Cars, Cars and Cars

gennadiy What is the best car view what have been drawn in AGI (both, in Sierra and in fanmade games)?

In my opinion, cars are always out of perspective, they are too low, have too flat tires and so on.

Whats your opinion
gennadiy There are some views from my game (not ready yet),

In the first view there is the car that you own in the beginning of the game, in the second view there is that car fully tuned and in third view there are that car in rally modification (final level of tuning).
gennadiy Damn, anyway the first view is above, the second is here and thirds is there : and if you cant see this link, then
gennadiy Well, the third one is here :P
Oliver Whoa, those looks great! :P

When my game comes out soon and people will see the jeep I drew there, I hope they won't start laughing at me,because I didn't really try to do a good car, I just tried to do a ;D