", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1460" : { > "//description" : "A glowing Opulent light.", > "//name" : "opulentlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1461" : { > "//description" : "A popular style of television set.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitytv", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitytv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1462" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1463" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1464" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1465" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1466" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1467" : { > "//description" : "Volcanic gas escapes from this opening. Hot is an understatement.", > "//name" : "volcanictrap_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Natural Volcanic Geyser", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanictrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1468" : { > "//description" : "A Doom light. The eye glows in the dark.", > "//name" : "doomlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1469" : { > "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Cerulium bed.", > "//name" : "wavebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of bone. Hopefully it's not filled with marrow.", > "//name" : "bonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1470" : { > "//description" : "A large contemporary chest of drawers.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Stylish Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1471" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable Doom chair.", > "//name" : "doomchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1472" : { > "//description" : "A sublime Doom bed. Bit spiky, though.", > "//name" : "doombed", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doombed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1473" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for small fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "fossildisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1474" : { > "//description" : "A very sturdy Serene door.", > "//name" : "serenedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenedoor" > }, > "1475" : { > "//name" : "trilobitefossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1476" : { > "//description" : "A creepy Doom door.", > "//name" : "doomdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1477" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Serene bed.", > "//name" : "serenebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1478" : { > "//description" : "A very sturdy wave door.", > "//name" : "wavedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1479" : { > "//description" : "A remarkably comfortable Opulent bed.", > "//name" : "opulentbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", > "//name" : "bathroomtrashquest", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomtrashquest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1480" : { > "//description" : "A rounded wooden table.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitytable", > "//shortdescription" : "Round Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitytable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1481" : { > "//name" : "dirtyfossilsand", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1482" : { > "//description" : "A terrifying Doom table. It watches you eat.", > "//name" : "doomtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1483" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful Executive table.", > "//name" : "executivetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1484" : { > "//description" : "A clean and sturdy bed.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1485" : { > "//description" : "A hardy serene table.", > "//name" : "serenetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1486" : { > "//name" : "ammonitefossil", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1487" : { > "//description" : "A glowing Serene light.", > "//name" : "serenelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1488" : { > "//description" : "A glowing Wave light.", > "//name" : "wavelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1489" : { > "//description" : "A chest of drawers, minus a drawer.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawersmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawersmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite3", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1490" : { > "//description" : "A wooden utility pole.", > "//name" : "woodenutilitypole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Utility Pole", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenutilitypole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1491" : { > "//description" : "An arrow sign.", > "//name" : "scorchedcityarrowsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Tire Arrow Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcityarrowsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1492" : { > "//description" : "An incredibly stylish Opulent table.", > "//name" : "opulenttable", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulenttable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1493" : { > "//description" : "An Executive console. So exquisite, you can't help but treat it with respect.", > "//name" : "executiveswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executiveswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1494" : { > "//description" : "A broken fridge.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Stylish Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1495" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Wave chair.", > "//name" : "wavechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1496" : { > "//description" : "A small contemporary chest of drawers.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawersmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Stylish Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawersmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1497" : { > "//description" : "The creature healing station is used to heal captured creatures.", > "//name" : "pethealingstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pet Healing Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pethealingstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1498" : { > "//description" : "A contemprary style fridge, capable of extending the shelf life of food.", > "//name" : "scorchedcityfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcityfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1499" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for medium fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay3", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "24", > "object" : "fossildisplay3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "An odd golden jug for special ceremonies.", > "//name" : "goldvase1", > "//shortdescription" : "Odd Gold Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//name" : "tier7light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1500" : { > "//description" : "A broken chair.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stylish Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1501" : { > "//description" : "A chest of drawers, minus a few drawers.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawerlarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Broken Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenchestdrawerlarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1502" : { > "//description" : "A Geometric door. Sturdy!", > "//name" : "geometricdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricdoor" > }, > "1503" : { > "//description" : "A small rusty looking crate.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Rusty Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1504" : { > "//description" : "A rusty holding tank.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentank", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Holding Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1505" : { > "//name" : "trilobitefossil", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1506" : { > "//description" : "A broken bed.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stylish Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1507" : { > "//description" : "A broken television set.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentv", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Stylish TV", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1508" : { > "//description" : "A stylish but sturdy chair.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1509" : { > "//description" : "A rusty looking chest.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "pleaseget", > "//shortdescription" : "Please Get Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "pleaseget" > }, > "1510" : { > "//description" : "A rusty crate.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitycrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitycrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1511" : { > "//description" : "An old, forgotten land mine. It may still be active!", > "//name" : "scorchedlandmine", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Land Mine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedlandmine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1512" : { > "//description" : "A wooden utility pole.", > "//name" : "woodenutilitypole2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Telephone Pole", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenutilitypole2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1513" : { > "//name" : "dirtyfossilmud", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1514" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for large fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay5", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "8", > "object" : "fossildisplay5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1515" : { > "//name" : "ammonitefossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1516" : { > "//description" : "A Opulent console. Sturdy enough to tap-dance on.", > "//name" : "opulentswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1517" : { > "//description" : "A glowing Geometric light.", > "//name" : "geometriclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1518" : { > "//description" : "A Doom console. Be careful how you operate it - it's watching.", > "//name" : "doomswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1519" : { > "//description" : "A dazzling Executive light.", > "//name" : "executivelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A handy oil lantern. Careful not to spill it.", > "//name" : "tier1light", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1light" > }, > "1520" : { > "//description" : "An executive bed. For the sleep of your life.", > "//name" : "executivebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1521" : { > "//description" : "An Executive chair. You'll never want to stand again.", > "//name" : "executivechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1522" : { > "//description" : "An impenetrable Executive door.", > "//name" : "executivedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1523" : { > "//description" : "An Geometric console. Sturdy enough to jump on.", > "//name" : "geometricswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1524" : { > "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Opulent chair.", > "//name" : "opulentchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1525" : { > "//description" : "A super-strong Opulent door.", > "//name" : "opulentdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1526" : { > "//description" : "A very comfortable Serene chair.", > "//name" : "serenechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1527" : { > "//description" : "An serene console. Sturdy enough to punch in frustration.", > "//name" : "sereneswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sereneswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1528" : { > "//description" : "A wave console. Strong enough to dropkick.", > "//name" : "waveswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "waveswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1529" : { > "//description" : "A very hardy Wave table.", > "//name" : "wavetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "It looks like an old remote terminal.", > "//name" : "wreckconsole3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Terminal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckconsole3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1530" : { > "//description" : "A dumpster.", > "//name" : "dumpster", > "//shortdescription" : "Dumpster", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dumpster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1531" : { > "//description" : "This device has a slot for a creature capture pod.", > "//name" : "pettether", > "//shortdescription" : "Pet Tether", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pettether", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1532" : { > "//description" : "A warning sign, but what is it warning of?", > "//name" : "scorchedcitysign1", > "//shortdescription" : "Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitysign1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1533" : { > "//description" : "A warning sign, but what is it warning of?", > "//name" : "scorchedcitysign1_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitysign1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1534" : { > "//description" : "A scorched bench.", > "//name" : "scorchedbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Scorched Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1535" : { > "//name" : "fossildisplay1_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1536" : { > "//name" : "trilobitefossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1537" : { > "//description" : "Everything you need to survive. Almost.", > "//name" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "//shortdescription" : "Shelter Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1538" : { > "//name" : "fossildisplay3_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1539" : { > "//name" : "fossildisplay5_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "A sapling. From simple roots a tree will grow.", > "//name" : "sapling", > "//shortdescription" : "Sapling", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sapling", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1540" : { > "//name" : "ammonitefossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1541" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil4", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil4" > }, > "1542" : { > "//description" : "A broken utility box.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox2", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Utility Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1543" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil5", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil5" > }, > "1544" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil1" > }, > "1545" : { > "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", > "//name" : "wallb", > "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wallb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1546" : { > "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", > "//name" : "wallb_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wallb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1547" : { > "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", > "//name" : "wallb_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wallb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1548" : { > "//description" : "A cute little explosive that packs a serious punch!", > "//name" : "wallb_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "WALL-B", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wallb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1549" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil6", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil6" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", > "//name" : "crystalplantseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalplantseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1550" : { > "//description" : "A broken electric box.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox1", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Electric Box", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenelectricbox1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1551" : { > "//description" : "Crossing this laser beam might trigger something!", > "//name" : "lasertripwire", > "//shortdescription" : "Laser Tripwire", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "lasertripwire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1552" : { > "//description" : "Crossing this laser beam might trigger something!", > "//name" : "lasertripwire_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Laser Tripwire", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lasertripwire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1553" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil3", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil3" > }, > "1554" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil2" > }, > "1555" : { > "//description" : "A road sign, it is bent and rusted.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenroundsign1", > "//shortdescription" : "Neglected Rusty Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenroundsign1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1556" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil7", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil7" > }, > "1557" : { > "//description" : "Some kind of fossil, all covered in mud and rock. It's going to need careful cleaning to get it out in one peice", > "//name" : "dirtyfossil8", > "//shortdescription" : "Fossil", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirtyfossil8" > }, > "1558" : { > "//description" : "A counter with added grime.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokencounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Grimy Stylish Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokencounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1559" : { > "//description" : "A broken register.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1560" : { > "//description" : "A metal shelf packed with store goods.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1561" : { > "//description" : "A set of traffic lights, badly broken.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentraficlights", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Traffic Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentraficlights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1562" : { > "//description" : "A broken wooden table.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokentable", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Round Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokentable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1563" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", > "//name" : "apexfightlantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexfightlantern" > }, > "1564" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", > "//name" : "apexfightlantern_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexfightlantern" > }, > "1565" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1566" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1567" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1568" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation9", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1569" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation10", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "This massive iron portcullis closes with a thud.", > "//name" : "bardoor3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Portcullis", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bardoor3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1570" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation11", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1571" : { > "//description" : "A clean looking counter.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitycounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitycounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1572" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal shelf, some store goods still remain on the shelves.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1573" : { > "//description" : "A trap door disguised as a metal platform.", > "//name" : "metallictrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Trap Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metallictrapdoor" > }, > "1574" : { > "//description" : "A manhole cover.", > "//name" : "manholedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Manhole Cover", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "manholedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1575" : { > "//description" : "Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "scorchedcityregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcityregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1576" : { > "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", > "//name" : "vrheadset", > "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "vrheadset", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1577" : { > "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "vrheadset", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1578" : { > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1579" : { > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A homely ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "woodenlamp3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Ceiling Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenlamp3" > }, > "1580" : { > "//description" : "What a lovely flower!", > "//name" : "protectorateflower", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateflower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1581" : { > "//description" : "Smoke", > "//name" : "protectoratesmokegen", > "//shortdescription" : "Smoke", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratesmokegen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1582" : { > "//description" : "A good source of information.", > "//name" : "protectorateinfobooth", > "//shortdescription" : "Info Booth", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateinfobooth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1583" : { > "//description" : "A retro poster.", > "//name" : "protectorateposter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "protectorateposter2" > }, > "1584" : { > "//description" : "A poster of a Matter Manipulator.", > "//name" : "protectorateposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectorateposter1" > }, > "1585" : { > "//description" : "A torn bit of fabric from a Protectorate Banner.", > "//name" : "protectoratecape", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Banner Rag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratecape", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1586" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1587" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1588" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1589" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug looks like it's wearing tiny green shoes.\"", > "//name" : "greentip", > "//shortdescription" : "Greentip Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greentip", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1590" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1591" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1592" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1593" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1594" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation9", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1595" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation10", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1596" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation11", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1597" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation12", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1598" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "tentaclespike_orientation13", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1599" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"If it survives for 200 years, it might become an Ixodoom.\"", > "//name" : "ixolingaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Ixoling Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ixolingaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "oshroom1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oshroom1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This little bug's legs are covered in see-through hairs.\"", > "//name" : "polarmoth", > "//shortdescription" : "Polarmoth Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "polarmoth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1600" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A stone temple guardian, animated with ancient technology.\"", > "//name" : "kluexsentryaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Kluex Sentry Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kluexsentryaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1601" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"They attack anyone that surprises them, and they're easily surprised.\"", > "//name" : "snuffishaf", > "//shortdescription" : "Snuffish Action Figure", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snuffishaf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1602" : { > "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", > "//name" : "sleepingbagred", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Sleeping Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sleepingbagred", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1603" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent1red", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Dome Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent1red", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1604" : { > "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", > "//name" : "sleepingbaggreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Sleeping Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sleepingbaggreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1605" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent1blue", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Dome Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent1blue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1606" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent2yellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Basic Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent2yellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1607" : { > "//description" : "Ideal for storing food and keeping it fresh.", > "//name" : "minifridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Mini Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "minifridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "1608" : { > "//description" : "There are some items on this shelf.", > "//name" : "apexstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1609" : { > "//description" : "A military tent.", > "//name" : "apextent", > "//shortdescription" : "Military Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "A tar door.", > "//name" : "tardoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tardoor" > }, > "1610" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush8", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1611" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1612" : { > "//description" : "A large breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "tentaclepopbig", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Tentacle Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepopbig" > }, > "1613" : { > "//description" : "A putrid, horrible flower.", > "//name" : "junglebush17", > "//shortdescription" : "Putrid Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush17", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1614" : { > "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", > "//name" : "tentaclespawner1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclespawner1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1615" : { > "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", > "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespawner1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1616" : { > "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", > "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespawner1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1617" : { > "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", > "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespawner1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1618" : { > "//description" : "This green substance has something moving inside it...", > "//name" : "tentaclespawner1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclespawner1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1619" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "A cracked clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", > "//name" : "claypot2", > "//shortdescription" : "Unusual Clay Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "claypot2" > }, > "1620" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1621" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1622" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1623" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart3_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1624" : { > "//description" : "Anyone for scrambled monster egg?", > "//name" : "tentacleegg", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle Monster Egg", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentacleegg" > }, > "1625" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of platinum.", > "//name" : "platinumrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Platinum Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "platinumrock" > }, > "1626" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of gold.", > "//name" : "goldrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldrock" > }, > "1627" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of diamond.", > "//name" : "diamondrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Diamond Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamondrocksmall" > }, > "1628" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1629" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "thorns2", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thorns2" > }, > "1630" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1631" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1632" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart2_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1633" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1634" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1635" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1636" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1637" : { > "//description" : "Something organic and slimy...", > "//name" : "tentaclepart1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Tentacle part", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tentaclepart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1638" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of copper.", > "//name" : "copperrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Copper Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperrocksmall" > }, > "1639" : { > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", > "//name" : "junglebush14", > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush14", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom bed. Guaranteed to give you weird dreams.", > "//name" : "shroombed", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroombed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1640" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush8", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1641" : { > "//description" : "A breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "tentaclepopmed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Tentacle Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepopmed" > }, > "1642" : { > "//description" : "A statue dedicated to Benjamin \"Meuterion\" Deust.", > "//name" : "benjaminstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Benjamin Deust Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "benjaminstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1643" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush6", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1644" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1645" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush7", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1646" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush12", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush12", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1647" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1648" : { > "//description" : "A statue of Cameron \"KyeTheShy\" York. Loved to adventure, but wandered a little too far...into space.", > "//name" : "cameronstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Cameron York Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cameronstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1649" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of platinum.", > "//name" : "platinumrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Platinum Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "platinumrocksmall" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A thorny table. Careful where you put your feet.", > "//name" : "toxictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1650" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1651" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1652" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush10", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1653" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of silver.", > "//name" : "silverrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Silver Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "silverrocksmall" > }, > "1654" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush11", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush11", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1655" : { > "//description" : "A breakable growth. Wonder what's inside.", > "//name" : "tentaclepopsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Tentacle Capsule", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tentaclepopsmall" > }, > "1656" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of diamond.", > "//name" : "diamondrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamondrock" > }, > "1657" : { > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", > "//name" : "junglebush15", > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush15", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1658" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush7", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush7", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1659" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", > "//name" : "kiwiseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kiwiseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1660" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush9", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1661" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of copper.", > "//name" : "copperrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperrock" > }, > "1662" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1663" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"For a father who opened up a new world for me. In Memory of Tracy Dietrich 1963-2003\".", > "//name" : "memorialstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Imagination Memorial", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "memorialstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1664" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1665" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of gold.", > "//name" : "goldrocksmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Gold Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldrocksmall" > }, > "1666" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush9", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush9", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1667" : { > "//description" : "A cracked rock full of silver.", > "//name" : "silverrock", > "//shortdescription" : "Silver Rock", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "silverrock" > }, > "1668" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1669" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush10", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush10", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed with a headboard.", > "//name" : "woodenbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1670" : { > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", > "//name" : "junglebush13", > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush13", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1671" : { > "//description" : "The only letters I can make out are \"xOliver137\".", > "//name" : "oliverstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "xOliver137 Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oliverstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1672" : { > "//description" : "A leafy plant.", > "//name" : "junglebush16", > "//shortdescription" : "Leafy Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush16", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1673" : { > "//description" : "A putrid, horrible flower.", > "//name" : "junglebush18", > "//shortdescription" : "Putrid Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush18", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1674" : { > "//description" : "A colourful bush.", > "//name" : "junglebush6", > "//shortdescription" : "Colourful Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglebush6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1675" : { > "//description" : "-todo-", > "//name" : "bossrightspawner", > "//shortdescription" : "Boss Right Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bossrightspawner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1676" : { > "//description" : "A tentacle nerve ending", > "//name" : "brainsynapse1", > "//shortdescription" : "Synapse", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brainsynapse1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1677" : { > "//name" : "mothlamp", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1678" : { > "//description" : "It's a figurine of a Glitch noble.", > "//name" : "glitchbaronfigure", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Statuette", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchbaronfigure", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1679" : { > "//description" : "Attracts moths. Moths produce silk!", > "//name" : "mothtrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Moth Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mothtrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "An alien plant door.", > "//name" : "aliendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "aliendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1680" : { > "//description" : "If you die, you will respawn at this location.", > "//name" : "checkpoint", > "//shortdescription" : "Mission Checkpoint", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "checkpoint", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1681" : { > "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", > "//name" : "penguinbartop", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Top", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbartop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1682" : { > "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", > "//name" : "penguinbarbottom", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbarbottom", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1683" : { > "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", > "//name" : "outpostbarstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Bar Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostbarstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1684" : { > "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", > "//name" : "penguinbarsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "penguinbarsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1685" : { > "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "penguinbarlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "penguinbarlamp" > }, > "1686" : { > "//description" : "A cleverly concealed entrance.", > "//name" : "secretdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "secretdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1687" : { > "//description" : "A cleverly concealed entrance.", > "//name" : "secrettrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "secrettrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1688" : { > "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", > "//name" : "penguinbartop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar Top", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbartop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1689" : { > "//description" : "Stops and starts rail riders", > "//name" : "railstop", > "//shortdescription" : "Rail Stop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "railstop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A door of crossed blades. It looks like they can be withdrawn.", > "//name" : "irondoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "irondoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1690" : { > "//description" : "Upgrade your Matter Manipulator!", > "//name" : "mmupgradeconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "M.M. Upgrade Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mmupgradeconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1691" : { > "//description" : "Detects rail riders as they pass through", > "//name" : "railsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rail Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "railsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1692" : { > "//description" : "Caps rail endpoints to send riders back the way they came", > "//name" : "railbumper", > "//shortdescription" : "Rail Bumper", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "railbumper", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1693" : { > "//description" : "Directs rail riders to different paths", > "//name" : "railswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Rail Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "railswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1694" : { > "//description" : "A cold blue light.", > "//name" : "bluelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bluelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1695" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"Awarded to those who can challenge nature's power.\".", > "//name" : "trophysilver", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunter's Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trophysilver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1696" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"All that is gold does not glitter. Awarded for a heroic victory.\".", > "//name" : "trophybronze", > "//shortdescription" : "Warrior's Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trophybronze", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1697" : { > "//description" : "The plaque reads \"Awarded to those who can pass through the fire of combat unburned.\".", > "//name" : "trophygold", > "//shortdescription" : "Champion's Trophy", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trophygold", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "magmagroundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmagroundspike2" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflamehuman2", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflamehuman2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A door covered in eyes. Don't blink.", > "//name" : "eyedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", > "//name" : "wildriceseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildriceseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A giant flower. Perfect to use as a table.", > "//name" : "giantflowertable", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowertable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "tier1techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//name" : "tier5switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", > "//name" : "wildbananaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildbananaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//name" : "ironbeacon", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A fancy modern table to place fancy modern things on.", > "//name" : "moderntable", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "moderntable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A four-sided spinning top. There are curious symbols on each side.", > "//name" : "dreidel", > "//shortdescription" : "Dreidel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dreidel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking wooden chair.", > "//name" : "woodenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//name" : "tier6table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "Eight marker.", > "//name" : "number8", > "//shortdescription" : "Eight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number8" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", > "//name" : "woodencrate1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrate1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A large, formidable bug. Can survive extreme heat.\"", > "//name" : "fireygiant", > "//shortdescription" : "Fireygiant Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fireygiant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "greengroundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengroundspike1" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", > "//name" : "dirturchinseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirturchinseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "I don't feel welcome here...", > "//name" : "penguinposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguins Only Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "penguinposter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A creepy bone table. Looks more like a sacrificial altar. Good for picnics.", > "//name" : "bonetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//name" : "tier6bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "A common iron bed.", > "//name" : "tier1bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", > "//name" : "wildcrystalplantseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcrystalplantseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", > "//name" : "neonmelonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "neonmelonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "This table has arms! The extra precision allows me to craft some seriously advanced stuff! ", > "//name" : "roboticcraftingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Robotic Crafting Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "roboticcraftingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "iceshard4", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "iceshard4" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "A giant swirly lollipop! Sweet!", > "//name" : "lollipop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Lollipop", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lollipop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "greengroundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengroundspike2" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Not to be confused with the infamous Dreadwing.\"", > "//name" : "redwing", > "//shortdescription" : "Redwing Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redwing", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "shroomchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "For all your holiday crafting needs!", > "//name" : "holidaycraftingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Toymaker's Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaycraftingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "A generic metal barrel. It's sealed.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "savannahgroundspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "savannahgroundspike4" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", > "//name" : "giantflower1", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflower1" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "A tall wooden lamp with a homely feel.", > "//name" : "woodenlamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Standing Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenlamp2" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of flesh.", > "//name" : "heckchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", > "//name" : "bioshroom2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroom2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "woodenteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenteleporter" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "Scratching sounds from the inside... I think something has made a nest in there.", > "//name" : "wreckconsole2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckconsole2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel chair.", > "//name" : "tier4chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "A sticky tar chair.", > "//name" : "tarchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.", > "//name" : "automatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "automatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A rusty table. Adds flavour.", > "//name" : "rusttable", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rusttable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "A customized signboard", > "//name" : "customsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "customsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//name" : "geometricchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "A tall lamp, with each light linked to another.", > "//name" : "celllamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "celllamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "helpme", > "//shortdescription" : "Help Me Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "helpme" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "A wall light.", > "//name" : "outpostlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", > "//name" : "tallgrass4", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tallgrass4" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "desertgroundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "desertgroundspike2" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", > "//name" : "lightsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lightsensor" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", > "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lightsensor" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", > "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lightsensor" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "Activates the bottom node in dim light and the top node in bright light.", > "//name" : "lightsensor_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Light Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lightsensor" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "A snow drift.", > "//name" : "snowdrift2", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowdrift2" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A tiny lamppost. Try not to kick it over.", > "//name" : "smalllamppost", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Lamppost", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smalllamppost", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", > "//name" : "wheatseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wheatseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "Is it a light, or is it a sabre? Maybe both.", > "//name" : "ironlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironlight" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "A holiday pole! Its festively striped.", > "//name" : "holidaypole", > "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Pole", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaypole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "A service panel.", > "//name" : "outpostservicepanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Service Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostservicepanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "A basic wooden chair.", > "//name" : "woodchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Padded Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "225" : { > "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", > "//name" : "bathroomtrash", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomtrash", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "226" : { > "//description" : "A battered old table. Still operational as far as tables go!", > "//name" : "wrecktable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecktable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "227" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The tips of its legs are covered in snow.\"", > "//name" : "snowskater", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowskater Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowskater", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "228" : { > "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top. There's something odd about it.", > "//name" : "giftmonsterbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Unusual Gift Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "giftmonsterbox" > }, > "229" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", > "//name" : "fleshbush6", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbush6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A compact switch that can be flipped on or off.", > "//name" : "tinywallswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Wall Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tinywallswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "230" : { > "//description" : "A sticky, slimy spot to sit.", > "//name" : "slimechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "231" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "groundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "groundspike2" > }, > "232" : { > "//description" : "A high-tech container for guns.", > "//name" : "gunchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Gun Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gunchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "233" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", > "//name" : "woodencrate2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrate2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "234" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "235" : { > "//description" : "A toilet made of swords. Risky.", > "//name" : "irontoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "irontoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "236" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy iron lever. Perfect for pulling.", > "//name" : "tier1switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "237" : { > "//description" : "This machine can reorganize pixels into almost any shape.", > "//name" : "3dprinter", > "//shortdescription" : "Pixel Printer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "3dprinter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "238" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflamenovakid", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflamenovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "An old sign to warn of deathly danger.", > "//name" : "deathwarning", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "deathwarning" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", > "//name" : "smallwallswitchlighttoggle", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch (Toggled Light)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallwallswitchlighttoggle" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "A cute wooden lamp.", > "//name" : "woodenlamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Table Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenlamp1" > }, > "241" : { > "//description" : "A small wooden stool.", > "//name" : "woodstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "242" : { > "//name" : "tier6switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "A snowglobe with a snowman inside. Festive!", > "//name" : "snowglobe1", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowman Snowglobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowglobe1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "244" : { > "//description" : "A bright, modern looking chair.", > "//name" : "cellchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "245" : { > "//description" : "A set of lockers, perfect for storing things.", > "//name" : "lunarbaselocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lockers", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "246" : { > "//description" : "A big, delicious red gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "redgumdrop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redgumdrop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "247" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This prickly little fellow has razor sharp wings.\"", > "//name" : "thornbee", > "//shortdescription" : "Thornbee Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thornbee", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "248" : { > "//description" : "A frozen, spherical chest. Perfect for treasure, or making ice cubes.", > "//name" : "icespherechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespherechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "249" : { > "//description" : "Sleep sweetly, suspended in slime.", > "//name" : "slimebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", > "//name" : "smallwallbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Button", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallwallbutton" > }, > "250" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "torch", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "torch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "251" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "torch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "torch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "252" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "torch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "torch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "253" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "torch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "torch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "254" : { > "//description" : "Once upon a time, a couple of these things could power a whole ship.", > "//name" : "wreckgenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckgenerator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "255" : { > "//description" : "A secured wooden crate.", > "//name" : "box2", > "//shortdescription" : "Secure Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "box2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "256" : { > "//name" : "tier9light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "257" : { > "//description" : "An ice chest. Totally secure, until it melts.", > "//name" : "icechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "258" : { > "//name" : "tier7techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "259" : { > "//description" : "A pretty oil lantern.", > "//name" : "oillantern1", > "//shortdescription" : "Oil Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oillantern1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for all your automated door needs!", > "//name" : "scanner", > "//shortdescription" : "Proximity Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scanner" > }, > "260" : { > "//description" : "A pretty oil lantern.", > "//name" : "oillantern1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Oil Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oillantern1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "261" : { > "//description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", > "//name" : "wildpussplumseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpussplumseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "262" : { > "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "oshroom2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oshroom2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "263" : { > "//description" : "Useful for crafting! This enables me to smelt basic ores into bars.", > "//name" : "stonefurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Stone Furnace^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonefurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "264" : { > "//description" : "A wrecked turbine, completely non-operational.", > "//name" : "wreckturbine2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbine", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckturbine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "265" : { > "//description" : "Ahh The Son of Man, you make me hungry!", > "//name" : "genericpainting1", > "//shortdescription" : "Curious Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "genericpainting1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "266" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "greenceilingspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "greenceilingspike3" > }, > "267" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent2", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Basic Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "268" : { > "//description" : "A pretty white flower in a pot.", > "//name" : "wflowerpot", > "//shortdescription" : "White Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wflowerpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "269" : { > "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", > "//name" : "foodbowl", > "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foodbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "This pressure plate activates when stepped on.", > "//name" : "proximitysensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Pressure Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "proximitysensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "270" : { > "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", > "//name" : "foodbowl_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foodbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "271" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite2", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "272" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "273" : { > "//description" : "A microwave. For when you're hungry enough to nuke your food.", > "//name" : "outpostmicrowave", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Microwave", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostmicrowave", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "274" : { > "//description" : "Old wiring, torn apart.", > "//name" : "wreckwiresceiling", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Hanging Wires", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wreckwiresceiling" > }, > "275" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "desertgroundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "desertgroundspike3" > }, > "276" : { > "//description" : "It's a very tempting lever.", > "//name" : "hylotlswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "277" : { > "//name" : "tier10switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "278" : { > "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", > "//name" : "giantflower2", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflower2" > }, > "279" : { > "//description" : "A giant mushroom. Perfect to use as a table.", > "//name" : "shroomtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//name" : "tier6door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "280" : { > "//description" : "A monitor. But who monitors the monitor?", > "//name" : "outpostmonitor", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "outpostmonitor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "281" : { > "//description" : "A table made of crystal. Perfect for rich foods.", > "//name" : "crystaltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystaltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "282" : { > "//description" : "A giant, delicious purple gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "purplegumdrop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Purple Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "purplegumdrop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "283" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "284" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "285" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "286" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "287" : { > "//name" : "tier9bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "288" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflame", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "289" : { > "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", > "//name" : "holly", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "holly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Watch your step, this looks explosive!", > "//name" : "landmine", > "//shortdescription" : "Military Land Mine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "landmine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "290" : { > "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", > "//name" : "holly_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "holly" > }, > "291" : { > "//description" : "Nothing like a bit of holly to make you feel jolly!", > "//name" : "holly_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Holly", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "holly" > }, > "292" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent1", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Dome Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "293" : { > "//description" : "This vending machine is empty, I guess the crew had a taste for soda.", > "//name" : "wreckvendingmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckvendingmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "294" : { > "//description" : "Stale air whistles through this old vent.", > "//name" : "wreckvent", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckvent" > }, > "295" : { > "//description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", > "//name" : "wildcoffeeseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcoffeeseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "296" : { > "//description" : "This chest appears organic in construction.", > "//name" : "glowchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "297" : { > "//description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", > "//name" : "wildkiwiseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildkiwiseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "298" : { > "//description" : "An ice dispenser made of ice. That's ice ice, baby.", > "//name" : "icemachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icemachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "299" : { > "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", > "//name" : "eggshootseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eggshootseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "This torch is wrapped in a plant covering.", > "//name" : "planttorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "planttorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Urge... to push... rising!", > "//name" : "bigredbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Button", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigredbutton", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "300" : { > "//description" : "A water cooler. The best place to find the hottest gossip.", > "//name" : "watercooler", > "//shortdescription" : "Water Cooler", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "watercooler", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "301" : { > "//name" : "tier5table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "302" : { > "//description" : "Just the thing for making a gift to show someone you care.", > "//name" : "heartforge", > "//shortdescription" : "Heart Forge", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heartforge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "303" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The warmer this bug gets, the more it glows.\"", > "//name" : "glowbug", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowbug Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbug" > }, > "304" : { > "//description" : "A filing cabinet. Sorted.", > "//name" : "filingcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "filingcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "305" : { > "//description" : "This teleporter should get me back to the ship when I'm ready to leave.", > "//name" : "exitteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Exit Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "exitteleporter" > }, > "306" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "307" : { > "//description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", > "//name" : "feathercrownseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feathercrownseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "308" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", > "//name" : "fleshbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "309" : { > "//name" : "missionteleporter", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A tiny basket made of wicker.", > "//name" : "wickerbasket1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket1" > }, > "310" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"These bugs appear to rise from clouds of ash.\"", > "//name" : "ashsprite", > "//shortdescription" : "Ashsprite Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ashsprite", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "311" : { > "//description" : "A handy hand dryer. Hands off.", > "//name" : "bathroomhanddryer", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Hand Dryer", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bathroomhanddryer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "312" : { > "//description" : "A bathroom urinal. Useful for some.", > "//name" : "bathroomurinal", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Urinal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bathroomurinal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "313" : { > "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", > "//name" : "wildpineappleseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpineappleseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "314" : { > "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit a pleasant glow.", > "//name" : "glowflowerlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflowerlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "315" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "bigboosterflameavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "bigboosterflameavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "316" : { > "//description" : "A smashable crystal. Time to get breaking bad.", > "//name" : "smashcrystal", > "//shortdescription" : "Smashable Crystal", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smashcrystal" > }, > "317" : { > "//description" : "A surprisingly comfortable chair.", > "//name" : "lunarbasechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "318" : { > "//description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", > "//name" : "wartweedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wartweedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "319" : { > "//description" : "A sleek control console.", > "//name" : "lunarbaseconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaseconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//name" : "tier9techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "320" : { > "//description" : "A table. Perfect for tabletop gaming. Or eating.", > "//name" : "outposttable", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outposttable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "321" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket2" > }, > "322" : { > "//description" : "A giant red flower. Pretty AND intimidating!", > "//name" : "giantflower3", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflower3" > }, > "323" : { > "//description" : "A door with a cheerful wreath on it.", > "//name" : "giantflowerdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "324" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "magmagroundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmagroundspike1" > }, > "325" : { > "//description" : "A tall wooden bookcase full of books.", > "//name" : "woodenbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "326" : { > "//description" : "A button.", > "//name" : "outpostbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Button", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostbutton", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "327" : { > "//description" : "A fuzzy red stocking. A little too big for anyone's foot.", > "//name" : "stocking2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Stocking", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "stocking2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "328" : { > "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", > "//name" : "biovine4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "biovine4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "329" : { > "//description" : "A glowing durasteel light.", > "//name" : "tier4light", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4light", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//name" : "tier9table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "330" : { > "//description" : "This machine runs a game called 'Mazebound64'.", > "//name" : "arcadegame", > "//shortdescription" : "Mazebound64", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcadegame", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "331" : { > "//description" : "A small damaged table.", > "//name" : "wrecksmalltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wrecked Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksmalltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "332" : { > "//description" : "A crane. Used for lifting, or swinging from.", > "//name" : "outpostcrane", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Crane", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "outpostcrane", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "333" : { > "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", > "//name" : "smallwallswitchlit", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch (Light)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallwallswitchlit" > }, > "334" : { > "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", > "//name" : "wildavesmingoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildavesmingoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "335" : { > "//description" : "An iron bed made of swords. Perfect for a power nap.", > "//name" : "ironbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "336" : { > "//description" : "A wide solid wooden stand.", > "//name" : "woodenstand2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wooden Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenstand2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "337" : { > "//description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", > "//name" : "wildpotatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpotatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "338" : { > "//description" : "The Elegantly Automatic Sign Engineering Lithographer.", > "//name" : "signstore", > "//shortdescription" : "EASEL", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "signstore", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "339" : { > "//description" : "A big lollipop! Sweet!", > "//name" : "lollipop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Lollipop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lollipop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//name" : "tier9switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "340" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", > "//name" : "lunarbaselantern", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselantern" > }, > "341" : { > "//description" : "These electric lanterns generate a pleasantly warm light", > "//name" : "lunarbaselantern_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselantern" > }, > "342" : { > "//description" : "A filthy chair. Insects skitter in and out of holes in the fabric.", > "//name" : "wreckchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "343" : { > "//description" : "A table made of carved ice.", > "//name" : "icetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "344" : { > "//name" : "robot", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "345" : { > "//description" : "Don't burn your feet!", > "//name" : "burningcoals", > "//shortdescription" : "Burning Coals", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "burningcoals", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "346" : { > "//description" : "One could build some very sophisticated equipment on this table.", > "//name" : "ironcraftingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Crafting Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironcraftingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "347" : { > "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", > "//name" : "glowbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "348" : { > "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", > "//name" : "wildcoralcreepseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcoralcreepseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "349" : { > "//description" : "The sword in the... console?", > "//name" : "ironswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//name" : "tier9chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "350" : { > "//description" : "An inviting rainbow door.", > "//name" : "rainbowdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowdoor" > }, > "351" : { > "//description" : "Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.", > "//name" : "wildautomatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildautomatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "352" : { > "//description" : "A cultist altar. Nefarious worship goes on here.", > "//name" : "cultistaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Cultist Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cultistaltar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "353" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A lively bug, it can be seen drinking morning dew.\"", > "//name" : "dewhopper", > "//shortdescription" : "Dewhopper Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dewhopper", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "354" : { > "//description" : "Develop ^orange;specialized equipment^white;!", > "//name" : "researchstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Research Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "researchstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "355" : { > "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", > "//name" : "bioshroom3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroom3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "356" : { > "//description" : "Like a snowman, but sticky.", > "//name" : "tarman", > "//shortdescription" : "Tarman", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "357" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug rubs its legs together to produce tiny sparks.\"", > "//name" : "phoenixfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Phoenixfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "phoenixfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "358" : { > "//name" : "tier6techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "359" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The surface of this bug's shell shimmers like oil.\"", > "//name" : "aurorabee", > "//shortdescription" : "Aurorabee Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "aurorabee", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//name" : "tier8techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "360" : { > "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", > "//name" : "carrotseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "carrotseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "361" : { > "//description" : "A gloriously colourful rainbow chair.", > "//name" : "rainbowchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "362" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Thrives in desolate conditions.