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87,119d86 < "image" : "/cinematics/respawn/oresdropped.png" < } < ], < "keyframes" : [ < { < "timecode" : 1, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0, < "position" : [473, 150] < }, < { < "timecode" : 2, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0.5, < "position" : [473, 150] < }, < { < "timecode" : 3, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0.5, < "position" : [473, 150] < }, < { < "timecode" : 4, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0.0, < "position" : [473, 150] < } < ] < }, < { < "drawables" : [ < { cinematics\respawn\avian\respawn.cinematic 57c57 < { --- > { 81,113d80 < } < ] < }, < { < "drawables" : [ < { < "image" : "/cinematics/respawn/oresdropped.png" < } < ], < "keyframes" : [ < { < "timecode" : 1, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0, < "position" : [473, 150] < }, < { < "timecode" : 2, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0.5, < "position" : [473, 150] < }, < { < "timecode" : 3, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0.5, < "position" : [473, 150] < }, < { < "timecode" : 4, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0.0, < "position" : [473, 150] cinematics\respawn\floran\respawn.cinematic 57c57 < { --- > { 81,113d80 < } < ] < }, < { < "drawables" : [ < { < "image" : "/cinematics/respawn/oresdropped.png" < } < ], < "keyframes" : [ < { < "timecode" : 1, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0, < "position" : [473, 150] < }, < { < "timecode" : 2, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0.5, < "position" : [473, 150] < }, < { < "timecode" : 3, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0.5, < "position" : [473, 150] < }, < { < "timecode" : 4, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0.0, < "position" : [473, 150] cinematics\respawn\glitch\respawn.cinematic 57c57 < { --- > { 81,113d80 < } < ] < }, < { < "drawables" : [ < { < "image" : "/cinematics/respawn/oresdropped.png" < } < ], < "keyframes" : [ < { < "timecode" : 1, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0, < "position" : [473, 150] < }, < { < "timecode" : 2, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0.5, < "position" : [473, 150] < }, < { < "timecode" : 3, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0.5, < "position" : [473, 150] < }, < { < "timecode" : 4, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0.0, < "position" : [473, 150] cinematics\respawn\human\respawn.cinematic 57c57 < { --- > { 81,113d80 < } < ] < }, < { < "drawables" : [ < { < "image" : "/cinematics/respawn/oresdropped.png" < } < ], < "keyframes" : [ < { < "timecode" : 1, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0, < "position" : [473, 150] < }, < { < "timecode" : 2, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0.5, < "position" : [473, 150] < }, < { < "timecode" : 3, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0.5, < "position" : [473, 150] < }, < { < "timecode" : 4, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0.0, < "position" : [473, 150] cinematics\respawn\hylotl\respawn.cinematic 57c57 < { --- > { 81,113d80 < } < ] < }, < { < "drawables" : [ < { < "image" : "/cinematics/respawn/oresdropped.png" < } < ], < "keyframes" : [ < { < "timecode" : 1, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0, < "position" : [473, 150] < }, < { < "timecode" : 2, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0.5, < "position" : [473, 150] < }, < { < "timecode" : 3, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0.5, < "position" : [473, 150] < }, < { < "timecode" : 4, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0.0, < "position" : [473, 150] cinematics\respawn\novakid\respawn.cinematic 57c57 < { --- > { 81,113d80 < } < ] < }, < { < "drawables" : [ < { < "image" : "/cinematics/respawn/oresdropped.png" < } < ], < "keyframes" : [ < { < "timecode" : 1, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0, < "position" : [473, 150] < }, < { < "timecode" : 2, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0.5, < "position" : [473, 150] < }, < { < "timecode" : 3, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0.5, < "position" : [473, 150] < }, < { < "timecode" : 4, < "zoom" : 0.5, < "alpha" : 0.0, < "position" : [473, 150] dungeons\missions\floranmissions\floranmission1.dungeon 2438c2438 < "comment" : "floran guard npc", --- > "comment" : "human survivor", 2442,2443c2442,2443 < "species" : "floran", < "typeName" : "villageguard" --- > "species" : "human", > "typeName" : "survivor" 2450c2450 < "comment" : "floran guard