OS-Bones |
I'm a newbie to the world of AGI games. I've found a tuturial in one of the pinned topics and am begining on my first game. I've got my idea its going to be a RPG meets 2-D fighting game. What do you think? |
Robin_Gravel |
Wait I'm working on similar game called 'Serguei's destiny 2' A demo is out. You'll find it at: http://membres.lycos.fr/agisite/agisite.htm Robin Gravel |
OS-Bones | Is there a place where I can download AGI Studio for free? |
Robin_Gravel |
You'll find it at my site. Just click on 'utilities section' on my site. Robin Gravel |
OS-Bones |
Thanks Robin! By the way your game looks great! Do you have MSN? I'd like to talk to you more about AGI. |
OS-Bones |
okay everytime I try to open a template it always says It can't. Why? |
Robin_Gravel |
Do you have XP? And did you download pic editor too. You cannot draw backgrounds without it. Sorry I don't have MSN. Sometimes, I go to this chatroom: http://www.agigames.com/chat/ If you are lucky, you can chat with me. Robin Gravel |
Kon-Tiki |
Hehehe, Robin, I think he means more like Zelda II, Ninja Boy, etc, where the fighting element's in a Super Mario-style with dependancy on stats. SD2 has a turn-based system, which's something completely different. ... At least I think he means such a fighting system. Anyways, you can get the Studio at Brian's site, Nick's site, Chris' site, the Studio's programmer's (Nailhead) site, my site and tons of others too ;) The Studio's free and almost everybody who uses it and has a site likes to host it. Anyways, it's probably XP flaring up again. The thing's to AGI like haemmorhoids are to a butt. The solution for the problem should be somewhere in this board (I'll just need some searching to find out where though) Edit: found something even better |
Robin_Gravel |
Hi Kon-TikiAt least I think he means such a fighting system I think you are right. Serguei's destiny looks more like Final Fantasy than Ninjaboy. XP flaring up again XP has bad reputation to run old games. That's why I never buy this crap. Robin Gravel |
OS-Bones |
first I'm going to start on a small project called "Henry Heartman" Its about a guy who's head is turned into a heart so you have to catch the hearts that fall from the ceiling to get enough points to turn hin back into a man. (By the way I'm not using XP, I'm running on safe, reliable old '98) |
OS-Bones |
I need help. Every time I try to run a game it won't why? What will I need to get to run the game? Where can I get it for free? |
Joel |
to run the games, you'll need an interpreter. you can get pretty much everything you need here: http://www.agidev.com/download/ |
OS-Bones | Which one do you suggest? |
Kon-Tiki | Nagi's the best you can get, but if it's for running through the Studio, I suggest the one that comes with the template game (template.com) |
Robin_Gravel |
You can use Nagi as well with agi studio. Just select nagi.exe as executable file. Robin Gravel |
OS-Bones |
With the help of Kon-Tiki I now have my first game Idea. The game will be called "New World Theif". It's about a theif who sneaks onto a boat and travels to the new world. While on the boat you will steal money from rich snobs, then after leaving the boat make a new life for yourself with that money. |
sonneveld |
hey nice. I always loved the thief character in the quest for glory games. - Nick |
Kon-Tiki |
Kinda sounds like Little Pirate, but still different. Anyway, can't wait to see the game (or at least some screenshots) |
Oliver |
sounds cool. Can't wait to play it (or atleast a demo) ;). |
anonymous |
Be sure not to distribute the game too early. Make sure you are completely satisfied with it first. No one likes crap-games. |
Joey | agi studio is free man. i have msn if you wish to talk to me about AGI and stuff. i can help you out. my msn screen name is larrylaffer133@hotmail.com |