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Posted on 22-02-22, 12:42 in Cartoons, imported (revision 1)
Post: #21 of 62
Since: 01-29-22

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Posted by creaothceann
Posted by tomman
I normally don't do subbed-only


Get tomman to play Chaos Wars on PS2. :)

(I actually only found out about that game because it's an IF game, not because of its hilariously bad dub.)
Posted on 22-02-22, 12:55 in Computer Hardware News (revision 1)
Post: #22 of 62
Since: 01-29-22

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Well, thank fuck for that.

On that note, I want someone to actually fucking buy Discord just to make everyone quit it.

Either the pr0n will be banned on an acquisition or they will actually bother scanning DMs properly: both will drive people away to the point that about 80% of the userbase who initially joined/heard of it in 2015-early 2018 (before nerd culture and being terminally online somehow became cool, basically) will flee for other, almost certainly proprietary platforms.

Discord, Twitter, Tumblr, 4chan and Reddit are one and the same these days, there's virtually no individuality between any of them, and it's sad. The day modern day people stop being sheep and succumbing to proprietary platforms (who aren't unironic "socialists"/"fascists" of any variety) the better.
Posted on 22-02-22, 13:01 in How the Dreamcast copy protection was defeated (revision 1)
Post: #23 of 62
Since: 01-29-22

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Posted by tomman
Just wondering: what was so special about DiscJuggler that it was the only software suitable for burning Dreamcast rips to CD-Rs?

I've always wondered this too. There's seemingly still no real way to do it on Linux without a Windows VM either, which is flat out ridiculous :/

As for MIL-CD I wonder if SEGA intended to use DVDs at any point during the DC's development, and MIL-CD happened to be a leftover? Still, for international consoles it should have been disabled I guess since it really does feel like one of those "Japan-will-use-this-weird-shit-to-some-extent-but-no-one-else-will" features.
Posted on 22-02-25, 06:33 in Mozilla, *sigh* (revision 6)
Post: #24 of 62
Since: 01-29-22

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Oh thanks for that! I was looking around for those a while back, might be useful in future.
I should really get running again and maybe make some crappy HTML page for archiving SeaMonkey extensions lol.

(Also, I think quote pyramid prevention is broken. It removes the closing quote tags, but not the beginning.)

EDIT 2: So I actually did get running again, and was using SeaMonkey Composer... I noticed that it was adding the following invalid HTML attribute to anchor tags: moz-do-not-send="true"

This a bug or something else?
Post: #25 of 62
Since: 01-29-22

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I feel like the average user doesn't really care about customisation, all they want is for it to work out of the box with no issues, be able to essentially just install things to the start menu and launch it the way you would on Windows, etc. - with Linux there's generally a lot more commitment to reading up and if the floodgates to normalcy are opened, I can see a similar situation happening to what's going on in the anime community, where you have many longer-time people becoming bitter over 'normies ruined the community' and whatnot; said people gradually being phased out of the greater community and whatnot.

This isn't 2005 anymore, when at a point during the XP era your average person actually knew what a torrent was or when people would like the idea of screensavers and whatnot (at least where I live), so yeah. Just talking more from the perspective of a non-tech savvy type of person, since these boards tend to cater to the more dedicated audiences anyways.

Probably sounds stupid, oh well.
Posted on 22-06-16, 21:52 in I have yet to have never seen it all. (revision 2)
Post: #26 of 62
Since: 01-29-22

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Posted by tomman
Viz print ads for Sega consoles

Those Brits really knew how to sell their Segas - none of this "family friendly" Nintendo nonsense that will conveniently ignore anyone over 12 years old. Only in the former UK of yesterday you could openly say "FUCK" and "SHIT" on ads on printed media for selling game consoles and software, and actually achieving results! Results other than "lawsuits" and "getting the censors on your arse", of course.

Too bad none of those ads would fly today on this pathetically "PC" world where we're currently living on (even on adult-oriented media), as puerile toilet humor will quickly unleash the SJW Twatter mobs which have became ridiculously overpowered :/

To be this good takes AGES. To be this good takes WHAT NINTENDON'T.

