Felinese · felinvol

Original words by Letrune. Grammar suggestions by ECC and H1N1theI. The rest of all this by Kawa.


To do.

Felinese has three basic tenses; present, past, and future. For each, you take the root form of the verb (ari for example) and append a tense modifier, giving aril for I kiss, or arinwa for he/she kissed.

To pluralize a verb, add another i at the end. Thus, arilwi for we kissed.

To make a verb interrogative, add ia. Thus, ariewia for you kissed?

Negation is not a conjugation suffix but a word in itself. Still, for completeness, nar arisenaia for I won't kiss?.

Note that with the exception of negation, all the above examples are grammatically complete (but simple) phrases.


