SGreenslade | I'm very interested in agi programming and I don't know where to start learning the code. I'd like some tips on how to keep my code organized, on which commands are the most frequently used and how I can make most of my resources. Also, out of curiosity I'd like to know if I can still download gold rush and where do I get it? |
Eigen | Hey welcome aboard! |
Oliver | Yeah, welcome aboard ;D |
CapTAmerik@ |
Good luck and welcome! As for keeping your code clean, there's really only one pointer: Use spacing after every single action you'll program and press F9 after every action to see if the interpreter picks it up... CaptAmerik@ |
Kon-Tiki |
We are glad you chose our AGI. We hope you'll have a pleasant stay. Hmm, sounds wrong... what about: Welcome aboard! Best way to learn the logic's by looking at other games. Try looking at the template game that came with AGI-Studio or download tryout (my way of learning the code) at It explains a little bit more about the code than the template game. Also, don't make the same mistake as I did when I started. Press F9 is you've changed your logic.You'll compile that logic. F10 is to compile and run the game. Good luck -Kon-Tiki- |
Zonkie |
Hi, I guess the best way for you to start learning the code is to look at the template game and to read a lot of tutorials. There are many good ones out there now, some for very specific actions, other very general. The help file in AGI Studio is also a very good resource if you're stuck with a command. I learned the logic that way. Also, look at other games for examples of how to write specific actions. Good luck, Zonkie |
Andrew_Baker |
And if you're looking to REALLY make the most of resources, check out Nick Sonneveld's Pinkun Maze test. It creates an array handler thing and a data structure logic that work together so that two logics can easily become 256 separate rooms. Really! Also, for clarity, you can define new names for variables in defines.txt, or by typing #define varname var in the top of the logic. |
Joey |
well, downloading gold rush is illegal. you could buy it off ebay. i dont want to start a war with this like rich did..... ::) anyway, if you really want it and want to get it for free (like i did and got it) look for abandonware sites. i cant post it here because the mods will get mad and i want to keep this a clean and happy board. ;D good luck with agi. |
SGreenslade |
Holy crap...I wasn't expecting so many replies so quickly... To get to the point, thank you, first of all. Glad to be here; I'll make good use of your tips. Second, I'd like to know where to start in agi programming. I'm conflicted in a few ideas of what type of story I want to produce, but that's my problem, I guess. What logic types should I practice programming first? Finally, I guess everybody should forget I mentionned about goldrush. I was thinking of making an agi game with a wild west theme and I sure could have used some sample backgrounds for it. Instead I'll go for points in orginality. I know I said finally, but I'm not finished. Is there any way to overlay the priority line palette over an actual ega background so it'll make lining up those priorities easier and won't botch either picture in the process or do I have to do it the hard way which is have trust in my eye to hand coordination? |
Andrew_Baker |
Depending on which version of PICEDIT you are using, you can import PCX files to use as a template. This doesn't work in my copy, so I do everything freehand. But, the numbers in the top right hand corner make my life bearable. As far as coding goes, I would suggest that you have at least the basic plot fleshed out before coding. I would have advised writing the entire script first, but that's not how I made my game. HOWEVER, in retrospect, I would have scripted the entire game before coding it if I had known what difficulties would come from diving in headfirst. If you have the whole thing on papyrus first, it'll save you hours of programming. |
Joel |
I'd agree. Script as much of your game as you can before you start working on it. Biggest problems with diving in headfirst are that you may very well run into a brick wall and then lose interest in your project and you may also have to rewrite a lot of the game to coincide with changes in the story if the story isn't heavily fleshed-out before starting. You should be able to import the PCX image of the priority lines into PicEdit. However, if that doesn't work, you might try using the PicEdit that comes with Windows Linux AGI Studio (available at When you start with logic programming, I'd also suggest using the Base Logic Generator to create room templates for you. The most recent version is available at |
Joey |
i dont think ive heard of a base logic generator. :-\ what does it do? it is definetely correct to WRITE DOWN a story/plot for your game on paper. I was going to do that. i did a little but then decided to screw it and just start working on the game. heh heh, that screwed me up. or atleast i think it did. anyway, i DIDNT give up on my game (DQ2) however, but it would have been better to write the story first. |
Joel |
The AGI Base Logic Generator is a program I wrote that's been around since late 1998. It creates the essential framework for an AGI room so that you don't have to worry about stupid little details every time you add a new logic to your game. It is also capable of doing certain additional things such as adding the code to respond to if (said("look")), printing messages when ego touches the edge of the screen (and properly stopping ego's motion so the message doesn't keep repeating). About two months ago, I completed BLG 2.0 Release version with better features than the original BLG. I'm not aware of any AGI utilities sites that have updated their BLG links with the new BLG, but the URL I gave in this thread will take you to my web page, where you can always find the latest release. Incidentally, I'm hard at work on BLG 3.0, which will add even more features. That's a little bit down the road, but I will announce it when it comes. |
sonneveld |
If you look at some games that Sierra has made, they planned and designed the whole game before doing any scripting. At least you'll know if the whole thing would work and what progress you're making. Look at Chad Goulding's Time Quest... he's got a percentage meter right on his site. :) Joel: sorry.. I really should update my site. Visual AGI needs to be updated on there too. - Nick |
SGreenslade | Yes it would be easier to plan it out on paper than playing it by ear as I program...but it wouldn't hurt if I got familiar with agistudio and all the other programs that are required...I suppose that in my game, sound is the least of my worries. What priority do you put to that? |