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    Posted on 19-05-06, 18:42
    Stirrer of Shit
    Post: #238 of 717
    Since: 01-26-19

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    Jesus, what an amazing article they use as source. I can hardly tell if it's satire or not. Are these people completely detached from reality?

    There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination. You believed that you had actually held it in your hands. It was a photograph something like this.
    Posted on 19-05-07, 04:00
    Post: #43 of 77
    Since: 10-31-18

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    Amateur porn film is released. Church and local residents protest the film. Prosecutor uses law from 1796 criminalizing extramarital sex against people involved. Actor commits suicide during the events.
    Posted on 19-05-07, 07:25
    Full mod

    Post: #237 of 443
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Announcing Windows Subsystem for Linux 2

    Where the first iteration of WSL was a compatibility layer for Linux binaries on top of the NT kernel (a little bit like Wine, or the Linux binary emulation that some of the BSDs have), WSL2 is a lightweight VM running a customised Linux kernel.

    We’ll be building the kernel in house from the latest stable branch, based on the source available at kernel.org. In initial builds we will ship version 4.19 of the kernel.

    Does anybody else remember Steve Ballmer saying Linux is a cancer? Granted, it was nearly twenty years ago, but... man, times sure do change.

    The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.
    Posted on 19-05-07, 08:03 (revision 3)
    Custom title here

    Post: #434 of 1164
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Posted by Screwtape

    Does anybody else remember Steve Ballmer saying Linux is a cancer? Granted, it was nearly twenty years ago, but... man, times sure do change.
    He wasn't wrong.

    "An important philosophy of Linux at Microsoft is that all changes go upstream. "
    There you go. Microsoft's ultimate plan to destroy Linux is to do it FROM THE INSIDE.

    In all seriousness, this looks like MS has decided that compatibility layers are a pain in the ass and it is easier to just ship an emulator instead. They should know, having had experience with Windows XP Mode.

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 19-05-07, 13:14
    Stirrer of Shit
    Post: #240 of 717
    Since: 01-26-19

    Last post: 1702 days
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    Posted by CaptainJistuce

    "An important philosophy of Linux at Microsoft is that all changes go upstream. "
    There you go. Microsoft's ultimate plan to destroy Linux is to do it FROM THE INSIDE.

    In all seriousness,


    1) Windows integrates Linux subsystem
    2) Microsoft adds in a few 'special' features that 'enhance performance'
    3) Remove the 'legacy' options
    4) Go to step 2

    There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination. You believed that you had actually held it in your hands. It was a photograph something like this.
    Posted on 19-05-07, 13:42

    Post: #295 of 1313
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Posted by sureanem
    Posted by CaptainJistuce

    "An important philosophy of Linux at Microsoft is that all changes go upstream. "
    There you go. Microsoft's ultimate plan to destroy Linux is to do it FROM THE INSIDE.

    In all seriousness,


    1) Windows integrates Linux subsystem
    2) Microsoft adds in a few 'special' features that 'enhance performance'
    3) Remove the 'legacy' options
    4) Go to step 2

    That Microsoft is long dead, buddy. Ballmer left the building years ago, there has no need to replace the chairs since then!

    I'm not sure if it is for good or bad. All I can say is that EEE was superseded by other forms of evil. Just ask Google, the new MS.

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 19-05-07, 13:57
    Stirrer of Shit
    Post: #241 of 717
    Since: 01-26-19

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    Posted by tomman
    Posted by sureanem
    Posted by CaptainJistuce

    "An important philosophy of Linux at Microsoft is that all changes go upstream. "
    There you go. Microsoft's ultimate plan to destroy Linux is to do it FROM THE INSIDE.

    In all seriousness,


    1) Windows integrates Linux subsystem
    2) Microsoft adds in a few 'special' features that 'enhance performance'
    3) Remove the 'legacy' options
    4) Go to step 2

    That Microsoft is long dead, buddy. Ballmer left the building years ago, there has no need to replace the chairs since then!

    I'm not sure if it is for good or bad. All I can say is that EEE was superseded by other forms of evil. Just ask Google, the new MS.

    No, it's just an advanced kind of fraud in which they pretend to have reformed. They realized it was more profitable to sell subscriptions than OEM licenses, that's all. Linux is the last vestige of freedom on the desktop, so of course it has to be destroyed.