\"", > "//name" : "cinderfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Cinderfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cinderfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "363" : { > "//name" : "aviandungeonpod", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "364" : { > "//description" : "Pushing it might be fun, at least for a moment.", > "//name" : "smallfloorbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floor Button", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallfloorbutton", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "365" : { > "//description" : "A slim golden deocrative vase.", > "//name" : "goldvase3", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "366" : { > "//description" : "A fridge. Hopefully filled with tasty, tasty treats.", > "//name" : "outpostfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Chic Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "367" : { > "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", > "//name" : "sleepingbag", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Sleeping Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sleepingbag", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "368" : { > "//description" : "Invisible Sparker", > "//name" : "invisiblesparker", > "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Sparker", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "invisiblesparker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "369" : { > "//description" : "This colourful sleigh has a big rocket engine on the back! Who needs reindeer, right?", > "//name" : "scifisleigh", > "//shortdescription" : "Holiday Rocket Sleigh", > "imagePositionX" : "-64", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scifisleigh", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//name" : "tier8switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "370" : { > "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", > "//name" : "toxiclamp2", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "toxiclamp2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "371" : { > "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane. It's crooked.", > "//name" : "greencandycane2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greencandycane2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "372" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"You'll smell one of these little guys before you see one.\"", > "//name" : "stinkjack", > "//shortdescription" : "Stinkjack Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stinkjack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "373" : { > "//description" : "A steaming cup of Earl Grey.", > "//name" : "teacup1", > "//shortdescription" : "Teacup", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teacup1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "374" : { > "//description" : "A dim red light.", > "//name" : "redlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "375" : { > "//name" : "tier7table", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "376" : { > "//description" : "A security console. For keeping things secure.", > "//name" : "outpostsecurityconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Security Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostsecurityconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "377" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalactite2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalactite2" > }, > "378" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "magmaceilingspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "magmaceilingspike2" > }, > "379" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "greenceilingspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "greenceilingspike2" > }, > "38" : { > "//name" : "tier7switch", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "380" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalagmite2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalagmite2" > }, > "381" : { > "//description" : "One marker.", > "//name" : "number1", > "//shortdescription" : "One", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number1" > }, > "382" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", > "//name" : "fleshbush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "383" : { > "//description" : "A synthetic fir tree.", > "//name" : "undecoratedtree", > "//shortdescription" : "Faux Fir Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "undecoratedtree", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "384" : { > "//description" : "A simple cardboard box.", > "//name" : "cardboard2", > "//shortdescription" : "Cardboard Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cardboard2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "385" : { > "//name" : "apexdungeonpod", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "386" : { > "//description" : "No one knows how this sword got here. Pull it out, it could be legendary!", > "//name" : "wildswordstoneseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Swordstone", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildswordstoneseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "387" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodencabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "388" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", > "//name" : "secretsign2", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 2", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "secretsign2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "389" : { > "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", > "//name" : "icesphere2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icesphere2" > }, > "39" : { > "//name" : "tier7door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "390" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "savannahgroundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "savannahgroundspike1" > }, > "391" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "bigboosterflamehuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-48", > "object" : "bigboosterflamehuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "392" : { > "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", > "//name" : "biovine3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "biovine3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "393" : { > "//description" : "It sure doesn't look like this could generate a shield.", > "//name" : "shieldgenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Shield Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "shieldgenerator" > }, > "394" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "ceilingspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ceilingspike1" > }, > "395" : { > "//description" : "Five marker.", > "//name" : "number5", > "//shortdescription" : "Five", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number5" > }, > "396" : { > "//description" : "A simple tar bed.", > "//name" : "tarbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "397" : { > "//description" : "A strong titanium door.", > "//name" : "tier3door", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3door" > }, > "398" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "smallboosterflamehuman2", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "smallboosterflamehuman2" > }, > "399" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root5", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "root5" > }, > "40" : { > "//name" : "tier7chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "400" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "401" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "402" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "403" : { > "//description" : "A cheap electric light.", > "//name" : "electriclight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Electric Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electriclight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "404" : { > "//description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", > "//name" : "sugarcaneseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sugarcaneseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "405" : { > "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", > "//name" : "glowbush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "406" : { > "//description" : "A dancing hula girl. Aloha!", > "//name" : "hulagirl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hula Girl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hulagirl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "407" : { > "//description" : "A strong Geometric bed.", > "//name" : "geometricbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "408" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel bed. Looks pretty sleek.", > "//name" : "tier4bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "409" : { > "//name" : "geometricscreen", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "41" : { > "//name" : "tier7bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "410" : { > "//name" : "geometricscreen_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "411" : { > "//name" : "geometricscreen_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "412" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell4", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "413" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "414" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "415" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "416" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "417" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "418" : { > "//description" : "A cheap fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "futurelight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Cheap Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futurelight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "419" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "desertgroundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "desertgroundspike1" > }, > "42" : { > "//name" : "tier6chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "420" : { > "//description" : "A tank of unknown use.", > "//name" : "outposttank", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outposttank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "421" : { > "//description" : "An old boiler. A dripping echoes from inside.", > "//name" : "wreckboiler", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Boiler", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckboiler", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "422" : { > "//name" : "tier9door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "423" : { > "//description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", > "//name" : "prisonfence1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Chain-link Fence", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfence1" > }, > "424" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket3" > }, > "425" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This guy has a creepy little face.\"", > "//name" : "xenofly", > "//shortdescription" : "Xenofly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "xenofly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "426" : { > "//description" : "Crackling quietly, the smell of hickory smoke is delightful.", > "//name" : "rusticoven", > "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rusticoven", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "427" : { > "//description" : "Gurgle gurgle!", > "//name" : "drain", > "//shortdescription" : "Drain", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drain" > }, > "428" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of rock.", > "//name" : "cavechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cavechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "429" : { > "//description" : "Four marker.", > "//name" : "number4", > "//shortdescription" : "Four", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number4" > }, > "43" : { > "//name" : "tier5techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "430" : { > "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", > "//name" : "wildcarrotseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcarrotseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "431" : { > "//description" : "A table made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "432" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "433" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "434" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "435" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "436" : { > "//description" : "The flashing light is meant to signal that there's been some sort of emergency...", > "//name" : "alertlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Alert Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alertlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "437" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug is incredibly sticky. It has two long horns on its head.\"", > "//name" : "mudstag", > "//shortdescription" : "Mudstag Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mudstag", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "438" : { > "//description" : "A bathroom sink. Wash your hands!", > "//name" : "bathroomsink", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Sink", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bathroomsink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "439" : { > "//description" : "A table made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//name" : "tier5light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "440" : { > "//description" : "A prickly plant with prickly fruits.", > "//name" : "thornplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorny Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thornplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "441" : { > "//description" : "A locker of unknown ownership.", > "//name" : "outpostlocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Lockers", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostlocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "442" : { > "//name" : "tier10light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "443" : { > "//description" : "Flippin' awesome.", > "//name" : "smallwallswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wall Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallwallswitch" > }, > "444" : { > "//description" : "Six marker.", > "//name" : "number6", > "//shortdescription" : "Six", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number6" > }, > "445" : { > "//description" : "A graffiti message.", > "//name" : "thewayisblocked", > "//shortdescription" : "thewayisblocked", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "thewayisblocked", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "446" : { > "//description" : "He sees you when you're sleeping! He knows when you're awake!", > "//name" : "giantsanta", > "//shortdescription" : "Jetpack Santa Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantsanta", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "447" : { > "//description" : "Pearlpea, I'll need to bite down hard.", > "//name" : "wildpearlpeaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpearlpeaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "448" : { > "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", > "//name" : "wilddiodiaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wilddiodiaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "449" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting some animals.", > "//name" : "caveart1", > "//shortdescription" : "Animal Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//name" : "tier5door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "450" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "liquidsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "451" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "452" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "453" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "liquidsensor_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "454" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Attracted to heat, this little guy needs warmth.\"", > "//name" : "heathugger", > "//shortdescription" : "Heathugger Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heathugger", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "455" : { > "//description" : "A keypad.", > "//name" : "outpostkeypad", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Keypad", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "outpostkeypad", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "456" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell5", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "457" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in red paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present2", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "458" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed.", > "//name" : "woodenbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "459" : { > "//description" : "An old battered sign warning of falling rocks.", > "//name" : "fallingrocks", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Falling Rocks Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fallingrocks" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of fresh flesh.", > "//name" : "fleshbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "460" : { > "//description" : "Grows boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", > "//name" : "boltbulbseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "boltbulbseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "461" : { > "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", > "//name" : "icesphere4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icesphere4" > }, > "462" : { > "//name" : "tier8light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "463" : { > "//name" : "tier10chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "464" : { > "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", > "//name" : "avesmingoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avesmingoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "465" : { > "//description" : "An alien chest.", > "//name" : "alienchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "466" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in teal paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present1", > "//shortdescription" : "Teal Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "467" : { > "//description" : "Craft ranged weapons of immense power and armor with deep energy reserves.", > "//name" : "manipulatortable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Manipulator's Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "manipulatortable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "468" : { > "//description" : "A big, delicious green gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "greengumdrop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Green Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengumdrop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "469" : { > "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", > "//name" : "plantbiolight", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbiolight" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "tier3techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "470" : { > "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", > "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbiolight" > }, > "471" : { > "//description" : "This organic light flickers softly.", > "//name" : "plantbiolight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Organic Biolight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbiolight" > }, > "472" : { > "//description" : "A small barred vent.", > "//name" : "barvent", > "//shortdescription" : "Barred Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barvent" > }, > "473" : { > "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", > "//name" : "bioshroom5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroom5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "474" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A bug with glistening gold wings, very fancy!\"", > "//name" : "goldbuck", > "//shortdescription" : "Goldbuck Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldbuck", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "475" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "476" : { > "//description" : "A throne of 1000 swords.", > "//name" : "ironthrone", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "477" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "desertceilingspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "desertceilingspike4" > }, > "478" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root4", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "root4" > }, > "479" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "iceshard5", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "iceshard5" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A solid Durasteel table.", > "//name" : "tier4table", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4table", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "480" : { > "//description" : "Boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", > "//name" : "wildboltbulbseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildboltbulbseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "481" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting an offering.", > "//name" : "caveart5", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "caveart5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "482" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket4", > "//shortdescription" : "Handled Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket4" > }, > "483" : { > "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top.", > "//name" : "bigpresent", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigpresent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "484" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", > "//name" : "secretsign3", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 3", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "secretsign3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "485" : { > "//description" : "For all your farming and terraforming needs!", > "//name" : "terramart", > "//shortdescription" : "Terramart", > "imagePositionX" : "-64", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "terramart", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "486" : { > "//description" : "A decorative clay pot. Wonder what's inside?", > "//name" : "claypot3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Clay Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "claypot3" > }, > "487" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The trail of a dustmoth looks like stardust.\"", > "//name" : "dustmoth", > "//shortdescription" : "Dustmoth Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dustmoth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "488" : { > "//description" : "A shipping container. Probably doesn't contain a ship.", > "//name" : "outpostshippingcontainer", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Shipping Container", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostshippingcontainer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "489" : { > "//description" : "A wooden cabinet with a sink installed.", > "//name" : "woodensink", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Sink", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodensink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A stylish titanium table.", > "//name" : "tier3table", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3table", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "490" : { > "//description" : "\"These bugs float on updrafts of poisonous gases.\"", > "//name" : "gasgiant", > "//shortdescription" : "Gasgiant Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gasgiant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "491" : { > "//description" : "A toxic waste barrel. Don't spill any!", > "//name" : "toxicwastebarrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Waste Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicwastebarrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "492" : { > "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", > "//name" : "glowbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "493" : { > "//description" : "These cosy beds can stack on top of each other.", > "//name" : "lunarbasebunk", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Bunk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasebunk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "494" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "495" : { > "//description" : "An old input panel, probably used to be used for security.", > "//name" : "wreckpanel2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wrecked Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckpanel2" > }, > "496" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its legs look like intertwining vines.\"", > "//name" : "vineclimber", > "//shortdescription" : "Vineclimber Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vineclimber", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "497" : { > "//description" : "A basic bed. Not too comfy.", > "//name" : "outpostbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "498" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone bed. Make sure you dust it off before use.", > "//name" : "sandstonebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "499" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell8", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell8", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A giant, delicious green gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "greengumdrop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Green Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengumdrop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A glowing titanium light.", > "//name" : "tier3light", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3light" > }, > "500" : { > "//description" : "An old-school arcade machine. This one plays 'Super Tralgar Blaster 2'.", > "//name" : "arcademachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Arcade Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arcademachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "501" : { > "//description" : "A status pod. Take your chances...", > "//name" : "statuspod", > "//shortdescription" : "Status Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "statuspod", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "502" : { > "//name" : "tier8chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "503" : { > "//description" : "A durasteel control console. Press all the buttons!", > "//name" : "tier4switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "504" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light.", > "//name" : "ancientstriplight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Strip Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientstriplight2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "505" : { > "//description" : "A smashed monitor, not much use now.", > "//name" : "wreckscreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wreckscreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "506" : { > "//description" : "A big, delicious purple gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "purplegumdrop1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Purple Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "purplegumdrop1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "507" : { > "//description" : "It's a set of loudspeakers through which people speak loudly.", > "//name" : "loudspeaker", > "//shortdescription" : "Loudspeakers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "loudspeaker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "508" : { > "//description" : "A chest decorated with beautiful rainbow markings.", > "//name" : "rainbowchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "509" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "iceshard2", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "iceshard2" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A basic tungsten table.", > "//name" : "tier2table", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2table", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "510" : { > "//description" : "A thin solid wooden stand.", > "//name" : "woodenstand1", > "//shortdescription" : "Thin Wooden Stand", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenstand1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "511" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy table. Perfect for carnivores.", > "//name" : "fleshtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "512" : { > "//description" : "The kitchen counter is used to produce wholesome foods with a variety of effects.", > "//name" : "woodencookingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Kitchen Counter^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencookingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "513" : { > "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root10", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "root10" > }, > "514" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "teleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teleporter" > }, > "515" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "smallboosterflame", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "smallboosterflame" > }, > "516" : { > "//description" : "A smashed vat, the inside is covered in dried slime... Did something break out?", > "//name" : "wreckvat1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Vat", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckvat1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "517" : { > "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking chair.", > "//name" : "tungstenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Folding Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tungstenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "518" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "teleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teleporterTier0" > }, > "519" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of flowers.", > "//name" : "giantflowerchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy chest. To store things in.", > "//name" : "fleshchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "520" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet containing who knows what?", > "//name" : "outpostcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "521" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a frog sitting peacefully.", > "//name" : "frogstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Frog Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frogstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "522" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "greengroundspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengroundspike4" > }, > "523" : { > "//description" : "A snowglobe with a penguin inside. The bird looks angry.", > "//name" : "snowglobe2", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Snowglobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowglobe2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "524" : { > "//description" : "I wish I'd paid attention in astrogeography class.", > "//name" : "screenplanet", > "//shortdescription" : "Planet Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "screenplanet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "525" : { > "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", > "//name" : "diodiaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diodiaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "526" : { > "//name" : "decoyprincess", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "527" : { > "//description" : "A small red bow.", > "//name" : "smallbow", > "//shortdescription" : "Little Red Bow", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "smallbow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "528" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"A bright yellow bug, its wings smell like butter.\"", > "//name" : "butterbee", > "//shortdescription" : "Butterbee Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "butterbee", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "529" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug makes a faint ringing sound as it flies through the air.\"", > "//name" : "driftbell", > "//shortdescription" : "Driftbell Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "driftbell", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A simple tungsten lamp.", > "//name" : "tier2light", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2light" > }, > "530" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Where there's frost, there are frostflies.\"", > "//name" : "frostfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Frostfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frostfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "531" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalactite4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalactite4" > }, > "532" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug never stops eating.\"", > "//name" : "hivehog", > "//shortdescription" : "Hivehog Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivehog", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "533" : { > "//description" : "An alien bed. It seems to be alive.", > "//name" : "alienbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "534" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy metal chair.", > "//name" : "basicmetalchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basicmetalchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "535" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"These bugs can be seen dancing at dusk.\"", > "//name" : "muddancer", > "//shortdescription" : "Muddancer Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "muddancer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "536" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The smallest and most pathetic bug I've ever seen.\"", > "//name" : "orphanfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Orphanfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "orphanfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "537" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Who would live in the desert? This clown.\"", > "//name" : "sandclown", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandclown Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandclown", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "538" : { > "//description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", > "//name" : "potatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "potatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "539" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug has a snout like a seahorse.\"", > "//name" : "seahornet", > "//shortdescription" : "Seahornet Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seahornet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A basic tungsten door.", > "//name" : "tier2door", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2door" > }, > "540" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"It looks as if it could slip out of its shell at a moments notice.\"", > "//name" : "shellcreep", > "//shortdescription" : "Shellcreep Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shellcreep", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "541" : { > "//description" : "An Apex statue. A perfect likeness.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatueapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatueapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "542" : { > "//description" : "A steaming cup of Earl Grey.", > "//name" : "testbug", > "//shortdescription" : "Teacup", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "testbug", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "543" : { > "//description" : "A bathroom stall. Don't get stuck!", > "//name" : "bathroomstall", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomstall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "544" : { > "//description" : "A flower with bright red petals. Useful for making dye.", > "//name" : "flowerred", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerred", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "545" : { > "//description" : "For the marksman that needs both energy and defence from their gear!", > "//name" : "acceleratortable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Accelerator's Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "acceleratortable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "546" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain. The water looks refreshing.", > "//name" : "fountain1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiered Stone Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fountain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "547" : { > "//description" : "An ancient pillar found near the gates. It produces light.", > "//name" : "ancientpillar", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Pillar", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientpillar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "548" : { > "//description" : "A door made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwooddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwooddoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "549" : { > "//description" : "A rusty chair. Don't rock back on it.", > "//name" : "rustchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "magmagroundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmagroundspike3" > }, > "550" : { > "//description" : "A large pair of decorative bells. Just the thing to get one into the holiday spirit!", > "//name" : "giantbells", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Holiday Bells", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "giantbells", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "551" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a human. Check out the hair.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatuehuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatuehuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "552" : { > "//description" : "With this furnace I can craft steel and other strong materials.", > "//name" : "alloyfurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Iron Furnace^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alloyfurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "553" : { > "//description" : "A standing desk. Good for the posture.", > "//name" : "outpoststandingdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Standing Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpoststandingdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "554" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "futureteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Futuristic Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futureteleporter" > }, > "555" : { > "//description" : "The pet station is used to produce capture pods and pet related items.", > "//name" : "capturestation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pet Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "capturestation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "556" : { > "//description" : "The fossil station is used to produce the items required for excavating and displaying fossils.", > "//name" : "fossilstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Fossil Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fossilstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "557" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Comes out only during certain phases of the moon.\"", > "//name" : "tidefly", > "//shortdescription" : "Tidefly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tidefly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "558" : { > "//description" : "An intergalactic convenience store. It seems an ideal place to stock up.", > "//name" : "infinityexpress", > "//shortdescription" : "Infinity Express", > "imagePositionX" : "-88", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "infinityexpress", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "559" : { > "//description" : "The refinery is used to produce raw pixels from ores.", > "//name" : "refinery", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Refinery^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "refinery", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A simple tungsten chair.", > "//name" : "tier2chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "560" : { > "//description" : "A giant glowing mushroom table. Perfect for sitting at in the dark", > "//name" : "bioshroomtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroomtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "561" : { > "//description" : "This device can break down materials and turn them into far stronger ones.", > "//name" : "scififurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Atomic Furnace^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scififurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "562" : { > "//description" : "For crafting the best in close range combat gear!", > "//name" : "separatortable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Separator's Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "separatortable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "563" : { > "//description" : "A classic golden jug.", > "//name" : "goldvase5", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "564" : { > "//description" : "A classic golden jug.", > "//name" : "goldvase5_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Classic Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "565" : { > "//name" : "skyrailtable", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "566" : { > "//description" : "The wiring station is used to produce complex wiring components.", > "//name" : "wiringstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Wiring Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wiringstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "567" : { > "//name" : "spinningwheel", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "568" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalagmite1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalagmite1" > }, > "569" : { > "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", > "//name" : "bananaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bananaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "This door is almost rusted shut.", > "//name" : "wreckdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "570" : { > "//description" : "A metallic light fixture.", > "//name" : "outpostceilinglight", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Light Fixture", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostceilinglight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "571" : { > "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", > "//name" : "wildbeakseedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildbeakseedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "572" : { > "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", > "//name" : "chiliseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chiliseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "573" : { > "//description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", > "//name" : "coffeeseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coffeeseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "574" : { > "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", > "//name" : "coralcreepseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coralcreepseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "575" : { > "//description" : "A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside!", > "//name" : "wickerbasket5", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wicker Basket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wickerbasket5" > }, > "576" : { > "//description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", > "//name" : "cornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "577" : { > "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", > "//name" : "currentcornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "currentcornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "578" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "savannahgroundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "savannahgroundspike3" > }, > "579" : { > "//description" : "A sweetly scented spring flower.", > "//name" : "flowerspring", > "//shortdescription" : "Spring Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerspring", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A common tungsten bed.", > "//name" : "tier2bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "580" : { > "//description" : "A flower with bright yellow petals. Useful for making dye.", > "//name" : "floweryellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floweryellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "581" : { > "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", > "//name" : "grapesseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "grapesseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "582" : { > "//description" : "A table with swords for legs. Not ideal for playing footsie.", > "//name" : "irontable", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "irontable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "583" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom. The farmer who plants these is a fun guy.", > "//name" : "mushroomseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mushroomseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "584" : { > "//description" : "A contemporary chair.", > "//name" : "modernchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "modernchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "585" : { > "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", > "//name" : "wildneonmelonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildneonmelonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "586" : { > "//description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", > "//name" : "oculemonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oculemonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "587" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This pretty bug loves sunshine.\"", > "//name" : "sunskipper", > "//shortdescription" : "Sunskipper Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sunskipper", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "588" : { > "//description" : "A fake plastic plant. Not a tree.", > "//name" : "plasticplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plasticplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "589" : { > "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", > "//name" : "wilddirturchinseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wilddirturchinseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A graffiti warning.", > "//name" : "nowayout", > "//shortdescription" : "nowayout", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "nowayout", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "590" : { > "//description" : "Pearlpea, you'll need to bite down hard.", > "//name" : "pearlpeaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pearlpeaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "591" : { > "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", > "//name" : "pineappleseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pineappleseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "592" : { > "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top. There's something odd about it.", > "//name" : "giftmonstersmallbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Unusual Gift Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "giftmonstersmallbox" > }, > "593" : { > "//description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", > "//name" : "pussplumseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pussplumseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "594" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "groundspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "groundspike4" > }, > "595" : { > "//description" : "Once triggered this switch will remain in its switched state.", > "//name" : "persistentswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Persistent Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "persistentswitch" > }, > "596" : { > "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", > "//name" : "reefpodseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reefpodseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "597" : { > "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", > "//name" : "wildreefpodseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildreefpodseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "598" : { > "//description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", > "//name" : "wildsugarcaneseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildsugarcaneseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "599" : { > "//description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", > "//name" : "wildtomatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildtomatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "Reeds fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "reedchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug is easily mistaken for a snowflake.\"", > "//name" : "frostfleck", > "//shortdescription" : "Frostfleck Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frostfleck", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "600" : { > "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", > "//name" : "wildcurrentcornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcurrentcornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "601" : { > "//description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", > "//name" : "wildtoxictopseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Top Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildtoxictopseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "602" : { > "//description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", > "//name" : "wildwheatseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildwheatseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "603" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "604" : { > "//description" : "A chair. You sit in it. Yes.", > "//name" : "outpostchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "605" : { > "//name" : "glitchdungeonpod", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "606" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of a thick slime substance.", > "//name" : "slimehide", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimehide", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "607" : { > "//description" : "A barrier composed of two coiling bars.", > "//name" : "celldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "celldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "608" : { > "//description" : "An Avian statue. Not likely to fly away.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatueavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatueavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "609" : { > "//description" : "No one knows how this sword got here. Pull it out, it could be legendary!", > "//name" : "swordstoneseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Swordstoneseed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swordstoneseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "Tar fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "tarpitchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Tarpit Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarpitchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "610" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "desertceilingspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "desertceilingspike1" > }, > "611" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflameapex2", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflameapex2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "612" : { > "//description" : "A flower that seems to emit the sun's rays.", > "//name" : "giantflowerlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "613" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of ice. In the summer, it becomes a water bed.", > "//name" : "icebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "614" : { > "//description" : "A vine that seems to emit a pleasant glow.", > "//name" : "glowvinelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvinelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "615" : { > "//name" : "glowvinelamp_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "616" : { > "//description" : "Sharp, spiky sticks. Don't fall on them.", > "//name" : "huntingpunjisticks2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Sharp Sticks", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingpunjisticks2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "617" : { > "//description" : "A flower bed. Hope you don't have hayfever.", > "//name" : "giantflowerbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "618" : { > "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", > "//name" : "icesphere3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icesphere3" > }, > "619" : { > "//description" : "This chair is egg-shaped. I'm not sure whose idea that was.", > "//name" : "eggchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Egg Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eggchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This tiny creature skips across hot lakes of lava.\"", > "//name" : "lavahopper", > "//shortdescription" : "Lavahopper Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavahopper", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "620" : { > "//name" : "tier8door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "621" : { > "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", > "//name" : "lightbulb2", > "//shortdescription" : "Lightbulb", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "lightbulb2" > }, > "622" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "savannahgroundspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "savannahgroundspike2" > }, > "623" : { > "//description" : "A basic iron door.", > "//name" : "tier1door", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1door" > }, > "624" : { > "//description" : "A tiny synthetic fir tree.", > "//name" : "smallholidaytree", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Faux Fir Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallholidaytree", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "625" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "smallboosterflameglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "smallboosterflameglitch" > }, > "626" : { > "//name" : "dungeonpod", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "627" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane.", > "//name" : "redcandycane1", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redcandycane1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "628" : { > "//description" : "Knock it down!", > "//name" : "bowlingpin", > "//shortdescription" : "Bowling Pin", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bowlingpin" > }, > "629" : { > "//description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", > "//name" : "drillmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", > "imagePositionX" : "-88", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drillmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in blue paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present3", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "630" : { > "//description" : "A large, industrial mining drill.", > "//name" : "drillmachine_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drillmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "631" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflameapex3", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "boosterflameapex3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "632" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "escaperadar", > "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "escaperadar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "633" : { > "//description" : "A radar dish. Not to be confused with a salad dish.", > "//name" : "escaperadar_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Escape Radar Dish", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "escaperadar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "634" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", > "//name" : "fleshbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "635" : { > "//description" : "A small monitor. But what does it display?", > "//name" : "outpostsmallmonitor", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Small Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "outpostsmallmonitor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "636" : { > "//description" : "A luxurious armchair.", > "//name" : "woodenarmchair2", > "//shortdescription" : "Soft Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenarmchair2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "637" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane. It's crooked.", > "//name" : "redcandycane2", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redcandycane2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "638" : { > "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", > "//name" : "woodsupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "639" : { > "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", > "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A synthetic tree decorated with strings of lights and festive ornaments.", > "//name" : "decoratedtree", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorated Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "decoratedtree", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "640" : { > "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", > "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "641" : { > "//description" : "A worn wooden support.", > "//name" : "woodsupport_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodsupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "642" : { > "//description" : "A flower that functions as a lamp. Like a sunflower, but not.", > "//name" : "toxiclamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxiclamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "643" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Floran. Won't stab you... probably.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatuefloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatuefloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "644" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflamehuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflamehuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "645" : { > "//description" : "Zero marker.", > "//name" : "number0", > "//shortdescription" : "Zero", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number0" > }, > "646" : { > "//description" : "Two marker.", > "//name" : "number2", > "//shortdescription" : "Two", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number2" > }, > "647" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug's wings are frozen over.\"", > "//name" : "icetip", > "//shortdescription" : "Icetip Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icetip", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "648" : { > "//description" : "A frozen chair. Uncomfortable after a while.", > "//name" : "icechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "649" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "ancientconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This bug's legs move so fast they're difficult to count.\"", > "//name" : "scuttleploom", > "//shortdescription" : "Scuttleploom Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scuttleploom", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "650" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "ancientconsole_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "651" : { > "//description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", > "//name" : "tomatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tomatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "652" : { > "//description" : "An impossibly old message.", > "//name" : "ancientplaque1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Plaque", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ancientplaque1" > }, > "653" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram2" > }, > "654" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram3" > }, > "655" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a galaxy.", > "//name" : "hologramgalaxy", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-104", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hologramgalaxy" > }, > "656" : { > "//description" : "A wall light.", > "//name" : "outpostlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Wall Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "657" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflameapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "boosterflameapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "658" : { > "//description" : "A car shaped bed, for those young at heart.", > "//name" : "carbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Car Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "carbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "659" : { > "//description" : "An exotic-looking cactus in a flower pot.", > "//name" : "cactiflowerpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Cactus Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cactiflowerpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A rainbow table. Every meal is a joy.", > "//name" : "rainbowtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "660" : { > "//description" : "A bare lightbulb hanging from a metal rod in the ceiling.", > "//name" : "lightbulb", > "//shortdescription" : "Flickering Lightbulb", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "lightbulb" > }, > "661" : { > "//description" : "An upright cardboard box.", > "//name" : "cardboard1", > "//shortdescription" : "Upright Cardboard Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cardboard1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "662" : { > "//description" : "It's some sort of electrical barrier. Looks dangerous...", > "//name" : "electricdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Electrical Barrier", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "electricdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "663" : { > "//description" : "A fiery-looking flower in a pot.", > "//name" : "fireflowerpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Fiery Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fireflowerpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "664" : { > "//description" : "If I look at these lights any longer, I'll probably go blind.", > "//name" : "floodlights", > "//shortdescription" : "Floodlights", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floodlights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "665" : { > "//name" : "florandungeonpod", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "666" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "667" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "668" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "669" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//name" : "peanutbutter", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "670" : { > "//description" : "Bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "fluorescentlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fluorescentlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "671" : { > "//description" : "A basic bench.", > "//name" : "bench", > "//shortdescription" : "Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "672" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"The wings of this bug are iridescent like ice.\"", > "//name" : "shardwing", > "//shortdescription" : "Shardwing Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shardwing", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "673" : { > "//description" : "A peaceful stone fountain. The water gently flows.", > "//name" : "fountain2", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fountain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "674" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "desertgroundspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "desertgroundspike4" > }, > "675" : { > "//description" : "A frog merchant. What it really is, or what it wants, nobody knows.", > "//name" : "frogmerchant", > "//shortdescription" : "Frog Merchant", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frogmerchant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "676" : { > "//description" : "A lantern made of tar.", > "//name" : "tarlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "677" : { > "//description" : "A huge snowflake decoration.", > "//name" : "giantsnowflake", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Snowflake", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "giantsnowflake", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "678" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "679" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "680" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "681" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "682" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "683" : { > "//description" : "A locker with a tall metal door.", > "//name" : "locker1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "locker1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "684" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting a ceremony.", > "//name" : "caveart3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ceremonial Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "685" : { > "//description" : "A locker with a wide metal door.", > "//name" : "locker2", > "//shortdescription" : "Flat Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "locker2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "686" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting an unidentified subject.", > "//name" : "caveart4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "caveart4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "687" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting an unidentified subject.", > "//name" : "caveart4_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ambiguous Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "688" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully crafted marker with a plaque embedded into it.", > "//name" : "markergroundplaque", > "//shortdescription" : "Commemorative Marker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "markergroundplaque", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "689" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "iceshard1", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "iceshard1" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "690" : { > "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", > "//name" : "glowflower5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflower5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "691" : { > "//description" : "A barrel full of radioactive material.", > "//name" : "metalbarrel2", > "//shortdescription" : "Radioactive Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalbarrel2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "692" : { > "//description" : "Just big enough for a small animal to fit comfortably inside", > "//name" : "pethouse", > "//shortdescription" : "Pet House", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pethouse", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "693" : { > "//description" : "A revolting pile of poop. The stench is foul!", > "//name" : "poop", > "//shortdescription" : "Poop", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "poop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "694" : { > "//description" : "A coffin bed. The hottest in undead comfort.", > "//name" : "bonebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Coffin Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "695" : { > "//description" : "Door goes up... Door goes down... Door goes up... Door goes down...", > "//name" : "slidingdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slidingdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "696" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "techchest2", > "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techchest2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "697" : { > "//description" : "Once used to broadcast a video signal.", > "//name" : "tvstation", > "//shortdescription" : "TV Station", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tvstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "698" : { > "//description" : "A material dispensing pod.", > "//name" : "volcanopod", > "//shortdescription" : "Dispensing Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanopod", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "699" : { > "//description" : "An opened cardboard box.", > "//name" : "cardboard3", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Cardboard Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cardboard3", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", > "//name" : "wildcornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "700" : { > "//description" : "A manufactured wooden door.", > "//name" : "wooddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wooddoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "701" : { > "//description" : "A big chunk of ice.", > "//name" : "iceshard3", > "//shortdescription" : "Chunk of Ice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "iceshard3" > }, > "702" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodencabinet3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wooden Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencabinet3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "703" : { > "//description" : "A small snowflake decoration.", > "//name" : "smallsnowflake", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Snowflake", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "smallsnowflake", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "704" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy suspended bookshelf.", > "//name" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Bookshelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "705" : { > "//description" : "An expensive-looking wooden desk.", > "//name" : "woodendesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodendesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "706" : { > "//description" : "A crude wooden door. Not very secure.", > "//name" : "woodendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "707" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", > "//name" : "wrecksupport", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "708" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", > "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "709" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", > "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "710" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal support.", > "//name" : "wrecksupport_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Support", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecksupport", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "711" : { > "//description" : "A couple of wrecked turbines caked in dust.", > "//name" : "wreckturbines", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Turbines", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckturbines", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "712" : { > "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", > "//name" : "wildbonebooseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildbonebooseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "713" : { > "//description" : "Nine marker.", > "//name" : "number9", > "//shortdescription" : "Nine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number9" > }, > "714" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "ceilingspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ceilingspike3" > }, > "715" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "savannahceilingspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "savannahceilingspike2" > }, > "716" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell2", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "717" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root3", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "root3" > }, > "718" : { > "//description" : "A handy power generator.", > "//name" : "outpostgenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostgenerator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "719" : { > "//description" : "A crude wooden gate. Not very secure.", > "//name" : "woodengate", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Gate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodengate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "720" : { > "//description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", > "//name" : "wildoculemonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildoculemonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "721" : { > "//description" : "The perfect teapot for a tea party.", > "//name" : "teapot1", > "//shortdescription" : "Teapot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teapot1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "722" : { > "//description" : "A robust tungesten lever. Demands to be pulled.", > "//name" : "tier2switch", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2switch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "723" : { > "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", > "//name" : "beakseedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "beakseedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "724" : { > "//description" : "A rock chair.", > "//name" : "cavechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cavechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "725" : { > "//description" : "A busted UFO.", > "//name" : "UFOprop", > "//shortdescription" : "UFO Prop", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "UFOprop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "726" : { > "//description" : "A fuzzy red stocking. A little too big for anyone's foot.", > "//name" : "stocking1", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Stocking", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "stocking1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "727" : { > "//description" : "Three marker.", > "//name" : "number3", > "//shortdescription" : "Three", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number3" > }, > "728" : { > "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", > "//name" : "goldvase2", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "729" : { > "//description" : "A golden jug for special ceremonies.", > "//name" : "goldvase2_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Jug", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone table. Don't spill water on it.", > "//name" : "sandstonetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "730" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "thorns3", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thorns3" > }, > "731" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red bow.", > "//name" : "giantbow2", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiny Red Bow", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "giantbow2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "732" : { > "//description" : "A set of candles.", > "//name" : "holidaycandles", > "//shortdescription" : "Festive Candles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaycandles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "733" : { > "//description" : "A terminal. Useful, probably.", > "//name" : "outpostterminal", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Terminal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostterminal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "734" : { > "//description" : "A string of small, twinkling fairy lights.", > "//name" : "holidaylights", > "//shortdescription" : "Fairy Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "holidaylights", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "735" : { > "//description" : "An eye table. Not good for people wearing skirts.", > "//name" : "eyetable", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyetable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "736" : { > "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", > "//name" : "tallgrass2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tallgrass2" > }, > "737" : { > "//description" : "A warm holiday glow.", > "//name" : "menorah", > "//shortdescription" : "Menorah", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "menorah", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "738" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red bow.", > "//name" : "giantbow1", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Red Bow", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "giantbow1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "739" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in green-coloured paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present4", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", > "//name" : "wildchiliseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildchiliseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "740" : { > "//description" : "A red ball adorned with a big white star! These are popular as holiday ornaments.", > "//name" : "redball", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Ball Holiday Ornament", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redball", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "741" : { > "//description" : "A giant, delicious red gumdrop! Yummy!", > "//name" : "redgumdrop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Red Gumdrop", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redgumdrop2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "742" : { > "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane.", > "//name" : "greencandycane1", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greencandycane1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "743" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "tier2techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "744" : { > "//description" : "A toxic chest.", > "//name" : "toxicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "745" : { > "//description" : "A sign that says either offline or online.", > "//name" : "miningpowersign", > "//shortdescription" : "Power Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningpowersign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "746" : { > "//description" : "An adorable kennel for an adorable pet.", > "//name" : "kennel", > "//shortdescription" : "Kennel", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kennel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "747" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalagmite3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalagmite3" > }, > "748" : { > "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", > "//name" : "riceseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "riceseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "749" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "groundspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "groundspike1" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "An alien chair. It seems alive.", > "//name" : "alienchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "750" : { > "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", > "//name" : "bioshroom1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroom1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "751" : { > "//description" : "A chest of roughly hewn sandstone.", > "//name" : "sandstonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "752" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalactite3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalactite3" > }, > "753" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "magmaceilingspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "magmaceilingspike3" > }, > "754" : { > "//description" : "A crystal chair. Fit for a monarch.", > "//name" : "crystalchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "755" : { > "//description" : "A crystal chest. Perhaps the chest itself is the treasure?", > "//name" : "crystalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "756" : { > "//description" : "A warning sign showing falling rocks.", > "//name" : "fallingrocksmodern", > "//shortdescription" : "Falling Rocks Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fallingrocksmodern" > }, > "757" : { > "//description" : "Used to trap tanks.", > "//name" : "tanktrap", > "//shortdescription" : "Tank Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tanktrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "758" : { > "//description" : "A barrel of sewage. Almost certainly toxic.", > "//name" : "sewagebarrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewage Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sewagebarrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "759" : { > "//description" : "A perfect little snowman.", > "//name" : "snowman", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowman", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "desertceilingspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "desertceilingspike3" > }, > "760" : { > "//description" : "A computer console made of tar.", > "//name" : "tarconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "761" : { > "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", > "//name" : "wildgrapesseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildgrapesseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "762" : { > "//description" : "A rusty door. Looks like it should lead to a creepy basement.", > "//name" : "rustdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustdoor" > }, > "763" : { > "//description" : "An old input panel .One of the keys has fallen off.", > "//name" : "wreckpanel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckpanel1" > }, > "764" : { > "//description" : "This teleporter makes a great demonstration and a handy return point!", > "//name" : "2stoptele", > "//shortdescription" : "2 Stop Teleshop Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "2stoptele", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "765" : { > "//description" : "A glow-in-the-dark mushroom. Handy AND cute.", > "//name" : "shroomlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "766" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "//name" : "outpostairlocklarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Airlock", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostairlocklarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "767" : { > "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", > "//name" : "glowflower4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflower4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "768" : { > "//description" : "An eye chair. Not to be confused with a high chair.", > "//name" : "eyechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "769" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "returnconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "returnconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A antique crate, I wonder what's inside..", > "//name" : "wreckcrate1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckcrate1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "770" : { > "//description" : "This looks like the control panel for the gate. It still seems to work.", > "//name" : "returnconsole_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "returnconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "771" : { > "//description" : "A golden ball. These are popular as holiday ornaments.", > "//name" : "goldball", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Ball Holiday Ornament", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldball", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "772" : { > "//description" : "A chair that anyone can sit on!", > "//name" : "outpostpublicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Public Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostpublicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "773" : { > "//description" : "A secure durasteel door.", > "//name" : "tier4door", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4door" > }, > "774" : { > "//description" : "A clump of little glowing mushrooms", > "//name" : "bioshroom4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Mushrooms", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bioshroom4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "775" : { > "//description" : "A crystal bed, for when you want to dream of being rich.", > "//name" : "crystalbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "776" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "brassteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Brass Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brassteleporter" > }, > "777" : { > "//description" : "A flower with bright blue petals. Useful for making dye.", > "//name" : "flowerblue", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerblue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "778" : { > "//description" : "An alien table. It seems to be alive.", > "//name" : "alientable", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alientable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "779" : { > "//name" : "testconsole1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "boosterflamehuman3", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "boosterflamehuman3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "780" : { > "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "oshroom4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oshroom4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "781" : { > "//description" : "A glowing alien plant.", > "//name" : "alienglowplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Alien Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienglowplant1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "782" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "783" : { > "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", > "//name" : "glowbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "784" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of vines. Those spikes look poisonous.", > "//name" : "toxicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "785" : { > "//description" : "A bush that emits a pleasant glow.", > "//name" : "glowbushlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bush Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbushlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "786" : { > "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", > "//name" : "glowflower1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflower1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "787" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "788" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "789" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom chair. Or maybe a toadstool.", > "//name" : "shroomchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "790" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "791" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Double Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "792" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine4", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "793" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Single Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "794" : { > "//description" : "A glowing vine. