Can't edit QFG 2

Paladinlover Hi, I tried to edit QFG using SCI studio, The latest version, and I can't access any of the views, pics, scripts or anything else.

Can anybody tell me what's wrong? Thanks.

Till next time stay cool
Brian_Provinciano SCI Studio edits SCI0 games. Though QFG2 is EGA, it is actually SCI1 (or as we nick'ed it "SCI01").
Paladinlover So is there anyway I can edit it, do you have program for download that can do it?

Also, when I'm editing QFG 1, I want to know, where can I 'add' some questions, I added some lines for some characters to say, but how can I make them recognize add the question.

For example, in the Hero Tail inn in Spielburg, I added a "Sorry, I'd rather not tell you anything about the kitchen". I wanted Shema to say this when I asked her about the kitchen, so how do I do it?

Thanks, also I emailed you about some stuff.

Till next time stay cool
NaksuApina You could try using some sci resource dumper that understands the SCI01 resource format. At least the freesci's 'glutton' branch handles QfG2 to some degree. Then, you can view/edit some (not all) individual views / pictures in the SCI Studio.

Freesci pages can be found at
rwfromxenon I always thought you couldn't edit SCI games, only write them. I was obviously wrong?
Allyb wrote:

I always thought you couldn't edit SCI games, only write them. I was obviously wrong?

Maybe SCI01 uses a different compression than SCI0.

Or you can make SCI01 games using SCI Studio as well.

Robin Gravel
Paladinlover Well, all what I did was open QFG 1 using the SCI studio, and then I had access to all the views and scripts and texts etc etc.

I made some tiny modifications just for fun. You can take a look at the Pics and see how they're made, it could be useful for me when I make my own SCI game in the near future.

Another good thing about it is, in case you want to use a pic or view that's in the game you want, all I have to do is rip it and put it in my game, that's all.

All what I've done so far is edit some texts and views, while leaving everything else esstianly the same, I always wondered how the hero looked like if he fought topless, or if foul language was used, and believe me, the way I edited the text in the Baba Yaga hut scene was hiliarious, I found myself laughing at my work harder than ever :)
rwfromxenon Could you send me the scripts for that?
I'd like to see that Baba Yaga scene :P
Allyb wrote:

Could you send me the scripts for that?
I'd like to see that Baba Yaga scene :P

I didn't make any changes to the script, I just changed the text, you can still finish the game in the standard, conventional way, but the texts are screwed up.

Take this for example... if you look at the rations in QFG 1, you'll get this message.

"Standard Adventuring Rations".

I changed the text so that when you look at the rations you'll get.

"The rations are super nutrional, too bad they taste like sh!t"

I have a LOT of texts left to edit, I'd love to get to changing them all, but I have exams for the next couple of days. But rest assured, I'll send you the game when I'm done. ;)