Joker |
Hi there! We from Femo Duo Entertainment (Hank's Quest) are proud to present our latest AGI game called "Enclosure"! Check it out at our website. Just click on RELEASES... Have fun! |
sonneveld |
I would like to be on the record in saying it's "not bad". :) - Nick |
Eigen |
WOW! Now this is some nice stuff! The graphics and animations are the best I've seen in a fan-made game. Haven't played it much yet, so I'll write my opinion later. 12 points of 10... -Eigen |
Kon-Tiki |
This just gave me the urge to continue my games ::) Anyway, glad to see it finished. Trying it out now... |
Joey | I cannot wait to play this game. The trailer looked very promising. |
Eero R | Good to see it's finished... |
Oliver |
KILLER GAME!!! :o The views in the game are just AWSOME (like eveything else is). I really like the story of the game too. Can't wait for more games by Femo Duo Entertainment! ;) |
sonneveld |
Has anyone played right through the game yet? If so, what did you think? - Nick |
Eero R | No, I'm stuck (and I don't want to look at the logics)... How can I get that suitcase with the photo? Every time I try I die... |
Robin_Gravel |
How can I get that suitcase with the photo use the cat's toy to get the photo. I got no memory:### have #### need ### when playing under dos when entering in the kitchen. Too bad, like V and SQ: replicated, you cannot play this game with older computer. Robin Gravel |
Eero R | And how do I get the mouse from the cat? |
Robin_Gravel | |
Eero R | "Too bad, Mike. No fish for you today." Any hints? |
Robin_Gravel |
It sounds like Kq4. Try again untill you get one. Robin Gravel |
Eero R | Thanks again! |
Joker |
Hi, there! Well, it's great to see many of you like the game so far! It's quite rewarding. :) Eero & Robin, just remember you're not the only two people reading this topic: Some people might like to finish it without any hints. ;) And Eero next time, when you're stuck, don't worry: The game's designed to prevent you from ever getting really stuck (or frustrated)! You'll see what I mean! ;) Have fun!! |
Robin_Gravel |
Some people might like to finish it without any hints. I agree with it Joker. Peharps Somebody needs extra hints should begin a new thread. The game's designed to prevent you from ever getting really stuck (or frustrated)! One or two hints in the game are difficult to understand. Robin Gravel |
Eero R |
Yeah, that Mortal Kombat character is funny... I found a bug (select the space to see the text): [color=#003366]In the cave I could take the carburettor (which should be spelled carburator) and give it to Frank. Then I could go back into the cave and take another...[/color] By the way, it's the best AGI game I've played so far! |
Eero R | Finished the game... The end was quite funny! |
Robin_Gravel |
[color=#003366]How I can pass the guard at the rooftop?[/color] Robin Gravel |
Eero R | I'll send you a PM... |
Joey | Awesome graphics! That game is so cool! Great work guys! |
Rainer | I must say great game so far, excellent technicals, good graphics, average sound(although I appreciate original music). Overall a very original AGI game. I cant wait to play it properly all the way through. |
df |
i watched the trailer... reminds me of 'The Thing'... |
unknown | i got to the part where the generator goes haywire, i found dr. benson dead but what do i do next?? All the doors are malfunctioned and i cant seem to proceed with the game, what should i do next??? |
Eero R |
unknown: Select the space (or just press Ctrl-A) to see the solution: [color=#003366]Open the panel near the door and cut the wires with the scalpel...[/color] |
Unknown | Umm.....i did.....nothing happened when i pressed ctrl - a |
AGI1122 |
That would be because Eero assumed you where using a browser that uses CTRL-A to select all. ;) Just highlight his entire post, when you do a hidden message with the answer to the part you need help with will appear. | |
Unknown wrote: You're not supposed to press ctrl-A in the game, you're supposed to do it here, on this page, to be able to read Eero's hidden message. |
Unknown | ooops, sorry, i feel retarded now. thanks for the help |
M |
Hey guys, don't suppose u can give me a pointer? Ben's dead, ants all over his room and I have no idea what to do. The hints that pop up have got me thinking that I need his glasses, but how do I get rid of the ants?? My inv is fruit, keycard, fishing rod, fish, pick axe, matches. Thanks |
rwfromxenon |
Did you ever play Space Quest 2? If you did, then you'll know what to do. |
M | Yeah, I.. havent. |
rwfromxenon |
M wrote: ok... Highlight the text below to see the answer. [color=#003366]Rub Fruit then walk into the ants. They should not eat you, because of the smell.[/color] |