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowvine5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowvine5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "795" : { > "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", > "//name" : "biovine5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "biovine5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "796" : { > "//name" : "tier5chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "797" : { > "//description" : "Little flapping bugs appear to be moving inside this bush.", > "//name" : "butterflybush", > "//shortdescription" : "Butterfly Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "butterflybush" > }, > "798" : { > "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", > "//name" : "bonedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "799" : { > "//description" : "A door made of bone. Where does it lead? Hell? Or the bathroom?", > "//name" : "bonedoor_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "stoneteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stoneteleporter" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "This module can turn strong ores and alloys into high quality equipment.", > "//name" : "scifianvil", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Replicator^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scifianvil", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "800" : { > "//description" : "A chest with a spherical lock.", > "//name" : "cellchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "801" : { > "//description" : "A clean, brightly coloured table.", > "//name" : "celltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "celltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "802" : { > "//description" : "A glowing crystal which functions as a lamp.", > "//name" : "crystallamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystallamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "803" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of flesh and bone. Great for nightmares.", > "//name" : "eyebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "804" : { > "//description" : "A small wooden crate.", > "//name" : "box1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "box1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "805" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "tier4techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "806" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", > "//name" : "fleshbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "807" : { > "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root6", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "root6" > }, > "808" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy chair. About as gross as it sounds.", > "//name" : "fleshchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "809" : { > "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy door.", > "//name" : "fleshdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshdoor" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A really gross looking chest.", > "//name" : "hivechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "810" : { > "//description" : "An ancient holographic depiction of a mythological scene.", > "//name" : "hologram4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Hologram", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hologram4" > }, > "811" : { > "//description" : "A very well-made Geometric table.", > "//name" : "geometrictable", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometrictable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "812" : { > "//description" : "A laser made to mine through moon rock.", > "//name" : "lunarbaselaser", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Laser", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselaser", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "813" : { > "//description" : "A flower chair. If you enjoy sitting here, you like butter.", > "//name" : "giantflowerchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "814" : { > "//description" : "An ice door. Don't grip the handle for too long.", > "//name" : "icedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "815" : { > "//description" : "An icy sphere. Smash it before it melts!", > "//name" : "icesphere1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icesphere1" > }, > "816" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"This blue bug has sharp little teeth.\"", > "//name" : "blueback", > "//shortdescription" : "Blueback Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "blueback", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "817" : { > "//description" : "A door made of mushrooms. It even has a cute mushroom handle.", > "//name" : "shroomdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "818" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "819" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "Fairy lights that spell out 'waz', whatever that means.", > "//name" : "wazlights", > "//shortdescription" : "Waz Lights", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wazlights" > }, > "820" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "821" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite4", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "822" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone Glitch. It's not sentient.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatueglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatueglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "823" : { > "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", > "//name" : "tallgrass1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tallgrass1" > }, > "824" : { > "//description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", > "//name" : "toxictopseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Top Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxictopseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "825" : { > "//description" : "A patch of tall grass. Be sure to check for critters!", > "//name" : "tallgrass3", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Grass", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tallgrass3" > }, > "826" : { > "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "oshroom3", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oshroom3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "827" : { > "//description" : "A glowing oshroom.", > "//name" : "oshroom5", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Oshroom", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oshroom5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "828" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "greenceilingspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "greenceilingspike4" > }, > "829" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell3", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain with a floral centerpiece.", > "//name" : "petalfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Floral Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "petalfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "830" : { > "//description" : "A rainbow bed. Colourful and comfortable.", > "//name" : "rainbowbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "831" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "savannahceilingspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "savannahceilingspike4" > }, > "832" : { > "//description" : "A painting of two rainbows. A double rainbow.", > "//name" : "rainbowpainting", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "rainbowpainting", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "833" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Its tawny wings make it hard to spot on trees.\"", > "//name" : "fawnfly", > "//shortdescription" : "Fawnfly Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fawnfly", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "834" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "835" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden couch, the stripes help it go faster.", > "//name" : "woodencouch1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencouch1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "836" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bed. Looks cheap and fragile.", > "//name" : "rustbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "837" : { > "//description" : "A rusty chest. Practically falling apart.", > "//name" : "rustchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "838" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone chair. Crumbly.", > "//name" : "sandstonechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "839" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a Hylotl. Has the Innsmouth Look.", > "//name" : "sandstonestatuehylotl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Sandstone Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonestatuehylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", > "//name" : "wildwartweedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildwartweedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "840" : { > "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", > "//name" : "ceilingslime2", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "ceilingslime2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "841" : { > "//description" : "A stylishly dressed snowman.", > "//name" : "fancysnowman", > "//shortdescription" : "Fancy Snowman", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fancysnowman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "842" : { > "//description" : "A snow drift.", > "//name" : "snowdrift1", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowdrift1" > }, > "843" : { > "//description" : "A snow drift.", > "//name" : "snowdrift4", > "//shortdescription" : "Snowdrift", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "snowdrift4" > }, > "844" : { > "//description" : "A wooden toilet. ", > "//name" : "woodtoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodtoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "845" : { > "//name" : "tier10techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "846" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of rock.", > "//name" : "cavebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cavebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "847" : { > "//description" : "A glowing stalactite.", > "//name" : "cavelamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "cavelamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "848" : { > "//description" : "This is an old rock stalactite.", > "//name" : "ceilingstalactite1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "ceilingstalactite1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "849" : { > "//description" : "A bone throne. For all your royal bone needs.", > "//name" : "bonechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A rough sandstone door.", > "//name" : "sandstonedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "850" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root1", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "root1" > }, > "851" : { > "//description" : "There are small roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root2", > "//shortdescription" : "Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "root2" > }, > "852" : { > "//description" : "An antenna. These are typically used to boost communication signals.", > "//name" : "antenna", > "//shortdescription" : "Antenna", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "antenna", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "853" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting some hunters.", > "//name" : "caveart2", > "//shortdescription" : "Hunter Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "854" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious symbol.", > "//name" : "secretsign1", > "//shortdescription" : "Secret Symbol 1", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "secretsign1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "855" : { > "//description" : "A drill-mounted console.", > "//name" : "drillconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Drill Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drillconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "856" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy bush. Squishy.", > "//name" : "fleshbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "857" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for storing tools and equipment in!", > "//name" : "miningchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "858" : { > "//description" : "Watch your step!", > "//name" : "proximitywallsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Proximity Wall Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "proximitywallsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "859" : { > "//description" : "This station can forge steel and other strong alloys into useful equipment.", > "//name" : "metalworkstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Metalwork Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "metalworkstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A glowing tree. It's beautiful, but a bit eerie.", > "//name" : "glowtree2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Tree", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowtree2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "860" : { > "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root7", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "root7" > }, > "861" : { > "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root8", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "root8" > }, > "862" : { > "//description" : "There are long roots protruding from the ceiling.", > "//name" : "root9", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Roots", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "root9" > }, > "863" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "greenceilingspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "greenceilingspike1" > }, > "864" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "greengroundspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greengroundspike3" > }, > "865" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "866" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "867" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "868" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "869" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A seashell!", > "//name" : "seashell6", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seashell6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "870" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalactite1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalactite1" > }, > "871" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "magmaceilingspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "magmaceilingspike1" > }, > "872" : { > "//description" : "A strange creature selling fascinating goods.", > "//name" : "molemerchant", > "//shortdescription" : "Mole Merchant", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "molemerchant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "873" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "ceilingspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ceilingspike2" > }, > "874" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "savannahceilingspike1", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "savannahceilingspike1" > }, > "875" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "ceilingspike4", > "//shortdescription" : "Stalactite", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ceilingspike4" > }, > "876" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "savannahceilingspike3", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "savannahceilingspike3" > }, > "877" : { > "//description" : "This shop offers personal teleporters in a variety of styles.", > "//name" : "2stopshop", > "//shortdescription" : "2 Stop Teleshop", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "2stopshop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "878" : { > "//name" : "tier10bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "879" : { > "//description" : "A crate containing cargo. What cargo? Who knows.", > "//name" : "outpostcargocrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cargo Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcargocrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodencabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Double Wooden Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "880" : { > "//description" : "A fire extinquisher. Not for fun and games.", > "//name" : "fireextinguisher", > "//shortdescription" : "Fire Extinguisher", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "fireextinguisher", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "881" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable titanium bed. Looks pretty sleek.", > "//name" : "tier3bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "882" : { > "//description" : "Seven marker.", > "//name" : "number7", > "//shortdescription" : "Seven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "number7" > }, > "883" : { > "//description" : "A bush of pretty glowing flowers.", > "//name" : "glowbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "884" : { > "//description" : "This door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.", > "//name" : "outpostairlock", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Airlock", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostairlock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "885" : { > "//description" : "A small cargo crate. No doubt it has cargo in it.", > "//name" : "outpostcargocrateshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Short Cargo Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcargocrateshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "886" : { > "//description" : "A control console.", > "//name" : "outpostconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostconsole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "887" : { > "//description" : "A coffee machine, for the perfect pick-me-up.", > "//name" : "coffeemachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coffeemachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "888" : { > "//description" : "This counter seems ideal for food preparation.", > "//name" : "outpostcookingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cooking Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcookingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "889" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodsafe", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodsafe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "A decorative green candy cane. It's crooked.", > "//name" : "greencandycane3", > "//shortdescription" : "Crooked Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "greencandycane3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "890" : { > "//description" : "A basic desk.", > "//name" : "outpostdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "891" : { > "//description" : "This place is selling counterfeit ship licenses.", > "//name" : "penguinbay", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bay", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbay", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "892" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "icestalagmite4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icestalagmite4" > }, > "893" : { > "//description" : "A glob of dripping slime.", > "//name" : "ceilingslime3", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "ceilingslime3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "894" : { > "//description" : "A vent.", > "//name" : "roofvent", > "//shortdescription" : "Roof Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "roofvent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "895" : { > "//description" : "A simple iron chair.", > "//name" : "tier1chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "896" : { > "//description" : "I can sell some of my loot here. I should check out their inventory.", > "//name" : "treasuredtrophies", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasured Trophies", > "imagePositionX" : "-88", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treasuredtrophies", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "897" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "blackteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "blackteleporter" > }, > "898" : { > "//description" : "The screen sends out an ominous flickering light.", > "//name" : "wrecktv", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Screen", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wrecktv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "899" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "bigboosterflameglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Booster Flame", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "bigboosterflameglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A glowing flower pod.", > "//name" : "glowflower2", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Flower Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowflower2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "The label reads, \"Hard to spot, these bugs are as black as night.\"", > "//name" : "shadowmoth", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadowmoth Bug", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowmoth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "900" : { > "//name" : "brokenshiplight", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "901" : { > "//name" : "tier10door", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "902" : { > "//description" : "Embers dance away from the camp fire, warming the air. The heat can be used for cooking.", > "//name" : "campfire", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Camp Fire^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "campfire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "903" : { > "//description" : "A treasure chest made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "904" : { > "//description" : "A deck lounge chair with a parasol, perfect for sun weather.", > "//name" : "oasisbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Deck Lounge Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oasisbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "905" : { > "//description" : "A compact button that activates when pressed.", > "//name" : "tinywallbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiny Wall Button", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tinywallbutton" > }, > "906" : { > "//description" : "A slim gold vase.", > "//name" : "goldvase4", > "//shortdescription" : "Gold Slim Vase", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldvase4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "907" : { > "//description" : "Filth and rust have eaten away at this bed. Thankfully I'm not at all tired.", > "//name" : "wreckbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "908" : { > "//description" : "Watch out!", > "//name" : "desertceilingspike2", > "//shortdescription" : "Sharp Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "desertceilingspike2" > }, > "909" : { > "//description" : "A decorative red candy cane. It's broken.", > "//name" : "redcandycane3", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Candy Cane", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "redcandycane3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "It's a glowing vine!", > "//name" : "biovine1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Vine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "biovine1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "910" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "scienceteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Scientific Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scienceteleporter" > }, > "911" : { > "//name" : "tier6light", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "912" : { > "//description" : "I can use this to craft things I couldn't make with just my bare hands!", > "//name" : "woodencraftingtable", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Inventors Table^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencraftingtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "913" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "tombteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Tomb Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombteleporter" > }, > "914" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a mushroom.", > "//name" : "shroomstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "915" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom wardrobe.", > "//name" : "shroomwardrobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomwardrobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "916" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reedchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "917" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reedbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "918" : { > "//description" : "A flowery bush.", > "//name" : "springbush6", > "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springbush6", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "919" : { > "//description" : "A flowery bush.", > "//name" : "springbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "A graffiti sign.", > "//name" : "turnback", > "//shortdescription" : "turnback", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "turnback", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "920" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "swamproot1", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swamproot1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "921" : { > "//description" : "A door made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reeddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reeddoor" > }, > "922" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "swamproot2", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swamproot2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "923" : { > "//description" : "A flowery bush.", > "//name" : "springbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "924" : { > "//description" : "This torch flickers softly.", > "//name" : "sandstonetorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "925" : { > "//description" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reeddesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reeddesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "926" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "swamproot4", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swamproot4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "927" : { > "//description" : "A blue flower lamp", > "//name" : "flowerlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "flowerlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "928" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "swamproot5", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swamproot5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "929" : { > "//description" : "A flowery bush.", > "//name" : "springbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "A random fountain. The most unpredictable of fountains.", > "//name" : "randomfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Random Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "randomfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "930" : { > "//description" : "A flowery bush.", > "//name" : "springbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "931" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "swamproot3", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swamproot3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "932" : { > "//description" : "A flowery bush.", > "//name" : "springbush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Flowery Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springbush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "933" : { > "//description" : "Cave art depicting a ceremony.", > "//name" : "caveart3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Ceremonial Cave Art", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "caveart3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "934" : { > "//description" : "Used to trap tanks.", > "//name" : "tanktrap_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tank Trap", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tanktrap", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "935" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "rootbush2", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rootbush2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "936" : { > "//description" : "A statue of a flower, important to the Floran.", > "//name" : "flowerstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Flower Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "937" : { > "//description" : "Strange huge flowers, you can hide inside!", > "//name" : "flowerbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Flower Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "938" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of vines, it's not really safe.", > "//name" : "junglechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "939" : { > "//description" : "A torch made of slime.", > "//name" : "slimetorch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna step in those...", > "//name" : "thorns4", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorns", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thorns4" > }, > "940" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "rootbush1", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rootbush1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "941" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "rootbush3", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rootbush3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "942" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "rootbush4", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rootbush4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "943" : { > "//description" : "It's a root.", > "//name" : "rootbush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Root", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rootbush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "944" : { > "//description" : "An ancient chest of unknown origin.", > "//name" : "ancientchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "945" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious doorway leading into an unknown dimension. What could possibly go wrong?", > "//name" : "challengedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "challengedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "946" : { > "//name" : "chattestbug", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "947" : { > "//name" : "avianproximitysensor", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "948" : { > "//description" : "I sure hope this door will take me back to reality!", > "//name" : "challengereturndoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Challenge Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "challengereturndoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "949" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "This vent clangs as air whistles through.", > "//name" : "vent", > "//shortdescription" : "Air Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vent" > }, > "950" : { > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "951" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "952" : { > "//description" : "This ornate lamp flickers softly.", > "//name" : "ornatetorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Lantern", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ornatetorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "953" : { > "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", > "//name" : "studylamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "studylamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "954" : { > "//description" : "A traditional index filled with cards.", > "//name" : "index", > "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "index", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "955" : { > "//description" : "A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.", > "//name" : "studylamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Study Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "studylamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "956" : { > "//description" : "A haunting painting of a screaming figure.", > "//name" : "paintingscream", > "//shortdescription" : "Screaming Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "paintingscream" > }, > "957" : { > "//description" : "A painting of a blonde woman standing in a clam.", > "//name" : "paintingbirthofvenus", > "//shortdescription" : "Beautiful Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingbirthofvenus" > }, > "958" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a woman with an earring.", > "//name" : "paintingpearlearring", > "//shortdescription" : "Subtle Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "paintingpearlearring" > }, > "959" : { > "//description" : "A grand painting of two pointing figures.", > "//name" : "paintingcreationofpixel", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Painting", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "paintingcreationofpixel" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "No chance of this thing starting up.", > "//name" : "wreckconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "960" : { > "//description" : "A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.", > "//name" : "hylotlplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "Plastic Fake Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlplant1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "961" : { > "//name" : "libraryswitchprop", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "962" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "invisibleproximitysensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Proximity Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "invisibleproximitysensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "963" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "964" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "965" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "966" : { > "//description" : "Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.", > "//name" : "hylotlliquidsensor_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Liquid Sensor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlliquidsensor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "967" : { > "//description" : "Who knows what it might activate... just press it!", > "//name" : "hylotlbutton", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Base Button", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlbutton" > }, > "968" : { > "//description" : "A circuit that relays signals after a set delay.", > "//name" : "delay", > "//shortdescription" : "Delay Gate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "delay" > }, > "969" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > 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"tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "973" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation10", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "974" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation11", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "975" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation12", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "976" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "bonespike_orientation13", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "977" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "978" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "979" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how quickly that would cook a burger.", > "//name" : "bigboosterflame", > 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one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation12", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "984" : { > "//description" : "Don't wanna fall on one of these...", > "//name" : "icespike_orientation13", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Spike", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespike", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "985" : { > "//description" : "This statue is dedicated to a creature named Derrick, who seemingly vanished from his owner.", > "//name" : "derrickstatue", > "//shortdescription" : "Derrick Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "derrickstatue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "986" : { > "//description" : "Place in an ^orange;enclosed building ^white;with at least ^orange;one door and ^orange;light ^white;and someone will move in!", > "//name" : "colonydeed", > "//shortdescription" : "^yellow;Colony Deed", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "colonydeed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "987" : { > "//description" : "Repels objects with a strong elastic force", > "//name" : "jumppad", > "//shortdescription" : "Jump Pad", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jumppad" > }, > "988" : { > "//description" : "...", > "//name" : "invisiblesound", > "//shortdescription" : "Invisible Sound", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "invisiblesound", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "989" : { > "//description" : "Floor marker.", > "//name" : "floor", > "//shortdescription" : "Floor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floor" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "A broken tank.", > "//name" : "brokentank", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brokentank", > 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"//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" > }, > "995" : { > "//description" : "A useful storage chest.", > "//name" : "podchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Pod Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "podchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "996" : { > "//description" : "A heavy duty chest for storing weapons.", > "//name" : "weaponchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "weaponchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "997" : { > "//description" : "A stepladder.", > "//name" : "stepladder", > "//shortdescription" : "Stepladder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stepladder", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "998" : { > "//description" : "He looks busy.", > "//name" : "shipyardwelding", > "//shortdescription" : "Welding 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"heckbush5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A disgusting blob of seeping flesh.", > "//name" : "heckbush5", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Bush", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckbush5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 21,23c21,23 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/heckbush5.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/heckbush5.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\glitch.json 10,1788c10,1788 < "0" : { < "//name" : "fossildouble51", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "Common, workshop tools used for quick repairs.", < "//name" : "garagetools", < "//shortdescription" : "Workshop Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "garagetools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", < "//name" : "signlibrary_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signlibrary" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "A hard chair, it would get uncomfortable pretty quickly.", < "//name" : "medievalchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "Tools for creating pure, unadulterated deliciousness.", < "//name" : "kitchentools", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "kitchentools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "A tribute to GeorgeV! Developer Ultimate! ALL HAIL GEORGE!!!", < "//name" : "devstatuegeorge", < "//shortdescription" : "GeorgeV Dev Statue", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "devstatuegeorge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", < "//name" : "medievaltorch", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", < "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", < "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltorch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Trapdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "A barrel filled with treasure!", < "//name" : "barrelgoldfilled", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrelgoldfilled", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "A white rook from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessrook", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Rook", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessrook", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A cheaply made wooden door", < "//name" : "villagedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Village Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "villagedoor" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "glitchshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "largewoodencrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largewoodencrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//name" : "fossilsingle1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", < "//name" : "signarmorshop", < "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signarmorshop" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", < "//name" : "signarmorshop_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signarmorshop" < }, < "114" : { < "//name" : "fossilsingle2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase for storing folk tales and legends...", < "//name" : "medievalbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//name" : "fossilsingle4", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A treasure chest.", < "//name" : "treasurechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "treasurechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//name" : "fossildouble11", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "119" : { < "//name" : "fossildouble52", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "One of these shackles looks suspicious...", < "//name" : "medievalswitchshackle", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "medievalswitchshackle", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple21", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "121" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple41", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "122" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple42", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "A royal chalice, for filling a royal mouth with royal beverages.", < "//name" : "royalchalice", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chalice", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalchalice", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "Wooden spikes. Just waiting to be decorated with the heads of your enemies!", < "//name" : "medievalspikes", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Spikes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalspikes", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "... Another throne.", < "//name" : "royaltoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royaltoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "This dresser has a musty smell. It doesn't look very clean.", < "//name" : "medievaldresser", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Dresser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldresser", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "An extremely basic bed of hay.", < "//name" : "medievalcellbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Hay Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcellbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "A wheelbarrow for transporting goods.", < "//name" : "wheelbarrow", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheelbarrow", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wheelbarrow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious lever. I wonder what this does?", < "//name" : "medievalswitchlever", < "//shortdescription" : "Switch Lever", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchlever", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A white king from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessking", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone King", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessking", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A simple anvil, used for banging metal into shape.", < "//name" : "anvil", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Anvil", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "anvil", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "I wonder how heavy it is.", < "//name" : "ballandchain", < "//shortdescription" : "Ball and Chain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ballandchain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "A chequered flag bearing an emblem.", < "//name" : "battlestandard", < "//shortdescription" : "Battle Standard", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "battlestandard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "An ordinary burlap sack.", < "//name" : "burlapsack", < "//shortdescription" : "Burlap Sack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "burlapsack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "glitchteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchteleporter" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", < "//name" : "castlehiddendoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castlehiddendoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "A suspicious crystal with more to it than meets the eye.", < "//name" : "castleswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Gem Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castleswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A rack full of fairly dull iron swords.", < "//name" : "medievalweaponrack", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Weapon Rack", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalweaponrack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "A neat bale of hay, ready for stacking.", < "//name" : "haystack", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Stack", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "haystack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "One of these books looks out of place... I wonder...", < "//name" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple31", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "There's a hole in this bucket.", < "//name" : "medievalbucket", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bucket", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbucket" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A charming and well-made wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "medievalcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A small clock with a pendulum. It ticks and tocks but the hands never move.", < "//name" : "medievalclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "medievalclock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "A flagpole fit for topping any building.", < "//name" : "medievalflagpole", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Flagpole", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalflagpole", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "An oil lamp. It gives off some warmth.", < "//name" : "medievallamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievallamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "This cooking pot expels the odour of a hundred hearty meals.", < "//name" : "medievallargecookingpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cooking Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievallargecookingpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A pedestal for putting your treasures on display.", < "//name" : "medievalpedestal", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Pedestal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalpedestal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A plate. It's gathering dust here.", < "//name" : "medievalplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalplate" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", < "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", < "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//name" : "fossildouble12", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "These display swords could be dangerous in the wrong hands.", < "//name" : "medievalsworddisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Sword Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "medievalsworddisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "An outhouse! Enjoy!", < "//name" : "outhouse", < "//shortdescription" : "Outhouse", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outhouse", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "A royal glow.", < "//name" : "royalcandles", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Candles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalcandles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "This chest itself is a treasure, let alone the contents.", < "//name" : "royalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A firm bed with silky sheets.", < "//name" : "medievalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "A tank filled with an unknown substance. Probably very lethal.", < "//name" : "sewertank", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sewertank", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", < "//name" : "signforge", < "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signforge" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", < "//name" : "signforge_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signforge" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", < "//name" : "signinn", < "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signinn" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "glitchshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", < "//name" : "signinn_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signinn" < }, < "161" : { < "//name" : "fossildouble32", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "162" : { < "//name" : "fossilsingle5", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "smallwoodencrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallwoodencrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "Poor dummy, I'll name him Freddie!", < "//name" : "targetdummy", < "//shortdescription" : "Target Dummy", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "targetdummy", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A golden pedestal for something special.", < "//name" : "goldenpedestal", < "//shortdescription" : "Golden Pedestal", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "goldenpedestal", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "A grail! It might be holy.", < "//name" : "grail", < "//shortdescription" : "Grail", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "grail", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate filled with treasure.", < "//name" : "woodencrategoldfilled", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Filled Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrategoldfilled", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A Safe.", < "//name" : "safe", < "//shortdescription" : "Safe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "safe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of William Glitchspeare.", < "//name" : "glitchspeare", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitchspeare Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "glitchspeare" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute.", < "//name" : "medievalarmor", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A white pawn from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chesspawn", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Pawn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chesspawn", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A white bishop from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessbishop", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Bishop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessbishop", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "An old wooden chest, still going strong.", < "//name" : "medievalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "glitchtechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchtechstationTier0" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "Bullseye!", < "//name" : "target", < "//shortdescription" : "Target", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "target", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "It's a trough for feeding livestock.", < "//name" : "trough", < "//shortdescription" : "Trough", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trough", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "A white queen from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessqueen", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Queen", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessqueen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "A pair of stocks. A medieval method of punishment.", < "//name" : "medievalstock", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Stocks", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalstock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple53", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A simple wooden stool.", < "//name" : "woodenstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Simple Wooden Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute. Hmm... The shield looks loose.", < "//name" : "medievalarmorswitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspicious Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmorswitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A fancy feasting table.", < "//name" : "medievaldiningtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Dining Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldiningtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple13", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "glitchtechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchtechstation" < }, < "183" : { < "//name" : "npctestnuru", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "184" : { < "//name" : "npctesttonowak", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", < "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple11", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "Many find the gentle ringing of wind chimes like these quite soothing.", < "//name" : "shadowchimes", < "//shortdescription" : "Wind Chimes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "shadowchimes", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "bannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "bannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "Protectorate wind chimes. These can be found in the garden.", < "//name" : "protectorategardenwindchimes", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Wind Chimes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "protectorategardenwindchimes", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "A sack of straw with a face. Kinda loveable!", < "//name" : "scarecrow", < "//shortdescription" : "Scarecrow", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scarecrow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//name" : "glitchfossil3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "199" : { < "//name" : "glitchfossilcomplete", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A cheaply made flood door.", < "//name" : "sewerflooddoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Flood Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sewerflooddoor" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "glitchcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "200" : { < "//name" : "glitchfossil1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "201" : { < "//name" : "glitchfossil2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "202" : { < "//name" : "glitchfossilcomplete_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", < "//name" : "glitchartifactaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Artifact Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchartifactaltar" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "This royal decree makes note of a keep, where treasures lay under watchful guard.", < "//name" : "glitchdecree", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Decree", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "glitchdecree" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "A ceremonial horn that holds a woven banner.", < "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Mounted Horn Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "glitchhorndisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "207" : { < "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "A wooden desk used by scribes.", < "//name" : "glitchscribe", < "//shortdescription" : "Scribe's Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchscribe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "This chess board has custom pieces.", < "//name" : "glitchchess", < "//shortdescription" : "Themed Chess Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchchess", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "An iron chandelier. A good way to light a large room.", < "//name" : "medievalchandelier", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chandelier", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "medievalchandelier", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "A dark chequered flag bearing an emblem.", < "//name" : "darkbattlestandard", < "//shortdescription" : "Dark Battle Standard", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "darkbattlestandard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "212" : { < "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "213" : { < "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "214" : { < "//description" : "It's a figurine of a Glitch noble.", < "//name" : "glitchbaronfigure", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Statuette", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchbaronfigure", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "216" : { < "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", < "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "A black bishop from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessbishopblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Bishop", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessbishopblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "A black queen from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessqueenblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Queen", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessqueenblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state.", < "//name" : "hourglass", < "//shortdescription" : "Hourglass", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hourglass", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "A black pawn from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chesspawnblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Pawn", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chesspawnblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "A black knight from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessknightblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Knight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessknightblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "A black rook from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessrookblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Rook", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessrookblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "223" : { < "//description" : "A black king from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chesskingblack", < "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone King", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chesskingblack", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//name" : "fossildouble31", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "Some shoddy wooden scaffolding.", < "//name" : "medievalscaffolding", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Scaffolding", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalscaffolding", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//name" : "fossildouble41", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Tools used for poking at burning coals or kindling.", < "//name" : "fireplacetools", < "//shortdescription" : "Fireplace Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fireplacetools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenglitchfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatch" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "These iron shackles may make escaping from prison inconvenient.", < "//name" : "wallshackles", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wallshackles", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Shiny armour stands armed and resolute.", < "//name" : "medievalarmorarmed", < "//shortdescription" : "Armed Display Armour", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalarmorarmed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "Ancient Greek marble sculpture, Venus De Pixel. Sculptor Unknown.", < "//name" : "venusdepixel", < "//shortdescription" : "Venus de Pixel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "venusdepixel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A huge, intimidating door.", < "//name" : "largecastledoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Medieval Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largecastledoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A dirty looking wooden cup.", < "//name" : "medievalcup", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cup", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcup", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with this dirt.", < "//name" : "dirttrapdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirt Trapdoor", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "dirttrapdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A gear. Part of a well-oiled machine. Actually, it's a bit rusty.", < "//name" : "sewergear", < "//shortdescription" : "Gear", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewergear", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "I sure could use some water...", < "//name" : "wellcover", < "//shortdescription" : "Well Cover", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wellcover", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A throne fit for royal buttocks.", < "//name" : "royalthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads.", < "//name" : "royalbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//name" : "fossildouble42", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A rolled up bale of hay.", < "//name" : "hayroll", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Roll", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hayroll", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "This chest is rigged with a sensor that sends a signal when its opened.", < "//name" : "trapchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Trap Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trapchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "Ye olde counter.", < "//name" : "medievalcounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A model of an unknown planet.", < "//name" : "medievalglobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Globe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalglobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A stone fireplace. A good way to warm a cold castle.", < "//name" : "medievalfireplace", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Fireplace", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalfireplace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "Just a ceremonial shield. It wouldn't do much good in a fight.", < "//name" : "wallshield", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Shield Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "wallshield" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "glitchshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchshiplockerTier0" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A sewer pipe.", < "//name" : "wallpipe", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wallpipe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A sewer pipe.", < "//name" : "wallpipe_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "wallpipe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A brutal yet effective execution device.", < "//name" : "guillotine", < "//shortdescription" : "Guillotine", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "guillotine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "glitchfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "glitchfuelhatch" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A fancy royal desk.", < "//name" : "royaldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royaldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A trash can. What a load of rubbish.", < "//name" : "trashcan", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "A keg full of juice. Mmm, juice!", < "//name" : "juicekeg", < "//shortdescription" : "Juice Keg", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "juicekeg", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A bowl. It doesn't look very clean.", < "//name" : "medievalbowl", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbowl" < }, < "51" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple32", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", < "//name" : "signproduce", < "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signproduce" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", < "//name" : "signproduce_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signproduce" < }, < "54" : { < "//name" : "testfossil", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A mechanical cash register. Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "medievalregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple33", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "Unhelpful road signs.", < "//name" : "crossroadssign", < "//shortdescription" : "Crossroads Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crossroadssign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "This bell must make quite a sound.", < "//name" : "largebell", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Bell", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-40", < "object" : "largebell", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "glitchshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchshiplocker" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A old fashioned furnace for tempering tools.", < "//name" : "medievalfurnace", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Furnace", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalfurnace", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A strong and secure door.", < "//name" : "castledoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castledoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A display for a large diamond.", < "//name" : "diamonddisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diamonddisplay", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A pile of hay. Probably not a great hiding place.", < "//name" : "haypile", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "haypile", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//name" : "fossildouble22", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "66" : { < "//name" : "fossilsingle3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A very basic toilet.", < "//name" : "medievaltoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A barrel. Sadly not full party hats.", < "//name" : "barrellarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrellarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple43", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", < "//name" : "bannermedievallarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "bannermedievallarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A wall grate. Great.", < "//name" : "sewerwallgrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Wall Grate", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewerwallgrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "An ominous warning sign.", < "//name" : "poisonsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Warning Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "poisonsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A barrel. Anything could be inside!", < "//name" : "barrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "Ye olde dining room table.", < "//name" : "medievaltable", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "Valuable things should be stored here.", < "//name" : "royalcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A map of an unknown world.", < "//name" : "medievalmap", < "//shortdescription" : "medieval Map", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "medievalmap" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "An old wooden shelf.", < "//name" : "medievalshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A sewer gauge. Nobody knows what the gauge illustrates.", < "//name" : "sewergauge", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Gauge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewergauge" < }, < "78" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple51", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A rather detailed sketch of Glitch anatomy.", < "//name" : "glitchianman", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitchian Man", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "glitchianman" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A pressure plate, to be used wisely.", < "//name" : "medievalpressureplate", < "//shortdescription" : "Pressure Plate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalpressureplate" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "glitchteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchteleporterTier0" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A white knight from an oversized chess set.", < "//name" : "chessknight", < "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Knight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chessknight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "This book is full of strange illustrations.", < "//name" : "medievalcodex", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Codex", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcodex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "A bit of Glitch surrealism.", < "//name" : "persistenceofpixels", < "//shortdescription" : "Persistence of Pixels", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "persistenceofpixels" < }, < "84" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple22", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "glitchstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchstoragelocker" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "These display axes look very sharp.", < "//name" : "medievalaxedisplay", < "//shortdescription" : "Axe Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "medievalaxedisplay" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A small wax candle in a holder.", < "//name" : "medievalcandle", < "//shortdescription" : "Candle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcandle", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple23", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A trash bag. What a load of rubbish.", < "//name" : "trashbag", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trashbag", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", < "//name" : "signlibrary", < "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signlibrary" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", < "//name" : "signweaponshop", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signweaponshop" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A sword on a sign. It usually appears outside a weapons shop.", < "//name" : "signweaponshop_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Shop Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "signweaponshop" < }, < "92" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple52", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful bed made of shiny gold.", < "//name" : "royalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Royal Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "A spade, a rake and a broom for all sorts of back-breaking farm work.", < "//name" : "farmtools", < "//shortdescription" : "Farm Tools", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "farmtools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A dungeon cell door, built to hold even the strongest prisoner.", < "//name" : "castledungeondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cell Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "castledungeondoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//name" : "fossiltriple12", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "97" : { < "//name" : "fossildouble21", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A nicely made wooden desk.", < "//name" : "medievaldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A wooden wall shelf for displaying trinkets.", < "//name" : "medievalwallshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalwallshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble51", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "Common, workshop tools used for quick repairs.", > "//name" : "garagetools", > "//shortdescription" : "Workshop Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "garagetools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A library sign. This way to the library!", > "//name" : "signlibrary_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Library Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signlibrary" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A hard chair, it would get uncomfortable pretty quickly.", > "//name" : "medievalchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "Tools for creating pure, unadulterated deliciousness.", > "//name" : "kitchentools", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "kitchentools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A tribute to GeorgeV! Developer Ultimate! ALL HAIL GEORGE!!!", > "//name" : "devstatuegeorge", > "//shortdescription" : "GeorgeV Dev Statue", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "devstatuegeorge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", > "//name" : "medievaltorch", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", > "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A solid iron torch with a gentle flickering flame.", > "//name" : "medievaltorch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Torch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltorch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "castlehiddentrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A barrel filled with treasure!", > "//name" : "barrelgoldfilled", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrelgoldfilled", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "A white rook from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessrook", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Rook", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessrook", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A cheaply made wooden door", > "//name" : "villagedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Village Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "villagedoor" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "glitchshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate.", > "//name" : "largewoodencrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "largewoodencrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", > "//name" : "signarmorshop", > "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signarmorshop" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "Armour! Get yer armour here!", > "//name" : "signarmorshop_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Armour Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signarmorshop" > }, > "114" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase for storing folk tales and legends...", > "//name" : "medievalbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle4", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A treasure chest.", > "//name" : "treasurechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treasurechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble11", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "119" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble52", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "One of these shackles looks suspicious...", > "//name" : "medievalswitchshackle", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "medievalswitchshackle", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple21", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "121" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple41", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "122" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple42", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A royal chalice, for filling a royal mouth with royal beverages.", > "//name" : "royalchalice", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chalice", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalchalice", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "Wooden spikes. Just waiting to be decorated with the heads of your enemies!", > "//name" : "medievalspikes", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Spikes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalspikes", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "... Another throne.", > "//name" : "royaltoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royaltoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "This dresser has a musty smell. It doesn't look very clean.", > "//name" : "medievaldresser", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Dresser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldresser", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "An extremely basic bed of hay.", > "//name" : "medievalcellbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Hay Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcellbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A wheelbarrow for transporting goods.", > "//name" : "wheelbarrow", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheelbarrow", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wheelbarrow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious lever. I wonder what this does?", > "//name" : "medievalswitchlever", > "//shortdescription" : "Switch Lever", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchlever", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A white king from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessking", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone King", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessking", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A simple anvil, used for banging metal into shape.", > "//name" : "anvil", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Anvil", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "anvil", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "I wonder how heavy it is.", > "//name" : "ballandchain", > "//shortdescription" : "Ball and Chain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ballandchain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "A chequered flag bearing an emblem.", > "//name" : "battlestandard", > "//shortdescription" : "Battle Standard", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "battlestandard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "An ordinary burlap sack.", > "//name" : "burlapsack", > "//shortdescription" : "Burlap Sack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "burlapsack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "glitchteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchteleporter" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with these bricks.", > "//name" : "castlehiddendoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hidden Brick Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castlehiddendoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "A suspicious crystal with more to it than meets the eye.", > "//name" : "castleswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gem Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castleswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A rack full of fairly dull iron swords.", > "//name" : "medievalweaponrack", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Weapon Rack", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalweaponrack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "A neat bale of hay, ready for stacking.", > "//name" : "haystack", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Stack", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "haystack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "One of these books looks out of place... I wonder...", > "//name" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbookcaseswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple31", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "There's a hole in this bucket.", > "//name" : "medievalbucket", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bucket", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbucket" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A charming and well-made wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "medievalcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A small clock with a pendulum. It ticks and tocks but the hands never move.", > "//name" : "medievalclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Wall Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "medievalclock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A flagpole fit for topping any building.", > "//name" : "medievalflagpole", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Flagpole", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalflagpole", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "An oil lamp. It gives off some warmth.", > "//name" : "medievallamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievallamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "This cooking pot expels the odour of a hundred hearty meals.", > "//name" : "medievallargecookingpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cooking Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievallargecookingpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A pedestal for putting your treasures on display.", > "//name" : "medievalpedestal", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Pedestal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalpedestal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A plate. It's gathering dust here.", > "//name" : "medievalplate", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Plate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalplate" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", > "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "It's an old street lamp. It gives off a little warmth.", > "//name" : "medievalstreetlamp_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Street Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalstreetlamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble12", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "These display swords could be dangerous in the wrong hands.", > "//name" : "medievalsworddisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Sword Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "medievalsworddisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "An outhouse! Enjoy!", > "//name" : "outhouse", > "//shortdescription" : "Outhouse", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outhouse", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "A royal glow.", > "//name" : "royalcandles", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Candles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalcandles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "This chest itself is a treasure, let alone the contents.", > "//name" : "royalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A firm bed with silky sheets.", > "//name" : "medievalbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "A tank filled with an unknown substance. Probably very lethal.", > "//name" : "sewertank", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Tank", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sewertank", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", > "//name" : "signforge", > "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signforge" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A clear indicator of a forge.", > "//name" : "signforge_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Forge Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signforge" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", > "//name" : "signinn", > "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signinn" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "glitchshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A sign advertising a place to rest your head.", > "//name" : "signinn_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Inn Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signinn" > }, > "161" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble32", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "162" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle5", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate.", > "//name" : "smallwoodencrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallwoodencrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "Poor dummy, I'll name him Freddie!", > "//name" : "targetdummy", > "//shortdescription" : "Target Dummy", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "targetdummy", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A golden pedestal for something special.", > "//name" : "goldenpedestal", > "//shortdescription" : "Golden Pedestal", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "goldenpedestal", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A grail! It might be holy.", > "//name" : "grail", > "//shortdescription" : "Grail", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "grail", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate filled with treasure.", > "//name" : "woodencrategoldfilled", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Filled Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrategoldfilled", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A Safe.", > "//name" : "safe", > "//shortdescription" : "Safe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "safe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of William Glitchspeare.", > "//name" : "glitchspeare", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitchspeare Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "glitchspeare" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute.", > "//name" : "medievalarmor", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A white pawn from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chesspawn", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Pawn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chesspawn", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A white bishop from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessbishop", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Bishop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessbishop", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "An old wooden chest, still going strong.", > "//name" : "medievalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "glitchtechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchtechstationTier0" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "Bullseye!", > "//name" : "target", > "//shortdescription" : "Target", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "target", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "It's a trough for feeding livestock.", > "//name" : "trough", > "//shortdescription" : "Trough", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trough", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A white queen from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessqueen", > "//shortdescription" : "White Stone Queen", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessqueen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "A pair of stocks. A medieval method of punishment.", > "//name" : "medievalstock", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Stocks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalstock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple53", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A simple wooden stool.", > "//name" : "woodenstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Simple Wooden Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands resolute. Hmm... The shield looks loose.", > "//name" : "medievalarmorswitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspicious Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmorswitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A fancy feasting table.", > "//name" : "medievaldiningtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Dining Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldiningtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple13", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "glitchtechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchtechstation" > }, > "183" : { > "//name" : "npctestnuru", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "184" : { > "//name" : "npctesttonowak", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "This floor tile looks different from the rest.", > "//name" : "medievalswitchhidden_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Grey Hidden Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalswitchhidden", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple11", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "Many find the gentle ringing of wind chimes like these quite soothing.", > "//name" : "shadowchimes", > "//shortdescription" : "Wind Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "shadowchimes", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievallarge_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "Protectorate wind chimes. These can be found in the garden.", > "//name" : "protectorategardenwindchimes", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Wind Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "protectorategardenwindchimes", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "A sack of straw with a face. Kinda loveable!", > "//name" : "scarecrow", > "//shortdescription" : "Scarecrow", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scarecrow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//name" : "glitchfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "199" : { > "//name" : "glitchfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A cheaply made flood door.", > "//name" : "sewerflooddoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Flood Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sewerflooddoor" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "glitchcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "200" : { > "//name" : "glitchfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "201" : { > "//name" : "glitchfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "202" : { > "//name" : "glitchfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it was made to hold something important.", > "//name" : "glitchartifactaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Artifact Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchartifactaltar" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "This royal decree makes note of a keep, where treasures lay under watchful guard.", > "//name" : "glitchdecree", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Decree", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "glitchdecree" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "A ceremonial horn that holds a woven banner.", > "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Mounted Horn Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "glitchhorndisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "207" : { > "//name" : "glitchhorndisplay_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A wooden desk used by scribes.", > "//name" : "glitchscribe", > "//shortdescription" : "Scribe's Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchscribe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "This chess board has custom pieces.", > "//name" : "glitchchess", > "//shortdescription" : "Themed Chess Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchchess", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "An iron chandelier. A good way to light a large room.", > "//name" : "medievalchandelier", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chandelier", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "medievalchandelier", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "A dark chequered flag bearing an emblem.", > "//name" : "darkbattlestandard", > "//shortdescription" : "Dark Battle Standard", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "darkbattlestandard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "A darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievallarge_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "darkbannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "It's a figurine of a Glitch noble.", > "//name" : "glitchbaronfigure", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Statuette", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchbaronfigure", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "A small darkly coloured woven banner.", > "//name" : "darkbannermedievalsmall_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Dark Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "darkbannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "A black bishop from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessbishopblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Bishop", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessbishopblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "A black queen from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessqueenblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Queen", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessqueenblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A digital hourglass. It's stuck in a constant state.", > "//name" : "hourglass", > "//shortdescription" : "Hourglass", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hourglass", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "A black pawn from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chesspawnblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Pawn", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chesspawnblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "A black knight from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessknightblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Knight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessknightblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "A black rook from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chessrookblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone Rook", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chessrookblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "A black king from an oversized chess set.", > "//name" : "chesskingblack", > "//shortdescription" : "Black Stone King", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chesskingblack", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble31", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "Some shoddy wooden scaffolding.", > "//name" : "medievalscaffolding", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Scaffolding", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalscaffolding", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble41", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Tools used for poking at burning coals or kindling.", > "//name" : "fireplacetools", > "//shortdescription" : "Fireplace Tools", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fireplacetools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenglitchfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatch" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "These iron shackles may make escaping from prison inconvenient.", > "//name" : "wallshackles", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Shackles", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wallshackles", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Shiny armour stands armed and resolute.", > "//name" : "medievalarmorarmed", > "//shortdescription" : "Armed Display Armour", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalarmorarmed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "Ancient Greek marble sculpture, Venus De Pixel. Sculptor Unknown.", > "//name" : "venusdepixel", > "//shortdescription" : "Venus de Pixel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "venusdepixel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A huge, intimidating door.", > "//name" : "largecastledoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Medieval Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "largecastledoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A dirty looking wooden cup.", > "//name" : "medievalcup", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cup", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcup", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "Something isn't quite right with this dirt.", > "//name" : "dirttrapdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirt Trapdoor", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "dirttrapdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A gear. Part of a well-oiled machine. Actually, it's a bit rusty.", > "//name" : "sewergear", > "//shortdescription" : "Gear", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewergear", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "I sure could use some water...", > "//name" : "wellcover", > "//shortdescription" : "Well Cover", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wellcover", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A throne fit for royal buttocks.", > "//name" : "royalthrone", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads.", > "//name" : "royalbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble42", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A rolled up bale of hay.", > "//name" : "hayroll", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Roll", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hayroll", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "This chest is rigged with a sensor that sends a signal when its opened.", > "//name" : "trapchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Trap Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trapchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "Ye olde counter.", > "//name" : "medievalcounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A model of an unknown planet.", > "//name" : "medievalglobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Globe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalglobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A stone fireplace. A good way to warm a cold castle.", > "//name" : "medievalfireplace", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Fireplace", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalfireplace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "Just a ceremonial shield. It wouldn't do much good in a fight.", > "//name" : "wallshield", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Shield Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "wallshield" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "glitchshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchshiplockerTier0" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A sewer pipe.", > "//name" : "wallpipe", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wallpipe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A sewer pipe.", > "//name" : "wallpipe_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Pipe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "wallpipe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A brutal yet effective execution device.", > "//name" : "guillotine", > "//shortdescription" : "Guillotine", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "guillotine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "glitchfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "glitchfuelhatch" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A fancy royal desk.", > "//name" : "royaldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royaldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A trash can. What a load of rubbish.", > "//name" : "trashcan", > "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "A keg full of juice. Mmm, juice!", > "//name" : "juicekeg", > "//shortdescription" : "Juice Keg", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "juicekeg", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A bowl. It doesn't look very clean.", > "//name" : "medievalbowl", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbowl" > }, > "51" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple32", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", > "//name" : "signproduce", > "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signproduce" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A shop that sells freshly farmed produce.", > "//name" : "signproduce_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Produce Shop Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "signproduce" > }, > "54" : { > "//name" : "testfossil", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bannermedievalsmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A mechanical cash register. Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "medievalregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple33", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "Unhelpful road signs.", > "//name" : "crossroadssign", > "//shortdescription" : "Crossroads Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crossroadssign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "This bell must make quite a sound.", > "//name" : "largebell", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Bell", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "largebell", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "glitchshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchshiplocker" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A old fashioned furnace for tempering tools.", > "//name" : "medievalfurnace", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Furnace", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalfurnace", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A strong and secure door.", > "//name" : "castledoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "castledoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A display for a large diamond.", > "//name" : "diamonddisplay", > "//shortdescription" : "Diamond Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diamonddisplay", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A pile of hay. Probably not a great hiding place.", > "//name" : "haypile", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "haypile", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//name" : "fossildouble22", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "66" : { > "//name" : "fossilsingle3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A very basic toilet.", > "//name" : "medievaltoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A barrel. Sadly not full party hats.", > "//name" : "barrellarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrellarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//name" : "fossiltriple43", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully woven banner.", > "//name" : "bannermedievallarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Glitch Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bannermedievallarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A wall grate. Great.", > "//name" : "sewerwallgrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Wall Grate", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewerwallgrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "An ominous warning sign.", > "//name" : "poisonsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Warning Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "poisonsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A barrel. Anything could be inside!", > "//name" : "barrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "Ye olde dining room table.", > "//name" : "medievaltable", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "Valuable things should be stored here.", > "//name" : "royalcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "A map of an unknown world.", > "//name" : "medievalmap", > "//shortdescription" : "medieval Map", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "medievalmap" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "An old wooden shelf.", > "//name" : "medievalshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A sewer gauge. 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{ > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/crossroadssign.png" > }, > "59" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/largebell.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchshiplocker.png" > }, > "60" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalfurnace.png" > }, > "61" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/castledoor.png" > }, > "62" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokenglitchfuelhatchTier0.png" > }, > "63" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/diamonddisplay.png" > }, > "64" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/haypile.png" > }, > "65" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "66" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "67" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievaltoilet.png" > }, > "68" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/barrellarge.png" > }, > "69" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bannermedievallarge.png" > }, > "70" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sewerwallgrate.png" > }, > "71" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/poisonsign.png" > }, > "72" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/barrel.png" > }, > "73" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievaltable.png" > }, > "74" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/royalcabinet.png" > }, > "75" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalmap.png" > }, > "76" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalshelf.png" > }, > "77" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sewergauge.png" > }, > "78" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "79" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchianman.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalpressureplate.png" > }, > "80" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchteleporterTier0.png" > }, > "81" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/chessknight.png" > }, > "82" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalcodex.png" > }, > "83" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/persistenceofpixels.png" > }, > "84" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "85" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glitchstoragelocker.png" > }, > "86" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalaxedisplay.png" > }, > "87" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalcandle.png" > }, > "88" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "89" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/trashbag.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signlibrary.png" > }, > "90" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signweaponshop.png" > }, > "91" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/signweaponshop_orientation2.png" > }, > "92" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "93" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/royalbed.png" > }, > "94" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/farmtools.png" > }, > "95" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/castledungeondoor.png" > }, > "96" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "97" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "98" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievaldesk.png" > }, > "99" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/medievalwallshelf.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\human.json 10,2345c10,2345 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A cold, hard slab of metal meant to serve as a bed.", < "//name" : "prisonbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Chained Metal Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A shiny glass panel.", < "//name" : "glasspanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Glass Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glasspanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 1 second.", < "//name" : "timer1s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (1 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer1s" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "That's not very encouraging.", < "//name" : "bunkerposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Motivational Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerposter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "This jukebox sounds great! Too bad there only seems to be one track.", < "//name" : "jukebox", < "//shortdescription" : "Jukebox", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "jukebox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "It's a map displaying a round central room branching out into several corridors.", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay3", < "//shortdescription" : "Map Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay3", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", < "//name" : "prisonfence2", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Chain-link Fence", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfence2" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "An /'XOR'/ switch. Requires one input to be on, and one off.", < "//name" : "xor", < "//shortdescription" : "XOR Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "xor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "Drops of water.", < "//name" : "drip1", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drip1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//name" : "drip1_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "107" : { < "//name" : "drip1_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", < "//name" : "prisonlocker1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Prison Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonlocker1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A machine used to move large amounts of mined material.", < "//name" : "miningbelt", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Conveyer Belt", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningbelt", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 0.5 seconds.", < "//name" : "timer", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (0.5 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "humanstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humanstoragelocker" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", < "//name" : "hazardtapeh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Hazard Tape", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hazardtapeh" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenhumanfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhumanfuelhatch" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "A solid metal table.", < "//name" : "bunkertable2", < "//shortdescription" : "Solid Metal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertable2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "It's a patient file. He appears to be human, but... with two hearts?", < "//name" : "bunkerpanel2", < "//shortdescription" : "Medical Data Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerpanel2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "Perfect for storing a lot of food and keeping it fresh.", < "//name" : "fridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Full-Size Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "It's been so long since I had a home cooked meal... or a home.", < "//name" : "oven1", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Oven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oven1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A machine used for breaking down rocks.", < "//name" : "miningcrusher", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Impact Crusher", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningcrusher", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway. If the water was actually clean.", < "//name" : "prisonshower", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Shower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonshower", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "Basic Bath", < "//name" : "basicbath", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Bath", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basicbath", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A Latch. Can be used to store a wire state.", < "//name" : "dlatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Latch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "dlatch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "The space heater emits a low, unpleasant hum.", < "//name" : "prisonradiator", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Radiator", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonradiator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "It's one of those drinking machines people use to make small-talk.", < "//name" : "watermachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Water Cooler", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "watermachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "The sign says, \"Cell Block\".", < "//name" : "prisonsign1", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Block Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsign1" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "That sure is one flashy recruitment poster.", < "//name" : "bunkerpanel3", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Recruitment Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerpanel3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "humantechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humantechstation" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own wizard!", < "//name" : "spawnerwizard", < "//shortdescription" : "Wizard Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerwizard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "Compress pixels for storage.", < "//name" : "pixelcompressor", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pixel Compressor^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pixelcompressor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own human villager!", < "//name" : "spawnerhuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerhuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "humanshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humanshiplocker" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "Sterile, recycled air whirs through the fanblades at a steady pace.", < "//name" : "bunkervent", < "//shortdescription" : "Bunker Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkervent" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "", < "//name" : "not", < "//shortdescription" : "NOT Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "not", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own Glitch villager!", < "//name" : "spawnerglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "It's a turbine. Y'know, for science.", < "//name" : "prisonturbine", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Turbine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonturbine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "Sure seems that way, Anonymous Graffiti Artist.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti2", < "//shortdescription" : "\"No Escape\" Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongraffiti2" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "The panel displays information about interacting with prisoners...", < "//name" : "prisonpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "It says, \"Reminder to all inmates: You're here for life.\"", < "//name" : "prisonpaper1", < "//shortdescription" : "Inmate Notice", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonpaper1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "The paper is ripped and the words are smudged.", < "//name" : "prisonpaper2", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Torn Memo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonpaper2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "This appears to be an analysis of the environment outside of the bunker.", < "//name" : "bunkerpanel1", < "//shortdescription" : "Environmental Data Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerpanel1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "humanfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "humanfuelhatch" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "Looks like it used to be filled with medical supplies - not any more.", < "//name" : "prisoncabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Supply Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "This is just an electrical fire waiting to happen.", < "//name" : "bunkerwires", < "//shortdescription" : "Wires", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerwires", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "An /'OR'/ switch. Allows you to have multiple individual inputs.", < "//name" : "or", < "//shortdescription" : "OR Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "or", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own pirate!", < "//name" : "spawnerpirate", < "//shortdescription" : "Pirate Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerpirate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "USCM, huh? I wouldn't wanna be one of their prisoners.", < "//name" : "prisonstonesign", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonstonesign", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "novakidshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", < "//name" : "prisontorturebed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Upright Torture Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontorturebed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "humanshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humanshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight2", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "bunkerceilinglight2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", < "//name" : "prisonmirror2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Mirror", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonmirror2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", < "//name" : "prisongratev", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Metal Grates", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongratev", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "Ouch! I shouldn't get too close to that.", < "//name" : "barbedwire", < "//shortdescription" : "Barbed Wire", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barbedwire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", < "//name" : "prisoncorner", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisoncorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", < "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisoncorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Nuke all the foods!", < "//name" : "microwave", < "//shortdescription" : "Microwave", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "microwave", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", < "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisoncorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own chef!", < "//name" : "spawnerchef", < "//shortdescription" : "Chef Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerchef", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "A set of three TV monitors facing in different directions.'", < "//name" : "bunkertv2", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Television Monitors", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkertv2" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", < "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonfloodlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "A storage crate, typically used for stashing equipment and ores.", < "//name" : "lunarbasecrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasecrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A door made of thick metal bars.", < "//name" : "prisondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Barred Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisondoor" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "Stim Merchant Spawner - for when you really need a pick-me-up.", < "//name" : "spawnerstim", < "//shortdescription" : "Stim Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerstim", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "An /'AND'/ switch. Requires all inputs to be /'on'/ to work.", < "//name" : "and", < "//shortdescription" : "AND Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "and", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", < "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mysteriouslight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "It's a screen full of super top secret mission data... Boring.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole4", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "A television! I don't think this has worked for a long time.", < "//name" : "basictv", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Television", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basictv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "Two keyboards and one monitor?", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it's full of hazardous materials.", < "//name" : "bunkercabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "A metal crate.", < "//name" : "bunkercrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "A screen with a pie chart representing budget statistics.", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay2", < "//shortdescription" : "Statistical Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay2", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "That's no moon...", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay4", < "//shortdescription" : "Anomalous Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "bunkerlighth", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Fluorescent Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerlighth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "An industrial-looking metal door.", < "//name" : "miningdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Miner's Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "Just a typical cafeteria table.", < "//name" : "prisontable", < "//shortdescription" : "Cafeteria Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "A sewer valve. It's had a funny turn.", < "//name" : "sewervalve", < "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Valve", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "sewervalve", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "Someone couldn't count to 25.", < "//name" : "chalktally", < "//shortdescription" : "Tally Marks", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "chalktally" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "The sign says \"DANGER\". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", < "//name" : "dangersignv", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Danger Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "dangersignv" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", < "//name" : "hazardtapev", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Hazard Tape", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hazardtapev" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", < "//name" : "lavalamp1", < "//shortdescription" : "Lava Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lavalamp1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "This mattress is filthy! I swear I just saw something crawling around inside.", < "//name" : "prisonmattress", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Mattress", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonmattress", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", < "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonarch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "A control panel that appears to operate lights, doors and alarms.", < "//name" : "prisoncontrolpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Control Panel", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncontrolpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "If you go this way, you're sure to be exiting... something.", < "//name" : "prisonexitsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Exit Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonexitsign", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", < "//name" : "prisonfile2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Rusty Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfile2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "Graffiti reading \"turn back\". Chances of it being adhered to: zero.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti6", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongraffiti6" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", < "//name" : "prisonmirror1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Broken Mirror", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisonmirror1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", < "//name" : "bunkercorner", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "Inmate #2162's Study Group for Criminals Who Can't Read Good", < "//name" : "prisonpaper3", < "//shortdescription" : "Event Memo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonpaper3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "A fence fashioned out of heavy metal pipes.", < "//name" : "prisonpipefence", < "//shortdescription" : "Pipe Fence", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonpipefence" < }, < "212" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "213" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "214" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "216" : { < "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", < "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "Use this to create new techs to equip on adventures!", < "//name" : "techconsolehuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Tech Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "techconsolehuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "Ooh, what should I get?", < "//name" : "vendingmachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "vendingmachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "humantechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humantechstationTier0" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", < "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", < "//name" : "prisonlocker2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Prison Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonlocker2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "223" : { < "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", < "//name" : "bunkerslidingdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerslidingdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "224" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "225" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "226" : { < "//description" : "The sign says, \"Mess Hall\".", < "//name" : "prisonsign2", < "//shortdescription" : "Mess Hall Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisonsign2" < }, < "227" : { < "//description" : "Dripping Basic Bath", < "//name" : "basicbathdripping", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Basic Bath", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basicbathdripping", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "228" : { < "//description" : "What does USCM stand for, again? Oh - United Systems Colonial Marines.", < "//name" : "marinesign", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "marinesign" < }, < "229" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "humanteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humanteleporter" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", < "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "230" : { < "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "drip2", < "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drip2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "231" : { < "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "drip2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drip2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "232" : { < "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "drip2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "drip2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "233" : { < "//description" : "A metal sign that says \"HAZARD!\"", < "//name" : "mininghazardsign", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hazard Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "mininghazardsign" < }, < "234" : { < "//description" : "A large metal Skip full of rubble.", < "//name" : "miningskip", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Skip", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningskip", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "235" : { < "//description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", < "//name" : "bunkerdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "236" : { < "//description" : "Fire in a rusted-out barrel.", < "//name" : "prisonbarrelfire", < "//shortdescription" : "Barrel Fire", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbarrelfire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "237" : { < "//description" : "The words \"get out\" have been written in blood. You can tell the writer was serious.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti7", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti7" < }, < "238" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "novakidteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidteleporter" < }, < "239" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "humanshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humanshiplockerTier0" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", < "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercorner", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "240" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own Apex villager!", < "//name" : "spawnerapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "241" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own doctor!", < "//name" : "spawnerdoctor", < "//shortdescription" : "Doctor Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerdoctor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "242" : { < "//description" : "Tool Merchant Spawner - for when you need to dig a hole.", < "//name" : "spawnertools", < "//shortdescription" : "Tool Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnertools", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "243" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "244" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "245" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "246" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "247" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "248" : { < "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", < "//name" : "displaylight_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "249" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "25" : { < "//name" : "captainschair", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "250" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "251" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "252" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "253" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "254" : { < "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", < "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "displaylightbroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "255" : { < "//description" : "A timer that stays active for a set duration.", < "//name" : "countdowntimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Countdown Timer", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "countdowntimer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "256" : { < "//description" : "blood is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripblood1", < "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripblood1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "257" : { < "//description" : "blood is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripblood1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripblood1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "258" : { < "//description" : "blood is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripblood1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripblood1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "259" : { < "//description" : "A sticky door made from organic hexagonal pods.", < "//name" : "hivedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "260" : { < "//description" : "A smoke machine.", < "//name" : "smokemachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Smoke Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smokemachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "261" : { < "//description" : "An XOR switch. The output will be on when exactly one of the inputs is on.", < "//name" : "foundryxor", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry XOR Switch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "foundryxor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "262" : { < "//description" : "A lamp illuminated by suspended globules of lava.", < "//name" : "magmalamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Magma Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "magmalamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "263" : { < "//name" : "humanfossil3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "264" : { < "//name" : "humanfossil2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "265" : { < "//name" : "humanfossilcomplete", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "266" : { < "//name" : "humanfossil1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "267" : { < "//name" : "humanfossilcomplete_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "268" : { < "//description" : "An alarm bell. One would hope this never needs to be rung.", < "//name" : "glitchalarm", < "//shortdescription" : "Alarm Bell", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchalarm", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "269" : { < "//description" : "An alarm bell. One would hope this never needs to be rung.", < "//name" : "glitchalarm_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Alarm Bell", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchalarm", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A space heater!", < "//name" : "bunkerheater1", < "//shortdescription" : "Space Heater", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerheater1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongirderv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "The display shows a round central room branching off into several hallways.", < "//name" : "bunkerdisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Blueprint Display", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "Spawns monsters in a variety of configurable ways.", < "//name" : "monsterspawner", < "//shortdescription" : "Monster Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "monsterspawner" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "There is no need to be upset.", < "//name" : "bunkerposter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Calming Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerposter2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", < "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-32", < "object" : "bunkerceilinglight1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own Avian villager!", < "//name" : "spawneravian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawneravian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A simple metal table.", < "//name" : "bunkertable1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertable1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "Waz.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti1", < "//shortdescription" : "'Waz' Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "prisongraffiti1" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "The amount of data on this screen is overwhelming.", < "//name" : "bunkerbigpanel", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerbigpanel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "Graffiti. The writer seems somewhat peeved.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti5", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti5" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 5 seconds.", < "//name" : "timer5s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (5 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer5s" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "It seems to scan eyeballs to match personnel data.", < "//name" : "bunkereyescanner", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Eye Scanner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkereyescanner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//name" : "incinerator", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A metal fence with red and black warning stripes.", < "//name" : "miningfence", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Railing", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningfence", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", < "//name" : "prisonfile1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfile1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", < "//name" : "penguinbasedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "penguinbasedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripslime1", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripslime1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A simple bench, save for the fact that the legs are nailed to the floor.", < "//name" : "prisonbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "Stay still! It can't see you if you stay still.", < "//name" : "bunkermotiondetector", < "//shortdescription" : "Motion Detector", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkermotiondetector", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", < "//name" : "prisontorturebed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Torture Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontorturebed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "humancaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humancaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "Ideal for laying out battle strategies, holding meetings and snacking.", < "//name" : "bunkertable3", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Metal Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertable3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "Looks like someone had a rough night.", < "//name" : "prisontoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "humanteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humanteleporterTier0" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "Looks like it's mainly used for data entry. Nothing too interesting.", < "//name" : "bunkercomputer", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Computer", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercomputer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripslime1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripslime1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", < "//name" : "prisongrateh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizonal Metal Grates", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongrateh", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "It scans fingerprints to match personnel data.", < "//name" : "bunkerhandscanner", < "//shortdescription" : "USCM Fingerprint Scanner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkerhandscanner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway.", < "//name" : "prisonshowerdripping", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Prison Shower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonshowerdripping", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A crudely-drawn skull. It looks cheerful.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti4", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti4" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "An output light. Indicates whether something is on or off.", < "//name" : "bulb", < "//shortdescription" : "Bulb", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bulb" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own Floran villager!", < "//name" : "spawnerfloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "Some sort of solitary confinement device, maybe?", < "//name" : "prisonforcecell", < "//shortdescription" : "Force Cell", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonforcecell", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", < "//name" : "dripslime1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dripslime1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", < "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkertv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "Thick metal bars surround each cell. Chance of escape seems pretty slim.", < "//name" : "prisonbars", < "//shortdescription" : "Prison Bars", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbars" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", < "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisongirderh" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "Graffiti. A harsh warning. Ignore it.", < "//name" : "prisongraffiti3", < "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "prisongraffiti3" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "It's full of really tempting levers but I should probably leave it alone.", < "//name" : "bunkerconsole1", < "//shortdescription" : "Command Console", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerconsole1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A toilet! Thank the stars!", < "//name" : "basictoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basictoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "It's a large server cabinet.", < "//name" : "bunkerserver", < "//shortdescription" : "Server Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerserver", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", < "//name" : "miningverticaldoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "miningverticaldoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "Spawn your very own guard!", < "//name" : "spawnerguard", < "//shortdescription" : "Guard Spawner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spawnerguard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A set of monitors displaying the feeds from security cameras. Watch out for paranormal activity.", < "//name" : "prisoncamerastation", < "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera Station", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncamerastation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 4 seconds.", < "//name" : "timer4s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (4 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer4s" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "The sign says \"DANGER\". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", < "//name" : "dangersignh", < "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Danger Sign", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dangersignh" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", < "//name" : "outpostslidingdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Sliding Door", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostslidingdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A shield generator. Protective!", < "//name" : "humangenerator", < "//shortdescription" : "Shield Generator", < "imagePositionX" : "-80", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humangenerator", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "There's a book in here titled, 'How to Travel Backwards in Time for Dummies'.", < "//name" : "bunkerbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 2 seconds.", < "//name" : "timer2s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (2 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer2s" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation6", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation7", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation8", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", < "//name" : "curtain1_orientation9", < "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "curtain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", < "//name" : "bunkerlightv", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Fluorescent Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "bunkerlightv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "humanshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humanshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 3 seconds.", < "//name" : "timer3s", < "//shortdescription" : "Timer (3 Sec)", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "timer3s" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A cold, hard slab of metal meant to serve as a bed.", > "//name" : "prisonbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Chained Metal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A shiny glass panel.", > "//name" : "glasspanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Glass Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glasspanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 1 second.", > "//name" : "timer1s", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (1 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer1s" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "That's not very encouraging.", > "//name" : "bunkerposter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Motivational Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerposter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "This jukebox sounds great! Too bad there only seems to be one track.", > "//name" : "jukebox", > "//shortdescription" : "Jukebox", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "jukebox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "It's a map displaying a round central room branching out into several corridors.", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay3", > "//shortdescription" : "Map Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay3", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "It's a chain-link fence.", > "//name" : "prisonfence2", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Chain-link Fence", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfence2" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "An /'XOR'/ switch. Requires one input to be on, and one off.", > "//name" : "xor", > "//shortdescription" : "XOR Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "xor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "Drops of water.", > "//name" : "drip1", > "//shortdescription" : "Water Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drip1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//name" : "drip1_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "107" : { > "//name" : "drip1_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", > "//name" : "prisonlocker1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Prison Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonlocker1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A machine used to move large amounts of mined material.", > "//name" : "miningbelt", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Conveyer Belt", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningbelt", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 0.5 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (0.5 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "humanstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humanstoragelocker" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", > "//name" : "hazardtapeh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Hazard Tape", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hazardtapeh" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenhumanfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenhumanfuelhatch" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A solid metal table.", > "//name" : "bunkertable2", > "//shortdescription" : "Solid Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertable2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "It's a patient file. He appears to be human, but... with two hearts?", > "//name" : "bunkerpanel2", > "//shortdescription" : "Medical Data Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerpanel2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for storing a lot of food and keeping it fresh.", > "//name" : "fridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Full-Size Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "It's been so long since I had a home cooked meal... or a home.", > "//name" : "oven1", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oven1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A machine used for breaking down rocks.", > "//name" : "miningcrusher", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Impact Crusher", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningcrusher", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway. If the water was actually clean.", > "//name" : "prisonshower", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Shower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonshower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "Basic Bath", > "//name" : "basicbath", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Bath", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basicbath", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A Latch. Can be used to store a wire state.", > "//name" : "dlatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Latch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "dlatch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "The space heater emits a low, unpleasant hum.", > "//name" : "prisonradiator", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Radiator", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonradiator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "It's one of those drinking machines people use to make small-talk.", > "//name" : "watermachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Water Cooler", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "watermachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "The sign says, \"Cell Block\".", > "//name" : "prisonsign1", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Block Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsign1" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "That sure is one flashy recruitment poster.", > "//name" : "bunkerpanel3", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Recruitment Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerpanel3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "humantechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humantechstation" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own wizard!", > "//name" : "spawnerwizard", > "//shortdescription" : "Wizard Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerwizard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "Compress pixels for storage.", > "//name" : "pixelcompressor", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pixel Compressor^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pixelcompressor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own human villager!", > "//name" : "spawnerhuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerhuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "humanshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humanshiplocker" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "Sterile, recycled air whirs through the fanblades at a steady pace.", > "//name" : "bunkervent", > "//shortdescription" : "Bunker Vent", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkervent" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "", > "//name" : "not", > "//shortdescription" : "NOT Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "not", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own Glitch villager!", > "//name" : "spawnerglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "It's a turbine. Y'know, for science.", > "//name" : "prisonturbine", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Turbine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonturbine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "Sure seems that way, Anonymous Graffiti Artist.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti2", > "//shortdescription" : "\"No Escape\" Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-48", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongraffiti2" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "The panel displays information about interacting with prisoners...", > "//name" : "prisonpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "It says, \"Reminder to all inmates: You're here for life.\"", > "//name" : "prisonpaper1", > "//shortdescription" : "Inmate Notice", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonpaper1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "The paper is ripped and the words are smudged.", > "//name" : "prisonpaper2", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Torn Memo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonpaper2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "This appears to be an analysis of the environment outside of the bunker.", > "//name" : "bunkerpanel1", > "//shortdescription" : "Environmental Data Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerpanel1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "humanfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "humanfuelhatch" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "Looks like it used to be filled with medical supplies - not any more.", > "//name" : "prisoncabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Supply Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "This is just an electrical fire waiting to happen.", > "//name" : "bunkerwires", > "//shortdescription" : "Wires", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerwires", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "An /'OR'/ switch. Allows you to have multiple individual inputs.", > "//name" : "or", > "//shortdescription" : "OR Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "or", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own pirate!", > "//name" : "spawnerpirate", > "//shortdescription" : "Pirate Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerpirate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "USCM, huh? I wouldn't wanna be one of their prisoners.", > "//name" : "prisonstonesign", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Penal Colony Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonstonesign", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "novakidshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", > "//name" : "prisontorturebed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Upright Torture Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontorturebed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "humanshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humanshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "A flickering light to set that creepy mood.", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlightBroken_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlightBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight2", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "bunkerceilinglight2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", > "//name" : "prisonmirror2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Broken Mirror", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonmirror2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", > "//name" : "prisongratev", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Metal Grates", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongratev", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "Ouch! I shouldn't get too close to that.", > "//name" : "barbedwire", > "//shortdescription" : "Barbed Wire", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barbedwire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", > "//name" : "prisoncorner", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisoncorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", > "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisoncorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Nuke all the foods!", > "//name" : "microwave", > "//shortdescription" : "Microwave", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "microwave", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A decorative gothic corner.", > "//name" : "prisoncorner_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisoncorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own chef!", > "//name" : "spawnerchef", > "//shortdescription" : "Chef Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerchef", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "A set of three TV monitors facing in different directions.'", > "//name" : "bunkertv2", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Television Monitors", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkertv2" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "It feels like I'm on stage!", > "//name" : "prisonfloodlight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Floodlight", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonfloodlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "A storage crate, typically used for stashing equipment and ores.", > "//name" : "lunarbasecrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasecrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A door made of thick metal bars.", > "//name" : "prisondoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Barred Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisondoor" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "Stim Merchant Spawner - for when you really need a pick-me-up.", > "//name" : "spawnerstim", > "//shortdescription" : "Stim Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerstim", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "An /'AND'/ switch. Requires all inputs to be /'on'/ to work.", > "//name" : "and", > "//shortdescription" : "AND Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "and", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious light from a mysterious source.", > "//name" : "mysteriouslight_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Mysterious Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mysteriouslight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "It's a screen full of super top secret mission data... Boring.