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Posted on 20-12-19, 10:54 in Mozilla, *sigh* (revision 2)
Post: #1 of 48
Since: 12-19-20

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Posted by tomman

There's also the incident releated to MoonManchild and Tobin trying to block unendorsed forks (MyPal and roytam1's New Moon) from accessing the Pale Moon website basically because Tobin was banned from MSFN. Said XP forks I suspect, rather ironically, make up most of the userbase in the first place. Oh well, looks like someone isn't getting their revenue every time someone uses the DDG search default in those forks anymore due to their idiocy anymore.

Release notes from Mypal 28.13.1
The thread indicating the blocking of Pale Moon from anything containing 'Mypal' in its useragent, as well as a bunch of other petty crap showing them up...
Tobin being hostile purely for someone asking a question.

Pale Moon is made up of the types of users who think it's cool and nostalgic purely for resembling something like old Firefox and don't give a damn about the people behind the project and who exactly they're supporting; a lot of said people are also the same people who love popularity-farming extreme views everywhere pretending to be on the behalf of everyone (while only truly for themselves) on Twitter, Reddit and Discord.

On a somewhat related note, I'm genuinely angry with Mozilla's decision to kill off SeaMonkey on the basis that longtime, experienced users don't deserve to have an alternative browser just because a truly FOSS browser is not feasible for their 'look at me, I'm a private browser' bullshit that they've been pulling for the past while or so. Firefox these days reminds me of those crappy Chromium forks that add 'enhanced privacy' and then a week later get called out for sending stuff back to unencrypted servers in third world shithole countries like China. I think the best thing we can all do is support the SeaMonkey project best as we can really and help it get away from Mozilla's ecosystem asap, it's the only viable light of hope in a realm of Browser Hell these days.
Posted on 20-12-20, 05:57 in Games You Played Today REVENGEANCE
Post: #2 of 48
Since: 12-19-20

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Kinda going off-topic and extremely political, but you got me thinking.

I'm really starting to think my theory with COVID-19 was true: distract everyone from the real political issues with a global pandemic; gain mass control over every single piece of media in the process by building back up their own economy first before anyone else can do so; make the USA look even more pathetic than it did before the 2020 election began; job done!

Given the eerie timing between the start of the pandemic and the 5G/Huwaei trade ban in the USA (one of the few Trump moves that was genuinely smart), WHO's declaration that it was a pandemic in the first place supposedly 'coinciding' with China being just about to rebuild their own economy, presumably to keep Xinnie The Pooh happy, depressing everyone else in the world and killing off people by shutting them in with lockdowns - while everyone with the rather typical celebrity/political authority is allowed to ignore the rules, like say, Dominic Cummings, and get away with it - the eggheaded little shit - I'm gonna suspect the Pfizer-BioTech vaccine is also a sellout to China and the CCP to aid in its conquest to take over the world, too.
Posted on 20-12-20, 06:10 in Mozilla, *sigh*
Post: #3 of 48
Since: 12-19-20

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I read the status meeting. I'm more heartbroken not by the fact the web is turning its back on standardisation and good code which Mozilla tried to introduce before version 4.0 became a literal copy of Google Chrome with the tabs-on-top and rapid version releases, but more by the state of the SeaMonkey project as a whole from the lack of 'dinosaurs' (or should I say, 'people with any sense') as you decided to put it.

x86 should go, yes. Personally I think Apple's proprietary years-behind processor, which will come at a dollar-to-pound pricing here in the UK, should not be a priority at all and should be left out entirely given how anti-consumer Apple are, that's just me though lol.

I'm using the x64 stable right now and it's decent enough for most websites I visit I guess - will probably be switching to the latest beta once I notice there's a new release, however. Looking forward to what's being output though, I'm sad they're gonna remove heavyweight themes however as I feel like that's a rather defining feature of SeaMonkey, I just hope they can get away from the Mozilla system on time because things indeed look bleak from what I understand reading the wiki page/summary you linked.

I'm a little bit miffed they're considering Azure as a CDN given well... Micro$hite, but I guess there's a valid reason behind the choice, like the fact it isn't Google or Amazon lol. That said M$ could easily fool around with something to thwart anyone moving away from their ecosystem given their dictatorship over GitHub, though I'm not really technical enough to understand things like that deep down haha.
Posted on 20-12-20, 12:32 in Nintendo Switch emulation is now among us (revision 1)
Post: #4 of 48
Since: 12-19-20

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Posted by tomman
For most people out there (particularly back when the GB was still "hot"), their needs basically boil down to a single franchise: POKéMON. Back in the era, most bugreports received by emu authors were from ROM kiddies claiming that "HALP i can't pokeymanz/I can haz the RAWMz?" (this DID extended sometime after the GBA era, as -until a couple years ago- I still received from time to time those lovely messages in my condition of the LA Spanish localization author for VBA). Most of those people never had any prior experience with the real hardware, they just wanted to play with Pikachu on their econoboxes.

