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"swampwater" ], > "blockSelector" : [ "lowHillsSurface", "ledgesSurface" ], > "fgCaveSelector" : [ "surfaceCaves" ], > "biome" : [ > [0, [ "swamp" ]] dungeons\microdungeons\randomencounter\apexunderground\apexundergroundencounter.dungeon 934c934 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "apexcoolcupboard", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "apexlockertreasure" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "apexcoolcupboard", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 940c940 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "apexcoolcupboard", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "apexlockertreasure" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "apexcoolcupboard", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 946c946 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "apexcooldesk", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ 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"direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\randomencounter\avianunderground\avianundergroundencounter.dungeon 1375c1375 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tombthing1", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "tombtreasure" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tombthing1", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1381c1381 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tombthing1", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "tombtreasure" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tombthing1", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1387c1387 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tombthing2", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "tombtreasure" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tombthing2", { "direction" : 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"clear" ], [ "object", "tombthing4", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "tombtreasure" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tombthing4", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1417c1417 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tombthing4", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "tombtreasure" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tombthing4", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1801c1801 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tribalwallcabinet", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "avianTempleLore" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tribalwallcabinet", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "basicChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1807c1807 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "tribalwallcabinet", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { 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"treasurePools" : [ "weaponChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1927c1927 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "chestmedavian2", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "avianTempleLore" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "chestmedavian2", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "weaponChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1933c1933 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "chestmedavian2", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "avianTempleLore" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "chestmedavian2", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "weaponChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\randomencounter\floranunderground\floranundergroundencounter.dungeon 892c892 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "floranbookcase", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "floranHuntLore" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "floranbookcase", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 898c898 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "floranbookcase", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "floranHuntLore" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "floranbookcase", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 904c904 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "florancabinet1", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "floranHuntLore" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "florancabinet1", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 910c910 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "florancabinet1", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "floranHuntLore" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "florancabinet1", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 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"right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "floranHuntLore" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "florancabinet3", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1318c1318 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "chestfloran2", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "basicChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "chestfloran2", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "weaponChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1324c1324 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "chestfloran2", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "basicChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "chestfloran2", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "weaponChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1695c1695 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "plantcabinet1", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "naturalcaveTreasure" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "plantcabinet1", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1701c1701 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "plantcabinet1", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "naturalcaveTreasure" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "plantcabinet1", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1707c1707 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "plantcabinet2", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "naturalcaveTreasure" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "plantcabinet2", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1713c1713 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "plantcabinet2", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "naturalcaveTreasure" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "plantcabinet2", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 2215,2216c2215,2216 < "comment" : "trapchest facing left", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "trapchest", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "treasurechest facing left", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "treasurechest", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "basicChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 2221,2222c2221,2222 < "comment" : "trapchest facing right", < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "trapchest", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] --- > "comment" : "treasurechest facing right", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "treasurechest", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "basicChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\randomencounter\glitchunderground\glitchundergroundencounter.dungeon 1103c1103 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "medievalbookcase", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "glitchCastleLore" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "medievalbookcase", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1109c1109 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "medievalbookcase", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "glitchCastleLore" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "medievalbookcase", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1517c1517 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "royalbookcase", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "glitchCastleLore" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "royalbookcase", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1523c1523 