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole4", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "A television! I don't think this has worked for a long time.", > "//name" : "basictv", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Television", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basictv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "Two keyboards and one monitor?", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it's full of hazardous materials.", > "//name" : "bunkercabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A metal crate.", > "//name" : "bunkercrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "A screen with a pie chart representing budget statistics.", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay2", > "//shortdescription" : "Statistical Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "That's no moon...", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay4", > "//shortdescription" : "Anomalous Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "bunkerlighth", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Fluorescent Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerlighth", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "An industrial-looking metal door.", > "//name" : "miningdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Miner's Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "Just a typical cafeteria table.", > "//name" : "prisontable", > "//shortdescription" : "Cafeteria Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "A sewer valve. It's had a funny turn.", > "//name" : "sewervalve", > "//shortdescription" : "Sewer Valve", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "sewervalve", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "Someone couldn't count to 25.", > "//name" : "chalktally", > "//shortdescription" : "Tally Marks", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "chalktally" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "The sign says \"DANGER\". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", > "//name" : "dangersignv", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Danger Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "dangersignv" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.", > "//name" : "hazardtapev", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Hazard Tape", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hazardtapev" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", > "//name" : "lavalamp1", > "//shortdescription" : "Lava Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lavalamp1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "This mattress is filthy! I swear I just saw something crawling around inside.", > "//name" : "prisonmattress", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Mattress", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonmattress", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "An ornate gothic arch.", > "//name" : "prisonarch_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Arch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonarch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "A control panel that appears to operate lights, doors and alarms.", > "//name" : "prisoncontrolpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Control Panel", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncontrolpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "If you go this way, you're sure to be exiting... something.", > "//name" : "prisonexitsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Exit Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonexitsign", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", > "//name" : "prisonfile2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Rusty Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfile2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "Graffiti reading \"turn back\". Chances of it being adhered to: zero.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti6", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongraffiti6" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "Looks like someone had a case of the Mondays.", > "//name" : "prisonmirror1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Broken Mirror", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisonmirror1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "Inmate #2162's Study Group for Criminals Who Can't Read Good", > "//name" : "prisonpaper3", > "//shortdescription" : "Event Memo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonpaper3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "A fence fashioned out of heavy metal pipes.", > "//name" : "prisonpipefence", > "//shortdescription" : "Pipe Fence", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonpipefence" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "A security camera. An all-seeing eye.", > "//name" : "prisonsecuritycamera_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsecuritycamera", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "Use this to create new techs to equip on adventures!", > "//name" : "techconsolehuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Tech Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techconsolehuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "Ooh, what should I get?", > "//name" : "vendingmachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "vendingmachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "humantechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humantechstationTier0" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", > "//name" : "prisonlocker2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Prison Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonlocker2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", > "//name" : "bunkerslidingdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerslidingdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "225" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "226" : { > "//description" : "The sign says, \"Mess Hall\".", > "//name" : "prisonsign2", > "//shortdescription" : "Mess Hall Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisonsign2" > }, > "227" : { > "//description" : "Dripping Basic Bath", > "//name" : "basicbathdripping", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Basic Bath", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basicbathdripping", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "228" : { > "//description" : "What does USCM stand for, again? Oh - United Systems Colonial Marines.", > "//name" : "marinesign", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "marinesign" > }, > "229" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "humanteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humanteleporter" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "230" : { > "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "drip2", > "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drip2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "231" : { > "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "drip2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drip2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "232" : { > "//description" : "Acid is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "drip2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Acid Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "drip2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "233" : { > "//description" : "A metal sign that says \"HAZARD!\"", > "//name" : "mininghazardsign", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hazard Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "mininghazardsign" > }, > "234" : { > "//description" : "A large metal Skip full of rubble.", > "//name" : "miningskip", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Skip", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningskip", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "235" : { > "//description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", > "//name" : "bunkerdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "236" : { > "//description" : "Fire in a rusted-out barrel.", > "//name" : "prisonbarrelfire", > "//shortdescription" : "Barrel Fire", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbarrelfire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "237" : { > "//description" : "The words \"get out\" have been written in blood. You can tell the writer was serious.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti7", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisongraffiti7" > }, > "238" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "novakidteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidteleporter" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "humanshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humanshiplockerTier0" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A support beam painted with cautionary stripes. Mind your head!", > "//name" : "bunkercorner_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Support Beam", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercorner", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own Apex villager!", > "//name" : "spawnerapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "241" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own doctor!", > "//name" : "spawnerdoctor", > "//shortdescription" : "Doctor Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerdoctor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "242" : { > "//description" : "Tool Merchant Spawner - for when you need to dig a hole.", > "//name" : "spawnertools", > "//shortdescription" : "Tool Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnertools", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "244" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "245" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "246" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "247" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "248" : { > "//description" : "A directional light used to illuminate items on display.", > "//name" : "displaylight_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "249" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "25" : { > "//name" : "captainschair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "250" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "251" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "252" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "253" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "254" : { > "//description" : "This light is meant to illuminate a display of some kind.", > "//name" : "displaylightbroken_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Display Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "displaylightbroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "255" : { > "//description" : "A timer that stays active for a set duration.", > "//name" : "countdowntimer", > "//shortdescription" : "Countdown Timer", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "countdowntimer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "256" : { > "//description" : "blood is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripblood1", > "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripblood1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "257" : { > "//description" : "blood is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripblood1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripblood1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "258" : { > "//description" : "blood is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripblood1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Blood Drop Source", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripblood1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "259" : { > "//description" : "A sticky door made from organic hexagonal pods.", > "//name" : "hivedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "260" : { > "//description" : "A smoke machine.", > "//name" : "smokemachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Smoke Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smokemachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "261" : { > "//description" : "An XOR switch. The output will be on when exactly one of the inputs is on.", > "//name" : "foundryxor", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry XOR Switch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "foundryxor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "262" : { > "//description" : "A lamp illuminated by suspended globules of lava.", > "//name" : "magmalamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Magma Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "magmalamp", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "263" : { > "//name" : "humanfossil3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "264" : { > "//name" : "humanfossil2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "265" : { > "//name" : "humanfossilcomplete", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "266" : { > "//name" : "humanfossil1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "267" : { > "//name" : "humanfossilcomplete_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "268" : { > "//description" : "An alarm bell. One would hope this never needs to be rung.", > "//name" : "glitchalarm", > "//shortdescription" : "Alarm Bell", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchalarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "269" : { > "//description" : "An alarm bell. One would hope this never needs to be rung.", > "//name" : "glitchalarm_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Alarm Bell", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchalarm", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A space heater!", > "//name" : "bunkerheater1", > "//shortdescription" : "Space Heater", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerheater1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderv_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Vertical Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongirderv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "The display shows a round central room branching off into several hallways.", > "//name" : "bunkerdisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Blueprint Display", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "Spawns monsters in a variety of configurable ways.", > "//name" : "monsterspawner", > "//shortdescription" : "Monster Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "monsterspawner" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "There is no need to be upset.", > "//name" : "bunkerposter2", > "//shortdescription" : "Calming Poster", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerposter2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A metallic ceiling lamp.", > "//name" : "bunkerceilinglight1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Ceiling Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-32", > "object" : "bunkerceilinglight1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own Avian villager!", > "//name" : "spawneravian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawneravian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A simple metal table.", > "//name" : "bunkertable1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertable1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "Waz.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti1", > "//shortdescription" : "'Waz' Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "prisongraffiti1" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "The amount of data on this screen is overwhelming.", > "//name" : "bunkerbigpanel", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerbigpanel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "Graffiti. The writer seems somewhat peeved.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti5", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisongraffiti5" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 5 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer5s", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (5 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer5s" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", > "//name" : "flickeringfluorescentlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Fluorescent Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "flickeringfluorescentlight" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "It seems to scan eyeballs to match personnel data.", > "//name" : "bunkereyescanner", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Eye Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkereyescanner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//name" : "incinerator", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A metal fence with red and black warning stripes.", > "//name" : "miningfence", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Railing", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningfence", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", > "//name" : "prisonfile1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfile1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", > "//name" : "penguinbasedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "penguinbasedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripslime1", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripslime1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A simple bench, save for the fact that the legs are nailed to the floor.", > "//name" : "prisonbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "Stay still! It can't see you if you stay still.", > "//name" : "bunkermotiondetector", > "//shortdescription" : "Motion Detector", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkermotiondetector", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", > "//name" : "prisontorturebed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Torture Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontorturebed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "It looks like a screen full of personnel memos.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "humancaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humancaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "Ideal for laying out battle strategies, holding meetings and snacking.", > "//name" : "bunkertable3", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Metal Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertable3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "Looks like someone had a rough night.", > "//name" : "prisontoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "humanteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humanteleporterTier0" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "Looks like it's mainly used for data entry. Nothing too interesting.", > "//name" : "bunkercomputer", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Computer", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercomputer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripslime1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripslime1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "Rusted metal grates meant for ventilation.", > "//name" : "prisongrateh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizonal Metal Grates", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongrateh", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "It scans fingerprints to match personnel data.", > "//name" : "bunkerhandscanner", > "//shortdescription" : "USCM Fingerprint Scanner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkerhandscanner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway.", > "//name" : "prisonshowerdripping", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Prison Shower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonshowerdripping", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A crudely-drawn skull. It looks cheerful.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti4", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisongraffiti4" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "An output light. Indicates whether something is on or off.", > "//name" : "bulb", > "//shortdescription" : "Bulb", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bulb" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own Floran villager!", > "//name" : "spawnerfloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "Some sort of solitary confinement device, maybe?", > "//name" : "prisonforcecell", > "//shortdescription" : "Force Cell", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonforcecell", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv", > "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "Slime is dripping from this place.", > "//name" : "dripslime1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Dripping Slime", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dripslime1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "The monitor displays a task list.", > "//name" : "bunkertv_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small USCM Monitor", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkertv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "Thick metal bars surround each cell. Chance of escape seems pretty slim.", > "//name" : "prisonbars", > "//shortdescription" : "Prison Bars", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbars" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "Rusty old girder beams - can't be too safe.", > "//name" : "prisongirderh_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Rusted Girder", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisongirderh" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "Graffiti. A harsh warning. Ignore it.", > "//name" : "prisongraffiti3", > "//shortdescription" : "Graffiti", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "prisongraffiti3" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "It's full of really tempting levers but I should probably leave it alone.", > "//name" : "bunkerconsole1", > "//shortdescription" : "Command Console", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerconsole1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A toilet! Thank the stars!", > "//name" : "basictoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basictoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "It's a large server cabinet.", > "//name" : "bunkerserver", > "//shortdescription" : "Server Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerserver", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A vertical hatch doorway.", > "//name" : "miningverticaldoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "miningverticaldoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "Spawn your very own guard!", > "//name" : "spawnerguard", > "//shortdescription" : "Guard Spawner", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spawnerguard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A set of monitors displaying the feeds from security cameras. Watch out for paranormal activity.", > "//name" : "prisoncamerastation", > "//shortdescription" : "Security Camera Station", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncamerastation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 4 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer4s", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (4 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer4s" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "The sign says \"DANGER\". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?", > "//name" : "dangersignh", > "//shortdescription" : "Horizontal Danger Sign", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dangersignh" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...", > "//name" : "outpostslidingdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Sliding Door", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostslidingdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A shield generator. Protective!", > "//name" : "humangenerator", > "//shortdescription" : "Shield Generator", > "imagePositionX" : "-80", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humangenerator", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "There's a book in here titled, 'How to Travel Backwards in Time for Dummies'.", > "//name" : "bunkerbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 2 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer2s", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (2 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer2s" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation6", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation7", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation8", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "This looks like a nice place to hide.", > "//name" : "curtain1_orientation9", > "//shortdescription" : "Curtain", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "curtain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "A blindingly bright fluorescent light.", > "//name" : "bunkerlightv", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Fluorescent Lamp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "bunkerlightv", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "humanshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humanshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokenhumanfuelhatchTier0" > }, > "99" : { > "//description" : "The timer output alternates between on and off every 3 seconds.", > "//name" : "timer3s", > "//shortdescription" : "Timer (3 Sec)", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "timer3s" > } 2348,3157c2348,3157 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonbed.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/glasspanel.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/timer1s.png" < }, < "100" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerposter1.png" < }, < "101" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/jukebox.png" < }, < "102" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bunkerdisplay3.png" < }, < "103" : { < "image" : 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Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagnovakid", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagnovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagnovakid_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagnovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "novakidteleporterTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidteleporterTier0" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", < "//name" : "novakidshipdoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidshipdoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", < "//name" : "novakidteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidteleporter" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A swinging saloon door to keep those pesky tumbleweeds outside.", < "//name" : "saloondoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "saloondoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A richly-stained table fit for an old Western.", < "//name" : "saloontable", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloontable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A drinks cabinet, stocked with glassware and odd-shaped bottles.", < "//name" : "salooncabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "salooncabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", < "//name" : "saloonpiano", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonpiano", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking saloon chair.", < "//name" : "saloonseat", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "novakidtechstation", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidtechstation" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "Eughh.", < "//name" : "saloonspittoon", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Spittoon", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonspittoon", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", < "//name" : "saloonlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", < "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", < "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonlight", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", < "//name" : "saloonpiano_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonpiano", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "novakidfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "novakidfuelhatch" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "novakidshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidshiplocker" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", < "//name" : "novakidtechstationTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidtechstationTier0" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "novakidcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", < "//name" : "brokennovakidfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatch" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "novakidstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidstoragelocker" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "novakidshiplockerTier0", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidshiplockerTier0" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "novakidteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidteleporterTier0" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidshipdoorBroken", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "A door suitable for a spaceship.", > "//name" : "novakidshipdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidshipdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "novakidteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidteleporter" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A swinging saloon door to keep those pesky tumbleweeds outside.", > "//name" : "saloondoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "saloondoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A richly-stained table fit for an old Western.", > "//name" : "saloontable", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloontable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A drinks cabinet, stocked with glassware and odd-shaped bottles.", > "//name" : "salooncabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "salooncabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", > "//name" : "saloonpiano", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking saloon chair.", > "//name" : "saloonseat", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "novakidtechstation", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidtechstation" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "Eughh.", > "//name" : "saloonspittoon", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Spittoon", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonspittoon", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", > "//name" : "saloonlight", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", > "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "An electric wall sconce.", > "//name" : "saloonlight_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Light", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonlight", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", > "//name" : "saloonpiano_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "novakidfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "novakidfuelhatch" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "novakidshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidshiplocker" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "Ship-based Artificial Intelligence Lattice, or S.A.I.L for short.", > "//name" : "novakidtechstationTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "S.A.I.L", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidtechstationTier0" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "novakidcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A broken fuel hatch. This won't do!", > "//name" : "brokennovakidfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "brokennovakidfuelhatch" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "novakidstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidstoragelocker" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "novakidshiplockerTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidshiplockerTier0" > } 227,301c227,301 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid_orientation1.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidteleporterTier0.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidshipdoorBroken.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidshipdoor.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidteleporter.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloondoor.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloontable.png" < }, < "17" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/salooncabinet.png" < }, < "18" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonpiano.png" < }, < "19" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonseat.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidtechstation.png" < }, < "20" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonspittoon.png" < }, < "21" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonlight.png" < }, < "22" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonlight_orientation2.png" < }, < "23" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonlight_orientation3.png" < }, < "24" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonpiano_orientation1.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidfuelhatch.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidshiplocker.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidtechstationTier0.png" < }, < "6" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidcaptainschair.png" < }, < "7" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokennovakidfuelhatch.png" < }, < "8" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidstoragelocker.png" < }, < "9" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidshiplockerTier0.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid_orientation1.png" > }, > "10" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidteleporterTier0.png" > }, > "11" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokennovakidfuelhatchTier0.png" > }, > "12" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidshipdoorBroken.png" > }, > "13" : { > 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonlight_orientation3.png" > }, > "24" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/saloonpiano_orientation1.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidfuelhatch.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidshiplocker.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidtechstationTier0.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidcaptainschair.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brokennovakidfuelhatch.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidstoragelocker.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/novakidshiplockerTier0.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-race\protectorate.json 10,803c10,803 < "0" : { < "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratewallbanner", < 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It has a plaque.", < "//name" : "protectorategardenbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorategardenbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Protectorate Garden Bushes.", < "//name" : "protectorategardentree", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Bushes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorategardentree" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "Protectorate wind chimes. These can be found in the garden.", < "//name" : "protectorategardenwindchimes", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Wind Chimes", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "protectorategardenwindchimes", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "A toilet roll holder. Hope it doesn't run out!", < "//name" : "protectoratedormtoiletroll", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Toilet Roll Holder.", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratedormtoiletroll" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "The Protectorate Academy door.", < "//name" : "protectoratedoor", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Academy Door", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratedoor", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate.", < "//name" : "protectoratebench", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", < "//name" : "protectorateportrait1", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateportrait1" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", < "//name" : "protectorateportrait5", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "protectorateportrait5" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", < "//name" : "protectorateportrait3", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "protectorateportrait3" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "A vending machine from the Protectorate Lobby.", < "//name" : "protectoratelobbyvending", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratelobbyvending" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", < "//name" : "protectorateportrait2", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector 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"protectoratestorage1" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "Storage unit from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratestorage2", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Storage Unit", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratestorage2" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Storage unit from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratestorage3", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Storage Unit", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratestorage3" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "A table from the Protectorate academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratelobbytable", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Lobby Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratelobbytable" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A roof top vent from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectoraterooftopprop2", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Roof Top Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoraterooftopprop2" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A torn Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratefbannertorn2", < "//shortdescription" : "Torn Protectorate Wall Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "protectoratefbannertorn2" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A torn Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratefbannertorn1", < "//shortdescription" : "Torn Protectorate Wall Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "protectoratefbannertorn1" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A water tank from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratewatertank", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Water Tank", < "imagePositionX" : "-48", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratewatertank" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "protectoratebrokenlight", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebrokenlight" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A roof top vent from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectorateroofdetail03", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Roof Top Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateroofdetail03" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A roof top vent from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectorateroofdetail01", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Roof Top Vent", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateroofdetail01" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A broken picture frame.", < "//name" : "protectoratebrokenportrait1", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Protectorate Picture Frame", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebrokenportrait1" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "Esther Bright, former Grand Protector.", < "//name" : "protectoratebrokenportrait4", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebrokenportrait4" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A torn picture frame.", < "//name" : "protectoratebrokenportrait3", < "//shortdescription" : "Torn Protectorate Picture Frame", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebrokenportrait3" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "A bank of locked Protectorate lockers.", < "//name" : "protectoratelobbylockers", < "//shortdescription" : "Locked Protectorate Lockers", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratelobbylockers" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "Leda Portia, The Grand Protector.", < "//name" : "protectoratebrokenportrait5", < "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", < 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And I may need it to get out of here alive.", < "//name" : "protectoratebeamaxe", < "//shortdescription" : "Matter Manipulator", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebeamaxe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A bank of protectorate lockers, including yours.", < "//name" : "protectoratelobbylockers2", < "//shortdescription" : "My Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratelobbylockers2" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratewindbanner", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner2", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratewindbanner2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner2_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner3", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratewindbanner3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "The standard Protectorate student bunk bed.", < "//name" : "protectoratedormbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bunk Bed.", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratedormbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner3_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A very robust looking tool box.", < "//name" : "protectoratetoolbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Toolbox", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratetoolbox" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A Protector...", < "//name" : "protectorateincap3", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateincap3" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A Protector...", < "//name" : "protectorateincap1", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateincap1" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A Protector...", < "//name" : "protectorateincap4", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateincap4" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", < "//name" : "protectoratehologlobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Hologlobe", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratehologlobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "A Protector...", < "//name" : "protectorateincap6", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateincap6" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A Protector...", < "//name" : "protectorateincap2", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateincap2" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A students guitar.", < "//name" : "protectorateguitar", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Red Guitar", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateguitar" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "This needs a guitar to go with it.", < "//name" : "protectorateamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Amp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateamp" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "Race banners from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratelobbyracebanners", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Race Banners", < "imagePositionX" : "-72", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "protectoratelobbyracebanners" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "Time to study...", < "//name" : "protectoratebooks", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Books", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebooks" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "I'm very, very late!", < "//name" : "protectorateclock", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Clock", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "protectorateclock" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "For when you want to procrastinate.", < "//name" : "protectorategamesconsole", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Games Console", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "protectorategamesconsole" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A Protector...", < "//name" : "protectorateincap5", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateincap5" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A Poptop action figure from the Protectorate.", < "//name" : "protectoratefigures", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Poptop Toy", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratefigures", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//name" : "protectoratefigures_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "A dancing hula girl. Aloha!", < "//name" : "protectoratehulagirl", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Hula Girl", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratehulagirl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "An exotic-looking cactus in a flower pot.", < "//name" : "protectoratecactiflowerpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Cactus Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratecactiflowerpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", < "//name" : "protectoratelavalamp", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Lava Lamp", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratelavalamp", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A radio.", < "//name" : "protectorateradio", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Radio", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateradio", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A nice lobby plant.", < "//name" : "protectoratelobbyplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Lobby Plant.", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratelobbyplant" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "Time to study...", < "//name" : "protectoratebooks2", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Books", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebooks2" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "Storage unit from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratestorage4", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Storage Unit-todo-", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratestorage4" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "Are you thirsty?", < "//name" : "protectoratewaterdispenser", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Water Dispenser", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratewaterdispenser" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A fire extinguisher for when the worst happens.", < "//name" : "protectorateextinguisher", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Fire Extinguisher", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "protectorateextinguisher" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "So many books, so little time!", < "//name" : "protectoratebookcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Book Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebookcabinet" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "Storage unit from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratestorage6", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Storage Unit-todo-", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratestorage6" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A bin.", < "//name" : "protectoratelobbybin", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bin", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratelobbybin" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "Storage unit from the Protectorate Academy.", < "//name" : "protectoratestorage5", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Storage Unit-todo-", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratestorage5" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "Smoke", < "//name" : "protectoratesmokegen", < "//shortdescription" : "Smoke", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratesmokegen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "This fluorescent light has seen better days.", < "//name" : "protectoratelight", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Fluorescent Light", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratelight" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A television playing a news report", < "//name" : "protectoratelobbytv", < "//shortdescription" : "Lobby TV", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratelobbytv", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "There's no way back. Even a Matter Manipulator couldn't break up this reinforced debris.", < "//name" : "protectoraterubble", < "//shortdescription" : "Impassable Rubble", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoraterubble", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A good source of information.", < "//name" : "protectorateinfobooth", < "//shortdescription" : "Info Booth", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateinfobooth", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A broken vending machine.", < "//name" : "protectoratebrokenvending", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Vending Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebrokenvending" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "Smoke billows from this point.", < "//name" : "protectoratesmokeprimer", < "//shortdescription" : "Smoke", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratesmokeprimer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A broken display case.", < "//name" : "protectoratebrokendisplay2", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Broken Display", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebrokendisplay2" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A broken display case.", < "//name" : "protectoratebrokendisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Broken Display", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebrokendisplay1" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "The robe of a previous Grand Protector. Fancy!", < "//name" : "protectoraterobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Robe Prop", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoraterobe" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "An invading tentacle.", < "//name" : "protectoratetentacle", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Tentacle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratetentacle", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "An old book full of guidelines for Protectors.", < "//name" : "protectorateguidelines", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Old Book", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateguidelines" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A replica of a Matter Manipulator", < "//name" : "protectoratemanipulator", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Matter Manipulator", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratemanipulator" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A nice looking chair for cool Protectorate students.", < "//name" : "protectoratelobbychair", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Lobby Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratelobbychair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A fallen ribbon.", < "//name" : "protectoratefallenrope", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Ruined Ribbon", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratefallenrope" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "A fancy red ribbon.", < "//name" : "protectoraterope", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Ribbon", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoraterope" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A poster of a Matter Manipulator.", < "//name" : "protectorateposter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "protectorateposter1" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A retro poster.", < "//name" : "protectorateposter2", < "//shortdescription" : "Poster", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "protectorateposter2" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "An invading tentacle.", < "//name" : "protectoratetentacle2", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Tentacle", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratetentacle2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A torn bit of fabric from a Protectorate Banner.", < "//name" : "protectoratecape", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Banner Rag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratecape", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "A simple waste bin for students.", < "//name" : "protectoratewastebin", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Waste Bin", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratewastebin" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate garden. It has a plaque.", < "//name" : "protectorategardenbench_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorategardenbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratewallbanner", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-40", > "object" : "protectoratewallbanner" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A bathroom mirror from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratedormmirror", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bathroom Mirror", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "protectoratedormmirror" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "The standard Protectorate Dorm Toilet.", > "//name" : "protectoratedormtoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Dorm Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratedormtoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate garden. It has a plaque.", > "//name" : "protectorategardenbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorategardenbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Protectorate Garden Bushes.", > "//name" : "protectorategardentree", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Bushes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorategardentree" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "Protectorate wind chimes. These can be found in the garden.", > "//name" : "protectorategardenwindchimes", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Wind Chimes", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "protectorategardenwindchimes", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "A toilet roll holder. Hope it doesn't run out!", > "//name" : "protectoratedormtoiletroll", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Toilet Roll Holder.", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratedormtoiletroll" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "The Protectorate Academy door.", > "//name" : "protectoratedoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Academy Door", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratedoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate.", > "//name" : "protectoratebench", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", > "//name" : "protectorateportrait1", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateportrait1" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", > "//name" : "protectorateportrait5", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectorateportrait5" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", > "//name" : "protectorateportrait3", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector Portrait", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectorateportrait3" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "A vending machine from the Protectorate Lobby.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbyvending", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Vending Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbyvending" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A portrait of a former Grand Protector.", > "//name" : "protectorateportrait2", > "//shortdescription" : "Grand Protector 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"protectoratestorage1" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "Storage unit from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratestorage2", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Storage Unit", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratestorage2" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Storage unit from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratestorage3", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Storage Unit", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratestorage3" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "A table from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbytable", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Lobby Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbytable" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A roof top vent from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoraterooftopprop2", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Roof Top Vent", > 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And I may need it to get out of here alive.", > "//name" : "protectoratebeamaxe", > "//shortdescription" : "Matter Manipulator", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebeamaxe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A bank of protectorate lockers, including yours.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbylockers2", > "//shortdescription" : "My Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbylockers2" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratewindbanner", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner2", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratewindbanner2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner2_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A Protectorate wallbanner from the Protectorate academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner3", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Wall Banner", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratewindbanner3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "The standard Protectorate student bunk bed.", > "//name" : "protectoratedormbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bunk Bed.", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratedormbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//name" : "protectoratewindbanner3_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A very robust looking tool box.", > "//name" : "protectoratetoolbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Toolbox", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratetoolbox" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A Protector...", > "//name" : "protectorateincap3", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateincap3" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A Protector...", > "//name" : "protectorateincap1", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateincap1" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A Protector...", > "//name" : "protectorateincap4", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateincap4" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "It's entrancing. I can't look away.", > "//name" : "protectoratehologlobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Hologlobe", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratehologlobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "A Protector...", > "//name" : "protectorateincap6", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateincap6" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A Protector...", > "//name" : "protectorateincap2", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateincap2" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A students guitar.", > "//name" : "protectorateguitar", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Red Guitar", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateguitar" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "This needs a guitar to go with it.", > "//name" : "protectorateamp", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Amp", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateamp" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "Race banners from the Protectorate Academy.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbyracebanners", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Race Banners", > "imagePositionX" : "-72", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "protectoratelobbyracebanners" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "Time to study...", > "//name" : "protectoratebooks", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Books", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebooks" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "I'm very, very late!", > "//name" : "protectorateclock", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Clock", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectorateclock" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "For when you want to procrastinate.", > "//name" : "protectorategamesconsole", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Games Console", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "protectorategamesconsole" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A Protector...", > "//name" : "protectorateincap5", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Body", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateincap5" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A Poptop action figure from the Protectorate.", > "//name" : "protectoratefigures", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Poptop Toy", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratefigures", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//name" : "protectoratefigures_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "A dancing hula girl. 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart1_orientation5.png" < }, < "31" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepopmed.png" < }, < "32" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepopsmall.png" < }, < "33" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart3.png" < }, < "34" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart3_orientation2.png" < }, < "35" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart3_orientation3.png" < }, < "36" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart3_orientation4.png" < }, < "37" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart3_orientation5.png" < }, < "38" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/organictorch.png" < }, < "39" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/organictorch_orientation1.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclespawner1_orientation2.png" < }, < 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart2_orientation3.png" > }, > "11" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart2_orientation4.png" > }, > "12" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart2_orientation5.png" > }, > "13" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclespike.png" > }, > "14" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclespike_orientation2.png" > }, > "15" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclespike_orientation3.png" > }, > "16" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclespike_orientation4.png" > }, > "17" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclespike_orientation5.png" > }, > "18" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclespike_orientation6.png" > }, > "19" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclespike_orientation7.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepopbig.png" > }, > "20" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclespike_orientation8.png" > }, > "21" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclespike_orientation9.png" > }, > "22" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclespike_orientation10.png" > }, > "23" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclespike_orientation11.png" > }, > "24" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclespike_orientation12.png" > }, > "25" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclespike_orientation13.png" > }, > "26" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart1.png" > }, > "27" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart1_orientation2.png" > }, > "28" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart1_orientation3.png" > }, > "29" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart1_orientation4.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclespawner1.png" > }, > "30" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart1_orientation5.png" > }, > "31" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepopmed.png" > }, > "32" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepopsmall.png" > }, > "33" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart3.png" > }, > "34" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart3_orientation2.png" > }, > "35" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart3_orientation3.png" > }, > "36" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart3_orientation4.png" > }, > "37" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tentaclepart3_orientation5.png" > }, > "38" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/organictorch.png" > }, > "39" : { > 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{ < "//description" : "Reeds fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "reedchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A desk with large cabinet drawers.", < "//name" : "plantcabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "Nuke all the foods!", < "//name" : "microwave", < "//shortdescription" : "Microwave", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "microwave", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in red paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present2", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "glitchstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchstoragelocker" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "Perfect for storing a lot of food and keeping it fresh.", < "//name" : "fridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Full-Size Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "An alien chest.", < "//name" : "alienchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in teal paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present1", < "//shortdescription" : "Teal Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "hylotlfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "hylotlfuelhatch" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "A trash bag. What a load of rubbish.", < "//name" : "trashbag", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trashbag", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "A long chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", < "//name" : "chestfloran2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestfloran2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "It's been so long since I had a home cooked meal... or a home.", < "//name" : "oven1", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Oven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oven1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top.", < "//name" : "bigpresent", < "//shortdescription" : "Big Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bigpresent", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "glitchshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "glitchshiplocker" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "A shipping container. Probably doesn't contain a ship.", < "//name" : "outpostshippingcontainer", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Shipping Container", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostshippingcontainer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "A wooden cabinet with a sink installed.", < "//name" : "woodensink", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Sink", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodensink", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "A chest decorated with beautiful rainbow markings.", < "//name" : "rainbowchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "Looks like a place you might store an eggcup... Do Avians eat eggs?", < "//name" : "tribalwallcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "tribalwallcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A nicely made wooden desk.", < "//name" : "medievaldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "novakidstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidstoragelocker" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of flowers.", < "//name" : "giantflowerchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet containing who knows what?", < "//name" : "outpostcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "Hand-made and beautiful, this bookcase is intricately carved.", < "//name" : "tribalbookcase1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbookcase1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", < "//name" : "florancabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "Carved patterns surround this small cabinet.", < "//name" : "tribalcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Carved Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "The crystal on top of this closet appears to be broken.", < "//name" : "tribalcloset1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Closet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcloset1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet with a table top.", < "//name" : "plantcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "The fossil station is used to produce the items required for excavating and displaying fossils.", < "//name" : "fossilstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Fossil Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fossilstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "humanshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humanshiplocker" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "The refinery is used to produce raw pixels from ores.", < "//name" : "refinery", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Refinery^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "refinery", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "Cooks food to a reasonable standard.", < "//name" : "apexoven", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Oven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexoven", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "floranshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranshiplocker" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A barrel filled with treasure!", < "//name" : "barrelgoldfilled", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrelgoldfilled", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase made from the remains of Floran prey.", < "//name" : "floranbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", < "//name" : "florancabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "A desk, probably belonging to the greenfinger of a Floran tribe.", < "//name" : "florandesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florandesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of a thick slime substance.", < "//name" : "slimehide", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimehide", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "floranstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "floranstoragelocker" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "humanfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "humanfuelhatch" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "Looks like it used to be filled with medical supplies - not any more.", < "//name" : "prisoncabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Supply Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisoncabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A glowing orb. It looks like there's room to store things inside.", < "//name" : "plantorb", < "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Orb", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantorb", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "A fridge, good for keeping food cold.", < "//name" : "apexfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "largewoodencrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "largewoodencrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase for storing folk tales and legends...", < "//name" : "medievalbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A treasure chest.", < "//name" : "treasurechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "treasurechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "An upright cardboard box.", < "//name" : "cardboard1", < "//shortdescription" : "Upright Cardboard Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cardboard1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "This dresser has a musty smell. It doesn't look very clean.", < "//name" : "medievaldresser", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Dresser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaldresser", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//description" : "A locker with a tall metal door.", < "//name" : "locker1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "locker1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A locker with a wide metal door.", < "//name" : "locker2", < "//shortdescription" : "Flat Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "locker2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "hylotlstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlstoragelocker" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "techchest2", < "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "techchest2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "An opened cardboard box.", < "//name" : "cardboard3", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Cardboard Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cardboard3", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodencabinet3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wooden Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencabinet3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation4", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy suspended bookshelf.", < "//name" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wall Bookshelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "An expensive-looking wooden desk.", < "//name" : "woodendesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodendesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "A charming and well-made wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "medievalcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "This cooking pot expels the odour of a hundred hearty meals.", < "//name" : "medievallargecookingpot", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cooking Pot", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievallargecookingpot", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "apexfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "apexfuelhatch" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A storage crate, typically used for stashing equipment and ores.", < "//name" : "lunarbasecrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasecrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "A ornate obsidian bookcase.", < "//name" : "obsidianbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Obsidian Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "obsidianbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "This chest itself is a treasure, let alone the contents.", < "//name" : "royalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate.", < "//name" : "smallwoodencrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "smallwoodencrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//description" : "A wooden crate filled with treasure.", < "//name" : "woodencrategoldfilled", < "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Filled Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrategoldfilled", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", < "//name" : "standingturret_orientation5", < "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "standingturret", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in green-coloured paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present4", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier2techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "A toxic chest.", < "//name" : "toxicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "It looks like it's full of hazardous materials.", < "//name" : "bunkercabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "A metal crate.", < "//name" : "bunkercrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkercrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A Safe.", < "//name" : "safe", < "//shortdescription" : "Safe", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "safe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "A chest of roughly hewn sandstone.", < "//name" : "sandstonechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", < "//name" : "prisonfile2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wide Rusty Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfile2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A crystal chest. Perhaps the chest itself is the treasure?", < "//name" : "crystalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "A chest made from plant material. It appears to be still growing.", < "//name" : "chestplant1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestplant1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A antique crate, I wonder what's inside..", < "//name" : "wreckcrate1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckcrate1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", < "//name" : "chestmedavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Decorative Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestmedavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "An old wooden chest, still going strong.", < "//name" : "medievalchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A master work of craftsmanship. Beautiful.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "An engraved Avian tomb depicting the aether.", < "//name" : "tombthing2", < "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Avian Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", < "//name" : "prisonlocker2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Prison Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonlocker2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "The lily pad rotates to lock its doors.