I don't think I've ever even come across a single Nintendo fan in the UK that didn't end up fitting some kind of stereotype about its fans (either 'pre-adolescent' or 'obviously spends a lot of time on this side of the internet and doesn't have a great reputation compared to most of their Western European peers*').

As well, I went to a special needs school and the only fans of Nintendo there (this was from 2013-2018) were once again the extreme end / really visibly autistic people who didn't cope well whatsoever (in other words, usually 2/3 people within an entire year group).

* In terms of online, the only Nintendo fans that seem to gain a good reputation from mainstream Twitter/Discord circles that they tend to align themselves with often come from around Surrey, Birmingham/Midlands in general, Cornwall or Glasgow for whatever reason. Pretty much all the others end up just causing drama wherever they go, the worst seemingly being Kent given well, let's just say, a certain lowlife who seems to have shat up this board a couple times...

... maybe it has something to do with the UK's stance on men having to be masculine to serve this country and whatnot, that and TERFism which is more about 'the men aren't being manly enough' more than anything else at least in those cases where the person in question claims to be attracted to men and is on that side of that political fight...
Posted on 22-06-16, 22:04 in Internet numbers bragging thread
Post: #27 of 62
Since: 01-29-22

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Reminds me of how in the UK our mobile internet sometimes yields faster speeds than fibre-optic because Openreach are monopolistic wankers.

(Well, Virgin also have lines, but not everyone wants their front gardens/driveways dug up for them to be installed...)

Posted on 22-06-16, 22:09 in Mozilla, *sigh* (revision 1)
Post: #28 of 62
Since: 01-29-22

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Reminds me of a lot of the sentiments in this thread about JS, CloudFlare, TLS and whatnot... here's hoping he does something about WebComponents lol
Posted on 22-06-16, 22:11 in Computer Hardware News (revision 1)
Post: #29 of 62
Since: 01-29-22

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The first thing that popped into my head when I read A380 was one of the Dingoo handhelds, funny enough, which was inferior to the original A320 (and in itself not even produced by the original people afaik), so that's something else heh.

>only available in China because of neverending hardware shortages
I'm not sure that translates to 'shipping shortages'. Intel are just talking shit. :P
Posted on 22-06-17, 11:08 in I have yet to have never seen it all.
Post: #30 of 62
Since: 01-29-22

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Posted by tomman
Sega's solution to Saturn performance woes? Let's shove in MOAR PROCESSORS YEAH!!!

At least the 32X kind of made sense as a budget alternative to the mainstream 32-bit systems and the SH-2 processor it uses was pretty low-end for 1994 so it makes sense in something like that.

The Saturn on the other hand using the same processor setup with a different clock speed and ultimately suffering because it lacked power and was difficult to work with was inexcusable however, it was virtually a 'fuck you' to the reputation Sega had been rapidly building up with American programmers (which was a similar one to the one over here).

Pretty sure they only used the SH-2 in the Saturn (and knew it was gonna fuck up) because they had some sort of trade deal signed with Hitachi anyway. Oh well, they fucked themselves up :P
Posted on 22-06-18, 23:12 in I have yet to have never seen it all. (revision 2)
Post: #31 of 62
Since: 01-29-22

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Yeah, the 32X was supposed to compete with the Jaguar of all things. (lol)

To be fair though, I doubt the 32X would even have made sense from the start now that I think about it, even if it actually was priced/marketed as a 'budget 32-bit' system... as cartridges are more expensive to produce anyways than discs.

Oh well, it gave us the Neptune, and consequently Hyperdimension Neptunia came out of that, so I'm seriously not complaining because I fucking love Nep-Nep so much. Oh, and not to mention, Virtua Racing DX and Kolibri. Yes.
Posted on 22-06-18, 23:16 in Furnace - a multi system tracker by tildearrow (revision 2)
Post: #32 of 62
Since: 01-29-22

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I've played around with it a bit and it seems pretty solid.
One interesting feature is that you can 'combine' multiple chips into a single song. I could see this being potentially very useful in the case of support for the Mega-CD chip if it was added for instance :P

