bokkers |
Hi everyone, we've finally managed to get the second demo of "V" together. It represents 2/3 of the final game and contains lotsa new puzzles as well as plenty of action. Download it at and see for yourselves. Should you run across some bugs or problems, please tell us about them so that we can hunt them down. Join the Resistance! bokkers |
MagickPoultry | The elevator in Room 7 with the two guards goes to Room 16 with the big glass wall. When I turn around and leave Room 16, it takes me to Room 12. The elevator in Room 12 takes me to Room 15, where there's the guard who doesn't see you at first. |
bokkers |
Hi MagickPoultry,The elevator in Room 7 with the two guards goes to Room 16 with the big glass wall. When I turn around and leave Room 16, it takes me to Room 12. The elevator in Room 12 takes me to Room 15, where there's the guard who doesn't see you at first. Oops, I corrected that and updated the zip-file on our page. So the link from my first post now points to the game with that bug fixed. Thanks for your cooperation. (Could have found that one myself though) ;) bokkers |
Robin_Gravel |
If you take a v uniform and wear it, you can take another uniform. You'll get extra points this way. Robin Gravel |
bokkers |
Hi Robin,If you take a v uniform and wear it, you can take another uniform. You'll get extra points this way. True. I fixed that and again updated the zip on our webpage. Thanks for finding this one. bokkers |
John |
Excellent work on the second V demo! It's definitely the most impressive fan-made AGI game I've seen. The graphics are wonderful, but I was particularily impressed with how well written it was (which is one of the major weaknesses of most other AGI demos I've seen). My only suggestion is to increase the word/command recognition. For example, I knew that I had to hit the machine internals with the crowbar, but I couldn't figure out what to say to get the game to understand. I believe I tried "hit machine with crowbar", "hit inside of machine with crowbar", "hit machine internals with crowbar", "look inside machine" ... None of it worked, and I eventually had to look at the source with AGI Studio to figure out what needed to be typed. Anyways, keep up the great work! I look forward to playing the rest of the game. Regards, John |
bokkers |
Hi John, thanks a lot. Glad you like the game. About the lack of recognized words you're right. We're working on that. As the experience in room 10 must have been quite frustrating for you, I've now included all the sentences you've tried in vain to the game. As usual, the updated zip can be found at Oh, and the game also has a savegame called "End of Demo 1" where you can skip the complete embassy. bokkers |
Robin_Gravel |
When Mike is not wear the v cloth in room 40, the game is stuck in boucle. Robin Gravel |
bokkers |
When Mike is not wear the v cloth in room 40, the game is stuck in boucle. Thanks for making us aware. A very serious problem that made finishing the game impossible. Very embarassing I admit, apologies if other people also ran across it. The thing has now been fixed, together with a bug that could get you caught in a corner in the subway station. And thus, the zip has once again been updated. |
Robin_Gravel |
Where do I find a crowbar at the second part of the demo? I need it to open a garage and Mike lost it at the end of the first part. Robin Gravel |
bokkers |
Where do I find a crowbar at the second part of the demo? I need it to open a garage and Mike lost it at the end of the first part. OK, here's a hint for you: Remember how you lost it, who you lost it to. bokkers |