    How it begins is trivial: students at universities realize they don't need to bother with installing Linux when they've already got WSL to run their programming stuff and whatever, then this becomes an official recommendation by the university, then big companies start doing it too (less maintenance burden). Then, in the reverse order, the "special spice" can be added. First for large corporations, who won't mind it. Then for schools, who'll welcome the speed increase. Then for students, who just copy-paste the first working line of code from SO.

    Remember that they already did this with Visual Studio. To use good ol' strcpy or strncpy, you need to enable a very ugly preprocessor directive, and else you'll have to use the "secure" (read: Microsoft-only) versions "strcpy_s" and "strncpy_s", which just so happen to be incompatible with the regular functions.

    There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination. You believed that you had actually held it in your hands. It was a photograph something like this.
    Posted on 19-05-07, 16:01

    Post: #297 of 1313
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Dude, your Slashdot is leaking again.

    Didn't you got the memo? Javascript killed Visual Studio, and evne those forced to use C and friends (outside boring line-of-business intranet applications) moved to GCC or LLVM/Clang.

    I'm glad noone took Visual Studio seriously over here (aside of VB6 kids, which SOMEHOW still survive to this date), on our colleges all we got was Java (which comes with its own bag of hurt because Orrible®) or PHP (which is one hundred times worse than anything out there). Dunno what they use these days, I wouldn't be surprised if the Javascript disease has infected our university curriculum too.

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 19-05-07, 16:19
    Stirrer of Shit
    Post: #244 of 717
    Since: 01-26-19

    Last post: 1702 days
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    No man, you're the only Slashdot user here. Never browsed it, although the comments seem much more sane than on most other tech websites.

    >Javascript killed Visual Studio, and evne those forced to use C and friends (outside boring line-of-business intranet applications) moved to GCC or LLVM/Clang.
    A failed attempt is still an attempt. It's not as if Microsoft took MinGW under their arms, is it?

    >I'm glad noone took Visual Studio seriously over here (aside of VB6 kids, which SOMEHOW still survive to this date), on our colleges all we got was Java (which comes with its own bag of hurt because Orrible®) or PHP (which is one hundred times worse than anything out there). Dunno what they use these days, I wouldn't be surprised if the Javascript disease has infected our university curriculum too.
    Visual Studio is a decent IDE, at least for C#. Although I'd doubt it's used for writing C/C++ on a large scale, except for some really odd people you sometimes see on GitHub. (seriously, what the fuck?!)

    There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination. You believed that you had actually held it in your hands. It was a photograph something like this.
    Posted on 19-05-07, 17:48
    Stirrer of Shit
    Post: #246 of 717
    Since: 01-26-19

    Last post: 1702 days
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    Chinese Spies Got the N.S.A.’s Hacking Tools
    lost control of key parts of its cybersecurity arsenal.
    the Chinese did not steal the code but captured it from an N.S.A. attack on their own computers — like a gunslinger who grabs an enemy’s rifle and starts blasting away.
    proliferating cyberconflict is creating a digital wild West with few rules or certainties
    their own tools will boomerang back

    Why are they letting boomers write about the cyber?

    There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination. You believed that you had actually held it in your hands. It was a photograph something like this.
    Posted on 19-05-07, 21:10
    Custom title here

    Post: #436 of 1164
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Because androids should know more about cyber than humans.

    You do mean boomer in the Bubblegum Crisis sense, right?

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 19-05-07, 22:06
    Stirrer of Shit
    Post: #247 of 717
    Since: 01-26-19

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    No, like baby boomers. Who else would use the phrase "cybersecurity arsenal"?

    There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination. You believed that you had actually held it in your hands. It was a photograph something like this.
    Posted on 19-05-07, 23:20
    Custom title here

    Post: #437 of 1164
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Posted by sureanem
    No, like baby boomers. Who else would use the phrase "cybersecurity arsenal"?
    Millenials. The baby boomers are retired.

    --- In UTF-16, where available. ---
    Posted on 19-05-08, 03:55

    Post: #299 of 1313
    Since: 10-30-18

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    This guy managed to port every single DOOMY DOOMS OF DOOMED DOOM (AKA id Tech-based id Software games up to 2004) to iDevices. It all started with the goal of reviving the already existing official Wolfenstein 3D iOS port that sadly no longer works with recent iThings because id never made 64-bit versions of it, and anything past iOS 10 is 64-bit ONLY (because this is Apple's "fuck the past, we're switching CPUs again!"). Granted, having a new port of Doom to $RANDOM_DEVICE is hardly impressive nowadays (considering that game can run on nearly everything that has a CPU and a framebuffer, from i386 PCs to printers and smart toasters), but everything else? You don't see Quake (or Wolf3D) ports getting that much love when compared with Doom, that's for sure.

