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Post: #361 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by wertigon
Installing this kind of non-sanctioned script also comes with a certain measure of risk, since it in theory could be developed or taken over by unscrupulous russian hackers trying to gain access to your computer and thus installing backdoors. I deem the risk as quite likely in fact, but to each to their own.

Not a script. It is a modified Win Ten installation image.

And then the site's footer says

"Legal Notice

By downloading any of these images, you agree to Microsoft’s Terms of Service with respect to (5.) Authorized Software and Activation. All Images have been rudimentarily activated using a Generic Key for Windows 10 Pro N RTM. By using any of these images you agree that you have obtained a genuine product key or are able to activate by an other authorized method. "

as though that actually changes anything. It is the 24-hour rule all over again.

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Post: #362 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Yeah. I had to look that up too.

I miss the days when you just stuffed the disk(s) in the drive and ran with it. An MS-DOS/Win3.1 install was merely time-consuming.

(I believe the "skip online activation for two months" thing was originally because people installing XP weren't actually guaranteed to have a usable internet connection available at time of install.)

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Posted on 19-03-26, 10:43 in Blackouts
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Post: #363 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by tomman

Remember: at Best Korea, at the holy city of Pyonyang

The autocorrect in my brain left me trying to figure out when they moved the holy city of Pentagulia to Korea.
I MAY have replayed Lunar 2 one time too many.

As always, best of luck, Tomman.

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Post: #364 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Is that all versions of 95, or just the retail edition? Because god damn, that's something to make me prefer OSR2 over 98SE.

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Posted on 19-03-27, 00:08 in Computer Technology News/Discussion
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Post: #365 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Why not a BSD?

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Posted on 19-03-27, 04:58 in Something about cheese!
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Post: #366 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Well, I mean... are any of the social networks they're targeting based in Australia? Seems like a pretty toothless law to me.

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Posted on 19-03-27, 21:46 in Something about cheese!
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Post: #367 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by sureanem
Posted by CaptainJistuce
Well, I mean... are any of the social networks they're targeting based in Australia? Seems like a pretty toothless law to me.

Is The Washington Post based in Europe?
They are being nice. It isn't exactly hard to find a site that doesn't have cookie popup nag screens.

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Posted on 19-03-27, 22:21 in Something about cheese!
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Post: #368 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Google and Facespace actually have european subsidiaries, if only because they use Ireland as a tax shelter.

I don't think they have australian offices. Even if they do, no one with actual authority works in them.

You are not bound by the laws of a nation you aren't in. The EU cannot actually fine the Washington Post any more than the US can arrest those guys in India calling from "the technical support department of Windows".

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Post: #369 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Man, the CIA mostly just wants admin access to facebook.

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Posted on 19-03-27, 23:47 in Something about cheese!
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Post: #370 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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I admit to being surprised Facebook has an australian office, but not at the office's impotence. It probably only exists to make ad and data sales easier.

So they could arrest someone, but no one that matters. Zuckerburg doesn't care that Joe Aussie is in the county jail, though the main office's legal department probably won't miss the opportunity to remind the feds down under of their complete inability to interact with Facebook on a meaningful level.

Fines they would at least stand a slim chance of getting, though they'd be small enough that the big data-gathering services/social networks wouldn't care at all.

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Posted on 19-03-28, 01:29 in Something about cheese! (revision 1)
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Post: #371 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by sureanem
Well, if they wanted to arrest someone that wouldn't be under the GDPR anyway.

Indeed. Australia isn't part of the EU, and they don't base their law on the EU's, as we can tell from their desire to jail social network executives over offensive content.

And their executives might have to plan their holidays differently.
Who would willingly vacation in AUSTRALIA?

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Post: #372 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by sureanem
Shit, I thought it was apparent. Poe's law.
What does Star Wars have to do with this?

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Post: #373 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Quoth the raven "Zelda 4".

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Posted on 19-03-28, 21:25 in Something about cheese!
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Post: #374 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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I kind of love that the law has them appending a list of known vote errors to the tally, but not correcting them.

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Posted on 19-03-29, 04:05 in Something about cheese!
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Post: #375 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by Broseph

I don't know how this will play out but many youtubers I've followed are saying youtube's Content ID system is already out of control, and has been so for a while. Making a 20min video with a 5 second bit from the Jurassic Park theme? Claimed; meaning the video is still up but the youtuber can't earn any cash from it. Worse; I think the copyright claimer is getting money out of it instead. So if they have a video with 2+ million views with a 5sec piece of copyrighted music or whatever the claimer is making money out of the entire video, not just from the duration of the copyrighted part (which would amount to less than 1% of the video). I mean, seems fair I guess.

You understand correctly. Making matters worse is that Google has no real interest in what one would call due diligence. Fraudulent claims abound, from people uploading silence and nature recordings into the content ID system to claim wide swaths on to people just straight-up claiming the works of others. I've seen composers hit because someone downloaded their song off Soundcloud and then put it in the content ID system and claimed the composer's YT video.

Google is less than helpful unless it becomes major news(like the time NASA got banned from YouTube because a swath of their videos were flagged as stolen from CNN due to CNN featuring them in the news)

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Posted on 19-03-29, 05:07 in Cartoons, imported
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Post: #376 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Kaguya only has one more episode left. I'm of two minds about this.

On the one hand, it has been a fantastic adaptation of a quite enjoyable manga, and I want it to keep going. So I don't want this final episode.
On the other hand... it is I Can't Hear the Fireworks! And they've done a fantastic job so far, I expect them to do an equally fantastic job here. I SO want this final episode.

I guess what I'm saying is... season 2 plzkthx?

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Posted on 19-03-29, 21:26 in Cartoons, imported
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Post: #377 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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They've paced it to end at a local high. Another season would probably end with OMG THEY KISS!!!111111

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Post: #378 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Man, you just banned 95% of bboard posts.

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Post: #379 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by sureanem
Man, I hate X. Tons of failure modes, a black box that sometimes sprays black goo all over everything, and designed around the non-existent use case of running software over the network. When will it die?

I use software over the network. Not that it matters since everything's bitmapped these days no matter how little sense it makes to do so.

X made a lot more sense when it was created than it does now, and part of that is due to software developers deciding to opt out of X at all levels and treat it as a very complex way to draw bitmaps.

Here's an idea for a Linux distro: each successive version of a package has to decrease its size/complexity, or else it won't be merged.
And suddenly every part of the distro was deleted.

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Posted on 19-03-31, 10:45 in I have yet to have never seen it all. (revision 1)
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Post: #380 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Posted by tomman

- April Fools is (mainly) a USA-only thing. In Latam we don't even celebrate our "innocents' day" (which is in December 28, as you already know) the way USAians do. Lately I've been finding most so-called April Fools jokes very tasteless, unfunny, irrelevant to anyone not living in USA, and generally annoying, so getting the whole day shitcanned is not a bad idea (I actually refrain from using the Internet that day: no Slashdot, no Google, no nada), if only to keep our sanity intact.
I'd like to point out that the internet gives you a disproportionate representation of April Fools Day. Most people don't invest anything into it at all.

Spending it offline is a great policy.


I do miss irem's 4/1 pages, though. Even if they did require liberal use of Babelfish.

Posted by creaothceann
Posted by tomman
Micro-Soft just cancelled April Fools

On the other hand, StackOverflow didn't.

I don't know if the page styling is worse, or the fact that they're almost an entire day early.

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