captain npc", --- > "comment" : "floran predator", 2455c2455 < "typeName" : "villageguardcaptain" --- > "typeName" : "floranpredator" 2461,2462c2461,2462 < "value" : [250, 0, 0, 255], < "comment" : "floran clan leader npc", --- > "value" : [230, 0, 0, 255], > "comment" : "floran sniper", 2467c2467 < "typeName" : "clanleader" --- > "typeName" : "floransniper" dungeons\other\outpost\outpost.dungeon 1709a1710,1721 > { > "value" : [143, 204, 20, 255], > "comment" : "arcadegame", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "arcadegame", { "direction" : "left" } ] ] > }, > > { > "value" : [134, 191, 19, 255], > "comment" : "arcadegame", > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "arcadegame", { "direction" : "right" } ] ] > }, > 1714c1726 < "comment" : "apex mechanic", --- > "comment" : "apex mechanic 28", 1719c1731,1732 < "typeName" : "outpostapexmechanic" --- > "typeName" : "outpostapexmechanic", > "seed" : 28 1726c1739 < "comment" : "apex refugee", --- > "comment" : "apex refugee 23", 1731c1744,1745 < "typeName" : "outpostapexrefugee" --- > "typeName" : "outpostapexrefugee", > "seed" : 23 1738c1752 < "comment" : "apex scientist", --- > "comment" : "apex scientist 6", 1743c1757,1758 < "typeName" : "outpostapexscientist" --- > "typeName" : "outpostapexscientist", > "seed" : 6 1750c1765 < "comment" : "avian explorer", --- > "comment" : "avian explorer 20", 1755c1770,1771 < "typeName" : "outpostavianexplorer" --- > "typeName" : "outpostavianexplorer", > "seed" : 20 1762c1778 < "comment" : "avian mercenary", --- > "comment" : "avian mercenary 18", 1767c1783,1784 < "typeName" : "outpostavianmercenary" --- > "typeName" : "outpostavianmercenary", > "seed" : 18 1774c1791 < "comment" : "avian refugee", --- > "comment" : "avian refugee 25", 1779c1796,1797 < "typeName" : "outpostavianrefugee" --- > "typeName" : "outpostavianrefugee", > "seed" : 25 1786c1804 < "comment" : "floran fan", --- > "comment" : "floran fan 33", 1791c1809,1810 < "typeName" : "outpostfloranfan" --- > "typeName" : "outpostfloranfan", > "seed" : 33 1798c1817 < "comment" : "floran hunter", --- > "comment" : "floran hunter 22", 1803c1822,1823 < "typeName" : "outpostfloranhunter" --- > "typeName" : "outpostfloranhunter", > "seed" : 22 1810c1830 < "comment" : "floran scholar", --- > "comment" : "floran scholar 57", 1815c1835,1836 < "typeName" : "outpostfloranscholar" --- > "typeName" : "outpostfloranscholar", > "seed" : 57 1822c1843 < "comment" : "glitch mechanic", --- > "comment" : "glitch mechanic 21", 1827c1848,1849 < "typeName" : "outpostglitchmechanic" --- > "typeName" : "outpostglitchmechanic", > "seed" : 21 1834c1856 < "comment" : "glitch mercenary", --- > "comment" : "glitch mercenary 14", 1839c1861,1862 < "typeName" : "outpostglitchmercenary" --- > "typeName" : "outpostglitchmercenary", > "seed" : 14 1846c1869 < "comment" : "glitch silent type", --- > "comment" : "glitch silent type 12", 1851c1874,1875 < "typeName" : "outpostglitchsilenttype" --- > "typeName" : "outpostglitchsilenttype", > "seed" : 12 1858c1882 < "comment" : "human ex-con", --- > "comment" : "human ex-con 10", 1863c1887,1888 < "typeName" : "outposthumanexcon" --- > "typeName" : "outposthumanexcon", > "seed" : 10 1870c1895 < "comment" : "human scientist", --- > "comment" : "human scientist 14", 1875c1900,1901 < "typeName" : "outposthumanscientist" --- > "typeName" : "outposthumanscientist", > "seed" : 14 1882c1908 < "comment" : "human survivor", --- > "comment" : "human survivor 3", 1887c1913,1914 < "typeName" : "outposthumansurvivor" --- > "typeName" : "outposthumansurvivor", > "seed" : 3 1894c1921 < "comment" : "hylotl floran-hater", --- > "comment" : "hylotl floran-hater 22", 1899c1926,1927 < "typeName" : "outposthylotlfloranhater" --- > "typeName" : "outposthylotlfloranhater", > "seed" : 22 1906c1934 < "comment" : "hylotl performer", --- > "comment" : "hylotl performer 25", 1911c1939,1940 < "typeName" : "outposthylotlperformer" --- > "typeName" : "outposthylotlperformer", > "seed" : 25 1918c1947 < "comment" : "hylotl warrior", --- > "comment" : "hylotl warrior 9", 1923c1952,1953 < "typeName" : "outposthylotlwarrior" --- > "typeName" : "outposthylotlwarrior", > "seed" : 9 1935c1965,1966 < "typeName" : "outpostbountyhunter" --- > "typeName" : "outpostbountyhunter", > "seed" : 19 interface\windowconfig\charcreation.config 230c230 < "description" : "Lose pixels and drop resources upon death." --- > "description" : "Only lose pixels upon death." 