FILES ----- terrestrial_worlds.config [NEW] animations\teslabolt\teslabolt.animation [NEW] animations\teslabolt\teslabolt.frames [NEW] animations\teslabolt\teslabolt.png [NEW] effects\electricswoosh.effectsource [NEW] effects\fireswoosh.effectsource [NEW] effects\largeelectricswoosh.effectsource [NEW] effects\largefireswoosh.effectsource items\generic\produce\sugar.item items\generic\produce\wheat.item [NEW] items\swords\randomgenerated\newuncommonaxe.generatedsword [NEW] items\swords\randomgenerated\newuncommondagger.generatedsword [NEW] items\swords\randomgenerated\newuncommonhammer.generatedsword [NEW] items\swords\randomgenerated\newuncommononehandedsword.generatedsword [NEW] items\swords\randomgenerated\newuncommonspear.generatedsword [NEW] items\swords\randomgenerated\newuncommontwohandedsword.generatedsword [NEW] items\throwables\petball.thrownitem monsters\pets\groundpet.lua monsters\pets\actions\begaction.lua monsters\pets\actions\eataction.lua monsters\pets\actions\followaction.lua monsters\pets\actions\inspectaction.lua monsters\pets\actions\pounceaction.lua monsters\pets\actions\sleepaction.lua [NEW] monsters\pets\actions\starvingaction.lua monsters\pets\cat\catbehavior.lua monsters\pets\cat\petcat.monstertype [NEW] monsters\pets\crasberry\body.monsterpart [NEW] monsters\pets\crasberry\crasberry.animation [NEW] monsters\pets\crasberry\crasberry.frames [NEW] monsters\pets\crasberry\crasberry.monstertype [NEW] monsters\pets\crasberry\crasberry.png [NEW] monsters\pets\petball\ball.frames [NEW] monsters\pets\petball\ball.png [NEW] monsters\pets\petball\body.monsterpart [NEW] monsters\pets\petball\petball.animation [NEW] monsters\pets\petball\petball.lua [NEW] monsters\pets\petball\petball.monstertype objects\apex\apexcoolbookcase\apexcoolbookcase.object objects\apex\apexstatue\apexstatue.object objects\apex\apexstatue1\apexstatue1.object objects\apex\apexstatue2\apexstatue2.object objects\apex\classicapestatue\classicapestatue.object objects\apex\classicchina\classicchina.object objects\avian\goldenducky\goldenducky.object objects\avian\goldenjar1\goldenjar1.object objects\avian\goldenurn\goldenurn.object objects\avian\idolsupport\idolsupport.object objects\avian\lamp\lamp.object objects\avian\marketstall4\marketstall4.object objects\avian\marketstall5\marketstall5.object objects\avian\mask1\mask1.object objects\avian\mask2\mask2.object objects\avian\mask3\mask3.object objects\avian\mask4\mask4.object objects\avian\mask5\mask5.object objects\avian\mask6\mask6.object objects\avian\mask7\mask7.object objects\avian\midjar1\midjar1.object objects\avian\moonemblem\moonemblem.object objects\avian\owlclock\owlclock.object objects\avian\propeller\propeller.object objects\avian\sacrificialaltar\sacrificialaltar.object objects\avian\sarcoavian1\sarcoavian1.object objects\avian\sarcoavian2\sarcoavian2.object objects\avian\sarcobunny\sarcobunny.object objects\avian\sarcohuman\sarcohuman.object objects\avian\sarcohuman\sarcohumanalive.object objects\avian\sawblade\sawblade.object objects\avian\screen1\screen1.object objects\avian\screen2\screen2.object objects\avian\screen3\screen3.object objects\avian\screen4\screen4.object objects\avian\screen5\screen5.object objects\avian\shipwheel\shipwheel.object objects\avian\smalljar1\smalljar1.object objects\avian\spearrack\spearrack.object objects\avian\steelbookcase\steelbookcase.object objects\avian\sundecor\sundecor.object objects\avian\talljar1\talljar1.object objects\avian\talljar2\talljar2.object objects\avian\tombstatueavian\tombstatueavian.object objects\avian\tombstatuebunny\tombstatuebunny.object objects\avian\tombstone1\tombstone1.object objects\avian\tombstone10\tombstone10.object objects\avian\tombstone11\tombstone11.object objects\avian\tombstone2\tombstone2.object objects\avian\tombstone3\tombstone3.object objects\avian\tombstone4\tombstone4.object objects\avian\tombstone5\tombstone5.object objects\avian\tombstone6\tombstone6.object objects\avian\tombstone7\tombstone7.object objects\avian\tombstone8\tombstone8.object objects\avian\tombstone9\tombstone9.object objects\avian\tombthing1\tombthing1.object objects\avian\tombthing2\tombthing2.object objects\avian\tombthing3\tombthing3.object objects\avian\tombthing4\tombthing4.object objects\avian\treasuremap\treasuremap.object objects\avian\tribalbed2\tribalbed2.object objects\avian\tribalbookcase1\tribalbookcase1.object objects\avian\tribalbookcase2\tribalbookcase2.object objects\avian\tribalcabinet1\tribalcabinet1.object objects\avian\tribalcloset1\tribalcloset1.object objects\avian\tribalcounter1\tribalcounter1.object objects\avian\tribaldoor\tribaldoor.object objects\avian\triballamp\triballamp.object objects\avian\tribalserver\tribalserver.object objects\avian\tribaltable\tribaltable.object objects\avian\tribalwallcabinet\tribalwallcabinet.object objects\avian\windchicken\windchicken.object objects\avian\wingedurn\wingedurn.object objects\bonus\tallchair\tallchair.object objects\bugs\ashsprite\ashsprite.object objects\bugs\aurorabee\aurorabee.object objects\bugs\blueback\blueback.object objects\bugs\brightstripe\brightstripe.object objects\bugs\butterbee\butterbee.object objects\bugs\cinderfly\cinderfly.object objects\bugs\dewhopper\dewhopper.object objects\bugs\driftbell\driftbell.object objects\bugs\dustmoth\dustmoth.object objects\bugs\fawnfly\fawnfly.object objects\bugs\fireygiant\fireygiant.object objects\bugs\flameroach\flameroach.object objects\bugs\frostfleck\frostfleck.object objects\bugs\frostfly\frostfly.object objects\bugs\gasgiant\gasgiant.object objects\bugs\glowbug\glowbug.object objects\bugs\goldbuck\goldbuck.object objects\bugs\greentip\greentip.object objects\bugs\heathugger\heathugger.object objects\bugs\hivehog\hivehog.object objects\bugs\icetip\icetip.object objects\bugs\lavahopper\lavahopper.object 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objects\farmables\corn\wildcornseed.object objects\farmables\currentcorn\currentcornseed.object objects\farmables\currentcorn\wildcurrentcornseed.object objects\farmables\diodia\diodiaseed.object objects\farmables\diodia\wilddiodaseed.object objects\farmables\dirturchin\dirturchinseed.object objects\farmables\dirturchin\wilddirturchinseed.object objects\farmables\eggshoot\eggshootseed.object objects\farmables\eggshoot\wildeggshootseed.object objects\farmables\feathercrown\feathercrownseed.object objects\farmables\feathercrown\wildfeathercrownseed.object objects\farmables\grapes\grapesseed.object objects\farmables\grapes\wildgrapesseed.object objects\farmables\kiwi\kiwiseed.object objects\farmables\kiwi\wildkiwiseed.object objects\farmables\neonmelon\neonmelonseed.object objects\farmables\neonmelon\wildneonmelonseed.object