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projectiles\swoosh\hammer\hiveswoosh\hiveswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\hammer\hiveswooshx\hiveswooshx.projectile projectiles\swoosh\hammer\icehammer\icehammer.png projectiles\swoosh\hammer\shroomswoosh\shroomswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\hammer\shroomswooshx\shroomswooshx.projectile projectiles\swoosh\hammer\steelchairswoosh\steelchairswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\hammer\tarhammerswoosh\tarhammerswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayonblueswoosh\crayonblueswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayongreenswoosh\crayongreenswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayonorangeswoosh\crayonorangeswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayonpurpleswoosh\crayonpurpleswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayonredswoosh\crayonredswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayonyellowswoosh\crayonyellowswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\iceshortsword\iceshortsword.png projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\shortshroomswoosh1\shortshroomswoosh1.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\shortswordhuntingswoosh1\shortswordhuntingswoosh1.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\shortswordswoosh\shortswordswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\shortswordswoosh1\shortswordswoosh1.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\slimeswoosh\slimeswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\slimeswooshx\slimeswooshx.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\wildswoosh\wildswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\wildswooshx\wildswooshx.projectile projectiles\swoosh\spear\crystalswoosh\crystalswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\spear\crystalswooshx\crystalswooshx.projectile projectiles\swoosh\spear\floranprodswoosh\floranprodswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\spear\frostspearswoosh\frostspearswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\spear\icespear\icespear.png projectiles\swoosh\spear\slaveswordshot\slaveswordswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\spear\spearswoosh\spearswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\spear\spearswoosh1\spearswoosh1.projectile projectiles\swoosh\spear\tarspearswoosh\tarspearswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\unused\chomp4\chomp4.frames projectiles\swoosh\unused\chomp4\chomp4.png projectiles\swoosh\unused\chomp4\chomp4.projectile projectiles\swoosh\unused\testsideswoosh\testsideswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\unused\testswoosh\testswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\unused\testswoosh2\testswoosh2.projectile projectiles\swoosh\unused\testswoosh4\testswoosh4.projectile projectiles\throwable\gasgrenade\gasgrenade.projectile projectiles\throwable\phoenix\phoenix.projectile projectiles\throwable\snowflakeshuriken\snowflakeshuriken.projectile projectiles\throwable\thorngrenade\thorngrenade.projectile projectiles\throwable\throwingaxe\throwingaxe.projectile projectiles\unsorted\coconut\coconut.projectile [NEW] recipes\armor\apex\tier5accelerator\apextier5acceleratorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\apex\tier5accelerator\apextier5acceleratorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\apex\tier5accelerator\apextier5acceleratorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\apex\tier5manipulator\apextier5manipulatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\apex\tier5manipulator\apextier5manipulatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\apex\tier5manipulator\apextier5manipulatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\apex\tier5separator\apextier5separatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\apex\tier5separator\apextier5separatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\apex\tier5separator\apextier5separatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\apex\tier6accelerator\apextier6acceleratorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\apex\tier6accelerator\apextier6acceleratorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\apex\tier6accelerator\apextier6acceleratorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\apex\tier6manipulator\apextier6manipulatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\apex\tier6manipulator\apextier6manipulatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\apex\tier6manipulator\apextier6manipulatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\apex\tier6separator\apextier6separatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\apex\tier6separator\apextier6separatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\apex\tier6separator\apextier6separatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\avian\tier5accelerator\aviantier5acceleratorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\avian\tier5accelerator\aviantier5acceleratorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\avian\tier5accelerator\aviantier5acceleratorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\avian\tier5manipulator\aviantier5manipulatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\avian\tier5manipulator\aviantier5manipulatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\avian\tier5manipulator\aviantier5manipulatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\avian\tier5separator\aviantier5separatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\avian\tier5separator\aviantier5separatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\avian\tier5separator\aviantier5separatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\avian\tier6accelerator\aviantier6acceleratorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\avian\tier6accelerator\aviantier6acceleratorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\avian\tier6accelerator\aviantier6acceleratorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\avian\tier6manipulator\aviantier6manipulatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\avian\tier6manipulator\aviantier6manipulatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\avian\tier6manipulator\aviantier6manipulatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\avian\tier6separator\aviantier6separatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\avian\tier6separator\aviantier6separatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\avian\tier6separator\aviantier6separatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\floran\tier5accelerator\florantier5acceleratorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\floran\tier5accelerator\florantier5acceleratorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\floran\tier5accelerator\florantier5acceleratorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\floran\tier5manipulator\florantier5manipulatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\floran\tier5manipulator\florantier5manipulatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\floran\tier5manipulator\florantier5manipulatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\floran\tier5separator\florantier5separatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\floran\tier5separator\florantier5separatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\floran\tier5separator\florantier5separatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\floran\tier6accelerator\florantier6acceleratorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\floran\tier6accelerator\florantier6acceleratorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\floran\tier6accelerator\florantier6acceleratorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\floran\tier6manipulator\florantier6manipulatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\floran\tier6manipulator\florantier6manipulatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\floran\tier6manipulator\florantier6manipulatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\floran\tier6separator\florantier6separatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\floran\tier6separator\florantier6separatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\floran\tier6separator\florantier6separatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\glitch\tier5accelerator\glitchtier5acceleratorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\glitch\tier5accelerator\glitchtier5acceleratorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\glitch\tier5accelerator\glitchtier5acceleratorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\glitch\tier5manipulator\glitchtier5manipulatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\glitch\tier5manipulator\glitchtier5manipulatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\glitch\tier5manipulator\glitchtier5manipulatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\glitch\tier5separator\glitchtier5separatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\glitch\tier5separator\glitchtier5separatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\glitch\tier5separator\glitchtier5separatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\glitch\tier6accelerator\glitchtier6acceleratorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\glitch\tier6accelerator\glitchtier6acceleratorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\glitch\tier6accelerator\glitchtier6acceleratorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\glitch\tier6manipulator\glitchtier6manipulatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\glitch\tier6manipulator\glitchtier6manipulatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\glitch\tier6manipulator\glitchtier6manipulatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\glitch\tier6separator\glitchtier6separatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\glitch\tier6separator\glitchtier6separatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\glitch\tier6separator\glitchtier6separatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\human\tier5accelerator\humantier5acceleratorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\human\tier5accelerator\humantier5acceleratorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\human\tier5accelerator\humantier5acceleratorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\human\tier5manipulator\humantier5manipulatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\human\tier5manipulator\humantier5manipulatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\human\tier5manipulator\humantier5manipulatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\human\tier5separator\humantier5separatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\human\tier5separator\humantier5separatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\human\tier5separator\humantier5separatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\human\tier6accelerator\humantier6acceleratorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\human\tier6accelerator\humantier6acceleratorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\human\tier6accelerator\humantier6acceleratorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\human\tier6manipulator\humantier6manipulatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\human\tier6manipulator\humantier6manipulatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\human\tier6manipulator\humantier6manipulatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\human\tier6separator\humantier6separatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\human\tier6separator\humantier6separatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\human\tier6separator\humantier6separatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier1\hylotltier1chest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier1\hylotltier1head.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier1\hylotltier1pants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier2\hylotltier2chest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier2\hylotltier2head.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier2\hylotltier2pants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier3\hylotltier3chest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier3\hylotltier3head.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier3\hylotltier3pants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier4\hylotltier4chest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier4\hylotltier4head.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier4\hylotltier4pants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier5accelerator\hylotltier5acceleratorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier5accelerator\hylotltier5acceleratorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier5accelerator\hylotltier5acceleratorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier5manipulator\hylotltier5manipulatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier5manipulator\hylotltier5manipulatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier5manipulator\hylotltier5manipulatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier5separator\hylotltier5separatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier5separator\hylotltier5separatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier5separator\hylotltier5separatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier6accelerator\hylotltier6acceleratorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier6accelerator\hylotltier6acceleratorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier6accelerator\hylotltier6acceleratorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier6manipulator\hylotltier6manipulatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier6manipulator\hylotltier6manipulatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier6manipulator\hylotltier6manipulatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier6separator\hylotltier6separatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier6separator\hylotltier6separatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\hylotl\tier6separator\hylotltier6separatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\novakid\tier5accelerator\novatier5acceleratorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\novakid\tier5accelerator\novatier5acceleratorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\novakid\tier5accelerator\novatier5acceleratorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\novakid\tier5manipulator\novatier5manipulatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\novakid\tier5manipulator\novatier5manipulatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\novakid\tier5manipulator\novatier5manipulatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\novakid\tier5separator\novatier5separatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\novakid\tier5separator\novatier5separatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\novakid\tier5separator\novatier5separatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\novakid\tier6accelerator\novatier6acceleratorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\novakid\tier6accelerator\novatier6acceleratorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\novakid\tier6accelerator\novatier6acceleratorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\novakid\tier6manipulator\novatier6manipulatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\novakid\tier6manipulator\novatier6manipulatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\novakid\tier6manipulator\novatier6manipulatorpants.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\novakid\tier6separator\novatier6separatorchest.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\novakid\tier6separator\novatier6separatorhead.recipe [NEW] recipes\armor\novakid\tier6separator\novatier6separatorpants.recipe [NEW] scripts\behavior.lua scripts\pathing.lua scripts\util.lua [NEW] scripts\actions\entities.lua [NEW] scripts\actions\position.lua [NEW] scripts\actions\targeting.lua [NEW] scripts\actions\time.lua sfx\gun\grenadeblast1.wav sfx\gun\grenadeblast2.wav sfx\gun\grenadeblast3.wav [NEW] sfx\gun\grenadeblastice1.wav [NEW] sfx\gun\grenadeblastice2.wav [NEW] sfx\gun\grenadeblastice3.wav [NEW] sfx\gun\grenadeblastpoison1.wav [NEW] sfx\gun\grenadeblastpoison2.wav [NEW] sfx\gun\grenadeblastpoison3.wav sfx\gun\plasma_mp2.wav sfx\gun\plasma_mp6.wav sfx\gun\plasma_mp7.wav [NEW] sfx\gun\plasma_pistol5.wav [NEW] sfx\gun\plasma_pulserifle1.wav [NEW] sfx\gun\plasma_pulserifle2.wav [NEW] sfx\gun\plasma_pulserifle3.wav [NEW] sfx\objects\fountain_small1.wav [NEW] sfx\objects\hiddenswitch1.wav species\apex.species species\avian.species species\floran.species species\glitch.species species\human.species species\humannamegen.config species\hylotl.species species\novakid.species species\penguin.species [NEW] species\penguinoid.config [NEW] stagehands\aimessage.stagehand [NEW] stagehands\questtrigger.stagehand [NEW] stats\effects\beamout\beamout.animation [NEW] stats\effects\beamout\beamout.lua [NEW] stats\effects\beamout\beamout.statuseffect stats\effects\lanternglow\lanternglow.animation [NEW] stats\effects\stunned\stunned.animation [NEW] stats\effects\stunned\stunned.lua [NEW] stats\effects\stunned\stunned.statuseffect terrain\cave\corecaves.terrain terrain\cave\normalcaves.terrain terrain\cave\surfacecaves.terrain terrain\disperse\asteroids.terrain [NEW] terrain\surface\remixedcanyonssurface.terrain [NEW] terrain\surface\remixedislandssurface.terrain [NEW] terrain\surface\remixedmildcanyonssurface.terrain [NEW] terrain\surface\remixedmildsurface.terrain [NEW] terrain\surface\remixedmountainssurface.terrain [NEW] terrain\surface\remixedsurface.terrain tiles\materials\asphalt.material tiles\materials\aztec.material tiles\materials\aztectech.material tiles\materials\concrete.png tiles\materials\ornatetiles.png tiles\materials\supermatter.material tiles\materials\temple1.material tiles\materials\temple2.material tiles\materials\temple3.material tiles\materials\temple4.material tiles\mods\aridgrass.png treasure\apexresearchlab.treasurepools treasure\biome.treasurepools treasure\common.treasurepools treasure\dungeon.treasurepools treasure\fishing.treasurepools treasure\npc.treasurepools [NEW] versioning\npcentity_3_4.lua [NEW] versioning\playerentity_5_6.lua weather\meteorshower\ DIFFS ----- default_actor_movement.config 16c16 < "airFriction" : 0.5, --- > "airFriction" : 0.0, 31c31 < "jumpSpeed" : 30.0, --- > "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, 33,34c33,34 < "jumpInitialPercentage" : 0.75, < "jumpHoldTime" : 0.2, --- > "jumpInitialPercentage" : 1.0, > "jumpHoldTime" : 0.0, dungeon_worlds.config 12a13,34 > "oceandungeontest" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "oceandungeontest", > "threatLevel" : 1, > "gravity" : 80, > "worldSize" : [2000, 2000], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 1000, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 800, > "biome" : "oceandungeon", > "ambientLightLevel" : [128, 128, 128] > }, > > "hylotlmission1" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "hylotlmission1", > "threatLevel" : 1, > "gravity" : 80, > "worldSize" : [2000, 2000], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 1000, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 800, > "biome" : "ocean", > "ambientLightLevel" : [128, 128, 128] > }, > 46a69,92 > "avianmission1" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "avianmission1", > "threatLevel" : 4, > "gravity" : 80, > "worldSize" : [2000, 2000], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 1000, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 1025, > "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32], > "biome" : "desert", > "musicTrack" : "/music/casiopeia.ogg" > }, > > "apexmission1" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "apexmission1", > "threatLevel" : 5, > "gravity" : 80, > "worldSize" : [2000, 2000], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 1000, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 700, > "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32], > "biome" : "jungle", > "musicTrack" : "/music/arctic-battle1.ogg" > }, > 80a127,137 > }, > > "challengerooms" : { > "primaryDungeon" : "challengerooms", > "threatLevel" : 1, > "gravity" : 80, > "worldSize" : [2000, 2000], > "dungeonBaseHeight" : 1000, > "dungeonSurfaceHeight" : 810, > "ambientLightLevel" : [32, 32, 32], > "musicTrack" : "/music/mira.ogg" help.config 11a12,13 > "spawnstagehand" : "Usage /spawnstagehand type [parameters]. Spawn a Stagehand of the specified type. If parameters are specified (as a JSON object) they will be merged on top of the default configuration.", > "clearstagehand" : "Usage /clearstagehand. Despawns any stagehands with broadcast areas containing or positions close to the current cursor position.", 28c30 < "togglelayer" : "Usage /togglelayer. Toggle the visibility of the specified layer. A layer is a number between 1 and 21. They are in order: Sky, Parallax, Background, Platforms, Plant, PlantDrop, Object, CursorHintedObject, ParticlesBottom, Effect, Projectile, NPC, Player, ItemDrop, Water, ParticlesMiddle, Foreground, ParticlesTop, Nametag, InfoBars.", --- > "togglelayer" : "Usage /togglelayer. Toggle the visibility of the specified layer. A layer is a number between 1 and 21. They are in order: Sky, Parallax, Background, Platforms, Plant, PlantDrop, Object, CursorHintedObject, ParticlesBottom, Effect, Projectile, NPC, Player, ItemDrop, Water, ParticlesMiddle, Foreground, ParticlesTop, Nametag, InfoBars.", 32c34 < "setgravity" : "Usage /setgravity level. Sets your local gravity to the level specified. Standard gravity is 80. Negative values will make you fall up but you can't jump from your head. This change is local only, and looks pretty heinous on a server, because it screws very heavily with delta prediction.", --- > "setgravity" : "Usage /setgravity level. Sets your local gravity to the level specified. Negative values will make you fall up but you can't jump from your head. This change is local only, and looks pretty heinous on a server, because it screws very heavily with delta prediction.", 40,41c42,48 < "warp" : "Usage /warp <'OrbitedWorld' | 'OwnShip' | WorldId>", < "fixedcamera" : "Usage /fixedcamera. Toggle locking the camera's position; camera will not scroll. (May cause sectors not to spawn and monsters to spawn right next to or on top of you if offscreen. Useful for recorded demonstrations.)" --- > "warp" : "Usage /warp warpAction. Valid warp action formats include: OwnShip, OrbitedWorld, CelestialWorld:celestialcoordinates, UniqueWorld:worldid, MissionWorld:worldid-partyuuid, ClientShipWorld:playeruuid, Player:playeruuid, Nowhere (current world). Most warp actions can have =xcoordinate.ycoordinate added to specify a position within that world.", > "fixedcamera" : "Usage /fixedcamera. Toggle locking the camera's position; camera will not scroll. (May cause sectors not to spawn and monsters to spawn right next to or on top of you if offscreen. Useful for recorded demonstrations.)", > "aimessage" : "Usage /aimessage messageId. Triggers the player to receive the AI message with the specified id", > "clearaimessages" : "Usage /clearaimessages. Resets all history of received AI messages, allowing the player to see these messages again.", > "cinema" : "Usage /cinema cinematicPath. Plays the specified cinematic for testing.", > "statistics" : "Usage /statistics. Displays collected statistics about the player (currently only includes total number of deaths; will be expanded in future versions.", > "suicide" : "Usage /suicide. Kills the current character, incurring all normal death penalties (including permadeath!). This can be used as a last resort if you are irreversibly stuck." humanoid.config 72,79c72,103 < "charGen" : { < "personalities" : [ < [ "idle.1", "idle.1", [0, 0], [0, 0] ], < [ "idle.2", "idle.2", [-1, 0], [0, 0] ], < [ "idle.3", "idle.3", [-1, 0], [0, 0] ], < [ "idle.4", "idle.4", [-1, 0], [0, 0] ], < [ "idle.5", "idle.5", [0, 0], [0, 0] ] < ] --- > "humanoidTiming" : { > // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay > "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], > "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1], > > // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink Eat Sleep > // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :| , :D , , :o, :O , , ;) > "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1.0], > "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2] > }, > > "personalities" : [ > [ "idle.1", "idle.1", [0, 0], [0, 0] ], //standard > [ "idle.2", "idle.2", [-1, 0], [0, 0] ], //confident > [ "idle.3", "idle.3", [-1, 0], [0, 0] ], //gunslinger > [ "idle.4", "idle.4", [-1, 0], [0, 0] ], //heroic > [ "idle.5", "idle.5", [0, 0], [0, 0] ], //scared > [ "idle.2", "idle.5", [-1, 0], [0, 0] ], //wonderful > [ "idle.4", "idle.3", [-1, 0], [1, 0] ], //prepared > [ "idle.5", "idle.2", [0, 0], [0, 0] ], //fabulous > [ "idle.4", "idle.1", [0, 0], [0, 0] ], //stoic > [ "idle.5", "idle.3", [0, 0], [2, 0] ] //nervous > ], > > "movementParameters" : { > "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ], > "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, -1], [0.35, -0.5], [-0.35, -0.5], [-0.75, -1] ], > "mass" : 0.6, > > // should keep the player from teleporting through walls > "maximumCorrection" : 2, > "maxMovementPerStep" : 0.4 instance_worlds.config 6d5 < "spawningEnabled" : false, 97a97,297 > "monolith" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "monolith", > "seed" : 1234, > > "skyParameters" : { > "dayLength" : 10000, > "surfaceLevel" : 1000, > "spaceLevel" : 3000, > "seed" : -5288806180628666923, > > "skyType" : "barren", > "skyColoring" : { > "mainColor" : [200, 200, 255], > > "morningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "dayColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "eveningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "nightColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > > "morningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "dayLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "eveningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "nightLightColor" : [200, 200, 200] > }, > > "satellites" : [ { > "pos" : [ 0.310561, 0.21497 ], > "drawables" : [ { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie3.png?hueshift=-45" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie3.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/2.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie2.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/20.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie1.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/5.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/shadows/9.png" > } ] > } ], > "planet" : { > "pos" : [ 0.00538729, 0.46961 ], > "drawables" : [ { > "scale" : [ 0.15, 0.15 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_base.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.15, 0.15 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_clouds.png?addmask=/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/17.png+/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/29.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.15, 0.15 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/shadows/9.png" > } ] > }, > "horizonImages" : [ { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/liquids/water_r.png", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/liquids/water_l.png" > }, { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/textures/forest_r.png?hueshift=-30?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/masks/32_r.png;0;0", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/textures/forest_l.png?hueshift=-30?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/masks/32_l.png;0;0" > }, { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/atmosphere/atmosphere_r.png", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/atmosphere/atmosphere_l.png" > }, { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/shadow/shadow_r.png", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/shadow/shadow_l.png" > } ] > } > }, > > "oceandungeontest" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "oceandungeontest", > > "worldProperties" : { > "nonCombat" : true > }, > > "skyParameters" : { > "spaceLevel" : 3000, > "ambientLightLevel" : [128, 128, 128], > "satellites" : [ { > "pos" : [ 0.310561, 0.21497 ], > "drawables" : [ { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie3.png?hueshift=-45" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie3.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/2.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie2.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/20.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie1.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/5.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/shadows/9.png" > } ] > } ], > "planet" : { > "pos" : [ 0.00538729, 0.46961 ], > "drawables" : [ { > "scale" : [ 0.15, 0.15 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_base.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.15, 0.15 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_clouds.png?addmask=/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/17.png+/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/29.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.15, 0.15 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/shadows/9.png" > } ] > }, > "skyType" : "barren", > "horizonImages" : [ { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/liquids/water_r.png", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/liquids/water_l.png" > }, { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/textures/forest_r.png?hueshift=-30?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/masks/32_r.png;0;0", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/textures/forest_l.png?hueshift=-30?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/masks/32_l.png;0;0" > }, { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/atmosphere/atmosphere_r.png", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/atmosphere/atmosphere_l.png" > }, { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/shadow/shadow_r.png", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/shadow/shadow_l.png" > } ], > "dayLength" : 1153.36, > "surfaceLevel" : 1000, > "seed" : -5288806180628666923 > } > }, > 102d301 < "spawningEnabled" : false, 195d393 < "spawningEnabled" : false, 284c482 < "monolith" : { --- > "hylotlmission1" : { 286c484 < "dungeonWorld" : "monolith", --- > "dungeonWorld" : "hylotlmission1", 288c486,577 < "spawningEnabled" : false, --- > > "skyParameters" : { > "spaceLevel" : 3000, > "ambientLightLevel" : [ 24, 28, 24 ], > "satellites" : [ { > "pos" : [ 0.310561, 0.21497 ], > "drawables" : [ { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie3.png?hueshift=-45" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie3.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/2.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie2.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/20.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie1.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/5.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/shadows/9.png" > } ] > } ], > "planet" : { > "pos" : [ 0.00538729, 0.46961 ], > "drawables" : [ { > "scale" : [ 0.15, 0.15 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_base.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.15, 0.15 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_clouds.png?addmask=/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/17.png+/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/29.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.15, 0.15 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/shadows/9.png" > } ] > }, > "skyType" : "barren", > "horizonImages" : [ { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/liquids/water_r.png", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/liquids/water_l.png" > }, { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/textures/forest_r.png?hueshift=-30?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/masks/32_r.png;0;0", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/textures/forest_l.png?hueshift=-30?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/masks/32_l.png;0;0" > }, { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/atmosphere/atmosphere_r.png", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/atmosphere/atmosphere_l.png" > }, { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/shadow/shadow_r.png", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/shadow/shadow_l.png" > } ], > "dayLength" : 1153.36, > "surfaceLevel" : 1200, > "seed" : -5288806180628666923 > } > }, > > "avianmission1" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "avianmission1", > "seed" : 1111, 296c585,691 < "skyType" : "barren", --- > "skyType" : "atmospheric", > "skyColoring" : { > "mainColor" : [200, 200, 255], > > "morningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "dayColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "eveningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "nightColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > > "morningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "dayLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "eveningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "nightLightColor" : [200, 200, 200] > }, > > "satellites" : [ { > "pos" : [ 0.310561, 0.21497 ], > "drawables" : [ { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie3.png?hueshift=-45" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie3.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/2.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie2.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/20.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie1.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/5.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/shadows/9.png" > } ] > } ], > "planet" : { > "pos" : [ 0.00538729, 0.46961 ], > "drawables" : [ { > "scale" : [ 0.15, 0.15 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_base.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.15, 0.15 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_clouds.png?addmask=/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/17.png+/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/29.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.15, 0.15 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/shadows/9.png" > } ] > }, > "horizonImages" : [ { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/liquids/water_r.png", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/liquids/water_l.png" > }, { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/textures/forest_r.png?hueshift=-30?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/masks/32_r.png;0;0", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/textures/forest_l.png?hueshift=-30?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/masks/32_l.png;0;0" > }, { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/atmosphere/atmosphere_r.png", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/atmosphere/atmosphere_l.png" > }, { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/shadow/shadow_r.png", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/shadow/shadow_l.png" > } ] > } > }, > > "apexmission1" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "apexmission1", > "seed" : 1111, > > "skyParameters" : { > "dayLength" : 10000, > "surfaceLevel" : 1000, > "spaceLevel" : 3000, > "seed" : -5288806180628666923, > > "skyType" : "atmospheric", 395d789 < "spawningEnabled" : false, 503d896 < "spawningEnabled" : false, 511a905,1009 > "skyColoring" : { > "mainColor" : [200, 200, 255], > > "morningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "dayColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "eveningColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > "nightColors" : [[200, 200, 255], [200, 200, 255]], > > "morningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "dayLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "eveningLightColor" : [200, 200, 200], > "nightLightColor" : [200, 200, 200] > }, > > "satellites" : [ { > "pos" : [ 0.310561, 0.21497 ], > "drawables" : [ { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie3.png?hueshift=-45" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie3.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/2.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie2.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/20.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/biomes/desert/maskie1.png?hueshift=-45?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/dynamics/5.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.055, 0.055 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/shadows/9.png" > } ] > } ], > "planet" : { > "pos" : [ 0.00538729, 0.46961 ], > "drawables" : [ { > "scale" : [ 0.15, 0.15 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_base.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.15, 0.15 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_clouds.png?addmask=/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/17.png+/celestial/system/gas_giant/gas_giant_dynamics/29.png" > }, { > "scale" : [ 0.15, 0.15 ], > "mirrored" : false, > "rotation" : 0, > "flipHorizontal" : false, > "centered" : true, > "image" : "/celestial/system/gas_giant/shadows/9.png" > } ] > }, > "horizonImages" : [ { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/liquids/water_r.png", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/liquids/water_l.png" > }, { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/textures/forest_r.png?hueshift=-30?