Dreadwing | Having been trying ACI out, it seems a problem has occured with XP users. it seems that if you change the logic, it wont do a thing. Does anyone have a fix for this? :-\ I'd really like to learn this |
AGI1122 | You need to compile it, not save it. Saving it only saves it to the text file in the src directory. |
Zonkie |
Chris Cromer wrote: That took me about a week to figure out when I started with AGI ... ::) |
Dreadwing | ;) thanks, I got it now |
Dreadwing with problem |
ok after compiling most of the Logic, the room Logic has a problem. it keeps saying I need a } then it says I need a RETURN command ill post my logic up for someone to check it. :-\ |
Dreadwing with Logic |
// **************************************************************************** // // Logic 2: First room // // **************************************************************************** #include "defines.txt" if (new_room) { load.pic(room_no); draw.pic(room_no); discard.pic(room_no); set.horizon(37); // The next 6 lines need only be in the first room of the game if ((prev_room_no == 1 || // just come from intro screen prev_room_no == 0)) { // or just started game position(ego,120,140); status.line.on(); accept.input(); } // Check what room the player came from and position them on the // screen accordingly here, e.g: // if (prev_room_no == 5) { // position(ego,12,140); // } draw(ego); show.pic(); if (said("look")) { print("This seems to be your attic that you just cleaned up.. what are you doing here? you heard an ear splitting scream..."); if (said("look","out","window")) { print("You look out the window, you see your front lawn and a dead body laying there. Get down there!"); if (said("look","glass")) { v255 = 2; if (obj.in.room("glass",v255)) { print("A piece of broken glass lays on the ground.."); } else { reset(input_parsed); // let logic 90 take care of it } if (v2 == 1) { new.room(3); } if (v2 == 2) { new.room(2); } if (v2 == 3) { new.room(2); } if (v2 == 4) { new.room(2); } } return(); // Messages #message 1 "This seems to be your attic that you just cleaned up.. what are you doing here? you heard an ear splitting scream..." #message 2 "You look out the window, you see your front lawn and a dead body laying there. Get down there!" #message 3 "A piece of broken glass lays on the ground.." |
Eigen |
This should do it. // **************************************************************************** // // Logic 2: First room // // **************************************************************************** #include "defines.txt" if (new_room) { load.pic(room_no); draw.pic(room_no); discard.pic(room_no); set.horizon(37); // The next 6 lines need only be in the first room of the game if ((prev_room_no == 1 || // just come from intro screen prev_room_no == 0)) { // or just started game position(ego,120,140); status.line.on(); accept.input(); } // Check what room the player came from and position them on the // screen accordingly here, e.g: // if (prev_room_no == 5) { // position(ego,12,140); // } draw(ego); show.pic(); } if (said("look")) { print("This seems to be your attic that you just cleaned up.. what are you doing here? you heard an ear splitting scream..."); } if (said("look","out","window")) { print("You look out the window, you see your front lawn and a dead body laying there. Get down there!"); } if (said("look","glass")) { v255 = 2; if (obj.in.room("glass",v255)) { print("A piece of broken glass lays on the ground.."); } else { reset(input_parsed); // let logic 90 take care of it } if (v2 == 1) { new.room(3); } if (v2 == 2) { new.room(2); } if (v2 == 3) { new.room(2); } if (v2 == 4) { new.room(2); } return(); -Eigen |
Dreadwing with prob AGAIN |
:-\ Unfortanuntly, it didnt work.. please try again? ??? // **************************************************************************** // // Logic 2: First room // // **************************************************************************** #include "defines.txt" if (new_room) { load.pic(room_no); draw.pic(room_no); discard.pic(room_no); set.horizon(37); // The next 6 lines need only be in the first room of the game if ((prev_room_no == 1 || // just come from intro screen prev_room_no == 0)) { // or just started game position(ego,120,140); status.line.on(); accept.input(); } // Check what room the player came from and position them on the // screen accordingly here, e.g: // if (prev_room_no == 5) { // position(ego,12,140); // } draw(ego); show.pic(); } if (said("look")) { print("This seems to be your attic that you just cleaned up.. what are you doing here? you heard an ear splitting scream..."); } if (said("look","out","window")) { print("You look out the window, you see your front lawn and a dead body laying there. Get down there!"); } if (said("look","glass")) { v255 = 2; if (obj.in.room("glass",v255)) { print("A piece of broken glass lays on the ground.."); } else { reset(input_parsed); // let logic 90 take care of it } if (3 == 1) { new.room(3); } if (2 == 2) { new.room(2); } if (2 == 3) { new.room(2); } if (2 == 4) { new.room(2); } return(); // Messages #message 1 "This seems to be your attic that you just cleaned up.. what are you doing here? you heard an ear splitting scream..." #message 2 "You look out the window, you see your front lawn and a dead body laying there. Get down there!" #message 3 "A piece of broken glass lays on the ground.." } |
Eigen | Try replacing the } else { with single } |
Dreadwing | :Dit worked! thanks for yah help |
Dreadwing X |
:D I AM A USER NOW! :D anyways, everything is going well and all. is there any Picedit tutorials I can download? |
smartguy240 |
yes actually...there is one on how to draw good pictures done by Kon-Tiki...you can find it somewhere here. it should be in tourials if i am not mistaken ;) |
Dreadwing X |
oh no, let me rephrase that, I need help with the priority settings. otherwise, my guy walks all over the screen ::) anyone want to help me with this? with scenes mostly.. BUT anyone? :P |
rwfromxenon |
Black = if ego touches it, he will stop. Dark Blue = if ego touches it, he will stop, unless the ignore.blocks(oX) function is used. Green = If ego crosses it, f3 is set. If you use white, it will appear in front of everything. If the ego's priority is less than that of the thing you want to hide him behind, then he will be hidden. Maroon signifies no priority. I think that's it... |
Dreadwing |
:-\ that would be a BIG help if it were numbered because the priority box is all numbers, it would be easy to read. :-* all yah need to do is number it now and ill be set. I might figure it out on my own though. |
Kon-Tiki |
0 = unpassable 1 = unpassable, unless ignore.blocks is used 2 (dark green, I think) = Triggers F3 3 (light blue, I think) = Triggers F31 (Could be another one though) That's it. If you have more priority-problems, there's a tutorial by Juha Terho that explains everything too. -Kon-Tiki- |
Dreadwing X |
Robin Gravel (not logged) |
3 (light blue, I think) = Triggers F31 (Could be another one though) 3 is dark cyan not light blue. Light blue is 9. 3 (dark cyan) = Triggers F0 Robin Gravel |
Kon-Tiki |
Darkwing, do you mean someone that draws for you? -Kon-Tiki- |
Dreadwing | someone who does scenes only and it would be great that if you know A little about scene logics. ;) |
Kon-Tiki |
Screen logic's not too difficult. Just ask away. Finding someone who's willing to draw and is able to draw what you want, is a bit more difficult. I'd do it myself, but I'm a bit busy with other stuff right now. Although, if it's something that I can do in a small amount of time, I might concider it. First of all, what kind of drawings do you need? -Kon-Tiki- |
Oliver |
I would help but I haven't got much time. I gotto work on 3 games. -Oliver- |
Dreadwing |
Kon-Tiki wrote: I have been doing this for a little while now. I draw them in paint and send them to you so you know whats what and all. |
Kon-Tiki |
Ok, but I can't promise anything. I'm working on two games and some projects too already. Still, it doesn't hurt to check if it'll take too much time. Mail adres's in the profile. -Kon-Tiki- |
Dreadwing | k thanks ;) |