239c239 < "description" : "Lose pixels and drop all items upon death." --- > "description" : "Lose pixels and drop resources upon death." interface\windowconfig\frogmerchant.config 26c26 < "subtitle" : " Ribbit!", --- > "subtitle" : " Money makes the world go round!", items\armors\biome\ethnicmask\ethnichead.head 7c7 < "description" : "An ethnic mask", --- > "description" : "A large, forboding mask.", items\armors\biome\frozenfire\firecrown\firecrown.head 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "-todo-", < "shortdescription" : "Frost Crown", --- > "description" : "For real hotheads. Note: Not actually fire.", > "shortdescription" : "Fire Crown", items\armors\biome\frozenfire\frostcrown\frostcrown.head 7c7 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "Too cool to rule.", items\armors\biome\geometric\cyclopsyetti\cyclopsyetti.head 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "-todo-", < "shortdescription" : "Cyclops Yetti Mask", --- > "description" : "It doesn't even blink! How terrifying.", > "shortdescription" : "Cyclops Yeti Mask", items\armors\biome\gnomevillage\gnome\gnome.head 7c7 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "He just sits there all day. What a lazy guy.", items\armors\biome\gnomevillage\househat\househat.head 7c7 < "description" : "A Gnomish House Hat. -todo-.", --- > "description" : "A Gnomish House - Because home is where the hat is.", items\armors\biome\icecaves\icecubehat\icecubehead.head 7c7 < "description" : "An ice cube cap. -todo-.", --- > "description" : "A big ice cube with a friendly face. It's a wonder it doesn't melt.", items\armors\biome\mushroom\evilmushroom\evilmushroom.head 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "With this hat, you'll be a fungi to be around. Apologies.-todo-", < "shortdescription" : "EVIL Mushroom Hat", --- > "description" : "It never stops staring. Who would make such a thing?", > "shortdescription" : "Evil Mushroom Hat", items\armors\decorative\costumes\mutantminer\mutantminer.chest 7,8c7,8 < "description" : "A High-Visibility Jacket - Safety first!", < "shortdescription" : "High-Vis Jacket", --- > "description" : "A High-Visibility Jacket - Well, except you're turning pink...", > "shortdescription" : "Mutant High-Vis Jacket", items\generic\crafting\coalore.item 7c7,9 < "fuelAmount" : 2 --- > "fuelAmount" : 2, > > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "gunpowder" ] items\generic\crafting\paper.item 6c6,10 < "shortdescription" : "Paper" --- > "shortdescription" : "Paper", > > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ > "paper" > ] items\generic\produce\banana.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "A genetically enhanced banana, could make anyone but an Apex sick.", --- > "description" : "A genetically enhanced banana.", items\generic\produce\boneboo.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "Mmm crumbly.", --- > "description" : "Spooky.", items\generic\produce\cacti.item 5c5 < "description" : "cacti.", --- > "description" : "Spiky, succulent cacti.", items\generic\produce\chili.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "Super hot, only suitable for humans.", --- > "description" : "Super hot to humans, super, super hot to everyone else.", items\generic\produce\coffeebeans.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "Bitter Coffee Beans", --- > "description" : "Bitter coffee beans", items\generic\produce\corn.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "Good for digestion!", --- > "description" : "Sweet and corny, good for digestion!", items\generic\produce\crystalplant.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "A crystal plant", --- > "description" : "A plant formed of crystal. Magical!", items\generic\produce\eggshoot.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "Eggshoot, I like the yoke.", --- > "description" : "Eggshoot, soft-boiled in texture. Break it open to find a yolk.", items\generic\produce\neonmelon.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "A neonmelon", --- > "description" : "A slice of bubblegum flavoured neonmelon", items\generic\produce\oculemon.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "The iris is the best part. Could be poisonous to anyone but a Floran.", --- > "description" : "Sour but so worth it.", items\generic\produce\orange.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "Various raw chunks of meat. I'm not even sure where they came from.", --- > "description" : "It's an orange.", items\generic\produce\pineapple.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "Pineapple, make sure you cut it open first.", --- > "description" : "A tropical treat!", items\generic\produce\pussplum.