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/masks/32_r.png;0;0", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/textures/forest_l.png?hueshift=-30?addmask=/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/masks/32_l.png;0;0" > }, { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/atmosphere/atmosphere_r.png", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/atmosphere/atmosphere_l.png" > }, { > "right" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/shadow/shadow_r.png", > "left" : "/celestial/system/terrestrial/horizon/shadow/shadow_l.png" > } ] > } > }, > > "challengerooms" : { > "type" : "FloatingDungeon", > "dungeonWorld" : "challengerooms", > > "skyParameters" : { > "dayLength" : 10000, > "surfaceLevel" : 1000, > "spaceLevel" : 3000, > "seed" : -5288806180628666923, > > "skyType" : "barren", player.config 9,20c9 < < "humanoidTiming" : { < // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay < "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], < "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1], < < // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink Eat Sleep < // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :| , :D , , :o, :O , , ;) < "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1.0], < "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2] < }, < --- > 373,374d361 < "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ], < "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, -1], [0.35, -0.5], [-0.35, -0.5], [-0.75, -1] ], 376c363,367 < "mass" : 0.6, --- > "airJumpProfile" : { > "jumpSpeed" : 30.0, > "jumpInitialPercentage" : 0.75, > "jumpHoldTime" : 0.2 > }, 414c405 < "baseValue" : 100.0 --- > "baseValue" : 80.0 terrestrial_worlds.config 96a97,102 > "underground7" : { > "primaryRegion" : [ "deepunderground" ] > }, > "underground8" : { > "primaryRegion" : [ "deepunderground" ] > }, 122c128 < "baseHeight" : 900, --- > "baseHeight" : 875, 126c132 < "baseHeight" : 700, --- > "baseHeight" : 625, 150a157,162 > "underground7" : { > "enabled" : false > }, > "underground8" : { > "enabled" : false > }, 174c186 < "baseHeight" : 1100, --- > "baseHeight" : 1075, 178c190 < "baseHeight" : 900, --- > "baseHeight" : 825, 182,183c194,195 < "baseHeight" : 725, < "layerLevel" : 650 --- > "baseHeight" : 750, > "layerLevel" : 700 186,187c198,199 < "baseHeight" : 575, < "layerLevel" : 500 --- > "baseHeight" : 650, > "layerLevel" : 600 190,191c202,203 < "baseHeight" : 425, < "layerLevel" : 350 --- > "baseHeight" : 550, > "layerLevel" : 500 194,195c206,207 < "baseHeight" : 275, < "layerLevel" : 200 --- > "baseHeight" : 450, > "layerLevel" : 400 198c210,211 < "enabled" : false --- > "baseHeight" : 350, > "layerLevel" : 300 200a214,220 > "baseHeight" : 250, > "layerLevel" : 200 > }, > "underground7" : { > "enabled" : false > }, > "underground8" : { 230c250 < "baseHeight" : 1500, --- > "baseHeight" : 1425, 234,235c254,255 < "baseHeight" : 1300, < "layerLevel" : 1200 --- > "baseHeight" : 1325, > "layerLevel" : 1250 238,239c258,259 < "baseHeight" : 1100, < "layerLevel" : 1000 --- > "baseHeight" : 1175, > "layerLevel" : 1100 242,243c262,263 < "baseHeight" : 900, < "layerLevel" : 800 --- > "baseHeight" : 1025, > "layerLevel" : 950 246,247c266,267 < "baseHeight" : 700, < "layerLevel" : 600 --- > "baseHeight" : 875, > "layerLevel" : 800 250,251c270,271 < "baseHeight" : 500, < "layerLevel" : 400 --- > "baseHeight" : 725, > "layerLevel" : 650 254c274,282 < "baseHeight" : 300, --- > "baseHeight" : 575, > "layerLevel" : 500 > }, > "underground7" : { > "baseHeight" : 425, > "layerLevel" : 350 > }, > "underground8" : { > "baseHeight" : 275, 340a369 > "blendSize" : 30, 457a487 > "blendSize" : 30, 516a547 > "blendSize" : 30, 539a571 > "blendSize" : 30, 686c718 < "blockSelector" : [ "lowHillsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildSurface" ], 695c727 < "blockSelector" : [ "lowHillsSurface", "ledgesSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedSurface" ], 703c735 < "blockSelector" : [ "flatsSurface", "lowHillsSurface", "ledgesSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedSurface", "remixedMildCanyonsSurface" ], 712c744 < "blockSelector" : [ "flatsSurface", "lowHillsSurface", "canyonsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildCanyonsSurface" ], 720c752 < "blockSelector" : [ "lowHillsSurface", "medHillsSurface", "ledgesSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedSurface", "remixedMildCanyonsSurface" ], 729c761 < "blockSelector" : [ "floatingIslandsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedIslandsSurface" ], 739c771 < "blockSelector" : [ "flatsSurface", "lowHillsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "ledgesSurface" ], 748c780 < "blockSelector" : [ "lowHillsSurface", "medHillsSurface", "ledgesSurface", "giantLedgesSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedSurface" ], 757c789 < "blockSelector" : [ "lowHillsSurface", "ledgesSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedSurface" ], 764a797 > //TODO: unsuckify 778c811 < "blockSelector" : [ "flatsSurface", "lowHillsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "ledgesSurface" ], 786c819 < "blockSelector" : [ "lowHillsSurface", "medHillsSurface", "ledgesSurface", "canyonsSurface", "mountainsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedSurface", "remixedCanyonsSurface", "remixedMountainsSurface" ], 795c828 < "blockSelector" : [ "floatingIslandsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedIslandsSurface" ], 805c838 < "blockSelector" : [ "flatsSurface", "lowHillsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "ledgesSurface" ], 814c847 < "blockSelector" : [ "lowHillsSurface", "medHillsSurface", "ledgesSurface", "giantLedgesSurface", "canyonsSurface", "mountainsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedSurface", "remixedCanyonsSurface", "remixedMountainsSurface" ], 823c856 < "blockSelector" : [ "spikesSurface", "mesasSurface", "canyonsSurface", "ledgesSurface", "giantLedgesSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedSurface", "remixedCanyonsSurface", "remixedMountainsSurface" ], 832c865 < "blockSelector" : [ "floatingIslandsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedIslandsSurface" ], 842c875 < "blockSelector" : [ "flatsSurface", "lowHillsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "ledgesSurface" ], 850c883 < "blockSelector" : [ "flatsSurface", "lowHillsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedSurface" ], 858c891 < "blockSelector" : [ "flatsSurface", "lowHillsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildSurface" ], 868c901 < "blockSelector" : [ "lowHillsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildSurface" ], 876c909 < "blockSelector" : [ "lowHillsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildSurface" ], 905c938 < "blockSelector" : [ "lowHillsSurface", "ledgesSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildSurface" ], 913c946 < "blockSelector" : [ "mountainsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMountainsSurface" ], 921c954 < "blockSelector" : [ "lowHillsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildSurface" ], 929c962 < "blockSelector" : [ "lowHillsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildSurface" ], 937c970 < "blockSelector" : [ "flatsSurface", "lowHillsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildSurface" ], 945c978 < "blockSelector" : [ "lowHillsSurface", "medHillsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildSurface" ], 953c986 < "blockSelector" : [ "lowHillsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedMildSurface" ], 961c994 < "blockSelector" : [ "lowHillsSurface", "ledgesSurface", "canyonsSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedSurface" ], 969c1002 < "blockSelector" : [ "medHillsSurface", "ledgesSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedSurface" ], 977c1010 < "blockSelector" : [ "medHillsSurface", "ledgesSurface" ], --- > "blockSelector" : [ "remixedSurface" ], versioning.config 8c8 < "PlayerEntity" : 5, --- > "PlayerEntity" : 6, 13c13,14 < "NpcEntity" : 3, --- > "NpcEntity" : 4, > "StagehandEntity" : 1, ai\ai.config 73a74 > "portraitFrames" : "portraits/apexportrait.png", 86c87 < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", --- > "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", 93c94 < "text" : "We've repaired the ships thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", --- > "text" : "We've repaired the ship's thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", 114a116 > "portraitFrames" : "portraits/avianportrait.png", 127c129 < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", --- > "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", 134c136 < "text" : "We've repaired the ships thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", --- > "text" : "We've repaired the ship's thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", 155a158 > "portraitFrames" : "portraits/floranportrait.png", 168c171 < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", --- > "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", 175c178 < "text" : "We've repaired the ships thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", --- > "text" : "We've repaired the ship's thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", 196a200 > "portraitFrames" : "portraits/glitchportrait.png", 209c213 < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", --- > "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", 216c220 < "text" : "We've repaired the ships thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", --- > "text" : "We've repaired the ship's thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", 237a242 > "portraitFrames" : "portraits/humanportrait.png", 250c255 < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", --- > "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", 257c262 < "text" : "We've repaired the ships thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", --- > "text" : "We've repaired the ship's thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", 278a284 > "portraitFrames" : "portraits/novakidportrait.png", 291c297 < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", --- > "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", 298c304 < "text" : "We've repaired the ships thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", --- > "text" : "We've repaired the ship's thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", 319a326 > "portraitFrames" : "portraits/horseboobsportrait.png", 332c339 < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", --- > "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", 339c346 < "text" : "We've repaired the ships thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", --- > "text" : "We've repaired the ship's thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", 360a368 > "portraitFrames" : "portraits/hylotlportrait.png", 373c381 < "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ships auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", --- > "text" : "The thrusters and FTL drive are offline. I can repair the thrusters with the ship's auto repair module but I'll need ^orange;core fragments^green; from the core of the planet below.", 380c388 < "text" : "We've repaired the ships thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", --- > "text" : "We've repaired the ship's thrusters. Travel within this system is now available, ^green;did you investigate that gate yet? Next we need to fix the ship's FTL drive.", animations\monstersplosion\monstersplosion.animation 5c5 < "animationCycle" : 0.45, --- > "animationCycle" : 0.35, biomes\distributions.config 397a398,403 > "undergroundChallengeDoors" : { > "type" : "random", > > "blockProbability" : 0.005 > }, > 401a408 > biomes\surface\oceanfloor.biome 75a76,84 > "priority" : 0.1, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:tiyDist", > > "type" : "microdungeon", > "microdungeons" : [ "oceanencounter" ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", biomes\underground\underground0a.biome 102a103,116 > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChallengeDoors", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "challengedoor" ] ], > "parameters" : { } > } > ] > }, > { biomes\underground\underground0b.biome 102a103,116 > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChallengeDoors", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "challengedoor" ] ], > "parameters" : { } > } > ] > }, > { biomes\underground\underground0d.biome 102a103,116 > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0.0, > "variants" : 1, > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChallengeDoors", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "challengedoor" ] ], > "parameters" : { } > } > ] > }, > { biomes\underground\underground1a.biome 152a153,166 > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChallengeDoors", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "challengedoor" ] ], > "parameters" : { } > } > ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0.0, > "variants" : 1, biomes\underground\underground1b.biome 140a141,154 > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChallengeDoors", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "challengedoor" ] ], > "parameters" : { } > } > ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0.0, > "variants" : 1, biomes\underground\underground1c.biome 152a153,166 > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChallengeDoors", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "challengedoor" ] ], > "parameters" : { } > } > ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0.0, > "variants" : 1, biomes\underground\underground1d.biome 140a141,154 > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChallengeDoors", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "challengedoor" ] ], > "parameters" : { } > } > ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0.0, > "variants" : 1, biomes\underground\underground3a.biome 152a153,166 > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChallengeDoors", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "challengedoor" ] ], > "parameters" : { } > } > ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0.0, > "variants" : 1, biomes\underground\underground3b.biome 152a153,166 > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChallengeDoors", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "challengedoor" ] ], > "parameters" : { } > } > ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0.0, > "variants" : 1, biomes\underground\underground3c.biome 140a141,154 > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChallengeDoors", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "challengedoor" ] ], > "parameters" : { } > } > ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0.0, > "variants" : 1, biomes\underground\underground3d.biome 140a141,154 > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChallengeDoors", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "challengedoor" ] ], > "parameters" : { } > } > ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0.0, > "variants" : 1, biomes\underground\underground5a.biome 140a141,154 > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChallengeDoors", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "challengedoor" ] ], > "parameters" : { } > } > ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0.0, > "variants" : 1, biomes\underground\underground5b.biome 140a141,154 > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChallengeDoors", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "challengedoor" ] ], > "parameters" : { } > } > ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0.0, > "variants" : 1, biomes\underground\underground5c.biome 140a141,154 > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChallengeDoors", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "challengedoor" ] ], > "parameters" : { } > } > ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0.0, > "variants" : 1, biomes\underground\underground5d.biome 140a141,154 > "distribution" : "/biomes/distributions.config:undergroundChallengeDoors", > > "type" : "object", > "objectSets" : [ > { > "pool" : [ [1, "challengedoor" ] ], > "parameters" : { } > } > ] > }, > { > "mode" : "floor", > "priority" : 0.0, > "variants" : 1, celestial\names.config 41,44d40 < [1.0, "HM" ], < [1.0, "WAZ" ], < [1.0, "UZ" ], < [1.0, "XO-" ], 63,64d58 < [1.0, "Al Dhanab" ], < [1.0, "Al Dhibain" ], 75d68 < [1.0, "Al Kab" ], 90,115c83 < [1.0, "Alpha Ant" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Aps" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Ara" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Cae" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Cam" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Cha" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Cir" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Dor" ], < [1.0, "Alpha For" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Hor" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Hyi" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Lac" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Lyn" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Men" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Mic" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Mon" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Mus" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Oct" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Pic" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Pyx" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Ret" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Scl" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Sct" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Tel" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Tuc" ], < [1.0, "Alpha Vol" ], --- > [1.0, "Alpha" ], 152,177c120 < [1.0, "Beta Ara" ], < [1.0, "Beta Cam" ], < [1.0, "Beta Com" ], < [1.0, "Beta CrA" ], < [1.0, "Beta Dor" ], < [1.0, "Beta Equ" ], < [1.0, "Beta Gru" ], < [1.0, "Beta Hor" ], < [1.0, "Beta Hya" ], < [1.0, "Beta Hyi" ], < [1.0, "Beta LMi" ], < [1.0, "Beta Lup" ], < [1.0, "Beta Mon" ], < [1.0, "Beta Mus" ], < [1.0, "Beta Pav" ], < [1.0, "Beta Phe" ], < [1.0, "Beta Pic" ], < [1.0, "Beta PsA" ], < [1.0, "Beta Scl" ], < [1.0, "Beta Sct" ], < [1.0, "Beta Ser" ], < [1.0, "Beta Sei" ], < [1.0, "Beta Sge" ], < [1.0, "Beta TrA" ], < [1.0, "Beta Tri" ], < [1.0, "Beta Tuc" ], --- > [1.0, "Beta" ], 180d122 < [1.0, "BQ Gem" ], 189,197c131 < [1.0, "Chi Aql" ], < [1.0, "Chi Aqr" ], < [1.0, "Chi Car" ], < [1.0, "Chi Cyg" ], < [1.0, "Chi Eri" ], < [1.0, "Chi Her" ], < [1.0, "Chi Lup" ], < [1.0, "Chi Oph" ], < [1.0, "Chi-1 Ori" ], --- > [1.0, "Chi" ], 202,233c136 < [1.0, "Delta And" ], < [1.0, "Delta Aql" ], < [1.0, "Delta Aur" ], < [1.0, "Delta Boo" ], < [1.0, "Delta Cen" ], < [1.0, "Delta Cep" ], < [1.0, "Delta Cet" ], < [1.0, "Delta-1 CMi" ], < [1.0, "Delta Col" ], < [1.0, "Delta Crb" ], < [1.0, "Delta Crt" ], < [1.0, "Delta Cru" ], < [1.0, "Delta Cyg" ], < [1.0, "Delta Del" ], < [1.0, "Delta Equ" ], < [1.0, "Delta-1 Gru" ], < [1.0, "Delta-2 Gru" ], < [1.0, "Delta Her" ], < [1.0, "Delta Hya" ], < [1.0, "Delta Lib" ], < [1.0, "Delta Lup" ], < [1.0, "Delta-1 Lyr" ], < [1.0, "Delta-2 Lyr" ], < [1.0, "Delta Per" ], < [1.0, "Delta Psc" ], < [1.0, "Delta Sct" ], < [1.0, "Delta Ser" ], < [1.0, "Delta Sge" ], < [1.0, "Delta Tri" ], < [1.0, "Delta Vel" ], < [1.0, "Delta Vir" ], < [1.0, "Delta Vol" ], --- > [1.0, "Delta" ], 235,240d137 < [1.0, "Deneb Algedi" ], < [1.0, "Deneb Al Okab Aus" ], < [1.0, "Deneb Al Okab Bor" ], < [1.0, "Deneb Dulfim" ], < [1.0, "Deneb Kaitos" ], < [1.0, "Denebola" ], 249,269d145 < [1.0, "Eps And" ], < [1.0, "Eps Ari" ], < [1.0, "Eps Cen" ], < [1.0, "Eps Cep" ], < [1.0, "Eps CrA" ], < [1.0, "Eps CrB" ], < [1.0, "Eps Cru" ], < [1.0, "Eps Equ" ], < [1.0, "Eps Eri" ], < [1.0, "Eps Her" ], < [1.0, "Eps Hya" ], < [1.0, "Eps Ind" ], < [1.0, "Eps Lep" ], < [1.0, "Eps Lyr" ], < [1.0, "Eps Mon" ], < [1.0, "Eps Mus" ], < [1.0, "Eps Per" ], < [1.0, "Eps Sco" ], < [1.0, "Eps Sct" ], < [1.0, "Eps Ser" ], < [1.0, "Eps UMi" ], 271,287c147 < [1.0, "Eta Aql" ], < [1.0, "Eta Aqr" ], < [1.0, "Eta Car" ], < [1.0, "Eta Cen" ], < [1.0, "Eta Cep" ], < [1.0, "Eta CMi" ], < [1.0, "Eta CrB" ], < [1.0, "Eta Cru" ], < [1.0, "Eta Crv" ], < [1.0, "Eta Cyg" ], < [1.0, "Eta Her" ], < [1.0, "Eta Leo" ], < [1.0, "Eta Lup" ], < [1.0, "Eta Per" ], < [1.0, "Eta Sco" ], < [1.0, "Eta Ser" ], < [1.0, "Eta Sgr" ], --- > [1.0, "Eta" ], 289d148 < [1.0, "Fum al Samakah" ], 291d149 < [1.0, "G Sco" ], 293,320c151,152 < [1.0, "Gamma Ara" ], < [1.0, "Gamma Cas" ], < [1.0, "Gamma CMi" ], < [1.0, "Gamma Crt" ], < [1.0, "Gamma CrB" ], < [1.0, "Gamma Del" ], < [1.0, "Gamma Dor" ], < [1.0, "Gamma Equ" ], < [1.0, "Gamma Her" ], < [1.0, "Gamma Hya" ], < [1.0, "Gamma Hyi" ], < [1.0, "Gamma Lep" ], < [1.0, "Gamma Lup" ], < [1.0, "Gamma Mic" ], < [1.0, "Gamma Mon" ], < [1.0, "Gamma-2 Nor" ], < [1.0, "Gamma Per" ], < [1.0, "Gamma Phe" ], < [1.0, "Gamma Psc" ], < [1.0, "Gamma PsA" ], < [1.0, "Gamma Scl" ], < [1.0, "Gamma Sct" ], < [1.0, "Gamma Ser" ], < [1.0, "Gamma Sge" ], < [1.0, "Gamma TrA" ], < [1.0, "Gamma Tri" ], < [1.0, "Gamma Vol" ], < [1.0, "Garnet Star" ], --- > [1.0, "Gamma" ], > [1.0, "Garnet" ], 322,323c154 < [1.0, "Gienah Corvi" ], < [1.0, "Gienah Cygni" ], --- > [1.0, "Gienah" ], 325d155 < [1.0, "GG Lup" ], 327,328c157,158 < [1.0, "Gorgonea Tertia" ], < [1.0, "Graffias (Acrab)" ], --- > [1.0, "Gorgonea" ], > [1.0, "Graffias" ], 330,332c160,161 < [1.0, "Hadar (Agena)" ], < [1.0, "Haedus I" ], < [1.0, "Haedus II" ], --- > [1.0, "Hadar" ], > [1.0, "Haedus" ], 334,341d162 < [1.0, "HD 10180" ], < [1.0, "Hyi" ], < [1.0, "HD 20367 Ari" ], < [1.0, "HD 50554 Gem" ], < [1.0, "HD 188753 Cyg" ], < [1.0, "HD 189733 Vul" ], < [1.0, "HD 195019 Del" ], < [1.0, "HD 210277 Aqr" ], 343c164 < [1.0, "Hind's Crimson" ], --- > [1.0, "Hind" ], 345,367c166 < [1.0, "HR 6 Phe" ], < [1.0, "HR 286 UMi" ], < [1.0, "HR 306 Cep" ], < [1.0, "HR 1107 Cep" ], < [1.0, "HR 1988 Ori" ], < [1.0, "HR 2447 CMa" ], < [1.0, "HR 2622 Mon" ], < [1.0, "HR 2877 Gem" ], < [1.0, "HR 3497 Vel" ], < [1.0, "HR 4067 UMa" ], < [1.0, "HR 4686 UMi" ], < [1.0, "HR 6094 Sco" ], < [1.0, "HR 6817 Dra" ], < [1.0, "HR 6907 Sgr" ], < [1.0, "HR 7272 Lyr" ], < [1.0, "HR 7291 Sgr" ], < [1.0, "HR 7907 Del" ], < [1.0, "HR 8734 Psc" ], < [1.0, "HR 8752 Cas" ], < [1.0, "HR 8799 Peg" ], < [1.0, "HR 8938 Cep" ], < [1.0, "Hyadum I" ], < [1.0, "Hyadum II" ], --- > [1.0, "Hyadum" ], 369,384c168 < [1.0, "Iota Ari" ], < [1.0, "Iota Cas" ], < [1.0, "Iota Cen" ], < [1.0, "Iota CMa" ], < [1.0, "Iota Cnc" ], < [1.0, "Iota Gem" ], < [1.0, "Iota Her" ], < [1.0, "Iota Hor" ], < [1.0, "Iota Leo" ], < [1.0, "Iota Lep" ], < [1.0, "Iota Lib" ], < [1.0, "Iota Peg" ], < [1.0, "Iota Per" ], < [1.0, "Iota Psc" ], < [1.0, "Iota-1 Sco" ], < [1.0, "Iota-2 Sco" ], --- > [1.0, "Iota" ], 389,405c173,174 < [1.0, "Kappa Cas" ], < [1.0, "Kappa Cen" ], < [1.0, "Kappa-1 Cet" ], < [1.0, "Kappa Cnc" ], < [1.0, "Kappa CrB" ], < [1.0, "Kappa Dra" ], < [1.0, "Kappa Gem" ], < [1.0, "Kappa Lup" ], < [1.0, "Kappa Oph" ], < [1.0, "Kappa Psc" ], < [1.0, "Kappa Sco" ], < [1.0, "Kappa Ser" ], < [1.0, "Kappa Tau" ], < [1.0, "Kappa UMa" ], < [1.0, "Kaus Australis" ], < [1.0, "Kaus Borealis" ], < [1.0, "Kaus Media Keid" ], --- > [1.0, "Kappa" ], > [1.0, "Kaus" ], 410c179 < [1.0, "Kullat Nunu" ], --- > [1.0, "Kullat" ], 413,429c182 < [1.0, "KX Lib" ], < [1.0, "L Car" ], < [1.0, "L2 Pup La Superba" ], < [1.0, "Lambda And" ], < [1.0, "Lambda Ari" ], < [1.0, "Lambda Aur" ], < [1.0, "Lambda Boo" ], < [1.0, "Lambda Cas" ], < [1.0, "Lambda Cen" ], < [1.0, "Lambda Cep" ], < [1.0, "Lambda Cet" ], < [1.0, "Lambda Cyg" ], < [1.0, "Lambda Eri" ], < [1.0, "Lambda Gem" ], < [1.0, "Lambda Lep" ], < [1.0, "Lambda Tau" ], < [1.0, "Lambda UMi" ], --- > [1.0, "Lambda" ], 432,433d184 < [1.0, "Marfak-East" ], < [1.0, "Marfak-West" ], 438d188 < [1.0, "Masym" ], 461,479c211 < [1.0, "Mu And" ], < [1.0, "Mu Aqr" ], < [1.0, "Mu Ara" ], < [1.0, "Mu Cen" ], < [1.0, "Mu Cet" ], < [1.0, "Mu Col" ], < [1.0, "Mu Cru" ], < [1.0, "Mu Eri" ], < [1.0, "Mu-1 Gru" ], < [1.0, "Mu-2 Gru" ], < [1.0, "Mu Her" ], < [1.0, "Mu Lep" ], < [1.0, "Mu Nor" ], < [1.0, "Mu Oph" ], < [1.0, "Mu Ori" ], < [1.0, "Mu Per" ], < [1.0, "Mu-1 Sco" ], < [1.0, "Mu Vel" ], < [1.0, "Mu Vel" ], --- > [1.0, "Mu" ], 485d216 < [1.0, "Na'ir al Saif" ], 490,507c221 < [1.0, "Nu And" ], < [1.0, "Nu Aql" ], < [1.0, "Nu Aqr" ], < [1.0, "Nu Aur" ], < [1.0, "Nu-1 Boo" ], < [1.0, "Nu-2 Boo" ], < [1.0, "Nu Cen" ], < [1.0, "Nu Cep" ], < [1.0, "Nu Cet" ], < [1.0, "Nu CrB" ], < [1.0, "Nu Eri" ], < [1.0, "Nu Gem" ], < [1.0, "Nu Hya" ], < [1.0, "Nu Oct" ], < [1.0, "Nu Oph" ], < [1.0, "Nu Per" ], < [1.0, "Nu Pup" ], < [1.0, "Nu Vir" ], --- > [1.0, "Nu" ], 510,526c224,225 < [1.0, "Omega Cap" ], < [1.0, "Omega Cas" ], < [1.0, "Omega CMa" ], < [1.0, "Omega-2 Cyg" ], < [1.0, "Omega Eri" ], < [1.0, "Omega Ori" ], < [1.0, "Omega Psc" ], < [1.0, "Omega Vir" ], < [1.0, "Omicron-1 CMa" ], < [1.0, "Omicron-2 CMa" ], < [1.0, "Omicron-1 31 Cyg" ], < [1.0, "Omicron-2 32 Cyg" ], < [1.0, "Omicron-1 Ori" ], < [1.0, "Omicron Tau" ], < [1.0, "OV Cep" ], < [1.0, "P Cyg" ], < [1.0, "p Vel" ], --- > [1.0, "Omega" ], > [1.0, "Omicron" ], 532,554c231,233 < [1.0, "Phi And" ], < [1.0, "Phi Aqr" ], < [1.0, "Phi Cas" ], < [1.0, "Phi Dra" ], < [1.0, "Phi-1 Ori" ], < [1.0, "Phi Sgr" ], < [1.0, "Phi UMa" ], < [1.0, "Phi Vel" ], < [1.0, "Pi And" ], < [1.0, "Pi Aur" ], < [1.0, "Pi Boo" ], < [1.0, "Pi Her" ], < [1.0, "Pi Hya" ], < [1.0, "Pi Men" ], < [1.0, "Pi-4 Ori" ], < [1.0, "Pi-5 Ori" ], < [1.0, "Pi-1 Peg" ], < [1.0, "Pi-2 Peg" ], < [1.0, "Pi PsA" ], < [1.0, "Pi Pup" ], < [1.0, "Pi Sco" ], < [1.0, "Pi-2 UMa" ], < [1.0, "Plaskett's Star" ], --- > [1.0, "Phi" ], > [1.0, "Pi" ], > [1.0, "Plaskett" ], 557,558d235 < [1.0, "Polaris Australis" ], < [1.0, "Polaris Gal. Bor." ], 566,577c243 < [1.0, "Psi-1 Aqr" ], < [1.0, "Psi Cap" ], < [1.0, "Psi Ori" ], < [1.0, "Psi-2 Ori" ], < [1.0, "Psi UMa" ], < [1.0, "Psi Vel" ], < [1.0, "q-1 Eri" ], < [1.0, "R CrB" ], < [1.0, "R Hya" ], < [1.0, "R Leo" ], < [1.0, "R Lyr" ], < [1.0, "R Scuti" ], --- > [1.0, "Psi" ], 580,581d245 < [1.0, "Rasalgethi" ], < [1.0, "Rasalhague" ], 585,593d248 < [1.0, "Rho Aql" ], < [1.0, "Rho Boo" ], < [1.0, "Rho Cas" ], < [1.0, "Rho CrB" ], < [1.0, "Rho Gem" ], < [1.0, "Rho Her" ], < [1.0, "Rho Leo" ], < [1.0, "Rho Oph" ], < [1.0, "Rho Sco" ], 595,596c250 < [1.0, "Rigil Kentaurus" ], < [1.0, "Rijl al Awwa" ], --- > [1.0, "Rigil" ], 598d251 < [1.0, "RR Lyrae" ], 602,603d254 < [1.0, "RX Lep" ], < [1.0, "S = 15 Mon" ], 606,607c257 < [1.0, "Sadalbari (Lambda)" ], < [1.0, "Sadalbari (Mu)" ], --- > [1.0, "Sadalbari" ], 611d260 < [1.0, "Saif al Jabbar" ], 614d262 < [1.0, "Seat" ], 622,630c270 < [1.0, "Sigma Aql" ], < [1.0, "Sigma Boo" ], < [1.0, "Sigma Cas" ], < [1.0, "Sigma CMa" ], < [1.0, "Sigma CrB" ], < [1.0, "Sigma Cyg" ], < [1.0, "Sigma Gem" ], < [1.0, "Sigma Ori" ], < [1.0, "Sigma Pup" ], --- > [1.0, "Sigma" ], 639,640d278 < [1.0, "T Cen" ], < [1.0, "T CrB" ], 643,644d280 < [1.0, "Tania Australis" ], < [1.0, "Tania Borealis" ], 646,661c282 < [1.0, "Tau And" ], < [1.0, "Tau Aur" ], < [1.0, "Tau Boo" ], < [1.0, "Tau Cet" ], < [1.0, "Tau CMa" ], < [1.0, "Tau Cyg" ], < [1.0, "Tau-1 Eri" ], < [1.0, "Tau-4 Eri" ], < [1.0, "Tau-5 Eri" ], < [1.0, "Tau-1 Gru" ], < [1.0, "Tau Her" ], < [1.0, "Tau Ori" ], < [1.0, "Tau Per" ], < [1.0, "Tau Pup" ], < [1.0, "Tau Sgr" ], < [1.0, "Tau Vir" ], --- > [1.0, "Tau" ], 665,678c286 < [1.0, "Theta Aql" ], < [1.0, "Theta Aur" ], < [1.0, "Theta Cap" ], < [1.0, "Theta Car" ], < [1.0, "Theta CrB" ], < [1.0, "Theta Dra" ], < [1.0, "Theta Her" ], < [1.0, "Theta Oph" ], < [1.0, "Theta-1 Ori" ], < [1.0, "Theta Per" ], < [1.0, "Theta-1 Tau" ], < [1.0, "Theta-2 Tau" ], < [1.0, "Theta UMa" ], < [1.0, "Theta Vir" ], --- > [1.0, "Theta" ], 682,687d289 < [1.0, "Ups And" ], < [1.0, "Ups Aur" ], < [1.0, "Ups Cet" ], < [1.0, "Ups Gem" ], < [1.0, "Ups Sgr" ], < [1.0, "Ups UMa" ], 690,695d291 < [1.0, "V Pup" ], < [1.0, "VV Cep" ], < [1.0, "VV Ori" ], < [1.0, "V1334 Cyg" ], < [1.0, "W Boo" ], < [1.0, "W Ori" ], 697d292 < [1.0, "Wazn" ], 699,714c294 < [1.0, "X Her" ], < [1.0, "X Per" ], < [1.0, "X Sgr" ], < [1.0, "X TrA" ], < [1.0, "Xi Aql" ], < [1.0, "Xi Boo" ], < [1.0, "Xi-1 Cet" ], < [1.0, "Xi-2 Cet" ], < [1.0, "Xi Cyg" ], < [1.0, "Xi Oph" ], < [1.0, "Xi Peg" ], < [1.0, "Xi Ser" ], < [1.0, "Xi Tau" ], < [1.0, "XY Lyr" ], < [1.0, "Yed Posterior" ], < [1.0, "Yed Prior" ], --- > [1.0, "Xi" ], 716d295 < [1.0, "YY Gem" ], 720,743c299 < [1.0, "Zeta Aqr" ], < [1.0, "Zeta Ara" ], < [1.0, "Zeta Boo" ], < [1.0, "Zeta Cap" ], < [1.0, "Zeta Cas" ], < [1.0, "Zeta Cen" ], < [1.0, "Zeta Cep" ], < [1.0, "Zeta Cru" ], < [1.0, "Zeta Cyg" ], < [1.0, "Zeta Her" ], < [1.0, "Zeta Hya" ], < [1.0, "Zeta Lep" ], < [1.0, "Zeta Lup" ], < [1.0, "Zeta Lyr" ], < [1.0, "Zeta Mon" ], < [1.0, "Zeta Oph" ], < [1.0, "Zeta Per" ], < [1.0, "Zeta Phe" ], < [1.0, "Zeta Ret" ], < [1.0, "Zeta Scl" ], < [1.0, "Zeta-1 Sco" ], < [1.0, "Zeta Sge" ], < [1.0, "Zeta Tau" ], < [1.0, "Zeta Tuc" ], --- > [1.0, "Zeta" ], 749,816d304 < [1.0, "1 Gem" ], < [1.0, "2 Cen" ], < [1.0, "2 Lac" ], < [1.0, "2 UMi" ], < [1.0, "3 Cen" ], < [1.0, "3 Vul" ], < [1.0, "6 Cas" ], < [1.0, "6 Gem" ], < [1.0, "6 Tri" ], < [1.0, "8 Her" ], < [1.0, "9 Cet" ], < [1.0, "10 Dra" ], < [1.0, "10 Lac" ], < [1.0, "10 UMa" ], < [1.0, "10 SGB" ], < [1.0, "12 Boo" ], < [1.0, "13 Mon" ], < [1.0, "14 Aur" ], < [1.0, "14 Her" ], < [1.0, "16 Cyg" ], < [1.0, "16 Dra" ], < [1.0, "17 Dra" ], < [1.0, "18 Sco" ], < [1.0, "19 Cep" ], < [1.0, "19 Psc" ], < [1.0, "21 LMi" ], < [1.0, "23 Lib" ], < [1.0, "23 UMa" ], < [1.0, "24 UMi" ], < [1.0, "25 Ori" ], < [1.0, "29 Cyg" ], < [1.0, "30 Her" ], < [1.0, "30 Tau" ], < [1.0, "31 Aql" ], < [1.0, "31 Ori" ], < [1.0, "32 Ori" ], < [1.0, "35=UU Psc" ], < [1.0, "38 Lyn" ], < [1.0, "40 Per" ], < [1.0, "41 Ari" ], < [1.0, "43 Cas" ], < [1.0, "47 UMa" ], < [1.0, "48 Lib" ], < [1.0, "48 Per" ], < [1.0, "51 Peg" ], < [1.0, "52 Cyg" ], < [1.0, "53 Aqr" ], < [1.0, "53 Per" ], < [1.0, "54 Leo" ], < [1.0, "54 Psc" ], < [1.0, "55 Cnc" ], < [1.0, "59 Cyg" ], < [1.0, "60 Leo" ], < [1.0, "61 Cyg" ], < [1.0, "61 Vir" ], < [1.0, "67 Oph" ], < [1.0, "68 Her" ], < [1.0, "70 Oph" ], < [1.0, "70 Vir" ], < [1.0, "72 Leo" ], < [1.0, "78 UMa" ], < [1.0, "78 Vir" ], < [1.0, "79 Cet" ], < [1.0, "89 Her" ], < [1.0, "94 Cet" ], < [1.0, "95 Her" ], < [1.0, "109 Psc" ], < [1.0, "119=CE Tau" ], 1098c586 < [1.0, "Ruthion-Prime" ], --- > [1.0, "Ruthion" ], 1107,1111d594 < [1.0, "Alpha" ], < [1.0, "Beta" ], < [1.0, "Gamma" ], < [1.0, "Delta" ], < [1.0, "Epsilon" ] 1117,1119c600,632 < [2.0, "" ], < [2.0, "" ], < [2.0, "" ] --- > [1.0, "Prime" ], > [1.0, "Cluster" ], > [1.0, "Basin" ], > [1.0, "Stream" ], > [1.0, "Crest" ], > [1.0, "Beta" ], > [1.0, "Rim" ], > [1.0, "Gamma" ], > [1.0, "Nexus" ], > [1.0, "Nest" ], > [1.0, "Frontier" ], > [1.0, "Waste" ], > [1.0, "Expanse" ], > [1.0, "Veil" ], > [1.0, "Cradle" ], > [1.0, "Threshold" ], > [1.0, "Wake" ], > [1.0, "Rift" ], > [1.0, "Sigma" ], > [1.0, "Delta" ], > [1.0, "Ridge" ], > [1.0, "Rest" ], > [1.0, "Eclipse" ], > [1.0, "Tide" ], > [1.0, "Formation" ], > [1.0, "Order" ], > [1.0, "Mass" ], > [1.0, "Swarm" ], > [1.0, "Crescent" ], > [1.0, "Myriad" ], > [1.0, "Legion" ], > [1.0, "Muster" ], > [1.0, "" ] 1122,1123c635,636 < "planetarySuffixes" : [ "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX", "X", "XI", "XII" ], < "satelliteSuffixes" : [ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l" ] --- > "planetarySuffixes" : [ "^green;I^white;", "^green;II^white;", "^green;III^white;", "^green;IV^white;", "^green;V^white;", "^green;VI^white;", "^green;VII^white;", "^green;VIII^white;", "^green;IX^white;", "^green;X^white;", "^green;XI^white;", "^green;XII^white;" ], > "satelliteSuffixes" : [ "^white;- ^yellow;a^white;", "^white;- ^yellow;b^white;", "^white;- ^yellow;c^white;", "^white;- ^yellow;d^white;", "^white;- ^yellow;e^white;", "^white;- ^yellow;f^white;", "^white;- ^yellow;g^white;", "^white;- ^yellow;h^white;", "^white;- ^yellow;i^white;", "^white;- ^yellow;j^white;", "^white;- ^yellow;k^white;", "^white;- ^yellow;l^white;" ] dungeons\microdungeons\randomencounter\outpostunderground\outpostundergroundencounter.dungeon 666,667c666,667 < "comment" : "foreground invisible", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "front", "invisible" ] ] --- > "comment" : "foreground boundary (invisible walls)", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "front", "metamaterial:boundary" ] ] dungeons\missions\floranmissions\floranmission1.dungeon 749,750c749,750 < "comment" : "foreground invisible", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "front", "invisible" ] ] --- > "comment" : "foreground boundary (invisible walls)", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "front", "metamaterial:boundary" ] ] 1443a1444,1449 > "value" : [134, 134, 252, 255], > "comment" : "huntingchampionstatue", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "huntingchampionstatue" ] ] > }, > > { 2494a2501,2530 > "value" : [176, 216, 153, 255], > "comment" : "nuru scene 1", > "brush" : [ [ "npc", > { > "kind" : "npc", > "species" : "floran", > "typeName" : "nuru", > "parameters" : { > "behavior" : "/behaviors/sequences/floranmission/floranmissionstart.behavior" > } > } > ] ] > }, > > { > "value" : [176, 216, 155, 255], > "comment" : "nuru scene 2", > "brush" : [ [ "npc", > { > "kind" : "npc", > "species" : "floran", > "typeName" : "nuru", > "parameters" : { > "behavior" : "/behaviors/sequences/floranmission/floranmissionswitch.behavior" > } > } > ] ] > }, > > { 2501a2538,2549 > } > ] ] > }, > > { > "value" : [220, 220, 0, 255], > "comment" : "floran spectator", > "brush" : [ [ "npc", > { > "kind" : "npc", > "species" : "floran", > "typeName" : "floranspectator" dungeons\missions\lunarbase\lunarbase.dungeon 769,770c769,770 < "comment" : "foreground invisible", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "front", "invisible" ] ] --- > "comment" : "foreground boundary (invisible walls)", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "front", "metamaterial:boundary" ] ] 1981a1982,2119 > }, > > // STAGEHANDS > > { > "value" : [0, 240, 240, 255], > "comment" : "ai message trigger stagehand", > "brush" : [ [ "stagehand", > { > "type" : "aimessage", > "parameters" : { > "broadcastArea" : [-8, -8, 8, 8], > "broadcastAction" : { > "type" : "aimessage", > "id" : "lunarbase01" > } > } > } > ] ] > }, > > { > "value" : [0, 240, 241, 255], > "comment" : "ai message trigger stagehand", > "brush" : [ [ "stagehand", > { > "type" : "aimessage", > "parameters" : { > "broadcastArea" : [-5, -5, 5, 5], > "broadcastAction" : { > "type" : "aimessage", > "id" : "lunarbase02" > } > } > } > ] ] > }, > > { > "value" : [0, 240, 242, 255], > "comment" : "ai message trigger stagehand", > "brush" : [ [ "stagehand", > { > "type" : "aimessage", > "parameters" : { > "broadcastArea" : [-5, -5, 5, 5], > "broadcastAction" : { > "type" : "aimessage", > "id" : "lunarbase03" > } > } > } > ] ] > }, > > { > "value" : [0, 240, 243, 255], > "comment" : "ai message trigger stagehand", > "brush" : [ [ "stagehand", > { > "type" : "aimessage", > "parameters" : { > "broadcastArea" : [-5, -5, 5, 25], > "broadcastAction" : { > "type" : "aimessage", > "id" : "lunarbase04" > } > } > } > ] ] > }, > > { > "value" : [0, 240, 244, 255], > "comment" : "ai message trigger stagehand", > "brush" : [ [ "stagehand", > { > "type" : "aimessage", > "parameters" : { > "broadcastArea" : [-5, -5, 5, 5], > "broadcastAction" : { > "type" : "aimessage", > "id" : "lunarbase05" > } > } > } > ] ] > }, > > { > "value" : [0, 240, 245, 255], > "comment" : "ai message trigger stagehand", > "brush" : [ [ "stagehand", > { > "type" : "aimessage", > "parameters" : { > "broadcastArea" : [-15, -5, 15, 5], > "broadcastAction" : { > "type" : "aimessage", > "id" : "lunarbase06" > } > } > } > ] ] > }, > > { > "value" : [0, 240, 246, 255], > "comment" : "ai message trigger stagehand", > "brush" : [ [ "stagehand", > { > "type" : "aimessage", > "parameters" : { > "broadcastArea" : [-9, -9, 9, 9], > "broadcastAction" : { > "type" : "aimessage", > "id" : "lunarbase07" > } > } > } > ] ] > }, > > { > "value" : [0, 240, 247, 255], > "comment" : "ai message trigger stagehand", > "brush" : [ [ "stagehand", > { > "type" : "aimessage", > "parameters" : { > "broadcastArea" : [-15, -15, 15, 15], > "broadcastAction" : { > "type" : "aimessage", > "id" : "lunarbase08" > } > } > } > ] ] dungeons\missions\penguinmissions\penguinmission1.dungeon 624,625c624,625 < "comment" : "invisible", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "front", "invisible" ] ] --- > "comment" : "foreground boundary (invisible walls)", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "front", "metamaterial:boundary" ] ] dungeons\missions\penguinmissions\penguinmission2.dungeon 625,626c625,626 < "comment" : "invisible", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "front", "invisible" ] ] --- > "comment" : "foreground boundary (invisible walls)", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "front", "metamaterial:boundary" ] ] dungeons\other\ancientgateway\ancientgateway.dungeon 2033a2034,2051 > }, > > // STAGEHANDS > > { > "value" : [0, 240, 240, 255], > "comment" : "ai message trigger stagehand", > "brush" : [ [ "stagehand", > { > "type" : "aimessage", > "parameters" : { > "broadcastAction" : { > "type" : "aimessage", > "id" : "ancientgateway" > } > } > } > ] ] humanoid\penguin\backarm.frames 3c3 < "size" : [43, 43], --- > "size" : [26, 26], humanoid\penguin\frontarm.frames 4c4 < "size" : [43, 43], --- > "size" : [26, 26], interface\ai\ai.config 35c35 < "position" : [370, 183] --- > "position" : [374, 183] 44,45c44,45 < "file" : "/interface/ai/aiicon.png", < "position" : [0, 0], --- > "file" : "/interface/ai/AIicon.png", > "position" : [0, -20], 157c157 < "memberSize" : [156, 21], --- > "memberSize" : [156, 22], 169a170 > "lineSpacing" : 1.0, 174c175 < "position" : [1, 1] --- > "position" 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16a17,21 > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "amount" : 0.6 > }, > > { 18c23 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 13 23c28 < "amount" : 40 --- > "amount" : 36 28c33 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 9 items\armors\human\human-tier3\humantier3.legs 15a16,20 > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "amount" : 0.4 > }, > > { 17c22 < "amount" : 25 --- > "amount" : 9 22c27 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 24 27c32 < "amount" : 15 --- > "amount" : 6 items\armors\human\human-tier4\humantier4.chest 24a25,29 > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "amount" : 1.25 > }, > > { 26c31 < "amount" : 85 --- > "amount" : 30 31c36 < "amount" : 100 --- > "amount" : 80 36c41 < "amount" : 50 --- > "amount" : 20 items\armors\human\human-tier4\humantier4.head 16a17,21 > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "amount" : 0.75 > }, > > { 18c23 < "amount" : 55 --- > "amount" : 18 23c28 < "amount" : 60 --- > "amount" : 48 28c33 < "amount" : 30 --- > "amount" : 12 items\armors\human\human-tier4\humantier4.legs 15a16,20 > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "amount" : 0.5 > }, > > { 17c22 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 12 22c27 < "amount" : 40 --- > "amount" : 32 27c32 < "amount" : 20 --- > "amount" : 8 items\armors\human\human-workout\workout.chest 24a25,29 > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "amount" : 0.35 > }, > > { 26c31,36 < "amount" : 0 --- > "amount" : 2 > }, > > { > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 10 31c41 < "amount" : 5 --- > "amount" : 3 items\armors\human\human-workout\workout.legs 