Error message when create game

Murphy Can someone help me here?
I have extract my zip file of SCI Studio into a folder made by my self. When I run the SCIStudio.exe file and the application launch.
The problem is when I try to create a new game and choose to save in a different folder, it prompt me a message of "Template game directory not found! You must reinstall SCI Studio".
Do I need to "install" instead of just extract it to a folder I created?
The version I've download is the latest (3.0). Someone please help me or I will get crazy here. :P
Thank you in advance.
Robin_Gravel When unziping, select 'use folder names' or sci studio will not work properly.

Robin Gravel
cloudee1 It sounds like something happened to the directory tree when you unzipped the program, more specifically like the template folder is not in the correct place.

I have a folder "SciStudio" and inside this folder you will see this screen(see attatched), look for your template folder, does it match? If not track it down and move it, or try unzipping again.