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "Pussplum! Juicy!", --- > "description" : "Pussplum, something here that oozes!", items\generic\produce\reefpod.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "Tastes like a crunchy smoothy made from every fruit you can imagine.", --- > "description" : "Fruit of the ocean.", items\generic\produce\rice.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "Rice. Good for when you're hungry and want to eat a thousand of something.", --- > "description" : "Rice. Grains of goodness.", items\generic\produce\toxictop.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "A toxic looking fruit.", --- > "description" : "A toxic looking fruit. Can looks be deceiving?", items\generic\produce\wartweed.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "Wartweed! It has a tough skin, regrows easily.", --- > "description" : "Warty but not very weedy.", items\generic\sides\offal.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "All the scraps that most people won't touch. Good, if you can get past the texture.", --- > "description" : "All the scraps that most people won't touch.", items\generic\tier1\fishdumplings.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "Simple fish dumplings, steamed and lightly seasoned.", items\generic\tier1\fishpie.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "Stargazy pie! Baked fish in sauce topped with creamy mash.", items\generic\tier1\meatdumplings.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "Steamed meat dumplings. Beautifully simple!", items\generic\tier1\meatpie.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "Minced meat in a rich gravy, topped with creamy mash.", items\generic\tier1\pearlpeabroth.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "A slightly more substancial meal than just boiling pearlpeas.", items\generic\tier1\pearlpearisotto.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "Perfectly ripe pearlpeas work best for this hearty rice dish.", items\generic\tier1\toast.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "A slice of warm, toasted bread.", --- > "description" : "A slice of warm, toasted bread. Comforting.", items\generic\tier2\applecrumble.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "Sweet, stewed apple under a blanket of golden crumble.", items\generic\tier2\baconpancakes.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "Pancake. Bacon. Pancake. Bacon. Pancake. Butter. Eat.", items\generic\tier2\beakseedbread.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "Dense, heavy bread packed full of seeds.", items\generic\tier2\beakseedjam.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "Sweet and crunchy. If only there was a seedless variety.", items\generic\tier2\beakseedtart.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "Created out of necessity in beakseed season to make use of all the jam.", items\generic\tier2\bonbonbonbons.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "Eureka! The only possible way to improve on perfection is to multiply it.", items\generic\tier2\bonbons.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "Confectionery perfection.", items\generic\tier2\carrotjuice.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "It's a delicious carrot cake! Tastes better than it sounds.", --- > "description" : "Carrots in liquid form. Surprisingly sweet, unsurprisingly nutritious.", items\generic\tier2\carrotsoup.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "Creamy, delicious, nutritious!", items\generic\tier2\chocolatecake.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "A cake made of chocolate! And other cake ingredients.", items\generic\tier2\coffeecake.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "A moist cake enriched with coffee. Moreish!", items\generic\tier2\cornpeckers.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "Beakseed and dried corn makes for a common Avian trail mix.", --- > "description" : "Beakseed and dried corn. A common Avian trail mix, or breakfast cereal.", items\generic\tier2\feathercrownjam.consumable 5c5 < "description" : "-todo-", --- > "description" : "A sweet and flavoursome preserve, precious among Avian.", items\throwables\firework.thrownitem 6c6 < "shortdescription" : "Firework", --- > "shortdescription" : "Red Firework", 18,19c18,21 < "power" : 2.5 < } --- > "power" : 3 > }, > > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "firework", "fireworkblue", "fireworkgreen" ] items\throwables\fireworkblue.thrownitem 18,19c18,21 < "power" : 2.5 < } --- > "power" : 3 > }, > > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "firework", "fireworkblue", "fireworkgreen" ] items\throwables\fireworkgreen.thrownitem 18,19c18,21 < "power" : 2.5 < } --- > "power" : 3 > }, > > "learnBlueprintsOnPickup" : [ "firework", "fireworkblue", "fireworkgreen" ] items\throwables\molotov.thrownitem 18c18 < "power" : 5 --- > "power" : 20 npcs\mission\mutantminer.npctype 153c153 < "chest" : [ { "name" : "minerchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } ], --- > "chest" : [ { "name" : "mutantminerchest", "parameters" : { "colorIndex" : 0 } } ], npcs\outpost\outpostapexmechanic.npctype 5a6,7 > "offeredQuests" : [ "apexmechanic2.