15a16,20 > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "amount" : 0.15 > }, > > { 17c22,32 < "amount" : 0 --- > "amount" : 1 > }, > > { > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 5 > }, > > { > "stat" : "maxHealth", > "amount" : 2 items\armors\novakid\novakidfancy\novakidfancy.chest 24a25,29 > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "amount" : 0.35 > }, > > { 26c31,36 < "amount" : 0 --- > "amount" : 2 > }, > > { > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 10 31c41 < "amount" : 5 --- > "amount" : 3 items\armors\novakid\novakidfancy\novakidfancy.legs 16a17,21 > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "amount" : 0.15 > }, > > { 18c23,33 < "amount" : 0 --- > "amount" : 1 > }, > > { > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 5 > }, > > { > "stat" : "maxHealth", > "amount" : 2 items\armors\novakid\novakidjacket\novakidjacket.chest 24a25,29 > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "amount" : 0.35 > }, > > { 26c31,36 < "amount" : 0 --- > "amount" : 2 > }, > > { > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 10 31c41 < "amount" : 5 --- > "amount" : 3 items\armors\novakid\novakidjacket\novakidjacket.legs 16a17,21 > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "amount" : 0.15 > }, > > { 18c23,33 < "amount" : 0 --- > "amount" : 1 > }, > > { > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 5 > }, > > { > "stat" : "maxHealth", > "amount" : 2 items\armors\novakid\novakidsuspenders\novakidsuspenders.chest 24a25,29 > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "amount" : 0.35 > }, > > { 26c31,36 < "amount" : 0 --- > "amount" : 2 > }, > > { > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 10 31c41 < "amount" : 5 --- > "amount" : 3 items\armors\novakid\novakidsuspenders\novakidsuspenders.legs 16a17,21 > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "amount" : 0.15 > }, > > { 18c23,33 < "amount" : 0 --- > "amount" : 1 > }, > > { > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 5 > }, > > { > "stat" : "maxHealth", > "amount" : 2 items\armors\novakid\novakidwaistcoat\novakidwaistcoat.chest 24a25,29 > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "amount" : 0.35 > }, > > { 26c31,36 < "amount" : 0 --- > "amount" : 2 > }, > > { > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 10 31c41 < "amount" : 5 --- > "amount" : 3 items\armors\novakid\novakidwaistcoat\novakidwaistcoat.legs 16a17,21 > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "amount" : 0.15 > }, > > { 18c23,33 < "amount" : 0 --- > "amount" : 1 > }, > > { > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 5 > }, > > { > "stat" : "maxHealth", > "amount" : 2 items\armors\other\perfect\perfect.chest 24a25,29 > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "amount" : 1.75 > }, > > { 26c31 < "amount" : 150 --- > "amount" : 39 31c36 < "amount" : 160 --- > "amount" : 120 36c41 < "amount" : 90 --- > "amount" : 30 items\armors\other\perfect\perfect.head 16a17,21 > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "amount" : 1.05 > }, > > { 18c23 < "amount" : 90 --- > "amount" : 23 23c28 < "amount" : 95 --- > "amount" : 72 28c33 < "amount" : 50 --- > "amount" : 18 items\armors\other\perfect\perfect.legs 15a16,20 > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "amount" : 0.7 > }, > > { 17c22 < "amount" : 60 --- > "amount" : 15 22c27 < "amount" : 65 --- > "amount" : 48 27c32 < "amount" : 35 --- > "amount" : 12 items\armors\penguin\empty\empty.chest 24a25,29 > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "amount" : 0.35 > }, > > { 26c31,36 < "amount" : 0 --- > "amount" : 2 > }, > > { > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 10 31c41 < "amount" : 5 --- > "amount" : 3 items\armors\penguin\empty\empty.legs 15a16,20 > "stat" : "powerMultiplier", > "amount" : 0.15 > }, > > { 17c22,32 < "amount" : 0 --- > "amount" : 1 > }, > > { > "stat" : "maxEnergy", > "amount" : 5 > }, > > { > "stat" : "maxHealth", > "amount" : 2 items\guns\accelerator\aegisaltpistol.gun 21c21 < "projectileType" : "greenplasmabullet", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 29,30c29,30 < "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/plasma_pistol4.wav" } ], < "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/plasmamuzzle4green/plasmamuzzle4green.animation" --- > "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/revolver1.wav" } ], > "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/bulletmuzzle3/bulletmuzzle3.animation" items\guns\accelerator\aegisaltrifle.gun 21c21 < "projectileType" : "greenplasmabullet", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 25c25 < "power" : 0.78 --- > "power" : 1.04 28,29c28,29 < "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/plasma_ar2.wav" } ], < "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/plasmamuzzle4green/plasmamuzzle4green.animation" --- > "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/ar7.wav" } ], > "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/bulletmuzzle3/bulletmuzzle3.animation" items\guns\accelerator\aegisaltshotgun.gun 22c22 < "projectileType" : "greenplasmabullet", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 24c24 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 26c26 < "power" : 1.02 --- > "power" : 1.7 29,30c29,30 < "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/plasma_shotgun4.wav" } ], < "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/plasmamuzzle4green/plasmamuzzle4green.animation" --- > "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/shotgun3.wav" } ], > "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/bulletmuzzle3/bulletmuzzle3.animation" items\guns\accelerator\feroziumpistol.gun 21c21 < "projectileType" : "greenplasmabullet", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 29,30c29,30 < "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/plasma_pistol4.wav" } ], < "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/plasmamuzzle3green/plasmamuzzle3green.animation" --- > "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/revolver2.wav" } ], > "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/bulletmuzzle3/bulletmuzzle3.animation" items\guns\accelerator\feroziumrifle.gun 21c21 < "projectileType" : "greenplasmabullet", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 25c25 < "power" : 0.84 --- > "power" : 1.12 28,29c28,29 < "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/plasma_ar2.wav" } ], < "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/plasmamuzzle3green/plasmamuzzle3green.animation" --- > "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/ar4.wav" } ], > "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/bulletmuzzle3/bulletmuzzle3.animation" items\guns\accelerator\feroziumrocket.gun 17c17 < "inaccuracy" : 0.01, --- > "inaccuracy" : 0.02, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "rocketuniversal", --- > "projectileType" : "rocketshell", 23c23,24 < "speed" : 60, --- > "speed" : 1.0, > "acceleration" : 150, items\guns\accelerator\feroziumsniper.gun 21c21 < "projectileType" : "plasma4green", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 28,29c28,29 < "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/plasma_sniper4.wav" } ], < "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/plasmamuzzle3green/plasmamuzzle3green.animation" --- > "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/sniper2.wav" } ], > "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/bulletmuzzle3/bulletmuzzle3.animation" items\guns\novakid\revolver\novastarter.gun 13c13 < "level" : 0.5, --- > "level" : 1, 16,17c16,17 < "fireTime" : 0.6, < "inaccuracy" : 0.02, --- > "fireTime" : 0.62, > "inaccuracy" : 0.016, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "bullet-2", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 25c25 < "power" : 2.7, --- > "power" : 2.25, items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier10revolver.gun 16,17c16,17 < "fireTime" : 0.6, < "inaccuracy" : 0.015, --- > "fireTime" : 0.62, > "inaccuracy" : 0.016, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "plasma4", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 25c25 < "power" : 2.7, --- > "power" : 2.8, 29,30c29,30 < "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/plasma_pistol4.wav" } ], < "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/plasmamuzzle3blue/plasmamuzzle3blue.animation" --- > "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/revolver2.wav" } ], > "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/bulletmuzzle4/bulletmuzzle4.animation" items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier1revolver.gun 16,17c16,17 < "fireTime" : 0.6, < "inaccuracy" : 0.02, --- > "fireTime" : 0.62, > "inaccuracy" : 0.016, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "bullet-2", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 25c25 < "power" : 2.7, --- > "power" : 2.8, items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier2revolver.gun 16,17c16,17 < "fireTime" : 0.6, < "inaccuracy" : 0.019, --- > "fireTime" : 0.62, > "inaccuracy" : 0.016, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "bullet-2", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 25c25 < "power" : 2.7, --- > "power" : 2.8, items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier3revolver.gun 16,17c16,17 < "fireTime" : 0.6, < "inaccuracy" : 0.018, --- > "fireTime" : 0.62, > "inaccuracy" : 0.016, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "bullet-2", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 25c25 < "power" : 2.7, --- > "power" : 2.8, items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier4revolver.gun 16,17c16,17 < "fireTime" : 0.6, < "inaccuracy" : 0.017, --- > "fireTime" : 0.62, > "inaccuracy" : 0.016, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "bullet-2", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 25c25 < "power" : 2.7, --- > "power" : 2.8, items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier5revolver.gun 16c16 < "fireTime" : 0.6, --- > "fireTime" : 0.62, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "plasmabullet", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 25c25 < "power" : 2.7, --- > "power" : 2.8, 29,30c29,30 < "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/plasma_pistol1.wav" } ], < "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/plasmamuzzle4/plasmamuzzle4.animation" --- > "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/revolver2.wav" } ], > "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/bulletmuzzle4/bulletmuzzle4.animation" items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier6revolver.gun 16,17c16,17 < "fireTime" : 0.6, < "inaccuracy" : 0.015, --- > "fireTime" : 0.62, > "inaccuracy" : 0.016, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "plasma4pink", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 25c25 < "power" : 2.7, --- > "power" : 2.8, 29,30c29,30 < "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/plasma_pistol3.wav" } ], < "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/plasmamuzzle3pink/plasmamuzzle3pink.animation" --- > "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/revolver2.wav" } ], > "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/bulletmuzzle4/bulletmuzzle4.animation" items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier7revolver.gun 16c16 < "fireTime" : 0.6, --- > "fireTime" : 0.62, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "greenplasmabullet", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 25c25 < "power" : 2.7, --- > "power" : 2.8, 29,30c29,30 < "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/plasma_pistol1.wav" } ], < "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/plasmamuzzle4green/plasmamuzzle4green.animation" --- > "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/revolver2.wav" } ], > "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/bulletmuzzle4/bulletmuzzle4.animation" items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier8revolver.gun 16,17c16,17 < "fireTime" : 0.6, < "inaccuracy" : 0.015, --- > "fireTime" : 0.62, > "inaccuracy" : 0.016, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "plasma4green", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 25c25 < "power" : 2.7, --- > "power" : 2.8, 29,30c29,30 < "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/plasma_ar2.wav" } ], < "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/plasmamuzzle3green/plasmamuzzle3green.animation" --- > "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/revolver2.wav" } ], > "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/bulletmuzzle4/bulletmuzzle4.animation" items\guns\novakid\revolver\novatier9revolver.gun 16c16 < "fireTime" : 0.6, --- > "fireTime" : 0.62, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "yellowplasmabullet", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 25c25 < "power" : 2.7, --- > "power" : 2.8, 29,30c29,30 < "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/plasma_pistol1.wav" } ], < "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/plasmamuzzle4yellow/plasmamuzzle4yellow.animation" --- > "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/revolver2.wav" } ], > "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/bulletmuzzle4/bulletmuzzle4.animation" items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier0rifle.gun 13c13 < "level" : 0.5, --- > "level" : 1, 17c17 < "inaccuracy" : 0.015, --- > "inaccuracy" : 0.008, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "bullet-2", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 25c25 < "power" : 6, --- > "power" : 4.6, items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier10rifle.gun 17c17 < "inaccuracy" : 0.01, --- > "inaccuracy" : 0.008, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "plasma4", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 28,29c28,29 < "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/plasma_sniper2.wav" } ], < "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/plasmamuzzle3blue/plasmamuzzle3blue.animation" --- > "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/sniper2.wav" } ], > "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/bulletmuzzle4/bulletmuzzle4.animation" items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier1rifle.gun 17c17 < "inaccuracy" : 0.015, --- > "inaccuracy" : 0.008, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "bullet-2", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier2rifle.gun 17c17 < "inaccuracy" : 0.014, --- > "inaccuracy" : 0.008, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "bullet-2", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier3rifle.gun 17c17 < "inaccuracy" : 0.013, --- > "inaccuracy" : 0.008, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "bullet-2", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier4rifle.gun 17c17 < "inaccuracy" : 0.012, --- > "inaccuracy" : 0.008, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "bullet-2", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier5rifle.gun 17c17 < "inaccuracy" : 0.011, --- > "inaccuracy" : 0.008, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "plasmabullet", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 28,29c28,29 < "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/plasma_sniper1.wav" } ], < "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/plasmamuzzle4/plasmamuzzle4.animation" --- > "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/sniper2.wav" } ], > "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/bulletmuzzle4/bulletmuzzle4.animation" items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier6rifle.gun 17c17 < "inaccuracy" : 0.01, --- > "inaccuracy" : 0.008, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "plasma4pink", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 28,29c28,29 < "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/plasma_sniper3.wav" } ], < "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/plasmamuzzle3pink/plasmamuzzle3pink.animation" --- > "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/sniper2.wav" } ], > "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/bulletmuzzle4/bulletmuzzle4.animation" items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier7rifle.gun 17c17 < "inaccuracy" : 0.011, --- > "inaccuracy" : 0.008, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "greenplasmabullet", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 28,29c28,29 < "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/plasma_sniper1.wav" } ], < "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/plasmamuzzle4green/plasmamuzzle4green.animation" --- > "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/sniper2.wav" } ], > "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/bulletmuzzle4/bulletmuzzle4.animation" items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier8rifle.gun 17c17 < "inaccuracy" : 0.01, --- > "inaccuracy" : 0.008, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "plasma4green", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 28,29c28,29 < "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/plasma_sniper4.wav" } ], < "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/plasmamuzzle3green/plasmamuzzle3green.animation" --- > "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/sniper2.wav" } ], > "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/bulletmuzzle4/bulletmuzzle4.animation" items\guns\novakid\rifle\novatier9rifle.gun 17c17 < "inaccuracy" : 0.011, --- > "inaccuracy" : 0.008, 21c21 < "projectileType" : "yellowplasmabullet", --- > "projectileType" : "standardbullet", 23c23 < "speed" : 75, --- > "speed" : 150, 28,29c28,29 < "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/plasma_sniper1.wav" } ], < "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/plasmamuzzle4yellow/plasmamuzzle4yellow.animation" --- > "fireSound" : [ { "file" : "/sfx/gun/sniper2.wav" } ], > "animation" : "/animations/muzzleflash/bulletmuzzle4/bulletmuzzle4.animation" items\swords\moneybagscane.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "spearswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "spearswoosh", items\swords\testspear.sword 49c49 < "projectileType" : "spearswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "spearswoosh", items\swords\apex\axe\apextier10axe.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "axeswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "axeswoosh", items\swords\apex\axe\apextier1axe.sword 35c35 < "projectileType" : "axeswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "axeswoosh", items\swords\apex\axe\apextier2axe.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "axeswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "axeswoosh", items\swords\apex\axe\apextier3axe.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "axeswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "axeswoosh", items\swords\apex\axe\apextier4axe.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "axeswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "axeswoosh", items\swords\apex\axe\apextier8axe.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "axeswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "axeswoosh", items\swords\apex\broadsword\apexstarter.sword 5c5 < "level" : 0.5, --- > "level" : 1, 47c47 < "projectileType" : "testswoosh3", --- > "projectileType" : "broadswordswoosh", 50c50 < "power" : 7.2 --- > "power" : 5.75 items\swords\apex\broadsword\apextier10broadsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "testswoosh3", --- > "projectileType" : "broadswordswoosh", items\swords\apex\broadsword\apextier1broadsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "testswoosh3", --- > "projectileType" : "broadswordswoosh", items\swords\apex\broadsword\apextier2broadsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "testswoosh3", --- > "projectileType" : "broadswordswoosh", items\swords\apex\broadsword\apextier3broadsword.sword 48c48 < "projectileType" : "testswoosh3", --- > "projectileType" : "broadswordswoosh", 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items\swords\glitch\shortsword\glitchtier8shortsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh", items\swords\glitch\spear\glitchtier10spear.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "spearswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "spearswoosh", items\swords\glitch\spear\glitchtier1spear.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "spearswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "spearswoosh", items\swords\glitch\spear\glitchtier2spear.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "spearswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "spearswoosh", items\swords\glitch\spear\glitchtier3spear.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "spearswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "spearswoosh", items\swords\glitch\spear\glitchtier4spear.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "spearswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "spearswoosh", items\swords\glitch\spear\glitchtier8spear.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "spearswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "spearswoosh", items\swords\human\axe\humantier10axe.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "axeswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "axeswoosh", items\swords\human\axe\humantier1axe.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "axeswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "axeswoosh", items\swords\human\axe\humantier2axe.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "axeswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "axeswoosh", items\swords\human\axe\humantier3axe.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "axeswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "axeswoosh", items\swords\human\axe\humantier4axe.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "axeswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "axeswoosh", items\swords\human\axe\humantier8axe.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "axeswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "axeswoosh", items\swords\human\broadsword\humanstarter.sword 5c5 < "level" : 0.5, --- > "level" : 1, 47c47 < "projectileType" : "testswoosh3", --- > "projectileType" : "broadswordswoosh", 50c50 < "power" : 7.2 --- > "power" : 5.75 items\swords\human\broadsword\humantier10broadsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "testswoosh3", --- > "projectileType" : "broadswordswoosh", items\swords\human\broadsword\humantier1broadsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "testswoosh3", --- > "projectileType" : "broadswordswoosh", items\swords\human\broadsword\humantier2broadsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "testswoosh3", --- > "projectileType" : "broadswordswoosh", items\swords\human\broadsword\humantier3broadsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "testswoosh3", --- > "projectileType" : "broadswordswoosh", items\swords\human\broadsword\humantier4broadsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "testswoosh3", --- > "projectileType" : "broadswordswoosh", items\swords\human\broadsword\humantier8broadsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "testswoosh3", --- > "projectileType" : "broadswordswoosh", items\swords\human\dagger\humantier10dagger.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh", items\swords\human\dagger\humantier1dagger.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh", items\swords\human\dagger\humantier2dagger.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh", items\swords\human\dagger\humantier3dagger.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh", items\swords\human\dagger\humantier4dagger.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh", items\swords\human\dagger\humantier5dagger.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh", items\swords\human\dagger\humantier6dagger.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh", items\swords\human\dagger\humantier8dagger.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh", items\swords\human\hammer\humantier10hammer.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "hammerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "hammerswoosh", 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"shortswordswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh", items\swords\human\shortsword\humantier1shortsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh", items\swords\human\shortsword\humantier2shortsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh", items\swords\human\shortsword\humantier3shortsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh", items\swords\human\shortsword\humantier4shortsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh", items\swords\human\shortsword\humantier8shortsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh", items\swords\human\spear\humantier10spear.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "spearswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "spearswoosh", items\swords\human\spear\humantier1spear.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "spearswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "spearswoosh", items\swords\human\spear\humantier2spear.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "spearswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "spearswoosh", items\swords\human\spear\humantier3spear.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "spearswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "spearswoosh", items\swords\human\spear\humantier4spear.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "spearswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "spearswoosh", items\swords\human\spear\humantier8spear.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "spearswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "spearswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\axe\hylotltier10axe.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "axeswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "axeswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\axe\hylotltier1axe.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "axeswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "axeswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\axe\hylotltier2axe.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "axeswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "axeswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\axe\hylotltier3axe.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "axeswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "axeswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\axe\hylotltier4axe.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "axeswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "axeswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\axe\hylotltier8axe.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "axeswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "axeswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\broadsword\hylotlstarter.sword 3c3 < "level" : 0.5, --- > "level" : 1, 47c47 < "projectileType" : "testswoosh3", --- > "projectileType" : "broadswordswoosh", 50c50 < "power" : 7.2 --- > "power" : 5.75 items\swords\hylotl\broadsword\hylotltier10broadsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "testswoosh3", --- > "projectileType" : "broadswordswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\broadsword\hylotltier1broadsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "testswoosh3", --- > "projectileType" : "broadswordswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\broadsword\hylotltier2broadsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "testswoosh3", --- > "projectileType" : "broadswordswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\broadsword\hylotltier3broadsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "testswoosh3", --- > "projectileType" : "broadswordswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\broadsword\hylotltier4broadsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "testswoosh3", --- > "projectileType" : "broadswordswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\broadsword\hylotltier8broadsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "testswoosh3", --- > "projectileType" : "broadswordswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\dagger\hylotltier10dagger.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\dagger\hylotltier1dagger.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\dagger\hylotltier2dagger.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\dagger\hylotltier3dagger.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\dagger\hylotltier4dagger.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\dagger\hylotltier5dagger.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\dagger\hylotltier6dagger.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\dagger\hylotltier8dagger.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "daggerswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\hammer\hylotltier10hammer.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "hammerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "hammerswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\hammer\hylotltier1hammer.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "hammerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "hammerswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\hammer\hylotltier2hammer.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "hammerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "hammerswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\hammer\hylotltier3hammer.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "hammerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "hammerswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\hammer\hylotltier4hammer.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "hammerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "hammerswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\hammer\hylotltier8hammer.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "hammerswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "hammerswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\shortsword\hylotltier0shortsword.sword 3c3 < "level" : 0.5, --- > "level" : 1, 47c47 < "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh", 50c50 < "power" : 5 --- > "power" : 4 items\swords\hylotl\shortsword\hylotltier10shortsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\shortsword\hylotltier1shortsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\shortsword\hylotltier2shortsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\shortsword\hylotltier3shortsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\shortsword\hylotltier4shortsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\shortsword\hylotltier8shortsword.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "shortswordswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\spear\hylotltier10spear.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "spearswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "spearswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\spear\hylotltier1spear.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "spearswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "spearswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\spear\hylotltier2spear.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "spearswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "spearswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\spear\hylotltier3spear.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "spearswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "spearswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\spear\hylotltier4spear.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "spearswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "spearswoosh", items\swords\hylotl\spear\hylotltier8spear.sword 47c47 < "projectileType" : "spearswoosh1", --- > "projectileType" : "spearswoosh", items\swords\unsorted\combatsword.sword 18c18 < "projectileType" : "testswoosh3", --- > "projectileType" : "broadswordswoosh", items\throwables\bomb.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 400 --- > "power" : 50 items\throwables\bowlingball.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 10 --- > "power" : 5 items\throwables\corrosivegrenade.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 10 --- > "power" : 15 items\throwables\cutterleaf.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 1 --- > "power" : 5 items\throwables\electrogrenade.thrownitem 17,18c17 < "power" : 55, < "level" : 15 --- > "power" : 27.5 items\throwables\energyjavelin.thrownitem 17c17 < "power" : 45 --- > "power" : 30 items\throwables\firework.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 3 --- > "power" : 5 items\throwables\fireworkblue.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 3 --- > "power" : 5 items\throwables\fireworkgreen.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 3 --- > "power" : 5 items\throwables\gasgrenade.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 30 --- > "power" : 15 items\throwables\handgrenade.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 100 --- > "power" : 45 items\throwables\huntingspear.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 40 --- > "power" : 27.5 items\throwables\javelin.thrownitem 17,18c17,18 < "speed" : 45, < "power" : 20 --- > "speed" : 50, > "power" : 22.5 items\throwables\molotov.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 130 --- > "power" : 12 items\throwables\phoenixemblem.thrownitem 18,19c18 < "power" : 120, < "level" : 18 --- > "power" : 15 items\throwables\plasmagrenade.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 50 --- > "power" : 30 items\throwables\snowball.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 1.5 --- > "power" : 0.75 items\throwables\snowballgigantic.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 12 --- > "power" : 6 items\throwables\snowballlarge.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 6 --- > "power" : 3 items\throwables\snowballmedium.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 3 --- > "power" : 1.5 items\throwables\snowflakeshuriken.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 90 --- > "power" : 22.5 items\throwables\tarball.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 2 --- > "power" : 0.75 items\throwables\throwingaxe.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 160 --- > "power" : 35 items\throwables\throwingblock.thrownitem 18,19c18 < "power" : 20, < "level" : 3 --- > "power" : 17.5 items\throwables\throwingbones.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 225 --- > "power" : 42.5 items\throwables\throwingboulder.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 175 --- > "power" : 50 items\throwables\throwingdagger.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 65 --- > "power" : 17.5 items\throwables\throwingdart.thrownitem 17c17,18 < "speed" : 45, --- > "speed" : 60, > "power" : 20, items\throwables\throwinggnome.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 5 --- > "power" : 3.25 items\throwables\throwingkunai.thrownitem 17,18c17,18 < "speed" : 70, < "power" : 100 --- > "speed" : 60, > "power" : 22.5 items\throwables\throwingneedle.thrownitem 17,18c17,18 < "speed" : 45, < "power" : 80 --- > "speed" : 75, > "power" : 17.5 items\throwables\throwingspear.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 85 --- > "power" : 22.5 items\throwables\throwingstar.thrownitem 17,18c17,18 < "speed" : 80, < "power" : 90 --- > "speed" : 60, > "power" : 22.5 leveling\levelingmultipliers.functions 3,13c3,13 < [0, 0], < [1, 9], < [2, 20.5], < [3, 32.5], < [4, 46], < [5, 68], < [6, 97], < [7, 135], < [8, 151.5], < [9, 200], < [10, 385] --- > [0, 0.0], > [1, 1.5], > [2, 2.0], > [3, 2.5], > [4, 3.0], > [5, 3.5], > [6, 4.0], > [7, 4.5], > [8, 5.0], > [9, 5.5], > [10,6.0] 17,27c17,27 < [0, 2.65], < [1, 1.1112], < [2, 0.7318], < [3, 0.6154], < [4, 0.5436], < [5, 0.2206], < [6, 0.4412], < [7, 0.2964], < [8, 0.2972], < [9, 0.25], < [10, 0.143] --- > [0, 3], > [1, 3], > [2, 3], > [3, 3], > [4, 3], > [5, 3], > [6, 3], > [7, 3], > [8, 3], > [9, 3], > [10, 3] 31,41c31,41 < [0, 0], < [1, 9], < [2, 20.5], < [3, 32.5], < [4, 46], < [5, 68], < [6, 97], < [7, 135], < [8, 151.5], < [9, 200], < [10, 385] --- > [0, 0.0], > [1, 1.5], > [2, 2.0], > [3, 2.5], > [4, 3.0], > [5, 3.5], > [6, 4.0], > [7, 4.5], > [8, 5.0], > [9, 5.5], > [10,6.0] 45,55c45,55 < [0, 1.3250], < [1, 0.5556], < [2, 0.3659], < [3, 0.3077], < [4, 0.2718], < [5, 0.2206], < [6, 0.1805], < [7, 0.1482], < [8, 0.1486], < [9, 0.1250], < [10, 0.0715] --- > [0, 1], > [1, 1], > [2, 1], > [3, 1], > [4, 1], > [5, 1], > [6, 1], > [7, 1], > [8, 1], > [9, 1], > [10, 1] 59,69c59,69 < [0, 0], < [1, 9], < [2, 20.5], < [3, 32.5], < [4, 46], < [5, 68], < [6, 97], < [7, 135], < [8, 151.5], < [9, 200], < [10, 385] --- > [0, 0.0], > [1, 1.5], > [2, 2.0], > [3, 2.5], > [4, 3.0], > [5, 3.5], > [6, 4.0], > [7, 4.5], > [8, 5.0], > [9, 5.5], > [10,6.0] 73,83c73,83 < [0, 0.9], < [1, 1], < [2, 1.15], < [3, 1.35], < [4, 1.65], < [5, 2], < [6, 2.35], < [7, 2.75], < [8, 3.2], < [9, 3.75], < [10, 4.5] --- > [0, 0.0], > [1, 1.0], > [2, 1.1], > [3, 1.2], > [4, 1.3], > [5, 1.4], > [6, 1.5], > [7, 1.6], > [8, 1.7], > [9, 1.8], > [10, 1.9] 87,97c87,97 < [0, 0], < [1, 0.15], < [2, 0.35], < [3, 0.65], < [4, 1], < [5, 1.35], < [6, 1.75], < [7, 2.2], < [8, 2.75], < [9, 3.5], < [10, 5.4] --- > [0, -0.64], > [1, -0.28], > [2, 0.10], > [3, 0.20], > [4, 0.30], > [5, 0.40], > [6, 0.50], > [7, 0.60], > [8, 0.70], > [9, 0.80], > [10, 0.90] 101,111c101,125 < [0, 0], < [1, 0.2], < [2, 0.8], < [3, 1.4], < [4, 2], < [5, 2.6], < [6, 3.2], < [7, 3.8], < [8, 4.4], < [9, 5], < [10, 5.6] --- > [0, -0.2], > [1, 0.2], > [2, 0.6], > [3, 1.0], > [4, 1.4], > [5, 1.8], > [6, 2.2], > [7, 2.6], > [8, 3.0], > [9, 3.4], > [10, 3.8] > ], > > "npcLevelPowerMultiplier" : [ "linear", "clamp", > [0, 0.0], > [1, 1.0], > [2, 1.5], > [3, 2.0], > [4, 2.5], > [5, 3.0], > [6, 3.5], > [7, 4.0], > [8, 4.5], > [9, 5.0], > [10,5.5] 115,125c129,139 < [0, 0], < [1, 29], < [2, 74], < [3, 119], < [4, 174], < [5, 229], < [6, 299], < [7, 364], < [8, 429], < [9, 489], < [10, 749] --- > [0, 0], > [1, 0], > [2, 17], > [3, 44], > [4, 60], > [5, 70], > [6, 77], > [7, 81], > [8, 85], > [9, 87], > [10, 89] 129,139c143,153 < [0, -1], < [1, 0.3], < [2, 1.6], < [3, 5], < [4, 8], < [5, 12], < [6, 19], < [7, 27], < [8, 37], < [9, 43], < [10, 55] --- > [0, -0.64], > [1, -0.28], > [2, 0.2], > [3, 0.8], > [4, 1.52], > [5, 2.36], > [6, 3.32], > [7, 4.4], > [8, 5.6], > [9, 6.92], > [10, 8.36] 143,153c157,167 < [0, -0.5], < [1, 1.685], < [2, 4.25], < [3, 8.05], < [4, 12.35], < [5, 18.75], < [6, 26.25], < [7, 37.4], < [8, 50.03], < [9, 58.3], < [10, 84.5] --- > [0, 0.0], > [1, 1.5], > [2, 2.0], > [3, 2.5], > [4, 3.0], > [5, 3.5], > [6, 4.0], > [7, 4.5], > [8, 5.0], > [9, 5.5], > [10,6.0] 157,167c171,181 < [0, -0.5], < [1, 1.685], < [2, 4.25], < [3, 8.05], < [4, 12.35], < [5, 18.75], < [6, 26.25], < [7, 37.4], < [8, 50.03], < [9, 58.3], < [10, 84.5] --- > [0, 0.0], > [1, 1.5], > [2, 2.0], > [3, 2.5], > [4, 3.0], > [5, 3.5], > [6, 4.0], > [7, 4.5], > [8, 5.0], > [9, 5.5], > [10,6.0] leveling\protection.2functions 3,17c3,15 < [0, 0, 15, 45, 90, 150, 225, 300, 450, 675, 975, 1200, 2500, 10000], < [0, [0, 15, 45, 90, 150, 225, 300, 450, 675, 975, 1200, 2500, 10000] ], < [15, [0, 10, 30, 75, 130, 225, 300, 450, 675, 975, 1200, 2500, 10000] ], < [30, [0, 6, 16.9, 45, 90, 200, 300, 450, 675, 975, 1200, 2500, 10000] ], < [55, [0, 3, 10, 21.2, 55, 130, 270, 450, 675, 975, 1200, 2500, 10000] ], < [90, [0, 2, 7, 13, 25, 65, 150, 400, 675, 975, 1200, 2500, 10000] ], < [130, [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 29.4, 80, 200, 600, 975, 1200, 2500, 10000] ], < [180, [0, 0, 2, 5, 12, 19, 34.4, 90, 400, 900, 1200, 2500, 10000] ], < [240, [0, 0, 0, 3, 9, 14, 24, 40, 110, 500, 1100, 2500, 10000] ], < [320, [0, 0, 0, 2, 6, 9, 18, 26, 46.2, 120, 700, 2450, 9000] ], < [400, [0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 6, 13, 20, 29, 53.75, 180, 1200, 2000] ], < [500, [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 8, 15, 22, 32, 62.5, 200, 1200] ], < [1000, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 5, 9, 24, 80, 400] ], < [4000, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 4, 12, 20, 200] ], < [10000, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 4, 40] ] --- > [0, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000 ], //damage > // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > [0, [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000 ] ], > [10, [0, 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 900 ] ], > [20, [0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 800 ] ], > [30, [0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 700 ] ], > [40, [0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60, 600 ] ], > [50, [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 500 ] ], > [60, [0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 400 ] ], > [70, [0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 300 ] ], > [80, [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 200 ] ], > [90, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 100 ] ], > [100, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ] monsters\boss\dragonboss\dragonboss.monstertype 53c53 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\boss\penguin\general.monstertype 33d32 < "airFriction" : 0.0, 35,37c34 < "jumpSpeed" : 15.