objects\farmables\oculemon\oculemonseed.object objects\farmables\oculemon\wildoculemonseed.object objects\farmables\pearlpea\pearlpeaseed.object objects\farmables\pearlpea\wildpearlpeaseed.object objects\farmables\pineapple\pineappleseed.object objects\farmables\pineapple\wildpineappleseed.object objects\farmables\potatoes\potatoseed.object objects\farmables\potatoes\wildpotatoseed.object objects\farmables\pussplum\pussplumseed.object objects\farmables\pussplum\wildpussplumseed.object objects\farmables\reefpod\reefpodseed.object objects\farmables\reefpod\wildreefpodseed.object objects\farmables\rice\riceseed.object objects\farmables\rice\wildriceseed.object objects\farmables\sugarcane\sugarcaneseed.object objects\farmables\sugarcane\wildsugarcaneseed.object objects\farmables\tomato\tomatoseed.object objects\farmables\tomato\wildtomatoseed.object objects\farmables\toxictop\toxictopseed.object objects\farmables\toxictop\wildtoxictopseed.object objects\farmables\wartweed\wartweedseed.object objects\farmables\wartweed\wildwartweedseed.object objects\farmables\wheat\wheatseed.object objects\farmables\wheat\wildwheatseed.object objects\floran\agaranmushroom\agaranmushroom.object objects\floran\bamboodoor\bamboodoor.object objects\floran\chestfloran1\chestfloran1.object objects\floran\chestfloran2\chestfloran2.object objects\floran\chestplant1\chestplant1.object objects\floran\floranarmchair\floranarmchair.object objects\floran\floranbed\floranbed.object objects\floran\floranbench\floranbench.object objects\floran\floranbonedisplay1\floranbonedisplay1.object objects\floran\floranbonedisplay2\floranbonedisplay2.object objects\floran\floranbonerack\floranbonerack.object objects\floran\floranbonestool\floranbonestool.object objects\floran\floranbonetable1\floranbonetable1.object objects\floran\floranbonetable2\floranbonetable2.object objects\floran\floranbookcase\floranbookcase.object objects\floran\florancabinet1\florancabinet1.object objects\floran\floranceilingbones\floranceilingbones.object objects\floran\floranceilingbones2\floranceilingbones2.object objects\floran\floranchair\floranchair.object objects\floran\floranchandelier\floranchandelier.object objects\floran\florancorner\florancorner.object objects\floran\florancouch\florancouch.object objects\floran\florancrate\florancrate.object objects\floran\florancurtain\florancurtain.object objects\floran\florandesk\florandesk.object objects\floran\florandoor\florandoor.object objects\floran\florandrum1\florandrum1.object objects\floran\florandrum2\florandrum2.object objects\floran\florandrum3\florandrum3.object objects\floran\florandrum4\florandrum4.object [NEW] particles\electricswoosh1.particle [NEW] particles\electricswoosh2.particle [NEW] particles\fireswoosh1.particle [NEW] particles\fireswoosh2.particle [NEW] particles\fireswoosh3.particle [NEW] particles\fireswoosh4.particle [NEW] particles\largefireswoosh1.particle [NEW] particles\largefireswoosh2.particle [NEW] particles\largefireswoosh3.particle [NEW] particles\largefireswoosh4.particle projectiles\physics.config [NEW] projectiles\projectiles - shortcut.lnk projectiles\swoosh\axe\axeboneswoosh\axeboneswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\axe\axeswoosh1\axeswoosh1.projectile projectiles\swoosh\axe\coralswoosh\coralswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\axe\coralswooshx\coralswooshx.projectile projectiles\swoosh\axe\electricaxe\electricaxe.projectile projectiles\swoosh\axe\fireaxe\fireaxe.projectile projectiles\swoosh\axe\poisonaxe\poisonaxe.projectile projectiles\swoosh\bloodcloud\bloodcloud.projectile projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\bloodswoosh\bloodswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\bugnet\bugnet.projectile projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\cellswoosh\cellswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\cellswooshx\cellswooshx.projectile projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\electricbroadswordswoosh\electricbroadswordswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\firebroadswordswoosh\firebroadswordswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\petals\petals.projectile projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\poisonbroadswordswoosh\poisonbroadswordswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\rainbowswoosh\rainbowswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\starcleaverswordslash\starcleaverswordslash.projectile projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\testswoosh3\testswoosh3.projectile projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\waterbroadswordswoosh\waterbroadswordswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\dagger\daggerswoosh1\daggerswoosh1.projectile projectiles\swoosh\dagger\electricdagger\electricdagger.projectile projectiles\swoosh\dagger\firedagger\firedagger.projectile projectiles\swoosh\dagger\heckswoosh\heckswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\dagger\heckswooshx\heckswooshx.projectile projectiles\swoosh\dagger\poisondagger\poisondagger.projectile projectiles\swoosh\hammer\bluntonehandedswoosh\bluntonehandedswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\hammer\boneswoosh\boneswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\hammer\cactislammerswoosh\cactislammerswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\hammer\electrichammer\electrichammer.projectile projectiles\swoosh\hammer\firehammer\firehammer.projectile projectiles\swoosh\hammer\floranmaceswoosh\floranmaceswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\hammer\fryingpanswoosh\fryingpanswoosh1.projectile projectiles\swoosh\hammer\hammerswoosh1\hammerswoosh1.projectile projectiles\swoosh\hammer\hiveswoosh\hiveswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\hammer\hiveswooshx\hiveswooshx.projectile projectiles\swoosh\hammer\poisonhammer\poisonhammer.projectile projectiles\swoosh\hammer\shroomswoosh\shroomswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\hammer\shroomswooshx\shroomswooshx.projectile projectiles\swoosh\hammer\steelchairswoosh\steelchairswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\hammer\tarhammerswoosh\tarhammerswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayonblueswoosh\crayonblueswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayongreenswoosh\crayongreenswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayonorangeswoosh\crayonorangeswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayonpurpleswoosh\crayonpurpleswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayonredswoosh\crayonredswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayonyellowswoosh\crayonyellowswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\electricshortsword\electricshortsword.