M | Oh ok, thanks. I wouldnt have thought of that at all! Man I was breezing through earlier now, I'm stuck again!! I spotted the thing sparkling through the telescope and Mike commented on it. Not really sure how to find it tho. |
MagickPoultry | I'm trying to catch up on playing some of the games that have been made. I just finished Enclosure, and I must say I thought it was excellent. You can just about name anything about the game, and I would compliment it. Very well done. |
Carter |
Someone Please Help!! :-\ I'm stuck in Enclosure and have looked everywhere for a hint and can't find one. This is like the only place anyone even talked about the game so I'll try here. I need something to light the dynamite. (i got the clue from the game...but it didn't help me much). If you don't wanna post here (so as not to spoil the game for others) PLEASE email me - Thanks. |
Martin | Where am I supposed to use the pickaxe? |
Joker |
Martin wrote: When it's time to use the pickaxe you'll surely know. ;) Just curious; did anyone finish the game already (besides sp and Eero)? And if so, did you get the full 222 points? -Joker |
rwfromxenon |
I did ;D 222 points. Those bloopers were funny. |
MagickPoultry | I got 221 points, but then it gave me the extra point. Does that mean I saw the special thing at the end? Are the bloopers the special thing? |
Joker |
That's correct. I didn't want people to get really frustrated trying to find that one last point, so I decided to give the Extra's at a 221 point-level as well. Just keeping everyone happy. :) |
Vamp |
Joker |
Kon-Tiki | Hank's Quest: Victim of Society ;) That's their major other game, downloadable from the site you downloaded Enclosure from. |
Vapor00 | Any plans on making a FAQ, anyone? |
giraffe46 | Can someone please help me. I am stuck after I use the dyamite. Everytime I go and get the flowers I die. How do I get them without dying? Please help |
Vamp |
giraffe46 wrote: Highlight to read *spoiler* [color=Navy][size=1]Dont be hesitant, walk close to the flowers and grab them, then turn around and walk away. the problem is when you are extra carefull because then the ice is allready cracked which causes you to fall when you try it a second time.[/size][/color] Highlight to read *spoiler* |
Wonko the Sane |
Zarking heck, I'm stuck using the dynamite. I can't find anything to light it with. Edit: Never mind. If anyone else is stuck, the matches are in a very small room. |
Wonko the Sane |
Beat it. Got a 212 out of 222. I liked it. It had its creepy moments, particularly the seance. It did have a minor problem of finding dead people and having nobody seem to care (Benson in particular). Very nice job on the art, animation, music, and sound. I liked the cameo apperance that The Thing poster made. Very appropriate. |
Doc Comic |
KUDOS! Excellent work! This perhaps marks the first AGI foray into suspense horror. Again you throw us a game out of left field that's a home run. Femo Duo, you guys are potentially the Gods of AGI (no offense, Robin, lol). I was just wondering if you guys have any current plans for a new AGI or even an SCI game? |
Unknown | Where could I Find that ignition key? Im really confused. You may just |
Joker |
Glad you liked it, Wonko! And... er... Thanks, Doc Comic. Not sure if we're really 'Gods' like you say we are, but it's great to see you liked 'Enclosure'! We're not working on any AGI-game at the moment (you should think of it as a 'short vacation'), but there'll probably be more of us coming in the near future. To Unknown (Spoiler below! Highlight text): [color=navy]If you have a poem in your possession; read it! It contains a riddle. If you're lacking a poem; try talking to Sarah.[/color] |
unknown | Damn, Sarah is speaking with Lisa behind the table and the riddle is what I call a riddle's riddle. I don't understand it, or I understand myself wrong. It says " I see myself and move me aside" - sounds like a mirror or sth. " This is how I obtain the key for the ride" - ok, that's the way I'll got the key. I cant talk Sarah. |
unknown | dont bother to answer, i found the key ;) I must say it was nicely hidden. |
Rainer De Temple |
unknown wrote: thats the second time you've used the word "sth" is that an abbreviation for something? or is it a typo? |
rwfromxenon | It means "Something" or ...sth |
Rainer | ahh okay, I get it. so it is quite literally an abbreviation for "something" :) |
hamish |
Hey Any idea where the lake is? I can't find the iced over lake i have been outside but can only go to the derricks? |