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 --- > "jumpSpeed" : 15.0 monsters\boss\penguin\rockettrooper.monstertype 33d32 < "airFriction" : 0.0, 35,37c34 < "jumpSpeed" : 15.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 --- > "jumpSpeed" : 15.0 monsters\boss\penguin\trooper.monstertype 33d32 < "airFriction" : 0.0, 35,37c34 < "jumpSpeed" : 15.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 --- > "jumpSpeed" : 15.0 monsters\boss\penguintank\penguintank.monstertype 32d31 < "airFriction" : 0.0, monsters\boss\penguinufo\penguinufo.monstertype 68c68 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\boss\tentaclecomet\tentaclecomet.monstertype 45c45 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\boss\tentaclecometspore\tentaclecometspore.monstertype 38c38 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\flying\bonebird\bonebird.monstertype 59c59 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\flying\largeflying\largeflying.animation 273c273 < "animation" : "/animations/puff2c/puff2c.animation", --- > "animation" : "/animations/monstersplosion/monstersplosion.animation", 282c282 < "timeToLive" : 0.4, --- > "timeToLive" : 0.35, 287a288,475 > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "animated", > "animation" : "/animations/fizz1/fizz1.animation", > "size" : 1, > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [-8, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [-3, -4], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [-4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [-3, -4] > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { 298c486 < "timeToLive" : 3.45, --- > "timeToLive" : 1, monsters\flying\largeflying\largeflying.monstertype 57c57 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\flying\minibossflying\minibossflying.monstertype 55c55 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\flying\smallflying\smallflying.animation 273c273 < "animation" : "/animations/puff2c/puff2c.animation", --- > "animation" : "/animations/monstersplosion/monstersplosion.animation", 282c282 < "timeToLive" : 0.4, --- > "timeToLive" : 0.35, 287a288,475 > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "animated", > "animation" : "/animations/fizz1/fizz1.animation", > "size" : 1, > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [-8, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [-3, -4], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [-4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [-3, -4] > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { 298c486 < "timeToLive" : 3.45, --- > "timeToLive" : 1, monsters\ground\hugebiped\hugebiped.monstertype 57c57 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, 87,93c87 < "runSpeed" : 12, < "airFriction" : 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } --- > "runSpeed" : 12 monsters\ground\largebiped\largebiped.animation 487c487 < "animation" : "/animations/puff2c/puff2c.animation", --- > "animation" : "/animations/monstersplosion/monstersplosion.animation", 496c496 < "timeToLive" : 0.4, --- > "timeToLive" : 0.35, 501a502,689 > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > 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-8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "animated", > "animation" : "/animations/fizz1/fizz1.animation", > "size" : 1, > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [-8, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [-3, -4], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [-4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [-3, -4] > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { > "type" : "ember", > "size" : 1, > "color" : [255, 0, 0, 255], > "angularVelocity" : 20, > "fade" : 1, > "destructionTime" : 7, > "position" : [0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 8], > "finalVelocity" : [0, -8], > "approach" : [15, 15], > "timeToLive" : 1, > "layer" : "middle", > "variance" : { > "initialVelocity" : [4, 2], > "finalVelocity" : [4, 3], > "size" : 1.3 > } > } > }, > { > "particle" : { 522c710 < "timeToLive" : 3.45, --- > "timeToLive" : 1, monsters\ground\smallquadruped\smallquadruped.monstertype 36c36 < --- > "meleeProjectileOffset" : [1, 1], 105,111c105 < "runSpeed" : 6.5, < "airFriction" : 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } --- > "runSpeed" : 6.5 monsters\pets\bunny\petbunny.monstertype 123,129c123 < "airForce" : 50.0, < "airFriction" : 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } --- > "airForce" : 50.0 monsters\pets\cat\petcat.monstertype 123,129c123 < "airForce" : 50.0, < "airFriction" : 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } --- > "airForce" : 50.0 monsters\pets\crasberry\crasberry.monstertype 126,132c126 < "airForce" : 50.0, < "airFriction" : 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } --- > "airForce" : 50.0 monsters\pets\orbis\petorbis.monstertype 124,130c124 < "airForce" : 50.0, < "airFriction" : 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } --- > "airForce" : 50.0 monsters\pets\piglett\piglett.monstertype 123,129c123 < "airForce" : 50.0, < "airFriction" : 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } --- > "airForce" : 50.0 monsters\pets\snake\petsnake.monstertype 123,129c123 < "airForce" : 50.0, < "airFriction" : 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } --- > "airForce" : 50.0 monsters\pets\snugget\snugget.monstertype 126,132c126 < "airForce" : 50.0, < "airFriction" : 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } --- > "airForce" : 50.0 monsters\pets\weasel\petweasel.monstertype 126,132c126 < "airForce" : 50.0, < "airFriction" : 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } --- > "airForce" : 50.0 monsters\skills\ranged\moonantgoopattack.monsterskill 12c12 < "power" : 25, --- > "power" : 10, monsters\unique\allergen\allergen.monstertype 38c38 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\unique\apexbrainmutant\apexbrainmutant.monstertype 72d71 < "airFriction" : 0.0, 74,76c73 < "jumpSpeed" : 15.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 --- > "jumpSpeed" : 15.0 82c79 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\unique\apexmutant\apexmutant.monstertype 75d74 < "airFriction" : 0.0, 77,79c76 < "jumpSpeed" : 15.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 --- > "jumpSpeed" : 15.0 85c82 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\unique\aviansentry\aviansentry.monstertype 40c40 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\unique\chesttrapper\chesttrapper.monstertype 37c37 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\unique\cleaningbot\cleaningbot.monstertype 39c39 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\unique\giftmonster\giftmonster.monstertype 38c38 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\unique\giftmonster\giftmonstersmall.monstertype 38c38 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\unique\glitchknight\glitchknight.monstertype 34,41c34 < "flySpeed" : 15, < < "airFriction" : 0.0, < "airJumpProfile" : { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage" : 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime" : 0.0 < } --- > "flySpeed" : 15 44c37 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\unique\heckblob\heckblob.monstertype 41c41 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\unique\moontant\moontant.monstertype 92d91 < "airFriction" : 0.0, 94,96c93 < "jumpSpeed" : 0.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage" : 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime" : 0.0 --- > "jumpSpeed" : 0.0 107c104 < "damage" : 15, --- > "damage" : 5, 129c126 < "baseValue" : 100 --- > "baseValue" : 60 monsters\unique\pinfriend\pinfriend.monstertype 37d36 < "airFriction" : 0.0, 39,41c38 < "jumpSpeed" : 20.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage" : 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime" : 0.0 --- > "jumpSpeed" : 20.0 45c42 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\unique\po\megapo.monstertype 35d34 < "airFriction" : 0.0, 37,39c36 < "jumpSpeed" : 20.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage" : 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime" : 0.0 --- > "jumpSpeed" : 20.0 45c42 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\unique\po\micropo.monstertype 35d34 < "airFriction" : 0.0, 37,39c36 < "jumpSpeed" : 20.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage" : 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime" : 0.0 --- > "jumpSpeed" : 20.0 45c42 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\unique\po\po.monstertype 36d35 < "airFriction" : 0.0, 38,40c37 < "jumpSpeed" : 20.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage" : 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime" : 0.0 --- > "jumpSpeed" : 20.0 46c43 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\unique\pogolem\pogolem.monstertype 68d67 < "airFriction" : 0.0, 70,72c69 < "jumpSpeed" : 15.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage" : 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime" : 0.0 --- > "jumpSpeed" : 15.0 78c75 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\unique\poptop\poptop.monstertype 59,66c59 < "runSpeed" : 8, < < "airFriction" : 0.0, < "airJumpProfile" : { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage" : 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime" : 0.0 < } --- > "runSpeed" : 8 69c62 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\unique\repairbot\repairbot.monstertype 38c38 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\unique\serpentdroid\serpentdroid.monstertype 74c74 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\unique\sewerfly\sewerfly.monstertype 84c84 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\unique\smallshroom\smallshroom.monstertype 101d100 < "airFriction" : 0.0, 103,105c102 < "jumpSpeed" : 40.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage" : 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime" : 0.0 --- > "jumpSpeed" : 40.0 monsters\unique\swarpion\swarpion.monstertype 40c40 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\unique\toxicfly\toxicfly.monstertype 84c84 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, monsters\unique\toxicgolem\toxicgolem.monstertype 33d32 < "airFriction" : 0.0, 35,37c34 < "jumpSpeed" : 20.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage" : 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime" : 0.0 --- > "jumpSpeed" : 20.0 43c40 < "knockoutTime" : 1, --- > "knockoutTime" : 0.1, npcs\airshipcaptain.npctype 108c108 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "legendaryassaultrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "rareassaultrifle" } } 124c124 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "legendaryassaultrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "rareassaultrifle" } } 140c140 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "legendaryassaultrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "rareassaultrifle" } } 156c156 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "legendaryassaultrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "rareassaultrifle" } } 172c172 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "legendaryassaultrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "rareassaultrifle" } } 188c188 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "legendaryassaultrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "rareassaultrifle" } } 204c204 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "legendaryassaultrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "rareassaultrifle" } } 214c214 < "movementControllerSettings" : { --- > "movementParameters" : { npcs\airshipcrew.npctype 383c383 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 394c394 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 405c405 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 416c416 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 427c427 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 438c438 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 453c453 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 464c464 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 475c475 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 486c486 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 497c497 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 508c508 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 523c523 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 534c534 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 545c545 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 556c556 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 567c567 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 578c578 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 593c593 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 604c604 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 615c615 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 626c626 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 637c637 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 648c648 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 663c663 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 674c674 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 685c685 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 696c696 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 707c707 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 718c718 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 733c733 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 744c744 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 755c755 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 766c766 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 777c777 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 788c788 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 803c803 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 814c814 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 825c825 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 836c836 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 847c847 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 858c858 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, npcs\apexslave.npctype 564,587d563 < "movementControllerSettings" : { < "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ], < "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, -0.5], [0.35, 0], [-0.35, 0], [-0.75, -0.5] ], < < "mass" : 0.6, < "airFriction": 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } < }, < < "humanoidTiming" : { < // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay < "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], < "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1], < < // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink, Eat, Sleep < // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :| , :D , , :o, :O , , ;) < "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1], < "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2] < }, < npcs\apexslaver.npctype 101,102c101,102 < "chest" : [ { "name" : "apextier5chest" } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "apextier5pants" } ], --- > "chest" : [ { "name" : "apextier5achest" } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "apextier5apants" } ], 104,106c104,106 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "tier3spear" } }, < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "tier3broadsword" } }, < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "tier3shortsword" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonspear" } }, > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshortsword" } } 118,119c118,119 < "chest" : [ { "name" : "aviantier6chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "aviantier6pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], --- > "chest" : [ { "name" : "aviantier6achest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "aviantier6apants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], 150,151c150,151 < "chest" : [ { "name" : "humantier5chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "humantier5pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], --- > "chest" : [ { "name" : "humantier5achest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "humantier5apants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], 173c173 < "chest" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier5chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], --- > "chest" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier5mchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], 192,193c192,193 < "chest" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier6chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier6pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } } ], --- > "chest" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier5achest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier5apants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } } ], npcs\bandit.npctype 169,192d168 < "movementControllerSettings" : { < "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ], < "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, -0.5], [0.35, 0], [-0.35, 0], [-0.75, -0.5] ], < < "mass" : 0.6, < "airFriction": 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } < }, < < "humanoidTiming" : { < // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay < "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], < "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1], < < // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink, Eat, Sleep < // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :| , :D , , :o, :O , , ;) < "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1], < "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2] < }, < npcs\castlelord.npctype 89c89 < "movementControllerSettings" : { --- > "movementParameters" : { npcs\castleroyalguard.npctype 64c64 < "movementControllerSettings" : { --- > "movementParameters" : { npcs\clanleader.npctype 339c339 < "head" : [ { "name" : "florantier6head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 11 } } ], --- > "head" : [ { "name" : "florantier5ahead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 11 } } ], 343c343 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 354c354 < "head" : [ { "name" : "florantier6head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 11 } } ], --- > "head" : [ { "name" : "florantier5ahead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 11 } } ], 372c372 < "movementControllerSettings" : { --- > "movementParameters" : { npcs\colourfulvillager.npctype 564,587d563 < "movementControllerSettings" : { < "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ], < "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, -0.5], [0.35, 0], [-0.35, 0], [-0.75, -0.5] ], < < "mass" : 0.6, < "airFriction": 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } < }, < < "humanoidTiming" : { < // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay < "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], < "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1], < < // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink, Eat, Sleep < // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :| , :D , , :o, :O , , ;) < "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1], < "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2] < }, < npcs\cultist.npctype 84,107d83 < "movementControllerSettings" : { < "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ], < "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, -0.5], [0.35, 0], [-0.35, 0], [-0.75, -0.5] ], < < "mass" : 0.6, < "airFriction": 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } < }, < < "humanoidTiming" : { < // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay < "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], < "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1], < < // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink, Eat, Sleep < // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :| , :D , , :o, :O , , ;) < "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1], < "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2] < }, < npcs\default.npctype 91,114d90 < "movementControllerSettings" : { < "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ], < "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, -0.5], [0.35, 0], [-0.35, 0], [-0.75, -0.5] ], < < "mass" : 0.6, < "airFriction": 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } < }, < < "humanoidTiming" : { < // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay < "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], < "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1], < < // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink, Eat, Sleep < // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :| , :D , , :o, :O , , ;) < "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1], < "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2] < }, < npcs\doctormerchant.npctype 182c182 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } } 254c254 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } } 266c266 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } } npcs\follower.npctype 248,249c248,249 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 261,263c261,263 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } } 287,288c287,288 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 300,302c300,302 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } } 327,328c327,328 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 340,342c340,342 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } } 612,613c612,613 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 625,627c625,627 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } } 652,653c652,653 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 665,667c665,667 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } } 692,693c692,693 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 705,707c705,707 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } } 719,742d718 < }, < < "movementControllerSettings" : { < "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ], < "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, -0.5], [0.35, 0], [-0.35, 0], [-0.75, -0.5] ], < < "mass" : 0.6, < "airFriction": 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } < }, < < "humanoidTiming" : { < // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay < "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], < "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1], < < // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink, Eat, Sleep < // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :| , :D , , :o, :O , , ;) < "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1], < "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2] npcs\friendlyguard.npctype 185,186c185,186 < "chest" : [ { "name" : "apextier5chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "apextier5pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } } ], --- > "chest" : [ { "name" : "apextier5achest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "apextier5apants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } } ], 210,211c210,211 < "chest" : [ { "name" : "aviantier6chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "aviantier6pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], --- > "chest" : [ { "name" : "aviantier6achest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "aviantier6apants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], 235,236c235,236 < "chest" : [ { "name" : "florantier6chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "florantier7pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], --- > "chest" : [ { "name" : "florantier5achest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "florantier5spants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], 260,261c260,261 < "chest" : [ { "name" : "humantier5chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "humantier5pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], --- > "chest" : [ { "name" : "humantier5achest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "humantier5apants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], 285c285 < "chest" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier5chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], --- > "chest" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier5mchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], 310,311c310,311 < "chest" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier6chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier6pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } } ], --- > "chest" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier5achest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier5apants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } } ], 335c335 < "chest" : [ { "name" : "novatier9chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 2 } } ], --- > "chest" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier5schest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 2 } } ], npcs\friendlypirateguard.npctype 192c192 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 203c203 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 214c214 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 225c225 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 236c236 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 247c247 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 257c257 < "movementControllerSettings" : { --- > "movementParameters" : { npcs\guard.npctype 139,163d138 < "movementControllerSettings" : { < "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ], < "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, -0.5], [0.35, 0], [-0.35, 0], [-0.75, -0.5] ], < < "mass" : 0.6, < < "airFriction": 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } < }, < < "humanoidTiming" : { < // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay < "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], < "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1], < < // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink, Eat, Sleep < // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :| , :D , , :o, :O , , ;) < "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1], < "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2] < }, < npcs\hellguard.npctype 80,81c80,81 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } } npcs\hellprisoner.npctype 76c76 < "movementControllerSettings" : { --- > "movementParameters" : { npcs\labscientist.npctype 91c91 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "uncommonpistol" } } npcs\merchant.npctype 422,469d421 < ]], < [5, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier5chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 2500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier5head-recipe" }, "cost" : 1500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier5pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier4chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 2000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier4head-recipe" }, "cost" : 1200, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier4pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 800, "rarity" : 0.5 } < ]], < [6, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier6chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 3000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier6head-recipe" }, "cost" : 1800, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier6pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1200, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier5chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 2500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier5head-recipe" }, "cost" : 1500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier5pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1000, "rarity" : 0.5 } < ]], < [7, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier7chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 3500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier7head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2100, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier7pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1400, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier6chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 3000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier6head-recipe" }, "cost" : 1800, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier6pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1200, "rarity" : 0.5 } < ]], < [8, [ < { "item" : { "name" 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< [10, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier10chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 5000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier10head-recipe" }, "cost" : 3000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier10pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 2000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier9chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 4500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier9head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2700, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "apextier9pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1800, "rarity" : 0.5 } 633,680d584 < ]], < [5, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier5chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 2500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier5head-recipe" }, "cost" : 1500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier5pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier4chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 2000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier4head-recipe" }, "cost" : 1200, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : 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"rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier6pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1200, "rarity" : 0.5 } < ]], < [8, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier8chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 4000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier8head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2400, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier8pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1600, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier7chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 3500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier7head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2100, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier7pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1400, "rarity" : 0.5 } < ]], < [9, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier9chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 4500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier9head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2700, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier9pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1800, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier8chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 4000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier8head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2400, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier8pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1600, "rarity" : 0.5 } < ]], < [10, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier10chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 5000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier10head-recipe" }, "cost" : 3000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier10pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 2000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier9chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 4500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier9head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2700, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "aviantier9pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1800, "rarity" : 0.5 } 847,894d750 < ]], < [5, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "florantier5chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 2500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "florantier5head-recipe" }, "cost" : 1500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "florantier5pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : 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"cost" : 1400, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "florantier6chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 3000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "florantier6head-recipe" }, "cost" : 1800, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "florantier6pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1200, "rarity" : 0.5 } < ]], < [8, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "florantier8chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 4000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "florantier8head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2400, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "florantier8pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1600, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "florantier7chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 3500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "florantier7head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2100, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "florantier7pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1400, "rarity" : 0.5 } < ]], < [9, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "florantier9chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 4500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "florantier9head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2700, "rarity" : 0.5 }, 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"glitchtier7chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 3500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "glitchtier7head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2100, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "glitchtier7pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1400, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "glitchtier6chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 3000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "glitchtier6head-recipe" }, "cost" : 1800, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "glitchtier6pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1200, "rarity" : 0.5 } < ]], < [8, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "glitchtier8chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 4000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "glitchtier8head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2400, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "glitchtier8pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1600, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "glitchtier7chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 3500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "glitchtier7head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2100, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "glitchtier7pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1400, "rarity" : 0.5 } < ]], < [9, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "glitchtier9chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 4500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "glitchtier9head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2700, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "glitchtier9pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1800, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "glitchtier8chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 4000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "glitchtier8head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2400, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "glitchtier8pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1600, "rarity" : 0.5 } < ]], < [10, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "glitchtier10chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 5000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "glitchtier10head-recipe" }, "cost" : 3000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "glitchtier10pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 2000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "glitchtier9chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 4500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "glitchtier9head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2700, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" 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"rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "humantier7head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2100, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "humantier7pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1400, "rarity" : 0.5 } < ]], < [9, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "humantier9chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 4500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "humantier9head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2700, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "humantier9pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1800, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "humantier8chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 4000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "humantier8head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2400, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "humantier8pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1600, "rarity" : 0.5 } < ]], < [10, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "humantier10chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 5000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "humantier10head-recipe" }, "cost" : 3000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "humantier10pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 2000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "humantier9chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 4500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "humantier9head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2700, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "humantier9pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1800, "rarity" : 0.5 } 1527,1574d1286 < ]], < [5, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier5chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 2500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier5head-recipe" }, "cost" : 1500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier5pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier4chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 2000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier4head-recipe" }, "cost" : 1200, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier4pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 800, "rarity" : 0.5 } < ]], < [6, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier6chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 3000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier6head-recipe" }, "cost" : 1800, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier6pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1200, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier5chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 2500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier5head-recipe" }, "cost" : 1500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier5pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1000, "rarity" : 0.5 } < ]], < [7, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier7chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 3500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier7head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2100, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier7pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1400, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier6chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 3000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier6head-recipe" }, "cost" : 1800, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier6pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1200, "rarity" : 0.5 } < ]], < [8, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier8chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 4000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier8head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2400, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier8pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1600, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier7chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 3500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier7head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2100, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier7pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1400, "rarity" : 0.5 } < ]], < [9, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier9chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 4500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier9head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2700, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier9pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1800, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier8chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 4000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier8head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2400, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier8pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1600, "rarity" : 0.5 } < ]], < [10, [ < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier10chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 5000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier10head-recipe" }, "cost" : 3000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier10pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 2000, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier9chest-recipe" }, "cost" : 4500, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier9head-recipe" }, "cost" : 2700, "rarity" : 0.5 }, < { "item" : { "name" : "hylotltier9pants-recipe" }, "cost" : 1800, "rarity" : 0.5 } 1802,1804c1514 < < < } --- > } 2037,2060d1746 < "movementControllerSettings" : { < "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ], < "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, -0.5], [0.35, 0], [-0.35, 0], [-0.75, -0.5] ], < < "mass" : 0.6, < "airFriction": 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } < }, < < "humanoidTiming" : { < // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay < "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], < "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1], < < // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink, Eat, Sleep < // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :| , :D , , :o, :O , , ;) < "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1], < "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2] < }, < npcs\nakedvillager.npctype 1793,1816d1792 < "movementControllerSettings" : { < "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ], < "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, -0.5], [0.35, 0], [-0.35, 0], [-0.75, -0.5] ], < < "mass" : 0.6, < "airFriction": 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } < }, < < "humanoidTiming" : { < // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay < "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], < "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1], < < // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink, Eat, Sleep < // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :| , :D , , :o, :O , , ;) < "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1], < "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2] < }, < npcs\prisonberserker.npctype 95c95 < "movementControllerSettings" : { --- > "movementParameters" : { npcs\pyramidguard.npctype 87,89c87,89 < "head" : [ { "name" : "apextier8head" } ], < "chest" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier8chest" } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier8pants" } ], --- > "head" : [ { "name" : "apextier6shead" } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier6mchest" } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier6mpants" } ], 98c98 < "movementControllerSettings" : { --- > "movementParameters" : { 101,102c101 < < "airFriction": 0.0, --- > 104,106c103 < "jumpSpeed" : 15.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 --- > "jumpSpeed" : 15.0 npcs\servant.npctype 634,657d633 < "movementControllerSettings" : { < "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ], < "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, -0.5], [0.35, 0], [-0.35, 0], [-0.75, -0.5] ], < < "mass" : 0.6, < "airFriction": 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } < }, < < "humanoidTiming" : { < // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay < "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], < "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1], < < // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink, Eat, Sleep < // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :| , :D , , :o, :O , , ;) < "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1], < "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2] < }, < npcs\shroomguard.npctype 163,164c163,164 < "chest" : [ { "name" : "aviantier6chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "aviantier6pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], --- > "chest" : [ { "name" : "aviantier6achest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "aviantier6apants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], 195,196c195,196 < "chest" : [ { "name" : "humantier5chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "humantier5pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], --- > "chest" : [ { "name" : "humantier5achest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "humantier5apants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], 218c218 < "chest" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier5chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], --- > "chest" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier5mchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], 237,238c237,238 < "chest" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier6chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier6pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } } ], --- > "chest" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier5achest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier5apants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } } ], npcs\shroommerchant.npctype 112c112 < "sheathedprimary" : [ [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "tier3broadsword" } ] ] --- > "sheathedprimary" : [ [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } ] ] 122c122 < "sheathedprimary" : [ [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "tier3broadsword" } ] ] --- > "sheathedprimary" : [ [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } ] ] npcs\stimmerchant.npctype 182c182 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } } 248c248 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } } 259c259 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } } npcs\templeguard.npctype 83,85c83,85 < "head" : [ { "name" : "aviantier5head" } ], < "chest" : [ { "name" : "aviantier5chest" } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "aviantier5pants" } ], --- > "head" : [ { "name" : "aviantier6shead" } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "aviantier6schest" } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "aviantier6spants" } ], npcs\testbandit.npctype 169,192d168 < "movementControllerSettings" : { < "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ], < "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, -0.5], [0.35, 0], [-0.35, 0], [-0.75, -0.5] ], < < "mass" : 0.6, < "airFriction": 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } < }, < < "humanoidTiming" : { < // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay < "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], < "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1], < < // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink, Eat, Sleep < // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :| , :D , , :o, :O , , ;) < "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1], < "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2] < }, < npcs\testguard.npctype 543,566d542 < "movementControllerSettings" : { < "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ], < "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, -0.5], [0.35, 0], [-0.35, 0], [-0.75, -0.5] ], < < "mass" : 0.6, < "airFriction": 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } < }, < < "humanoidTiming" : { < // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay < "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], < "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1], < < // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink, Eat, Sleep < // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :| , :D , , :o, :O , , ;) < "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1], < "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2] < }, < npcs\tombzombie.npctype 84c84 < "movementControllerSettings" : { --- > "movementParameters" : { 88d87 < "airFriction": 0.0, 90,92c89 < "jumpSpeed" : 15.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 --- > "jumpSpeed" : 15.0 npcs\towerascendant.npctype 168,191d167 < "movementControllerSettings" : { < "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ], < "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, -0.5], [0.35, 0], [-0.35, 0], [-0.75, -0.5] ], < < "mass" : 0.6, < "airFriction": 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } < }, < < "humanoidTiming" : { < // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay < "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], < "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1], < < // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink, Eat, Sleep < // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :| , :D , , :o, :O , , ;) < "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1], < "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2] < }, < npcs\villageguard.npctype 672,673c672,673 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 685,687c685,687 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } } 711,712c711,712 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 724,726c724,726 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } } 751,752c751,752 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 764,766c764,766 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } } 1036,1037c1036,1037 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 1049,1051c1049,1051 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } } 1076,1077c1076,1077 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 1089,1091c1089,1091 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } } 1116,1117c1116,1117 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 1129,1131c1129,1131 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } } 1143,1166d1142 < }, < < "movementControllerSettings" : { < "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ], < "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, -0.5], [0.35, 0], [-0.35, 0], [-0.75, -0.5] ], < < "mass" : 0.6, < "airFriction": 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } < }, < < "humanoidTiming" : { < // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay < "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], < "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1], < < // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink, Eat, Sleep < // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :| , :D , , :o, :O , , ;) < "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1], < "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2] npcs\villageguardcaptain.npctype 163,164c163,164 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { 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"generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } } 584,585c584,585 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 598,600c598,600 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } } 625,626c625,626 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 639,641c639,641 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } } 655c655 < "movementControllerSettings" : { --- > "movementParameters" : { npcs\villager.npctype 2094,2117d2093 < "movementControllerSettings" : { < "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ], < "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, -0.5], [0.35, 0], [-0.35, 0], [-0.75, -0.5] ], < < "mass" : 0.6, < "airFriction": 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } < }, < < "humanoidTiming" : { < // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay < "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], < "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1], < < // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink, Eat, Sleep < // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :| , :D , , :o, :O , , ;) < "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1], < "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2] < }, < npcs\wildhunter.npctype 70,72c70,72 < "head" : [ { "name" : "florantier5head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } } ], < "chest" : [ { "name" : "florantier5chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "florantier5pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } } ], --- > "head" : [ { "name" : "florantier5mhead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "florantier5mchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "florantier5mpants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } } ], 92c92 < "movementControllerSettings" : { --- > "movementParameters" : { 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"name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 177c177 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 188c188 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 199c199 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 210c210 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 221c221 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : 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: "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 361c361 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 376c376 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 387c387 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 398c398 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" } }, 409c409 < { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } }, --- > { "name" : "generatedsword", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonbroadsword" 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"definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 267,269c267,269 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } } 293,294c293,294 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 306,308c306,308 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } } 333,334c333,334 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 346,348c346,348 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } } 522,523c522,523 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 535,537c535,537 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } } 562,563c562,563 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 575,577c575,577 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } } 602,603c602,603 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 615,617c615,617 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } } 631,654d630 < "movementControllerSettings" : { < "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ], < "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, -0.5], [0.35, 0], [-0.35, 0], [-0.75, -0.5] ], < < "mass" : 0.6, < "airFriction": 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } < }, < < "humanoidTiming" : { < // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay < "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], < "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1], < < // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink, Eat, Sleep < // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :| , :D , , :o, :O , , ;) < "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1], < "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2] < }, < npcs\mission\mutantminer.npctype 161,162c161 < "movementControllerSettings" : { < "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ], --- > "movementParameters" : { 164,182c163 < < "mass" : 1.1, < "airFriction": 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } < }, < < "humanoidTiming" : { < // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay < "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], < "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1], < < // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink, Eat, Sleep < // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :| , :D , , :o, :O , , ;) < "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1], < "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2] --- > "mass" : 1.1 202c183 < "baseValue" : 200.0 --- > "baseValue" : 120.0 npcs\mission\penguinscientist.npctype 6,46c6,43 < "scriptConfig" : { < "offeredQuests" : [], < "turnInQuests" : [ "heatskin2.gearup" ], < "converse" : { < "waitTime" : 0.5, < "dialog" : { < < "default" : [ < "I think I have a few tweaks for my Mech." < ], < < "penguin" : { < "default" : [ < "I think I have a few tweaks for my Mech." < ], < < "avian" : [ < "I think I have a few tweaks for my Mech." < ], < < "apex" : [ < "I think I have a few tweaks for my Mech." < ], < < "floran" : [ < "I think I have a few tweaks for my Mech." < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "I think I have a few tweaks for my Mech." < ], < < "human" : [ < "I think I have a few tweaks for my Mech." < ], < < "hylotl" : [ < "I think I have a few tweaks for my Mech." < ] < } < } --- > "scriptConfig" : { > "offeredQuests" : [], > "turnInQuests" : [ "heatskin2.gearup" ], > "converse" : { > "waitTime" : 0.5, > "dialog" : { > "default" : [ > "I think I have a few tweaks for my Mech." > ], > > "penguin" : { > "default" : [ > "I think I have a few tweaks for my Mech." > ], > > "avian" : [ > "I think I have a few tweaks for my Mech." > ], > > "apex" : [ > "I think I have a few tweaks for my Mech." > ], > > "floran" : [ > "I think I have a few tweaks for my Mech." > ], > > "glitch" : [ > "I think I have a few tweaks for my Mech." > ], > > "human" : [ > "I think I have a few tweaks for my Mech." > ], > > "hylotl" : [ > "I think I have a few tweaks for my Mech." > ] 48c45,52 < }, --- > } > } > }, > > "movementParameters" : { > "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -1.0], [-0.35, -1.5], [0.35, -1.5], [0.75, -1.0], [0.75, -0.25], [0.35, 0.25], [-0.35, 0.25], [-0.75, -0.25] ], > "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -1.0], [-0.35, -1.5], [0.35, -1.5], [0.75, -1.0], [0.75, -0.25], [0.35, 0.25], [-0.35, 0.25], [-0.75, -0.25] ] > }, npcs\mission\survivor.npctype 280,281c280,281 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 293,295c293,295 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } } 319,320c319,320 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 332,334c332,334 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } } 359,360c359,360 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 372,374c372,374 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } } 593,594c593,594 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 606,608c606,608 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } } 633,634c633,634 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 646,648c646,648 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } } 673,674c673,674 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonpistol" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } } 686,688c686,688 < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } }, < { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } } --- > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } }, > { "name" : "generatedgun", "parameters" : { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } } 702,725d701 < "movementControllerSettings" : { < "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ], < "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, -0.5], [0.35, 0], [-0.35, 0], [-0.75, -0.5] ], < < "mass" : 0.6, < "airFriction": 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } < }, < < "humanoidTiming" : { < // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay < "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], < "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1], < < // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink, Eat, Sleep < // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :| , :D , , :o, :O , , ;) < "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1], < "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2] < }, < npcs\mission\wildling.npctype 116c116 < "movementControllerSettings" : { --- > "movementParameters" : { npcs\outpost\outpostapexmechanic.npctype 5,49c5,10 < "scriptConfig" : { < "offeredQuests" : [ "apexmechanic2.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "apexmechanic2.gearup" ], < "converse" : { < "waitTime" : 0.5, < "dialog" : { < < "default" : [ < "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." < ], < < "apex" : { < "default" : [ < "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." < ], < < "avian" : [ < "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." < ], < < "apex" : [ < "It seems ve are both fortunate to av escaped Big Ape's tyranny." < ], < < "floran" : [ < "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." < ], < < "human" : [ < "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." < ], < < "hylotl" : [ < "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." < ] < } < } < } < }, < < "items" : { --- > "scriptConfig" : { > "offeredQuests" : [ "apexmechanic2.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "apexmechanic2.gearup" ], > "converse" : { > "waitTime" : 0.5, > "dialog" : { 51,58c12,57 < [0, [ < { < "chest" : [ { "name" : "apextier3chest" } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "apextier4pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ] < } < ] ] < ] < }, --- > "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." > ], > > "apex" : { > "default" : [ > "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." > ], > > "avian" : [ > "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." > ], > > "apex" : [ > "It seems ve are both fortunate to av escaped Big Ape's tyranny." > ], > > "floran" : [ > "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." > ], > > "glitch" : [ > "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." > ], > > "human" : [ > "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." > ], > > "hylotl" : [ > "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." > ] > } > } > } > }, > > "items" : { > "default" : [ > [0, [ > { > "chest" : [ { "name" : "apextier3chest" } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "apextier4pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ] > } > ] ] > ] > }, npcs\outpost\outpostapexrefugee.npctype 6,7c6,7 < "offeredQuests" : [ "apexrefugee4.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "apexrefugee4.gearup" ], --- > "offeredQuests" : [ "apexrefugee4.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "apexrefugee4.gearup" ], 11,44c11,42 < < "default" : [ < "Greetings! Always nice to see a friendly face." < ], < < "apex" : { < "default" : [ < "Greetings! Always nice to see a friendly face." < ], < < "avian" : [ < "Greetings! Always nice to see a friendly face." < ], < < "apex" : [ < "Another Apex! Did you escape the Miniknog as well?" < ], < < "floran" : [ < "Greetings! Always nice to see a friendly face." < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "Greetings! Always nice to see a friendly face." < ], < < "human" : [ < "Greetings! Always nice to see a friendly face." < ], < < "hylotl" : [ < "Greetings! Always nice to see a friendly face." < ] < } --- > "default" : [ > "Greetings! Always nice to see a friendly face." > ], > > "apex" : { > "default" : [ > "Greetings! Always nice to see a friendly face." > ], > > "avian" : [ > "Greetings! Always nice to see a friendly face." > ], > > "apex" : [ > "Another Apex! Did you escape the Miniknog as well?" > ], > > "floran" : [ > "Greetings! Always nice to see a friendly face." > ], > > "glitch" : [ > "Greetings! Always nice to see a friendly face." > ], > > "human" : [ > "Greetings! Always nice to see a friendly face." > ], > > "hylotl" : [ > "Greetings! Always nice to see a friendly face." > ] 45a44 > } 47,48c46 < < }, --- > }, 50,59c48,57 < "items" : { < "default" : [ < [0, [ < { < "chest" : [ { "name" : "kimonochest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "apextier1pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ] < } < ] ] < ] < }, --- > "items" : { > "default" : [ > [0, [ > { > "chest" : [ { "name" : "kimonochest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "apextier1pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ] > } > ] ] > ] > }, npcs\outpost\outpostapexscientist.npctype 5,49c5,10 < "scriptConfig" : { < "offeredQuests" : [ "outpostSkin.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "outpostSkin.gearup", "radardish1.gearup" ], < "converse" : { < "waitTime" : 0.5, < "dialog" : { < < "default" : [ < "I grew weary of watching my Apex brothers being tormented at the hands of the Miniknog, so I left." < ], < < "apex" : { < "default" : [ < "I grew weary of watching my Apex brothers being tormented at the hands of the Miniknog, so I left." < ], < < "avian" : [ < "I grew weary of watching my Apex brothers being tormented at the hands of the Miniknog, so I left." < ], < < "apex" : [ < "It makes me happy to see another Apex who has escaped the brutality of the Miniknog." < ], < < "floran" : [ < "I grew weary of watching my Apex brothers being tormented at the hands of the Miniknog, so I left." < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "I grew weary of watching my Apex brothers being tormented at the hands of the Miniknog, so I left." < ], < < "human" : [ < "I grew weary of watching my Apex brothers being tormented at the hands of the Miniknog, so I left." < ], < < "hylotl" : [ < "I grew weary of watching my Apex brothers being tormented at the hands of the Miniknog, so I left." < ] < } < } < } < }, < < "items" : { --- > "scriptConfig" : { > "offeredQuests" : [ "outpostSkin.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "outpostSkin.gearup", "radardish1.gearup" ], > "converse" : { > "waitTime" : 0.5, > "dialog" : { 51,59c12,58 < [0, [ < { < "head" : [ { "name" : "glasses2head" } ], < "chest" : [ { "name" : "scientistchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "scientistlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ] < } < ] ] < ] < }, --- > "I grew weary of watching my Apex brothers being tormented at the hands of the Miniknog, so I left." > ], > > "apex" : { > "default" : [ > "I grew weary of watching my Apex brothers being tormented at the hands of the Miniknog, so I left." > ], > > "avian" : [ > "I grew weary of watching my Apex brothers being tormented at the hands of the Miniknog, so I left." > ], > > "apex" : [ > "It makes me happy to see another Apex who has escaped the brutality of the Miniknog." > ], > > "floran" : [ > "I grew weary of watching my Apex brothers being tormented at the hands of the Miniknog, so I left." > ], > > "glitch" : [ > "I grew weary of watching my Apex brothers being tormented at the hands of the Miniknog, so I left." > ], > > "human" : [ > "I grew weary of watching my Apex brothers being tormented at the hands of the Miniknog, so I left." > ], > > "hylotl" : [ > "I grew weary of watching my Apex brothers being tormented at the hands of the Miniknog, so I left." > ] > } > } > } > }, > > "items" : { > "default" : [ > [0, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "glasses2head" } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "scientistchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "scientistlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ] > } > ] ] > ] > }, npcs\outpost\outpostavianexplorer.npctype 5,49c5,10 < "scriptConfig" : { < "offeredQuests" : [ "avianexplorer3.gearup", "avianexplorer4.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "avianexplorer3.gearup", "avianexplorer4.gearup" ], < "converse" : { < "waitTime" : 0.5, < "dialog" : { < < "default" : [ < "I've learned there's much more to life than flying. There's a whole universe to explore!" < ], < < "avian" : { < "default" : [ < "I've learned there's much more to life than flying. There's a whole universe to explore!" < ], < < "avian" : [ < "We Avians should go explore the stars together! There's so many wonderful things to see out there." < ], < < "apex" : [ < "I've learned there's much more to life than flying. There's a whole universe to explore!" < ], < < "floran" : [ < "I've learned there's much more to life than flying. There's a whole universe to explore!" < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "I've learned there's much more to life than flying. There's a whole universe to explore!" < ], < < "human" : [ < "I've learned there's much more to life than flying. There's a whole universe to explore!" < ], < < "hylotl" : [ < "I've learned there's much more to life than flying. There's a whole universe to explore!" < ] < } < } < } < }, < < "items" : { --- > "scriptConfig" : { > "offeredQuests" : [ "avianexplorer3.gearup", "avianexplorer4.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "avianexplorer3.gearup", "avianexplorer4.gearup" ], > "converse" : { > "waitTime" : 0.5, > "dialog" : { 51,59c12,58 < [0, [ < { < "head" : [ { "name" : "pilothead" } ], < "chest" : [ { "name" : "coolchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "piratelegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } } ] < } < ] ] < ] < }, --- > "I've learned there's much more to life than flying. There's a whole universe to explore!" > ], > > "avian" : { > "default" : [ > "I've learned there's much more to life than flying. There's a whole universe to explore!" > ], > > "avian" : [ > "We Avians should go explore the stars together! There's so many wonderful things to see out there." > ], > > "apex" : [ > "I've learned there's much more to life than flying. There's a whole universe to explore!" > ], > > "floran" : [ > "I've learned there's much more to life than flying. There's a whole universe to explore!" > ], > > "glitch" : [ > "I've learned there's much more to life than flying. There's a whole universe to explore!" > ], > > "human" : [ > "I've learned there's much more to life than flying. There's a whole universe to explore!" > ], > > "hylotl" : [ > "I've learned there's much more to life than flying. There's a whole universe to explore!" > ] > } > } > } > }, > > "items" : { > "default" : [ > [0, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "pilothead" } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "coolchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "piratelegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } } ] > } > ] ] > ] > }, npcs\outpost\outpostavianmercenary.npctype 5,49c5,10 < "scriptConfig" : { < "offeredQuests" : [ "avianmercenary4.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "avianmercenary4.gearup" ], < "converse" : { < "waitTime" : 0.5, < "dialog" : { < < "default" : [ < "I once served the Stargazers, until I came to realize that I no longer agreed with their views." < ], < < "avian" : { < "default" : [ < "I once served the Stargazers, until I came to realize that I no longer agreed with their views." < ], < < "avian" : [ < "You need not fear the wrath of the Stargazers in this place, my friend." < ], < < "apex" : [ < "I once served the Stargazers, until I came to realize that I no longer agreed with their views." < ], < < "floran" : [ < "Many among my people despise your kind, but I think the tenacity of the Floran is worthy of praise." < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "I once served the Stargazers, until I came to realize that I no longer agreed with their views." < ], < < "human" : [ < "I once served the Stargazers, until I came to realize that I no longer agreed with their views." < ], < < "hylotl" : [ < "I once served the Stargazers, until I came to realize that I no longer agreed with their views." < ] < } < } < } < }, < < "items" : { --- > "scriptConfig" : { > "offeredQuests" : [ "avianmercenary4.