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Double Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Single Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A chest with a spherical lock.", < "//name" : "cellchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "A small wooden crate.", < "//name" : "box1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "box1", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "A plain stone tomb caked in dust.", < "//name" : "tombthing1", < "//shortdescription" : "Undecorated Stone Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier4techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "Each of these desks has a coffee mug and lamp fused to its surface.", < "//name" : "apexdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of vines, it's not really safe.", < "//name" : "junglechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Vine Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "junglechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "A rusty chest. Practically falling apart.", < "//name" : "rustchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//name" : "tier10techchest", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "Perfect for storing tools and equipment in!", < "//name" : "miningchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "avianstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianstoragelocker" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", < "//name" : "bunkerdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "A crate containing cargo. What cargo? Who knows.", < "//name" : "outpostcargocrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cargo Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcargocrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "A small cargo crate. No doubt it has cargo in it.", < "//name" : "outpostcargocrateshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Short Cargo Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostcargocrateshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A classy chest filled with classy treasure!", < "//name" : "classicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "A coffee machine, for the perfect pick-me-up.", < "//name" : "coffeemachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coffeemachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodsafe", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodsafe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "A basic desk.", < "//name" : "outpostdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "Fire in a rusted-out barrel.", < "//name" : "prisonbarrelfire", < "//shortdescription" : "Barrel Fire", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbarrelfire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "Embers dance away from the camp fire, warming the air. The heat can be used for cooking.", < "//name" : "campfire", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Camp Fire^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "campfire", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "A treasure chest made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "An altar dedicated to some unspeakable horror.", < "//name" : "heckaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckaltar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "A reed shelf.", < "//name" : "reedshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "An ancient chest of unknown origin.", < "//name" : "ancientchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "A ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled.", < "//name" : "librarybookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//name" : "geometricchest", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "A really gross looking chest.", < "//name" : "hivechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "200" : { < "//description" : "A blue mailbox.", < "//name" : "hylotlmailbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Urban Mailbox", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlmailbox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "A traditional index filled with cards.", < "//name" : "index", < "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "index", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "A very large shipping container.", < "//name" : "shippingcontainer", < "//shortdescription" : "Shipping Container", < "imagePositionX" : "-56", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shippingcontainer", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "hylotlcashregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Store Cash Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlcashregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "A garbage bin.", < "//name" : "hylotltrashcan", < "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltrashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "A garbage bin.", < "//name" : "hylotltrashcan_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotltrashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "A classic style desk.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "A useful storage chest.", < "//name" : "podchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Pod Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "podchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "A heavy duty chest for storing weapons.", < "//name" : "weaponchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "weaponchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "A fearsome ancient chest ornamented with a lidless eye.", < "//name" : "ancientbigchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Big Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ancientbigchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "A Miniknog locker.", < "//name" : "apexlocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexlocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "A basic wooden chest.", < "//name" : "woodenchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "A basic iron chest.", < "//name" : "ironchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "212" : { < "//description" : "A drinks cabinet, stocked with glassware and odd-shaped bottles.", < "//name" : "salooncabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "salooncabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "213" : { < "//name" : "gothiccabinet", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "214" : { < "//name" : "gothiccabinet_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "A chest made from twigs and roots.", < "//name" : "swampchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swampchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "216" : { < "//description" : "A tropical looking cabinet, complete with a little tree.", < "//name" : "islandcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "islandcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", < "//name" : "gothicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", < "//name" : "gothicbookcase_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscificabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscificabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "It should be stocked full of science journals and lab reports.", < "//name" : "apexcoolbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscificabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscificabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "A tall, sturdy kitchen cabinet. Perfect for storing tableware and food.", < "//name" : "kitchencabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Kitchen Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchencabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "223" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchencabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchencabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "224" : { < "//description" : "A quaint metal stove, perfect for cooking.", < "//name" : "cabinstove", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stove", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinstove", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "225" : { < "//name" : "kitchencabinet3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "226" : { < "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "227" : { < "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "228" : { < "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "229" : { < "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodencabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Double Wooden Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "230" : { < "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "231" : { < "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", < "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "232" : { < "//description" : "A dresser made in a retro-futuristic style", < "//name" : "retroscifidresser", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Dresser", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifidresser", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "233" : { < "//description" : "A metal desk, covered in curious devices.", < "//name" : "steampunkdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "234" : { < "//name" : "copperlocker", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "235" : { < "//description" : "A strong storage crate made from copper.", < "//name" : "copperbox1", < "//shortdescription" : "Copper Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "copperbox1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "236" : { < "//description" : "An old crate of Mining supplies - For every budding Miner!", < "//name" : "miningsupplies", < "//shortdescription" : "Mining Supplies Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "miningsupplies", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "237" : { < "//description" : "A dark, shadowy chest.", < "//name" : "shadowchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shadowchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "238" : { < "//description" : "It's Rob Repairo, A mechanical merchant who repairs lost or broken vehicles.", < "//name" : "repairo", < "//shortdescription" : "Rob Repairo", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "repairo", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "239" : { < "//description" : "This sturdy chest is made from volcanic material. Heat rises from it.", < "//name" : "volcanicchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Volcanic Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "volcanicchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A chest sealed with a piercing eye. Worth a look inside.", < "//name" : "eyechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "240" : { < "//description" : "A large contemporary chest of drawers.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Stylish Drawers", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "241" : { < "//description" : "A display stand for small fossils", < "//name" : "fossildisplay1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Fossil Display", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "16", < "object" : "fossildisplay1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "242" : { < "//description" : "A small contemporary chest of drawers.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawersmall", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Stylish Drawers", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawersmall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "243" : { < "//description" : "The creature healing station is used to heal captured creatures.", < "//name" : "pethealingstation", < "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pet Healing Station^white;", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pethealingstation", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "244" : { < "//description" : "A contemprary style fridge, capable of extending the shelf life of food.", < "//name" : "scorchedcityfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcityfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "245" : { < "//description" : "A display stand for medium fossils", < "//name" : "fossildisplay3", < "//shortdescription" : "Medium Fossil Display", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "24", < "object" : "fossildisplay3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "246" : { < "//description" : "A small rusty looking crate.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Rusty Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "247" : { < "//description" : "A rusty looking chest.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitychest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitychest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "248" : { < "//description" : "A rusty crate.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitycrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitycrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "249" : { < "//description" : "A display stand for large fossils", < "//name" : "fossildisplay5", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Fossil Display", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "8", < "object" : "fossildisplay5", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "An open stone tomb. It smells.", < "//name" : "tombthing3", < "//shortdescription" : "Open Stone Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "250" : { < "//description" : "A dumpster.", < "//name" : "dumpster", < "//shortdescription" : "Dumpster", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dumpster", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "251" : { < "//description" : "This device has a slot for a creature capture pod.", < "//name" : "pettether", < "//shortdescription" : "Pet Tether", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pettether", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "252" : { < "//name" : "fossildisplay1_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "253" : { < "//description" : "Everything you need to survive. Almost.", < "//name" : "bombsheltershelf1", < "//shortdescription" : "Shelter Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bombsheltershelf1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "254" : { < "//name" : "fossildisplay3_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "255" : { < "//name" : "fossildisplay5_orientation1", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "256" : { < "//description" : "A clean looking counter.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitycounter", < "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitycounter", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "257" : { < "//description" : "Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "scorchedcityregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Store Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcityregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "258" : { < "//description" : "A metal shelf packed with store goods.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "259" : { < "//description" : "A bank of protectorate lockers, including yours.", < "//name" : "protectoratelobbylockers2", < "//shortdescription" : "My Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratelobbylockers2" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Provides exceptional heat and a great for cooking outdoors.", < "//name" : "nanostove", < "//shortdescription" : "Nanostove", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "nanostove", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "260" : { < "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase, only partially filled with books.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", < "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "261" : { < "//description" : "A small bookcase.", < "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "librarybookcaseS1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "262" : { < "//description" : "Ideal for storing food and keeping it fresh.", < "//name" : "minifridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Mini Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "minifridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "263" : { < "//description" : "There are some items on this shelf.", < "//name" : "apexstoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexstoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "264" : { < "//description" : "A wooden desk used by scribes.", < "//name" : "glitchscribe", < "//shortdescription" : "Scribe's Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchscribe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "265" : { < "//description" : "A rusty metal shelf, some store goods still remain on the shelves.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal Store Shelf", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom wardrobe.", < "//name" : "shroomwardrobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomwardrobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "The cabinet made of leather stretched between four large tusks.", < "//name" : "florancabinet3", < "//shortdescription" : "Huge Primitive Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancabinet3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "A lavish Avian tomb.", < "//name" : "tombthing4", < "//shortdescription" : "Lavish Avian Tomb", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombthing4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//name" : "tier9techchest", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "A cute wooden end table.", < "//name" : "woodenendtable", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden End Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenendtable", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A chest with a spring flower latch.", < "//name" : "springchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Spring Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "springchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "An old locker. Hey! There's a photo taped to the inside... eww, tentacles", < "//name" : "wrecklocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wrecklocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "hylotlshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "hylotlshiplocker" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of bone. Hopefully it's not filled with marrow.", < "//name" : "bonechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", < "//name" : "bathroomtrashquest", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bathroomtrashquest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "A bookcase built to be filled with classic literature.", < "//name" : "classicbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//name" : "incinerator", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier1techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads.", < "//name" : "royalbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//name" : "tier8techchest", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", < "//name" : "woodencrate1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrate1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A very basic cooking pot suspended over a campfire.", < "//name" : "floranstove", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stove", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranstove", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "shroomchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of flesh.", < "//name" : "heckchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Heck Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "heckchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A dank old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", < "//name" : "chestavian2", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestavian2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", < "//name" : "prisonfile1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonfile1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A pair of standard issue kitchen cabinets.", < "//name" : "apexcounter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcounter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", < "//name" : "bathroomtrash", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bathroomtrash", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A high-tech container for guns.", < "//name" : "gunchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Gun Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gunchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", < "//name" : "woodencrate2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencrate2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//name" : "tier5techchest", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A large classy storage cabinet.", < "//name" : "classiccupboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Cupboard", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classiccupboard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A set of lockers, perfect for storing things.", < "//name" : "lunarbaselocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lockers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbaselocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A frozen, spherical chest. Perfect for treasure, or making ice cubes.", < "//name" : "icespherechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icespherechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "This cupboard is sleek, but it doesn't look sturdy.", < "//name" : "apexcoolcupboard", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Cupboard", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolcupboard", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A secured wooden crate.", < "//name" : "box2", < "//shortdescription" : "Secure Wooden Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "box2", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "An ice chest. Totally secure, until it melts.", < "//name" : "icechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//name" : "tier7techchest", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "glitchfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "glitchfuelhatch" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", < "//name" : "foodbowl", < "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foodbowl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", < "//name" : "foodbowl_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foodbowl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", < "//name" : "tier3techchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Tech Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3techchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "A microwave. For when you're hungry enough to nuke your food.", < "//name" : "outpostmicrowave", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Microwave", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostmicrowave", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A fancy royal desk.", < "//name" : "royaldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royaldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", < "//name" : "classicdesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicdesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "apexstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexstoragelocker" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A trash can. What a load of rubbish.", < "//name" : "trashcan", < "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "trashcan", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "This chest appears organic in construction.", < "//name" : "glowchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "avianfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "avianfuelhatch" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "An ice dispenser made of ice. That's ice ice, baby.", < "//name" : "icemachine", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Machine", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icemachine", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A filing cabinet. Sorted.", < "//name" : "filingcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Filing Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "filingcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A mechanical cash register. Ka-ching!", < "//name" : "medievalregister", < "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalregister", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy chest. To store things in.", < "//name" : "fleshchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A tall wooden bookcase full of books.", < "//name" : "woodenbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "novakidfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "novakidfuelhatch" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "apexshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "apexshiplocker" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A large old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", < "//name" : "chestmedavian2", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Old Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestmedavian2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", < "//name" : "floranfuelhatch", < "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "-16", < "object" : "floranfuelhatch" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A small chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", < "//name" : "chestfloran1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestfloran1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A smooth cooking surface.", < "//name" : "tribalcounter1", < "//shortdescription" : "Carved Counter", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalcounter1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//name" : "tier6techchest", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A very basic mass produced wardrobe.", < "//name" : "apexwardrobe", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wardrobe", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwardrobe", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "avianshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "avianshiplocker" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "Tar fashioned into a chest.", < "//name" : "tarpitchest", < "//shortdescription" : "Tarpit Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarpitchest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A wooden cabinet. Its doors are full of etched decoration.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Square Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "A fridge. Hopefully filled with tasty, tasty treats.", < "//name" : "outpostfridge", < "//shortdescription" : "Chic Fridge", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostfridge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//description" : "A simple cardboard box.", < "//name" : "cardboard2", < "//shortdescription" : "Cardboard Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cardboard2", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "There's a book in here titled, 'How to Travel Backwards in Time for Dummies'.", < "//name" : "bunkerbookcase", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bunkerbookcase", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", < "//name" : "woodencabinet2", < "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencabinet2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A barrel. Sadly not full party hats.", < "//name" : "barrellarge", < "//shortdescription" : "Large Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrellarge", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reeddesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reeddesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "This book case was built to store Avian history.", < "//name" : "tribalbookcase2", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Avian Bookcase", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbookcase2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "A barrel. Anything could be inside!", < "//name" : "barrel", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Barrel", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barrel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", < "//name" : "novakidshiplocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "novakidshiplocker" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in blue paper with a gold ribbon!", < "//name" : "present3", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Present", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "present3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A storage crate made of unrefined wood and bone.", < "//name" : "florancrate", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Crate", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancrate", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "This cabinet is where the signs come out. Maybe I can put one in?", < "//name" : "signdispenser", < "//shortdescription" : "EASEL Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "signdispenser", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "Valuable things should be stored here.", < "//name" : "royalcabinet", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Cabinet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalcabinet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", < "//name" : "chestavian1", < "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chestavian1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//description" : "Crackling quietly, the smell of hickory smoke is delightful.", < "//name" : "rusticoven", < "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Oven", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rusticoven", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "A chest made of rock.", < "//name" : "cavechest", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chest", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cavechest", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "This desk is sleek, looks solid.", < "//name" : "apexcooldesk", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Desk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcooldesk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A locker of unknown ownership.", < "//name" : "outpostlocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Lockers", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostlocker", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", < "//name" : "prisonlocker1", < "//shortdescription" : "Small Prison Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonlocker1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", < "//name" : "humanstoragelocker", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Storage Locker", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-8", < "object" : "humanstoragelocker" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Reeds fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "reedchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A desk with large cabinet drawers.", > "//name" : "plantcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Nuke all the foods!", > "//name" : "microwave", > "//shortdescription" : "Microwave", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "microwave", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in red paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present2", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "glitchstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchstoragelocker" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for storing a lot of food and keeping it fresh.", > "//name" : "fridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Full-Size Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "An alien chest.", > "//name" : "alienchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in teal paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present1", > "//shortdescription" : "Teal Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "hylotlfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "hylotlfuelhatch" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A trash bag. What a load of rubbish.", > "//name" : "trashbag", > "//shortdescription" : "Trash Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trashbag", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A long chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", > "//name" : "chestfloran2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestfloran2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "It's been so long since I had a home cooked meal... or a home.", > "//name" : "oven1", > "//shortdescription" : "Basic Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oven1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A festive pink box with a bow on top.", > "//name" : "bigpresent", > "//shortdescription" : "Big Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bigpresent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "glitchshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "glitchshiplocker" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "A shipping container. Probably doesn't contain a ship.", > "//name" : "outpostshippingcontainer", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Shipping Container", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostshippingcontainer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "A wooden cabinet with a sink installed.", > "//name" : "woodensink", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Sink", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodensink", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A chest decorated with beautiful rainbow markings.", > "//name" : "rainbowchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "Looks like a place you might store an eggcup... Do Avians eat eggs?", > "//name" : "tribalwallcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "tribalwallcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A nicely made wooden desk.", > "//name" : "medievaldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "novakidstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidstoragelocker" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of flowers.", > "//name" : "giantflowerchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet containing who knows what?", > "//name" : "outpostcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "Hand-made and beautiful, this bookcase is intricately carved.", > "//name" : "tribalbookcase1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Carved Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbookcase1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", > "//name" : "florancabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "Carved patterns surround this small cabinet.", > "//name" : "tribalcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Carved Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "The crystal on top of this closet appears to be broken.", > "//name" : "tribalcloset1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Closet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcloset1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet with a table top.", > "//name" : "plantcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "The fossil station is used to produce the items required for excavating and displaying fossils.", > "//name" : "fossilstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Fossil Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fossilstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "humanshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "humanshiplocker" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "The refinery is used to produce raw pixels from ores.", > "//name" : "refinery", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Refinery^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "refinery", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "Cooks food to a reasonable standard.", > "//name" : "apexoven", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexoven", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "floranshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranshiplocker" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A barrel filled with treasure!", > "//name" : "barrelgoldfilled", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrelgoldfilled", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase made from the remains of Floran prey.", > "//name" : "floranbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs.", > "//name" : "florancabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "A desk, probably belonging to the greenfinger of a Floran tribe.", > "//name" : "florandesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florandesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of a thick slime substance.", > "//name" : "slimehide", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimehide", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "floranstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "floranstoragelocker" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "humanfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "humanfuelhatch" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "Looks like it used to be filled with medical supplies - not any more.", > "//name" : "prisoncabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Supply Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisoncabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A glowing orb. It looks like there's room to store things inside.", > "//name" : "plantorb", > "//shortdescription" : "Glowing Orb", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantorb", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "A fridge, good for keeping food cold.", > "//name" : "apexfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate.", > "//name" : "largewoodencrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "largewoodencrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase for storing folk tales and legends...", > "//name" : "medievalbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A treasure chest.", > "//name" : "treasurechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "treasurechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "An upright cardboard box.", > "//name" : "cardboard1", > "//shortdescription" : "Upright Cardboard Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cardboard1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "This dresser has a musty smell. It doesn't look very clean.", > "//name" : "medievaldresser", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Dresser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaldresser", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//description" : "A locker with a tall metal door.", > "//name" : "locker1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "locker1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A locker with a wide metal door.", > "//name" : "locker2", > "//shortdescription" : "Flat Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "locker2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "hylotlstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlstoragelocker" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "techchest2", > "//shortdescription" : "High-Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "techchest2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "An opened cardboard box.", > "//name" : "cardboard3", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Cardboard Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cardboard3", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodencabinet3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Wooden Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencabinet3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation4", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy suspended bookshelf.", > "//name" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wall Bookshelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "woodenceilingbookcase1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "An expensive-looking wooden desk.", > "//name" : "woodendesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodendesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A charming and well-made wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "medievalcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "This cooking pot expels the odour of a hundred hearty meals.", > "//name" : "medievallargecookingpot", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Cooking Pot", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievallargecookingpot", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "apexfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "apexfuelhatch" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A storage crate, typically used for stashing equipment and ores.", > "//name" : "lunarbasecrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasecrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "A ornate obsidian bookcase.", > "//name" : "obsidianbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Obsidian Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "obsidianbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "This chest itself is a treasure, let alone the contents.", > "//name" : "royalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate.", > "//name" : "smallwoodencrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "smallwoodencrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//description" : "A wooden crate filled with treasure.", > "//name" : "woodencrategoldfilled", > "//shortdescription" : "Treasure Filled Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrategoldfilled", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "Turret for your protection! Can only be placed once.", > "//name" : "standingturret_orientation5", > "//shortdescription" : "Defense Turret", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "standingturret", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in green-coloured paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present4", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "tier2techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "A toxic chest.", > "//name" : "toxicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "It looks like it's full of hazardous materials.", > "//name" : "bunkercabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "A metal crate.", > "//name" : "bunkercrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkercrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A Safe.", > "//name" : "safe", > "//shortdescription" : "Safe", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "safe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "A chest of roughly hewn sandstone.", > "//name" : "sandstonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", > "//name" : "prisonfile2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wide Rusty Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfile2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A crystal chest. Perhaps the chest itself is the treasure?", > "//name" : "crystalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "A chest made from plant material. It appears to be still growing.", > "//name" : "chestplant1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Overgrown Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestplant1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A antique crate, I wonder what's inside..", > "//name" : "wreckcrate1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckcrate1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", > "//name" : "chestmedavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Decorative Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestmedavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "An old wooden chest, still going strong.", > "//name" : "medievalchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A master work of craftsmanship. Beautiful.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "An engraved Avian tomb depicting the aether.", > "//name" : "tombthing2", > "//shortdescription" : "Engraved Avian Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", > "//name" : "prisonlocker2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Prison Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonlocker2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "The lily pad rotates to lock its doors.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicwardrobe1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Double Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy suspended cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Single Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "woodenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A chest with a spherical lock.", > "//name" : "cellchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "A small wooden crate.", > "//name" : "box1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "box1", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "A plain stone tomb caked in dust.", > "//name" : "tombthing1", > "//shortdescription" : "Undecorated Stone Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "tier4techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "Each of these desks has a coffee mug and lamp fused to its surface.", > "//name" : "apexdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of vines, it's not really safe.", > "//name" : "junglechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Vine Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "junglechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "A rusty chest. Practically falling apart.", > "//name" : "rustchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//name" : "tier10techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "Perfect for storing tools and equipment in!", > "//name" : "miningchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "avianstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianstoragelocker" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.", > "//name" : "bunkerdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Office Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "A crate containing cargo. What cargo? Who knows.", > "//name" : "outpostcargocrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Cargo Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcargocrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "A small cargo crate. No doubt it has cargo in it.", > "//name" : "outpostcargocrateshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Short Cargo Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostcargocrateshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A classy chest filled with classy treasure!", > "//name" : "classicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "A coffee machine, for the perfect pick-me-up.", > "//name" : "coffeemachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coffeemachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodsafe", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodsafe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "A basic desk.", > "//name" : "outpostdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "Fire in a rusted-out barrel.", > "//name" : "prisonbarrelfire", > "//shortdescription" : "Barrel Fire", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbarrelfire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "Embers dance away from the camp fire, warming the air. The heat can be used for cooking.", > "//name" : "campfire", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Camp Fire^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "campfire", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "A treasure chest made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "An altar dedicated to some unspeakable horror.", > "//name" : "heckaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckaltar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "A reed shelf.", > "//name" : "reedshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "An ancient chest of unknown origin.", > "//name" : "ancientchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "A small bookcase that has been damaged.", > "//name" : "librarybookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Damaged Small Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "librarybookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//name" : "geometricchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "A really gross looking chest.", > "//name" : "hivechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "200" : { > "//description" : "A blue mailbox.", > "//name" : "hylotlmailbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Mailbox", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlmailbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "A traditional index filled with cards.", > "//name" : "index", > "//shortdescription" : "Card Index", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "index", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "A very large shipping container.", > "//name" : "shippingcontainer", > "//shortdescription" : "Shipping Container", > "imagePositionX" : "-56", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shippingcontainer", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "hylotlcashregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Cash Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlcashregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "A garbage bin.", > "//name" : "hylotltrashcan", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltrashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "A garbage bin.", > "//name" : "hylotltrashcan_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotltrashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "A classic style desk.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "A useful storage chest.", > "//name" : "podchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Pod Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "podchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A heavy duty chest for storing weapons.", > "//name" : "weaponchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Weapon Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "weaponchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "A fearsome ancient chest ornamented with a lidless eye.", > "//name" : "ancientbigchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ancient Big Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ancientbigchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "A Miniknog locker.", > "//name" : "apexlocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Laboratory Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexlocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "A basic wooden chest.", > "//name" : "woodenchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "A basic iron chest.", > "//name" : "ironchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "A drinks cabinet, stocked with glassware and odd-shaped bottles.", > "//name" : "salooncabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "salooncabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "213" : { > "//name" : "gothiccabinet", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "214" : { > "//name" : "gothiccabinet_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "A chest made from twigs and roots.", > "//name" : "swampchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "A tropical looking cabinet, complete with a little tree.", > "//name" : "islandcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", > "//name" : "gothicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things.", > "//name" : "gothicbookcase_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscificabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscificabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "It should be stocked full of science journals and lab reports.", > "//name" : "apexcoolbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscificabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscificabinet_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscificabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "A tall, sturdy kitchen cabinet. Perfect for storing tableware and food.", > "//name" : "kitchencabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Kitchen Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchencabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchencabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchencabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "A quaint metal stove, perfect for cooking.", > "//name" : "cabinstove", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Stove", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinstove", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "225" : { > "//name" : "kitchencabinet3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "226" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "227" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "228" : { > "//description" : "A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "229" : { > "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodencabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Double Wooden Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "230" : { > "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "231" : { > "//description" : "A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet.", > "//name" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kitchenceilingcabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "232" : { > "//description" : "A dresser made in a retro-futuristic style", > "//name" : "retroscifidresser", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Dresser", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifidresser", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "233" : { > "//description" : "A metal desk, covered in curious devices.", > "//name" : "steampunkdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "234" : { > "//name" : "copperlocker", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "235" : { > "//description" : "A strong storage crate made from copper.", > "//name" : "copperbox1", > "//shortdescription" : "Copper Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "copperbox1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "236" : { > "//description" : "An old crate of Mining supplies - For every budding Miner!", > "//name" : "miningsupplies", > "//shortdescription" : "Mining Supplies Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "miningsupplies", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "237" : { > "//description" : "A dark, shadowy chest.", > "//name" : "shadowchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Shadow Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shadowchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "238" : { > "//description" : "It's Rob Repairo, A mechanical merchant who repairs lost or broken vehicles.", > "//name" : "repairo", > "//shortdescription" : "Rob Repairo", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "repairo", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "This sturdy chest is made from volcanic material. Heat rises from it.", > "//name" : "volcanicchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Volcanic Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "volcanicchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A chest sealed with a piercing eye. Worth a look inside.", > "//name" : "eyechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "A large contemporary chest of drawers.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Stylish Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawerlarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "241" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for small fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "fossildisplay1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "242" : { > "//description" : "A small contemporary chest of drawers.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychestdrawersmall", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Stylish Drawers", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychestdrawersmall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "The creature healing station is used to heal captured creatures.", > "//name" : "pethealingstation", > "//shortdescription" : "^orange;Pet Healing Station^white;", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pethealingstation", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "244" : { > "//description" : "A contemprary style fridge, capable of extending the shelf life of food.", > "//name" : "scorchedcityfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcityfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "245" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for medium fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay3", > "//shortdescription" : "Medium Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "24", > "object" : "fossildisplay3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "246" : { > "//description" : "A small rusty looking crate.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Rusty Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitysmallcrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "247" : { > "//description" : "A rusty looking chest.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "248" : { > "//description" : "A rusty crate.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitycrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitycrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "249" : { > "//description" : "A display stand for large fossils", > "//name" : "fossildisplay5", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Fossil Display", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "8", > "object" : "fossildisplay5", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "An open stone tomb. It smells.", > "//name" : "tombthing3", > "//shortdescription" : "Open Stone Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "250" : { > "//description" : "A dumpster.", > "//name" : "dumpster", > "//shortdescription" : "Dumpster", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dumpster", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "251" : { > "//description" : "This device has a slot for a creature capture pod.", > "//name" : "pettether", > "//shortdescription" : "Pet Tether", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pettether", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "252" : { > "//name" : "fossildisplay1_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "253" : { > "//description" : "Everything you need to survive. Almost.", > "//name" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "//shortdescription" : "Shelter Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bombsheltershelf1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "254" : { > "//name" : "fossildisplay3_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "255" : { > "//name" : "fossildisplay5_orientation1", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "256" : { > "//description" : "A clean looking counter.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitycounter", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitycounter", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "257" : { > "//description" : "Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "scorchedcityregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Store Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcityregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "258" : { > "//description" : "A metal shelf packed with store goods.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitystoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "259" : { > "//description" : "A bank of protectorate lockers, including yours.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbylockers2", > "//shortdescription" : "My Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbylockers2" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Provides exceptional heat and a great for cooking outdoors.", > "//name" : "nanostove", > "//shortdescription" : "Nanostove", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "nanostove", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "260" : { > "//description" : "A fairly big bookcase, only partially filled with books.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", > "//shortdescription" : "Deprived Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseN2empty", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "261" : { > "//description" : "An ornately carved bookcase.", > "//name" : "librarybookcaseS1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Ornate Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "librarybookcaseS1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "262" : { > "//description" : "Ideal for storing food and keeping it fresh.", > "//name" : "minifridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Mini Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "minifridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "263" : { > "//description" : "There are some items on this shelf.", > "//name" : "apexstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "264" : { > "//description" : "A wooden desk used by scribes.", > "//name" : "glitchscribe", > "//shortdescription" : "Scribe's Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchscribe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "265" : { > "//description" : "A rusty metal shelf, some store goods still remain on the shelves.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Metal Store Shelf", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybrokenstoreshelf", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom wardrobe.", > "//name" : "shroomwardrobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomwardrobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "The cabinet made of leather stretched between four large tusks.", > "//name" : "florancabinet3", > "//shortdescription" : "Huge Primitive Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancabinet3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "A lavish Avian tomb.", > "//name" : "tombthing4", > "//shortdescription" : "Lavish Avian Tomb", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombthing4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//name" : "tier9techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "A cute wooden end table.", > "//name" : "woodenendtable", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden End Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenendtable", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A chest with a spring flower latch.", > "//name" : "springchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Spring Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "springchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "An old locker. Hey! There's a photo taped to the inside... eww, tentacles", > "//name" : "wrecklocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wrecklocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "hylotlshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "hylotlshiplocker" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of bone. Hopefully it's not filled with marrow.", > "//name" : "bonechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", > "//name" : "bathroomtrashquest", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomtrashquest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "A bookcase built to be filled with classic literature.", > "//name" : "classicbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//name" : "incinerator", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "tier1techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads.", > "//name" : "royalbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//name" : "tier8techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", > "//name" : "woodencrate1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrate1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A very basic cooking pot suspended over a campfire.", > "//name" : "floranstove", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stove", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranstove", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "shroomchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of flesh.", > "//name" : "heckchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Heck Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "heckchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A dank old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", > "//name" : "chestavian2", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestavian2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet.", > "//name" : "prisonfile1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonfile1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A pair of standard issue kitchen cabinets.", > "//name" : "apexcounter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcounter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes.", > "//name" : "bathroomtrash", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Trash", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomtrash", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A high-tech container for guns.", > "//name" : "gunchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Gun Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gunchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A mysterious wooden crate.", > "//name" : "woodencrate2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencrate2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//name" : "tier5techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A large classy storage cabinet.", > "//name" : "classiccupboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Cupboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classiccupboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A set of lockers, perfect for storing things.", > "//name" : "lunarbaselocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Lockers", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbaselocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A frozen, spherical chest. Perfect for treasure, or making ice cubes.", > "//name" : "icespherechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Sphere Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icespherechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "This cupboard is sleek, but it doesn't look sturdy.", > "//name" : "apexcoolcupboard", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Cupboard", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolcupboard", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A secured wooden crate.", > "//name" : "box2", > "//shortdescription" : "Secure Wooden Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "box2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "An ice chest. Totally secure, until it melts.", > "//name" : "icechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//name" : "tier7techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "glitchfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "glitchfuelhatch" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", > "//name" : "foodbowl", > "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foodbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "A pet food bowl. Leave your pet something tasty for when you're not around!", > "//name" : "foodbowl_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Food Bowl", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foodbowl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "A chest with bright glowing markings throughout.", > "//name" : "tier3techchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Tech Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3techchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "A microwave. For when you're hungry enough to nuke your food.", > "//name" : "outpostmicrowave", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Microwave", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostmicrowave", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A fancy royal desk.", > "//name" : "royaldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royaldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions.", > "//name" : "classicdesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicdesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution.", > "//name" : "apexstoragelocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Storage Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexstoragelocker" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A trash can. What a load of rubbish.", > "//name" : "trashcan", > "//shortdescription" : "Trash Can", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "trashcan", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "This chest appears organic in construction.", > "//name" : "glowchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "avianfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "avianfuelhatch" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "An ice dispenser made of ice. That's ice ice, baby.", > "//name" : "icemachine", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Machine", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icemachine", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A filing cabinet. Sorted.", > "//name" : "filingcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Filing Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "filingcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A mechanical cash register. Ka-ching!", > "//name" : "medievalregister", > "//shortdescription" : "Cash Register", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalregister", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A squishy, fleshy chest. To store things in.", > "//name" : "fleshchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A tall wooden bookcase full of books.", > "//name" : "woodenbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "novakidfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "novakidfuelhatch" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "apexshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "apexshiplocker" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A large old chest, fashioned from wood and iron.", > "//name" : "chestmedavian2", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Old Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestmedavian2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "Accepts Liquid Erchius as fuel for the ship's FTL dive.", > "//name" : "floranfuelhatch", > "//shortdescription" : "Fuel Hatch", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "-16", > "object" : "floranfuelhatch" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "A small chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable.", > "//name" : "chestfloran1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Primitive Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestfloran1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A smooth cooking surface.", > "//name" : "tribalcounter1", > "//shortdescription" : "Carved Counter", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalcounter1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//name" : "tier6techchest", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A very basic mass produced wardrobe.", > "//name" : "apexwardrobe", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Wardrobe", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwardrobe", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "avianshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Shiplocker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "avianshiplocker" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "Tar fashioned into a chest.", > "//name" : "tarpitchest", > "//shortdescription" : "Tarpit Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarpitchest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A wooden cabinet. Its doors are full of etched decoration.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Square Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassiccabinet1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "A fridge. Hopefully filled with tasty, tasty treats.", > "//name" : "outpostfridge", > "//shortdescription" : "Chic Fridge", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostfridge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//description" : "A simple cardboard box.", > "//name" : "cardboard2", > "//shortdescription" : "Cardboard Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cardboard2", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "There's a book in here titled, 'How to Travel Backwards in Time for Dummies'.", > "//name" : "bunkerbookcase", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bunkerbookcase", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "A sturdy wooden cabinet.", > "//name" : "woodencabinet2", > "//shortdescription" : "Tall Wooden Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencabinet2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A barrel. Sadly not full party hats.", > "//name" : "barrellarge", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrellarge", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A desk made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reeddesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reeddesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "This book case was built to store Avian history.", > "//name" : "tribalbookcase2", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Avian Bookcase", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbookcase2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "A barrel. Anything could be inside!", > "//name" : "barrel", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Barrel", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barrel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you?", > "//name" : "novakidshiplocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Ship Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-8", > "object" : "novakidshiplocker" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A present! It's wrapped in blue paper with a gold ribbon!", > "//name" : "present3", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Present", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "present3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "A storage crate made of unrefined wood and bone.", > "//name" : "florancrate", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Crate", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancrate", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "This cabinet is where the signs come out. Maybe I can put one in?", > "//name" : "signdispenser", > "//shortdescription" : "EASEL Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "signdispenser", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "Valuable things should be stored here.", > "//name" : "royalcabinet", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Cabinet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalcabinet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "A chest adorned with ancient Avian art.", > "//name" : "chestavian1", > "//shortdescription" : "Decorative Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chestavian1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//description" : "Crackling quietly, the smell of hickory smoke is delightful.", > "//name" : "rusticoven", > "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Oven", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rusticoven", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "A chest made of rock.", > "//name" : "cavechest", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chest", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cavechest", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "This desk is sleek, looks solid.", > "//name" : "apexcooldesk", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Desk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcooldesk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A locker of unknown ownership.", > "//name" : "outpostlocker", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Lockers", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostlocker", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "A good place to stash contraband.", > "//name" : "prisonlocker1", > "//shortdescription" : "Small Prison Locker", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "30" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodenendtable.png" > }, > "31" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/springchest.png" > }, > "32" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wrecklocker.png" > }, > "33" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/hylotlshiplocker.png" > }, > "34" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bonechest.png" > }, > "35" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bathroomtrashquest.png" > }, > "36" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/classicbookcase.png" > }, > "37" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "38" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tier1techchest.png" > }, > "39" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/royalbookcase.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "40" : { > "image" : 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/cavechest.png" > }, > "96" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/apexcooldesk.png" > }, > "97" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/outpostlocker.png" > }, > "98" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/prisonlocker1.png" > }, > "99" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/humanstoragelocker.