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\fireshortsword\fireshortsword.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\poisonshortsword\poisonshortsword.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\shortshroomswoosh1\shortshroomswoosh1.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\shortswordhuntingswoosh1\shortswordhuntingswoosh1.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\shortswordswoosh1\shortswordswoosh1.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\slimeswoosh\slimeswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\slimeswooshx\slimeswooshx.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\wildswoosh\wildswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\wildswooshx\wildswooshx.projectile projectiles\swoosh\spear\crystalswoosh\crystalswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\spear\crystalswooshx\crystalswooshx.projectile projectiles\swoosh\spear\electricspear\electricspear.projectile projectiles\swoosh\spear\firespear\firespear.projectile projectiles\swoosh\spear\floranprodswoosh\floranprodswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\spear\frostspearswoosh\frostspearswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\spear\poisonspear\poisonspear.projectile projectiles\swoosh\spear\slaveswordshot\slaveswordswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\spear\spearswoosh1\spearswoosh1.projectile projectiles\swoosh\spear\tarspearswoosh\tarspearswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\spear\teslaspear\teslaspear.projectile projectiles\swoosh\unused\chomp1\chomp1.projectile projectiles\swoosh\unused\chomp2\chomp2.projectile projectiles\swoosh\unused\chomp3\chomp3.projectile projectiles\swoosh\unused\chomp4\chomp4.projectile projectiles\swoosh\unused\chomp5\chomp5.projectile projectiles\swoosh\unused\swoopdown1\swoopdown1.projectile projectiles\swoosh\unused\swoopup1\swoopup1.projectile projectiles\swoosh\unused\testsideswoosh\testsideswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\unused\testswoosh\testswoosh.projectile projectiles\swoosh\unused\testswoosh2\testswoosh2.projectile projectiles\swoosh\unused\testswoosh4\testswoosh4.projectile projectiles\swoosh\unused\thrust1\thrust1.projectile projectiles\throwable\molotovflame\molotovflame.png [NEW] projectiles\throwable\petball\petball.projectile recipes\craftingtable\ironcraftingtable.recipe [NEW] recipes\refinery\aegisaltore.recipe [NEW] recipes\refinery\ceruliumcompound.recipe recipes\refinery\diamond.recipe [NEW] recipes\refinery\durasteelbar.recipe [NEW] recipes\refinery\feroziumcompound.recipe recipes\refinery\goldbar.recipe recipes\refinery\goldore.recipe [NEW] recipes\refinery\imperviumcompound.recipe recipes\refinery\platinumbar.recipe recipes\refinery\platinumore.recipe [NEW] recipes\refinery\refinedaegisalt.recipe [NEW] recipes\refinery\refinedrubium.recipe [NEW] recipes\refinery\refinedviolium.recipe [NEW] recipes\refinery\rubiumore.recipe [NEW] recipes\refinery\solariumore.recipe [NEW] recipes\refinery\solariumstar.recipe [NEW] recipes\refinery\steelbar.recipe [NEW] recipes\refinery\titaniumbar.recipe [NEW] recipes\refinery\titaniumore.recipe [NEW] recipes\refinery\uraniumore.recipe [NEW] recipes\refinery\uraniumrod.recipe [NEW] recipes\refinery\violiumore.recipe DIFFS ----- terrestrial_worlds.config 284c284 < "dungeonCountRange" : [0, 2], --- > "dungeonCountRange" : [0, 1], 313c313 < "dungeonCountRange" : [0, 2], --- > "dungeonCountRange" : [0, 1], 375c375 < "dungeonCountRange" : [0, 2], --- > "dungeonCountRange" : [0, 1], 404c404 < "dungeonCountRange" : [0, 2], --- > "dungeonCountRange" : [0, 1], 433,434c433,434 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "giantflowers", "swamp" ], < "dungeonCountRange" : [0, 2], --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "giantflowers" ], > "dungeonCountRange" : [0, 1], 438c438 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves" ] 441c441 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves" ] 444c444 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves" ] 447c447 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves" ] 450c450 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves" ] 453c453 < "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves", "slimecaves" ] --- > "secondaryRegion" : [ "cellcaves", "fleshcaves" ] 492c492 < "dungeonCountRange" : [0, 2], --- > "dungeonCountRange" : [0, 1], 533c533 < "dungeonCountRange" : [0, 2], --- > "dungeonCountRange" : [0, 1], 556c556 < "dungeonCountRange" : [0, 2], --- > "dungeonCountRange" : [0, 1], 567c567 < "dungeonCountRange" : [0, 2], --- > "dungeonCountRange" : [0, 1], items\generic\produce\sugar.item 4c4 < "price" : 240, --- > "price" : 120, items\generic\produce\wheat.item 4c4 < "price" : 40, --- > "price" : 20, monsters\pets\groundpet.lua 33a34 > self.autoPickState = false 43,44d43 < storage.behaviorParams = storage.behaviorParams or entity.configParameter("behaviorParams") < self.actionCooldowns = {} 46a46 > storage.foodLikings = storage.foodLikings or {} 64,66c64 < if self.actionState.stateDesc() ~= "" or self.actionState.pickState() then < self.actionState.update(dt) < end --- > self.actionState.update(dt) 68d65 < --Some action states are triggered by resources 73c70 < if self.querySurroundingsTimer <= 0 and self.actionState.stateDesc() == "" then --- > if self.querySurroundingsTimer <= 0 then 133c130 < local foodLiking =[entityName] --- > local foodLiking = storage.foodLikings[entityName] 145c142 <[entityName] = foodLiking --- > storage.foodLikings[entityName] = foodLiking 197,200d193 < < for actionName,cooldown in pairs(self.actionCooldowns) do < self.actionCooldowns[actionName] = cooldown - dt < end monsters\pets\actions\begaction.lua 12c12 < approachDistance = entity.configParameter("actions.beg.distance", 3), --- > approachDistance = entity.configParameter("actionParams.beg.distance", 3), 15c15 < emoteCooldown = entity.configParameter("actions.beg.emoteCooldown", 2), --- > emoteCooldown = entity.configParameter("actionParams.beg.emoteCooldown", 2), 39c39 < return true --- > return true, entity.configParameter("actionParams.beg.distance", 10) monsters\pets\actions\eataction.lua 12c12 < approachDistance = entity.configParameter("", 2), --- > approachDistance = entity.configParameter("", 2), monsters\pets\actions\followaction.lua 6c6 < local startDistance = entity.configParameter("actions.follow.startDistance") --- > local startDistance = entity.configParameter("actionParams.follow.startDistance", 10) 15,17c15,17 < stopDistance = entity.configParameter("actions.follow.stopDistance"), < runDistance = entity.configParameter("actions.follow.runDistance"), < curiosityDelta = entity.configParameter("actions.follow.curiosityDelta", -5), --- > stopDistance = entity.configParameter("actionParams.follow.stopDistance", 5), > runDistance = entity.configParameter("actionParams.follow.runDistance", 20), > curiosityDelta = entity.configParameter("actionParams.follow.curiosityDelta", -5), 19c19 < boredTimer = entity.configParameter("actions.follow.boredTime", 3) --- > boredTimer = entity.configParameter("actionParams.follow.boredTime", 3) 40c40 < return true, entity.configParameter("actions.follow.cooldown", 15) --- > return true, entity.configParameter("actionParams.follow.cooldown", 15) 47c47 < return true --- > return true, entity.configParameter("actionParams.follow.cooldown", 15) monsters\pets\actions\inspectaction.lua 35c35 < return true --- > return true, entity.configParameter("actionParams.inspect.cooldown", 15) 66c66 < return true --- > return true, entity.configParameter("actionParams.inspect.cooldown", 15) 78c78,81 <[itemName] = foodLiking --- > storage.foodLikings[itemName] = foodLiking > emote("happy") > else > emote("sad") 84d86 < local monsterLiking = storage.behaviorParams.monsters[monsterType] 88d89 < storage.behaviorParams.monsters[monsterType] = monsterLiking monsters\pets\actions\pounceaction.lua 11,17d10 < --Make sure we're not too close < local minRange = entity.configParameter("pounce.minRange") < local targetDistance = world.magnitude(mcontroller.position(), world.entityPosition(args.pounceTarget)) < if targetDistance < minRange then < return nil < end < 24c17,18 < emote = args.emote --- > emote = args.emote, > direction = 1 43c37 < return true --- > return true, entity.configParameter("", 10) 50c44 < stateData.jumpVector = util.aimVector(toTarget, jumpSpeed, 1.5, false) --- > stateData.jumpVector = util.aimVector(toTarget, jumpSpeed, 1.5, true) 51a46 > stateData.direction = util.toDirection(toTarget[1]) 63c58,62 < return true --- > local targetName = world.monsterType(stateData.targetId) > if targetName == "petball" then > world.callScriptedEntity(stateData.targetId, "punt", stateData.direction) > end > return true, entity.configParameter("", 10) monsters\pets\actions\sleepaction.lua 5,6c5,6 < function sleepAction.enter() < if status.resourcePercentage("sleepy") < 1 then return nil end --- > function sleepAction.enterWith(args) > if not args.sleepAction or status.resourcePercentage("sleepy") < 1 then return nil end 22c22 < return true --- > return true, entity.configParameter("actionParams.sleep.cooldown", 15) monsters\pets\cat\catbehavior.lua 13,18c13 < ["inspect"] = catBehavior.inspect, < ["follow"] = catBehavior.follow, < ["eat"] =, < ["beg"] = catBehavior.beg, < ["emote"] = catBehavior.emote, < ["play"] = --- > ["emote"] = catBehavior.emote 21,23c16,24 < for actionName,_ in pairs(catBehavior.actions) do < self.actionCooldowns[actionName] = 0 < end --- > catBehavior.actionStates = { > ["inspect"] = "inspectAction", > ["follow"] = "followAction", > ["eat"] = "eatAction", > ["beg"] = "begAction", > ["play"] = "pounceAction", > ["sleep"] = "sleepAction", > ["starving"] = "starvingAction" > } 24a26,27 > self.currentActionScore = 0 > self.actionParams = entity.configParameter("actionParams") 36c39 < return catBehavior.actions[action.type](unpack(action.args)) --- > return catBehavior.actions[action.type](args) 44,48c47,48 < --Sort actions based on score < for _,action in pairs(catBehavior.actionQueue) do < if action.score == nil then < action.score = catBehavior.scoreAction(action) < end --- > if self.actionState.stateDesc() == "" then > self.currentActionScore = 0 50a51,59 > --Add state actions to the reaction queue > for actionName,_ in pairs(catBehavior.actionStates) do > catBehavior.queueAction(actionName) > end > > --Sort actions based on score > for _,queuedAction in pairs(catBehavior.actionQueue) do > queuedAction.score = queuedAction.score or catBehavior.scoreAction(queuedAction.type) > end 52a62 > --Pick the first valid option 54,55c64,80 < if catBehavior.performAction(action) then < self.actionCooldowns[action] = entity.configParameter("actionCooldowns")[action.type] --- > if action.score <= 0 or action.score <= self.currentActionScore then break end > > local picked = false > if not self.actionParams[action.type] or action.score > self.actionParams[action.type].minScore then > if catBehavior.actionStates[action.type] and self.actionState.stateDesc() ~= catBehavior.actionStates[action.type] then > if (action.args and self.actionState.pickState(action.args)) then > picked = true > elseif(catBehavior.actionStates[action.type] and self.actionState.pickState({[catBehavior.actionStates[action.type]] = true})) then > picked = true > end > elseif catBehavior.actions[action.type] and catBehavior.performAction(action.type) then > picked = true > end > end > > if picked then > self.currentActionScore = action.score 65,68c90,91 < if action.type == "eat" then < local itemName = world.entityName(action.args[1]) < local foodLiking = itemFoodLiking(itemName) or 50 < return 100 - status.resource("hunger") - foodLiking --- > if action == "eat" or action == "beg" then > return status.resource("hunger") 70,71c93,94 < elseif action.type == "follow" then < return status.resource("curiosity") --- > elseif action == "follow" then > return status.resource("curiosity") - catBehavior.starvingLevel() 73,74c96,97 < elseif action.type == "beg" then < return status.resource("hunger") --- > elseif action == "inspect" then > return status.resource("curiosity") - catBehavior.starvingLevel() 76,82c99,100 < elseif action.type == "inspect" then < local entityType = world.entityType(action.args[1]) < if entityType == "itemdrop" and root.itemType(world.entityName(action.args[1])) == "consumable" then < return (status.resource("curiosity") + status.resource("hunger")) / 2 < else < return status.resource("curiosity") < end --- > elseif action == "play" then > return status.resource("playful") - catBehavior.starvingLevel() 84,85c102,103 < elseif action.type == "play" then < return status.resource("playful") --- > elseif action == "sleep" then > return status.resource("sleepy") 87,88c105,109 < elseif action.type == "emote" then < return 100 --- > elseif action == "starving" then > return catBehavior.starvingLevel() - 20 > > elseif action == "emote" then > return 100 - catBehavior.starvingLevel() 94a116,124 > function catBehavior.starvingLevel() > local hunger = status.resource("hunger") > if hunger > entity.configParameter("actionParams.hungerStarvingLevel") then > return hunger > else > return 0 > end > end > 115c145,146 < catBehavior.queueAction("beg", {entityId, 3, foodLiking}) --- > local score = status.resource("hunger") - (100 - foodLiking) > catBehavior.queueAction("beg", {begTarget = entityId}, score) 119,120c150 < catBehavior.queueAction("play", {entityId}) < catBehavior.queueAction("follow", {entityId}) --- > catBehavior.queueAction("follow", {followTarget = entityId}) 122c152 < catBehavior.queueAction("inspect", {entityId, 4}) --- > catBehavior.queueAction("inspect", {inspectTarget = entityId, approachDistance = 4}) 130c160,161 < catBehavior.queueAction("eat", {entityId, foodLiking}) --- > local score = status.resource("hunger") - (100 - foodLiking) > catBehavior.queueAction("eat", {eatTarget = entityId}) 132c163 < catBehavior.queueAction("inspect", {entityId, 2}) --- > catBehavior.queueAction("inspect", {inspectTarget = entityId, approachDistance = 2}, status.resource("hunger")) 137c168,171 < --Should only react to ball --- > local entityName = world.monsterType(entityId) > if entityName == "petball" then > catBehavior.queueAction("play", {pounceTarget = entityId}) > end 144,182d177 < function catBehavior.follow(entityId) < if status.resource("curiosity") < entity.configParameter("actions.follow.minCuriosity", 35) then < return false < end < < return self.actionState.pickState({ < followTarget = entityId < }) < end < < function catBehavior.inspect(entityId, approachDistance) < return self.actionState.pickState({ < inspectTarget = entityId, < approachDistance = approachDistance < }) < end < < function, foodLiking) < --Definitely eat good food, probably not eat icky food < if status.resource("hunger") < 100 - foodLiking then < return false < end < world.logInfo("Eat %s %s", entityId, foodLiking) < return self.actionState.pickState({ < eatTarget = entityId < }) < end < < function catBehavior.beg(entityId, foodLiking) < --Only beg when quite hungry < if status.resource("hunger") < entity.configParameter("actions.beg.minHunger", 70) then < return false < end < < return self.actionState.pickState({ < begTarget = entityId < }) < end < 186,197d180 < end < < function < --Only beg when quite hungry < if status.resource("playful") < entity.configParameter("", 40) then < return false < end < < return self.actionState.pickState({ < pounceTarget = entityId, < emote = "happy" < }) monsters\pets\cat\petcat.monstertype 29c29,30 < "/monsters/pets/actions/pounceAction.lua" --- > "/monsters/pets/actions/pounceAction.lua", > "/monsters/pets/actions/starvingAction.lua" 33,37d33 < "behaviorParams" : { < "food" : {}, < "monsters" : { < } < }, 46,47c42,43 < "sleepy" : 0.5, < "hunger" : 5, --- > "sleepy" : 1, > "hunger" : 0.5, 52,61c48,49 < "actionCooldowns" : { < "inspect" : 20, < "play" : 2, < "pounce" : 5, < "eat" : 5, < "beg" : 20, < "follow" : 0 < }, < < "actions" : { --- > "actionParams" : { > "hungerStarvingLevel" : 80, 63c51,52 < "minHunger" : 70, --- > "minScore" : 50, > "cooldown" : 5, 68c57,58 < "minCuriosity" : 35, --- > "minScore" : 35, > "cooldown" : 5, 70,73d59 < "startDistance" : 10, < "stopDistance" : 5, < "runDistance" : 20, < "cooldown" : 20, 75a62,65 > "inspect" : { > "minScore" : 20, > "cooldown" : 2 > }, 76a67,68 > "minScore" : 20, > "cooldown" : 2, 80c72,81 < "minPlayful" : 40 --- > "minScore" : 20, > "cooldown" : 2 > }, > "sleep" : { > "minScore" : 75, > "cooldown" : 30 > }, > "starving" : { > "minScore" : 80, > "cooldown" : 3 objects\apex\apexcoolbookcase\apexcoolbookcase.object 7c7 < "price" : 720, --- > "price" : 725, objects\apex\apexstatue\apexstatue.object 5c5 < "price" : 350, --- > "price" : 500, objects\apex\apexstatue1\apexstatue1.object 5c5 < "price" : 350, --- > "price" : 550, objects\apex\apexstatue2\apexstatue2.object 5c5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 550, objects\apex\classicapestatue\classicapestatue.object 5c5 < "price" : 900, --- > "price" : 1250, objects\apex\classicchina\classicchina.object 5c5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 550, objects\avian\goldenducky\goldenducky.object 5c5 < "price" : 3000, --- > "price" : 150, objects\avian\goldenjar1\goldenjar1.object 5c5 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 250, objects\avian\goldenurn\goldenurn.object 8c8 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 275, objects\avian\idolsupport\idolsupport.object 5c5 < "price" : 800, --- > "price" : 400, objects\avian\lamp\lamp.object 5c5 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 250, objects\avian\marketstall4\marketstall4.object 8c8 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 450, objects\avian\marketstall5\marketstall5.object 8c8 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 525, objects\avian\mask1\mask1.object 5c5 < "price" : 800, --- > "price" : 275, objects\avian\mask2\mask2.object 5c5 < "price" : 800, --- > "price" : 275, objects\avian\mask3\mask3.object 5c5 < "price" : 800, --- > "price" : 275, objects\avian\mask4\mask4.object 5c5 < "price" : 800, --- > "price" : 275, objects\avian\mask5\mask5.object 5c5 < "price" : 800, --- > "price" : 275, objects\avian\mask6\mask6.object 5c5 < "price" : 800, --- > "price" : 275, objects\avian\mask7\mask7.object 5c5 < "price" : 2500, --- > "price" : 275, objects\avian\midjar1\midjar1.object 27c27 < "spaces" : [ [0, 0], [1, 0] ], --- > "spaces" : [ [0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1] ], objects\avian\moonemblem\moonemblem.object 5c5 < "price" : 800, --- > "price" : 400, objects\avian\owlclock\owlclock.object 5c5 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 275, objects\avian\propeller\propeller.object 4c4 < "price" : 1200, --- > "price" : 900, objects\avian\sacrificialaltar\sacrificialaltar.object 5c5 < "price" : 1500, --- > "price" : 550, objects\avian\sarcoavian1\sarcoavian1.object 5c5 < "price" : 2000, --- > "price" : 425, objects\avian\sarcoavian2\sarcoavian2.object 5c5 < "price" : 2000, --- > "price" : 500, objects\avian\sarcobunny\sarcobunny.object 5c5 < "price" : 2000, --- > "price" : 500, objects\avian\sarcohuman\sarcohuman.object 5c5 < "price" : 2000, --- > "price" : 425, objects\avian\sarcohuman\sarcohumanalive.object 7c7 < "price" : 2500, --- > "price" : 625, objects\avian\sawblade\sawblade.object 8c8 < "price" : 2000, --- > "price" : 450, objects\avian\screen1\screen1.object 9c9 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 225, objects\avian\screen2\screen2.object 9c9 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 225, objects\avian\screen3\screen3.object 9c9 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 225, objects\avian\screen4\screen4.object 9c9 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 225, objects\avian\screen5\screen5.object 16c16 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 225, objects\avian\shipwheel\shipwheel.object 4c4 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 400, objects\avian\smalljar1\smalljar1.object 