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "avianmercenary4.gearup" ], > "converse" : { > "waitTime" : 0.5, > "dialog" : { 51,59c12,58 < [0, [ < { < "chest" : [ { "name" : "aviantier3chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "apextier8pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 11 } } ], < "back" : [ { "name" : "simplecapeback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ] < } < ] ] < ] < }, --- > "I once served the Stargazers, until I came to realize that I no longer agreed with their views." > ], > > "avian" : { > "default" : [ > "I once served the Stargazers, until I came to realize that I no longer agreed with their views." > ], > > "avian" : [ > "You need not fear the wrath of the Stargazers in this place, my friend." > ], > > "apex" : [ > "I once served the Stargazers, until I came to realize that I no longer agreed with their views." > ], > > "floran" : [ > "Many among my people despise your kind, but I think the tenacity of the Floran is worthy of praise." > ], > > "glitch" : [ > "I once served the Stargazers, until I came to realize that I no longer agreed with their views." > ], > > "human" : [ > "I once served the Stargazers, until I came to realize that I no longer agreed with their views." > ], > > "hylotl" : [ > "I once served the Stargazers, until I came to realize that I no longer agreed with their views." > ] > } > } > } > }, > > "items" : { > "default" : [ > [0, [ > { > "chest" : [ { "name" : "aviantier3chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "apextier6spants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 11 } } ], > "back" : [ { "name" : "simplecapeback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ] > } > ] ] > ] > }, npcs\outpost\outpostavianrefugee.npctype 5,49c5,10 < "scriptConfig" : { < "offeredQuests" : [ "avianrefugee2part1.gearup", "avianrefugee2part2.gearup", "avianrefugeeE1.gearup", "avianrefugeeE2.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "avianrefugee2part2.gearup", "avianrefugeeE1.gearup", "avianrefugeeE2.gearup" ], < "converse" : { < "waitTime" : 0.5, < "dialog" : { < < "default" : [ < "I almost became a ritual sacrifice to Kluex, but was rescued and brought here. What do I do now?" < ], < < "avian" : { < "default" : [ < "I almost became a ritual sacrifice to Kluex, but was rescued and brought here. What do I do now?" < ], < < "avian" : [ < "Another who no longer follows Kluex? Your presence brings me comfort, friend." < ], < < "apex" : [ < "I almost became a ritual sacrifice to Kluex, but was rescued and brought here. What do I do now?" < ], < < "floran" : [ < "I almost became a ritual sacrifice to Kluex, but was rescued and brought here. What do I do now?" < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "I almost became a ritual sacrifice to Kluex, but was rescued and brought here. What do I do now?" < ], < < "human" : [ < "I almost became a ritual sacrifice to Kluex, but was rescued and brought here. What do I do now?" < ], < < "hylotl" : [ < "I almost became a ritual sacrifice to Kluex, but was rescued and brought here. What do I do now?" < ] < } < } < } < }, < < "items" : { --- > "scriptConfig" : { > "offeredQuests" : [ "avianrefugee2part1.gearup", "avianrefugee2part2.gearup", "avianrefugeeE1.gearup", "avianrefugeeE2.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "avianrefugee2part2.gearup", "avianrefugeeE1.gearup", "avianrefugeeE2.gearup" ], > "converse" : { > "waitTime" : 0.5, > "dialog" : { 51,58c12,57 < [0, [ < { < "chest" : [ { "name" : "aviancommonershirt", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 11 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier4pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 11 } } ] < } < ] ] < ] < }, --- > "I almost became a ritual sacrifice to Kluex, but was rescued and brought here. What do I do now?" > ], > > "avian" : { > "default" : [ > "I almost became a ritual sacrifice to Kluex, but was rescued and brought here. What do I do now?" > ], > > "avian" : [ > "Another who no longer follows Kluex? Your presence brings me comfort, friend." > ], > > "apex" : [ > "I almost became a ritual sacrifice to Kluex, but was rescued and brought here. What do I do now?" > ], > > "floran" : [ > "I almost became a ritual sacrifice to Kluex, but was rescued and brought here. What do I do now?" > ], > > "glitch" : [ > "I almost became a ritual sacrifice to Kluex, but was rescued and brought here. What do I do now?" > ], > > "human" : [ > "I almost became a ritual sacrifice to Kluex, but was rescued and brought here. What do I do now?" > ], > > "hylotl" : [ > "I almost became a ritual sacrifice to Kluex, but was rescued and brought here. What do I do now?" > ] > } > } > } > }, > > "items" : { > "default" : [ > [0, [ > { > "chest" : [ { "name" : "aviancommonershirt", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 11 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier4pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 11 } } ] > } > ] ] > ] > }, npcs\outpost\outpostbountyhunter.npctype 5,49c5,10 < "scriptConfig" : { < "offeredQuests" : [ "bountyhunter1.gearup", "bountyhunter2.gearup", "bountyhunter3.gearup", "bountyhunter4.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "bountyhunter1.gearup", "bountyhunter2.gearup", "bountyhunter3.gearup", "bountyhunter4.gearup" ], < "converse" : { < "waitTime" : 0.5, < "dialog" : { < < "default" : [ < "Need a bounty hunter? I could use the pixels." < ], < < "human" : { < "default" : [ < "Need a bounty hunter? I could use the pixels." < ], < < "avian" : [ < "Need a bounty hunter? I could use the pixels." < ], < < "apex" : [ < "Need a bounty hunter? I could use the pixels." < ], < < "floran" : [ < "Need a bounty hunter? I could use the pixels." < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "Need a bounty hunter? I could use the pixels." < ], < < "human" : [ < "Need a bounty hunter? I could use the pixels." < ], < < "hylotl" : [ < "Need a bounty hunter? I could use the pixels." < ] < } < } < } < }, < < "items" : { --- > "scriptConfig" : { > "offeredQuests" : [ "bountyhunter1.gearup", "bountyhunter2.gearup", "bountyhunter3.gearup", "bountyhunter4.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "bountyhunter1.gearup", "bountyhunter2.gearup", "bountyhunter3.gearup", "bountyhunter4.gearup" ], > "converse" : { > "waitTime" : 0.5, > "dialog" : { 51,60c12,59 < [0, [ < { < "head" : [ { "name" : "neohead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } } ], < "chest" : [ { "name" : "neochest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "neolegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } } ], < "back" : [ { "name" : "simplecapeback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } } ] < } < ] ] < ] < }, --- > "Need a bounty hunter? I could use the pixels." > ], > > "human" : { > "default" : [ > "Need a bounty hunter? I could use the pixels." > ], > > "avian" : [ > "Need a bounty hunter? I could use the pixels." > ], > > "apex" : [ > "Need a bounty hunter? I could use the pixels." > ], > > "floran" : [ > "Need a bounty hunter? I could use the pixels." > ], > > "glitch" : [ > "Need a bounty hunter? I could use the pixels." > ], > > "human" : [ > "Need a bounty hunter? I could use the pixels." > ], > > "hylotl" : [ > "Need a bounty hunter? I could use the pixels." > ] > } > } > } > }, > > "items" : { > "default" : [ > [0, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "neohead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "neochest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "neolegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } } ], > "back" : [ { "name" : "simplecapeback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } } ] > } > ] ] > ] > }, npcs\outpost\outpostcivilian.npctype 205,209c205,209 < "floran" : [ < "Ssstabby time for me!", < "Floran being hurted!", < "Floran not ready for hunt!" < ] --- > "floran" : [ > "Ssstabby time for me!", > "Floran being hurted!", > "Floran not ready for hunt!" > ] 223,227c223,227 < "floran" : [ < "Ssstabby time for me!", < "Floran being hurted!", < "Floran not ready for hunt!" < ] --- > "floran" : [ > "Ssstabby time for me!", > "Floran being hurted!", > "Floran not ready for hunt!" > ] 242,246c242,246 < "floran" : [ < "Ssstabb the intruders!", < "Floran get revenge now!", < "Ssslice them!" < ] --- > "floran" : [ > "Ssstabb the intruders!", > "Floran get revenge now!", > "Ssslice them!" > ] 261,266c261,266 < "floran" : [ < "Floran sssafe now.", < "Floran not get ssstabbed after all.", < "Them lucky Floran not have weapon.", < "Sssalvation!" < ] --- > "floran" : [ > "Floran sssafe now.", > "Floran not get ssstabbed after all.", > "Them lucky Floran not have weapon.", > "Sssalvation!" > ] 328,351d327 < "movementControllerSettings" : { < "standingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ], < "crouchingPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, -0.5], [0.35, 0], [-0.35, 0], [-0.75, -0.5] ], < < "mass" : 0.6, < "airFriction": 0.0, < "airJumpProfile": { < "jumpSpeed" : 45.0, < "jumpInitialPercentage": 1.0, < "jumpHoldTime": 0.0 < } < }, < < "humanoidTiming" : { < // Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Fall, Swim, SwimIdle, Duck, Sit, Lay < "stateCycle" : [1.0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], < "stateFrames" : [1, 8, 8, 4, 4, 7, 2, 1, 1, 1], < < // EmoteIdle, Blabbering, Shouting, Happy, Sad, NEUTRAL, Laugh, Annoyed, Oh, OOOH, Blink, Wink, Eat, Sleep < // , normal , caps , :) , :'(, :| , :D , , :o, :O , , ;) < "emoteCycle" : [1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 1], < "emoteFrames" : [1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2] < }, < npcs\outpost\outpostfloranfan.npctype 5,49c5,10 < "scriptConfig" : { < "offeredQuests" : [ "floranfan1.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "floranfan1.gearup" ], < "converse" : { < "waitTime" : 0.5, < "dialog" : { < < "default" : [ < "Doesss Floran look good in human clothesss?" < ], < < "floran" : { < "default" : [ < "Doesss Floran look good in human clothesss?" < ], < < "avian" : [ < "Doesss Floran look good in human clothesss?" < ], < < "apex" : [ < "Doesss Floran look good in human clothesss?" < ], < < "floran" : [ < "Floran wonder why new Floran came. Does new Floran like humans too?" < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "Doesss Floran look good in human clothesss?" < ], < < "human" : [ < "Doesss Floran look good in human clothesss?" < ], < < "hylotl" : [ < "Fish should not worry about Floran. Floran try to be like human now. No ssstab." < ] < } < } < } < }, < < "items" : { --- > "scriptConfig" : { > "offeredQuests" : [ "floranfan1.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "floranfan1.gearup" ], > "converse" : { > "waitTime" : 0.5, > "dialog" : { 51,58c12,57 < [0, [ < { < "chest" : [ { "name" : "workoutchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "coollegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ] < } < ] ] < ] < }, --- > "Doesss Floran look good in human clothesss?" > ], > > "floran" : { > "default" : [ > "Doesss Floran look good in human clothesss?" > ], > > "avian" : [ > "Doesss Floran look good in human clothesss?" > ], > > "apex" : [ > "Doesss Floran look good in human clothesss?" > ], > > "floran" : [ > "Floran wonder why new Floran came. Does new Floran like humans too?" > ], > > "glitch" : [ > "Doesss Floran look good in human clothesss?" > ], > > "human" : [ > "Doesss Floran look good in human clothesss?" > ], > > "hylotl" : [ > "Fish should not worry about Floran. Floran try to be like human now. No ssstab." > ] > } > } > } > }, > > "items" : { > "default" : [ > [0, [ > { > "chest" : [ { "name" : "workoutchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "coollegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ] > } > ] ] > ] > }, npcs\outpost\outpostfloranhunter.npctype 5,49c5,10 < "scriptConfig" : { < "offeredQuests" : [ "coldskin1.gearup", "floranhunter4.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "coldskin1.gearup", "floranhunter4.gearup", "coldskin3.gearup" ], < "converse" : { < "waitTime" : 0.5, < "dialog" : { < < "default" : [ < "Floran tire of hunting without reason. Floran leave clan to find greater purpossse." < ], < < "floran" : { < "default" : [ < "Floran tire of hunting without reason. Floran leave clan to find greater purpossse." < ], < < "avian" : [ < "Floran tire of hunting without reason. Floran leave clan to find greater purpossse." < ], < < "apex" : [ < "Floran tire of hunting without reason. Floran leave clan to find greater purpossse." < ], < < "floran" : [ < "Floran happy to meet another Floran." < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "Floran tire of hunting without reason. Floran leave clan to find greater purpossse." < ], < < "human" : [ < "Floran tire of hunting without reason. Floran leave clan to find greater purpossse." < ], < < "hylotl" : [ < "Floran ussssed to hate fish. Floran not hate fish now." < ] < } < } < } < }, < < "items" : { --- > "scriptConfig" : { > "offeredQuests" : [ "coldskin1.gearup", "floranhunter4.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "coldskin1.gearup", "floranhunter4.gearup", "coldskin3.gearup" ], > "converse" : { > "waitTime" : 0.5, > "dialog" : { 51,58c12,57 < [0, [ < { < "chest" : [ { "name" : "florantier6chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "humantier2pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } } ] < } < ] ] < ] < }, --- > "Floran tire of hunting without reason. Floran leave clan to find greater purpossse." > ], > > "floran" : { > "default" : [ > "Floran tire of hunting without reason. Floran leave clan to find greater purpossse." > ], > > "avian" : [ > "Floran tire of hunting without reason. Floran leave clan to find greater purpossse." > ], > > "apex" : [ > "Floran tire of hunting without reason. Floran leave clan to find greater purpossse." > ], > > "floran" : [ > "Floran happy to meet another Floran." > ], > > "glitch" : [ > "Floran tire of hunting without reason. Floran leave clan to find greater purpossse." > ], > > "human" : [ > "Floran tire of hunting without reason. Floran leave clan to find greater purpossse." > ], > > "hylotl" : [ > "Floran ussssed to hate fish. Floran not hate fish now." > ] > } > } > } > }, > > "items" : { > "default" : [ > [0, [ > { > "chest" : [ { "name" : "florantier5achest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "humantier2pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } } ] > } > ] ] > ] > }, npcs\outpost\outpostfloranscholar.npctype 5,49c5,10 < "scriptConfig" : { < "offeredQuests" : [ "floranscholar2.gearup", "hylotlperformerE2part2.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "avianrefugee2part1.gearup", "floranscholar2.gearup","hylotlperformerE2part1.gearup" ], < "converse" : { < "waitTime" : 0.5, < "dialog" : { < < "default" : [ < "Does my attire surprise you? I try my best to show the others here that not all Floran are savage." < ], < < "floran" : { < "default" : [ < "Does my attire surprise you? I try my best to show the others here that not all Floran are savage." < ], < < "avian" : [ < "Does my attire surprise you? I try my best to show the others here that not all Floran are savage." < ], < < "apex" : [ < "Does my attire surprise you? I try my best to show the others here that not all Floran are savage." < ], < < "floran" : [ < "Were you also repulsed by the savagery of our kin? Our people could achieve so much more!" < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "Does my attire surprise you? I try my best to show the others here that not all Floran are savage." < ], < < "human" : [ < "Does my attire surprise you? I try my best to show the others here that not all Floran are savage." < ], < < "hylotl" : [ < "Please remain calm. I mean no harm to you or your kind. I abandoned that meaningless path long ago." < ] < } < } < } < }, < < "items" : { --- > "scriptConfig" : { > "offeredQuests" : [ "floranscholar2.gearup", "hylotlperformerE2part2.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "avianrefugee2part1.gearup", "floranscholar2.gearup","hylotlperformerE2part1.gearup" ], > "converse" : { > "waitTime" : 0.5, > "dialog" : { 51,58c12,57 < [0, [ < { < "chest" : [ { "name" : "sweatervestchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "sweatervestlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ] < } < ] ] < ] < }, --- > "Does my attire surprise you? I try my best to show the others here that not all Floran are savage." > ], > > "floran" : { > "default" : [ > "Does my attire surprise you? I try my best to show the others here that not all Floran are savage." > ], > > "avian" : [ > "Does my attire surprise you? I try my best to show the others here that not all Floran are savage." > ], > > "apex" : [ > "Does my attire surprise you? I try my best to show the others here that not all Floran are savage." > ], > > "floran" : [ > "Were you also repulsed by the savagery of our kin? Our people could achieve so much more!" > ], > > "glitch" : [ > "Does my attire surprise you? I try my best to show the others here that not all Floran are savage." > ], > > "human" : [ > "Does my attire surprise you? I try my best to show the others here that not all Floran are savage." > ], > > "hylotl" : [ > "Please remain calm. I mean no harm to you or your kind. I abandoned that meaningless path long ago." > ] > } > } > } > }, > > "items" : { > "default" : [ > [0, [ > { > "chest" : [ { "name" : "sweatervestchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "sweatervestlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ] > } > ] ] > ] > }, npcs\outpost\outpostglitchmechanic.npctype 5,47c5,8 < "scriptConfig" : { < "converse" : { < "waitTime" : 0.5, < "dialog" : { < < "default" : [ < "Boastful. We Glitch are used to fixing machinery far more complex than the stuff you see here." < ], < < "glitch" : { < "default" : [ < "Boastful. We Glitch are used to fixing machinery far more complex than the stuff you see here." < ], < < "avian" : [ < "Boastful. We Glitch are used to fixing machinery far more complex than the stuff you see here." < ], < < "apex" : [ < "Boastful. We Glitch are used to fixing machinery far more complex than the stuff you see here." < ], < < "floran" : [ < "Boastful. We Glitch are used to fixing machinery far more complex than the stuff you see here." < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "Friendly. You should come grab some oil with me later." < ], < < "human" : [ < "Boastful. We Glitch are used to fixing machinery far more complex than the stuff you see here." < ], < < "hylotl" : [ < "Boastful. We Glitch are used to fixing machinery far more complex than the stuff you see here." < ] < } < } < } < }, < < "items" : { --- > "scriptConfig" : { > "converse" : { > "waitTime" : 0.5, > "dialog" : { 49,57c10,56 < [0, [ < { < "head" : [ { "name" : "humantier5head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ], < "chest" : [ { "name" : "peasantchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "apextier5pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ] < } < ] ] < ] < }, --- > "Boastful. We Glitch are used to fixing machinery far more complex than the stuff you see here." > ], > > "glitch" : { > "default" : [ > "Boastful. We Glitch are used to fixing machinery far more complex than the stuff you see here." > ], > > "avian" : [ > "Boastful. We Glitch are used to fixing machinery far more complex than the stuff you see here." > ], > > "apex" : [ > "Boastful. We Glitch are used to fixing machinery far more complex than the stuff you see here." > ], > > "floran" : [ > "Boastful. We Glitch are used to fixing machinery far more complex than the stuff you see here." > ], > > "glitch" : [ > "Friendly. You should come grab some oil with me later." > ], > > "human" : [ > "Boastful. We Glitch are used to fixing machinery far more complex than the stuff you see here." > ], > > "hylotl" : [ > "Boastful. We Glitch are used to fixing machinery far more complex than the stuff you see here." > ] > } > } > } > }, > > "items" : { > "default" : [ > [0, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "humantier5ahead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "peasantchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 7 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "apextier5apants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ] > } > ] ] > ] > }, npcs\outpost\outpostglitchmercenary.npctype 5,47c5,8 < "scriptConfig" : { < "converse" : { < "waitTime" : 0.5, < "dialog" : { < < "default" : [ < "Apologetic. Please do not be offended if my comrade in black will not speak to you. He's not much of a talker." < ], < < "glitch" : { < "default" : [ < "Apologetic. Please do not be offended if my comrade in black will not speak to you. He's not much of a talker." < ], < < "avian" : [ < "Apologetic. Please do not be offended if my comrade in black will not speak to you. He's not much of a talker." < ], < < "apex" : [ < "Apologetic. Please do not be offended if my comrade in black will not speak to you. He's not much of a talker." < ], < < "floran" : [ < "Apologetic. Please do not be offended if my comrade in black will not speak to you. He's not much of a talker." < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "Wistful. Were times not simpler before we learned of all... this?" < ], < < "human" : [ < "Apologetic. Please do not be offended if my comrade in black will not speak to you. He's not much of a talker." < ], < < "hylotl" : [ < "Apologetic. Please do not be offended if my comrade in black will not speak to you. He's not much of a talker." < ] < } < } < } < }, < < "items" : { --- > "scriptConfig" : { > "converse" : { > "waitTime" : 0.5, > "dialog" : { 49,57c10,56 < [0, [ < { < "chest" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier2chest" } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "apextier1pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ], < "back" : [ { "name" : "simplecapeback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ] < } < ] ] < ] < }, --- > "Apologetic. Please do not be offended if my comrade in black will not speak to you. He's not much of a talker." > ], > > "glitch" : { > "default" : [ > "Apologetic. Please do not be offended if my comrade in black will not speak to you. He's not much of a talker." > ], > > "avian" : [ > "Apologetic. Please do not be offended if my comrade in black will not speak to you. He's not much of a talker." > ], > > "apex" : [ > "Apologetic. Please do not be offended if my comrade in black will not speak to you. He's not much of a talker." > ], > > "floran" : [ > "Apologetic. Please do not be offended if my comrade in black will not speak to you. He's not much of a talker." > ], > > "glitch" : [ > "Wistful. Were times not simpler before we learned of all... this?" > ], > > "human" : [ > "Apologetic. Please do not be offended if my comrade in black will not speak to you. He's not much of a talker." > ], > > "hylotl" : [ > "Apologetic. Please do not be offended if my comrade in black will not speak to you. He's not much of a talker." > ] > } > } > } > }, > > "items" : { > "default" : [ > [0, [ > { > "chest" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier2chest" } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "apextier1pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ], > "back" : [ { "name" : "simplecapeback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ] > } > ] ] > ] > }, npcs\outpost\outpostglitchsilenttype.npctype 5,49c5,10 < "scriptConfig" : { < "offeredQuests" : [ "glitchsilenttype2.gearup", "glitchsilenttype3.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "glitchsilenttype2.gearup", "glitchsilenttype3.gearup" ], < "converse" : { < "waitTime" : 0.5, < "dialog" : { < < "default" : [ < "..." < ], < < "glitch" : { < "default" : [ < "..." < ], < < "avian" : [ < "..." < ], < < "apex" : [ < "..." < ], < < "floran" : [ < "..." < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "..." < ], < < "human" : [ < "..." < ], < < "hylotl" : [ < "..." < ] < } < } < } < }, < < "items" : { --- > "scriptConfig" : { > "offeredQuests" : [ "glitchsilenttype2.gearup", "glitchsilenttype3.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "glitchsilenttype2.gearup", "glitchsilenttype3.gearup" ], > "converse" : { > "waitTime" : 0.5, > "dialog" : { 51,60c12,59 < [0, [ < { < "head" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier4head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ], < "chest" : [ { "name" : "apextier9chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier4pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ], < "back" : [ { "name" : "simplecapeback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ] < } < ] ] < ] < }, --- > "..." > ], > > "glitch" : { > "default" : [ > "..." > ], > > "avian" : [ > "..." > ], > > "apex" : [ > "..." > ], > > "floran" : [ > "..." > ], > > "glitch" : [ > "..." > ], > > "human" : [ > "..." > ], > > "hylotl" : [ > "..." > ] > } > } > } > }, > > "items" : { > "default" : [ > [0, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier4head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "apextier6achest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "glitchtier4pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ], > "back" : [ { "name" : "simplecapeback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ] > } > ] ] > ] > }, npcs\outpost\outposthumanexcon.npctype 5,49c5,10 < "scriptConfig" : { < "offeredQuests" : [ "humanexcon2.gearup", "humanexcon4.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "humanexcon2.gearup", "humanexcon4.gearup" ], < "converse" : { < "waitTime" : 0.5, < "dialog" : { < < "default" : [ < "Despite knowing I come from one of the USCM prisons, the people here have been very good to me. I owe them a lot." < ], < < "human" : { < "default" : [ < "Despite knowing I come from one of the USCM prisons, the people here have been very good to me. I owe them a lot." < ], < < "avian" : [ < "Despite knowing I come from one of the USCM prisons, the people here have been very good to me. I owe them a lot." < ], < < "apex" : [ < "Despite knowing I come from one of the USCM prisons, the people here have been very good to me. I owe them a lot." < ], < < "floran" : [ < "Despite knowing I come from one of the USCM prisons, the people here have been very good to me. I owe them a lot." < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "Despite knowing I come from one of the USCM prisons, the people here have been very good to me. I owe them a lot." < ], < < "human" : [ < "A word of advice. If you want to avoid trouble, don't visit any of the USCM prisons. Most of them have been torn apart." < ], < < "hylotl" : [ < "Despite knowing I come from one of the USCM prisons, the people here have been very good to me. I owe them a lot." < ] < } < } < } < }, < < "items" : { --- > "scriptConfig" : { > "offeredQuests" : [ "humanexcon2.gearup", "humanexcon4.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "humanexcon2.gearup", "humanexcon4.gearup" ], > "converse" : { > "waitTime" : 0.5, > "dialog" : { 51,58c12,57 < [0, [ < { < "chest" : [ { "name" : "coolchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "jumpsuitlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 5 } } ] < } < ] ] < ] < }, --- > "Despite knowing I come from one of the USCM prisons, the people here have been very good to me. I owe them a lot." > ], > > "human" : { > "default" : [ > "Despite knowing I come from one of the USCM prisons, the people here have been very good to me. I owe them a lot." > ], > > "avian" : [ > "Despite knowing I come from one of the USCM prisons, the people here have been very good to me. I owe them a lot." > ], > > "apex" : [ > "Despite knowing I come from one of the USCM prisons, the people here have been very good to me. I owe them a lot." > ], > > "floran" : [ > "Despite knowing I come from one of the USCM prisons, the people here have been very good to me. I owe them a lot." > ], > > "glitch" : [ > "Despite knowing I come from one of the USCM prisons, the people here have been very good to me. I owe them a lot." > ], > > "human" : [ > "A word of advice. If you want to avoid trouble, don't visit any of the USCM prisons. Most of them have been torn apart." > ], > > "hylotl" : [ > "Despite knowing I come from one of the USCM prisons, the people here have been very good to me. I owe them a lot." > ] > } > } > } > }, > > "items" : { > "default" : [ > [0, [ > { > "chest" : [ { "name" : "coolchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 3 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "jumpsuitlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 5 } } ] > } > ] ] > ] > }, npcs\outpost\outposthumanscientist.npctype 5,49c5,10 < "scriptConfig" : { < "offeredQuests" : [ "outpost0.gearup", "humanscientistE1.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "outpost0.gearup", "humanscientistE1.gearup" ], < "converse" : { < "waitTime" : 0.5, < "dialog" : { < < "default" : [ < "The entity that destroyed Earth could strike other worlds. We must devise some means of fighting back!" < ], < < "human" : { < "default" : [ < "The entity that destroyed Earth could strike other worlds. We must devise some means of fighting back!" < ], < < "avian" : [ < "The entity that destroyed Earth could strike other worlds. We must devise some means of fighting back!" < ], < < "apex" : [ < "The entity that destroyed Earth could strike other worlds. We must devise some means of fighting back!" < ], < < "floran" : [ < "The entity that destroyed Earth could strike other worlds. We must devise some means of fighting back!" < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "The entity that destroyed Earth could strike other worlds. We must devise some means of fighting back!" < ], < < "human" : [ < "A fellow survivor! You wouldn't happen to know any scientists who could assist me with my research, would you?" < ], < < "hylotl" : [ < "The entity that destroyed Earth could strike other worlds. We must devise some means of fighting back!" < ] < } < } < } < }, < < "items" : { --- > "scriptConfig" : { > "offeredQuests" : [ "outpost0.gearup", "humanscientistE1.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "outpost0.gearup", "humanscientistE1.gearup" ], > "converse" : { > "waitTime" : 0.5, > "dialog" : { 51,58c12,57 < [0, [ < { < "chest" : [ { "name" : "scientistchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "scientistlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 11 } } ] < } < ] ] < ] < }, --- > "The entity that destroyed Earth could strike other worlds. We must devise some means of fighting back!" > ], > > "human" : { > "default" : [ > "The entity that destroyed Earth could strike other worlds. We must devise some means of fighting back!" > ], > > "avian" : [ > "The entity that destroyed Earth could strike other worlds. We must devise some means of fighting back!" > ], > > "apex" : [ > "The entity that destroyed Earth could strike other worlds. We must devise some means of fighting back!" > ], > > "floran" : [ > "The entity that destroyed Earth could strike other worlds. We must devise some means of fighting back!" > ], > > "glitch" : [ > "The entity that destroyed Earth could strike other worlds. We must devise some means of fighting back!" > ], > > "human" : [ > "A fellow survivor! You wouldn't happen to know any scientists who could assist me with my research, would you?" > ], > > "hylotl" : [ > "The entity that destroyed Earth could strike other worlds. We must devise some means of fighting back!" > ] > } > } > } > }, > > "items" : { > "default" : [ > [0, [ > { > "chest" : [ { "name" : "scientistchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "scientistlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 11 } } ] > } > ] ] > ] > }, npcs\outpost\outposthumansurvivor.npctype 5,49c5,10 < "scriptConfig" : { < "offeredQuests" : [ "outpost1.gearup", "outpost2.gearup", "outpost3.gearup", "humansurvivor2.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "outpost1.gearup", "outpost2.gearup", "outpost3.gearup", "humansurvivor2.gearup" ], < "converse" : { < "waitTime" : 0.5, < "dialog" : { < < "default" : [ < "I only just barely escaped from Earth as it was torn apart. I was very lucky to have found this place." < ], < < "human" : { < "default" : [ < "I only just barely escaped from Earth as it was torn apart. I was very lucky to have found this place." < ], < < "avian" : [ < "I only just barely escaped from Earth as it was torn apart. I was very lucky to have found this place." < ], < < "apex" : [ < "I only just barely escaped from Earth as it was torn apart. I was very lucky to have found this place." < ], < < "floran" : [ < "I only just barely escaped from Earth as it was torn apart. I was very lucky to have found this place." < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "I only just barely escaped from Earth as it was torn apart. I was very lucky to have found this place." < ], < < "human" : [ < "All of humanity, scattered across the universe. How could the USMC have allowed this to happen to us?" < ], < < "hylotl" : [ < "I only just barely escaped from Earth as it was torn apart. I was very lucky to have found this place." < ] < } < } < } < }, < < "items" : { --- > "scriptConfig" : { > "offeredQuests" : [ "outpost1.gearup", "outpost2.gearup", "outpost3.gearup", "humansurvivor2.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "outpost1.gearup", "outpost2.gearup", "outpost3.gearup", "humansurvivor2.gearup" ], > "converse" : { > "waitTime" : 0.5, > "dialog" : { 51,58c12,57 < [0, [ < { < "chest" : [ { "name" : "apextier5chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "humantier1pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } } ] < } < ] ] < ] < }, --- > "I only just barely escaped from Earth as it was torn apart. I was very lucky to have found this place." > ], > > "human" : { > "default" : [ > "I only just barely escaped from Earth as it was torn apart. I was very lucky to have found this place." > ], > > "avian" : [ > "I only just barely escaped from Earth as it was torn apart. I was very lucky to have found this place." > ], > > "apex" : [ > "I only just barely escaped from Earth as it was torn apart. I was very lucky to have found this place." > ], > > "floran" : [ > "I only just barely escaped from Earth as it was torn apart. I was very lucky to have found this place." > ], > > "glitch" : [ > "I only just barely escaped from Earth as it was torn apart. I was very lucky to have found this place." > ], > > "human" : [ > "All of humanity, scattered across the universe. How could the USMC have allowed this to happen to us?" > ], > > "hylotl" : [ > "I only just barely escaped from Earth as it was torn apart. I was very lucky to have found this place." > ] > } > } > } > }, > > "items" : { > "default" : [ > [0, [ > { > "chest" : [ { "name" : "apextier5achest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "humantier1pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 8 } } ] > } > ] ] > ] > }, npcs\outpost\outposthylotlfloranhater.npctype 5,49c5,10 < "scriptConfig" : { < "offeredQuests" : [ "kelpquest.gearup"], < "turnInQuests" : [ "kelpquest.gearup"], < "converse" : { < "waitTime" : 0.5, < "dialog" : { < < "default" : [ < "I don't trust those Floran. Who knows what they're scheming?" < ], < < "hylotl" : { < "default" : [ < "I don't trust those Floran. Who knows what they're scheming?" < ], < < "avian" : [ < "I don't trust those Floran. Who knows what they're scheming?" < ], < < "apex" : [ < "I don't trust those Floran. Who knows what they're scheming?" < ], < < "floran" : [ < "Get away from me, you filth!" < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "I don't trust those Floran. Who knows what they're scheming?" < ], < < "human" : [ < "I don't trust those Floran. Who knows what they're scheming?" < ], < < "hylotl" : [ < "Can you believe that they actually let Floran stay here? Disgusting creatures." < ] < } < } < } < }, < < "items" : { --- > "scriptConfig" : { > "offeredQuests" : [ "kelpquest.gearup"], > "turnInQuests" : [ "kelpquest.gearup"], > "converse" : { > "waitTime" : 0.5, > "dialog" : { 51,58c12,57 < [0, [ < { < "chest" : [ { "name" : "traineechest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier6pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } } ] < } < ] ] < ] < }, --- > "I don't trust those Floran. Who knows what they're scheming?" > ], > > "hylotl" : { > "default" : [ > "I don't trust those Floran. Who knows what they're scheming?" > ], > > "avian" : [ > "I don't trust those Floran. Who knows what they're scheming?" > ], > > "apex" : [ > "I don't trust those Floran. Who knows what they're scheming?" > ], > > "floran" : [ > "Get away from me, you filth!" > ], > > "glitch" : [ > "I don't trust those Floran. Who knows what they're scheming?" > ], > > "human" : [ > "I don't trust those Floran. Who knows what they're scheming?" > ], > > "hylotl" : [ > "Can you believe that they actually let Floran stay here? Disgusting creatures." > ] > } > } > } > }, > > "items" : { > "default" : [ > [0, [ > { > "chest" : [ { "name" : "traineechest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier5apants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 4 } } ] > } > ] ] > ] > }, npcs\outpost\outposthylotlperformer.npctype 5,49c5,10 < "scriptConfig" : { < "offeredQuests" : [ "hylotlperformer1.gearup", "hylotlperformer3.gearup", "hylotlperformerE1.gearup", "hylotlperformerE2part1.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "hylotlperformer1.gearup", "hylotlperformer3.gearup", "hylotlperformerE1.gearup", "hylotlperformerE2part2.gearup" ], < "converse" : { < "waitTime" : 0.5, < "dialog" : { < < "default" : [ < "Nobody appreciates a good joke anymore! My comic genius is wasted on the cretins here." < ], < < "hylotl" : { < "default" : [ < "Nobody appreciates a good joke anymore! My comic genius is wasted on the cretins here." < ], < < "avian" : [ < "Out on your own? Guess you really... flew the coop!" < ], < < "apex" : [ < "What did the enamoured Apex say to his wife? You drive me bananas!" < ], < < "floran" : [ < "What do you call a Floran friend? A Flower Bud!" < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "What is a Glitch's favourite dance? The robot!" < ], < < "human" : [ < "What do you get when you shave an Apex? A human!" < ], < < "hylotl" : [ < "Nobody appreciates a good joke anymore! My comic genius is wasted on the cretins here." < ] < } < } < } < }, < < "items" : { --- > "scriptConfig" : { > "offeredQuests" : [ "hylotlperformer1.gearup", "hylotlperformer3.gearup", "hylotlperformerE1.gearup", "hylotlperformerE2part1.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "hylotlperformer1.gearup", "hylotlperformer3.gearup", "hylotlperformerE1.gearup", "hylotlperformerE2part2.gearup" ], > "converse" : { > "waitTime" : 0.5, > "dialog" : { 51,58c12,57 < [0, [ < { < "chest" : [ { "name" : "moneybagschest" } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "moneybagspants" } ] < } < ] ] < ] < }, --- > "Nobody appreciates a good joke anymore! My comic genius is wasted on the cretins here." > ], > > "hylotl" : { > "default" : [ > "Nobody appreciates a good joke anymore! My comic genius is wasted on the cretins here." > ], > > "avian" : [ > "Out on your own? Guess you really... flew the coop!" > ], > > "apex" : [ > "What did the enamoured Apex say to his wife? You drive me bananas!" > ], > > "floran" : [ > "What do you call a Floran friend? A Flower Bud!" > ], > > "glitch" : [ > "What is a Glitch's favourite dance? The robot!" > ], > > "human" : [ > "What do you get when you shave an Apex? A human!" > ], > > "hylotl" : [ > "Nobody appreciates a good joke anymore! My comic genius is wasted on the cretins here." > ] > } > } > } > }, > > "items" : { > "default" : [ > [0, [ > { > "chest" : [ { "name" : "moneybagschest" } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "moneybagspants" } ] > } > ] ] > ] > }, npcs\outpost\outposthylotlwarrior.npctype 5,49c5,10 < "scriptConfig" : { < "offeredQuests" : [ "hylotlwarriorE1.gearup", "hylotlwarriorE2.