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Posted on 24-08-14, 11:07 in Internet numbers bragging thread
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Post: #1161 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Very nice! Tomman be burnin' up the lines in his neighborhood.
As if they need help setting fire to the infrastructure.

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Posted on 24-08-14, 11:12 in Upcoming game announcements/news (revision 1)
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Post: #1162 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

Last post: 1 day
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Posted by tomman

UPDATE: Fanboys' most common complaints about this re-release:

1) "Why should I pay for something I already played for free a decade ago?" (yeah right, why pay for things? Why work? Why do the right thing? AMD should totally give me a free Ryzen because I used a old Am386SX I found for free at a dorm!)

God, the pirate-everything gang is terrible.

2) "THEY TUK'ER PORN!/R18 patch when?" (ugh, who cares? Those scenes were cringey and badly shoehorned, and even Nasu himself didn't wanted to do porn on F/SN in the first place - he only did because "sex sells, and we have to sell this thing". Fortunately time proved everybody wrong: you don't need smut to sell quality VNs)

I think there's one porn scene I think has any purpose in the narrative, and the message can be conveyed better in other ways. There's also only one that doesn't kill my boner, and the two are not the same.
Also, isn't this the Realta Nua version with more non-H scenes? We traded porn for more of the sassy archery chick!

3) "OMG they renamed Artoria to Altria!!!" (WHO CARES? For a name you only hear mentioned FOUR TIMES total in a VN that takes you several weeks to digest. But I guess nitpickers gonna nitpick)

Okay, in fairness... Nasu's insistence that the girl form of Arthur should be romanized as Altria is fucking stupid. It is an objectively wrong localization decision, being mandated by someone that doesn't speak english.

In other old visual novel related news, F/SN isn't the only getting the Steam treatment several decades later: another fan favorite is FINALLY turning a old joke into reality - Katawa Shoujo is getting a (free) Steam release after all. Of course, H-scenes are not included by default, but you know where to get the patch for that. Now you can show your Steam friends why Shitzune sucks Hanako best girl.
(sadly any hopes for KS2 remain tragically dashed, but then... it only took Type-Moon 20 years to redo Tsukihime, so a man can dream!)
Aww yeah! Cripple Dating Sim GET!


You know, it's funny. I was actually thinking about Katawa Shoujo just a couple days ago and how I never finished it back in the day. I got the deaf girl route, the no-legs girl route, the no-arms girl route... and then ADDed on to something else and never came back.

I actually got the blade runner route first, solely because of Fate. At the time, I'd recently played it, and I was convinced that it was the norm for these games and death lurked behind every choice. So I was making damn sure I took care of my ticker. NEVER skip exercise, but save beforehand just in case you are overexercising and your heart's about to explode.
Since "taking care of your health" locks you into the athlete route... well, I was looking for the on-ramp to the "quiet" glasses girl route well after boarding the express train to meetups at the track meet.

I was always struck by the contrast between the girls' disabilities and their roles in the school. Deaf-mute? This is student council material, for sure. No arms? Meh, we're sure you don't really NEED them to hold a paintbrush. Legs? Meh, you can run without 'em(which was front-page news at the time the game came out, coincidentally)

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Posted on 24-09-11, 10:17 in Games You Played Today REVENGEANCE
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Post: #1163 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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Today in Jistuce's PC:
Squirrel With A Gun.

You're a squirrel. Your goals in life are to eat acorns and shoot government agents that interfere with goal 1.
Your double-jump is "point the gun down, fire, and ride the lightning". You can also drive an RC car.

Game of the Year.

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Post: #1164 of 1164
Since: 10-30-18

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If I could change one thing about modern hardware interfaces, it'd be the elimination of HDMI audio. Two cables is NOT too much to ask, and the one-plug solution causes so many more problems than it solves.

And given how much I bitch about so many modern interfaces... that says a lot.

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