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-type\farmable.json 10,693c10,693 < "0" : { < "//description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", < "//name" : "wildcornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", < "//name" : "wildcrystalplantseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcrystalplantseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", < "//name" : "wildriceseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildriceseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", < "//name" : "wildbananaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildbananaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", < "//name" : "dirturchinseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dirturchinseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", < "//name" : "neonmelonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "neonmelonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.", < "//name" : "automatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "automatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", < "//name" : "wheatseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wheatseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", < "//name" : "wildpussplumseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpussplumseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", < "//name" : "wildcoffeeseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcoffeeseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", < "//name" : "wildkiwiseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildkiwiseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", < "//name" : "eggshootseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eggshootseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", < "//name" : "wildchiliseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildchiliseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", < "//name" : "feathercrownseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "feathercrownseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", < "//name" : "wildpineappleseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpineappleseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", < "//name" : "wartweedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wartweedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", < "//name" : "wildavesmingoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildavesmingoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", < "//name" : "wildpotatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpotatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", < "//name" : "wildcoralcreepseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcoralcreepseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.", < "//name" : "wildautomatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildautomatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", < "//name" : "carrotseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "carrotseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "No one knows how this sword got here. Pull it out, it could be legendary!", < "//name" : "wildswordstoneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Swordstone", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildswordstoneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", < "//name" : "sugarcaneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sugarcaneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", < "//name" : "wildwartweedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildwartweedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", < "//name" : "wildcarrotseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcarrotseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A prickly plant with prickly fruits.", < "//name" : "thornplant", < "//shortdescription" : "Thorny Plant", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "thornplant", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "Pearlpea, I'll need to bite down hard.", < "//name" : "wildpearlpeaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildpearlpeaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", < "//name" : "wilddiodiaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wilddiodiaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "Grows boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", < "//name" : "boltbulbseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "boltbulbseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", < "//name" : "avesmingoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avesmingoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//description" : "Boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", < "//name" : "wildboltbulbseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildboltbulbseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", < "//name" : "diodiaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "diodiaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", < "//name" : "potatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "potatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "A flower with bright red petals. Useful for making dye.", < "//name" : "flowerred", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerred", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", < "//name" : "wildfeathercrownseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildfeathercrownseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", < "//name" : "bananaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bananaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", < "//name" : "wildbeakseedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildbeakseedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", < "//name" : "chiliseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "chiliseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", < "//name" : "coffeeseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coffeeseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", < "//name" : "coralcreepseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "coralcreepseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", < "//name" : "cornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", < "//name" : "currentcornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "currentcornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A sweetly scented spring flower.", < "//name" : "flowerspring", < "//shortdescription" : "Spring Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerspring", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A flower with bright yellow petals. Useful for making dye.", < "//name" : "floweryellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floweryellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", < "//name" : "grapesseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "grapesseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", < "//name" : "bonebooseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonebooseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom. The farmer who plants these is a fun guy.", < "//name" : "mushroomseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mushroomseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", < "//name" : "wildneonmelonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildneonmelonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", < "//name" : "oculemonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oculemonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", < "//name" : "wilddirturchinseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wilddirturchinseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "Pearlpea, you'll need to bite down hard.", < "//name" : "pearlpeaseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pearlpeaseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", < "//name" : "pineappleseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pineappleseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", < "//name" : "pussplumseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "pussplumseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", < "//name" : "reefpodseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reefpodseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", < "//name" : "wildreefpodseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildreefpodseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", < "//name" : "wildsugarcaneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildsugarcaneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", < "//name" : "wildeggshootseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildeggshootseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "60" : { < "//description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", < "//name" : "wildtomatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildtomatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", < "//name" : "wildcurrentcornseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcurrentcornseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", < "//name" : "wildtoxictopseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Top Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildtoxictopseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", < "//name" : "wildwheatseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildwheatseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "No one knows how this sword got here. Pull it out, it could be legendary!", < "//name" : "swordstoneseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Swordstoneseed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swordstoneseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", < "//name" : "tomatoseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tomatoseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", < "//name" : "wildbonebooseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildbonebooseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", < "//name" : "wildoculemonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildoculemonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", < "//name" : "beakseedseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "beakseedseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", < "//name" : "riceseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "riceseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "A sapling. From simple roots a tree will grow.", < "//name" : "sapling", < "//shortdescription" : "Sapling", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sapling", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", < "//name" : "wildgrapesseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildgrapesseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "A flower with bright blue petals. Useful for making dye.", < "//name" : "flowerblue", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerblue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", < "//name" : "toxictopseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Top Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxictopseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A plant which grows fluffy cotton buds.", < "//name" : "cottonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Cotton Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cottonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "A plant which grows fluffy cotton buds!", < "//name" : "wildcottonseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Cotton Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wildcottonseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "What a lovely flower!", < "//name" : "protectorateflower", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Flower", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorateflower", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", < "//name" : "crystalplantseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalplantseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", < "//name" : "kiwiseed", < "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kiwiseed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", > "//name" : "wildcornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", > "//name" : "wildcrystalplantseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcrystalplantseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", > "//name" : "wildriceseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildriceseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", > "//name" : "wildbananaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildbananaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", > "//name" : "dirturchinseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dirturchinseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", > "//name" : "neonmelonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "neonmelonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.", > "//name" : "automatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "automatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", > "//name" : "wheatseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wheatseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", > "//name" : "wildpussplumseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpussplumseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", > "//name" : "wildcoffeeseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcoffeeseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", > "//name" : "wildkiwiseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildkiwiseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", > "//name" : "eggshootseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eggshootseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", > "//name" : "wildchiliseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildchiliseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", > "//name" : "feathercrownseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "feathercrownseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", > "//name" : "wildpineappleseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpineappleseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", > "//name" : "wartweedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wartweedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", > "//name" : "wildavesmingoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildavesmingoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", > "//name" : "wildpotatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpotatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", > "//name" : "wildcoralcreepseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcoralcreepseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "Automatos! Be sure to spit out the screws.", > "//name" : "wildautomatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Automato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildautomatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", > "//name" : "carrotseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "carrotseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "No one knows how this sword got here. Pull it out, it could be legendary!", > "//name" : "wildswordstoneseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Swordstone", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildswordstoneseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", > "//name" : "sugarcaneseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sugarcaneseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "Not a fussy plant, wartweed grow easily under any condition.", > "//name" : "wildwartweedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wartweed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildwartweedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Grows delicious carrots, brought all the way across the stars from Earth.", > "//name" : "wildcarrotseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Carrot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcarrotseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A prickly plant with prickly fruits.", > "//name" : "thornplant", > "//shortdescription" : "Thorny Plant", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "thornplant", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "Pearlpea, I'll need to bite down hard.", > "//name" : "wildpearlpeaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildpearlpeaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", > "//name" : "wilddiodiaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wilddiodiaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "Grows boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", > "//name" : "boltbulbseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "boltbulbseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "Avesmingo, the plant of a 100 different flavours.", > "//name" : "avesmingoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Avesmingo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avesmingoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//description" : "Boltbulb! Surprisingly soft.", > "//name" : "wildboltbulbseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boltbulb Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildboltbulbseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegetable with a coppery taste.", > "//name" : "diodiaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Diodia Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "diodiaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "Potatoes! Boil em', mash em', stick em in a stew.", > "//name" : "potatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Potato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "potatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "A flower with bright red petals. Useful for making dye.", > "//name" : "flowerred", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerred", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "Feathers sprout from the top of the feathercrown and catch in the wind.", > "//name" : "wildfeathercrownseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Feathercrown Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildfeathercrownseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", > "//name" : "bananaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Banana Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bananaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", > "//name" : "wildbeakseedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildbeakseedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", > "//name" : "chiliseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Chilli Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "chiliseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "Coffee beans can be brewed to make a tasty beverage.", > "//name" : "coffeeseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coffee Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coffeeseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "The coralcreep fruit looks like a sea creature.", > "//name" : "coralcreepseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Coralcreep Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "coralcreepseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "Sweet, yellow corn.", > "//name" : "cornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Corn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", > "//name" : "currentcornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "currentcornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A sweetly scented spring flower.", > "//name" : "flowerspring", > "//shortdescription" : "Spring Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerspring", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A flower with bright yellow petals. Useful for making dye.", > "//name" : "floweryellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floweryellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", > "//name" : "grapesseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "grapesseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", > "//name" : "bonebooseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonebooseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom. The farmer who plants these is a fun guy.", > "//name" : "mushroomseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Mushroom Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mushroomseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "The vibrant flesh of a neonmelon tastes like bubblegum.", > "//name" : "wildneonmelonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Neonmelon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildneonmelonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", > "//name" : "oculemonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oculemonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "Dirturchins are squidgy and kind of tasteless.", > "//name" : "wilddirturchinseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirturchin Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wilddirturchinseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "Pearlpea, you'll need to bite down hard.", > "//name" : "pearlpeaseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pearlpea Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pearlpeaseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", > "//name" : "pineappleseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pineapple Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pineappleseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "The juicy pussplum gets its name from its creamy centre.", > "//name" : "pussplumseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Pussplum Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "pussplumseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", > "//name" : "reefpodseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reefpodseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie with added sea water. ", > "//name" : "wildreefpodseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Reefpod Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildreefpodseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "Sugarcane is a fibrous crop with rich, sweet sap.", > "//name" : "wildsugarcaneseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Sugarcane Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildsugarcaneseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "Eggshoot, full of runny goodness.", > "//name" : "wildeggshootseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Eggshoot Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildeggshootseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "60" : { > "//description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", > "//name" : "wildtomatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildtomatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "Currentcorn, full of acid. Not good for fleshy creatures.", > "//name" : "wildcurrentcornseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Currentcorn Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcurrentcornseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", > "//name" : "wildtoxictopseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Top Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildtoxictopseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "Wheat, a staple crop with many uses.", > "//name" : "wildwheatseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheat Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildwheatseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "No one knows how this sword got here. Pull it out, it could be legendary!", > "//name" : "swordstoneseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Swordstoneseed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swordstoneseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "Tomatoes are a rich, juicy fruit. Or vegetable. One of the two.", > "//name" : "tomatoseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tomato Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tomatoseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "Boneboo, a good source of calcium.", > "//name" : "wildbonebooseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Boneboo Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildbonebooseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "The iris is the best part of this strange fruit.", > "//name" : "wildoculemonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Oculemon Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildoculemonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "Grows crunchy beakseed. The nostril is the best part.", > "//name" : "beakseedseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Beakseed Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "beakseedseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "Boil it, fry it, throw it at a bride. Rice! For all your culinary needs.", > "//name" : "riceseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rice Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "riceseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "A sapling. From simple roots a tree will grow.", > "//name" : "sapling", > "//shortdescription" : "Sapling", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sapling", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "Grapes, natures snackfood.", > "//name" : "wildgrapesseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Grape Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildgrapesseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "A flower with bright blue petals. Useful for making dye.", > "//name" : "flowerblue", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerblue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "Toxic looking fruit, but is it all that bad?", > "//name" : "toxictopseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Top Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxictopseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A plant which grows fluffy cotton buds.", > "//name" : "cottonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cotton Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cottonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "A plant which grows fluffy cotton buds!", > "//name" : "wildcottonseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cotton Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wildcottonseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "What a lovely flower!", > "//name" : "protectorateflower", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Flower", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorateflower", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A Crystal plant. Truns out money does grow on trees.", > "//name" : "crystalplantseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Plant Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalplantseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "This particular variety of space kiwi grows close to the ground.", > "//name" : "kiwiseed", > "//shortdescription" : "Kiwi Seed", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kiwiseed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 696,923c696,923 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildcornseed.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildcrystalplantseed.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildriceseed.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildbananaseed.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dirturchinseed.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/neonmelonseed.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/automatoseed.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wheatseed.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildpussplumseed.png" < }, < "17" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildcoffeeseed.png" < }, < "18" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildkiwiseed.png" < }, < "19" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/eggshootseed.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildchiliseed.png" < }, < "20" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/feathercrownseed.png" < }, < "21" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildpineappleseed.png" < }, < "22" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wartweedseed.png" < }, < "23" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildavesmingoseed.png" < }, < "24" : 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"../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/boltbulbseed.png" < }, < "35" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avesmingoseed.png" < }, < "36" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildboltbulbseed.png" < }, < "37" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/diodiaseed.png" < }, < "38" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/potatoseed.png" < }, < "39" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flowerred.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildfeathercrownseed.png" < }, < "40" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bananaseed.png" < }, < "41" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildbeakseedseed.png" < }, < "42" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/chiliseed.png" < }, < "43" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/coffeeseed.png" < }, < "44" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/coralcreepseed.png" < }, < "45" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/cornseed.png" < }, < "46" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/currentcornseed.png" < }, < "47" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flowerspring.png" < }, < "48" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floweryellow.png" < }, < "49" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/grapesseed.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bonebooseed.png" < }, < "50" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mushroomseed.png" < }, < "51" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildneonmelonseed.png" < }, < "52" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/oculemonseed.png" < }, < "53" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wilddirturchinseed.png" < }, < "54" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/pearlpeaseed.png" < }, < "55" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/pineappleseed.png" < }, < "56" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/pussplumseed.png" < }, < "57" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/reefpodseed.png" < }, < "58" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildreefpodseed.png" < }, < "59" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildsugarcaneseed.png" < }, < "6" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildeggshootseed.png" < }, < "60" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildtomatoseed.png" < }, < "61" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildcurrentcornseed.png" < }, < "62" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildtoxictopseed.png" < }, < "63" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildwheatseed.png" < }, < "64" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/swordstoneseed.png" < }, < "65" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tomatoseed.png" < }, < "66" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildbonebooseed.png" < }, < "67" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildoculemonseed.png" < }, < "68" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/beakseedseed.png" < }, < "69" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/riceseed.png" < }, < "7" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sapling.png" < }, < "70" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildgrapesseed.png" < }, < "71" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flowerblue.png" < }, < "72" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/toxictopseed.png" < }, < "73" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/cottonseed.png" < }, < "74" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildcottonseed.png" < }, < "75" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/protectorateflower.png" < }, < "8" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/crystalplantseed.png" < }, < "9" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/kiwiseed.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildcornseed.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildcrystalplantseed.png" > }, > "10" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildriceseed.png" > }, > "11" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildbananaseed.png" > }, > "12" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/dirturchinseed.png" > }, > "13" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/neonmelonseed.png" > }, > "14" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/automatoseed.png" > }, > "15" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wheatseed.png" > }, > "16" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildpussplumseed.png" > }, > "17" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildcoffeeseed.png" > }, > "18" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildkiwiseed.png" > }, > "19" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/eggshootseed.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildchiliseed.png" > }, > "20" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/feathercrownseed.png" > }, > "21" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildpineappleseed.png" > }, > "22" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wartweedseed.png" > }, > "23" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildavesmingoseed.png" > }, > "24" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildpotatoseed.png" > }, > "25" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildcoralcreepseed.png" > }, > "26" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildautomatoseed.png" > }, > "27" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/carrotseed.png" > }, > "28" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildswordstoneseed.png" > }, > "29" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/sugarcaneseed.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildwartweedseed.png" > }, > "30" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildcarrotseed.png" > }, > "31" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/thornplant.png" > }, > "32" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildpearlpeaseed.png" > }, > "33" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wilddiodiaseed.png" > }, > "34" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/boltbulbseed.png" > }, > "35" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/avesmingoseed.png" > }, > "36" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildboltbulbseed.png" > }, > "37" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/diodiaseed.png" > }, > "38" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/potatoseed.png" > }, > "39" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flowerred.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildfeathercrownseed.png" > }, > "40" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bananaseed.png" > }, > "41" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildbeakseedseed.png" > }, > "42" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/chiliseed.png" > }, > "43" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/coffeeseed.png" > }, > "44" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/coralcreepseed.png" > }, > "45" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/cornseed.png" > }, > "46" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/currentcornseed.png" > }, > "47" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flowerspring.png" > }, > "48" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/floweryellow.png" > }, > "49" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/grapesseed.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bonebooseed.png" > }, > "50" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mushroomseed.png" > }, > "51" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildneonmelonseed.png" > }, > "52" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/oculemonseed.png" > }, > "53" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wilddirturchinseed.png" > }, > "54" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/pearlpeaseed.png" > }, > "55" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/pineappleseed.png" > }, > "56" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/pussplumseed.png" > }, > "57" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/reefpodseed.png" > }, > "58" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildreefpodseed.png" > }, > "59" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildsugarcaneseed.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildeggshootseed.png" > }, > "60" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/wildtomatoseed.png" > }, > 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I swear I just saw something crawling around inside.", < "//name" : "prisonmattress", < "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Mattress", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonmattress", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "A common tungsten bed.", < "//name" : "tier2bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "100" : { < "//description" : "A bathroom stall. Don't get stuck!", < "//name" : "bathroomstall", < "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Stall", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bathroomstall", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "101" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain. The water looks refreshing.", < "//name" : "fountain1", < "//shortdescription" : "Tiered Stone Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fountain1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "102" : { < "//description" : "A rusty chair. Don't rock back on it.", < "//name" : "rustchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "103" : { < "//description" : "A contemporary chair.", < "//name" : "modernchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Modern Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "modernchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "104" : { < "//description" : "A teal blue chair.", < "//name" : "hylotlchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "105" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "106" : { < "//description" : "A chair. You sit in it. Yes.", < "//name" : "outpostchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "107" : { < "//description" : "A bench made of wood and bones. Seems... inviting?", < "//name" : "floranbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "108" : { < "//description" : "This toilet doesn't look very leak-proof.", < "//name" : "florantoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florantoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "109" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of ice. In the summer, it becomes a water bed.", < "//name" : "icebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful rustic bench.", < "//name" : "avianbench1", < "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianbench1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "110" : { < "//description" : "Legend has it that if you spend the night in this bed, you'll lose consciousness.", < "//name" : "hylotlbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Comfy Traditional Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "111" : { < "//description" : "A flower bed. Hope you don't have hayfever.", < "//name" : "giantflowerbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "112" : { < "//description" : "This chair is egg-shaped. I'm not sure whose idea that was.", < "//name" : "eggchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Egg Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eggchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "113" : { < "//description" : "A log, smoothed for sitting on.", < "//name" : "plantlog", < "//shortdescription" : "Sitting Log", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantlog", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "114" : { < "//description" : "A luxurious armchair.", < "//name" : "woodenarmchair2", < "//shortdescription" : "Soft Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenarmchair2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "115" : { < "//description" : "A pale stone altar, undecorated.", < "//name" : "altar1", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "altar1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "116" : { < "//description" : "A solid stone bed topped with a nest of hay.", < "//name" : "birdbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Guardian's Nest", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "117" : { < "//description" : "A frozen chair. Uncomfortable after a while.", < "//name" : "icechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "icechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "118" : { < "//description" : "A car shaped bed, for those young at heart.", < "//name" : "carbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Car Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "carbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "119" : { < "//description" : "... Another throne.", < "//name" : "royaltoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royaltoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful bed of rich wood and silks.", < "//name" : "classicbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "120" : { < "//description" : "A basic bench.", < "//name" : "bench", < "//shortdescription" : "Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "121" : { < "//description" : "A peaceful stone fountain. The water gently flows.", < "//name" : "fountain2", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fountain2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "122" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", < "//name" : "flowerbed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "123" : { < "//description" : "An extremely basic bed of hay.", < "//name" : "medievalcellbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Hay Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalcellbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "124" : { < "//description" : "A coffin bed. The hottest in undead comfort.", < "//name" : "bonebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Coffin Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "125" : { < "//description" : "A wheelbarrow for transporting goods.", < "//name" : "wheelbarrow", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheelbarrow", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wheelbarrow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "126" : { < "//description" : "It's an exceptionally cool chair.", < "//name" : "apexcoolchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcoolchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "127" : { < "//description" : "An outhouse! Enjoy!", < "//name" : "outhouse", < "//shortdescription" : "Outhouse", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outhouse", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "128" : { < "//description" : "A firm bed with silky sheets.", < "//name" : "medievalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "129" : { < "//description" : "A rock chair.", < "//name" : "cavechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cavechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "An alien chair. It seems alive.", < "//name" : "alienchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "130" : { < "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair, is it intended for important figures.", < "//name" : "hylotlclassicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Fancy Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlclassicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "131" : { < "//description" : "A beautifully carved Avian bed.", < "//name" : "tribalbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tribalbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "132" : { < "//description" : "An adorable kennel for an adorable pet.", < "//name" : "kennel", < "//shortdescription" : "Kennel", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "kennel", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "133" : { < "//description" : "A crystal chair. Fit for a monarch.", < "//name" : "crystalchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "134" : { < "//description" : "A tiny stool carved from bone.", < "//name" : "floranbonestool", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbonestool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "135" : { < "//description" : "A wall mountable Floran prison bunk.", < "//name" : "plantbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Wall Bunk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "136" : { < "//description" : "An eye chair. Not to be confused with a high chair.", < "//name" : "eyechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "137" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", < "//name" : "plantbed4", < "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "138" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", < "//name" : "plantbed4_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed4", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "139" : { < "//description" : "A chair that anyone can sit on!", < "//name" : "outpostpublicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Public Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostpublicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "apexcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "140" : { < "//description" : "A crystal bed, for when you want to dream of being rich.", < "//name" : "crystalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "crystalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "141" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of cobblestone.", < "//name" : "stonebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stonebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "142" : { < "//description" : "A dining chair fit for the sort of person who enjoys caviar.", < "//name" : "classicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "classicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "143" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of vines. Those spikes look poisonous.", < "//name" : "toxicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "toxicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "144" : { < "//name" : "tier5chair", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "145" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of flesh and bone. Great for nightmares.", < "//name" : "eyebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Eye Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "eyebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "146" : { < "//description" : "A fleshy chair. About as gross as it sounds.", < "//name" : "fleshchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "147" : { < "//description" : "A flower chair. If you enjoy sitting here, you like butter.", < "//name" : "giantflowerchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "giantflowerchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "148" : { < "//description" : "Strange huge flowers, you can hide inside!", < "//name" : "flowerbox", < "//shortdescription" : "Strange Flower Box", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbox", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "149" : { < "//description" : "A crudely made bench. It's had a lot of use during Floran hunts.", < "//name" : "huntingbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Crude Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "huntingbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "A simple wooden chair with bone accents.", < "//name" : "floranchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "150" : { < "//description" : "A rainbow bed. Colourful and comfortable.", < "//name" : "rainbowbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "151" : { < "//description" : "A simple wooden stool.", < "//name" : "woodenstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Simple Wooden Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "152" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "153" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden couch, the stripes help it go faster.", < "//name" : "woodencouch1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencouch1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "154" : { < "//description" : "A rusty bed. Looks cheap and fragile.", < "//name" : "rustbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rustbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "155" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone chair. Crumbly.", < "//name" : "sandstonechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "156" : { < "//description" : "A wooden toilet. ", < "//name" : "woodtoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodtoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "157" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of rock.", < "//name" : "cavebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Rock Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cavebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "158" : { < "//description" : "A bone throne. For all your royal bone needs.", < "//name" : "bonechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "bonechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "159" : { < "//name" : "tier10bed", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom chair. Or maybe a toadstool.", < "//name" : "shroomchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroomchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "160" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable titanium bed. Looks pretty sleek.", < "//name" : "tier3bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "161" : { < "//description" : "A simple iron chair.", < "//name" : "tier1chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "162" : { < "//description" : "A deck lounge chair with a parasol, perfect for sun weather.", < "//name" : "oasisbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Deck Lounge Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "oasisbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "163" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "hylotlcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hylotlcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "164" : { < "//description" : "Filth and rust have eaten away at this bed. Thankfully I'm not at all tired.", < "//name" : "wreckbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "165" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of bamboo and leaves.", < "//name" : "islandchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "islandchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "166" : { < "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking saloon chair.", < "//name" : "saloonseat", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "167" : { < "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", < "//name" : "gothiccouch", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothiccouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "168" : { < "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", < "//name" : "gothiccouch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothiccouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "169" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally gothic chair.", < "//name" : "gothicchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain with a floral centerpiece.", < "//name" : "petalfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Floral Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "petalfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "170" : { < "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", < "//name" : "saloonpiano", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonpiano", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "171" : { < "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", < "//name" : "saloonpiano_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "saloonpiano", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "172" : { < "//description" : "A glowing chair.", < "//name" : "glowchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "173" : { < "//description" : "A bed, with glowing plants grown through it.", < "//name" : "glowbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glowbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "174" : { < "//description" : "An old, worn and dusty bed.", < "//name" : "dustybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dustybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "175" : { < "//description" : "An old, worn and dusty chair.", < "//name" : "dustychair", < "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "dustychair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "176" : { < "//description" : "A traditional bed made from roots and leaves.", < "//name" : "swampbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swampbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "177" : { < "//description" : "An unusual bed, with sides made of roots and leaf bedding.", < "//name" : "swampybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Cot", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swampybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "178" : { < "//description" : "A small seat made from leaves and roots.", < "//name" : "swampchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "swampchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "179" : { < "//description" : "To some, a hammock is the very picture of luxury.", < "//name" : "islandhammock", < "//shortdescription" : "Island Hammock", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "islandhammock", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "This upholstery is bananas.", < "//name" : "apexarmchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexarmchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "180" : { < "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", < "//name" : "gothicbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "181" : { < "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", < "//name" : "gothicbed_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "gothicbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "182" : { < "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", < "//name" : "seachair", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seachair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "183" : { < "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", < "//name" : "seachair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seachair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "184" : { < "//description" : "A bed made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifibed", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Pod", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifibed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "185" : { < "//description" : "The design of this bed is based on an old Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "spaceshuttlebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Space Shuttle Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spaceshuttlebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "186" : { < "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "liftoffseat", < "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liftoffseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "187" : { < "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liftoffseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "188" : { < "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", < "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "liftoffseat", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "189" : { < "//description" : "A seashell-shaped bed.", < "//name" : "seabed", < "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "seabed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "A wooden chair overgrown with vines.", < "//name" : "plantchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "190" : { < "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifichair", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifichair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "191" : { < "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", < "//name" : "retroscifichair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "retroscifichair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "192" : { < "//description" : "What's better than a bed? Two beds!", < "//name" : "cabinbunkbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Bunk Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinbunkbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "193" : { < "//description" : "An old, hand carved rocking chair.", < "//name" : "cabinchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cabinchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "194" : { < "//description" : "A bed supported by a framework of pipes.", < "//name" : "steampunkbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "195" : { < "//description" : "A bubbling cauldron, big enough that you could fit a whole person inside it.", < "//name" : "spookycauldron", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Cauldron", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookycauldron", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "196" : { < "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", < "//name" : "spookytombchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookytombchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "197" : { < "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", < "//name" : "spookytombchair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookytombchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "198" : { < "//description" : "A fancy looking armchair.", < "//name" : "steampunkarmchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steampunkarmchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "199" : { < "//description" : "There's something disturbing about this fancy old bed.", < "//name" : "spookybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "spookybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//name" : "tier8bed", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "20" : { < "//name" : "captainschair", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "200" : { < "//name" : "outdoorsit", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "201" : { < "//description" : "A sleek fountain. The water looks refreshing.", < "//name" : "outdoorfountain", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Fountain", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorfountain", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "202" : { < "//description" : "A chair, built to endure the elements.", < "//name" : "outdoorchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "203" : { < "//description" : "A bench, perfect for outdoors.", < "//name" : "outdoorbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "204" : { < "//description" : "A smart metal stool, suitable for the outdoors.", < "//name" : "outdoorstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outdoorstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "205" : { < "//description" : "A minimalist bed made from a refractive glass.", < "//name" : "prismbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "206" : { < "//description" : "A cleanly cut chair made from refractive glass.", < "//name" : "prismchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Prism Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prismchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "207" : { < "//description" : "A fetching chair, made of fine wood and brass pipes.", < "//name" : "steamspringchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "208" : { < "//description" : "A comfy bed supported by a framework of pipes.", < "//name" : "steamspringbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "steamspringbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "209" : { < "//description" : "A strange chair made from strange hexagonal pods.", < "//name" : "hivechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Geometric chair.", < "//name" : "geometricchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "210" : { < "//description" : "A silk bed, resting on a strange hive-like base.", < "//name" : "hivebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "hivebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "211" : { < "//description" : "The standard Protectorate student bunk bed.", < "//name" : "protectoratedormbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bunk Bed.", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratedormbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "212" : { < "//description" : "A nice looking chair for cool Protectorate students.", < "//name" : "protectoratelobbychair", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Lobby Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratelobbychair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "213" : { < "//description" : "The standard Protectorate Dorm Toilet.", < "//name" : "protectoratedormtoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Dorm Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratedormtoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "214" : { < "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate garden. It has a plaque.", < "//name" : "protectorategardenbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorategardenbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "215" : { < "//description" : "A bed with a large lamp over it, producing considerable heat.", < "//name" : "foundrybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "216" : { < "//description" : "A metallic chair from a foundry.", < "//name" : "foundrychair", < "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "foundrychair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "217" : { < "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate.", < "//name" : "protectoratebench", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-40", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectoratebench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "218" : { < "//description" : "A large hollow geode carved into a chair.", < "//name" : "geodechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "219" : { < "//description" : "A bed carved inside of a giant geode.", < "//name" : "geodebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Geode Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geodebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "glitchcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "glitchcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "220" : { < "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Cerulium bed.", < "//name" : "wavebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wave Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wavebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "221" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable Doom chair.", < "//name" : "doomchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doomchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "222" : { < "//description" : "A sublime Doom bed. Bit spiky, though.", < "//name" : "doombed", < "//shortdescription" : "Doom Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "doombed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "223" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Serene bed.", < "//name" : "serenebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Serene Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "serenebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "224" : { < "//description" : "A remarkably comfortable Opulent bed.", < "//name" : "opulentbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "opulentbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "225" : { < "//description" : "A clean and sturdy bed.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitybed", < "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitybed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "226" : { < "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Wave chair.", < "//name" : "wavechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wave Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wavechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "227" : { < "//description" : "A stylish but sturdy chair.", < "//name" : "scorchedcitychair", < "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedcitychair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "228" : { < "//description" : "An executive bed. For the sleep of your life.", < "//name" : "executivebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "executivebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "229" : { < "//description" : "An Executive chair. You'll never want to stand again.", < "//name" : "executivechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "executivechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "Another victim of this tacky polka dot print.", < "//name" : "apexcouch", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "230" : { < "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Opulent chair.", < "//name" : "opulentchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "opulentchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "231" : { < "//description" : "A very comfortable Serene chair.", < "//name" : "serenechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Serene Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "serenechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "232" : { < "//description" : "A scorched bench.", < "//name" : "scorchedbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Scorched Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scorchedbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "233" : { < "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", < "//name" : "vrheadset", < "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "16", < "object" : "vrheadset", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "234" : { < "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", < "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "16", < "object" : "vrheadset", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "235" : { < "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation2", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "236" : { < "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation3", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "237" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent1red", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Dome Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent1red", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "238" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent1blue", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Dome Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent1blue", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "239" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent2yellow", < "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Basic Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent2yellow", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "24" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden armchair.", < "//name" : "woodenarmchair1", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenarmchair1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "240" : { < "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", < "//name" : "sleepingbagred", < "//shortdescription" : "Red Sleeping Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sleepingbagred", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "241" : { < "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", < "//name" : "sleepingbaggreen", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Sleeping Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sleepingbaggreen", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "242" : { < "//description" : "A military tent.", < "//name" : "apextent", < "//shortdescription" : "Military Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextent", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "243" : { < "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", < "//name" : "penguinbarbottom", < "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "penguinbarbottom", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "244" : { < "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", < "//name" : "outpostbarstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Urban Bar Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostbarstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "245" : { < "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate garden. It has a plaque.", < "//name" : "protectorategardenbench_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "protectorategardenbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "25" : { < "//name" : "tier5bed", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "26" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reedchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "27" : { < "//description" : "A fluffy two-seater couch.", < "//name" : "woodencouch2", < "//shortdescription" : "Soft Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodencouch2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "28" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable titanium chair.", < "//name" : "tier3chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier3chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "29" : { < "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", < "//name" : "frozenfirechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frozenfirechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking wooden chair.", < "//name" : "woodenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "30" : { < "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", < "//name" : "frozenfirechair_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "frozenfirechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "31" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of wood and reed.", < "//name" : "reedbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Reed Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "reedbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "32" : { < "//description" : "A chair made of rainbow wood.", < "//name" : "rainbowwoodchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowwoodchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "33" : { < "//description" : "A mushroom bed. Guaranteed to give you weird dreams.", < "//name" : "shroombed", < "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "shroombed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "34" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed with a headboard.", < "//name" : "woodenbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "35" : { < "//description" : "A throne fit for royal buttocks.", < "//name" : "royalthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Royal Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "36" : { < "//name" : "tier6bed", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "37" : { < "//description" : "A common iron bed.", < "//name" : "tier1bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier1bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "38" : { < "//description" : "A table reserved for traitors.", < "//name" : "apextorturebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Table", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apextorturebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "39" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "florancaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "4" : { < "//name" : "tier9chair", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "40" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel chair.", < "//name" : "tier4chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "41" : { < "//description" : "A sticky tar chair.", < "//name" : "tarchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "42" : { < "//description" : "A basic wooden chair.", < "//name" : "woodchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Padded Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "43" : { < "//description" : "A simple bench, save for the fact that the legs are nailed to the floor.", < "//name" : "prisonbench", < "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonbench", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "44" : { < "//description" : "A sticky, slimy spot to sit.", < "//name" : "slimechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "45" : { < "//description" : "A toilet made of swords. Risky.", < "//name" : "irontoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "irontoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "46" : { < "//description" : "A basic bedroll on a wheeled wooden frame.", < "//name" : "plantbed3", < "//shortdescription" : "Wheeled Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "47" : { < "//description" : "A small wooden stool.", < "//name" : "woodstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "48" : { < "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", < "//name" : "prisontorturebed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Torture Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisontorturebed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "49" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable Avian bench.", < "//name" : "avianbench2", < "//shortdescription" : "Village Bench", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "avianbench2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//name" : "tier7chair", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "50" : { < "//description" : "A bright, modern looking chair.", < "//name" : "cellchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "cellchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "51" : { < "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage3", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "52" : { < "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "53" : { < "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation2", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "54" : { < "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", < "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation3", < "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "-24", < "object" : "plantcage3", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "55" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "humancaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "humancaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "56" : { < "//description" : "Sleep sweetly, suspended in slime.", < "//name" : "slimebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Slime Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "slimebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "57" : { < "//description" : "A brutal yet effective execution device.", < "//name" : "guillotine", < "//shortdescription" : "Guillotine", < "imagePositionX" : "-32", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "guillotine", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "58" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent2", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Basic Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "59" : { < "//description" : "It's just an armchair made of bones. No big deal.", < "//name" : "floranarmchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Armchair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranarmchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//name" : "tier7bed", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "60" : { < "//name" : "tier9bed", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "61" : { < "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", < "//name" : "tent1", < "//shortdescription" : "Green Dome Tent", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tent1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "62" : { < "//description" : "Some sort of solitary confinement device, maybe?", < "//name" : "prisonforcecell", < "//shortdescription" : "Force Cell", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "prisonforcecell", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "63" : { < "//description" : "A surprisingly comfortable chair.", < "//name" : "lunarbasechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "64" : { < "//description" : "A toilet! Thank the stars!", < "//name" : "basictoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Old Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basictoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "65" : { < "//description" : "A standard issue office chair.", < "//name" : "apexofficechair", < "//shortdescription" : "Office Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexofficechair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "66" : { < "//description" : "An iron bed made of swords. Perfect for a power nap.", < "//name" : "ironbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "67" : { < "//description" : "A filthy chair. Insects skitter in and out of holes in the fabric.", < "//name" : "wreckchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "wreckchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "68" : { < "//description" : "A couch made of leather hide and large bones.", < "//name" : "florancouch", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Couch", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "florancouch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "69" : { < "//description" : "A comfy chair, looks like it's meant to be nailed to the floor.", < "//name" : "apexcomfychair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Seat", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexcomfychair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "7" : { < "//name" : "tier6chair", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "70" : { < "//description" : "A gloriously colourful rainbow chair.", < "//name" : "rainbowchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "rainbowchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "71" : { < "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", < "//name" : "sleepingbag", < "//shortdescription" : "Blue Sleeping Bag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sleepingbag", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "72" : { < "//description" : "A pile of hay. Probably not a great hiding place.", < "//name" : "haypile", < "//shortdescription" : "Hay Pile", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "haypile", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "73" : { < "//description" : "A very basic toilet.", < "//name" : "medievaltoilet", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Toilet", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievaltoilet", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "74" : { < "//description" : "The bone frame is sort of disturbing, but that fur blanket looks mighty comfy.", < "//name" : "floranbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "floranbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "75" : { < "//description" : "A Floran prison bedroll. It spreads out on the ground.", < "//name" : "plantbed1", < "//shortdescription" : "Plant Bedroll", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "plantbed1", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "76" : { < "//description" : "A simple tar bed.", < "//name" : "tarbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Tar Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tarbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "77" : { < "//description" : "A strong Geometric bed.", < "//name" : "geometricbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "geometricbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "78" : { < "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel bed. Looks pretty sleek.", < "//name" : "tier4bed", < "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier4bed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "79" : { < "//description" : "A standard issue wooden dining chair.", < "//name" : "apexwoodenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexwoodenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "A bed made of fresh flesh.", < "//name" : "fleshbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "fleshbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "80" : { < "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed.", < "//name" : "woodenbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "81" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "novakidcaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "novakidcaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "82" : { < "//name" : "tier10chair", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "83" : { < "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", < "//name" : "aviancaptainschair", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Captain's Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "aviancaptainschair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "84" : { < "//description" : "A throne of 1000 swords.", < "//name" : "ironthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Iron Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "ironthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "85" : { < "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", < "//name" : "birdthrone", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "86" : { < "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", < "//name" : "birdthrone_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "birdthrone", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "87" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful bed made of shiny gold.", < "//name" : "royalbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Royal Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "royalbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "88" : { < "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", < "//name" : "flowerbed2", < "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flowerbed2", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "89" : { < "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", < "//name" : "barstool", < "//shortdescription" : "Bar Stool", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "barstool", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "A simple tungsten chair.", < "//name" : "tier2chair", < "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tier2chair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "90" : { < "//description" : "A cheaply-manufactured bed.", < "//name" : "apexbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "apexbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "91" : { < "//description" : "These cosy beds can stack on top of each other.", < "//name" : "lunarbasebunk", < "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Bunk", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "lunarbasebunk", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "92" : { < "//description" : "A basic bed. Not too comfy.", < "//name" : "outpostbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "outpostbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "93" : { < "//description" : "A sandstone bed. Make sure you dust it off before use.", < "//name" : "sandstonebed", < "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sandstonebed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "94" : { < "//name" : "tier8chair", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "95" : { < "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking chair.", < "//name" : "tungstenchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Folding Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tungstenchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "96" : { < "//description" : "An altar sticky with old blood and feathers.", < "//name" : "sacrificialaltar", < "//shortdescription" : "Sacrificial Altar", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "sacrificialaltar", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "97" : { < "//description" : "A hard chair, it would get uncomfortable pretty quickly.", < "//name" : "medievalchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "medievalchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "98" : { < "//description" : "An alien bed. It seems to be alive.", < "//name" : "alienbed", < "//shortdescription" : "Alien Bed", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "alienbed", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "99" : { < "//description" : "A sturdy metal chair.", < "//name" : "basicmetalchair", < "//shortdescription" : "Basic Metal Chair", < "imagePositionX" : "-8", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "basicmetalchair", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "A cold, hard slab of metal meant to serve as a bed.", > "//name" : "prisonbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Chained Metal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "This mattress is filthy! I swear I just saw something crawling around inside.", > "//name" : "prisonmattress", > "//shortdescription" : "Dirty Mattress", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonmattress", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "A common tungsten bed.", > "//name" : "tier2bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "100" : { > "//description" : "A bathroom stall. Don't get stuck!", > "//name" : "bathroomstall", > "//shortdescription" : "Bathroom Stall", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bathroomstall", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "101" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain. The water looks refreshing.", > "//name" : "fountain1", > "//shortdescription" : "Tiered Stone Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fountain1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "102" : { > "//description" : "A rusty chair. Don't rock back on it.", > "//name" : "rustchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rusty Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "103" : { > "//description" : "A contemporary chair.", > "//name" : "modernchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Modern Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "modernchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "104" : { > "//description" : "A teal blue chair.", > "//name" : "hylotlchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "105" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "106" : { > "//description" : "A chair. You sit in it. Yes.", > "//name" : "outpostchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "107" : { > "//description" : "A bench made of wood and bones. Seems... inviting?", > "//name" : "floranbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "108" : { > "//description" : "This toilet doesn't look very leak-proof.", > "//name" : "florantoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florantoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "109" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of ice. In the summer, it becomes a water bed.", > "//name" : "icebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful rustic bench.", > "//name" : "avianbench1", > "//shortdescription" : "Rustic Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianbench1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "110" : { > "//description" : "Legend has it that if you spend the night in this bed, you'll lose consciousness.", > "//name" : "hylotlbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Comfy Traditional Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "111" : { > "//description" : "A flower bed. Hope you don't have hayfever.", > "//name" : "giantflowerbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "112" : { > "//description" : "This chair is egg-shaped. I'm not sure whose idea that was.", > "//name" : "eggchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Egg Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eggchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "113" : { > "//description" : "A log, smoothed for sitting on.", > "//name" : "plantlog", > "//shortdescription" : "Sitting Log", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantlog", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "114" : { > "//description" : "A luxurious