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "apexmechanic2.gearup" ], 11c13 < "It's not much, but I do what I can to help keep the equipment in this place running." --- > "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." 16c18 < "It's not much, but I do what I can to help keep the equipment in this place running." --- > "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." 20c22 < "It's not much, but I do what I can to help keep the equipment in this place running." --- > "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." 24c26 < "It seems we are both fortunate to have escaped Big Ape's tyranny." --- > "It seems ve are both fortunate to av escaped Big Ape's tyranny." 28c30 < "It's not much, but I do what I can to help keep the equipment in this place running." --- > "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." 32c34 < "It's not much, but I do what I can to help keep the equipment in this place running." --- > "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." 36c38 < "It's not much, but I do what I can to help keep the equipment in this place running." --- > "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." 40c42 < "It's not much, but I do what I can to help keep the equipment in this place running." --- > "It is not much, but I do vat I can to 'elp keep ze equipment in zis place running." npcs\outpost\outpostavianexplorer.npctype 5a6,7 > "offeredQuests" : [ "avianexplorer3.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "avianexplorer3.gearup" ], npcs\outpost\outpostavianrefugee.npctype 5a6,7 > "offeredQuests" : [ "avianrefugee2part1.gearup", "avianrefugee2part2.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "avianrefugee2part2.gearup" ], npcs\outpost\outpostbountyhunter.npctype 6,7c6,7 < "offeredQuests" : [ "bountyhunter1.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "bountyhunter1.gearup" ], --- > "offeredQuests" : [ "bountyhunter1.gearup", "bountyhunter2.gearup", "bountyhunter3.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "bountyhunter1.gearup", "bountyhunter2.gearup", "bountyhunter3.gearup" ], npcs\outpost\outpostfloranscholar.npctype 5a6,7 > "offeredQuests" : [ "floranscholar2.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "avianrefugee2part1.gearup", "floranscholar2.gearup" ], npcs\outpost\outpostglitchsilenttype.npctype 5a6,7 > "offeredQuests" : [ "glitchsilenttype2.gearup", "glitchsilenttype3.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "glitchsilenttype2.gearup", "glitchsilenttype3.gearup" ], npcs\outpost\outposthumanexcon.npctype 5a6,7 > "offeredQuests" : [ "humanexcon2.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "humanexcon2.gearup" ], npcs\outpost\outposthumansurvivor.npctype 6,7c6,7 < "offeredQuests" : [ "outpost1.gearup", "outpost2.gearup", "outpost3.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "outpost1.gearup", "outpost2.gearup", "outpost3.gearup" ], --- > "offeredQuests" : [ "outpost1.gearup", "outpost2.gearup", "outpost3.gearup", "humansurvivor2.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "outpost1.gearup", "outpost2.gearup", "outpost3.gearup", "humansurvivor2.gearup" ], npcs\outpost\outposthylotlperformer.npctype 6,7c6,7 < "offeredQuests" : [ "hylotlperformer1.gearup" ], < "turnInQuests" : [ "hylotlperformer1.gearup" ], --- > "offeredQuests" : [ "hylotlperformer1.gearup", "hylotlperformer3.gearup" ], > "turnInQuests" : [ "hylotlperformer1.gearup", "hylotlperformer3.gearup" ], objects\farmables\automato\automatoseed.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Flesshy, juicy and red, with crunchy bitsss. Like humansss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Flesshy and juicy, with crunchy bitsss. Like humansss.", 15c15 < "humanDescription" : "A tomato filled with screws. Tasty AND dangerous.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A tomato filled with screws. Tasty AND hazardous.", objects\farmables\automato\wildautomatoseed.