Martin Korth kept a long log of these types of messages he'd receive from kids back in the NO$GMB days here.
It got to the point where he went and put this slightly amusing message at the top of the FAQ for the emulator, too.

(Sorry for bumping the thread, I just felt like sharing this)
Posted on 20-12-20, 16:14 in Nintendo Switch emulation is now among us
Post: #5 of 48
Since: 12-19-20

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Posted by tomman
Oh, and his tech docs are delightful reads for anyone remotely interested into emulation or console development.

Which is why I sort of don't consider his works entirely 'closed source'. He makes his findings public via the extensively useful documentation around his hardware findings - probably more useful to those writing an emulator from scratch and to homebrew emulators, than to those simply forking the existing project and ending up with a billion forks that then get merged into one big one and becoming quite a state (see: the FCEUltra family, which I recall Xkeeper making a joke about once on Twitter).

Martin Korth does a hell of a lot more for the communities he writes his software for than basically any other closed source developer I have ever seen, though: while open sourcing the code would be nice it's not necessarily a requirement for me and probably a lot of people as more people are likely interested in the documentations he posts for whatever purpose they require them for. Whether just for reading them in an easy to understand format or making their own implementation, or using his/others' debugging tools.

On a note, I'm also sort of glad his projects are 'just his', it means, like you say. They have their own 'feel' to them, and yeah the performance on his emulators is outstanding, presumably due to the use of assembler and from what I remember, a self-written binary compiler too for maximum optimisation. I wish more developers would indeed take a page out of his book: especially those who insist on not bothering to even provide a standalone emulator anymore which actually disgusts me somehow (glares at Genesis Plus GX being locked down to RetroArch).

I'd like to see NO$GMB revived too, at the very least, the key requirement for GBC games removed. On a nice side note, BGB still uses a Nocash-style debugger if I'm not mistaken by default out of the box and even comes with the palette the last version of NO$GMB shipped with... it's an emulator I always wanted to mess around with on some older PC one day for the sakes of it haha. I'm only 19 (and not too knowledgeable compared to the rest of you), I wish I was around in the golden age of these scenes y'know...

...maybe someday I'll do my Hall of Shame with all those emails I got from my years doing emulator localizations and anime encodes, as I have some gems deeply buried in nearly 20 years of emails ("torrents are obsolete, please upload to $DEAD_FILELOCKER pretty pls", "can you send all the pokeymans in spanish").

Lol would be interesting. I imagine $DEAD_FILELOCKER typically refers to the likes of 4Shared, MegaUpload or RapidShare by now given the age of said emails? Be nice to see your sarky responses too the way Martin done his page, also your site doesn't seem to load on my end... :P
Posted on 20-12-20, 16:24 in Computer Hardware News
Post: #6 of 48
Since: 12-19-20

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CHKDSK trashes your filesystem

>implying NTFS works in the first place

Windows 10 on bare metal on a HDD is unbearable, not just a VM, lol. 98% HDD usage on a constant rate with 4GB RAM, presumably because it's hitting the page file constantly, which to me screams lack of optimisation and also shady shit going on in the background.

In comparison, 8.1 and 7 SP1 both have this problem after installing post-2015 updates (particularly happens once you install updates that came after around early 2015, so around the GWX and Telemetry backporting/implementations), while 8.0 and Vista SP2 don't have this problem whatsoever (likely due to the lack of GWX and telemetry extensions), though later updates on the latter seem to bring the RAM usage up by about 100MB for no reason I could easily work out.

Yes, Vista SP2 and 8.0 are actually the lightest of the NT 6.0 series, 8.1 is third, 7 SP1 is fourth and 10 is dead last by far and away... says a lot about Microsoft's marketing, huh. I never liked the way MS literally resold Vista as Windows 7 once the hardware was 'right', and besides, if you look at the actual kernel functions (as MSFN user 'win32' has been for Vista) there's been almost nothing added since Vista except pointless stub functions in 8.1/10 which are there seemingly only to aid towards artificially blocking out anything below those two systems, particularly 10.
Posted on 20-12-21, 06:18 in Board feature requests/suggestions (revision 4)
Post: #7 of 48
Since: 12-19-20

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MariaDB replaced MySQL in basically every distribution anyway, I didn't think a single person would be using MySQL at this point given to Oracle it simply meant it being a burden on people from using the Oracle DB software. I'm surprised they even bother to keep the project going instead of just outright discontinuing it as soon as Larry Ellison got his grubby little hands on it.