6c6 < "price" : 200, --- > "price" : 150, objects\avian\spearrack\spearrack.object 8c8 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 350, objects\avian\steelbookcase\steelbookcase.object 6a7,8 > "objectType" : "container", > "tooltipKind" : "container", 8c10 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 725, 16a19,24 > "openSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bookcase_open.wav" ], > "closeSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/bookcase_close.wav" ], > "slotCount" : 24, > "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", > "frameCooldown" : 5, > "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600, 29d36 < 32c39 < } --- > } \ No newline at end of file objects\avian\sundecor\sundecor.object 5c5 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 400, objects\avian\talljar1\talljar1.object 6c6 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 200, objects\avian\talljar2\talljar2.object 6c6 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 200, objects\avian\tombstatueavian\tombstatueavian.object 8c8 < "price" : 1500, --- > "price" : 550, objects\avian\tombstatuebunny\tombstatuebunny.object 8c8 < "price" : 1500, --- > "price" : 500, objects\avian\tombstone1\tombstone1.object 8c8 < "price" : 350, --- > "price" : 250, objects\avian\tombstone10\tombstone10.object 8c8 < "price" : 350, --- > "price" : 250, objects\avian\tombstone11\tombstone11.object 8c8 < "price" : 350, --- > "price" : 300, objects\avian\tombstone2\tombstone2.object 8c8 < "price" : 350, --- > "price" : 250, objects\avian\tombstone3\tombstone3.object 8c8 < "price" : 350, --- > "price" : 250, objects\avian\tombstone4\tombstone4.object 8c8 < "price" : 350, --- > "price" : 200, objects\avian\tombstone5\tombstone5.object 8c8 < "price" : 350, --- > "price" : 250, objects\avian\tombstone6\tombstone6.object 8c8 < "price" : 350, --- > "price" : 250, objects\avian\tombstone7\tombstone7.object 8c8 < "price" : 350, --- > "price" : 250, objects\avian\tombstone8\tombstone8.object 8c8 < "price" : 350, --- > "price" : 200, objects\avian\tombstone9\tombstone9.object 8c8 < "price" : 350, --- > "price" : 250, objects\avian\tombthing1\tombthing1.object 10c10 < "price" : 600, --- > "price" : 775, 31,32c31,32 < "collision" : "platform" < --- > "collision" : "platform", > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-2, 1], [-1, 1], [-0, 1], [1, 1] ] objects\avian\tombthing2\tombthing2.object 10c10 < "price" : 600, --- > "price" : 775, 32,33c32,33 < "collision" : "platform" < --- > "collision" : "platform", > "collisionSpaces" : [ [-2, 1], [-1, 1], [-0, 1], [1, 1] ] objects\avian\tombthing3\tombthing3.object 10c10 < "price" : 600, --- > "price" : 625, objects\avian\tombthing4\tombthing4.object 10c10 < "price" : 600, --- > "price" : 875, objects\avian\treasuremap\treasuremap.object 5c5 < "price" : 200, --- > "price" : 500, objects\avian\tribalbed2\tribalbed2.object 8c8 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 625, objects\avian\tribalbookcase1\tribalbookcase1.object 10,12c10 < "price" : 1000, < < --- > "price" : 725, 21,22d18 < < 41d36 < objects\avian\tribalbookcase2\tribalbookcase2.object 10c10 < "price" : 800, --- > "price" : 625, objects\avian\tribalcabinet1\tribalcabinet1.object 10c10 < "price" : 600, --- > "price" : 425, objects\avian\tribalcloset1\tribalcloset1.object 10c10 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 725, objects\avian\tribalcounter1\tribalcounter1.object 10c10 < "price" : 600, --- > "price" : 425, objects\avian\tribaldoor\tribaldoor.object 6c6 < "price" : 900, --- > "price" : 475, objects\avian\triballamp\triballamp.object 5c5 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 225, objects\avian\tribalserver\tribalserver.object 5c5 < "price" : 800, --- > "price" : 300, objects\avian\tribaltable\tribaltable.object 8c8 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 550, objects\avian\tribalwallcabinet\tribalwallcabinet.object 7c7 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 425, objects\avian\windchicken\windchicken.object 8c8 < "price" : 2500, --- > "price" : 275, objects\avian\wingedurn\wingedurn.object 8c8 < "price" : 600, --- > "price" : 300, objects\bonus\tallchair\tallchair.object 9c9 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 1500, 24c24 < "imagePosition" : [-7, 0], --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], objects\bugs\ashsprite\ashsprite.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\aurorabee\aurorabee.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\blueback\blueback.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\brightstripe\brightstripe.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\butterbee\butterbee.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\cinderfly\cinderfly.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\dewhopper\dewhopper.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\driftbell\driftbell.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\dustmoth\dustmoth.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\fawnfly\fawnfly.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\fireygiant\fireygiant.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\flameroach\flameroach.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\frostfleck\frostfleck.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\frostfly\frostfly.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\gasgiant\gasgiant.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\glowbug\glowbug.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\goldbuck\goldbuck.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\greentip\greentip.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\heathugger\heathugger.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\hivehog\hivehog.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\icetip\icetip.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\lavahopper\lavahopper.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\muddancer\muddancer.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\mudstag\mudstag.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\orphanfly\orphanfly.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\phoenixfly\phoenixfly.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\polarmoth\polarmoth.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\redwing\redwing.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\sandclown\sandclown.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\scuttleploom\scuttleploom.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\seahornet\seahornet.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\shadowmoth\shadowmoth.