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Flesshy, juicy and red, with crunchy bitsss. Like humansss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Flesshy and juicy, with crunchy bitsss. Like humansss.", 15c15 < "humanDescription" : "A tomato filled with screws. Tasty AND dangerous.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A tomato filled with screws. Tasty AND hazardous.", objects\farmables\banana\bananaseed.object 5c5 < "description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Could make anyone but an Apex sick.", --- > "description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", objects\farmables\banana\wildbananaseed.object 5c5 < "description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Could make anyone but an Apex sick.", --- > "description" : "Genetically enhanced bananas. Smaller trees with bigger fruit.", objects\farmables\carrot\carrotseed.object 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "A simple carrot. Good for stews.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A simple carrot. Good for soup.", objects\farmables\carrot\wildcarrotseed.object 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "A simple carrot. Good for stews.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A simple carrot. Good for soup.", objects\farmables\chili\chiliseed.object 5c5 < "description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Looks dangerous for anyone but the humans.", --- > "description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", objects\farmables\chili\wildchiliseed.object 5c5 < "description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Looks dangerous for anyone but the humans.", --- > "description" : "Hot, hot, hot fiesta!! Extra hot to anyone but the humans.", objects\farmables\coffee\coffeeseed.object 16c16 < "hylotlDescription" : "See beyond its bitter taste and coffee is a useful resource.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "See beyond it's bitter taste and coffee is a useful resource.", objects\farmables\coffee\wildcoffeeseed.object 18c18 < "hylotlDescription" : "See beyond its bitter taste and coffee is a useful resource.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "See beyond it's bitter taste and coffee is a useful resource.", objects\farmables\diodia\diodiaseed.object 5c5 < "description" : "Diodia, it has a coppery taste.", --- > "description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegatable with a coppery taste.", 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "There's an old urban legend about Avians eating beakseeds at a banquet...", --- > "avianDescription" : "Looks like a nut, doesn't taste like one.", objects\farmables\diodia\wilddiodaseed.object 5c5 < "description" : "Diodia, it has a coppery taste.", --- > "description" : "Diodia, a soft root vegatable with a coppery taste.", 12c12 < "avianDescription" : "There's an old urban legend about Avians eating beakseeds at a banquet...", --- > "avianDescription" : "Looks like a nut, doesn't taste like one.", objects\farmables\grapes\grapesseed.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Bursssty and juicccy, green eyeballsss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Bursssty and juicccy, purple eyeballsss.", objects\farmables\grapes\wildgrapesseed.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Bursssty and juicccy, green eyeballsss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Bursssty and juicccy, purple eyeballsss.", objects\farmables\mushroom\mushroomseed.object 15c15 < "humanDescription" : "The perfect pizza topping.", --- > "humanDescription" : "Perfect for an omelette or quiche.", objects\farmables\oculemon\oculemonseed.object 4c4 < "description" : "The iris is the best part. Could be poisonous to anyone but a Floran.", --- > "description" : "The iris is the best part.", 12,13c12,13 < "avianDescription" : "A poisonous fruit with a piercing gaze.", < "floranDescription" : "Next best thing to eyeballsss. Floran like, others get sssick.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A sour fruit with a piercing gaze.", > "floranDescription" : "Next best thing to eyeballsss. Floran like, others are disssturbed.", 16c16 < "hylotlDescription" : "Poisonous, but if carefully prepared, oculemons are possible to use as a flavour enhancer.