The creator of MySQL/MariaDB literally forked it off as soon as he heard about the Sun buyout which included MySQL, since they owned the property at the time if I remember rightly. Might be wrong on the ownership part but yeah.

To add further insult to injury, 'My' is the name of one of his children, which probably leaves them now feeling like a 'bastard child' of MariaDB nowadays... I dunno, it just goes to show the horrible ethics of Oracle Corporation as a whole.

On a side note, why does the 'User is online' in the sidebar time out after an hour, yet the top bar times out users from being offline once they're idle for five minutes (the ABXD default)?

hugs Kawa tightly
Posted on 20-12-21, 06:51 in I still HATE smartdevices (revision 1)
Post: #8 of 48
Since: 12-19-20

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They seem to be rebadged/rebranded products of a Chinese shitphone-manufacturing company that has been caught by the German media for injecting malware as far back as 2014, according to Wikipedia.


Heh, talk about 'evading trade bans', simply by rebadging your products and working with other equally shit companies. Ugh.
Posted on 20-12-21, 06:59 in Happy birthday tomman!
Post: #9 of 48
Since: 12-19-20

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I know I've just met you pretty much but you seem like a pretty clued-up and interesting guy and you're really active on this forum, so happy birthday to you (also you seem to like Tails so that adds more respect points over here really)

I wish you all the best, particularly given where you live and the situation there, as well as the overall worsening of the world and excessive tolerance of monopolistic, invasive bullshit since (particularly) the past four or five years...

Posted on 20-12-21, 07:25 in Guy Makes SNES/MD-style Homebrew Console (revision 1)
Post: #10 of 48
Since: 12-19-20

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This is actually really interesting. Sorry for the bump, I've just seen this and it's making me want to look further, was there anything else done since (this thread's inactive so I presume not)?

Gotta also love the fact it has the much-required and also unevenly-aligned PAL Black Borders :D

@tomman: Same, I much prefer the YM2612's raw-sounding output over the SNES. Makes it a lot more versatile overall which is unsurprising, and given it's closer to arcade systems... well, porting arcade games to the MD was generally always more authentic. Sega having experience in the field definitely paid off over in Europe, where they were way more successful over Nintendo: the arcade ports were better and that's what European console gamers wanted more - the bigger/heavier stuff tended to be home PC-exclusives :P
Posted on 20-12-22, 01:05 in Computer Hardware News
Post: #11 of 48
Since: 12-19-20

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Wait wtf?

And yeah, I've never got the whole 'filesystem debate' in Linux either. Doesn't help that some of them don't tend to work out of the box on some distributions either, heh.
Posted on 20-12-22, 01:08 in Board feature requests/suggestions
Post: #12 of 48
Since: 12-19-20

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Posted by tomman
PostgreSQL is the only database for me.

It's the only DB that has survived failures on Western Digital Bleugh and Suckgates gone wild :P

But at least we're still on the league of SQL (in)sanity, compared to webshit hipsters that hate relational databases with a passion, maybe because a MySQL or Jet-dressed bozo touched them in places that shall not be named when they were pre-iPhone kids. Seriously, if I'm forced to pick at gunpoint between a product by Orrible® and some NoSQL™ madness, I'll gladly suck Ellison's dick*, but only because the other option is literal inmediate death.

*(then chop it when he is asleep)

On a related note I find it highly amusing that MongoDB's name not only means 'retard' in British English, but also 'cunt' in German.
Maybe they knew it was shit all along and were attempting to lowkey make a fool of every webshit hipster using it...
Posted on 20-12-22, 05:27 in Games You Played Today REVENGEANCE
Post: #15 of 48
Since: 12-19-20

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I mean, it's not something I care about too much. It's not something anyone could fix at this point even if it was true, China has way too much goddamn control by proxy over everything anyways.
Posted on 20-12-22, 05:39 in Computer Hardware News
Post: #16 of 48
Since: 12-19-20

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Posted by tomman
Posted by Mei Koyoki
Wait wtf?

And yeah, I've never got the whole 'filesystem debate' in Linux either. Doesn't help that some of them don't tend to work out of the box on some distributions either, heh.

