Posted on 21-04-21, 14:43 in Games You Played Today REVENGEANCE (revision 1)
Post: #1 of 1
Since: 04-21-21

Last post: 1113 days
Last view: 1112 days
Posted by tomman
Posted by Nicholas Steel

CDProjektRed is not having a fun time. The game was removed from the Playstation Store and refunds are being offered.

And now, they recognized they're getting fondled by the CCP tentacles "messages from gamers" to delist games already blacklisted on political grounds on other stores:
The week in recap:

As much as it would hurt me to say this, I'll go and say it: FUCK GOG/CD PROJEKT RED.
You have just become another Steam/Ubilol, folks. I could have expected this from American corporations, but from Poles?! Eh, guess that stupid is worldwide :/

Releasing broken shit because gamers are self-entitled miscreants, THEN bowing down to Winnie The Pooh!? This is just pathetic, guys.

Also: to all those "gamers" threatening to "defect" from GOG to Steam over the latter: go fuck yourselves, guys. You're trading a now-enemy being seduced by the CCP, to another enemy deeply invested in DRM and with the CCP's slimy tentacles all over the place? Give me a fucking break, people! It's like those the now CentOS refugees switching in droves to Oracle Linux, completely ignoring that OrribleĀ® is like 100 IBMs in one, and who can (and will) pull the rug under them at any moment with bloody consequences.

2020, can you go to hell already!?

I think you take it too seriously: D. But it's true that GOG and CD PROJEKT RED have been accumulating hate in an incredible way for some time. In my opinion, they have done much to make the whole community so angry, but I find that the position of many people far exceeds the real consequences of what they have really done wrong.
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