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\shardwing\shardwing.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\shellcreep\shellcreep.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\snowskater\snowskater.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\stinkjack\stinkjack.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\sunskipper\sunskipper.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\testbug\testbug.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, 10c11 < "apexDescription" : "A warm cup of tea.", --- > "apexDescription" : "A warm cup of tea.", objects\bugs\thornbee\thornbee.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\tidefly\tidefly.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\vineclimber\vineclimber.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\wavebird\wavebird.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\bugs\xenofly\xenofly.object 4c4,5 < "price" : 400, --- > "price" : 250, > "printable" : false, objects\crafting\acceleratortable\acceleratortable.object 14c14 < "price" : 200, --- > "price" : 5000, objects\crafting\alloyfurnace\alloyfurnace.object 14c14 < "price" : 250, --- > "price" : 300, objects\crafting\capturestation\capturestation.object 14c14 < "price" : 200, --- > "price" : 1600, objects\crafting\fossilstation\fossilstation.object 11c11 < "price" : 1250, --- > "price" : 1600, objects\crafting\ironanvil\ironanvil.object 14c14 < "price" : 100, --- > "price" : 200, objects\crafting\ironcraftingtable\ironcraftingtable.object 14c14 < "price" : 200, --- > "price" : 250, objects\crafting\manipulatortable\manipulatortable.object 14c14 < "price" : 200, --- > "price" : 5000, 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objects\floran\agaranmushroom\agaranmushroom.object 5c5 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 400, 21,23c21 < "imagePosition" : [-6, 0], < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, --- > "imagePosition" : [-8, 0], objects\floran\bamboodoor\bamboodoor.object 6c6 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 475, objects\floran\chestfloran1\chestfloran1.object 8c8 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 350, objects\floran\chestfloran2\chestfloran2.object 8c8 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 450, objects\floran\chestplant1\chestplant1.object 8c8 < "price" : 500, --- > "price" : 350, objects\floran\floranarmchair\floranarmchair.object 5c5 < "price" : 1200, --- > "price" : 550, objects\floran\floranbed\floranbed.object 5c5 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 625, objects\floran\floranbench\floranbench.object 5c5 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 550, objects\floran\floranbonedisplay1\floranbonedisplay1.object 5c5 < "price" : 1500, --- > "price" : 450, objects\floran\floranbonedisplay2\floranbonedisplay2.object 5c5 < "price" : 1500, --- > "price" : 450, objects\floran\floranbonerack\floranbonerack.object 5c5 < "price" : 800, --- > "price" : 350, objects\floran\floranbonestool\floranbonestool.object 5c5 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 275, objects\floran\floranbonetable1\floranbonetable1.object 5c5 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 525, objects\floran\floranbonetable2\floranbonetable2.object 5c5 < "price" : 450, --- > "price" : 350, objects\floran\floranbookcase\floranbookcase.object 7c7 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 725, objects\floran\florancabinet1\florancabinet1.object 7c7 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 650, objects\floran\floranceilingbones\floranceilingbones.object 5c5 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 350, objects\floran\floranceilingbones2\floranceilingbones2.object 5c5 < "price" : 250, --- > "price" : 275, objects\floran\floranchair\floranchair.object 5c5 < "price" : 600, --- > "price" : 375, objects\floran\floranchandelier\floranchandelier.object 18c18 < "price" : 800, --- > "price" : 525, objects\floran\florancorner\florancorner.object 5c5 < "price" : 250, --- > "price" : 275, 20a21 > "direction" : "right", 29a31 > "direction" : "left", objects\floran\florancouch\florancouch.object 5c5 < "price" : 1500, --- > "price" : 625, objects\floran\florancrate\florancrate.object 7c7 < "price" : 650, --- > "price" : 375, objects\floran\florancurtain\florancurtain.object 5c5 < "price" : 100, --- > "price" : 300, 23,24d22 < "frames" : 1, < "animationCycle" : 0.5, 27c25,29 < "anchors" : [ "background" ] --- > "fgAnchors" : [ [ -3, 0], [ 2, 0] ] > }, > { > "dualImage" : "florancurtain.png:", > "imagePosition" : [-16, -8], 28a31,32 > "spaceScan" : 0.1, > "bgAnchors" : [ [ -2, 0], [ 1, 0] ] objects\floran\florandesk\florandesk.object 5c5 < "price" : 1000, --- > "price" : 425, objects\floran\florandoor\florandoor.object 6c6 < "price" : 300, --- > "price" : 475, objects\floran\florandrum1\florandrum1.object 6c6 < "price" : 750, --- > "price" : 375, 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"bounces" : -1, 12a14 > "emitters" : [ "electricswoosh" ], 15,22d16 < "actionOnReap" : [ < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "electricexplosion", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.15, < "angleAdjust" : 0 < } < ], projectiles\swoosh\axe\fireaxe\fireaxe.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, 13a15 > "emitters" : [ "fireswoosh" ], projectiles\swoosh\axe\poisonaxe\poisonaxe.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\bloodcloud\bloodcloud.projectile 12a13 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\bloodswoosh\bloodswoosh.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\bugnet\bugnet.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\cellswoosh\cellswoosh.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\cellswooshx\cellswooshx.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\electricbroadswordswoosh\electricbroadswordswoosh.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, 12a14 > "emitters" : [ "electricswoosh" ], 15,22d16 < "actionOnReap" : [ < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "electricexplosion", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.15, < "angleAdjust" : 0 < } < ], projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\firebroadswordswoosh\firebroadswordswoosh.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, 12a14 > "emitters" : [ "largefireswoosh" ], projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\petals\petals.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\poisonbroadswordswoosh\poisonbroadswordswoosh.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\rainbowswoosh\rainbowswoosh.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\starcleaverswordslash\starcleaverswordslash.