Careful, that topic is known to have caused Holy Wars in the past. Right now there is one ongoing because EXT4 is ooooold (brtfs vs. XFS vs. ZFS vs. something that runs on the cloudy clouded clouds).
Also, jokes about MurderYoWifeFS ReiserFS never seem to get stale... like its development, as it still receives patches every now and then!

I've just been reading that story and... it's actually quite scary, yet this Reiser guy clearly didn't understand how to plan properly - it also makes a fool of the US police.

Ugh, sort of reminds me of how the Nintendo 3DS 'freeshop' application (they should have called the console the Nintendo 3DES!) was created by a person running a child-porn site on the sideline and was convicted twice for the same thing previously before actually getting jailed.
Posted on 20-12-22, 09:47 in Computer Hardware News
Post: #17 of 48
Since: 12-19-20

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Posted by CaptainJistuce
Posted by tomman

Also, jokes about MurderYoWifeFS ReiserFS never seem to get stale... like its development, as it still receives patches every now and then!

Apaprently they're still trying to get the new version into the kernel. They think they might need to change the name to do so, for some reason.

Probably because they don't want to really be associating something internal with a murderer?
Posted on 20-12-22, 10:07 in Happy birthday tomman! (revision 1)
Post: #19 of 48
Since: 12-19-20

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Yeah, same really. Glad you like the Tails pics too (he's definitely the cutest character!), surprised you even waited for them to load on the connection you have to endure over there going by your post. :/

Talking to you here has made me think a lot about how the world outside of Western Europe and (particularly) East Asia and North America operate though. Ever thought about how the internet seems to mostly be influenced by the latter two, with the former being a distant third, in terms of trends and the likes? Which could explain why there's a sudden 'abundance' of Nintendo fans over here, as the USA has creeped up into UK society further and further since the past few years or so.
Posted on 20-12-22, 10:11 in Nintendo Switch emulation is now among us (revision 3)
Post: #14 of 48
Since: 12-19-20

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Posted by tomman
Posted by Nicholas Steel
Megaupload still exists at or.. is that a different thing?

But then, Latin American pirates hated P2P with a special passion, mainly because they were lazy to leave their torrent clients seeding after the downloads were done, just for them to wonder why there are no seeds on their next download, hence the stupid, baseless, inane "torrents are obsolete" remark :/

Don't make me open that Pandora's box, folks :D

Oh, so that's where the whole thing of stupid Spanish kids making MEGA downloads to badly compiled things and putting 'Descargar Para Android' in the title of their crappy YouTube videos came from? Interesting.

Also, interesting bug found here: the / me code checks for '/me' rather than ' /me' on the new reply page, but not on the edit post page, resulting in weirdness like above. Kawaoneechan, sort this out onee-chan <3
Posted on 20-12-22, 10:33 in Stupid computer bullcrap we put up with. (revision 2)
Post: #20 of 48
Since: 12-19-20

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Not strictly computer-related but software bloat. How the fuck are games reaching in the 50GB+ marks, do they expect us to all be able to pay for huge SSDs on top of the already skyrocketing prices of the games themselves (due to the natural thing of them being unoptimised, they won't run on a HDD)?
Posted on 20-12-22, 16:18 in Computer Hardware News (revision 2)
Post: #21 of 48
Since: 12-19-20

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CD mastering won't be a thing anymore either will it?

Apparently it will be sexist according to white neo-communist (who don't even understand the fucking meaning of this word, and you'd be worthy of giving them a short lecture as to why it's a hypocritical, flawed hypothesis of a 'system') males who think they're the Thought Police. Apparently they can talk on behalf of those they're pretending to represent when in reality, what they actually want is to push their own agenda forward, reinforce stereotypes of every single person that isn't them and thus pushing them aside to gain control over them!

Whether they even realise they're doing it or not is a big problem too. I bet a lot of them just innocently joined Tumblr, Twitter or Discord long ago (many of them will likely be vulnerable in ways that make them easily influenced too like autism and the likes...) and essentially got radicalised into these things due to the high amounts of predatory shit that seems to go on all three of those platforms. They're now all locked into this mindset and can't escape it. Trust me on this one, I have been there and done that in about 2017 (when I was sixteen), and I'm glad I never looked back tbh, ugh: some of the people (not naming them but two in particular come to mind...) I came across from that scarred me more than I scarred them, regardless of all the well-known petty drama I've caused around these types of boards.

On a side note, it's interesting how many of the people who obsessively lobby and advocate for X rights in extremist manners online tend to hang around very similar minded people (which seems to be expanding further as Discord+Reddit becomes the medium of choice for the younger generation), have the same interests, among other things.
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