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "hylotlwarriorE1.gearup", "hylotlwarriorE2.gearup" ], < "converse" : { < "waitTime" : 0.5, < "dialog" : { < < "default" : [ < "We Hylotl are not widely regarded as warriors, but I never back down from a fight." < ], < < "hylotl" : { < "default" : [ < "We Hylotl are not widely regarded as warriors, but I never back down from a fight." < ], < < "avian" : [ < "We Hylotl are not widely regarded as warriors, but I never back down from a fight." < ], < < "apex" : [ < "We Hylotl are not widely regarded as warriors, but I never back down from a fight." < ], < < "floran" : [ < "Many among my people despise your kind, but I think the tenacity of the Floran is worthy of praise." < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "We Hylotl are not widely regarded as warriors, but I never back down from a fight." < ], < < "human" : [ < "We Hylotl are not widely regarded as warriors, but I never back down from a fight." < ], < < "hylotl" : [ < "You honour me with your presence, friend." < ] < } < } < } < }, < < "items" : { --- > "scriptConfig" : { > "offeredQuests" : [ "hylotlwarriorE1.gearup", "hylotlwarriorE2.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "hylotlwarriorE1.gearup", "hylotlwarriorE2.gearup" ], > "converse" : { > "waitTime" : 0.5, > "dialog" : { 51,60c12,59 < [0, [ < { < "head" : [ { "name" : "apextier7head", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], < "chest" : [ { "name" : "humantier4chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier3pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], < "back" : [ { "name" : "simplecapeback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ] < } < ] ] < ] < }, --- > "We Hylotl are not widely regarded as warriors, but I never back down from a fight." > ], > > "hylotl" : { > "default" : [ > "We Hylotl are not widely regarded as warriors, but I never back down from a fight." > ], > > "avian" : [ > "We Hylotl are not widely regarded as warriors, but I never back down from a fight." > ], > > "apex" : [ > "We Hylotl are not widely regarded as warriors, but I never back down from a fight." > ], > > "floran" : [ > "Many among my people despise your kind, but I think the tenacity of the Floran is worthy of praise." > ], > > "glitch" : [ > "We Hylotl are not widely regarded as warriors, but I never back down from a fight." > ], > > "human" : [ > "We Hylotl are not widely regarded as warriors, but I never back down from a fight." > ], > > "hylotl" : [ > "You honour me with your presence, friend." > ] > } > } > } > }, > > "items" : { > "default" : [ > [0, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "apextier5shead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "humantier4chest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "hylotltier3pants", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 6 } } ], > "back" : [ { "name" : "simplecapeback", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ] > } > ] ] > ] > }, npcs\outpost\outpostpenguinpromoter.npctype 5,45c5,42 < "scriptConfig" : { < "offeredQuests" : [ "penguinpromoterE1.gearup", "penguinmission.gearup", "heatskin1.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "penguinpromoterE1.gearup", "penguinmission.gearup", "penguinmission3.gearup", "heatskin1.gearup" ], < "converse" : { < "waitTime" : 0.5, < "dialog" : { < < "default" : [ < "Got a ship? You should check out the Penguin Bay out back! We often have useful stuff for travelers such as yourself." < ], < < "penguin" : { < "default" : [ < "Got a ship? You should check out the Penguin Bay out back! We often have useful stuff for travelers such as yourself." < ], < < "avian" : [ < "Got a ship? You should check out the Penguin Bay out back! We often have useful stuff for travelers such as yourself." < ], < < "apex" : [ < "Got a ship? You should check out the Penguin Bay out back! We often have useful stuff for travelers such as yourself." < ], < < "floran" : [ < "Got a ship? You should check out the Penguin Bay out back! We often have useful stuff for travelers such as yourself." < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "Got a ship? You should check out the Penguin Bay out back! We often have useful stuff for travelers such as yourself." < ], < < "human" : [ < "Got a ship? You should check out the Penguin Bay out back! We often have useful stuff for travelers such as yourself." < ], < < "hylotl" : [ < "Got a ship? You should check out the Penguin Bay out back! We often have useful stuff for travelers such as yourself." < ] < } < } --- > "scriptConfig" : { > "offeredQuests" : [ "penguinpromoterE1.gearup", "penguinmission.gearup", "heatskin1.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "penguinpromoterE1.gearup", "penguinmission.gearup", "penguinmission3.gearup", "heatskin1.gearup" ], > "converse" : { > "waitTime" : 0.5, > "dialog" : { > "default" : [ > "Got a ship? You should check out the Penguin Bay out back! We often have useful stuff for travelers such as yourself." > ], > > "penguin" : { > "default" : [ > "Got a ship? You should check out the Penguin Bay out back! We often have useful stuff for travelers such as yourself." > ], > > "avian" : [ > "Got a ship? You should check out the Penguin Bay out back! We often have useful stuff for travelers such as yourself." > ], > > "apex" : [ > "Got a ship? You should check out the Penguin Bay out back! We often have useful stuff for travelers such as yourself." > ], > > "floran" : [ > "Got a ship? You should check out the Penguin Bay out back! We often have useful stuff for travelers such as yourself." > ], > > "glitch" : [ > "Got a ship? You should check out the Penguin Bay out back! We often have useful stuff for travelers such as yourself." > ], > > "human" : [ > "Got a ship? You should check out the Penguin Bay out back! We often have useful stuff for travelers such as yourself." > ], > > "hylotl" : [ > "Got a ship? You should check out the Penguin Bay out back! We often have useful stuff for travelers such as yourself." > ] 47c44,46 < }, --- > } > } > }, npcs\outpost\outpostundersideman.npctype 5,49c5,10 < "scriptConfig" : { < "offeredQuests" : [ "underside1.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "underside1.gearup" ], < "converse" : { < "waitTime" : 0.5, < "dialog" : { < < "default" : [ < "I'm hiding here for a good reason..." < ], < < "human" : { < "default" : [ < "I'm hiding here for a good reason..." < ], < < "avian" : [ < "I'm hiding here for a good reason..." < ], < < "apex" : [ < "I'm hiding here for a good reason..." < ], < < "floran" : [ < "I'm hiding here for a good reason..." < ], < < "glitch" : [ < "I'm hiding here for a good reason..." < ], < < "human" : [ < "I'm hiding here for a good reason..." < ], < < "hylotl" : [ < "I'm hiding here for a good reason..." < ] < } < } < } < }, < < "items" : { --- > "scriptConfig" : { > "offeredQuests" : [ "underside1.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "underside1.gearup" ], > "converse" : { > "waitTime" : 0.5, > "dialog" : { 51,59c12,58 < [0, [ < { < "head" : [ { "name" : "insidioushead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } ], < "chest" : [ { "name" : "hikerchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ], < "legs" : [ { "name" : "hunterlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ] < } < ] ] < ] < }, --- > "I'm hiding here for a good reason..." > ], > > "human" : { > "default" : [ > "I'm hiding here for a good reason..." > ], > > "avian" : [ > "I'm hiding here for a good reason..." > ], > > "apex" : [ > "I'm hiding here for a good reason..." > ], > > "floran" : [ > "I'm hiding here for a good reason..." > ], > > "glitch" : [ > "I'm hiding here for a good reason..." > ], > > "human" : [ > "I'm hiding here for a good reason..." > ], > > "hylotl" : [ > "I'm hiding here for a good reason..." > ] > } > } > } > }, > > "items" : { > "default" : [ > [0, [ > { > "head" : [ { "name" : "insidioushead", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } ], > "chest" : [ { "name" : "hikerchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ], > "legs" : [ { "name" : "hunterlegs", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 1 } } ] > } > ] ] > ] > }, objects\apex\plasmadisc\plasmadisc.object 29c29 < "imagePosition" : [-7, 1], --- > "imagePosition" : [-6, 1], 40c40 < "imagePosition" : [-7, 1], --- > "imagePosition" : [-6, 1], 43c43 < "animationPosition" : [-7, 1], --- > "animationPosition" : [-6, 1], objects\avian\idolsupport\idolsupport.object 22c22 < "imagePosition" : [0, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], 32c32 < "imagePosition" : [-24, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], objects\avian\sarcohuman\sarcohumanalive.object 5d4 < 7a7 > "printable" : false, 14c14 < "floranDescription" : "Sssmells fresh!.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Sssmells fresh!", objects\gate\ancientconsole\returnconsole.object 41c41 < "detectArea" : [ [-0.3, 0], [4, 5] ] --- > "detectArea" : [ [-0.3, 0], [4, 5] ] 57c57 < "detectArea" : [ [-2, 0], [2.3, 5] ] --- > "detectArea" : [ [-2, 0], [2.3, 5] ] objects\generic\fountain1\fountain1.object 4c4 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 1200, objects\generic\fountain2\fountain2.object 4c4 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 1200, objects\glitch\medievalpressureplate\medievalpressureplate.object 21c21 < "imagePosition" : [-12, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], 35c35 < "animationPosition" : [-12, 0], --- > "animationPosition" : [-8, 0], 43c43 < "detectArea" : [ [-1.0, 0], [1.0, 0.3] ] --- > "detectArea" : [ [-0.8, 0], [1.8, 0.3] ] objects\glitch\medievalregister\medievalregister.object 6,7c6 < < "category" : "decorative", --- > "category" : "storage", objects\glitch\medievalswitchhidden\medievalswitchhidden.frames 4c4 < "dimensions" : [2, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [3, 1], 6c6 < [ "off", "on" ] --- > [ "off", "turning", "on" ] 12c12,16 < "default.on" : "on" --- > "default.on" : "on", > "turningOn.1" : "turning", > "turningOn.2" : "on", > "turningOff.1" : "turning", > "turningOff.2" : "off" objects\glitch\medievalswitchhidden\medievalswitchhidden.object 21c21 < "dualImage" : "", --- > "image" : "", 23a24,49 > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, > > "animationParts" : { > "switch" : "medievalswitchhidden.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [0, 0], > > "detectArea" : [ [0, 0], [1, 0.2] ], > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ] > }, > { > "image" : "", > "imagePosition" : [0, 0], > > "direction" : "right", > > "animationParts" : { > "switch" : "medievalswitchhidden.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [0, 0], > > "detectArea" : [ [0, 0], [1, 0.2] ], > 25a52,116 > }, > { > "image" : "", > "imagePosition" : [0, 0], > > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, > > "animationParts" : { > "switch" : "medievalswitchhiddenceiling.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [0, 0], > > "detectArea" : [ [0, 0.8], [1, 1] ], > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "top" ] > }, > { > "image" : "", > "imagePosition" : [0, 0], > > "direction" : "right", > > "animationParts" : { > "switch" : "medievalswitchhiddenceiling.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [0, 0], > > "detectArea" : [ [0, 0.8], [1, 1] ], > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "top" ] > }, > { > "image" : "", > "imagePosition" : [0, 0], > > "direction" : "right", > > "animationParts" : { > "switch" : "medievalswitchhiddenleft.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [0, 0], > > "detectArea" : [ [0, 0], [0.2, 1] ], > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "left" ] > }, > { > "image" : "", > "imagePosition" : [0, 0], > > "direction" : "right", > > "animationParts" : { > "switch" : "medievalswitchhiddenright.png" > }, > "animationPosition" : [0, 0], > > "detectArea" : [ [0.8, 0], [1, 1] ], > > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "right" ] 32,34c123,127 < "animation" : "/objects/wired/switch/switchtoggle.animation", < "animationParts" : { < "switch" : "medievalswitchhidden.png" --- > "animation" : "/objects/wired/switch/switchtoggle2.animation", > "animationCustom" : { > "sounds" : { > "on" : [ "/sfx/objects/hiddenswitch1.wav" ] > } 36d128 < "animationPosition" : [0, 0], 43,44c135 < "detectEntityTypes" : [ "creature" ], < "detectArea" : [ [0, 0], [1, 0.2] ] --- > "detectEntityTypes" : [ "creature" ] objects\hylotl\hylotlbed2\hylotlbed2.object 5c5 < "price" : 900, --- > "price" : 625, objects\hylotl\hylotlclassicbookcase\hylotlclassicbookcase.object 7c7 < "price" : 800, --- > "price" : 625, 19,21c19,21 < "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_medium_open.wav" ], < "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/chest_medium_close.wav" ], < "slotCount" : 24, --- > "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bookcase_open.wav" ], > "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bookcase_close.wav" ], > "slotCount" : 16, objects\hylotl\hylotlclassiccabinet1\hylotlclassiccabinet1.object 10c10 < "price" : 800, --- > "price" : 400, objects\hylotl\hylotlclassicchair\hylotlclassicchair.object 5c5 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 375, objects\hylotl\hylotlclassicgong\hylotlclassicgong.object 3a4 > "objectType" : "noisy", 5c6 < "price" : 1500, --- > "price" : 975, 30c31,33 < ] --- > ], > > "sounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/birdgong1_ring1.wav", "/sfx/objects/birdgong1_ring2.wav" ] objects\hylotl\hylotlclassictable2\hylotlclassictable2.object 5c5 < "price" : 600, --- > "price" : 425, objects\hylotl\hylotlclassicwardrobe1\hylotlclassicwardrobe1.object 10c10 < "price" : 900, --- > "price" : 725, objects\hylotl\hylotlfloorornament\hylotlfloorornament.object 5c5 < "price" : 600, --- > "price" : 275, objects\hylotl\hylotllantern1\hylotllantern1.object 4c4,7 < "description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", --- > "category" : "light", > "price" : 375, > "lightColor" : [255, 188, 51], > 5a9 > "description" : "A paper ceiling lamp.", 14,17d17 < < "category" : "light", < "price" : 300, < "lightColor" : [255, 188, 51], objects\hylotl\hylotllilyclock\hylotllilyclock.object 5c5 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 250, objects\hylotl\hylotllilydeco1\hylotllilydeco1.object 5c5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, objects\hylotl\hylotllilydeco2\hylotllilydeco2.object 5c5 < "price" : 600, --- > "price" : 300, objects\hylotl\hylotllilydeco3\hylotllilydeco3.object 5c5 < "price" : 800, --- > "price" : 450, 23,25c23 < "imagePosition" : [-20, -20], < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, -16], objects\hylotl\hylotllilypad\hylotllilypad.object 5c5 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 600, objects\hylotl\hylotlpainting1\hylotlpainting1.object 5c5 < "price" : 1200, --- > "price" : 350, 23c23 < "imagePosition" : [-20, -12], --- > "imagePosition" : [-20, -8], objects\hylotl\hylotlpainting2\hylotlpainting2.object 5c5 < "price" : 1200, --- > "price" : 400, 22c22 < "imagePosition" : [-20, -12], --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, -8], objects\hylotl\hylotlpost\hylotlpost.frames 5c5 < "dimensions" : [1, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [2, 1], 7c7 < [ "default" ] --- > [ "default.on", "" ] 8a9,12 > }, > > "aliases" : { > "default.default" : "default.on" objects\hylotl\hylotlpost\hylotlpost.object 4,6c4,7 < "category" : "decorative", < "price" : 750, < "description" : "A decorative wooden post.", --- > "category" : "light", > "lightColor" : [102, 95, 71], > "price" : 525, > "description" : "A decorative wooden post with a lantern in it.", 20c21 < "dualImage" : "hylotlpost.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "hylotlpost.png:.", 22,23c23 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > "animationPosition" : [-8, 0], 29c29,40 < ] --- > ], > > "animation" : "/objects/wired/light/lighttogglebgfullbright.animation", > "animationParts" : { > "bg" : "hylotlpost.png", > "fg" : "hylotlpostlit.png" > }, > > "scripts" : [ "/objects/wired/light/light.lua" ], > "scriptDelta" : 60, > > "inboundNodes" : [ [-1, 3] ] objects\hylotl\hylotlshojidoor\hylotlshojidoor.object 6c6 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 475, objects\hylotl\hylotlshojiscreen\hylotlshojiscreen.object 5c5 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 600, objects\hylotl\hylotlshorttable\hylotlshorttable.object 5c5 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 425, 20,23c20,24 < "dualImage" : "hylotlshorttable.png:", < "imagePosition" : [-20, 0], < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > "image" : "hylotlshorttable.png:", > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], > > "direction" : "left", > "flipImages" : true, 27c28,35 < "collision" : "platform" --- > "collision" : "platform", > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0] ] > }, > { > "image" : "hylotlshorttable.png:", > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], > > "direction" : "right", 28a37,40 > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "anchors" : [ "bottom" ], > "collision" : "platform", > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0] ] 29a42 > objects\hylotl\hylotlsign1b\hylotlsign1b.object 5c5 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 975, 23c23 < "imagePosition" : [-28, -28], --- > "imagePosition" : [-24, -24], objects\hylotl\hylotlsign1g\hylotlsign1g.object 5c5 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 975, 23c23 < "imagePosition" : [-28, -28], --- > "imagePosition" : [-24, -24], objects\hylotl\hylotlsign1o\hylotlsign1o.object 5c5 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 975, 23c23 < "imagePosition" : [-28, -28], --- > "imagePosition" : [-24, -24], objects\hylotl\hylotlsign2b\hylotlsign2b.object 5c5 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 900, 23c23 < "imagePosition" : [-40, -12], --- > "imagePosition" : [-40, -8], objects\hylotl\hylotlsign2g\hylotlsign2g.object 5c5 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 900, 22c22 < "imagePosition" : [-40, -12], --- > "imagePosition" : [-40, -8], objects\hylotl\hylotlsign2o\hylotlsign2o.object 5c5 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 900, 23c23 < "imagePosition" : [-40, -12], --- > "imagePosition" : [-40, -8], objects\hylotl\hylotlsign3b\hylotlsign3b.object 5c5 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 900, 23c23 < "imagePosition" : [-24, -20], --- > "imagePosition" : [-24, -16], objects\hylotl\hylotlsign3g\hylotlsign3g.object 5c5 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 900, 23c23 < "imagePosition" : [-24, -20], --- > "imagePosition" : [-24, -16], objects\hylotl\hylotlsign3o\hylotlsign3o.object 5c5 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 900, 23c23 < "imagePosition" : [-24, -20], --- > "imagePosition" : [-24, -16], objects\hylotl\hylotlsymbolb\hylotlsymbolb.object 5c5 < "price" : 600, --- > "price" : 900, objects\hylotl\hylotlsymbolg\hylotlsymbolg.object 5c5 < "price" : 600, --- > "price" : 900, objects\hylotl\hylotlwaterfeature1\hylotlwaterfeature1.object 5c5 < "price" : 1500, --- > "price" : 725, 22c22 < "imagePosition" : [-20, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-16, 0], 30c30,32 < ] --- > ], > > "soundEffect" : "/sfx/objects/fountain_small1.wav" objects\minibiome\bioluminescence\glowbush\glowbush1.object 16a17 > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\minibiome\bioluminescence\glowbush\glowbush2.object 16a17 > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\minibiome\bioluminescence\glowbush\glowbush3.object 16a17 > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\minibiome\bioluminescence\glowbush\glowbush4.object 16a17 > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\minibiome\bioluminescence\glowbush\glowbush5.object 16a17 > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\minibiome\colourful\colourfulbush1\colourfulbush1.object 3a4 > "hasObjectItem" : false, 6d6 < "price" : 400, 23c23 < "image" : "colourfulbush1.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "colourfulbush1.png:", objects\minibiome\colourful\colourfulbush2\colourfulbush2.object 3a4 > "hasObjectItem" : false, 6,7d6 < "price" : 400, < 23c22 < "image" : "colourfulbush2.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "colourfulbush2.png:", objects\minibiome\colourful\colourfulbush3\colourfulbush3.object 3a4 > "hasObjectItem" : false, 6d6 < "price" : 400, 22c22 < "image" : "colourfulbush3.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "colourfulbush3.png:", objects\minibiome\colourful\colourfulbush4\colourfulbush4.object 3a4 > "hasObjectItem" : false, 6,7d6 < "price" : 400, < 23c22 < "image" : "colourfulbush4.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "colourfulbush4.png:", objects\minibiome\colourful\colourfulbush5\colourfulbush5.object 3a4 > "hasObjectItem" : false, 6d6 < "price" : 400, 22c22 < "image" : "colourfulbush5.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "colourfulbush5.png:", objects\minibiome\crystalcave\crystalcavebush1\crystalcavebush1.object 25c25 < "image" : "crystalcavebush1.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "crystalcavebush1.png:", objects\minibiome\crystalcave\crystalcavebush2\crystalcavebush2.object 25c25 < "image" : "crystalcavebush2.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "crystalcavebush2.png:", objects\minibiome\crystalcave\crystalcavebush3\crystalcavebush3.object 25c25 < "image" : "crystalcavebush3.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "crystalcavebush3.png:", objects\minibiome\crystalcave\crystalcavebush4\crystalcavebush4.object 25c25 < "image" : "crystalcavebush4.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "crystalcavebush4.png:", objects\minibiome\crystalline\crystallinebush1\crystallinebush1.object 3a4 > "hasObjectItem" : false, 6d6 < "price" : 400, 22c22 < "image" : "crystallinebush1.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "crystallinebush1.png:", objects\minibiome\crystalline\crystallinebush2\crystallinebush2.object 3a4 > "hasObjectItem" : false, 6d6 < "price" : 400, 22c22 < "image" : "crystallinebush2.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "crystallinebush2.png:", objects\minibiome\crystalline\crystallinebush3\crystallinebush3.object 3a4 > "hasObjectItem" : false, 6d6 < "price" : 400, 22c22 < "image" : "crystallinebush3.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "crystallinebush3.png:", objects\minibiome\crystalline\crystallinebush4\crystallinebush4.object 3a4 > "hasObjectItem" : false, 6d6 < "price" : 400, 22c22 < "image" : "crystallinebush4.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "crystallinebush4.png:", objects\minibiome\flesh\fleshbush1\fleshbush1.object 3a4 > "hasObjectItem" : false, 6d6 < "price" : 300, 22c22 < "image" : "fleshbush1.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "fleshbush1.png:", objects\minibiome\flesh\fleshbush2\fleshbush2.object 3a4 > "hasObjectItem" : false, 6d6 < "price" : 300, 22c22 < "image" : "fleshbush2.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "fleshbush2.png:", objects\minibiome\flesh\fleshbush3\fleshbush3.object 3a4 > "hasObjectItem" : false, 6d6 < "price" : 300, 22c22 < "image" : "fleshbush3.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "fleshbush3.png:", objects\minibiome\flesh\fleshbush4\fleshbush4.object 3a4 > "hasObjectItem" : false, 6d6 < "price" : 300, 22c22 < "image" : "fleshbush4.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "fleshbush4.png:", objects\minibiome\flesh\fleshbush5\fleshbush5.object 3a4 > "hasObjectItem" : false, 6d6 < "price" : 300, 22c22 < "image" : "fleshbush5.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "fleshbush5.png:", objects\minibiome\flesh\fleshbush6\fleshbush6.object 3a4 > "hasObjectItem" : false, 6d6 < "price" : 300, 22c22 < "image" : "fleshbush6.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "fleshbush6.png:", objects\minibiome\heck\heckbush1\heckbush1.object 22c22 < "image" : "heckbush1.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "heckbush1.png:", objects\minibiome\heck\heckbush10\heckbush10.object 22c22 < "image" : "heckbush10.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "heckbush10.png:", objects\minibiome\heck\heckbush2\heckbush2.object 22c22 < "image" : "heckbush2.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "heckbush2.png:", objects\minibiome\heck\heckbush3\heckbush3.object 22c22 < "image" : "heckbush3.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "heckbush3.png:", objects\minibiome\heck\heckbush4\heckbush4.object 22c22 < "image" : "heckbush4.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "heckbush4.png:", objects\minibiome\heck\heckbush5\heckbush5.object 22c22 < "image" : "heckbush5.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "heckbush5.png:", objects\minibiome\heck\heckbush6\heckbush6.object 22c22 < "image" : "heckbush6.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "heckbush6.png:", objects\minibiome\heck\heckbush7\heckbush7.object 22c22 < "image" : "heckbush7.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "heckbush7.png:", objects\minibiome\heck\heckbush8\heckbush8.object 22c22 < "image" : "heckbush8.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "heckbush8.png:", objects\minibiome\heck\heckbush9\heckbush9.object 22c22 < "image" : "heckbush9.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "heckbush9.png:", objects\minibiome\hive\hivebush1\hivebush1.object 22c22 < "image" : "hivebush1.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "hivebush1.png:", objects\minibiome\hive\hivebush2\hivebush2.object 22c22 < "image" : "hivebush2.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "hivebush2.png:", objects\minibiome\hive\hivebush3\hivebush3.object 22c22 < "image" : "hivebush3.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "hivebush3.png:", objects\minibiome\hive\hivebush4\hivebush4.object 22c22 < "image" : "hivebush4.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "hivebush4.png:", objects\minibiome\hive\hivebush5\hivebush5.object 22c22 < "image" : "hivebush5.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "hivebush5.png:", objects\minibiome\jungle\junglebush1\junglebush1.object 6d5 < "price" : 400, 23c22 < "image" : "junglebush1.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "junglebush1.png:", objects\minibiome\jungle\junglebush10\junglebush10.object 6d5 < "price" : 400, 23c22 < "image" : "junglebush10.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "junglebush10.png:", 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objects\minibiome\jungle\junglebush17\junglebush17.object 6d5 < "price" : 400, 23c22 < "image" : "junglebush17.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "junglebush17.png:", objects\minibiome\jungle\junglebush18\junglebush18.object 6d5 < "price" : 400, 23c22 < "image" : "junglebush18.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "junglebush18.png:", objects\minibiome\jungle\junglebush2\junglebush2.object 6d5 < "price" : 400, 23c22 < "image" : "junglebush2.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "junglebush2.png:", objects\minibiome\jungle\junglebush3\junglebush3.object 6d5 < "price" : 400, 23c22 < "image" : "junglebush3.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "junglebush3.png:", objects\minibiome\jungle\junglebush4\junglebush4.object 6d5 < "price" : 400, 23c22 < "image" : "junglebush4.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "junglebush4.png:", objects\minibiome\jungle\junglebush5\junglebush5.object 6d5 < "price" : 400, 23c22 < "image" : "junglebush5.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "junglebush5.png:", objects\minibiome\jungle\junglebush6\junglebush6.object 6d5 < "price" : 400, 23c22 < "image" : "junglebush6.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "junglebush6.png:", objects\minibiome\jungle\junglebush7\junglebush7.object 6d5 < "price" : 400, 23c22 < "image" : "junglebush7.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "junglebush7.png:", objects\minibiome\jungle\junglebush8\junglebush8.object 6d5 < "price" : 400, 23c22 < "image" : "junglebush8.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "junglebush8.png:", objects\minibiome\jungle\junglebush9\junglebush9.object 6d5 < "price" : 400, 23c22 < "image" : "junglebush9.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "junglebush9.png:", objects\minibiome\rust\rustbush1\rustbush1.object 6d5 < "price" : 400, 23c22 < "image" : "rustbush1.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "rustbush1.png:", objects\minibiome\rust\rustbush2\rustbush2.object 6d5 < "price" : 400, 23c22 < "image" : "rustbush2.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "rustbush2.png:", objects\minibiome\rust\rustbush3\rustbush3.object 6d5 < "price" : 400, 23c22 < "image" : "rustbush3.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "rustbush3.png:", objects\minibiome\rust\rustbush4\rustbush4.object 6d5 < "price" : 400, 23c22 < "image" : "rustbush4.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "rustbush4.png:", objects\minibiome\spring\springbush1\springbush1.object 22c22 < "image" : "springbush1.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "springbush1.png:", objects\minibiome\spring\springbush2\springbush2.object 22c22 < "image" : "springbush2.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "springbush2.png:", objects\minibiome\spring\springbush3\springbush3.object 22c22 < "image" : "springbush3.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "springbush3.png:", objects\minibiome\spring\springbush4\springbush4.object 22c22 < "image" : "springbush4.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "springbush4.png:", objects\minibiome\spring\springbush5\springbush5.object 22c22 < "image" : "springbush5.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "springbush5.png:", objects\minibiome\spring\springbush6\springbush6.object 22c22 < "image" : "springbush6.png:", --- > "dualImage" : "springbush6.png:", objects\outpost\coffeemachine\coffeemachine.object 22c22 < "uiConfig" : "/interface/objectcrafting/campfire.config", --- > "uiConfig" : "/interface/objectcrafting/coffeemachine.config", objects\outpost\penguinbay\penguinbay.object 134,135c134,135 < "questIndicatorPosition" : [-3.5, 6], < "mouthPosition" : [-3.5, 4.5] --- > "questIndicatorPosition" : [3.5, -14], > "mouthPosition" : [3.5, -14] objects\teleporter\blackteleporter\blackteleporter.object 12,13c12,13 < "floranDescription" : "This elegant teleporter will shine your shoes and press your suit during the transfer.", < "glitchDescription" : "This elegant teleporter will shine your shoes and press your suit during the transfer.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Fancyy teleporter for fffancy mannn", > "glitchDescription" : "Observation: This elegant teleporter will shine your shoes and press your suit during transfer.", objects\teleporter\brassteleporter\brassteleporter.object 12,13c12,13 < "floranDescription" : "If a teleporter was powered by oil and steam, this is what it might look like.", < "glitchDescription" : "If a teleporter was powered by oil and steam, this is what it might look like.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Teleporter looksss powered by oil and ssssteam.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observation: If a teleporter was powered by oil and steam, this is what it might look like.", 16c16 < "novakidDescription" : "If a teleporter was powered by oil and steam, this is what it might look like.", --- > "novakidDescription" : "This here teleporter looks powered by oil and steam, two of my favourite things!", objects\teleporter\futureteleporter\futureteleporter.object 12,13c12,13 < "floranDescription" : "This teleporter is sleek and futuristically stylish.", < "glitchDescription" : "This teleporter is sleek and futuristically stylish.", --- > "floranDescription" : "This teleporter is sssleek and futurissstically ssstylishhh.", > "glitchDescription" : "Admiration: This teleporter is sleek and futuristically stylish.", objects\teleporter\scienceteleporter\scienceteleporter.object 12,13c12,13 < "floranDescription" : "This teleporter's cables are exposed, but touching them still voids the warranty.", < "glitchDescription" : "This teleporter's cables are exposed, but touching them still voids the warranty.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Teleporter'sss cablesss exposssed, mussst be careful. ", > "glitchDescription" : "Observation: This teleporter's cables are exposed, but touching them still voids the warranty.", objects\teleporter\stoneteleporter\stoneteleporter.object 12,13c12,13 < "floranDescription" : "This teleporter's electronics are carefully hidden behind tastefully worked stone.", < "glitchDescription" : "This teleporter's electronics are carefully hidden behind tastefully worked stone.", --- > "floranDescription" : "This teleporter'sss electronicsss hidden behind ssstone.", > "glitchDescription" : "Observation:This teleporter's electronics are carefully hidden behind tastefully worked stone.", objects\teleporter\tombteleporter\tombteleporter.object 12,13c12,13 < "floranDescription" : "A richly ornamented teleporter fit for the tombs of ancient kings.", < "glitchDescription" : "A richly ornamented teleporter fit for the tombs of ancient kings.", --- > "floranDescription" : "A teleporter fit for the tombssss of ancient kingssss.", > "glitchDescription" : "Historical: A richly ornamented teleporter fit for the tombs of ancient kings.", objects\teleporter\woodenteleporter\woodenteleporter.object 12,13c12,13 < "floranDescription" : "This teleporter smells of rich mahogany.", < "glitchDescription" : "This teleporter smells of rich mahogany.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Thisss teleporter smellsssss good. Like rich mahoganyy.", > "glitchDescription" : "My nasal module indicates this teleporter smells of rich mahogany.", objects\wired\door\door.lua 49a50,51 > elseif capability == 'openDoor' and not entity.isInboundNodeConnected(0) then > return not isDoorClosed() plants\bushes\ceiling\ceilingdesertrocks\ceilingdesertrocks.bush 7c7 < "ceiling" : "true", --- > "ceiling" : true, plants\bushes\ceiling\ceilingdesertrocks2\ceilingdesertrocks2.bush 7c7 < "ceiling" : "true", --- > "ceiling" : true, plants\bushes\ceiling\ceilingrockcave\ceilingrockcave.bush 7c7 < "ceiling" : "true", --- > "ceiling" : true, plants\bushes\ground\swampbush\swampbush.bush 2c2 < "name" : "swampshrub", --- > "name" : "swampbush", player\playereffects.animation 120c120,141 < "particles" : [ ] --- > "particles" : [ > { > "count" : 1, > "particle" : { > "type" : "animated", > "looping" : true, > "animation" : "/animations/jumpsmoke/jumpsmoke.animation", > "fade" : 0.9, > "destructionAction" : "shrink", > "destructionTime" : 0.4, > "position" : [0.0, -3], > "offsetRegion" : [0, 0, 0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 0], > "approach" : [5, 5], > "timeToLive" : 0.4, > "variance" : { > > } > } > } > ] 124c145,166 < "particles" : [ ] --- > "particles" : [ > { > "count" : 1, > "particle" : { > "type" : "animated", > "looping" : true, > "animation" : "/animations/jumpsmoke/jumpsmoke.animation", > "fade" : 0.9, > "destructionAction" : "shrink", > "destructionTime" : 0.4, > "position" : [0.0, -2.2], > "offsetRegion" : [0, 0, 0, 0], > "initialVelocity" : [0, 0], > "finalVelocity" : [0, 0], > "approach" : [5, 5], > "timeToLive" : 0.4, > "variance" : { > > } > } > } > ] projectiles\explosions\coconutexplosion\coconutbreak.config 6c6 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 1, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0, projectiles\explosions\coconutexplosion\coconutbreak.projectile 13,15c13,14 < "damageKind" : "default" < < --- > "damageKind" : "default", > "onlyHitTerrain" : true projectiles\explosions\regularexplosion2\regularexplosionfreeze.projectile 6a7,8 > "lightColor" : [255, 255, 128], > "pointLight" : true, 10c12 < "damagePoly" : [ [-27, 0], [-18, -18], [0, -27], [18, -18], [27, 0], [18, 18], [0, 27], [-18, 18] ], --- > "damagePoly" : [ [-37, 0], [-28, -28], [0, -37], [28, -28], [37, 0], [28, 28], [0, 37], [-28, 28] ], projectiles\guns\grenades\grenade\grenade.projectile 13c13 < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion/regularexplosion.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/regularexplosionfreeze.config" projectiles\guns\grenades\impactgrenade\impactgrenade.projectile 13c13 < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion/regularexplosion.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/regularexplosionfreeze.config" projectiles\guns\unsorted\electricplasmarocket\electricplasmarocket.projectile 13c13 < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/regularexplosionfreeze.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/electricexplosionfreeze.config" projectiles\guns\unsorted\electro\electro.projectile 12c12 < "piercing" : false, --- > "piercing" : true, 14c14 < "damageKind" : "default" --- > "damageKind" : "electroshock" projectiles\guns\unsorted\fireplasmarocket\fireplasmarocket.projectile 13c13 < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/regularexplosionfreeze.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/fireexplosionfreeze.config" 26c26 < "damageKind" : "fireplasmaplasma" --- > "damageKind" : "fireplasma" projectiles\guns\unsorted\iceplasmarocket\iceplasmarocket.projectile 13c13 < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/regularexplosionfreeze.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/iceexplosionfreeze.config" projectiles\guns\unsorted\poisonplasmarocket\poisonplasmarocket.projectile 13c13 < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/regularexplosionfreeze.