Supported systems
over 50 sound chips - and counting:
Yamaha FM chips:
YM2151 (OPM)
YM2203 (OPN)
YM2413 (OPLL)
YM2414 (OPZ) used in Yamaha TX81Z
YM2608 (OPNA) used in PC-98
YM2610 (OPNB) used in Neo Geo
YM2610B (OPNB2)
YM2612 (OPN2) used in Sega Genesis and FM Towns
YM3526 (OPL) used in C64 Sound Expander
YM3812 (OPL2)
YMF262 (OPL3) with full 4-op support!
Y8950 (OPL with ADPCM)
square wave chips:
AY-3-8910/YM2149(F) used in several computers and game consoles
Commodore VIC used in the VIC-20
Microchip AY8930
TI SN76489 used in Sega Master System and BBC Micro
PC Speaker
Philips SAA1099 used in SAM Coupé
sample chips:
SegaPCM - all 16 channels
Capcom QSound
Yamaha YMZ280B (PCMD8)
Ricoh RF5C68 used in Sega CD and FM Towns
OKI MSM6258 and MSM6295
wavetable chips:
HuC6280 used in PC Engine
Konami Bubble System WSG
Konami SCC/SCC+
Namco arcade chips (WSG/C15/C30)
Seta/Allumer X1-010
NES (Ricoh 2A03/2A07), with additional expansion sound support:
Konami VRC6
Konami VRC7
Famicom Disk System
Sunsoft 5B
Namco 163
Family Noraebang (OPLL)
SID (6581/8580) used in Commodore 64
Mikey used in Atari Lynx
ZX Spectrum beeper (SFX-like engine)
TIA used in Atari 2600
Game Boy
Commander X16 VERA
tildearrow Sound Unit

System requirements
The OS X version works on 10.9 upwards from what I can tell, might run on earlier versions. Dunno what the minimum is for Windows, but it's possible that the x86 version will run on XP according to the author.
Posted on 22-06-19, 10:09 in I have yet to have never seen it all. (revision 3)
Post: #33 of 62
Since: 01-29-22

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Also that European customers tended to keep consoles and systems around for much longer because we tend to be more conservative overall particularly in the UK, Eastern Europe, North Germany and Scandinavia: the fact SEGA effectively managed to crumble away the brand loyalty they'd built up and attained for a really long time in the PAL region, where'd they'd done well and got third-party support ever since the Master System... well, it's just disappointing to say the least.

I believe the Saturn still outdid the N64 in the more conservative parts of Europe that more harshly rejected the NES as part of a general trend with Sega systems as a whole, not that it matters because Europoors are and always will be irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, US feedback is what matters/mattered, as whatever the US respond well to, is what we get normally even to this day in some aspects.

(See: anime stuff STILL being gatekept from here but not the US when there's literally no fucking excuse what with digital streaming services and such. A lot of it is probably related to how the UK tends to overreact to the mere mention of anime boobs while the women will literally flock to trashy erotica films and ignore what's all over TikTok in an act of hypocrisy; that and the whole 'hanging around the anime community leading people to believe they are transgender' pipeline which has caught on considerably in the mainstream here: while there's some genuine truth to that statement going off of personal feelings I had in the past and things I've experienced other people say to me and seen of others online, the attitude that's taken to is generally not of actual concern for 'rushing into conclusions' and 'internet influence' but people just whining about how 'men should be manly and stop being into perverted crap'.)

(Sorry for the off-topic tangent, I had a lot to say, and to be honest, I'm barely sure I know what this thread was exactly intended for. I presume it's just a general chat thread.)
Posted on 22-06-20, 05:27 in I have yet to have never seen it all.
Post: #35 of 62
Since: 01-29-22

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Might be the only thing that the UK government actually bothered to handle right this entire time (abolishing the 'test and trace' bollocks). Pretty much nowhere bothers with it now.

HAVE YOU UNINSTALLED XSCREENSAVER TODAY!? Seriously, slock and friends may not pass "it's unsafe because I didn't wrote it" JWZ "standards", but nobody (and I repeat: NOBODY) sane deserves to run assholeware on their computers.