Rainer | the lake screen is west of the derricks(there is a gap between the snow) |
tars |
Congrats to the people at Femo Duo! You've got a great one there, guys! Actually, I'm so absorbed in the game, that even though I just can't get past the scooter run, I won't let it go! You guys that 've finished the game, did you find the scooter run especially difficult/impossible? Is there a trick that keeps you alive? I always knew I was a bad driver, but am I the only one that keeps falling into the holes, over and over and over again?! Thanks! | |
I don't know if this is really a trick, but here's how I did it: I kept my scooter as north as possible most of the time. Had my eyes focused on the right of the screen. When I saw a hole coming up at the top of the road, i pressed down, and when the hole'd passed me, up again. There's a chance Frank's (It was Frank right? It's been a while) scooter will be in your way and you'll take a fall. But you can have a couple of falls, so it's not that bad. Hope that helps. |
tars |
Hi StrangeQuark - thanks for your help! Staying as northwest as possible did the trick after a few attempts, so I'm back on the game! Really appreciate it ;) |
lorin |
Well, I'm having fun with this game -- but I'm stuck. I'm getting a lot of hints about "someone or something needs to be picked on!", but I can't figure out where to use the pickaxe. Any hints? |
gennadiy | You will know when you need to use pickaxe. I may say that its after the scooter ride |
lorin | Then I guess my problem is really how to start the scooter. I have the ignition key. I don't know if I'm missing something else, or if I just can't find the right verb. |
lorin | I say "ride scooter" and the game says "maybe later". | |
I don't have a save game from there, but maybe try "use key on scooter"? Most things in AGI games will work with the verb "use". |
Joker |
lorin wrote: Actually, it's not... yet! Here's what to do: *Spoiler below, folks! - Highlight text to read* [color=Navy]''Picked on'' is not refering to the pickaxe. An item can be found in the garage. When you've used this item you'll get to understand the picked on-clue.[/color] *Spoiler above, folks! - Highlight text to read* Good luck! |
Flod | Sigh....i am stuck on the scooter ride..... nothing seems to work...staying north or north west...... i keep knocking into the holes..... and sometimes the next hole is just within one second worth of reaction time after i knocked into the previous... its impossible.....spoils my whole mood for playing the near to finishing..yet so far........... |
flod | hahah...perserverance is key!!!!!! i got past the scooter ride...but i am stuck again... read the journal of ariel know in the cave...... and thats it..nothing happens... any one got a clue??????? plsssss... |
Flod | how do i distract william mayfield????? |
Joker |
Although you seem to succeed in solving the puzzles on your own so far :) here's a hint: Highlight text below [color=Navy]There's an object that was (somewhat) damaged by the shaking of 'Mary'. Use this along with another object in your inventory.[/color] Good luck! |
Flod | Haha!! hey..the endings really clever.... i didn't notice the difference with the whole scene at first...then i saw what u meant by '[color=#074796]somewhat damaged[/color]'.... and yea..i got the 222 points i needed... not bad at all... ahhahh...really funny cuts.... weell done!!!! to u guys at femo duo.. |
goo | where's the frozen lake? i can't find it... |
goo |
ok never mind i found it... but am i suppposed to pick the blue flowers after i blew up the rock? can't get them without falling... |
unknown | The poem suggests a mirror or sort. THe only two mirrors are in the bar and the toilet but i can't find a key near them. Help? |
Joker |
Hi there! goo (Highlight text below) [color=navy]You get only one shot at picking these flowers. Just enter the ledge (once), pick the flowers & get off![/color] unknown (Highlight text below) [color=navy]Act out EXACTLY what the poem says. That's the key to this mystery.[/color] Good luck!! |
unlnown | Thanks I got it. Now I can't find the crowbar Lisa was talking about. And I can't seem to get to the rooms with the blocked hallways. |
unknown | Ok never mind about that. Haha now I have no idea what to do with it. |
unknown | Ok I know I am really going to sound like a pain asking questions then solving them again. But what's the somewhat damaged thing that can stop owen from killing me? Any more hints? |
Kon-Tiki |
*Spoiler* [color=Navy]That'd be the smoking pipe on the lower left edge[/color] *Spoiler* Only got 214 points... can't seem to find what I've missed, but then again, only found 10 or 11 (depends on how you count) ways to die too. |