    Either he improved existing ports (Wolfenstein 3D, Doom), or started from scratch (Quake, Doom 3), sometimes borrowing code from other existing targets (from Android to WebAssembly!), but you can now play every single classic id FPS game, just like John Carmack never intended to! The guy has made sure to release ALL THE CODES, and to log the gory details of each port on separate post.

    A few notes:
    - YOU NEED A MAC, Xcode, and an Apple developer account: this is NOT for jailbroken devices, you need to supply your own .WADs (or whatever), build your own binaries, and get them blessed by Jobs Cook because iThings can't run unsigned code by default. In other words, this is only for the small segment of hardcore Apple fans that are iOS developers and love Doom.
    - There are ports for iPhone/iPad (iOS) and Apple TV (tvOS). Good luck fragging Cacodemons with a... remote controller?!
    - The Doom app has separate targets for Doom, Doom II, and Final Doom.
    - The Quake II/III apps have working multiplayer and a server browser!
    - The Doom 3 app is based on the original release from 2004, not the improved BFG Edition from nearly a decade later (this also means it won't work with the GOG version, as they only sell the BFG Edition; you need to either buy from Steam or a physical media version). Not that it matters that much, as the port runs like ass on everything that is not a $1000 iPhone X or better.

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 19-05-08, 14:23
    Stirrer of Shit
    Post: #248 of 717
    Since: 01-26-19

    Last post: 1702 days
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    Posted by CaptainJistuce
    Millenials. The baby boomers are retired.

    Don't look very millennial (l 1954–, r 1960–) or retired to me.
    The fellow on the right does however look like the exact kind of person who would use the phrase "cybersecurity arsenal". I don't know what it is, but there is a distinctive aura, don't you think?

    There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination. You believed that you had actually held it in your hands. It was a photograph something like this.
    Posted on 19-05-08, 16:35 (revision 1)

    Post: #302 of 1313
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Orrible® in its neverending war against its own users, just found a way to ensure noone will use Java for any future project, enterprisey or not:

    What's the point of opensourcing something if you're going to demand that said code can't be touched after you release it!?
    Basically they're a trojan at the Eclipse Foundation right now, and they tried to pull one of their world class famous business stunts to drive Eclipse (the foundation AND the IDE) right into the ground. Naturally, they refused. This now means that the opensource edition of J2EE is DOA, because they will be forced to rename every single package (basically everything that lives at javax.*, which is... everything!), change APIs, and the like. Noone is insane enough to rewrite perfectly working enterprisey apps (how do you explain to a bank or big corp that Orrible is forcing them to do a total refactoring of everything just to please Larry's tantrums?!), so for all purposes, Java EE is now confined to legacy applications.

    Ah right, that's why One Raging Asshole Called Larry Ellison is too busy trying to sue Google for the right to copyright APIs (and fuck up the entire software development industry as we know it, be it proprietary or FOSS)

    As a J2EE developer that has yet to touch the gory bits (nevermind the really gory bits like JAX-RS or JCA), all I can feel is rage and sorrow. What a great way to ruin a perfectly fine (if painful at times) enterprise application development framework. All of this just because someone took a dump over one of lil' Larry precious boats and he has now to pay the boat cleanup service bill.

    Someone please suggest me a image which encompasses one hundred times :linusfinger:

    But hey, Javascript is there to save the day!

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 19-05-08, 16:46
    Stirrer of Shit
    Post: #251 of 717
    Since: 01-26-19

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    See, this is what happens when you program in languages without #define statements.

    On a more serious note, it doesn't sound like a problem in practice:
    the application needs to compile agains an interface-only API jar in the original javax namespace, which must not get produced due to Oracle’s trademark restrictions.

    So they take the renamed API, rename it back to javax, produce the trademark-violating jar, and go on with their day. Everyone's happy.

    There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination. You believed that you had actually held it in your hands. It was a photograph something like this.
    Posted on 19-05-08, 17:19 (revision 1)

    Post: #303 of 1313
    Since: 10-30-18

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    Posted by sureanem
    See, this is what happens when you program in languages without #define statements.

    On a more serious note, it doesn't sound like a problem in practice:
    the application needs to compile agains an interface-only API jar in the original javax namespace, which must not get produced due to Oracle’s trademark restrictions.