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Deadly, but if carefully prepared, oculemons are possible to use as a flavour enhancer.", objects\farmables\oculemon\wildoculemonseed.object 4c4 < "description" : "The iris is the best part. Could be poisonous to anyone but a Floran.", --- > "description" : "The iris is the best part.", 12,13c12,13 < "avianDescription" : "A poisonous fruit with a piercing gaze.", < "floranDescription" : "Next best thing to eyeballsss. Floran like, others get sssick.", --- > "avianDescription" : "A sour fruit with a piercing gaze.", > "floranDescription" : "Next best thing to eyeballsss. Floran like, others are disssturbed.", 16c16 < "hylotlDescription" : "Poisonous, but if carefully prepared, oculemons are possible to use as a flavour enhancer.", --- > "hylotlDescription" : "Deadly, but if carefully prepared, oculemons are possible to use as a flavour enhancer.", objects\farmables\pineapple\pineappleseed.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Smug. The Glitch have been known to use pineapples as target practise.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Smug. The Glitch have been known to use pineapples as target practice.", objects\farmables\pineapple\wildpineappleseed.object 14c14 < "glitchDescription" : "Smug. The Glitch have been known to use pineapples as target practise.", --- > "glitchDescription" : "Smug. The Glitch have been known to use pineapples as target practice.", objects\farmables\pussplum\pussplumseed.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Drippy bloody deliciousss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Drippy, bloody, deliciousss.", objects\farmables\pussplum\wildpussplumseed.object 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Drippy bloody deliciousss.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Drippy, bloody, deliciousss.", objects\farmables\reefpod\reefpodseed.object 5c5 < "description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothy made from every fruit you can imagine. ", --- > "description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie made from every fruit you can imagine. ", 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Tastesss like birdmen.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Tastesss like fishmen.", objects\farmables\reefpod\wildreefpodseed.object 5c5 < "description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothy made from every fruit you can imagine. ", --- > "description" : "Reefpod, tastes like a crunchy smoothie made from every fruit you can imagine. ", 13c13 < "floranDescription" : "Tastesss like birdmen.", --- > "floranDescription" : "Tastesss like fishmen.", objects\farmables\rice\riceseed.object 15c15 < "humanDescription" : "Rice. Good for when you're hungry and want to eat a thousand of something.", --- > "humanDescription" : "Rice. Good for when you're hungry and want to eat thousands of something.", objects\farmables\rice\wildriceseed.object 15c15 < "humanDescription" : "Rice. Good for when you're hungry and want to eat a thousand of something.", --- > "humanDescription" : "Rice. Good for when you're hungry and want to eat thousands of something.", objects\farmables\toxictop\toxictopseed.object 11,12c11,12 < "apexDescription" : "This plant could make me sick.", < "avianDescription" : "Toxic and delicious.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This plant could make me sick. Or could it cure sickness?", > "avianDescription" : "Sour and delicious.", 15,16c15,16 < "humanDescription" : "A toxic radish. My favourite dish.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A poisonous root vegetable.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A toxic pineapple. My favourite dish.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The toxicity in this fruit can be cleverly harnessed to cure ailments.", objects\farmables\toxictop\wildtoxictopseed.object 11,12c11,12 < "apexDescription" : "This plant could make me sick.", < "avianDescription" : "Toxic and delicious.", --- > "apexDescription" : "This plant could make me sick. Or could it cure sickness?", > "avianDescription" : "Sour and delicious.", 15,16c15,16 < "humanDescription" : "A toxic radish. My favourite dish.", < "hylotlDescription" : "A poisonous root vegetable.", --- > "humanDescription" : "A toxic pineapple. My favourite dish.", > "hylotlDescription" : "The toxicity in this fruit can be cleverly harnessed to cure ailments.", objects\generic\tent1\tent1.object 25c25,26 < "regeneration1" --- > "regeneration1", > "invisible" objects\generic\tent2\tent2.object 25c25,26 < "regeneration1" --- > "regeneration1", > "invisible" objects\mission\lunarquestturnin\drillconsole.object 51,52c51,52 < "offeredQuests" : [ < "hoe.gearup" --- > "turninQuests" : [ > "ftlrepair.gearup" objects\outpost\infinityexpress\infinityexpress.object 4d3 < "objectType" : "container", 