Kon-Tiki | Nevermind the points. Changing offset 39's value in the savegame file to DD did the trick too ;D |
Kon-Tiki | It's up to the players to hack their savegame like that or not. And besides, I didn't see what I could possibly do more, as I've played the game twice already, trying to get everything out of it. |
Flod |
i think the extra points come from things like: - [color=#074796]taking a shower[/color] - [color=#074796]drinking water from the cooler[/color] - [color=#074796]catching fish for your meal[/color] - etc... |
Enigma |
This is an awesome game so far... I'm really frustrated now tho because I'm stuck on the roof and can't figure out how to get past Owen Carter. Can anyone offer a less cryptic hint? Thanks! |
porchbeast | got the key. where's the scooter. chin is dead and i'm wandering around aimlessly. |
Joker |
Okay, here it goes: Spoiler Below! Highlight Text [color=navy]Have you paid your respects?[/color] Spoiler Above! Highlight Text Good luck! |
porchbeast | yeah, i got that message from the in game helper, but i can't find the body |
Enigma |
Porchbeast, here's what you do (highlight text) [color=Navy][/color]go to the room off of the lab [color=Black][/color] Someone please help me with the rooftop bit! |
gennadiy |
You have to keep yourself behind structures (walls, satelite). I think that there would be more use when you think logically and stop asking those silly questions here. C'mon its a great game, don't spoil your fun. Try to find solutions yourself! |
Enigma |
Thanks for the response. The only reason I asked was because I keep dying when I try to use the structures for shelter. I guess I'll just try again. Enigma |
porchbeast | got the blue flowers, still cannot ride scooter. help please |
Rehta | I can't get past the bloody scooter ride and it's pissing me off!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!! |
Rehta |
Oh woo!! Got past the scooters finally! On my 50th try! LOL! *dances* |
Rehta | Sorry for posting so much. But I can't get past Owen on the rooftop. When I try to get around the satellite to the wall on Owen's left side I can't get in there before he turns around. Also, someone mentioned a pipe that can distract him? Where is this pipe? |
Kon-Tiki | The pipe's for later on in the game. 'bout the satellite... I did it the trial-and-error way, which was a long way, too >_> |
Sidrious play |
Yeah... long time no post... But here i am again... First, nice game, what you programmed Famo Duo!! I think the best full Fan-Made Game i have ever played... Now, i'm searching that key for the scooter... where do i find it? |
Kon-Tiki | The poet knows the way. |
Sidrious play |
Yeah! Finished the game... the second time with all 222 pts. Very funny end!! :D I laught my a** off!! ;D |
Rehta | I still can't get past Owen on the roof. *SIGH* |
Sidrious play |
I made it this way: *Highlight text to read* [color=Blue][size=1]First, try go to the grate...if you got that, go behind the satellite, if its faced to Owen. Then hurry down to the block on the lower left. If you hide behind that block you can save the game. Then just walk left...[/size][/color] *Highlight text to read* |
steve |
im stuck inventory: fishing rod i have 22 points i have told sarah of the sceance i am wandering around aimlessly | |
I suggest wandering around with aim:[color=#006699]go outside and to the far left.[/color] |
steve | i cant. theres a snowstorm |
steve |
now i have: fishing rod couplet box of matches keycard crowbar every thing is a mess! ben green is dead lisa is dead chin sung lee(sp) is dead watson is dead bates is gone owen is missing sarah is missing i have a feeling that im supposed to do something with the grate i have 220 points i need a spoiler |
Sidrious play |
[size=1]*Highlight text to read*[/size][color=#006699]open grate crowbar[/color] [size=1]*Highlight text to read*[/size] |
steve | "come again??" ??? |
Sidrious play |
[color=#006699]Go, to the picture where Mike says something like, the grate brings fresh air or something... and there, go to the grate and type: "open grate crowbar"[/color] Mark the quote by holding left mouse... |
steve | still doesnt there a walkthrough? or is it just a technical problem? or a script error? |
steve | nvr mind there were 2 grates lol |
steve |
221/222 funny goofs lol |
Sidrious play |
Didn't you got one point for finishing game? Because I thought you have to get all 222 for that "end sequence"... And I told you, that one where the text appears!! ;) |
thor |