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "royalbookcase", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "glitchCastleLore" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "royalbookcase", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1529c1529 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "royalcabinet", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "glitchCastleLore" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "royalcabinet", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1535c1535 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "royalcabinet", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "glitchCastleLore" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "royalcabinet", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1571c1571 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "royaldesk", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "glitchCastleLore" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "royaldesk", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1577c1577 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "royaldesk", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "glitchCastleLore" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "royaldesk", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\randomencounter\humanunderground\humanundergroundencounter.dungeon 1052c1052 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "bunkerbookcase", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "humanBunkerLore" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "bunkerbookcase", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1058c1058 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "bunkerbookcase", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "humanBunkerLore" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "bunkerbookcase", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1064c1064 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "bunkercabinet1", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "humanBunkerLore" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "bunkercabinet1", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1070c1070 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "bunkercabinet1", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "humanBunkerLore" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "bunkercabinet1", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1543c1543 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "prisonlocker1", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "naturalcaveTreasureLarge" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "prisonlocker1", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1549c1549 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "prisonlocker1", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "naturalcaveTreasureLarge" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "prisonlocker1", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1555c1555 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "prisonlocker2", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "naturalcaveTreasureLarge" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "prisonlocker2", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] 1561c1561 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "prisonlocker2", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "naturalcaveTreasureLarge" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "prisonlocker2", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "smallChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] dungeons\microdungeons\randomencounter\unsorted\asteroidfield\asteroidencounter.dungeon 186c186 < "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "prisoncabinet1", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "weapon" ] } } ] ] --- > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "prisoncabinet1", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "treasurePools" : [ "weaponChestTreasure" ] } } ] ] monsters\boss\bossmonster.lua 19a20,21 > self.targets = {} > 49,51c51 < if self.targetId ~= nil and not world.entityExists(self.targetId) then < self.targetId = nil < end --- > updateTargets(self.keepTargetInSight) 96,97c96,97 < if not hasTarget() and args.sourceId and args.sourceId ~= 0 then < self.targetId = args.sourceId --- > if args.sourceId and args.sourceId ~= 0 and not inTargets(args.sourceId) then > table.insert(self.targets, args.sourceId) 107a108,133 > end > return false > end > > function updateTargets(keepInSight) > if keepInSight == nil then keepInSight = true end > > if self.targetId == nil or not world.entityExists(self.targetId) then > self.targetId = nil > > for i,targetId in ipairs(self.targets) do > if world.entityExists(targetId) and (not keepInSight or entity.entityInSight(targetId)) then > self.targetId = targetId > world.logInfo("Switching target to %s from %s", targetId, self.targets) > elseif not world.entityExists(targetId) then > table.remove(self.targets, i) > end > end > end > end > > function inTargets(entityId) > for i,targetId in ipairs(self.targets) do > if targetId == entityId then > return true > end objects\farmables\automato\wildautomatoseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "automatoseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 48a49,52 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "automatoseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\avesmingo\wildavesmingoseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "avesmingoseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 48a49,52 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "avesmingoseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\banana\wildbananaseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "bananaseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 47a48,51 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "bananaseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\beakseed\wildbeakseedseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "beakseedseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 48a49,52 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "beakseedseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\boltbulb\wildboltbulbseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "boltbulbseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 43a44,47 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "boltbulbseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\boneboo\wildbonebooseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "bone", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 48a49,52 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "bonebooseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\carrot\wildcarrotseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "carrotseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 43a44,47 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "carrotseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\chili\wildchiliseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "chiliseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 48a49,52 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "chiliseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\coffee\wildcoffeeseed.object 11c11 < "objectItem" : "coffeeseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 50a51,54 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "coffeeseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\coralcreep\wildcoralcreepseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "coralcreepseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 49a50,53 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "coralcreepseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\corn\wildcornseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "cornseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 48a49,52 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "cornseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\crystalplant\wildcrystalplantseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "crystalplantseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 43a44,47 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "crystalplantseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\currentcorn\wildcurrentcornseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "currentcornseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 43a44,47 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "currentcornseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\diodia\wilddiodaseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "diodiaseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 43a44,47 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "diodiaseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\dirturchin\wilddirturchinseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "dirturchinseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 43a44,47 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "dirturchinseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\eggshoot\wildeggshootseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "eggshootseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 43a44,47 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "eggshootseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\feathercrown\wildfeathercrownseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "feathercrownseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 43a44,47 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "feathercrownseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\flowerblue\flowerblue.