8c7,11 < "category" : "storage", --- > "interactAction" : "OpenCraftingInterface", > "interactData" : { > "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/frogmerchant.config", > "filter" : [ "infinityexpress" ] > }, 49,54c52 < ], < < "slotCount" : 64, < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", < "frameCooldown" : 5, < "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600 --- > ] objects\outpost\terramart\terramart.object 4d3 < "objectType" : "container", 8d6 < "category" : "storage", 10a9,13 > "interactAction" : "OpenCraftingInterface", > "interactData" : { > "config" : "/interface/windowconfig/frogmerchant.config", > "filter" : [ "terramart" ] > }, 47,52c50 < ], < < "slotCount" : 64, < "uiConfig" : "/interface/chests/chest%slots%.config", < "frameCooldown" : 5, < "autoCloseCooldown" : 3600 --- > ] projectiles\physics.config 207a208,221 > > "bowlingball" : { > "mass" : 3.0, > "gravityMultiplier" : 3, > "bounceFactor" : 0.1, > "maxMovementPerStep" : 0.4, > > "collisionPoly" : [ [-0.65, -0.65], [0.65, -0.65], [0.65, 0.65], [-0.65, 0.65] ], > "ignorePlatformCollision" : true, > > "airFriction" : 0.0, > "liquidFriction" : 0.5, > "groundFriction" : 1.0 > }, projectiles\throwable\firework\firework.projectile 9a10 > "damagePoly" : [ [-7, -2], [-7, 2], [4, 2], [4, -2] ], projectiles\throwable\firework2\firework2.projectile 9a10,11 > "universalDamage" : true, > "damagePoly" : [ [-7, -2], [-7, 2], [4, 2], [4, -2] ], projectiles\throwable\firework3\firework3.projectile 10a11 > "universalDamage" : true, projectiles\throwable\firework4\firework4.projectile 10a11 > "universalDamage" : true, projectiles\throwable\fireworkblue\fireworkblue.projectile 9a10 > "damagePoly" : [ [-7, -2], [-7, 2], [4, 2], [4, -2] ], projectiles\throwable\fireworkblue2\fireworkblue2.projectile 9a10,11 > "universalDamage" : true, > "damagePoly" : [ [-7, -2], [-7, 2], [4, 2], [4, -2] ], projectiles\throwable\fireworkblue3\fireworkblue3.projectile 10a11 > "universalDamage" : true, projectiles\throwable\fireworkblue4\fireworkblue4.projectile 10a11 > "universalDamage" : true, projectiles\throwable\fireworkgreen\fireworkgreen.projectile 9a10 > "damagePoly" : [ [-7, -2], [-7, 2], [4, 2], [4, -2] ], projectiles\throwable\fireworkgreen2\fireworkgreen2.projectile 9a10,11 > "universalDamage" : true, > "damagePoly" : [ [-7, -2], [-7, 2], [4, 2], [4, -2] ], projectiles\throwable\fireworkgreen3\fireworkgreen3.projectile 10a11 > "universalDamage" : true, projectiles\throwable\fireworkgreen4\fireworkgreen4.projectile 10a11 > "universalDamage" : true, projectiles\throwable\molotov\molotov.projectile 19c19 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.05, 26c26 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.05, 33c33 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.05, 40c40 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.05, 47c47 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.05, 54c54 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.05, 61c61 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.05, 68c68 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.05, 75c75 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.05, 82c82 < "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.2, --- > "inheritDamageFactor" : 0.05, recipes\kitchen\tier1\pearlpeabroth.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "pearlpea", "count" : 1 } --- > { "item" : "boiledpearlpeas", "count" : 1 } recipes\kitchen\tier2\applecrumble.recipe 5c5 < { "item" : "apple", "count" : 1 } --- > { "item" : "redredapple", "count" : 1 } recipes\kitchen\tier2\candyapple.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "apple", "count" : 1 } --- > { "item" : "redapple", "count" : 1 } recipes\weapons\tier1\bomb.recipe 4c4 < { "item" : "coalore", "count" : 1 } --- > { "item" : "gunpowder", "count" : 1 } stats\npc_primary.lua 1a2,5 > if world.getProperty("nonCombat") then > return {} > end > 44c48 < end \ No newline at end of file --- > end stats\player_primary.lua 8c8 < if self.hitInvulnerabilityTime > 0 then --- > if self.hitInvulnerabilityTime > 0 or world.getProperty("nonCombat") then stats\effects\partytime\partytime.animation 3,10d2 < "pulse" : { < "active" : true, < "position" : [0, 1.0], < "color" : [255, 255, 255], < "flickerPeriod" : 0.1, < "flickerMinIntensity" : 0.0, < "flickerMaxIntensity" : 0.7 < }, stats\effects\partytime\partytime.statuseffect 10c10,13 < "animationConfig" : "partytime.animation" --- > "animationConfig" : "partytime.animation", > > "label" : "Party Time!", > "icon" : "/interface/statuses/levitate.png"