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\testswoosh3\testswoosh3.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\broadsword\waterbroadswordswoosh\waterbroadswordswoosh.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\dagger\daggerswoosh1\daggerswoosh1.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, 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projectiles\swoosh\hammer\electrichammer\electrichammer.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, 12a14 > "emitters" : [ "electricswoosh" ], 15,22d16 < "actionOnReap" : [ < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "electricexplosion", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.15, < "angleAdjust" : 0 < } < ], projectiles\swoosh\hammer\firehammer\firehammer.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, 13a15 > "emitters" : [ "largefireswoosh" ], projectiles\swoosh\hammer\floranmaceswoosh\floranmaceswoosh.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\fryingpanswoosh\fryingpanswoosh1.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\hammerswoosh1\hammerswoosh1.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\hiveswoosh\hiveswoosh.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\hiveswooshx\hiveswooshx.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\poisonhammer\poisonhammer.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\shroomswoosh\shroomswoosh.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\shroomswooshx\shroomswooshx.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\steelchairswoosh\steelchairswoosh.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\hammer\tarhammerswoosh\tarhammerswoosh.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayonblueswoosh\crayonblueswoosh.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayongreenswoosh\crayongreenswoosh.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayonorangeswoosh\crayonorangeswoosh.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayonpurpleswoosh\crayonpurpleswoosh.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayonredswoosh\crayonredswoosh.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\crayonyellowswoosh\crayonyellowswoosh.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\electricshortsword\electricshortsword.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, 12a14 > "emitters" : [ "electricswoosh" ], 15,22d16 < "actionOnReap" : [ < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "electricexplosion", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.15, < "angleAdjust" : 0 < } < ], projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\fireshortsword\fireshortsword.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, 15a17 > "emitters" : [ "fireswoosh" ], projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\poisonshortsword\poisonshortsword.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\shortshroomswoosh1\shortshroomswoosh1.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\shortswordhuntingswoosh1\shortswordhuntingswoosh1.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\shortswordswoosh1\shortswordswoosh1.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\slimeswoosh\slimeswoosh.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\slimeswooshx\slimeswooshx.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\wildswoosh\wildswoosh.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\shortsword\wildswooshx\wildswooshx.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\spear\crystalswoosh\crystalswoosh.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\spear\crystalswooshx\crystalswooshx.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\spear\electricspear\electricspear.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, 12a14 > "emitters" : [ "electricswoosh" ], 15,22d16 < "actionOnReap" : [ < { < "action" : "projectile", < "type" : "electricexplosion", < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.15, < "angleAdjust" : 0 < } < ], projectiles\swoosh\spear\firespear\firespear.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, 12a14 > "emitters" : [ "fireswoosh" ], projectiles\swoosh\spear\floranprodswoosh\floranprodswoosh.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\spear\frostspearswoosh\frostspearswoosh.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\spear\poisonspear\poisonspear.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\spear\slaveswordshot\slaveswordswoosh.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\spear\spearswoosh1\spearswoosh1.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\spear\tarspearswoosh\tarspearswoosh.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\spear\teslaspear\teslaspear.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\unused\chomp1\chomp1.projectile 11a12 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\unused\chomp2\chomp2.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\unused\chomp3\chomp3.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\unused\chomp4\chomp4.projectile 12a13 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\unused\chomp5\chomp5.projectile 12a13 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\unused\swoopdown1\swoopdown1.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\unused\swoopup1\swoopup1.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\unused\testsideswoosh\testsideswoosh.projectile 9a10 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\unused\testswoosh\testswoosh.projectile 9a10 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\unused\testswoosh2\testswoosh2.projectile 9a10 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\unused\testswoosh4\testswoosh4.projectile 9a10 > "bounces" : -1, projectiles\swoosh\unused\thrust1\thrust1.projectile 10a11 > "bounces" : -1, recipes\craftingtable\ironcraftingtable.recipe 3c3 < { "item" : "ironbar", "count" : 5 } --- > { "item" : "ironbar", "count" : 8 } recipes\refinery\diamond.recipe 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 400 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 150 }, recipes\refinery\goldbar.recipe 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 50 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 40 }, recipes\refinery\goldore.recipe 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 25 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 20 }, recipes\refinery\platinumbar.recipe 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 100 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 80 }, recipes\refinery\platinumore.recipe 5c5 < "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 50 }, --- > "output" : { "item" : "money", "count" : 40 },