rwfromxenon |
Hey, what picture do you prefer? I've drawn 2 pics for the opening menu for my game, and I need to know what you think is the better one. The game is called SpellSwords. This screen will be used like in KQ1SCI, with the Restore Game and Introduction buttons. |
rwfromxenon | 1 |
rwfromxenon | 2 |
Robin_Gravel |
The second picture looks better. Anyway Allen, could you tell us more about Spell Swords? Robin Gravel |
Kon-Tiki | I voted Neither, just to rig the vote, but like the second one best. |
AGI1122 | I like the first. |
Oliver |
I like the first one, because the second one is a bit odd. The sword is a bit weird too. So my choice is 1 |
Sidrious play | The second picture is drawn better, but I like the style of the first picture, so I voted for it (the first pic). |
rwfromxenon |
Robin_Gravel wrote: It's an RPG, much like the one you're working on (Serguei's Destiny 2) Here's some of the opening story. =SPELLSWORDS= An AGI RPG Once, in the kingdom of Undergard, there was a great plague of monsters and demons who destroyed everything in their path. The good king sent armies after the demonic hoardes, but to no avail. After 10 years of this, the elders of the local Mages and Fighters Guilds formed a third Guild.. The Guild of SpellSwords.... That's all I want to give away right now. But in time, more will be revealed. And oh, yeah. I created this neat rune spell system - See below. |
Sidrious play |
I like the spell-system... The story is good, too. |
Kon-Tiki | No more Trogdor? :'( Put him in there somewhere as a joke, but not explicit, as the runes look way better than that Trogdor-card from yesterday ;D |
rwfromxenon |
Kon-Tiki wrote: Oh, Trogdor'll be in there in the actual game. |
Kon-Tiki |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
rwfromxenon |
Going against the vote, I think I'll go for the second as it makes it bit easier for what I'm doing. See below... |
Robin_Gravel |
Does Spell Swords support agimouse like some my games? Robin Gravel |
rwfromxenon | I was considering it, but I'd rather keep to the traditional AGI. The buttons will be selected with a cursor moved with the keyboard, or in NAGI, the mouse. |
Sidrious play | Yeah! I like that screenshot. |