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "petalblue", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 40a41,44 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "petalblue", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\flowerred\flowerred.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "petalred", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 40a41,44 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "petalred", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\flowerspring\flowerspring.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "petalblue", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 40a41,44 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "petalblue", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\floweryellow\floweryellow.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "petalyellow", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 40a41,44 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "petalyellow", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\grapes\wildgrapesseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "grapesseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 48a49,52 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "grapesseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\kiwi\wildkiwiseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "kiwiseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 43a44,47 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "kiwiseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\mushroom\mushroomseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "shroom", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 43a44,47 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "shroom", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\neonmelon\wildneonmelonseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "neonmelonseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 43a44,47 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "neonmelonseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\oculemon\wildoculemonseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "oculemonseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 43a44,47 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "oculemonseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\pearlpea\wildpearlpeaseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "pearlpeaseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 48a49,52 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "pearlpeaseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\pineapple\wildpineappleseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "pineappleseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 43a44,47 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "pineappleseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\potatoes\wildpotatoseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "potatoseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 43a44,47 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "potatoseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\pussplum\wildpussplumseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "pussplumseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 43a44,47 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "pussplumseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\reefpod\wildreefpodseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "reefpodseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 43a44,47 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "reefpodseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\rice\wildriceseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "riceseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 48a49,52 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "riceseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\sugarcane\wildsugarcaneseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "sugarcaneseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 43a44,47 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "sugarcaneseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\swordstone\wildswordstoneseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "cobblestonematerial", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\farmables\thornplant\thornplant.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "thornfruit", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 39a40,43 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "thornfruit", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\tomato\wildtomatoseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "tomatoseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 48a49,52 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "tomatoseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\toxictop\wildtoxictopseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "toxictopseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 43a44,47 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "toxictopseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\wartweed\wildwartweedseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "wartweedseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 43a44,47 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "wartweedseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\farmables\wheat\wildwheatseed.object 9c9 < "objectItem" : "wheatseed", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 43a44,47 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "wheatseed", 1, { } ] ] objects\generators\humangenerator\humangenerator.object 10c10 < "objectItem" : "circuitboard", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\generic\fluorescentlight\fluorescentlight.object 96a97,99 > "animationParts" : { > "light" : "fluorescentlight.png" > }, objects\minibiome\alien\alienglowplant1\alienglowplant1.object 17d16 < // "objectItem" : "glowfibreblue", 43,46d41 < "smashSounds" : [ "/sfx/objects/capsule_break1.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break2.wav", "/sfx/objects/capsule_break3.wav" ], < "smashDropOptions" : [ < [ [ "goldcoin", 1, { } ], [ "goldcoin", 1, { } ], [ "goldcoin", 1, { } ], [ "goldcoin", 1, { } ], [ "goldcoin", 1, { } ], [ "goldcoin", 1, { } ], [ "goldcoin", 1, { } ], [ "goldcoin", 1, { } ], [ "goldcoin", 1, { } ] ] < ], 48c43 < [ [ "goldcoin", 1, { } ], [ "goldcoin", 1, { } ], [ "goldcoin", 1, { } ], [ "goldcoin", 1, { } ], [ "goldcoin", 1, { } ], [ "goldcoin", 1, { } ], [ "goldcoin", 1, { } ], [ "goldcoin", 1, { } ], [ "goldcoin", 1, { } ] ] --- > [ [ "glowfibreblue", 1, { } ] ] 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40a41,44 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibreyellow", 1, { } ] ] objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\bioshroom\bioshroom1.object 17c17 < "objectItem" : "glowfibregreen", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 40a41,44 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibregreen", 1, { } ] ] objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\bioshroom\bioshroom2.object 17c17 < "objectItem" : "glowfibregreen", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 40a41,44 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibregreen", 1, { } ] ] objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\bioshroom\bioshroom3.object 17c17 < "objectItem" : "glowfibregreen", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 40a41,44 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibregreen", 1, { } ] ] objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\bioshroom\bioshroom4.object 17c17 < "objectItem" : "glowfibregreen", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 40a41,44 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibregreen", 1, { } ] ] objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\bioshroom\bioshroom5.object 17c17 < "objectItem" : "glowfibregreen", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 40a41,44 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibregreen", 1, { } ] ] objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\biovine\biovine1.object 17c17 < "objectItem" : "glowfibregreen", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 40a41,44 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibregreen", 1, { } ] ] objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\biovine\biovine2.object 17c17 < "objectItem" : "glowfibregreen", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 40a41,44 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibregreen", 1, { } ] ] objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\biovine\biovine3.object 17c17 < "objectItem" : "glowfibregreen", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 40a41,44 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibregreen", 1, { } ] ] objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\biovine\biovine4.object 17c17 < "objectItem" : "glowfibregreen", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 40a41,44 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibregreen", 1, { } ] ] objects\minibiome\bioluminescentcave\biovine\biovine5.object 17c17 < "objectItem" : "glowfibregreen", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 40a41,44 > ], > > "breakDropOptions" : [ > [ [ "glowfibregreen", 1, { } ] ] objects\minibiome\jungle\junglebush1\junglebush1.object 7c7 < "objectItem" : "junglebush", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\minibiome\jungle\junglebush10\junglebush10.object 7c7 < "objectItem" : "junglebush", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\minibiome\jungle\junglebush11\junglebush11.object 7c7 < "objectItem" : "junglebush", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\minibiome\jungle\junglebush12\junglebush12.object 7c7 < "objectItem" : "junglebush", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\minibiome\jungle\junglebush13\junglebush13.object 7c7 < "objectItem" : "junglebush", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\minibiome\jungle\junglebush14\junglebush14.object 7c7 < "objectItem" : "junglebush", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 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--- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\minibiome\snow\snowdrift2\snowdrift2.object 7c7 < "objectItem" : "snowball", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\minibiome\snow\snowdrift3\snowdrift3.object 7c7 < "objectItem" : "snowball", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\minibiome\snow\snowdrift4\snowdrift4.object 7c7 < "objectItem" : "snowball", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\minibiome\spring\springbush1\springbush1.object 7c7 < "objectItem" : "junglebush", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\minibiome\spring\springbush2\springbush2.object 7c7 < "objectItem" : "junglebush", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\minibiome\spring\springbush3\springbush3.object 7c7 < "objectItem" : "junglebush", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\minibiome\spring\springbush4\springbush4.object 7c7 < "objectItem" : "junglebush", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\minibiome\spring\springbush5\springbush5.object 7c7 < "objectItem" : "junglebush", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, 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"cobblestonematerial", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\arid\groundspike4\groundspike4.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "cobblestonematerial", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\arid\thorns1\thorns1.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "plantfibre", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\arid\thorns2\thorns2.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "plantfibre", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\arid\thorns3\thorns3.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "plantfibre", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\arid\thorns4\thorns4.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "plantfibre", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\desert\desertceilingspike1\desertceilingspike1.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "sandstonematerial", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\desert\desertceilingspike2\desertceilingspike2.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "sandstonematerial", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\desert\desertceilingspike3\desertceilingspike3.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "sandstonematerial", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\desert\desertceilingspike4\desertceilingspike4.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "sandstonematerial", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\desert\desertgroundspike1\desertgroundspike1.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "sandstonematerial", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\desert\desertgroundspike2\desertgroundspike2.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "sandstonematerial", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\desert\desertgroundspike3\desertgroundspike3.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "sandstonematerial", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\desert\desertgroundspike4\desertgroundspike4.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "sandstonematerial", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\green\greenceilingspike1\greenceilingspike1.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "fullwood1", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\green\greenceilingspike2\greenceilingspike2.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "fullwood1", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\green\greenceilingspike3\greenceilingspike3.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "fullwood1", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\green\greenceilingspike4\greenceilingspike4.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "fullwood1", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\green\greengroundspike1\greengroundspike1.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "fullwood1", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\green\greengroundspike2\greengroundspike2.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "fullwood1", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\green\greengroundspike3\greengroundspike3.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "fullwood1", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\green\greengroundspike4\greengroundspike4.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "fullwood1", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\ice\icestalactite1\icestalactite1.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "ice", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\ice\icestalactite2\icestalactite2.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "ice", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\ice\icestalactite3\icestalactite3.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "ice", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\ice\icestalactite4\icestalactite4.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "ice", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\ice\icestalagmite1\icestalagmite1.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "ice", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\ice\icestalagmite2\icestalagmite2.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "ice", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\ice\icestalagmite3\icestalagmite3.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "ice", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\ice\icestalagmite4\icestalagmite4.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "ice", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\magma\magmaceilingspike1\magmaceilingspike1.