Explanation? Sorry, I'm dumb...
Posted on 22-06-20, 15:08 in I have yet to have never seen it all. (revision 1)
Post: #36 of 62
Since: 01-29-22

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I always liked Debian's rigorous packaging/testing for the stable version of their distribution. I'd rather run software with less features if it meant I knew it would work properly. :P

He literally chose to license as Free Software, and it's being delivered in the package managers in a way that complies with the aforementioned licence. Therefore, he has no legal right to complain, he's just an arrogant, narcissistic twat who clearly doesn't know where his morality lies.
Posted on 22-06-21, 07:29 in I have yet to have never seen it all.
Post: #37 of 62
Since: 01-29-22

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Posted by jwz
Some people have the sociopathic attitude that if it is legal to do something, then that also makes it right.

Posted on 22-06-22, 16:51 in Internet numbers bragging thread (revision 1)
Post: #38 of 62
Since: 01-29-22

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Honestly. it's not that bad considering I live in the UK. Kinda annoyed it doesn't have the '% faster/slower than' anymore on OOKLA, though.
Posted on 22-06-22, 17:16 in Weird things you did to overcome limitations
Post: #39 of 62
Since: 01-29-22

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Kinda strange thread title but this mainly applies to PCs, and especially dealing with things like TLS, not having necessary hardware, operating system being 'too old', not having a phone for verification/logging in/recovery/whatever the hell something increasingly requires your phone for these days, some feature in a piece of software breaking, basically anything like that.

Mine has to be that one time I wrote a plugin for ABXD that allowed you to execute an SQL query directly from a page in the admin panel, accessible only to 'root' users. Thing is, I literally wrote the entire fucking thing (and tested it) using a DualShock 3 on a PS3, in a web FTP interface... trust me, given the way the PS3 browser is prone to just randomly deleting the entire content of the text box for no reason from time to time I can't say it wasn't hell...

(It didn't properly handle errors/successful commands, and was probably susceptible to token-based exploitation, if I remember correctly, but it did work for what purpose it served: I mainly wrote it so that I could moderate the aforementioned board in question while I didn't have a PC. Pretty useful in all consideration.)
Post: #40 of 62
Since: 01-29-22

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Seriously, I thought everything was in place a few years ago:

- Serve JPEGs for photographs, GIFs for animations, PNGs for things that require transparency or for graphics
- Serve MP4/H.264 video and provide a means of easily downloading the file in another format if otherwise not possible
- Serve OGG for audio.

Suddenly, it seems like we're in Format Hell once again... 4chan and some Linux users seem to really like WebM/VP9, everyone else in the fucking world uses MP4/AVC.

(There's some history behind this too: it relates to the removal of a codec specification from the HTML5 standard back in 2007, mostly because Apple cried about digital restrictions management.)

Of course, it's Apple's fault for being wankers and not supporting open formats, mostly to try to frustrate non-iTunes users (or those attempting to migrate from it): in a pretty sad state of affairs, the FLAC standard is under a BSD licence and Apple could so easily implement it but they don't because they changed two things in it to support DRM and called it ALAC. (Don't get me fucking started on how obtuse they were about OGG/OGV).

Personally, I'd like to see more things effectively tell Apple users to shove their I-Devices up their arse to the point that people begin to switch to Android by ignoring any and all demands that the company make and pay international bodies like the EU to turn a blind eye towards; though, the most recent bunch of bullshit has come from Google suddenly pushing the loosely-related-to-WebM-but-not-quite-the-same-thing out of the blue, despite it existing for ten years already and coming out around the same time, and virtually having no real reason to exist when everyone knew exactly WHAT to use a JPEG and a PNG and a GIF and an SVG for... yes, I'm talking about WebP.

Seriously, as if WebM wasn't pointless enough, we now also have to deal with WebP everywhere. I noticed this format's existence around 2016 when trying to save some avatars in Discord and just assumed it was something related to Electron, but alas, Google has suddenly decided they will start lobbying everyone and now trying to save anything will fucking save it in WebP format. And no, renaming the thing does not work, at least on some formats. But seriously, what's the point? La-dele-de, something-something alpha channel, compression, bollocks... You had ten years to push this shit on people and you do it now just to piss people off when they try to save an image. Feels more like some kind of patent avoidance more than anything else (or because four letter+ file extensions are all the rage these days).
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