    So they take the renamed API, rename it back to javax, produce the trademark-violating jar, and go on with their day. Everyone's happy.

    Why not quote the full comment?
    This would work only if nobody ever adds new interfaces or more methods and parameters to existing ones, because the application needs to compile agains an interface-only API jar in the original javax namespace, which must not get produced due to Oracle’s trademark restrictions. If the trick shall be used even in the compile (not the runtime) phase, you need to recompile the application so it explicitly loads the classloader, which still means, Java EE is dead, as existing software fails to run unchanged. Anyways in the “unchanged” case, Oracle allows to keep the javax namespace anyways, so the trick is not needed. The result still would be that Java EE is dead, as nobody could add new features.

    This may work for your average outsourced overbudget piece of junk, but not for anyone that actually cares about their sanity (and software audits!). I myself won't be walking that minefield, and certainly I'm not alone on this. But all Orrible wants for you us to buy a new shiny boat for Larry one of their overpriced service contracts, which ensures a lifetime of vendor lock-in. And before anyone comes with the smartass "that's what you get by picking Java" remark, let me remind that this could happen to anyone no matter the platform, if there is a controlling entity with a vested interest into ensuring that things never change for good so they can extort you. Just like good ol' Microsoft of yesteryesterday. Or COBOL.

    Java EE could have had a bright future as opensource, considering the competition. Hell, I don't even mind a renaming of the project (they settled with Jakarta EE) to make sure people could distinguish between the closed Orrible flavor and the open community edition. They even correctly choose Eclipse over Apache (where unloved Orrible software goes to die), as those guys actually know their Java mojo. But the devil is on the details, and well... that's where Larry's corporation shines, and not in a good way. Noone serious would want to go through a Rube-Goldberg-esque fragile solution so they can continue doing business as usual, much less taking with Oracle's proposals. One thing is dealing with deprecations every now and then (old, horrible APIs should be shot dead on the spot, and sane replacements built in place), or new stuff that can actually make your life easier. But having to rewrite large portions of your code for no practical advantage AT ALL (this is not Python 2->3 or PHP5->7) just due to licensing BS thanks to greedy lawyers!? That's a sure way to drive away your most devote developers, and to ensure that noone would want to touch your platform EVER AGAIN.

    Java has a bad rep, but MOST of it is thanks to Oracle, not due to its flaws/quirks as a language/platform.

    Licensed Pirate® since 2006, 100% Buttcoin™-free, enemy of All Things JavaScript™
    Posted on 19-05-08, 20:31
    Stirrer of Shit
    Post: #252 of 717
    Since: 01-26-19

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    Posted by tomman

    Why not quote the full comment?

    This may work for your average outsourced overbudget piece of junk, but not for anyone that actually cares about their sanity (and software audits!).

    Because that pertained to the first stuff I wrote, which wasn't serious. If you're okay with recompiling, isn't it fine though? I've used #define extensively while writing C for various more or less pure uses, and never ran into any trouble. For something quick like changing an API it should be golden. But I've never used Java, so I freely admit I could just be talking nonsense here.

    But the (serious) suggestion about just violating their trademarks and making the damn jar already, shouldn't that be free of all those issues since it's in the same namespace and everything?

    if there is a controlling entity with a vested interest into ensuring that things never change for good so they can extort you.

    That's what you get for picking software with a...
    Nope, not gonna say it. This could very well happen to C (in practice) as well, all you'd need is for a glibc maintainer to pull a Mozilla. Yes, it could be fixed by recompilation, but then we're back to square one again.

    Java has a bad rep, but MOST of it is thanks to Oracle, not due to its flaws/quirks as a language/platform.

    Huh, I always thought it was because a certain type of people ("kindly do the needful", as well as the fresh out of college crew) liked to program in it.

    There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination. You believed that you had actually held it in your hands. It was a photograph something like this.
    Posted on 19-05-09, 02:17
    Post: #187 of 426
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    Avatar: The Last Airbender finally released on Blueray late last year (I already have The Legend of Korra on blueray). I've been waiting a while for this to come out on Blueray.


    Annoyingly it has a different name so when you search the store for The Last Airbender it doesn't show up...

    AMD Ryzen 3700X | MSI Gamer Geforce 1070Ti 8GB | 16GB 3600MHz DDR4 RAM | ASUS Crosshair VIII Hero (WiFi) Motherboard | Windows 10 x64
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