Need help against owen and satelite dish Been at it for 1 week plus...still no result...darn frustrating *****My tried Sequence****** [color=Navy] 1. I try to wait till owen turns the 2nd time when dish is horizontal facing screen. 2. I walk down to in front of satelite from the grate area. 3. Turn towards the left. 4. Here's why I fail. Never seem to be able to turn down in time towards the shelter. Seem to be blocked as the figure always stops.[/color] *****My tried Sequence****** [color=Navy][/color] |
Sidrious play |
[color=#006699]Ok, if you enter the screen run behind the first upper wall, the satellite is now faced to sky. When it just move, run to the grate, but try to stay behind satellite, while running, then up. Now the satellite is faced to YOU. Watch Owens face. After 2 turns, run behind the satellite right after Owen faces you the 2nd time. Don't stay to near to the satellite or you struck! When the satellite starts moving, run to the last block in the SW. Stay near screen or you've no time. Hope I could help you![/color] |
thor | Thanx. Finally! a completion of the game. GReat work ppl. Keep it up. |
Confused1 | Could someone tell me how to start the scooter? I picked the flower and gave it to ben, but I can't start the scooter. |
Sidrious play |
[color=#006699]I think the scooter doesn't matter yet! Try something else... You can drive the scooter later, after you have found something for this guy with blonde hairs (Frank? I forgot the name, because after I finished it with all points, there wasn't anything more to do...)[/color] |
steve |
do you have the poem? 'i see myself and move me aside' how do you see yourself? picture, mirror, model, game(eyetoy) 'and move me aside' a model might be too heavy to move a game might be an arcade game thats too heavy to move a picture might be painted on the ground and you cant move the ground must be a mirror i only see one mirror in the game where are mirrors common? bathroom, bedroom 'move me aside' bathroom mirrors can be moved aside bedroom mirrors are too heavy to move |
Confused1 | Beat it with 213. |
Kon-Tiki | That's one less than me :P But you can still see the bloopers. Just need a hex editor ;D *Shuts up 'bout brute force hacking Enclosure to get to the bloopers before The Joker notices it again >_> <_< >_> ;D * |
31344 | cant find lighter to light dynamite |
Kon-Tiki |
***SPOILER*** Select to read [color=#006699]Use the matches on the candle. "Light dynamite" or something like that ought to do the trick.[/color]***SPOILER*** |
31344 | where do i find the CANDLES and MATCHES |
sunshinegold |
Have you checked/looked in the pantry? maybe on shelves? For candles, look for lisa ;) |
sunshinegold |
Joker wrote:lorin wrote: After giving flower to Green, he goes to the cliff and only admires the flower. He does not leave. I went back but got message that 'someone or something has to be picked'. I went back to the garage like you said, but can't do anything in there. I tried opening that small cupboard, it's not in my power. I tried pickaxe on it, but it will not budge. I can't get any tools, the box is empty and the scooter is for later. I've been going around in circles and really getting dizzy and fed up. I enjoyed your game but not I'm getting frustrated. Can anyone give me a hint as to what to do next. I have 155 points but completly stuck. >:( And BTW where is Maxwell. Haven't seen him since the seance. ??? Thank you to anyone who can help me. :) |
Zarathustra |
im stuck in the beginning i have only 24 points and im stuck william is talking to lisa and says he will meet me at my room later i talked to everybody and checked everything and hes still talking with lisa i cant turn on my laptop cause it says that first i need to get closer and i get as closer as i can and still i cant turn it on i need some help |
sunshinegold |
Zarathustra wrote: William will never go to your room so don't expect him. :) You just have to move around and 'look' at everything on your way and 'talk' to anyone you see. As I was advised somewhere in this forum, when you 'talk' to someone, pay attention to what they say. If they mention someone's name, find that person as soon as possible but keep looking and touching or whatever you can do on your way. As for your laptop, I managed to 'use' it. As for getting closer, maybe you have to really face it. Or maybe you should 'look' at table and then try to use it ??? I am not really sure anymore. :- |
Guest | Where do you find the blood for the seyonce? |
gennadiy | Kitchen |
Guest | I got the blood now stuck on the flower bit i gave the flower to ben and dont know what to do know... |
rwfromxenon |
Well, is there anything in his room that you couldn't do before? |
Gamal | How do i get the glasses without being killed by the ants? |