Mastercard | When I change logic and then try to save it, AGI-Studio says "Error creating directory "C:\Documents and Settings\Aleksi M |
Zonkie | I think it has to do with the two \\, but I don't know how to avoid it. Are you running XP? I am running XP at home and everything works fine with 1.38beta, but when I tried it on another computer that had XP I had both the view editor bug and this one. They must be linked somehow. Try compiling your logics in an earlier version of AGI Studio. Has anyone else encountered this problem? |
Mastercard | Yeah, I have XP...xp...Where can I find an earlier version?My version is 1.31a |
Zonkie | Hmm, I thought the problem was only in the newer versions... maybe try 1.37 then, you can get it from the AGI Studio Further Development site. |
Mastercard | Thanks!The newest version overrides the bug. |