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "magmarock", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\magma\magmaceilingspike2\magmaceilingspike2.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "magmarock", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\magma\magmaceilingspike3\magmaceilingspike3.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "magmarock", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\magma\magmagroundspike1\magmagroundspike1.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "magmarock", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\magma\magmagroundspike2\magmagroundspike2.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "magmarock", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\magma\magmagroundspike3\magmagroundspike3.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "magmarock", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahceilingspike1\savannahceilingspike1.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "drysand", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahceilingspike2\savannahceilingspike2.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "drysand", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahceilingspike3\savannahceilingspike3.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "drysand", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahceilingspike4\savannahceilingspike4.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "drysand", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahgroundspike1\savannahgroundspike1.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "drysand", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahgroundspike2\savannahgroundspike2.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "drysand", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahgroundspike3\savannahgroundspike3.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "drysand", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\obstacles\savannah\savannahgroundspike4\savannahgroundspike4.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "drysand", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\outpost\customsign\customsign.lua 42,43c42,45 < if storage.frame == nil then < if storage.isOn then storage.frame = 2 else storage.frame = 1 end --- > if storage.isOn and self.isWired == true then > storage.frame = 2 > else > storage.frame = 1 objects\outpost\signstore\customeasel-data.lua 28c28 < ["isWired"]="Toggle if this sign will be wired. Frame #1 will be used ass an 'off' frame.", --- > ["isWired"]="Toggle if this sign will be wired. Frame #1 will be used as an 'off' frame.", 42c42 < ["lightSelect"]="Set the color of light this animation frame will give off" --- > ["lightSelect"]="Set the color of light this sign will give off" objects\undergroundbiome\cellcave\cellstructure1\cellstructure1.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "cellstructure", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\undergroundbiome\cellcave\cellstructure2\cellstructure2.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "cellstructure", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\undergroundbiome\cellcave\cellstructure3\cellstructure3.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "cellstructure", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\undergroundbiome\cellcave\cellstructure4\cellstructure4.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "cellstructure", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\undergroundbiome\cellcave\cellstructure5\cellstructure5.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "cellstructure", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\undergroundbiome\cellcave\dnaplant1\dnaplant1.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "dnaplant", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\undergroundbiome\cellcave\dnaplant2\dnaplant2.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "dnaplant", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\undergroundbiome\cellcave\dnaplant3\dnaplant3.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "dnaplant", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\undergroundbiome\cellcave\dnaplant4\dnaplant4.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "dnaplant", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\undergroundbiome\coralcave\embercoral1\embercoral1.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "embercoral", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\undergroundbiome\coralcave\embercoral2\embercoral2.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "embercoral", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\undergroundbiome\coralcave\embercoral3\embercoral3.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "embercoral", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\undergroundbiome\coralcave\embercoral4\embercoral4.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "embercoral", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\undergroundbiome\coralcave\embercoral5\embercoral5.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "embercoral", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\undergroundbiome\crystalcave\crystalcavebush1\crystalcavebush1.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "crystal", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\undergroundbiome\crystalcave\crystalcavebush2\crystalcavebush2.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "crystal", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\undergroundbiome\crystalcave\crystalcavebush3\crystalcavebush3.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "crystal", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\undergroundbiome\crystalcave\crystalcavebush4\crystalcavebush4.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "crystal", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\undergroundbiome\slimecave\blueprintblob\blueprintblob.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "blueprintblob", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\undergroundbiome\slimecave\slimeblob1\slimeblob1.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "slimeblob", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\undergroundbiome\slimecave\slimeblob2\slimeblob2.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "slimeblob", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\undergroundbiome\slimecave\slimeblob3\slimeblob3.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "slimeblob", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\undergroundbiome\slimecave\slimeblob4\slimeblob4.object 6c6 < "objectItem" : "slimeblob", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, objects\wired\shieldgenerator\shieldgenerator.object 15c15 < "objectItem" : "circuitboard", --- > "hasObjectItem" : false, plants\trees\swamp\stem\weeping\weeping.modularstem 3c3 < "shape" : "savannah2", --- > "shape" : "swamp1", 36c36 < "bx" : -4, --- > "bx" : 0, 38,39c38,39 < "x" : 1, < "y" : 24 --- > "x" : 23, > "y" : 71 47c47 < "bx" : -65, --- > "bx" : -83, 56c56 < "bx" : -65, --- > "bx" : -83, 67,68c67,68 < "x" : 1, < "y" : 20 --- > "x" : 0, > "y" : 51 76,77c76,103 < "x" : 1, < "y" : 20 --- > "x" : 0, > "y" : 51 > } > } > }, > "branch" : { > "branch1" : { > "image" : "branch1.png", > "attachment" : { > "bx" : -102, > "by" : -21, > "h" : 40 > } > }, > "branch2" : { > "image" : "branch2.png", > "attachment" : { > "bx" : -80, > "by" : -9, > "h" : 40 > } > }, > "branch3" : { > "image" : "branch3.png", > "attachment" : { > "bx" : -74, > "by" : -6, > "h" : 40 stats\effects\slimeslow\slimeslow.statuseffect 3c3 < "blockingStat" : "tarImmunity", --- > "blockingStat" : "slimeImmunity", 8c8 < "tarslow.lua" --- > "slimeslow.lua" tiles\platforms\stoneplatform.material 18c18 < "multicolored" : false, --- > "multiColored" : false, treasure\common.treasurepools 25a26,57 > "smallChestTreasure" : [ > [0, { > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.1, 0], > [0.4, 1], > [0.4, 2], > [0.1, 3] > ], > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 1.0, "pool" : "basicTreasure"} > ] > }] > ], > > // weapon treasure chest contents > "weaponChestTreasure" : [ > [0, { > "fill" : [ > {"pool" : "weapon"} > ], > "poolRounds" : [ > [0.2, 1], > [0.5, 2], > [0.2, 3], > [0.1, 4] > ], > "pool" : [ > {"weight" : 1.0, "pool" : "basicTreasure"} > ] > }] > ], > treasure\default.treasurechests 15c15 < "treasurePool" : "weapon", --- > "treasurePool" : "weaponChestTreasure",