armchair.", > "//name" : "woodenarmchair2", > "//shortdescription" : "Soft Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenarmchair2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "115" : { > "//description" : "A pale stone altar, undecorated.", > "//name" : "altar1", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "altar1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "116" : { > "//description" : "A solid stone bed topped with a nest of hay.", > "//name" : "birdbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Guardian's Nest", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "117" : { > "//description" : "A frozen chair. Uncomfortable after a while.", > "//name" : "icechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Ice Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "icechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "118" : { > "//description" : "A car shaped bed, for those young at heart.", > "//name" : "carbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Car Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "carbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "119" : { > "//description" : "... Another throne.", > "//name" : "royaltoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royaltoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful bed of rich wood and silks.", > "//name" : "classicbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "120" : { > "//description" : "A basic bench.", > "//name" : "bench", > "//shortdescription" : "Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "121" : { > "//description" : "A peaceful stone fountain. The water gently flows.", > "//name" : "fountain2", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fountain2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "122" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", > "//name" : "flowerbed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "123" : { > "//description" : "An extremely basic bed of hay.", > "//name" : "medievalcellbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Hay Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalcellbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "124" : { > "//description" : "A coffin bed. The hottest in undead comfort.", > "//name" : "bonebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Coffin Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "125" : { > "//description" : "A wheelbarrow for transporting goods.", > "//name" : "wheelbarrow", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheelbarrow", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wheelbarrow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "126" : { > "//description" : "It's an exceptionally cool chair.", > "//name" : "apexcoolchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Cool Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcoolchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "127" : { > "//description" : "An outhouse! Enjoy!", > "//name" : "outhouse", > "//shortdescription" : "Outhouse", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outhouse", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "128" : { > "//description" : "A firm bed with silky sheets.", > "//name" : "medievalbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "129" : { > "//description" : "A rock chair.", > "//name" : "cavechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cavechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "An alien chair. It seems alive.", > "//name" : "alienchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Alien Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "alienchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "130" : { > "//description" : "A high-class wooden chair, is it intended for important figures.", > "//name" : "hylotlclassicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Traditional Fancy Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlclassicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "131" : { > "//description" : "A beautifully carved Avian bed.", > "//name" : "tribalbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tribalbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "132" : { > "//description" : "An adorable kennel for an adorable pet.", > "//name" : "kennel", > "//shortdescription" : "Kennel", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "kennel", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "133" : { > "//description" : "A crystal chair. Fit for a monarch.", > "//name" : "crystalchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "134" : { > "//description" : "A tiny stool carved from bone.", > "//name" : "floranbonestool", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbonestool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "135" : { > "//description" : "A wall mountable Floran prison bunk.", > "//name" : "plantbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Wall Bunk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "136" : { > "//description" : "An eye chair. Not to be confused with a high chair.", > "//name" : "eyechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "137" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", > "//name" : "plantbed4", > "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "138" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prisoner bedroll covered with a blanket.", > "//name" : "plantbed4_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Covered Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed4", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "139" : { > "//description" : "A chair that anyone can sit on!", > "//name" : "outpostpublicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Public Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostpublicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "apexcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "140" : { > "//description" : "A crystal bed, for when you want to dream of being rich.", > "//name" : "crystalbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Crystal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "crystalbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "141" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of cobblestone.", > "//name" : "stonebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stonebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "142" : { > "//description" : "A dining chair fit for the sort of person who enjoys caviar.", > "//name" : "classicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Classic Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "classicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "143" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of vines. Those spikes look poisonous.", > "//name" : "toxicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Toxic Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "toxicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "144" : { > "//name" : "tier5chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "145" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of flesh and bone. Great for nightmares.", > "//name" : "eyebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Eye Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "eyebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "146" : { > "//description" : "A fleshy chair. About as gross as it sounds.", > "//name" : "fleshchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "147" : { > "//description" : "A flower chair. If you enjoy sitting here, you like butter.", > "//name" : "giantflowerchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Giant Flower Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "giantflowerchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "148" : { > "//description" : "Strange huge flowers, you can hide inside!", > "//name" : "flowerbox", > "//shortdescription" : "Strange Flower Box", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbox", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "149" : { > "//description" : "A crudely made bench. It's had a lot of use during Floran hunts.", > "//name" : "huntingbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Crude Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "huntingbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "A simple wooden chair with bone accents.", > "//name" : "floranchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "150" : { > "//description" : "A rainbow bed. Colourful and comfortable.", > "//name" : "rainbowbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "151" : { > "//description" : "A simple wooden stool.", > "//name" : "woodenstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Simple Wooden Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "152" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "153" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden couch, the stripes help it go faster.", > "//name" : "woodencouch1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencouch1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "154" : { > "//description" : "A rusty bed. Looks cheap and fragile.", > "//name" : "rustbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rust Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rustbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "155" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone chair. Crumbly.", > "//name" : "sandstonechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "156" : { > "//description" : "A wooden toilet. ", > "//name" : "woodtoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodtoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "157" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of rock.", > "//name" : "cavebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Rock Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cavebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "158" : { > "//description" : "A bone throne. For all your royal bone needs.", > "//name" : "bonechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Bone Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bonechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "159" : { > "//name" : "tier10bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom chair. Or maybe a toadstool.", > "//name" : "shroomchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroomchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "160" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable titanium bed. Looks pretty sleek.", > "//name" : "tier3bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "161" : { > "//description" : "A simple iron chair.", > "//name" : "tier1chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "162" : { > "//description" : "A deck lounge chair with a parasol, perfect for sun weather.", > "//name" : "oasisbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Deck Lounge Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "oasisbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "163" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "hylotlcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "164" : { > "//description" : "Filth and rust have eaten away at this bed. Thankfully I'm not at all tired.", > "//name" : "wreckbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "165" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of bamboo and leaves.", > "//name" : "islandchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "166" : { > "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking saloon chair.", > "//name" : "saloonseat", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "167" : { > "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", > "//name" : "gothiccouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothiccouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "168" : { > "//description" : "A creepy couch, with a black painted finish.", > "//name" : "gothiccouch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothiccouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "169" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally gothic chair.", > "//name" : "gothicchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful stone fountain with a floral centerpiece.", > "//name" : "petalfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Floral Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "petalfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "170" : { > "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", > "//name" : "saloonpiano", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "171" : { > "//description" : "It's a piano fit for a saloon!", > "//name" : "saloonpiano_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Saloon Piano", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "saloonpiano", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "172" : { > "//description" : "A glowing chair.", > "//name" : "glowchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "173" : { > "//description" : "A bed, with glowing plants grown through it.", > "//name" : "glowbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Glow Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glowbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "174" : { > "//description" : "An old, worn and dusty bed.", > "//name" : "dustybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dustybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "175" : { > "//description" : "An old, worn and dusty chair.", > "//name" : "dustychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Dusty Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "dustychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "176" : { > "//description" : "A traditional bed made from roots and leaves.", > "//name" : "swampbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "177" : { > "//description" : "An unusual bed, with sides made of roots and leaf bedding.", > "//name" : "swampybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Cot", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "178" : { > "//description" : "A small seat made from leaves and roots.", > "//name" : "swampchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Swamp Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "swampchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "179" : { > "//description" : "To some, a hammock is the very picture of luxury.", > "//name" : "islandhammock", > "//shortdescription" : "Island Hammock", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "islandhammock", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "This upholstery is bananas.", > "//name" : "apexarmchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexarmchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "180" : { > "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", > "//name" : "gothicbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "181" : { > "//description" : "Pretend you're an undead ghoul with this creepy coffin!", > "//name" : "gothicbed_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Gothic Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "gothicbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "182" : { > "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", > "//name" : "seachair", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seachair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "183" : { > "//description" : "A seashell-shaped armchair.", > "//name" : "seachair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seachair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "184" : { > "//description" : "A bed made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifibed", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Pod", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifibed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "185" : { > "//description" : "The design of this bed is based on an old Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "spaceshuttlebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Space Shuttle Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spaceshuttlebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "186" : { > "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "liftoffseat", > "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liftoffseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "187" : { > "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liftoffseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "188" : { > "//description" : "A horizontal chair like a captain's chair on an Earth space shuttle.", > "//name" : "liftoffseat_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Liftoff Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "liftoffseat", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "189" : { > "//description" : "A seashell-shaped bed.", > "//name" : "seabed", > "//shortdescription" : "Seashell Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "seabed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "A wooden chair overgrown with vines.", > "//name" : "plantchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Overgrown Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "190" : { > "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifichair", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifichair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "191" : { > "//description" : "An egg shaped chair made in a retro-futuristic style.", > "//name" : "retroscifichair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Retro Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "retroscifichair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "192" : { > "//description" : "What's better than a bed? Two beds!", > "//name" : "cabinbunkbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Bunk Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinbunkbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "193" : { > "//description" : "An old, hand carved rocking chair.", > "//name" : "cabinchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Cabin Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cabinchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "194" : { > "//description" : "A bed supported by a framework of pipes.", > "//name" : "steampunkbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "195" : { > "//description" : "A bubbling cauldron, big enough that you could fit a whole person inside it.", > "//name" : "spookycauldron", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Cauldron", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookycauldron", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "196" : { > "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", > "//name" : "spookytombchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookytombchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "197" : { > "//description" : "Rest in peace with this padded ornamental chair.", > "//name" : "spookytombchair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Tomb Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookytombchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "198" : { > "//description" : "A fancy looking armchair.", > "//name" : "steampunkarmchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Steampunk Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steampunkarmchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "199" : { > "//description" : "There's something disturbing about this fancy old bed.", > "//name" : "spookybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Spooky Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "spookybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//name" : "tier8bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "20" : { > "//name" : "captainschair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "200" : { > "//name" : "outdoorsit", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "201" : { > "//description" : "A sleek fountain. The water looks refreshing.", > "//name" : "outdoorfountain", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Fountain", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorfountain", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "202" : { > "//description" : "A chair, built to endure the elements.", > "//name" : "outdoorchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "203" : { > "//description" : "A bench, perfect for outdoors.", > "//name" : "outdoorbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "204" : { > "//description" : "A smart metal stool, suitable for the outdoors.", > "//name" : "outdoorstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Outdoor Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outdoorstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "205" : { > "//description" : "A minimalist bed made from a refractive glass.", > "//name" : "prismbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "206" : { > "//description" : "A cleanly cut chair made from refractive glass.", > "//name" : "prismchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Prism Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prismchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "207" : { > "//description" : "A fetching chair, made of fine wood and brass pipes.", > "//name" : "steamspringchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "208" : { > "//description" : "A comfy bed supported by a framework of pipes.", > "//name" : "steamspringbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Steamspring Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "steamspringbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "209" : { > "//description" : "A strange chair made from strange hexagonal pods.", > "//name" : "hivechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Geometric chair.", > "//name" : "geometricchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "210" : { > "//description" : "A silk bed, resting on a strange hive-like base.", > "//name" : "hivebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Hive Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hivebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "211" : { > "//description" : "The standard Protectorate student bunk bed.", > "//name" : "protectoratedormbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bunk Bed.", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratedormbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "212" : { > "//description" : "A nice looking chair for cool Protectorate students.", > "//name" : "protectoratelobbychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Lobby Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratelobbychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "213" : { > "//description" : "The standard Protectorate Dorm Toilet.", > "//name" : "protectoratedormtoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Dorm Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratedormtoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "214" : { > "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate garden. It has a plaque.", > "//name" : "protectorategardenbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorategardenbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "215" : { > "//description" : "A bed with a large lamp over it, producing considerable heat.", > "//name" : "foundrybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "216" : { > "//description" : "A metallic chair from a foundry.", > "//name" : "foundrychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Foundry Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundrychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "217" : { > "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate.", > "//name" : "protectoratebench", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-40", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectoratebench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "218" : { > "//description" : "A large hollow geode carved into a chair.", > "//name" : "geodechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "219" : { > "//description" : "A bed carved inside of a giant geode.", > "//name" : "geodebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Geode Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geodebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "glitchcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "220" : { > "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Cerulium bed.", > "//name" : "wavebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "221" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable Doom chair.", > "//name" : "doomchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doomchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "222" : { > "//description" : "A sublime Doom bed. Bit spiky, though.", > "//name" : "doombed", > "//shortdescription" : "Doom Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "doombed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "223" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Serene bed.", > "//name" : "serenebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "224" : { > "//description" : "A remarkably comfortable Opulent bed.", > "//name" : "opulentbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "225" : { > "//description" : "A clean and sturdy bed.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitybed", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitybed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "226" : { > "//description" : "An exceptionally comfortable Wave chair.", > "//name" : "wavechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wave Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wavechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "227" : { > "//description" : "A stylish but sturdy chair.", > "//name" : "scorchedcitychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Stylish Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedcitychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "228" : { > "//description" : "An executive bed. For the sleep of your life.", > "//name" : "executivebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "229" : { > "//description" : "An Executive chair. You'll never want to stand again.", > "//name" : "executivechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "executivechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "Another victim of this tacky polka dot print.", > "//name" : "apexcouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "230" : { > "//description" : "An incredibly comfortable Opulent chair.", > "//name" : "opulentchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Opulent Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "opulentchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "231" : { > "//description" : "A very comfortable Serene chair.", > "//name" : "serenechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Serene Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "serenechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "232" : { > "//description" : "A scorched bench.", > "//name" : "scorchedbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Scorched Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scorchedbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "233" : { > "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", > "//name" : "vrheadset", > "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "vrheadset", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "234" : { > "//description" : "A virtual reality headset.", > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "VR Headset", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "16", > "object" : "vrheadset", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "235" : { > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation2", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "236" : { > "//name" : "vrheadset_orientation3", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "237" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent1red", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Dome Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent1red", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "238" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent1blue", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Dome Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent1blue", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "239" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent2yellow", > "//shortdescription" : "Yellow Basic Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent2yellow", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "24" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden armchair.", > "//name" : "woodenarmchair1", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenarmchair1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "240" : { > "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", > "//name" : "sleepingbagred", > "//shortdescription" : "Red Sleeping Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sleepingbagred", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "241" : { > "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", > "//name" : "sleepingbaggreen", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Sleeping Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sleepingbaggreen", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "242" : { > "//description" : "A military tent.", > "//name" : "apextent", > "//shortdescription" : "Military Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextent", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "243" : { > "//description" : "A bar fit for a Penguin.", > "//name" : "penguinbarbottom", > "//shortdescription" : "Penguin Bar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "penguinbarbottom", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "244" : { > "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", > "//name" : "outpostbarstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Urban Bar Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostbarstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "245" : { > "//description" : "A bench found in the Protectorate garden. It has a plaque.", > "//name" : "protectorategardenbench_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Protectorate Garden Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "protectorategardenbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "246" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "novakidteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidteleporterTier0" > }, > "247" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "hylotlteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "hylotlteleporterTier0" > }, > "248" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "teleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "teleporterTier0" > }, > "249" : { > "//description" : "A large cage for designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage1", > "//shortdescription" : "Large Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantcage1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "25" : { > "//name" : "tier5bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "250" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "avianteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianteleporterTier0" > }, > "251" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "floranteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranteleporterTier0" > }, > "252" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "glitchteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "glitchteleporterTier0" > }, > "253" : { > "//description" : "Trusty teleporter, what would we do without you?", > "//name" : "humanteleporterTier0", > "//shortdescription" : "Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humanteleporterTier0" > }, > "26" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reedchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "27" : { > "//description" : "A fluffy two-seater couch.", > "//name" : "woodencouch2", > "//shortdescription" : "Soft Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodencouch2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "28" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable titanium chair.", > "//name" : "tier3chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Titanium Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier3chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "29" : { > "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", > "//name" : "frozenfirechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frozenfirechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking wooden chair.", > "//name" : "woodenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "30" : { > "//description" : "Quite a dangerous chair to sit on", > "//name" : "frozenfirechair_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Frozen Fire Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "frozenfirechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "31" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of wood and reed.", > "//name" : "reedbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Reed Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "reedbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "32" : { > "//description" : "A chair made of rainbow wood.", > "//name" : "rainbowwoodchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Wood Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowwoodchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "33" : { > "//description" : "A mushroom bed. Guaranteed to give you weird dreams.", > "//name" : "shroombed", > "//shortdescription" : "Shroom Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "shroombed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "34" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed with a headboard.", > "//name" : "woodenbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "35" : { > "//description" : "A throne fit for royal buttocks.", > "//name" : "royalthrone", > "//shortdescription" : "Royal Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "36" : { > "//name" : "tier6bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "37" : { > "//description" : "A common iron bed.", > "//name" : "tier1bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier1bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "38" : { > "//description" : "A table reserved for traitors.", > "//name" : "apextorturebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Interrogation Table", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apextorturebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "39" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "florancaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//name" : "tier9chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "40" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel chair.", > "//name" : "tier4chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "41" : { > "//description" : "A sticky tar chair.", > "//name" : "tarchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "42" : { > "//description" : "A basic wooden chair.", > "//name" : "woodchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Padded Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "43" : { > "//description" : "A simple bench, save for the fact that the legs are nailed to the floor.", > "//name" : "prisonbench", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonbench", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "44" : { > "//description" : "A sticky, slimy spot to sit.", > "//name" : "slimechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "45" : { > "//description" : "A toilet made of swords. Risky.", > "//name" : "irontoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "irontoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "46" : { > "//description" : "A basic bedroll on a wheeled wooden frame.", > "//name" : "plantbed3", > "//shortdescription" : "Wheeled Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "47" : { > "//description" : "A small wooden stool.", > "//name" : "woodstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "48" : { > "//description" : "A torture bed. Terrifying! Thank goodness for the pillow.", > "//name" : "prisontorturebed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Torture Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisontorturebed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "49" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable Avian bench.", > "//name" : "avianbench2", > "//shortdescription" : "Village Bench", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "avianbench2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//name" : "tier7chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "50" : { > "//description" : "A bright, modern looking chair.", > "//name" : "cellchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Cell Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "cellchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "51" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "52" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "53" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation2", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "54" : { > "//description" : "A hanging cage designed to hold Floran prisoners.", > "//name" : "plantcage3_orientation3", > "//shortdescription" : "Suspended Wooden Cage", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "-24", > "object" : "plantcage3", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "55" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "humancaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "humancaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "56" : { > "//description" : "Sleep sweetly, suspended in slime.", > "//name" : "slimebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Slime Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "slimebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "57" : { > "//description" : "A brutal yet effective execution device.", > "//name" : "guillotine", > "//shortdescription" : "Guillotine", > "imagePositionX" : "-32", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "guillotine", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "58" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent2", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Basic Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "59" : { > "//description" : "It's just an armchair made of bones. No big deal.", > "//name" : "floranarmchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Armchair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranarmchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//name" : "tier7bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "60" : { > "//name" : "tier9bed", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "61" : { > "//description" : "A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!", > "//name" : "tent1", > "//shortdescription" : "Green Dome Tent", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tent1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "62" : { > "//description" : "Some sort of solitary confinement device, maybe?", > "//name" : "prisonforcecell", > "//shortdescription" : "Force Cell", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "prisonforcecell", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "63" : { > "//description" : "A surprisingly comfortable chair.", > "//name" : "lunarbasechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "64" : { > "//description" : "A toilet! Thank the stars!", > "//name" : "basictoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Old Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "basictoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "65" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue office chair.", > "//name" : "apexofficechair", > "//shortdescription" : "Office Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexofficechair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "66" : { > "//description" : "An iron bed made of swords. Perfect for a power nap.", > "//name" : "ironbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "67" : { > "//description" : "A filthy chair. Insects skitter in and out of holes in the fabric.", > "//name" : "wreckchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Wrecked Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "wreckchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "68" : { > "//description" : "A couch made of leather hide and large bones.", > "//name" : "florancouch", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Couch", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "florancouch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "69" : { > "//description" : "A comfy chair, looks like it's meant to be nailed to the floor.", > "//name" : "apexcomfychair", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Seat", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexcomfychair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "7" : { > "//name" : "tier6chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "70" : { > "//description" : "A gloriously colourful rainbow chair.", > "//name" : "rainbowchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Rainbow Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "rainbowchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "71" : { > "//description" : "It's a sleeping bag. It's not the comfiest, but it'll do.", > "//name" : "sleepingbag", > "//shortdescription" : "Blue Sleeping Bag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sleepingbag", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "72" : { > "//description" : "A pile of hay. Probably not a great hiding place.", > "//name" : "haypile", > "//shortdescription" : "Hay Pile", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "haypile", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "73" : { > "//description" : "A very basic toilet.", > "//name" : "medievaltoilet", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Toilet", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievaltoilet", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "74" : { > "//description" : "The bone frame is sort of disturbing, but that fur blanket looks mighty comfy.", > "//name" : "floranbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Primitive Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "floranbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "75" : { > "//description" : "A Floran prison bedroll. It spreads out on the ground.", > "//name" : "plantbed1", > "//shortdescription" : "Plant Bedroll", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "plantbed1", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "76" : { > "//description" : "A simple tar bed.", > "//name" : "tarbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Tar Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tarbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "77" : { > "//description" : "A strong Geometric bed.", > "//name" : "geometricbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Geometric Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "geometricbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "78" : { > "//description" : "A comfortable durasteel bed. Looks pretty sleek.", > "//name" : "tier4bed", > "//shortdescription" : "Durasteel Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier4bed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "79" : { > "//description" : "A standard issue wooden dining chair.", > "//name" : "apexwoodenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexwoodenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "A bed made of fresh flesh.", > "//name" : "fleshbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Flesh Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "fleshbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "80" : { > "//description" : "A comfy wooden bed.", > "//name" : "woodenbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "81" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "novakidcaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "novakidcaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "82" : { > "//name" : "tier10chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "83" : { > "//description" : "The Captain sits here to fly the ship.", > "//name" : "aviancaptainschair", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Captain's Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "aviancaptainschair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "84" : { > "//description" : "A throne of 1000 swords.", > "//name" : "ironthrone", > "//shortdescription" : "Iron Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "ironthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "85" : { > "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", > "//name" : "birdthrone", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "86" : { > "//description" : "A masterfully crafted throne, fit for Kluex himself.", > "//name" : "birdthrone_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Throne", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "birdthrone", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "87" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful bed made of shiny gold.", > "//name" : "royalbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Ornate Royal Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "royalbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "88" : { > "//description" : "A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!", > "//name" : "flowerbed2", > "//shortdescription" : "Flower Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flowerbed2", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "89" : { > "//description" : "A wobbly bar stool.", > "//name" : "barstool", > "//shortdescription" : "Bar Stool", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "barstool", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A simple tungsten chair.", > "//name" : "tier2chair", > "//shortdescription" : "Tungsten Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tier2chair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "90" : { > "//description" : "A cheaply-manufactured bed.", > "//name" : "apexbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Standard Issue Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "apexbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "91" : { > "//description" : "These cosy beds can stack on top of each other.", > "//name" : "lunarbasebunk", > "//shortdescription" : "Lunar Base Bunk", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "lunarbasebunk", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "92" : { > "//description" : "A basic bed. Not too comfy.", > "//name" : "outpostbed", > "//shortdescription" : "Outpost Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "outpostbed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "93" : { > "//description" : "A sandstone bed. Make sure you dust it off before use.", > "//name" : "sandstonebed", > "//shortdescription" : "Sandstone Bed", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sandstonebed", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "94" : { > "//name" : "tier8chair", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "95" : { > "//description" : "An uncomfortable-looking chair.", > "//name" : "tungstenchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Metal Folding Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tungstenchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "96" : { > "//description" : "An altar sticky with old blood and feathers.", > "//name" : "sacrificialaltar", > "//shortdescription" : "Sacrificial Altar", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "sacrificialaltar", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "97" : { > "//description" : "A hard chair, it would get uncomfortable pretty quickly.", > "//name" : "medievalchair", > "//shortdescription" : "Medieval Chair", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "medievalchair", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "98" : { > "//description" : "An alien bed. 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< "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", < "//name" : "woodenelevatorshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Wooden Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenelevatorshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", < "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", < "//shortdescription" : "Short Mechanical Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", < "//name" : "woodenelevatorlong", < "//shortdescription" : "Long Wooden Elevator", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenelevatorlong", < "tilesetDirection" : "left" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "This elevator design is commonly seen in foundries.", < 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}, > "1" : { > "//description" : "This durasteel elevator will get the job done.", > "//name" : "durasteelelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Durasteel Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "durasteelelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "2" : { > "//description" : "This durasteel elevator will get the job done.", > "//name" : "durasteelelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Durasteel Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "durasteelelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", > "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Mechanical Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mechanicalelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", > "//name" : "woodenelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Wooden Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "This elevator operates on an elaborate system of clockwork.", > "//name" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Mechanical Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "mechanicalelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "This simple wooden elevator operates on a pulley system.", > "//name" : "woodenelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Wooden Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "This elevator design is commonly seen in foundries.", > "//name" : "foundryelevatorlong", > "//shortdescription" : "Long Industrial Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundryelevatorlong", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "This elevator design is commonly seen in foundries.", > "//name" : "foundryelevatorshort", > "//shortdescription" : "Short Industrial Elevator", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "foundryelevatorshort", > "tilesetDirection" : "left" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "A force field which can only be passed through one way", > "//name" : "bossdoor", > "//shortdescription" : "Force Field", > "imagePositionX" : "-8", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "bossdoor", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 101,130c101,130 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/jumppad.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/durasteelelevatorlong.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/durasteelelevatorshort.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mechanicalelevatorlong.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodenelevatorshort.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mechanicalelevatorshort.png" < }, < "6" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodenelevatorlong.png" < }, < "7" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/foundryelevatorlong.png" < }, < "8" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/foundryelevatorshort.png" < }, < "9" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bossdoor.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/jumppad.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/durasteelelevatorlong.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/durasteelelevatorshort.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mechanicalelevatorlong.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodenelevatorshort.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/mechanicalelevatorshort.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodenelevatorlong.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/foundryelevatorlong.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/foundryelevatorshort.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/bossdoor.png" > } tilesets\packed\objects-by-type\teleporter.json 10,212c10,212 < "0" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "stoneteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Stone Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "stoneteleporter" < }, < "1" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "woodenteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "woodenteleporter" < }, < "10" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "11" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "12" : { < "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagavian", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "13" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "14" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagglitch", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "15" : { < "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagnovakid", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagnovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "16" : { < "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagnovakid_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagnovakid", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "17" : { < "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghylotl", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "18" : { < "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghylotl_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghylotl", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "19" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "2" : { < "//name" : "missionteleporter", < "invalid" : "true" < }, < "20" : { < "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flaghuman", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "21" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "22" : { < "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", < "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "0", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagfloran", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "23" : { < "//description" : "This ancient teleporter no longer functions.", < "//name" : "arkdestinationteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ark Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "arkdestinationteleporter" < }, < "3" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "futureteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Futuristic Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "futureteleporter" < }, < "4" : { < "//description" : "This teleporter makes a great demonstration and a handy return point!", < "//name" : "2stoptele", < "//shortdescription" : "2 Stop Teleshop Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "2stoptele", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < }, < "5" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "brassteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Brass Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "brassteleporter" < }, < "6" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "blackteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Executive Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "blackteleporter" < }, < "7" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "scienceteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Scientific Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "scienceteleporter" < }, < "8" : { < "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", < "//name" : "tombteleporter", < "//shortdescription" : "Tomb Teleporter", < "imagePositionX" : "-16", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "tombteleporter" < }, < "9" : { < "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", < "//name" : "flagapex", < "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", < "imagePositionX" : "-24", < "imagePositionY" : "0", < "object" : "flagapex", < "tilesetDirection" : "right" < } --- > "0" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "stoneteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Stone Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "stoneteleporter" > }, > "1" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "woodenteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Wooden Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "woodenteleporter" > }, > "10" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "11" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "12" : { > "//description" : "The Avian flag. Use ^green;[E] to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagavian_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Avian Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagavian", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "13" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "14" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Glitch. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagglitch_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Glitch Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagglitch", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "15" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "16" : { > "//description" : "The Novakid flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagnovakid_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Novakid Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagnovakid", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "17" : { > "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghylotl", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "18" : { > "//description" : "The Hylotl flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghylotl_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Hylotl Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghylotl", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "19" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "2" : { > "//name" : "missionteleporter", > "invalid" : "true" > }, > "20" : { > "//description" : "The flag of the Protectorate. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flaghuman_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Human Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flaghuman", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "21" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "22" : { > "//description" : "The Floran flag. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagfloran_orientation1", > "//shortdescription" : "Floran Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "0", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagfloran", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "23" : { > "//description" : "This ancient teleporter no longer functions.", > "//name" : "arkdestinationteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Broken Ark Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "arkdestinationteleporter" > }, > "3" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "futureteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Futuristic Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "futureteleporter" > }, > "4" : { > "//description" : "This teleporter makes a great demonstration and a handy return point!", > "//name" : "2stoptele", > "//shortdescription" : "2 Stop Teleshop Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "2stoptele", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > }, > "5" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "brassteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Brass Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "brassteleporter" > }, > "6" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "blackteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Executive Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "blackteleporter" > }, > "7" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "scienceteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Scientific Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "scienceteleporter" > }, > "8" : { > "//description" : "This will let me teleport from anywhere! \n^red;Destroyed when broken.", > "//name" : "tombteleporter", > "//shortdescription" : "Tomb Teleporter", > "imagePositionX" : "-16", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "tombteleporter" > }, > "9" : { > "//description" : "An Apex flag. The symbol of the Miniknog. Use ^green;[E]^white; to bookmark a teleportation location.", > "//name" : "flagapex", > "//shortdescription" : "Apex Flag", > "imagePositionX" : "-24", > "imagePositionY" : "0", > "object" : "flagapex", > "tilesetDirection" : "right" > } 215,286c215,286 < "0" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stoneteleporter.png" < }, < "1" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodenteleporter.png" < }, < "10" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex_orientation1.png" < }, < "11" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian.png" < }, < "12" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian_orientation1.png" < }, < "13" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch.png" < }, < "14" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch_orientation1.png" < }, < "15" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid.png" < }, < "16" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid_orientation1.png" < }, < "17" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl.png" < }, < "18" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl_orientation1.png" < }, < "19" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman.png" < }, < "2" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" < }, < "20" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman_orientation1.png" < }, < "21" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran.png" < }, < "22" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran_orientation1.png" < }, < "23" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/arkdestinationteleporter.png" < }, < "3" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/futureteleporter.png" < }, < "4" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/2stoptele.png" < }, < "5" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brassteleporter.png" < }, < "6" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/blackteleporter.png" < }, < "7" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/scienceteleporter.png" < }, < "8" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombteleporter.png" < }, < "9" : { < "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex.png" < } --- > "0" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/stoneteleporter.png" > }, > "1" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/woodenteleporter.png" > }, > "10" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex_orientation1.png" > }, > "11" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian.png" > }, > "12" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagavian_orientation1.png" > }, > "13" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch.png" > }, > "14" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagglitch_orientation1.png" > }, > "15" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid.png" > }, > "16" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagnovakid_orientation1.png" > }, > "17" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl.png" > }, > "18" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghylotl_orientation1.png" > }, > "19" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman.png" > }, > "2" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/../packed/invalid.png" > }, > "20" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flaghuman_orientation1.png" > }, > "21" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran.png" > }, > "22" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagfloran_orientation1.png" > }, > "23" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/arkdestinationteleporter.png" > }, > "3" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/futureteleporter.png" > }, > "4" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/2stoptele.png" > }, > "5" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/brassteleporter.png" > }, > "6" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/blackteleporter.png" > }, > "7" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/scienceteleporter.png" > }, > "8" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/tombteleporter.png" > }, > "9" : { > "image" : "../../../../../tiled/packed/objects/flagapex.png" > } treasure\largedungeons.treasurepools 37,38c37,39 < [0.60, 1], < [0.40, 2] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 72c73,74 < {"weight" : 0.03, "pool" : "stim"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "throwingblock", 5]}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "stim"}, 94a97 > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "visorhead", 1]}, 100,101c103,105 < [0.60, 1], < [0.40, 2] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 135,136c139,141 < {"weight" : 0.96, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, < {"weight" : 0.04, "item" : "banana"} --- > {"weight" : 0.90, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "banana"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "molotov", 1]} 140,141c145,146 < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], --- > [0.20, 1], > [0.40, 2], 153,155c158,164 < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "captainshead", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "berethead", 1]}, < {"weight" : 0.24, "pool" : "goodWeapon"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "molotov", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "medicdemohead"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "medicdemochest"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "medicdemolegs"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "medicdemoback"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "captainshead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "berethead", 1]}, 158c167,170 < {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "m1helmetmedichead"} --- > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "m1helmetmedichead"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "medicdemochest"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "medicdemolegs"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "medicdemohead"} 161,164c173,175 < [0.30, 0], < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], < [0.10, 3] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 202,203c213,214 < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], --- > [0.20, 1], > [0.40, 2], 218,221c229,231 < [0.30, 0], < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], < [0.10, 3] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 259c269,270 < {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : "spearback"} --- > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : "spearback"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : [ "javelin", 2]} 263,264c274,275 < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], --- > [0.20, 1], > [0.40, 2], 284,287c295,297 < [0.30, 0], < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], < [0.10, 3] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 327,328c337,338 < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], --- > [0.20, 1], > [0.40, 2], 346,349c356,358 < [0.30, 0], < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], < [0.10, 3] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 388,389c397,398 < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], --- > [0.20, 1], > [0.40, 2], 404,407c413,415 < [0.30, 0], < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], < [0.10, 3] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 446,447c454,455 < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], --- > [0.20, 1], > [0.40, 2], 459c467,468 < {"weight" : 0.04, "item" : "pyramidhead"} --- > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : [ "featherhead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "pyramidhead"} 462,465c471,473 < [0.30, 0], < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], < [0.10, 3] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 500d507 < {"weight" : 0.95, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, 506,507c513,514 < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], --- > [0.20, 1], > [0.40, 2], 527,530c534,536 < [0.30, 0], < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], < [0.10, 3] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 566c572,581 < {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "basicTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "skulltorch", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "florandrum1", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "florandrum2", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "florandrum3", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "florandrum4", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "floranarmchair", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "huntingtrophy1", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "huntingtrophy2", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "huntingtrophy3", 1]} 570,571c585,586 < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], --- > [0.20, 1], > [0.40, 2], 582c597,599 < {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "goodWeapon"} --- > {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "goodWeapon"}, > {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : [ "dreadfulskullhead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : [ "gladiatorhead", 1]} 585,588c602,604 < [0.30, 0], < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], < [0.10, 3] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 630c646,647 < {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "huntingtrophy3", 1]} --- > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "huntingtrophy3", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "huntingspear", 1]} 647c664,665 < {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : [ "dreadfulskullhead", 1]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "huntingspear", 5]}, > {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : [ "mushroomhead", 1]}, 651,652c669,671 < [0.60, 1], < [0.40, 2] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 685c704,711 < {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "basicTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "florandrum1", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "florandrum2", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "florandrum3", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "florandrum4", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "floranarmchair", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "florancorner", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : [ "alienmeat", 1]} 689,690c715,716 < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], --- > [0.20, 1], > [0.40, 2], 701c727,729 < {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "goodWeapon"} --- > {"weight" : 0.27, "pool" : "goodWeapon"}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "alienmeat", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : "spearback"} 704,707c732,734 < [0.30, 0], < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], < [0.10, 3] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 740c767,774 < {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "basicTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "wicker", 10]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "skulltorch", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "florandrum1", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "florandrum2", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "florandrum3", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "florandrum4", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : [ "alienmeat", 1]} 744,745c778,779 < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], --- > [0.20, 1], > [0.40, 2], 756c790,792 < {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "goodWeapon"} --- > {"weight" : 0.27, "pool" : "goodWeapon"}, > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : "spearback"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : [ "alienmeat", 1]} 759,762c795,797 < [0.30, 0], < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], < [0.10, 3] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 804,805c839,840 < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], --- > [0.20, 1], > [0.40, 2], 821a857 > {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : [ "valkyriehelm", 1]}, 826,829c862,864 < [0.30, 0], < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], < [0.10, 3] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 862c897,903 < {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "basicTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.04, "item" : [ "medievalaxedisplay", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.04, "item" : [ "hourglass", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.04, "item" : [ "medievalglobe", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.04, "item" : [ "darkbattlestandard", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.04, "item" : [ "throwingaxe", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : [ "bomb", 3]} 866,867c907,908 < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], --- > [0.20, 1], > [0.40, 2], 881d921 < 884,887c924,926 < [0.30, 0], < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], < [0.10, 3] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 926,927c965,966 < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], --- > [0.20, 1], > [0.40, 2], 939a979 > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : [ "herocaphead", 1]}, 942c982 < {"weight" : 0.04, "item" : "nylonguitar"} --- > {"weight" : 0.03, "item" : "nylonguitar"} 945,948c985,987 < [0.30, 0], < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], < [0.10, 3] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 987,988c1026,1027 < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], --- > [0.20, 1], > [0.40, 2], 1004,1007c1043,1045 < [0.30, 0], < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], < [0.10, 3] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 1044c1082,1089 < {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "basicTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : [ "molotov", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : [ "basictv", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.92, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : [ "prisonfloodlight", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : [ "displaylight", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : [ "bardewire", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : [ "hazardtapeh", 5]} 1048,1049c1093,1094 < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], --- > [0.20, 1], > [0.40, 2], 1060c1105,1108 < {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "goodWeapon"} --- > {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "goodWeapon"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "molotov", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.28, "pool" : "goodWeapon"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : [ "handgrenade", 2]} 1063,1066c1111,1113 < [0.30, 0], < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], < [0.10, 3] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 1099c1146,1156 < {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "basicTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : [ "lavalamp1", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : [ "bunkerposter2", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : [ "jukebox", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : [ "afrowighead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : [ "caphead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : [ "coolfezhead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : [ "gagnosehead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : [ "hobohead", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : [ "glasses1head", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : [ "winterscarfhead", 1]} 1103,1104c1160,1161 < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], --- > [0.20, 1], > [0.40, 2], 1114a1172 > {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : [ "venusdepixel", 1]}, 1124,1127c1182,1184 < [0.30, 0], < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], < [0.10, 3] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 1164a1222 > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : [ "throwingstar", 2]}, 1174,1175c1232,1233 < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], --- > [0.20, 1], > [0.40, 2], 1187c1245,1248 < {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "deepdiverhead"} --- > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "deepdiverhead"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "hylotlpainting1"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "hylotlpainting2"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "hylotlpainting3"} 1190,1193c1251,1253 < [0.30, 0], < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], < [0.10, 3] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 1226c1286,1291 < {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "basicTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "hylotlcalligraphy1"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "hylotlcalligraphy2"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "hylotlcalligraphy3"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "hylotlcalligraphy4"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "hylotlcalligraphy5"} 1230,1231c1295,1296 < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], --- > [0.20, 1], > [0.40, 2], 1242c1307,1310 < {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "goodWeapon"} --- > {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "goodWeapon"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "hylotlpainting1"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "hylotlpainting2"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "hylotlpainting3"} 1245,1248c1313,1315 < [0.30, 0], < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], < [0.10, 3] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 1287c1354 < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "pressurisedbeam", 15]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "pressurisedbeam", 5]}, 1290c1357,1360 < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "underwaterlight", 1]} --- > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "underwaterlight", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "hylotlmovieposter2", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "hylotlmovieposter3", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "ornatetorch", 1]} 1294,1295c1364,1365 < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], --- > [0.20, 1], > [0.40, 2], 1308,1309c1378,1384 < {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "kimonolegs"} < --- > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "glasses3eyes"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "kimonolegs"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "pressuredoor"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "hylotldrinks"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "hylotlradio"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "arcadedance"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "hockeytable"} 1312,1315c1387,1389 < [0.30, 0], < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], < [0.10, 3] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 1348a1423 > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : [ "hylotlfloorornament", 1]}, 1354c1429,1434 < {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : [ "oillantern1", 2]} --- > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : [ "oillantern1", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "hylotlcalligraphy1"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "hylotlcalligraphy2"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "hylotlcalligraphy3"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "hylotlcalligraphy4"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "item" : "hylotlcalligraphy5"} 1358,1359c1438,1439 < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], --- > [0.20, 1], > [0.40, 2], 1375,1378c1455,1457 < [0.30, 0], < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], < [0.10, 3] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 1427,1428c1506,1507 < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], --- > [0.20, 1], > [0.40, 2], 1439c1518,1519 < {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "goodWeapon"} --- > {"weight" : 0.29, "pool" : "goodWeapon"}, > {"weight" : 0.01, "pool" : "bomb"} 1442,1445c1522,1524 < [0.30, 0], < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], < [0.10, 3] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] 1477c1556,1558 < {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "basicTreasure"} --- > {"weight" : 0.85, "pool" : "basicTreasure"}, > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : [ "corefragmentore", 1]}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "corefragmentore", 2]} 1481,1482c1562,1563 < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], --- > [0.20, 1], > [0.40, 2], 1493c1574,1576 < {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "goodWeapon"} --- > {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "goodWeapon"}, > {"weight" : 0.10, "item" : [ "corefragmentore", 2]}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "corefragmentore", 3]} 1496,1499c1579,1581 < [0.30, 0], < [0.10, 1], < [0.30, 2], < [0.10, 3] --- > [0.55, 1], > [0.40, 2], > [0.05, 3] treasure\missions\apexmission1.treasurepools 29,30c29 < {"item" : [ "spacesuitdemohead", 1]}, < {"item" : [ "lunarbook01codex", 1]} --- > {"item" : [ "miniknoghead", 1]} 35c34 < "apexmissionechest" : [ --- > "apexmissionchest" : [ 38c37 < {"item" : [ "spacesuitdemochest", 1]} --- > {"item" : [ "miniknogchest", 1]} 46,47c45 < {"item" : [ "spacesuitdemolegs", 1]}, < {"item" : [ "lunarbook02codex", 1]} --- > {"item" : [ "miniknogpants", 1]} 51a50,58 > "apexmissionvisor" : [ > [1, { > "fill" : [ > {"item" : [ "visorhead", 1]} > ] > }] > ], > > 55,57c62,64 < {"weight" : 0.9, "pool" : "money"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : "manipulatormodule"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : ["techchip", 1]} --- > {"weight" : 0.98, "pool" : "money"}, > {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : "manipulatormodule"}, > {"weight" : 0.01, "item" : ["techchip", 1]}