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/poisonexplosionfreeze.config" projectiles\swoosh\axe\axeboneswoosh\axeboneswoosh.projectile 15c15 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\axe\axeswoosh\axeswoosh.projectile 17c17 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\axe\axeswoosh1\axeswoosh1.projectile 14c14 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\axe\coralswoosh\coralswoosh.projectile 61c61 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\axe\coralswooshx\coralswooshx.projectile 65c65 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\bloodswoosh\bloodswoosh.projectile 37c37 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\broadswordswoosh\broadswordswoosh.projectile 17c17 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\cellswoosh\cellswoosh.projectile 29c29 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\cellswooshx\cellswooshx.projectile 29c29 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\electricbroadswordswoosh\electricbroadswordswoosh.projectile 20c20 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\electricbroadswordswoosh\rareelectricbroadswordswoosh.projectile 20c20 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\firebroadswordswoosh\firebroadswordswoosh.projectile 21c21 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\firebroadswordswoosh\rarefirebroadswordswoosh.projectile 21c21 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\icebroadswordswoosh\icebroadswordswoosh.projectile 20c20 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\icebroadswordswoosh\rareicebroadswordswoosh.projectile 15c15 < "damageKind" : "icebroadsword", --- > "damageKind" : "icedagger", 20c20 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\poisonbroadswordswoosh\poisonbroadswordswoosh.projectile 20c20 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\poisonbroadswordswoosh\rarepoisonbroadswordswoosh.projectile 20c20 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\rainbowswoosh\rainbowswoosh.projectile 16c16 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\testswoosh3\testswoosh3.projectile 14c14 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\waterbroadswordswoosh\waterbroadswordswoosh.projectile 60c60 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\dagger\daggerswoosh\daggerswoosh.projectile 17c17 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 0, projectiles\swoosh\dagger\daggerswoosh1\daggerswoosh1.projectile 14c14 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 0, projectiles\swoosh\dagger\heckswoosh\heckswoosh.projectile 42c42 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 0, projectiles\swoosh\dagger\heckswooshx\heckswooshx.projectile 56c56 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 0, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\bluntonehandedswoosh\bluntonehandedswoosh.projectile 14c14 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 15, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\boneswoosh\boneswoosh.projectile 21c21 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 60, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\cactislammerswoosh\cactislammerswoosh.projectile 53c53 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 60, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\floranmaceswoosh\floranmaceswoosh.projectile 52c52 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 60, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\fryingpanswoosh\fryingpanswoosh1.projectile 15c15 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 10, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\hammerswoosh\hammerswoosh.projectile 17c17 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 60, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\hammerswoosh1\hammerswoosh1.projectile 14c14 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 60, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\hiveswoosh\hiveswoosh.projectile 33c33 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 60, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\hiveswooshx\hiveswooshx.projectile 36c36 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 60, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\shroomswoosh\shroomswoosh.projectile 29c29 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 60, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\shroomswooshx\shroomswooshx.projectile 32c32 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 60, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\steelchairswoosh\steelchairswoosh.projectile 16c16 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\tarhammerswoosh\tarhammerswoosh.projectile 19c19 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 60, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayonblueswoosh\crayonblueswoosh.projectile 17c17 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 10, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayongreenswoosh\crayongreenswoosh.projectile 17c17 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 0, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayonorangeswoosh\crayonorangeswoosh.projectile 17c17 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 0, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayonpurpleswoosh\crayonpurpleswoosh.projectile 17c17 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 0, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayonredswoosh\crayonredswoosh.projectile 17c17 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 0, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayonyellowswoosh\crayonyellowswoosh.projectile 17c17 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 0, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\shortshroomswoosh1\shortshroomswoosh1.projectile 29c29 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 15, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\shortswordhuntingswoosh1\shortswordhuntingswoosh1.projectile 14c14 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 15, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\shortswordswoosh\shortswordswoosh.projectile 17c17 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 15, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\shortswordswoosh1\shortswordswoosh1.projectile 14c14 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 15, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\slimeswoosh\slimeswoosh.projectile 35c35 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 15, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\slimeswooshx\slimeswooshx.projectile 35c35 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 15, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\wildswoosh\wildswoosh.projectile 32c32 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 15, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\wildswooshx\wildswooshx.projectile 32c32 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 15, projectiles\swoosh\spear\crystalswoosh\crystalswoosh.projectile 28c28 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 10, projectiles\swoosh\spear\crystalswooshx\crystalswooshx.projectile 28c28 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 10, projectiles\swoosh\spear\floranprodswoosh\floranprodswoosh.projectile 17c17 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 10, projectiles\swoosh\spear\frostspearswoosh\frostspearswoosh.projectile 18c18 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 10, projectiles\swoosh\spear\slaveswordshot\slaveswordswoosh.projectile 25c25 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\spear\spearswoosh\spearswoosh.projectile 17c17 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 10, projectiles\swoosh\spear\spearswoosh1\spearswoosh1.projectile 14c14 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 10, projectiles\swoosh\spear\tarspearswoosh\tarspearswoosh.projectile 26c26 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 10, projectiles\swoosh\unused\chomp4\chomp4.frames 4c4 < "dimensions" : [4, 1], --- > "dimensions" : [5, 1], 7c7 < [ "0", "1", "2", "3" ] --- > [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" ] projectiles\swoosh\unused\chomp4\chomp4.projectile 6c6 < "frameNumber" : 4, --- > "frameNumber" : 5, projectiles\swoosh\unused\testsideswoosh\testsideswoosh.projectile 13c13 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 15, projectiles\swoosh\unused\testswoosh\testswoosh.projectile 13c13 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\unused\testswoosh2\testswoosh2.projectile 13c13 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\swoosh\unused\testswoosh4\testswoosh4.projectile 13c13 < "knockback" : 35, --- > "knockback" : 30, projectiles\throwable\gasgrenade\gasgrenade.projectile 16c16 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2 --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1 23c23 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2 --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1 30c30 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2 --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1 37c37 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2 --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1 44c44 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2 --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1 51c51 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2 --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1 58c58 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2 --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1 65c65 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2 --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1 72c72 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2 --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1 79c79 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2 --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1 86c86 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2 --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1 93c93 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2 --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1 100c100 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2 --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1 107c107 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2 --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1 114c114 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2 --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1 121c121 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2 --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1 128c128 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2 --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1 projectiles\throwable\phoenix\phoenix.projectile 9a10 > "damagePoly" : [ [12, 0], [16, -8], [24, -12], [32, -8], [36, 0], [32, 8], [24, 12], [16, 8] ], 13c14 < "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/regularexplosion2universal.config" --- > "file" : "/projectiles/explosions/regularexplosion2/regularexplosionfreeze.config" 19c20 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.001, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.05, 26c27 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.001, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.05, 33c34 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.001, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.05, 40c41 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.001, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.05, 47c48 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.001, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.05, 54c55 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.001, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.05, 61c62 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.001, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.05, 68c69 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.001, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.05, 75c76 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.001, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.05, 82c83 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.001, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.05, 86c87 < "power" : 10.0, --- > "power" : 7.5, projectiles\throwable\snowflakeshuriken\snowflakeshuriken.projectile 16c16,19 < "damageKind" : "dagger", --- > "damageKind" : "icebroadsword", > "statusEffects" : [ > "frostslow", "damagefreeze" > ], projectiles\throwable\thorngrenade\thorngrenade.projectile 18c18 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.85, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, 24c24,30 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.85, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, > "angle" : 11 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "fruitthorn", > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, 30c36,42 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.85, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, > "angle" : 34 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "fruitthorn", > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, 36c48,54 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.85, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, > "angle" : 56 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "fruitthorn", > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, 42c60,66 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.85, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, > "angle" : 79 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "fruitthorn", > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, 48c72,78 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.85, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, > "angle" : 101 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "fruitthorn", > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, 54c84,90 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.85, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, > "angle" : 124 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "fruitthorn", > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, 60c96,102 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.85, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, > "angle" : 146 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "fruitthorn", > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, 66c108,114 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.85, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, > "angle" : 169 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "fruitthorn", > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, 72c120,126 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.85, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, > "angle" : 191 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "fruitthorn", > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, 78c132,138 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.85, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, > "angle" : 214 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "fruitthorn", > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, 84c144,150 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.85, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, > "angle" : 236 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "fruitthorn", > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, 90c156,162 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.85, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, > "angle" : 259 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "fruitthorn", > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, 96c168,174 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.85, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, > "angle" : 281 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "fruitthorn", > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, 102c180,186 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.85, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, > "angle" : 304 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "fruitthorn", > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, 108c192,198 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.85, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, > "angle" : 326 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "fruitthorn", > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, 109a200,205 > }, > { > "action" : "projectile", > "type" : "fruitthorn", > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.1, > "angle" : 349 projectiles\throwable\throwingaxe\throwingaxe.projectile 15a16 > //"piercing" : true, projectiles\unsorted\coconut\coconut.projectile 8c8 < "damageKind" : "snowball", --- > "damageKind" : "hammer", scripts\pathing.lua 456c456 < local collisionResolve = world.resolvePolyCollision(mcontroller.collisionPoly(), position, 0.9) --- > local collisionResolve = world.resolvePolyCollision(mcontroller.collisionPoly(), position, 0.2) 573a574,580 > end > > function debugRect(rect, color) > world.debugLine({rect[1], rect[2]}, {rect[3], rect[2]}, color) > world.debugLine({rect[3], rect[2]}, {rect[3], rect[4]}, color) > world.debugLine({rect[3], rect[4]}, {rect[1], rect[4]}, color) > world.debugLine({rect[1], rect[4]}, {rect[1], rect[2]}, color) scripts\util.lua 106c106 < return util.toDirection(math.random(0, 2) - 1) --- > return util.toDirection(math.random(0, 1) - 0.5) species\apex.species 62,64c62,64 < { "item" : "apextier5head" }, < { "item" : "apextier5chest" }, < { "item" : "apextier5pants" }, --- > { "item" : "apextier5ahead" }, > { "item" : "apextier5achest" }, > { "item" : "apextier5apants" }, 66,78c66,73 < < { "item" : "apextier6head" }, < { "item" : "apextier6chest" }, < { "item" : "apextier6pants" }, < { "item" : "apextier6dagger" }, < < { "item" : "apextier7head" }, < { "item" : "apextier7chest" }, < { "item" : "apextier7pants" }, < < { "item" : "apextier8head" }, < { "item" : "apextier8chest" }, < { "item" : "apextier8pants" }, --- > > { "item" : "apextier5mhead" }, > { "item" : "apextier5mchest" }, > { "item" : "apextier5mpants" }, > > { "item" : "apextier5shead" }, > { "item" : "apextier5schest" }, > { "item" : "apextier5spants" }, 85,92c80,92 < < { "item" : "apextier9head" }, < { "item" : "apextier9chest" }, < { "item" : "apextier9pants" }, < < { "item" : "apextier10head" }, < { "item" : "apextier10chest" }, < { "item" : "apextier10pants" }, --- > > { "item" : "apextier6ahead" }, > { "item" : "apextier6achest" }, > { "item" : "apextier6apants" }, > { "item" : "apextier6dagger" }, > > { "item" : "apextier6mhead" }, > { "item" : "apextier6mchest" }, > { "item" : "apextier6mpants" }, > > { "item" : "apextier6shead" }, > { "item" : "apextier6schest" }, > { "item" : "apextier6spants" }, species\avian.species 61,64c61,64 < < { "item" : "aviantier5head" }, < { "item" : "aviantier5chest" }, < { "item" : "aviantier5pants" }, --- > > { "item" : "aviantier5ahead" }, > { "item" : "aviantier5achest" }, > { "item" : "aviantier5apants" }, 66,78c66,73 < < { "item" : "aviantier6head" }, < { "item" : "aviantier6chest" }, < { "item" : "aviantier6pants" }, < { "item" : "aviantier6dagger" }, < < { "item" : "aviantier7head" }, < { "item" : "aviantier7chest" }, < { "item" : "aviantier7pants" }, < < { "item" : "aviantier8head" }, < { "item" : "aviantier8chest" }, < { "item" : "aviantier8pants" }, --- > > { "item" : "aviantier5mhead" }, > { "item" : "aviantier5mchest" }, > { "item" : "aviantier5mpants" }, > > { "item" : "aviantier5shead" }, > { "item" : "aviantier5schest" }, > { "item" : "aviantier5spants" }, 85,92c80,92 < < { "item" : "aviantier9head" }, < { "item" : "aviantier9chest" }, < { "item" : "aviantier9pants" }, < < { "item" : "aviantier10head" }, < { "item" : "aviantier10chest" }, < { "item" : 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: "hylotltier6spants" }, species\novakid.species 43,55c43,46 < < { "item" : "novatier5rifle" }, < { "item" : "novatier5revolver" }, < { "item" : "novatier5head" }, < { "item" : "novatier5chest" }, < { "item" : "novatier5pants" }, < < { "item" : "novatier6rifle" }, < { "item" : "novatier6revolver" }, < { "item" : "novatier6head" }, < { "item" : "novatier6chest" }, < { "item" : "novatier6pants" }, < --- > > { "item" : "novatier5ahead" }, > { "item" : "novatier5achest" }, > { "item" : "novatier5apants" }, 58,67c49,58 < { "item" : "novatier7head" }, < { "item" : "novatier7chest" }, < { "item" : "novatier7pants" }, < < { "item" : "novatier8rifle" }, < { "item" : "novatier8revolver" }, < { "item" : "novatier8head" }, < { "item" : "novatier8chest" }, < { "item" : "novatier8pants" }, < --- > > { "item" : "novatier5mhead" }, > { "item" : "novatier5mchest" }, > { "item" : "novatier5mpants" }, > { "item" : "novatier5rifle" }, > { "item" : "novatier5revolver" }, > > { "item" : "novatier5shead" }, > { "item" : "novatier5schest" }, > { "item" : "novatier5spants" }, 70,73c61,76 < { "item" : "novatier9head" }, < { "item" : "novatier9chest" }, < { "item" : "novatier9pants" }, < --- > > { "item" : "novatier6ahead" }, > { "item" : "novatier6achest" }, > { "item" : "novatier6apants" }, > { "item" : "novatier8rifle" }, > { "item" : "novatier8revolver" }, > > { "item" : "novatier6mhead" }, > { "item" : "novatier6mchest" }, > { "item" : "novatier6mpants" }, > { "item" : "novatier6rifle" }, > { "item" : "novatier6revolver" }, > > { "item" : "novatier6shead" }, > { "item" : "novatier6schest" }, > { "item" : "novatier6spants" }, 75,78c78 < { "item" : "novatier10revolver" }, < { "item" : "novatier10head" }, < { "item" : "novatier10chest" }, < { "item" : "novatier10pants" } --- > { "item" : "novatier10revolver" } species\penguin.species 2a3 > "humanoidConfig" : "/species/penguinoid.config", 33,131d33 < ], < "tier2" : [ < { "item" : "humantier2hammer" }, < { "item" : "humantier2shortsword" }, < 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"item" : "humantier5pants" }, < { "item" : "humantier5hammer" }, < { "item" : "humantier5shortsword" }, < { "item" : "humantier5broadsword" }, < { "item" : "humantier5spear" }, < { "item" : "humantier5axe" }, < { "item" : "humantier5dagger" } < ], < "level33" : [ < { "item" : "humantier6head" }, < { "item" : "humantier6chest" }, < { "item" : "humantier6pants" }, < { "item" : "humantier6hammer" }, < { "item" : "humantier6shortsword" }, < { "item" : "humantier6broadsword" }, < { "item" : "humantier6spear" }, < { "item" : "humantier6axe" }, < { "item" : "humantier6dagger" } < ], < "level34" : [ < { "item" : "humantier7head" }, < { "item" : "humantier7chest" }, < { "item" : "humantier7pants" }, < { "item" : "humantier7hammer" }, < { "item" : "humantier7shortsword" }, < { "item" : "humantier7broadsword" }, < { "item" : "humantier7spear" }, < { "item" : "humantier7axe" }, < { "item" : "humantier7dagger" } < ], < "level35" : [ < { "item" : "humantier8head" }, < { "item" : "humantier8chest" }, < { "item" : "humantier8pants" }, < { "item" : "humantier8hammer" }, < { "item" : "humantier8shortsword" }, < { "item" : "humantier8broadsword" }, < { "item" : "humantier8spear" }, < { "item" : "humantier8axe" }, < { "item" : "humantier8dagger" } < ], < "level36" : [ < { "item" : "humantier9head" }, < { "item" : "humantier9chest" }, < { "item" : "humantier9pants" }, < { "item" : "humantier9hammer" }, < { "item" : "humantier9shortsword" }, < { "item" : "humantier9broadsword" }, < { "item" : "humantier9spear" }, < { "item" : "humantier9axe" }, < { "item" : "humantier9dagger" } < ], < "level37" : [ < { "item" : "humantier10head" }, < { "item" : "humantier10chest" }, < { "item" : "humantier10pants" }, < { "item" : "humantier10hammer" }, < { "item" : "humantier10shortsword" }, < { "item" : "humantier10broadsword" }, < { "item" : "humantier10spear" }, < { "item" : "humantier10axe" }, < { "item" : "humantier10dagger" } stats\effects\lanternglow\lanternglow.animation 6c6 < "color" : [100, 100, 80], --- > "color" : [150, 150, 130], terrain\cave\corecaves.terrain 11c11 < "layerDensity" : 0.08, --- > "layerDensity" : 0.07, 52c52 < "layerDensity" : 0.04, --- > "layerDensity" : 0.035, 107c107 < "numberOfWormsPerSectorRange" : [0.25, 0.3], --- > "numberOfWormsPerSectorRange" : [0.7, 0.7], 111c111 < "wormLengthRange" : [60, 120], --- > "wormLengthRange" : [80, 120], terrain\cave\normalcaves.terrain 11c11 < "layerDensity" : 0.08, --- > "layerDensity" : 0.07, 107c107 < "numberOfWormsPerSectorRange" : [0.25, 0.3], --- > "numberOfWormsPerSectorRange" : [0.7, 0.7], 111c111 < "wormLengthRange" : [60, 120], --- > "wormLengthRange" : [80, 120], terrain\cave\surfacecaves.terrain 11c11 < "layerDensity" : 0.08, --- > "layerDensity" : 0.07, 34c34 < "amplitude" : 16, --- > "amplitude" : 14, 66c66 < "numberOfWormsPerSectorRange" : [0.25, 0.3], --- > "numberOfWormsPerSectorRange" : [0.7, 0.7], 70c70 < "wormLengthRange" : [60, 120], --- > "wormLengthRange" : [80, 120], terrain\disperse\asteroids.terrain 3a4 > //jags 7,9c8,11 < "xFreq" : 0.2, < "xAmp" : 1, < "xXInfluence" : 0, --- > "xFreq" : 0.08, > "xAmp" : 10, > "xXInfluence" : 0.3, > "xYInfluence" : 0.5, 11,13c13,15 < "yOctaves" : 2, < "yFreq" : 0.2, < "yAmp" : 1, --- > "yOctaves" : 1, > "yFreq" : 0.1, > "yAmp" : 3, 20a23 > //big ones 22d24 < "seedBias" : 1, 24,36c26,27 < "octaves" : 1, < "freq" : 0.007, < "amp" : 1, < "bias" : -0.44, < "xInfluence" : 0.66, < "yInfluence" : 1.0 < }, < { < "type" : "perlin", < "seedBias" : 2, < "function" : "perlin", < "octaves" : 1, < "freq" : 0.01, --- > "octaves" : 2, > "freq" : 0.012, 38,39c29,30 < "bias" : -0.44, < "xInfluence" : 0.66, --- > "bias" : -0.4, > "xInfluence" : 0.5, 42a34 > //small ones 44d35 < "seedBias" : 3, 47c38 < "freq" : 0.0177, --- > "freq" : 0.025, 49,50c40,41 < "bias" : -0.44, < "xInfluence" : 0.66, --- > "bias" : -0.45, > "xInfluence" : 0.8, tiles\materials\asphalt.material 4c4 < "particleColor" : [166, 27, 32, 255], --- > "particleColor" : [44, 44, 44, 255], tiles\materials\aztec.material 21c21 < "zLevel" : 0 --- > "zLevel" : 1 tiles\materials\aztectech.material 21c21 < "zLevel" : 0 --- > "zLevel" : 1 tiles\materials\supermatter.material 7,9c7 < "shortdescription" : "Super Matterk", < "glitchDescription" : "-todo-", < "floranDescription" : "Ssshiny block.", --- > "shortdescription" : "Super Matter", tiles\materials\temple1.material 21c21 < "zLevel" : 0 --- > "zLevel" : 1 tiles\materials\temple2.material 21c21 < "zLevel" : 0 --- > "zLevel" : 1 tiles\materials\temple3.material 21c21 < "zLevel" : 0 --- > "zLevel" : 1 tiles\materials\temple4.material 21c21 < "zLevel" : 0 --- > "zLevel" : 1 treasure\apexresearchlab.treasurepools 63c63 < {"weight" : 0.025, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } ]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.025, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "uncommonpistol" } ]}, treasure\biome.treasurepools 397c397 < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "mushroomsword" } ]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : "mushroomsword" }, treasure\common.treasurepools 61,64c61,64 < {"weight" : 0.35, "pool" : "chestMoney"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "healingItem"}, < {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "ore"}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "pool" : "weapon"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "weapon"}, > {"weight" : 0.25, "pool" : "chestMoney"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "pool" : "healingItem"}, > {"weight" : 0.1, "pool" : "ore"}, 369,394c369,376 < {"weight" : 1.0, "pool" : "commonMelee"} < ] < }], < [1.9, { < "pool" : [ < {"weight" : 0.6, "pool" : "commonMelee"}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "uncommonMelee"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "uniqueMelee"}, < < {"weight" : 0.125, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "crossbow" } ]}, < {"weight" : 0.025, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "crossbowspecial" } ]} < ] < }], < [2.9, { < "pool" : [ < {"weight" : 0.1, "pool" : "commonMelee"}, < {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "uncommonMelee"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "uniqueMelee"}, < < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "crossbow" } ]}, < {"weight" : 0.025, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "crossbowspecial" } ]}, < < {"weight" : 0.1, "pool" : "commonGun"}, < {"weight" : 0.33, "pool" : "uncommonGun"}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "rareGun"}, < {"weight" : 0.02, "pool" : "legendaryGun"} --- > {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "commonMelee"}, > {"weight" : 0.13, "pool" : "uncommonMelee"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "rareMelee"}, > {"weight" : 0.02, "pool" : "uniqueMelee"}, > > {"weight" : 0.30, "pool" : "commonGun"}, > {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "uncommonGun"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "rareGun"} 402,414d383 < {"weight" : 1.0, "pool" : "uncommonMelee"} < ] < }], < [1.9, { < "pool" : [ < {"weight" : 0.55, "pool" : "uncommonMelee"}, < {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "uniqueMelee"}, < < {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "crossbowspecial" } ]} < ] < }], < [3.9, { < "pool" : [ 416,418c385,386 < {"weight" : 0.1, "pool" : "uniqueMelee"}, < < {"weight" : 0.1, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "crossbowspecial" } ]}, --- > {"weight" : 0.10, "pool" : "rareMelee"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "uniqueMelee"}, 421,422c389 < {"weight" : 0.07, "pool" : "rareGun"}, < {"weight" : 0.03, "pool" : "legendaryGun"} --- > {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "rareGun"} 430,433c397,401 < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "bomb", 3]}, < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "throwingdagger", 10]}, < {"weight" : 0.3, "item" : [ "javelin", 10]}, < {"weight" : 0.2, "item" : [ "molotov", 5]} --- > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : [ "bomb", 3]}, > {"weight" : 0.25, "item" : [ "throwingdagger", 10]}, > {"weight" : 0.25, "item" : [ "throwingspear", 10]}, > {"weight" : 0.25, "item" : [ "throwingaxe", 5]}, > {"weight" : 0.15, "item" : [ "molotov", 5]} 441,448d408 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "crappybroadsword" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "crappyaxe" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "crappyspear" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "crappyhammer" } ]} < ] < }], < [1.9, { < "pool" : [ 456,465d415 < }], < [2.9, { < "pool" : [ < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "tier3broadsword" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "tier3axe" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "tier3spear" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "tier3hammer" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "tier3dagger" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "tier3shortsword" } ]} < ] 471a422 > {"weight" : 0.007, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "uncommonbroadsword" } ]}, 478,479c429,433 < }], < [2.9, { --- > }] > ], > > "rareMelee" : [ > [0, { 481,485c435,440 < {"weight" : 0.007, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "uncommontier3axe" } ]}, < {"weight" : 0.007, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "uncommontier3spear" } ]}, < {"weight" : 0.007, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "uncommontier3hammer" } ]}, < {"weight" : 0.007, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "uncommontier3dagger" } ]}, < {"weight" : 0.007, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "uncommontier3shortsword" } ]} --- > {"weight" : 0.007, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "rarebroadsword" } ]}, > {"weight" : 0.007, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "rareaxe" } ]}, > {"weight" : 0.007, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "rarespear" } ]}, > {"weight" : 0.007, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "rarehammer" } ]}, > {"weight" : 0.007, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "raredagger" } ]}, > {"weight" : 0.007, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "rareshortsword" } ]} 490c445 < "commonGun" : [ --- > "uniqueMelee" : [ 493,500c448,455 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "commonassaultrifle" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "commonshotgun" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "commonsniperrifle" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "commonpistol" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "commonmachinepistol" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "commongrenadelauncher" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "commonrocketlauncher" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "revolver" } ]} --- > {"weight" : 0.0010, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "firesword" } ]}, > {"weight" : 0.0010, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "watersword" } ]}, > {"weight" : 0.0010, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "eyesword" } ]}, > {"weight" : 0.0010, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "bonehammer" } ]}, > {"weight" : 0.0010, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "boneaxe" } ]}, > {"weight" : 0.0015, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "teslaspear" } ]}, > {"weight" : 0.0015, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "slavesword" } ]}, > {"weight" : 0.0012, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "starcleaversword" } ]} 502,503c457,461 < }], < [4.9, { --- > }] > ], > > "commonGun" : [ > [0, { 506d463 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } ]}, 508d464 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } ]}, 510d465 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } ]}, 512d466 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } ]}, 514d467 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } ]}, 517c470,471 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "revolver" } ]} --- > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "revolver" } ]}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "crossbow" } ]} 531,544c485,486 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "uncommonrocketlauncher" } ]} < ] < }], < [4.9, { < "pool" : [ < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "uncommongrenadelauncher" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "uncommonassaultrifle" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "uncommonshotgun" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "uncommonplasmashotgun" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "uncommonsniperrifle" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "uncommonplasmasniperrifle" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "uncommonpistol" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "uncommonmachinepistol" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "uncommonrocketlauncher" } ]} --- > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "uncommonrocketlauncher" } ]}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "crossbowspecial" } ]} 559,603d500 < ] < }], < [4.9, { < "pool" : [ < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "rareassaultrifle" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "rareplasmaassaultrifle" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "rareshotgun" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "rareplasmashotgun" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "raresniperrifle" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "rareplasmasniperrifle" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "rarepistol" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "rareplasmapistol" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "raremachinepistol" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "rareplasmamachinepistol" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "raregrenadelauncher" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "rarerocketlauncher" } ]} < ] < }] < ], < < "legendaryGun" : [ < [0, { < "pool" : [ < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "legendarygrenadelauncher" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "legendaryassaultrifle" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "legendaryshotgun" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "legendarysniperrifle" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "legendarypistol" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "legendarymachinepistol" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "legendaryrocketlauncher" } ]} < ] < }] < ], < < "uniqueMelee" : [ < [0, { < "pool" : [ < {"weight" : 0.0010, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "firesword" } ]}, < {"weight" : 0.0010, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "watersword" } ]}, < {"weight" : 0.0010, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "eyesword" } ]}, < {"weight" : 0.0010, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "bonehammer" } ]}, < {"weight" : 0.0010, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "boneaxe" } ]}, < {"weight" : 0.0015, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "teslaspear" } ]}, < {"weight" : 0.0015, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "slavesword" } ]}, < {"weight" : 0.0012, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "starcleaversword" } ]} treasure\dungeon.treasurepools 18a19,34 > "challengeroomtreasure" : [ > [1, { > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 0.4, "pool" : "money"}, > {"weight" : 0.3, "pool" : "food"}, > {"weight" : 0.25, "pool" : "healingItem"}, > {"weight" : 0.05, "pool" : "weapon"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.20, 0], > [0.80, 1] > ], > "allowDuplication" : true > }] > ], > 191,195c207,213 < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "commonplasmapistol" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "commonplasmamachinepistol" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "commonplasmashotgun" } ]}, < {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } ]} --- > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "uncommonpistol" } ]}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "uncommonmachinepistol" } ]}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "uncommonassaultrifle" } ]}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "uncommonshotgun" } ]}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "uncommonsniperrifle" } ]}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "uncommongrenadelauncher" } ]}, > {"weight" : 1.0, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "uncommonrocketlauncher" } ]} treasure\fishing.treasurepools 6c6 < {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "crappybroadsword", "level" : 1 }]} --- > {"weight" : 0.5, "item" : [ "generatedsword", 1, { "definition" : "commonbroadsword", "level" : 1 }]} treasure\npc.treasurepools 116,118c116,117 < {"weight" : 0.2, "pool" : "uncommonGun"}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "pool" : "rareGun"}, < {"weight" : 0.1, "pool" : "legendaryGun"}, --- > {"weight" : 0.25, "pool" : "uncommonGun"}, > {"weight" : 0.15, "pool" : "rareGun"}, 262,263d260 < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "commonplasmasniperrifle" } ]}, < {"weight" : 0.05, "item" : [ "generatedgun", 1, { "definition" : "commonplasmaassaultrifle" } ]}, weather\meteorshower\ 3c3 < "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/meteorstorm.png", --- > "icon" : "/interface/cockpit/weather/smallmeteorstorm.png",